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The King of Glory and His Mother Come for Clare

“Clare knew she was dying and she couldn’t believe how much like life if it was. She had known
physical and mental suffering for so many years that this new experience seemed like meeting
an old, familiar friend. She welcomed Sister Death because she had no fear of her, because it
was Sister Death who would bring her into life. It was Sister Death who would return Francis to her
at last and bring before her eyes the Lord Jesus whom she had loved with all her heart and soul.
This was not death, as other people knew death: an impersonal from her Lord were that
impersonal death which others feared so much and tried so hard to postpone.

Her sisters were around her now. And what was this? Here were Brothers Angelo, Leo and
Juniper, her faithful friends. They had become even more dear to her after Francis’ death, and
she remembered now that she had sent for them to read the Passion of Jesus to her on her bed
of pain. They had come to watch one hour with her.

Leo knelt and kissed the straw of her mat; Angelo consoled everyone, as usual; and Juniper
began reading the Passion of the Lord in his inimitable, enthusiastic manner. Clare listened with
great peace and joy, and then she said to all in the room, Do you not see the King of Glory?
Here he is before me.

She never knew if they saw the Lord or not, for she was caught up in the vision before her. Then
the mother of Jesus entered the room and took Care into her arms…” (Sister Death” – Clare 113).

Clare is filled with the joyful anticipation of “being-with” her Risen Lord.

a. LegCl 46 As Sister Death approaches, Clare reminds her soul there is no cause for anxiety.
Instead she has a joyful vision of the “King of glory” coming with his Blessed Mother to embrace
the “spouse of the Son” and to welcome Clare into heaven. Clare addresses her soul: “Go
without anxiety, … for you have a good escort for your journey. Go, … for He Who created you
has made you holy. And, always protecting you as mother her child, He has loved you with a
tender love.”

 Proc 3.20-23 Fillipa testified to the authenticity of the words quoted above in The Legend
of Saint Clare 46 and described the peace with which Clare awaited her Spouse. This
occurred on Friday night, August 8th.

 Proc 11.4 Benvenuta of Lady Diambre gave a fuller and more tender account of the
vision of the Blessed Mother that that revealed in The legend of Saint Clare 46. Benvenuta
saw a great multitude of virgins entering Clare’s room. There was one greater and far
more beautiful than all the others. “ These virgins approached the bed of holy Lady Clare.
That virgin who seemed greater at first covered her bed with the most delicate cloth so
fine that, even through its great delicacy.” Then the Blessed Mother seemed to pass
through the transparent “persona” of Lady Clare to be united with her”… so that the
witness could not discern one from the other. After this was done they all disappeared.”

b. “Sister Death” - Clare 113 “Clare …with great peace and joy, … said to all in the room, Do
you not see the King of Glory? Here he is before me. …Then the mother of Jesus entered the
room and took Clare into her arms and carried her into heaven.” Every retreatant will rejoice
at being present to a death scene like this.

c. Proc 10.10 Agnes, daughter of the Mayor of Assisi, testified that she prayed the prayer of
the “Five Wounds of the Lord” (a favoured prayer of Clare’s) with Clare as she was passing
away.” … she continually kept the Passion of the Lord on her lips and so the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ.” The Passion and Resurrection are entwined in one Paschal Mystery for Clare. (For
an example of the “Prayer of the Five Wounds,” see CA:ED 170a.)
2. Compassion

Clare as well as retreatants, who come through the passion to resurrection with Jesus, are drawn
to share his Spirit with others in a spirit of compassion. Retreatants experience the truth that the
graces received at this time are not just for them alone; they are to be shared with Christ’s Body,
the Church. Clare and all retreatants are truly in “union with, in communion with” the Body of

a. Leg CL 43-45 Even though Clare”… was labouring for many days in her last agony, …” she
constantly reached out to comfort and encourage those waiting for the end with her. There
was her own blood sister, Agnes who was “… filled with salty tears and begging her sister not to
depart and leave her.” Perhaps and even cardinals visited; priests and her spiritual brothers like
Angelo, Leo , and Juniper stood by.” … she strengthened everyone who came to her…” And,
of course, she was especially mindful of”… her weeping daughters to whom she recalled in a
praising way the divine blessings…. She blessed her devoted brothers and sisters and called
down the fullest graces of blessings upon the Ladies of the poor monasteries, those in the
present and those in the future.”

b. TestCL 18 – 23 – In her dying moments mentioned above, Clare was reflecting what was
deepest in her heart. She had shared this with her sisters in her Last Will and Testament, the
need to keep before the Poor Sisters their calling: “For the Lord himself has placed us not only
as a form for others in being an example and mirror, but even for our sisters whom the Lord has
called to our way of life as well, that they in turn might be a mirror and an example to those
living in the world.” Clare was always reaching out in a spirit of generativity.

c. “Love” – Clare 21 Francis “… was always sending people to [Clare], and she would lay her
hands on them and ask the Lord to heal them. …San Damiano, dedicated to the Roman
physicians, Saints Cosmas and Damian, must continue to be a place of healing. The spirit of
this place was a healing spirit. And that healing would continue in Clare.” Clare was always
ready to share her spirit and grace of healing with others in the Body of Christ.

3. Psalm IX from the Office of the Paschal Mystery , (see p. 143) This is an Easter “psalm”
composed of favourite psalm verses of Francis which he taught Clare in order to celebrate the
joy and hope of the Lord’s Resurrection. The retreatant may want to pray these in the spirit of
Clare and Francis during these days. The Legend of Saint Clare 30 reminds us that Clare “…
learned the Office of the Cross as Francis, a lover of the Cross, had established it and recited it
with similar affection” (see p. 140).

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