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Step Size

The waveforms seen in the plot are calculated by the waveform plot itself. To avoid errors the Step Size must be smaller than half the period ofthe highest frequency calculated by the harmonics load-flow. To guarantee that this criteria is always fulfilled, independent of the harmonics calculation, the Step Size is entered in Number of Samples in Highest Frequency. The Highest Frequency and the resulting Step Size a re shown just for information.


To be independent of the basic frequency the time range of the waveform is entered in Number of cycles of Basic Frequency. Basic Frequencyand the resulting Range are shown just for information.


The Curve-Input Command

The curve input command is used for measuring printed curves. The original curves must be available in windows metafile (*.wmf) or in bitmap (*.bmp) format. The graphics file is displayed as background in a curve input plot. This plot then allows for defining plot points by successive mouse clicks.

The curve input plot (VisDefcrv) allows for measuring and editing single curves of group of curves at once. The measured curve points are stored in a Matrix object, see section 6.7.1. The positions of the axis in the curve input plot can be set by the user.

Special functions for groups of curves allow for x-value synchronization and many other facilities to make their input easier and faster.

Creating a Curve-Input Plot

The special 'Curve Input' virtual instrument plot VisDefcrv is needed for measuring curves. Such a plot, like al other virtual instruments, is displayed on a Virtual Instrument Panel. A new virtual instrument panel is created with the newcommand in the file menu

or the new icon i;j~·l of the graphics window.


A new Curve Input plot is created by right-clicking the empty panel, or by pressing

on the panel button bar and subsequently selecting the ouve-tnpu: (VisDefcrv). The curve input option dialogue as shown in figure 27.16 is opened by double-clicking the curve input plot.

The Input Options

The input options are used to select the graphics file which is to be measured. Only windows metafile (* .wmf) or bitmap (* .bmp) formats are allowed. The x-scale and y-scale settings are used to set the range and type of the axes of the curves as they are in the graphics file.

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Visualization of Results In PowerFadory

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Fig. 27.16: Editing the curve input plot Two different types of curves can be input:


Each matrix input defines a single curve. The first column in the matrix holds the xvalues, the second one the y values. Other columns are ignored.

Set of Curves

Only the first matrix is used for input. The first column in the matrix holds the x- n values, the other columns hold the y-values of each curve in the group of curves.. . /

The measured CUNe is drawn between the measured points by Interpolation. This is im-

portant when the measured curve is later used with a specific interpolation. Setting the

correct interpolation mode when measuring the curve causes a better fit while avoiding

excess curve point definitions. Available modes of interpolation:

• Linear

• Cub. Spline

• Polygon

• Hermite

The Context Sensitive Menu

The case sensitive menu is opened by right-clicking the curve input plot. The menu is used to select the curve for which points are to be measured or edited, to select the measure-


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ment mode, to synchronize x-values by interpolation, etc.

Grid Opens the grid layout dialogue

Curves Interpolation

Used to switch from 'single' to 'set of curves' mode.

Selects the interpolation mode

Interpolate All

interpolates undefined y values for all curves for all defined x-values

Interpolate N

interpolates undefined y values of curve N for all defined x-values

Delete Curve N

Removes curve N from the matrix

Add Curve appends a new curve

(-I Set Axis With this option the origin of the axes and the length of the axes can

"---" be adjusted according to the figure imported.

Origin sets the origin of the graph to be inserted.

x-Axis sets the x-axls independent on the y-axls,

x-Axis (y=Origin)

sets the x-axts dependent on the y-axis origin.

y-Axis sets the y-axls independent on the x-axls.

y-AxiS (x=Origin)

sets the y-axis dependent on the x-axts origin.

Origin sets the origin of the graph to be Inserted.

Input specifies the input mode:

Off switches off the measurement mode

xlv-Pairs each left mouse click adds a point to the curve. Drag & Drop

turns on the 'edit' mode: all points can be dragged and dropped to change their y-position or left clicked and deleted with the 'Del' key.

Active Curve sets the curve to modify

o How to Scan curve(s) using the curve-input plot:

• Create a virtual instrument panel with a curve input plot

• Open the curve-input dialogue with a double-click and set the following options - Select the background file

- Select "Single" or "Set of Curves" in the "Curves Ustbox"

- Select the Interpolation mode

- Select on or more Matrix objects in the table named "Curves". At least two columns

must be already present in the matrix object.

• Close the dialogue.

• Define the axis position to adapt the curve input to the background plot:


U - Select the graphic cursor

- Right-click the plot and select Set Axis - OrIgin. left click the origin of the plot

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- Right-click the plot and select Select Set Axis - x-Axis. Left click the end of the xaxis of the background plot.

- Right-click the plot and select Select Set Axis - y-Axis. Left click the end of the y- n axis of the background plot.

• Open the curve-input dialogue and adapt the scale of the curve Input plot to the scale of background plot

• Right-dick the plot and select the Active Curve option and activate the first curve. The option is not available when

- There Is no Matrix object selected in the 'Curves' table of the dialogue

- One of the matrix object(s) has less than two columns

• Right-click the plot and select the Inputoption. Select the input mode. With the first curve, select the with x!y-PailSoption.

• Left click the curve to set x/y values.

• Right-click the plot and select the Input - Offoption to finish the definition of the ()



Embedded Graphic Windows

Some dialogues contain embedded graphic windows to visualize input settings. An example is shown in the figure 27.17 for the parameter characteristic dialogue. Many other dialogues have also such embedded graphs. An embedded graph shares much of its functionality and features with the 'normal' graphs in the Virtual Instruments, like the subplot in section .

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Fig. 27.17: Example of an embedded graphs


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Similar to the plots on a VI page the mouse position in the embedded graphic is shown in the status bar. The context sensitive menu of the embedded graphs offers commands for printing and zooming.

Print Picture

This option opens the print dialogue. The default print format for embedded graphs is A4. The printer orientation is set to the orientation of the embedded graph. The print dialogue offers to preview the printed area.

Zoom In

This option changes the cursor to a magnifying glass. Drawing a rectangle with the cursor will enlarge that area.

Zoom Back

This option restores the previous zoom area.

Zoom All

This option zooms out to the complete window. i---'-

U Change Viewpoint


This option changes the arrow to the move arrow + . Press the left mouse button, hold it down and move the mouse outside the window. This will move the zoomed area in that direction. Press the right mouse button or Esc to change the cursor back again.

Additionally there maybe a Limits available in the dialogue. Pressing this button will open a small dialogue where the minimum and maximum of the x-axis can be changed, or the Scale button will reset the settings and scale the axls automatically.


Tools for Virtual Instruments

Different kinds of plots are used to display calculation results or device data. There are a lot of tools, which will help the user interpreting and analyzing these data or results of calculations. Most of them are accessible directly through the "status bar" of PowerFactoryor through the context sensitive menu. This is activated by right-clicking on the curve or an the plot background depending on the function one wants to choose.

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10 Edit Dialogues

The "Edit" dialogue of the plots can be accessed through double-clicking on the background of each plot or by selecting Editin the context sensitive menu. A faster way to access special information of the plot is to double-click directly on the element which is to be change. This can be the:


the legend text and representation can be edited directly.


to edit the x-axls limits, scales and variable representation and auto scaling options of the current graphics board or panel.


to edit the y-axls limits, scales and variable representation and auto scaling options as well as the variable to be shown.

A double-click on other positions will open the plot dialogue.

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The Status Bar

In the status bar of PowerFactoryon the bottom of the program window useful information of the data shown in the curves can be obtained.

• First the value of the mouse positlon in the diagram is displayed in the status bar; similar to the information shown with an open single line diagram.

• When a curves is clicked and marked with a cross, the cross value is also displayed in the status bar and remains unchanged until the cross is set to a different position. If there is no cross on the active page the status bar value is reset and no longer displayed. Some plots have different scales on one axis, therefore these plots can not display a value in the status bar.

• The optlon Curve-TTc1cking can be found in the status bar, normally in a grey font style. When double-clicking this option the "Curve-Tracking" mode will be activated. Then a cross will appear if the mouse arrow will be near a curve. If the mouse is hold still for one second, the x- and v-value will be shown in a balloon window.

Labelling Plots


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There are different styles of labels available for labelling curves and graphics. Setting labels Is possible in most of the different plots, although some of the labels are not available in all kinds of plots. The labels are created the same way.

The label option is avallable from the context sensitive menu whenever a curve or graphic was clicked and marked with a cross. The option tebel-» Insert .. Labelcan be selected

for the different labels. In addition there are two iconsL'. and;::: in the toolbar, which

can be used to create labels. .

After selecting the appropriate label from the sub-option of label, a rubber band from the cross to the mouse is shown. A click with the left mouse button sets the label, the right mouse button cancels. The following different labels are available.

The Text and Value Label

The text-label displays an user defined text above and below a line connected to the curve with a rubber band. Edit the label to change the text shown.

The value-label displays the x/y coordinates of the cross. The label is a text-label

filled with the coordinates. Edit the label to change the text. n


The Format Label

The form-label uses a form to print the displayed text. The form is local for each label or common to all plots of the same type in the active project.

The Text and Value Label

The text and the value label (VisValue) is used to label curves or graphics displayed in plots. The text of the label is written above and below a horizontal line. The line is connected to the curve/graphic with a 'rubber band'.

After creatlng the labels, they can freely be dragged across the plot while staying connected to the data paint on the curve. The text can also be changed by double-clicking the label or the rubber band. The edit dialogue of these two labels is depicted in the figure 27.18.

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Fig. 27.18: X!Y value dialogue

Value Value displays the connected curve position of the label. For labels created as value this position is displayed as label text. "x-Axls" displays the x axis value, "y-Axis" the y axis value. "Time" is visible only for plots showing a trajectory.

Text on Top Text written above the horizontal line. Text on BottomText written below the horizontal line. Delete Label when a new Simulation is started

Some plots show the simulation results. Labels in plots showing simulation results are deleted when the simulation is started again. To keep labels in such plots, e.g. to compare curves with the last run, turn off this option. The default of this option is "on".

The Format Label

Like the "text/value label", the format label (VisLabel) is set in plots to label curves or graphics. This label displays text printed using a form. The form is different for each type of diagram. It is either defined local at the label or defined for all diagrams of the same type in the activated project. Its dialogue is shown in figure 27.19.

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Fig. 27.19: The form-label dialogue

The different information and parameters for this label are described below:

Value Value displays the connected curve position of the label. "x-Axis" displays the x axis value, "y-Axis" the y axis value.

Data Object "Data Object" is a reference to the shown object. If "Data Objectless not set the label Itself is taken as shown object.

Shown Object The object output by the form, see "Data Object" described above. Edit Used Format

Shows the used "Form Manager". The used format is either the local format or the one defined for all plots of the same type in the active project.

Create Local Format

Creates a new "Form Manager" valid for the current label only. The forms can be edit without influencing other labels in the same plot or in the active project. The "Create Local Format" button is replaced by the "Set Default Format" when a local format was defined.

Set Default Format 0

Removes the local format. The format used is the one used for all plots

of the same type in the active project. The "Set Default Format" button

is replaced by the "Create Local format" when the local format was


Delete Label when a new Simulation is started

Some plots show simulation results. Labels in plots showing simulation results are deleted when the simulation is started again. To keep labels in such plots, e.g. to compare curves with the last run, turn off this option.

from the context sensitive menu of the format labels more options can be selected

Border A simple border of the selected label can be turned on or off.

Form The format options can be directly accessed by Edit used Format and Create Local Formatfor the marked format label.

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Reconnect with ...

Reconnects the format label to another curve or data point.


The Constant Value

The constant label (VisXvalue) is used to display y-values for a constant x-quantity or xvalues for a constant y. In some plots like the overcurrent plot, constant labels are created and deleted automatically e.g. to visualize the short-circuit current for relays.

The look of constant labels may vary because of different settings like the label location, the intersection values and other options. The dialogue of the constant label is depicted in the figure 27. 20.

Name Slyle

rLabelIr. Default

r, Use; deflned:<: ~;:> '

position IBiQht of ~ne (top)

x~ 1.2Ut,{,

Value ar:1.-.:2';", "'--" """"-

LinesMe I~E)

CoI0l1.1~, ~

Width' L .. :.·....i1liJ '

Fig. 27.20: The constant label dialogue

To insert a constant label into a diagram or plot, the option Set constant -> x-Value or Set constsnt-» y-Value places a constant x- or a constant y-value into the current plot. Thus the dialogue for constant the VisXvalue object will pop up (shown in the figure 27.20) and a horizontal respectively vertical line will then be displayed at the value specified in the dialogue. Also the constant value and (if exist) the value of intersections with the curves will be shown.

There are different options and styles for the constant label:

Name Style Line Only

defines the name of the constant line and will be displayed in the plot. changes the representation of the constant label:

displays only the solid line and the related label.

Line with Intersections

shows a solid line including label and indicates the values when intersections with the curves of the plot.

Short Line Only (Left/Right)

indicates the constant value at the bottom/top respectively at the right! left side of the plot.


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Short Line/Intersection (Left/Right)

indicates the constant value at the bottom/top respectively at the right/ left side of the plot and the intersections with curves.

Intersection Only

shows only the intersection points with the curves.

Label defines the position of the constant value label:

None displays no label at all.

Outside of Diagram

creates the label between the border of the VI and the diagram area. Labels of constant x values are created above the diagram area, labels of constant y values are created right of the diagram area.

Above Line (right)

shows a label above the line if y is constant, the label will be on the right hand side.

Below Line (left)

shows the label below the line on the left hand side.

Left of Line (top)

shows a label on the left side of the line if x Is constant, the label will be on the top end.

Right of Line (bottom)

shows the label right of the line on the bottom end.

defines the constant value, either X or Y. The dialogue shows if either a X or Y is set. Also the actual position of the cross will be shown as a xrespectively y-value. It is not possible to change a constant X into a constant Y label other than by removing the old and creating the new one.

Color specifies the color of the line and the labels/intersections.

Linestyle and Width

specifies the line style and line width for the line shown. Invisible if "Show Values" is set to "Intersections Only".

For constant x-values in time-overcurrent diagrams there exist additional options:

x-value is Displays the type of current displayed. Visible only for constant x values in time overcurrent diagrams.

Show Values The constant value can be displayed as a line, as intersections with the curves/graphics or both. "Line Only" shows a vertical or horizontal line without labels for the intersections with the curves. "Line with Intersection" creates crosses at the intersection of the line with the curves. For constant x values the y value is displayed at the crossing ant the other way round. The values and their unit are colored like the curve crossed.

Intersections Constant x values created automatically in the overcurrent plot are displaying the short-circuit current. To get the tripping times "Intersections" can be set to SHC Currents. "All" would display the intersection of the relay curve ignoring the type of current. Visible only for automatic constant x values showing currents in the time overcurrent diagrams.


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Set User Defined

. The button "Set user defined" is visible for constant values created by the short-circuit in overcurrent plots. Labels showing this button display the short-circuit current. The labels are deleted whenever a new shortcircuit was calculated. If one wants to modify and keep the label even if a new short-circuit was calculated the label must be changed to user defined.

The Straight Line

There are various ways of inserting lines into a plot. With the option Straight Line-> ... there can be used a

Set Secant to add a line directly through the selected data point.

Through Point

defines a graphic line through the selected data point with a defined gradient and gives back the function of the line.


User Defined

defines a line independent from the curves shown with a defined gradient and y-offset. The function of the inserted line can also be seen, when holding the mouse arrow over the line for 1 second. The options of the line dialogue or similar to the options for the constant value in section.

Curve Filter

Curves shown in the plots and diagram can be filtered using the "Curve Filter". The option Filter. .. from the context sensitive menu displays the filters available to be applied to the data read from the result object. Another way to access this function is from the" edit" dialogue of the plot. Here the Filter ... button can be pressed. The figure 27.21 shows the dialogue of the function.


'lptlfg~poi~tsbJ ~ve,agingd Ave,age of last n Poin\$;.~eryn:u, vatuei s s hown

n 121

Fig. 27.21: Defining a curve filter

The "Curve Filter" specffies the type of filter applied to the data read from the result object. This object is a filter applied to curves in plots. There are different filter types available. The following filter settings are available. (N=number of points in the original curve, K=number of points in the filtered curve)

Disabled No filtering will be performed. K=N.


The filtered curve is the running average of the last n points, The first n-1 points are omitted. K=N-n+1.

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Balanced Average

The filtered curve is the running average of the last (n-1)/2 points, the current point and the next (n-1)/2 points. This filter thus looks ahead of time. The first and last (n-1)/2 values are omitted, n must be an odd number. K=N-n+1.

Purge Points by averaging

The filtered curve contains the averages of each block of n values. K=N/n. This filter may be used to speed up the display of large curves.

Purge Points The filtered curve only contains every n-th value. All other values are omitted. K=N/n. This filter may be used to speed up the display of large curves.


A curve filter can only be applied at the end of the simulation or measurement points added during a Simulation or measurement are not filtered The option Filter. .. is not available in all plots.


The option Borderln the context sensitive menu will insert or change the border of the selected plot or diagram. The options available are

• Off

• Simple

• 3D

• 3D with label

The border with 3-dlmensional effect and label will insert an additional label on the bottom of the selected plot. This label can now be defined by double-clicking on it. Furthermore the text style can be altered by choosing the option Select Font for Border.

Export of Curve Graphic

The whole diagram or plot can also be exported for further usage in reports. Thereto first mark the plot which is to be exported to a graphic file. Then select the option File-> Export. .. -> ... from the main menu.

There is the selection between the export into a Windows MetaFile (*.wmf) or into a Bitmap File (*.bmp).

Export of Curve Data

The export of curve data is available for a single VI or for the variables of the entire VI panel. Hence there are different ways to access the "ASCII Results Export" command ComRes of curve data, described in the following paragraph. The export directly from the result file gives the opportunity to directly export several variables at once and Is described in more detail in section (Exporting Results).

Exporting curves of a single VI:

• Press the Export ... button in the rIght side of the dialogue box of a virtual Instrument.

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• Right-click on the VI and select Export .. from the context sensitive menu. Exporting curves of the entire VI panel:

• Press the Export Results ... button on the "Results" page of the VI panel.

• Right-click on an empty area of the VI panel and select Export Results." from the context sensitive menu.

Note If in one plot or on one VI panel variables are shown from several result objects, a dialogue will appear before the export commend: where you have to select one result file from the list.

This function will export the data from the displayed curve with the given time range as ASOI text to the following programs/files:

• Output Window

o · Windows Clipboard

• Measurement File (ElmFile)

• ComTrade

• Textfile

In this dialogue the individual step size can be set, the columns of the result file and the header for the export as can be seen from the figure 27.22.

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r Rasul! Obiec11nfo .

Tme In1e,val:

Slep Size:

Points of liMe:' No ofVa,iables:

- 0.000000

l 1 .IF"~~~~I· !



Ires/l"el/c:o.ellhs~.,:, ',;.. . . ..•.• . ., .• ; •.•. ,'., .• .,,:.·!.E?ee'.,te Result Object ~. ',' F"wlt (RMS'Simul.tiOn)\Re.~It'·'.i::.t:I<!se

Fig. 27.22: Command dialogue of the ASOI result export

Various VI Tools

Grid This option in the context sensitive menu displays a dialogue to turn on/off the available grid lines. For both x- and y-axis a main gridand a help gridcan be displayed in the plots. Furthermore - depending on the type of plot - the representation of the different ticks on the axes can also be specified.

Autoscale X, Autoscale Y

Changes the autoscale settings of the plot. Off turns off the auto-scale mode. On performs an auto-sea Ie at the end of the sim ulation or calculation. Online is available in simulation plots only and tests the plot limits after each new simulation point.These settings can also be defined in the "edit" dialogue of the x- and y-axes.

x-Scale(s), y-Scale(s)

There are two options in the x-scale or y-scale entry. Editdisplays a dialogue to modify the scale settings like minimum, maximum and other settings. Scale Automatic calculates the minimum and maximum of the curve and adapts the scale limits.These settings can also be defined in the "edit" dialogue of the x- and y-axes or by double-clicking on the corresponding axis.


.... _. /

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Show dx/dy Right-click on data point on a CUNe and select Show d4dyfrom the menu. The two llnes will appear,. which are connected to the tip of the mouse pointer. A balloon window will show the x- and y-dlfference between the selected data point and the point where the tip of the mouse pointer is in the diagram. Additionally the gradient is displayed.

27.1.10 User-Defined Styles

Each VI panel, each virtual Instrument and every single plot uses a style where linewidths, fonts, brushes and other graphical settings are defined. These objects normally use predefined styles. In PowerFactorythere are six predefined styles available:

• Default - Standard English Text and Symbols

• Gr Default - Greek Symbols

• Tr Default - Turkish Symbols

• Paper

• Gr Paper

• Tr Paper

These styles can be modified for all VIs or only for single plots. For this user-defined styles can easily be created and specified. The base for an user defined style is always the previous default style.

There are several ways to select a predefined or user-defined style or change between

the available styles. .

• The easiest way is using the list-box in the toolbar by clicking and selecting one of the available styles.

• A style can be selected from the Style-> Select Style-> ... in the context sensitive

menu of the VI.

• A style is selected in the VI-Style list-box on the "Advanced" page of the VI dialogue. The user-defined styles are stored in the changed settings element of the active project. Therefore each project has its own \ Changed SettIng5\. Style5\. UserStyle,. ... path and user defined styles. Only the changed elements are stored in the project, the unchanged ones are the ones predefined in the default style.

The "changed settings" elements can be seen in the database in the figure 27.23.

Fig. 27.23:

~ _J&ii!!i!ii!\ii

,. '" Filler

f· ffiZl Input Option.

III WA Fle~ible Page S ellings '···fFlI Pa~e Formals

:.~ Additio""ISymbol,

E:J liL Styles

. EleJ Holger

[±]··nt ,jnIGrfne! c. E:.:J Predelined ··fJ SelVipage .@J V"Plot

'-8 VisVec Etl· (f!:l. Formats

The changed settings in the database

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Defining Styles for the VI Panel

The Style-> Create new Style option in the context sensitive menu of the VI panel Set- n

Vipage or every plot on the panel is selected to create a new style for the actual virtual -,,

instrument panel. Insert a name for the style to be created in the Input dialogue. Then

the new style is added to the predefined styles and is automatically selected for the cur-

rent VI panel. The created style is not set automatically In other VI panels of the project.

If a user-defined style is selected for the current VI panel, the Style-> Edit Style option

of the context sensitive menu of the panel may be selected to open the dialogue of the

new panel style. The figure 27.2"1 shows the dialogue for editing the layout of the panel.

Fig. 27.2"1: Editing the panel style

With the settings shown in the figure 27.2"1, mainly the layout of the title block of the VI panel Is edited. Here the user can define

• the different font styles for the various entries of the block by clicking on the buttons

• the height and the width of the columns of the title block (see section 8.3.6) 0

• the line width of the title block and of the page frame

Defining Styles for the Virtual Instruments

There is the possibility to define the x- and y-axis of the plots inside on one page. These settings then are valid every plot on panels using this style

To change the styles, right-click on a virtua I instrument on the pa nel and select the option Style-> Edit Style in the context menu. Then a dialogue will pop up containing the settings for

• all x-axls of VIs using this style

• all y-axis

• the selected object VIsplot

Double-click on the object which is to be changed. As shown in figures 27.25, the dialogue

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of the selected axis will be opened and can then be modified.



Fig. 27.25: Editing the styles of X-axis

In the dia log We the following settings of the axes can be spedflad for the selected style:


Here the style and width of the axis itself can be changed. Also the number of small ticks shown between the divisions can be chosen.

The number of characters and the digits behind the decimal point as well as the font type and size can be specified.

Distance between Axis and Text



The representation can be altered between the normal style and a style with an arrow at the end of the axis with a certain width and length of its tip.


Defining Styles for Single Plots

In addition to the axes the presentation of the plot itself can be chosen by the user. These settings can be accessed through the dialogue shown in 27.26 and then double-clicking on the settings of the VisPlot object.

Another and simpler way to change the settings of the style is to directly sel ect the option Style-> Edit Style of clicked Elementfrom the context sensitlve menu. These are the same dialogues shown in figure 27.26 and can directly be accessed by right-clicking on the

• x-axls in the plot to access the settings of the x-axls

• y-axis in the plot to access the settings of the y-axis

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• on the plot itself to access the settings plot style, i.e. the grid, legend, etc.


Fig. 27.26: Editing the settings of the plot

The figure 27.26 shows all different settings available for the plots on a VI panel. Thus one can


Options to alter the width, Hne style and color of the main grid and the help grid.

Edit the distances from the legend to axis and between the different legends.

Set spaces between the diagram and the surroundings.



Saving Predefined Styles for Plots

If the settings of the x- and y-axis, of the plot itself as well as the size of a particular plot shall be saved and then reused for further plots, there Is the option Style-> Save as predefined Vlform the context menu of every plot or VI.

This option saves the setting of the plot and stores a new VI in the list of all VIs. Hence if adding a plot the newly created VI can now be selected from the list by pressing the

~, icon and selecting the e.g. NewName (VisPlot) from the pull down list or by using

the'option Create VI-> ... from the context menu of the SetVipage to add new virtual instruments to the VI panel. The new empty subplots appear with new defined settings

27.2 Results, Graphs and Documentation

This section presents the set of objects, commands and tools, dedicated to the handling and presentatlon of results In PowerFactory.

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OIgSIlENT PowetFactory

Visualization of Results In PowerFactoly


Result Objects

The result object (ElmRes,('iWl) is used by the PowerFachuyprogram to store tables of results. The typical use of a result object is in writing specific variables during a transient simulation, or during a data acquisition measurement. Result objects are also used in DPL scripts, in reliability calculations, for harmonic analysis, etc.

An example of the result object dialogue is depicted in the figure 27.27.

N ..... Deteb ase ld Defoull for

Prolocol O~I~~:u I ' .

Fig. 27.27: The result object

The result object shows the following fields:

Name Database 10 Default for

the name of the result object

its database 1D and the date, when it was changed the last time its default use

Info information about the currently stored data, ie.e the time interval, step

sizes, number of variables, etc.

Trigger-Times trigger times (in case of a mggereddefault use) The information about the stored data shows

• the time interval

• the average time step

• the number of points in time

• the number of variables

• the size of the database result-file

The Update button will recalculate these parameters and update the shown information if necessary. The Clear Data will clear all result data.

Note Clearing the data will delete the result-file and will reset the data-

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base 10. This will destroy all calculated or measured data In the result file. It will not be possible to restore the data.


The default type settings are used for two purposes:

1 Creating a new result object and setting the default type to liarmonics, for instance, will cause the harmonics command dialogue to use this result object by default.

2 Setting the Default type to 7iiggeredwlll cause the calculation module to copy and temporarily store signals in that copied result object, every time a Trigger Event becomes active. The 7r(qgereddefault type enables the trigger time fields.

When the Protocol Output is pressed, all events that happened during the Simulation, recorded by the result object, will be written again into the output window. So one can check what events took place during the last simulation.

The contents of a result object are determined by one or more monitor variable set (Int-

Mon) objects. These monitor objects can be edited by pressing the Contents button. ,f'\ ...

This will show the list of monitor sets currently In use by the result object. '. )

Selecting a set of result variables, trough the use of monitor objects is necessary because

otherwise all available variables would have to be stored, which is practically impossible.

Exporting Results

The stored results for the monitored result variables can be exported by pressing the Export button in the result object. This will activate the "ASCII Results Export" command ComRes and will pop up the ASOI-results export dialogue, which allows for exporting to the output window, to the windows Clipboard, to a file or to other export formats.

This command is the same command for exporting curve data form a VI plot. This is described further in section (Export of Curve Data).

In this dialogue the individual step size can also be set, the columns of the result file and the header for the export as can be seen from the figure 27.28.


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OlgStLENT PowerF~crory

Visualization of Results In PowerFactory

, Ires/~orMI~eVc'.1 ResullObiecl

" '~,: ~.;.' '-:"':':'-':"" + .0+

liST:" I :,. Fault (R~'s:~i;;;:;;~;i'~~l~~:;':it.,:'·r"

f~e.~11 Obiec~lnfa--:---:---:--":"'"''':'''"''':'''"'-------,

[Time,lnterval: 0.000000.,0.000000

j,Slep Size: [000000 ",

t;~~v~r:~;s;,. ~

E~port to dr.:.9',.;."m;,; .. ~~,~d;;,,:.;:;,,'~"''7'' '=--:--';-,'"7':-~_;__;_-

File Name 'ID'\,PF_Manual'\~?mlrade' :dat

Configul~lian File ·D;\PLM~nu.aI,\~rnlrade',cfg,

~';:;',",,-', _' -----,' -'-'-~;;, . .;,;"""., ... ;_--:--,-~--------,

Sampling Frequency I'~~, ",' "H'~:' ,'..:,;,~le~Size ,"'10"':°'""',-, -~"

- Column. iVariableSI----;---1 P User Defined '

Columns "'1'"".3,.-----


j:mU'~rtfine~rnterv~:: "

l~o,'J9-1.5 .'._ .. _m, : :_,.'~,s. '~-'.,'

I" ->Fi;e ·1 .


Fig. 27.28:

Command dialogue of the ASCII result export


This function will export the data from the displayed curve with the given time range as ASCII text to the following programs/files:

• Output Window

• Windows Clipboard

• Measurement File (ElmFile)

• ComTrade

• Textfile

The export command allows for exportlng an intelVa/of results only and to export every n-th result. So the user may define an additional step size nfor the export. Additionally a User defined intelValfor the time/x-scale can be set as the minimum and maximum value of the first recorded variable (in time domain simulations this is of course the time).

By default, all the results for all monitored variables are exported. But also a selection of variables can be made by enterlng column numbers under the section Columns (Variables). The header of the exported result table can include either the variable name or its long or short description.


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VisualizatlOll of Results In PowerFactory

Selecting Results Definitions

When a new calculatIon has to be made and no result object has been selected yet, the a in the calculation command dialogue can be pressed to show a database browser with available result object definitions. Pressing the ~;'~ icon in the database browser will ere-


ate a new result object.

To create a new list of parameters or to edit an existing list in a result object, the £2.!!:. tents button can be pressed, which will pop up a browser with all monitor variable sets

that have already been defined. To define a new variable set, the ~~'j icon in the browser

can be pressed, "',,,."'.,

The result object thus combines one or more monitor variable sets, which allows for a very flexible and hIghly transparent result definition. In fact, by using monitor variable sets, just about every parameter used in the PowerFactoryprogram comes available as

calculation result, together with a description and a unit. 0

The variables selected with the IntMon dialogue in the result object become available to

the subplot objects in the virtual Instrument panels. In these subplots, one or more result

objects can be selected and from those result objects a power system element and one

of its variables can be chosen, if that element a nd that variable was selected in one of the

IntMon objects. The subplot will then show the calculated curve of that variable.

For more information about defining result objects with monitor variable sets, see section 27.2.4 (Variable Sets and Variable Monitors).


The Output Window

All textual output of DIgSILENT powerFactorywili be written to the output window. This includes all error messages or warnings, command messages, device documentation, result of calculations, generated reports, etc.

The output window, at the bottom of the screen, is always there; it cannot be Closed although it can be minimized. The output window can be "docked", that is: fixed to a location on the bottom of the main window. The docked state is the default, as shown in the

figure 27.29. n

,,- ... /

Fig. 27.29: The PowerFactoryoutput window

When Clicking the right mouse button, when the cursor is in the output window area, the

context sensitive menu of the output window appears. The output window can then be /">.

undocked by deselecting the "Docking View" (by clicking the mouse onto "Docking View" '" )

to 'untick' it). The undecked output window is still confined to the main window, but now

as a free floating window.

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DIgSlLENT PowerFadvry

ViS(Jallza~on of Results In PnwerFactnry


This sometimes occurs 'accidentally' when the user left clicks the tool bar for the output window and drags the mouse (keeping the mouse button down) to somewhere outside of the output window boundaries. To rectify this simply left click in the title bar of the ondocked window and drag it down to the bottom of the screen, where it will dock once more (if you have right-clicked 'unticked' "Docking View" to right-click and select "Docking View" once more.

The undocked state is not a normal situation for the output window. Because the output messages that appear in this window are important at any stage while using the program, the docked state is the best place because it will be visible then and easy to locate.

The upper edge of the output window shows a splitter bar which is used to change the size of the output window. The 'drag' cursor, appears automatically when the cursor is placed on the splitter bar. The left mouse button can be pressed when the 'drag' cursor is visible. This will turn the splitter bar to grey and the output window can now be resized by holding down the mouse button and moving the mouse up or down.

The output window may be moved and resized by:

• Dragging the splitter bar as shown in the figure 27.29, when the output window is in the 'docking' mode

• Double-clicking the frame of the output window to dock/undock it from the main window.

• Pressing the l~] on the main toolbar; which enlarges the graphics board by hiding the output window .

• Pressing the [(@.J icons on the main toolbar, which enlarges the output window

The contents of the output window may be stored, edited, redirected, etc., using the following icons:


Opens an editor and pastes any selected or complete text from the output window

Opens a different output file

Either saves the selected text to an ASCII file, or the complete contents of the output window if no selection was made

Copies the selected text to the Windows Clipboard for use in other programs

Clears the output window by deleting all messages

Searches the text in the output window for the occurrences of a given text. A "?" wild cart may be used

Changes the font used in the output window

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Vlsualizatlon Of Results In PowerFactory

Redirects everything to a file on disk. The output window will stop displaying messages while this icon is down


Acts like "redirect to disk", but all messages will now be printed directly

Pre-sets the option for the print dialogue. Either chooses printing of the selected text or all buffered text if no selection was made

The Output Window Settings

The user settings (see section 4.4 define options for different kinds of output messages: errors, warnings and informations. See the figure 27.30.

Fig. 27.30: The output window settings

To enable the copy and paste of other than normal messages, the corresponding message ()

categories have to be checked. Only the selected messages will be copied. This means, <..

for example, that when the information texts are disabled and a block of text is copied in

which the following 4 lines are present:

DIgSI/info - Calculating load-flowDIgsI/info - load-flow iteration, IDIgSI/ info ------------------------------------------DIgSI/info - Load-flow ~onverged with 1 iteration

then these 4 lines will not be copied.In most cases only the calculation results are of interest, not the messages that surround them. The errors, warnings, information and protocol messages are thereFore disabled by default.

The other option is to disable all escape sequences in the ASCII export to file, printer or oth er editors. These esca pe sequences are used by PowerFactoryto code for text color

and spedal characters. Other programs may not be able to display the exported text correctly. The escape sequences have to be disabled in that case.

Additionally the maximum number of lines in the output window can be specified. This means that iF this number is exceeded due to further information displayed in the window,


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DlgSILENT PawerFacIJ)ty

Visualization of Results In PowerFactory

the oldest messages will be deleted. The value "-1" will disable the limit for the number of llnes.

Using the Output Window

The output window is more than just a dumb message viewer. It is an interactive tool, which helps in preparing your data for calculations and it improves any search for errors or bugs in your projects.

Every line in the output window with a full folder and object name can be double-clicked with the left mouse button. This will open the appropriate edit dialogue for the shown object. See the example in the figure 27.31.


L .... ··.ld. ' :!«.:-""

€:':',:F~1(;:,}tl.~'~:.c· !

r-. .... II· ~.;,....n.,.r-

. f"~~11.rghot<l .. ~(ot~r "','iOll! --."

Ll,'~';~':o: d

i,o"""OOIn ru.----" Ol~'

Fig. 27.31: The interactive output window

In this example, a calculation function reported an error because a transformer element has not been assigned a transformer type. Double-clicking the error message opens the edit dialogue of the transformer.

o Context Sensitive Menu inside the Output Window

It is also possible to press the right mouse button while pointing at the object name. The context sensitive menu will pop-up and show entries to easily find and edit objects, if the

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DIgSILENT PowerFactory

ViSu.llzatlon of Results In Powerfactory

printed object name was found to be an existing object in the database tree. These option are

Edit Object will open the edit dialogue of the printed object, which is I.e. the reason for the error message

Edit and Browse Object

will open the data manager and show the element and its parameters there.

Mark in Graphic

will mark the clicked element in the single line diagram and zoom into the region of its place. The interactive feature of the output wi ndow Is extremely convenient when 'debugging' a new or changed power system design. Faulty elements don't have to be searched for in order to correct their parameters.

Output Window Legend

The output window uses colors and other formatting to distinguish between different types of messages or for specials like bar diagrams.

Text messages formats:

DIgSI/err - Error messages. Format: red colored.

DIgSI/info - Information messages. Format: green colored.

DIgSI/wrng - Warning message. Format: brown colored.

DIgSI/pcl- ... ' Protocol message. Format: blue colored.


Text only

Output text. Format: black colored.

Reports of calculation results may contain bar graph information. The "voltage profiles" report after a load-flow command, for instance, produces bar graphs of the per-unit voltages of busbars. These bars will be colored blue, green or red if the "Verification" option in the load-flow command dialogue has been enabled. They will be hatch-crossed if the bars are too large to display.

An part of a bar graph output Is shown in the figure 27.32. The following formatting is ".-....,.

visible: I 1

, J

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DlgSILENT PowerFacrory

Visualization of Results In PowerFactoly


[kVl [p.u.I

Voltage: - Deviat:ion (t} , I

o +5 +10 I



I busl 275.00 0.981 -
I bU.510 33.00 0.958 _I
I bu:JU 33.00 0.903
( bu:s12 33.00 0.a9S ::-""''''~~'''''''',,''' ~~
I bus19 33.00 1.058
I blJ~2 2'15.00 0.976 ..
I bU:l20 11.00 1.010 La
I bU:J21 11.00 0.907
1 bus22 11.00 1.012
I b1J.:l23 11.00 1.200 W//////-:-;:.1:.1:.17///- Fig. 27.32: Output window bar diagram Green Solid Bar

Used when the value is in the tolerated range.

Blue Solid Bar Used when the value Is too low. Red Solid Bar Used when the value is too high Hatch-crossed Bar

Used when the value is out of reach and cannot be displayed correctly.

Copying from the output window

The contents of the output window, or parts of its contents, may be copied to the buildin editor of PowerFactoryor to any other program.

Normally, not all selected lines will be copied and the format of the copied text may undergo changes. The latter is caused by the fact that the PowerFactoryoutput window uses special formatting 'escape sequences'. Other programs may not be capable of dealing with these formatting commands.

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DIgSILENT PowerFactory

VlSlIa1i2aHo~ of Results In PowerFac1nry

Following M e.;~get wUlnol priril~d~ copied or ~aved;


\\Iarning, (DlgSI/!Mn~)

-. E.e~pe SeQu.r>ee~ Long ObleclN~me s . Toeholngelhete ~etling.,pres,bullon 01 sea 'u.'''S.tting, •. ~u\pu\.\i.Ii~d~v.:·

U,eiS.Ui~g'; .. ,

Fig. 27.33: The output window Info Message

Which lines will be copied is determined by the output window settings. See section 4.4 for more information, When text from the output window is about to be copied, an info message will pop up, informing the user about the current settings, See the figure 27.33. A button is supplied which brings the user directly to the user settings dialogue. The info message may be disabled, in which case it will never show up again.



The Form Editor

The form editor within DIgSILENT PowerFactoryis used to define text reports, from very small result boxes, to more complex and comprehensive reports,

For a detailed technical description of the report generating language, see 27,2,5 (The DIgSILENT Output Language).

The form editor (IntForm) will be used in most cases to change the contents of the result boxes in the single Hne graphic, PowerFactoryoffers three ways in which to change a result box definition:

• selecting three variables out of three predefined lists

• selecting one or more variables out of all available variables

• writing a new user defined format, using the PowerFactoryoutput format. Because of all these, the result boxes are used as example to introduce the nature and use of the form editors.

As explained in section 8.5, the result boxes may be right-clicked to select a particular format. When this format is selected, the "Form Select" edit dialogue pops up which shows a reference to a form for each calculation function (load-flow, short-circuit, etc.), Editing the reference will show the Form Editor of the current result box definition, See the figure 27.34.


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DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Visualization of Results In PowerFactory


. {

, j r~Ms~ -- -~~~ (~I~oo.-I

l, j ~.~~- .... -- ..

~ I ~=t~::t=-:=-:~:~,:~"-='~ .. - ... ,---,,~- ..

. . I i (tHide

... - ... -Z·;_; .•. ,J! ~ :::W~h.qod';~

r- li''lC.·-·L----.-.:.--.,-".~,-;;.-.--.~.:.- .. -.-""L."-~-..,.,__:c:._...;:-;~A~·~·,~.·':~~=:_;.__._,=··· c:::c .. _::: __ = __ =_.=._:::c.c.=c",~::: ... =·._·,=. __ =-~";....= .. _=c=~::;;::::=~~

I, I mP;_l0Cill.9US MW k<". Poi",,' . ,

12 I",Q,_,oOll.bUS M"",A~. Po"""

'3 lo;bodP:l ~ load", .

L_. ~



Fig. This form editor has a page to change the format by selecting variables, and a page to manually define a format. What is displayed on which page depends on the Input mode of the Form Editor, which can be change using the button Input Mode.

'V"riables~~--- I ~. J"(edefinedVariable.

r: U*el SelecJiM

r T eid Edilol


Cancel "'1

Fig. 27.35: The Form editor - Selection Moder

o As shown in the figure 27.35 the three modes are:

Predefined Variables

This mode lets the user select three variables from three predefined lists of variables. This is visible in the figure 27.34 as the three listboxes at the bottom ('Line 1,2,3').

Text editor

User Selection

This mode lets the user select any amount of parameters out of all available parameters for the selected object or class of objects. This includes model parameters as well as calculated values.

This is the most flexible, but also the most difficult mode. In this mode, any text and any available variable, in any color, can be entered in the Form. The highly flexible DIgSILENT output language allows for highly complex automatic reports. This mode also offers a fast append of predefined lines. The From List button is used to select a varlable from the list shown in "Predefined Variables" mode. A standard line

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DIgSIlENT PowerFiKtary

V1sua!lza~on of Results In PowerFactIJry

with that variable is appended to the form. The User defined button acts like the input mode "User Selection" with one important difference.

Where the "User Selection" mode is used to redefine the complete form ()

text, the User defined button appends a line for each selected

variables to the exlsting form text.

Note To use the "Predefined Variables" is the easiest way to select variables; if they are accessible from the pull-down list

If not only the standard variables should be shown, but also additiona/ ones shall be defined, the best way is to use the option "User Selection'~

In the figure 27.34, the editor is in the default 'Predefined Variables' mode. The three listboxes show the names of the variables, their units and their description.

The three listboxes used for the 'Predefined Variables' mode are replaced by a Select Variables button In the 'User Selection' mode. Pressing this button will pop up a 'Monitor Variable Set' dialogue (IntMon) which is used to define a set of variables. The IntMon dialogue is explained in the next section.

The example in the figure 27.34 shows that the active and reactive power at the element Xnet have been selected as well as the loading percentage. This selection will produce three lines of DIgSILENT output language code. This code can be viewed by selecting the Vlewpage. The text editor in this page will be disabled, because a format is selected in stead of typing in the codes ourselves. However, it still shows the format of our selection as:

#.## $N,@:m:P:_LOCALBUS #.## $N,@:m:Q:_LOCALBUS #.## $N,@:c:loading

This example shows the basic syntax of the DIgSILENT output language:

• The '#' sign is a placeholder for generated text. In the example, each line has a placeholder for a number with two digits after the decimal point ('#.##'). The first '#'-sign stands for any whole number, not necessary smaller than 10.

• The '$N' marks the end of a line. A line normally contains one or more placeholders, separated by non-'#' signs, but may also contain normal text or macro commands.

• After the '$N', the list of variable names that are used to fill in the placeholders have to be added. Variable names must be separated with commas. Special formatting characters, like the '@:'-sign, are used to select what is printed (i.e. the name of the variable or its value) and how.

The mentioned example will produce an result box like 12.34



The form editor offers options for the unit or name of the selected variable. If the Unitshow option is enabled, a second placeholder for the unit is added:

#.## # $N,@:m:P: LOCALBUS,@: [moP: LOCALBUS

#.## # $N,@:m:Q:=LOCALBUS,@: [m,Q:=LOCALBUS

#.## # $N,@:c:loading,@: [c:loading n

The '['-sign encodes for the unit of the variables, in stead of the value.

The same goes for the variable name, which is added as

27 - 56




Dlg511ENT PawerFat:irJry

Visualization of Results In PowerFactory

# #.## $N,@,-m:P, LOCALBUS,®:m:P: LOCALBUS # #.## $N,®:-m:Q: LOCALBUS,®:m:Q: LOCALBUS # #.## $N,@:-c:lo~din9,®,c'loading

Where the '",'-sign encodes for the variable name.With both options on, the produced format line

# #.## # $N,®,-m,p,_LOCALBUS.®:m:p:_LOCALBUS,®: [m:p:_LOCALBUS

Will lead to the following text in the result box:

P l2.34 MW

Other often used format characters are '%', which encodes for the full variable description, and '&', which decodes for the short description, if available.


Variable Sets and Variable Monitors

The Concept of Variable Monitor Sets

The "Variable Set" object (* .IntMon) is used to manage these variables and display or monitor a particular set or the complete variable set that Is available. The variable set object is accessed not only by the result boxes editor, but also by other configuration tools, such as the "Flexible Page Selector" or the "Form" object defining the variables to be monitored during a simulation run.

An example of the variable set object is shown in the figure 27.36.

.. ~!;1~.~la~s:~d~;~::.::~.~.on:.::~frn~"".s;mromm",~ ... "'.:.):

Vi'!Iid!le-N.J1ne • ,

. R",N."... "'j,--'-'._;._,., ........... '- .. '"' .. .;.. .. -:ij-;T·l

.. -. -.-. ---~--

E~IH,,"I>Ii'" :-:'_'o,,-£i;;.Dit~


I .. "",","'0' I "ct,";'" I Otli,n<ro:iJ!! I S!b:.E""~I" I .. R.1>bJI;> I O.><np"A' lD><lFoo • t ,WEAECShoI'-C;"" J r<l1Sh.,t-.I:·'~.,I .. .I>I1~ISIJ"I~",(J .. nl.!s·$;.ok6:m

p.o."",AI 56i'ecl&dVa6li:Jlolt e:'busl

,'0: bt3s1_bar e:pUnl 'e::q:tini EI;£:lilli o:coalini o;out;Sl:l:rv

P.uofl. QfiCJO. P~o.k. ~k P~Il~





~:i ::;:plli ;5;rU:l.g ~:phirALl [m01O ~p,


r.lCust eearen

1 ... 1'011. ;"..qn~lD ~Pob~Fl.g lQob<:Flq :iSoalcob:J~lg

;t:'C .... ~ ...

Hfl UOllina.l &cliva PO'lfll""

H"OI'-ll" Roactlvc Pov-Ol.'

ml Peak. Activo Povel"

t('J'~r- P~k Re&.CH .... e p",t,lc:.r

Ifl1 Uo"in .. l la.clive Powe:r Hvar Uollinal R< p~

""01 t _ Dcix:ndct\cc on :P

~tal t , Dependence on 0

Col1plaX E'o~ .... rr ,R~l Paz-t CollplErX Po?,mrr Ilt4gin.ary P.4l't. Collplox.Povor-~ ,~nglCl

C;;i .. pl~ P~. :t'(Qg-nHI,.ld.Q' Coh.plex Po-.te.r-,

Eb. Ul;m.iua.l F~l&t~y-

r- ..... d,.(rttfattil1al -tJJ1guln treQ.umtoy n.u , UOhina;l VoHMe

tfU;r.~T of CO-nl1-~ted cu.$~(1"~~ lui \i~l ~l~ E',Ij~tOl"

~to ~:-.cwnt-1'Q1

Zon'l:l' Soolo Y.I:I-£;;h:;.r

ss. p ob:tC.t"V~bllC!li'

SE, Q observable?

SE, :JCal:in-:r factor ob:;ert,r.ablc?

.ell' t:o """""~~ .. _. -. .... .,

Fig. 27.36: Example of a variable set dialogue

27 - 57

DIgSIlENT PowerFadory

VisualizaHon of Results In PowerFactory


This figure illustrates the variable set for the load object called 'Bulk Load,' which is found in the 'Grid' folder of the active project. Since a load-flow calculation has just been performed the load-flow tab has been selected.

Note that if the variable set dialogue has been accessed when editing a results box or flexible page selector the variables that are chosen are displayed for the entire class of variable selected in the "object" field. In other words, in this case the 'Bulk Load' is the selected object so the variable set will be applied to the ElmLod class.

Class Name

If no object has been selected the "Class Name" field becomes active. This is normally used for more advanced studies and need not be explained further here.

Display Values during simulation in output window (_ .. )

When performing simulation studies over time it is useful to sometimes have the output values of the selected variables printed to the output window as the simulation is running. This is achieved by checking this box.

Filter for

As mentioned previously, there are a large number of variables that may be observed In PowerFactory. To be able to find and select these they are sorted into sets. A series of filters allows the user to sort through the sets.

Page Tab (here Load Flow) .

The load-flow tab has been automatically selected as a prior load-flow calculation was performed.

Available Variables

All of the variables that are available for display are listed here (as sorted by the filter).

Selected Variables

The selected variables are shown here. Variables are placed here by highlighting

(selecting) them on the "Available Variables" side and then pressing the ~ button. Individual variables can also simply be double-clicked to transfer them from one column to the other.

Display as

If this box is checked then all of the selected variables are shown in the "Selected Variables" area. If it is not checked then the filter will also apply to the "Selected Variables" area and only those selected variables in the filtered set will be shown.

The first sorting of the variables is by calculation function (load-flow, short-circuit, etc.). Within these sets variables are sorted into sub-sets as follows:

Filter for/Variable Set:

• Currents, Voltages and Powers; almost self explanatory- these are the outputs as calculated by a calculation function. The variable is preceded by "m:" (representing 'monitored' or 'measured') as in "m.Ptbust" for the active power drawn by the load. The user may select one set for branches and one set for the nodes, which then is used for each node the edge is connected to.

• Bus Results; variables for the busts that the element is connected to (usually preceded by lin:"). A branch element (having only one connection to a bus) will obviously only have results for "Bus1." An edge element (two connections, as in a line for example) will have "Bus1" or "Bus2." This means that the results for objects can be accessed that are connected to the object that the list is compiled for. An example

2.7 - 58


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DlgS1LENT PawerF~cl>Jry

Visualization of Results In PowerFactory

of this variable is the open end voltage at a line end. See following for a more complete explanation of usage. Also see section (Busl, Bus2, Bushv, Buslv and Localbus Explained) for more on Busl, Bus2, etc.

• Signals; variables that are used between models (inputs and outputs) and are preceded by "s:", These should be used when creating a controller or in a DPL script. These variables are accessible whilst an iteration is being calculated, whereas the other variables sets are calculated following an iteration.

• Calculation Parameter; variables (such as loading, or losses) that are derived from the 'core' calculation, or are derived from input data, such as absolute line impedance (derived from impedance! km * line length), or have been transformed from input data to a format useful for calculation (actual to per unit), or that are required for such transformation (e.g. nominal power). The parameters that actually are available depend on the object type. Preceded by "c:".

• Element Parameter; variables that belong to the directly to the object selected (preceded by "e:"), For general use, where the selected object is an Element (as opposed to a Type) this will mean that these are indeed Element variables and the user need not trouble themselves further. For further explanation please see the note at the end of this section.

• Type Parameter; type variables that are linked to the element object under consideration; for example, the current rating of a line type that a line element is using.

• Reference Parameter; these are variables from objects that are linked or connected to the object under consideration (preceded by "r:"). For example, a line element may be part of a line coupling and the reference parameter will allow us to display the name of the coupling element. The use of reference parameters is explained following.

Buttons on the right of the dialogue are:

• Balanced toggles between the balanced and unbalanced variable set.

• .lJ goes to the manual input page for variables- for advanced use.

• Print Values prints the current values for all the selected variables to the output

window. .

• Variable List prints a list of all available variables to the output window.

• Variable List (Page) prints a list of available variables for the current tab (e.g.

Basic Data) to the output window.

For general use lt ls sufficient to simply select the variables required and transfer them to the selected variables column. To find a particular variable requires some knowledge of where the variables are stored in the object under consideration. As an example display following information is displayed

• type name,

• the tap setting,

• the nominal and calculated voltages at the HV node for a particular transformer. These variables may need to be displayed on the single line diagram so we will start by creating a textbox and editing its format, which is described later in this section. These variables may also be displayed in the flexible data tab - the process is the same.

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OlgSILENT PowerFactorY

V1suallza~on of Results In PowerFac;!Dry

The name of the transformer type ls: entered in the type data so we select the type parameters (as the Variable Set) in the filter- the name is also entered on the basic data tab so we should select the BasIc Data 78b, and the type name parameter is "Ioc_name". Notice that the focus object for the variable set object is a transformer. This has been automatically selected since we created a textbox for the transformer by right-clicking it.

~~~s~,:~alionl·.'·. b~dH~~!:icf"·.··~o.EF~:2e~~~:~,fLi;: • DrimiZ;~it~h?jl~b\0t!~1~:lim:~;I·shorl.t:~;bifil

Obiect ~WTG1~TXl

_,.,. - -., , .

... r.;:' Values during Simulation in Oulpul Window ( se e Simul.lion Command)

Filler ror~~~--~___;~~~-"--,---..,.,

>' :.:Variable Sel .: :·0~r~~I~· ::~;~; ~;::~:~'~ilbme



.. :" .... "... '.:--·c'_

...• Available Variables·

': [Icc_name 'nt2ph 'strn

•..• lf rnon

.. iutrn_h

utrn 1 iuktr[pcut.z' luktrr ixtor itr2cn_h ! tr2cn_1 'nt2ag !vecgrp [ukll tz' jurOtr

Name Technology MVA Rated Power

Hz Nominal Frequency

kV Rated Voltage: HV-Side kV Rated Voltage: LV-Side

X Positive Sequence Impedance: Short-Circuit Volt.

k~ Positive Sequence Impedance: Copper Losses

7. Positive Sequen~e Impedance: SHC-Voltage (Re(uk Positive Sequence Impedan~e: Ratio X/R

Vector Group: HV-Side

Vector Group: LV-Side

*3ndegVector Group: Phase Shift Vector Group: Harne

X Zero Sequ. Impedance. Short-Circuit Voltage: Ab:

X Zero Sequ. Impedance. Short-Circuit Voltage: RB

Fig. 27.37: Finding the type name

The tap setting will be found in the element data and the parameter is located on the load-flow tab (this information is gained as the user becomes more familiar with PowerFactolYand recalls where the data was entered; such recollection directs the user to the correct variable sub-set). The variables seen in the selected Variables column should now be:

t:loc_name e rnntiap

To now be able to see the variables for the HV bus we use the reference parameters. The reference parameters work like a 'refer to' command. In the figure 27.38 this is illustrated schematically. We have started by creating a variable set for the object 'TX1' which is an element object. Using the reference parameter we will refer to the object that the LV side of the transformer is connected to, which is the cubicle 'Cub_l~ Since the nominal and calculated voltages of the node are located in the node object itself we will next need to refer to this node object 'LV',

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Fig. 27.38: 'Referring to' with reference parameters

In a step by step fashion the process will now be shown. We first need to refer to or 'jump to' the cubicle. If we picture the input dialogue for the transformer element we recall that the connections for the HV a nd LV sides are listed on the basic data tab, so th is is where we will logically find the 'link' to the connected object (the cubicle). In the figure 27.39 we can see that this selection has been made (page tab Basic Data). We also notice that the object that is presently the focus is the transformer element as the object: To affect the jum p to the cubicle we choose the reference parameter set, and then select the Object that we want to jump to, the cubicle connected to the HV side in the Available Variables list.

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Fig. 27.39: Selecting the parameter to be displayed

Double-clicking on this jumps us to another variable set object whose focus object is the cubicle that the LV side of the transformer is connected to. It is not immediately obvious that the jump has occurred as the new variable set object appears directly on top of the original one. If grabbing the one that appears before you and drag it to one side it will become more obvious (you can also see this by noting that the name in the "Object" field has changed), and will look as shown in the figure 27.40.

The second jump must now be affected - to the node that the cubicle is connected to. In a logical fashion this 'connectivity' is also found on the basic data tab. The figure 27.41 shows the result of these jumps in PowerFactory. Lastly, the parameter required must be selected.

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DIgSILfNT Powerf'actory

Visu~liza~on of Results In Powerfactory

Fig. 27.40: Jumping to the cubicle using the reference parameter

The parameter we wish to display is the nominal voltage of the connected node. This will be found on the Basic data tab and we must choose the element parameter set to find the parameter; as shown in the figure 27.41. The parameter is called:

uknom kV Nominal Voltage: Line-line

At this point we could also add the calculated voltage for the node, This will be found under "Currents, Voltages and Powers" on the load-flow tab.

After having clicked OK until you are back at the original variable set object you will see that these referencedVariables have been added as:

~:buslv:~:cBusBar:e:uknom ~:buslv:~:cBusBa~:m:U

which can be read as -> 'jump to the LV bus' -> 'jump to the connected node' -> 'display the selected variables.'

Once the user is more familiar with this nomenclature this jump may be typed in directly to the variable set object. The understanding of this is also useful for writing DPL scripts.

Note In this particular example we have used a '1ong'method to show to the node variables for illustration purposes. Typically, howevera user wishes to display calculated variables such as the voltage at the end of a line where the breaker at that end Is open. In this case PowerFactory has a special 'shortcut'set - the "Bus Results",

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Fig. 27.41: Jumping to the node and selecting the parameter

These bus results can only be seen in the calculation function tabs and they are drawn from an Internal node that is not displayed on the single line graphic. An illustration of this node and its relationship to the cubicle is shown in the figure 27.42.

An additional example on the use of reference parameters is the display of conductor types (*.TypCon) for a line element (*.ElmLne) that uses a tower type (*.TypTow). Once the variable set manager for the line is displayed, the baste data tab is selected, then the reference parameter set, and the referenced variables, of which the conductor types are one, is displayed. Once again this is a convenient shortcut that has been made for this combination of element and type.

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N ...J

o f!

Fig. 27.42: Internal node

Should the tower be close to another tower, and thus be coupled by a coupling element however, the coupling element object must first be referenced.

The procedure would be:

• select the reference parameter set on the basic data tab (assuming that one have started at the variable set object for the line element),

• double-click the "c_ptow Line Couplings" variable (or select it and then press the arrow button to transfer the variable to the "Selected Variables" column),

• select the "Ioc_name Name" variable and transfer it to the "Selected Variables" column,

• press "OK" until returned to the graphic or flexible data tab.


In the above examples we have used the element parameter set to access variables of the element class (*. Elm* - what we 'traditionally' know as elements in PowerFactory). However, It should be borne in mInd that "Element Parameter" actually refers to the peramerersoftherocuso~~

For example, if we have referenced the variable set from a line element -> (then to) line coupling -> tower type -> conductor type the focus object is already a type and "Element Parameters" refers to the parameters of the type object itself.


ausa, Bus2, Bushv, Buslv and Localbus Explained

When selecti ng variables from the "Currents, Voltages and Powers" set the user will notice that there Is a filter called "Bus Name." This is used to determine which side of an edge element Is to be considered,

To maintain standard nomenclature the objects at the ends of a line element are named "Terminal i" or "Terminal j" and "HVside" or "LVside" in the case of a transformer.

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The ends of an edge element are named "bus!" or "bus2" and "bushv" or "buslv" respective[y (a three winding transformer will also have "busmv"). These ends are matched to

the "i" and "j" sides so that [ -> bus! or bushv and j -> bus2 or buslv. Thus, when choos- n ing variables from the flexible page manager the user should specify which side of the

edge element the variables are to be taken from. Note that "busl, bus2, bushv, bus-

Iv" are not references to the connected node, they are in fact the ends of the

edge element.

When a variable is selected for display from the single line graphic the user will notice a further classification, that of "_LOCALBUS." This classification merely indicates the end of the edge element and describes internally which side of the edge element the result box should access its varlables from. That is the 'bus' local to that end.


The DlgSILENT Output Language

When more than just the variable name, value and unit has to be displayed, If the use n

colors is preferred, or other special formats, the DIgSILENT Output Language can be -, .. _


By selecting the Text Editorlnput mode, all entries on first page of the Form Editor disappear, except for the form name, and the editor on the second page is activated (see the figure 27.43).

Ch.,.!,,_-: ..• ,IIh'f, __ J.

~~MIO ir.'!'~!'!!_I1P.:, _:!'!, ,1Il·P\l. _---

, ..

,..1111 1.N.QI=:PI_LQ.;.u.~w /J.!l1I ~H"i-aliC'll'~I_LOC.t,t,5-W Jf.NIi nll~:¢llOM~-I1g


Fig, 27.43: The Form text editor

Almost all textual output that is produced in PowerFactory; is defined by a report form. The use of report forms range from the simple and small result forms that specify the contents of the single line result boxes to large and complex forms that are used to print out complete system reports.

In all cases, the text in the editor field of a IntForm object specifies the report that is to be generated. For result boxes, that text is normally created automatically in the IntForm dialogue by selecting "Predefined Variables", or any other set of variables, and some extra's such as the number of decimals and if an unit or name should be shown, These op-

tions will automatically create a report form. That automatic form is normally used as it n is, but it may be altered manually, This is shown in the figure 27.43, where report format" ." is changed such that the variable name of the loading factor is deleted and replaced by




DIgSILENT PowerFactrJry

Visualization of Results In PowerFattory

the fixed text 'Id', because the variable name "loading" is felt too long compared with the names of the other two variables (liP" and "Q"). The shown format will produce result boxes like

p l.2.34 MW

Q 4.64 Mvar

Id 103.56 'II

Defining single line result boxes only asks for a basic understanding of the DIgSILENT output language. For more complex reports, many different variables from aJl kinds of objects have to be printed as listings or tables. Such a report would require macro handling, container loops, selection of parameters, headers, footers, titles, colors, etc. The DIgSILENT output language offers all thls, and more.

The basic syntax, which is primary used for defining result boxes is given In the following overview.

Format string, Variable names and text Lines A standard line consists of three parts (see the figure 27.44);

1 A format string, containing placeholders, macros and/or user defined text. 2 An 'end of line' character like '$N', '$E' or '$F'

3 Variable names, separated by commas, which are used to fill in the placeholders.

#.1# SN.@:m:P:_LOCALBUS #.1# SN.@:m:Q:_LOCAlBUS #.1# SN,@:e:loading

I ill I®I ®

Fig. 27.44: Basic parts of the report format

The format string is normally much longer.


A placeholder for strings like variable names or whole numbers is a single '#'-sign, For real numbers, the placeholder consists of

o · a single '#' for the integer part

• a point or comma

• one or more '#'-signs for the fractional part

The number of '#'-signs after the decimal point/comma defines the number of decimals. The '#'-slgn itself can be included in user-defined text by typing '\#',


Variables, Units and Names

The variable name can be used to display the name of the variable, its value or its unit. The possible formats are ('xxx' = name of variable);

xxx %xxx

returns the value

returns the long variable name, as used in the edit dialogues returns the short variable name, as used in the database browser


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retu rns the unit

the object dependent name of the variable (default name)



uses special formatting.

The special formatting %width.precision is explained by the following examples: ., "%.50,TITLE:sublz" outputs TITLE:sublz 50 column width, left aligned .

• u@:"%1.0,s:nt" inserts s:nt as an integer at the placeholder's position

• ""%1.3,s:nt" writes s:nt with 3 digits precision at the placeholder's position

The centering code I may be used in front of the formatting code for centering at the placeholder, for example" I %.60, TITLE: sublz' '.

The insertion code @ is used to switch to insert mode, for example, l#I$N,@:loc_name

will output


The dormat string may be used to alternatively reserve place for a value or text. A dormat of '%10.3' will reserve 10 characters for a number with 3 decimals. The first number can be omitted for text: '%.6' will reserve 6 characters for the text field. The dormat syntax allows for centering text by adding the '['-sign to the • %'-sign:

'1%.10' will reserve 10 characters and will center the text.

Free, language dependent text can be defi ned by use of the format

{Ela textiGlein Text}. This will produce 'a text' when the user has selected the English language (see the user settings dialogue), and 'eln Text' when the language has been chosen to be German.

Special commands for access of Elements OBlECT(cls)

Gets Element of class cis. Used to access a variable name or unit without actually accessing such an object. Used in header lines.


cis (obligatory): The name of the class



writes the unit of the busbar variable Skss


Gets an arbitrary object with at least one connection, i.e. a Load, a Line, etc. Used to access a variable name or unit without actually accessing such an object.



writes description of the variable U1 CUBIC(idx)

Returns the cubicle (StaCubic) at bus index idx of branch


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DlgSILENT PowerFiJdrJry

VisualiUltion of Results In PowerFattory


idx: index of branch, the currently set bus index is used when idx<O


CUBIC(O) :e:Ioe_name

returns name of cubicle at busindex a TITLE

Gets the title that is set in the output command (ComSh or ComDocu)



writes annex of title VARIANT

Gets the active variant in which the current object is stored



writes the name of the variant


Gets the grid in which the current object is stored



writes the name of the grid


Returns the last calculation command, l.e, a Short-Circuit (ComShc), Load-flow (ComLdf), •..



writes the short-circuit position on the line after calculation of a short-Circuit, CASE

Returns the currently active calculation case



writes the name of the active calculation case


Returns the default object. The default object depends on the currently processed output.



writes the name of the default object


Returns the station if the current Object is a busbar. Returns a line if the current object is a terminal between line routes. otherwise, nothing is returned, and the entry will be ignored.



writes the name of the line or station.

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Visualization of Results In PowerFactDry


Returns the currently active results object (ElmRes) used by simulation, harmonics

or other calculation modules (,:)




writes the first line of the description of the results object

A line can be set to another color by adding a '_LCOL(c)' command directly after the '$N,' marker. This will color the whole line according to the color number c.

a black i gray
b black j light gray
c red k bordeaux
d green I dark red
e blue m dark green
f brown n light green
g cyan 0 marine
h magenta p dark blue o

Table 27.1: Color Codes

iA single item can be colored by using the '_COLOR(Variable name; color code)'.

Advanced Syntax Elements

The advanced syntax is mainly used for writing forms for larger and more complex reports. An example is a short-circuit result form, which lists all the short-circuit parameters for all busbars and for each busbar for all connected elements.


Line Types and Page Breaks

The character '$' ends a format line. A line without this ending will be interpreted as a normal '$N' line type. The following line type are available:

'$N' '$H' '$F' '$T' '$C' '$R'

Normal line

Header on the top of each page Footer on the bottom of each page

Title line, only appears on top of the first page Comment line (not used for output)

Marker that make that the line will only be used when the specified results are valid

The line type '$H', '$F' and '$1' will be treated as normal C$N') line types when used inside

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DIgSIlENT PowerFiICtory

Visualization of Results In PowerFactory

a loop command. Line type codes may be made language dependent by adding a 'E', for English lines or a 'G' for German lines, i.e. '$HG' specifies a German header line.

A report format must at least contain one normal ($N) line.

The following commands are used for page and line controls. They can only be used dlrectly behind the line type codes '$N', '$F' or '$H'.


Forces a page break after the current line


Enables page breaking after the current line (default)


Disables page breaking directly after the current line

_LCOL(c) Changes the color of the current line, c is the color code.


The current line will only be used for objects from the class "ClsNam".

_BUS(inum) The current line will only be used for objects which connect to exactly inum nodes

The current line will only be used when the loop index is 0 (first passage)

The current line will only be used when the loop index is not 0 (all but the first passages)

_IF(booJean expression)

The current line will only be written when the expression is true. Example; _IF(m:u:busl>O .95)

_IFNOT(boolean expression)

The current line will only be written when the expression is false. Example: \IF (m:u:busl<:O. 95)




I #.## # #.## # #.## I$R,_NOBRBAK,

o Predefined Text Macros

The following macros will produce specific names or other texts.

_DATE(c) present date: c='e' give the English format, c='g' the German one.



present time

version number of the DlgSILENT PowerFilctorysoftware. build number of the DIgSILENT PowerFilctorysoftware. combines _VERSION and _BUILD

order title, if a title has been defined previously class name of the object

current line number in page

current line number in report

current page number


DlgSlLENT PowerFactory

Vlsua!lzatlon of Results In PowerFactory


name of the local busbar

name of last performed calculation. c=1 returns a long description. short object name

short name of parent object

class name without the 'Elm', 'Sta', 'Typ', etc. part.


_ANNEX the annex number

NGB neighborhood depth

_TEXTCE I text;G I Text)

language dependent text (E=English, G=German)

Object Iterations, Loops, Filters and Includes

To create a report that creates a table with the voltages for all busbars, command are (j

needed to filter the busbar objects and to create a loop that outputs a line of text for each -, ... .:

busbar. A loop or filter command consists of the following parts:

• the keyword 11 $LOOP' 1 or "$ CLOOP t ,

• the filter or loop name

• the format text

• the keyword "$END" Example:


1 # _ 1,$N,loc_name $END

this example uses the filter "_LROUTESO", which filters line route objects (ElmLneroute). The format text has one line, which prints the object name.


The Output of Device Data

The ComDocu command ("Output of Device Data") is used to produce an output of de-

vice data. The output can be used in reports or may help to check the entered data. Re- 0 ports of calculated results can be made with the ComSh command. See chapter 27.2.7

(Output of Results) for more information.

There are two types of reports. These are either the "Short Listing" or the detailed report. The "Short Listing" is not defined for all elements.

The Short Listing

The "Short Listing" reports only the most important device data, using one line for each single object. This allows a small but clear documentation. Like the "Output of Results" the "Short Listing" report uses a form to generate the output. This form can be modified by the user. When the report form is changed, It ls stored In the "Changed Settings" object of the active project. This does not influence the reports of other projects. The output of

objects without a defined short listing will produce warnings like: n

DIgSI/wrng - Short Listing report for StoMaint is not defined.

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DIgSILENT PowefFactory

Visuaillatlon of Results In PowerFactory

The Detailed Report

The detailed report outputs all device data of the elements selected for output. In addition, type data can be included ("Print Type Data in Element"). Device Data is split into the different calculation functions like "Load-Flow" or "Short-Circuit". The "Basic Data" is needed in all the different calculations. "Selected Functions" shows a list of the functions whose data will be output. If one wants to report the device data for all functions move all functions from left to right. If "Selected Functions" is empty no device data will be output.

Device Data

rv use Selection

"·A""'-·-·~~.~· .~-~'-'.----~~e-

I rv u •• del>ultArr1e><; I

l~~:"~_=-_._.=L_~~~:~.~·tU"_'\F~"",'~"'" J

Tile ~ ... ce F.~~(l1MS;S~~OOn)\Til.1

Fig. 27.45: Device data page

Use Selection

The set of reported elements depends on the "Use Selection" setting. If "Use Selection" is checked one element or a "Set" object must be chosen for output. If "Use Selection" is not checked the "Filter/Annex" page specifies the set of elements for the report. This page is described further down. Another way to select object for the report Is to select the objects in the "Data Manager" or the "Single Une" graphics and select "Documentation" in the "Output" entry of the context menu. The "Output of Device Data" command will pop up.


Each class uses it's own annex. There is either the default annex or the individual annex. To use the default annex check "Use default Annex". Changes of the annex are stored in the "Changed Settings" of the active project. The local annex is stored

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in the "Output of Device Data" command. To modify the local annex press the "Change Annex" button. See sedlon (The Annex for Documentation)Jor details.


Most reports display a title on top of each page. The reference "TItle" defines the contents of the header.

Filter! Annex


F.!.fINet ElhCohP'ElnStat ChaDi:! Ch:aM4L Ch&Pol CbeRoof ChllScmh-:Ch.a1al;:

Ch~V~hle iriCont Tl'iDJ.£.C Tl'i~ile




Fig. 27.46: Filter/Annex page

If one wants to report elements without defining a set of objects "Use Seledlon" on the "Device Data" page must not be checked. The objects in the list "Selected Objects" will be filtered out of the active projects/grids and reported. "Available Objects" shows a list

of elements which can be add to the "Selected Objects" list. The list in "Available Objects" ,r)

depends on the "Elements" radio button. Elements in the left list are moved to the right ' .. j

by double-clicking them. The text in the "Annex" input field will be set as default annex

for the selected class.

The Annex for Documentation

The "Annex for Documentation" stores the annex for the documentation of results. The annex number and the page number for the first page are unique for each class.


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OlgSILENT PowerFactory

Vlsua!!zation of Results In PowerFactory

Fig. 27.47: The annex dialogue


Objects Annex

This column shows the different classes with their title.

This column stores the annex number shown in the Annex field of the report.

First Page This column defines the start page for the class in the report. The first page number depends on the class of the first element output in your report. The page number of its class is the page number of the first page.

27.2.7 Output of Results

The command ComSh ("Output of Results") is used to produce an output of calculation results. The output can be used in reports or may help in interpreting the results, as shown in figure 27.48. To generate a report with input data use the ComDocu command, see section 27.2.6 (The Output of Device Data).

Several different reports, depending on the actual calculation, can be created. The radio button on the upper left displays the different reports possible for the active calculation (the figure 27.48 shows a load-flow). Some reports may be inactive, depending on the object(s) chosen for output. In the figure 27.48, a station was selected for output. "Used Format" displays the format(s) used for the report. Some reports are a set of different outputs. For these reports more than one form is shown. If the form is modified it will be stored automatically in the "Changed Settings" folder of the active project. The changed form does not influence the reports of other projects. If "Use Selection" is active a set of objects (selection) or a single object must be chosen. The report is generated only for these elements. All relevant objects are used if "Use Selection" is not selected. The relevant objects depend on the chosen report. Most reports display a title on top of each page. The reference "Tlde" defines the contents of the header.

For some reports additional settings are required. These settings depend on the chosen report, the selected objects for output and the calculation processed before. The calculation (left top) and the used format(s) (right top) are always shown.

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DlgSILENT PowerFactary

VJSuallza~on of Results In Powerl'actDry

. '": , ,," •.. ;~_;;.,

1""" Fl ... 901",,«0 " ..• ,.,

r~,:=:;u:!:I;~"'-":"--'"1 rtroed FOIIM!--·J'-~0~~~~.~{~:;~~::::~:-;~;{;~,7,-;,~,~-,~:-~

'kg;~~:::::CWWj .' ~ ;v~~. Plo~...:J .:~mo~~~~\\l611~~O~.

"1'''<'' -. ", ~ ~ Vcll-l.,veh~Ar~. ;..:±J .. ~,,~,~~~\~~'~w\Vclt~)~~

:'. ::,:",~." .•.••. CF..·d~.PI •.•.. ~, SJ"t,om R,pa, t i !' ', •• T~.I. ~ I . . .. ' .

, : :I "'''.~'''''' ~ 1'1"" ..!J ".;,'~\~~~ge.l..we]~,S1~~

", : -¢' .. ;~:~;?!J~;]j~~:.: w' t

···::::P:··~~I8Yi·,·· l

·:it'·· ,~,



I rS'Ama6:>'l. l P' Vol'* P,oIi16' l P' Vol,..,. level MdAl .. I!'Ile,cllMae I· I

, . (he I .

Fig. 27.48: Output of results

27 -76


v • /


-, /

DlgSllENT PowerFactory

Interfuces with Other Programs

Chapter 28

o Interfaces with Other Programs




28.1 Matlab Integration

Additionally to designing controllers or various electrical and mechanical models using the DIgSILENT Simulation Language, there is also the possibility to use an interface to Matlab. This interface gives the opportunity to model controller or very complex transfer functions using the Matlab environment and insert them as a block definition into a frame in a PowerFactotytransient simulation.

PowerFactotycan correspond to the Mat/abprogram during the simulation. It will transfer the input values of a block to Mat/abfor every time step, which will then simulate a specified *.m file in its own environment and gives back the results as the outputs of the block definition. Consequently this function needs a installation of the Matlab program including the Simulink package.

The implementation of a Matlabfile is shown in the next sections. In this example a voltage controller is implemented first using a built-in model (ElmVco) and using a definition from Mat/ab. This example can also be found in the FAQ on the DIgSILENT home page.


Implementation of Voltage Controller - Example

In this example the grid consists of two generators, one load and one line, as shown in the figure 28.1.




Fig. 28.1: Mat/abexample grid

The simulation event is defined for the load, where the reactive power is increased after 0.5 seconds.

28 -1

OIgSILENT PowefFactory

Interfaces witl1 Otl1er Programs

The complete example contains three files:

1 Matlab 15 a powerFactoryfile. 2 VCOtype16.m is a Matlab M-file.

This file 15 an interface to the Simulink model, and it is used as a middle layer in the communication between PowerFactoryand Simulink.

3 YCotype16mod.mdl is a Simulink model and contains Simulink Implementation of veo type 16.


...~- .. -./-


Implementation with Built-In Model

In the base study case, the voltage controller models are represented by the built-in models veo type 16 (ElmVco_16). The built-in VCO type 16 inside PowerFactoryis one excitation control system with Simplified exciter. Both composite models use the AVR inside the IEEE-frame from the global library. The generators have different veo parameters set.

In the figure 28.2 the edit dialogue of the ElmVco with the parameters of the AVR can be seen.


-, . .1

',8 •• ic D:alt I. Load Flow" I., ~iDE11,E~ Sho'l.Ci'~UitXFUIl ,~h~I.Ci,cuit I, ANSI Sh,olt;'CilcuilJ I' OK

"'~~~~S~:~~;i~~ .k 1,:~I~0!E~~t;;~,;~;·Ji.:::':~~~~!~~c.'" I ,t..,~~~::~;~c:J:-:.,' Cancel

"lvm; ReQulalor inpul_filte, lime con.tanl '~.ka: A egul~ior lime~on'l.nt

Ii;,,; Aegul.tor inle~;~lion lime conolanl

, .

I', ; .• ,

,';:':"i':;' , . .:,:., .. >:~,.::. c- •

ur', m~; Inlernal ~clt.~e regulator sign.I~>l.iirnilatiOn ,I~;"" •• _,,,. '0 .p.u, urlmn; Inlernal v~II.~~r~~Ulalot tigri~l ~\ 1·5. . ... ;, p.u. vsex; E.cite!~n~tant . .>'<il1;,,"",:p,ll efdm.; malt 'volue.c}. lieldvoltage ...• ". 15. . . ,,,,·,,,.:rtu.

efdmn; min. vakre ifieldiibnage: 1.~5. , )p.u.


Fig. 28.2:

Parameters dialogue of the voltage controller

The model representation of the ElmVco_16 is indicated in the figure 28.3.

28 - 2

DlgSILENT PowerFacmry

Interfaces with Other Programs



Fig. 28.3: Parameters dialogue of the voltage controller

After the simulation the resulting plots show busbar voltages and excitation voltage for both generators. The results are stored in result files located on "Results" folder of the according study case.

These results from the reactive power step in the load can be seen as dotted curves in the figure 28.8. Here the generator terminal voltage (controller input) and the excitation voltage of both generators is shown. Thus the response of the AVR can be seen from here.


Implementation with Matlab Model

In the second study case "Matlab" which is a modification of the base case, VCO type 16 is modelled inside the Simulink package, instead of using a built-in model. The Matlab console is started automatically when running the simulation.

To implement a Matlab model into a current project in PowerFactoryit has to be included into a frame similar to a DSL model definition. This procedure is described in detail in the section 24.3.3 (Block Definition Dialogue). First a slot inside the frame has to be created, where the controller model should be inserted. This is done exactly like for implementing built-in models or common models. Then a block definition BlkDef has to be created inside the library. Instead of programming the transfer function uslnq the DSL code, there can now the definition of the Matlab code be imported.

This can be done In the dialogue of the block deflnltlon, When creating a primitive DSL model in the library by

• right-clicking a or inside a (library) folder in the active project in the data manager and selecting New. .. -> Block/Frame - Diagram from the context menu.


• using the "New Object" i~; icon in the database manager and selecting Block Definition (BlkDef).

• double-clicking an new/empty block reference in an open block diagram and then use

the 3 button to select a block definItion. Then The l:"®:J icon can be used to create a

new block definition inside the local library. "',,""

Now open the dialogue of the new BlkDef

• by double-clicking on the frame of a composite block definition

o · by double-clicking the definition in side the library or on its icon ·13

Here input and output variables, parameters, state variables and limiting signals have to be defined. Instead of inserting the equations to describe the different function blocks, a

28 - 3


Interfaces with Other Programs

Matlabfile *.m can be selected, when the option Matlabis activated.

The edit dialogue of the block definition including the parameter definition and the select- ()

ed file can be seen in the figure 28.4 for the mentioned example. \ '

Titi. 15ig~~P,~fi~"li~n and Inili~I"Condilionsof Matiab Model.,

'c"OUlion: Changing levei of already ~se.d "\od<>is require. adaplalion of all dependentmocels !

Level I Level 3: Level 2 • limO·func~~;" ~reei.e in time ... .. 13

. Ott··· I;

Cancel.. '1:

r Aulomatic Calculation dl~\l;"i"t;'oriditlori.'

Cla •• ifiealion _~ ,_".,:ci;, ""N""·:;,:,:"---"-":""L.,";~;:,:.;,::;~-_,,.:_""

P". Linear . '. ·.'·.cf·.


.":::p: MaUab M·m. !D:'PF,.Manual.\Matl.b.m

• '(pUp~er Li';'aatio,,~~~~-''--'--'-~~~--_---"C"'1

•• :: ':::n:::;::::~;m-,-s~_~n_r._I'~~~~ __ -r+ _

:r Lower Umiretion

::- -'_-'U~llin~·P·llramet~r

:', ~~Iinglnput Signal.

I . Content. I ' "'Equ~tions I

Ma~r~ Equat[,


Check .[

. ch~ckln~·1 pack'cT

Pa~ck~>.t~i~:~Tq~ "'. E~e'~~( T


Fig. 28.4:

Composite model using a special frame

The model representation of the ElmVco_16 in the MatlabSimulink package is shown in the figure 28.5.

Fig. 28.5:

Parameters dialogue of the voltage controller

When the block definition is specified, a DSL model has to be created first. As described in 23.4 (The Common Model), the common model element (ElmDsl,lmr) Is the front-end

28 - 4


Interfaces with Other Programs


object for all user-defined block definitions. This means that all user-defined transient models including built-in elements or Matlab models cannot be used other than through a common model.

The common model then combines a model or block definition with specific set of parameter values. The edit dialogue of the DSL element now looks different to the built-in ElmVeo. From the figure 28.6 can be seen, that this dialogue is similar to the normal DSL models. All time constants and other parameters are the same as for the built-in veo models.


Fig. 28.6:

Parameters dialogue for the Matlab voltage controller

The figure 28.7 shows the composite model using the special frame with the generator 'Gl' and the Matlab-AVR inserted into the slots.

28 - 5

DIgSILENT PowerFactDry

Interfaces with other Programs

, Name



" .. _J


Step Hesponse T e.1

Fig. 28.7:

Composite Model using a special frame

These results from the simulation ofthe reactive power step using the built-in veo model (dotted curves) and using the Mat/ab representation (solid curves) can be seen in the figure 28.8.

Fig. 28.8:

28 - 6

.- -------------r-------------'""i---·---------- I -------------i----~--------1 l

I ~ I I ~ •

,~ =-~~~=V:~===r~----=--~-------------~------..:==:.j

:~ ::::::::~~:~:~~i~::::::::::~~I:::::~~:::~t~:::~::~:~:~i

, j I I ~

, I I I j


--~I-~""" ...... U_ ......

.... - 1l.:. ........ 1i'I",_ .. ~ •. _ _


------------- .... ---- ------ - -- .... --- -----------,.----------- -- - .. - - --- --- --- -- ...

I I I ~ I

I I I 1. I

-------- ---- -~-- .. -- - - ----- - -1'·------- --- ---~-- - -- -~--~ ---r -~- ~-- .. - .. - . -~-1


_~_~~ __ ~ .,-~ __ ~ I I ... c_~_---------~

I I ~ j I

I I ! I t

.'" -- -- ..... --"'""' ." .. .., ... +"''' .. "'..,.,."''''.,.,.", w w'; .. " ,.". ......... - --- .. --l- ~--------- {

,. ~~:._:.:_.:_.:Ft~=::::~- - --- --- - --- -+ -~.::=--::-~=-~~-:~:.:::-~~::-::-=..::.=::-j

--'"'t~ ~ ..aI ..

--""'r_~_ ""' ..

:~: .. :~!==;::::;.::::


Results of the transient simulation with the Built-In model


' ....




DIg SILENT PowerFactory

Interfaces with Other Programs


The Matlab File

The Matlabfile VCOtype16.m is an interrace configuration for the Simulink model, stored in the file vcotype16mod.mdl, and the powerFactoryDSL model. There the input and output signals, the parameters and the state variables are defined, as described below. The transfer function is specified.

The contents of this file is listed here.

function It, x, y] = VCOtype16

global U Tvm Usetp Upss Vska Tisp Urlrnx Urlmn Vsex Efdmx

Efdrnn vel xl x2

options = simget('VCOtype16mod');

options = simset('InitialState', [xl,x2]);

ft, x, y] = sim('VCOtype16mod', fl. options);

PowerFactoryinserts the following variables into the Matlab workspace:

U, Tvm, Usetp, Upss, Vska, Tisp, Urlrnx, Urlmn, vsex, Efdmx, Efdrnn, vel, xl, x2

Those variables are necessary to successfully run the Simulink model. There are three input signals eLI, Estop, UpsSJ, one output signal Uerr.;and two state variables xl and x2.

In each step of the PowerFactolYsimulation the Simulink model is completely evaluated, State variables ('InitiaIState') are assigned to Simulink model in each step of the simulation. For PowerFactoryit is a simple function call:

It, x, y] = VCOtype16.

PowerFactoryuses only one Simulink model for both generators. To avoid limitation of Simulink, which allows only one instance of the model running at the same time, PowerFactorymust send all parameters in the each step of the simulation.

To find appropriate equations for the initial conditions you need to understand the construction of the transfer function blocks in Simulink, To obtain this understanding you can replace the variables with actual numbers in the Matlab Simulink model, set the initial conditions, run it for a few seconds and monitor the outputs of all transfer functions to see whether the model initialized correctly.

The Matlab Simulink model (.mdl) and the interface file (.m) file may not have the same name.

The order of the state variables in the interface file's statement "options = simset('InitialState', [xl, x2, ....... ])" is important; the order of the elements in the vector [xl, x2, ... ] must be the same as in the state variable vector constructed internally by Matlab. To determine the order of the Matlab state variable vector the user may use the command "[sizes,xD,xstring]= ModelName" in the Matlab workspace, where ModelName is the name of the Simulink model (without the .mdl extension and without inverted commas). The output of the string variable xstring contains the names of the dynamic blocks in the Simulink model in the desired order. In the case of the above example the first state var1able is in the measurement block and the second state variable is in the integrator:

xstring =

... 'VCOtype16_modeljMeasure/State Space' ••. 'VCOtype16_modeIfIntegrator'

The names of the variables in the 'Initial conditions' fields in the masks of the Simulink model dynamic blocks is irrelevant.

2B -7

DIgSILENT PowerFxtrJry

Interfaces wlt:h Ot:her Programs

The initial conditions are set within Power Factory. Also, for the purpose of Power Factory's model checking mechanisms, the state derivatives equal to zero

The Simulink solver parameters are set to integrate over one small time step, e.g. start time = 0, end time = 0.01, and step size = 0.01.

The v-matrix retu rned by MA nAB conta ins the output va riables. If more than one output variable is defined in the DSL model, then those are sorted alphabetically before assigning the outputs from MATLAB. For example, if there are two outputs "uerrs" and "output", then the value from the first column of the y-matrix is assigned to "output" and the value from the second column is assigned to "uerrs".


Additional notes

DIgSILENT PowerFacolYcalls MATLAB using the programme identification keys "Matlab.Application" and "Matlab.Appl1cation.5ingle". PowerFactory will start that same MATLA.B installation which was used last. Additional information on the calling of MAnAB is available on

28.2 DOLE and On-Ltne Data Exchange

The DIgSILENT PowerFactolYprogram offers sophisticated dynamic data import and export possibilities for the use of other programs and for dynamic data exchange for SCA.DA interfacing.

Both data exchange features, DOLE and SCA.DA interfacing, are based on a small set of interfacing commands. Yet, these commands enable the import and export of a wide range of parameters in an object oriented way.

The DOLE language and the SCA.DA interface are treated separately in the following sections.


DOLE Interface

The DOLE interface is a common ASCII interface for all kind of data transfer to DIgSILENT PowerFactory. Creating new objects, changing values of existing objects and drawing single line graphics are the main features of the interface. Use the option Open DoJe File '" of the context sensitive menu by right-clicking the input window of the data manager.

File Definition

The first line of a DOLE file configures the DOLE interface and must have the following definition:

dole [/fkey] [/dbupd] [Jgupdl [/mrn] langue: level:

/fkey use for all DOLE commands foreign keys. Set option /dbupd

/dbupd /gupd

update database while reading dole flle update graphic while reading dole file

/mm graphic coordinates in mm (command ComGrp), PowerFactolYuses internally coordinates in mm/87.5 !

28 - 8



"-. J


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OIg51l.ENT PowerFactvty

Interfaces with Other Programs

o = English, 1 = German

o = old DOLE interface compatible, 1 '" new DOLE interface (recommended)

Default dole no options set!

111e switches fdbupd and /gupd are time consuming.

langue level

To insert comments in the DOLE file set the first character in the line to '*'. Each line must contain one of the following commands:

• create

• set

• connect

• buscnf

• ac

• new

• grp

• ifupd

• echo

These commands are described in the next sections.

Create ~ Command

The Create command creates new objects in the PowerFactolYdatabase and has following definition:

create l/sec] [/rou] [/noswt] objname.classname (name: .... ]

name of the new object

class type of the new object, i.e. ElmLod (Geneml Load), ElmSym (Synchronous Machine)/ TypSym (Type of Synchronous Machine)/ etc.

creates Line sub-sections

creates Line Routes

in combination with frou, set switch insert mode to false, default = true

name Names of Line Routes, Line Sub-Sections, with fsec: narne=sectlon name I,section name 2, ... with frou : name=[term. xl,route t.term Lroute 2 ...

Examples for the Create - Command: create .\Example 1.ElmNet

Creates a grid with name Example 1 Create .\Example l\Load 1.ElrnLod

Creates a general load in the Example 1 folder with name Load l' create .\Example l\Line 1.ElrnLne

Creates a line in the Example 1 folder with name Line 1 create .\Grid 2.ElmNet\Gen 1.ElmSym

Creates a grid with name Grid 2 if not exists and create a synchronous machine in the folder Grid 2 with name Gen 1




fsec Itou fnoswt

28 - 9

DIgSILENT PowerFacrory

Interfaces with Other Programs

Example for creating Line Sub-Sections create .\Example 1.ElmNet

creates a grid with name Example 1 ()

create . \Example l.\Line "" .'

create a line in the Example 1 folder with name Une 1

create/sec .\Example l.\Line 1 name=Sec l.,See 2

create/sec .\Example l\Line 1 name=Sec 3

appends line sub-sections into the line

Example for creating Line Routes

create .\Example 1.ElmNet

creates a grid with name Example 1 create .\Example l\Line

create a line in the EXClmple 1 folder with name Une 1

create/rOll .\Example l\Line 1 name=,Route 1,Term l,Rollte 2

creates line routes named Route 1 and Route 2 with terminals named Term 1into the line. Attention !! If the line contains no routes or terminals, the name list must start with a comma indicating that the next name is a line route.

create/rOll .\Example l\Line 1 name~Term 2,Route 3 c--)

Appends line routes with terminals into the line. The name list must start with a terminal .


Additional functions

By default the command inserts switches between line routes. With the option Inoswt the command does not insert switches. Change the default if wanting to insert a tilde (''''') before or/and behind the name of the terminals.

Default switch insert

create/rou .\Example l\Line 1 name=,Route l,Term l~,Route 2 A switch is inserted between Route 1 and Term 1

No switch Is Inserted between Term 1 and Route 2

create/rOll .\Example l\Line 1 name=,Route l,~Term l,Route 2 No switch is inserted between Route 1 and Term 1

A switch is inserted between Term 1 and Route 2

Option Inoswt, no switch insert

create/rou/noswt .\Example l\Line 1 name~,Route l,Term l-,Route 2 No switch is inserted between Route 1 and Term 1

A switch is inserted between Term 1 and Route 2

create/rou/noswt .\Example l\Line 1 name=,Route l,~Term 1,Route 2 A switch is inserted between Route 1 and Term 1

No switch is inserted between Term 1 and Route 2

Set - Command

The Set command is used for defining variable sets and modify values of these sets. The command has the following definition:

set [/defJ [/fkeyJ [{clsJ obj=name [var~ ... J [val= ... J

Idef Define a variable set for all elements from type name

leis Clear all variable sets

Ifkey var= val=

Interpret 'name' as foreign key, this switch is ignored with dole/fkey List of variable names etc. var=plini,q1ini, ...

List of values etc. val=,10.3, 2.5, .... (first character = used delimiter)


28 -10





DIgSIlENT PowerFactrJry Interfaces with Other Programs

obj='name' Name or foreign key of element or class name (option /def)

Example for the data section of an update file

set/def objnElmLod var=plini,qlini

Define a variable set for all Loads

set/def obj=ElmSym var=pgini,qgini

Define a variable set for all synchr. machines.

set obj=Loadl val=, 10.5, 1.3

Element Load1: plini .. 10.5, qlini .. 1.3

set obj=Sym 1 val=, 102.4, 10.45

Element Sym 1: pgini = 102.4, qgini = 10.45

Additional functions

The set command takes the last object created with the create - command when "ebj=blank" is used.

set/def obj=ElmLod var=plini,qlini create .\Grid l\Load 1.ElmLod

set obj= val=lQ.S, 1.3

set plini, qlini of the object Load 1 to 10.5 and 1.3

set/def obj=ElmStactrl var=qsym:SIZE,qsym:ALL Set values and size of a vector (table):

SIZE: change the Size of the vector ALL: set all values of the vector

set obj=Stactrl 1 var=5,20,2S,35,7,13

Element Stactrll: qsym[O]oo20,qsym[1]oo2S ... Size of qsym = 5

set/def obj=ElmDsl var=params:LIST:tablel R

Set DSL Parameter: _

set obj=Dsll val=No,vnamel:2,vname2:1.25,vname3:2.3,vname4:l25 Special syntax of ElmDsl

No: number of following parameters (here No=4) name of parameter: value of parameter, ....

Connect - Command

The Connect command connects edge elements (Lines, Loads, Machines, etc.) to busbars and terminals and has the following definition:

connect name [bl=bus1l [ibl=] •.• [b4=bus4] [ibb]

name of element

names of the terminal or busbar bus1..bus4 connection mode (0 or 1)

mode=O: switch opened, mode=I: switch closed

PowerFactoryconnects the edge elements to the busbars or terminals (bust, bus2,,,.) and creates Of necessary) for all busbars automatically cubicles and SWitches.


bl, .. ,b4

ibl, .. ,ib4

Examples for the Connect command

connect .\Line IOkV b1=.\SSl ibl=l b2=.\SS2 ib2=1 Connect aline (Line_10kV) to the terminals SS! and 552 connect .\Tr 10 15 b1=.\SS2 ibl=1 b2=.\STAT 1\SS3 ib2=1

Connect a Transformer (Tr_1O_15) to the terminafSS2 with the high voltage side and to the busbar SS3 in station STAT_1 with the low voltage side.

28 -11

OlgSILENT PowerFactory

Interfaces with Other Programs

Buscnf - Command

The Busenf command is used for renaming switches and cubicles which are created with the connect command or the create/rou command.

buscnf cuDn=cubicle name swtn=switch name

cubn swtn

set the name of the cubicle to cubicle name set name of the switch to switch name

Example for the Buscnf - Command

connect .\Line_10kV bln.\SSl ibl=l b2=.\SS2 ib2=1 buscnf euDn=Cub 0.1 swtn=S 0.1

renames the cubicle and switch which connecting 551 with Line_IOkV (terminal i) busenf cuDn=Cub 0.2 swtn=S 0.2

renames the cubicle and switch which connecting 552 with Line_iOkV (terminal j) connect .\trf_IO/lOO bl=.\SSIO ibl=l b2=.\SS20 ib2=1

buscnf cuDn=Cub 1 swtn=S I

renames the cubicle and switch connecting SSlO with trf_IO/IOO (HV - Side) busenf cuDn=Cub 2 swtn=S 2

renames the cubicle and sWitch connecting SS20 with trf_IO/IOO (LV - Side) create/rou .\Example l\Line name=,Route I,Term I,Route 2, ...

. .. Term 2, Route 3

buscnf cUbn=C Rl swtn=S RI

renames the cubicle and SWitch which connecting Route 1 with Term 1 busenf CuDn=C R2 swtn=S R2

renames the cubicle and switch which connect Term 1 with Route 2 buscnf cubn=C R3 swtn=S R3

renames the cubicle and switch which connect Route 2 with Term 2 busenf cubn=C R4 swtn=S R4

renames the cubicle and SWitch which connect Term 2 with Route 3

Ifupd Command

The Ifupd command is used for composite models to update the interface and insert references.

ifupd mod=name objs=objectl,object2,object3 ..•

mod objs

name of the composite model

list of object names to insert references into the composite model


<. •. .'

Example for the Ifupd - Command ifupd mod=Compl objs=Gen I,Busbar 1

inserts into the composite model Campi two references points to Gen I and Busbar 1 and updates the interface.

Echo Command

The Echo Command is used for printing information messages into the Output Window of PowerFactory.

Example for the Echo- Command: echo Reading Transformer Data

Prints into Output Window: "DIgSI/lnfo Reading Transformer Data"


28 -12

DlgSlLErIT PoWerFdclrJ!y

Interfaces with Other Programs

Activate Command


The Activate Command is used to activate or deactivate projects and study cases. calculations are only possible after a study case has been activated.

ac [/de] [name I all ]

name name of the project or study case

Ide all


Deactivates the currently active project and sti.rdy case


ac \user\Factory\20kV

Activates the project or study case 20kV in the folder \ User\ Factory ac/de \User\Distribution\Shcl

Deactivates the project or study case Shcl in the folder \ User\ Distribution

New Command

The New Command is used to create a new visual object. Visual objects are all objects which can be displayed graphically in a single line or a block diagram.


new /sgl



Ivis pTarget=


/blk I /vis [pTarget=targetl [sName=name]

Creates a new grid with a corresponding single line graphic. The command will automatically activate the newly created grid.

Creates a new block diagram.

Creates a new virtual instrument panel.

Specifies the folder in which the new object should reside. The default value for this parameter is '\ User I

Specifies the name of the object to create. The default value for this parameter is "nona me"


new/sgl pTarget=\user\Factory sName=20kV

This will create the new grid with the name 20kVand the corresponding single line graphic in the folder \ User\ Factory .


Graphic Command Mode 1: Creating objects (grp/new)

The graphic command allows to create or modify all necessary objects for single line graphics or block diagrams from a DOLE input file. It is one of the most powerful commands within powerFactory. An appropriate graphic window must be opened before this command can be used. Such can be done either with the new or activate command. The use of the graphic command is similar to the interactions of the user when creating or modifying a diagram with the mouse. Therefore the user should be farnlllar with the basic interactions in PowerFacullygraphic windows (see PowerFactoryUsers Manual - Chapter 'Graphic Windows'). If one never has created a drawing interactively in PowerFactory, some problems might occur to understand the structures and principles of this command.

The graphic command can be used in three different modes specified by the first option. The mode 1 described in the following is designed for creating new graphic objects.


28 - 13

D1gSILENT PawerFartory

Interfaces with other Programs


grp/new [obj=! [sFKey=] symbol= pOSe [size=! [iRot=! [sAttr=! [iNamVis=!

[iResVisu] .








o 1 -1

28 -14

Specifies the complete name (incl. path) of the corresponding data object. If this data object exists it will be linked to the created graphic object, if not it will be created, too.

SpeCifies the value for the foreign key (parameter 'for_name') of the data object. This parameter can be used to identify the created object by later commands or interactions. Therefore it must be unambiguous in the complete database and can be considered as an unique foreign key for all objects in the PowerFactotydatabase.

The identifier name for the graphical symbol which is used to represent the created object in the graphIc .

• "symbol=_HGRAF _" is used to create auxiliary graphic objects for illustrating purposes.

• "symbol= _BREAKER_:' is used to insert breaker switches in single line graphics. Breakers In single lines are not represented by real graphic objects. They are only virtual instruments which show the summary switch mode of a complete feeder.

• In PowerFactorythe insertion of compound objects into a graphic is possible by specifying a compound symbol. This means, that with one grp/new command it is possible to insert several graphic objects representing a complex data object. This is, for example, used in single line graphic windows to insert a complex busbar system into the drawing.

A list of coordinates used to insert the created object into the drawing. The coordinates are separated by a comma. Each coordinate consists of two values (one for the dimension x and one for the dimension y), separated by a comma. For node objects only one position is necessary. For branch objects the coordinate list should contain the same positions as if the object will be interactively entered into the graphic window (see PowerFactoryUsers Manual- Chapter 'Graphic Windows', 'Adding New Power System Elements'). 'Double-clicks' are simulated by entering the same position twice.

This options allows to specify a graphical size different from the default for the created object. The default value is determined by the used symbol.

This options allows to specify a graphical rotation angle different from the default for the created object. The value for the angle must be

entered in degrees (0-360) and is counted counterclockwise. The default value is determined by the used symbol.

Speclfles whether the name attribute of the created object is visible in the drawing. Name attributes are defined by the appropriate symbol

definition. The possible values for this parameter and their meaning are:

Do not show name attributes Show name attributes Take the default value from the symbol definition


'-._ i



DIgSj~ENT PowerFactory

lnterf~ces with Other Programs



Specifies whether the result attribute(s) of the created object are visible in the drawing. These attributes are defined by the appropriate symbol definition. The possible values for this parameter and their meaning are:

o Do not show result attributes

1 Show result attributes

-1 Take the default value from the symbol definition


In the create mode of the Graphic command this parameter can contain a definition of an additional geometry object to visualize the created objected. The syntax for the geometry object definition is the same as is used by the symbol definition (see syntax description of the symbol definition).

&Hint: to transform coordinates from mm to the internal coordinate space, please divide by 87.5, even if dole/rnrn was set.



gxp/new sFKey=99/KT05 symhol=ShortTermStrip size=O.l ••. .•. pos=O.65,1.25

This will create a new graphic object with according to the definition of the symbol 'ShortTermStrip'. The graphic object will get the position (0.65/1.25) and the size 0.1. If the PowerFactotydatabase contains an appropriate data object (a Terminal) with the foreign value '99/KTOS' it wlll be linked to the created graphic object, otherwise it will be created and linked, too.

gxp/new obj=user\Facto~\20kv\TR015 symhol=d_tr2 ...

••. iResVis=O pos=O.65,O.75,O.65,1.05,O.65,1.05,O.65,1.25

This will create a new graphic object according to the definition of the symbol 'd_tr2'. The object (a Transformer) will be connected with the busbar or terminal referenced by the position (0.65/0.75) and the busbar or terminal referenced by the position (0.65/1.25). The position of the created object will be (0.65/1.05) using a simulated double-click. Result attributes for the object will not be visible. If the PowerFactorydatabase contains an appropriate transformer with the specified complete name (inclusive the path) it will be linked to the created graphic object, otherwise it will be created and linked, too. If it is created, the topology of the data objects will be taken from the graphical topology, otherwise the graphical topology must match the given topology at data object level.

grp/new symbol=d_lin pos=2.55,O.35,2.75,O.35,2.7S,O.80, ••. ... 3.1, 0.8

This will create a new graphic object and a new data object according to the definition of the symbol 'd_lin'. The object (a Une) will be connected with the busbar or terminal referenced by the position (2.55/0.35) and the busbar or terminal referenced by the position (3.1,0.8). The other given coordinates represent intermediate line paints.

Graphic Command Mode 2: Modify =Objects (grp/mod)

This mode allows to modify existing graphic objects. To reference objects there are three possibilities:

• Identify the object by entering the complete name (ind. path) of the object with the parameter 'obj'

• Identify the object by entering the foreign key value of the object with the parameter 'sFKey'

28 - 15


Interface. with Other PrD9rom.

• Identify objects by entering the positions of the object In the drawing with the parameter 'pas'.

• If only one coordinate is entered, the coordinate will have to lay inside the surrounding rectangle of the desired object. By entering more than one coordinate more than one object can be referenced; Then the coordinates are interpreted as points of an imaginary polyline in the drawing. Objects are referenced if their surrounding rectangles will be intersected by this imaginary polyline.


grp/mod obj~ I sFKey= I pos: [size=] (iRot=] (iNamVis=] [iResVis=l

Used to Identify a graphic object via the complete name (incl. path) of the linked data object or the complete name (incl. path) of the graphic

object itself.

Used to identify a graphic object via the foreign key of the linked data object or the foreign key of the graphic object itself.

A Ilst of coordinates used to identify the object(s) in the drawing. The coordinates are separated by a comma. Each coordinate consists of two

values (one for the dimension x and one for the dimension y), separated by a comma (see description above).

size= This options allows to specify a new graphical size for the referenced object(s).

iRot= This options allows to specify a new graphical rotation angle for the referenced object(s). The value for the angle must be entered in degrees (0-360) and is counted counterclockwise.




iNamVis= SpeCifies whether the name attribute of the object(s) is (are) visible in the drawing. Name attributes are defined by the appropriate symbol definition. The possible values for this parameter and their meaning are:

o Do not show name attributes

1 Show name attributes

-1 Take the default value from the symbol definition


Specifies whether the result attribute(s) of the created object(s) is (are) visible in the drawing. These attributes are defined by the appropriate symbol definition. Possible values for this parameter and their meaning are:

o Do not show result attributes

1 Show result attributes

-1 Take the default value from the symbol definition

n \ )

" .. "



grp/mod size=~.~5 pos=O.65,O.8

This will change the size of the graphIc object whose surrounding rectangle is referenced by the position (0.65/0.8).

grp/mod obj=\User\Factory\20kv\buS23 iRot=90

This will change the rotation angle of the graphic object whose linked data object has the

complete name (incl. path) \ User\ Factory\ 20kv\ bus23. (--y

28 -16



OIgSILENT PowerFactoty

Interfaces with Other Programs

Graphic Command Mode 3: Set Foreign Key Values

This mode allows to set the foreign key values of the linked data objects for existing graphic objects, The graphic objects have to be referenced by entering the positions of the object in the drawing with the parameter 'pos', If only one coordinate is entered, the coordinate will have to lay inside the surrounding rectangle of the desired object, By entering more than one coordinate more than one object can be referenced at once, Then the coordinates are interpreted as points of an imaginary polyline in the drawing, Objects are referenced if their surrounding rectangles will be Intersected by this imaginary polyline. With this command it will be possible to set the foreign key values for objects created automatically from PowerFactoryby inserting a compound object into the drawing via the grp!new command (see description above), Automatically created objects are, for example, the several busbars in a busbar system or the routes of a line,





[symbol=] pOS= (sAttr:index=)

If given this parameter will limit the group of referenced objects via the parameter 'pos' to objects which graphical symbol names matches the value of this parameter.

A list of coordinates used to identify the object(s) in the drawing. The coordinates are separated by a comma. Each coordinate consists of two values (one for the dimension x and one for the dimension y)r separated by a comma (see description above).

sAttr:index= For every referenced object the specification of this parameter will set the foreign key parameter of the linked data object to the given value, Therefore the term : index specifies the index in the list of all referenced objects, beginning with the value '0'.

Note Note that it is not necessary that you specify values for all identified objects. The list of referenced objects is sorted in increasing order according to their intersection with the points of the imaginary polyline given by the parameter 'pas:


grp/sfk symbol=d_bus_h poS:O.25,O.7,O.25,1.O sAttr:O:99/2b '" sAttr:l=99/1a

This will set the foreign key values for two data objects whose linked graphic objects are first intersected by the imaginary polyline with the start point (0.25/0.7) and end point (0.25/1.0) and whose symbol name is 'd_bus_h'.


DIgSILENT on-tlne Operation Mode

The PowerFactory-software can be operated in an on-line mode with a direct connection to a SCADA system. This feature enables to access real measured system data, either the last actual ones, or any set which has been saved previously by the SCADA interfacing system.

By activating the last measured system status which will comprise generation, loads, transformer tap settings, shunt reactor switching and system configuration, this option allows the analysis of the actual system operation with respect to:

28 -17

OlgSILENT PowerFadrJry

Interfaces with Other Prngrams

• active and reactive power flow, voltage profile, system losses and reactive power

compensation requirements

• general fault analysis

• system losses optimization

• spinning reserve and load shedding supervision and optimization

• analysis of measures for system oscillation stabilization

The access to previously stored data allows the analysis of any occurred fault or otherwise specific situation needed to be studied. In this case, the main advantage of accessing SCADA history files is the ability of updating power system data easily without being forced to edit any data manually.

PowerFactorySCADA Interfacing has been realized in a very general manner, ensuring that a PowerFactorySCADA on-line link can be realized with nearly any SCADA hardware and software.

DlgSILENT Method for SCADA Interfacing

The procedure implemented for SCADA interfacing is as follows:

1 The operated power system must be set up in PowerFactoryusing the single line graphic editor or the data manager. This configuration must reflect the general structure of the operated system, induding the existing busbars (substations) installed lines, cables, transformers, shunt-reactors etc. Specific operation information like loads, generation or any general "on/off" information concerning bus-couplers, circuit breakers or Isolators will later be overwritten.

2 Data transfer files (*.dle) have to be generated, organized and stored periodically by a SCADA interfacing program, which may run on the powerFactorycomputer system or the SCADA system itself. The generated update files can be best described as "incremental files" containing the operated system actual data.

Access to a specific system status is done by the following procedure: 1 Start the PowerFactoryprogram

2 Activate the case or grid containing the power system configuration 3 Read in one of the transfer files using the main menu "File/Import".

This will automatically update the operation information. The program is then ready to execute any available command concerning power flow, fault analysis, stability calculation etc.

Description Of The Generalized Update-File

The update-file consists of two different sections containing 1 definition for the data - variable link

2 operation data

which are both using the set command. The Set -Command has the following definition: set Udefl [/fkey) [fels] obj=name [var= ... l [val= ... J

Idef leis

Define a variable set for all elements from type name Clear all variable sets

28 -18



" ..>


'--- ... .1


" ,,'






OlgSILENT Po_Factory Interfaces with Other Programs

ffkey Interpret 'name' as foreign key

var= val=

List of variable names etc. var=plini,qlini, ...

List of values etc, val=,lO.3, 2.5, .... (first character = used delimiter)

obj='name' Name or foreign key of element or class name (option /def)

Example for the definition section of an update file

set/def obj~~lmLod var~plini,qlini

Define a variable set for all loads

set/def obj=~lmSym var=pgini,qgini

Define a variable set for all synchr. machines.

Example for the data section of an update file set obj=Load1 va1~, 10.5, 1.3

Element toadi: pHni = 10.5, qlini = 1.3 set/fkey obj~L32 va1~, 10.5, 1.3

Element Loadl with foreign key L32

a) 2-winding transformer

set/def obj~E1mTr2 var~nntap

Define variable set

nntap = tap position

b) General load

set/def obj=E1mLod var=plini,qlini Define variable set

plini = active power [MW] q1ini ~ reactive power [MVAr] C) Synchronous Machine

set/def obj~ElmSym var~pgini,qgini Define variable set

pgini ~ active power [MW] qgini = reactive power [MVAr] d) Switch

set/def obj=StaSwitch var~on_off Define variable set

on_off (l=closed, O=opened)

Create ~ Command

The Create command creates new objects in the PowerFactOlydatabase and has following definition:

create l/secl [/roul l/noswtl objname.classnarne [name= •.•• ]

name of the new object

class type of the new object, i.e. ElmLod (General Load), ElmSym (Synchronous Machine), TypSym (Type of Synchronous Machine), etc.

creates Line Sub-Sections

creates Line Routes

in combination with /rou, set switch insert mode to false, default= true Names of Line Routes, LIne Sub-Sections, with /sec : name=sectlon name 1,section name2, .", with frau: name=jterm. xl,route 1,term

1,route 2 ".

Example for the Create - Command: create .\Example 1.S1mNet

creates a grid with name Example 1







28 - 19

DIgSlLENT PowerFadrxy

Interfaces with Other Programs

create .\Example ~\Load ~.ElmLad

create a general load in the EXClmple 1 folder with name Load 1

create .\Example l\Line ~.ElrnLne ~

create a line in the EXClmple 1 folder with name Une 1 I -'

create .\Grid 2.ElrnNet\Gen 1.ElmSyrn

create a grid with name Grid 2 if not exists and create a synchronous machine in the folder Grid 2 with name Gen 1

Connect - Command

The Connect command connects edge elements (Lines, Loads, Machines, etc.) to busbars and terminals and has the following definition:

connect name [b1=bus~] [ib1=] ... [b4=bus4] [ib4=]

name of element

names of the terminal or busbar bus1 .. bus4 connection mode (0 or 1)

mode=O: switch opened, mode=1: switch closed

PowerFactoryconnects the edge elements to the busbars or terminals (bus1, bus2, ... ) and creates for ail busbars automatically cubicles and switches.


bl, .. ,b4


ibl, .. ,ib4

Examples for the Connect command

connect .\Line 10kV b1=.\951 ib1=1 b2=.\9S2 ib2=1 Connect a line (Line_IOkV) to the terminals SSl and 552 connect .\Tr 10 15 b1=.\552 ib1=1 b2=.\5TAT 1\SS3 ib2=1

Connect a TranSformer (Tr_IO_IS) to the terminalS52 with the high voltage side and to the busbar 553 in station 5TAT_1 with the low voltage side.


Conversion from Graphical Information Systems

The conversion of system data from a GIS (Graphical Information System) is performed by the ComGis command. The dialogue of this command is opened by selecting the Conversion ... - Gis ... option on the main Ale menu.

The ComGis conversion command takes a special" .OGS" format file and creates a single

graph and a list of electrical models from thatfile. The syntax of the ".DGS"-file, which is n in plain ASCII, is explained further on in this section.", ..

The GIS conversion uses millimeter units with respect to the bottom-left origin and a limit

up AD paper format (1188 x 840 mm). It could therefore be necessary to transform the

GIS coordinates before creation of the ".DGS"-file file.


".DGS"-File Creation by using the Excel Sheet

A special Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is shipped with the PowerFacmryprogram, which can be used to create the ".DGS"-file in a more user-friendly way. This Excel spreadsheet is named "Gis2Dole.xls" and is found in the subdirectory "\ Dole" of the installation path of DIgSILENT PowerFactory.

The first sheet of "Gis2Dole.xls" is called 'Description'. All the parameters of the different n

conversion elements and types are described here, The actual data is entered in the other \., _


26 - 20





DlgS1LENT PowerFacrory

Interfaces with Other Programs

• 'Terminals'

• 'Loads'

• 'Lines'

• Transformers

• 'LV Transformers'

• 'DigSI Lines'

The 'DigSI Lines' worksheet is for internal use only.

The button Create ConversionFile is used to generate the ".DGS"-file. The created ".DGS"-file is stored in the current directory and will receive the same named as the excel file (but with the extension 'DGS').

Alternatively, the ".DGS"-file can be generate by the GIS itself, without using the Excel spreadsheet. The format of the ".DGS"-file is described hereinafter for that purpose.


The PowerFactotylmport

The import of the GIS data from the" .DGS"-file is performed in the following steps.

• Create a new project in the PowerFactory database or activate an existing project or study case.

• Within the FIle - Conversion ... menu, select the GIS. .. option to open the GIS conversion command dialogue.

In most cases, the default settings of the conversion command can be used. The general page of the conversion command is depicted in the figure 28.9.

1r;llhlf!rm/~/u2(t"b2/cr~CI'~orp.ili .: ";';:":i:~:' ',"

ICon'le[;!:iC1rl,E'k'!J)e"~;S'~' --~~-,__,,",,,,,"";;:';,-.;,,,",,,,,~~

I r:; Tefmi-J~~

1'rY' Gro!!phk; i1rQ{m~tiol)9'.rernilo!lls

! p. Load, .. I

I r;; L .... s -. '.' ',' "

! ~~~':,~::.... ' "~' "" ':, " ' ., '.' .

i r ShLrl, ., .,-: "',

l. __ .__._,_~,~._ .. ~.~._, "':'"~ __ cc~~ __ · ':"" ", .: ••••••• :: ••

Of. i(l~.;:·l·i,!;. - .,

',~ ~

rUn.e fypes: ... '--,---~--'--"-"-''--".,;;:.""'

'1 'P Gencf~te RouteiAnd Sectiont

',; ,Ovejhead lJ-Je TYPeL~ralY? ' •. ~ LibraijJ\OHL Tl'~t

I " DJbre Type Librarp ,· .. ·~ ": E~~t~rlda~d C~

Fig. 28.9: The GIS conversion dialogue

The "New Grid" option are used to select

• Graphic Name: optionally select an existing single line graphic to which the new , graphic objects will be added.

26 - 21

Dlg5[LE~T Powerrildory

Interfaces with Other Programs

• Grid Name: Either enter the name of an existing grid, or a new name. The new

electrical models will be created in the given grid.

If no single line graphic is selected, then the default graphic in the selected grid will be ()

used to draw the new graphic symbols.

The "GIS Conversion File" option is used to enter the name and path of the ".DGS"-fiIe on disk.

The "Predefined Terminals" option is used to optionally select an existing Grid which contains previously defined terminals to which branches that are imported from the ".DGS"file are to be connected.

Conversion Options

Several conversion options are available on the Options page of the conversion command dialogue, as depicted in the figure 28.10.


1:::·: -'~~""~-"':$=:-t";'i~=G-t_id='G=i"=Gt_'P_"hi_C ·-u

:-'__;~";IS"CpnVetSiOn File--~c~cc,~--_~-~-:";i"N~m. j~:\~F _Manuals\GtaphIS\T e'l.dgs. ~,~~~-----------~~~~~

E~!:JCI,{J:f~ ~.

Close .""1

Caneel;' I

Fig. 28.10: The GIS conversion options

The "Conversion Elements" option Is used to disable the import of specific classes. Dis- 0 abling the Tronsformers-option, for instance, will disregard all transformer data in the

".DGS"-file. No transformers will thus be imported.

The "Line Types" option is used to generate routes and sections, dependent on the selected type libraries:

• Overhead Line (OHL) Type Library (optional): Existing PowerFactol)'Library path

• cable Line Type Library (optional): Existing PowerFactotyLibrary path

The option "Automatic Drawing of Branch Net Elements" can be disabled to switch off the automatic drawing of lines and transformers.


".DGS"-File Format

The ".DGS"-File syntax uses special sections for defining all graphical and electrical information for all power system objects. Comment lines are started with an asterisk.


28 - 22

DIgSILENT PowerFactrJry

Interfaces with Other Programs


Each new section must start at a new line that starts with two dollar characters '$$' followed by the section name:

$$~section_name>[: parameter descriptions] [element_parameters]

Each line within a section must start with a line number,. followed by comma separated fields. The line numbers are identical with the row number of the respective page of the spreadsheet, when the ".DGS"-File was created by the Excel spreadsheet. The available parameters are found on the "Description" page of the "Gis2DoJe.xls" spreadsheet.

Example: $$Version 1.1

$$Terminals:xlsLineWumber,Name,uknom,X,Y, Length,Rotation, GrType 2,X3177,11,250,350,60,90,1 3,X3702,11,150,350,60,90,1

$$Loads:xlsLineNumber,Name,Busbar,Type,App Power (kVA) ,Power Factor 2,Loadl,X1531,Loads\GLT,lOO, 0.95


$$Lines:xlsLineNumber, Warne, GIS Name, Stationl, Busbarl, Connl, Station2, Busbar2, Conn2, Switch 1, Switch 2, OoS,, Type?, Length?, ... 3,Line(OOl),C-3177 C-3702"C-3177,1"C-3702,1,2284,8120,O,1, Cables\300 Al,O.0067108,OHL\185 Cu,O.017003,OHL\300 AI,

O. 08?13, r I , I '" I , , , , I , I I , I I f I I I I , I I f J I I I f

$$Transfor.mers:xlsLineNumber,Name,TypeJBusbar1,Conn1,Busba~2,Conn2,OoS,Par. no.,TapPos

2,2WTrl,Transformer\300 kVA,C-3462 H,1,C-3462 L,O,1,2,O 3,2WTr2,Transformer\300 kVA,C-3462 H,1,C-3462 L,I,O,l,O

$$LV Transformers : xlsLineNumber , Name, LV uknom(kV), Type of Load, App Power (kVA), Pow. Factor, Type of Transformer, Busbar HV, Conn1, Conn2, SwitchHV, HV FuseRating, HV FuseType, OoS,, Tap 2,XI058_1,O.415,Loads\GLT,lOOO,0.95,Transformers\lOOO kVA,XI058,O,O, 51058_1",l,lJO



Converting PSS/E Files

The import function for PSS/E files is an integrated command of PowerFactory. It supports versions of PSS/E from 23 to 29 and can be found in the main menu under File-> Conversion-> PSS/E. Both import of PSS/E files as a PowerFactoryproject and export of PowerFactory-projects as PSS/E files are supported.


Importing PSS/E Steady-State Data


PowerFactoryis able to convert both steady-state data (for load-flow and short-circuit analyses) and dynamic data files. It is good practise to first import the steady-state data (described in this section), then to add the dynamic models (described in section 28.4.2 (Import of PSS/E file (Dynamic Data)).

Before starting the next steps for importing a PSS/E file, all projects should be de-activated. Then please select from the main men u File - Conversion - PSS/E - Import. Afterwa rds the window of the import command will pop-up, asking the user to specify various options.

28 - 23

OIgS!l.ENT PowerF=ry

[nterfaces with Olller Programs

General Settings Tab Page

'; ., E?~'~~~' ',; t,


, c.noelj

:"l~~,~~!?i:':'~ ..

:Noo;;n~F;.q..;.;,<l' ~~,

"rFkTj~~ " ," I

'l~S~~":'!'~..,_. IO,:\PF _M""'.I.IF'SSEn'ow, "_~~lJ _,:'



r Proiect Psse .

J-n> _ :!J \1~~i~co .. ,. j

hc'7"..,:.c..-" -----;=======~


~sJte F,.ame P~th


z.j,., zl-

Fig. 28.11: PSS/E Import- General Settings

Nominal Frequency

Nominal frequency of the file to be Converted/Imported.

PSS/E Raw data

Location on the hard disk of the PSS/E raw data file. By default the program searches for *.raw extensions. The user may consider all types of files by typing *. *.

Add Graphic Files

Location of the PSSjE drw files on the file system. Again by default the

progrdams sllearchesffofirl filebs with ext;~sion *.drw. The user may 0,." "

consi er a types a I es y typing . •

Note After the Conversion/Importing has finishe", the resulting project will contain a graphics folder where all of the PSSjE drw converted graphics will be stored The user must therefore relocate each one of them to the corresponding grids.

Save converted data in:

Project The project name that will be assigned to the converted/imported file,


Location in the data manager tree where the imported file will be

stored, '


Sequence Data

Location of the PSS/E sequence data file. By default the program






OlgSllENT PowerFactrJry

Interfaces with Other Programs

searches for *.seq extensions. The user may consider all types of files by typing *.*.

The following topics

Dyn Models Data Parameter Mapping Composite Frame Path DSL - Model path

are not used for the import of steady-state data and will be explained in the dynamic import section 28.4.2.

Import Options Tab Page

> _F.~;:'.'I(B-: I

..·······CI<,;~I . ... c.n:~ I

Ip"./jlh&l>ll ';

r Con'lleil o.n~ ScqlJi!:rK::I:I d.WI Jill!.

r· Conve/! ooI.!Jdyn~mic:fI'lCIdOltrtlo

r" CQn.,.-et'torJy.;Jepli;:~,,"

rOnly con~1 r." (no DB bCUonl


r~ Unil of UN' for,'neS- .... miIe:s il$le~of km 17 C'"id~I;Jtan~ctmer?Ns(! S~

r'_ Canve~t'I~cticintvt«hf1e (Cienellllorc:I='<Oj'···· r AutctJ'J&ic-3-'W'~ Ttan~l)tmc:tdtlO¢l~cQl1VeriiQn r Co"'",I.~iiv."", .h...-.l. lolirle ",,,.plonce 8' I Conve~tCornmonrl1'lPed~e.!ls TrM>Slonner .

F": Con,;,~lS-eti~i Collpa::~ e nc:.!.:I: Cctnirw:J~ I~~ ~: COn'«'~'ofi-nominaJ turn Ii!ltio 10 ll~nd~~llep

r Bu,t», ~ 'PSSE_NAME'

r. Bl.o<h~"9' llUSNAIolEi_BU5NAMEZ.JD'·

Fig. 28.12: PSS/E Import - Options Convert only sequence data file

With this option enabled, the converter will only add the sequence data to an existing project.

Convert only dynamic models file

With this option enabled, the converter will only add the dynamic data file to an existing project (only for dynamic data import).

Convert only graphic file

With this option enabled, the converter will add only a Single-line diagram to an existing project.

Only convert file (no DB action)

Internal option used for syntax check and error messages during conversion. Normally this box should be left unchecked.

28 - 25

DtgSIlENT PowerFlI<toty

Interfaces with Other Prog",rns

Output only used dynamic models

Displays a list of used dynamic models (only for dynamic data import).

Unit of 'LEN' for lines in miles instead of km

With this option enabled, all lengths will be interpreted in miles in the PSS/E raw files.

Consider transformer phase shift

With this option enabled, transformer phase shifts will be considered. This option Is recommended and activated by default.

Convert Induction Machines (P<O)

With this option enabled, all generators in the raw data file that have negative active power will be converted to asynchronous machines. For transmission grids the option should be disabled for proper modeling of phase shift generators.

Automatic 3-W. Transformer detection/conversion

The older versions of PSS/E do not know 3-winding transformers. Therefore the converter will try to detect the existence of three 2- Winding Transformers connected to a bus bar. If any candidates are available, PowerFactorywili replace them by a 3-Winding Transformer. The detection is using the impedances and the voltage control of the transformers.

Convert capacitive line shunts to line susceptance B'

If a line has line shunts the converter adds automatically the line shunt capacitance to the Cl' (Bl') in the PowerFactoryline type.

Convert Common Impedance as Transformer

The Common Impedance in PSS/E may be converted to a PowerFactorycommon impedance or to a transformer. This is selected here.

Convert Series Capacitance as Common Impedance

Older versions of PSS/E do not know series capacitances as a dedicated model. These elements therefore are represented by lines with negative reacta nces. During the conversion PowerFactory detects these branches and converts them to series capacitances (by default) or to common Impedances (when this option is active).

Convert off-nominal turn ratio to transformer tap

Transformer ratios different from the rated ratio are automatically converted to a transformer type using taps, including the correct tap position.

Busbar naming: 'PSSE_NAME'

With this option enabled, the busbars are named similar to the PSS/E raw data file (Without bus number).

Branch naming: 'BUSNAME1_BUSNAME2_ID'

With this option enabled, the branches are named as the name of the busbars + 10.

28 - 26





DlgSlLENT PowerFaclory

Interfaces with other Programs

Import Graphical Options Tab Page

Fig. 28.13: PSS/E Import - Graphical Options Rotate with respect to busbar

The converter will rotate the graphical layout in case of the majority of busbars being in vertical or horizontal position.

Snap coordinates to grid

The converter will snap to grid all objects in the single line graphics.

Transformer Symbol according to lEe

This options lets the user to choose the transformer symbol as IEEE (default) or lEe representation.

Scaling factor· The graphic files are scaled according to the scaling factor shown.


Import of PSS/E file (Dynamic Data)

As explained in section 28.4.1 it is good practise first to import the steady-state data and then to add the dynamic model data.

Before converf ng dyna rnlc data, it is recommended to copy the IEEE libra ry folder located in the global library into the user directory. The IEEE dynamic data library folder can be found under L/brar;\Models....IEEE. This folder has the structure as shown in the figure 28.14.

28 - 27

DlgSILENT PowerFactvry

Interfaces with Other Programs


\, .I

(I[]{I1 Cond.tct~~ IffioutODPl.~ diOll!Gef"I!I.atC~itI)FoIdeI: ltJ!:i!J'nII~CStC!'!d~dC«lle LlfltDllll~lk>rtt.l!dJinel

~ SL'tltll M-cookl.

ti: tmD Build," If!-nwG~tdaa03 800aD

: [.f-}[tt'J Flame2 '

! Iilrm M.,...

! OJ II1I:I Model, ffi--OW Irtem ... l PKiMcll H][]IlIM.eroI~eIl

, _ ~CTllII DkJMwo,

~ ~ tm MotOl DlivcnM.dIrlc~ l (!HJQ[!I FtelaoJ~

! l~ Ilm n.e.nN~1t 1 Wlltti T.rpec 1II··f:] 'SI'OIoetJ'l

Iii tl A.tir.iM:trdor Ifll} Oerna

;-(3 i:lad:e:I [tJll!iltlJPPOlt


Fig. 28.14: IEEE Library

The following subdirectories are of importance In the Conversion/Importing.

This folder contains the composite frames which are basically wired diagrams.

All models are described in the DIgSILENT simulation language DSl. These DSL models may use functional primitives, the so-called DSL

macros. The standard macros are stored in this folder.

This folder contains the models for most typical models, e.g. automatic voltage regulators (AVRs), power system stabilizers (PSS), primary controllers (PCO) and others. The models are described in DIgSILENT Simulation Language (DSL). The folders also may contain user-defined models.

An important condition for successful file conversion is that all DSL models used during the conversion process should be stored in the same model library folder. By default, this is the case in the global PowerFact'olYlibrary. If the original library should use specific folders for the different types of controllers (AVR,PCO,PSS, .. ), the user should copy all of the models into the same libra ry folder. After the conversion, the user may re-arra nge the models.





The procedure to start the import of dynamic network data is very Similar to the import of steady-state data. Some parameter adjustments have to be made.

General Settings Tab Page - Dynamic Model Import

In the dialogue of General Settings in figure 28.11 the following topics have to be speci- ()


28 - 28




DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Interfaces with Other Programs

Dyn Models Data

Location of the PSS/E Dynamic Models data file. By default the program searches for * .dyn and *dyv extensions. The user may consider all types of files by typing *. *.

Parameter Mapping

Location of the PowerFactotymapping file. This is an option that normally will not have to be touched by the user. By default PowerFactotywil! automatically set up its own internal mapping file. This file defines how to translate the PSS/E internal models into PowerFactotymodels, including the mapping of controller parameters. For automated conversion of user-deflnad PSS/E controllers the mapping file may be customized. Please contact our support if you wish to do so.

Composite Frame Path

Location in the PowerFactorydata base where the composite frames are stored (IEEE/Frames ... ).

DSL - Model Path

Location in the PowerFactotydata base where the DSL models are stored (IEEE/Models .... ).

Import Options Tab Page - Dynamic Model Import

In the dialogue of Import Options in figure 28.11 the following options should be consldered:

Convert only dynamic models file

With this option enabled, the converter will only add the dynamic data file to an existing project.

Output only used dynamic models

Displays a list of used dynamic models.


Exporting a project to a PSS/ E file

This function allows the export of the network model in PSS/E format. The export cornprises both steady-state and dynamic data sets. The correct conversion of dynamic models is only possible for the standard IEEE models. Models which the user implemented in PowerFactotyDSL can not automatically be translated but must be modeled as userdefined controller types separately in PSS/E.

28 - 29

DIgSILENT Po>W!rFactoty

Interfaces with Other Prograrns

Export General Settings Tab Page


'-., ,I

RAW Conversion File

Path and file name for the P5S/E RAW file, containing the symmetrical description of the model.

SEQ Conversion File

Path and file name for the P5S/E SEQ file, containing the additional description of the model necessary for unbalanced conditions.

DYN Conversion File

Path and file name for the P5SjE DYN file, containing the dynamic models of the project.

Export Options Tab Page

8 ••• Apparent Paw.", Jl0~ .• " •• " ..• J MVA "

Min (2eroj Impedance Btaneh: 10,

PSSE V.,,;on IV25 ::il'

Fig. 28.16: P5S/E Export - Options Convert Motors to Generators if P<O

With this option enabled, all asynchronous machines in generator mode n

will be converted to synchronous machines. -. "

28 - 30 ,



Interfaces with Other Programs

Base Apparent Power

Base for the power values given in per-unit system.

Min (Zero) Impedance Branch

Minimum impedance for ideal connections.

PSS/E Version

Version of PSS/E target files.

The section of developers' options contains additional options used for debugging. Please use these options only when requested to do so by the PowerFact0lYsupport.

Extra PrecisionActivates the output of values in extended precision.

28.5 PowerWare Interface

This chapter describes the PowerWare interface. An introduction into PowerWares general philosophy is given in section 28.5,1.

The following two sections describe the overall PowerWarearchitecture (section 28.5.2) and the conceptual differences between PowerFactolYand PowerWare (section 28.5.3).

Both PowerFactolYand PowerWare have to be configured before they can be used together (section 28.5.4).

The Getting Stattedsection (section 28.5,5) provides a gentle introduction into the most important features, The complete documentation can be found in the Reference section (section 28,5.6).

The final Technical Reference (section 28.5.7} provides some deeper knowledge how PowerFactOlYdata is converted to PowerWare data and vice versa.

The terms PowerWareand PSMSare used as synonyms throughout the whole chapter. PSMSstands for Protection Settings Management System, and stresses the more internal and technical part of PowerWare.


About PowerWare


DIgSILENT PowerWare provides a reliable central protection settings database and

management system for the complete power system substation data, both to manage the

various control parameters and to centrally store substation related information and data, based on latest ,NET technology.

PowerWarestores and records all settings in a central database, allows modeling of all relevant work flow sequences, provides quick access to relay manuals, interfaces with manufacturer specific relay settings software, and integrates with PowerFactolYsoft.ware, allowing for powerful and easy-to-use settings co-ordination studies.

Modern numerical relays have a large number of settings that are determined, stored and communicated by proprietary software solutions (these may even be suitable for only a particular manufacturer or even a series or type of relay), This results in a fragmented and distributed settings "database." DIgSllENT PowerWare provides a single system that incorporates all such different device protocols, thereby providing one manageable software data storage system, based on modern IT techniques, facilitating data interfacing and exchange in a transparent and hassle free manner.

2B - 31


Interfaces with Other Programs

PowerFactoryls data exchange facility allows it to access the settings stored inPowerWare, such that these may be used as input for the powerful PowerFactory

system simulation and protection setting tools. Settings that are calculated by using these n

tools may then be transferred back to PowerWare. ': .


Component Architecture

DIgSIlENT PowerWareis a so-called Client-Server Application: the functionality is distributed on at least two computers: client and server. Figure 28.17 gives an overview on the components.

/ / / /
ell.nll Oient2
~"~I $~' .. I 0
/ /
\~ ,.l
" I PowerWatll SErle.

Fig. 28.17: Architecture overview

Usually there are several clients. One main advantage of this architecture is the fact that the data is stored in one central data base on the server. One client connects to the server and fetches the data from there, modifies them, and afterward stores them back to the server. On other clients these changes are visible.

DIgSIlENT PowerWareserver provides two interfaces to access from client machines: 3 Visualization by means of a standard web browser. The HTML interface can be used

with an usual web browser (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox) as shown in figure 28.18.

The browser displays HTML pages which are created by PowerWan!s HTML front end. The HTML pages are transferred using the HTIP protocol on top of the TCP/IP

. internet protocol.

HTML allows to present all kind of data e.g. plain text, tables or images. Additionally HTML provides concepts to achieve interactivity: by submitting HTML forms or pressing on hyperlinks data is sent to the server. The server interpretssuch requests and creates new HTML pages which are displayed by the browser again.

28 - 32





DIg5lLfNT PowerFactrJty

Interfaces wIth Other Programs

4 The web service interface, similar to the HTML interface uses the HTIP protocol to communicate with the web service frontend, though no HTML pages are transferred but lower-level data (SOAP/XML encoded). The web service client application is responsible to present this data conveniently.

PowerFactoryis able to play the role of a web service client. It integrates parts of PowerWares data and concepts smoothly into its own world.

The functionality of the HTML interface is covered in the PowerWare manual. The remainder of this chapter focuses on PowerFactory as client.


r,~~,", 11~;I'M'.. j i

''',,'' .'.'"" I ;

~:~~-. ! ~~~ I :

::~':. :1 ~~rt l

.._~;,;", •. ,- .. =,--;-,..,--,,"

• 0 •• ~.o __ .n_. __ .. _ ." .. "_~." .. " ._ ... c ... , ~<~ .~~~". __ ~~



~.~:.~- .. -OJItan:'~ 1\"l:1.~.

• - •. -,.:. '1"""'I"d_nkl:r.MoWl

--'""0""""'"---'--'-_·_··· __ ··_-_··········,···,,·, ... ,-'-,-. .


Fig. 28.18: HTML interface

28.5.3 Fundamental Concepts

Though both in PowerWare and in PowerFactorythe settings and data associated with protective devices, such as relays, CTs[ VTs arid circuit breakers are stored, the systems provide a different set of concepts how to deal with this data.

In PowerWare it is possible to model a location hierarchy and associate the devices to nodes in this hierarchy (e.g. substations). This has no equivalent on the PowerFactory side where the devices are stored inside the parent grid (ElmNetj object.

On the other side PowerFactoryallows to create a topological representation of networks which Is not supported in PowerWare.

This section describes the concept mismatch between powerFactoryand PowerWare.


DlgSlLENT PowerFactwy

Interfaces with Other Programs

In order to use the PowerWare Interface it's important to know about the differences between both appllcatlons,


In PowerWare each device belongs to exactly one iocation. There are different location types e.g. Region, Area, Substation, or Bay. The locations are organized in a hierarchy tree as shown in figure 28.19.

PSMS Navigator

8 "0 Rt:iJur.: cenrrer p~ton e ~ Ar~ ... : Urban

S 'C,4Sub_,,;,IM:VJlll'f tE~$JJb-st~tloo:St>JoitJn:;

al@R<oJon,11 \:t!~S'Jbstatl"""'::iH !?,):$ubS~tlonJ tr;)S11 f:i:1 ~'S:ut.:t.!It1.(.'fI~:;-!

's 10 P.,'on; 25 6iI'@;.Ar~1~M\IIIIH~

B2 Ot ::..b_"re;,~ 0<>t!':1 OO~Sd:J._".O:!:Il:IOOl.i!:trlo:;:W~$t 8 j;R=ii.Ion: conQI,lllrrCod f'!lilOh 1:3e:.~r~:~r~it

!t'l e'i:l5ubrt;:lt1«l: ~,~r~~ N~"'" 'j3P~ilan: NorthEa:st


...... /

Fig. 28.19: PowerWarelocations

In PowerFactorythe data is organized In projects (/ntPtj). A project may have one or more grids (E/mNef) which in turn contain net elements e.g. terminals, cubicles, and relays (ElmRela)l). See figure 28.20 for a typical PowerFactoryproject.

28 - 34





OlgSILENT PowerFadDry

Interfaces with Other Programs

Fig. 28.20:

PowerFactory project

PowerWares location concept and PowerFactorjs pr oject/grid concept hardly fit together. That's the reason why the data mapping between PowerFactoryand PowerWare begins at the device level which is the subject of ~e next sections.


PowerWaremanages a set of devices e.g. relays, Cfs, Vfs, or Circuit breakers. Each device is associated to a device type e.g. ABB DPU2000Ror SEL421 003. Additionally each device has an unique ID: the devlceID.

In PowerFactorya relay is represented by an ElmRe/ayobject which references exactly one TypRe/ayobject. The E/mRe/ayobject contains several sub-components e.g. the I> component (a RelTocobject), the Logic component eRe/Log/C), or the los component (Re/Measure). See figure 28.21 for an example, The device ID is used to link one PowerWare device to one PowerFactorydevice. Thoe PowerFactorydevice e.g. an E/mRe/ay object stores the PowerWare device ID as foreign key.

28 - 35

DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Interfaces with ather Program.

mn AnolhefPlojod

OLockD~~ ... Ploie<l

PJojed Lha~ useJ- PawftlW .... e B'"Glid

OO·If(' Gr(l !-~ Line

8- .... J.erminal"

: 9-6'Crill

i Il:§l~

ffi-& CW_2

~ i£ TermiMl.(1)

ill Sloo:\>c",.


Ina!! ~edSettin~ miProjeoI,



Fig. 28.21: PowerFactoryrelay

Device State

A device's state Is in PowerWarecalied setting. A setting is a list of attributes, and describes the state of one device completely. An attribute is a tuple of

• attribute name,

• attribute typewhich can be an arbitrary integer or floating point number, optionally

with a range restriction, or a string, or a enumeration type.,

• a defaultvalue,

• an optional unit

A complex relay may have thousands of attributes. In PowerWarethe setting attributes are organized In so-called setting groups. A setting group groups the attributes together

which belong somehow together. It's often defined by the device manufacturer. Each at- f'\

tribute belongs to exactly one setting group. Inside a group the attribute name is unique. \.. )

The device type defines which attributes and groups characterize a device. Table 28.1

shows an example of a possible device type. There are two setting groups G and H. Group

G has the attributes a, b, and c, group H has the attributes d and e.

Group Name Type Default Unit
G a integer in [0,10] 0 A
b float -0.32 115
c float in [0.03,1.65] 1.0
H d string 'DEFAULT
e enum 'yes','no','maybe' 'yes' n

'! ..

Table 28.1: Settings Definition






DIg SILENT PowerFiICtory

Interfaces with Other Programs

According to this attribute definition a device can have settings as shown in tables 28.2 or 28.3.

Group, Name Value
G,a 7
G,b 23.43
G,c 1.1
H,d 'abc'
H,e 'maybe' Table 28.2: Settings Example 1

Group,Name Value
G,a 8
G,b 0
G,c 1.1
H,d 'abcdef
H,e 'yes' Table 28.3: Settings Example 2

On the PowerFactoryside there are neither setting nor group nor attribute. There is the ElmRelayobject and its sub-objects. These objects can have parameters. See table 28.4 for a definition and table 28.5 for an example. The TypRelay'cype defines components and parameters.

PowerWare attributes are somehow mapped to PowerFactoryparameters and vice versa. How this actually Is accomplished, is described in section 28.5.7 (Technical Reference). The mapping is non-trivial since only a small subset of the attributes (the calculation-relevant data) is modeled in PowerFactoryand vice versa. Additionally there is no one-to-one relationship between attributes, and parameters and a parameter could get calculated out of several attributes.

Component Parameter Type
i> 0 integer
Logic p string
q enum 'enabled','disabled'
105 r float
5 float Table 28.4: Parameter Definition

Some relays support multiple setting groups (MSG) also called parameter sets. Such re-

28 - 37

DIgSILENT PowerFilctvry

Interfaces wltn Other Programs

lays have the same group many times (c.f. table 28.5). The groups H1, H 2, and H 3 have the same set of attributes (c and d). Some relay models In powerFactorydo not support this concept fully. Instead of modeling all MSGs, only one instance of the H groups is provided.

In this case a group index parameter defines which of the MSGs actually is transferred from PowerWareto PowerFactory.

Life Cycle Phase

In PowerWare each setting has one life cycle phase e.g. Planning or Applied. At each point in time a device can have a set of settings e.g. three Planning settings, one Applied setting and 12 Historlcsettings.

Component Parameter Value
i>:o 8
Logic:p 'HIGH'
Logic:q 'enabled'
los:r 18.5
105:5 19.5' (n

.... _ ,J

Table 28.5: Parameter Example

Group Name Type Default Unit
G a integer in [0,10] 0 A
b float -0.32 115
H1 c string . DEFAULT'
d floatin [0.03,1.65] 1.0
H2 c string 'DEFAULT'
d float in [0.03,1.65] 1.0
H3 c string 'DEFAULT'
d float in [0.03,1.65] 1.0 Table 28.6: Multiple Setting Group Definition

In PowerFactorya device has exactly one state (or setting). Therefore when data is transferred between PowerFactoryand PowerWare, always a concrete device setting in PowerWare must be specified.

For PowerFactorypurposes a special PowerFactoryplanning phase is introduced. The transfer directions are specified as follows:

• Imports from PowerWare into PowerFactory are restricted to Applied and powerFactory settings. Applied denotes the current applied setting (Applied) or a previous applied (Historic) setting.


' ..• ,J

26 - 38

OIgSILENT PowerFacrory

Interfaces with Other Programs


• Exports from PowerFactoryto PowerWare are restricted to the PowerFactory setting. (Applied and Historic settings are read-only and can never be changed).

(Actually PowerFactorrs sophisticated variant management is similar to the phase concept, but there is no obvious way how to bring them together.)



In order to transfer data between PowerFactoryand PowerWareboth systems must be configured.

PowerWare Server

An arbitrary PowerWare user account can be used for the PowerWare interface in PowerFactory. The user must have enough access rights to perform operations e.g. for the export from PowerFactoryto PowerWare write-rights must be granted.

A non-default life cycle phase named PowerFactory of status Planning must be created. This phase must have a cardinality constraint of 1 i.e. there may exist one or no such setting for one device.

PowerFactory Client

The client operating system must allow connections to the server (network and firewall settings etc.).

Nothing has to be done in the powerFactoryconfiguration itself. The TypRelays in the Library must of course support powerWare/ PowerFactory mapping.


Getting Started

This section is a simple walkthrough and covers the most essential PowerWareinterface functionality. By using a simple PowerFactoryproject and simple PowerWaresubstation, it describes

1 how relays in PowerWare and PowerFactoryare created, 2 . how these relays are linked,

3 how settings can be exported from PowerFactoryto PowerWare, 4 how settings can be imported again into powerFactory.

All (especially the more advanced) options and features are described in the reference section (see section 28.5.6 (Reference».

Prepare substation in PowerWare

We begin with the PowerWare side. We create a substation and two relays within: ~ start the web browser,

~ log on to the PowerWare system,

~ create a new substation titled Getting Started,


28 - 39

DIg51~~NT PowerFactrxy

InterfaO!s with Other Prnqrarns

~ create two relays named Getting Started Relay 1 and Getting Started Relay 2 in the

Getting Startedsubstation

In the HTML interface the station detail page should look as shown in figure 2B.22. ~ Go to the detail page of the Getting Started Relay 1 (c.f. figure 2B.23).,

Since we have just created the device it has no settings, yet. Later it will contain a PowerFacto/ysetting which reflects the relay state on the PowerFacto/yside.

Fig. 28.22: Substation


Fig. 28.23: Device


28 - 40




DIgSlLENT PowerFactory

Interfaces with Other Programs

Prepare project in PowerFactory

Create a new PowerFactotyproject and create a simple grid within ~ start PowerFactory;

~ create a new project titled GettingStarted,

~ draw a simple grid with two terminals (ElmTerm) connected by a line (ElmLne) as shown in figure 28.24.

Fig. 28.24: Grid

Now add a relay to the upper terminal

~ right-click the cubicle quadrangle with the mouse. A context menu pops up. ~ select New Oevices ... /Relay Model. .. as shown in figure 28.25.

A dialogue pops up that allows you to specify the settings of the new relay (ElmRelaYJ. ~ insert Getting Started Relay 1 as Name

~ select an appropriate Relay Typewhich supports PowerWare import/export (c.f.

figure 28.26).

~ press Q!5

~ in the same way add a relay Getting Started Relay 2to the second terminal. PowerFactory's object filter mechanism gives an overview over all devices inside the current project.

28 - 41

DIgSILENT PowerFacrory

Interfaces with otI1er Programs

Fig. 28.25: Cubicle context menu


~ Press the icon i~ttj (Edit Relevant Objects for calculation) in the toolbar and select

the icon [E5] (ElmRelaJl) to filter out all non-relay objects as shown in figure 28.27.

All calculation relevant relays (actually there only the two we created above) are displayed in a table (d. figure 28.28).

Link Relays and establish a Connection

Now the PowerFactoryrelays must get linked to the PowerWare relays. ~ mark both relay [D] icons with the mouse,

~ press the right mouse button.

A context menu pops up as shown in figure 28.29. ~ select the PowerWare menu item,

~ select the Select Device 10 Item.

A Log on to PowerWare serverdialogue pops up. Since this is the first time PowerFactory connects to the PowerWareserver some connection settings must be entered.

28 - 42







DIgSILENT PawerFadrJry

Interfaces with Other ProgramS

Fig. 28.26: Relay dialogue

Fig. 28.27: Relay object filter

~ enter the server Endpoint URL of the PowerWare server, The URL should have a format similar to!powerwarews.asrnx

~ enter Username and Password of a va lid PowerWare user account.

28 - 43

DIgSILENT i'owerractrJry

Interfaces with Other Programs

Fig. 28.28: Relay display

Fig. 28.29: Device context menu

Figure 28.30 shows the dialogue settings.

Fig. 28.30:

Log on dialogue

~ press~.

The connection procedure may take some seconds. If the server could be accessed and

26 - 44


.-..... ... -/





OIgSllENT PowerFacrory

Interfaces with Other Programs

the user could be authenticated a success message is printed into the output window DIgSI/info - Established connection

to PowerWare server '' as user'pf00002'

Otherwlse an error dialogue pops up. Correct the connection settings until the connection is successfully created. The reference section (section 1.6.2) explains the connection options in detail.

Having established a connection to the server, a browser dialogue pops up which displays the location hierarchy as known from the PowerWilre HTML interface. The dialogue is shown in figure 28.31.

~ navigate to the Getting Staltedsubstation, ~ select the Getting Started Relay 1 device,

~ press OK.

.,-~ ,. <ii---!~redr¢l (,j,J---:fIobt~

Fig. 28.31: Browser dialogue

Now the PowerFactory relay is "connected" to the PowerWilre device.

~ in the same way select Getting Started Relay 2 for the second PowerFactoryrelay.

Export and Import Settings

Having linked powerFactoryto PowerWilre devices, the transfer between both systems can be done.

~ mark the relays with the mouse and right-click to get the relay context menu as shown in figure 28.29.

~ select the Export ... item in the PowerWare menu entry.

A ComPowerwaredialogue is shown which allows to specify the export options (d. Fig. 1.16). See section (Export and Import Settings) in the Reference section for all export options.

28 - 45

DIgSItENT PowerF<Ktwy

tnterfacas with Other Progra ms


Fig. 28.32: ComPowerware dialogue

~ leave powerFactory as Life cycle Phase, ~ press Execute.

After a few seconds the relay settings are transferred to the server, and the output window contains the message

DlgSI/info - Exported 2 of 2 device settings successfully

The result can now be observed In the PowerWareHTML interface.

Fig. 28.33: Device detail page

~ navigate to the relay detail view of the Getting Started Relay 1 relay (c.f. Fig. 28.33) 0 Observe the new created PF setting. The phase of this setting is PowerFactory.

26 - 46





DlgStLENT PowerFactory

Interfaces with Other Programs

~ switch to the settings detail page of the new PF setting (c.f.Fig. 28.34).

Fig. 28.34: Setting detail page

The setting values should correspond to the relay state in PowerFactory. In the same way the Getting Started Relay 2 relay has a new PF setting.

Now try the opposite direction and import a setting from PowerWare into PowerFac~ tory.

• modify the PF settings in PowerWare by entering some other values

~ in PowerFactotymark the relays with the mouse and right-dick to get the relay context menu as shown in figure 28.29.

~ select the Import ... item in the PowerWare menu entry.

Again the ComPowerwaredialogue (c.f. figure 28.32) pops up as known from the export . • leave the default settings,

~ press Execute.

Again the result of the settings transfer is reflected in the output window:

DIgSI/info - Imported 2 of 2 device settings successfully ~ find ElmRelayobject parameters changed according to the changes on the PowerWare side

All import options are described in detail in the reference section (Export and Import Set· tings).



This section describes all options and features concerning the powerWareinterface.

The Device Context Menu

Almost all functionality can be accessed by the device context menu. Mark one ore more objects which supports the PowerWaretransfer e.g. ElmRe/ay

28 - 47

DIgSlLENT PowerF;;ctary

Interfaces with Other Programs

• in the object filter (c.f. in figure 28.29)

• in the data manager as shown in figure 28.35.


'- __ '

Fig. 28.35: Device context menu

The PowerWaresubmenu contains the entries as follows:

Export ...

opens the ComPowerware dialogue and sets the device selection according to the above selected device objects. The ComPowerware dialogue settings are explained in detail in section (The ComPowerware Object).

does the same for the export direction.

Import ...

Select Device 10 ••.

,starts the Browser dialogue (c.f. figure 28.39) to link this device to a PowerWare device. The dialogue is subject of section (The Browser Dialogue).

Reset Device ID

resets the device rD.


"-.~ __ .f


terminates the current PowerWaresession if it's already existing. Shows a Log On dialogue. The connection settings are covered by section 1.6.2. This may be useful when you are using several PowerWareaccounts and want to switch between them.

terminates the PowerWare session

Connect ...


Similar to the HTML interface the PowerWare interface in PowerFactoryis session-ori- 0 ented: when a user logs on to the system by specifying a valid PowerWare account

(username and password) a new session is created. Only inside such a session Power-

28 - '18





DIg SILeNT PowerFactrJl}'

Interfaces wIth Other Programs

Warecan be used. The account privileges restrict the application functionality e.g. an administrator account is more powerful than a usual user account.

Fig. 28.36: Log on dialogue

Working with PowerFactorythe first time the PowerWareserver is required the Logon dialogue is shown as shown in figure 28.36.

The PowerWare connection options are stored in the user settings (c.f. figure 28.37). After each successful logon the user settings are updated.

Fig. 28.37: User settings

As mentioned in the Architecture section (section 1.2) PowerWare is a client-server application. The PowerWareserver component is located on a server machine in the internet. The client component is the PowerFactoryapplication which is running on a client machine.

The technology PowerFactoryand PowerWareuse to communicate is called web services and is standardized like many other internet technologies (HTML, HTTP). The server computer (or more exactly the PowerWareservice application on the server computer) has a 'name' by which it can be accessed. This 'name' is called service endpoint and resembles a web page URL:



http denotes the protocol, is the computer name (or DNS) of the server computer and psmsws/psmsws.asmx is the name of the PowerWare application.

The connection options are as follows:

Service Endpoint .

The Service Endpoint denotes the PowerWareserver 'name' as described above


Username and Password have to be valid user account in PowerWare. A PowerWare user account has nothing to do with the PowerFactoryuser account.

The very same PowerWare accou nt can be used by two different PowerFactoryusers. The privileges. of the PowerWare account actually restrict the functionality. For device

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DlgS1LENT Po~actory

Interfaces with Other Programs

import the user requires read-access rights. For exporting additionally write-access rights are required.


The Browser Dialogue

As mentioned in the Concept description (see section (Device» the PowerWaredevice ID is stored as Foreign Key in the ElmRe/ayobject dialogue (Description page) as shown in figure 28.38.


Fig. 28.38: Elm Relay dialogue

A more convenient way is to use the Browser dialogue shown in figure 28.39. The dialogue allows to browse through the PowerWare location hierarchy and select a device. The hierarchy data is cached to minimize network accesses. Due this caching it's possible that there may exist newly created locations or devices which are not displayed in the browser dialogue. The Refresh button empties the cache and enforces PowerFactory to re-fetch the correct data from the server.

The :ComPowerware Object

In PowerFactoryalmost everything is an object: relays are ElmRelayobjects, users are IntUserobjects, and grids are ElmNetobjects.

What may be on the first sight confusing is the fact that actions are objects as well: for a

short-circuit calculation a ComShcobject is created. The calculation can be performed n with several options e.g. 3-Phase, single phase, or 3 Phase to Neutral.',j


Fig. 28.39: Browser dialogue

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