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SPE 100200

Permeability Modeling in Porous Media: Setting Archie and Carman-Kozeny Right

C.F. Haro, SPE, Occidental Oil & Gas

Copyright 2006, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

• A quantitative rock catalog can be implemented applying
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Europec/EAGE Annual Conference and
Exhibition held in Vienna, Austria, 12–15 June 2006.
practical rock type definitions.
• Supported by these concepts, synthetic production logs
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effectively assist in history matching.
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at • Archie law ceases being merely empirical. We gain a
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Abstract Introduction
Archie empirical law is the basis of quantitative Petrophysics. Archie and C-K are very popular/famous equations. Their
The physical significance of this law is not well understood. usage is widespread despite a common lack of full
This issue involves substantial uncertainty in oil in place. comprehension of these relationships.1 Different versions of
Archie and C-K equations exist. Their parameters adopt
Similarly, Carman-Kozeny (C-K) relationship is source of
varied values based on simplifying assumptions, which affect
several permeability models. C-K is derived from Poiseuille
the accuracy of water saturation and permeability estimates.
equation, applicable in laminar viscous flow in straight non-
Both oversimplification and ambiguity, created by the
communicating uniform tubes. Neither Poiseuille nor C-K
diversity of Archie and C-K equation forms, will be addressed
formulae consider convective/inertial accelerations caused by
first. Then, fluid mechanics and electric field considerations
changes in either cross section or flow direction. Implications
will be employed, to quantify the influence of both the
include sizeable limitations in permeability modeling.
viscosity of the fluids and the geometry of porous media. This
In this paper, appropriate hydrodynamic and electrical
quantification is the main difficulty in permeability modeling,
models are created using fluid mechanics analytical methods.
and in understanding fluid and electric flow.
The models delineate the velocity and electrical potentials,
A general tactic to solve the problem dictates a blend of
streamlines and controls, represented by C-K and Archie
theory and experiment. A wealth of experimental results is
equations. This approach theoretically verifies both relations
already available in the literature. Although this paper is more
and demonstrates that:
centered in the theory, the purpose is to join these notions with
• Fluid circulation and permeability are optimally modeled
existing experimentation, relieving doubts and gaining
invoking superposition of viscous and inertial regimes in
exactitude in the calculations.
nozzles, throats, diffusers, pipe networks, and arrays of
solid particles. These hydraulic components, once
Archie. A tortuosity coefficient (a) always equal to 1 is an
assembled, emulate porous media well.
unreasonable assumption according to Adisoemarta et al.1
• Changes in fluid and electric flow direction are They sustain that a ≥ 1 should be used, based on core
characterized by the flow around a corner solution of measurements and the definition of tortuosity. Other authors
Laplace differential equation. claim that a should be 1 to comply with physical bounds at
• The solution precisely defines rock frame, conductive 100% porosity.2,3 Archie himself assumed a = 1.4 Some
phase, and hydraulic tortuosities, enabling direct ties to publications promote values of a ≤ 1.5 Mavko et al. mention
pore geometry. This facilitates permeability calculations that a > 1 is usually needed to fit the data of non-Archie
utilizing the “perfect permeability transform” procedure. rocks.6 In general, a = 1 is employed for simplification
Several experiments/examples are discussed to show validity. purposes. There is not an universal agreement about the
Some conclusions and technical contributions/applications are: correct value of a.
• Electric measurements can predict hydraulic and Numerous hypotheses about the variation of cementation
petrophysical rock properties. exponent (m) values are available, especially for non-Archie
• Cementation exponent can be continuously computed rocks. Formation factor (F) exhibits noticeable curvature
employing acoustic tools and rock physics principles. close to the origin on the Co-Cw (rock vs. brine
• Saturation exponent can be geometrically related to conductivities) plot for shaly sands, suggesting that m should
wettability and saturation using pore-scale modeling. vary if formation water salinity changes.7
2 SPE 100200

There are also specific studies dealing with unusual values Poiseuille equation.6 Consequently, Eq. 3 presents
of m in vuggy porosity8 and natural fractures.9 Different geometrical inconsistencies in its mathematical derivation:
names (cementation exponent, tortuosity exponent, lithologic φ

exponent, shape factor)10 are used for this parameter, denoting

correlations with distinct rock characteristics. Table 1
k= ……………..……….………..(3)
τ 2 Fs S gv2 (1 − φ ) 2
displays typical values of m.
Service company chart books support combining the This equation plots very close to straight lines on log-log
tortuosity coefficient with the cementation exponent.5 Default permeability-porosity coordinates.13 The equivalent porosity
versions are the Humble formula for soft formations, and the exponent (slope) is higher than 3 on this plot.
Shell formula for low porosity carbonates. A generic form of Civan proposed a variable porosity exponent (β) and some
a, m and porosity (Ø) has been adopted to accommodate other modifications to model communication among the
various possibilities.7 Archie equation thus becomes: capillary tubes, which should occur in the real case. These are
aRw leaky tubes represented by Eq. 4,14 derived using fractal
Sw = …………………………………………..(1) theory:
φ m Rt β
k ⎡ φ ⎤
where Rw is formation water resistivity, Rt is formation =γ⎢ ⎥ …………………………………….(4)
resistivity, Sw is water saturation and n is saturation exponent. φ ⎣α − φ ⎦
Value of n is more uncertain, with an accepted range 1.1- where α is a cementation exclusion factor and γ is an
2.5. Archie proposed a starting value of 2.4 Oil wet rocks interconnectivity parameter. Which one is the right equation?
have higher n as compared to water wet rocks.6
Shang et al. mention that a coefficient (b) associated with The missing criterion. The importance of pore system
the saturation exponent is often employed to enhance tortuosity is well recognized. For example, it is implicitly
correlations. However, b ≠ 1 does not comply with physical assumed that similar rock types have the same tortuosity in
bounds at 100% water saturation. They also report a curved deriving J functions.15 Tortuosity is partially taken into
resistivity index response in dual logarithmic domain, account in both Archie and C-K formulations, allowing for
indicating non linearities in the Archie equation.11 prolonged path lengths (a and τ).
Errors in the value of a are not trivial. Using 1 instead of a Velocity is the main unknown in fluid flow. Velocity is so
different value may lead to pessimistic oil in place important that some authors stipulate that, when velocity is
calculations.1 The same observation is applicable to the other established, the problem is already solved.16 However,
Archie equation parameters. Are a, m and n merely empirical velocity variation, produced by a series of changes in cross
fitting parameters?3 Is there a solution to improve accuracy? section and in direction of flow, has been consistently ignored
in modeling porous media. These changes repeatedly take
Carman-Kozeny. The bundle of capillary tubes, which is the place within the rock framework, due to pore-morphology and
theory behind C-K equation, forms the basis of J functions and tortuosity, as fluids pass through the narrow winding conduits
countless permeability models. Applicability of this equation, of the rock (Fig. 1). This precludes laminar flow,15 negating
as we know it, resides on compliance of several assumptions: C-K assumption. Fluids with high viscosity resist changes in
• Laminar, incompressible, steady state flow. speed and direction more than fluids with low viscosity.
• Fluid should be Newtonian and should behave as a
continuum, with no-slip at the wall.
• End effects (“entrance length” to build-up the parabolic
profiles required by Poiseuille law) can be neglected.
• Reynolds number (Re) ≈ 1-10 (negligible inertial forces).6
Eq. 2 characterizes fluid flow through a stack of tubes that do
not communicate with each other:

k= ………….………..…………..…………(2)
τ 2 Fs S 2
where k is effective permeability to oil (as used herein), τ is
hydraulic tortuosity, and Fs is a shape factor. The specific
surface area (S) is calculated from the total surface of the Figure 1 – Continuous changes in direction of flow.
capillary tubes, divided by the total volume of the porous
sample. This derivation is geometrically consistent. Kinematics of solids and fluids. Different laws apply to
Eq. 2 plots as a family of parallel lines (slope = 3) in log- curved and straight trajectories of moving solids. It is not
log permeability-porosity coordinates, with varying both τ2Fs enough to correct for the additional length in the curves.17
product (Kozeny constant) and S. While simple linear relationships apply to velocity in straight
C-K equation can be also expressed as function of the sections, centrifugal acceleration and the corresponding
specific surface area of the grains (Sgv).12 However, this area velocity variations are fundamental in the curves. The
(spheres) is not equal to the surface area of the capillary tubes problem must be subdivided into straight and curved
(cylinders), and is not consistent with the tube model of segments. Even a change in coordinates, from rectangular to
SPE 100200 3

polar, usually becomes necessary to quantify rigid-solids Equipotential lines (voltage) are comparable to velocity
displacement. potentials. Let us find these lines in a relevant problem.
By analogy, a velocity correction scheme must be
implemented in fluid motion problems to gain computational Inviscid (zero viscosity) flow. The potential distribution
accuracy. To prove this, some theory and methods (regarding function ƒ(z) is the solution of Laplace differential equation
various pertinent flow cases) will be discussed as treated in (Eq. 7),16,19 both in electrostatics and in fluid mechanics,
fluid mechanics and electricity. whenever particles are free of viscosity effects:
∂2E ∂2E ∂2E
Fluid Mechanics and Electric Fields Similarities ∇2E = + + = 0 ……………..…….(7)
Electric-current and hydraulic flow phenomena exhibit many ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2
similarities. Fluid transport problems were solved using Equipotential lines are found in electrostatics using Eq. 7,
resistance networks and electromagnetic principles in the assuming a steady electric field E applied to a homogeneous,
past.16,18 This is theoretically valid since analogous equations isotropic media with absence of charges (source-free region).
apply to both electric and hydraulic systems. Velocity potential distribution is established in fluid
Important commonalities between Ohm and Darcy laws mechanics with Eq. 7, assuming an inviscid-irrotational
have been documented.18 Both equations have comparable situation. This flow implies slip at the liquid/solid interface.
ingredients (voltage-pressure, current-flow rate, resistivity-
inverse of mobility, cross section, path length). The Flow around a corner. Since this is not a common problem,
mathematical structure is exactly the same. Ohm law, which potential distribution of an electric field around a corner has
describes macroscopic properties, is reproduced as Eq. 5: not been mathematically analyzed or solved in electrostatics.
V (res )(l ) The answer to this problem is unraveled in fluid mechanics for
R= = ..………………………………….(5) inviscid flow. The solution is applicable in both
I Area electrostatics19 and hydraulics.16 This is a solution of Laplace
where R is resistance, V is voltage, I is electric-current, res is
differential equation (Eq. 7) under appropriate boundary
resistivity, l is length and Area is cross section. Darcy law is conditions (geometry of the walls).6
shown below, ordered in a “matching” manner:
ΔP ⎛ μ ⎞ l
=⎜ ⎟ …....………………………………..(6)
q ⎝ k ⎠ Area
where μ is viscosity, ΔP is change in pressure, and q is flow r,θ
rate or flux. Mobility is the ratio (k/μ).
Electric and hydraulic problems can be analyzed in a
similar fashion. In electricity, the objective is to determine an c=3, δ=600 c=2, δ=900 c=1.5, δ=1200
equivalent to a pool of resistances connected in series, parallel, Figure 2 – Batchelor (1967). Flow around a corner model.
or in more complicated layouts. The equivalent resistance c
Solution: ƒ(z)=D(Z ). Angle δ is equal to π/c (in radians). Only
corresponds to a geometrically simplified macroscopic streamlines are shown. Velocity potentials are orthogonal.
arrangement, with the same external voltage-current ratio.
In hydraulics, Poiseuille equation gives microscopic This flow pattern, which involves a change in flow direction,
details of the viscous fluid distribution, within a collection of has an impressively simple streamlines solution (Fig. 2).16
equal innumerable capillary tubes. Darcy law applies to This result is presented in polar coordinates in Eq. 8:
macroscopic volumes, much larger than grain or pore-scale.6 f ( z ) = DZ c = Dr c cos(cθ ) + iDr c sin(cθ ) …....(8)
C-K, the combination of Darcy and Poiseuille equations,
where D is an amplitude coefficient, c is a curvature-angle
calculates one single permeability value, which represents the
exponent. Pole of the coordinates is located at the vertice of
pressure-flow relation of one equivalent straight tube.
the walls, and streamline points are defined by the pair (r, θ),
being θ the point angle with respect to one of the walls.
Streamlines. Hydraulic problems require simultaneous
This function describes both the families of streamlines
solution of the continuity (conservation of mass) and
and velocity potentials. It is expressed in complex numbers
momentum equations (Newton second law). The streamline
notation (real and imaginary parts) to ensure that both
solution replaces these two equations by one higher order
components are orthogonal at all times. Eq. 8 demonstrates
differential equation. Hence, streamlines eliminate the need of
that ƒ(z) varies according to (r)c in the region around the
simultaneity, simplifying mathematical handling. Streamlines
corner. In electricity, ƒ(z) and 1/R are proportional to (r)c, or
have a nice geometric representation in bidimensional space:
to Areac in terms of cross section. The geometric implications
• Fluid velocity is always tangential to the corresponding
are striking considering that c = 180o/δ, which permits a nice
streamline function.
physical interpretation of streamlines as depicted in Fig. 2.
• Velocity potential lines are perpendicular to flow.
• The change in the stream function across an element is Wedge flow. This type of flow can exist when boundaries are
numerically equal to the volume flow through the element angular. It obeys the same mathematical relationship as the
• Mathematical integration along streamlines is zero. flow around a corner.16 It contains a stagnation point, and the
Streamlines are useful in both electric and hydraulic problems. aperture angle is 2δ.
They are better known as lines of flux (or force) in electricity.
4 SPE 100200

Pipe networks. Both hydraulic and electric systems can be One characteristic of the boundary layer is that it attaches with
evaluated using either of the following generic rules: no-slip to the solid when favorable pressure gradients exist,
• Net flow (or current) into any junction is zero. and separates with slip under adverse circumstances. Flow in
• Pressure (or voltage) change around closed loops is zero. the boundary has low energy, and is more easily driven by
This solution supposes minor or no friction, no losses, and that changes in pressure. The boundary layer gives objects an
all network branches are connected. These calculations, effective shape, which is usually slightly different from the
known as Kirchoff laws, are mathematically linear. physical form.
Real pore networks have various degrees of branchiness, The boundary layer model is a simplifying necessity for
or several flow paths emanating from the same point. Not all certain flow classes, like the ones occurring in nozzles,
trails are bonded. Percolation theory shall prove useful in the diffusers and around an array of solid particles.16 Navier-
case of dead-end pores. Total fluid flow at a junction should Stokes equations become too complicated in this case, because
be equal to the summation of individual contributions. particles are moving through zones of spatially varying
velocity, and are affected by complex convective
Fluid Mechanics and Electric Fields differences accelerations. It is not purely viscous/laminar displacement.
Archie equation is similar to Poiseuille equation, in the sense Inviscid and viscous conditions can coexist in reality. A
that both denote microscopic fluid distribution within the typical case is the one in a uniform duct. Whilst the entrance
pores. However, Archie equation deals with pure inviscid to the duct is considered inviscid (except near the boundaries),
particles (as seen by electricity), whereas Poiseuille equation flow for oil and water is generally assumed to be entirely
relates to viscous materials (as seen by fluid mechanics). viscous a few diameters of length from the entrance (Le up to
Friction (as it is used in hydraulics) is a physical attribute ≈ 140d for laminar flow, where Le is entrance length and d the
applicable to fluids, where Reynolds number plays a central fixed duct diameter).
role. Friction becomes significant in turbulent flow (high
velocity) and in long rough pipes. Friction has a different Flow in nozzles, throats and diffusers. A diffuser is a tube
connotation in electricity, and is treated in quantum mechanics expansion or area increase, designed to reduce velocity to
(particle collisions) and thermodynamics (Joules law). recover the pressure head of fluid flow. A nozzle is a
Poiseuille equation describes a parabolic distribution of reduction in area, which initiates fluid velocity growth while
viscous particles running through circular straight tubes, with pressure decreases. Fluid flow performance in pipes can be
zero velocity in the periphery (no-slip). This fluid distribution controlled using a combination of nozzles and diffusers.
alters into a more planar one at high fluid velocities, for The increasing pressure in the diffuser creates an
turbulent flow. On the contrary, particles in high frequency unfavorable gradient. This causes the viscous boundary layers
electric fields tend to move through the periphery of to break away (slip) from the walls of the solid, reducing fluid
conductors, triggering a modified electric charge movement flow performance and generating instability. Conversely, flow
profile also known as skin effect. in a nozzle produces a favorable gradient (no-slip) and never
Viscosity is a fluid property. Viscous flow applies strictly contributes to separation, nor does the throat flow where the
to fluid mechanics, not to low frequency electric-current flow, pressure gradient is approximately zero.16 This behavior can
which always behaves as inviscid. As such, discussion of be visualized in Fig. 3. Backflow
boundary layers (presented next) is only relevant to fluids, Separation
Boundary layer
since boundary layers involve coexistence of viscous (with no-
slip at the liquid/solid interface) and inviscid (with slip) flow.

Hydraulic components and boundary layer model

Navier-Stokes equations are formidable, too hard to analyze Nozzle Diffuser
for arbitrary flows like the ones encountered in porous media.
Prandtl was the first to propose a simple model of viscous and Inviscid flow 2ζ
inviscid layers (for low viscosity fluids) to tackle complicated
problems like these. He published a paper in 1904 detailing a
new model, which has been recognized as the single most
valuable tool in modern flow analysis.16 Viscous flow
Prandtl model consists of a layer (thickness = Lt) around a Throat
solid surface (or interface) where viscous flow prevails. This Figure 3 – Conduit model. Flow tends to separate from
layer merges with an ideal inviscid core-flow at some distance solid walls whenever there is an area expansion, and creates
instability. Flow tends to attach to the walls in an area reduction.
from the surface. Mathematical patching of the two regions
works best in water and gas, with Re > 100 in the boundary Stability maps for flow in a diffuser are available in the
layer. Validity of this model requires Re >> 1. Simple literature. Those maps depict four basic regions:
relationships like Euler and Bernoulli equations apply in the
• Steady viscous flow with moderately good performance.
inviscid region.
• Transitory stall pattern with unsteady flow with best
The boundary layer is a thin sector around a body, where
performance. Divergence angle 2ζ < ~40o.
fluid sticks to the borders and can produce significant shear
stress. This layer will exist even at low viscosity values, • Steady bistable stall with poor performance.
where fluid flow can be laminar or turbulent, depending on Re. • Jet flow.
SPE 100200 5

An area ratio (AR) captures the change in area between the • Electric flow is 100% efficient.
diffuser and throat, and determines the stability region in the • It is set up in 2 steps, as a fluid substitution problem.
maps. If the area ratio is high, the possibility of turbulence • Trajectories of electric flow under 100% and partial water
and backflow is larger, and flow performance is poorer. Flow saturation are different, as opposed to conventional
in a diffuser can be mathematically expressed as a multiplier assumption that they are equal.
(pressure-recovery coefficient). A first pass approximation • Tortuosity requires path length and velocity compensation
utilizes the area ratio to calculate the multiplier = [1-(AR-2)], to fully characterize the electric flow.
which might work up to 2ζ = 40o. The recovery coefficient in
a nozzle can approach 100%.16 Change of coordinates. This task is needed to establish
mathematical connection between the flow around a corner
External and internal flow. External flow develops model and Archie equation. The pole at a vertice in the
whenever the boundaries to flow are distant. Internal flow is periphery of the pore is moved to its center: r from Eq. 8 is a
by definition enclosed in adjacent boundaries, for example function of pore radius (r1). The result using Fig. 5 is
flow in uniform ducts or pipes. Distinction between internal displayed as Eq. 9:
and external flow is important, to know where viscous effects
r1 (1 − cos ϕ )
and friction/drag (relative to the solid walls) become r= …………………………………….(9)
significant. The literature shows that external flow (above and cos θ
below particles) is inviscid, while viscous flow dominates where r1 and φ are the polar coordinates of the new system.
close to the particles and interfaces.16 Poiseuille equation This result indicates that the flow pattern function will be also
supposes 100% internal flow. proportional to (r1)c or (area1)c.
External Flow Center
φ of pore
Boundary layer
of flow
Figure 4 – Flow around submerged objects. Flow tends θ
to attach (no-slip) to solid walls at the front and flanks. Flow Vertice
tends to separate (slip) from walls at the rear, creating instability.
Figure 5 – Required change in coordinate systems from
the periphery of the pore to its center.
Flow past an array of solid particles. A favorable pressure
gradient is found on the front and in the flanks of solid Demonstration of Archie equation. The matrix is assumed
particles, and an adverse gradient is in the rear. A boundary to be built of pure insulator material,3 with negligible surface
layer at the front and flanks will tend to attach with no-slip. A conductance. Special considerations are indispensable when
boundary layer past a solid particle will tend to separate/slip, conductive minerals, like pyrite or clays, are present. Archie
facilitating inviscid flow. Flow past the solid particles might defined m when the rock is fully saturated with water.4 Thus,
become turbulent, with intricate trajectories when velocity is m should be free of wettability effects by definition. Concept
high.16 The interaction between viscous and inviscid flow of wettability implies the existence of two immiscible fluids.
occurring in the rear of particles (especially if there is back Usage of sole Ohm law (Eq. 5) has been historically an
flow) could be quite complex, strong and definitely non-linear, erroneous demonstration strategy. This equation (macro)
as illustrated in Fig. 4. There will be continuous attaching and suffices when electric-current describes straight lines of flux,
detaching in an array of particles, as soon as fluid comes near and circulates through a constant cross section. Micro scale
and then passes far from the individual particles. complex layouts entail a solution that also incorporates the
geometry of flow,6 like Eq. 8, since form of the electric field
Electric and hydraulic models inside conductors is governed by the shape of the conductors.
A tortuous pore model for electric flow. Among all of the Derivation of Archie first equation has been attempted
fluid mechanics options already discussed, only the flow many times,1 with the following disappointing results:
around a corner involves a non-linear relationship, which
could mathematically explain Archie power law response. Ro l Lu a
=F= = …..….…………..(10)
The other types of flow, which might coexist in porous media, Rw Area1 Areau φ
are primarily linear or not applicable to electric flow. where Ro is the resistivity of the rock when it is fully saturated
The tortuous pore model for electric flow, with an absence with conductive water, l is the tortuous length, Lu is the
of charges, is conceived as follows: reference length of the unit block, Area1 is the cross section
• It is an equivalent model defined when a low frequency porous area available for electric flow, and Areau is the cross
electric-current is circulating, free of dielectric effects. section of the unit block.
6 SPE 100200

The numerator of Eq. 10 compensates for the extra length It is clear that a cannot be lower than 1 (assuming 100%
due to tortuosity. Previous demonstration attempts correctly efficiency), and that a and m are interrelated. Furthermore, m
considered aerial porosity as a good representation of the ratio is closely linked to tortuosity, expressed as turning angles,
of cross section areas (Eq. 11):17 signifying that tortuosity exponent is an appropriate name. It
Area1 π (r1 )
2 is not necessary to force a = 1 for simplification purposes,
= = φ ……………..………………..(11) since δ is the only unknown.
Areau π (ru2 ) Fig. 6 is an idealized case. Geometrical conditions might
where r1 is the pore radius, and ru is the radius of the unit get very complicated. However, Eqs. 14 and 15 represent an
block. Areau has been also expressed as an equivalent square. equivalent model, which nicely complies with the theoretical
As shown in Eq. 10, all earlier demonstrations have ended limits: δ is 180o and a is 1, whenever there are no turns
with a denominator with a constant-fixed porosity exponent involved, as in straight uniform capillary tubes with no
(e.g.: Ø exponent = 1), which did not fit experimental data.1 communication with each other. This also happens when
Then, to correct the problem and for generalization purposes, a porosity is 100% (all fluid, no solid) with no barriers to
variable porosity exponent is assumed, without any deviate the flow. This confirms that the model complies with
mathematical or physical justification. the physical bounds cited by several authors.2,3,4,17
The mathematical and physical reason for a variable m
exponent is to offset the velocity variation caused by the
continuous change in direction of the electric-current.1 In fact,
voltage and current are not straight lines, but they follow the
patterns shown in Fig. 2. Hence, the model of “flow around a
corner,” which responds to Area1c, must be utilized to modify
Ohm law and obtain Archie first equation. A Laplace
differential equation is valid, since flow is fully inviscid and
electrostatic conditions apply (no charges in a low frequency
angle = 90 degrees, Ø=48% angle = 60 degrees, Ø=26%
domain: only resistance, not reactance).19 Eq. 10 becomes:
Ro l Lu a tightest
=F= = m ……………..(12) loosest
Rw ( Area1 Areau ) m
Consequently, tortuous pore geometry (depicted in Fig. 1) can
be modeled using a series of straight segments, describing
flow around numerous corners. Every change in direction can
be expressed in terms of a turning angle δ as shown in Fig. 6.
Eq. 8 holds under these conditions. From Fig. 6 we infer:
1 Lu ⎛π δ ⎞ ⎛δ ⎞
= = cos⎜ − ⎟ = sin ⎜ ⎟ ≤ 1 ….….…....(13) Figure 7 – Spheres of uniform grain size (same sorting).
a l ⎝ 2 2⎠ ⎝2⎠ Differences in packing (pore geometry). Grains and pore
Lu Table 2 displays some theoretical values for spherical grains.
In the loosest cubic packing, with Ø = 48%, δ = [(4 * 90o) +
l 180o)]/5, a = 1.236 and m = 1.67.17 This case is isotropic. A
star-like grain-boundary-pore forms in this situation. The
tightest rhombohedral style, with Ø = 26%, with corner angles
of 60o, 120o, and 90o, 1.346 ≤ a ≤ 1.494 and 1.87 ≤ m ≤ 2.14.17
Angle δ
Areau This case is anisotropic. Fig. 7 illustrates these examples.
Straight uniform open fractures, with no turning angles to
Figure 6 – Porous media model conductor: Electric- connect to other fractures (δ = 180o), exhibit a = 1, and m = 1.
m m
current flow around a corner: a = l / Lu, (Area1 / Areau) = Ø . (Not This result is in line with the theory.9 The sugar cube model
to scale). for fractures result in values of a = 1.236 and m = 1.67 (or
lower). The m values for the two configurations of fractures
The tortuosity exponent and coefficient can be calculated
are within the limits published in the charts.5
using Eqs. 14 and 15, respectively:
The single a and m values reflect the statistical average of
180 o a variety of turning angles (that the electric-current is forced to
m= ……….……………………………….…..(14)
follow) through the conductive-winding pathways of the rock.
Four types of angles are averaged: throat-body (~diffuser),
a= …..…………….……………………….(15) body-throat (~nozzle), wedge, and pore body itself. The latter
⎛δ ⎞ is the dominant type, since it involves changes of the bulk of
sin ⎜ ⎟ the fluid stream. Single a and m values presume an isotropic
⎝2⎠ media. This average will be different in an anisotropic rock,
This way, Archie first equation is fully proved. depending on the direction of the electric-current.
SPE 100200 7

Demonstration of Archie second equation is analogous to saturation. As water saturation increases, the electric route
the first one. This equation is a ratio of resistances too, under partial saturation becomes more similar to the one when
identical to Eq. 12, which must include the lengths-areas Sw = 1, n decreases and approaches a value of 1.
relation. Dependence of n with respect to water saturation has been
Electric-current is flowing only through the electrically reported in the literature11 (drainage n at Swi ≠ imbibition n at
connected water portion (thin films) of the rock. So, a Sor). A theoretical n value at Sor can be calculated using
conductive phase coefficient b should exist in the formulation. geometric considerations. The average turning angle ε will be
This accounts for the additional length in electric-current different in anisotropic rocks, depending on the direction of
trajectory, when water occupies only part of the porous system the electric-current. These observations imply that special
(Fig. 8). This is in line with the improved correlations procedures should be followed in laboratory tests. Cores
reported by Shang et al.,11 when b is included. Ratio of cross should be oriented, and water saturation careful monitored.
sections is the aerial water saturation (Sw). This means that it is not theoretically correct to use the same n
for virgin (Sw) and flushed zone water saturation (Sxo)
Absence of film calculations.

A tortuous pore model for hydraulic flow. Flow in porous

systems cannot be accurately characterized simply using a
viscous laminar flow model. The bundle of uniform capillary
b’ tubes that do not communicate with each other is not
enough.14 Intricate arrangements of nozzles, throats, diffusers,
l’ pipe networks, and arrays of solid particles emulate porous
crevice media pretty well. Back flow, laminar and turbulent flow,
ε boundary layers, inviscid core regimes, flow around corners,
and wedge flow probably coexist in this environment. These
Thin water film
modeling difficulties call for more thorough solutions.
There is not a single mathematical model, which complies
Figure 8 – Porous media model conductor: Electric-
current flow around a corner; b = length ratio = 2b’/l’, Area ratio =
with all the above boundary conditions, and solves
n n
(area occupied by water/areal porosity) =Sw . Red line….Electric- concurrently these obstacles. However, the mathematical
current path with pores full of water. Blue line…Electric-current ingredients and answers for every case are available. It is a
through restricted water films around the rock walls. matter of pragmatically combining the separate models, after
recognizing the relevant mechanisms.
Exponent n has the same previous connotation: it symbolizes
Models should reflect a balance of practical and accurate
an average of the turning angles, that current must follow,
representation of physical phenomena. As such, the tortuous
through the restricted-narrow corridors of the water. Both,
pore model for hydraulic flow is conceived as follows:
extra length and turning angles, are obtained by comparison to
• Invoking boundary layer theory, an approximate viscous-
the case when the rock is fully saturated with water. Fig. 8
inviscid model is used in lieu of a mathematically
illustrates this condition. Notice that saturation exponent will
complicated viscous-inertial regime (Navier-Stokes).16
be small if there are no significant changes in aspect ratio
(e.g.: elongated grains), since turning angles will be large. • Flow tends to be straight, viscosity controlled, with no-
Eqs. 16, 17, and 18 show the modified Archie relationships: slip in narrow passages like the pore throats.
• Flow tends to be inviscid within the pore bodies, favored
180 o by the detaching of the boundary layers, which permits
n= ……….….…………………………….…..(16)
ε slip and facilitates corner flow. Therefore, tortuosity of
1 porous media requires path length (coefficient) and
b= ………...….…………………………….(17) inertial velocity compensation (exponent).
⎛ε ⎞ • The switching between viscous and inviscid
sin ⎜ ⎟
⎝2⎠ characteristics and the flow around corners, repeat over
and over in an array of solid particles of real rocks. This
Sw aR R 1 breaks any smooth laminar flow.15 Necessity of velocity
= m w = o = ..………………………..(18) compensation cannot be ignored for this reason.
b φ Rt Rt I r
• The model captures a geometric-viscous interaction.
where Ir is resistivity index, l’ and b’ (b = 2b’) are tortuous Thus, it is resolved using superposition of effects.
and conductive phase lengths, and ε is turning angle. This • Despite the possible complexities, flow past an array of
way, Archie second equation is also fully demonstrated. particles is considered similar to the one obtained in
A turning angle of 90o occurs in symmetrical pores with a nozzles and diffusers, which can be handled employing an
shape that can be inscribed in a semicircle. A value of n = 2 efficiency multiplier. These models are complementary.
and b = 1.414 will be valid under this condition, at Viscosity is like friction between the various fluid laminae.
approximately 0 contact angle (thin water film) and small The closer the laminae to each other and to the solid, the larger
throat radius. This example serves as a visual reference point. the viscosity impact is. Inertial forces result from gradual or
Conventionally, n is assumed constant. However, a closer sudden changes in geometry and viscosity distribution. Flow
analysis of Fig. 8 confirms its variance with respect to water
8 SPE 100200

in porous media builds from a continuous competition Fluid distribution model in partially saturated pores
between viscous and inertial forces, dictated by flow type/Re. Anderson showed that wettability has a profound impact on
electrical properties.23 Most specifically, saturation exponent
Modification of Carman-Kozeny equation. Current most depends on distribution of the conducting phase, and it is
popular versions of C-K equation (Eqs. 2 and 3) are too largerly governed by wettability. For this reason, a review of
simplistic because they assume: immiscible fluids distribution within the rocks is required
• Viscous flow everywhere within the pores (internal flow). before quantifying n.
• Only a length correction is needed to compensate for the Water is distributed differently within the pores, dictated
tortuous paths, completely ignoring acceleration effects. by the equilibrium of different forces, and thermodynamics.24
• No connection among the uniform capillary tubes.14 Gladkikh et al. indicate that water can be located around grain
These versions do not catch all the essentials behind viscous contacts as pendular rings (liquid bridges), as menisci at pore
and pore geometry changes. Fluid flow in porous media is an throats, or filling completely imbibed pores.25 Water can be
amalgamation/interaction of viscous and inviscid flow in the also spread over the rock surface as thin coating layers
pore throats and bodies. Expansions and reductions in cross (films),26 drops or lenses.
section of the pores, and continuous changing in direction of Rings will exist whenever capillary pressure is smaller
the flow-trails in this pipe network, make the inherent than external pressure, being the maximum volume of the ring
complications clear.15 Mathematical superposition is required. around 0.09 of the volume of the grain. Theoretical maximum
Hydraulic flow tends to be straight in the pore throats due volume of the ring changes with wettability.6 Rings will start
to the confined pathways, whereas it makes turning angles in to merge at high ring sizes. Snap-off will tend to occur when
the pore bodies forced by the solid walls configuration. This the maximum equilibrium pressures are exceeded, and new
behavior leads to the following quantitative considerations: fluid configurations and/or fluid coalescence will take place,
• A porosity exponent (A) lower than 3 is valid in the pore imbibing completely small pores.25 As an example,
throats close to the entrance of the pore system, where saturations in terms of maximum dimensions of the rings are
viscous flow is not fully developed and q = ƒ(r12). This is depicted in Fig. 9 for a rhombic packing.27
also appropriate if, due to superposition effects, flow
behaves predominantly as inviscid in straight tubes
(planar profile, not parabolic). 0.9

• A = 3 is legitimate in the C-K equation, whenever a 0.8 Pendular rings Contact

parabolic fluid flow distribution prevails (pure viscous 0.7 Rhombic packing (tightest) angle
Saturation, decimal

flow). This occurs in the pore throats far from the 0.6
entrance, in straight sections where full Poiseuille flow 0.5 40

has buildup, and q = ƒ(r14). This is correct whenever 0.4

Reynolds number is low, fluid laminae are close to each 0.3 10
other, with dominance of steady creeping flow. 0.2
• A variable exponent larger than 3 is applicable in tortuous 0.1
sectors in the pore bodies (Eq. 8). Its magnitude depends Merging of rings
on the severity of the corner angles, degree of slip 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
(viscosity distribution), and extent of blockage of the flow Ring Size, degrees
routes, which means increased hydraulic tortuosity.
Figure 9 – Water saturation magnitude of pendular rings
• A variable exponent is in agreement with wedge flow (in for rhombic packing. Lower values of water saturation are
case of sharp edged grains), and with viscosity changes. reported for cubic packing.
The “limit” curve illustrates the
A variable porosity exponent must be utilized in Eq. 2 to maximum theoretical saturation when capillary pressure is zero.
combine the various effects; it cannot be a fixed value.13,14,20,22
It primarily depends on the dominant flow type. Experiments Irreducible conditions. Gvirtzman et al. stipulate that, at low
and data from around the world confirm a variable porosity water saturations, volume of water in films is negligible,
exponent in permeability formulation,6,8,13,14,20,21,22 including in compared to the volume found in pendular rings, for spherical
simple Fontainebleau sandstone, and in complicated rocks like grains greater than 3 microns in radius (silt size grain or
carbonates. As such, the following relationship applies: larger).28 Electrical connection throughout the rock is possibly
achieved when the size of the rings is maximum, because then
(λ )φ
the edges of the rings will be probably touching. Since
k= …..…….………………………………(19) pendular ring arcs are concave around the crevices in water
τ 2 Fs S 2 wet zones, a delimiting circumference can be inscribed, which
where λ is a pressure recovery efficiency multiplier related to better mimics the geometry of Poiseuille tubes.
the pore throat-pore body expansion, and A is the variable Accumulation of capillary bound water is expected in the
porosity exponent linked to hydraulic tortuosity τ. The crevices as pendular rings, where grains come into closer
multiplier offsets the continuous changes in cross sectional contact. Water completely filling the pores is most likely
area in rather straight sections (nozzle, throat, diffuser effects). found in microporous systems. A portion of the brine can
It is related to the interconnectivity parameter recommended even be trapped or isolated in dendritic fingers.23 Hence,
by Civan,14 which better handles total or partial occlusion of water in pendular rings and in possible small imbibed pores
the flow trajectories. will primarily contribute to irreducible water saturation (Swi).
SPE 100200 9

This configuration does not preclude the possibility that thin Applications
(occasionally molecular) films might add to Swi, which further
facilitates electrical flow. Therefore, in the general case: Wettability and quantification of Saturation exponent. An
equivalent simplified model, as depicted in Fig. 10, can be
S wi = S wf + S wc + S wp used to assess the impact of water films and wettability on n.
Eqs. 21 through 23 show how n and wettability are interrelated
where Swf is the water saturation in the films, Swc is water (Fig. 11) in presence of water films in the pore throats and
saturation in the crevices, and Swp is water saturation in the pore bodies:
small pores or denditric fingers.
ω/2 1
Electrical equivalent film model. Films dominate in strongly (mult ) S wf sin(2ς ) = − ….(21)
⎧ ⎛ ω ⎞⎫
⎛ω ⎞
water wet systems, when the spreading coefficient Sc < 1.
⎨sin ⎜ ⎟⎬ tan⎜ ⎟
Electric connection throughout the rock should exist under ⎩ ⎝ 2 ⎠⎭ ⎝2⎠
these conditions. Rocks are classified as weak water wet
when Sc > 1, where droplets replace film morphology.29 In
⎡ 2 ⎤
weakly water wet systems, films or droplets might disappear mult = ⎢1 + ……….………………………..(22)
when water saturation is low, and conductive routes for the ⎣ ar − 1⎥⎦
electric-current become limited or vanish. Brine is located in
the centers of larger pores in oil wet rocks. Oil coats grain 1
surfaces and causes disconnections and isolation of globules tan(ς ) = ..…….……………..(23)
or lenses of brine, which are then unable to conduct electric- ⎛ S wf ⎞
⎜⎜1 − ⎟ tan(ε / 2)
⎝ 2 ⎟⎠
Although films (or droplets) sometimes might be
volumetrically less significant than other fluid distributions,28 where ω/2 is the contact angle (in radians), h is height of the
connection or disconnection of films is the mechanism that equivalent droplet, r2 is radius of the equivalent droplet, rpt
largely controls electric conductivity. Consequently, an radius of the pore throat, ar is aspect ratio, and mult is a
equivalent film model looks more geared for saturation function of ar.
exponent quantification. It is in the films where Archie Equivalent film model
equation more directly applies. The model assumes that water
accumulates and thickens the films as saturations increase, in l’ rpt
line with the literature.30 ω/2
Conversely, fluid in the grooves and crevices is essential to
explain capillary pressure, Swi, residual oil (Sor) and non-
Archie effects. The latter are generally created by the absence ζ
h ε/2 Swf
of films due to changes in wettability. Electrical connection r1
dramatically diminishes in this case, and n increases rapidly. r2
Since the conductive phase must be saturated to a certain
level to conduct electricity, a critical water saturation (Sw*) b’
should be defined,11 which takes into account a threshold
water saturation where the pore system begins to electrically
disconnect. This is the value where the Ir-Sw line departs from
Figure 10 – Idealized equivalent pore space in a capillary
film response, and the slope of the line starts to be more half-tube. The areas in the film and its equivalent water droplet
pronounced. In shaly sections in the absence of films, electric should be equal to reflect the same water saturation.
conductivity might still exist through the conductive layers of 2.1 Swf=0.05

clay particles. Swf=0.10

Later on, it will be demonstrated that weak water wet and 1.9
ζ = 45o Swf=0.15

oil wet conditions can be quantitatively incorporated into 2
y = -3E-05x - 0.0062x + 1.99
2 Swf=0.30
R = 0.9999
Archie formulation, by accounting for the degree of electric
Saturation exponent

disconnection. This can be done since effects of n seem Swf=0.50

additive in oil and water wet conditions,26 as Sharma et al.

1.5 Swf=0.70
pointed out. Swf=0.80

Turning angles mainly occur in the pore bodies, which 1.3


relate to n according to Archie equation. As such, it is in the Swf=1.00

pore bodies where wettability and water distribution are more ζ = 30o div ang=45

1.1 div ang=30

important. Thus, a transversal section along the path is ζ = 15o div ang=15

required to visualize the changes. This contrasts with 0.9

Poly. (div

conventional practice in electrical properties pore network 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

modeling, which concentrates in quantitative changes in Contact Angle (degrees)

morphology and resistivity in the pore throats and around Figure 11 – Saturation exponent and contact angle
grain contacts, and uses a cross sectional aerial view. variation. Applicable to water films in the pores when ar = ∞
(current circulating through the edges of the pore throats).
10 SPE 100200

Saturation exponent n is linked to ε through Eq. 16. A likely the main flow stream will alter velocity. Both effects
mathematical correlation of n as function of contact angle is modify permeability. Parameters like a, b and τ balance the
shown for ζ = 45o, as depicted in Fig. 11. differences in enlargement of electric and hydraulic paths,
Electric-current will tend to circulate through the edge of while m, n and A correct electric and hydraulic velocities for
the pore throats, which constitutes the shortest distance, and the continuous changes of direction within the pores. So,
not through the center. Therefore, although theoretically ar these are indispensable variable controls for an appropriate
has significant influence on values of n according to Eq. 22, in permeability modeling. Contrary to popular wisdom, neither
practice it does not affect much, and behaves as rpt = 0 or ar = a, b, τ are always equal, nor m, n, A.17 Fluid viscosity and
∞. rock geometry variations justify most of the discrepancies.
Eqs. 21 and 23 constitute an equivalent model, valid in the Archie and C-K formulae characterize electric and
low, middle and high range of water saturations where Archie hydraulic permeability. Both are ƒ(Ø), defined at pore-scale
equation applies, and where electrically connected water films (microscopic) level; these equations have similar components
exist. Values of n, calculated this way, are a benchmark to and suitable controls and can be theoretically merged. Archie
assess when film distribution prevails in a pore system. law comprises a static/geometric measurement, whilst C-K
Uniform films will form after long periods (geologic time), includes the dynamic reservoir parameters needed to evaluate.
once equilibrium is reached. This distribution reflects the Archie equation is dimensionless, offering scale generality
static configuration of pore space fluids under steady state. like type curves15 or the pi theorem in dimensional analysis.16
This distribution should be found in native state cores.23 Its C-K provides to Archie law the calibration proportions (S2),
saturation exponent values should correspond to values essential to become a reliable permeability predictor.
obtained at connate conditions in the reservoir. Fluid transport within a permeable rock depends on the
Drainage and imbibition displacement lab tests void space geometry, connectivity, and the solid surface/fluid
(desaturation processes) performed in short periods of time chemistry:31 Irreducible water saturation Swi and Ø represent
will not be uniform, and smooth, electrically continuous films the aerial void porosity open to flow (valid for any shape),
will not always form. Varied degrees of disconnection will be both in the pore bodies and pore throats,20 as illustrated in Fig.
created while injecting and displacing the fluids. This would 12. Larger Swi causes lower k. Since Swi magnitude depends
explain inconsistencies in n measurements, attributed to on interfacial tension, geometry and wetting angle of the solid-
saturation hysteresis, and to strong dependency on saturation fluid system, Swi captures the corresponding rock response.
history. Changes in wettability (fluid affinity/adhesion to Cementation exponent m is a measure of tortuosity, which
rock) during the various cycles will aggravate the situation.23 incorporates 3-D connectivity among the capillary tubes.
Higher m (more compaction/cementation) yields lower k.
Permeability from logs and cores. Archie and C-K Saturation exponent responds to wettability, Sw distribution,23
equations symbolize the ease of electric and hydraulic flow. and to angle ζ. Larger n and ζ dictate larger rate of flow
Tortuosity exponent and coefficient, both describe the sinuous through the hard rock walls composed of diverse minerals,
electrical conduits within the rock skeleton when it is fully with varied adhesion affinity for fluids of distinct chemistries.
saturated with water. Saturation exponent and coefficient Hence, Archie equation has the necessary permeability
express the conductive water distribution within the pores ingredients,31 all reported to correlate with k.
when they are partially saturated. A and τ explain the complex The procedure to be outlined next has been verified in a
tracks open to the flow of one fluid phase through a wetted previous SPE paper using oil based core data.20 C-K Eq. 19
pipe network, whereas they also respond to the alternating can be expressed in a generic form as Eq. 24:
viscous inviscid behavior of the fluid.
Log(kS2 ) = [Alog(Ø)] + B ….…………..………(24)
Star-like Pore Irreducible water where B (Eq. 25) is an independent term, which combines the
Crevices & Kozeny constant and efficiency of flow:
B = − log ⎢
( )
⎡ τ 2 Fs ⎤
rings ⎥ ……..……..…….……..………(25)
⎣ λ ⎦
Using the modified Archie equation, it is possible to write:20
− n log( S wi ) + log(ab ) = m log(Φ ) − log( ) ...(26)
Touching edges Open to flow Rt
of the rings Ø(1-Swi) where water saturation requires irreducible conditions. Eqs.
24 and 26 have analogous mathematical forms of Ø. Equating
the corresponding coefficients, we obtain:20
Figure 12 – Idealized star-like grain-boundary-pore (water
wet). Irreducible water is occupying a space (crevices and films), B R
which otherwise would be available to non-wetting fluid flow. = (1 / m) log( t ) …………….………………(27)
Cross sectional aerial view. A abRw
The lengthier the corridors, the longer the fluids will take to 1
(kS 2 ) A = n
travel through the rock. The more sinuous the trail, the more S wi
SPE 100200 11

Eqs. 27 and 28 are dimensionally homogeneous.16 These point 2, as shown in Fig. 13. As such, δ, a and m, can be
simultaneous equations necessitate an estimate of specific expressed as function of the elastic properties of the rock.
surface area, either from cores, from mineral composition, or This observation opens new possibilities: a and m can be
from NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance tool). Since k = calculated using compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) sonic wave
ƒ(Swi), k is effective to oil @ Swi, not absolute k (kabs). velocities, and rock mechanics/stiffness models.6 This agrees
Models are only as good and useful as our ability to with correlations reported in the literature for oolites,
measure or calculate their corresponding parameters in a characterized by round grains.33 This technique supposes no
practical manner. Hydraulic tortuosity, shape factor, and pressure dissolution of the grains.
pressure recovery efficiency are difficult to acquire.17 The Calculations can be generated with Eqs. 14, 15, 29, where
degree of viscous and inviscid flow in a rock sample is also a and m are computed using Vp and Vs to obtain Poisson’s ratio
hard to establish through measurements. Equivalent (ν), and Hertz Mindlin model. Eq. 29 is derived from this
macroscopic effects of these parameters, characterized by A model, intended for precompacted granular rocks. It assumes
and B values, are mathematically obtained using the “Perfect no-slip between grains, identical elastic spherical isotropic
Permeability Transform” procedure.20 This is a pragmatic spheres, no breaking or interpenetration of the grains, small
alternative to quickly calculate permeability (with a strain conditions, and smooth shape at the contact. Its main
correlation coefficient of 0.99) using cores and logs. mechanism is rearrangement of the grains. Results presuppose
Benefit of the method can be appreciated, considering that that there is lateral connectivity of the pores, and contact
Archie equation is immune to changes in flow regime caused between the grains.
by viscosity distribution variations, which complicates
calculations using C-K alone. A perfect fluid (with no Ft 2(1 − ν )
= ……………………………..……….(29)
viscosity) circulates in electric flow, reducing significantly Fn υ (2 − ν )
difficulties in computations.

Diagenesis and estimation of cementation exponent. Lucia

divides diagenesis processes for carbonates according to their
conformance to depositional patterns. He states that this
characteristic is important, because it permits interwell Angle1
predictions of textures and petrophysical parameters through
mapping.8 He recognizes three groups: Ft
1. Cementation, compaction and selective dissolution.
2. Dolomitization and evaporite mineralization. Angle2
3. Massive dissolution, collapse brecciation, and fracturing.
The first group, the only mapable,8 will be discussed next.
Figure 13 – Relation between normal and tangential
Compaction and cementation are two diagenetic processes, contact forces of the rock and the “angle around a corner” model.
which can be normally linked to depositional textures, both in
clastics and carbonates. Compaction can be mechanical or Rock physics offers other alternatives: Digby model is used in
chemical. Cementation can be a product of chemical cases of non smooth contacts. Walton model admits slip. The
compaction. It is generally accepted that it is hard to separate Brandt model is designed for spheres of different sizes with
the impact of compaction and cementation, because both the same mechanical properties.6 Petrophysical analysis
phenomena produce similar effects on rocks, like reducing practice will most probably require adjustments to the models,
porosity. to take into account the spatial differences between these
Tighter packing of the grains (other conditions unchanged) idealized models and the real cases.
means more acute corner angles, which translates into higher Grains will be loose in unconsolidated formations,
m. This is in line with an observed cementation exponent rise favoring lower corner angles. Addition of cement will
whenever overburden is applied. This is consistent with increase the overall tortuosity of the rock, and more acute
compaction studies, and explains why authors have found a, corners will exist. Rise in m value is consistent with rock
b, m and n responding to confining pressure. Inclusion of cementation. In highly cemented sands, cement will block
coefficient b in the Archie formulation, clarify this and several some or most pathways creating dead-end pores, and m > 2 is
other issues especially raised for carbonate reservoirs very likely.
(complex rocks).32 Different types of cements exist. The most common are
Turning angles can be directly associated with the normal quartz and calcite for clastics, whilst calcite carbonate is the
(Sn) and tangential contact stiffness (St) of the rock, as treated most frequent for carbonates. Cements occupy the pore space,
in rock physics. Stiffness is equal to the force, divided by the mostly around the contacts of the original grains
corresponding elongation in the same direction. The acting (overgrowths). Cements can be deposited either at grain
force on a particle is perpendicular to the contact surface, contacts (meniscus cement), or evenly on the grain surface
under equilibrium conditions. As a consequence, the sum (e.g.: pendular cement), or unevenly distributed.6,8 Cements
(resultant) of vectors Fn (normal force) and Ft (tangential generally have a different Poisson ratio compared to the
force) is tangent to the grain contacts. Thus, δ = angle1 + grains. Grain contact models for cemented rocks take into
angle2, where angle1 is the force angle (with respect to the account this difference.
vertical) at contact point 1, and angle2 is the angle at contact
12 SPE 100200

Using Vp and Vs, a and m and the amount of the different When cement concentration reaches certain levels, contact
types of dispersed cements can be calculated using the models, cement (that lies between grain contacts) turns into pore
assuming certain schemes of cement deposition.6 This filling, and then evolves into pore bridging. In presence of
approach will not work as well, either for noncontact cement clay crystals filling or bridging the pores, clays plug interstitial
or for conductive cement distributed around the grains. pores impeding hydraulic flow, and facilitate electric flow
Both a and m can be much higher in nontouching vuggy (some current redirects through the center of the pores). Thus,
carbonates, compared to rocks with intercrystalline or m might not change, n varies.
intergranular porosity. Electric-current is forced to meander Different considerations are applicable to laminated and
around the vugs, describing much longer pathways under these structural clays. For example, structural clay constitutes an
conditions. Interparticle porosity can be calculated by easy path for electric-current, and m and n decrease. For
radioactive and acoustic measurements comparisons.8 laminar clay, depending on its thickness, one m value should
Relationships to estimate m were derived by Lucia using apply to the sand portions, and another one to the clay
correlations. Theoretically, stiffness models, turning angles, laminae. Therefore, knowledge of clay distribution within the
and vuggy/interparticle porosity ratio can be further used to rock (Fig. 14) is critical for appropriate m, n, water saturation,
get independent assessments of a and m. porosity and permeability calculations.
In touching vuggy carbonates, the voids themselves create Dispersed clay
an easy conductive trail for the current, which justifies lower (as pendular
tortuosity values as shown in Table 1. This effect is referred cement)
as accessibility of the electric-current to the vugs.32

Petrophysical evaluation, m zoning. The same m value is Key questions:

generally used to perform the petrophysical evaluation in a Laminated clay
given formation, due to lack of a better technique to calculate Where is the most
m at every depth. This practice is source of many reported conductive material?
non-Archie effects. It makes more geological sense to assume
the same turning angle instead, varying with depth from one How is it distributed?
formation to the other. This approach incorporates an implicit
correlation of m with porosity, which is a variable m scheme
often used. Preferably, cementation exponent should be Structural clay
calculated using Vp/Vs, whenever these measurements are
available, and wherever it applies.
Pickett plots are a good technique to estimate tortuosity
exponent in water zones. Problems usually arise when
correlation is indiscriminately performed among zones with
large variations of m or water salinity, formation is shaly, or Figure 14 – Clay distribution in the pore space will
when the “water line” is not clear. Vertical variations in m can influence differently the Archie equation exponents.
coalesce to create an apparent line. Values of a lower than 1
should be considered symptom of poor Pickett plot zoning, Rock Types. The right hand side of Eq. 27 includes the Swi*Ø
because this result is against the theory.1 product (BVI), m and n effects.20 BVI values (Buckles
number) have been historically used to differentiate rock
Clay effects on m and n. Distribution, amount, shape and types, consistent with Swi or one fluid production (0 water cut)
type of clay material play an essential role in tortuosity in presence of two fluids. Buckles number lacks the internal
behavior.10 Degree of deviation of the electric-current always structure information (tortuosity and saturation distribution)
depends on the resistivity contrast between formation water that Eq. 27 contains. Hence, this equation proves superior to
and clay water, and their relative amount. When formation recognize rocks, because it captures essential pore-scale
water is fresh and clay water is conductive and abundant, geometry (texture) and wettability data.
maximum deviation (most acute angles) develops, in line with Both definitions permit to connect permeability, capillary
high m. If salinity of formation water is high, deviation is pressure, and relative permeability formulations through Swi,
limited because the easiest way for the electricity is the which is just a point of their respective curves. As such, these
formation water itself; m does not change much, n increases.7 are pragmatic rock type definitions, which enable to
Dispersed clays around the grains (pore lining clays) cause quantitatively link vital rock properties that control fluid flow.
acute angles. Electric flow deviates from its original straight The flow zone indicator (FZI) concept is employed in rock
trajectories (center of the pores) to pass through the typing,12 associated with the variation of the independent term
continuous more conductive solids (periphery of the pores). of Eq. 24. However, B grouping is not sufficient to define
This response is consistent with higher m that correlates with unique flow units since A also varies. The alternative is to use
shaliness. This effect on m can be very pronounced. Under the whole line (in log-log space) as an equivalent hydraulic
this condition, the corridor of electric flow does not change rock type. Eq. 27 parametrically permits the connection
much in partial water saturation as compared to the case when between microscopic electrofacies and rock hydraulic
Sw = 1, because the current is already circulating close to the macroscopic response at well level using logs.20 This is
fluid solid contact. This means that n tends to decrease.18 practical upscaling.
SPE 100200 13

Mathematical relationships to generate rock types, based Fluid flow at every depth is calculated using a radial flow
on rock physics and engineering concepts, thus can be equation, combining permeability transform values, oil and
established in cored and uncored wells with logs. Rock types water viscosity, pressure from formation testers, and downhole
also need to be determined at interwell scale. Interwell data flowing pressure measurements. Drainage area is an
necessarily has to be generated, honoring geological data important consideration. Total production is obtained adding
(complemented by geophysical data), in a space where hard the various contributions, which is a process equivalent to
data is scarce or does not exist. Geological mapping shall help upscaling. Synthetic production logs then are compared to
us to reconstruct the interwell geometry, and to assist in true production logs, and can be further calibrated to match
populating interwell volumes with the most appropriate data.8 permeability from transient pressure analysis and surface
Consequently, connection at well level between production metered data. Skin can be incorporated.18 Thus,
engineering and geology calculations is a requirement, which there is a clear venue of data integration and validation.
can be generally handled by a change in coordinates.20
Engineering quantification works best at well level, whereas
geology is superior at interwell scale. In reservoir
characterization, the best option is to use the combination of
both sciences, using them where their value is optimal. These
concepts should be the basis to create adequate rock catalogs.

Synthetic production logs. Most authors report that history

matching is generally good at field level. However, it usually
exhibits problems and mismatch at well locations. Some of
the objectives of simulation efforts are usually to help
positioning new wells, and recommending intervals to open, to
balance production off take and to improve sweep efficiency.
Accordingly, a better understanding and predictability of
production behavior at well level is a requisite. Generation of
synthetic production logs (variable over time since production
conditions change) is a good alternative to mitigate these
difficulties. A typical integration scheme to create these logs
is outlined below. Figure 16 – Synthetic production log in a sandstone
Conventional (porosity and permeability) and electrical reservoir. All open hole data has been integrated to get estimates
of total production and water cut. Results were validated with
properties (F and Ir) core data can be used to calibrate logs metered production data.
through the “perfect permeability transform procedure.”
Capillary pressure can be utilized to assess Swi, k in the The procedure just described constitutes history matching at
transition zone,20 and the magnitude of Sw with respect to the well level. This facilitates to generate improved forecasts. A
position of the rock in the oil column. Eq. 27, which defines couple of examples are presented in Fig. 15 and Fig. 16,
rock types, permits to connect Ø, Swi, m and n with capillary which depict results in carbonates and sands, respectively.
pressure and relative permeability in a consistent manner.
Discussion and Validation

Archie equation physical bounds. The proposed Archie

relationship, Eq. 18, complies with physical bounds:2,3,11,17 a =
1 when porosity is equal to 1. The same observation is valid
for b = 1 when water saturation is equal to 1. The premise is
proved, since the angle (δ and ε, respectively) is equal to 180o
in both cases.

Some typical and atypical responses. Sharma et al.

discussed extensively saturation exponent and wettability.26
They explained that film response dominates in water wet
systems, with n in the 1-2 range. Film domination results
because thin films are stable, even at high capillary pressure
and low saturation (5-10%), in strongly water wet systems.26,34
Rougher grain textures mean thicker films and lower n values
because Swf increases.30 The Ir-Sw curve flattens when films
Figure 15 – Synthetic production log in a carbonate are thick, again explained by higher Swf values. Concave Ir-Sw
reservoir. All open hole data has been integrated to get estimates curve is observed in double logarithmic coordinates for water
of zonal and total production and water cut. Results were wet rocks. This effect is more pronounced when divergence
validated with metered production data.
angle ζ is larger. All the results above are supported by Eqs.
21 and 23. Therefore, validity of these equations is verified.
14 SPE 100200

Microporosity (void space full of continuous conductive 20

water), pyrite, glauconite, and other conductive materials 18 δ or ε = 10o
constitute an easy path to the electric flow. They create some
non-Archie effects; m and n will tend to diminish. These
examples do not negate Archie mathematical form (Eq. 18). 14

exponent (m or n)
These observations just demonstrate that a, m, b and n vary 12

with respect to the relative volumes and distribution of 10 Series1

formation water, conductive rock matrix and clay, as opposed 8 δ or ε = 20o

to common assumption that they are constants and unique.23
δ or ε = 30o
Films, oil wet 2

Water div=45 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
wet div=30
Sw* length ratio (a or b)


10 Oil Wet Figure 18 – Variation of Archie equation exponents, as

function of length ratio. Valid for both tortuosity and saturation
exponents, since the same mathematical equation form applies to
Rough formation factor and resistivity index.
Other methods to estimate n. Saturation exponent n also can
be calculated using permeability formulation,20 Pickett plots,
0.1 or using the combination of resistivity and dielectric
0.01 0.1 1

Water saturation
measurements. High frequency electric-current will circulate
through the periphery of the conductive phase,19 which might
Figure 17 – Variation of saturation exponents, as function
30 complicate calculations. A practical observation might be that
of water saturation. Generated using Eq. 21 & 23, and Fig. 18.
m and n vary in opposite direction to a certain degree.32
Exponents behavior due to disconnection and blockage.
The adopted electrical model presents a and m interrelated, in Reynolds number, Darcy and Poiseuille equations. General
conformity with Gomez-Rivero observations.35 This gives the wisdom believes that non-Darcy flow only arises in gas
possibility of quantifying reported non-Archie effects of both reservoirs. Part of the problem is the confusion of terms and
non-connected vuggy porosity and oil wet rocks, which scales. Non-Darcy and turbulent flows are most of the time
determine abnormally high values of m and n, respectively. used interchangeably.15
Both effects signify some degree of disconnection of the Belhaj et al. explain the distinction between non-darcy and
electric paths. turbulent flow. Non-darcian characteristics are attributed to
A typical value of length ratio, when all electrical paths are the continuous cross section and direction change of the flow
connected, is 1.414 for δ = 90o. Simplistically, tortuosity through porous media. Non-darcy flow is triggered at lower
length will double when, in average, only every other pore is Reynolds number values as compared to turbulent flow, where
effectively connected, equivalent to a ratio of 2.83. This Reynolds number represents the ratio between inertial and
matches with an m value of around 4 as shown in Fig. 18. viscous forces. In this context, they report that non-Darcy
This agrees with m calculations reported by Lucia for non- flow also happens in fractured and multipermeability systems
touching vuggy carbonates, when vuggy to primary porosity in oil reservoirs.37
ratio is close to 1.8 The same procedure can be used to Slider recognizes that laminar-Darcy flow would be very
estimate various degrees of disconnection, and the difficult to obtain in reservoir pores. Non-Darcy flow will
corresponding rock morphology parameters. appear at lower Reynolds numbers than normally expected.15
Pendular rings prevail in oil wet rocks with absence of SPE literature38 specifies that the value of Reynolds number,
films, and n is generally larger than 2. The actual value of n as an indicator of the laminar-turbulent transition, varies
and the porosity exponent A from C-K equation can be depending on flow geometry. While Re = 2100 is accepted for
estimated from Fig. 18, considering the additional path length flow in a straight tube, a value of 600 is applicable for flow in
due to lost of electric contacts and hydraulic flow blockage, a slit. Although a firm transition value for flow through
respectively. Conductive paths are also lost when brine is permeable media is not defined, it is mentioned that it could
completely surrounded by insulating wetting phase, creating range from 0.1 to 0.5.38 It is also stated that:
pseudo-dead-end pores. Saturation exponent values become • Laminar flow rarely occurs in porous networks, given that
very high, as high as ~15 for 70% fractional oil wettability.23 local geometry of rock grains and their surfaces are so
irregular that fluid flowlines usually cross each other,
Lithology and wettability. Carbonates tend to be more oil except at very small rates.
wet than sandstones,32 due to the different rock chemistry. • The pore-tubes are not long enough to be free of entrance
Authigenic clays might promote oil wet characteristics.36 or exit flows, and Poiseuille equation does not hold either.
Sands with quartz overgrowths behave as tube like models This is especially true near the wellbore, within the rock
with films, without crevices, because of their smooth surfaces. volume where cores and electric logs are acquired.
SPE 100200 15

Andrade et al. showed that inertial effects are fully developed If aspect ratio is small (quasi-uniform cross section), b will
at Reynolds number of 15.6 in porous media.39 Dibbs et al. be ≈ 1. This also signifies that hydraulic tortuosity τ will be
indicate that boundary layers start gradually building at Re ≈ 1, closer to electrical tortuosity a. Porosity exponent A might
and an inertial core is formed at Re ≈ 10. A steady non-linear approximate to (m + 2) under these conditions, reflecting only
regime, called the inertial regime, persists up to Re ≈ 150. the viscosity difference of the electric (inviscid) and hydraulic
Wake oscillations and unsteady regime begin at this Re value, fluid. This assumes no blockage of the pores.
and vortices initiate at Re ≈ 250. Flow becomes very chaotic
at Re > 300, similar to turbulent flow.40 Archie and Poiseuille equations similarities. Additional
These observations signify that the likelihood of quantitative similarities exist between these equations, worth
occurrence of fluid flow, as conceived in this paper, is high. discussing to better understand Archie equation.
Data from around the world6,8,13,14,20,21,22 supports both, this Flow rate is proportional to area (Eq. 6), and area is
conclusion and C-K variable porosity exponent. The models proportional to r2. However, due to fluid viscosity, q does not
applicable in nozzles, throats, diffusers, flow around a corner, respond to r2, it actually responds to r4 in Poiseuille equation.
etc. can be safely adopted. Molecular (~armstrongs) and pore This occurs because velocities of the various fluid laminae
dimensions (~microns) differences are large enough to permit change: velocities are function of radius, which determines
buildup of the corresponding flow profiles. their position in the cross section area. Similarly, Eq. 7 has
Threshold Re values in porous media, although uncertain proved that electric potential and 1/R, the basis for Archie
according to the literature, are lower than the ones quoted in equation, are proportional to aream, not merely to area1, due to
fluid mechanics, taking into account differences in the geometry of the conducting paths (flow around corners).
dimensions, viscosity and geometry. Due to the presence of Eq. 30 would be a more correct version of Ohm law to
irreducible water in hydrocarbon zones, liquid-liquid contact apply in Petrophysics, instead of Eq. 5. This one dimensional
within the pores (as opposed to liquid-solid) also favors lower equation permits to handle some irregular geometric forms in
Re values. In fact, liquid-liquid condition permits more slip, conductors. Eq. 30 is presented here because it is easier to
hence inviscid flow around corners. As such, these limiting understand than Laplace Eq. 7, which is volumetric:
values, which determine the changes of flow regime, are less l
restrictive. They are met under lower velocity/higher viscosity V (res )dl
conditions than normally anticipated in oil reservoirs.
=R=∫ ….……………………………...(30)
I 0
Length scale used in calculations of Re is grain diameter
(Gd).38,39 Since Re determines variations in flow regime, this where dl is change in length. In porous media, cross section
link explains why grain size controls permeability to some keeps changing (magnitude and direction) as the current
extent.8,13 Boundary layer model applicability requires Gd >> moves along the flow routes around the corners. Thus, Area is
Lt. function of length l. It cannot be taken out of the integral, as
opposed to Eq. 5 that presupposes constant area.
Carman-Kozeny parameters. Hydraulic tortuosity (τ) is not This result has significant implications. It means that
necessarily equal to electric tortuosity (a) for several reasons: some popular formulae (like Waxman-Smits, Simandoux, dual
• Electric flow is pure inviscid, well behaved and responds water), derived at pore scale level, need revision.42 In their
to the resistivity of fluids and rock. Hydraulic flow can derivation, they suppose that the same relationships apply to
be chaotic. It is a combination of viscous and inviscid either resistivities (res) or resistances (R), to obtain parallel or
flow, and particle displacement is not uniform or equal. series equivalents, via volumetric weighted averages. They do
• Conductive water droplets might impede flow of other not consider the complex geometry, evidenced by the
fluids (e.g.: an oil blob) when the water is filling narrow meandering electric paths and clay spatial distribution.
rock passages (pore throats). However, this does not Resistivity and resistance formulations are not directly
constitute any restriction to the electric-current. interchangeable. They need an exponent and a coefficient in
• Water imbibed pores are an obstacle to oil flow. These the volumetric terms, whenever electric-current changes cross
are an easy path to electric flow if the water is conductive. section and direction.
• Current can circulate through the clayey conductive
portions of the rock in shaly rocks, while hydraulic flow Summary
would be completely prevented if clay is jamming the Archie equation has been fully demonstrated. It is not an
pore throats. empirical relationship any more. Its theoretical demonstration
• Electric-current is deviated by conductive materials. is backed up by a plethora of examples acquired over the
Fluid flow is not influenced if there is no chemical years, which reveal its validity and limitations.
interaction. Two parameters (angles δ, ε) are needed with the new
• The absence of water films does not affect much formulation, instead of 3 (a, m, n). This ends in improvements
hydraulic flow. Electric flow depends on the presence of in Sw calculation.32 This alleviates some of the problems
connecting films. reported by Holtz et al. concerning a variability.43
Hydraulic tortuosity τ is usually larger than electrical Electric parameters a & m respond to the pure geometric
tortuosity a.10,41 In general, hydraulic tortuosity should be tortuosity of the rock, considering that electric current is
smaller than the fluid-dependent electrical tortuosity (product inviscid. A, τ reflect the physical interaction of the internal
a times b) in partially saturated rocks (Sw < 1). geometry of the solid rock and the viscosity of the circulating
fluid, which imposes the incidence of various flow regimes.
16 SPE 100200

Rock sinuous corridors can be properly modeled using a Knowing the average angles (δ & ε), m, a, n, b can be
series of straight lines, making corner angles through the calculated using Eqs. 14, 15, 16, and 17. These parameters are
pores. Final (a, m), (b, n), (τ, A) values are the statistical not constant. Their variable quantitative behavior clearly
average of all the described angles. Tie of these parameters explains reported non-Archie responses.
with pore geometry and rock texture is evident, which Rock frame, conductive phase, and hydraulic tortuosities,
facilitates calculation of petrophysical properties (k, Sw) and represented by the interrelated pairs (a, m), (b, n) and (τ, A)
permits an easier connection to the geology.43 respectively, are not generally identical to each other.
Electric-current or hydraulic flow does not circulate only Exponent A is variable, and compensates for the velocity
at 45o with respect to the average direction of flow, as it has variations caused by the hydraulic tortuosity τ of the rock. A
been stipulated in the literature.1,17 The value of the angle is also reflects the various flow regimes, created by the diverse
dictated by the severity of the corner angles of the rock. viscosity distributions that fluid adopts as it travels through the
Electric (a, m), (b, n) and hydraulic tortuosities (τ, A) rock. C-K equation requires an efficiency multiplier like λ to
volumetrically include two types of information: the winding offset the relentless changes in cross section of the pores.
pathways data of the rock frame, and the degree of lateral Saturation exponent varies as function of water saturation,
connectivity.32 They have 3-D repercussion. Therefore, as it was shown in Figs. 11 and 17. Thus, it is not correct to
oriented values of tortuosity and saturation exponents must be use the same n for Sw and Sxo calculations. It should be
obtained because rocks are not spatially isotropic.44 measured at the correct saturation cycle (drainage, imbibition).
Tortuosity exponent m depends on the distribution and Its value, measured in the lab, shows marked saturation history
contrast between formation water Rw and clay water dependence.
resistivity. It also depends on the type and amount of clay Eqs. 21 through 23, based on pore scale modeling of water
material. Its value is generally lower than 2 if the electric films, let us obtain n as function of water saturation and
paths are not occluded. It is larger than 2 if some or many of equivalent wettability angle.
the electric routes are discontinuous. Eq. 29 (and similar Eqs.) permits continuous calculation of
Tortuosity exponent m varies between 1 and 2 for fractured a and m, whenever the theory is applicable (precompacted,
rocks, in agreement with the literature.5 Variation is attributed touching grains), and compressional and shear sonic
to the degree of connectivity among fractures. measurements are available.
Tortuosity exponent has been linked to overburden Geometry inferred from thin sections can be used to assess
pressure, to explain effects of compaction,32 as shown in Fig. tortuosity and saturation exponents. However, caution should
13. Its value can be calculated using shear and compressional be exercised because the angles from thin section are not
velocity data, by means of Poisson ratio. This opens the always the same as the true 3-D corner angles.
possibility of estimating m with geophysical information, in Non-Archie effects (e.g.: vuggy porosity) and hydraulic
sections where only “soft data” is available. blockage can be quantified using thin sections, accounting for
In this paper, the “equivalents” concept (under stable, the volumetric ratio of disconnection of the pores. Then, Fig.
steady state conditions) has been used, in the same way it is 18 can be used.
employed in electricity. This strategy has been adopted to turn Resistivity and resistance formulations are not
problems into more manageable, and to generate practical volumetrically/mathematically interchangeable. Resistivity
parameters for petrophysical analysis. This contrasts with needs a coefficient/exponent scheme, if the cross section and
current tendency of creating dynamic physical models to direction of the electric flow keeps changing along the path.
simulate the whole flow process (drainage and imbibition). Eqs. 18 and 19 are the modified recommended Archie and
Rock frame, conductive, and hydraulic tortuosities, C-K equations. Both hydraulic and electric modeling of
ingredients of Eq. 28 (m, n, A), symbolize the geometric and porous media requires a merger of macro and micro scales for
viscosity controls on permeability. Specific surface area an effective upscaling. As such, Eq. 19 is a mathematical
characterizes the lithologic rock component on k (missing in blend of Darcy, Poiseuille and Laplace equations. Eq. 18
previous formulation),20 considering the significant differences results from the mixture of Ohm law and Laplace equation.
in values among the different rock mineralogies: 0.22, 2, and Eqs. 27 and 28 are the amended simultaneous k equations.
60 m2/g for quartz, carbonate and clay, respectively.42 They prove that fusion of electric measurements and hydraulic
Permeability-porosity crossplots and Archie equation are principles can predict rock properties; k to oil (not kabs) is
recognized as good examples that express the interdependency computed because that is what truly matters in oil reservoirs.
of petrophysical properties, even in complex carbonate
rocks.43 This is in line with the C-K & Archie equation Acknowledgments
mathematical connection that the “Perfect Permeability The author thanks Occidental Oil & Gas for their permission
Transform” procedure advocates. to publish this paper. I am grateful to those colleagues who
helped correcting this manuscript.
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18 SPE 100200

41. Zhang, X., Knackstedt, M.A.: “Direct Simulation of res =Resistivity

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Annual Logging Symposium (1981). St = Tangential Stiffness
Sw = Water saturation, fraction
Nomenclature Sw* = Critical water saturation, fraction
a = Tortuosity coefficient Swc = Water saturation in the crevices, fraction
A = Porosity exponent/branchiness Swf = Water saturation in the films, fraction
Angle1 = Contact stiffness angle at point 1 Swi = Irreducible water saturation, fraction
Angle2 = Contact stiffness angle at point 2 Swp = Water saturation in small pores, fraction
ar = Aspect ratio Sxo =Flushed zone water saturation, fraction
AR = Area ratio V =Voltage
Area = Cross section area Vp =Compressional velocity
Area1 = Cross section porous area Vs =Shear velocity
Areau = Cross section area of the unit block full of water α = Cementation exclusion factor
b = Conductive phase coefficient β =Porosity exponent
b’ = Conductive phase length δ =Turning angle (tortuosity exponent)
B =FZI or interconnectivity parameter ƒ(z) =Potential distribution function
BVI =Irreducible water saturation-porosity product γ =Interconnectivity parameter
c =curvature-angle exponent ΔP =Change in pressure, psi
Co =Rock conductivity ζ = Divergence angle
Cw =Brine conductivity ε = Turning angle (saturation exponent)
D = Amplitude coefficient τ = Hydraulic tortuosity
d =Fixed duct diameter λ = Efficiency factor
dl =change in length φ = Angle, polar coordinates
E = Electric Field Strength Ø = Porosity, fraction
F = Formation factor θ = Angle, polar coordinates
Fn =Normal force ν =Poisson’s ratio
Fs = Shape factor μ =Viscosity
Ft =Tangential force ω =Wettability angle (in radians)
FZI =Flow zone indicator
Gd =Grain diameter Table 1 – Typical Values of cementation exponent, a=1
h =Height of the droplet Type of rock M
I =Electric-current Unconsolidated sand 1.3
Ir = Resistivity index
Slightly cemented sand 1.5-1.7
k = Effective permeability to oil @ Swi, md
Moderately cemented sand 1.8-1.9
kabs = Absolute permeability, md
Highly cemented sand 2.0-2.2
l =Tortuous coefficient
l’ = Tortuous length Chalky limestone 1.7-1.8
Le = Entrance length Crystalline & granular carbonates 1.8-2.0
Lt = Boundary layer thickness Nontouching vuggy carbonates 1.8-4.0
Lu = Reference length of the unit block full of water Touching vuggy carbonates & fractures <1.8
m = Cementation-Tortuosity exponent Natural fractures 1.0
mult = Function of aspect ratio
n = Saturation exponent Table 2 – Values of a and m according to this model
NMR = Nuclear magnetic resonance Angle a m Description
q =Fluid flow, flux [o]
r = vector, polar coordinates 180 1.000 1.0 Straight non-communicating tubes
rpt = radius of the pore throat 120 1.155 1.5 Communicating-round equal grains
r1 = pore radius 90 1.414 2.0 Communicating-round equal grains
r2 =radius of the droplet 60 2.000 3.0 Communicating-round equal grains
ru = radius of the unit block

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