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See me ride a bike!

April 2019 Teacher Liz

Today when I was talking with teacher Rosy about you being able to ride the bike
she told me that she had observed you a few days before hand & had thought that
the bikes were too big for you & she would not push you as she wanted you to be
ready on your own! - even the other teachers are surprised how quickly you learned
to ride the bike!
Farah, today you had set yourself the goal of riding a two wheel pedal bike. You
were focussed and determined. I observed you from a far as you hopped on began
by calling out for a teacher to help hold you as you hoped on, to start with I held on
to the seat behind you for the length of the playground. You knew what you need-
ed to do and by having a teacher help you built up your confidence. Even when you
fell/stopped yourself you were determined, you picked yourself up and straight
away, got back on the bike and again called for a teacher to help you to start.
You soon had enough speed and balance that I was able to let go! At the begin-
ning you found turning corners and dodging obstacles challenging as you kept
looking at your feet! You still wanted a teacher to hold the bike for balance when
you first start but you built up confidence so quickly and were able to peddle the
bike all on your own! You kept practicing all day, every chance you could, I told you
that, I believed by Monday you would be off like a pro and not need any help at all
and even be able to turn corners, however you didn't need until Monday! By the
end of Friday you did not need help to start and you began to practice turning cor-
ners and watching where you were headed! . Today was the day you mastered the
bike, you are learning that you need persistence and a lot of practice.
Today you set yourself a goal and set out to achieve it, just like when you learned
to push the swing on your own! You knew that you may need a teacher to help
you and you knew when you were confident enough to go on your own. Farah you
amazed me being able to master riding a bike on your own all in one day! That shows me how driven you
are to achieve. You continue to build on your physical development and will be practicing so many skills
whilst on the bikes, I will continue to support you
in setting and achieving your own physical chal-
While riding the bikes you will be gaining:
 Strong muscles to push yourself around
 Spatial awareness—of where the bike will &
wont fit. How to move your body to balance
 Force & motion working theories—just like
how you discovered that its faster on a
 Sharing and other relationship skills
 Dramatic play scenes– negotiation of rules,
communication, making links to adults world
Farah , I’m glad you enjoyed the bikes today, just
look how much fun you had, that’s what childhood
is all about!

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