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1. a) List the ideal op-amp characteristics.
b) Expalin the electrical characteristics of op-amp. Give typical values.

2. Discuss the DC and AC performance characteristics of op-amp in detail.

3. With neat diagram explain how op-amp can be used in multivibrator circuits.

4. Expalin the operation of log and antilog amplifiers using op-amp. How this can be
used for multiplying two signals.

5. With block diagram and pin details explain the function and performance.
Characteristics of IC AD633. Explain any three applications of this IC in detail.

6. Design a Schmitt trigger circuit for LTP=3V, UTP=4V, Assume standard values for
relevant parameters. Draw the input and output waveform.

7. a) With neat diagrams, explain the operation of zero crossing detector and window
detector circuits using op-amp.
b) Compare the performance characteristics of ICs 741 and LM 301.
8. a) Derive the transfer function for second order LPF
b) Design a second order LPF for a cut-off frequency of 10Khz.

9. Explain with circuit and relevant equations the following op-amp applications.
a) Voltage follower b) Adder c) Integrator
10. Explain with circuit and relevant equations the following op-amp applications.
a) Subtractor b) Differentiator c) Non-inverting amplifier.


1. Draw the block diagram of 8-bit successive approximation ADC and explain its
operation. Why is this preferred when conversion time is a main factor. What are the
other of ADC.

2. Expalin the basic principle of operation of 555 timer IC. Describe any one application
of 555 timer IC.

3. Mention the basic blocks of PLL and explain each one of them. Expalin how PLL is
used as frequency multiplier.

4. Describe in detail any two methods of digital to analog conversion.

5. Mention the basic blocks of programmable timer counter and explain them. Describe
any two applications of the same.

1. Explain algorithm state machines with relevant diagram. Write a note on hazards in
digital circuits.

2. Design a Moore Machine & Mealay machine compare both.

3. With example, explain the asynchronous state machine design process.

4. Write about the analysis & design of synchronous state machines. What is race


1. What is register transfer –logic. Explain processor organization in detail.

2. What is ALU. Design an ALU for a 4-bit processor.
3. Write note on hardwired control. Expalin hardwired control with example.
4. Design a 4-bit accumulator and explain with necessary diagrams.
5. Expalin PLA control and micro program control with an examples.
6. Design a BCD to 7 segment decoder circuit using logic gates. Write a note on LCD
display drives.


1. Draw the circuit and explain instrumentation amplifier. Expalin with relevant diagrams
any two multiplier. Applications.

2. Expalin the operation of PRBS generator with truth table. How this can be converted
into Gaussion noise source.

3. Expalin with diagram a 5 digit 7 segment LED display system suitable for frequency

4. With necessary diagrams explain the multiplier application as modulator and

demodulator. Write a note on radio receiver ICs

5. Explain with relevant diagrams the biomedical applications heart rate meter & block
pressure meter.

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