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Students create a dialogue between two or more characters using 

Shakespeare’s language  
Students will create their own sonnet describing an event in their lives. 
(Please refer to your sheet on Iambic Pentameter) 
Begin below:
I ​Walked ​in​to​ the ​school​ with ​the ​lights l​ ow
I ​hur​ried ​to ​un​pack ​my ​case ​of ​goods
I ​checked ​the ​time​ and ​knew​ I ​had​ to ​go
I ​found​ my​ seat​, many​ neigh​bor​hoods ​gath​ered

There ​I ​was, ​with​ the​ best​ mu​sic​ians ​here

I ​be​came ​scared​ I​ would​ ruin ​rehearsal
When ​tun​ing ​came,​ I ​had ​an ​awe​some ​ear
The ​speed ​we ​play​ed ​it ​gave ​me ​some ​fear

The ​con​cert ​was ​right ​a​round ​the ​cor​ner

The ​Or​ches​tra ​went ​and ​sat ​on t​ he ​stage
The ​stage ​lights ​be​gan ​to ​get ​much​ warm​er
Once ​the ​end ​came, ​we ​all ​went ​right​ back​stage

All-​county​ was​ an ​un​for​get​tab​le ​night

And ​one​ I ​will​ miss​ for ​an ​e​tern​ity

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