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 Communicable diseases: diseases that is spread from one to another.

 Treatment: medical care given to a patient for an illness of injury.
 Infectious diseases: a diseases caused by physical factor any pathogenic microorganism.
 Infection: the reaction from the immune system where there is infection agent and make
local and sytemic symptom
 Exposure: the condition of being affected by something because of having no protection
 Natural history communicable diseases: the different of stages of the severity of diseases
from time to time
 Particular intervension: action to take an improve
 Public health: an education or science and art to increase the health level from the
 Sequence: a series


1. What are the causes of infection diseases?

2. How is the process of transmitting diseases?
3. How to prevent infection diseases?
4. What are of five level of prevention?
5. What are the characteristic of communicable diseases?
6. What are the example of communicable diseases?
7. What are the factor that cause communicable diseases?
8. how to cure the infection diseases?
9. What the example of infectious diseases?
10. What are the different between communicable diseases and infectious diseases?
11. What are four stage of communicable diseases?
12. What are the factor that can make infection?
13. Why does its equaly important to stress about the methods of transmission of infectious

1. What are the causes of infection diseases?
2. What are the factor that can make infection?
3. how to cure the infection diseases?
4. What the example of infectious diseases?
5. How to prevent infection diseases?
6. Why does its equaly important to stress about the methods of transmission of infectious
7. How is the process of transmitting diseases?

1. What are the characteristic of communicable diseases?
2. What are the example of communicable diseases?
3. What are the factor that cause communicable diseases?
4. What are the different between communicable diseases and infectious diseases?
5. What are four stage of communicable diseases?

1. What are of five level of prevention?


1. What are the causes of infection diseases?
 Agent, microorganism that bring that diseases
 Reservoir, human with infection diseases
 Enviorment
 Host
2. How to cure the infection diseases?
 We can use antibiotik rational way
 We can use antivirus and antifungi
 We can increase the work of immune system with food
3. What the example of infectious diseases?
 Tuberculosis or tbc
 Typhus
 Influenza
 Cyfilis
 Rabies
 Dyfteri
 Hepatitis

4. How to prevent infection diseases?

o Pencegahan pertama melalui promosi kesehatan
o Pencegahan kedua melalui diagnosis dini serta pengobatan yanng tepat
o Pencagahan ketiga yaitu pencegahan cacat dan rehabilitasi
o Handle to prever food
o Often wash hand
o Dont share personal item
o Stay home when you sick
5. Why does its equaly important to stress about the methods of transmission of infectious
 Its to reduce a mortality and morbidity
 Increase the quality of health
6. How is the process of transmitting diseases?
 Physical contact
 Through food and beverage
 Insect or vektor
 By the air

 Colonism

 Sub klinis

 Klinis, menimbulkan gejala

 Infeksi menetap

 Merangsang kerentanan host terhadap obat dalam menetralisasi toxicsitas

 Ketidak mampuan membuat daya tangkal/imunitas

1. What are the characteristic of communicable diseases?
 Can make disabilty
 Affect in chidren
 Preventable fairly simple intervention
 Can enter the body direct or with vektor
 Generation time
 Heerd immunity
 Attack rate
 It can be transfer in another people
2. What are the example of communicable diseases?
 Flu burung
 Cacar air
 Difteri
 Syfilis
 Infuenza
 Scabies
 Campak/meases
3. What are the factor that cause communicable diseases?
 infectious diseases, akibat agent seperti virus, bakteri
 communicable diseases, berhubungan dengan lingkungan

4. What are the different between communicable diseases and infectious diseases?
 communicable diseases berkaitan dengan exposur (terpapar bakteri), terinfeksi,
timbul penyakit
 infectious diseases, terdapat agent infekisus seperti bakteri menyerang tubuh

5. What are four stage of communicable diseases?

 Exposure, terpapar agent
 Infection, agent masuk kedalam tubuh
 Infectious diseases, telah terifenksi/ menybar kedalam tubuh
 Outcome, setelah intervensi dapat hidup kembali/meninggal

1. What are of five level of prevention?
 Health prevention
 General and spesific protrction
 Early diagnosis and prompt treatment
 Dissability limitation
 Rehabilitation



Infectious Communicable

Faktor Transmission

Four stages

Communicable diseases

4 Stages Intervention
(5 level of

Decrease Increase Transmission


1. What are 5 levels of prevention?

i) Promosi kesehatan, membantu mengubah gaya hidup menuju keadaan kesehatan

yang optimal(orang sehat tana resiko penyakit ex. Makan bergizi, sanitasi lingkungan
dan air bersih)
ii) Perlindungan khusus, berfokus untuk melindungi seseorang (orang-orang sehat
dengan resiko penyakit ex. Imunisasi untuk bayi, prnyuluhan mengenai APD untuk
orang orang yang akan bekerja di pabrik)
iii) Diagnosis dini dan pengobatan yang cepat ( untuk orang orang yang baru saja terkena
penyakit ex. Ibuhamil yang memiliki gejala anemia dengan diberkan tablet Fe dan
makanan yang mengandung zat besi)
iv) Pembatasan kecacatan ( untuk orang ornag dengan penyakit yang sudah parah ex.
Orang setelah operasi dianjurkan untuk tidak banyak melakukan aktifitas)
v) Pemulihan dan rehabilitasi ( orang orang yang sudah sembuh dari penyakitnya ex.
Dibangunya tempat tempat rehabilitasi dan peningkatan fasilitas layanan kesehatan)

(source: Irhauma, amer eitwati ben. “Foundations for health promotion levels of
(source 2: Hattis, R., the five stages of diseases and prevention, California: academy of
preventive medicine)

2. how to cure the infection diseases?

Dengan cara menggunakan antibiotic salah satunya penghasil antibiotic adalah
actynomicetes merupakan salah satu bakteri yang mirip jamur dan tergolong dalam
bakteri gram positif, actynomicetes banyak menghasilkan bio aktif yang kemungkinanya
dapat menghasilkan senyawa senyawa antibiotic untuk mengobati infeksi
Dengan cara mengisolasi (menempatkan disuatu tempat khusus) dengan tujuan mengurangi
kontak dengan orang yang masih sehat/ belum terkontaminasi
(Sorce: Noto Admojo, Soekiejoe. Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat: Prinsip-prinsip dasar. Penerbit:
Rineka Cipta, Jakarta)

3. What are the different between communicable diseases and in fectious diseases?
Infectious But Not Communicable

While all communicable diseases are infectious, not all infections are communicable.
Tetanus, for example, can cause an infection, but a person with tetanus can't spread it to
other people. The bacteria live in dirt and dust and get inside your body through abrasions
like cuts, scrapes, or punctures. While the pathogen can lead to a very serious infection
and illness in individuals, it will almost certainly never cause a worldwide pandemic.

(epidemik penyakit yang menyebar di wilayah yang luas, benua, atau bahkan di seluruh dunia.

Menurut World Health Organization (WHO), pandemik terjadi jika telah memenuhi tiga kondisi:[1]

 Munculnya penyakit baru pada penduduk

 Menginfeksi manusia, menyebabkan penyakit berbahaya
 Penyakit dapat menyebar dengan mudah di antara manusia)

Sementara semua penyakit menular bersifat menular, tidak semua infeksi dapat menular.
Tetanus, misalnya, dapat menyebabkan infeksi, tetapi seseorang dengan tetanus tidak dapat
menyebarkannya ke orang lain. Bakteri hidup di tanah dan debu dan masuk ke dalam tubuh
Anda melalui lecet seperti luka, goresan, atau tusukan. Sementara patogen dapat
menyebabkan infeksi dan penyakit yang sangat serius pada individu, hampir pasti tidak akan
pernah menyebabkan pandemi di seluruh dunia.

Infectious disease disebabkan oleh internal, pathogen masuk kedalam tubuh lalu menyebar
dan menimbulkan gejala.
Communicable diseases disebabkan oleh eksternal penyakit menyebar menular ke orang lain

(source: Correl,Robbyn.2018. The Differences Between Communicable and

Infectious Diseases)

4. What are four stage of communicable diseases?

i. Stage of exposure ( manusia belum terinfeksi oleh agen)
ii. Stage of infection ( ketika agen masuk kedalam tubuh manusia
dan mulai berkoloni)
iii. Stage of infectious diseases ( munculnya gejala klinis)
iv. Stage of outcome ( recovery; bisa meninggal, sembuh ataupun
(Source: communicable diseases modul: basic concept in the transmition of communicable

. Exposure
In the stage of exposure, the susceptible host has come into close contact with the infectious agent,
but it has not yet entered the host’s body cells.
Examples of an exposed host include:
- a person who shakes hands with someone suffering from a common cold
- a child living in the same room as an adult with tuberculosis
- a person eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water.
b. Infection

At this stage the infectious agent has entered the host’s body and has begun multiplying. But there
is no clinical manifestations/symptoms.
For instance, a person who has eaten food contaminated with Salmonella typhii (the bacteria that
cause typhoid fever) is said to be exposed; if the bacteria enter the cells lining the intestines and
start multiplying, the person is said to be infected.
c. Infectious Disease

At this stage the clinical manifestations of the disease are present in the infected host.
For example, a person infected with Plasmodium falciparum, who has fever, vomiting and headache,
is in the stage of infectious disease – in this case, malaria. The time interval between the onset
(start) of infection and the first appearance of clinical manifestations of a disease is called the
incubation period.
For malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum the incubation period ranges from 7 to 14 days.
Infected hosts who have clinical manifestations of the disease are called active cases. Individuals
who are infected, but who do not have clinical manifestations, are called carriers.
d. Outcome

At this stage the disease may result in recovery, disability or death of the patient. For example, a
child who fully recovers from a diarrhoeal disease, or is paralyzed from poliomyelitis, or dies from
malaria, is in the stage of outcome.
( source: dr.Omar Abdulwadud, e. a., 2015. Communicable Diseases, Ethiopia: Health Education
and Training in Africa.)

i. incubation periode (periode ekposure hingga gejala pertama muncul, waktu tergantung
dengan bakteri)
j. prodromal periode( jumlah agen pathogen mulai meningkat dan imun sistem dari pasien
mulai bereaksi, dengan indikasi munculnya gejala awal/ umum)
k. acute periode ( jumlah pathogen paling tinggi dengan waktu sebentar dan gejala sangat
terlihat/ parah, dan baik spesifik maupun general)
l. periode of declite ( jumlah pathogen menurun secara drastic, memicu terjadinya stage ke
m. convalencec periode ( recovery, namun masih bisa menjadi agen infeksi karena masih
terdapat kuman/bakteri)
(source: Johnson, Principle of diseases and epidomology biology 1009, microbiology)
5. Why does its equaly important to stress about the methods of transmission of infectious
Meminimalisasikan penyebaran penyakit adalah fungsi inti dari peraturan/ hukum dari
kesehatan masyarakat, dengan pelaksanaan yang tepat dengan hal tersebut berbeda beda
tergantung dari keseriusan cara cara transmisi dan seberapa mudah penyakit tersebut
ditularkan maka mengetahui cara penularan dari infectious disease adalah penting untuk
mencegah terjadinya wabah yang parah dan pencegahan penyakit tersebut secara umum.

(Source: WHO.advancing the right to health: the vital rule of law. From cection 11,1, states
parties of international health regulation 2005)
6. Natural history communicable diseases?
Dekskripsi perjalanan waktu dan perkembangan penyakit pada individu. Yang dimulai dari
sejak terjadinya paparan dengan agen hingga terjadinya akibat penyakit.

Perkembangan penyakit tanpa campur tangan medis sehingga suatu penyakit berlagsung
secara natural.

(Source: natural history of disease.2016. Dr Manish Chandra Prabhakar )

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