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English in Nursing

Facilitator: Theresia Ivana, MSN

I. Exercise
Match the each instruction below with the meaning

1. Lie down a. Angkat tangan kirimu

2. Sit down b. Berbaringlah
3. Close your eyes c. Buka mulutmu
4. Follow my finger movement d. Duduk
5. Close your right eye with your palm e. Lipat/ tekuk kakimu
6. Raise your left hand f. Tutup matamu
7. Fist your finger g. Kepalkan jarimu
8. Bend your leg h. Tutup mata kananmu dengan telapak tangan
9. Roll up your sleeve i. Ikuti gerakan jari saya
10. Open your mouth j. Gulung lengan bajumu ke atas

II. Exercise
These sentences are the description of some diseases. Choose the correct name for
each description below.

1. Damage to the lungs results from disease which is caused by a bacillus

2. This is contagious skin disease caised by tiny parasites. The patient develops a
rash which itches intensely
3. This disease is caused by an iodine deficiency. The most obvious sign is a
swelling in the neck
4. Inflammation of the liver and jaundice result form this virus infection
5. This is hereditary disease caused by a lack of antihaemophilic globulin in the
blood. It is characterised by inability of the blood to clot
6. This is a virus infection which caused a red rash and a high temperature

a. Scabies d. Tuberculosis
b. Goitre e. Haemophilia
c. Measles f. Infective hepatitis

III. Exercise
Match the English word with its translation

1. Soft-bristled toothbrush
2. Anti-infective solution or normal saline to loosen crust
3. Sponge toothette
4. Padded tongue blade
5. Emesis basin
6. Face towel
7. Suction equipment
8. Disposable gloves
9. Water soluble lubricant

a. Alat dari busa untuk menyerap cairan di sekitar mulut

b. Sikat gigi dengan bulu sikat yang lembut dan tegak
c. Bilah yang berlapis kassa untuk membersihkan lidah
d. Sarung tangan sekali pakai
e. Cairan anti infeksi atau caira garam untuk melembutkan lapisan yang
f. Handuk wajah
g. Alat untuk menghisap cairan dari mulut (bila perlu untuk pasien tidak
h. Pelumas yang dapat larut dalam air
i. Wadah untuk membuat cairan kumur

IV. Exercise
Instruction: match the oral problem and its decription

1. Dental caries
2. Gingivitis
3. Periodontitis
4. Halitosis
5. Pericoronitis

a. Receding gum lines, inflammation, gaps between teeth, rough or jagged

b. Pain when you bite on the area and unpleasant taste
c. Inflammation of gum
d. Discoloration of tooth enamel
e. Bad breath

V. Fill in the blank based on the definition below. Identify with disease or disorder
goes with its definition

1. Inflamation or infection of the lungs in which air sacs fill with pus. It causes
chest pain and coughing
2. A disease in which the pancreas fails to procedure enough insulin
3. A malignant tumor anywhere in the body is caused by uncontrolled cell
4. A mild but contagious children’s disease, its accompanied by a skin rash
5. Sudden paralysis (usually one side of the body) caused by interruption of
blood flow to the brain
6. From the mental illness in which the person loses the desire to eat, causing
severe weight loss (especially among adolescen females)
7. A weak condition is caused by not enough red blood cells in the body or by
loss of blood
8. A disease that caused chills, fever, and sweating it is transmitted by the bite of
anopheles mosquito
9. Inflammation of the tonsils, causing sore throat and fever
10. Severe weakening or destruction of the body’s immune system by the human
immune deficiency virus

a. Cancer
b. Anorexia
c. Aids
d. Pneumonia
e. Tonsilitis
f. Anemia
g. Chicken pox
h. Diabetes
i. Stroke
j. Malaria
Figure it out
Complete the sentences with the words in the list
1. Do you have a .............................................. a. Temperature
2. I’ll check your............................................... b. For
3. How long have you.............................headcahe c. Had
4. I haven’t ....................................any medicine d. Fever
5. I have got sore throat...............................days e. Consume
Exercise I
Match the condition below with the part of the body or organ affected using your medical
1. Hepatitis a. Bladder
2. Pneumonia b. Gall bladder
3. Nephritis c. Heart
4. Gastric ulcer d. Kidney
5. Cystitis e. Liver
6. Angina pektoris f. Lung
7. Cholecystitis g. Stomach
8. Ulcerative colitis h. Large bowel
Exercise II
Reorder the words below into a good sentence
1. Were – at – people – the accident – there – two – injured – last night
2. Got – headache – since – he – has – in the morning
3. Sore – playing – after – right hand – was – my – tennis
4. Your – itch – left – does – feel – eye
5. Hurt – the food – really – I – throat – when – is – my – swallow
Reading I (Source: general english materials for health students 2008)
The Kidneys
There are two kidneys in the body, and they are situated on either side of the vertebral
column between the thick muscles of the back and abdomen. Each kidney is approximately 10
cm long, 6 cm wide, and 4 cm thick. Each weights about 140 g.
The major function of the kidney is to remove waste products form the body by
producing urine. The contain about one milllion microsponic units called nephrons. Their
function is to receive and filter all the blood in the body. Once every twelve minutes they
remove waste materials from the blood and return useful substances to the circulation. In this
way, they enable pressure remain constant.
Exercise III
Answer the question below:
1. Where are the kidney situated?
2. What do the nephrons do?
3. How often is the blood filtered through the kidneys?
4. What are the glomeruli?
5. What is their function?
Reading II (Source: general english materials for health students 2008)
Sign and Symptom
Sign of a disease is something that a nurse can see or feel for herself. She can observe
it. While symptom is something that only the patient knows about it. The patient tells the nurse
about it. Here are some common signs. They were brushing, rash, swelling and weight loss.
Other common signs are rapid pulse, irregular pulse, pallor, haematemesis, jaundice,
dyspnoea, cyanosis, laceration, inflammation, shallow pulse, weight gain ache, dizziness,
hunger, thirst, constipation, headache.
Source: general english materials for health students 2008
Answer the followong questions based in the passage above
1. What is sign of disease?
2. What is symptom of a disease?
3. What can you conclude from the passage?
Discuss the meaning of each technical terms which are written in the passage above then
complete the sentences below
1. The technical term for difficulty in breathing is ...........................................
2. The technical term for fluid in the tissues is..................................................
3. Blue lips or nails are sign of...........................................................................
4. A patient whose facelooks yellow has ...........................................................
5. The technical term for a cut a.........................................................................
6. A pulse which is not regular is......................................................................
7. The technical term for blood in the vomit is.................................................
8. A pulse which is difficult to feel is................................................................
9. A patients who does not want to eat anything has ........................................
10. If a patients has injury which leaves marks on the skin, but the skin is not broken. He

*******************************GOOD LUCK*******************************

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