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Video Segment 1:

Lesson Plan # 1
Date: 3/5/19
Description of student work: Students learn about the goals of the project and then begin to
work on choosing a topic for their songs. The student in the pink and white striped shirt and the
student in the blue hoodie are featured discussing ways that they can use the melodic material
from the popular song “Happy,” change the words to fit their selected topic, and add additional
instrument parts. After students have chosen a topic, they complete the rhyming words
worksheet and begin writing the lyrics to their songs.

Video Segment 2:
Lesson Plan # 2
Date: 3/7/19
Description of student work: Students complete a rhyme scheme listening activity and then
continue writing their lyrics. The student in the pink shirt, the student in the white shirt, and the
student in the turquoise shirt (the same group featured in video segment 1), work with the
teacher to figure out the form of their song.

Video Segment 3:
Lesson Plan # 3
Date: 3/13/19
Description of student work: Students participate in a chord progression activity then watch a
teacher demonstration on how to combine different musical components into a song. The
student with the spider hat and the student in the black beanie hat are featured figuring out
the tonic and dominant chords of their song for the introduction as well as their strum pattern.
The student in the grey sweater and the student in the batman hat are featured performing a
section of their song then determining melodic phrasing for the rest of the verse.

Video Segment 4:
Lesson Plan # 4
Date: 3/26/19
Description of student work: Students completed a self-assessment about their songwriting
experience, practiced their songs, performed their songs, then received peer and teacher
feedback on their songs and performances. The student in the MSU hoodie is featured playing
his song, “Michigan;” the student in the grey shirt (the same student from video segment 3) is
featured playing his song, “Winter;” and the student in the yellow shirt and the student in the
skeleton shirt are featured performing their song, “Marble School Theme Song.”

Explanation of edits:

0:27 – Cut out passing out lesson materials

0:39 - Cut out students choosing groups
1:03 - Cut to lesson 2
1:22 - Cut to group work time
2:48 - Cut out excessive group work time, cut to lesson recap
3:43 - Cut to lesson 3
6:08 - Cut to teacher demonstration
6:42 - Cut out additional comments from students
8:00 - Cut out repetitive modeling, cut to group work
8:30 - Cut out excessive student practicing of the introduction
9:08 - Cut to another group
9:55 - Cut to lesson 4
10:39 - Cut out the end of the song, cut to peer feedback
10:44 - Cut to second student performance
11:03 - Cut to end of song
11:09 - Cut out additional comments from student, cut to peer feedback
11:36- Cut to third student performance
12:15 - Cut out the end of the song, cut to peer feedback

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