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Africa Unit Project Proposal Sheet

We have just finished covering all the content in our African Unit. Now it is time for you to
decide what you liked most. This project is YOUR CHOICE, but I am going to give you some ideas
on what you COULD do your project on, based on the topics we covered in class.
Read through the list of ideas with explanations on how to complete the project. Find an idea
that stands out to you, and use it to complete the backside of this worksheet – The Project
Proposal. The questions related to each project are IDEAS for how you can complete it, not the
rubric or requirement. Those will be distributed during our next class.
All projects must be approved by me before you can begin completing the research and
project steps.

Project Ideas

 Pick any country in Africa and outline its history, economy, climate, and culture. What is
it like to live there? What major events has it experienced? What is its government like?
 Pick any region (think of the 8 we labeled on our maps) and explore the impact of
industrialization on the wildlife/vegetation/weather on the region. Has it changed
overtime? Think about how the Sahara used to be a grassland

 Pick any of the major African tribes and complete a research project based on the tribes.
What is it like to be a part of the tribe? What traditions do they have? How do they
survive through modernization? What food do they eat?
 Research the history of African music. Why does it sound different than the music we
listen to? What kind of instruments do they use? What role does music play in the
The Scramble for Africa/Berlin Conference

 What is Africa like today? How did the Scramble for Africa influence the issues we see
today? When did the European countries give up control of Africa? What happened
during the Scramble and after? What was the impact of the slave trade?
Modern Issues

 Pick any of the issues we discussed in class and research it further. What is it? What is its
impact? How can it be solved? Pick an endangered animal and create a non-profit to
save its existence.
Project Proposal
Please answer each question using complete sentences and complete thoughts. Pick a project
you are interested in to complete the questions! You may use one of the ideas I gave you, or
you can come up with your own! It MUST be related to Africa and involve research.
What is your project about? (What will you be researching?)




Why did you choose this project? (Why does this topic interest you?)




What question will your project answer? (What is your research question?)


What additional questions might you need to ask to help you answer the research question?
Please write at least 3.



How will you “show” the class that you’ve answered your research question? (PowerPoint,
Prezi, Poster, etc.)


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