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According to International Diabetes Federetion (IDF) data, the number of

people with diabetes mellitus in Indonesia in 2014 was 9.1 million and will be
increase to 14.1 million in 2015, so it will make some problems both to
government and people. Diabetes mellitus affected human resources and it will
have an impact on increasing of health costs, so to solve this problems we need
cooperation all of member to provide welfare to diabetes mellitus patients. What
is the effect of spiritual relaxation on decreasing blood sugar levels among
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Klink Mitra 12 Jombang.

This study used a quasy experimental design with pretest-posttest control

approach. The respondents in this study were 14 people and divided into two
groups (intervention group and control group) and selected by simple random
sampling technique. The blood sugar levels were examined before intervention,
then spiritual relaxation therapy was carried out and after intervention the blood
sugar levels were measured again.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the chronic diseases that are given facilities by
the BPJS (Health Insurance Maintenance Agency) and this also accordance with
Indonesian government's program and we call PROLANIS. PROLANIS (a
chronic disease treatment program) is one program in primary health care center
and the aims to maintain the quality of life of people with chronic diseases to stay
in control, such as patients who have diabetes, hypertension and gout, and it was
carried out once a month in 12 Mitra Clinic in Malang. The activities in
PROLANIS are including health examination , gymnastics and health counseling.
With the general characteristics of respondents obtained include Gender, Age,
Body Weight, Drug Consumption and Food consumed.

Spiritual relaxation is one of the nursing interventions according to nursing

law number 38, 2014 and mentioned about complementary nursing. Spiritual
relaxation can be done as an intervention to reducing anxiety with a variety of
diverse actions, include: deep breathing relaxation techniques, distraction
techniques (guide imaginary), music therapy, and control through a spiritual
approach by means of bedzikir or prayer. Nursing interventions are generally
carried out by nurses as an effort of health education in the provision of nursing

Spiritual relaxation will activate the work of the parasympathetic nerves,

than it will reducing sympathetic nerves so that the arteries will expand and
promote blood circulation and oxygen and it will carry to the body and in the end
can make a person relax. Spiritual relaxation also activates the limbic system in
the brain and affects the work of the temporal lobe and the amygdala, as we know
they are a source of motivation, emotional and sensory information in the brain
and also it make a person to relax. Two systems will inhibits the release of stress
hormones and increase blood sugar levels, namely the hormone cortisol, glucagon
and epinephrine so that blood sugar levels will decrease.

The results of this study were obtained before giving the intervention, blood
sugar levels of all respondents in the category ≥200mg / dl. However, after given
the intervention of spiritual relaxation, the respondents' blood sugar levels among
intervention groups there was a decrease between 40-100mg / dl. the results of t-
test with paired samples t-test showed that ρ ≤ α with the results of 0,000 5 0.05,
with the conclusion there is an effect of spiritual relaxation to decreasing blood
sugar levels among diabetes mellitus patients.

Spirituality can provide energy of individuals to adapt on difficult situations

and maintain of health. Spiritual and religious beliefs can provide a source of
strength and confidence for patient suffering from disease. According to Erich
Forman (1989) the specific activity of the temporal lobe as proof that religion is
indeed united in humans, religious nature cannot be lost even if a person does not
adhere to any religion.

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