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Voice Supplement

How long have you had a problem with your voice? ___________________

Did the problem come on slowly or suddenly? _______________________

Have you been examined by an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist regarding
your voice problem? _____ If yes, what was said about the nature of your
voice problem? ___________________________________________

Is your voice BETTER or WORSE at certain times of day? _________ If

so, please describe when it is better and when it is worse. _____________

Do you smoke tobacco or consume alcohol? _______ If yes, please describe

how often you use either of these, and about how much of each you consume
per day or week? ____________________________________________

About how much do you use your voice each day? ____________________

Do you have to use your voice in noisy conditions? ______

If yes, please describe the situations and how often they occur?

Do you tend to speak loudly from where you are, or go to another person so
that you do not have to talk loudly? ______________________________

Do you like your voice the way it is? ______ In either case, please explain
why? _____________________________________________________
Do you think that other people like your voice the way it is? ______
In either case, please explain. __________________________________

Has your voice been evaluated before? ______ If yes, what were the
results? __________________________________________________

Have you had voice therapy before? ____If yes, what were the results?

Is there anything else that you feel we should know that would help us
understand your voice use and voice problem better? ____If yes, please
explain. ___________________________________________________

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