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Story timeline for the Black Cat

Author: Edgar Allan Poe

The narrator
married a He found a
woman who new black
also loves cat, like Pluto
animals. They but with
The narrator had a lot of white on the
will die and pets. His breast. The
wants to favorite pet new cat's He looked for
confess was a large white spot the cat, but
before he black cat He hanged looked like a could not
dies named Pluto. the cat Pluto. gallows. find it.

The narrator The narrator The house He wanted to Four days

liked animals began to burned ax the cat, later, the
as a child and have a down. but his wife police came
adult. drinking stopped him. to investigate
problem and He axed his him. He
mistreated wife and banged on
his pets. He walled her the wall and
even cut out body in the the cat
one of Pluto's basement. screamed.
eyes. The police
found the
wife's body in
the wall.

Story timeline made by using word and smart art. See how to make it in here:

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