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- Public Speaking is the most feared activity among business people (greater than the
fear of flying)
- There are no physical limitations; it’s just a mental thing
- Do it as often as possible to improve


- Ask the following questions: who, what, where, when and why. Who is your
audience (age, demographics, education, affiliation, special interest)? Why are they
there to listen to you? What do they want to hear? How will you keep their
interest? Where is the event taking place? Are you on a panel of speakers?
- Topic: start with the end in mind: what is the message or takeaway?
- Keep the content and language simple and the PowerPoint even simpler
- Know your audience (so you don’t talk down to them)
- Everyone in the audience may not be familiar with your language or expressions so
be careful not to use jargon and lingo
- Research, research, research
- If there are several ideas in your presentation, keep linking back to main topic
- If using slides, ensure that each slide supports the main idea and should flow
- What’s in it for me (WIIFM)? This is what’s going through the mind of the audience
- The cardinal rule for presentations/speeches: Tell them what you’re going to tell
them, tell them, and then tell them what you’ve told them (Opening, Body, Close)
- Summarise your main idea at the end and if there is an action required, mention it
- Ensure the room set up is what works best for your objective
- Ensure audio-visual equipment is working fine

- Be relaxed and confident. Do some stretches and breathing exercises before you
- Smile a lot (unless this is a sombre occasion)
- Don’t use humour unless you’re good at it
- Have a strong opening that gets the audience’s attention: a personal story related
to the topic, a rhetorical question that makes them think, etc.
- Don’t come across as a ‘know-it-all.’ It’s okay not to know everything or have
answers for everything
- State the structure of the session upfront: do you want questions as you go along
or want to tackle them at the end?
- Never put down anybody or dismiss any question as being irrelevant
- Practice, practice, practice
- Involve the audience - WIIFM
- Keep eye contact
- Speak to the back of the room
- Vary the tone of voice/modulate delivery
- People process information differently: auditory, visual and kinaesthetic
- Avoid awkward movements and distracting clothing
- Keep it simple – don’t get caught up in fancy techniques
- Have a strong closing – what will people remember you for?
- If you've done the Q&A at the end, summarize your talk as a closing

If you have family or friends in the audience, ask for feedback.

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