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Erin Yaremcio


Dr. Jeffery MacCormack

ED 3602

February 13, 2019

Lessons that Fit

Original Lesson Plan:

Brown, M. (n.d.). Where I'm From (Poetry Mini-Lesson & Introducing Yourself

Activity) (ImpactEnglish). Retrieved February 10, 2019, from

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I am to take a lesson that would be taught by an unassuming English teacher at T.C.

Douglas, while Aaron is in grade 9 and alter the lesson to fit Aaron’s needs. This lesson

takes place during the first few weeks of school. Aaron’s schedule is perfect for his

English classes, as they take place later in the day after he has had his resource classes.


1) Lesson Plan Step 5 - Partner discussion  small group discussion (5 people) pre-

chosen by the teacher.

2) Discuss the emotions and images from the video in great detail. Use examples and

have real-life connections where ever possible. Have students share their experiences

that brought about these emotions.

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3) Lesson Plan Step 8 – Finding three people to share with and instructing who should

share  same 5-person discussion group from earlier, teacher will decide and alert

students while they are working, as to who will be called on (strategic choosing on

the teacher’s behalf)

4) Have the class schedule on the board (of what they will accomplish, in order, in this


5) Teach students about George Ellis Lyon’s life, before showing the poem.

Rationale of Changes:

-Aaron’s level of language is beyond adequate for this assignment – thus there were no

real reasons to change the theme and purpose of the lesson.

-Having structured pre-chosen (by the teacher) group interactions with the same

individuals allows Aaron to work on his socialization and learn how to continue

conversation with an individual and in a group.

-As Aaron struggles with processing and emoting different emotions, I chose to

emphasize the part of the lesson that highlights emotions – specifically with student

examples of their interactions with the emotion. This way, as Aaron will be able to

understand the context of the emotion, he will be able to understand the emotion that was

displayed in that moment. Additionally, by using the emotions that are seen in the video

to highlight how the author is feeling, Aaron will be able to learn how emotion is

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-Having the class schedule on the board will allow Aaron a sense of order and

predictability, which is key while he is still working on his transition from his old school

to T.C. Douglas.

-By using the theoretical approach of modelling, Aaron will be able to see and model

afterwards the emotions that are demonstrated in the video and by his classmates.

However, this can be ineffective as Aaron may not understand the true meaning behind

the emotion, or an emotion can be mis-represented or mis-used in a scenario brought

forward by the teacher or by a peer.

-I predict that Aaron will be able to complete the majority of this lesson, however I do

believe that he will need extra time for the creation of the poem itself. He will learn new

emotional skills that will benefit him in his daily life, without being singled out for not

understanding a concept or for processing emotions differently.

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