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1. Tell me something about yourself in brief

This is one of the most frequently asked questions during an HR round interview. Your
answer has to be short, crisp and to the point. Here are some possible high-impact answers
to help you leave a great impression.

Here are some possible high-impact answers to help you leave a great impression.

Possible Answer #1:

“Thank you, Sir/Ma’am for this opportunity. I am from XYZ City and belong to a nuclear
family. My father is a Central Government Employee and my mother is a Vice Principal at a
private school. My younger sister will appear her CBSE 10th board this year. We are a very
close-knit family. On an individual front, I perceive myself as a confident, conscientious and
hardworking individual. I carry out any task assigned to me without hesitation, provided the
instructions are clear. In the case of doubts, I never hesitate to put forth my questions. I have
always been a fast learner, and I love to keep up my process of learning to figure out better
ways of solving problems. Moreover, I love to compete with my own past performances than
competing with my peers, as I believe that improvement is always better than perfection!”

Don’t make the mistake of sharing too much personal information in any of your HR
interview questions and answers round. You will not be left with enough time to sell your
experience and relevant technical skills.

Possible Answer #2:

“Well, I am a confident, hardworking and a very professional individual. I have always

carried out all the tasks assigned to me without hesitation, provided the instructions from
my Reporting Managers or seniors were clear. I have also been a good mentor to my juniors
and never hesitate to guide them. On the other hand, I am a creative person and I love to
test my boundaries. In order to do so, I keep pushing myself to think out of the box!”

2. Describe who you are. or Tell me about your background.

In an HR round, you will surely face this question among all other HR interview questions
and answers asked to you, and I am sure you treat it as the easiest of all questions. Well, it’s
not! Never underestimate the possibility of scoring better points with a crisp answer, if you
feel confident. It can become a fate-changer for applicants having fewer than 5 years of
total job experience.

If your degree is obviously related to the job you’re interviewing for, you can give this
Possible Answer #1:

“I am a B. Tech in Computer Science/B. Com in Economics. I also have an MBA or I have

completed a certification course in Digital Marketing from ABC Academy. What else would
you like to know?”

3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

This is a very common question asked by HR personnel to candidates. Remember that

interviewers these days hardly ever get impressed by flowery responses. So be careful while
tackling this one.

Possible Answer #1:

“I have several strengths namely – I am patient, committed, honest and self-motivated. I am

the biggest dreamer I have ever come across! I forgive easily and hate to keep grudges in my
heart. My greatest weakness is that I don't like getting interrupted when I am seriously into
something. Another one of my weaknesses is that I trust people very easily. As I already said,
I am a very patient person, so I am actively working on this lacuna.”

Possible Answer #2:

“I am impatient which is the reason why I am a quick learner. But I honestly believe that
being impatient is a real weakness. I expect my team members to prove themselves and
start delivering on the very first assignment. In case a particular resource fails, I have a
tendency to stop delegating work to them and pick up projects on my own.

Possible Answer #3:

“I am a perfectionist and that is my main weakness, which I also think is my strength.”

4. What is your greatest fear?

Remember that this is a stress test question.

Don’t simply talk about your weaknesses, your interviewer genuinely wants you to talk
about your loopholes! Try to resist the urge to give him/her more points to reject you.
Answer diplomatically.

Possible Answer #1:

“You might think that since I have never worked in my life, and this is only my first job, my
inexperience is my weakness. But I beg to differ. I am a fast learner and very open minded. I
assure that I do not carry any pre-conceived notions regarding how I feel I should perform
my job.”
Possible Answer #2:

“I work too hard sometimes and care too much about my work. I take my tasks back home
and work even during the weekends. You can call me a workaholic, but my family always
points out that this is not right. Slowly and steadily I am realizing that speed and working
smartly are the key. So, I have begun to reach out to my colleagues for ready-to-use
workarounds so that I can give more time to my family.”

5. Did you ever have a conflict with your current/previous boss or professor?
Possible Answer #1:

“Recently I had a disagreement with one of my professors about a question that was out of
syllabus in one of the semester exams. It was not a major one, but yes I will label it a
‘conflict’. Most of my friends and peers did not attempt this question due to ambiguity.
When I brought the cause into my professor’s notice in private, he remained cold and
unconcerned. So, I and my batchmates had a discussion following which, we went to him
together. At that point, our professor agreed that the question was ambiguous, but he
refused to give us grace marks for the same. I felt disappointed because he did not
appreciate the fact that I brought the situation earlier, into his notice in private. Besides, he
did not suggest an alternative paper or project work, with which students could make up for
the lost marks.”

6. What do your friends/co-workers say about you?

Possible Answer #1:

“I recently completed my internship at Tata Steel Ltd., Tata Center, Kolkata. My project lead
told me that in the beginning, I was a little lost, but by the end of the summer internship
program, she knew that she could count on me.”
Possible Answer #2:

“Since I like to build strong professional relationships with my teammates, most of them
have become great friends. We have been spending eight hours a day, five days a week for
several years now. So, I am sure that whatever they say, will be realistic and not made up.
One thing that they will surely mention about me is my love for food! The rest is up to you to
find out.”

7. What is your ideal company or workplace?

Possible Answer #1:

“My ideal workplace or company is a fair one that values my contributions even as a fresher
and encourages me to speak up and share my ideas. It is a place where I can be myself, while
working towards a greater goal.”
Possible Answer #2:

“My ideal company is the one which can bring forth exciting challenges. Such opportunities
will bring out the best in me as I can use my interests and experiences to grow. I like my
present workplace as it offers all this along with a clean and professional work atmosphere,
and more. But I am looking forward to a company that is actively involved in social welfare,
and your organization does exactly that.”

8. What is the most difficult thing that you’ve ever accomplished? or What is the most
difficult thing you have ever done?
Possible Answer #1:

“I have never been a great public speaker. The very thought of facing a crowd used to make
me nervous. When I started college, my best friend advised me that I had to get over this
roadblock to shine through. So, last year, I took the bold step of trying my hand at public
speaking. I joined the Debate Club in my college. Since then, I have participated in multiple
Possible Answer #2:

“I have helped my father set up his business from scratch. This is our family business and a
startup as well. The initial days were really very tough as I had to learn and apply everything
at once. Be it sales, marketing, leadership, management, finance, finance, human resources

9. What is the difference between hard work and smart work?

Possible Answer #1:

“Hard work is what every breadwinner does today, including a rickshaw puller or a daily
wager. Smart work is what the educated masses like us are supposed to do, and some of us
are actually doing it, like my father. A well-balanced combination of both hard work and
smart work is the secret formula to success.
Possible Answer #2:

“Hard work is delivering work on time with more effort and smart work is delivering work on
time, with lesser effort. I feel that is the basic difference. Most of the times, in the corporate
world, I feel a combination of both is needed to attain excellence.”

10. How do you feel about working weekends and night shifts?
Possible Answer #1:

“I am a fresher and I hardly have any exposure of the corporate world. Back in college,
weekends were no different from weekdays for us. The assignments, tasks and projects had
to be submitted within deadlines, and to do so, we would study during the weekdays. As far
as night shifts are concerned, I would like to say that I am a nocturnal person and I like to do
my studies generally at night. I have no issues working during weekends and at night,
provided I get enough compensatory offs to relax and wind down.”
11. Where do you see yourself 3 years from now? or Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Possible Answer #1:

“My current goal is to find a career spot that ensures continued growth alongside new
challenges daily. 3 years from now, I see myself as an experienced and reliable senior in the
team and 5 years from now, I assume that I will be ready to take up managerial
responsibilities like product strategy. I want to have a stable career in a single organization
and hope I will get the same wherever I start.”
Possible Answer #2:

“I see myself working for a reputed organization, at a strategic position with budgeting
power, good remuneration, and minimal interference.”

12. Give an example of a time you had to respond to an unhappy manager/ customer/
colleague/ professor/ friend.
Possible Answer #1:

“Personally, I am not too fond of conflicts. I don’t like it when people are mean, so I try to
avoid conflicts and tongue-lashing as far as possible. In case such a situation arises, I let my
seniors or professors handle it. I cannot recollect the exact situation right now, but that’s
what I have done in the past.”

13. How quickly do you adapt to new technology?

Possible Answer #1:

“I can adapt quickly to new circumstances. Since I am clear about my job role and I am
mentally prepared to take up challenges, I feel I have the capacity to learn fast and apply my
new knowledge. During my student life, I had to clear new papers and projects in every
semester and thoroughly enjoyed doing it. Similarly, I will enjoy picking up new technologies
in my professional life as well.”

14. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate yourself as a leader?

HR interview questions and answers are a way of testing you in and out. The HR interviewer
may ask you this question to gauge your self-confidence.

Possible Answer #1:

“I rate my leadership skills an 8 out of 10. There is much to learn, but I have always been a
strong leader.

15. What makes you angry?

Possible Answer #1:

“I get angry when I get falsely accused of something that I did not do. Lack of order and
discipline also irritates me, but 4 years of hostel life have taught me to cope and adjust with
other people.”
16. Are you open to take risks? or Do you like experimenting?
Possible Answer #1:

“It is always good to venture into new waters and new technologies. I am a very adaptive
person and my diligence helps me pick up new stuff quickly. Experimenting or taking risks
can yield both good and bad results, but the exercise in itself is a great learning experience.

Possible Answer #2:

“This is a good question and a complex one. My answer would be both a No and a Yes.
Personally, I like to experiment with new things, but I keep all my past mistakes in mind
before taking a shot at a brand-new project.

17. What are your future goals? Tell me about your short term and long-term goals.
Possible Answer #1:

“My short-term goal is to join a reputed company, like yours, where my job role would allow
me to apply my knowledge and key strengths. I want to get recognized for my contribution
to the company in the long-run.”

18. What motivates you?

Possible Answer #1:

“I love public speaking. Preparing a presentation and talking about it in front of an audience,
and then getting back to them with answers in the question and answer round, motivates
me! The whole experience is so thrilling. As a Sales Rep, I think building a connection with my
audience is useful, inspiring and exciting.”
Possible Answer #2:

“Meeting the set target within an assigned deadline motivates me the most. When I do so, I
get a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. When this is coupled with an award, I feel all
the more motivated. All in all, I like to achieve milestones, so that I can look back at them
and say to myself, ‘Yes, that was my achievement.’ Visible results also motivate me.”

19. What are your hobbies? or What are you passionate about?
You can talk about your own passion here. This is a commonly asked question in all ‘HR
interview questions and answers’ lists.
Possible Answer #1:

“I am passionate about painting. I have been a painter all along, ever since my childhood.
Even today, I take advanced art classes during the weekends. The whole exercise of
beautifying a blank canvas with colors relaxes me. It is my way of unwinding.”

Possible Answer #2:

“I’m passionate about cooking. I love to stir up a new dish or experiment with a new recipe
every now and then. Every weekend, my friends come over to my place to try out a new dish.
I maintain a journal where I jot down all my kitchen quests. I might publish it as a guide for
home cooks, but that will have to wait until I develop and write down at least a 1000 final

20. How do you respond to change?

Possible Answer #1:

“I am patient, persistent, practical, and always positive. This helps me cope up with change
Possible Answer #2:

“I try to stay focused on what I am and what I need. This helps me respond to change

21. Are you an organized person?

Possible Answer #1:

“Yes, I am quite organized. I keep all my documents, certificates and files labeled and sorted.
The labels are such that I can retrieve anything that I need instantly, in seconds. I also have a
very clean desktop in my computer.”
Possible Answer #2:

“Organization comes naturally to me. My desk, folders, software files, clothes, kitchen and
everything else is always well arranged, sorted and neatly kept. Thanks to my spouse and
mom for instilling this skill as a habit in me.”

22. What are the three things that are most important for you in a job?
Possible Answer #1:

“Honesty, loyalty, and determination to achieve my team’s target.”

Possible Answer #2:

“Professionalism, growth and a healthy work-life balance are important.”

23. If you won a Rs.10-crore lottery, would you still work?
Possible Answer #1:

“Yes, I would still work, to build my career. As far as the lottery money is concerned, I will
buy a huge house for my Mom and Dad.”
Possible Answer #2:

“The amount you quoted is not huge, considering the fact that my spouse is a social worker!
In order to sustain my existence and my family’s welfare, I would still keep working.”
24. How do you work under pressure? Can you handle the pressure?
Possible Answer #1:

“Working under pressure is what I have done a lot during my college days. I have realized
that I can actually work well under pressure. It is the pressure factor that brings out
maximum efficiency in me.”
Possible Answer #2:

“I like to work under pressure. It brings out the best in me as well as helps me grow. I learn
faster and perform well when I have a strict deadline, because I plan accordingly, work in a
more organized manner and also tend to finish my tasks with more efficiency. In my current
job role, deadlines and ‘pressure situations’ are common, and I have grown immune to
25. Are you willing to relocate or travel?
Freshers, do not say ‘YES!’ at once. This will only show your desperation to be a part of the
company. Answer carefully like this. (This is an important tip for your HR interview questions
and answers).

Possible Answer:

“I would definitely consider it. If the opportunity given to me is appropriate, rewarding and
feasible, I don’t think I will have any issues with the relocation or traveling involved.”
You need to understand the purpose of this question. Answer correctly, as explained above.

26. How long do you think you will work for us after we hire you?
Possible Answer #1:

“I am fresher and nothing can be better for me than starting my professional career in a
reputed company like yours. If everything goes well, I will be looking forward to a long stint
here, as long as the company needs me.”

27. Why do you want to work for us or our company? or Why do you want this job?
Possible Answer #1:

“I read an article in the newspaper a few months back. The news piece revolved around your
corporate community service. I am not exactly a philanthropist, as I am not that rich yet, but
giving back is a big part of my personal philosophy. When I read that article, I was moved.
The true excitement overtook me when I got this interview call. It will be really nice if I get to
work in an organization, which follows the same philosophies as I personally do. Because my
technical skills will be recognized in other places as well, but personal philosophies are
equally important.”
Possible Answer #2:

“Teamwork is what I truly believe in. When I saw that there was an opening in your
organization, I made sure that my application was put in. Being a team-player, I believe
working together to achieve a higher goal is what drives success in the long run. And my
skills as an engineer and a team member will give me a 360-degree work satisfaction for

28. Why should we hire you? or Why should I hire you?

Most freshers might treat this as a challenging question. Remember that it’s not some sort
of a blow to your ego, but a stress test which you can pass smoothly with a powerful
answer. Below given is your perfect answer, which you can use in your discussion pertaining
to HR interview questions and answers.

Possible Answer #1:

“Sir/Ma’am, I have all the requisite qualifications and skills. I can do the work that the profile
requires me to do. Besides, I have the capacity to deliver exceptional results. I can blend into
mixed cultures and will fit in beautifully, which will make me a great addition to the team.
For a fresher, I have the right amount of exposure into this industry, as I have completed my
internship with XYZ company only recently. Hiring me will be a great value-add to your
workforce as the organization will keep on gaining, with me around.”
Sell your interviewer on you and close the deal on your dream job while having a discussion
on HR interview questions and answers! To do so, you need to stay prepared with a
summary of the best reasons why they should select you. If you feel you are the winning
candidate, you should prove that you are more than qualified. Here’s your best answer.

Possible Answer #2:

“Sir/mam, I have great communication skills, desired experience and the requisite skill set for
this job role. If I get a chance to showcase my abilities, I will leave no stone unturned with my
commitment to hard work and dedication.”

29. What are your salary expectations?

Possible Answer #1:

“My salary expectations are in line with the current industry standards, according to my
experience and qualifications.”
Possible Answer #2:

“Thank you, Ma’am/Sir, once my responsibilities are clear I can state an exact figure. Right
now, I would like to know what my potential Manager expects from this job position, in your
organization. After this discussion, maybe we can both meet a conclusion about my future
Possible Answer #3:

“Sir/Ma’am, I am sure your company is already paying a specific package to someone in a

similar position. Hence, I would like to know your budget, if you do not mind. Accordingly, I
can put forth my expectations.”

Your interview is more or less coming to an end when the interviewer asks you, “Do you
have any questions for me?”
Never say “no” as this is perhaps the worst response ever given by any interview candidate!
Remember that interviews are not integrations but are business conversations where both
the parties should ask and respond to questions. Coming back to the situation, the best
answer for a fresher is as follows:

Possible Answer #1:

“Yes, I do!”
This is probably your very first chance during the interview, to ask a question. Questioning
will indicate that as a fresher, you came well-prepared for the interview and you are still
absorbed in the conversation. It will also show that you do take interest in the organization.
Make a general list of five questions about the company and ask them to your interviewer,
after all other HR interview questions and answers are over.

Possible Answer #2:

“How has your journey been so far in this organization? What excites you the most about
working here? How long does it ideally take a person to prove their caliber here? Where is
the organization headed in the next years? What are the next steps of this interview?”
In case you already know everything about your potential employer, you can ask the
interviewer a direct question like:

Possible Answer #3:

“Can you tell me something about yourself?”

Everyone likes to talk about themselves, so this is a safe question amongst all other HR
interview questions and answers. In the end, try to throw in an enthusiastic conversation
ender like:

Possible Answer #4:

“It was great talking to you!”

There are a number of possible questions that you can ask the interviewer. Read them here.
Lastly, wait for the interviewer to utter “Thank You” or any other concluding line. Now it’s
your turn to get up, put your hand out for a handshake and then step out of the interview
room. Remember to carry out your bag, folder, and other belongings.

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