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Or at least the links to put them into mla later

Mexico, Egypt, India, China, Israel, iraq
2.) Mexican
-Land of the maya, aztec, and other native american tribes.
-mexican/spanish is the dominant language
-evolving from socialistic to democratic government.
-spicy foods
3.) Israel
-In the middle east on the mediterranean
-2 distinct nationalities, Palestinian and Jewish
-Hebrew is the official language
-Israelites were slaves in egypt from 1750 to 1280 B.C.E
-Jewish have dietary laws of kashrut, which forbids pork, shellfish, and the consumption
of meat and milk products in the same meal.
-system of kibbutzim; which is cooperative farms in which property is collectively owned.
Residents share chores, and instead of a salary receive housing, medical care,
education, and other necessities.
-certain clothing is an indication of religion.
-after marriage, women shave their heads and wear wigs
-Parliamentary democracy type of government
-Judaism is the official religion, five pillars of faith

● Religion consists of muslim with 94% and christian with 6% in mod
● Family is valued in the culture
● Social class is used in egypt for a lot of standards
● Handshakes are customary when greeting someone
● When eating in an egyptian home you must eat with your right hand only
● When entering an egyptian home you must take off your shoes.
● Dress formally for invitation events
● Always leave a little on your plate so your host doesn’t refill your plate
● In gender roles they are equal as a person, but in the work force the women get payed
less than the men
● Marriage is critical for women because they have a little say in who they marry.
● Some people have more than one wife if one can’t give birth the other can
● Embracing another person is another form of greeting but only to the same gender
● Also egyptians were expected to greet everyone even a stranger
● Nearly all of the egyptians are monotheistic
● Most people speak arabic in egypt

1 Chinese: - There’s are more than 1 billion people there.

- All regions are illegal but... Buddhism, Taoism, islam, Catholicism, and protestantism.
- The mostly eat rice not only its a major food there it helps grow society.
- The Official language of china is Pŭtōnghuà.

6 Iraq: -97% is muslim

- The language is Arabic
- If you meet someone from Iraq give them a handshake and try not to let you hand down
first, also make sure you have good eye contact.
- You have to leave food on your plate after you are done eating.
- You MUST bring a gift.
- The land is mostly desert.
- Use your right hand for for eating and drinking.

Indian Culture notes

The Indian Culture- One of the oldest cultures around.
● The Top 5 Languages- Hindi, Bengali, Telgu, Marathi and Tamil.
● They do not like to express “No” in anyway.
● Nicely turn down the first offer of snacks, tea ect.( do not say the
word “no” though) You will be offered again.
● Take off your shoes when entering the house.
● Leave some food on your plate to show that you are satisfied.
● Use your right hand while eating.
● Wait till you are told where to sit.
● The man's formal name is their name "s/o" (son of) and the father's

name. Women use "d/o" to refer to themselves as the daughter of

their father.

● When a couple gets married, in most cases the wife will change her

whole name. Although some take their husband’s first name for a

last name, other times they will take the husband’s first name for

their middle name.

● When a couple has a child, the child takes their father’s first name as

their last name.

● At marriage, women drop their father's name and use their first

name with their husband's first name as a sort of surname.

● In India, grasping one’s ears signifies repentance or sincerity.f

● Marigold flowers are used as decoration for Hindu marriages and
are a symbol of good fortune and happiness.i
● India experiences six seasons: summer, autumn, winter, spring,
summer monsoon, and winter monsoon.
● Many traditional Indian dishes use chicken, goat, lamb, fish

and other meats, a significant portion of the population

consumes only vegetarian food.

● Elders are the driving force for the family lives.

● India is the birthplace of yoga.

● Indian sweets like bread or rice puddings called kheer.

Sarah’s MLA stuff.

"61 Interesting Facts About . . . Var Addthis_config =


"services_expanded":"email,fark,digg,delicious,linkedin"};." 61 Interesting Facts about

India. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Aug. 2016.

Award-Winning Culture Guides." India. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Aug. 2016.

Janette’s citations
"Award-Winning Culture Guides." Egypt. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2016.


-origin (where/ location the civilization began/started)
-impact of religions
-1 whole page (Roughly 4-6 paragraphs)
-map / other pictures that go along with culture
(you can type it in word and then copy and paste into here or just type it in here)
-use size 12 font so everyones is the same size in the end and will look good on the
What is Iraq, you must be asking yourself. Well it’s a country up
near Syria and Iran. It’s mostly made out of desert, even when
someone dies then they don’t have a nice soil to barley than in it’s
all desert, there’s no grass or good water soil. There’s also a lot of
fighting there, there’s guns almost everywhere you go. There’s
lots of combat and fights there. That Culture there is 97% Muslim
and 3% is Christian. The major religion is Islam.

In 2003 a war began, why you might be asking? Well because of

the armed conflict in Iraq. The United States and the United
Kingdom claimed that the weapons posed as a threat to their
security. Also during the war Bush was president and she spend
also of money on the war like billions of dollars. He’s the one who
announces the start of war against Iraq. Panatta declared the war
over in 2011. 4,500 us service members were killed and 30,000
wounded. Lastly Panatta said to the troops, “secure in knowing
that your sacrifice had helped Iraq people to begin a new chapter
in history,

There are many several things about in Iraq. One thing is Iraq
was known at the Mesopotamia the land between the rivers.
Second is that 97% are Muslim and 3% are Christians. Muslims
are very truthful, unselfish, patience, they forgive easy, and
cheerful. Christians love to pray, read their bible, be thankful, be
forgiving, and reflect on their own sins. A third is most of their
language is Arabic. Another is if you go there then you must drink
and eat using your right hand. Lastly you have to bring a gifted
you the person's house you are visiting in.
ar began in Iraq.

The Mexican culture first started out by the Gulf Coast around what is
present day Veracruz. The first known society was the Olmec’s. They are
known for the giant head sculptures that were carved from stone. Villages
based on agriculture and hunting started to appear by 300 B.C.
The Mexican flag’s colors are green, white, and red. The green
stands for hope and victory, white represents the purity and Mexican ideals,
and red brings to mind the blood shed by the nation’s heroes. Mexico is the
third largest country in Latin America, and at the beginning of the 21st
century their population was over 100 million.
The Mayans were one of the most successful civilizations. They
thrived between approximately 250 and 900 A.D. They created their own
calendar that we still use today. They also had a writing system and had
displayed evidence of more advanced farming like irrigation. They were
very religious, they worshiped many gods. They built many temples and
palaces in a pyramid shape as a part of their religious beliefs.
The Aztecs were the last of the pre-Columbian Mexico’s great native
civilizations. They were located in the central valley of Mexico around 1427.
There was an alliance between 3 civilizations, the Toltecs, Mayans, and
Aztecs. The Aztecs were very successful and ruled 5 million people at their
height. Their system of ruling was called calpulli. There were governing
councils, armies, schools, temples, and land. They were also religious and
performed religious ceremonies that include dances and sacrifices.
Today in Mexico, the main language that is spoken is Spanish. Art is
a big representation of their culture. The bright colors display their heritage
and a lot of the artwork is unique. Mexican people have preserved a lot of
their heritage. They still have a lot of traditions that they do every year.
Traditions such as fiestas, piñatas, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe,
and the Day of the Dead.
The main religion in the country is Roman Catholicism. There is a
Catholic pilgrimage site located in Mexico. It is the most frequently visited
Catholic pilgrimage site and it’s called the Basilica of Our Lady of
Guadalupe. It is the world’s third most-visited sacred site. In the past, the
central theme of the early Aztec religion in Mexico was that they view life
and death as an integral part of human existence. The Aztecs required
human sacrifices. They killed slaves in public sacrificial rituals, along with
enemy prisoners of war.
Overall, Mexico is very rich in culture. It has had many different
civilizations throughout the years of its existence. Many different groups of
people have lived on the land and have had different beliefs and goals for
their communities.

In the Bible, Israel is the name given by God to Jacob. In the country
there are 2 nationalities, Palestinian and Jewish people. Each nationality
has its each culture and history. Israel is located in the middle east on the
Mediterranean. People believe that Israel is the place where people came
to from Mesopotamia. Most of the history of Israel can be found in the
Ancient Israelites came to the land of Canaan between 1300 and
1200 BC. They established a kingdom under Saul and then under David.
Israelites were slaves in Egypt from 1750 to 1280 B.C.E The religion that
they believe in is monotheism. Monotheism is the belief in one god.
Religion was and still is a big part of their culture. They follow the ten
In the Palestinian society, family is the most important thing. The
children are supposed to be responsible for elders in their family, helping
them both financially and with care. They have a lot of weird values that the
go by. For example, guests in a Palestinian house are not supposed to ask
for food or warmth. The people of the house are supposed to always be
prepared to have guests in the house and be very generous towards them.
The marriages are arranged by the fathers of the couples, but the
daughters are sometimes asked if they accept the potential groom
Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world that still exists today.
They believe in monotheism. There are 3 branches of Judaism, Orthodox,
Conservative, and Reform. The Jewish have 613 commandments; they are found
in the Jewish bible. Jewish have dietary laws of kashrut, which forbids pork,
shellfish, and the consumption of meat and milk products in the same meal.
In Israel they have a system of Kibbutzim, which is cooperative farms in which
property is collectively owned. Residents share chores, and instead of a salary,
they receive housing, medical care, education, and other necessities. After
marriage, the women shave their heads and wear wigs. Their government is
parliamentary democracy and they go by the five pillars of faith.
Overall, Israel is very religious. It has many traditions, values, and rituals that go
along with their beliefs. Family is very important and the culture has developed a
lot since it first started.

Did you know that 1,383,474,330 people lives in china and still
counting? That’s way more than hear in US, I know what you are
thinking “that’s just crazy” yeah I know right. In the summer it’s hot and
dry, and in the winter is freezing cold. The best time to be there is in
the spring or even autumn. China is near India, Japan, and Mongolia.

Some History that happened in china is that China is one of the oldest
civilized nation which dates by more than 10,000 years. Qin Shi Huangdi
unified China and became the first emperor around 221 B.C. In 1958-
1961, China's economic and farming systems fails, millions of people
died of starvation. In 1997 China Regains control of Hong Kong, which
had been under British rules for 99 years. In 2006 the three Gorges
rivers took 13 years to build. Another is in 1911 the revolution led by
Sun yat-sen brought the monarchy to an end. Another is in 1949 PRC
was founded by their name. Finally in the 7th and 8th century BC the
Great wall of china was built. The great wall was not built all at the
same time. They built the Great wall to protect China forms it’s
enemies and invaders from the North, especially the mongos. Who built
the Great Wall? Workers, soldiers, slaves, converts and war prisoners.

There are many things that you should know about China. One is that
most regions are illegal. All but, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism,
and Protestantism. Second is that they mostly eat rice, so If you go to
China then I hope you like rice. Third is that the official language of
China is Putonghua. Four is that the full name is The People’s Republic
of China. Another is China is the Most mysteries and a beautiful land.
Another is that the capital city is Beijing. Lastly is their National flag is
Indian Culture
"India is the cradle of human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of
history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our
most valuable and most astrictive materials in the history of man are treasured
up in India only! "

- Mark Twain

In the prehistoric settlements the Indus valley civilizations

were known as the holy land. This land was centered around the
Indus river. And now that use to be Indus valley is now known
as India, ever since 2500 B.C. The Bronze Age began around
3300 B.C.E. with early Indus Valley Civilizations. The Indus
civilization is one of three in ‘Ancient East’ that, along with
Mesopotamia and Pharonic Egypt, was a cradle of civilization in
the Old World. It was also one of the most expansive in area and

India is the birthplace of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism,

Shaivism, and Shakatism. The religion of Hinduism has no single
founder, no single scripture and no commonly agreed set of
teachings. While Buddhism has one founder.

India is a very div

The Indian dynasties have been some of the most powerful

dynasties. The dynasties are Indus Valley Civilization, c. 3300 – c.
1700 BCE, Post Indus Valley Period, c. 1700 – c. 1500 BCE, Vedic
Civilization, c. 1500 – c. 500 BCE, Mahajanapadas, c. 500 – c. 345 BCE,
Nanda Dynasty, c. 345 – c. 322 BCE. Maurya Dynasty, c. 322 – c. 185
BCE and the Sangam Period.

In India, their traditions are very set in stone on terms of manners.

There are many rules in which to follow. Being polite is a large part of their
culture because it shapes the way they live.
In a traditional Indian family, the wife will change her last name to that
of her husband’s father’s first name. And when they have children, the
children take their father’s first name as their last name. For example, my
name would be Sarah Anthony. This does make figuring out your family
tree a bit harder than that of the United States.

The Caste System- The caste system was made in India. The caste
system is a class structure that is determined by birth. Loosely, it means
that in some societies, if your parents are poor, you're going to be poor,
too. Same goes for being rich, if you're a glass-half-full person. According
to the history of the caste system, the Aryans had made up the concept
and that is why the caste system shows favoritism toward the Aryans.

The social class of the Egyptians was crucial. The highest social status was
always the Pharaoh, because he was always known as a god to his people
because he inherited his throne through his family and usually he had to
marry within the blood line so that his child would be pure so that they
could inherit the throne. The next step down from Pharaoh was the priests,
government officials, and nobles. These people were the only ones who
were allowed to use the government's information at the time. the priests
were the ones who had to ‘keep the gods happy’. They prayed to the gods
and gave gifts. The nobles were wealthy people who enjoyed high status
because they were the ones who got all of the donations so they grew rich.
Now a step down from that are the soldiers because they were the ones to
fight in battle, and when they weren’t in battle then they were supervising
the slaves, peasants, and farmers. They got to witness the building of the
pyramids. Scribes were next in the social pyramid they were important in
ancient. Scribes in ancient time were the only ones who could write so they
were the only ones who would write the documents for the government so
they had access to all of the government files. The farmers and peasants
and slaves were at the bottom knowing that they were the least wealthy.
In social occasions like parties you are to dress in the nicest clothes
you have. That means that one must dress up formally for invitation events.
It is also customary to greet people with either a handshake or a nice
friendly embrace according to gender. One must also take off their shoes
when entering and Egyptian home for social events. At meal time a an
Egyptian party you must leave a little on your plate. If you don’t then the
host or hostess will keep refilling your plate. Also, Egyptians are expected
to greet every person, even strangers.
In Egypt family is important, even for the pharaoh. They all have
families. In order to form a family marriage is crucial. Women have a little
say in who they marry though. Other than that, the parents choose the
spouse of their children. As stated above, the Pharaoh’s family was married
in the bloodline. It probably doesn’t happen in modern time but in ancient
Nearly all Egyptians are monotheistic today. They consist of 94% of
them being Muslim, and 6% of Christians in modern time. Back in ancient
time they worshiped many gods. The priests were the ones to please all of
the gods by giving gifts to the gods. All people in ancient time gave gifts to
the gods as well and that’s where the nobles profited from sometimes.
Tonyas MLA-

"Mexican Culture." Buzzle., 21 Apr. 2008. Web. 12 Sept. 2016.

"Home." Egypt. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2016. <http://www.commisceo->.

Year, Rented By That. "Egypt." Culture of Egypt. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Sept. 2016.

"Award-Winning Culture Guides." Egypt. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2016.

"Egyptian Social Structure." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 13 Sept. 2016. <>.

"Chinese Culture: Customs & Traditions of China." LiveScience. TechMedia Network,

n.d. Web. 13 Sept. 2016. <>.

"Iraq Culture." Iraq. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2016. <http://www.commisceo->.

"61 Interesting Facts About . . . Var Addthis_config = {"services_compact":"email,fark,digg,delicious,linkedin",

"services_expanded":"email,fark,digg,delicious,linkedin"};." 61 Interesting Facts about India. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Aug. 2016.

Award-Winning Culture Guides." India. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Aug. 2016.

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