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Using the first (L1) and the target language (TL) in the classroom: analysis

Use a video of one of your lessons that you taught last year and analyse the language use.

Using the following categories note down how often Dutch and English are used for each of the
categories. You can do this by just adding a cross or a mark each time it occurs:

Dutch English
1 Explaining grammar

2 Disciplining, i.e. correcting behaviour X

3 Giving compliment X

4 Giving instructions for classroom activities X

5 Clarifying or giving extra explanations X

6 Social chat X

7 General classroom management: attendance, X

requests, general information, etc.

Analyse and write about your findings by answering the following questions:

a) Which language did you use the most?

I mostly used Dutch in this lesson. I used English for 'smaller' thing like quickly giving
someone a compliment like 'Well done!' or 'Great job!'.

b) Is there any pattern regarding the use of Dutch/English? Are you consistent?

I use Dutch for the explanations of the assignment and the rules. It was a first year KB class
so I quickly noticed they did not understand everything when I explained it to them in
English. I did the smaller things like giving compliments or disciplining in English because
those were easier to understand.

c) Are you surprised by the amount of Dutch/English used during the lesson?

A little bit. It felt like I used way more English. But again, I felt like it was necessary to switch
to Dutch when explaining.
d) Where could English have been used more often?

Classroom management. Those things are usually easier to understand. I would do that in
English next time. The reason I didn't do it then is because it was my first real lesson in front
of a class and I didn't know the students and their English abilities yet.

e) In which categories are Dutch and English more appropriate?

That depends on the level of English. But in a first year KB class I feel like explaining grammar
and rules might be better to do in Dutch. This way you can make sure they understand what
they need to do and how to do it. When they get a higher level of English you can switch to
more English in your explanations.

f) What else did you notice?

Writing down words or sentences on the board while talking about them is a big help to the
students. They are then able to write them down for themselves (which they actually did!).

g) What would help you use more English during class or are you happy with your use? What
general ‘rules’ could you set up in class regarding the teacher’s and pupils use of English and

This depends on the level of the students. For example, BB / KB students have more
difficulties with English than other levels. I would start with having the lower levels ask small
general questions in English. Like 'Can I go to the toilet?' or 'Could I ask you a question?'. That
way they will still be practicing their English speaking. For higher levels I would try to explain
basic grammar in English and see if they can manage that. I would still use Dutch for
explaining more advanced grammer or instructions.

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