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Mosi 1

Good morning ladies and gentlemen today i would like to explain my views supporting of the
motion “ this house beliefs that the government of population with diverse religious
backgrounds should never record the religion of their recidence”

First of all i have to explain that indonesia is a country with variety such as in culture,
ethnicity, race, ethnicity and religion. We have to say the most sensitive issue in our country
is the issue of religion, because the issue of religion is very inherent in the personality of
society, so that religious issues are sometimes used for many cases that occurred with
religious backgrounds. which could trigger a split in the NKRI, such as racism, intolerance at
the end of the sentence.
As we all know, Indonesia only recognizes 6 religions in accordance with Law No.24 of 2013
concerning population administration, namely Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism,
Buddhism and Confucianism. other than that there are still other beliefs that are outside the
6 religions. data from the population census in 2010, the number of trustees was 299,617
people or around 0.13 percent of the total population. while the data from the Ministry of
Education and Culture, through the Directorate of Trust in God, are very almighty, that there
are currently 187 organizations or institutions that trust in God. of all these organizations, the
number of believers reached 12 million.

In fact, the initial discourse formed in relation to the religion column in KTP is emptying, not
deleted This was stated by Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo on the grounds that
citizens of faith who had not been officially recognized by the government could vacate the
religious column in the electronic KTP . The initiative was also supported by Vice President
Jusuf Kalla who argued that emptying the religious column in the e-KTP was fair for all
Indonesian citizens.
The right to religious freedom does not only include the freedom of every human being to
choose beliefs that he thinks are true, but also includes the right for each human to express
his beliefs and also the right to carry out all religious teachings or beliefs he believes in.

the reason we support this motion is because

a. not including religion on the identity card can minimize the occurrence of intolerance
towards minorities. because not all religions or beliefs are recognized in Indonesia. if we
continue to maintain policies that must include religion on the KTP, many people will feel
discriminated against.

b. and this is very contrary to article 2 of the UN declaration on the elimination of intolerance
of discrimination based on religion or belief. this rule says that, "no one may be subject to
discrimination by the state, institution, group of people or any person for reasons of religious
or other beliefs. You know what I mean, the state uses its policy to discriminate against
minorities for religious or belief reasons

According to constitution number 65 verse 5 AMINDUK or State Administration if someone

follows a religion other than 6 official religions in Indonesia (Islam, Protestant, Catholic, kong
hu chu, buddhqism and hindu) they still have the right to become Indonesian citizens.
Responding to the vice president Mr. Jusuf Kalla said that we would let these people vacate
their religion. Thus we convey to us about the approval of Mr. Jusuf Kalla. Parents, Jews,
they still advise people to choose one of the official religions in Indonesia to be included on
their identity cards ... this is a denial!
Thank you very much for your attention iam hajrawati back to you
Iam closing government and i supported the government side.

according to Law No. 24 of 2013 concerning population administration which requires

residents to include religion in this matter, of course religion recognized by the state is a rule
that seems to limit the right of citizens to adhere to religion only in religions recognized by
the state. whereas in the principle of a democratic country, the state is present to protect,
respect and guarantee the fulfillment of the rights of its citizens. even though there are many
believers outside recognized religions who do not want their beliefs to be classified in one
recognized religion. for example, followers of the Tolotang religion in Sidrap regency, South
Sulawesi, which in fact they refused to be classified as part of Hindu religion, but because of
these rules required them to be forced to write other religions on their ID cards to avoid the
notion that they were atheists. according to research from Hasse J from Gadjah Mada
University, that Twani Tolotang in its journey received discrimination with a very neat model
from the government through policy policies that limited their movement in carrying out their
teachings. especially tolotang is classified into Hindu religion which is a force from the
• By removing the religious column on the KTP it is a form of tolerance for believers other
than the 6 recognized religions as a form of application from the fifth principle of the
Pancasila, namely "social justice for all Indonesian people". in other words this country has
good faith for its citizens by providing opportunities to obtain rights and carry out obligations
Another is the sunda wiwitan cigugur Kuningan West Java. This belief is not included in the
religion recognized by the state, but if needed with the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution
on freedom to adhere to belief. Then this is declared valid, so the ideal column can be
completed on the ID card. This will also guarantee that there will be no more discriminatory
action against one of the beliefs, as is the case with the sunda wiwitan followers in the
cibubur of West Java. When arranging a birth certificate for their child, the mother's name is
not included in the certificate because the reason for this child's trust is not included in the
state's religion.
Government policy regarding the absence of the inclusion of a religious column on the KTP
requires that there be no difference in public trust that is not regulated in the Act. As stated in
article 65 paragraph 5 of the Aminduk Law which states that "For residents whose religion
has not discussed religion based on regulations that regulate invitations or for belief groups
are not filled. Stay served and recorded in the population database"
Departing from the agreement, it is clear the government to realize a harmonious nation and
state of life.
the values of nationality and discussion that have been socialized so far will soon be
realized in the community. Because the principle of progress of a nation is the determination
of various cultures.
Oposition mosi 1

Good morning ladies and gentlmen today i would like to explain my opposing of the motion

in fact, the initial discourse formed in relation to the religion column in KTP is emptying, not
deletion. This was stated by Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo on the grounds that
citizens of faith who had not been officially recognized by the government could vacate the
religious column in the electronic KTP or e-KTP. The initiative was also supported by Vice
President Jusuf Kalla who argued that emptying the religious column in the e-KTP was fair
for all Indonesian citizens. [1] Regarding the abolition of the religious column in the KTP,
Interior Minister Tjahjo Kumolo responded that the religious column could not be removed
from KTP. This is because the Population Administration Law has protected the existence of
this religious column. [2]

In essence, the religion column is a religious identity. Godliness and religion are
conceptually an understanding that the Indonesian population is Godliness. Lauddin Marsuni
[13] states that divinity and religion are state identities. [14] The population as an element of
the absolute state to show its divine identity as a manifestation of state identity. Recognition
of the first precepts (Godhead of the One) cannot be separated from religion as one of the
main pillars of human life and the joint life of the State and an absolute element in the effort
to nation-building the Indonesian Nation. Therefore, the inclusion of a religious column in the
KTP is absolutely necessary.

Emptying the religious column on the KTP will make it difficult for the government to access
population data. The data is important to be clarified in the identity of the Indonesian people.
so that the country is able to know the population of each religion in Indonesia. this
population will help clarify the diversity that exists in inodonesia and provide data that in
dindonesia the majority of religions originate from what religion. and from these data can be
used to influence the direction of Indonesian foreign policy to collaborate with other countries
which is the same as the religious population of any religion. such as Indonesia, the majority
of Muslims and from the data is able to lead Indonesian foreign policy to mutual cooperation
with the Muslin countries in the world and enter the international organization, the OIC. and
such international cooperation is also useful for meeting the national interests of a country.

Article 28I paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that
religious rights are one of the rights which cannot be reduced in any circumstances. This is
corroborated through Article 28 E paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
Indonesia which states that every person for freedom of belief in belief, expresses his
thoughts and attitudes in accordance with his conscience. Based on these two articles, it can
be concluded that one of the implementations of religious rights is the right to state that he
adheres to a particular religion. This statement is then accommodated by the government
through the religious column in the KTP. The existence of a religious column in the KTP is
one manifestation of the recognition and protection of the government against religious
freedom as evidenced by giving recognition to its citizens to express their attitudes according
to their consciences regarding the religion and beliefs they embrace. Therefore, the abolition
of the religious column in the KTP is a form of ignorance of the government in the religious
rights of its citizens, and is an injury to the constitutional rights of citizens.
he existence of the religious column in the KTP is the implementation of Article 28D
paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. As a large organization,
the state must have a good administrative order. One way to create a good administration is
to know the identity of the population, including the religion of the population. Herein lies the
legal certainty guaranteed by the Constitution. Legal certainty over the religion embraced by
someone will have an important correlation with the legal actions that they do. This is
because in Indonesia a written law (lexscripta) becomes important in efforts to enforce and
certify the law itself. Thus, the inclusion of a religious column in the KTP will be able to avoid
the occurrence of falsification of personal identity so that the right of everyone to get a
guarantee of fair legal certainty will be realized.

Iam closing opposition and i supported the opposition side.

Under the AMINDUK constitution or our state administration can let them enter and grow
their faith as long as it is not dangerous for our country ...
but how can the state see that it is a heretical religion there is no constitution or institution to
observe the religion that grows in Indonesia ..
we also cannot only give delegations to new religions because we have a special budget
every year in 2019 reaching 48.9 million rupiahs and should be distributed to the 6 official

Of all these unofficial religions can leave their religious columns empty, it also gives other
religions the opportunity to do so and that would be another problem such as Aceh. They
need the religion of the colpum because they have the authority to see the religion of their
people specifically for Muslims to make sure they obey the rules of appearance (for Muslim

In addition, the religion column is an important thing to include in the Family Card (KK) and
Identity Card (KTP). The existence of the religious column correlates with a number of
"Such as marriage, inheritance, ownership of material, problems of child adoption, and other
administrative matters."
KTP as the identity of the population, because it includes state elements. Among other
things, the symbol of the Garuda Pancasila, the map of the country, including religion. The
Indonesian state itself recognizes the diversity of the six religions that have existed and are
embraced by the Indonesian people, namely Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism,
Buddhism and Confucianism.

and, the state also did not forget the beliefs that grew and developed long before the six
recognized religions entered the archipelago. In a number of regions, that belief was still
held firmly by the local community. "Like Sunda Wiwitan which was embraced by the
Sundanese people, and in Kanekes, in Lebak, Banten, Sunda Wiwitan; Madrais is also
known as the Cigugur religion, and there are several other names in Cigugur, Kuningan,
West Java. "
Buhun Religion in West Java; Kejawen in Central Java and East Java; Parmalim religion,
Batak Native religion; Kaharingan religion in Kalimantan; Tonaas Walian's belief in Minahasa
North Sulawesi; Tolotang in South Sulawesi; Wetu Telu on Lombok; Naurus on Seram
Island in Maluku Province; and others."
If there are no problems that arise in the future related to administration, then the provision
of a column of religion is made for those who have beliefs outside of the six religions that
have been recognized by the state. One example that occurred in Aceh. Inclusion of the
religious column on the KTP must be in sync with the traditions that apply there. Where for
Muslims are required to wear a hijab (cover the genitals), so that the religion listed in the ID
card will be used as a benchmark of identity so that the local government will more easily
identify violations of law (culture) for Muslim women.
If there is no religious column listed on the ID card. It could be that this will cause noise
because the government will be overwhelmed by identifying anyone who has violated long-
standing traditions in their area, then the consequences will be the absence of law
enforcement for perpetrators who are not found to violate the tradition.
The point is Religion is a state identity. As a part of the country, the population must also use
the religion they embrace as their identity. In addition, the abolition of the religious column in
the KTP will provide an opportunity for the proliferation of relativism ideals of religious truth
which will ultimately disrupt religious tranquility. Aside from being one of the manifestations
of government recognition and protection of religious freedom, the inclusion of a religious
column in the KTP can create good administrative order and facilitate government services
and guidance for religious people.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen today i would like to explain my views support of
motions “ this house believes that children and underage persons should be held liable for
the law breaking acts they commit”

According to UU no.12 2012 that

. a. Child is a trust and gift from god who had dignity as a human being
b. that in order to maintain the dignity of a child, they must get protection especially legal
protection and the justice system
c.i ndonesia as a part to the Convention on the Rights of the Child which regulates the
principle of legal protection to children have obligations to provide special protection for
children caught in the law

. Recent cases of violations of law committed by children are present in the midst of society,
which haunts parents to Teachers who become a decline of civilization for generations of the
nation. from some of these cases, the government or stake holders involved in this matter
must conduct new experiments for the advancement of education for children's knowledge
today. crimes against children must be given a learning so that they are able to be
responsible for the actions they take.

Children who are faced with the law are a term that is often used when a child or is not yet
mature or is not old enough to commit a crime. Regarding the definition of underage children
we refer to Law No. 11 of 2012 concerning the Child Criminal Justice system, specifically
article 1 of the SPPA Law wherein detailed outlines which underage children are children
who are 12 (twelve) years old, but who are not 18 (eighteen) years old who are suspected of
committing a criminal act.
In general the Criminal Code Article 10 regulates the types of criminal sanctions against
perpetrators of criminal acts, but the SPPA Law specifically regulates perpetrators of
underage crimes where criminal sanctions can be imposed on offenders who are divided into
Basic and Criminal Crimes Additional.
Principal punishment for children consists of:
1. Criminal warning
2. Criminal conditions, which consist of: guidance outside the institution, community service,
or supervision
3. Job training
4. Guidance in institutions
5. Prison
Additional crimes consist of:
1. Deprivation of profits derived from criminal acts or
2. Fulfillment of customary obligations. Customary obligations are defined as fines or actions
that must be fulfilled based on local customary norms that continue to respect the dignity of
the child and do not endanger the child's physical and mental health.
This means that the announcement of a court decision is not included as an additional crime
given to the child.
It should be noted that if the material law is threatened with cumulative criminality in the form
of imprisonment and fines, criminal penalties are replaced with job training. In essence, the
punishment imposed on children is prohibited from violating the dignity of children.
3. Regarding how long imprisonment is imposed on children, imprisonment that can be
imposed on children is no more than ½ (one half) of the maximum imprisonment for adults.

. From the widespread cases of violations of the actions of children who violate the law this
will affect the future of the nation and state. presumably this case is able to be the antithesis
of the existing problem so that it gives birth to a synthesis so that this problem becomes an
effort to achieve the character formation of the nation's generation. when this issue does not
become a common problem, then this gap and change will flow and will become a habit and
even become a culture that will destroy the pattern of life which becomes a common goal so
that social inequality is able to be completed and more focused on being able to solve more
productive to provide progress in life and nationhood

Iam closing government and i supported the government side. For this motions

There is a case: he perpetrator of the murder of his own friend Nur Afiz Kurniawan (6) was a
victim of broken home. During this time, he rarely went home and spent time on the streets
looking for money with busking. Allegedly this is what triggered him desperate to drown his
friend to death because of Rp.1,000. The money is thought to be very valuable for him
because he never got pocket money and attention from his parents.

"This child is broken home, he rarely goes home, every day he searches for money from
busking. He earns Rp. 20 thousand for food, snacks. After that, then he starts singing again.
So if you don't go home, you will never find it."
f the child is ensnared by Article 359 of the Criminal Code which reads "Whoever is due to
his mistake causes another person to die, is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of
five years or a maximum of one year imprisonment."

The penalty referred to here is rehabilitation or child prison. This is the most appropriate
punishment for them, because when there is a punishment the children who commit crimes
will be rehabilitated mentally and psychologically and will receive more attention from their
closest people. In rehabilitation itself too, they will be nurtured well and will get education
that can develop themselves in a positive direction.

why do we take this step because when the children who commit crimes are actually lack of
attention from parents, or who have broken families, or even lack of attention from the
community itself, the environment and place of a child also strongly influence their growth
and development behavior. therefore the government's solution provides a punishment that
makes the deterrent effect on them and the punishment that can save the child and make it
So children who are still underage must still be held accountable for violating the law they
have committed, so that law enforcement in this country is still maintained in accordance
with Indonesian jargon as a legal state. However, acceptance of punishment is not
comparable to an adult.
Oposition 2

Cases of law violations that are present in the community have caused noise and questions
in the community, where there are many cases of violations of law committed by children or
underage. this case would be a big concern for the community, especially the government
and stake holders involved in educating and educating children. This violation case is not
appropriate when children who are in fact vulnerable to psychic actions will then be given a
punishment for the actions they have committed. if the solution given is that children must be
held accountable for their actions then this is not a good solution for psychology for the
children themselves. There should be new steps taken by the government and stake holders
involved in this matter in order to be able to provide understanding without any crackdown
on children who carry out the violations. the impact of today's children's actions is that the
spectacle of the media today is only limited to watching but does not have the value of
completeness so that the spectacle can also be a learning for children.
accountability of criminal law for minors if it violates the rules, will hinder the process of
mental development and knowledge for the child. Because it starts from a case investigation
carried out by a related party, until it is truly endured. During the process, the child will
experience mental stress so that it will have an impact on the psychological.
In Act No. 35 of 2014 child protection article 1 paragraph 12 which reads "children's rights
are part of human rights that must be guaranteed, protected and fulfilled by parents, family,
community, state, government and local government".
This regulation has very clearly regulated how the role of all components and social aspects
in protecting children is a form of concern for regeneration. So, if a child is found to violate
the rules, it should not be subject to criminal punishment but the government provides
guidance to the child.
The Indonesian Constitution, the 1945 Constitution as the highest norm outlines that every
child has the right to survival, to grow and develop and has the right to protection from
violence and discrimination.
Based on the convention on children's rights, children's rights in general can be grouped into
4 categories, including:
1. the right to survival (the right to survival), namely the rights to preserve and preserve (the
right of live) and the right to obtain the highest standards of health and the best care.
2. protections rights, namely rights in the convention of children's rights which include
protection rights from discrimination, violence and neglect for children who have no family for
refugee children.
3. the right to development rights, namely the rights of children in the convention of
children's rights which includes all forms of education (formal and non-formal) and the right
to achieve a decent standard of living for physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social child
(the rights of standard of living)
4. the right to participate, namely the rights of the child which includes the right to express an
opinion in all matters affecting the child (his rights to express his / her views freely in all
matters) affecting the child

Oposition 2

we strongly disagree that when a child is given a criminal offense, let a child to prison.
Because 1. the child will not be limited in developing themselves according to their passion
2. When in prison a child will feel isolated by his friend so that it can cause prolonged stress
so it can trigger madness or even other diseases 3. We cannot guarantee that when these
children are rehabilitated or put in jail their children will get good relationships because they
are sometimes in prison even though acts of violence between perpetrators are unavoidable
The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) received reports of torture of 16-year-
old adolescents in Prison Houses in Solo City, Central Java. "We have just received a report
from the NGO this afternoon," said the KPAI Secretary, M. Ihsan, to Tempo, Saturday 11
February 2012.

The victim with the initials G is a resident of Solo Prison. He was beaten by 12 cellmates.
Besides being beaten, the victim was forced to eat human waste. G was transferred to a
special cell and his psychological condition continued to be monitored. "We immediately sent
representatives from the central KPAI and asked for help from colleagues in Solo to explore
the case," Ihsan said.

The suspect who tortured G has received caning and stun sentences. But Ihsan regretted
the punishment received by the perpetrator. "This is a dilemma, the case of torture has not
been completed, but the perpetrators have been given such a sentence."

So according to this case we look to the constitution no 11 2012 that

c.i ndonesia as a part to the Convention on the Rights of the Child which regulates the
principle of legal protection to children have obligations to provide special protection for
children caught in the law.
so if you still have a sense of humanity, including child crimes into prison is not the right
solution at all but only adds to various problems
Motions 3
Goverment 1
basically art is considered as a culture or history there are various forms and types, one of
which is cultural heritage which is a cultural heritage of a group or society and even a
country, which is inherited from the ancestors to their successors. in the form of cultural
heritage objects, cultural heritage buildings, cultural heritage structures, cultural heritage
sites and cultural heritage areas both on land and in water that we need to know and
preserve because they have important values for history, science, education, religion and
culture . therefore there must be a ban on private ownership because:
1) because culture is a general identity in a particular country when it is legalized to be
privately owned it will cause disputes from several parties within a country
2) Will lead to jealousy in the community even to war if not followed up, because the
capitalists will run rampant and claim to buy cultural heritage that has been inherited and
even make business fields then take advantage of the spoils of cultural heritage.

3) private ownership means having the right to what is owned, in other words, can change
what is owned. so, if the cultural heritage or historical heritage is privately owned, it is likely
that people who have cultural heritage or historical heritage will be changed and of course
the meaning will change, even misused. according to data from Fransisca Romana
Harjiyatni's research from the University of Janabadra Yogyakarta, that one of the factors
that caused damage or destruction of cultural heritage objects in Yogyakarta was the use of
cultural heritage objects as objects of trade for personal gain, which led to theft, transfer and
smuggling of cultural heritage.
4) In an effort to provide knowledge through the cultural heritage, because as a successor in
order to be able to preserve it, then a large number of cultural reserves can be placed in
educational places such as schools, campuses, institutions and even industry.

Government 2
We strongly agree with the motion that was appointed this time because we need to know
together that the MINISTRY of Education and Culture has set 96 cultural works as intangible
cultural heritage. In addition to the 77 objects that have not been set before, the number of
Indonesian cultural objects is now 173 species.

The submission of a certificate of establishment of an intangible cultural heritage was held

on October 17, 2014 at the Jakarta National Museum. This stipulation is a manifestation of
Indonesia's commitment to ratify the Convention for the Protection of the Intangible Cultural
Heritage in 2003. The ratification was passed through Presidential Regulation No. 78 of
2007 concerning the Ratification of the Convention on the Protection of Non-Objective
Cultural Heritage

In the definition of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), the term world heritage is known as consisting of world natural heritage and
world cultural heritage.

World natural heritage such as human resources from the country while the world cultural
heritage is a region that has extraordinary universal values and has a very important
influence on culture within the territory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia
So this time we limited the motion to nature reserves such as temples and other relics that
were of an infrastructure nature.

Infrastructure or buildings that are of an artistic nature or fragments of a culture must be held
and fully managed by the state itself and there should not be any personal election that
follows. Because this nature reserve must receive considerable attention and must be taken
care of together.


As we know, everyone has the right to preserve culture or history, and everyone has
different ways of applying it. there are people who do it by collecting historical or cultural or
historical artifacts. there are even people who are willing to spend a lot of money in order to
have objects that are historical. like cultural heritage which is a historical art and is a legacy
from the past

1. Republic of Indonesia Law NO.5 of 1992 concerning cultural heritage objects which reads
"Certain cultural heritage objects can be owned by everyone while paying attention to their
social functions and insofar as they do not conflict with the provisions of this Law" as I
mentioned earlier we can underline that it can be owned by every person while paying
attention to their social functions and insofar as they do not conflict with the provisions of this
Law. The point is as long as we are still paying attention to the social function and can run
positively in order to preserve the existing art, because if it is not preserved it will have an
adverse effect on the art, it can even experience extinction, so it is only natural for the art to
be preserved .

2. Republic of Indonesia Law NO.11 of 2019 concerning reserves "every person can own
and control cultural heritage objects, cultural heritage structures, or cultural heritage sites
while paying attention to their social functions and not contradicting these provisions. This
second law also clarifies the ownership of art that anyone can possess and master the art as
long as he can take care of his social functions. Because there needs to be a paradigm shift
about the preservation of cultural heritage, to balance ideological, academic, ecological and
economic aspects in order to develop and improve people's welfare.
Motions 4

Government 1

Dynasty politics can be interpreted as a political power run by a group of people who are still
related to family relations. The political dynasty is more synonymous with the kingdom.
Because power will be inherited from generation to father so that power will remain in the
family circle. One developing country
The great power possessed by the ruler is often used to perpetuate power. Political
dynasties make wealth monopolized by a few elites who (want to) control the source of
wealth for personal gain. In the theoretical approach that the dynasty tends to be corrupt is
confirmed through Lord Acton's dictum which says "power tends to be corrupt, and absolute
power corrupts absolutely" seems to be still relevant today.
Political dynasties must be strictly prohibited, because if the practice is increasingly
prevalent in various regional elections and legislative elections, the recruitment and
regeneration process in political parties is not running or stalled. If the power of the dynasties
in a number of regions increases, there will be increasingly widespread corruption of natural
resources and the environment, leakage of sources of regional income, and misuse of the
Regional Budget and the State Budget.
As a result of this dynastic politics, many local leaders became politicians who had influence.
So that all families including children and wives flock to get involved in the government
system. And if the dynasty's politics are continued, it will clog the party's ideal function so
that there are no other targets except power. Here then an instant candidate appears that
does not go through the regeneration process. as a logical consequence to make people
who are incompetent have power so that the power controls are weakened and not effective
so that the possibility of power deviations such as corruption, collusion and nepotism.
Absolute power makes a person commit corruption, this is the fact that now the tendency for
the practice of political dynasty will certainly endanger the implementation of a democratic
In addition to the regeneration of leaders who do not run optimally, legal issues will also
overshadow the process of leadership of the region.
Political dynasties can be called illegitimate children of democracy, why do I say children are
illegitimate? Because our country, the Indonesian state, is a democratic country, so anyone
who does activities outside of the democratic provisions is meant by "illegitimate children"
because there is no regular change and elite circulation.

Government 2

1) basically a political dynasty is a political strategy that is created or built to gain power in
the hope that this power can be inherited from the offspring or family. in developing countries
like Indonesia, things like this have happened a lot. there are many power holders who are
still not willing if their power is transferred to other people not their descendants or their
families. whereas in a democratic system everyone has the right to hold power but is trapped
in a game of political dynasty which is only based on kinship or descent so that it is closed
and does not open up opportunities for new people. Therefore, at this time we, as the team
government, set up a debate this time based on a political dynasty in Indonesia in a
democratic system. interestingly, most power holders use a system of political dynasties to
take personal interests. in other words maintaining the position they hold for the interests
they want to run.
there have been many cases that have been evidence of irregularities in the system of
political dynasties. for example what happened at KLATEN, the Central Java Regent of
Klaten Sri Hartini who was arrested by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was
the wife of the former Klaten Regent from 2000-2005, Haryanto Wibowo. Haryanto was
replaced by Sunarna with Sri Hartini as his deputy. Uniquely, Sunarna is the husband of Sri
Mulyani, a representative from Sri Hartini at this time. Thus, not only one dynasty ruled
there. So, the grip of the dynasty has been very strong. When the executive and legislature
have entered the dynasty, check and balance cannot be expected anymore. therefore we
strongly agree with the current motion that there must be a ban on members of the political
dynasty in occupying positions.

2) Not to mention the breakdown of the competent generation in leadership because the
authorities continue to fight for their power, because they only revolve on the scale of their
family, so that many generations are missing opportunities to show their best abilities in
serving the nation and state.
(1) Development is uneven and is only centered on the scale of its family life, many regions
cannot get government attention because they only make their families' lives smaller.

Oposition 1

Motions 5

Media is the central communication between individuals and individuals, individuals with
groups and groups with groups. With the existence of media, important events that were only
a handful of people who knew, became more widely known universally by all people in the
community. But actually, there are many benefits presented by the media but the negative
impact is no less great.
At the level of Indonesian politics today, the media uses it as a political force. And that is
justified. The problem is that many politicians have held personal media control. As a result
of this action, the neutrality of the media as a channel of information that is reliable,
professional and proportionate. Becomes smudged and deviated from its marwah.
Personal media ownership by politicians has resulted in political integrity not being relevant
to social values. Because many features are used by individuals to highlight the negative
side of their political opponents. As well as lifting himself up from actions that are actually still
being questioned. For example, one of the politicians became the leader of one of the
national media (TV) who also served as party chairman. When talking about the issue of
freedom of ownership, this is justified but will backfire the politics of our country.
Article 33
Cross ownership between Private Broadcasting Institutions, print media companies, and
Broadcasting Institutions Subscribing directly or indirectly is limited as follows:
1. 1 (one) Private Broadcasting Institution for radio broadcasting services and 1 (one)
Subscription Broadcasting Institution with 1 (one) print media company in the same region;
2. 1 (one) Private Broadcasting Institution for television broadcasting services and 1 (one)
Subscription Broadcasting Institution with 1 (one) print media company in the same region;
3. 1 (one) Private Broadcasting Institution for radio broadcasting services and 1 (one) Private
Broadcasting Institution for television broadcasting services with 1 (one) Subscription
Broadcasting Institution in the same region.
IndonesiaHowever, the law that regulates cross ownership has been challenged and even
has been strongly rejected by media owners and practitioners. They joined various
organizations, including the Indonesian Television Association (ATVSI), the Indonesian
National Private Broadcast Radio Association (PRSSNI), and the Indonesian Press and
Broadcasting Society (MPPI). The basis of the rejection of the prohibition on cross
ownership is carried out in the name of press freedom, the information technology revolution
and the discourse of democracy being built by Indonesia.
At first glance the reasons for the rejection of media owners and practitioners above seem
rational and difficult to refute, especially for reasons of press freedom. However, it seems
that the refusal is not merely the desire to get freedom to try along with the meaning of press
freedom. However, there are also other reasons, namely how the media owner with the
strength of his capital through the free trade can get the most profit from this business.
In Indonesia, legal regulations concerning anti-monopoly, concentration and cross-
ownership of broadcast media have been in place and are clearly valid since promulgation,
but in practice until now, the industry of broadcast media is still controlled by certain groups.
In other words, law enforcement is not going well, and this law enforcement policy needs to
be prioritized by the government in order to create a democratic broadcasting industry.

Government 2
In responding to media issues when owned by individuals or affiliated with political parties,
this will impact the community's orderliness, where when the media provides information on
the individual's will and political party affiliations, the media involved will negatively impact
the community, for example when media A provides information on the basis of the wishes
of individuals and political parties, there will be a distortion of other news from media B also
to provide information in accordance with the wishes of individuals or political parties B,
there will be unclear information that reaches the community and this will cause noise so that
people can be divided for information whose validity is still doubtful. case examples in 2014
regarding the results of quick qount from media a and b are different from the results of the

Oposisi 1

Nowadays the tendency of the media industry as a tool of capitalism is becoming

increasingly evident. The form becomes increasingly overwhelming, reaching everywhere,
tends to want to monopolize and even cross national borders. But its ownership control is
even more concentrated in only a few people. In explaining the phenomenon Peter Gollding
and Graham Murdoch said "Media as a political and economic vehicle, tend to be controlled
by conglomerates and media barons, which are mass media and mass communication.
"(2000: 71).
According to Feintuck, regulation of penyiaraan regulates three things, namely structure,
behavior, and content. Structural regulation (structural regulation) contains patterns of media
ownership by the market, behavioral regulation (behavioral regulation) is intended to
regulate the use of property in relation to competitors, and regulation of content (content
regulation) which limits the broadcast material that may and not to broadcast.
Regulating or limiting the concentration of mass media ownership, especially broadcasting
that uses the public domain, needs to be done to ensure the diversity of ownership, diversity
of content, and diversity of voice.
Media owners are strong parties who cannot be "subdued" in democracy. Golding and
Murdock see a close relationship between media owners and media control as an indirect
Basically, the policy regarding the limitation of Monopoly, Conglomeration and Cross
Ownership (Broadcasting Media) has actually been regulated in a legal regulation, namely
Broadcasting Law number 32 of 2002 paragraph 1, article 18. There is mentioned:
"Concentration of ownership and control of private broadcasters by one a person or a legal
entity, both in one broadcast area and in several broadcasting areas, is limited. "


In the development of media information today is influenced by the level of progress of

information media and it is coherent with how much the amount of donations is poured to
advance the media. and this effort is inseparable from the interests of the Personal and
political parties that are able to contribute greatly to the media.
. when the media is limited to experiencing progress in the interests of the media, it can get a
setback in maintaining and even advancing the media. the logical reason is that to get an
information, we must have a positive affiliation to get accurate and reliable information. and
the problem of establishing a media is an individual and is supported by political affiliation for
investment from the media. from this interest, the media makes it easy to obtain information
if it has been affiliated with a political party.
. The sentiment that will build the media in political affiliation will hinder the progress of
information that will be reached by the media in providing information to the public.
Motions 6

Government 1

The Government of Indonesia Particularly the president of the Republic of Indonesia and its
staff in this regard responds to the free movement of Labor throughout the world trying to be
open to the world to facilitate licensing of the intent of Foreign Workers to Indonesia. This is
stated in the Presidential Regulation No. Foreign Workers. 20 of 2018 concerning the use of
Foreign Workers.
Why does President Jokowi facilitate the entry of Foreign Workers into Indonesia because
the entry of Foreign Workers will increase investment and when the investments that enter
Indonesia are many, it will increase the improvement of the national economy, which can
minimize the use of the National Budget.
Actually this Perpres is the previous presidential regulation issued by the previous president,
Susilo Bambang Yodhoyono, but after being updated by jokowi dodo with them assuming
that by facilitating the licensing of the entry of Foreign Workers it will also facilitate the entry
of investment. Because before every 6 months every Foreign Worker in Indonesia must
renew his work permit in Indonesia, the impact is that many foreign businessmen and
investors fled to other countries.
So that's the main reason why the presidential regulation was issued by President Jokowi
Dodo. And maybe so with every country, when an investor enters, it will increase / improve
the economic domain.
Then this is very positive because the entry of Foreign Workers in Indonesia in this case is
the Expert Workforce will occur transfer of knowledge. Imagine when in a company it
presents for example 10 Manpower Experts from outside and every 10 Experts The
workforce is juxtaposed with each of the 20 Local Workers in Indonesia where each 20
people transfer knowledge from Foreign Workers. Indirectly it will make the insight of Local
Workers increase. Especially if the 20 local workers were able to transfer to other local
workers to later develop in Indonesia, of course it would have a good impact on Indonesia.
That is also one of the cornerstones why the government facilitates the entry of Foreign
Workers to. It does not mean that the Indonesian government arbitrarily enters foreign
workers in Indonesia, but there are several criteria that must be met to enter Indonesia.
The current era of globalization makes national borders increasingly obscure, in other words
in terms of relations between countries, it will be easier. In addition, inter-state
interdependence will emerge which will make every country unable to fulfill its national
interests without any queuing from other countries. The concrete example in the region in
this case is ASEAN which then raises the istila (mea) or the asean economic community.
The MEA itself has four pillars to support regional economic integration, namely (i) single
market and production base, (ii) competitive economic areas, (iii) equitable economic
development, and (iv) integration into the global economy.

The free flow of labor is one of the main agendas in the process of ASEAN economic
integration to realize the first pillar, namely the single market and production base. Free flow
of labor is an important component in addition to the free flow of goods, services, and
investments. So it is very important to have support for the free movement of labor.

Government 2

1) Discussion of labor, is a matter or issue that is very much discussed at this time. Labor
often influences the process of policy formulation by the government. According to Law No.
13 of 2003 concerning employment

"labor is anyone who is able to do work to produce goods and or services to meet their own
needs or for the community"

In other words, I can say that, the work is not just for their self or their family but for another
people or society. And we are going to talk about cross country labor. Especially labor of

There is a lot of reason why we are today who say that "This House supports the free
movement of labor worldwide" because
• Firstly, we have to know that our country gets a lot of benefits by the labor. You know
what? Because labor is one of the sources of state income, we can say that labor is a
foreign exchange. For example the labor of Indonesia, i mean When migrant workers send
money to the country there is a share of foreign exchange because these farmers must
"buy" rupiah with
use the foreign currency. The increasing number of foreign currencies, which are exchanged
for a number of rupiahs will result in an increase in foreign currency deposits that are a
source of foreign exchange, the need for rupiah increases. When we give support to
government to support the free movement of labor worldwide, the more migrant workers
generate wages and send them to Indonesia, the greater their contribution to the increase in
foreign exchange. the greater the growth of the country's foreign exchange, the greater the
level of Indonesia's economic growth. So thats our reason why we're really supporting this
motion today

2) Supporting the free movement of labor will minimize domestic unemployment, especially
in countries where there is minimal employment. Like our country. But i think not only our
country who got benefits or positive things by free movement of labor.

Oposition 1

Contradiction in responding to an argument which supports the free movement of Labor

around the world again, I want to see with Indonesian criticism. When we want to free Labor
throughout the world and we as a nation that still crawl in terms of employment want to be
reliable in it it seems to me inefficient because when we look back on Indonesia today which
has an unemployment rate of 7.2 million or 5, 5% is not in line with the regulations issued by
the government which makes it easier for Foreign Workers to enter Indonesia why? When
we want to make a policy that must be Pro-People and when the Free Manpower enters it, it
will make Local Workers marginalized because they have not been able to compete
nationally. So when other countries are free to enter Indonesia, the employment
opportunities for Local Workers will be increasingly minimal.
So the solution should be for the government to make for as much as possible whether it is a
massive vocational training center for people who carry out a job so that the potential
possessed by Indonesians themselves can be channeled properly.
Concerned about the influence of ideology, nation, culture, it is very worrying when many
Foreign Workers who enter Indonesia because it will mix Indonesian people themselves and
that greatly influences our ideology and culture in Indonesia.
So when we want to support the Free Labor Movement in the whole world we have to see
what our country must be before we join in supporting it while the community has not been
established in terms of employment to compete with Manpower to compete with Manpower
throughout the world.

1.the country will be flooded with foreign workers from other countries and who seize the
local labor market. Indonesia is no exception also facing this kind of dilemma. One reason is
the unpreparedness of Indonesian workers to compete at international and regional or
ASEAN levels

2. One of the concrete proofs of the concern about the impact of the free movement of labor
is the release of Britain from Europe. the case of handling migrants from the Middle East
who came to Europe for example, Europe decided that Europe would open the door for
migrants. This was considered by the British as a threat to the country. In other words,
Britain is aware of the dangers of labor freedom, what about other developing countries?
Therefore, it is important to limit the worldwide workforce.
Motion 7

Government 1

Prohibition of information about reporting that has mental illness is a good decision on how
to protect the rights to humanitarian values possessed by mental disabilities.

The preaching of crimes committed by mental disabilities is news that is not so urgent in the
needs of the community. for example when there is a crime committed in Java, the coverage
is not significant for other regions in Indonesia such as Sulawesi or Sumatra. The news that
is needed by the community should be so close to the main needs of the community itself,
such as the spread of rising prices of basic commodities from the national level and it will
also affect several regions, then seizure of land rights, interest rate increases, etc.

Government 2

Oposition 1
Communication is an important thing that cannot be separated from all areas of life. Every
person must have done it, because in essence humans are social beings who always
depend on other humans. So that the only way and tools that can be used to remain
interconnected is to communicate with each other. Whether it is through simple
communication or communication that is classified as sophisticated because the delivery
process is through a channel called mass media.

The prohibition of the media from notifying perpetrators of acts of violence perpetrated by
persons with mental disabilities is a misunderstanding when the media is limited to providing
information. reporting on persons with mental disabilities is able to provide information so
that the public can know that the individual who committed the crime, for example when he
fled and committed a murder case, the news would be beneficial for the public to be
physically preached when the media get informants about the physical characteristics of the
perpetrators of the murder of the perpetrators of mental illness.

Oposition 2
The coverage of the problem of mental disability actors can be categorized as a news that is
able to provide important information for the community. for example there is a case in a
criminal case where someone who has mental disability has committed a crime of murder of
someone who is not identified, then the news can provide information that there has been a
murder case in a place in Region A and the victim has no identity, but has physical features
of black skin, height, critical hair, and high posture while in hospital B who feel that their
families have lost and have never found these physical characteristics can come directly to
Hospital B. From this report it is possible to help the families of victims of abuse the murder
of the perpetrator with the mental illness.
Motions 8
Percentage of budget allocation for the environment must be optimized by the government
as is done in the field of education and health. In maintaining social stability, not only the
education and health sectors are of concern.
Development in each region constantly will continue to experience social inequality,
especially in the environmental sector. Especially if the construction is carried out around the
industrial area and other physical developments. For example: if there is a factory in a
region, a factory that has a large scale will produce a large amount of waste.
In Indonesia, approximately 30,000 industries operate from year to year. This increase in
number will cause a negative impact, namely pollution of water, air, land and the disposal of
hazardous and toxic waste is a problem that must be faced by residents in the area around
the industry.
Plus, Indonesia is now the second largest contributor to plastic waste in the world 3.2 tons
after China. With the intensity of the high level of plastic waste produced by Indonesia, it will
have a fatal effect on sea water pollution which will disrupt the ecosystems in the sea such
as fish. Fish that will be consumed by humans if they contain plastic waste in the body of the
fish will be fatal and dangerous.
With the optimization of the state budget, especially in the environmental sector, it is an
effective solution to overcome these problems. The existing budget will be used to provide
more modern equipment, such as equipment that is able to filter waste on the surface of the
water and then can be used to provide a management team.

data according to the Indonesian central statistics agency show that the budget for living
environments when compared to aspects of health and education, is more or less in other
words the budget for the government budget for the environment is still minimal. data from
2005-2018 shows that the three aspects above the environmental aspects are the least in
terms of the budget issued by the state. even though the environment is quite important and
even very influential for the sustainability of a country. Therefore we strongly support the
current motion that the state will equalize the budget between environment, health and
education ..

government 2
These three fields are the most important part of the life of the nation and are fresh. when
Education, Environment and health are not prioritized, it will disrupt the stability of a country
and the problems of the nation that address the main issues are the issues of education,
health and the environment. besides that we have many reasons why we support this motion
1) Indonesia is the lungs of the world after Brazil, of course Indonesia has a big responsibility
in this matter. hence from that the attention of the government should also focus on
environmental aspects in other words we need to spend sufficient budget for environmental
management. not only that, the data from CNN News, that Indonesia is the second largest
contributor of plastic waste in the world amounting to 187.2 million tons. Therefore, a large
budget is needed in the effort to handle it. Therefore, it is necessary to balance the budget
between environmental aspects and other aspects such as education and health so that
these environmental issues can be minimized because in some regions, budgetary issues
being a barrier to efforts in handling the environment, for example in Bekasi, reported by, the Head of the Dangerous and Toxic Waste and Waste Material Division of the
Bekasi City Environment Office said that the operational budget for transporting waste was
quite limited. even the Bekasi City Government stated that every day 850 of the 1700 tons of
garbage in Bekasi City residents are not transported to the Sumurbatu landfill (TPA) in
Bantargebang Subdistrict. meaning that the budget for this environment is still very lacking.
2) Basically the impact of the damage to the environment itself will return to human health,
so it is a waste of time to raise large funds for health if all the diseases are not addressed.
even though Everyone has the right to live physically and spiritually, live, and get a good and
healthy environment and has the right to get health, such as the article 28H of the Republic
of Indonesia which has included in the 1945 constitution of the Republic of Indonesia that a
good and healthy environment is a right basic and constitutional rights for every citizen, so
that it is the government's obligation, one of which is environmental protection in the
implementation of sustainable development which in the future is a life support for the people
and other living beings. therefore we strongly agree that there will be a balanced budget
between environment, education and health because basically all three have interconnected
relationships. with words; if one of them is neglected or even less in terms of the budget it
will have an impact on other aspects. therefore it is the responsibility of the state to pay
attention to this. as stated in Law No. 32 of 2009 CONCERNING ENVIRONMENTAL
PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT that, "The government is obliged to allocate an
adequate budget for special environmental allocation funds to be given to regions that have
good environmental protection and management performance".

It should not be necessary, what needs to be prioritized is education. So the environment is
included in the education system curriculum. Later this will increase the effectiveness of the
government's efforts to reduce environmental damage. Moreover, the target is the
generation that determines where and how the environment will be managed in the future.
For example PLH (ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION). PLH is one of the efforts to create a
generation that cares for the environment that will become the perpetrator and guardian of
sustainable development in the future. And that has been applied in Indramayu, West Java.
Through the formal education system by providing learning and socialization of mangroves
to elementary school age children.
With the existence of this curriculum, it is expected to be able to produce young people to
have more love and commitment to preserve the environment, especially mangroves. So
that in the future there will be formed environmentally friendly development agents

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