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This is a picture that was uploaded on instagram.

It is a relatively small account so not many

people have seen it. That being said, for the few who have, it points out the growing concern of
our nation’s seemingly degrading education system. It acknowledges how school does not
properly prepare young growing students for adult life. Throwing teens into a world where they
do not have somebody there to hold their hand. A world harsh realities wait for those
unprepared for it. There should be either more people that see these posts, or just more people
who will post them. By doing that, it being more well-known view for this topic.

This article posted on facebook exposes the irresponsibility

schools and how they operate. This is a story of a middle school
girl and her family, and how certain orders were given to the
school and directly ignored by faculty. The young lady was on the
spectrum of autism and required some special attention during
school. She decided to join the GSA club at school and go by a
different, male name without ever informing her parents. She
really struggled with being called her female name at home but
referred to as a guy at school. The problem seemed to have been
solved when the girl decided to leave the group and when her
parents asked the school to call her by her real name.
Unfortunately the administration did not listen, which caused
further problems leading to depression and anxiety.
This link was posted to address this issue. The link is an article that
lists off some interesting facts. Specifically the decline in testing results and how
former-president Barack Obama’s common core is mainly responsible. It directly acknowledges
the confusing methods that students are required to learn to solve relatively simple problems
and equations. These methods however are not applicable in later years, in turn making
understanding simple concepts increasingly more difficult than they need to be. With all of this
happening, it just sets up the children for failure.

This tweet is of a link to an article that suggests a new possible

grading scale. And to the average student, it may appear like a
done-deal. The issue of it is that it lowers the overall expectancy
and responsibility of the student. When the quality of the
assignment becomes lowered, then often times the quality of the
student and/or work ethic decreases as well. This is a problem
that often times older generations are concerned of, the fact that
kids nowadays are becoming “soft”. And the fact of the matter is
that they most definitely are. Youth are not having to work as
hard for things, meaning once they get into the adult world more
and more people will fail to meet expectations.
This post on Instagram is an important yet simple one. Just one
simple statistic has been given. One that shows how unprepared most teens are to really be
thrown into the adult world. With less than 40% of American students not being at the point in
which they should be, that means less than 129 million people feel they truly understand math
and English. Out of a country with only around 320 million, it shows there is a problem.
Another important part of this post, is the lack of likes that it has received. And to most people,
that may not seem like an issue. But it perfectly represents the lack of awareness that most
people have on the subject. Or at least the lack of people who truly care.

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