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Food Control, Vol. 6, No. 2. pp.

81-94, 1995
Copyright 0 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0956-7135195 $10.00 + 0.00


Thermal process design

Nikolaos G. Stoforos

To calculate the necessary processing time at some appropriate temperature

needed to achieve a target preserving action for several food products, heat
penetration data must be coupled with kinetic data of microbial destruction.
Quality degradation calculations must thereafter be performed in order to select
the thermal process which results in the highest product quality retention. In this
overview, the key elements involved in designing thermal processes are outlined.

Keywords: thermal processing; sterilization; canning; process calculations

INTRODUCTION of the various food elements must be considered.

Obviously, this is not a concern for traditional, in-
One means of extending the shelf life of a variety of container, processing. Nevertheless, there are general
food products is thermal processing; that is, exposure requirements common to all thermal processes. Figure
of the product at elevated temperatures for a relatively I is a schematic diagram of the key elements involved in
short period of time. This heat treatment can be used as designing thermal processes. The time-temperature
the single preserving technique (commercial steriliza- history of the food during processing must be known
tion) or it can be used as one step in conjunction with and be appropriately coupled with microbial death rate
other preserving factors or processes (blanching, pas- data in order to calculate the effect of the heat treat-
teurization). The extent of the heat treatment will vary ment on microbial destruction. However, while micro-
depending on the specific objectives concerning the bial destruction or the destruction of other spoilage
preserving action of the heat treatment and the nature agents is achieved during the thermal process, quality
of the product. However, for quantitative description degradation (e.g. nutrient, colour loss) also occurs.
of the effects of a heat treatment, the same principles Therefore, from all the time-temperature combina-
hold independently of the extent of the treatment. In tions that result in the same microbial destruction, the
the following discussion, we will refer to heat treat- one that best preserves product quality must be chosen.
ments severe enough to produce commercially sterile, This can be achieved through an optimization scheme
low-acid, products. The same principles, however, can by knowing the kinetics of quality degradation and by
be extended to milder heat treatments. calculating the quality retention for a specific thermal
Several issues must be addressed before a thermal process (i.e. a specific time-temperature history). It is
process can be established. There are also critical conceivable that a target, in terms of preservative
control points that must be monitored, depending on requirements of the product, must be established prior
the processing system used to deliver the scheduled to the design of the thermal process. Finally, the
thermal process. For example, during thermal proces- microbiological validation of the established thermal
sing in aseptic systems, the residence time distribution process is considered a desirable, process confirmation,
The purpose of this article is to outline the proce-
dures used in dealing with each of the elements neces-
Thermopilon 5, 35100 Lamia, Greece. Current address sary for thermal process design. The main topics discus-
Kathoheke Universiteit Leuven, Faculty of Agricultural and
sed are food safety and optimal process design, based
Applied Biological Sciences, Department of Food and Micro-
bial Technology, Laboratory of Food Technology, Kardinaal on quality retention. Several examples are given to
Mercierlaan 92, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium. Received 10 May provide a better understanding of some of the issues
1994; revised 8 October 1994; accepted 13 October 1994 involved. Specific problems encountered are identified.

Food Control 1995 Volume 6 Number 2 61

Thermal process design: N.G. Stoforos

Microbiological Data Heat Penetration Data Quality Factor Kinetics

Estimate a ‘Ihermal Process Calculate Quality Retention

Microbiological Validation

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the key elements involved in designing sterilization processes

MICROBIOLOGICAL DATA Note that T and T,,, in Equation (4) are absolute
One of the basic requirements in designing thermal We must mention here, that the two expressions,
processes is knowledge of the kinetics of microbial Equations (3) and (4), are incompatible. Furthermore,
destruction. When a microbial population is exposed to neither of them can describe the temperature effect on
a constant, lethal, temperature, then, assuming that microbial death for extensive temperature ranges. The
microbial death follows the kinetics of a first-order general belief is, however, that both methods can be
reaction (Esty and Meyer, 1922), we obtain used satisfactorily within a relatively short temperature
range in which experimental data are available (Jons-
son et al., 1977; Ramaswamy et al., 1989; David and
-+_C Merson, 1990).
Traditionally, the reaction rate constants (DT or kT
values) and the parameters expressing the effect of
which for DT=lnlO/kT reduces to temperature on the reaction rate constants (z or E,) are
estimated by performing two sequential linear regres-
d(logC) 1 sions. DT (or kT) values are related to the slope of the
(2) straight line (Equations 1 or 2) when concentration
dt DT
(survivors) versus time data, obtained at constant
temperature, are plotted on semi-logarithmic coordin-
Equations (1) and (2), although widely used in thermal
ates (survivor curve). Similarly, .z or E, values can be
process calculations, do not accurately describe the
obtained from a semi-logarithmic plot of the DT (ther-
experimental observations at the initial stages of micro-
mal death time curve) or kT values as a function of
bial destruction. More sophisticated models, combining
temperature or l/T, respectively, as suggested from
first-order kinetics for distinct microbial inactivation
Equations (3) or (4). However, in kinetic studies,
processes (direct inactivation of dormant and of acti-
better estimates (narrower confidence intervals) of the
vated spores, and inactivation of dormant spores only
parameters involved are obtained when concentration
after activation) have been reported (Sapru et al.,
data as a function of exposure times at different
1992). A comparison of the various inactivation models
temperatures are treated as a single data set, and the
has been presented by Sapru et al. (1993). parameters are estimated through an appropriate, non-
The effect of temperature on the rate of microbial
linear, regression scheme (Arabshahi and Lund, 1985;
destruction, in the classical thermobacteriological
Cohen and Saguy, 1985; Haralampu et al., 1985).
(TDT:thermal death time) approach, (e.g. Ball and In this section, we also want to define, at least
Olson, 1957; Stumbo, 1973) is expressed as follows:
qualitatively, the microbiological requirements for pre-
venting spoilage of the final, processed, product. There
DT = D,, 10(T=f-~‘r (3) are two types of spoilage that must be considered, one
of significance to public health and the other of com-
Contrary to the above approach, originated from the mercial significance. From a food safety point of view,
obervations of Bigelow (1921)) several researchers in designing thermal processes, the acceptable remain-
prefer the Arrhenius equation to express the effect of ing microbial population which does not impose a
temperature on the reaction rate constant, kT (Levine, public health hazard must be determined in advance.
1956; Deindoerfer, 1957; Simpson and Williams, 1974; Assuming that one viable spore, remaining in a con-
Lenz and Lund, 1977a; Swartzel, 1982; Simpson et al., tainer after processing, can spoil the container, it
1989). Presenting the Arrhenius expression in a form becomes obvious that, in defining remaining concentra-
similar to Equation (3), we have (e.g. Lund, 1975) tions, we are using some probabilistic approach; for
example, by stating 0.00001 spores per container we are
_-- E, V,,,-T) accepting one surviving spore per 100 000 containers.
kT = kTrerIO 2.303R T,rT (4) Furthermore, it must be realized that a condition of

82 Food Control 1995 Volume 6 Number 2

Thermal process design: N.G. Stoforos

‘zero survivors’ is unattainable (in view of the logarith- As it now becomes apparent, the temperature of the
mic nature of microbial destruction) and, therefore, food during processing must be known in order to
absolute safety is impossible. It is somewhat intuitive evaluate the integral of the right-hand side of Equation
that, in quantifying the microbial requirements in terms (5) and thereafter the effects of the thermal process on
of adequate processing time at some appropriate con- microbial destruction. Obviously, this product temper-
stant temperature, the most heat resistant organism ature is a function (all other parameters being constant)
that is expected to be present in the food under of the temperature of the process heating medium,
consideration as well as the initial load of that organism (when a heating medium is used as a heat source) or, in
in the product must be considered; the heat resistance general, the processing characteristics of the heat
of the organism may be different in different foods. source (e.g. voltage field in the case of ohmic heating).
As mentioned earlier, acceptable, remaining, con- In this article, the term ‘processing temperature’ will be
centrations of non-pathogenic (mesophilic or thermo- used to characterize the heat source requirements
philic, spore-forming) organisms must also be set in irrespective of the type of heat source. Processing
order to minimize economic losses due to product temperature does not have to be constant throughout
spoilage. So, processes should be designed based on the the thermal process. In fact, in its simplest form, a
strictest requirements resulting from safety and econo- thermal process consists of two steps (as far as product
mic considerations. Obviously, adequate safety factors temperature is concerned): a heating, and a cooling
must be included. Experience should complement sci- cycle. In this case, the lethal effects of at least the initial
ence. As a starting point, a lOI reduction of the initial stage of the cooling cycle must be considered.
concentration of Clostridium botulinurn is considered If the relationship between product and processing
as the minimum process requirement for low-acid temperature is known, it is adequate to determine the
foods. Based on the discussion above, the percentage processing temperature for thermal process design.
reduction of the initial concentration is not useful. This relationship can either be found experimentally or
However, this lOi* reduction figure should be viewed predicted using appropriate mathematical models.
as having an adequate safety factor incorporated in it. Both tasks can vary in difficulty and, in most cases,
Some comments on this issue are given by Pflug (lY87). should be considered complementary to each other.
As far as food safety is concerned, Stumbo et al. (1975) For example, the relatively simple and traditional
assumed ‘a high degree of safety’ if only one viable method of using thermocouples for product tempera-
spore of C. botulinurn (02500F=0.2 min) is remaining ture measurements is not considered appropriate for
after the thermal process for every lOI* processed monitoring the solid phase temperature in the case of
containers. They also considered satisfactory processes, axially rotating liquid/particulate foods (such as meat
in economic considerations (‘commercial sterility with a based particles in sauce) due to motion restrictions of
high degree of assurance’) when only one viable spore the monitored particle. For this situation, a more
of a high heat resistant mesophilic microorganism laborious method, which involves the use of liquid
(D2500F=1.5 min) is surviving in lo4 containers. In crystals as temperature sensors, has been suggested
setting process requirements, they also assumed that (Stoforos and Merson, 1991). Similarly, the mathema-
the initial spore concentration was one spore per ml of tical models can be simple in nature, as for the case
product. shown by Equation (6) for homogeneous, perfect mix-
ing, liquid canned foods (Merson et al., 1978).


CJ,A(T,-T)=mC, $ (6)
Equations (1) or (2) can quantify the microbial destruc-
tion only when the temperature of the food undergoing
or considerably complicated, as for Equations (7) and
a thermal process is constant. When the temperature of
(8) which, with the appropriate boundary and initial
the food becomes a function of the processing time,
conditions, govern the heat transfer to liquid/
T(t), then Equation (3) or (4) must be introduced into
particulate mixtures during aseptic processing (Stofo-
Equations (1) or (2) in order to calculate the cumula-
ros, 1994)
tive effect of the heat treatment on the microbial
population. For example, introducing Equation (3) into
Equation (1) and integrating the resulting expression
between the beginning and the end of the processing U,A(Tm - Tf) =& mfCpf 2
time, we obtain (Merson et al., 1978) Tf

d(logC) = -

Ih 10(T(f)- Trcr)h&
+ m,C,,
2 fi -
i=l d0
An analogous expression can be obtained when Equa-
tion (4) is used (with Equations 1 or 2). and

Food Control 1995 Volume 6 Number 2 83

Thermal process design: N.G. Stoforos

1 t aT,i expressions given by Equations (10) and (11) can be

V2Tpi = --!?-
used interchangeably. For example, if a given process
ap Zi de
(for which time-temperature data are available) is
known to produce commercially sterile product, then
A mathematical model is often used to extrapolate Equation (11) can be used to determine the required F
experimental data for different conditions, avoiding value and thereafter a series of equivalent processes.
unnecessary and extended experimentation (Schultz On the other hand, if experimental microbial concen-
and Olson, 1938,194O; Taggart and Farrow, 1941). For tration data are obtained at the beginning and the end
example, from experimental data for a conduction of a thermal process, Equation (10) can be used to
heating product at some initial temperature it is possi- calculate the F value of the process. It must be noted,
ble to design processes for the same product under the however, that the use of Equation (10) to calculate
same processing conditions but for a different initial F processvalues involves lengthy experimentation and
product temperature (Ball, 1923). On the other hand, should be considered less accurate than using Equation
experiments are also needed before a mathematic (11) , due to calibration errors and inherent variability
model can be used; not only for the experimental data associated with biological systems (Pflug et al., 1980).
(usually obtained for special or extreme cases) to be Nevertheless, Equation (10) is the alternative choice
used to verify the model predictions, but also to be used when direct temperature measurements are impractic-
in order to obtain the necessary parameters needed by able. For aseptic processing of liquid/particulate foods,
the model. For example, in view of Equation (6), a a number of researchers have used Equation (10) in
series of experiments must be performed in order to order to back-calculate (through Equation 9 and
obtain the appropriate values for the heat transfer appropriate models for particle temperature predic-
coefficient, U,. tions) the value of the liquid-particle heat transfer
coefficient, a parameter necessary in predicting product
temperatures for this situation (Hunter, 1972; Heppell,
THERMAL PROCESS CALCULATIONS 1985; Maesmans et al., 1994).
A question arising at this point, in view of Equations
With both kinetic and temperature data, we can esti- (10) and (ll), is what temperature or concentration
mate a thermal process; i.e. determine the adequate data are to be used when there is a distribution of
processing time at an appropriate processing tempera- temperatures or concentrations within the product dur-
ture which will satisfy the target process requirements. ing the thermal process. Concerning this matter, two
By slightly rearranging Equation (5) and performing schools of thought have evolved two different proce-
the integration on the left hand side, we obtain two dures for calculating thermal processes. The first one
expressions for the F value calculates point F values (FJ by using data for a single,
critical, point of the product: the point least affected (in
Fcrcf= DT,, (log C, - log&) = 1” 10(T(‘)-Trcr)‘zdt (9) terms of microbial destruction) by the heat treatment
(Bigelow et al., 1920; Ball and Olson, 195.5, 1957). This
is based on the fact that if this critical point becomes
The first expression, i.e. Equation (lo), commercially sterile after processing, then the rest of
the product (which by definition of the critical point
= DTr,,(logca
- l"gcb) receives more severe treatment) will also be commer-
cially sterile. Obviously, knowledge of the location of
basically defines a target F value, the required F value the critical point (or better critical area) is very impor-
(Merson et al., 1978); i.e. the time at a constant tant. Several researchers have dealt with this issue
reference temperature required to destroy a given following experimental or analytical approaches (Flam-
percentage of microorganisms. Equation (10) quanti- bert and Deltour, 1972a; Zechman and Pflug, 1989).
fies the microbiological requirements mentioned ear- For thermal processing of foods in metal containers, it
lier, in terms of food safety. We should also mention is customary to consider the critical point as being
here (space limits any further discussion on microbiolo- located at the geometric centre of the product as far as
gical validation) that Equation (10) is the basis for conduction heating products are concerned, while for
designing and evaluating inoculated pack experiments. natural convection heating products (placed in a vertic-
The second expression, i.e. Equation (ll), al position and processed in still mode) at 38 mm (1.5
in) or at 19 mm (0.75 in) on the longitudinal axis above
the bottom of the can for No. 10 (603 X 700) or for
(11) smaller cans, respectively (NCA, 1968). In general, for
natural convection heating products the critical point
defines the F value of the process, i.e. the equivalent (zone) is considered to be at the lowest 25% of the
time at a constant reference temperature which will container height (Zechman and Pflug, 1989). The
produce the same microbial destruction as the actual location of the critical point, however, depends upon a
thermal process. Equation (11) is the basic design variety of factors, including type and style of product,
equation for thermal processes. Obviously, the two type and dimensions of the container, heating and

84 Food Control 1995 Volume 6 Number 2

Thermal process design: N.G. Stoforos

cooling cycle characteristics, degree of agitation, micro- evaluating F values through Equation (11). A number
bial concentration distribution, and extent of treat- of mathematical methods, each one varying in difficulty
ment. If there is any uncertainty concerning the exact of use and in accuracy, have been reported. A critical
location of the critical point, an an,alysis on this matter literature review has been presented by Hayakawa
must be included in thermal process design. (1978). This discussion will be restricted to mathematic-
The second procedure calculates an integrated F al procedures used to calculate point F values and
value (Fs) by appropriately integrating the effects of the intended for general use. Calculation of point F values
heat treatment throughout the whole volume of the is also a prerequisite in calculating integrated F values.
product (Gillespy, 1951; Hicks, 1951; Stumbo, 1953, Depending on how each method approaches the prob-
1973; Ball and Olson, 1957; Hayakawa, 1969; Teixeira lem (i.e. the calculation of F values), the mathematical
et al., 1969a, 1969b; Jen ef al., 1971). This is done procedures can be divided in two broad categories: the
through Equation (10) by using average initial and general methods and the formula methods. Both gener-
remaining microbial concentrations for the whole al and formula methods are using a kinetic model to
volume of the product (and not by integrating point F describe microbial destruction. However, general
values throughout the product volume). Remaining methods are not imposing any assumptions on the
concentration data in each of the elementary product time-temperature relationship, while formula methods
volumes, needed to calculate average values, presup- are relying on a model, based on the process tempera-
pose calculation of point F values for each elementary ture, for internal product temperature predictions.
volume. For this, temperature data at different posi-
tions in the product are required. A relatively simple General methods
procedure for calculating volume average values has The main characteristic of general methods is that
been presented by Hayakawa (1971). The idea behind the time-temperature relationship needed in Equation
using integrated F values to calculate the effects on a (11) is not explicitly given. Instead, values of the
microbial population of a given heat treatment is the function (temperature) at discrete time points are
one which defines food safety based on the total known. The evaluation of the integral in Equation (11)
number of survivors per container. (Note that the is performed using graphical or numerical integration
references at the beginning of this paragraph include techniques. The general method proposed by Bigelow
methodologies applicable to relatively general proces- et al. (1920), who graphically integrated experimental
sing conditions.) data, was the first mathematical procedure ever used
Concerning the two procedures mentioned above, for thermal process calculations. To make this method
there is no theoretical basis of preferring one over the less laborious, a special coordinate paper was later
other as far as food safety is concerned. Both proce- introduced (Schultz and Olson, 1940; Cass, 1947;
dures are based on very sound principles. If the proce- Hayakawa, 1973; Leonhardt, 1978). Graphical integra-
dures are appropriately implemented (this might re- tion was also employed by Deindoerfer (1957). Numer-
quire a re-evaluation of the target F value according to ical integration of Equation (11) using the trapezoidal
each procedure) they should produce equivalent re- rule (Patashnik, 1953), Simpson’s rule (Anonymous,
sults. It is interesting to notice that Stumbo et al. 1952), and Gaussian integration (Hayakawa, 1968) has
(1983), in setting tables with guide thermal process also been proposed. Note that general methods do not
schedules for low-acid canned foods, converted re- have any specific requirement about the shape of the
quired F, values to appropriate target F, values before time-temperature curve. They are therefore accurate
calculation. Ball (1949), commenting on Stumbo’s early and they should be the methods of choice for handling
work (Stumbo, 1948, 1949a), stated that the ideas ‘complex’ temperature data (Ball, 1928). All research-
(upon which the two procedures are based) are ‘in ers using computerized mathematical models for pre-
perfect harmony’. According also to Hayakawa’s eva- dicting time-temperature data are undoubtedly em-
luation, the two procedures ‘produce similar results’ ploying a ‘general method’ scheme (i.e. numerical
(Hayakawa, 1978). Some additional comments on this integration of Equation (11) using the predicted
issue are given by Jakobsen (1954). The relative sim- temperature points) for F value calculations (e.g. Teix-
plicity of the procedures involving calculation of F, eira and Manson, 1982; Datta et al., 1986; Sastry, 1986;
values (compared to F, values) can make these proce- Chandarana and Gavin, 1989; Chang and Toledo,
dures more attractive to use. Nevetheless, a number of 1989; Lee et al., 1990).
researchers (especially those using computerized However, there is a basic weakness of general
mathematical models) have calculated integrated F methods when used with experimental temperature
values for their specific applications (Teixeira et al., data. In general, there are two types of problems that a
1969a; Manson, et al., 1970; Flambert and Deltour, thermal process calculation procedure must be able to
1972a; Manson and Cullen, 1974). handle. The first type of problem is a straightforward
one; it involves the calculation of the Fprocess from
temperature data through Equation (11). For this
Mathematical procedures
calculation, a general method can be as exact as the
The mathematical procedures used for thermal process method of integration employed, and should be the
calculations are basically providing some means of method against which any other mathematical proce-

Food Control 1995 Volume 6 Number 2 85

Thermal process design: N.G. Stoforos

dure (or non-general method type) should be checked. tions, assumed that one or more straight lines (when
The second type of problem involves calculation of the the differences between processing medium and food
process time, tb, that is, the upper limit of the integral temperatures are plotted as a function of time on
in Equation (ll), which is satisfying a given target F semi-logarithmic coordinates) could accurately de-
value. Having experimental temperature data only for scribe, during the heating cycle, the centre point
a single process time, some assumptions must be made temperature of canned foods processed in steam retorts
about what is happening for different process times. operated at constant temperatures. For the first seg-
Bigelow et al. (1920) assumed that the shape of the ment, Ball used the following equation
universe of the integrand in Equation (11) versus time
curve, after the steam-off time, is geometrically the T(t) = T,,-j,(T,, - T,,)lO-‘lf” (12)
same irrespective of the steam-off time. Obviously, this
assumption cannot always be true. For example, the In general, modelling the food temperature during
shape of the previously mentioned curve is a function of the heating cycle of a thermal process is not that
the difference between food and processing tempera- demanding for most practical cases. This is basically
tures at the steam-off time. In any case, under this true because any deviation from the ‘straight’ line
assumption, a relationship between process time and F equation at the beginning of heating does not cause
value can be established (for a single set of ex- serious problems in calculating F values because it
perimental temperature data) and the process time usually occurs at sub-lethal temperatures. On the con-
corresponding to the target F value can be located. The trary, all subsequent cycles (e.g. holding or cooling)
above or similar assumptions associated with process need very careful treatment. In fact, the extent of
time calculations when using general methods limit applicability of each of the formula methods greatly
their accuracy unless they are used only for process depends upon the way each specific method treats the
evaluations (i.e. calculation of F values). process cycles which follow the heating phase. Several
researchers have, in particular, focused their investiga-
Formula methods tions on the cooling cycle for in-container thermal
Due to their nature, general methods require lengthy processes (Stumbo and Longley, 1966; Hayakawa,
calculations. Evaluation of the integral in Equation 1970; Larkin and Berry, 1991). The equations used to
(11) must be performed for every new set of tempera- describe the food temperature during the cooling cycle
ture data. The formula methods should be considered are considerably more complicated than those used
as being initially developed in order to facilitate the during the heating cycle. This is due to the temperature
calculations involved and provide relatively simple distribution that develops inside the product by the end
procedures for routine calculations. For this simplifica- of heating and the fact that microbial destruction in the
tion, several assumptions have been made and the user initial stage of cooling cannot be ignored since the
should be cautious about the limited applicability of the product is still at lethal temperatures. For example,
formula methods. The starting point of all formula Ball (1923) used a hyperbolic function (Equation 13) to
methods is a formula which gives the temperature of describe the centre point temperature of canned foods
the food as an explicit function of time. This function is during the initial portion of a water cooling phase (at
then substituted for T(t) in Equation (11) and thereaf- constant temperature):
ter integration is performed.
Both empirical and theoretical T(t) functions have (Ts + 0.3(Ts - Tcw) - T(&))2 e
been used. Based on the origin of these time- = 1 (13)
(0.3(Ts - Tcw))2 - (0.175fiJ2
temperature functions, Hayakawa (1978) further di-
vided formula methods into empirical and theoretical After this initial cooling [which, according to Ball, ends
formulae. Empirical formulae (e.g. Ball, 1923; at T(t,)= Tg-0.343( T,-Tcw)] he assumed a ‘straight’
Hayakawa, 1970; Stumbo, 1973) are usually based on line equation for the remaining cooling cycle (similar to
log-linear (after some initial lag) medium minus pro- Equation 12, presented here for the heating phase).
duct temperature heating and cooling curves without Integration of Equation (ll), after substitution of the
distinguishing about different modes of heat transfer. appropriate T(t) function, is the second source of
Within their limitations, they are intended to be used to errors, or rather losses in generality, in formula
almost any thermal process. On the contrary, theoretic- methods. The complexity of the T(t) functions used
al formulae (e.g. Gillespy, 1953; Teixeira er al., 1969a, (and actually observed during heat penetration experi-
1969b; Flambert and Deltour, 1972b) are based on ments) makes it difficult for the integral in Equation
analytical or numerical solutions to the theoretical heat (11) to be evaluated by analytical means. Therefore,
transfer equations. Today, theoretical formulae are the investigators proposing formula methods had to
basically restricted to conduction heating foods in evaluate the integral graphically or numerically and
cylindrical containers. present the results of this integration in tabulated or
The first and main source of errors in the formula graphical form for general use. This need for explicit
methods originates from the assumed time- presentation of the results can lead to restrictions in the
temperature relationship. Ball (1923), in developing general applicability of formula methods, even in cases
the first formula method for thermal process calcula- for which the T(r) functions used are appropriate.

86 Food Control 1995 Volume 6 Number 2

Thermal process design: N.G. Stoforos

Additional assumptions might have been imposed just Equation 12) has been introduced in order to relate
to facilitate the repeated routine integrations involved steam-off times with given temperature difference
in developing a given formula method. For example, values (see also Anonymous, 1952). More complicated
Ball (1923) assumed that there is no microbial spore or situations can still be evaluated from the same tabu-
vegetative cell destruction taking place if the food lated data through use of relatively complex ‘working’
centre temperature drops to 80°F below the processing equations. For a formula method, an intelligent choice
temperature. This might be at least of theoretical of dimensionless groups for the variables involved can
concern for high temperature sterilization processes greatly reduce the large number of tables needed
(Dail, 1985). However, as can be inferred following without losing any information (Hayakawa, 1970;
Ball’s derivation, the validity of this limit is a function Steele and Board, 1979a). It must be noted that, before
of the z value (see also Steele and Board, 1979a). using a formula method, it is first required to calculate
Furthermore, due to the large number of tables needed the necessary parameters employed by the specific
in order to cover the whole range of the parameters method. The use of a method, especially for complex
involved, one might face a situation for which data sets of data, is not necessarily simple and free from
from a particular formula method are simply not avail- human error. Computerized formula methods
able. (Hayakawa, 1977; Anonymous, 1989) can gain popu-
F values as a function of processing time (th-tJ larity. Several researchers attempted to simplify the use
covering the applicable range of the parameters in- of certain original formula methods. As an example, we
volved, are basically the data needed for thermal might refer once more to Ball’s formula method (Olson
process calculations. The parameters involved are and Stevens, 1939; Sasseen, 1969; Vinters et al., 1975).
those introduced either from the equations describing The reason we refer somewhat extensively to Ball’s
microbial destruction or the equations giving the T(t) formula method is not only because it was the first
function. For example, if Equations (1 l), (12) and (13) formula method proposed for thermal process calcula-
are the equations upon which a hypothetical formula tions, but mainly because it is the method most widely
method is based, and assuming that there is no micro- used for the food industry. Several researchers have
bial destruction beyond the initial cooling phase, which exclusive reviewed this method (Flambert et al., 1977;
ends at the same point as the one assumed by Ball, the Merson et al., 1978; Steele and Board, 1979b; Larkin,
parameters affecting the F versus processing time data 1990; Stoforos, 1991) or tried to extend its use (e.g.
are: z, TR.,-, Tl.r, jh,fh and Tcw. Note that, although the during aseptic processing of liquid-particulate foods:
choice of a particular Tref will affect the tabulated Dail, 1985; Larkin, 1989). The implications of the wide
values, Trcf is not considered as an additional para- use of Ball’s formula method (or any particular
meter since Equation (11) provides a simple means of method) by the food industry are beyond the obvious
converting F values from one reference temperature to ones. The accuracy of a method used for thermal
another (since both Trcf are constants, Equation (11) is process evaluation does not only affect the calculation
reduced to Equation (3) with F replacing the D values). of FrrOCessbut, in relation to the discussion made earlier
Therefore, as long as the value of Trer used for the about the interconnection between the required and
tabulated results is explicitly stated, the same tables, the process F values, it can greatly affect the target F
after the appropriate conversions, can be used for any value. It is interesting to see some F, values used as
reference temperature. Furthermore, note that if the required F values by the industry. Taking an example
total heating time (i.e. steam-off time) is known, Tg can (for a rather extreme case) from Stumbo (1949b), the
be evaluated from Equation (12). Then, the tempera- centre point F, values used in the industry for cream
ture at the end of the initial portion of cooling can be style corn processed in different size containers were:
calculated according to Ball’s assumption and thereaf- 2.50 min for large, No 10 (603 x 700) cans, and 5.00
ter the cooling time can be found from Equation (13). min for small, No. 2 (307 x 409) cans. Commerical
Total processing time can be calculated by adding the experience has shown that the product in both contain-
heating and the cooling times. So, for this hypothetical ers was commercially sterile. However, it is astonishing
formula method, Tg is not one of the parameters to see a lower F value for the larger can. This paradox
involved. It is also probably more convenient, especial- was attributed by Kimball and Unverferth (personal
ly if a retort operator is the end user of the method, to communication, 1991) as being purposely imposed in
tabulate F versus steam-off, instead of processing time, an attempt to overcome the inability of Ball’s formula
data. It is conceivable, that if F versus processing time method to account for any temperature rise at the
are the tabulated data available, there must be some product centre after steam-off. Product centre temper-
simple, ‘working’ equations accompanying the tables so ature rise after steam-off is rather common for conduc-
that the steam-off time could be calculated. tion heating foods under normal production conditions
There are a number of choices concerning the form (Flambert and Deltour, 1971). Obviously, these F
that the results of integration can be presented. For values were established from evaluating commercially
example, Ball (1923) presented his results as a function sterile processes. When a different, more accurate,
of the difference between retort and food centre method is to be used these required F values should be
temperature at the steam-off time. For the simplest (and in fact they are) redefined.
case considered, a ‘working’ equation (originated from It is beyond the scope of this article to present an

Food Control 1995 Volume 6 Number 2 87

Thermal process design: N.G. Stoforos

Table 1 Chronological list of distinct groups of thermal process calculation methods

Group Method/ I.D. Fprocess(m4 Remarks

Conduction Conduction Convection
(geometric (0.75 in (geometric
centre) above bottom) centre)

General Method Bigelow et al. 1920

1 3.4 7.3 15.7 Simpson’s rule
Ball (original) 1923
Ball 2.6 7.9 14.7 1923
Ball 3.0 7.7 15.5 FS 1923
Sasseen 3.0 7.8 15.4 ccomhputerized #3 1%9
Vinters et al. 2.6 7.9 14.6 regression of #2 1975
Vinters et al. 3.1 7.7 14.4 regression of #3 1975
3.5 7.9 15.5 as #3 for Ts being the
maximum food temperature
Conduction heating
Gillespy 8 3.5 9.4 15.4 f==fs; temperature rise 1951
(and Gillespy, 1953) after steam-off
Jakobsen 9 3.1 3.5 13.4 fc=fh; correction for fc#fh can 1954
be made
New Ball
Ball and Olson 10 3.8 7.7 16.1 use of Pi, and P, functions 1957
Hicks 11 3.6 8.3 16.0 revision of #lO 1958
Pflug 12 3.6 8.3 16.0 revision of #lO 1968
Stumbo and Longley 13 2.7 7.4 14.7 fc=fh, variable jc 1966
Jen et al. 14 2.8 7.8 15.3 finite difference 1971
Stumbo 15 2.8 7.7 15.4 refined #14 1973
(see also Purohit and Stumbo,
16 3.3 7.5 15.6 as #15, but for fc#fh
(heating part from #2)
Pham 17 2.8 7.8 14.6 1987
Pham 18 3.3 7.6 15.6 c h
PZ 1990
Herndon different cooling curve from #3
Herndon ef al. 19 2.8 7.3 15.3 f&, variable jc 1968
(and Griffin ef al., 1969,197l)
Steele and Board, 1979a 20 2.8 7.2 15.2 ‘sterilizing ratios’ 1979
Hayakawa empirical formulae 1970
Downes and Hayakawa 21 7.2 15.5 f=#f,,, variable jc 1977
Hayakawa 22 7.2 15.4 computerized #21 1977
Kao et al. 23 2.6 7.5 14.6 regression of #11 and 21 1981
24 3.5 7.4 15.5 as #21 for Ts being the
maximum food temperature

evaluation of the existing methods for thermal process consider the most representative methods intended for
calculations. Limited comparisons of some of the avail- general use, we are presenting part of our unpublished
able methodologies have been presented (Board et al., results in Table 1. The experimental time-temperature
1960; Smith and Tung, 1982; Manji and van de Voort, data (Figure 2), upon which the values presented in
1985; Ghazala et al., 1991). As a summary of what we Table I were based, were obtained for a conduction

. ’ convccliorl (CellbE)
n condtiorl wken~) .
A Conduction(cmtre) .rn
. . . ..I.‘.‘-1-.-..I’.“..‘-‘.-I-...‘.’.’..I.”--’.-.--I..““.‘.‘.’
0 IO u) 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
ProcessTime (min)

Figure 2 Experimental time-temperature data used for F value calculations

66 Food Control 1995 Volume 6 Number 2

Thermal process design: N.G. Stoforos

Table 2 Experimental conditions and heat penetration parameters (from hand-plots)

Conduction Conduction Convection

(geometric (0.75 in (geometric
centre) above bottom) centre)

Retort temperature (“F) 240.4 240.4 258.1

Cooling temperature (“F) 60.0 60.0 80.0
Initial product temperature (“F) 163.3 155.8 118.4
Retort coming-up time (CUT, min) 1.25 1.25 1.67
Steam-on to steam-off (min) 83.0 83.0 9.0
g (experimental, “F) 7.0 2.4 0.3
g“ (calculated, OF) 6.89 2.30 0.01
fh (min) 60.0 60.0 1.92
jh (at 0.58CUT) 2.10 0.61 1.12
L (min) 100.6 46.5 5.13
L 1.26 1.0 1.29
Can size 307 x 513 307 x 513 401 x 411

“This g value (calculated from Eqn 12 for I equals steam-on to steam-off minus 0.58 x coming-up time) was used in all subsequent calculations

heating product, at the geometric centre as well as an Flambert and Deltour, 1973). Actually, Ball (1923,
off-centre position (the thermocouple was inserted at 1928) defined Tg as the maximum product (centre)
the axis of the can, 0.75 in above the can bottom to temperature; also, with reference to the graphs and
challenge the various thermal process calculation tables of time-temperature data in his publications, it is
methods) processed (vertically) in a vertical still retort, clear that he extends the heating phase up to the point
and for a convection heating product, at the geometric of maximum product centre temperature. Neverthe-
centre, processed in a Steritort (at 6 rev/min). The less, by the definition that Ball gives of process (heat-
experimental data were treated in accordance with each ing) time, it is evident that he considered steam-off
of the thermal process calculation method require- time when the product centre temperature had reached
ments. Fprocesr values (Table 2) are point F values its maximum value. Considering that Ball developed
calculated for z = 18°F. 7’,.cf = 250°F and the para- his method from experimental time-temperature
meters listed in Table 2. curves, his definitions are understandable, although not
It must be noted that the results from Table I should always in accordance with each other. We believe that
not be generalized. Undoubtedly, comparison of the users of Ball’s formula method are taking Tg at steam-
various methods through limited temperature (ex- off time in order to introduce an additional safety factor
perimental or predicted) data will favour one or in establishing thermal processes. A new, more soph-
another method. An understanding of the assumptions isticated, method should take this point into account.
involved, and therefore the limitations of each method, Although it is not our intention to present particular
is considered essential before application of the specific cases, it seems appropriate, ending this section, to
method. Some remarks, associated with the tested data briefly refer to broken-heating curves. That is, cases
and using the general method F values as a basis for where the heat transfer mechanism changes at some
comparison, include the following. First, the majority point during the product heating or cooling phase. This
of the methods were conservative in nature (with basic results in change in the slope of the straight line heating
exception of the group D methods, and most of the or cooling curve, when the logarithm of temperature
other exceptions being for the ‘challenging’ conduction, differences (medium minus product) is plotted as a
off-centre position, data) and produced satisfactory function of time. In calculating process Fvalues, almost
results. The results should be viewed in relation to the any formula method accounts for this change in slope
uncertainties associated with the Fproccss and the (for example, by changing f,, or an apparent thermal
, value estimations [l&30% for the former diffusivity value). Nevertheless, there is no method that
Zqulnd and Lund, 1977~; Robertson and Miller, 1984) provides a way of determining the time and/or the
and at least 20% for the latter (Pflug, 1987)], and the temperature at which the brake point occurs. It is
statistical variations in physical, reaction kinetics and therefore considered unrealistic to extrapolate ex-
operational parameters (Hicks, 1961; Powers et al., perimental heat penetration data, for products with
1962; Herndon, 1971, Lenz and Lund, 1977a; Lund, broken-heating curve characteristics, to different pro-
1978; Patino and Heil, 1985; Larkin and Steffe, 1987; cess conditions. In relation to Ball’s formula method,
Hayakawa et al., 1988; Wang et al., 1991). Second, as Berry and Bush (1987) presented guidelines for safe
was expected, methods relying on more parameters to extrapolation (which however might give rise to quality
describe the time-temperature data (e.g. fc # f,, versus concerns) of heat penetration data to different retort
fc = fh methods) gave more accurate results. Finally, and initial product temperatures.
methods that do not take into account any temperature
rise (for conduction heating products) after steam-off
(groups B, F and G) can be improved by considering T, QUALITY RETENTION CALCULATIONS
as the maximum product temperature instead of the
product temperature at steam-off (Board et al., 1960; From the analysis made up to this point, it can be

Food Control 1995 Volume 6 Number 2 89

Thermal process design: N.G. Stoforos

inferred that, for a specific processing temperature, the particle) as opposed to a statistical evaluation of the
processing time required (in order for the target Fvalue data (Hicks, 1961; Lund, 1978). Can-to-can variation
to be achieved) is unique. There is, however, an infinite (Hicks, 1961) together with the procedures used for
number of processing temperature and processing time heat penetration data analysis (Cowell and Evans,
combinations resulting in the same microbial destruc- 1961; Hayakawa and Ball, 1968) can be affected by the
tion. Each of these time-temperature combinations processing temperature. It will be interesting to see
might have different implementation requirements and how the theoretically suggested optimum processing
might result in final product of different characteristics. conditions might be altered when the effect of proces-
For example, processing temperature, amongst other sing temperature on the extent of the experimentally
factors, affects steam consumption as shown by Bhow- observed variability of heat penetration parameters will
mik and Hayakawa (1983) during thermal processing of be considered. Recently published guidelines (as far as
canned foods in still retorts, as well as nutrient reten- food safety is concerned) for extrapolating heat
tion during thermal processing of conduction-heating penetration data to different retort temperatures (Ber-
foods (Teixeira et al., 1969b). Provided that the rela- ry and Bush, 1987, 1989) can be viewed as a result of a
tionship between processing temperature (and there- similar thought.
fore processing time) and a specific temperature- Figure 3 shows a hypothetical optimum process for a
dependent parameter is known, the processing condi- conduction heating, canned, product and how it can be
tions (time-temperature combination) that will opti- affected (shifted towards higher heating times and
mize a thermal process in terms of the parameter of therefore lower processing temperatures, for the case
interest can be selected. In the following discussion, shown) when the effects of processing temperature on
thermal process optimization in terms of quality reten- can-to-can variation is considered. Variation in
tion only will be considered. thiamine retention at different process times, shown in
In fact, assuming that the degradation of a heat-labile Figure 3, is a composite effect of an assumed lower
quality factor follows the kinetics of a first-order reac- variability of heat penetration parameters for lower g
tion, the equations (and part of the methodologies) values (and therefore lower processing temperatures)
presented above for microbial destruction can also be and the fact that the effect of higher temperatures on
used to describe quality degradation. Further reference thiamine destruction is less pronounced, compared to
on this matter is not considered necessary for the microbial destruction (due to differences in the z values
purposes of this article. The main difference between of the two reactions).
quality and microbial destruction, which actually en- It is conceivable that optimum processing conditions
ables process optimization and quality retention, is in do not always guarantee satisfaction. Processing in thin
the arithmetic values of the parameters z (or E,) and profile containers, as discussed by Teixeira et al.
DT (or kT), respectively (Lund, 1977; Thijssen and (1975), or design of unique systems to deliver a thermal
Kerkhof, 1977). Moreover, while calculation of point F process [e.g. separate processing of the particles in a
values is considered satisfactory from a safety point of liquid/particulate food system (Hersom, 1985)] might
view, surface (for colour) or volume-integrated (e.g. be necessary in order to meet high standards of quality.
for a vitamin) F values must be considered for quality
retention calculations. Several researchers have dealt
with calculation of quality retention during thermal SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
processes (Hayakawa, 1969; Teixeira et al., 1969b;
Manson et al., 1970; Jen et al., 1971; Teixeira et al., In this article, an attempt is made to underline the basic
1975; Downes and Hayakawa, 1977; Lenz and Lund, principles involved in designing thermal processes. It is
1977b; Thijssen et al., 1978; Ohlsson, 1980; Swartzel, believed that, due to the high diversity of the topic and
1982; Barreiro et al., 1984; Nadkarni and Hatton, 1985; the large amount of work that has been presented in the
Sawada and Merson, 1986; Bhowmik and Tandon, area of thermal processing, a thorough discussion on
1987; Anstriim et al., 1988; Chandarana and Gavin, the subject will require the length of a book rather than
1989; Datta, 1991; Datta and Hu, 1992; Silva et al., a chapter. The references cited are undoubtedly li-
1992). mited. In addition to the standard references on ther-
The references cited above present results mainly mal processing, the author has also attempted to indi-
from theoretical investigations. Experimental location cate the various research teams that are working in this
of optimum processing conditions (Chai et al., 1991) area. A more complete reference list has been pre-
involves extensive and lengthy experiments. Providing sented in a series of publications, the first by Overing-
that kinetic data for quality thermal degradation are ton and Holdsworth (1974) and the last by Holdsworth
available, the accuracy of the theoretical approaches (1990). A recent handbook chapter by Teixeira (1992)
for quality retention calculations is the same as for the includes additional references on thermal processing.
microbial destruction calculations. Despite the volume of available literature, there is
One point of interest is related to the variability of still room for further work on all of the topics presented
the experimentally obtained heat penetration para- here. Kinetic data for microbial and quality factor
meters. Traditionally, thermal processes are based on destruction are still needed. Extension of theoretical
data for the slowest heating sample (e.g. can or food research in order to account for industrial needs and

90 Food Control 1995 Volume 6 Number 2

Thermal process design: N.G. Stoforos


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180


Figure 3 Hypothetical optimum processing conditions based on thiamine retention. Error bars refer to uncertainties from experimental
(can-to-can) variation

procedures should be considered. A new, more accu- where Ta,, is an extrapolated initial product
rate and more versatile method for thermal process temperature obtained by assuming an
calculations will always be welcomed, especially if it exponential function (similar to Equation 12
can be implemented for on-line control of process presented here) for an entire phase (heating or
deviation, as it will reduce production cost and improve cooling) of a thermal process; j is defined on the
product safety and quality. This will probably dictate a time axis where T,, is defined, dimensionless
need for more accurate heat penetration data with all kT (first-order) reaction rate constant, s-l
the consequences in experimentation and modelling. L total length of system, m
Finally, a new method, as mentioned earlier, will m mass of product in the system, kg
require re-evaluation of the target F values used to date Fl total number of classes of particles with equal
for thermally processed foods. residence times, dimensionless
P tabulated functions (see Ball and Olson, 1957)
NOMENCLATURE R universal gas constant, 8.314 J/(mol K)
T temperature, “C (unless otherwise explicitly
Latin letters
TP product temperature at steam-off time (some-
A system wall heat transfer surface area, m2 times taken as the maximum temperature
C concentration of a heat labile substance, attained by the product), “C (unless otherwise
number of microorganisms/ml, g/ml, or any explicitly stated)
other appropriate unit. t time, s
CP specific heat of product, J/(kg K) uc, overall heat transfer coefficient, heating
DT (noted also as D) time at a constant temperature medium/system wall/internal liquid, W/(m2 K)
required to achieve a decimal reduction of the x longitudinal distance measured from system
initial concentration of a heat labile substance, s entrance, m
(unless otherwise explicitly stated) z temperature interval required to achieve a
activation energy, J/mol decimal reduction of the DT value, “C (unless
a reference F value for z = 18” F and Tref = otherwise explicitly stated)
250” F
(or simply F) time at a constant temperature, T,
Greek letters
required to destroy a given percentage of micro-
organisms whose thermal resistance is character- a thermal diffusivity, m2/s
ized by z, s (unless otherwise explicitly stated)
f time required for the difference between 0 time, 8 = (~/clL)t,, s
medium and product temperatures to be T residence time, s
changed by a factor of 10, s (unless otherwise
explicitly stated)
fraction of solid particles exiting the system with
equal residence times, dimensionless initial condition
temperature difference defined as T,,T,,, “C : final condition
(unless otherwise explicitly stated) CW cooling (water) medium
coefficient defined as j = (T,,,-?1,,)I(T,,,-TIT), C associated with the cooling cycle of a thermal

Food Control 1995 Volume 6 Number 2 91

Thermal process design: N.G. Stoforos

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