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1. Arrive early. We recommend 10. Do not answer “yes” or “no.” 18. Answer every question, even the
you get there at least 15 minutes Use examples to paint a clear picture tough ones. If you are unsure about
early. of where, when, how, what and why the question or need some time to
you succeeded in the past. think, ask the interviewer to repeat it.
2. Fill out all applications neatly
and completely. Use your resume 11. Stress your achievements and 19. Tell them what it means to you.
for reference if necessary. accomplishments. Let your inter- Let the interviewer know that the job
viewer know that you have a history is essential to achieving your ultimate
3. Bring several copies of your of making a positive impact. career goals.
resume. Have enough copies to
go around. 12. Answer all questions clearly and 20. Remember, your recruiter is here
succinctly. Do not ramble on. for you! Our job is to help you get
4. Be enthusiastic. Show your your next job, so don’t hesitate to
interviewer that you really want the 13. Do not speak negatively about contact your recruiter if you need help
job. other companies. You could seem conducting a mock interview, prepar-
petty or difficult to work with. ing answers to questions or have con-
5. Ask specific questions. Get the cerns about what to wear. Call them
information you need to make a deci- 14. Be positive about why you are when the interview is complete to let
sion. leaving. The key word to remember is them know how it went and to let us
“more.” You want more challenges, facilitate any next steps.
6. Do not discuss salary or benefits. more responsibility, more opportunity,
Let your recruiter handle these sensi- etc. The interview is just one part of the
tive negotiations. job search, but we can help you every
15. Quantify your accomplishments. step of the way. From resume writ-
7. Be proactive. Ask for the position Stress specific facts, figures and mea- ing tips to career advice to free online
at the end of the interview. surable results. training, Adecco is ready to help take
your job search to the next level.
8. Practice makes perfect. Review 16. Always represent yourself
potential questions and rehearse your honestly. You want to be hired for
answers. Conduct a mock interview what you can do, not for what you
with a friend, family member or your think the interviewer wants to hear.
recruiter. Otherwise, you are setting yourself up
for failure.
9. Organize your answers. Consider
ways to give your answer structure, 17. Mitigate your negatives. If you
either by organizing your response have to discuss negative experiences,
chronologically or organizing your Firstname
point Lastname
out what you learned from them
points in order of their importance. 000.000.0000
and why you won’
make the same
Address 1,
mistakes Address 2, Address 3, City, ST 00000

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