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Introdução a Mago, a Ascenção

Os magos são poucos no mundo e os poucos que existem vivem em constante guerra entre si
pela Ascenção.

O Concelho das nove tradições místicas: Uma união de antigos feiticeiros, bruxos e devotos,
esses magos prezam pela tradição antiga e são os maiores inimigos dos Tecnocratas.

A união Tecnocrata: Determinados a exterminar a antiga tradição e esconder os magos do

mundo, os Tecnocratas são magos com acesso a hiper-tecnologia que controlam o mundo

Os Nephandi: Uma rede de Niilistas corruptores. Existentes as margens das outras

organizações, é impressionante como são influentes no mundo atual.

Os Marauders: Uma federação de esquizofrênicos. São raros e desorganizados, mas por onde
passam espalham a desordem.

As nove tradições:

Os Akashayana: Mestres da mente, espirito e do corpo, essa irmandade possui a arte marcial
como sua maior disciplina.

O Coro Celestial: Clérigos que dão voz a vontade de Deus e trazem aos humanos a iluminação.

Os Chakravanti: Magos da morte, expurgam a corrupção e trazem o idealismo de sofrer para

libertar seu ser, masoquistas e sádicos.

O Culto do Êxtase, ou Sahajiya: Visionários que transcendem limitações através da experiência

sagrada, a membros deste "Culto" expandem percepções, física e o próprio tempo através do
caminho do excesso sagrado (êxtase).

Os Dreamspeakers: Grupo oprimido que preserva o caminho do espirito de das culturas

terrenas, misturam artes atemporais com uma visão pos-moderna

A ordem de Hermes: Estudam sobre aperfeiçoamento humano e ciências exotéricas. Mestres

dos elementos e da Magica.

Os filhos do eden: Usuários de tecnologia, se jogam em estranhas teorias e maquinas


Os Verbanae: Bruxo safado, magia de sangue e coisa de bruxo safado.

Os adeptos virtuais: Hackers da realidade, devotos a reebotar o mundo, usam de forças

politicas e tem ideais exotéricos.

A Tecnocracia:

A Iteração X: Esses “homens máquina” tenta aperfeiçoar o corpo humano com tecnologia e
combinam cibernética exotérica com precisão industrial.
A nova ordem mundial: Adeptos das politicas sociais, A NWO opera provendo segurança a
humanidade e eliminando os que alteram a realidade que tentam destruir o mundo humano.

Os progenitores: Inovadores dedicados a mostrar o potencial da vida orgânica, muitas vezes

são vistos como cientistas loucos.

O Sindicato: Ventrues, mas no caso esses aqui não lideram os magos, só são ricos e influentes
e mais ricos.

Os engenheiros do vazio: Protegem não só a terra quanto o espaço (que merda mano, wtf).

A Magia:

Arete e o Avatar: Poderes que permitem o personagem a retrabalhar a realidade através de

conhecimento, vontade e imaginação. Arete é a pool de dados que o personagem rola quando
for realizar magia. Avatar é um antecedente que guia o personagem, representa o “Eu interior”

Focus: O Foco é a combinação de acreditar, praticar e de instrumentos.

O que o mago acredita? = Paradigma do mago.

Como o mago torna acreditar em ação? = Praticar.

O que o mago usa para fazer essa ação? = Instrumento.

A combinação das três formas, o Foco. Em termos de regra o foco ajuda a conjurar magias:
Castando magia:

Step One – Effect: Based on your character’s abilities and needs, you decide what you want to
do and how you want to do it. This is called the Effect: the thing you want to accomplish with
your magick.

• Step Two – Ability: Based on your mage’s focus and Spheres, figure out if you can create the
Effect you want to create… and if so, how your character will make it happen in story terms.

• Step Three – Roll: Roll one die for every dot in your Arete Trait. The difficulty of that roll
depends upon the Effect you’re trying to use; whether it’s vulgar or coincidental; and whether
someone’s watching you:

º Coincidental: Difficulty = highest Sphere + 3

º Vulgar Without Witnesses: Difficulty = highest Sphere + 4

º Vulgar with Witnesses: Difficulty = highest Sphere + 5

If you’re trying to hit a target with an attack (sword, gun, fireball, etc.), then roll the
appropriate attack roll; see Combat Rules, above, for details.

• Step Four – Results: The number of successes that you roll determines whether you succeed.
If you fall short of your goal, you may roll again to get more successes. If you fail, the Effect
fizzles out. And if you botch, bad things happen.


Existem dois tipos de magia:

As coincidências e as vulgares. As coincidências são magias simples na visão da realidade e do

que é “normal”, por exemplo: Você levanta seu dedo e fala palavras estranhas, logo o nariz do
adversário começa a sangrar e alguém te vê fazendo isso”, logo é uma magia vulgar, não é um
feito grande, mas alguém que não tem contato com o sobrenatural te viu e isso implica muito.
Mas vamos analisar a seguinte situação, “Você levanta seu punho e fala palavras estranhas
bem baixo e então soca a cara de alguém, o nariz da pessoa começa a sangrar e alguém te vê
fazendo isso”, isso seria uma magia Coincidência, afinal alguém que teve a cara socada

Quando um mago usa muito esforço para forçar a realidade, a realidade força de volta.

Paradox Points Generated:

ON A SUCCESS Coincidental: None

Vulgar: One point

ON A BOTCH Coincidental One per dot in highest Sphere

Vulgar Without Witnesses One + one per dot in highest Sphere

Vulgar with Witnesses Two + two per dot highest Sphere

Toda vez que um evento gera Paradoxo o Mago adiciona esses pontos a Roda de paradoxo em
sua ficha. Quando o mestre decidir ele pode fazer um Backslash roll, nesse ponto o mestre fala
“vamos rolar o backslash”, então ele rola um numero de dados igual ao numero de pontos de
paradoxo que o Mago tiver contra uma dificuldade de 6 e compara o resultado a tabela:

Paradox Backlash Roll

Successes: Effects of Discharge:

Botch: All Paradox points discharge harmlessly.

No successes: No effects, but no Paradox points discharge.

1-5: One point of Paradox discharged per success. Mage also suffers one die’s worth of bashing
damage per success and acquires a trivial Paradox Flaw.

6-10: One point of Paradox discharged per success. Mage also suffers a Burn of one die of
bashing damage per success or acquires a minor Paradox Flaw.

11-15: Usual Paradox point-discharge, as well as a Burn of lethal damage or one of the
following effects: a significant Paradox Flaw, a Paradox Spirit visitation, or a mild Quiet.

16-20: Usual Paradox point-discharge, as well as a Burn of lethal damage and one point of
permanent Paradox or two of the following effects: a severe Paradox Flaw, a Paradox Spirit
visitation, a moderate Quiet, or banishment to a Paradox Realm.

21+: Usual Paradox discharge plus a Burn of aggravated damage and one of the following
effects: two points of permanent Paradox, one drastic Paradox Flaw, a Paradox Spirit visitation,
a severe Quiet, or banishment to a Paradox Realm.

Storyteller rolls one die for each point of Paradox in character’s current Paradox pool, against
difficulty 6.

Quiet: Ou quietude, O narrador pode decidir não rolar os pontos de paradoxo imediatamente
e então acumula-los, nesse período, o narrador diz ao mago que ele ouve coisas ou que
enxerga coisas que os outros não podem ver.

A quietude afeta personagens que tenham acumulado 10 ou mais pontos de paradoxo.

Paradoxe Flaws:

• Trivial Flaws (1-5 point backlashes): Short-lived distortions of body or circumstance

haunt the mage for a short time. Hair changes color; skin chills or grows uncomfortably
warm; breezes blow or air stills; odd smells – ranging from the pleasant to the
nauseating – waft from the mage’s general direction. He might hear or speak words in
reverse, like an odd metaphysical dyslexion, or witness minor hallucinations among his
various senses. (Some Ecstatic mages speculate that psychoactive delusions might be
minor Paradox Flaws in action.) Dull or stabbing pains afflict his joints, or sudden
surges of weariness or manic energy take hold. Whatever the Flaw might be, its effects
last between several minutes to several hours before fading away… unless, of course,
the mage continues to garner Paradox, at which point the Flaw may last longer and
become more intense.
 Minor Flaws (6-10 point backlashes): Although the effects at this level become more
noticeable, the Flaw still presents a minor inconvenience – an uncontrollable sneezing
fit, perhaps, or an attack of Tourette Syndrome (which is actually an onslaught of
sudden fits and sounds, not the stereotypical avalanche of profanity), maybe a blurring
of vision or a dampening of sound for an hour or so. Material things around the mage
might be affected too: his clothes might wrinkle, change color, or fall apart; his digital
technology might all malfunction at once; or his footprints could smoke or leave scorch
marks on a carpet. Lower-level Paradox Flaws could become more acute and last
longer if the mage has continued to gather Paradox energies. These Flaws might add
+1 to the difficulties of certain of his rolls for a scene or two, and they might even
become sources of embarrassment
 Significant Flaws (11-15 point backlashes): Now the mage becomes a walking
billboard for reality flux: horns sprout from her head, useless wings jut from her
shoulders, or her hands curl into claws or gnarled appendages. She might radiate
intense cold or heat, or maybe suffer excruciating migraines or incapacitating nausea.
The mage could vomit flies, speak gibberish, or float several inches off the ground.
Lower-level Flaws last longer and have more debilitating effects. Certain challenges
could raise difficulties for certain types of rolls (social, physical, mental) or penalize the
mage’s dice pools by a die or two. Significant Flaws tend to last a while, too – several
days, perhaps even a week or more.
 Severe Flaws (16-20 point backlashes): Awful Paradox energies now warp the mage’s
body and circumstances. His facial features might turn into a smooth, shapeless mass;
his arms might transform into tentacles or boneless flaps of skin. He could burn
everything he touches or transmute it into some precious or worthless material. (That
Midas touch, of course, is rarely as helpful as it might sound…) Perhaps his skin grows
stony warts or other projections, or he turns into a shadow or wisp of smoke. Lower-
level Flaws intensify, lasting longer and hurting more. By this point, the mage probably
suffers reduced dice pools, increased difficulties, or both, and he cannot show himself
among the Masses without tragic results.
 Drastic Flaws (21+ point backlashes): By this level, the Paradox energies have
distorted a mage’s Pattern so badly that she may never recover her old, normal self.
She might turn into a tree-like wooden horror or melt into a protoplasmic mass.
Lovecraft would need to invent new adjectives for the impression she presents. Flaws
from the lower ranks can reach inhuman levels and last for months or even years.
Plagued by chronic pain, unusable physique, or both, the mage loses dice from various
pools and adds +2 or more to many difficulties. Such Otherworldly abominations exist
either beyond the Gauntlet or in the most remote corners of Earth they can find.

As Esferas:
 Correspondence – the element of connection between apparently different things.
• Entropy – the principle of chance, fate and mortality.
• Forces – the understanding of elemental energies.
• Life – keys to the mysteries of life and death.
• Matter – the principles behind supposedly “inanimate” objects.
• Mind – exploration of the potentials of consciousness.
• Prime – an understanding of the Primal Energy within all things.
• Spirit – comprehension of Otherworldly forces and inhabitants.
• Time – the strange workings of chronological forces and perceptions.
Conhecimento das esferas:

• Rank 1: Perception – the ability to perceive and observe the forces in question. With such
basic (yet useful) understanding, a character can sense things that few mortals ever

•• Rank 2: Manipulation – the ability to do small things with those forces. At this point,
the mage begins to exert minor control over the phenomena she sees and may use it to
work small changes upon herself.

••• Rank 3: Control – the ability to alter reality in noticeable ways, though these effects
are usually restricted to the mage herself. In most cases, the Sphere begins inflicting
damage at this level, and allowing the character to work small alterations on other

•••• Rank 4: Command – the ability to perform major acts of alteration through the
principles of the Sphere. Generally, this level allows the mage to make significant changes
to the Patterns of other characters.

••••• Rank 5: Mastery – the ability to command vast forces in connection with that
element of reality. By now, the mage knows almost everything there is to know about the
principles of that Sphere and can perform godlike deeds with them.

Regras adicionais:

Violencia como foco: Um mago pode usar violência como o foco de sua magia. Para isso o
mago declara uma ação, como um soco ou um tiro, e então declara que magica irá usar e faz
duas rolagens, uma de Arete e a outra da ação em questão.

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