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by asia suler
Chronic vaginal and vulvogenital conditions have become one of the most quietly widespread epidemics in
our country. According to the Center for Disease Control 75% of adults with vaginas* in the United States
have had at least one yeast infection in their lifetime, and as many as 30% are currently living with BV
(bacterial vaginosis). At some point in their life, most people with vaginas will experience some sort of
vaginal or vulvogenital condition, and for many people it becomes a frustrating part of their daily experience.

After a decade of personal and clinical experience with what Western medicine labels “vaginal conditions,”
I’ve come to believe that the allopathic approach to healing is far too frequently ineffective, and almost
universally stunted. This class is an answer to the question nearly every pussy-having person asks when they
are confronted by a vaginal issue–Why?

I believe the answer, like my own journey with chronic vaginal conditions, lies in the multidimensional.

A note about naming...

Words hold power. Language triggers our brains and bodies to respond, both emotionally and physiologically. Throughout
this class I may use several different terminologies for the vagina, including pussy and yoni. After many years of dealing
with doctor appointments as chronic as my own conditions, the word “vagina” has gotten a bit stale for me at times.
(Also: the etymology of the word “vagina” comes from the Latin “sheath,” which refers to a vagina as a mere covering for
a sword. No thank you. This doesn’t come close to a vagina’s true dimensionality.) Yoni, in contrast, comes from Sanskrit
and it means “source” or “origin of life.” While beautiful, I tend to use sparingly because It does not come from my own
cultural heritage. Hence, we come to my favorite word of all: pussy. I feel the word “pussy” to be a potent form of cultural
reclamation and empowerment, as well as a bit delicious. I will use the word “pussy” most frequently in this course.

That said, please find a word that resonates with you to reclaim your connection to your own body.

A sheath, a sacred source, a scientific orifice…?

What is a “pussy”?
A pussy is a portal and an oracle. It is an entry point for consciousness and an exit point for transformation.
Pussies (yonis, vaginas, vulvas) and the energetic space they entail are power places that were meant to be
used as navigational systems, not only for ourselves, but for the planet as a whole.

Portal: An elaborate gateway or entrance. An approach or access point to a much wider field of
knowledge, space, or possibility. Often imbued with magical qualities. Portals transport and connect.

Oracle: A being through which the divine speaks and is heard, an agent of prophecy, truth and
great wisdom.

Most mainstream scientific research and polling is still predicated on a cis-gendered binary. Wherever possible in this
handout, I have changed the language around these findings to be more inclusive of all folx with vaginas.
~ multidimensional vaginal healing ~

The Long History of Pussy Power

If you want to know where something truly powerful lives, look at how much force is used to suppress or control it.

People with vaginas have been treated as property for most of the written history of the Western world. With
the advent of private property during the late agricultural revolution, owing women (or folx with wombs), and
their reproductive capacity, became the only way to ensure patriarchal land rights. At this point in history we
have experienced several millennia of direct and indirect (through shaming, abasing and reviling) control over
our anatomy and autonomy. But before this time, Western (as well as non-Western) cultural interaction with
the pussy was far more complex, reverential, and mystical.

The Goddess, Mother-rite societies, The Sacred Vulva

Archeology from the late Paleolithic shows striking evidence of what some archeologists call “Goddess
culture” or “Mother-rite societies” across the world, including what is modern-day Europe and the Middle
East. These societies are often hypothesized to be organized around the mother lineages, with highly complex
systems of art, culture, and peacekeeping. What we know for sure, however, is that the representation of the
womb, vagina, and vulva as sacred entities abound within the vast majority of sacred artifacts recovered from
this time. From vulvas painted on cave walls to otherworldly beings exposing their vaginas on the sides of
buildings, visual enshrinement of the pussy was absolutely prolific—for close to 30,000 years.

The work of feminist revisionist historians, such as Max Dashu and Marija Gimbutas, argue that pussies were
not relegated and dark periphery of culture, but right at the center of early human altars of worship. The very
genitalia that we’ve been told is shameful or ugly, was revered as a place of mystery, prophecy, beauty, magic,
and empowerment. It might be hard to wrap our minds around, but try imagining what our own culture would
look like if vulvas were seen as literal gateways to the divine.

The Multidimensional Why?

Many people who deal with chronic health issues get to the point where they are doing everything “right.”
They have changed their diet, their lifestyle, their personal hygiene, their sexual patterns, their hormonal
landscape, and still. . . the issue remains. Why?

Your pussy is speaking to you. . . to help bring you back into relationship and learn how to harness the power
of your own portal/oracle.

Since the Paleolithic, vaginas have been recognized as places of mysticism, consciousness, creativity,
sensitivity, and power. Currently, science has found that there is such a strong brain-vagina connection that
many neuroscientists are beginning to consider them “a single system.” After millennia of disconnection
(forced, coerced,v and assimilated) our vaginas are asking us to come back into presence with the power and
possibility they embody.

Chronic conditions are our vagina’s way of asking us to come back into relationship with our personal and
global potential.

~ multidimensional vaginal healing ~

The Four Facets of Relationship Reconnection

Chronic conditions, or any kind of vaginal imbalance, are always speaking to us about how to tend our most
primal relationships. These sacred relationships tend to fall into one of four categories, with corresponding
opportunities for healing.

Relationship to Self
• Release Trauma to Reinhabit Your Pelvis
Sometimes we disconnect from our pelvises due to sexual trauma, cultural trauma, or intergenerational
trauma. The trauma of shame. Medical trauma. The trauma of being a womxn, or a gender non-
conforming or transperson in a cis-gendered patriarchal culture. Chronic vaginal conditions challenge
us to not “pull away,” but to come back into presence with our own bodies and being.

• Confidence + Power
On neurological, biological, historical, and societal level, our pussies are the literal center of ourselves.
Re-grounding in our pussies is a way of re-rooting in our specific brand of consciousness. Vaginal
imbalance may ask us to examine how our sense of confidence has been targeted, and recognize the
chronic condition itself as a way of reclaiming that personal power.

• Creativity + Relationship with Muse

The vagina-brain connection, and the pelvic nerves that create this interface, play an integral role in our
creativity output and expression. Chronic conditions are often asking us to look at creative blockages
within our inner matrix.

• Reignite Self Trust + Clear Decision Making

Your vagina is an integral navigational system. Signals from our vaginas give us deeply accurate
information on whether or not we feel appreciated, respected, or safe. Chronic conditions ask us to
reinvigorate our connection with this inner oracle for navigating sexual relationships, societal sea
change, and making decisions in our lives.


The purpose of this exercise is to start to hear your vagina’s voice (and your deep nervous system response)
when making decisions. The pussy doesn’t lie. This oracle exercise can help you make better and more
aligned decisions in your life.

~ multidimensional vaginal healing ~

1. To begin, develop two truth statements. Example: “Truth: I would be the most fulfilled if I move
into this new apartment” and “Truth: I would be most fulfilled if I stayed in my current apartment.”

2. Once you have your two truth statements, say both of them out loud. (Don’t forget to say
“truth” beforehand!)

3. Pause between each statement to notice how your pussy feels.

It might feel constricted or relaxed, vibrant or dull, or activated or withdrawn, after each
statement. Notice the subtleties. This is your pussy’s deeper intuitive response, and this is your
divinatory answer.

Relationship to Others
• Your pussy will give you feedback about your relationships
If you are having a chronic issue come up while you are in a relationship. . . take a look. You are being
asked to examine what aspects of this relationship are causing imbalance in your life. Ask yourself:
in what ways in your partner a good container for you? In what ways are you being met? Is there any
way in which your confidence, agency, creativity, or connection to self are being compromised?

• Creating protection
Chronic conditions can manifest as a way to protect yourself and create a safe container when one
does not exist in your personal relationships.

• Chronic conditions as a marker for dysfunction in wider culture

As parts of our body that are innately connected into our autonomic nervous system, vaginas are
constantly scanning the environment for threat. Sometimes it is our pussy that realizes something
is off before our brain even does. The current state of vaginal health imbalances in our country is, at
least in part, a reflection on the wider web of cultural dysfunction we live in.

“The way in which any given culture treats the vagina — whether with respect or disrespect, caringly or
disparagingly — is a metaphor for how [womxn] in general in that place and time are treated.” – Naomi Wolf

Relationship with Ancestors

• Healing the matrilineal line (and others of our lineages)
Science has now shown that trauma and unhealthy stress can be passed through our DNA to our
offspring. If a pregnant mother is going through high levels of fear or anxiety, she creates a
metabolic cascade of cytokines that can affect immune system and development. Chronic conditions
may manifest to help you clear trauma or imbalance in your lineage.

• A call to resurrect ancient rites of pussy mysticism, power, and prophecy

Patriarchy has only been around for 5,000 years (maximum), previous to this time there is over 30,000
years of evidence of a Goddess (read: vulva) worshipping cultures. You do the math. Reverence
for the pussy is part of our indigenousness, and our individual vaginas feel very strongly that is time
to resurrect the healing of the old way.

~ multidimensional vaginal healing ~

Relationship with the Earth

• Your pussy is an access point for power and healing on Earth
There is a deeply historical link between pussies and power places on Earth, such as springs and
caves. Just as the pelvis is the center of the spider web for our whole body, with threads that can
affect pain, alignment, and pleasure throughout our bodies, our vaginas are a center of the spider
web for energetic connections and flow points of healing within the Earth. In many cultures across
the world there is a direct connection to vaginas, their serpentine energy, and the ley lines that run
through the Earth. What if your vagina itself was a portal place on the Earth, a space where healing
could flow into the wider grid?

Practices to Re-empower the Portal + Speak with the Oracle

Vaginal Steams
Vaginal steaming is a cross-cultural practice for nourishing the tissues of your vulva and inner canal, relaxing
your vagal nerve, releasing trauma, and coming into relationship with your vagina. To start steaming, all you
need to do is a find a chair you can perch on the edge of (or two chairs placed side-by-side), a jar of just-made
hot tea, and blankets to “tent” and create a steam chamber for your yoni. If you’d like to stream regularly I
recommend getting a steaming stool. See more resources at the end of the handout.

Sample yoni steam for clearing + balance

¼ cup sage (Salvia officinalis)
½ cup calendula (Calendula officinalis)
¼ cup mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)

Boil two quarts of water. Combine just boiled water with herb blend, and sit over the steam when it cools
enough to feel pleasant on your vulva for 10-15 minutes, once a week.

**Do not steam if you are currently menstruating, pregnant or have an IUD **

Interested in learning more? Sign up for the Pussy Portal to access our expanded guide to vaginal steaming.

Pussy + Pelvic Floor Massage

Pussy massage is a deeply powerful way to release trauma from your pelvis and help your vagina to relax
back into a state of power and flow. You can do a pussy massage with your hands alone, but a wand can often
help you get into deeper places of tension. I particularly love using rose quartz or clear quartz wands for my
massage practice. Use natural lubricant coconut oil (plain or infused) or any other vagina-safe massage oil
with your practice (see recipe for infused oil). Inviting a friend or lover to help is a wonderful and connective

The basics are simple. Imagine your vagina as a clock. 12 o’clock is your urethra and the top of your vagina
and 6 o’clock is your anus. Using your fingers or a wand try “bowl swipes,” using a long stroke to massage the

~ multidimensional vaginal healing ~

tissue in an arch on either side of your pelvis between 1 o’clock and 5 o’clock, and 7 o’clock and 11 o’clock
(avoiding putting pressure right at 6 or 12 on your urethra or anus).

If you want to get deeper into trigger point work, try going in at
sequential depths to find where you carry the most tension.Begin
about a fingertip-deep to start with the first layer of your pelvic floor.
When you find an area of tenderness, press down and hold for 30-60
seconds or longer under you feel a slight release. Continue to a half-
finger and then whole-finger depth to hit two additional layers of
your pelvic floor. Try this exercise along the lines of 1, 5, 7, and 11
o’clock in your vagina. You will notice that there are certain spots
that are chronically tighter. Breathe into these spaces as you hold
the trigger point. Old emotions, memories, or sensations may arise.
Help move these old memories out of your tissues by sounding,
singing, or just breathing deeply. Take time afterwards to nourish
and comfort yourself, coming back into your daily life slowly and
with care.

Recipe for healing internal oil

1 Tbs calendula (Calendula officinalis)
1 tsp sage (Salvia officinalis)
4 oz coconut oil

A tissue-soothing antibacterial oil to use with pussy massage, self-pleasure, or to address bacterial
imbalances. Warm coconut oil over a double boiler. Mix in your dried calendula and sage. Let infuse on low
heat for 4-6 hours. Strain well and store in the fridge for 2-3 months.

Want more guidance on this practice? Sign up for the Pussy Portal to access Ruth Elliot’s, PT, LMBT guide to
vaginal massage.

Yoni Egg
Yoni eggs have increased in popularity over the last few years, and for good reason. Yoni eggs come from
ancient Eastern tantric practices of vagina healing and strengthening. The practice involves placing a stone
egg (traditionally made from jade) inside of your vagina to absorb both the energy of the stone and to
enhance your pelvic strength and sensitivity by learning to move the egg with your muscles. If you have any
pelvic floor tension, I recommend developing a pussy massage practice first to work on releasing tension, or
working with the egg simply by placing it inside of your vaginal canal while laying down and relaxing (instead
of tensing your musculature) to receive the medicine.

Flower Essences for Pussy Healing

rose – A classic for invoking inner protection and strong boundaries, as well as the
ability to soften into intimacy. Rose can be particularly helpful for those who have
experienced sexual trauma or wounding and have a hard time trusting interpersonal
intimacy once more.

~ multidimensional vaginal healing ~

hibiscus – A delicious essence for reigniting sensual awareness, pleasure, and

presence. Hibiscus is deeply empowering for those who want to take back the sense
of themselves as a sexual being and reclaim self-worth through body acceptance.
Hibiscus also encourages bravery and the ability to claim the space for one’s passion
in the world. Visit in our shop.

orchid – A powerful flower, in any of its species varieties, for claiming one’s
sexual self-sovereignty and personal uniqueness. As a flower who seduces countless
pollinators, not with pollen or nectar, but through the sheer audaciousness of its
beauty, orchids help us to see that our own unique expression is gorgeous. As the
only flowers that has both its “male” and “female” parts fused, orchids essence to be
particularly helpful in supporting gender non-conforming and trans folx to see their
absolute beauty.

Stones for Pussy Healing

watermelon tourmaline – In Chinese medicine all tourmalines are considered powerful
chelators, or medicines that help escort toxins out of our bodies. Watermelon tourmaline has a deep affinity
with our pussies. It can help us to communicate with the inner heart of our pussies to understand why a
given imbalance exists and what we need to release in order to come back to health.

serpentine – A powerful stone created by tectonic activity at the fault lines or our earth, serpentine
is a potent stone for activating kundalini, accessing the connection between our pussies and earth grid
connection, and creating revolutionary sexual breakthroughs. Do not ingest or use serpentine internally.

carnelian- A classic remedy in Chinese medicine for clearing ghosts, carnelian has a deep affinity for our
pelvic bowl and can help us to release old trauma and the haunts of past relationships that are stagnating us.

rose quartz – A common stone that is nonetheless incredibly good at its job. Rose quartz is my go-to
stone for invoking deep states of pussy self-love and appreciation. I particularly love placing well-tumbled
round stones, or yoni eggs made of rose quartz, inside my vagina during a bath. It just radiates goodness,
love, and self-acceptance.

Sample elixir formula

1 piece of watermelon tourmaline
1 piece of rose quartz
Rose + hibiscus flower essences

Place one piece of watermelon tourmaline and rose quartz in a glass of water overnight.

Before drinking in the morning, add 4 drops each of rose and hibiscus essence.

Sip slowly with one hand over your pussy and repeat this affirmation: “I am clean, clear, healthy, and free. I
am safe in my body. I open the portal and speak with the oracle. My pussy is a place of power and healing.”

~ multidimensional vaginal healing ~

Keep the Dialogue Going

Keep a pussy journal: Keep track of how your pussy feels on a daily basis, noting your diet, sexual activity,
and emotional states. This is the best way to begin noticing patterns and communications.

Start charting your cycle: Charting your fertility is one of the most profound practices of coming into
communion with your body’s rhythms and learning directly from your pussy. I recommend The Garden
of Fertility by Kate Singer to learn how to begin (or, sign up for the Pussy Portal to access my Wise Womb
Fertility Charting class).

Meditation to find a dragon intermediary: Find your dragon guide and ask them to become your protector
as you go deep into the work of yoni re-empowerment and healing.

Want access to a Meet Your Dragon guided meditation? Check out the information below to sign up for our
expanded Pussy Portal Resource library.

Sign up now and save $29 on the course!

~ multidimensional vaginal healing ~


chakrubs – Yoni eggs and crystal massage wands

therawand (via Pelvic Therapies Inc) – Massage wands + instructional videos

steamy chick – A go-to hub for vaginal steaming education and supplies

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