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11/18/2018 Frequency of Eating Disorders in College and University Students

Why are College Students Vulnerable to Eating

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Contributed by Kathleen L. Someah, Nutritional Assistant, New Dawn Treatment Centers

College campuses are notorious as breeding grounds for alcoholism and drug addiction. According to a questionnaire-
based self-report nearly 33% of students satisfy criteria associated with alcoholism and roughly 6% meet criteria for
alcohol dependence (Knight, et al., 2002). However, while many individuals are aware of the rising rate of drug and
alcohol abuse among college students, it is less acknowledged that a striking 25% of college students attempt to control
their weight using behaviors associated with Bulimia Nervosa (Renfrew Center Evaluation, 2003) and nearly 91% of
female college students use dieting as a weight-control mechanism (Shisslak, et al., 1995). Previous epidemiological
research studies denote a particularly elevated prevalence of eating disorders amongst college students (Fairburn &
Beglin, 1990). Such alarming statistics are encouraging health care professionals and other individuals to inquire about
the increasing prevalence of eating disorders amongst college students.

Anyone who has entered college is likely familiar with the challenges associated with such an academic and personal
transition. Not only are young men and women forced to face a physical transition from living at home to experiencing
the dorm-room culture, they are also expected to balance their personal and social needs with academic rigor, all
without help from mom and dad. In addition to learning the values associated with independence, these recent high
school graduates are also exposed to an unfamiliar milieu, some better than others. The combination of such
responsibilities often leaves such individuals with feelings of anxiety. While some students might have an easier time
adjusting to the transition, others may begin to feel overwhelmed and bombarded with responsibilities, often relying on
individual coping mechanisms, such as controlling food consumption, to account for the change.

Gaining acceptance into a University is often a result of academic drive, and a common characteristic associated with
academic perseverance is perfectionism. Students already prone toward perfectionist behaviors will naturally strive for
similar levels of perfection once attending college. The combination of such pre-existing perfectionist attitudes and the
pressure-cooker environment of college-level academia serve as fodder for the development of eating disorders. The
same trait that contributes to students’ academic success may also be a factor in their adoption of disordered eating
behaviors. According to Danielle Aubin, Intake Coordinator for New Dawn Eating Disorder Recovery Center, college
serves as a rewarding system for perfectionists. “You get an A for success and an F for failure. That is not such a self-
accepting and peaceful environment in general. It is competitive and can really make a person think of themselves as a
number whether it is a GPA or BMI.” However, perfectionist tendencies alone do not necessarily precipitate eating

In conjunction with the pressure to maintain academic prestige, students encounter external demands to fulfill a physical
ideal. Within the first few weeks of school freshman students corral into social circles, enroll in team sports, and entertain
the notion of pursuing Greek-life. For some this is simply a matter of routine, while for others it serves as the critical
moment in the cultivation of an eating disorder. Sororities and Fraternities, while not directly causal factors in the
development of disordered eating, do reinforce the importance of physical appearance. Attending social gatherings is a
large component of entering Greek-life, and it is not unusual for young men and women to utilize such occasions to stand
out in terms of their physical exterior. In a study examining the effects of organized social groups on the socialization of
bulimia on college campuses, researchers noted a “social contagion” pertaining to individual and eating disorders
(Crandall, 1988). Results indicated a causal relationship between the attaining social uniformity and manipulating one’s
individual behavior, this supporting the assertion that Greek life promulgates the cultivation of disordered eating.

While attending college does not guarantee the adoption of an eating disorder, college students remain especially
vulnerable to disordered eating due to stressors associated with academic prestige, social acceptance, and
independence. 5/8
11/18/2018 Frequency of Eating Disorders in College and University Students

New Dawn’s mission is to provide tools for positive and lasting change in a safe and compassionate setting where
physical, spiritual, and emotional healing can be cultivated. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be
free from his or her eating disorder to create a life of recovery, joy and empowerment.


Crandall, C. S. (1988). Social contagion of binge eating. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55, 588–
Fairburn, C. G., & Beglin, S. J. (1990). Studies of the epidemiology of bulimia nervosa. American Journal of
Psychiatry, 147, 401–408.
Knight JR, Wechsler H, Kuo M, Seibring M, Weitzman ER, Schuckit M. Alcohol abuse and dependence among U.S.
college students. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 2002, in press.
Shisslak, C.M., Crago, M., & Estes, L.S. (1995). The Spectrum of Eating Disturbances. International Journal of Eating
Disorders, 18 (3): 209-219.
The Renfrew Center Foundation for Eating Disorders, “Eating Disorders 101 Guide: A Summary of Issues, Statistics
and Resources,” 2003.

Kathleen L. Someah, Nutritional Assistant of New Dawn Treatment Centers, is currently completing her Bachelor of
Science at Dominican University of California.

Articles published by guest authors do not necessarily express the the opinion of Eating Disorder Hope. We strive to provide a wide
array of articles, from different perspectives, and offer respect and consideration of various views of issues related to eating

Published Date: August 6, 2012

Last reviewed: By Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on August 6, 2012
Page last updated: November 7, 2012
Published on, Eating Disorders Help

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