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January 15, 2019

Learning Log
English 2010

“ Donald J. Trump, Pope Francis, and the Beef That Defined Space and Time”. By Benjamin

1. When trump switched back and forth and added in more places instead of just
focusing on one problem. He was adding in everything instead of one place.
They were using incorrect grammar and why they are doing this incorrect.
2. By adding in his religion he cut off a ton of his audience that could have helped.
The pope should include more than just the religion.
1. He is very effective because he helps show why we are doing it this way. He also
choose a topic that everyone can get fired up by.
2. He doesn't say what he feel about the idea. He isn't picking a side. He keeps that out of
his writing.

January 18 2019​ “Language Matters: A Rhetorical Look at Writing”

1. As we come to have good language together it helps become a better communicator in
your life and helps for those you interact with as well.
2. Also how the vocabulary that is being used to certain audience matters.

Explain: Language is to help applying to everyone. To really listen to the way they talk instead
of just listening to them talking to you.

January 22 2019

“ Genre in the Wild: Understanding Genre Within Rhetorical (Eco) Systems- Lisa Bickmore”

1. One that stood out to me was the way that our everyday lives are classified into genres.
Like when it talks about the teacher that will write on the whiteboard and the students will
take notes.
2. As you apply genres to your life and your writing it becomes organized. It is a tool.

No because when you add genres to your writing it becomes more of an
communications act like agreeing to what you have been saying. It makes you more flexible and
a better writer.

January 23 2019

I was able to act in a communications when I was caught off guard how people were
treating animals. I decided that I was going to make poster to promote proper care taking of all
animals. I took some of my friends and we went around my neighborhood and passed these
poster out. So everyone around me knew how to take care of animals.

January 24 2019 “ Writing for Community Change” by Elsie Stone

1. I like the part were they say college is more than just attending class and study. I like
how they say they want you to get more of high quality experiences out of college.
2. Also I enjoyed how they put in that you are stress and so you shouldn't care but that
studies have shown those who serve others end up being happier.

If money and time were no factor what service opportunity would you engage in?
- I would really like to engage in going on a trip down to africa or even just taking my
education in the medical field and be able to take it to all the 3 world countries and help
them get better and learn more about how to take care of their bodies with less things.

January 28 2019 “ The Elizabeth Smart Case: A Study in Narrativized news”

1. I think it crazy that there was a ton of kidnapping and missing children but they didn't
even get reported.
2. Also hey way the author describes this is very well.

What in your opinion made elizabeth so universal and long lasting?

- I think it had to do with the fact that she was a pretty young girl with a good family and a
good reglio and they all of sudden she is just gone. Also I think it was huge because it
was so close to people's homes and her family did not give up on finding her.
January 30 2019 “ Writing Is Recursive” Chris Blankenship

Golden Quotes:
1. “ ​In modern English, recursion is used to describe a process that loops or “runs
again” until a task is complete. It’s a term often used in computer science to
indicate a program or piece of code that continues to run until certain conditions
are met, such as a variable determined by the user of the program. The program
would continue counting upwards—running—until it came to that variable.”
2. “ In this process, we produced three distinct drafts, but each of those drafts
represents several different ways that we made changes, small and large, to the
text to better craft it for our audience, purpose, and context.”

Why is the second image a more accurate way for measuring writing?
- Because this image shows how they all come together to work instead of them being like
a checklist item. Its shw how using all of them make a better writing piece.

February 1 2019 “Making Choices in Writing” Jessie Szalay

Golden Quotes:

1. “ ​Making decisions is a fundamental part of writing. The decisions you make will
determine the success of your writing. If you make them carelessly, you might end up
with unintended consequences—a tone that doesn’t fit your medium or audience, logical
fallacies, poor sources or overlooked important ones, or something else.”
2. “ ​It’s up to you to select the best, most rhetorically effective, most interesting, and most
beautiful option.”

What are five strategic choices that you will make for your upcoming open letter?
- First I want to make sure that I have the right genre. I'm speaking in the right form of my
- I also need to have some background information to help start out my paper.
- I need to have it organized well not just all over the place.
- It needs to be the right length.

February 5 2019 “ Dear Italy” - Sarah

1. I really liked how the author started it out it was very cool to see her perspective of things
change. I was very interested in what she was saying.
2. I like how they addressed the correct and then backed it up with evidence to support
what they were saying was true.
Common characteristics:
Some common things I am finding in these letters is that they all are very well written
and they talk about the past and themselfs.

February 7 2019 “ Peer Review”

3 Examples:
1. The least helpful thing you can do when peer reviewing is correct grammar and typos.
So not using that has a part of it.
2. Don’t just look for things to “fix.” Pose questions to your classmate; let them know where
they need to give you more to clarify and convince you.
3. If they misunderstand something, take it as an opportunity to be clearer in your writing
rather than simply blaming them for not getting it.

Worthwhile: In my old english class i was able to get help from a peer review. Because i thought
i was being clear on this part but it turns out it wasn't clear enough. So this helped me to
understand how i can make sure it come across right to the reader.

February 11 2019 “ Personal Literacy and Academic”

Two Golden quotes:

1. When we learn to transfer our personal literate practices to formal school settings, we
engage in a process of contextualization. In other words, we make meaning of school
content by connecting our personal lives to our school lives.
2. We can begin to see their connections to the academic literate practices we must
develop to meet our academic goals.

Shaped me:

2001: I was born and i didnt know anything.

2005: I started preschool and learned how to write my name and started to read.

2009: By this time I knew how to write and read.

2015: I have moved into middle school and started writing my very first essay and papers.

2019: I have taken so many english classes and I can now write a college paper.
February 13 2019 ​ “ You WIll Never Believe What Happened: Stories We Tell” -Ron

1. Stories are our attempts to make sense of the world. We narrate our experience
in order to connect with others and validate our own experience and self-worth.
We shape our identity through these stories.
2. ​They are a form of action, of entering and living in the world. Possibly you’ve
never thought about story in quite this way but we assume it’s not too surprising.
Explain: I think this quote means to me that by reading and hearing stories we are able
to be more connected to each other. It helps you feel and understand for the writer.

February 15 2019 “ Is That A True Story?”

1. When writing people ask if it is true now what exactly happens doesn't
necessarily need to have the full detail.
2. Often time there is no right answer to this question.

The truth when writing a memoir can be often to is very difficult because
sometimes things change or you see it different than someone else did. Sometimes you
also don't get into the full detail because it can be to personal by doing what it causes
the reader to question if this happened or not.

February 21 2019 “ Adding the Storytellers Tools to the Writer's Toolbox”

1. To use described words. Describe the people, the place, and the thing.
2. Make it personal make the reader connect to it.
3. Use sensory descriptions.
4. Shape the voice of a character, add something unique into the voice.
5. Have conflict. The power of having a conflict means that people care about the
topic and want to know and learn about this topic.
February 25 2019 “ Memorability”: “ Keys for Success”
Make Better:
1. Stay focused on the meaning
2. Make it unpredictable
3. Use the five senses in your writing
4. Take advantage of any impressive source
5. Projecting emotions is outstanding
6. Tell the story. Think of how people feel and think when they feel the story.
February 28 2019 “ Story as Rhetorical: We Can’t Escape the Story No Matter How
Hard We Try” - Ron Christiansen


1. You’re not rigorous enough.

2. Maybe stories are talked about less in writing classes because they are too fun.
3. ​When some argue that writing classes focused on story or narrative are
not rigorous, they are in effect arguing that story is not rhetorical.

How: A story can be an argument by any way you want. You can add claims in there
and follow up by three paragraphs of your claim. Even if you feel like there is nothing to
argue there is always something there you can take it can be small or big.

March 4, 2019 ​“ The Narrative Effect: Story as the Forward Frame”

Underlying all understanding:

1. Put the story first

2. Follow a timeline for the reader
3. Let the reader see into the characters and the background
4. Larger pieces can be a tool to use
5. Sensory detail


1. To focus on the main idea of the story but also add in the background information
and get the main point across to the reader.

March 6, 2019 “ Punctuation, Memes, and Choice” ​Whats new?

- If you don’t use a period soon enough the point you are trying to make will be lost and
your reader will be confused.
What’s interesting?
- Our punctuation leads to 3 possible outcomes: emphasis, de-emphasis, and confusion.
- We use punctuation when we are talking. For example when we pause it could be a
comma or a period.
What finally makes sense?
- Periods are probably the most important punctuation mark because it ends a sentence but
emphasizes it less than a exclamation point.

March 8, 2019 “ Peer Review” by Jim Beatty

By giving feedback to those people papers you have to read you need to have
communication by and forth with each other. You need to take the feedback and apply it
to your life. Yes I agree with how just adding in grammars and typos doesn't help
anyone in this situation. It doesn't do any good to correct those things you need to find
the purpose of their writing and help them grow and develop a better paper. And being
able to communicate back and forth is a vial part in peer review. It can help you have a
better understand for what is trying to be said through the correct and the paper.

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