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Management is a project job (Akrani, 2011). It requires sure capabilities to

accomplish such a challenge. According to Drucker (2006) the first duty and the

continuing responsibility of a business managers is to strive for the best possible

economic results from the resources currently employed or available.

A good manager is the one who has loads of confidence in his own abilities

and possess managerial skills like leadership, decision making abilities,

multitasking and an uncanny knack to motivate employees. A good manager has

to be a good leader as he has been the one on guiding his worker towards their

common goals. To get the best performance from the employees or subordinates,

the managers should execute a number of roles that can help them improve. The

manager should select a people effectively, and set an expectation of what

outcome you want (Buckingham, 2008).

Roles of a manager should be a thinker, a leader, and a friend to the

employees in the office. Managers creates rules and ensures that they are the

followed, but there are also rules that good managers need to adhere to

themselves. These rules and their execution and critical to any team’s success.

A must be good of understanding, he can give and receive feedback, and is able

when to push and praise them. A good manager should not get out of the way of

people closer to the decision points they are (Silverstone, 2012).

Simply, managerial skills are the knowledge and ability of the

individuals in a managerial position to fulfill some specific management

activities or tasks. This knowledge and ability can be learned and practiced.

However, they also can be acquired through practical implementation of required

activities and tasks. Therefore, you can develop each skill through learning and

practical experience as a manager. Management in all industry and individual

administrative activity is the way of getting people together to achieve required

goals and objectives. Management includes planning, organizing, staffing,

leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more

people or entities) or attempt for the use of achieve a goal. Resourcing includes

the use and management of human assets, financial resources, technological

resources, and natural resources (Badawy, 2015).

Nowadays, many employees are looking for an establishment whose

managers cans easily connect with them. Even though sometimes, there are

employees who cannot get along with their managers. The reasons for these

varies from one establishment to the other.

This research paper discusses mainly about the perception of the

employees towards the management skills of the selected superstore manager

in barangay Fatima. The researchers chooses this topic because it’s timely and

relevant right now, which it can help to the both, the manager and the employee.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers aimed to determine the perception of the employees

towards the management skills of the selected superstore managers in Barangay

Fatima. It will help in developing new ideas and deepen the knowledge and also

the understanding of a managers if they have the capacity on running and

managing their business and the effectiveness of this. And to give more

information like strategies and styles that can help the managers.

Specifically, this research sought for an answers to the following questions:

1. How do employees perceive the management skills of their manager?

2. How effective is the management skills of the managers of selected superstores

in Barangay Fatima towards their employees?

3. What are the factors that can contribute to a good relationship between managers

and its employees in an organization?

Significance of the study

The results of this study will be of great benefit to the following:

To the managers, this will help them manage to properly their employees,

and their roles as a manager, through the right way and proper execution of the

given information on how to manage an organization. The researchers also

looking for what this research helps the employees, in terms on their works in the


To the employees, this will provide them with some learnings and

understanding towards the management of their Managers.

To the business, this will be a great help because it can give distinction

and improvements.

To the customers, this will guide the customers in terms of decision

making of buying a product in the establishment.

Scope and delimitation

This study determined the perception of the Employees in Barangay Fatima

towards the Management skills of the selected Superstore managers.

This study involved the surveys of the Employees of selected Superstore in

Barangay Fatima. The researchers generate or gathered some opinions from the

Employees on how their Managers treats them, and on how they perceive the

Management skills of their Manager. This helped to determine the Management

skills of a Manager is effective, for the Manager if he/she should to do more

learning's and trainings to become more effective on managing. The study was

conducted last December of 2018.



This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough

and in-depth search done by the researchers. The review of related literature of

this study focuses more on the skills that Managers perceive in managing for their

workers. This will also present the synthesis of the art, theoretical framework to

fully understand the research to be done and lastly the definition of terms for

better comprehension of the study.

A good manager is the one who has loads of confidence in his own abilities

and possess managerial skills like leadership, decision making abilities,

multitasking and an uncanny knack to motivate employees. A good manager has

to be a good leader as he has been the one on guiding his worker towards their

common goals. To get the best performance from the employees or subordinates,

the managers should execute a number of roles that can help them improve. The

manager should select a people effectively, and set an expectation of what

outcome you want (Buckingham, 2005).

The manager is the dynamic, life-giving element in each business. Without

his management ‘the sources of production’ continue to be resources. And never

turn out to be production. In an aggressive economy, above all, the excellent and

overall performance of the managers determine the success of a business,

certainly they determine its survival (Drucker, 2012). Rules of

a manager should be a thinker, a leader, and a pal to the personnel in the office.

Managers creates policies and ensures that they are the followed, but there

are additionally rules that top managers need to adhere to themselves.

Functions of a Manager

There is no basic distinction between managers, executives, administrators,

and supervisors. Business owners are entrepreneurs until they

become managers. When they become managers, they will start to feel frustrated

because then they will need to deal with a new type of problems, managerial

problems. Furthermore, the person in a managerial role may be directing people

in the sales, engineering, or finance department. But the fact remains that, as

managers, all obtain results by the establishing environment for effective group

endeavour. All manager carry out managerial functions. However, the time spent

for each function may differ. Thus, top-level managers spend more time on

planning and organizing than do lower-level managers. Leading, on the other

hand, takes a great deal of time for first-line supervisors. The difference in the

amount of time spent on controlling various functions only slightly for managers

at various levels. According to Boyatzis, (2012) Every Managers has a model or

a theory of management. It is used to make many different types of decisions and

is critical to organizational functioning.

Skills of a Managers:

Technical Skills

It is knowledge of and proficiency in activities involving methods, processes,

and procedures. Thus, it involves working with tools and specific techniques. For

examples, mechanics work with tools, and their supervisor should have the ability

to teach them how to use these tools. Similarly, accountants apply specific

techniques in doing their job.

This give the manager’s knowledge and ability to use different techniques

to achieve what they want to achieve. Technical skills are not related only for

machines, production tools or other equipment, but also they are skills that will

be required to increase sales, design different types of products and services,

market the products and services, etc. (Sutevski, 2009).

Human Skills

It is the ability to work with people; it is cooperative efforts; it is teamwork; it

is the creation of an environment in which people feel secure and free express

their opinions. Vishwakarma, (2016) Human skills is an individual's ability to

understand other people or employees and work together effectively in teams. It

is very necessary as a manager to have good human skills in order to lead. The

concept of human skills in management mostly focuses on learning how

communication and relationship skills ease the way for accomplishing a business

team's goals.

Conceptual Skills

It is the ability to see the ‘big picture’ to recognize significant elements in a

situation, and to understand the relationships among the elements.

As for Williamson, (2017) the easiest way to think of conceptual skills is to

think about intangible skills. The soft skills that people have and use, not

necessarily all of them but mainly the ones that pertain to thought and constructs.

This I mean by that is critical thinking skills, or your skills that people may use in

the creative process. Skills and the way you manage understanding constructs

that may be bigger or smaller than yourself. Regardless these skills almost

always apply to things that themselves are ideology or theories, concepts and

constructs. It is an ability to envision as a whole the organization (Akrani, 2011).

Design Skills

It is the ability to solve problems in ways that will benefit the enterprise. To

be effective, particularly at upper organizational levels, managers must be able

to do more than see a problem. They must have, in addition, the skill of a good

design engineer in working out a practical solution to a problem. The regularity

with which the time period “solutions” is used in administration communicate

suggest that management is generally about problem solving. To advise that

thinking creatively is a useful skill in fixing a trouble may additionally be pointing

out the obvious, however ride tells us that beneath pressure, managers tend to

fall lower back on the “tried and tested” as a substitute than the new and creative

(Proctor, 2010).

If managers merely see the problem and become ‘problem watchers,’ they

will fail. Managers must also have that valuable skill of being able to design a

workable solution to the problem in the light of the realities they face.

Communication Skills

Communication skills are required equally at all three levels of

management. A manager must be able to communicate the plans and policies to

the workers. Similarly, he must listen and solve the problems of the workers. He

must encourage a free-flow of communication in the organisation.

Communication is a technique of generating, transmitting, receiving and

decoding messages in interpersonal, group, public, mass verbal exchange

contexts thru written and verbal formats (Hanna and Wilson, 2005).

Argenti, (2007) discussed business communication functional aspects and

found that over half of the heads of corporate communication departments

oversee business communications functions that include media relations, online

communications, marketing, special events, product/brand communications,

crisis management, employee/internal communications, community relations,

and product/brand advertising. The expanse and importance of business

communication underscores the need for business education and business to

collaborate in preparing business majors for the workplace

As a manager, it’s so important for you to communicate regularly with your

team, keeping them up to date with what’s happening. Frequent communication

instils your team with confidence in an open channel of communication that works

both ways. You also need to be able to advocate for your team, and to

communicate with other managers, teams, and company directors.

Leadership Skills

According to Nahavandi, (2006) leading human beings efficaciously is

an outstanding challenge, an excellent opportunity, and a serious responsibility.

Although leaders are the ones who dazzle us, we regularly fail to think about that

they alone can accomplish nothing. It is the aptitude of their followers that moves

history. It is the military of foot soldiers that achieves victory. It is the tough work

of employees that turns a profit in a faltering company. It is the initiative of

volunteers that achieves an institution’s goals. It is the dedication of public

servants that makes a government work.

Is the ability to influence human behavior. A manager requires leadership

skills to motivate the workers. These skills help the Manager to get the work done

through the workers.

Decision Making Skills

Decision-making skills are required at all levels of management. However,

it is required more at the top-level of management. A manager must be able to

take quick and correct decisions. He must also be able to implement his decision

wisely. The success or failure of a manager depends upon the correctness of his

decisions. Wrong decisions can bring consequences that one is forced to live with

for a long time (Vaughn-Furlow, 2017).

Impact of management skills to the employees

Bititci et al. (2005) conclude that organizational culture, management

styles and performance measurement are related to each other; companies need

an organizational culture that focuses on continuous improvement and strategic

performance measurement. They also state that a successfully implemented and

used PMS will lead to a more participative and consultative management style

and may lead to significant performance improvements. Employee involvement

is a work practice that requires information sharing, training, and rewarding

employees for involvement (Lawler et al., 1995). Employee training helps

employees conform to specifications and provides them with multiple functional

work related skill-sets that support their involvement in improvement activities and

increases their labor utilization as they can perform more tasks (Cua et al., 2001;

Dennis, 2007). Reward practices that incentivize individual performance and

employee participation can increase employee involvement in improvement

activities (Sumukadas, 2005, Schonberger, 2007) when the rewards are highly

valued and visibly connected to performance (Vandenberg et al., 1999). These

employee involvement activities shift responsibility for some tasks from managers

to employees which create participatory management (Schonberger, 2007).

Definition of Terms:

The following are operationally defined to help the readers better

understand the study.

Application refers to the how effective is the management skills of a

selected superstore managers.

Perception refers to the opinion or reaction of the employees towards their


Managers refers to a person accountable for controlling or administering

all or section of an enterprise or similar organization.

Employee refers to the respondent of this research study, they are the

main character in a corporation.

Superstore refers to the establishment where the study and the

respondents came from. It also refers in a business, it is a large store that had

buying and selling of goods.

Managerial skills of the Perception of the
Managers Employees

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework

Chapter III


There’s a lot of research that has been employed about management skills

of manager, which determines also the perception of the employees towards their

managers. Specifically, the researchers wants to know if management skills of a

manager have a significant relationship between the employees of the business

establishments. This chapter presents a description of the research design and

description of locale of the study, subjects of the study, research instruments, and

date gathering procedure.

Research Design

The research design involved the application of qualitative method in

addressing the research questions since, the researchers question lead to survey

research design, for it is best served to answer the question and the purpose of

the study.

The survey served as the medium to the employees of the selected

superstore managers in Barangay Fatima.

Locale of the study

Barangay Fatima is one of the largest Barangay in General Santos City,

accumulated the land area of the barangay is 184, 256 sq. km., and

approximately with 96,000 of the population. Currently Barangay Fatima is

headed by the Captain Reynante Curit. Barangay Fatima have 29 Puroks, and

classified as urban area.

Barangay Fatima is mainly the spot view of the visitors, from the airport on

their way to downtown or the city proper. That’s why Barangay Fatima has many

establishments, grocery stores, merchandising, souvenir shops and more, which

Fil-am Avenue is popular of. Fatima G.S.C Fatima also known as Uhaw is a

Barangay located at Western part of General Santos in the Philippines it is

bounded to the north Sarangani bay to the east and the Tambler to the South.

Figure 2. Map of the locale of the study

Subjects of the Study

The subjects of this study were the employees of the selected superstore

managers of Barangay Fatima. The employees were interviewed or surveyed

about their perceptions towards their managers. Four from every superstore

employees was selected to participate on this study, each employee was given 2

survey questionnaires to answer.

Research Instruments

The instrument being used in this research study was a researchers-made

questionnaires to gather the data needed data for the perceptions of the

employees towards their managers. The instruments are authorized to obtain

valid responses of the employees.

Data gathering Procedures

Before the start of this study, the researchers asked permission from the

Barangay officials and authorities, the Barangay Captain and the Managers of

the selected superstores. The questionnaire was distributed to the respondents

after securing the permissions.



This chapter presents and reviews the results and analysis of the study,

The Perception of the Employees towards the Management skills of the selected

Superstore Manager in Barangay Fatima. The themes identified within the data

include the presentation of the data, analysis, interpretation and discussion. The

presentation of data is systematically linked to the format of the researchers made

questionnaire attached in the appendix. Data were presented to answer the

question stated at the beginning of the study.

Respondents Profile

The respondents of the study are the employees of the selected

superstore in barangay Fatima. Most of the researcher’s respondents are female,

and some of their ethnicity/race is Cebuano and Islam. Their Most of them has

been working in the superstore for almost 1-2 years.

How do employees perceive the management skills of their manager?

Simply, managerial skills are the knowledge and ability of the individual

in a managerial position to fulfil some specific management activities or tasks.

For the majority part, the employees have almost the same response to the

question above. An employee herself Jennifer Aribe state that “He is

hardworking and always teaching us what to do and how to do it”. Employees

believes that for them to become productive their manager should lead and guide

them, and also the attitude towards his employee. Another employee of selected

superstore Norsiya Macalinsal said “He has the good leadership skill so that the

employees and the manager has understanding and has a better communication

in the organization and he can follow your command”. So, Ms. Aribe and Ms.

Macalinsal had the same opinion towards how they perceive the management

skills of their manager.

How effective is the management skills of the managers

Most of the respondents response to this question was their manager is

very effective because they know what they have to do in the business. According

to Norsiya Macalinsal “Our manager thought us the good way of doing our work,

and because of him I learn what the sales lady does. For them they have done

their work well because their manager is good and effective, so that for them as

a employee they are doing well also.

What are the factors that can contribute to a good relationship between

managers and its employees in an organization?

Having a good relationship between the employees and the manager

makes a work easier it can create an increase of work done in an organization.

Some employees we have interviewed, they say the factors that can contribute

to a good relationship is having a respect to each other, and understanding for

them this is the primary concept to have a good relationship between the

managers and its employees. As per Jennifer Aribe, the one that can understand

the situation, and not that too much strict and knows how to manage the

organization where they can jell their manager.


This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and

recommendation of the study The Perception of the Employees towards the

management skills of the selected Superstore managers in Barangay Fatima

based on the data analyse in the previous chapter.


After analysing the results from the last chapter, it was that management skills

has a great impact to the employee of the selected superstore.

This study strived to determine the perception of the employees towards the

management skills of the selected superstore manager in Barangay Fatima.

This study aimed to distinguish the product and services guided by the

following research question.

 To how do employees perceive the management skills of their manager?

 How effective is the management skills of the managers of selected superstores

in Barangay Fatima towards their Employees?

 What are the factors that can contribute to a good relationship between managers

and its employees in an organization?

The overriding purpose of this study was to determine the perception of the

employees towards the management skill of the selected superstore manager in

barangay Fatima. The research design employed qualitative research method to

indicate the perception of the employees towards the management skills of the

selected superstore manager in Barangay Fatima. Were ten employees was

interviewed. The researchers made questionnaire are the instruments used. The

research question suits the research topic that signifies the answer of the


It was found out that the employees of the selected superstores in Fatima

perceive their manager as hardworking and they teach them on what to do. For

the employees believe that for them to be productive there should be a manager

who can lead and guide them. In terms of how effective their manager is, they

rated very effective since their managers knows what to do in the business.

Having a good relationship between the manager and the employee makes a

work easier and can increase the work done in the business.


Based on the results, the following conclusions were made:

After the researchers interpret the data gathered, this study provided

insights about its possible impact. Based on the findings of the gathered data of

this study, we concluded that the manager had the important role in the business,

managers function is important in the business were its function is to supervised

and guide their employees based on the questionnaire we gave to the

respondents the employees. For some employees they perceive the

management skills of their manager as they are good on handling them,

managers of the superstore are diligent and has the management skills by

leading them.

Management skills are the knowledge and the ability of the individuals in

a managerial position to fulfil some management activities or task. We can

conclude that the manager is the dynamic, life-giving element in each business.


Based on the findings, different recommendations are structured. It is

recommended that, in order to have a good relationship between employees and

manager, each of them must have understanding with each other. And also,

manager should also be polite as well as his/her employee. finally, we can

conclude also further research study about perception of the employees towards

the management skills of the selected superstore manager in Barangay Fatima,

for the deeper possible other study of the future researchers.


Badawy, M. K. (2015). Developing managerial skills in engineers and scientists:

Succeeding as a technical manager. John Wiley & Sons.

Buckingham, M. (2005). The one thing you need to know... About great managing,

great leading, and sustained individual success. Simon and Schuster.

Hanna, M. S., & Wilson, G. L. (2005). Communicating in business and professional

settings. McGraw-Hill Humanities, Social Sciences & World Languages.

Nahavandi, A. (2006). The art and science of leadership.

Argenti, P. A. (2007). Corporate communication as a discipline: toward a

definition. Management Communication Quarterly, 10(1), 73-97.

Proctor, T. (2010). Creative problem solving for managers: developing skills for

decision making and innovation. Routledge.

Akrani, G. (2011). Management Skills–Conceptual. Human Relations and Technical

Skills. Retrieved on, 23(6), 2013.

Boyatzis, R. E. (2012). The competent manager: A model for effective performance.

John Wiley & Sons.

Drucker, P. (2012). The practice of management. Routledge.

Vishwakarma, V. (2016). Human resource accounting an actual practical and practices

in concern to industry in varanasi.


Division of City Schools
Fatima, General Santos City

Employers Consent Form

Dear Employer

Your employee has been chosen to take part in Perception of the Employees
towards the management skills of the Managers Survey. This survey is conducted
as part of our Practical Research Project. The purpose of the survey is to gather
information concerning the Perception of the Employees towards the
management skills of the managers.
The survey is semi anonymous and confidential. On the questions, your
employee is only required to state their age and sex instead of name. Any
information that is obtained in connection with this study and that can be identified
with your employee will remain confidential.
The survey is voluntary. You may choose to have your employee not to take part
in the survey. The employee also may decline to take any part of the survey as

Respectfully yours,

Briendon Mayor

Rhol Jazz Ann Aguilar

Aidelyn Combistra

Ria Feirre Andong


Jeanly Divinagracia
Practical Research 1 Teacher

Division of City Schools
Fatima, General Santos City

Dear Employees
We are the Grade 11 Accountancy Business and Management Students of
Fatima National High School and currently conducting a research for our Practical
Research 1 subject entitled “The Perception of the Employees towards the
Management skills of the selected Superstore Manager in Barangay Fatima”.

In connection with this, the researchers constructed a questionnaire to

gather information for the study. Your participation in the study by way of
answering is very vital. Without it, this study will not be completed as it should be.
Please answer the following questions as freely as you can. Rest assured that all
information provided will be dealt with confidentiality.
Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.

Very truly yours,

Briendon Mayor

Rhol Jazz Ann Aguilar

Aidelyn Combistra

Ria Feirre Andong


Jeanly Divinagracia
Practical Research 1 Teacher

Division of City Schools
Fatima, General Santos City

Informed Consent

Title: “The Perception of the Employees towards the Management skills of the
selected Superstore Manager in Barangay Fatima”.
Briendon Mayor
Rhol Jazz Ann Aguilar
Aidelyn Combistra
Ria Feirre Andong
Please put a check mark before each statement. Thank you

_____1. I confirm that I have read and understand the information sheet for the
above study and have the opportunity to each question.

_____2. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to

withdraw at any time without giving reason.
_____3. I agree to take part in the above study.
_____4. I agree to the interview/focus group/consultation audio recorded.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Name of Participant Date Signature


1. What is your gender?

Male_____ Female_____

2. What is your ethnicity? _______________

3. How many are you in your Organization?

20 or less_____ 20 or more_____

4. Have you encounter that your manager has been very strict?

YES_____ NO_____

5. Do you think your manager is someone to be trusted?

YES_____ NO_____

6. Does your manager has been good to you?

YES_____ NO_____

7. Are you satisfied by how your manager manage your Organization?

YES_____ NO_____

8. Are you willing to participate in our study where you will be interview about your

experience? All precautions will be taken to ensure confidentiality.

YES_____ NO_____

If NO, thank you for your time.

If YES, please provide the following information.

Name: Age:


1. What is a function of a manager?

2. What is your idea of being a good manager?

3. What qualities of a good manager you’re looking for?

4. How do you perceive the managerial skills of your manager?

5. How effective is your manager in managing your organization?


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