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Plan of Action for Diverse Students

No two students in any classroom are going to be the exactly the same. Each
student is going to have their own unique way of learning that works best for them. The
most important thing to do to be successful in the classroom is to make sure that no
students feels like they are falling behind because they are different.

Students with special needs are going to require extra attention and are legally entitled
to a specific and tailored education. It is important for these students to be included in a
general classroom setting until the classroom setting is not appropriate. For a student
with special needs I will likely use a product instruction. It is important that these
students can find the tools that they feel are helpful in learning and presenting
themselves, whether it be multimedia or storytelling. The accommodations and
modifications that will help the student will be based on the area they are struggling in.
Verbal tests will probably be a very helpful options for some of the students who have
difficulty with motor skills. Other students might need things more along the lines of
speech to text translators or spellcheckers if they have problems with communication.
Furniture can also be modified for example, you can cut tennis balls in half and glue
them to the chair for different sensory issues.

English Language Learners are very common in classrooms. I think that when it comes
to ELL students a great option is to use process instruction. With process instruction,
students have different choices of input and can use different types of text or recordings
which is helpful if they are stronger communicating in English either visually or audibly.
It also would give students the options of extra instruction at home from their computer
to follow my teacher blog. With a blog it will be easier to incorporate captions and
translations. For ELL learners I will provide previews of the lessons in their native lesson
along with tests and work sheets in their native language. If students feel more
comfortable speaking a language then reading and writing it, I will do one on one with
them for tests so that they can be asked the questions in English and communicate the
answers in English.
For gifted and advanced learners, the best approach would most definitely be content
instruction. It’s crucial for the students’ ability to excel in the classroom, to find out
where the students learning goals differentiate from the other students learning goals.
Gifted and advanced learners will need a larger variety of books to select from and
different levels of support then the other students. For these students to be able to
advance to their potential, they should take on their own running assignments that are
more challenging and have more depth/complexity. To accommodate these students,
lessons and assignments that are being reviewed with the entire class can be
individually modified to go more in depth for these students. Curriculum compacting
allows these students to master what their peers are mastering in depth and then
pursue individual tasks that are more personalized for their learning needs.

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