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Biblical theology defines the conceptualization of the process related to the self-

revelation of God as presented in the Bible. One of the significant hallmarks of biblical theology

is concerned with the principle of organization appears historical. The illustration of biblical

theology moves along the area of redemptive history. Biblical theology is an effort to

demonstrate and present the entire story of the overall Bible which serves as Christian Scripture.

It is a story, therefore, it has both authoritative and righteous claim on our lives, in point if the

fact that the story of God’s honour in redemption through sagacity. This paper defines the

significant importance of Christian theology. The study explains the importance of biblical

theology along with it strengthens of Christian`s ability to indicate key doctrinal beliefs. It

demonstrates the major beliefs and doctrines that are often used by Christian communities.

Biblical Theology

Biblical theology is considered as an important discipline relating to various rationalities.

First, it provides a way to identify the actual themes and concepts of Scriptures with its

importance and significant realization1. It gives a massive explanation and presents us the truths

of the Bible`s views and its relation to each other. Bible is not provided us to only portray truths

and doctrines but also serves to portray the glorification of one great Hero. Also, Biblical

theology helps us in requesting the usability of rigid historical hermeneutic in interpretation. As

stated in the Bible, “For whatsoever was mentioned in early time periods was provided for our

teaching, so that by determination and the encouragement of Scriptures we may have hope.”

(Romans 15:4).

Grudem, Wayne A., C. John Collins, and Thomas R. Schreiner. Understanding the Big
Picture of the Bible: A Guide to Reading the Bible Well. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2012.

Biblical theology considers the historical views and the context of significant revelation,

and also resolve questions of why Bible is written in a specific time, what kind of problems it

addressed and clarified, and how it additionally suited the world and the humanity for the coming

of Christ. The conceptualizations of Catholics and Protestants are all Christians, and also they

share several basic and important similarities of their religious values, beliefs and practices. They

glorify monotheistic God, appeared in the form of Trinitarian, they believe that the entire human

creature belonged to sinners and can be saved from sin with the mercy of God through Jesus.

They claim that the Bible is from God and the worship and prayer is essential in the religion2. In

modern times of expressions, the theological instruction that focuses to render the historical

clarifying of Scripture and, therefore, analyze Scripture in view of its own manifestation and

classifications is that of “biblical theology” (BT). It is presented in Bible that, “All Scripture is

encouraged by God and profitable for educating, for reproof, for improvement, for preparation in

virtue; so that the man of God might become fair enough, capable for every good action.” (2

Timothy 3:16-17). An evangelistic biblical theology is aware that the Lord did not reveal himself

in a single outright act, though in a progressive or organic manner, related to the performative

action of God either in a word or in a deed. As an instructive discipline, it intends to serve for

justice towards the Bible`s own demonstration to itself. In the emergence of 1976, Dr Richard B.

Gaffin Jr. publicized his programmatic work related to systematic theology and Biblical

Theology. Gaffin indicated that the term “biblical theology” has several disparate objectives. The

term was used by the Pietism and helps them to protest over the hyper scholastic process for the

treatment of Dogmatic.

Wellum, Stephen J. “Editorial: Preaching and Teaching the Whole Counsel of
God,” The
Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 10 (2006): 2–3.

Biblical theology vs. Systematic theology

The work of Gaffin intends to affirm that systematic theology is settled in biblical

theology. The biblical theology reminds the historical activity of God as presented by systematic

theology for redemption and thus one has to incorporate in the systematic theology itself.

Biblical theology presents the study of doctrines of the Bible and arranged chronologically for a

detailed historical background. In comparison with systematic theology, biblical theology

enables the discovery of God`s manifestation as it proceeded by history, where the systematic

theology classified doctrine based on particular matters. The value of doctrine is essential as it is

stated mentioned in the Bible that “We see in Scripture that we are nurtured by doctrine for good

ministers of Christ.” (1 Timothy 4:6). The intent of biblical theology might attempt to separate

and show the teaching reacted to theological concepts of a particular section of Scripture like the

theology of Pentateuch or such theology which involves John`s writing. Biblical theology also

reflects the motif or theme of the Bible. For example, a study of “remnant” may look out how the

theme is presented and created in the Scripture. The purpose of Biblical theology is to reflect the

truths that are mentioned in the Bible3. The discipline of this theology is different from other

works. For instance, studying the facts comprehensively about what Bible presents and teaches

for a particular subject or issue like God or salvation is concerns with systematic theology, But

when the historical view is importantly required, the Christian move to Biblical theology

Biblical Theology clarifies the Bible`s main objective

There are various people who take Bible as the words of God in a way that it is a

glorified collection of certain independent stories, or also a variety of counsel or advice, or even

Hamilton, James M. What Is Biblical Theology?: A Guide to the Bibles Story, Symbolism,
and Patterns. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2014.

take it as a universal book with the principle s of spending good life. But these approaches

cannot bring a comprehensive and central objective of Scripture. In the Bible, the Lord

demonstrates his identity and what his belongings or characteristics from historical perspectives

by his Spirit and Jesus Christ. God also explains to us the way how we can glorify him in the

world. Biblical theology supports us to understand the main purpose and theme by reviewing

each and every passage of the Scripture related to the overall Bible. Therefore, we can able to

understand every part of this Scripture which is closely related to Jesus. Further, reading

Scripture helps in understanding that each chapter in the Bible fits into its general chronicle. And

interpreting its general chronicle, it helps us in both reading and understanding every event,

lesson that is provided by God4. The interpretation of overall Scripture helps in the clarification

of Jesus Christ and what is gospel is. God has given us hope to help and protect people

regardless of a particular tribe or nation or tongue for his own manifestation by his Spirit. Jesus

himself declares in Luke24 that, “he is Scripture`s interpretive key”. Further, in Joshua 1:8 it is

stated that, “"This book representing certain laws should not proceed from your mouth, but you

intend to reflect on it in day and night, so that you might become cautious to do conferring to all

that is inscribed in it; for then you would create your way own way towards prosperity, and then

you will gain success.

Biblical Theology values the Bible and Christ

While biblical theology can deliver us with countless instruments for the detailed

understanding of the theology of different authors of Scripture, it further supports us to recognize

the unity of Bible in the heart of all of its authors from numerous centuries. When the Bible is

Walsh, Carey Ellen, and Mark W. Elliott. Biblical Theology: Past, Present, and Future
Southwestern Journal of Theology. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2016.

reviewed as a series of diversified stories spread through the centuries, then we are unsuccessful

to realize the main theme. As we look for the themes and main points of the Bible which

associate across different ages, we would realize that the significance of Bible presents us one

narrative of one God who is loyal to protecting one people for his own magnificence.

In the meantime, when the Bible expresses one story of the one God protecting his

people, we need to view Christ at the heart of this narrative. One of the objectives of biblical

theology is wisdom and intention to read and understand the overall Bible as a book representing

detailed attributes of Jesus5. Not only that, we should consider the overall Bible as God`s word

and a book about Jesus. In the verses of Luke 24, Jesus adjusts his most disciples for not able to

observe the value of unity explored in Bible and reflecting the centrality of Christ. He considered

them as a foolish and slow of heart to accept the Bible`s word as they were not familiar with the

understanding of the entire Old Testament advises and directs that it was essential for the

Messiah to bear for our sinful acts and then be elevated by his ascension and resurrection (Luke

24:25-27). Biblical theology plays a significant role in understanding if Christocentric formation

of the entire Bible.

Biblical theory helps in to clarify the main purpose of Bible as most of the people`s

approach to God`s Word as a collection of stories that are independent in nature, or a mixture of

both advice and counsel. However, such approaches fail to provide a reflection of the main

purpose of Scripture. Further, biblical theory support guard and also guide the church. Biblical

theory assists in teaching the words of Bible the way Jesus guides and interpret. Reading

Schreiner, Thomas R. “Preaching and Biblical Theology,” The Southern Baptist
Journal of
Theology 10 (2006): 22.

Scripture refers to the understanding where each book or chapter fits into its underlying

narrative. Also, the sagacious narrative helps out with both reading and understanding each event

on an actual basis which also involves characters or a particular lesson that is been provided to us

as the Bible`s words. The understanding of the overall narrative of Scripture explains the identity

of Jesus Christ and gospel as well.6

Biblical Theology and doctrinal beliefs

The biblical theology strengthens the Christian`s ability to articulate key doctrinal beliefs

and enables to stay with the faith of Christianity through consistency, confidence, and clarity.

Most of the Christians often argue about the secondary issues of doctrine a d consequently joins

denominational lines. A truly biblical theology embrace all the doctrinal beliefs and pursue

acceptance with confidence along with the interpretation of everything that God had provided us.

The study of biblical theology and the ability to articulate doctrinal values and beliefs are

considered as the most important and significant subject for Christians. The way most of the

churches diluted the Gospel in recent eras, it is important for churches to hold the true and key

doctrinal belief for directing to the members and also to direct and teach them to spread the true

doctrine believes. S many Christian’s believers in the Christ religion are termed to know what

they believe, what are their values and truths to life and why they believe it. According to Peter

statements, “Sanctify the Christ’s like God in your hearts, also it is vital to becoming ready all

the time to protect everyone around you who asks to provide a reason for the aspiration that is in

you, yet with reverence and kindness.” (1 Pet. 3:15 NASB). All the Christians are liable to

comprehend and uphold the doctrinal beliefs which are provided to them in the Bible.

Cline, Robert, and Nick Roark. Biblical Theology: How the Church Faithfully Teaches the
Gospel. Edited by Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman. Crossway Books, 2018.

Understanding and knowing such doctrinal beliefs will play a significant role for believers to

become better future ministers and help the community to remove people who tend to reinforce

false doctrine and assist them to spend their lifestyle based on the tenets of Christian faith and

value the way God expects7.

For the purpose of Christians to become better future ministers of the Word (Bible), they

must utilize some work in studying the interpretation of Word (Bible). Everything that they will

learn and then direct the requirements to be identified against Scripture. In this context, Jesus

said, “My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent me. If someone is intended to do His will, he

would know of the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from myself.” (Joh. 7:16-

17). Distributing or collaborating the Gospel with a particular amount of non0-Christians is

actually the serious matter for them so comprehending the significance of acquiring a clarified

sense and vision of Biblical theology and the key doctrinal belief is important. According to

Solomon, “Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in a profusion of analysts there is a

success.” (Pro. 11:14). Assuming and knowing that the important things in life representing the

Biblical authors presented was magnificently encouraged is a basic way to become capable

enough to convey and deliver knowledge to other people. Gottfried claims that “Even after so

many years most of the apostles can still convey the Words of Jesus in their own way with no

alteration of its originality as the Holy Spirit revived their memory all that Jesus has told to



Lawrence, Michael. Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church: A Guide for Ministry.
Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2010.

It is defined above that biblical theology teaches and directs us the one story of the one

God who extricates one people. This study helps us in a detailed understanding of what is the

significance and value of God`s people, Scripture, and chronological history. In Genesis 3:15, it

is clearly defined that the theme of the Bible leads us towards Messiah Jesus. It is also examined

that God`s people united by encouragement towards one Savior and spend their life by following

the steps of Jesus who redeem and empower his followers. The ability to be a confident person

for Scriptures of both old and new testaments are vital and true representing the actual Words of

God where someone can share and discuss Gospel with utter confidence.

Work Cited

Cline, Robert, and Nick Roark. Biblical Theology: How the Church Faithfully Teaches the

Gospel. Edited by Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman. Crossway Books, 2018.

Grudem, Wayne A., C. John Collins, and Thomas R. Schreiner. Understanding the Big Picture

of the Bible: A Guide to Reading the Bible Well. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2012.

Hamilton, James M. What Is Biblical Theology?: A Guide to the Bibles Story, Symbolism, and

Patterns. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2014.

Lawrence, Michael. Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church: A Guide for Ministry. Wheaton,

IL: Crossway, 2010.

Schreiner, Thomas R. “Preaching and Biblical Theology,” The Southern Baptist Journal of

Theology 10 (2006): 22.

Walsh, Carey Ellen, and Mark W. Elliott. Biblical Theology: Past, Present, and Future

Southwestern Journal of Theology. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2016.

Wellum, Stephen J. “Editorial: Preaching and Teaching the Whole Counsel of God,” The

Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 10 (2006): 2–3.

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