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SF-36 Summary

1. In general, would you say your health is: (25 points)

Fair general health

2. Compared to one year ago, how would you rate your health in general now? (75 points)
Somewhat better health than one year ago

3. Limitation of vigorous activities. (0 points)

Vigorous activites limited a lot

4. Limitation of moderate activities. (100 points)

Moderate activities not limited

5. Limitation of lifting or carrying groceries. (0 points)

Lifting or carrying groceries limited a lot

6. Limitation of climbing several flights of stairs. (50 points)

Climbing several flights of stairs limited a little

7. Limitation of climbing one flight of stairs. (50 points)

Climbing one flight of stairs limited a little

8. Limitation of bending, kneeling, or stooping. (50 points)

Bending/kneeling/stooping limited a little

9. Limitation of walking more than a mile. (50 points)

Walking more than one mile limited a little

10. Limitation of walking several blocks. (50 points)

Walking several blocks limited a little

11. Limitation of walking one block. (50 points)

Walking one block limited a little

12. Limitation of bathing or dressing yourself. (50 points)

Bathing or dressing limited a little

13. Cut down the amount of time you spent on work or other activities. (100 points)
No decrease in time spent on work due to physical health

14. Accomplished less than you would like. (0 points)

Has accomplished less than would like due to physical health

15. Were limited in the kind of work or other activities. (0 points)

Was limited in work due to physical health

16. Had difficulty performing the work or other activities. (0 points)

Difficulty performing work due to physical health

The tools listed on this website do not substitute for the informed opinion of a licensed physician or other health care provider.
All scores should be re-checked. Please see our full Terms of Use.
17. Cut down the amount of time you spent on work or other activities. (100 points)
No decrease in time spent on work due to emotional problems

18. Accomplished less than you would like. (0 points)

Has accomplished less than would like due to emotional problems

19. Didn't do work or other activities as carefully as usual. (100 points)

No difference in carefulness of work due to emotional problems

20. To what extent has your health interfered with your normal social activities? (100 points)
No interference of health or emotional problems with social activities

21. How much bodily pain have you had during the past 4 weeks? (40 points)
Moderate bodily pain

22. How much did pain interfere with your normal work? (75 points)
A little bit of interference of pain with work

23. Did you feel full of pep? (80 points)

Most of the time felt full of pep

24. Have you been a nervous person? (40 points)

A nervous person a good bit of the time

25. Have you felt so down in the dumps that nothing could cheer your up? (40 points)
Felt so down in the dumps that nothing could cheer up a good bit of the time

26. Have you felt calm and peaceful? (80 points)

Felt calm and peaceful most of the time

27. Did you have a lot of energy? (80 points)

Had a lot of energy most of the time

28. Have you felt downhearted and blue? (40 points)

Felt downhearted and blue a good bit of the time

29. Did you feel worn out? (40 points)

Felt worn out a good bit of the time

30. Have you been a happy person? (60 points)

Was a happy person a good bit of the time

31. Did you feel tired? (40 points)

Felt tired a good bit of the time

32. How much of the time has health interfered with your social activities? (75 points)
Physical health or emotional problems interfered with social activities a little of the time

The tools listed on this website do not substitute for the informed opinion of a licensed physician or other health care provider.
All scores should be re-checked. Please see our full Terms of Use.
33. I seem to get sick a little easier than other people (50 points)
"I seem to get sick a little easier than other people" -- don't know

34. I am as healthy as anybody I know (0 points)

"I am as healthy as anybody I know" -- definitely false

35. I expect my health to get worse (25 points)

"I expect my health to get worse" -- mostly true

36. My health is excellent (50 points)

"My health is excellent" -- don't know

Pertinent Negative Pertinent Positive Pertinent Positive

SF-36 Score:

Physical functioning: 45 percent.

Role limitations due to physical health: 25 percent.

Role limitations due to emotional problems: 66.7 percent.

Energy/fatigue: 60 percent.

Emotional well-being: 52 percent.

Social functioning: 87.5 percent.

Pain: 57.5 percent.

General health: 30 percent.

Health change: 75 percent.

The tools listed on this website do not substitute for the informed opinion of a licensed physician or other health care provider.
All scores should be re-checked. Please see our full Terms of Use.

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