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XXXIX Ibero-Latin American Congress on

Computational Methods in Engineering

November 11-14, 2018

Paris and Compiègne, France

A. Ibrahimbegović, P.M. Pimenta
CILAMCE 2018 Proceedings of XXXIX
Ibero-Latin American Congress on
Computational Methods in Engineering
Adnan Ibrahimbegovic and Paulo de Mattos Pimenta
c Adnan Ibrahimbegovic and Paulo de Mattos Pimenta

Édition : Adnan Ibrahimbegovic and Paulo de Mattos Pimenta

17 rue Ferdinand Sarrazin, 60280 Margny les Compiegne, France

ISBN : 978-2-9565961-0-3

Dépôt Légal : Novembre 2018

ISBN 978-2-95-659610-3
0.00 EUR

9 782956 596103
CILAMCE 2018 : XXXIX Ibero-Latin American Congress on
Computational Methods in Engineering
November 11-14, 2018, Paris/Compiègne, France
Adnan Ibrahimbegovic , Paulo M. Pimenta
1 2

University of Technology Compiegne – Sorbonne Universités, 60200 Compiegne, France,
Escola Polytechnica, University of Sao Paulo, 380-05508-010 Sao Paulo, Brazil,

Abstract: CILAMCE 2018 is the thirty ninth in the series of International Congresses focusing upon
Computational Methods in Engineering, held each year in Brazil. Previous meeting have all been
organized under umbrella of Brazilian association abmec, ‘Associação Brasileira de Métodos
Computacionais em Engenharia’, as the sponsor of CILAMCE Congress series. For this particular
Congress, we have additional two sponsors from France: CSMA, Association of Computational
Mechanics, and SMAI, Association of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. The institutions organizing
CILAMCE 2018 are University of Technology Compiegne, a member Sorbonne Universities, and Escola
Politecnica of University of Sao Paulo. The CILAMCE 2018 is held from 11 to 13 November 2018 in
Compiegne, with the final day of November 14 in Paris. The Congress seeks to provide a platform for
learning from some of the worlds' leading specialists in numerical methods, coming from engineering
disciplines and applied mathematics.


The main idea of this CILAMCE Congress is to examine recent advances in numerical methods
in currently most active research domains, with applications to interface and/or interaction of
several engineering disciplines. The multi-physics models and methods of this kind are often
bridging the phenomena taking place at multiple scales in space and time, which ought to be
placed in interaction or accounted for simultaneously in order to provide the most reliable results
explanations. This class of problems calls for the development and combination of different
modeling tools and computational methods in order to advance the field towards currently
relevant industrial applications. A number of different schools have developed in various
domains, both in engineering sciences and mathematics, with sometimes very little or no
interaction between them. It is an explicit goal of this CILAMCE Congress to bring all the
different communities together, from Brazil and from France, in the truly open scientific spirit,
and thus provide a sound basis for a fruitful exchange and crossfertilization of ideas among them.

Abimael F. D. Loula (LNCC), Brazil
Adair Roberto Aguiar (EESC/USP), Brazil
Adnan Ibrahimbegovic, France
Alberto Cardona, Argentina
Alfredo Gay Neto, Brazil
Álvaro Luiz Gayoso de Azeredo Coutinho (UFRJ), Brazil
André Teófilo Beck (USP/São Carlos), Brazil
Anthony Gravouil, France
Bernardo Horowitz (UFPE), Brazil
Bert Sluys, Netherlands
Carlos Magluta (COPPE/UFRJ), Brazil
Carlos Manuel Tiago Tavares Fernandes (IST/Portugal), Portugal
Cheng Liang Yee (USP), Brazil
Christianne de Lyra Nogueira (UFOP), Brazil
Delphine Brancherie, France
Eduardo de Miranda Batista (UFRJ), Brazil
Eduardo Fancello (UFSC), Brazil
Eduardo M. B. Campello (USP), Brazil
Eduardo M. R. Fairbairn (COPPE/UFRJ), Brazil
Emílio Carlos Nelli Silva (USP), Brazil
Estevam Barbosa de Las Casas (UFMG), Brazil
Eugenio Oñate, Brazil
Evandro Parente Jr (UFC), Brazil
Felício Bruzzi Barros (UFMG), Brazil
Fernando Alves Rochinha (UFRJ), Brazil
Florian De Vuyst, France
Francisco Chinesta, France
Francisco Evangelista Jr (UnB),Brazil
Gilberto Gomes (UnB),Brazil
Glaucio H. Paulino (Georgia Tech), Brazil
Gray Farias Moita (CEFET/MG), Brazil
Hachmi Ben Dhia, France
Hélio José C. Barbosa (LNCC), Brazil
Henrique Campelo Gomes (USP), Brazil
Hermann Matthies, Germany
Jean-Philippe Ponthot, Belgium
João Costa Pantoja (UnB), Brazil
Jörg Schröder, Germany
Jorge Ambrósio, Portugal
José Guilherme Santos Da Silva (UERJ), Brazil
José Luís Drummond Alves (UFRJ), Brazil
Julien Yvonnet, France
Julio R. Meneghini, Brazil
Kam Liu Wing, U.S.A.
Leonardo da Silveira P. Inojosa (UnB), Brazil
Lineu José Pedroso (UnB), Brazil

Luis Bitencourt, Brazil
Marcílio Alves, Brazil
Marcio Augusto Roma Buzar (UnB),Brazil
Márcio Muniz de Faria (UnB), Brazil
Marco Lúcio Bittencourt (UNICAMP), Brazil
Nelson F.F. Ebecken (UFRJ), Brazil
Ney Augusto Dumont (PUC/RJ), Brazil
Ney Roitman (COPPE/UFRJ), Brazil
Nicolas Moës, France
Pablo Javier Blanco (LNCC), Brazil
Patrícia de Oliveira Faria (UFSC), Brazil
Paulo B. Gonçalves (PUC-Rio), Brazil
Paulo M. Pimenta (USP), Brazil
Paulo R. M. Lyra (UFPE), Brazil
Peter Wriggers, Germany
Phillippe Devloo (UNICAMP), Brazil
Raul R. Silva (PUC-Rio), Brazil
Reyolando M.L.R.F. Brasil (UFABC), Brazil
Ricardo Azoubel da Mota Silveira (UFOP), Brazil
Roberto Dalledone Machado (PUC-PR), Brazil
Roger Ohayon, France
Ruy Marcelo Pauletti, Brazil
Sergio Idelsohn, Argentina
Sérgio Proença (USP/São Carlos), Brazil
Suzana Moreira Ávila (UnB), Brazil
Sylvia Regina Mesquita de Almeida (UFG), Brazil
Tadeusz Burczynski, Poland
Tod Laursen, U.A.E.
Yvon Maday, France
Zenon José Guzman Nuñez del Prado (UFG), Brazil


Sorbonne Universities-UTC : Prof. Adnan Ibrahimbegovic, Dr. Delphine Brancherie, Ms. Brigitte
Duch, Prof. Florian De Vuyst
University of Sao Paulo-EP : Prof. Paulo M. Pimenta, Prof. Eduardo M.B. Campello
Sorbonne Universities-UTC doctoral students : Mr. Ivan Rukavina, Mr. Pablo Moreno Navarro,
Ms. Tea Rukavina, Ms. Rosa Adela Mejia, Ms. Abir Boujelben, Mr. X.N. Do, Ms. S. Grbcic, Ms.
E. Hadzalic, Mr. I. Imamovic, Mr. E. Karavelic, Ms. S. Dobrilla


The Congress topics to be addressed concern not only ‘classical’ domains of Solid, Structural and
Fluid Mechanics, but also a number of currently ‘hot’ domains, such as: Heterogeneous
materials, Complex structures and systems, Material and structure failures, Adaptive modeling,
Mechanics of porous media, Fluid-structure interaction, Multi-phase flows, Model reduction,
Stochastic Processes, Uncertainty Propagation, Industrial Applications ...
The final day of the congress, scheduled at IUF location in Paris, will regroup invited plenary
lecturers giving overview of both current research in their fields and still open questions and
explorations to come. The keynote and standard lectures of each of first two congress days of this
congress at UT Compiegne, will address a number of issues concerning computational methods

in wide variety of topics.
The following organized Mini-Symposia (containing 6 or more papers) are scheduled at the
Computational Methods for Image Processing and Analysis
Advanced Analysis in Steel and Steel-Concrete Composite Structures
Topology Optimization of Multifunctional Materials, Fluids and Structures
Modeling, Simulation and Control of Aerospace and Naval Structures Dynamics
Modelling, Design and Additive Manufacturing of Vibro-Acoustic Metamaterials
Boundary Element and Mesh-Reduced Methods
Numerical Modelling in Support to the Assessment and Strengthening of Existing Structures
Engineering Simulations using Finite Difference Methods
Structural Reliability Methods and Design Optimization Under Uncertainties
Analysis and Design of Offshore Systems
Numerical Simulation of Wave Propagation
Advances in the Lattice-Boltzmann Method in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Computational Fracture Mechanics (CFM)
Data Science Approaches and Applications
Experimental Investigation of Wave Propagation in Light Weight Structures Undergoing
Flexural Vibration
Health Monitoring and Numerical Modeling of Structures
Numerical Methods Applied to Structural Design of Civil Construction
Advances on the Design and Optimization of Membranes, Gridshells and Bending-active
Computational Plasticity: Monotonic and Cyclic Applications
Analysis of Stability and Deformation of Evaporites Cavity
On the Numerical Simulation of Discrete Fracture Networks
Ageing and material pathologies towards civil engineering structural response
Advances in Solid and Structural Mechanics
Advances Thermal Sciences and Heat Propagation Problems
Modern Industrial Applications
Computational Modelling of Damage in Materials, Solids and Structures
Fluid-Structure Interaction
Reduced Order Modeling in Computational Mechanics


Sunday November 11, 2018, Compiègne, Welcome Event:
10 a.m. Armistice Day 100th anniversary: [Compiègne where the peace agreement between
France and Germany was signed to end The World War I, on November 11, 1918]

Monday/Tuesday November 12-13, 2018, UT Compiègne

9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Parallel Sessions MS : Université de Technologie Compiègne
Nov. 12, 6 p.m. Reception City Hall / Nov. 13, 5 p.m. Gen. Assembly abmec

Wednesday November 14, 2018, Paris

1:30 p.m. Plenary Session: IUF-Institut Universitaire de France, 1 rue Descartes, Paris
6 p.m. Guided Tour (Panthéon, Notre Dame, Musée Louvre …)
8 p.m. Banquet : Bateaux Mouches, [cruise on river Seine], Paris









Hermann Matthies and Adnan Ibrahimbegovic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Julien Yvonnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Paulo de Mattos Pimenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Yvon Maday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Adnan Ibrahimbegovic, Abir Boujelben, Xuan Nam Do, Simona Dobrilla, Emina Hadzalic, Sara
Grbčić, Ismar Imamovic, Emir Karavelić, Rosa Adela Mejia Nava, Pablo Moreno-Navarro, Mijo
Nikolic, Ivan Rukavina, Tea Rukavina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Eduardo M. B. Campello . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Florian De Vuyst, Faker Ben Belgacem, Piotr Breitkopf, Georges Oppenheim and Pierre Villon . 25

Abir Boujelben and Adnan Ibrahimbegovic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Adair Aguiar, Gianni Royer-Carfagni and Alan Seitenfuss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Daniel Soares and Alexandre Cury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Alfredo Gay Neto and Thiago Pereira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Giovanni Aiosa Do Amaral, Estevan Covari Isaak, Alfredo Gay Neto and Guilherme Rosa Franzini 42
Carlos Barbosa, Schirley Jorge, Raphael Vilela, Luciano Leite, Jose Camata and Alvaro Coutinho 46
Linda Gesenhues, José J. Camata, Adriano M.A. Côrtes, Fernando A. Rochinha and Alvaro L.G.A.
Coutinho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Anaximandro Souza, Leonardo Lisboa and Rodrigo Melo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Anaximandro Souza, Carlos Magno and Luís Jorge de Mesquita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
André Teófilo Beck, Rodolfo Tessari and Henrique Kroetz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
André Teófilo Beck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Anderson Melchiades Vasconcelos Da Silva, Mariana Julie Do Nascimento Santos and Antonio
Gilson Barbosa de Lima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Rafaela Quinto Costa Melo, José Vieira Silva and Antonio Gilson Barbosa de Lima . . . . . . . 65
Axel Modave, Xavier Antoine and Christophe Geuzaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Marcelo Beckmann, Nelson Ebecken and Beatriz De Lima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Breenda Lorrana Vieira Lima and Michell Macedo Alves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Bruno Monteiro, Bruno Jacovazzo, Carl Albrecht and Breno Jacob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Carlos Alberto Dutra Fraga Filho, Lucas Lustosa Schuina and Brenda Silva Porto . . . . . . . . 83
Cátia Silva, Sascha Maassen, Nils Viebahn, Paulo de Mattos Pimenta and Jörg Schröder . . . . . 87
Chawki Tahri, Christophe Bertoni, Eric Feulvarch, Helmut Klocker and Jean-Michel Bergheau . . 91
Philippe R. B. Devloo and Chensong Zhang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Claudio Roberto Ávila Da Silva Júnior and Pedro Danizete Damázio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Claudio Roberto Ávila Da Silva Júnior and Pedro Danizete Damázio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Herminio T. Honorio, Felipe Giacomelli, Lucas G. T. Da Silva and Clovis R. Maliska . . . . . . . 111
Daiane Faller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Dang Phong Bach, Delphine Brancherie and Ludovic Cauvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
David Sebastian Cotes Prieto, Cesar Andrés Mendez Poveda, William Giovanny Alfonso León and
Oscar Javier Begambre Carrillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

Davidson De Oliveira França Júnior and Lineu José Pedroso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Davidson De Oliveira França Júnior and Lineu José Pedroso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Jeremie Bude and Delphine Brancherie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Dimitri Komatitsch, Simon Bernard, Vadim Monteiller, Philippe Lasaygues and Régine Guillermin 136
Djemerson Mateus de Andrade, Geraldo Donizetti de Paula and Rovadávia Aline de Jesus Ribas 139
Dong Ding, Abdellatif Ouahsine and Peng Du . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Douglas Roca Santo, Jean-Mathieu Mencik, Bin Tang, Paulo José Paupitz Gonçalves and Michael
John Brennan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Eduardo M. B. Campello . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Eduardo Naccache and Valério Almeida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Eliete Biasotto Hauser, Evandro Manica, Gianina Teribele Venturin, Samuel Greggio, Eduardo R.
Zimmer, Wyllians Vendramini Borelli and Jaderson Costa Da Costa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
André Luis Ferreira Da Silva, Ruben Andres Salas and Emílio Carlos Nelli Silva . . . . . . . . . 162
Emmanuel Lefrançois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Emina Hadzalic, Adnan Ibrahimbegovic and Samir Dolarevic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Emir Karavelić and Adnan Ibrahimbegovic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Tiago Zampaolo, Ernesto Massaroppi Jr., Miguel Abambres and Tiago Ribeiro . . . . . . . . . . 179
Fabiana De Fatima Giacomini and Ana Paula Da Silveira Vargas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Tiago Sten Freitas, Fabrício Nogueira Corrêa and Breno Pinheiro Jacob . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Raí Quintas, Fabricio Corrêa and Carl Albrecht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Fangtao Yang, Alain Rassineux, Carl Labergere and Khemais Saanouni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

Felipe Pamplona Mariano, Andreia Aoyagui Nascimento and Aristeu Da Silveira Neto . . . . . . 194
Elder Gualberto Alves, Felipe Pamplona Mariano and Andreia Aoyagui Nascimento . . . . . . . 198
Felipe Tempel Stumpf and Rogério José Marczak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Flavio Torres Da Fonseca, Roque Luiz Da Silva Pitangueira and Samuel Silva Penna . . . . . . . 201
Florian De Vuyst and Thomas Douillet-Grellier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
François Dubois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Paulo Guilherme Inca, Gabriel Maidl, Eduardo Massashi Yamao, Renato De Arruda Penteado
Neto, Leandro Coelho and Cintia De Carvalho Toledo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Gabriela Bandeira De Melo Lins De Albuquerque, Valdir Pignatta E Silva and João Paulo Cor-
reia Rodrigues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Thiago Arnaud Abreu De Oliveira, Gilberto Gomes, Francisco Evangelista Junior and Alvaro
Martins Delgado Neto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Jether Gomes, Thiago Dias and Gray Moita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Henrique Braga, Gray Moita and Paulo E. M. De Almeida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Guido Giuntoli, Guillaume Houzeaux, Mariano Vázquez and Sergio Oller . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Guilherme Barros, Luiz Fernando Martha and Evandro Parente Junior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Guilherme Garcia Botelho, Humberto Alves Da Silveira Monteiro, Rodrigo Guerra Peixoto and
Roque Luiz Da Silva Pitangueira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Guoqiang Wei, Pascal Lardeur and Frédéric Druesne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Gustavo Gontijo, Éder Albuquerque and Eugênio Fortaleza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Helena Fideles, Marco Santos, Sergio Santos and Webe Mansur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Henrique Ataide Nery De Castro Filho, Suzana Moreira Avila and José Luis Vital de Brito . . . . 248
Iara Ribeiro, Francisco Célio de Araújo, Kátia Silva and Tatiane Maga Mendes . . . . . . . . . . 251
Iarly Vanderlei Da Silveira, Mauricio Mendes Vitalli and Lineu José Pedroso . . . . . . . . . . . 255

Adriano Ribeiro Marinho, Hélio Luiz Simonetti, Valério S. Almeida, Isabel Jesus and Ramiro
Barbosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Ismar Imamovic, Adnan Ibrahimbegovic and Esad Mesic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Ivan Rukavina and Adnan Ibrahimbegovic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Eduard Antaluca, Raphael Rolin, Jean-Louis Batoz and Fabien Lamarque . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Yabo Jia, Jean-Christophe Roux, Eric Feulvarch, Jean-Baptiste Leblond and Jean-Michel Bergheau276
Jeferson Fernandes and Rodolfo Sanches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Péricles Rafael Pavão Carvalho, Humberto Breves Coda, Rodolfo André Kuche Sanches and Je-
ferson Fernandes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
Joao Gabriel Souza Debossam, Juan Diego Dos Santos Heringer, Grazione de Souza and Helio
Pedro Amaral Souto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Joel Beny and Jonas Latt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Almério Pamplona, Flávia Cardoso, Fabiano Dos Santos and Joel Vasco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Jorge Leite, Diogo Ribeiro, Nuno Pinto and Rui Calçada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Jorge Nunez Ramirez, Antoine Hurman and Fréderic Laurin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
José Alves, Alvaro Coutinho, Renato Elias, Carlos Silva, Leandro Gazoni, Marcus Casagrande
and Ricardo Borges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
José Guilherme Santos Da Silva, Leonardo Souza Bastos and Carolina Sanchez Guerrero . . . . 306
José Guilherme Santos Da Silva, Alan Barile and Leonardo Souza Bastos . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Juan Diego Dos Santos Heringer, João Gabriel de Souza Debossam, Grazione de Souza and
Helio Pedro Amaral Souto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Aldemon Bonifacio, Julia Mendes, Michele Farage, Flavio Barbosa, Ciro Barbosa and Anne-Lise
Beaucour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318

Aldemon Bonifacio, Julia Mendes, Michele Farage, Flavio Barbosa, Ciro Barbosa and Anne-Lise
Beaucour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Juliana Santos, Marcus Morais, Erwin Palechor, Marcela Machado, Ramon Silva and Luciano
Bezerra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
Kaio Ricardo Da Silva, Evangelos Dimitrios Christakou and Lenildo Santos Da Silva . . . . . . . 324
Leandro Da Silva Carvalho and Nelson Francisco Favilla Ebecken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
André Valente, Leandro Di Bartolo and Webe Mansur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Eliaquim Ramos, Leandro Tavares Da Silva, Gilson Giraldi and Jaime Cardoso . . . . . . . . . 342
Kamila Nascimento, Marco Bessa and Leonardo Inojosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Marco Bessa, Leonardo Inojosa, José Humberto De Paula, Ronaldo Almeida and Marcio Buzar . 350
Gabriel Konda Rodrigues, Maíra Martins Da Silva and Leopoldo Pisanelli Rodrigues de Oliveira 354
Lucas Yudi Moriya Sampaio and Leopoldo Pisanelli Rodrigues de Oliveira . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
Lucas Favarato, Adenilcia Calenzani, Juliana Pires, Elisabeth Junges and Johann Ferrareto . . . 379
Balaji Raghavan, Ludovic Cauvin, Salima Bouvier, Piotr Breitkopf and Fodil Meraghni . . . . . . 382
Adriana Silva, Lineu Pedroso and Luiz Oliveira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Luiz Souza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
Andréia H. A. Silva, Gonzalo L. Pita, Julio Flórez-Lopez, Gustavo H. Siqueira, Thiago D. Santos,
Karolinne O. Coelho, Ricardo A. Picón and Luiz C. M. Vieira Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Marcello Congro, Rafael Abreu and Deane Roehl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
Calebe Souza and Maria Clara Rameiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
Matheus Lisboa and Carla Anflor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Mohamed Ali, Sami Kaidi and Emmanuel Lefrançois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405

Mohammad Malekan, Simão Bach and Idagene A. Cestari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
Nasser Alkmim and Francisco Evangelista Junior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
David Oliveira Fonseca, Raquel Jahara Lobosco, Graziela Maria Faquim Jannuzzi and Necesio
Gomes Costa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
Gilberto Pereira and Nelson Ebecken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
Alexandre de Assis Motta and Nelson Francisco Favilla Ebecken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Nikolaos Limnios and Adnan Ibrahimbegovic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
Norberto Domínguez, Arturo Suarez and Juan-Edmundo Mayorga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
Octavio Castillo Reyes, Josep de La Puente and José María Cela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
Pablo Moreno-Navarro, Adnan Ibrahimbegovic and Alejandro Ospina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
João Xavier, Robson Pereira, Lineu Pedroso and Paulo Martins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
Robson Pereira, João Paulo Xavier, Paulo Martins and Lineu Pedroso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Luiz Hegele, Keijo Mattila, Jonas Hegele and Paulo Philippi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Gustavo Ramirez, Fernando Contreras, Darlan Carvalho and Paulo Lyra . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
Pedro Lopes, Rafael Rangel and Luiz Fernando Martha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
Pedro Virgolino, Cátia Costa E. Silva and Paulo de Mattos Pimenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
Peng Du and Abdellatif Ouahsine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
Chensong Zhang and Philippe R. B. Devloo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Pierre Feissel, Liqi Sui and Thierry Denoeux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
Pierre Phalippou, Salim Bouabdallah, Piotr Breitkopf and Pierre Villon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
Rafael Rangel and Luiz Fernando Martha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
Régis Cottereau and Ruben Sevilla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474

Renan Rocha Ribeiro and Rodrigo Lameiras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
Reyolando Brasil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
Rharã Cardoso, Alexandre Cury and Flávio Barbosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Ígor J.M. Lemes, Luís E.S. Dias, Ricardo A.M. Silveira, Amilton R. Silva and Andréa R.D. Silva . 488
Ricardo Silveira, Lidiane de Deus, Jéssica Silva and Ígor Lemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
Roberto Squarcio and Claudio Roberto Ávila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
Rosa Adela Mejia Nava, Adnan Ibrahimbegovic and Rogelio Lozano-Leal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Rosicley Rosa and Juliano Neto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
Ruy Marcelo Pauletti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
Sara Grbčić, Adnan Ibrahimbegovic and Gordan Jelenic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
Sascha Maassen, Paulo de Mattos Pimenta and Jörg Schröder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
Ricardo Bazarin, Christian Naaktgeboren and Silvio Junqueira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
Simona Dobrilla, Noémi Friedman, Tea Rukavina, Hermann Matthies and Adnan Ibrahimbegovic 526
Faisal Amlani, Stéphanie Chaillat and Adrien Loseille . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
Stéphane Dellacherie, Olivier Milon, Cédric Poutré and Arnaud Zinflou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
Tea Rukavina, Adnan Ibrahimbegovic and Ivica Kozar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
Kesley Silva, Matheus Delgado, Adriano Drumond and Thiago Dias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
Thiago Fernandes, Paulo de Mattos Pimenta and Cátia Silva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
Thiago Arnaud Abreu De Oliveira, Gilberto Gomes, Francisco Evangelista Junior and Alvaro
Martins Delgado Neto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546
Tiago Siqueira and Humberto Coda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550
Mariana Souza and Tulio Melo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
Valério S. Almeida, Hélio L Simonetti and Edson B. Ferreira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556

Vanessa Glück Nardi and Admilson T. Franco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
Victor Bicalho Civinelli de Almeida and Delfim Soares Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
Vitoriano Ruas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
Wilber Vélez, Thiago Araujo, Tiago Oliveira and Artur Portela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
Xuan Nam Do and Adnan Ibrahimbegovic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
Shang Gui Cai, Abdellatif Ouahsine and Yannick Hoarau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
Yassine Saadlaoui, Eric Feulvarch, Alexandre Delache, Jean-Baptiste Leblond and Jean-Michel
Bergheau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
Zeyd Benseghier, Pablo Cuéllar, Li-Hua Luu, Stéphane Bonelli and Pierre Philippe . . . . . . . . 600




Hermann G. Matthies1 , Adnan Ibrahimbegović2
1 Institute of Scientific Computing, Technische Universität Braunschweig
38092 Braunschweig, Germany; e-mail:
2 Université de Technologie de Compiègne/Sorbonne Universités

Laboratoire Roberval de Mécanique, Centre de Recherche Royallieu

60200 Compiègne, France; e-mail:

The realistic representation of the mechanical behaviour of heterogeneous materials at large

scales is a considerable challenge. Such materials can be represented at different scales, depend-
ing upon the objectives and the physical mechanisms that are important to account for. But
often one needs computations on scales which are far larger than the significant heterogeneities.
With limited computational resources for typical engineering applications, most frequently
the analysis has to be performed at the structure scale or macro-scale, where the description
of the heterogeneity can not be resolved and is uncertain having only a statistical description.
If only elastic deformations are considered, at this scale cement-based materials—in contrast
to most situations involving geological materials—can be considered as homogeneous, and their
properties can be obtained by homogenisation. Those models are well known for their robustness
and lead to relatively moderate computational cost. Similar things can be said about mildly
non-linear and irreversible behaviour, like incipient plasticity and damage mechanics. Here
one would like to have a phenomenological model of some simpler type, which for this range
of deformations captures the main features of the micro-structure, e.g. has similar amount of
stored and dissipated energies.
Such models are based on a set of ‘material parameters’ which need to be identified, by
minimising some kind of error measure between predicted and observed response, mainly from
experiments providing unique load paths and boundary conditions. In simple idealised situations
this homogenisation can be performed analytically.
However, such homogenisation approaches only, if at all, capture the average behaviour of the
material. They do not take into account the inherent uncertainties attached to heterogeneous
materials and structures. Here we will introduce a method to take account of the uncertainties
in in the heterogeneous materials, the meso-scale, and will also be able to reflect the effect of this
uncertainty on the macro-scale. Normally, homogenisation assumes that the small heterogeneous
scales are infinitesimally small compared to the macro-scale, and that only the mean response
has to be considered, and all response variability due to the variation on small- or meso-scales
has been averaged away. There assumptions are not always valid. One is when the scales are not
well separated, and geological materials and concrete are two examples where there is variability
typically over all scales of interest. The other situation occurs when variations on the meso-scale
may be the cause for large scale effects, like cracks and local material failures, which have severe
consequences on the macro-scale. The well-known size effect is such a feature [1], and we want
numerical methods which are able to capture this. Furthermore we want to be able to allow
Partly supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and

L’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)

3 1
models of different kind to be used on different scales, and be able to bind them together. This
will continue work which was reported on previously at different stages of development [5, 9].
Additionally, we want to have efficient computational procedures, and hence the ability to switch
the computation on different scales as need arises, one could think of this as a form of ‘zoom’
capability [3] for regions where interesting localised phenomena take place.
The variability at all scales which we are thinking of has a geometrical aspect, considering
the arrangement (positions, shapes) of the different phases or materials. The other variability
is in the actual properties of the different phases or materials which make up the heterogeneous
body. Examples of such models, which are actually discrete at the meso-scale, can be found in
[6, 2, 12, 4].
At the macro-scale,we are interested in a continuum model, which exhibits the salient fea-
tures of the meso-scale heterogeneous material. As the macro-scale can not represent the true
variability on the meso-scale, which is typically only known statistically anyway, and hence un-
certain, it is proposed to model this additional uncertainty, which comes from the upscaling and
possible model errors, also by a stochastic model. So we choose a stochastic macro-scale con-
tinuum model, where the unresolved variability of the meso-scale is modelled by the stochastic
content. As the salient features of the heterogeneous material we consider here its volume aver-
aged free energy, and the volume averaged dissipation. We shall restrict ourselves here to purely
isothermal processes for the sake of simplicity.
We consider two different stages resp. resolutions of the computation, which can be used
in conjunction in different parts of the computational domain. A true two-scale computation
in the areas where the macro-scale continuum model alluded to above is not possible do give
a response which is accurate enough. Here the interaction between macro- and meso-scale is
considered so strong that the meso-scale resolution is considered necessary. This may happen
in regions where severe irreversible material processes occur, such that the deformation path of
the macro-scale, which is imposed onto the meso-scale, interacts with the meso-scale response
in some profound way. To capture also the size effect, the so-called MIEL-technique is employed
[7, 9], which has a mesh in a frame of macro elements, see also [3, 4]. As the meso-scale is
heterogeneous and uncertain, this meso-scale model is by default a probabilistic model.
To lower the computational cost, the multi-scale approach just mentioned may be in certain
areas of the computation replaced by the macro-scale continuum model alluded to above. This
is a model which is only defined on the macro scale, and has to be pre-computed. In this
procedure, which may be termed an offline procedure, the results obtained at the fine scale are
used to identify and define the probabilistic variation of the phenomenological model parameters
used at the macro-scale. Both the macro- and meso-scale models are probabilistic models, and
hence probabilistic methods may be used to transfer information between the scales. By using
the fast computations possible with functional representations of stochastic properties, this can
be done with Bayesian methods [13, 11, 10, 8].
The macro-scale model is made such that it is capable of representing the salient features of
the meso-scale behaviour, such as elastic deformation combined with e.g. ductile, quasi-brittle,
or brittle behaviour [6, 2, 12, 4]. The variables which bind the models at the different scales
together are as input the overall deformation, and as output, which has to be matched, one can
take, as already mentioned, the volume averaged free energy density and the entropy production
density. Our latest work [15, 14, 16] demonstrates that it is possible to use these variables for
parameter identification. Finally, what is needed is a procedure to determine when to switch
between these different representations of the heterogeneous meso-scale. This will be based
on an error estimator, which is capable of estimating the error between the continuum model
and the multi-scale representation of the heterogeneous material, such that the computationally
expensive multi-scale model is only used where necessary in material ‘zoom’ fashion [3, 9].

[1] J.-B. Colliat, M. Hautefeuille, A. Ibrahimbegović, and H. G. Matthies, Stochastic approach to quasi-
brittle failure and size effect, Comptes Rend. Académie Science: Mech. (CRAS) 335 (2007), 430–435.

4 2
[2] X. N. Do, A. Ibrahimbegović, and D. Brancherie, Dynamics framework for 2D anisotropic continuum-
discrete damage model for progressive localized failure of massive structures, Computers and Struc-
tures 183 (2017), 14–26, doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2017.01.011.
[3] M. Hautefeuille, J.-B. Colliat, A. Ibrahimbegović, and H. G. Matthies, Multiscale zoom capabil-
ities for damage assessment in structures, Damage Assessment and Reconstruction after Natural
Desasters and Previous Military Activities (A. Ibrahimbegović and M. Zlatar, eds.), NATO-ARW
series, Springer, 2008.
[4] M. Hautefeuille, J.-B. Colliat, A. Ibrahimbegović, H. G. Matthies, and P. Villon, A multi-scale
approach to model localized failure with softening, Computers and Structures 94–95 (2012), 83–95,
[5] A. Ibrahimbegovic and H. G. Matthies, Probabilistic multiscale analysis of inelastic localized failure
in solid mechanics, Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science 19 (2012), 277–304,
Available from:
[6] E. Karavelić, M. Nikolić, A. Ibrahimbegović, and A. Kurtović, Concrete meso-scale model with full
set of 3D failure modes with random distribution of aggregate and cement phase. Part I: Formulation
and numerical implementation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering in Press
(2017), doi:10.1016/j.cma.2017.09.013.
[7] D. Markovič, R. Niekamp, A. Ibrahimbegović, H. G. Matthies, and R. L. Taylor, Multi-scale modeling
of heterogeneous structures with inelastic constitutive behavior: Part I — physical and mathematical
aspects, Engineering Computations 22 (2005), 664–683, doi:10.1108/02644400510603050.
[8] H. G. Matthies, Uncertainty quantification and Bayesian inversion, Encyclopaedia of Computational
Mechanics (E. Stein, R. de Borst, and T. J. R. Hughes, eds.), vol. 1, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester,
2nd ed., 2017, Part 1. Fundamentals. Encyclopaedia of Computational Mechanics, doi:10.1002/
[9] H. G. Matthies and A. Ibrahimbegović, Stochastic multiscale coupling of inelastic processes in
solid mechanic, Multiscale Modelling and Uncertainty Quantification of Materials and Struc-
tures (M. Papadrakakis and G. Stefanou, eds.), 135–157, vol. 3, Springer, Berlin, 2014, doi:
[10] H. G. Matthies, E. Zander, B. V. Rosić, and A. Litvinenko, Parameter estimation via conditional
expectation: a Bayesian inversion., Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 3
(2016), 24, doi:10.1186/s40323-016-0075-7. MR 2202913 (2006h:74023)
[11] H. G. Matthies, E. Zander, B. V. Rosić, A. Litvinenko, and O. Pajonk, Inverse problems in a
Bayesian setting, Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids — Multiscale Analysis, Probab-
ility Aspects and Model Reduction (A. Ibrahimbegović, ed.), Computational Methods in Applied
Sciences, vol. 41, Springer, Berlin, 2016, pp. 245–286, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-27996-1_10.
[12] M. Nikolić and A. Ibrahimbegović, Rock mechanics model capable of representing initial heterogeneit-
ies and full set of 3D failure mechanisms, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
290 (2015), 209–227, doi:10.1016/j.cma.2015.02.024.
[13] B. V. Rosić, A. Kučerová, J. Sýkora, O. Pajonk, A. Litvinenko, and H. G. Matthies, Parameter
identification in a probabilistic setting, Engineering Structures 50 (2013), 179–196, doi:10.1016/j.
[14] B. V. Rosić, M. S. Sarfaraz, H. G. Matthies, and A. Ibrahimbegović, Stochastic upscaling of random
microstructures, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 17 (2017), 869–870, doi:
[15] M. S. Sarfaraz, B. V. Rosić, and H. G. Matthies, Stochastic upscaling of heterogeneous materi-
als, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 16 (2016), 679–680, doi:10.1002/pamm.
[16] M. S. Sarfaraz, B. V. Rosić, H. G. Matthies, and A. Ibrahimbegović, Stochastic upscaling via linear
Bayesian updating, Multiscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Structures (J. Sorić, P. Wriggers, and
O. Allix, eds.), Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, vol. 86, Springer, 2018,
pp. 163–181, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-65463-8_9.

5 3


Julien Yvonnet1
Université Paris-Est, Laboratoire de Modélisation et Simulation Multi Echelle, UMR 8208 CNRS,
5 Boulevard Descartes, 77454 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2, France,

In recent years, the fast development of 3D imaging techniques such as micro tomography
combined with in-situ testing have offered new possibilities to investigate the microstructural damage
evolution due to microcracking of highly complex materials such as concrete [1] or regular lattices
obtained by additive manufacturing (3D printing). These new experimental and manufacturing
techniques open tough challenges for the modeling of damage in heterogeneous quasi brittle materials:
simulate the initiation and propagation of complex 3D micro crack networks in realistic geometries
arising from micro tomography, identify the microstructural damage models, construct damage models
at the scale of homogeneous materials, or even optimizing the local topology of constituents to
maximize the resistance of the material to fracture.
In a first part [2-6], we present recent results of microcracking numerical models in realistic
concrete microstructures obtained by combining micro tomography, 3D imagery, in-situ testing, and
the numerical phase field method to fracture [7,8]. We show that this method combines several
advantages in this context: (a) the possibility to simulate the initiation and propagation of complex
micro crack networks in realistic geometries of microstructures; (b) no mesh dependence, allowing
using directly regular meshes obtained from segmented images; (c) a very small number of parameters
to be identified; (d) a high robustness and efficiency of algorithms. We present the first, to our best
knowledge, direct comparisons between 3D complex evolving crack networks obtained from
experiments and simulations at both micro and macro scales in plaster and concrete samples [3]. An
identification of microstructural damage parameters based on inverse approaches combining in-situ
testing, 3D imaging, 3D image correlation and the numerical phase field method for fracture is
In a second part [9,10], we describe an approach to design complex 2-phase lattice materials
which can be obtained by recent 3D printing techniques to maximize their fracture resistance to
microcracking [7,8]. The method uses topology optimization combined with full simulations of micro
cracks initiation and propagations in heterogeneous periodic lattice structures. At each iteration of the
procedure, the topology of local geometries is optimized for maximizing the total fracture energy of
the material, by taking into account both bulk and interfacial damage between phases. Finally, a
method to construct simplified models of damage description at the scale of the homogeneous
materials in these regular lattice materials is proposed.


[1] C. Chateau, T.T. Nguyen, M. Bornert, J.Yvonnet, DVC-based image subtraction to detect cracking
in lightweight concrete, Strain, 2018, accepted.
[2] T.T. Nguyen, J. Yvonnet, M. Bornert, C. Chateau, F. Bilteryst, E. Steib, Large-scale simulations of
quasi-brittle microcracking in realistic highly heterogeneous microstructures obtained from micro CT
imaging, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 17:50-55, 2017

[3] T.T. Nguyen, J. Yvonnet, Q.-Z. Zhu, M. Bornert, C. Chateau, Initiation and propagation of
complex 3D networks of cracks in heterogeneous quasi-brittle materials: direct comparison between in
situ testing- microCT experiments and phase field simulations, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics
of Solids, 95:320-350, 2016.
[4] T.T. Nguyen, J. Yvonnet, M. Bornert, C. Chateau, K. Sab, R. Romani, R. Le Roy, On the choice of
numerical parameters in the phase field method for simulating crack initiation with experimental
validation, International Journal of Fracture, 197(2), 213-226, 2016.
[5] T.T. Nguyen, J. Yvonnet, Q.-Z. Zhu, M. Bornert, C. Chateau, A phase-field method for
computational modeling of interfacial damage interacting with crack propagation in realistic
microstructures obtained by microtomography, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, 312:567-595, 2016.
[6] T.T. Nguyen, J. Yvonnet, Q.-Z. Zhu, M. Bornert, C. Chateau, A phase field method to simulate
crack nucleation and propagation in strongly heterogeneous materials from direct imaging of their
microstructure, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 139:18-39, 2015
[7] G.A. Francfort, J.J. Marigo, Revisiting brittle fracture as an energy minimization problem, J.
Mech. Phys. Solids 46(8), 1319–1342, 1998.
[8] C. Miehe, M. Hofacker, F. Welschinger, A phase field model for rate-independent crack
propagation: Robust algorithmic implementation based on operator splits, Comput. Methods Appl.
Mech. Engrg. 199, 2776–2778, 2010.
[9] D.Da, J. Yvonnet, L. Xia, G. Li, Topology optimization of particle-matrix composites for optimal,
fracture resistance taking into account interfacial damage, International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Engineering, 2018, accepted (doi: 10.1002/nme.5818)
[10] L. Xia, D. Da, J. Yvonnet, Topology optimization for maximizing the fracture resistance of quasi-
brittle composites, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 332:234-254,2018.


This work has benefited from a French government grant managed by ANR within the frame of the
national program Investments for the Future ANR-11-LABX-022–01.
The financial support from IUF (Institut Universitaire de France) is gratefully acknowledged.



Paulo de Mattos Pimenta1

Polytechnic School at University of São Paulo, Brazil,

This work reviews the theoretical and numerical results introduced by the author in the last fifteen years
[1-8]. As novelty a geometrically exact Bernoulli-Euler rod and a Kirchhoff-Love shell numerical
models are developed. The parameterization of the rotation field is done by the rotation tensor with the
Rodrigues formula that makes the updating of the rotational variables very simple. For the rods a Cubic
Hermitian interpolation for the displacements together with a quadratic Lagrange interpolation for the
torsion angle of the rod were employed within the usual Finite Element Method, leading to adequate C1
continuity. For the shell a consistent plane stress condition is incorporated at the constitutive level of the
model. A triangular finite element, with a quadratic interpolation for the displacements are applied for
the shell model. The connection between the two models is done by a Lagrange multiplier. This model
can be used in any case of rod and shell working together like with reinforced shells.

The objective of this work is to present the theoretical and numerical results developed by the author in
[1-8]. As novelty we develop geometrically exact Bernoulli-Euler rod and a Kirchhoff-Love shell
numerical models. The parameterization of the rotation field is done by the rotation tensor with the
Rodrigues formula that makes the updating of the rotational variables very simple. For the rods a Cubic
Hermitian interpolation for the displacements together with a quadratic Lagrange interpolation for the
torsion angle of the rod were employed within the usual Finite Element Method, leading to adequate C1
continuity. For the shell a consistent plane stress condition is incorporated at the constitutive level of the
model. A triangular finite element, with a quadratic interpolation for the displacements are applied for
the shell model.


Let  denote the vector of Rodrigues parameters. The Rodrigues parameterization furnishes
4  
ˆ     
Q    1 2  , where   Skew    and 2     . (2.1)

2 2 
Vector  can be obtained from Q  ei  eir with the aid of

 axial  SkewQ  (2.2)
1  trQ

The curvature  is

  axial Q QT   Ξ  and r  QT   axial QTQ    ΞT  , (2.3)

and r is its back-rotated counterpart with

4  
Ξ   I  1   . (2.4)
4     2 

Let   i and   i 1 denote a quantity at instants ti and ti , respectively. And let    be an incremental
quantity. Thus, one gets for the rotation tensor the following relations

Qi 1  QQi , where
ˆ  i 1  , Q  Q
ˆ    ˆ  i  . (2.5)
Qi 1  Q and Qi  Q

We recall the following result by Rodrigues

4  
i 1       1     . (2.6)
4  i    i
i 
In the incremental description we have
4   .
Ξ   I  1   (2.7)
4   2  2 

From [1] for the rod we have

2 1
  e3m e3i  e3i 1     e3m e3m , (2.8)
where  is the incremental torsion angle.

With aid of (2.2), (2.9) below is used for the shell

  e ij 1  e ij (2.9)
1  e ij 1  e ij


Let e1r , e2r , er3  be an orthogonal system placed at the reference configuration of the rod. The vectors
er ,   1, 2 , are placed on the cross section of the rod. Thus, e3 is orthogonal to this plane. The position
of the rod material points in the reference configuration is  and r the director

    r r ,   e3r , r r  er . (3.1)

We introduce the coordinate     e3r ,      0,   , where  is the rod length at reference

configuration. In the current configuration, the position of the material points is given by
x  z  r , r  Qr r , with e3  z  z  , and z   e3r  u  and z   u  . (3.2)

The middle surface of the shell is plane in the reference. Let e1r , e2r , e3r  be an orthogonal system with
the vectors er placed on the shell reference mid-plane and e3r normal to this plane. The position of the
rod material points in the reference configuration is  and r r is the director just like in the rod.
    r r ,   er , r r  3e3r . (4.1)

In the current configuration, the position of the material points is given by

x  z  r , r  Qr r , z    u , (4.2)

Note that
z, = er  u, and z,  u, with   ,  and (4.3)

e1  z,1 z,1 ,
e3  z,1  z,2 (z,1  z,2 ), (4.4)
e2  e3  e1 .

Some numerical examples are presented during the presentation. A sample is displayed below.

Figure 1: pinched cylindrical shell

Figure 2: axially pulled hyberbolic anisotropic shell

Figure 3: inversion of creased shell

[1] Silva, C.C., Maassen, S., Pimenta, P.M. & Schröder, J. “Geometrically exact analysis of Bernoulli-
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Yvon Maday 1
1 Sorbonne Université, Université Paris-Diderot SPC, CNRS,
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, LJLL, F-75005 Paris
Institut Universitaire de France
and Division of Applied Math, Brown University

Reduced basis methods (RBM) are a class of model order reduction (MOR) methods that allow to sim-
plify the approximation of the solution to a given problem by using very few information. The con-
struction can either be i) from explicit knowledge of informations on the solution, i.e. by point-wise
mesures of the solution or by acquisition of some moments on the solution, or ii) from knowledge of an
equation that the solution satisfies : a mathematical model that is provided by experts on the discipline
of the solution existence. A fundamental frame is that there must be some parameters around that allow
to characterize the set of all solutions when the parameter varies. This set constitute a manifold, the
structure of which (Kolmogorov width), is used to simplify the characterization of the solution, within
the manifold, with a small amount of information.
The idea, in the basic form of the reduced basis method, is then to identify few basis functions belong-
ing to the manifold and express a good approximation of the solution of interest as a linear combination
of these few basis functions. The approximation improving when the number of basis functions that are
used increases. This approach, in the context of parameter dependent partial differential equation (PDE)
— i.e. implicit definition of the solution — has led to Galerkin reduced basis methods that allow real
time simulations for optimization or inverse problems for instance. The PDE can be stationary or time
dependent, linear or non linear, leading to unique solutions or facing bifurcation phenomenon.
The addition of reliable a posteriori analysis and estimators allow in addition to certify the results in
the offline (restitution) stage.
In the explicit context, the approach is better known as the empirical interpolation method (EIM) that
allow to reconstruct a solution from point-wise measurements, this methods actually is at the basis of the
extension of the reduced basis method to nonlinear PDE’s.
The above statements, though still a hot subject in the numerical analysis community, is rather well
established now, at least in the pure context where either i) we consider that the explicit measurement
acquired on the solution are noise free, ii) the mathematical model written as a PDE is bias-free, iii) the
manifold of solution has indeed a simple structure that leads to a small Kolmogorov width.
But first, in real applications : i) there are always noises on the acquisition of data, ii) the model,
even very good, always has a bias with respect to the true phenomenon and iii) for convection dominated
problems, the linear nature of the manifold of all solutions is missing.
Second, in real word also, the basis functions are not known analytically, nor even exactly. They
are generally obtained from an underlying finite element code (in the implicit formulation), and thus
the Galerkin reduced element method generally requires to have access to the code to transform it and
implement an efficient reduced basis method. But this is not always possible leading to the invention of
“non invasive” reduced basis element methods.
In this talk, by summarizing some of the works with collaborators, I shall address how to cope with
these different difficulties together with recent aspects on the use of these technics in data assimilation
and data mining.

12 1
[1] Y Maday, T Anthony, JD Penn, M Yano. PBDW state estimation: Noisy observations; configuration-adaptive
background spaces; physical interpretations, ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys 50, 144-168, (2015).
[2] Y Maday, O Mula, AT Patera, M Yano. The generalized Empirical Interpolation Method: stability theory
on Hilbert spaces with an application to the Stokes equation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering 287, 310-334, (2015).
[3] Y Maday, AT Patera, JD Penn, M Yanoi. A parameterized?background data?weak approach to variational
data assimilation: formulation, analysis, and application to acoustics, International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Engineering 102 (5), 933-965, (2015).
[4] Y Maday, A Manzoni, A Quarteroni. An online intrinsic stabilization strategy for the reduced basis approxi-
mation of parametrized advection-dominated problems, Comptes Rendus Mathematique 354 (12), 1188-1194,
[5] Y Maday, O Mula, G Turinici. Convergence analysis of the generalized empirical interpolation method, SIAM
Journal on Numerical Analysis 54 (3), pp 1713-1731 (2016).
[6] Cagniart, N and Crisovan, R and Maday, Y and Abgrall, R. Model Order Reduction for Hyperbolic Problems:
a new framework, (2016).
[7] Ballarin, Francesco and Rozza, Gianluigi and Maday, Yvon Reduced-order semi-implicit schemes for fluid-
structure interaction problem, Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems, pp. 149–167, Springer, 2017.
[8] Maday, Yvon, and Tommaso Taddei Adaptive PBDW approach to state estimation: noisy observations; user-
defined update spaces, arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.09594 (2017).
[9] Chakir, R and Maday, Y and Parnaudeau, PA non-intrusive reduced basis approach for parametrized heat
transfer problem, 2018
[10] Gallinari, Patrick and Maday, Yvon and Sangnier, Maxime and Schwander, Olivier and Taddei, Tom-
masoReduced BasisÕ Acquisition by a Learning Process for Rapid On-line Approximation of Solution to
PDEÕs: laminar flow past a backstep, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 25-1, pp. 131–
141, Springer, 2018
[11] Chakir, Rachida and Dapogny, Charles and Japhet, Caroline and Maday, Yvon and Montavon, Jean-Baptiste
and Pantz, Olivier and Patera, AnthonyComponent Mapping Automation for Parametric Component Reduced
Basis Techniques (RB-Component), ESAIM Proc.SMAI, 2018
[12] Hammond, Janelle K and Chakir, Rachida and Bourquin, Frédéric and Maday, YvonPBDW: a non-intrusive
Reduced Basis Data Assimilation Method and its application to outdoor Air Quality Models, 2018
[13] Fick, Lambert and Maday, Yvon and Patera, Anthony T and Taddei, Tommaso A stabilized POD model for
turbulent flows over a range of Reynolds numbers: optimal parameter sampling and constrained projection,
Journal of Computational Physics, Elsevier, 2018
[14] Argaud, J-P and Bouriquet, B and de Caso, F and Gong, H and Maday, Y and Mula, O. Sensor place-
ment in nuclear reactors based on the generalized empirical interpolation method, Journal of Computational
Physics,363, pp. 354–370, Elsevier, 2018
[15] Herrero, Henar and Maday, Yvon and Pla, Francisco. Reduced basis method applied to a convective stability
problem, Journal of Mathematics in Industry, 8-1, SpringerOpen, 2018

13 2



A. Ibrahimbegovic1, A. Boujelben2, X.N. Do2, S.Dobrilla2,6, E. Hadzalic2,4, S. Grbcic2,3, I.

Imamovic2,4, E. Karavelic2,4, A. Mejia2, P. Moreno2, M. Nikolic5, I. Rukavina2, T.Rukavina2,3
UT Compiegne – Sorbonne Univ. & Institute Universitaire de France,
UT Compiegne –Sorbonne Univ.,3 Univ. Rijeka, 4 Univ. Sarajevo, 5 Univ. Split, 6 TU-Braunschweig

Abstract. In this work we address the challenge pertinent to validating safety of large engineering structures, both in
terms of integrity to failure under extreme conditions and durability within their environment. Of particular interest are
industrial domains of excellence in France, such as energy-production (nuclear power plants, large offshore turbines) and
air- or land- transportation (large airplanes, high speed trains, cargo ships). The main obstacle to overcome pertains to our
inability to certify the structural safety by performing with real-size and real-time experiments, either due to excessive
structure size, to excessive cost due to irreplaceable structure component or due to inability to reproduce with high fidelity
the extreme conditions to which the structure is exposed. We seek to propose the state-of-the-art advances in
computational methods that can be brought to bear upon this class of problems, providing the full understanding of the
potential failure modes of the given system, along with the very detailed simulation of extreme conditions brought by
man-made and natural hazards (explosion, fire, stormy wind, earthquake, tsunami …). We also seek further
developments in recently proposed approach to coupled mechanics-probability computations that can be successfully
used to provide a detailed interpretation of structure tests under heterogeneous stress field and to identify both model
parameters and their probability distribution. Finally, we propose to use such a combined approach with probability
computations for uncertainty propagation, which can offer a clear explanation of the size effect influence on dominant
failure modes of massive composite structures.
Keywords: massive structures; multiscale computations; coupled mechanics-probability approach; size effect;

1. Introduction and Motivation

This paper deals with important challenge on validating the durability and lifetime integrity of massive
composite structures under extreme conditions. The illustrative examples (see Figure 1) come from the
application domains in energy production systems, with both currently dominant nuclear or renewable
energy sources (nuclear power plant, offshore wind-turbines or hydro-turbines), as well as in air- and
land-transportation (large airplanes, high speed trains or cargo ships). Special attention is given to
costly massive structures with ‘irreplaceable’ components, which are characterized by a number of
different failure modes that require the most detailed description and interaction across the scales. We
would like to significantly improve the currently dominant experimental approach, and thus accelerate
innovations in this domain.

2. Main Objectives
The main objective is development of novel Mesh-in-Element (MIEL) Multiscale Method capable of
representing strain field heterogeneities induced by evolution (and interaction) of localized failure
mechanisms in massive structure, pertaining to micro scale (FPZ-fracture process zone), macro scale
including softening (macro cracks) and non-local macro scale (bond-slip for long fiber reinforcement).
The objective of MIEL Multiscale Method is also to provide capabilities for quantifying the risk of
premature localized failure through probability description of initial defects (microstructure
heterogeneity) and uncertainty propagation through scales. The novel scientific concept to be explored
pertains to multiscale formulation and solution of coupled nonlinear mechanics-probability problem

replacing the standard homogenization approach that can only provide average (deterministic)
properties of heterogeneous composites. This concept is of interdisciplinary nature with Mechanics
(defining probability distribution) and Applied Mathematics (providing uncertainty propagation)
combined in order to capture the influence of heterogeneities and fine scale defects on premature

a) b) c)

Fig. 1 Durability of (costly) massive composite structures: a) nuclear power plant both existing PWR and
new EPR systems - stringent requirement on waterproof containment structure of CBFR composites;
b) (European answer to) Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the most fuel-efficient aircraft built of CFRP
composites - requirement on no-return-to-hub for crack reparation; c) large offshore wind-turbine with
CFRP composites blades and deep-sea CBRF composites support – requirement of operation
capabilities for extreme weather conditions

The most important challenge concerns the ability to provide the sound, probability-based explanation
of size effect, with different failure modes observed for different size specimens and real structure
built of the same composite materials (see Figure 2).

Fig. 2 Mesh-In-Element (MIEL) multiscale method – validation of structural integrity of giant offshore wind-
turbines with carbo-epoxy blades and reinforced concrete support: i)left-top row: scales for 3D carbon-
epoxy woven composite with fine scale for resin constituents, meso-scale warp and weft stuffers and
non-local scales for binder; left-bottom row: scale for cement, concrete and reinforced concrete; ii) right
top: off-line probability computation for identification by Bayesian updates; right-bottom: on-line
probability computation for probability-based interpretation of size effect.

3. Concluding remarks on current and future research

The biggest potential gain concerns changing the validation procedures for massive structures that are
beyond the size suitable for testing at present. The scientific gains concern providing the Mesh-in-
Element (MIEL) Multiscale Method that connects computations with design studies (optimization),
testing (identification) and safety verification (monitoring) of massive composite structures. The
scientific gains also concern further placing the proposed method within multiphysics framework,
along with the original use of goal oriented error estimates to provide sufficiently reliable
interpretation of extreme conditions (e.g. fluid or heat flow) and the code-coupling software
implementation to quickly integrate existing simulation codes within such a framework.

The main technological gain is in development of the open source computational tools that can speed-
up testing, innovation and decision-making in complex composite systems. Of special interest is the
strategy that allows to integrate the existing legacy software products that are used to verify and
validate safety of particular components assembled within such complex systems. There are multiple
challenges in solving any such problem pertaining to: theoretical formulation, discrete approximation,
algorithmic stability and robustness, and finally informatics developments capable of integrating
existing legacy codes. Two model problems of composites with great application potentials will be
examined. First pertains to cement-based fiber reinforced (CBFR) composites, which will allow for
validation of our method against recently completed experimental program in French excellence
project ECOBA. Second model of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) that is validated in
collaboration with experimentalists at Université de Technologie de Compiègne.

Further details on point of departure in the current research and developments to follow are given in
our recent works (Ibrahimbegovic et al. 2003a, 2003b, 2003c, 2003d, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009a,
2009b, 2009c, 2010a, 2010b, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018).


The research described in this paper is financially supported by the Region Hauts-de-France, EU
(FEDER), ANR and DFG, French Ministry of Research and French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We
also acknowledge many interesting discussions and collaborations with: D. Brancherie (UTC), E.
Lefrancois (UTC), S. Dolarevic (Univ. Sarajevo), G. Jelenic (Univ. Rijeka), A. Kurtovic (Univ.
Sarajevo), Z. Nikolic (Univ. Split), J.L. Perez-Aparicio (Univ. Politècnica Valencia), I. Kozar (Univ.
Rijeka), B. Brank (Univ. Ljubljana), H.G. Matthies (TU Braunschweig).


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[11] Ibrahimbegovic A.. Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: Theoretical Formulations and Finite Element
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[17] Ibrahimbegovic A., J-M. Ghidaglia, A. Serdarevic, E. Ilic, M. Hrasnica, S. Dolarevic, N.
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[19] Ibrahimbegovic A., B. Brank, I. Kozar, ‘ECCOMAS MSF 2017 – Multiscale Computational
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[20] Ibrahimbegovic A., A. Boujelben, Long-term simulation of wind turbine structure for distributed
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Eduardo M. B. Campello 1
Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Granular and particulate materials can be found in a myriad of natural phenomena and human
applications, and across various length scales: from rock stacks and gravel piles to fine powders and
particulate flows; from heaps of nuts and beans and mounds of sand to compact aggregates of very high
added value in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and microelectronics industries. Knowledge on the
physics of such materials has evolved significantly over the past decades, especially with the aid of
computational methods, but still there is a lot to pursue. From the point of view of their theoretical
representation, granular and particulate materials cannot be idealized as a continuum – unless the length
scale of the physical phenomenon one is interested in is very large in comparison to the size of the
grains, as happens, e.g., in the overall deformation of soil massifs in geotechnical engineering problems.
Instead, they must be understood a priori as a discrete medium, in which matter is concentrated in a very
large number of elementary solid entities (the grains or particles), each with finite size and well-defined
shape. The grains or particles typically experience numerous contact interactions, which in turn occur
with significant energy dissipation through both friction and localized plastic deformations. This
particular nature gives rise to a number of intriguing phenomena that are peculiar to these materials,
such as size segregation under shaking (and a corresponding resistance to mixing), occasional
fluidization, the formation of wave patterns at their free surfaces upon excitation (as observed in fluids),
the ability to form static piles that do not dismantle or dissolve spontaneously (as typical of solids), and
many others. These aspects illustrate well the fact that, though constituted of elementary solid entities –
i.e., by entities that have their individual behavior very well characterized –, these materials have their
own physics. The purpose of this talk is to present a discrete element model (DEM) for the simulation
of granular and particulate materials. The approach is intended to be simple, yet keeping as much
consistency as possible with classical mechanics principles. To this end, and unlike most of the DEM
formulations available in the literature, we separate from the outset the physics of the problem from the
numerical scheme devised to solve its equations. This allows us to concentrate on the physics and the
numerics independently, leading to a clearer and cleaner formulation – at least in our opinion. One
distinguished feature is the adoption of a vector type of parameterization for the description of the
rotations of the grains. This enables us to represent rotations in a manner that is formally identical to
displacements, i.e., by vectors, such that all degrees-of freedom of the model retain the same formal
structure. Complex entities such as quaternions or Euler angles are thereby circumvented, in sharp
contrast to all DEM models in the literature. We use phenomenological models to describe the various
forces involved at the level of the particle interactions. Particular attention is devoted to the modeling
of contact and adhesion (with stick-slip friction and rolling resistance), since inter-particle energy
exchange, occasional bonding and agglomeration are crucial aspects in many real-world applications
involving these types of materials. The consideration of temperature effects, which may be of utmost
importance in some applications, is also undertaken within a fully coupled thermo-mechanical

triangular piling

11.9 mm

300 mm

f = 7.8 Hz f = 12 Hz

λ Pmax λ

Figure 1. Surface instabilities in a vertically vibrated granular medium. Problem definition (top) and sequences of snapshots
(from top to bottom) for two different values of the vibration frequency. Left sequence: f=7.8 Hz; right sequence: f=12 Hz.
Surface instabilities show up at the initial stages of the motion, giving rise to an array of waves separated by a typical
wavelength λ, whose magnitude varies with the imposed excitation frequency. The images above are in excellent visual
agreement with the experimental results reported by J. Duran in his famous book Sands, powders and grains: an introduction
to the physics of granular matter (Springer, 1997).

framework. Details of the model´s computational implementation, through a special time-stepping

(fixed-point, iterative) numerical scheme are briefly outlined. In the end, numerical simulations
depicting some of the intriguing phenomena of these materials, as well as covering some modern

engineering applications such as the deposition of particles onto surfaces for additive manufacturing and
3D printing technologies, and the infiltration of particle-laden fluids into porous media for material
functionalization, are shown to illustrate the potentialities of the scheme. We remark that this abstract
aims only to outline what is addressed in the talk; for a comprehensive technical description of the
model, as well as systematic derivations of its equations, we refer to previous works by the author in
Campello [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], Campello and Zohdi [7], [8], [9], [10], Campello and Cassares [11],
[12], Gay Neto and Campello [13] and Fernandes et al. [14]. Figure 1 and Table 1 below show results
from a typical simulation, as a model example. We believe that simple, consistent computational models
may be a useful tool for the simulation of granular and particulate materials and, in a broader sense,
many other particle systems.

Table 1. Surface instabilities in an extended granular medium. Analyses results. Wavelengths and
amplitudes are measured at a time instant when the cell bottom touches the bottom layer of the stack,
exactly as in the physical experiment by J. Duran.

Wavelength Wave amplitude Pmax

Experimental Present work Experimental Present work
6.3 Hz 101.0 mm 100.0 ± 5.2 mm 85.1 mm 87.6 ± 4.0 mm
7.8 Hz 73.4 mm 72.1 ± 4.7 mm 55.5 mm 57.0 ± 3.2 mm
10.0 Hz 53.1 mm 52.3 ± 4.1 mm 33.8 mm 34.2 ± 2.4 mm
12.0 Hz 43.5 mm 42.8 ± 3.1 mm 23.4 mm 21.0 ± 2.0 mm
14.1 Hz 37.4 mm 37.0 ± 3.0 mm 17.0 mm 16.5 ± 2.0 mm


[1] E. M. B. Campello, "A computational model for the simulation of dry granular materials,"
International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, vol. 106, pp. 89-107, 2018.
[2] E. M. B. Campello, "A description of rotations for DEM models of particle systems,"
Computational Particle Mechanics, vol. 2, p. 109–125, 2015.
[3] E. M. B. Campello, Um modelo computacional para o estudo de materiais granulares,
(Habilitation thesis). São Paulo: Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, 2016.
[4] E. M. B. Campello, "Computational modeling of granular materials," in Proceedings of the
XXVII Iberian-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, Brasília,
[5] E. M. B. Campello, "Computational modeling and simulation of rupture of membranes and thin
films," Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, vol. 37, pp.
1793-1809, 2015.
[6] E. M. B. Campello, "Computational modeling of particle deposition processes," in Proceedings
of the XXXVIII Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering,
Florianópolis, 2017.
[7] E. M. B. Campello and T. Zohdi, "A computational framework for simulation of the delivery of
substances into cells," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering,
vol. 30, p. 1132–1152, 2014.
[8] E. M. B. Campello and T. Zohdi, "Design evaluation of a particle bombardment system used to
deliver substances into cells," Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, vol. 98, no. 2, pp.
221-245, 2014.

[9] E. M. B. Campello and T. I. Zohdi, "Effect of particle spin on the spatio-thermal distribution of
incandescent materials released from explosions," Computational Particle Mechanics, p. (in
print), 2019 (accepted).
[10] E. M. B. Campello and T. I. Zohdi, "On pressurized functionalized particle-laden fluid
infiltration into porous media," International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering,
p. (in print), 2018 (accepted).
[11] E. M. B. Campello and K. R. Cassares, "Rapid generation of particle packs at high packing
ratios for DEM simulations of granular compacts," Latin American Journal of Solids and
Structures, vol. 13, pp. 23-50, 2016.
[12] K. R. C. Seko and E. M. B. Campello, "Micromechanics of randomly-generated particle packs
for DEM simulations of granular materials using the stress-force-fabric relationship," in
Proceedings of the XXXVIII Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in
Engineering, Florianópolis, 2017.
[13] A. G. Neto and E. M. B. Campello, "Granular materials interacting with thin flexible rods,"
Computational Particle Mechanics, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 229-247, 2017.
[14] A. C. S. Fernandes, H. C. Gomes, E. M. B. Campello and P. M. Pimenta, "A fluid-particle
interaction method for the simulation of particle-laden fluid problems," in Proceedings of the
XXXVIII Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering,
Florianópolis, 2017.




Florian De Vuyst 1 , Faker Ben Belgacem 2 , Piotr Breitkopf 3 , Georges Oppenheim 4 and Pierre Villon 5
1 LMAC, Sorbonne Universités, UTC, , Compiègne France,
2 LMAC, Sorbonne Universités, UTC, Compiègne France,
3 Laboratoire Roberval, Sorbonne Universités, UTC, CNRS, Compiègne France,
4 Université Marne-la-Vallée, Université Paris-Sud, CNRS, France,
5 Laboratoire Roberval, Sorbonne Universités, UTC, CNRS, Compiègne France,

This paper deals with the identification of dynamical systems from data, taking into account a priori
knowledge in the form of a continuous differential model. We investigate Dynamic Mode Decomposition
methods and extensions (extended DMD, kernel DMD). It appears that approximate time integrators can
be used in the design of a suitable kernel. The resulting hybrid computational approach can be seen as a
time advance solver recalibrated by data.
Let us consider the following continuous autonomous dynamical system:

ẋ(t) = F (x(t)), t > 0, x(0) = x0 . (1)

where x0 ∈ Rd and F : Rd → Rd is a Lipschitz continuous mapping. From the differential problem (1)
and a time sampling parameter τ > 0, one can derive a discrete dynamical system

xk+1 = f (xk ), k ≥ 0, x0 = x0 (2)

where Z τ
f (x) = x + F (x(s)) ds (3)

The admissible states {x(t)}t≥0 solutions of (1) are supposed to belong to a sub-manifold M ⊂ Rd . This
is of course also true for the discrete states {xk }k≥0 . Remark that one can use a time integrator on F
to get a prediction f˜ of f . Let φ(x, τ) denote a given time integrator over the time increment τ with x
as initial data. So we can use f˜(xk ) = φ(xk , τ). For example, the simple case of explicit forward Euler
f˜(x) = x + τF (x)
returns a first-order accurate approximation of f (with an error of order o(τ)).
The system (1) is supposed to be a rather accurate model of a true physical system from wich one can
have measurements from sensors. We will assume that the sensors return states (or observable quantities)
at discrete times t k = τk, k ≥ 0. From the data we would like to identify (estimate) the true vector field fT
of the real discrete dynamical system xk+1 = fT (xk ), with the help of the a priori knowledge of the
model (1).
Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) [2, 3, 4] is a rather recent data-driven computational ap-
proach that identifies the best linear model that maps vector-valued input states to propagated output
states. Consider the two d × N data matrices
   
| | | | | |
X = x1 x2 . . . xN  , Y = y 1 y 2 . . . y N 
| | | | | |

25 1
with input states xk and output states
y k = fT (xk ).
In standard DMD, we want to find the best least square linear model

xk+1 = fT (xk ) ≈ A xk k ≥ 0,

where A ∈ Md (R), i.e. we look for a minimizer

min kY − AXk2F .
A∈Md (R) 2

We straightforwardly get
A = Y X†
where X † denotes standard the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of A. DMD has been proved to be a
powerful tool in different contexts like e.g. feature extraction [2], short-term prediction, prediction of
quasi-periodic solutions [5], or state estimation for feedback control.
Since the original linear DMD, one can now find today nonlinear DMD extensions in the literature. A
nonlinear discrete dynamical system like (2) can be formulated in a different way thanks to the Koopman
theory [1]. One can define an operator K acting on functions g : M → Rd defined by K g = g ◦ f , i.e.

(K g)(x) = g(f (x)), x∈M. (4)

The operator K is referred to as the Koopman operator, or compositional operator. It is a linear operator
acting on an infinite-dimensional functional space. If K is known, then actually the discrete dynamical
system (2) is completely determined. Indeed, applying the Koopman operator to the function g(x) =
x · ei gives the ith component of f : K g(x) = f (x) · ei . It is possible to find an approximation of the
Koopman operator in a finite-dimensional space. In the literature one can find Galerkin-based approaches
as well as collocation methods. In what follows, we deal with a collocation approach. Consider a basis
of M linearly independent functions {ψi }i=1,...,M , ψi : M → R. Let Ψ(x) ∈ RM denote the vector with
{ψi (x)}i as components:
Ψ(x) = ψ1 (x), ..., ψM (x) .
We will assume that M  d. Following Koopman’s ideas, rather than identifying the mapping between
the input states xk and the output states y k = f (xk ), we search for a linear mapping between the aug-
mented input data Ψ(xk ) and augmented output data Ψ(f (xk )), i.e. a matrix we look for A such that

Ψ(f (xk )) ≈ A Ψ(xk ) (5)

in a least square sense. Consider the two snapshot matrices

   
| | | | | |
Z = Ψ(x1 ) Ψ(x2 ) . . . Ψ(xN ) , Y = Ψ(y 1 ) Ψ(y 2 ) . . . Ψ(y N )
| | | | | |

with y k = f (xk ). Then the minimizer of the least square problem

min kY − AZk2F
A∈MM (R) 2

is clearly given by A = Y Z † . This is the idea of the so-called extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition
(EDMD) approach [4]. As a next step, suppose that the basis functions ψi can reproduce the full state
vector x itself, i.e. there are M constant vectors bi such that
x = ∑ bi ψi (x), (6)

26 2
which can be written in vector form
x = B Ψ(x) (7)
with B = col(bi )i . By combining (5) and (7), we have the approximation

y k = f (xk ) = BΨ(f (xk ))) ≈ BA Ψ(xk ). (8)

We get the data-driven model/estimator

ŷ = fˆ(x) = R Ψ(x) (9)

with a rectangular matrix R = BA. It is of course nonlinear by construction. In the time continuous case,
we would get a similar model in the form dtd (Ψ(x)) ≈ AΨ(x), x ≈ BΨ(x) so that
ẋ ≈ B (Ψ(x)) ≈ R Ψ(x), R = BA.
Without neither any information on data location nor knowledge on f , one can choose standard basis
functions ψi (x) with universal approximation property like polynomials, Fourier functions, radial basis
functions, kernel-based approximation, etc as discussed in [5]. But the price to pay may be the large
amount of basis functions to return an accurate model. Sparse representation techniques and LASSO-
type algorithms [6] can be used to identify the active set of basis functions at the cost of a higher numer-
ical complexity.

Kernel-based interpolation and approximation

When some sample states {x1 , ..., xN ∈ Rd } at different sites are available, kernel-based techniques
[10] appear to be a nice framework of approximation. Consider a symmetric positive definite kernel
k : Rd ×Rd → R. From snapshot states (x1 , ..., xn ) and (f (x1 ), ..., f (xn )), we can define an interpolation
I f of f in the form
I f (x) = ∑ a j k(x, x j ) (10)

with a1 , ..., aN ∈ Rd to determine to get the interpolation property I f (xi ) = f (xi ) for all i ∈ {1, ..., N},
f (xi ) = ∑ a j k(xi , x j ), i = 1, ..., N.

This leads to the system of linear symmetric positive semi-definite system KA = F to solve, where
Ki j = k(xi , x j ), A = col(a j ) and F = col(f (xi )). For a positive definite kernel matrix K, we get a
unique matrix A = K −1 F. In [7], Héas and Herzet link EDMD with kernel approximation. By choosing

ψ j (x) , k(x, x j ), j = 1, ..., N

as basis functions, we get a vector of kernel observables Ψ(x) = k(x):

k(x) = (k(x, x1 ), ..., k(x, xN ))T .

The Koopman operator approximation restricted to the vector space spanned by the functions k(., xi ),
i = 1, ..., N consists in finding a matrix A such that

k(f (x)) ≈ A k(x)

in a least square sense. If x can be itself accurately reproduced by the kernel functions, i.e. x ≈ Bk(x),
we get the approximation
fˆ(x) = R k(x), (11)
where R can be identified from the data. From time-continuous system, we would search for approxima-
tions in the form ẋ = R k(x). Now comes the question of a good choice of kernel function for a given
dynamical system.

27 3
Suitable kernels using approximate time integrators
Let us now discuss about a suitable choice of kernel k. A first trivial remark is that if f were known, then
the best choice of kernel would be
k? (x, y) = f (x) · f (y). (12)
The kernel (12) is a reproducing kernel [8, 10] and its associated feature map (denoted Φ in the sequel,
see [9]) identifies with f itself. Consider the approximation fˆ of f defined by
fˆ(x) = ∑ a j k? (x, x j ) = ∑ a j f (x j ) · f (x).
j=1 j=1

This can be written in matrix form fˆ(x) = AF T f (x) with A = col(a j ) ∈ MdN (R) and F = col(f (x j )) ∈
MdN (R). If A is chosen such that AF T = I (i.e. A = (F T )† ), then fˆ identifies itself with f : fˆ = f .
The feature map Φ does not need to be high-dimensional for exact reconstruction of f . Moreover, is
it sufficient to get d linearly independent state measurements {f (x j )} j to identify the matrix A; if this
case, we would have A = F −T .
In the context of this paper, we do not know fT nor f . We assume that the underlying dynamical
system is continuous in time and we have access to state measurements (or suitable observables) at
discrete instants t k = kτ. We have an a priori knowledge of an accurate time-continuous differential
model of the system, characterized by the vector field F . The discrete vector field f is linked to F
by the integral formula (3). If it is able to approximate this formula by an explicit one, leading to an
intermediate fidelity model f˜ of f , then we are able to define an approximate kernel k̃ in the form

k̃(x, y) = f˜(x) · f˜(y). (13)

In the paper different choices of approximate kernels (13) built from time integration schemes are studied.
Numerical results obtained on nonlinear discrete dynamical system show both the accuracy and the
predictability of the resulting model.

[1] I. Mezić, Analysis of fluid flows via spectral properties of the Koopman operator, Annual Review of Fluid
Flows, 45, pp. 357–378 (2013).
[2] P. Schmid, Dynamic mode decomposition of numerical and experimental data, J. Fluid Mech., 2010.
[3] J. Tu, C. Rowley, D. Luchterburh, S. Brunton, J. Kutz, On dynamic mode decomposition: Theory and appli-
cations;, J. Comp. Dynamics, 2014
[4] M. Williams, I. Kevredikis, C. Rowley, A data-driven approximation of the Koopman operator: Extending
dynamic mode decomposition, J. Nonlinear Science, 2015.
[5] J.N. Kutz, S.L. Brunton, B.W. Brunton, J.L. Proctor, Dynamic Mode Decomposition, Data-driven modeling of
complex systems, SIAM book (2016).
[6] S. Brunton, J. Proctor and J. N. Kutz, Discovering governing equations from data by sparse identification of
nonlinear dynamical systems, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (2016) 3932-3937.
[7] P. Héas, C. Herzet, Optimal kernel-based dynamic mode decomposition, ArXiv preprint (2017).
[8] N. Aronszajn, Theory of reproducing kernels, T. Am. Math. Soc., 68, 3, pp. 337–404 (1950).
[9] S. Bergman, The Kernel function and conformal mapping, 2nd edn. American Mathematical Society, Provi-
dence, RI (1950).
[10] A. Berlinet and C. Thomas-Agnan, Reproducing Kernel Hilbert spaces in Probability and Statistics, Kluwer

28 4




Abir Boujelben 1 , Adnan Ibrahimbegovic 2

1 Sorbonne Universités, Université de Technology de Compiègne,
2 Sorbonne Universités, Université de Technology de Compiègne,

1. Context and objectives

The current push for renewable energy resources is the main motivation for constructing large wind
turbines with flexible blades exceeding 100 meters of length. Increasing the blade dimensions leads to
serious problems of operation, stability and durability which must be addressed in the preliminary design
process. It is therefore necessary to carry out long term computations based on fluid-structure interaction
(FSI) model to better understand the blade behavior when structure flexibility and up-sizing effects are
taken into account. The first ingredient of FSI is the aerodynamic model. The computational fluid
dynamic (CFD) is considered to be the most accurate, but also by far the most costly model especially for
full-scale 3D FSI computations. It is impractical to use it for the case that concerns testing several design
configurations for comparison. Then, we prefer to use panel method (PM) which is sufficiently fast since
it is restricted only to the fluid-structure interface. It is yet reasonably accurate for computing the overall
thrust on the blade. The PM model developed in this paper is modified to account for flexible lifting
body in large overall motion respectively by introducing vorticities in fluid-structure interface and by
considering the relative flow velocity. The second ingredient of FSI is the structure model. In view of the
target size, the blades are subjected to large deformations, displacements and rotations. The finite element
model is based on the theory of deformable solid body overall large motion. In this paper, we choose
the 3D solid model which allows more rigorous deformation description, provides more accurate results
from beam and gives the local stresses within the blade which is of interest for fatigue failure, as the most
common problem for wind turbines. Compared with the standard 8-node solid element, the proposed
element is enhanced by a particular choice of the deformation measure for more accurate approximation
of bending and torsional deflections. These deflections are associated to high frequency modes leading
to stiff problems. The standard implicit time stepping scheme are not appropriate for analysis of such
problems. We propose a new robust time-stepping scheme based on mid-point scheme which improves
the numerical stability and allows us to carry out long term simulations. The FSI computation is achieved
by an iterative coupling algorithm. The model exchange in each time step the aerodynamic loads (panel
method code) and the structure displacements and velocities (FEM approximation) at the fluid-structure
interface until equilibrium. The appropriate choice of the aerodynamic and structure models leads to a
direct way to data transfer between fluid and structure parts.

2. Problem statement
2.1. Fluid flow computations by 3D vortex panel method
The flow field around the blade is assumed to be potential (∇ · v f = 0; ∇ × v f = 0), except for the layer
in contact with the blade where a vorticity field is introduced (ξ = ∇ × v f ) in order to obtain a non-zero

31 1
circulation (Γ = S ∇ × v f · n dS = S ξ · n dS) and thus to generate the blade lift (L = ρ f |v∞ |Γ) [1].
By using the Helmholtz decomposition, the velocity field can be written as the sum of the gradient of a
scalar potential φ and the curl of a vector potential ψ
v f = ∇φ + ∇ × ψ (1)
By substituting such velocity definition into both the incompressibility condition and the vorticity ex-
pression, we obtain
∇2 φ = 0; ξ = −∇2 ψ (∇.ψ = 0) (2)
By means of Biot-Savart law, the velocity induced at a point P by vorticity filament dl with a constant
circulation Γ is derived from (2)2
Γ (rξ − rP )
∇×ψ = × dl (3)
4π l |rξ − rP |3
In the discrete form, the blade surface is divided into a number of panels. A vortex ring of constant
strength Γ is placed in the center of each panel. By solving equation (2)1 , the fluid velocity at the center
of each panel is approximated by
v f = v∞ + vd (4)
where vd is the velocity induced by vortex singularities in the center of a panel derived from (3) by
superposing the contribution of the four straight filaments of the vortex rings. The zero normal flow
boundary condition and the Kutta condition are then imposed to compute the unknowns circulations
(v f − vs ) . n = 0; ΓT.E = 0 ⇒ Γw = Γu − Γl (5)
where vs is the structure velocity including the rotation velocity and the deformation velocity. The com-
puted fluid velocity is written in Eulerian formulation, when computing pressure, this velocity should be
transferred from the Eulerian to Lagrangian formulations v̄ f = v f − vs . By using the Bernoulli equation,
the pressure of the panel can be computed at its center according to
p = ρ ( |v∞ |2 − |v̄ f |2 ) (6)

2.2. Structure model based upon 3D enhanced solid element with energy conserving
time-stepping scheme
By choosing the Biot strain (H = RT (I + ∇u + d) − I) and its conjugate stress T, we introduce the finite
rotation tensor R, which further imposes the path-dependency. The follower pressure pϕ, f , output of
aerodynamic model, is parametrized in the initial configuation by using the Nanson formula and the
corresponding variational equations are written in Lagrangian description [2]
R s R R R
V δu · ρs üs dV + V symm[δH] · symm[T] + skew[δH] · skew[T] dV − s
V δu . f dV − S p δu
s · p f J(x)F−T ndS =0
V {symm[R
s,T δds ] · symm[T] + skew[Rs,T δP · ds ] · skew[T] − δds · P}dV = 0
To solve these equation, we propose a time-stepping scheme [4] based on the mid point approximation
with two modifications concerning an algorithmic constitutive equations and the kinematic variables
approximation in order to ensure the energy conservation via equation (7)
n+ 1
= 12 C(symm[H]n+1 + symm[H]n ); skew[T]alg
n+ 1
= 12 γ(skew[H]n+1 + skew[H]n )
2 2
2 1
ün+ 1 = (u̇n+1 + u̇n )/∆t; u̇n+1 = −u̇n + ∆t un+1 ; Rn+ 12 = 2 (Rn+1 + Rn )

Thus, the increments of respectively kinetic energy K and potential energy Π in free motion correspond
Kn+1 − Kn = V δus · ρs üsn+ 1 dV
R 2 R (9)
Πn+1 − Πn = V symm[δH]n+ 1 · symm[T]n+ 1 + skew[δH]n+ 1 · skew[T]n+ 1 dV − V δus . f dV
2 2 2 2

This is particularly important for nonlinear dynamic analysis with presence of high frequencies, ensuring
the robustness of the computation over very long time interval.

32 2
2.3. Fluid-structure interaction with an iterative coupling algorithm
The structural and fluid computations are performed separately and later coupled through data exchange
at the fluid-structure interface. The coupling algorithm is based on CSS algorithm, extended by a sub-
cycling between the structure and fluid solvers until reaching convergence. The coupling algorithm steps
are as follows:
f ,(k=0)
1)- Initialize the pressure distribution for the first iteration (k = 0) → Pn+1 = Pnf
2)- Repeat the iterative procedure until the convergence, advancing at each iteration (from (k − 1) to
(k) (k)
(k)) (a) The variables un+1 and vn+1 , obtained from the structure solver, are transferred to the panel
f ,(k)
method code in order to update the mesh. (b) The normal pressures vector Pn+1 is computed by panel
method code. (c) The pull-back operation is performed to transfer the pressure intensity to the initial
f ,(k)
configuration for each panel, then the convergence pressure criterion is checked by means of ||P̃n+1 −
f ,(k−1) f ,(k)
P̃n+1 || ≤ tol1 . (d) Pn+1 is transferred to the FEM code to be considered as a follower external load. (e)
(k+1) (k)
The second convergence criterion is checked pertinent to the structure displacement ||un+1 − un+1 || ≤
tol2 . If the convergence is not reached, the kinetic variables are transferred again to the fluid code to
continue with the next iteration. As the structure formulation involves finite rotations that are highly
nonlinear and require special update procedure, the computation at iteration (k + 1) should be carried out
from the configuration at tn which has already reached the convergence state.
3)- Otherwise, we advance to the next time step.

3. Results and discussion

For numerical simulation, we consider the nonlinear dynamic response of the NREL offshore 5-MW
wind turbine with a 126 m rotor diameter. It is subject to a steady wind velocity 11.4m/s and an initial
rotation velocity 12rpm. In figure 1(a, b), the aerodynamics loads normal (Fn ) and tangential (Ft ) to the
rotor plane, computed by our aerodynamic code, are in good agreement with standard aeroelastic codes
(FAST, MIRAS). The normal force which causes the blade bending in the direction of the wind is much
higher than the tangential force. This is reflected in the time histories of the in-plane and out-of-plane tip
blade deflections. Compared to results reported in [3], results obtained by the iterative algorithm coupling
are considerately more accurate than those obtained by the one-iteration algorithm (see Figure 1(c, d)).
Thus, the sub-cycling between structure and fluid part is needed in order to improve the approximation
quality and avoid overestimate computed response, particularly since the proposed FSI algorithm is in
rapid convergence as shown in Figure 1( f ) (less than 10 iterations for ∆t = 0.05s). We can notice in
Figure 1(d, f ) that the the computed in-plane displacement and the twist displacement show the presence
of high frequency modes, superposed on top of low frequencies modes which is the ultimate cause of
stiff problems. By using the proposed energy conserving time-stepping scheme, we can ensure long-term
numerical stability as shown in Figure1(e). In fact, for a time step equal to ∆ = 0.01s, the computation
using the standard Newmark scheme can no longer converge for time exceeding 12s. However, the energy
conserving scheme ensures the convergence over long time interval. After validation of the proposed
model, we have herein a numerical tool that ensures a good compromise between low computational
cost and accurate results. It is suitable for testing new blades configurations in the preliminary design
process. For example, in order to avoid peak material stresses and fatigue failures, the blade can be
pre-bent at an angle θ and changes its orientation with respect to the wind direction so that it receives
the wind in the back side of the turbine (see Figure 2). This new configuration provides a more uniform
distribution of stress and reduces significantly the stress values. However, the blade rotation becomes
slower due to the decrease of the tangential force for this configuration which can affect the wind turbine

[1] J. Katz and A. Plotkin Low Speed Aerodynamics (Cambridge Aerospace Series), Cambridge university press,

33 3
Problem statement (a) 8000 (b) 1000
Miras 800

Tangential force (N)

Normal force (N)
6000 Panel method
200 Miras
Panel method
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60
(c) (d) radius (m) (f) radius (m)

2 2 0.12
Out-plane deflection (m)


In-plane deflection (m)

0 1 0.08

Twist angle (rad)

0 0.04
-4 0.02
-1 0
-6 -0.02 r=19.95 m
r=32.25 m
Iterative coupling -2 Iterative coupling -0.04 r=44.55 m
-8 -0.06 r=52.75 m
One-iteration coupling One-iteration coupling r=63 m
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
80 time (s) time (s) time (s)
(e) (f)
Tip displacement in x direction (m)

standard newmark
60 10
energy conserving scheme

Number of iterations

0 6


-80 0
0 5 10 15 20 23 30 35 0 1 2 3 4 5
time (s) time (s)

Figure 1: NREL wind turbine simulations with the proposed FSI model

t=1.2 s
Out-plane deflection (m)

4 Conventional upwind
2 Inclined dowind
1.00E+07 0
2.00E+07 -2
3.00E+07 -4
4.00E+07 -6
5.00E+07 -8
6.00E+07 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
time (s)
7.00E+07 80
Tip displacement in

8.00E+07 60 Conventional upwind

9.00E+07 40 Inclined dowind
x direction (m)

1.00E+08 20
1.00E+10 0
Conventional Pre-bent -60
upwind downwind -80
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Conventional upwind Inclined downwind
Von Mises stress time (s)

Figure 2: Comparaison between conventional upwind blade and inclined downwind blade

[2] A. Boujelben and A. Ibrahimbegovic Finite-strain three-dimensional solids with rotational degrees of freedom:
non-linear statics and dynamics, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, 646-654, 2016.
[3] W. Musial G. Scott J. Jonkman and S. Butterfield Definition of a 5-MW reference wind turbine for offshore
system development,Technical Report NREL/TP-500-38060 National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2009.
[4] A. Boujelben and A. Ibrahimbegovic Conserving and decaying energy for finite-strain three-dimensional
solids with rotational degrees of freedom in nonlinear dynamics, Comptes rendus Mecanique, 571-580, 2018.

34 4


Adair R. Aguiar1, Gianni F. Royer-Carfagni2, Alan B. Seitenfuss3

Department of Structural Engineering, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo,
Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, Italy
Department of Structural Engineering, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo,

The static states of a peridynamic nonlinear elastic bar of finite length in a hard device are
investigated. The nonlocal character of the model requires that the edge conditions be defined on a
boundary layer of the same length of the horizon, affecting the solution in the interior. The approach is
variational and is based on the assumption that the energy is a function of the relative displacement
between particles within the horizon, not weighted by the inverse of their relative distance as in Dayal
and Bhattacharya [1]. This implies a weak interaction between neighboring points that allows for
discontinuities in the displacement field. In the simplest linear elastic case, the jumps depend upon the
length of the horizon and are concentrated at the bar ends. Here, we consider a more complex behavior
by assuming a non-monotone constitutive relation associated with a non-convex strain energy density,
which is analogous to assumptions made by Ericksen [2] in classical nonlinear elasticity. At a micro-
scale of the same order of the length of the horizon, the displacement field is characterized by the
orderly formation of undulations and discontinuities, while at the macroscopic level the stress vs.
elongation graph is a sequence of strain hardening and softening branches. The equilibrium path,
found numerically with a pseudo-arc-length continuation method, becomes unstable above a certain
elongation. Convexification of the strain energy density provides solutions that are very different from
this because, unlike the Ericksen's model, re-arrangements of material phases along the bar is
prevented by the nonlocal nature of peridynamics. Results of this work were published in Aguiar,
Royer-Carfagni and Seitenfuss [3]. They could be used to interpret the complex phenomena of
localization of plastic strain in slip bands experimentally observed in ductile metallic bars.


[1] Dayal, K., Bhattacharya, K.. Kinetics of phase transformations in the peri- dynamic formulation of
continuum mechanics. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 54 (9), 1811-1842, 2006.
[2] Ericksen, J.L.. Equilibrium of bars. Journal of Elasticity, 5(3-4):191-201, 1975.
[3] Aguiar, A.R., Royer-Carfagni, G.F., Seitenfuss, A.B.. Wiggly strain localizations in peridynamic
bars with non-convex potential. International Journal of Solids and Structures 138 (1), 1-12, 2018.

Keywords: Peridynamics; Nonlocal theory; Non-convex energy; Nonlinear elasticity; Phase





Daniel Soares1, Alexandre Cury1

University of Juiz de Fora,
University of Juiz de Fora,

Structural modal parameters i.e. natural frequencies, damping ratios and mode shapes are dynamic
features obtained either by measuring the vibration responses of a structure or by means of finite
elements models. Over the past two decades, modal parameters have been used to detect damage in
structures by observing its variations over time. However, such variations can also be caused by
environmental factors such as humidity, wind and, more importantly, temperature. In so doing, the use
of modal parameters as damage indicators can be seriously compromised if these effects are not
properly tackled. Many researchers around the world have found numerous methods to mitigate the
influence of such environmental factors from modal parameters and many advanced damage indicators
have been developed and proposed to improve the reliability of structural health monitoring. In this
paper, several vibration tests are performed on a simply supported steel beam subjected to different
damage scenarios and temperature conditions, aiming to describe the variation in modal parameters
due to temperature changes. Moreover, four methodologies are proposed to identify damage, such as
Robust Regression, Principal Component Analysis and Support Vector Regression. Results show a
slightly linear decrease in the modal parameters due to temperature increase, although it is not possible
to establish an empirical equation to describe this tendency.

Keywords: SHM; damage detection; temperature effects; modal identification

1. Introduction and Motivation

Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is based on the premise that damage cause changes in the
structure’s physical properties (stiffness, mass and damping). Over the last decades, modal parameters
and other dynamic features obtained from vibration tests have been used to assess damage, since they
are functions of such structural properties. Research in vibration-based damage identification has been
rapidly expanding over the last few years, especially in applications involving bridges and buildings.
However, modal parameters are also sensitive to environmental factors such as humidity, wind and
temperature. The latter is especially responsible for modal variations that often are higher than those
caused by structural damage. This condition might compromise the reliability of SHM techniques, by
either masking the presence of damage or giving false positive alarms. To overcome this problem,
many researchers have studied the underlying relationships between modal parameters, environmental
factors and structural damage. Such studies were performed by means of numerical simulations and
experimental tests in laboratory or in situ, as described in references Peeters et al (2001), Sohn et al.
(1999), Meruane and Heylen (2012), Nguyen et al (2014), Wei (2015), Morales et al. (2018).

2. Materials and Methods

To provide a better understanding over such a phenomenon, this paper proposes an experimental study
of the variation of modal parameter estimates due to temperature and damage. This study is performed
on a simply supported steel beam subjected to 20 different temperature setups and 6 structural damage
scenarios, yielding 720 tests. To assess these three damage scenarios under the effect of temperature
variation, four statistical damage detection techniques are proposed: linear and nonlinear regression,
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Support Vector Regression (SVR). Results show that
among the four proposed techniques, only one is reliable for structural damage detection.
The methodology proposed in this paper consists in placing a 25mm x 6mm x 1500mm steel beam
into an electric oven and heating it up progressively while performing vibration tests under different
temperatures and damage conditions. Figure 1 depicts the general scheme of the experiment and the
Figure 2 shows the flowchart of the proposed methodology.
The minimum temperature for all tests was set to 18°C, since it was the minimum temperature
reachable using an air conditioning system. The maximum temperature for all tests was 56°C. This
maximum temperature was set to: i) do not damage the insulation of the accelerometer’s coaxial cables
(for which safe operational temperature must be under 70°C); ii) obtain an adequate sampling of
readings (20 samples obtained at intervals of 2°C); iii) obtain a temperature gradient of 38°C which is
wider than seasonal temperature variation in many tropical countries.

Figure 1. General scheme of the experiment

Figure 2. Methodology’s flowchart

2.1 Damage scenarios

Artificial damage scenarios were simulated by cutting the beam’s cross section to change local
stiffness and cause a reduction in the natural frequencies. Figure 3 details three damage scenarios. The
first one reduces the beam’s cross section area by 16.67% whereas the second by 33.34%. The fourth,
fifth and sixth damage scenarios consisted in adding a lumped mass of 10g, 20g and 50g at 375mm
from the left support, respectively.

Figure 3. Beam’s damage scenarios simulated through electrical saw cuts.

3. Preliminary results and discussion

Figures 4 and 5 present the results obtained by the four proposed statistical damage detection
techniques applied to 720 vibration tests performed on the beam (3 tests at 20 temperatures under 3
damage scenarios). The first results correspond to a linear regression model, followed by nonlinear
(second order) regression. Then, PCA are performed. Finally, one investigates the results obtained by
Support Vector Regression.

Figure 4. Results obtained using linear (left) and nonlinear (right) regression models.

Figure 5. Results obtained using PCA (left) and SVR (right) models.

4. Concluding remarks on current and future research

In general, both linear and nonlinear regressions showed a rather clear relationship between damage,
temperature and natural frequencies, but in some cases, the models did not fit well the entire dataset.
Thus, this method partially identified the damage scenarios and showed a limited relationship between
those physical quantities.
Support Vector Regression provided better results, as the damage levels could be more easily
identified. However, further research is necessary using PCA, since the relationship between natural
frequencies, temperature and damage could not be properly established.


The authors are grateful for the financial support of CNPq (National Council for Scientific and
Technological Development), FAPEMIG (Foundation of Support Research of the State of Minas
Gerais), CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) and UFJF
(Federal University of Juiz de Fora).


[1] Peeters, B., De Roeck, G., (2001). “One-year monitoring of the Z-24 Bridge: Environmental
effects vs Damage events”. Earthquake engineering and structural dynamics, Volumen 30, pp. 149-
[2] Sohn, et al., (1999). “An experimental study of temperature effect on modal parameters of the
Alamosa Canyon Bridge”. Earthquake engineering and structural dynamics, Issue 28, pp. 879-897.
[3] Meruane, V., Heylen, W., (2012). “Structural damage assessment under varying temperature
conditions”. Structural health monitoring, may, Issue 11, pp. 345-357.
[4] Nguyen, V. H., Mahowald, J., Golinval, J. C., Maas, S., (2014). “Damage detection in bridge
structures including environmental effects”. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on
Structural Dynamics, EURODYN.
[5] Wei J.J., Lv Z.R (2015). “Structural damage detection including the temperature difference based
on response sensitivity analysis”. Structural engineering and mechanics, An Int'l Journal Vol. 53 No. 2
[6] F. Morales, A. Cury, “Analysis of thermal and damage effects over structural modal parameters”,
Structural Engineering and Mechanics 65 (1), 43-51, 2018.




Alfredo Gay Neto 1, Thiago Felipe Medeiros Pereira 2

Polytechnic School at University of São Paulo,
Polytechnic School at University of São Paulo,

A research cooperation on wheel-rail contact mechanics was established in 2016 between Vale
Company and University of São Paulo. The objective is to investigate, by employing numerical
simulations, the wheel-rail contact interaction problem, focusing on heavy haul applications. On this
context, the present work provides an overview of last developments, such as shows some new
achievements and practical case studies.
Wheel-rail contact interaction is a complex phenomenon. The geometry of wheels is usually based
on a conical surface, aiming at providing a self-guidance of the wheelset while experiencing rolling on
rails. This provides unique abilities for curving and for dealing with geometrical imperfections on the
track. On the other hand, lateral oscillations of the wheelset always take place as a natural
consequence of the geometry of wheels and rails. With that, contact location usually changes all the
time during the vehicle movement. Contact actions depend on positioning of the wheelset on the track,
varying along its length according to curve radius, super-elevation, local geometry of wheels and rails,
such as operational conditions, as the traveling speed. Thus, when concerning about wheel-rail
contact, it is impossible to treat it separately from the dynamics of the whole system, which rules the
vehicle behavior. With that, computational modeling of such complex system may be viewed as a
Computational simulation of railway systems is usually performed by multibody software, based
on rigid bodies dynamics. The wheel-rail interaction may be included as unilateral constraints, by
assuming pointwise or distributed actions. On such context, special constitutive laws may be
established to treat contact between rigid bodies, incorporating local flexibility for the purpose of
establishing contact forces properly. This is usually done by establishing creepage coefficients,
employed in contact constitutive laws.
Present work employs a distinct philosophy from usual simulators of railway vehicle dynamics. As
proposed by [1], we considered rigid bodies as special implementations within a finite element
environment. With that, one would be able to combine rigid and flexible parts, according to modeling
interests. Particularly, geometrically-exact nonlinear finite element beams and shells may be used to
compound a complex structural system. All implementations were done in Giraffe solver [2]. A way to
incorporate the rigid body implementation was proposed in [3]. To time-integrate the system, we
employed the Newmark method, adapted for dealing with finite rotations, as proposed by [4].
The particular novelty of current developments is in incorporating the master-master contact
formulation, initially proposed for beam-to-beam contact in [5]-[6], for considering contact involving
rigid and flexible bodies. Particularly for the wheel-rail contact, this is welcome in order to represent
the interaction between a wheel and a flexible track system, composed by beams, springs and
dashpots. We expect advantages on employing the master-master contact technique, since it assumes
pointwise contact interaction with no pre-defined location on material points of contacting bodies.
Contrary, it involves a particular searching procedure performed along model evolution, aiming at

establishing moving contact actions in a convenient way. Thus, scenarios of rolling, may be naturally
considered. In this context, the possibility of using a contact formulation that automatically handles
such changes in contact location along time is welcome.
Another need is to establish special constraints, such as hinge joints, cardan joints and others. With
that, one may set-up a system representing the primary and secondary suspensions of a boogie
employed in heavy-haul wagons. Ideas of special constraints proposed in [7] were extended in present
work, by establishing a new translational joint, practical for establishing the suspension system.
The present work also provides some particular cases studies involving dynamic behavior of a
bogie under a condition of movement along a track with a sudden change in track stiffness. This may
represent a transition between a standard track and a tunnel or a bridge, were one may find distinct
equivalent stiffness. The bogie is modeled considering a collection of rigid bodies and joints. Primary
and secondary suspensions are considered, such as a point masses, representing cargo.
Ongoing developments aim at incorporating more robust methods to solve local contact detection
problems. This is a real need for the master-master contact formulation. Furthermore, current available
constitutive equations for contact employ only linear penalties (with Coulomb saturation on tangential
direction). No advance creepage models were employed yet, which are also a need for reasonable
physical results on realistic wheel-rail contact.
At the conference, an overview presentation of the project will be offered, such as discussions on
modeling issues and challenges of ongoing works. Practical examples will also be shown.

The authors acknowledge Vale S.A. for the support through Wheel-Rail Chair project. The first
author acknowledges CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) under
the Grant 308190/2015-7.


[1] Cardona, M.; Geradin; Doan, D. B. Rigid and flexible joint modelling in multibody dynamics using
finite elements. Comp. Methods in App. Mech. Eng., v. 89, p. 395-418, 1991.
[2] Gay Neto, A. Giraffe User’s Manual - Generic Interface Readily Accessible for Finite Elements,
2018. Available at: <>.
[3] Campos, P.R.R., Gay Neto, A. Rigid body formulation in a finite element context with contact
interaction, Comp. Mechanics, online, 2018.
[4] Ibrahimbegovic, A.; Mamouri, S. Energy conserving/decaying implicit time-stepping scheme for
nonlinear dynamics of three-dimensional beams undergoing finite rotations. Comp. Methods in App.
Mech. Eng., v. 191, p. 4241-4258, 2002.
[5] Gay Neto, A.; Pimenta, P. M.; Wriggers, P. A Master-surface to Master-surface Formulation for
Beam to Beam Contact. Part I: Frictionless Interaction. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., v.
303, p. 400-429, 2016.
[6] Gay Neto, A.; Pimenta, P. M.; Wriggers, P. A Master-surface to Master-surface Formulation for
Beam to Beam Contact. Part II: Frictional Interaction. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., v. 319,
p. 146-174, 2017.
[7] Gay Neto, A. Simulation of Mechanisms Modeled by Geometrically-Exact Beams using Rodrigues
Rotation Parameters. Comp. Mechanics, v. 59 (3), p. 459-481, 2017.




Giovanni A. Amaral 1 , Estevan C. IsaaK 2 , Alfredo G. Neto 2 , Guilherme R. Franzini 1

1 Offshore Mechanics Laboratory, Escola Politécnica, University of São Paulo

2 Computational Mechanics Laboratory, Escola Politécnica, University of São Paulo

Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (FOWTs) increase the number of possible sites for wind energy farms.
It is remarkable that this type of solution allows the installation in regions with water depths superior to
100 m. As FOWTs are still in their early days, a series of numerical and experimental studies on this has
been carried out in the last years by different research groups. We emphasize that, even though their high
cost, experimental investigations on the different aspects of the FOWTs are of great importance. In this
context, numerical simulations are commonly adopted in the early design phases.
As in all types of floating units, the mooring system design is an important task in the FOWT project.
The equivalent stiffness due to the mooring system has to be specified in order to deal with a series of
static and dynamic criteria. Essentially, the mooring stiffness has to be able to either keep the floating
unit offset within operational limits or to detune its natural frequencies from those arisen from the waves
and the sea current loads.
The definition of equivalent stiffness of the mooring system may be a complex task, since it depends
on each mooring line configuration, its physical properties, sea current incidence and sometimes on the
contact between the mooring line and the seabed. Reference [1] presented an analytic methodology
to quantify the stiffness due to mooring line when the floating unit experiences surge, sway and yaw
Nowadays, the mooring systems of the FOWTs farms installed mainly employ slack chain catenary
mooring lines. In this context, the contribution of a particular line to the overall stiffness can be evalu-
ated either analytically or numerically. Each line could be seen as a nonlinear spring, conteracting the
floating unit offsets by applying restoring forces. Although being a classic-well-solved problem, the an-
alytical catenary approach has some limitations. For example, it is not an easy task to take into account
hydrodynamic drag forces from ocean current analytically; see [2] and [3]. This confirms that the use of
some numerical tools for obtaining the force-displacement relation are worth.
One of the main issues of the numerical approach to model a catenary-laying mooring line or flexible
risers systems is the difficulty of modeling high-flexible structures. As FOWT mooring lines are usually
composed by steel chains, their very low (or even null) bending stiffness could lead to very strong ge-
ometric non-linearities. Consequently, there is a challenge in defining the initial static; see [4]. Many
methods have been used for calculating the initial static shape of very flexible structures. An initial con-
trolled geometry near to the target equilibrium geometry is suggested in [5]. In [6], aiming to solve a
similar problem for a riser, the authors proposed a strategy based on imposing a pretension on it in order
to increase its geometric stiffness, improving the convergence.

42 1
Figure 1: Load-steps sequences for achieving the final mooring line configuration.

This paper investigates the influence of the sea current in the relationship between force on the top of
a mooring line and the corresponding displacement. Focus is placed on the stiffness on the horizontal
plane. This force-displacement curve can be obtained by imposing quasi-static motions on the floating
unit in the horizontal direction of the plane of the catenary. Firstly, the case without sea current is
compared with the one analytically obtained. Then, the effects of the sea current acting on the mooring
line are investigated. In order to exemplify the methodology, the international benchmark of the Offshore
Code Comparison Collaboration Continuation - OC4 - is taken as a case study.

We employ a geometrically-exact beam model to numerically obtain the force-displacement relation-
ship. The environmental loads considered in the model are the line weight, the buoyancy force, the sea
current hydrodynamic forces and the contact between the line and the seabed. A complete description
of the static loading applied to a exactly beam model can be found at [6]. All models are studied using
the GIRAFFE finite element solver. This is an in-house software, coded using C++ language and proper
for receiving new finite elements and contact models. Further information regarding GIRAFFE can be
found in [7].
The mooring line is taken completely immersed in the sea water. The combination of the effects of
the structure self-weight and the buoyancy results in a "effective weight" force. More details about the
effective weight and effective force may be found in [8]. In turn, the hydrodynamic effect caused by the
sea current is taken into account by using the Morison’s model; see [9]. In this model, the drag force
is proportional to the square of the sea current velocity. The contact between the mooring line and the
seabed is a nonlinear boundary condition. Since the portion of the line that lays on the seabed is not
known and the position of the touchdown point (TDP) could vary during the simulation, it is a crucial
problem. Techniques to deal with this problem in statics and dynamics of geometrically-exact beam
models can be found in [10] and [11], respectively.
As mentioned before, one of the contributions of this paper is the proposal of a technique to deal with
finite element modeling of very flexible structures. The main goal of this methodology is to make the
structure increase its geometric stiffness in order to speed-up the convergence. The strategy is performed
in some load-steps. At the beginning, the mooring line is supposed unstressed laying on the seabed. At
this stage, the line is meshed and its extremities are constrained to be fixed. The gravity action starts to
be considered at this step. Then, prescribed displacements at the line nodes are established, making the
line assume an initial guess position. This nodal displacement was preliminary determined by using the
analytic solution of the catenary problem. The second load-step consists in release the displacements
of almost every mesh node, except by the first and the last ones. It is important to remark that these
two nodes are related, respectively, to the anchor and the fairlead points. As a result of the release,
the mooring line seeks for its equilibrium configuration. Once this guess is not far from the real static
position, the convergence at this load-step comes easily. Fig. 1 sketches the proposed procedure.
Once the static equilibrium configuration is reached, the actual study for evaluating the line stiffness
bahavior can start. It is important to highlight that any kind of analyses may take place here: statics,
quasi-statics or dynamics. Firstly, the sea current is imposed by giving an incidence angle α and a profile

43 2
(a) Front view. (b) Superior view.

Figure 2: Sea current incidence angle α at the mooring line.

of fluid speed. Then, a quasi-static analysis is performed, by imposing motions at the fairlead node at
the axial direction of the line. The horizontal force-displacement curve is obtained directly from this
The main goal of this work is to evaluate the effects of the sea current on the contribution of a single
mooring line to the equivalent stiffness. Although the friction force caused by the contact between the
line and the seabed could be significant, this is not evaluated at this paper. The sea current is herein
defined by its intensity and incidence angle α. Fig. 2 illustrates of the mooring line, indicating the
incidence the sea current.

Preliminary Results
As already mentioned, the international benchmark of the OC4 is taken as a case study. Tab. 1 presents
the mooring line proprieties, extracted from [12].

Table 1: Mooring line properties.

Depth to anchors below the free surface 200 m

Depth to fairleads below the free surface 14 m
Radius measured from the platform center to the anchor 837.6 m
Radius measured from the platform center to the fairleads 40.9 m
Unstretched mooring line length 835.5 m
Mooring line diameter 0.0766 m
Mass per unit length 113.35 kg/m
Axial stiffness 7.536E+8 N
Tangential drag coefficient 0.37
Normal drag coefficient 2.40

Aiming at verifing the proposed methodology, an initial test without the sea current is carried out. The
outcome for this simulation is the horizontal force-displacement. The comparison with the results for
different analytical models is showed in Fig. 3a. Two analytical models are proposed: the classic non-
extensible catenary line and an elastic cable line, as proposed by [2]. It is possible to note that the FEM
model very well agrees with the analytical solution for extensible cables.
As a preliminary test for the influence of the hydrodynamic forces for the horizontal force-displacement
curve, it has been taken into account two scenarios of sea current, characterized by incidence angles
α = 0o and α = 180o , both with a sea current speed of 5 m/s. The results are compared to the case
without sea current and showed in Fig. 3b. Even though the significant sea current velocity, there is no
significant difference between the conditions with and without sea current. This is associated with the
heavy mooring line herein investigated. The fact that sea currents direction took into account lies on the
plane of the mooring line could be another reason. Further works include the study of lighter and mixed
mooring lines and other sea currents speeds and incidence angles.

44 3
(a) Comparison between numerical and analytical mod- (b) Numerical results under sea current.
els. Without sea current.

Figure 3: Fairlead forces vs. Fairlead-anchor horizontal distance.

The first and the second authors are grateful to the Office Naval Research (ONR) for the financial
support. The third and the fourth authors acknowledge the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq)
for the grants 308190/2015-7 and 310595/2015-0.

[1] C. P. Pesce, G. A. Amaral, and G. R. Franzini. Mooring system stiffness: A general analitycal formulation
with an application to floating offshore wind turbaines. In Proceeding of the ASME 2018 1st International
Offshore Wind Technical Conference [Submited]. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.
[2] O. M. Faltinsen. Sea Loads on ships and offshore structures. Cambridge Ocean Technology Series. Cam-
bridge university press, 1 edition, 1993.
[3] M. Hall, B. Buckham, and C. Crawford. Evaluating the importance of mooring line model fidelity in floating
offshore wind turbine simulations. Wind Energy, 17(12):1835–1853, 2013.
[4] R. L. Webster. On the static analysis of structures with strong geometric nonlinearity. Computers & Struc-
tures, 11(1-2):137–145, 1980.
[5] R. Antonutti, C. Peyrard, A. Incecik, D. Ingram, and L. Johanning. Dynamic mooring simulation with
Code_Aster with application to a floating wind turbine. Ocean Engineering, 151:366 – 377, 2017.
[6] A. Gay Neto, C. A.. Martins, and P. M.. Pimenta. Static analysis of offshore risers with a geometrically-exact
3d beam model subjected to unilateral contact. Computational Mechanics, 53(1):125–145, 2013.
[7] A. Gay Neto. Giraffe user’s manual v 1.0.200, 2017.
[8] A. G. Neto, P. M. Pimenta, and C. A. Martins. Hydrostatic pressure load in pipes modeled using beam finite
elements: theoretical discussions and applications. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 143(4):04017003,
[9] J.R. Morison, J.W. Johnson, and S.A. Schaaf. The force exerted by surface waves on piles. Journal of
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[10] A. Gay Neto, E. R. Malta, and P.M. Pimenta. Catenary riser sliding and rolling on seabed during induced
lateral movement. Marine Structures, 41:223–243, 2015.
[11] A. Gay Neto. Dynamics of offshore risers using a geometrically-exact beam model with hydrodynamic loads
and contact with the seabed. Engineering Structures, 125:438–454, 2016.
[12] A. Robertson, J. Jonkman, F. Vorpahl, W. Popko, J. Qvist, L. Frøyd, X. Chen, J. Azcona, E. Uzunoglu,
C. Guedes Soares, C. Luan, H. Yutong, F. Pengcheng, A. Yde, T. Larsen, J. Nichols, R. Buils, L. Lei, T. An-
ders Nygard, D. Manolas, A. Heege, S. Ringdalen Vatne, H. Ormberg, T. Duarte, C. Godreau, H. Fabricius
Hansen, A. Wedel Nielsen, H. Riber, C. Le Cunff, R. Abele, F. Beyer, A. Yamaguchi, K. Jin Jung, H. Shin,
W. Shi, H. Park, M. Alves, and M. Guérinel. Offshore code comparison collaboration continuation within
iea wind task 30: Phase ii results regarding a floating semisubmersible wind system. In Proceedings of the
ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society
of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.

45 4


Carlos H. S. Barbosa1 , Schirley C. Jorge1 , Raphael F. Vilela1 , Luciano Leite1 , José J. Camata2 , Alvaro
L. G. A. Coutinho1
1 COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
2 Computer Science, Federal University of Juiz de Fora.

Abstract: Geophysical imaging faces nowadays new challenges related to 3D data acquisition, which
means that we need to simulate full 3D volumes. Therefore, we present a hybrid MPI/OpenMP ap-
proach for modeling the 3D heterogeneous acoustic wave equation. Test cases provided by the High-
Performance Computing for Energy project are solved using our optimized numerical code. Results
show that a hybrid MPI/OpenMP strategy overlapping computation and communication can be very
efficient in standard multi-core machines.

1. Introduction
Finite difference (FD) algorithms are the most straightforward approach to simulate 3D waves. The
geophysical imaging industry has relied for years on highly specialized FD codes for their modeling
and migration algorithms. Nevertheless, despite their success, nowadays geophysical imaging faces
new challenges. First of all, 3D data acquisition are now commonplace, which means that we need to
model full 3D volumes. Furthermore, reservoirs are found in deeper and more geologically complex
areas, which requires more computing power and tweaks to the physical approximations used to model
waves. Also, computer architectures have changed dramatically over the years, mostly driven by the
commodity market. New computational architectures and parallel paradigms imply that codes require
constant maintenance to beat obsolescence. Today, FD algorithms are still as popular as ever, and the
applications where they are used have increased significantly. In this work, fast and effective optimization
and porting strategies are shown to boost the performance of a classical extrapolation scheme. A standard
eighth order in space and second order in time 3D acoustic FD code, parallelized with MPI/OpenMP and
running on Intel general-purpose CPUs is analyzed and optimized. Results for the seismic imaging
benchmark released by the High Performance Computing for Energy project are shown to demonstrate
the efficiency of our approach.

2. Wave Equation Formulation

A simple way to derive the heterogeneous acoustic wave equations, regarding particle velocity and pres-
sure, is using the Newton’s Law of momentum conservation and the continuity equation [1]. Thus, the
wave propagation in a 3D heterogeneous medium can be described as the following first-order system of

ρ(r) + ∇p(r,t) = f(r,t), (1)
1 ∂p(r,t) ∂iv (r,t)
+ ∇ · v(r,t) = ,
κ(r) ∂t ∂t

46 1
where, p is the pressure, v = (vx , vy , vz ) the velocity field, r = (rx , ry , rz ) the position vector, t the time. ρ
and κ are functions of the position and define the density and the acoustic bulk modulus of the medium,
respectively. The density of external body force is represented by the vector f = ( fx , fy , fz ), and the
source, iv , is the density of volume injection, such as an air gun, for instance. Finally, ∂/ ∂t is the time
derivative, and the symbol ∇ is the vector differential operator.
The first-order system of equations 1 describes how the velocity and the acoustic pressure change in a
medium with properties κ and ρ submitted to external perturbations iv and f. The numerical discretization
used to solve the coupled system of equations 1 is based on the acoustic Standard Staggered Grid scheme
(SSG) as proposed by Virieux [2]. However, Virieux’s original formulation is second-order accurate in
time and space. Here we apply a high order discretization, such as an eighth-order accurate in space, to
reach better accuracy. Thus, the discretized coupled equations are given by:

n+ 1 n− 1 ∆t
vi+ 12, j,k = vi+ 12, j,k − bi+ 1 , j,k (Dpx ) ,
2 2 2 h
n+ 1 n− 1 ∆t
vi, j+2 1 ,k = vi, j+2 1 ,k − bi, j+ 1 ,k (Dpy ) , (2)
2 2 2 h
n+ 12 n− 12 ∆t
vi, j,k+ 1 = vi, j,k+ 1 − bi, j,k+ 1 (Dpz ) ,
2 2 2 h

pn+1 n
i, j,k = pi, j,k − κi, j,k (Dvx + Dvy + Dvz ),
where the operators Dpx , Dpy , Dpz , Dvx , Dvy , Dvz are:

Dpx = pni+1, j,k − pni, j,k + pni+2, j,k − pni−1, j,k + pni+3, j,k − pni−2, j,k + pni+4, j,k − pni−3, j,k ,
Dpy = pni, j+1,k − pni, j,k + pni, j+2,k − pni, j−1,k + pni, j+3,k − pni, j−2,k + pni, j+4,k − pni, j−3,k ,
Dpz = pni, j,k+1 − pni, j,k + pni, j,k+2 − pni, j,k−1 + pni, j,k+3 − pni, j,k−2 + pni, j,k+4 − pni, j,k−3 ,

n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1
Dvx = vi+ 12, j,k − vi− 12, j,k + vi+ 32, j,k − vi− 32, j,k + vi+ 52, j,k − vi− 52, j,k + vi+ 72, j,k − vi− 72, j,k ,
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1
Dvy = vi, j+2 1 ,k − vi, j−2 1 ,k + vi, j+2 3 ,k − vi, j−2 3 ,k + vi, j+2 5 ,k − vi, j−2 5 ,k + vi, j+2 7 ,k − vi, j−2 7 ,k ,
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ 1
Dvz = vi, j,k+
1 −v
i, j,k− 1
+ vi, j,k+
3 −v
i, j,k− 3
+ vi, j,k+
5 −v
i, j,k− 5
+ vi, j,k+
7 −v
i, j,k− 7
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

The indexes i, j, and k represent the directions (x, y, z), n is the temporal step, ∆t is the temporal sampling
rate, and h is the grid size. The velocity is given by v, p is the pressure, and b is the buoyancy (1/ρ).

3. Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Parallelism and Optimizations

The wave propagation kernel concentrates most of the program execution time (≈ 98% of total). The first
modification to the serial code use OpenMP directives. In addition to this, current processors allow oper-
ating more than one floating-point operation per loop iteration, which is known as a Single-Instruction-
Multiple-Data (SIMD) model. In the SIMD model, instead of applying an instruction multiple times to
each chunk of a vector, it employs just one single instruction to a whole vector (e.g., float, or, at least,
a portion more extensive than a single unit (a single float). In this work, the AVX2 (Advanced Vector
Extensions) technology, with 256 bits [3], is used for SIMD computations. The code contains preproces-
sor directives and uses memory alignment allocation to ensure vectorization. The processor cores pinned
OpenMP threads using the Intel environment variable to control thread affinity. The code uses first touch
approach to reduce NUMA imbalance.
For large 3D discretizations, domain decomposition is mandatory in multi-core architectures. An
MPI communication strategy is also applied to construct our Hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallel solution. It
uses non-blocking send/receiver MPI routines that allows overlap communication and computation. The

47 2
computational domain is a Cartesian grid, and it can be partitioned among the processes. Thus, each
MPI process can get all information about its domain/subdomain and neighbors relationship without any
message exchange. The subdomain stencil computation using non-blocking communication is performed
in four stages:(i) gather its subdomain boundary data and sends to appropriate neighbors; (ii) compute
the stencil only in regions that do not depend on data from neighboring processes; (iii) verify that it has
received data from some neighbor and, if true, copy the data to a ghost area; (iv) compute stencil in halo
However, this scheme can result in load imbalance and performance degradation because the imple-
mentation of the send call requires the corresponding receiver to be posted on the target before initializing
the data transfer. Thus, data transfer occurs during the MPI Waitall() call even when there is enough com-
putation to overlap. To overcome this issue, we have implemented a scheme where a dedicated thread
is used to improve asynchronous communication progress. As a consequence, a new nested OpenMP
parallel region is created to compute the finite-difference stencil.

4. Results and Discussions

The first result presented is related to the scalability analysis of the discretized homogeneous acoustic
wave equation with 4096×4096×4096 grid points for different core numbers as shown in Table 1. Using
code profiling tools, we can get insights into the effectiveness of the domain decomposition strategy, use
of thread parallelism and the computational functional unit cores. We use the Tuning and Analysis
Utilities (TAU) [4] linked to PAPI to get hardware events (for instance, L1/L2 cache misses). OMPT tool
provides runtime state tracking, which enables a sampling-based performance tool to understand what
an OpenMP application thread is doing. These tools allow us to discover the most appropriate OpenMP
SCHEDULE strategy and also to perform stencil optimizations, which increased the performance of
the seismic modeling code. Besides, we have allocated one MPI process to each compute node and
use 16 OpenMP threads per node. Tests were carried out on Stampede2, a cluster with 4,200 Knights
Landing (KNL) nodes, the second generation of processors based on Intel’s Many Integrated Core (MIC)
architecture and 1,736 Intel Xeon Skylake nodes. Thus, the scalability analysis shows that our scheme
can reach 80% of efficiency up to 4096 cores.

Table 1: Acoustic wave propagation - scalability analysis - grid 4096 × 4096 × 4096, 500 time steps.
MPI Process Process Distribution Threads CPU Time Speed-up
64 4×4×4 1024 773.88 1.00
128 4×4×8 2048 494.83 1.56
256 4×8×8 4096 234.77 3.30

We also experiment our optimized code using the flat acoustic test at 20 Hz maximum frequency
[5] (codenamed AF-UNIT-20Hz) provided by the High-Performance Computing for Energy (HPC4E)
project1 . The AF-UNIT-20Hz test consists to run the modeling code in the 10x10x4.5 Km block with
minimum velocity 1684.08 m/s and maximum velocity 4000.0 m/s both for the P-waves. The model
includes a flat free-surface condition, where receivers record all three velocity components of motion
with a 5 milliseconds sampling. The shot is an explosive source (Ormsby wavelet with cut-off frequency
at 20Hz.) buried at a depth of 10 meters below the free surface. The second-order accurate in time and
eighth-order accurate in space discretized approach allows using 3.33 points per minimum wavelength,
i.e., a grid space of 25.0 meters and a temporal sampling rate of 0.001 seconds. Finally, to avoid spurious
reflection on the boundary of the domain the Absorbing Boundary Condition (ABC) developed by Cerjan
[6] is used. Considering a single shot (AF-UNIT-20Hz) located at sx = 5000m and sy = 5000m the
experiment is carried out on Lobo Carneiro (SGI ICE X), a cluster with 504 CPU’s Intel Xeon E5-
2670v3 (Haswell), where each node (252 nodes) has 24 cores. Thus, the optimized code is executed in
a dual-socket node, using all 24 available cores. OpenMP directives are inserted in the finite-difference
kernel. Besides, to ensure stencil vectorization, the code contains preprocessor directives (AVX2) and

48 3
uses memory alignment allocation. The experiment takes only 720s of walltime in a single node with a
speedup of 6.3. Figure 1(b) shows the vertical velocity component (seismogram) extracted from inline
located at 5000 meters (Figure 1(a)) as specified in the AF-UNIT-20Hz experiment provided by the

(a) (b)

Figure 1: Layer horizons (1(a)) related to the test cases. Vertical velocity (1(b)) extracted from inline
located at 5000 meters [5].

5. Conclusions
In this work we report improvements made in hybrid parallel high-order 3D finite difference simulation
of the heterogeneous acoustic wave equation in multi-core machines. We introduce a domain decomposi-
tion approach overlapping computation and communication. OpenMP directives and AVX2 instructions
speed-up kernel stencil computations, improving the overall performance. The code for modeling homo-
geneous acoustic wave equation with our hybrid parallel approach is freely available for download at the
High Performance Computing for Energy project website2 .

The research has received funding from CNPq, FAPERJ, the European Commission (HPC4E H2020
project) and the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications. Com-
puter resources are provided by the High Performance Computer Center, COPPE/UFRJ and TACC, The
University of Texas at Austin, USA.

[1] C. H. Chapman. Fundamentals of Seismic Wave Propagation, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
[2] J. Virieux. P-SV wave propagation in heterogeneous media: Velocity-stress finite-difference method, Geo-
physics, 889-901, 1986.
[3] Intel. ISA Extensions Intel AVX - Intelr Software:,
Online, 2013.
[4] S. Shende and A. D. Malony. The TAU Parallel Performance System, International Journal of High Perfor-
mance Computing Applications, Volume 20 Number 2 Summer 2006. Pages 287-311.
[5] J. de la Puente. Website deploying a suite of geophysical tests for wave propagation problems on extreme scale
machines:, HPC4E Consortium Partners, 2015.
[6] C. Cerjan, D. Kosloff, R. Kosloff, and M. Reshef. A nonreflecting boundary condition for discrete acoustic
and elastic wave equations, Geophysics, 705-708, 1985

2 https://

49 4



Linda Gesenhues 1 , José J. Camata 3 , Adriano M. A. Côrtes 2 , Fernando A. Rochinha 1 , Alvaro L.G.A.
Coutinho 1
1 COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2 NUMPEX-COMP, Campus Duque de Caxias, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
3 Computer Science Department, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil

Dense granular flows often occur in nature and industry, e.g., in avalanches, turbidity currents, grain
silos or material handling. Therefore, a high interest exists to gain further insights to predict such flows.
In the last decades, the µ(I)-rheology has been more and more established to compute dense granular
flows with a continuous model. Besides a dependency on the shear rate, this rheology model is based on
the Coulomb friction and assumes that the normal stress applied by the pressure are proportional by a
friction coefficient to the tangential stress [1]. This complex constitutive model results in an unusual vis-
coplastic shear-thinning behavior. The equations are highly non-linear and thus lead easily to numerical
instabilities, which may end in divergence, oscillation and extreme sensitivity to the input parameters.
Recently Barker et al [2] demonstrated that under some assumptions the governing equations are
ill-posed. Thus the solution, if not diverged before, might be grid-dependent and not unique. Barker
and Gray [3] suggest a regularization strategy to ensure well-posed constitutive equations. Besides the
regularization of Barker and Gray we have introduced other regularizations strategies based on thresholds
for the minimum and maximum viscosity values.
Earlier, we have managed to run 2D and 3D simulations of a column collapse using the well-posed
formulation of the µ(I)-rheology. In this experimental setup, a dense fluid column at rest is surrounded
by a lighter fluid. With time, the denser fluid collapses due to the gravity and the different densities [4].
Along the process, we noticed that different preconditioning strategies have a significant impact on the
solver’s convergence, and thus, have considerable importance for a successful simulation.
In this study, we compare the behavior of different parallel preconditioners (Block-Jacobi, ILU(n),
Algebraic Multigrid) for the column collapse using the µ(I)-rheology. This also includes a reordering of
the standard matrix (AIJ) to a blocked matrix (BAIJ). The simulations are governed by the Navier-Stokes
solver coupled with a transport solver employing the volume-of-fluid method which describes the inter-
face of the dense and light fluids. As finite element formulation, we use the residual-based variational
multiscale method. All implementations are based upon libMesh, a C++ library which interfaces PETSc
and other libraries. Furthermore, it supports adaptive mesh refinement and coarsening [5].

[1] Pierre Jop, Yoel Forterre, and Olivier Pouliquen. A constitutive law for dense granular flows. Nature,
441(7094):727–730, 2006.
[2] T. Barker, D. G. Schaeffer, P. Bohorquez, and J. M. N. T. Gray. Well-posed and ill-posed behaviour of the
µ-rheology for granular flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 779:794–818, 2015.
[3] T. Barker and J. M.N.T. Gray. Partial regularisation of the incompressible µ(I)-rheology for granular flow.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 828(October):5–32, 2017.
[4] Linda Gesenhues, Jose J. Camata, and Alvaro L.G.A. Coutinho. Simulation of a column collapse for dense
granular flows. In CILAMCE 2017, 2017.

50 1
[5] Benjamin S. Kirk, John W. Peterson, Roy H. Stogner, and Graham F. Carey. libMesh : a C++ library for
parallel adaptive mesh refinement/coarsening simulations. Engineering with Computers, 22(3-4):237–254,

51 2



Anaximandro Souza¹, Leonardo Lisboa², Rodrigo Melo³

Universidade Estadual do Maranhão,
Universidade Ceuma,
Universidade Ceuma,
Unidade de Ensino Superior Dom Bosco,
Universidade de São Paulo,

Abstract: The present work has as main study direction the analysis of the wind action in different types
of bridge decks geometries and their dynamic response, using classic bridge models already constructed
such as the North American bridge Tacoma Narrows and the Brazilian Rio Niteroi, such example, and
usual models (trapezoid, rectangular and double-T) for validation of results, with the objective of
obtaining study parameters that help in the analysis of these elements of vital importance for large
population centers and cities with regard to transport logistics, based on the assumption that different
from the own weight and overloads that end up generating deformations, the wind produces non-
conservative forces generating dynamic phenomena and aeroelastic effects, provoking instability
through the movement of its superstructure. In order to obtain the study parameters, we used methods
related to computational modeling and numerical simulation, aiming at obtaining results with maximum
accuracy and demonstrating the validation of the same as their practical use in the context of civil
construction, especially in bridges, considering their interrelations in the environment in which they are
Keywords: Bridge decks, Dynamic response, Usual deck models, Aeroelastic effects

1.Introduction and Motivation

Bridges are essential elements for the development of a region, both in economic and
geographic criteria. They are made for the transition of people, vehicles and transport of objects
between two regions that are separated by rivers, seas, cliffs, etc. Therefore, studying their
interactions with the environment, in this case the wind and the conditions of the stresses that
they are subjected are of vital importance when considering that you want a bridge with good
performance and high longevity. Classically, simulations involving the action of internal or
external forces on medium and large structures were made from large-scale tests using wind
tunnels and destructive tests (in case of stress analysis), sometimes disregarding important
variables in the evaluation process. The CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) adds to the
evaluative process as a method that makes possible the study of the fluid-structure system, a
concept that analyzes the behavior of a structure not only in function of its stresses and demands
but as a global dynamic spectrum which surrounds the fluid in which it is immersed. In
agreement with the cfd, in the present work also were used mathematical methods of modeling,
attached to computational systems, that help in the obtaining of results with the maximum of

reliability and security. One of the most used features in computational modeling, and also used
in the formulation of the present article, is the finite element method, which consists of a
numerical procedure for the approximate solution of problems about boundary values of
differential equations, which are changed by a limited number of elements that present well
defined behavior where they are found in several forms such as triangular, quadrilateral, among
others depending on the type of problem studied. The finite elements are connected to each
other forming nodes or nodal points, when forming a set of nodes we get the name of mesh, a
concept used in the design and modeling of bridge decks for posterior simulation.

2. Main Objectives

The present research has as main objective to analyze different geometries of bridge decks and
how they are able to influence phenomena of aeroelastic instability, starting from the
assumption that the geometry of the deck can influence at generation of vortices that will
consequently induce phenomena in the all superstructure of the bridge. Using ANSYS
numerical modeling and simulation software, it was possible create usual bridge decks
geometries and subject them to simulations of wind actions under the superstructure of the
bridge, making 2D finite element analysis (FEA) meshes with a high degree of refinement and
analyzing their behavior from it. The results presented by the software refer to the frequency of
vortex shedding in low-pressure regions of the structure, also known as Strouhal number, as
also as drag (CD) and lift (CL) coefficients, comparing those coefficients with natural frequency
of the structure, it is possible to determine the performance of each deck and his tendency to
aeroelastic instability. These parameters are essential for the correct analysis of the bridge
behavior when considering the study of fluid-structure interaction (FSI). as also as drag (CD)
and lift (CL) coefficients, comparing those coefficients with natural frequency of the structure,
it is possible to determine the performance of each deck and his tendency to aeroelastic
instability. These parameters are essential for the correct analysis of the bridge behavior when
considering the study of fluid-structure interaction (FSI).

a) b)

Fig. 1: a and b, different perspectives of the Rio Nitéroi bridge evidencing its deck in double-t format

In Figure 1, the Brazilian bridge Rio Niterói, built in the 1970s with the objective of connecting
the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Niterói, presented in the 1990s vertical bending in the 50cm
range, according to records of the time in response to the action of the wind in the region. was
later corrected with the aid of shock absorbers and against weights installed in its structure

c) d)

Fig 2: c and d, the north american bridge Tacoma Narrows, before and after the collapse in 1940.

The Tacoma Narrows bridge, shown in figure 2, was a North American suspension bridge that
was located on the Tacoma Strait, in the United States. It collapsed in 1940, a few months after
its inauguration due to strong gusts of wind that induced dynamic effects related to resonance
and aeroelasticity in it.
Figures 1 and 2 show the importance of the study of the dynamic effects that the wind induces
in these types of structures.

3. Concluding remarks on current and future research

Wind action in static structures, such as buildings and bridges, is one of the main factors that
must be taken on consideration in the design and execution of a project, especially when
considering structures with robust shapes (ie non-aerodynamic), the shape of these types of
elements corroborates with the appearance of undesirable phenomena for the structure, such as
vortex detachment, hammer effects and excessive oscillation, Therefore, the analysis and
prediction, as well as the consideration of the natural frequencies and requesting loads to which
bridges will be subject is essential, this process involves from a good choice of materials to the
choices of people qualified to execute and study the project In this scientific work, besides
obtaining parameters of analysis, two conclusions were evidenced, the first concerns the use of
computational resources in the scope of civil construction, in view of its practical and
facilitating bias, in addition to providing more precise results in relation to studies of structural
nature and dynamic fluid (in the case of this work), assisting in the constructive process. The
second is about the isostatic nature of most bridges, a factor that in addition to what common
sense may suggest, is of the utmost importance, considering that these types of elements have
the need to move with a certain degree of freedom, allowing a structural integrity.


BRAUN, A. L. 2007., Simulação numérica na engenharia do vento incluindo efeitos de interação

fluido estrutura. (Tese de Doutorado) Escola de Engenharia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
Sul, Porto Alegre.

GOMES, H. C. 2013., Método dos Elementos Finitos com Fronteiras Imersas aplicado a Problemas de
Dinâmica dos Fluidos e Interação Fluido-Estrutura. (Tese de Doutorado), Universidade de São Paulo,
São Paulo.

BLESSMANN, J, 2005., Introdução ao Estudo da Ação Dinâmica do Vento. 2. ed. Editora da
Universidade. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre.

BISMARCK, M. N. 1940., Structural Dynamics in Aeronautical Engineering. AIAA educational

series, Reston.

HALLAK, P, H, 2002., Parâmetros Aeroelásticos para Pontes via Fluidodinâmica

Computacional. (Tese de Doutorado), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.




Anaximandro Souza¹, Carlos Marinho², Luís Jorge³

Universidade Estadual do Maranhão,
Universidade Ceuma,

Abstract: The present article has as main objectives the structural analysis of the belt conveyor TR-
315K-03 (2200) and in the verification of its mechanical components, such equipment implanted in
the company Vale. The research was carried out through computational models of a numerical
simulation software Procal 3D that uses finite elements method, where the obtained data adequately
show the quality of the materials used in analyzes from the force requests to which they are being
submitted and the importance of its study to ensure its efficiency.
Keys Words: Belt Conveyor, finite elements, structural analysis.

1. Introduction

Vale is considered one of the largest mining companies in the world, having facilities in
several countries such as Indonesia, Oman, Argentina, Brazil and Mozambique. Its main activity and
source of profit is designated as mining and transportation of the ore, and to do its work the railroad
systems are used to move between regions to accelerate the process in line with low emission
pollutants that the railway line can offer. Therefore the issue of logistics related to the handling of ore
is an essential factor for success in every process.
In this article, the belt conveyor used for all types of work that require the uniform and safe
movement of materials in the company was analyzed, with the objective of obtaining data through
structural and mechanical analysis. The interpretation of the results obtained through computational
modeling and numerical simulation is of vital importance for the useful life and durability of this
equipment that play an important role within the company.
Computational modeling consists of an area of knowledge that deals with the application
processes of mathematical models using computational techniques for the solution and understandings
of complex problems. Such problems with a high degree of complexity can result in an agglomeration
of physical variables for the control of the process, thus creating techniques for several models, aiming
at solving the problem.
In this way, one of the computational modeling methods is finite elements, which consists of a
numerical procedure to solve problems in the limits of differential equations, where they are modified
by a definite number of elements that have a well-defined behavior and that depending on the problem
can be found in various forms such as quadrangular, triangular and other forms that will depend on the
problem being studied.
The finite elements when connected to each other form nodes or in other words, nodal points,
consisting of a set of creating nodes, carrying a finite element mesh where their precision will depend

on the number formed of nodes and their formats, thus, how much smaller its size and more quantity
in a mesh, more accurate and correct will be the result. More and more modern simulation software is
used that, over time, is evolving more and more, improving the analysis, the type and the formation of
the mesh of elements, using the techniques proposed by the modeling, with more accurate results and
less number of failures.
Using the finite element methodology with the Procon 3D modeling and numerical simulation
software, it was possible to obtain the structural analysis data and the analyzes of its mechanical
components of the belt TK-315K-03 transporter where they are indispensable parameters for good

2. Main Objectives and Methodology

To evaluate the structural and mechanical aspects of the TR-315K-03, according to the
applicable standards and requirements, with the aid of the modeling and numerical simulation software
Procal 3D, where it was possible to analyze in detail the structural and mechanical components of the

Figure 1: Finite element general model - TR-315K-03.

Figure 2: Finite element model of the stringer and stretching tower

3. Concluding remarks on current and future research

From the results it was observed that for the mechanical analysis, the design radius of the
concave curve is lower than the minimum required to avoid belt lifting and buckling of the edges that

can cause damage to the cables and delamination of the cover, belt lifting can cause material spillage
and misalignment. If this condition occurs, it is suggested to adjust it by installing an anti-lifting
For the structural analysis of TR-315K-03, no major structural element was presented with
failure in the combinations used. The highest utilization rates found are located near the discharge
drum, considering the high-tension value in the belt.
For modal analysis, resonance possibilities were presented in the natural modes 2, 3 and 4
with the frequencies of the load and return rollers. During the analysis of the flexibility of the belt
changer platform, the deformation obtained from the natural frequencies of the conveyor did not have
the possibility of coupling with the excitation frequencies of the equipment, but it was found that this
displacement does not interfere with the operation of the conveyor


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André T. Beck1, Rodolfo K. Tessari2, Henrique M. Kroetz3
University of São Paulo,
University of São Paulo,
University of São Paulo,

System Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO) methods and examples in the published
literature are not many. Specifically, benchmark examples with general system behavior and
progressive failure are almost non-existent, but very important to test system RBDO methods. In this
paper, a benchmark example involving progressive failure of a hyper-static truss is addressed. Two
formulations of the problem are addressed: the classical RBDO formulation, with reliability
constraints; and a risk-based formulation, which takes into account consequences of failure. It is
demonstrated that a typical system RBDO formulation always leads to isostatic structures, as the
formulation does not offer any incentive for the permanence of hyper-static members. In the risk-based
formulation, failure costs are differentiated w.r.t. primary member failure, in hyper-static structures
(existence of warning before eventual collapse), and failure of isostatic members (no warning). In this
formulation, optimal designs also include hyper-static structures, but this depends on cost of failure
scenarios. Results presented herein are relevant in the modern context of robust design considering
progressive collapse.

Keywords: structural optimization; RBDO; System RBDO; risk optimization; progressive collapse.

Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge funding of this research project by Brazilian agencies
CAPES (Brazilian Higher Education Council), CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Research, grant
n. 306373/2016-5) and FAPESP (São Paulo State Foundation for Research, grant n. 2017/01243-5).


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[14] Liang J, Mourelatos ZP, Nikolaidis E, 2007: A single-loop approach for system reliability-based
design optimization. J Mech Des 129(12):1215–1224.
[15] Lopez RH, Beck AT, 2012: Reliability-based design optimization strategies based on FORM: a
review. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mech. Sciences and Eng. 34, 506-514.
[16] McDonald M, Mahadevan S, 2008: Design Optimization with System-Level Reliability, ASME
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[17] Nguyen TH, Song J, Paulino GH, 2010: Single-Loop System Reliability-Based Design
Optimization Using Matrix-Based System Reliability Method: Theory and Applications, ASME
Journal of Mechanical Design 132, 011005-1-11.
[18] Okasha NM, 2016: An improved weighted average simulation approach for solving reliability-
based analysis and design optimization problems, Structural Safety 60, 47–55.
[19] Schuëller GI, Jensen HA, 2009: Computational methods in optimization considering uncertainties
– an overview, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198, 2-13.



André T. Beck1
University of São Paulo,

Current global climate trends, perceived trough higher ocean levels and higher temperatures, are
leading to more intense and more frequent extreme weather events. This, combined with the increase
in urbanization and in coastal development, has the potential to drastically increase consequences of
extreme weather and other natural hazards. A major hurricane hit the coast of Santa Catarina in 2004,
for the first time on record, with winds of up to 180 km/h. Five hurricanes that hit the Gulf of Mexico,
between 2004 and 2008, where stronger than anything previously recorded, in over 50 years of
offshore exploration in the Gulf area. As a consequence, design loads for fixed offshore structures
increased by nearly 50%. As we approach times of higher uncertainties, regulations on engineering
facilities are becoming stricter, with mandatory risk analysis for all offshore and most onshore Oil &
Gas facilities. The profession is learning that absolute safety is an utopia, hence consequences of
failure have to be explicitly addressed in engineering design. These recent challenges have also led to
the development of new engineering design concepts, such as infra-structure robustness and resilience,
and performance-based design. Addressing the challenges above involves uncertainty quantification,
reliability and risk analysis. These issues should drive future research efforts in the Oil & Gas and
other industries. Addressing these problems will require a change in the deterministic way that the
engineering profession is perceived, which should also drive changes in engineering curricula.

Keywords: extreme weather, risk analysis, uncertainty quantification, reliability, Oil & Gas.

Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge funding of this research project by Brazilian agencies
CAPES (Brazilian Higher Education Council), CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Research, grant
n. 306373/2016-5) and FAPESP (São Paulo State Foundation for Research, grant n. 2017/01243-5).


[1] Gilbert RB et al., 2012: Achieving Reliability in the Face of Extreme Uncertainty, Proc. 5th
Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications.
[2] Haldar A, Mehrabian A, 2008: Structural engineering in the new millennium: opportunities and
challenges, Structural Survey 26, 279-301.
[3] Petroski H, 1992: To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design, 1st Edition,
Vintage Books.
[4] Petroski H, 2006: Success through Failure: the paradox of design, Princeton University Press,

[5] Petroski H, 2012: To Forgive Design: Understanding Failure, Harvard University Press.
[6] Taleb NN, 2010: The Black Swan - The Impact of the Highly Improbable, Random House, NY.
[7] Vogel RM, 1999: Stochastic and deterministic world views, Editorial: Journal of Water Resources
Planning and Management 125, 311-313.




Anderson Melchiades Vasconcelos da Silva1, Mariana Julie do Nascimento Santos2, Antonio

Gilson Barbosa de Lima 3
Federal University of Campina Grande, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Av: Aprígio Veloso,
882, Bodocongó, Campina Grande-PB, Zip Code 58429-900, Brazil,
Federal University of Campina Grande, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Av: Aprígio Veloso,
882, Bodocongó, Campina Grande-PB, Zip Code 58429-900, Brazil,
Federal University of Campina Grande, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Av: Aprígio Veloso,
882, Bodocongó, Campina Grande-PB, Zip Code 58429-900, Brazil,

Clay materials manufacturing has been reported in the literature based on the material chemical
composition and commercial type products, such as brick, roof tiles, blocks, etc. These products are
very different in size, shape, detail, complexity, material formulation, structure, and cost. The clay
product, during the manufacturing process, goes through the steps of product molding, drying and
firing. In the molding process, water is added to the clay to increase plasticity, and to facilitate the
forming of a specified product. The drying is a stage of the process that precedes firing, and needs a
large amount of thermal energy, to remove the water, which was added during the molding process.
However, drying can cause different troubles in the materials. If this moisture content is not removed
adequately, severe stresses occurs inside the material causing cracking and fissures reducing quality of
product post-drying process. Then the drying air conditions affect the moisture removal and heating of
the product. In this sense, the published [1-3] literature shows that if special care is taken during the
drying, energy costs can be reduced and a better quality product, with a smaller process time, can be
Drying plays an important role in different industrial applications, thus, mathematical models to
describe the drying process have been reported by many researchers, especially for ceramic material
[4,5]. In this sense, this work focuses on the drying of industrial clay blocks in a cross-flow tunnel
dryer by using numerical simulation. The proposed mathematical model is based on an industrial
tunnel dryer and energy and mass transfer between the product and hot air in the drying process.
The proposed problem is time dependent and was solved using the finite volume numerical method
[7-9]. The integration of the partial differential equations, in the volume and time, resulted in a set of
linear equations in discretized form. To obtain the numerical results, a computational code in language
of the Mathematica® program, for the solutions of the equations used, was developed. Details about
the process parameters and numerical procedure can be found in the literature [4-6,10,11].
Predicted results of the moisture content and the surface product temperature (vertices) as a
function of the drying time, are presented and compared with experimental results (drying of 1 block
in oven) [6]. This comparison is possible because the analysis considers only the first layer of blocks
in the bed (y = 0).
In this sense, in accordance with the predicted results of the hollow blocks drying in a tunnel dryer
of cross-flow type, it can be concluded, that the mathematical modeling and numerical method

proposed in this work can be used to simulate the drying process of blocks and other clay materials in
a cross flow dryer, because a good approximation between the numerical and experimental results of
the moisture content and surface temperature of the block were obtained. Here, was confirmed that the
blocks of the first layer get dried and heated a little more than those in the last layer. This is due to the
fact that when the drying air arrives in the first layer of bricks it has a low absolute humidity and as it
goes on penetrating in the next layers of the product it receives water vapor of the blocks, increasing
the absolute humidity and reducing its temperature. During the drying process, low gradients of
temperature and moisture content, within the bed, were obtained, providing at the end of the process, a
more uniform drying and obtaining good quality products.
The results is in agreement with the concept that a non-uniform drying and high thermo-hydro-
mechanical stresses in the ceramic blocks may cause cracking, fissure and deformation in them,
affecting its quality at the end of the drying process. Since the drying process studied in the present
work has been more controllable, so products with good quality can be obtained.


[1] W.D. Callister, Jr. Materials science and engineering an introduction, 7td ed., John Wiley & Sons,
Inc. USA, 2007.
[2] D. A. Brosnan, G. C. Robinson. Introduction to drying of ceramics. Ohio: The American Ceramic
Society, 2003.
[3] J.S. Reed, Principles of ceramics processing. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1995.
[4] G.S. Almeida. Simulation and experimentation of red ceramics drying in industrial thermal
systems, Ph.D Thesis (Doctorate in Process Engineering), Federal University of Campina Grande,
2008. 88f (In portuguese).
[5] G. S. Almeida, J.B. Silva, C. Joaquina e Silva, R. Swarnakar, G. A. Neves, A. G. B Lima, Heat
and mass transport in an industrial tunnel dryer: modeling and simulation applied to hollow
bricks. Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 55, p. 78-86, 2013.
[6] A.M.V Silva. Drying of industrial ceramics blocks: Modeling and simulation, Ph.D Thesis
(Doctorate in Process Engineering), Federal University of Campina Grande, 2018. (In portuguese).
[7] C.R. Maliska. Computational heat transfer and fluid mechanics. Rio de Janeiro: LTC-Livros
Técnicos e Científicos Editora S.A, p453, 2004. (In Portuguese).
[8] S.V. Patankar. Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow, New York: Hemisphere Publishing
Coorporation, p197, 1980.
[9] H. K. Versteeg, W. Malalasekera. An introduction to computational fluid dynamics: the finite
volume method, Prentice Hall, London, 1995.
[10] F. V. S. Tavares, S. R. Farias Neto, E. S. Barbosa, A. G. B. de Lima, C. Joaquina e Silva. Drying
of ceramic hollow bricks in an industrial tunnel dryer: A finite volume analysis. The International
Journal of Multiphysics, v. 8, p. 297-312, 2014.
[11] G.S. Almeida, F.V.S. Tavares, W.M.P.B. Lima, A.G. Barbosa de Lima, Energetic and exergetic
analysis of the clay bricks drying in an industrial tunnel dryer. Defect and Diffusion Forum. v.369,
p.104 - 109, 2016.




Rafaela Quinto da Costa Melo1, José Vieira da Silva2, Antonio Gilson Barbosa de Lima3
Federal University of Campina Grande, Department of Materials Engineering, Av: Aprígio Veloso,
882, Bodocongó, Campina Grande-PB, Zip Code 58429-900, Brazil,
Federal University of Campina Grande, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Av: Aprígio Veloso,
882, Bodocongó, Campina Grande-PB, Zip Code 58429-900, Brazil,
Federal University of Campina Grande, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Av: Aprígio Veloso,
882, Bodocongó, Campina Grande-PB, Zip Code 58429-900, Brazil,

Vegetal fibers have presented great potential for technological applications due to its potential as
substitute of synthetic fibers. Their use as reinforcement in polymer composite materials present
several advantages such as, low density, low cost, being obtained from renewable sources, are widely
available and environmentally superior to synthetic fiber [1-6]. The main disadvantage of these
materials is their susceptibility to the influence of environmental agents, especially humidity and
temperature [2,6-8]. Thus, the objective of this work was to develop a transient and one-dimensional
mathematical modeling and its numerical solution to predict heat and mass transfer during water
absorption in polymeric composite reinforced with vegetable fiber based on the Langmuir model.
The Langmuir diffusion model (Non-Fickian diffusion) was initially proposed by Carter and Kilber
[9] and it is based on the hypothesis of the existence of probabilities describing two "states" of
absorbed water [5,6,8,10]. In the first state, the free water molecules diffuse inside the porous solid
and are absorbed with a probability λ per unit time. In the second one, the water molecules leave the
trapped state and become free with a probability μ per unit of time. For the mathematical model was
considered a plate with thickness 2a, immersed in a fluid solute (water), placed in a container of
thickness (2L+2a). The solid is homogeneous, isotropic and totally dry at the beginning of the process.
Further, the solid is symmetrical with respect to their center. The total moisture content inside the
material in a specific position x and instant t is found from the sum of the amounts of free and
entrapped solute, and the average moisture content of the solid at any time is given by integration of
the moisture content in the volume.
For the numerical solution of the governing equation, the discretization process (finite-volume
method) is done by applying the integral in all terms of the governing equation in volume and time
[11]. To solve the equation system originated by the discretization process, a computer code was
developed on the Wolfram Mathematica® platform. The equations were solved iteratively using the
Gauss-Seidel method. Details about the modeling and numerical procedure can be found in the
literature [5,6,8,9].
The formulation was applied to water absorption process in polymeric composites reinforced with
Caroá vegetable fibers. The composite studied have very large width and length compared to the
thickness, so, the pure water penetrates only in the direction of the thickness. For the validation of the
model, numerical results of the average moisture content was compared with experimental data

reported by Silva et al. [12] for polymer composite materials reinforced by Caroá fiber. From the
analysis it was verified a good agreement between the predict and experimental results, which confirm
that the mathematical model adequately predict the water diffusion process inside the material.
From the analysis of the predicted results, it was concluded that the water absorption is fast in the
initial stages and tends to decay for long exposure times to water until reaching the hygroscopic
saturation point. I was observed that, in regions near the surface, water absorption is faster. The water
penetrates the interior of the material generating a moderate concentration gradient along the thickness
and decreasing with the progress of the absorption process. Thus, at any point inside the solid, the
moisture content increases with immersion time until it reaches its hygroscopic saturation condition.
Here, is noticed that with a longer immersion time there is an increase in the amount of molecules
trapped within the material while decreasing the amount of free molecules to diffuse until the
equilibrium condition (μS=λC). Thus, the higher the concentration of the free solute, the higher the
concentration of immobilized solute found inside the polymer composite.


[1] S. V. Joshi, L. T. Drzal, A. K. Mohanty, S. Arora. Are natural fiber composites environmentally
superior to glass fiber reinforced composites?. Composites Part A: Applied science and
manufacturing, v. 35, n. 3, p. 371-376, 2004.
[2] L. Mohammed, M. N. Ansari, G. Pua, M. Jawaid, M. S. Islam. A review on natural fiber reinforced
polymer composite and its applications. International Journal of Polymer Science, v. 2015, 2015.
[3] E. Omrani, P. L. Menezes, P. K. Rohatgi. State of the art on tribological behavior of polymer
matrix composites reinforced with natural fibers in the green materials world. Engineering Science
and Technology, v. 47, p.777-780, 2015.
[4] H. Patel, A. Parkhe, P. K. Shrama. Mechanical behaviors of banana and sisal hybrid composites
reinforced with epoxy resin. International Journal of Research–Granthaalayah, v. 4, n.1, p.206-216,
[5] W. R. G. Santos, R. Q. C. Melo, A. G. B. Lima. Water absorption in polymer composites
reinforced with vegetable fiber using Langmuir-type model: An exact mathematical treatment, Defect
and Diffusion Forum, v. 371, p. 102-110, 2016.
[6] R. Q. C. Melo, A. G. B. Lima, Vegetable fiber-reinforced polymer composites: fundamentals,
mechanical properties and applications. Diffusion Foundations, v.14, p.1 - 20, 2017.
[7] L. H. Carvalho, E. L. Canedo, S. R. Farias Neto, A. G. B. Lima, Moisture transport process in
vegetable fiber composites: Theory and analysis for technological applications. In: Industrial and
Technological Applications of Transport in Porous Materials. Springer Heidelberg, p. 37-62, 2013.
[8] R. Q. C. Melo, W. R. G. Santos, A. G. B. Lima, W. M. P. B. Lima, J. V. Silva, R. P. Farias. Water
absorption process in polymer composites: Theory analysis and applications. In: Transport
phenomena in multiphase systems. Series: Advanced Structured Materials.1 ed. Heidelberg
(Germany): Springer International Publishing, 2018, v. 93, p. 219-249.
[9] H. G. Carter, K. G. Kibler. Langmuir-type model for anomalous moisture diffusion in composite
resins. Journal of Composite Materials, v. 12, n. 2, p. 118-131, 1978.
[10] T. I. Glaskova, R. M. Guedes, J. J. Morais, A. N. Aniskevich, A comparative analysis of moisture
transport models as applied to an epoxy binder. Mechanics of Composite Materials, v. 43, n. 4, p.
377-388, 2007.
[11] C. R. Maliska. Computational heat transfer and fluid mechanics. Rio de Janeiro: LTC-Livros
Técnicos e Científicos Editora S.A, 2004. (In Portuguese).
[12] C. J. Silva, A. G. B. Lima, E. G. Silva, T. H. F. Andrade, R. Q. C. Melo, Water absorption in
caroá-fiber reinforced polymer composite at different temperatures: A theoretical investigation.
Diffusion Foundations, v.10, p.16 - 27, 2017.




Axel Modave 1 , Xavier Antoine 2 , Christophe Geuzaine 3

1 POEMS, CNRS-ENSTA-Inria, Palaiseau (France)
2 Université de Lorraine, CNRS, Inria, IECL (France)
3 Université de Liège (Belgium)

Solving high-frequency time-harmonic scattering problems using finite element techniques is chal-
lenging, as such problems lead to very large, complex and indefinite linear systems. Optimized Schwarz
domain decomposition methods (DDMs) are currently a very promising approach, where subproblems
of smaller sizes are solved in parallel using direct solvers, and are combined in an iterative procedure.
It is well-known that the convergence rate of these methods strongly depends on the transmission
condition enforced on the interfaces between the subdomains. Local transmission conditions based on
high-order absorbing boundary conditions (HABCs) have proved well suited [1, 2]. They represent a good
compromise between basic impedance conditions (which lead to suboptimal convergence) and the exact
Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DtN) map related to the complementary of the subdomain (which is expensive
to compute). However, a direct application of this approach for domain decomposition configurations
with cross-points, where more than two subdomains meet, does not provide satisfactory results.
We present an improved DDM that efficiently addresses configurations with cross points. Noting
that these points actually are corners for the subdomains, our strategy consists in incorporating a corner
treatment developed for HABCs into the DDM procedure. After a presentation of the key aspects of the
methods, the effectiveness of our approach is discussed with two-dimensional finite element results.

1. Helmholtz problem with HABC and corner treatment

In order to solve scattering problems set on infinite or very large domains by finite element methods,
a common strategy consists in computing the numerical solution only on a truncated computational
domain, and using a non-reflecting treatment at the artificial boundary, such as a HABC or a perfectly
matched layer (PML). To describe our approach, we consider a two-dimensional Helmholtz problem
defined on a rectangular computational domain Ω:

∆u + k2 u = s, in Ω,
∂n f u + B u = 0, on Γ f , ( f = 1 . . . 4)

where k(x) is the wavenumber, s(x) is a source term, Γ f is an edge of the rectangular domain, ∂n f is
the exterior normal derivative on Γ f ⊂ ∂Ω, and B is a non-reflecting boundary operator. Following [3],
we use a Padé-type HABC, which is obtained by approximating to exact DtN operator for the half-space
problem, with constant k and s = 0 outside. It corresponds to using, for each edge Γ f ,

on Γ f ,
2ıαk N
B u = −ıkαu − ∑ ci (u f ,i + u),
M i=1

and introducing N auxiliary fields {u f ,i }Ni=1 governed by the auxiliary equations

∂2ττ u f ,i + k2 (α2 ci + 1)u f ,i + α2 (ci + 1)u = 0, on Γ f , (i = 1 . . . N) (2)

67 1
where ∂2ττ is the second-order tangent derivative, α = eıφ/2 , ci = tan2 (iπ/M) and M = 2N + 1. The
accuracy of the numerical solution at the boundary depends on the number N and the angle φ [3].
Because of the spatial derivative in equation (2), additional boundary conditions must be prescribed
on the auxiliary fields at the boundary of the edges (i.e. at the corner of the domain) to close the sys-
tem. Following [4], we introduce new relations that ensure the compatibility of the system without any
supplementary approximation. With these relations, the auxiliary fields defined on adjacent edges are
coupled at the common corner. For the fields {u f ,i }Ni=1 defined on Γ f , having an adjacent edge Γ f 0 , the
boundary conditions at the corner Pf ,c = Γ f ∩ Γ f 0 can be written as
∂n f ,c u f ,i + D u f ,i = 0, on Pf ,c , (i = 1 . . . N) (3)

on Pf ,c ,
2ıαk (α2 ci + 1 − α2 )u f ,i − α2 (ci + 1)u f 0 , j
D u f ,i = −ıkαu f ,i −
M ∑ cj α2 ci + α2 c j + 1
= 0, (i = 1 . . . N)

where ∂n f ,c is the exterior normal derivative at Pf ,c ⊂ ∂Γ f , and {u f 0 , j }Nj=1 are the auxiliary fields defined
on Γ f 0 . Finally, the problem consists in solving the main field u(x) on the domain with boundary con-
ditions on the edges (equation (1)) and N auxiliary fields on each edge with boundary conditions at the
corners (equations (2)-(3)). See [4] for a three-dimensional version of this strategy.

2. A non-overlapping DDM with cross-point treatment

The Helmholtz problem defined on Ω is decomposed into subproblems defined on non-overlapping
subdomains ΩI (I = 1 . . . N dom ), with Ω = I ΩI and ΩI ΩJ = 0/ if I 6= J. We consider here a structured

decomposition of a rectangular domain Ω into an array of rectangular subdomains (see figure 1). The
edges of each subdomain ΩI are denoted ΓI, f ( f = 1 . . . 4). Each edge could be an interface edge (if there
is a neighboring subdomain beyond the edge) or a boundary edge (if it belongs to the boundary of Ω).
At each iteration of the DDM algorithm, the subproblems are
solved in parallel, and data are exchanged at the interfaces between
the subdomains to synchronize the solutions. The additive Schwarz
∗ • ∗
DDM can be described as follows, at iteration ` + 1:
Ω4 Ω3

• For all subdomain ΩI , compute u`+1 solution to

∆u`+1 + k2 u`+1 = s, in ΩI ,
• •◦ •

= g`I, f , on ΓI, f ,
I I g1,f,c,i
∂nI, f u`+1
I + B u`+1
I ( f = 1 . . . 4) g1,f g2,g Γ

where g`I, f is a transmission variable if ΓI, f is an interface Ω1 Ω2

edge, or it is set to zero if ΓI, f is a boundary edge.
∗ • ∗

• For all interface between neighboring subdomains ΩI and ΩJ ,

⇌ Transmission variables
for interface edges

update the transmission variables gI,`+1

f and gJ,g according to
`+1 ⇌ Transmission variables
for boundary/cross points

on ΓJ,g ,
I, f = −gJ,g + 2B uJ , Figure 1: Example of domain decom-
g`+1 ` `+1

J,g = −gI, f + 2B uI ,
g`+1 ` `+1
on ΓI, f , position (2 × 2 configuration) with
the transmission variables.
where ΓI, f = ΓJ,g is the common interface edge.
The convergence of this algorithm is accelerated by using an iterative Krylov method (GMRES) on the
top of the procedure for updating the transmission variables. See e.g. [1] for more details.
Because the HABC is used as transmission operator (on the interface edges) and as boundary op-
erator (on the boundary edges), the description of the DDM algorithm is incomplete. It should include
the auxiliary fields defined on the edges and, since these fields are governed by equation (2), additional
conditions should be prescribed at the boundary of the edges. The boundary points of each edge ΓI, f
are denoted PI, f ,c (c = 1, 2). Each point could be a cross point (at the cross of two interface edges), a
corner point (at the cross of two boundary edges) or a boundary point (at the cross of one interface edge
and one boundary edge). They are represented with the symbols ◦, • and ∗ on figure 1.

68 2
At iteration ` + 1 of the DDM algorithm, we have the additional operations:
• For all boundary/interface edge ΓI, f , compute the auxiliary field u`+1 I, f ,i solution to

on ΓI, f ,
( 2 `+1 
∂ττ uI, f ,i + k2 (α2 ci + 1)u`+1 2
I, f ,i + α (ci + 1)uI
= 0,

I, f ,i + D uI, f ,i = gI, f ,c,i , at PI, f ,c ,

∂nI, f ,c u`+1 `+1 `
(c = 1, 2)

where g`I, f ,c,i is a transmission variable if the adjacent edge of ΓI, f at the boundary point PI, f ,c is
an interface edge, or it is set to zero if the adjacent edge is a boundary edge.
• For all boundary/cross point shared by the edges ΓI, f and ΓJ, f of neighboring subdomains ΩI and
ΩJ , update the transmission variables g`I, f ,c,i and g`J, f ,d,i according to:

I, f ,c,i = −gJ, f ,d,i + 2D uJ, f ,i ,

g`+1 ` `+1
on PJ, f ,d ,

J, f ,d,i = −gI, f ,c,i + 2D uI, f ,i ,

g`+1 ` `+1
on PI, f ,c ,

where PI, f ,c = PJ, f ,d is the common point.

The auxiliary fields of two adjacent edges of one subdomain are coupled by the operator D at the com-
mon corner. All these operations are rather naturally included in the DDM algorithm. A GMRES is used
for updating all the transmission variables, which are now associated to shared edges and shared points.

3. Preliminary finite element results

In order to verify and to analyze the efficiency of the proposed DDM, we present finite element results
obtained with two 2D benchmarks. The numerical scheme is based on a Galerkin method adapted from
[1], with meshes made of triangles, nodal finite elements, and second-degree basis functions. The sim-
ulations are made with the GetDP and GetDDM environments [5].
In the first benchmark, we consider the scattering of an incident plane wave by a disk. The scattered
field is computed on a rectangular domain Ω, which is partitioned into six subdomains (figure 2a). A
Neumann condition is prescribed on the boundary of the disk, and the HABC with the corner treatment
is used on the exterior boundary. In the DDM algorithm, transmission operators based on an optimized
impedance condition [2] and the HABC are tested. In the former case, a specific treatment ensures the
compatibility between the impedance condition (on the interface edges) and the HABC (on the boundary
edges) at the boundary points. The effect of the boundary/cross-point treatments is analyzed by keeping
or removing the corresponding terms in the finite element scheme.

(a) Solution (b) Relative residual (c) Relative L2 −error

100 100

10−2 10−2
Relative L2−error
Relative residual

10−4 10−4

10−6 10−6

Impedance + no point treat Impedance + no point treat

10−8 Impedance + boundary-point treat 10−8 Impedance + boundary-point treat
HABC + no point treat HABC + no point treat
HABC + boundary-point treat HABC + boundary-point treat
HABC + boundary/cross-point treat HABC + boundary/cross-point treat
10−10 10−10
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
GMRES iteration GMRES iteration

Figure 2: Scattering benchmark: Configuration and solution (a). History of residual (b) and L2 −error (b) for trans-
mission operators based on the basic impedance condition (red lines) or the HABC (black lines) with/without point
treatments. Parameters: N = 4 and φ = π/3

69 3
(a) Velocity model

(e) Number of iterations for different configurations

1 line + (N dom ) columns

(b) Domain 1 × 45
250 3 lines + (N dom /3) columns
5 lines + (N dom /5) columns

Number of GMRES iterations



(c) Domain 3 × 15


(d) Domain 5 × 9 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
Number of subdomains N dom

Figure 3: Marmousi benchmark: Velocity model (a) and solution with three kinds of domain partition (b)-(d). The
HABC is used both as boundary condition and transmission operator. The point treatments are enabled. The
number of iterations to reach the relative residual 10−6 is plotted as a function of the number of subdomains for
the three kinds of domain partition (e).

For both kinds of transmission operator, the boundary-point treatment is required for converging
towards the good solution. Indeed, without this treatment, the residual decreases with the iteration
number, but the error stagnates (figures 2b and 2c, respectively). By contrast, the error decreases cor-
rectly when the boundary-point treatment is enabled. In that case, the convergence is faster with the
transmission operator based on the HABC, and it is even faster with the cross-point treatment.
We finally address a more challenging benchmark with a heterogeneous medium: the Marmousi
model, which represents a realistic geological structure (figure 3a). Although the HABC was initially de-
rived by assuming a constant wavenumber, it provides good accuracy for problems with heterogeneous
media [4], and we have observed that it accelerates the convergences of the DDM for the Marmousi
benchmark (results not shown here). On figure 3, the convergence of the method is compared for dif-
ferent domain partitions. For a larger number of subdomains (which is required to solve large prob-
lems), the DDM converges significantly faster with a multi-dimensional partition than with the mono-
dimensional partition, which confirms the efficiency and the interest of our approach.


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70 4
Stock Price Change Prediction Using News Text Mining
Marcelo Beckmann1, Nelson F.F. Ebecken1a, and Beatriz S. L. Pires de Lima1b
Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Centro de Tecnologia - Bloco B, Sala
101 - Ilha do Fundão, PoBox 68506, 21941-909, Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

Abstract. Along with the advent of the Internet as a way of propagating news in a digital format, came the need
to understand and transform this data into information. The advances of data mining and text mining techniques for
this purpose brought new opportunities of research applied to financial market.

This work presents a computational framework that aims to predict the changes of stock prices along the day, given
the occurrence of news articles related to the companies listed in the Down Jones Index. For this task, an automated
process that gather, clean, label, classify, and simulate investments was developed. This process integrates the existing
data mining and text algorithms, with the proposal of new techniques of alignment between news articles and stock
prices, pre-processing, and classifier ensemble. The result of experiments in terms of classification measures like
Accuracy, Precision, Recall, AUC, G-mean, F-measure, and the Cumulative Return obtained through investment
simulation outperformed the other results published in the reviewed literature.

This work also argues the techniques of accuracy measure and cross validation applied to this field of research
has too few to contribute in terms of investment recommendation for financial market, and the successful use of
text mining for this purpose must follow some precepts.

Altogether, the developed methodology and results contribute with the state of art in this emerging research field,
demonstrating that the correct use of text mining techniques is an applicable alternative to predict price
movements in financial market.
Keywords: Financial Market, Financial Economics, Stock Market Prediction, Predictive Analytics, Natural
Language Processing, Text Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Data Mining

1. Introduction

The advances in data mining and text mining, allied with the velocity and the way the news articles
are published, created opportunities to use text mining and sentiment analysis applied to financial
market prediction (TMFP). This work aims to provide scientific evidences that data mining and text
mining can be used to automatically interpret news articles and learn patterns to predict the market
movements, providing this way investment recommendations to be used by traders and automated
trading systems to achieve returns. To accomplish this objective, a complete process of data mining
and text mining was developed to predict the price movements in the stock market for the 30
companies listed in the Down Jones Industrial Index (DJIA) along the day (intraday). Because the
complex and unstable nature of financial markets, the traditional data mining algorithms were not
enough to make correct predictions, then a new data preparation technique to deal with imbalanced

Marcelo Beckmann, Ph.D., E-mail:

Nelson Francisco Fávilla Ebecken, Ph.D., E-mail:
Beatriz S. L. Pires de Lima, Ph.D., E-mail:

class problem, and a classifier ensemble technique to remove class overlapping was proposed in this

(Beckmann, Ebecken, & De Lima, 2017) discovered after an extensive survey related to TMFP that
around 50% of reviewed works use only Accuracy as a classification measure which is not
recommended for imbalance problems (Weiss & Provost, 2001), (Ling, Huang, & Zhang, 2003),
(Weis, 2004), (He & Garcia, Learning from Imbalanced Data, 2009), (He & Ma, Imbalanced
Learning: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications, 2013), (Ali, Shamsuddin, & Ralescu, 2013),
and others studies use cross validation which also is not recommended for time series (Hastie,
Tibshirani, & Friedman, 2003), (Arlot & Celisse, 2010), (Bergmeir, Hyndman, & Koo, 2015).

The experiment results for the developed framework are demonstrated in terms of classification
measures like Accuracy (Sokolova & Lapalme, 2009), Precision, Recall, AUC (Fawcett, 2004), G-
mean (Barandela, Sánchez, García, & Rangel, 2003), and F-measure (Van Rijsbergen, 1979), and an
investment simulator was developed to validate the predictions generated by the classifier. The
classifier measures and the Cumulative Return obtained with the investment simulation
outperformed the other results published in the reviewed literature.

2. Methodology

The main processing flow of the proposed methodology can be seen in Fig 1, and this process is
repeated for each company listed in the DJIA, with each company owing a predictive model. Only
data mining and text mining techniques will be used, and no econometric techniques were applied
during this process. All the TMFP process was developed with RapidMiner platform and its
respective extensions (Mierswa, Wurst, Klinkenberg, Scholz, & Euler, 2006), and the innovation
proposed in this work was developed in a new extension called TradeMiner.

2.1 Data Gathering

The process depicted in Fig 1 starts with the gathering of news articles (A), from internet using a
web crawler in full operation from January to September of 2013. The source of news came from
Yahoo Finance, and Google Finance. Each news article record is composed of the news content in
English, the stock symbol, and the published date and time. The stock prices (also known as market
data) associated with the DJIA companies were collected minute by minute, using a free web service
(B). The market data were labelled (D) as SURGE, for prices with rise >= 75% of the maximum
ascent observed during the day, and PLUGE for prices with fall >= 75% of the maximum descent
observed during the day. The news articles need to be labelled (E) according the changes in the stock
prices τ minutes after its publication, by associating a label r(C) to a new article published at time t,
given a set of stock prices labels C={c(t-1), c(t), c(t+1), ..., c(t+τ)}, as explained in the equation (1).

𝑞𝑠 > 𝑞𝑝 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∆𝐶 > 0, 𝑆𝑈𝑅𝐺𝐸 (1)

𝑟(𝐶) = {𝑞𝑠 < 𝑞𝑝 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∆𝐶 < 0, 𝑃𝐿𝑈𝑁𝐺𝐸

In equation (1), qs is the number of occurrences of SURGE and qp, the occurrences of PLUNGE,

and the price delta before and after C, represented as C = c(t+τ+1)-c(t-1). The rationale for this
alignment proposal is: only a strong turnaround in the stock prices, and the continuous change of
prices before and after the time offsets, will make possible to identify the proper characteristics in
the news articles for a profitable trading recommendation.

Fig. 1 The text mining modelling process applied to stock price change prediction.

2.2 Data Splitting

To maximize the classifier efficacy, the predictive model is trained every week, in a technique known
in the literature as sliding window (Dietterich, 2002). The training dataset incorporates 6 months of
news articles kept in its chronological order, and the test dataset contains 1 week of new records to
evaluate the model. As the processing advances to a new week, the training dataset incorporates the
week tested previously, and discards the first week 6 months ago (F).

2.3 Training

The news articles are converted into a Bag of Words (BOW) matrix (Harris, 1954). The stop words,
terms with size less than two characters, and terms with frequency lower than 2% and greater than
95% were removed (Miner, et al., 2014), (Zhai & Massung, 2016). The use of n-grams (Sidorova &
al., 2014), which consists in a series of consecutive words of size n, with the maximum n=3 in this
work, helped to reduce the dimensionality and carries the existing semantic from the original text.
The discovered n-grams and individual words were represented as an Inverse Document Frequency
(TF-IDF) measurement (Robertson, 2004) (G). The most representative BOW features were selected
(H) by using a Pearson's Chi-Square statistic (Pearson, 1900), (Forman, 2003). This work aims to
predict only the SURGES, then to simplify the decision surface, the PLUNGE examples were
merged with the NOT RECOMMENDED (the majority class). To balance the dataset (I), the noisy
examples from majority class where removed using a novel technique called KNN Undersampling
(Beckmann, Ebecken, & De Lima, 2015). The prepared data is then submitted to a Support Vector
Machine (SVM) (Cortes & Vapnik, 1995) Machine Learning algorithm, with the LIBSVM

implementation (Chang & Lin, 2011), and used the Radial Basis Function (RBF) as kernel, with C
and Gamma parameters adjusted via grid search (Hsu, Chang, & Lin, 2003).

2.4 Test

The test phase consists in to apply the models generated in the training phase into the test dataset.
The word list is used to generate a new BOW with TF-IDF measurements (G). The Chi-Square word
weights are used to select the most relevant words (H), and the model generated by the SVM
algorithm is used to predict the SURGES and NOT RECOMMENDED in the test dataset. This
prediction is applied to each new article, but several news articles can be published in the same time
offset τ, however, only one recommendation needs to be given for each period of time, then a novel
classification ensemble algorithm that uses a Genetic Algorithm (Holland, 1975), (Goldberg, 1989),
(Whitley & Sutton, 2012) was developed to mitigate the class overlapping problem, by adjusting the
voting threshold for a best recommendation, given the predictive outcome of each news article at
that period of time (K).

2.3 Evaluation

The output of test phase are the classification results of 30 predictive models, corresponding to 30
stocks listed on DJIA index. These models are evaluated given the G-Mean classification measure.
If at least 10 models have a minimal value of G-Mean >= 55.00, then these models are considered
stable enough to perform an investment simulation, otherwise the entire TMFP process needs to be
adjusted (L). The investment simulation (M) consists in to use the output of (K) to buy stocks using
a short-term investment strategy. The simulation is evaluated given its Cumulative Return (CR).
Positive CRs indicates these models could be used in a real investment scenario.

Further details about this methodology and experiments can be found in (Beckmann, Ebecken, &
De Lima, 2017).

3. Experiments

To observe how the stock prices are affected by news articles, a set of experiments using the
proposed methodology demonstrated the classifier performances when predicting a SURGE or NOT
RECOMMENDED movement in the stock prices, in a period of τ=1, 2, 3, and 5 minutes after the
news article be published. The maximum averaged results after 10 runs, in terms of classification
measures such as Accuracy (99.77), Precision (99.88), Recall (92.74), AUC (67.87), G-mean (92.66),
F-Measure (76.00), and CR (21.47) are all associated with τ=1. These values outperformed the other
results found after an extensive literature review in (Beckmann, Ebecken, & De Lima, 2017). The
source and data for this methodology are open, and the instructions to reproduce these experiments
and make new developments are available in (Beckmann, Ebecken, & De Lima, 2018).

4. Conclusions

This work presented a computational framework using data mining and text mining to find patterns
between the news articles published, and the respective movements in the stock prices, creating a
predictive model to forecast the stock prices changes along the day (intraday), for the 30 companies

listed in the DJIA, as published in (Beckmann, Ebecken, & De Lima, 2017). The best experiment
used a time offset of 1 minute after the news article was published, and the maximum results in
terms of classification measures and Cumulative Return obtained after three months of investment
simulation outperformed the other results published in the reviewed literature. These positive results
can be accredited to the precise workflow developed, the proper use of F-measure and G-mean as
classification measures and process adjusting, and the new algorithms proposed in this work.

These results offer evidences that the stock prices movement can be predicted using text mining,
and indicates the stock prices started to be affected for the news articles in the few minutes after they
are published. Nevertheless, when the news articles are accumulated in a wider period, occurs a loss
of signal, probably because there is no mechanism developed to distinguish which news articles are
affecting the stock price, being more difficult to obtain a stable model under these conditions.
Despite the good results presented in the experiments, the association between news articles and
stock prices accumulated in a wider period deserves more attention in a future work.


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Breenda Lorrana Vieira Lima1, Michell Macedo Alves2

Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Goiano,
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Goiano,

1. Introduction
Entre os vários problemas de engenharia a serem estudados, um de grande interesse para a engenharia
de fundação, é o problema de contato entre vigas e as bases elásticas nas quais elas se apoiam. Esse
conceito foi introduzido por [1], baseando-se na hipótese de [2], em que o modelo da base elástica é
caracterizado fisicamente por um sistema de molas com rigidez equivalente à do solo. Nesse trabalho,
especificamente, será abordado o estudo de vigas de concreto com extremidades engastadas sobre base
elástica submetidas a carregamento uniformemente distribuído. O objetivo principal é apresentar
metodologias de modelagem da base elástica por meio das ferramentas fornecidas pelos softwares
Ftool® [3] e SAP2000® [4]. Dessa forma, buscou-se apresentar formas mais adequadas de disposição do
conjunto de molas sob a viga e o valor da constante de mola, a fim de se obter valores de deformações
e esforços solicitantes com boa aproximação, comparados com aqueles determinados pelas formulações
analíticas de [1]. Essa é uma alternativa mais acessível e simples de análise do problema, em comparação
aos altos custos computacionais gerados pelos softwares de Método dos Elementos Finitos.

2. Analytical Formulation

Conforme [1], considere uma viga sobre base elástica sujeita às cargas verticais. Devido a ação dessas,
a viga fletirá e surgirão forças de reações distribuídas ao logo do contato viga-solo, no sentido oposto
ao deslocamento vertical da viga, denominadas de pressões de contato 𝑝 (Fig.1 (a)). Para [2] a
intensidade da pressão de contato em um ponto da viga, é diretamente proporcional a deflexão da viga
𝑦 nesse mesmo ponto. Significa que o comportamento da base é elástico-linear - “Lei de Hook”, e
caracterizada pela constante de mola 𝑘. Em vigas cuja a base elástica são camadas de solo, a constante
de mola, depende do produto da largura 𝑏 da viga em contato com o solo e o coeficiente de recalque do
solo 𝑘0 (Eq.1). [1] definiu o parâmetro 𝜆 que engloba a rigidez da viga à flexão e a elasticidade da base
(Eq.2). E, para [5], pode-se classificar as vigas sobre base elástica em três grupos conforme a rigidez
relativa: curtas (𝜆 𝑙 < 𝜋/4), médias (𝜋/4 < 𝜆 𝑙 < 𝜋) e longas (𝜆 𝑙 > 𝜋).
Pela condição de equilíbrio em um elemento infinitesimal 𝑑𝑥 de uma viga sobre base elástica sujeita a
um carregamento uniformemente distribuído 𝑞. Na qual atuam os esforços solicitantes e seus
acréscimos: momento fletor 𝑀 e esforço cortante 𝑉 (Fig.1 (b)). E, utilizando-se as expressões
fundamentais da Resistência dos Materiais de [6], [7]. [1] determinou a equação diferencial geral
fundamental da linha elástica de viga sobre base elástica (Eq.3). Cuja solução 𝑦(𝑥) para o problema
abordado é (Eq.4).

(a) (b)

Figura 1: Viga sobre base elástica: (a) pressões de contato; (b) elemento infinitesimal

𝑘 = 𝑏 𝑘0 (1) 𝜆 = ∜(𝑘/(4 𝐸𝐼)) (2) 𝐸𝐼 𝑑4 𝑦/𝑑𝑥 4 = − 𝑘 𝑦 + 𝑞 (3)

𝑞 𝑠𝑒𝑛ℎ(𝜆𝑥) 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜆(𝑙 − 𝑥)) + 𝑠𝑒𝑛(𝜆𝑥) 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ(𝜆(𝑙 − 𝑥)) + 𝑠𝑒𝑛ℎ(𝜆(𝑙 − 𝑥)) 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜆𝑥) + 𝑠𝑒𝑛(𝜆(𝑙 − 𝑥)) 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ(𝜆𝑥)
𝑦(𝑥) = [1 − ]
𝑘 𝑠𝑒𝑛ℎ(𝜆𝑙) + 𝑠𝑒𝑛(𝜆𝑙)
3. Modeling Methodologies
Os procedimentos para a modelagem da viga sobre base elástica na interface dos softwares consistem
em: 1º) Criar a geometria (nós e barras); 2º) Aplicar os apoios às extremidades da viga (apoios de 3º
gênero/engastes); 3º) Criar e atribuir o material (concreto) e as dimensões e formatos das seções
transversais (retangulares); 4º) Atribuir a base elástica ( conjunto de molas independentes caracterizadas
pela constante de mola e rigorosamente espaçadas sob os pontos da viga) e; 5º) Aplicar o carregamento
ao modelo. Para a modelagem específica da base elástica, apresenta-se três metodologias:
I) Ftool® v. 3.01 - Apoios Elásticos: Para cada segmento de 1 metro de viga é necessária 1 mola sob a
metade desse segmento. A quantidade de molas equivale ao valor do comprimento da viga. É necessário
informar: direção (eixo Y) e valor da constante de mola por metro de viga na direção Y (Fig.3).
II) SAP2000® v. 19 - “Joint Springs”: Semelhante a metodologia utilizada no Ftool®: quantidade e
distribuição das molas. É necessário informar: tipo (simples); direção (impede parcialmente a translação
na direção da coordenada Z do eixo global) e valor da constante de mola por metro de viga (Fig.4 (a)).
III) SAP2000® v. 19 - “Line Springs”: Atribui aos pontos associados aos tramos da viga um conjunto de
molas distribuídas linearmente. É necessário informar: tipo (simples); valor da constante de mola por
metro de viga; comportamento da mola aos esforços (somente compressão) e vetor-direção da linha de
molas (componente Z do eixo global) (Fig.4 (b)).
Logo, a quantidade e disposição dessas molas sob a viga respaldam-se no valor da constante de mola
que representa a rigidez do solo (mola) por um metro de viga.

Figura 2: Viga sobre base elástica - Ftool® v. 3.01



Figura 3: Viga sobre base elástica - SAP2000® v. 19: (a) Joint Springs; (b) Line Springs

4. Numerical Examples

Segue os modelos de viga sobre base elástica, ilustrados na (Fig.4) e (Tab.1).

Figura 4: Viga biengastada de concreto sobre base elástica - carregamento uniformemente distribuído

Tabela 1: Propriedade das vigas sobre base elástica – exemplos numéricos

Geometria Módulo de Coeficiente de Solicitaçã
Modelo Viga
𝑙 (20x40) Elasticidade 𝐸 Recalque 𝑘0 o𝑞
V05AF média 5m Areia Seca Fofa
V10AF longa 10 m 12 753 kN/m³
V05AC longa 5m Areia Seca 10 kN/m
25 GPa
V10AC longa 10 m
166 770 kN/m³

A modelagem das vigas de 10 metros sobre base elástica consistiu na criação de uma barra contendo
100 pontos espaçados de 10 cm, ou 100 tramos de 10 cm, e atribuição de 10 molas sob os pontos
estratégicos. Para as vigas de 5 metros, 50 pontos espaçados de 10 cm e aplicação de 5 molas. Enquanto,
para as vigas de 1 metro, composta de 100 tramos de 1 cm e 1 mola. O objetivo é mapear os resultados
para melhor verificação.

5. Results
Observou-se que as configurações dos diagramas são semelhantes para as vigas sobre base elástica
modeladas tanto na interface Ftool® como SAP2000® - “Joint Springs”. Fato que se justifica pelo
princípio de ambas modelagens serem a mesma.
Notou-se que as vigas sobre areia seca fofa, para as três metodologias, os valores do deslocamento
vertical e rotação de tangente à elástica foram iguais dos analíticos. Enquanto, o diagrama de momento
fletor presenciou pontos angulosos no meio do vão da viga, em especial, as vigas de 10 m , para a
modelagem com o Ftool® e SAP2000® - “Joint Springs” (Fig.5(a)). O mesmo não aconteceu na
modelagem com o SAP2000® - “Line Springs”. O diagrama de esforço cortante, nos pontos de molas
apresentou-se descontinuidades nos valores, significativamente nas vigas de 10 m. Contudo, fazendo a
média entre os valores nas seções logo antes e depois dos pontos de mola, observou que o resultado
aproximou do analítico (Fig.5(b)). Esse comportamento não aconteceu com o recurso “Line Springs”.
Quando a base elástica se torna mais rígida, vigas sobre areia seca compacta, os efeitos mencionados
anteriormente são mais significativos, tanto na viga de 5 e 10 metros. Mesmo assim, o comando “Line
Springs” continua sendo um recurso viável (Fig.6).

(a) (b)

Figura 5: Vigas de concreto sobre areia seca fofa: (a) Momento fletor; (b) Esforço cortante

Figura 6: Esforços solicitantes em vigas de concreto sobre areia seca compacta

6. Conclusions

Os exemplos numéricos possibilitaram compreender que a modelagem utilizando o recurso de molas do

Ftool® é viável para a determinação das deformações da viga (deslocamentos verticais e rotação da
tangente à elástica). Em contrapartida, nos resultados dos esforços solicitantes, apresentaram-se pontos
angulosos no diagrama de momento fletor e descontinuidades nos diagramas de esforço cortante. Esses
pontos angulosos e descontinuidades tendem a aumentar quanto mais longas forem as vigas e mais rígida
for a base elástica, ou seja, quanto maior for a constante de mola. Referente às análises de vigas feitas
com o software SAP2000®, especificamente utilizando o comando “Joint Springs”, verificou-se que os
resultados obtidos são semelhantes aos do Ftool®. Por outro lado, através do comando “Line Springs”
do software SAP2000® foi possível obter resultados dos esforços solicitantes de maneira mais precisa,
sem pontos angulosos ou descontinuidades nos diagramas de momento fletor e esforço cortante,
respectivamente. Em síntese, constatou-se que quanto mais longa for a viga e mais rígido o meio
elástico, maior serão as discrepâncias dos valores dos esforços solicitantes obtidos mediantes a utilização
do software Ftool® e SAP2000® (comando “Joint Springs”) comparados com a solução analítica.


Ao Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Goiano Campus Rio Verde (IFGoiano).
À empresa Multiplus®, representante no Brasil do SAP2000® v. 19 e ao Luiz Fernando Martha, autor do
Ftool® v. 3.01, os quais autorizaram a publicação dos resultados mediante a utilização dos softwares.


[1] Hetényi, M; (1946). Beams on Elastic Foundation. Scientific Series, vol. XVI. Ann Arbor: The
University of Michigan Press, University of Michigan Studies.
[2] Winkler, E; (1867). Die Lehre von der Elastizitat und Festigkeit. Dominicus, Prague.
[3] FTOOL® - Two – Dimensional Frame Analysis Tool. Educational Version 3.01; 2015.
[4] SAP2000® - “Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis of Structure.Structural Analysis
Program’’. Advanced 19, Computers and Structures, Inc; 2016.
[5] Süssekind, J. C; (1980). Curso de Análise Estrutural 2: Deformações em Estruturas e Métodos das
Forças. Vol. 2. Ed. 4. Porto Alegre: Editora Globo.
[6] Hibbeler, R. C; (2010). Resistência dos materiais. Ed. 7. São Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall.
[7] Beer, F. B.; Johnston, E. R; (2015). Mecânica dos Materiais. Ed. 7. São Paulo: McGraw Hill.




Bruno da Fonseca Monteiro1, Bruno Martins Jacovazzo2, Carl Horst Albrecht3, Breno
Pinheiro Jacob4
Polytechnic School of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
Polytechnic School of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
Polytechnic School of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
Laboratory of Computer Methods and Offshore Systems, LAMCSO - PEC/COPPE/UFRJ,

This paper describes the first steps towards of an innovative computational tool, based on evolutionary
optimization methods, for the synthesis and optimization of a group of risers in lazy-wave
configuration that connect a floating platform at the sea surface to the wellheads at the sea bottom. In
previous works [1, 2, 3], some authors have presented such an optimization tool based on evolutionary
algorithms for the synthesis and optimization of lazy-wave riser; however, considering only one
individual riser. The objective in that case was reduce costs, only. The main advance of this work
consists in the optimization of a set of close risers among themselves, where in addition to minimizing
the cost, it is sought to avoid the clash between them. Moreover, for optimization assessment,
geometric parameters are taken as the design variables and the design constraints consider for
structural integrity. Extreme environmental conditions of a Brazilian offshore field are used in the case
study. The results open many roads for future developments, indicating that evolutionary algorithms
(EAs) can provide an efficient riser system with multiple lines.


[1] Pina AA, Albrecht CH, de Lima BSLP, Jacob BP. Tailoring the particle swarm optimization
algorithm for the design of offshore oil production risers, Optimization and Engineering, 12:215–235,
2011. DOI:10.1007/s11081-009-9103-5.
[2] Vieira IN, Jacob BP, Lima BSLP, Bio-inspired algorithms for the optimization of offshore oil
production systems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (Print) , v. 1, p.
n/a-n/a, 2012.
[3] Monteiro BF, Pina AA, Baioco JS, Albrecht CH, Lima BSLP, Jacob BP, Toward a methodology
for the optimal design of mooring systems for floating offshore platforms using evolutionary
algorithms, Marine Systems & Ocean Technology, v. 1, p. 1, 2016.




Carlos Alberto Dutra Fraga Filho1, Lucas Lustosa Schuina1, Brenda Silva Porto1

Development, Implementation and Application of Computational Tools for Problem
Solving in Engineering Research Group, Federal Institute of Espírito Santo,
Mechanical Engineering Coordination, Av. Vitória, 1729
29040-780 – Jucutuquara, Vitória, ES, Brazil

Abstract. Particle methods are being increasingly employed in solving problems in

Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Physics. Regardless of the problem studied, the search
for neighbouring particles must be done at each numerical iteration. The aim of this paper is to
present results found in the particle search process using the direct method and the linked list,
allowing a discussion about the efficiency of both methods and the variables that influence it.
Two classical hydrodynamic problems (dam breaking and lid-driven cavity) have been
simulated. The particle numbers and the interpolation functions (kernels employed in the SPH
particle method) varied in simulations. Results for different combinations of kernel/ particle
numbers were found. The linked list algorithm implemented presented similar performance to
direct search. The evaluation of proposals of maintaining the neighbours list without
modifications during some numerical iterations, aiming to improve computational efficiency,
needs to be performed.

Keywords: neighbour particle search; direct search; linked list; computational efficiency

1. Introduction
The literature on Lagrangian particle models presents several techniques for the search of
neighbouring particles. Two of these techniques are the direct search and linked list. In the
first and more simple technique, a reference particle is fixed and the distances to all other
particles are found. If a distance is smaller than the cut-off radius (kh), a neighbouring particle
is found and stored in a matrix with a number of lines equal to the number of particles in the
domain and a number of columns equal to the expected number of neighbouring particles for
each fixed particle.
Figure 1 presents the flowchart of the direct search algorithm and the neighbourhood of a
fixed particle (region within the circumference of radius equal to kh). Figure 2 presents the
algorithm of the second technique implemented in this work (the linked list algorithm).

Figure 1. The direct search algorithm and the graphical representation of a fixed particle and its

Figure 2. The linked list algorithm implemented.

The second technique implemented and tested was the linked list technique [1-3]. In this
method, the domain is divided into a grid containing a certain number of cells. Each cell
contains a number of particles that can vary during the numerical simulation. Figure 3 shows
the grid and cells defined in this technique. The reduced search region is shaded in light blue.

Figure 3. The region in which the search is performed in the linked list method.
1. Objective
The main objective of this work is to implement two searching techniques: direct search and
linked listed in order to evaluated their computational efficiencies.
2. Findings
Two hydrodynamic cases, with the solution of the equations of motion being provided by the
SPH method, were evaluated in a 2-D domain: dam breaking and lid-driven cavity flow.
3.1. Dam breaking
The 2-D geometry simulated was a tank with a height a length of 0.420 m and a height of
0.440 m. The damned water had a height of 0.114 m height and and a width of 0.114m. The
simulation finished when the wave achieved the left wall of the reservoir. The physical-
mathematical modelling of this dynamic problem can be found in [4]. The interpolation
function/ particle number combinations and the results found are shown in Table I.
Table I. Processing time for differents kernel/ number of particles in dam break simulation

Number of particles Interpolation CPU time

function Direct search Linked List
1296 Cubic spline 2h36m25s 3h29m20s
1296 Lucy’s Quartic 1h40m13s 3h23m7s
1296 Quintic spline 2h33m51s 4h30m28s
Considering the surprising results found in the first simulations, with lower performance
of the linked list, more studies were carried out to optimize the first algorithm implemented.
Liu and Liu (2003) [5] presented a form of storage of neighbouring particles in pairs, which
has the following characteristics:
 along the process of searching for neighbours of a fixed particle i, after the comparison
between the interparticular distances and the cutting radius, a particle j is identified as a
neighbour of i. The pair of particles, i and j, is stored.
 in the search for neighbours of the particle j, we take advantage of the information that the
particle i is a neighbour of the particle j (it is not necessary to redo the computational operations
to locate this pair of neighbours).

Thus, fewer computational operations will be performed and it is expected that there will be
a decrease in CPU time.
2.2. Lid-driven cavity flow
The modified routines have been employed in simulations of a square lid-driven cavity,
isothermal flow. The sides of the square cavity were 1.0 × 10−3 m in length. The modelling of
this problem is available in [6]. The simulation finished when the steady-state has been
reached. The results found are shown in Table II.
Table II. Processing time for different kernel/ number of particles combinations
Interpolation Number of particles CPU time (s)
function (per side of cavity) Direct search Linked List
31x31 294 330
Cubic spline 41x41 580 548
51x51 1049 1053
31x31 297 337
Quintic spline 41x41 655 657
51x51 1147 1149
The FORTRAN Programming Language was employed in the serial computational codes
used in simulations, which were performed in a computer with 4GB of RAM memory, Intel
Core i5-3210M 3rd generation processor, and Linux operational system.
3. Concluding remarks and future research
The analysis of the results provided by the implemented search algorithms allowed to conclude
that the simple use of the linked list technique is not sufficient for the best efficiency in the
process of neighbouring particle searching. The best results were found when larger numbers
of particles were employed in the discretization of the domain. The storage of neighbouring
particles in pairs promoted a significant improvement in computational efficiency, which is in
accordance with the conclusions presented in [5].
There are proposals of maintaining the neighbours list (without modifications) during some
numerical iterations [1-3]. They need to be tested in order to verify the correct neighbours
identification (accuracy maintenance) and improvement of the computational efficiency.
[1] Viccione G., Bovolin V., Carratelli E. P. Defining and optimizing algorithms for
neighbouring particle identification in SPH fluid simulations. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids
58:625–638, 2008.
[2] Dominguez J. M., Crespo A. J. C., Gómez-Gesteira M., Marongiu J. C. Neighbour lists in
smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 67(12): 2026-2042, 2011.
[3] Winchenbach R., Hochstetter H., Kolb A. Constrained Neighbor Lists for SPH-based Fluid
Simulations. Proceedings of Eurographics/ ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer
Animation, Zurich, Switzerland, 2016.
[4] Fraga Filho C.A.D., An algorithmic implementation of physical reflective boundary
conditions in particle methods: Collision detection and response. Physics of Fluids 29, 113602,
[5] Liu G.R., Liu M.B. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: a Meshfree Particle Method.
World Scientific, Singapore, 2003.
[6] Fraga Filho C.A.D., Chacaltana J.T.A., Pinto W.J.N. Meshless Lagrangian SPH method
applied to isothermal lid-drive cavity flow at low-Re numbers. Comp. Part. Mech., 2018.



Cátia da Costa e Silva1, Sascha Maassen2, Nils Viebahn3, Paulo de Mattos Pimenta4, Jörg
Polytechnic School at University of São Paulo, Brazil,
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany,
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany,
Polytechnic School at University of São Paulo, Brazil,
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany,

This work presents a geometrically exact Bernoulli-Euler rod [5] and a Kirchhoff-Love Shell [4]
connection model. For the rods transversal shear deformation is not accounted for and the shell is a shear
rigid model. The connection between the two models are made by having de displacements on both
elements be the same and making the rotation compatible as well. The parameterization of the rotation
field is done by the rotation tensor with the Rodrigues formula that makes the updating of the rotational
variables very simple. This parametrization can be seen in [5]. Cubic Hermitian interpolation for the
displacements together with a quadratic Lagrange interpolation for the torsion angle of the rod were
employed within the usual Finite Element Method, leading to adequate C1 continuity. For the shell a
consistent plane stress condition is incorporated at the constitutive level of the model. A triangular finite
element, with a quadratic interpolation for the displacements are applied for the shell model. The
connection between the two models is done by a Lagrange multiplier. This model can be used in any
case of rod and shell working together like with reinforced shells.
The objective of this work is to present the compatibility of the geometrically exact Bernoulli-Euler rod
formulation and Kirchhoff-Love shell formulation. The basic kinematical assumption that select the
class of admissible motions is obtained by imposing that rod cross sections that are initially orthogonal
to the chosen axis remain orthogonal to it after deformation for the rod. The basic kinematical
assumption for the shell is based on a deformation gradient written in terms of the first- and second-
order derivatives of the displacements. The resulting finite element formulation provides C1-continuity
using a penalty approach, which penalizes the kinking at the edges of neighboring elements. This
approach enables the application of well-known C0-continuous interpolations for the displacements,
which leads to a simple finite element formulation, where the only unknowns are the nodal
displacements. Our theory is called geometrically exact because no approximation is employed after the
basic kinematical assumption is made. Displacements and rotations can be unlimited large.
As seen in  denote the vector of Rodrigues parameters. The Rodrigues parameterization furnishes
4  
ˆ     
Q    1 2  , where   Skew    and 2     . (2.1)
4 2 2 

Q  ei  eir .
Vector  can be obtained from with the aid of

 axial  SkewQ  (2.2)
1  trQ

The curvature  is
  axial Q QT   Ξ  and r  QT   axial QTQ    ΞT  , (2.3)

and  is its back-rotated counterpart with


4  
Ξ   I  1   . (2.4)
4      2 

i and
 i 1
denote a quantity
  at instants ti
and ti 1
, respectively. And let

be an
incremental quantity. Thus, one gets for the rotation tensor the following relations
Qi 1  QQi , where
ˆ  i 1  , Q  Q
ˆ    ˆ  i  . (2.5)
Qi 1  Q and Qi  Q

We recall the following result by Rodrigues, which is probably the most relevant result by him,
4  
i 1       1     (2.6)
4  i    i
2 i 

In the incremental description we have

4  
Ξ   I  1    . (2.7)
4   2  2 

From [5] for the rod we have

e3i  e3i 1   
2 1
  e3m  e3m e3m , (2.8)
where  is the incremental torsion angle.

With aid of (2.2), (2.9) is used for the shell

  e ij 1  e ij (2.9)
1  eki 1  eki


e r , e r , e r 
1 2 3
be an orthogonal system placed at the reference configuration of the rod. The vectors
e ,   1, 2
, are placed on the cross section of the rod, shown in [5]. Thus, e3 is orthogonal to this plane.
The position of the rod material points in the reference configuration is  and r the director

    r r ,   e3r , r r  er . (3.1)

    er      0,  
We introduce the coordinate 3 , , where  is the rod length at reference
configuration. In the current configuration, the position of the material points is given by
x  z  r , r  Qr r , with e3  z  z  , and z   e3r  u  and z   u  . (3.2)

Introducing a linear elastic material law, a simple potential for the beam can be formulated based on
 r 
r   r 

generalized cross-sectional strains  
, incorporating the axis stretch and curvature. The strain
energy per unit reference length is then given by
1 r
  r     Dr . (3.3)
A constitutive tensor D is used to model linear elasticity in this case. The potential will be minimized
using the standard finite element procedure.
The middle surface of the shell is plane in the reference. Let
e r , e r , e r 
1 2
be an orthogonal system with

r r
the vectors e placed on the shell reference mid-plane and e3 normal to this plane. The position of the
rod material points in the reference configuration is  and r is the director just like in the rod.

    r r ,   er , r r  3e3r . (4.1)

In the current configuration, the position of the material points is given by
x  z  r , r  Qr r , z    u , (4.2)
  , 
z, = er  u, and z,  u, with   ,  (4.3)

e1  z,1 z,1 ,
e3  z,1  z,2 (z,1  z,2 ), (4.4)
e2  e3  e1 .


Figure 1: general case the finite elements threshold showing field continuities
continuity constraint: S =R
constraint functional: con = (S  R )  0 (5.1)
with S , R indicating sides of each element threshold, shell and rod respectively
The procedure to induce satisfaction of this constraint states that by this constraint the rotation field
appears as a continuous field.

Here the Lagrange multiplier approach is introduced that ensures the constrain in an exact manner.
To show the applicability of the formulation a simple example shown in Figure 2 was computed with
an elasticity module of 21000 and Poisson of 0.3125. Fist the beam was clamped on extremity A (case
A) then, to evaluate just the torsion, the displacements degrees of freedom were set to zero also on
extremity B (case B). As seen on table 1 the example shows a similar response to the linear problem,
then one can conclude that this connection is working.

Figure 2: shell + rod example

Non-Linear Non-Linear
Case A Case B
ux 0 2,6E-05 0
uy 0 9,5E-05 0
uz 0,05362 0,05389 0
uy 0,00135 0,00135 0
 0,00354 0,00367 0,00367
Table 1 :Values at point B

This work is relevant to structural analysis because there are many practical cases that need shells
coupled with rods. And the connection between two analogous theory was made and granted good
results. A very simple example was computed to show that to connection through the rotation degree of
freedom works the results were compared with a linear analysis and it showed similar response. These
rod and shell theories are used for very flexible structures, like thin shells and slender rods.

[1] Pimenta P. M. and Yojo T., “Geometrically-exact analysis of spatial frames”, Applied Mechanics
Reviews, ASME, New York, v.46, 11, 118-128, 1993.
[2] Pimenta P. M., “Geometrically-Exact Analysis of Initially Curved Rods”, in: Advances in
Computational Techniques for Structural Engineering, Edinburgh, U.K., v.1, 99-108, Civil-Comp
Press, Edinburgh,1996.
[3] Pimenta P. M., Campello E. M. B., “Shell curvature as an initial deformation: geometrically exact
finite element approach”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engrg., 78, 1094-1112, 2009.
[4] Viebahn, N., Pimenta, P.M. & Schroeder, J., “A simple triangular finite element for nonlinear thin
shells - Statics, Dynamics and anisotropy”, Computational Mechanics, online, 2016.
[5] Silva, C.C., Maassen, S., Pimenta, P.M. & Schröder, J. “Geometrically exact analysis of Bernoulli-
Euler rods” submitted to Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018




T. Chawki1, 2, 3, C. Bertoni2, E. Feulvarch1, H. Klocker3, J.M. Bergheau1

National School of Engineers of Saint-Etienne,,,
Federal Mogul Powertrain Ignition Products,
National School of Mines of Saint-Etienne,

Ever since the invention of the internal combustion engine, an essential material has always been present
in spark plug: Nickel-based alloys. Over the years, these materials gained great importance. They are
widely used in automotive and aerospace, as they can withstand high homogeneous temperature,
aggressive corrosion, different stress levels, etc. Manufacturing of more and more complex structures
makes the selection of materials the most important factor. Independently from the level of stress,
temperature and corrosive environment, components must be reliable during service. Alloys that can
meet the above mentioned requirements are often high-priced materials which require advanced
technologies during the production of components [1]. Resistance welding is one of the micro-joining
processes, in which a weld is performed between two workpieces; shell (steel) and copper coated with
a nickel-based alloy (Fig. 1.a), whose chemical compositions are given in table 1.

Table 1: Chemical compositions of the samples.

Ni Cr Fe Al C Mn S Si Bi Cu


Nickel alloy 58% 21% balance 1% 0.1% 1% 0.015% 0.5% - 1%

Copper - - - - - - - - 0.0005 99.95%

The copper coated with a nickel-based alloy is welded, through an electric resistance machine, to the
shell using a high frequency direct current (Fig. 1.a). The welding frequency plays a major role in the
welded zone quality (Fig. 1). Optimization of the welding sequence and process is one way to reach
this goal. However, experimental optimization requires prototyping and measurements which are
extremely expensive and time consuming and finally, very few solutions can be used. For the numerical
simulation of high resistance welding using high frequency, the literature is not very abundant. The
presence of eddy currents changes indeed the distribution of power due to joule effect. Thereby changing
the joule effect along the contact interface and consequently strongly influencing the quality of the weld
achieved. Finite-element simulations can be used in that aim but the difficulty is that welding processes
involve complex geometries and physical phenomena.

2D Model

Copper Gripper

Current density J
h (

Shell Shell Y
(a) X (b)

Copper coated with a

nickel-based alloy Welded zone


Figure 1 : (a) Scheme of the welding strategy, (b) 2D modeling of welding process and (c) 3D modeling of welding process.

The local models are insufficient to predict residual stresses and distortions, only global 3D models can
correctly evaluate it [2]. These types of simulations require substantial computing times and
performance. The idea is to compare the different results coming from an electrokinetic model using a
3D and a 2D (with different thicknesses (e) (Fig. 1.b, c)) geometry. The results obtained using a
simplified two-dimensional model are discussed and compared to results from a complete 3D
simulation. Once the appropriate thickness (e) is determined (Fig. 1.a, b), electrodynamic-thermal
simulations are performed using a 2D model. This new procedure is suitable to investigate the influences
of the welding machine parameters, such as the frequency (50 and 5000 Hz), the gripper’s altitude (H),
and the copper’s altitude (h) (Fig. 1.a) as well as other factors that contribute to weld quality. A
comprehensive analysis procedure has been developed to perform the incrementally coupled thermal-
electrical-mechanical analysis to simulate the resistance welding of nickel-based alloys. These
simulations are accompanied with experiments.

Keywords: Resistance welding. Physical couplings. Electrodynamic-thermal. FEM.


[1] Pollock T. M., Tin S., Nickel-based superalloys for advanced turbine engines: chemistry,
microstructure, and properties. Journal of Propulsion And Power, 22, 2 (2006) 361-374.
[2] Feulvarch, E, V Robin, and J M Bergheau. “Thermometallurgical and Mechanical Modelling of
Welding – Application to Multipass Dissimilar Metal Girth Welds.” Science and Technology of
Welding and Joining 16, no. 3 (April 2011): 221–31.



Philippe R B Devloo 1 , Chensong Zhang 2
2 Chinese Academy of Science,

Different formulations and numerical approximations are presented for the simulation of discrete
fracture networks in two dimensions. In all cases the fracture flow is represented by a one dimen-
sional flow coupled with a two dimensional flow through porous media. The different formulations are
compared in terms of computation of total flux, conservation properties and size of global system of
Abstract We compare H 1 approximation, H(div) approximation, H(div) approximation with MHM
(Multiscale Hybrid Mixed) multiscale reduction and H(div) with SBFem enhanced resolution at the
fracture tips.
The different formulations are implemented using the NeoPZ programming environment that is freely
available on github [||NeoPZ-github].

94 1
Some Results About Existence and Uniqueness
Solution for Stochastic Bending Beam
∗1 *2
Cláudio R. A. da Silva Júnior , Pedro D. Danizete
Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering and Materials (PPGEM), Federal Technological
University of Parana (UTFPR), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
Graduate Program in Mathematics, Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.

(Received keep as blank , Revisedkeep as blank, Accepted keep as blank )

Abstract. This paper present a theorem of existence and uniqueness for solution by stochastic beam
bending. The used stochastic version of the Lax-Milgram, Babuska 2004, for demonstration this
theorem. Present results of the existence and uniqueness for theoretical solutions for theory of beam
Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko.
Keywords: Stochastic Bending Beam; Lax-Milgram lemma; Euler-Bernoulli's beam; Timoshenko's

1. Introduction

The field of stochastic mechanics has been subject of extensive research and significant
developments in recent years. Stochastic mechanics incorporates the modeling of randomness or
uncertainty in the mathematical formulation of mechanics problems. This is in contrast to the more
established field of structural reliability, where uncertainty and randomness are also addressed, but
where problem solutions are obtained mainly based on deterministic mechanics models.
The analysis of stochastic engineering systems has received new impulse with use of finite
element methods to obtain response statistics. Initially, finite element solutions where combined
with the Monte Carlo method, and samples of random system response where obtained.
Perturbation and Galerkin methods where used in this context, Araújo and Awruch (1994). Such
methods allowed representation of uncertainty in system parameters or in loads by means of
stochastic processes. At the end of the 80’s, Spanos and Ghanem (1989) used the Galerkin finite
element method to solve a stochastic beam bending problem, where Young’s modulus was
modeled as a Gaussian stochastic process. The space of approximate solutions was built using the
finite element method and chaos polynomials. These polynomials form a complete system in
L 2 ( Ω,F , P )
L2 ( Ω , F ,P ) = Ψ , where Ψ = span {ψ i }i =0  is the space generated by the chaos

 

∗Corresponding author, Professor Claudio Avila, E-mail:

polynomials and ( Ω, F , P ) a probability space. The ideas presented in this study where
innovative and represented a new method to solve stochastic problems.
Babuska al. (2005) presented a stochastic version of the Lax-Milgram lemma. The paper
presents a hypothesis which represents limitations to the modeling of uncertainty via Gaussian
processes. For certain problems of mechanics, use of Gaussian processes can lead to loss of
coercivity of the bi-linear form associated to the stochastic problem. This difficulty was indeed
encountered in the study of Ávila (2004), and resulted in non-convergence of the solution for the
bending of plates with random parameters. This non-convergence was due to the choice of a
Gaussian process to represent the uncertainty in some parameters of the system. This failure to
converge also affects solutions based on perturbation or simulation methods.
This paper presented results of the existence and uniqueness of theoretical solutions for
stochastic bending for Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theory. These results were obtained
with the use of the Lax-Milgram lemma using appropriate hypotheses about the problem data

2. Stochastic Bending of the Euler-Bernoulli Beams

In this section, the strong and weak formulations of the problem of stochastic bending of Euler-
Bernoulli beams are presented. At the end of this section, the Lax-Milgram lemma is used to
present a proof of existence and uniqueness of the solution. The strong form of the stochastic beam,
 2
 dx 2( dx
 d E.I ( x,ω ) . d u2 = f , ∀ ( x,ω ) ∈ ( 0 ,l ) × Ω;
 (1)
u ( 0 ) = u ( l ) = 0;
 2
d u d 2u
 dx 2
= = 0;
 x =0
dx 2 x =l
where E is the Young’s modulus, I is the moment of inertia, Ω is a sample space and f is a load
term. For the existence and uniqueness of the response, the following hypotheses are considered:
H1 : ∃ c , C ∈ ℝ + : P ω∈ Ω : E .I ( x , ω ) ∈  c , C  , ∀ x ∈  0, l  = 1 )
( )
H2 : f ∈ L 2 Ω , F , P ; L 2 ( 0, l ) .
Hypothesis H1 ensures that the beam stiffness modulus is positive-defined and uniformly limited
in probability e a hypothesis H2 ensures that the stochastic loading process is limited.
In order to study existence and uniqueness, the abstract variational problem associated to the
strong form (Eq. 1) needs to be defined. The abstract variational problem associated to the beam
bending problem defined in Eq. (1) is defined in V = L2 ( Ω, F , P; Q ) , with
 d 2u d 2u 
Q = u ∈ H 2 ( 0, l ) u ( 0 ) = u ( l ) = 0 ∧ 2 = = 0 ,
 dx x =0
dx 2 x =l 

 
L 2 ( Ω , F , P; Q ) = u : ( 0, l ) × Ω → ℝ u é mensurável e ∫ u ( ω ) dP ( ω ) < +∞  . (3)
H 2 ( 0,l )
 Ω 

Expression (2) means that an element u ∈ L 2 ( Ω , F , P; Q ) for ω ∈Ω , fixed, u ( ⋅, ω ) ∈ Q . On
the other hand, for x ∈ ( 0, L ) , fixed, u ( x , ⋅ ) ∈ L 2 ( Ω , F , P ) . Defining the tensorial product
between v ∈ L 2 ( Ω , F , P ) and w ∈ Q as u = v.w , one should note that for fixed ω∈Ω ,
u ( ⋅, ω ) = v ( ⋅ ) .w ( ω ) ∈ Q , (4)
whereas for a fixed x ∈ ( 0, L ) , u ( x, ⋅ ) = v ( x ) .w ( ⋅) ∈ L 2 Ω , F , P . Hence, one has ( )
L ( Ω, F , P; Q ) ≃ L ( Ω, F , P ) ⊗ Q ⇒ V ≃ L ( Ω, F , P; Q ) ⊗ Q . It is also necessary to
2 2 2

redefine the differential operator for the space obtained via tensorial product. The operator
Dωα : V → L 2 ( Ω , F , P ) ⊗ L 2 ( 0, l ) , Matthies & Keese (2005), acts over an element u ∈ V the
following way,

( ) ( x ).w ( ω) ,
Dωα u : d αv (5)
where α ∈ ℕ and α ≤ 2. V is a Hilbert space, with internal product defined as
(u,v )V = ∫ ( Dω2u ( ω) ,Dω2v ( ω) )L (0,l ) dP ( ω) .

The bilinear form a :V ×V → ℝ is defined as,
a ( u,v ) = ∫ ( E.I .Dωu ( ω) ,Dωv ( ω) )L (0,l ) dP ( ω) .
2 2

The abstract variational problem associated to the strong form, Eq. (1), is defined as follows:
 Find u ∈V such that
 (8)
 a ( u,v ) = ℓ ( v ) , ∀v ∈V .
From the hypotheses of limited probability one can show that the bilinear form has the following
a. continuity
a ( u,v ) ≤ C ∫ Dω2u ( ω) 2 Dω2v ( ω) 2 dP ( ω) ≤ C u V v V ;
L ( 0 ,l ) L ( 0 ,l )

b. coercivity
a ( u,u ) ≥ c ∫ Dω2u ( ω) ,Dω2u ( ω) ) dP ( ω) ≥ c ∫ Dω2u ( ω) dP ( ω) = c u
L2 ( 0,l )
L ( 0,l )
From hypothesis H1 and H2, which state the continuity and coervicity of the bilinear form, and
from the Lax-Milgram lemma, it is guaranteed that the problem defined in Eq. (1) has an unique
solution, and continuous dependency on the data.

3. Stochastic Bending of the Timoshenko Beam

In this section, the strong and weak formulations of the problem of stochastic bending of
Timoshenko beams are presented. The Lax-Milgram lemma, again, is used to present a proof of
existence and uniqueness of the solution. The strong form of the stochastic Timoshenko beam
bending problem is given as,

( )
 d α d φ + β ( dw − φ ) = 0;
 dx dx dx

 dx β ( dw )
dx − φ ) = − f , ∀ ( x,ω) ∈ ( 0,l ) × Ω;
 w ( 0,ω) = w ( l,ω) = 0;

φ ( 0,ω) = φ ( l,ω) = 0, ∀ω∈Ω;
where α= E.I and β = G.A are the bending and shear stiffness, respectively, Ω is the sample
space, w is the transversal beam displacement field, φ is the angular displacement field and f is a
load term. In order to guarantee existence and uniqueness of the solution, the following hypotheses
are necessary:

∃α, α ∈ ℝ + \ {0} : P {ω∈Ω : α ( x, ω) ∈[ α,α] , ∀x ∈[ 0, l ]} = 1;
 )
H1: 
∃β, β ∈ ℝ + \ {0} : P ω∈Ω : β ( x, ω) ∈ β, β , ∀x ∈[ 0, l ] = 1;

}) (10)

H2: f ∈ L2 Ω, F , P; L2 ( 0, l ) . )
Hypothesis H1 ensures that the beam stiffness modulus is positive-definite and uniformly limited
in probability. Hypothesis H2 ensures that the stochastic load process has finite variance. These
hypotheses are necessary for the application of the Lax-Milgram lemma, Babuska al (2005), which
is used in the sequence, to demonstrate the existence and uniqueness of the solution. In this section,
a brief theoretical study of existence and uniqueness of the solution of stochastic Timoshenko
beam bending problems is presented. For operators with derivatives of order greater than two, no
such study has been found in the literature. The study requires definition of stochastic Sobolev
spaces, tensorial product and density between distribution spaces and Lp spaces. The study also
requires definition of the abstract variational problem associated to the strong form, Eq. (9). The
stochastic Sobolev space where the solution to the stochastic beam bending problem is constructed

( (
is V = L2 Ω, F , P; H 01 ( 0, l ) ) ) , such that,

 w and φ are measurable and 

 
V = ( w, φ ) : ( 0, l ) × Ω → ℝ 2
. (11)
w ( ω ) H 1 0,l dP ( ω ) , ∫ φ ( ω ) ( )
2 2

 ∫ ( ) H 1( 0,l )
dP ω < +∞

 Ω Ω 
Eq. (11) means that, for ω ∈Ω fixed, ( w (⋅, ω) , φ (⋅, ω) ) ∈ H ( 0, l ) × H ( 0, l ) , whereas for

x ∈ ( 0, l ) fixed, w ( x, ⋅) , φ ( x, ⋅) ∈ L2 ( Ω, F , P ) . Defining the tensorial product between

v ∈ L 2 ( Ω , F , P ) and ( θ, ϑ ) ∈ H 01 ( 0, l ) × H 01 ( 0, l ) as ( w, φ ) = ( v.θ, v.ϑ ) , one has, for fixed
ω∈Ω ,
 w ( ⋅, ω) = v ( ⋅) .θ ( ω) ∈ H 01 ( 0, l ) ;
 (12)
φ ( ⋅, ω) = v ( ⋅) .ϑ ( ω) ∈ H 0 ( 0, l ) ;

whereas for fixed x ∈ ( 0, l ) ,
 w ( x, ⋅) = v ( x ) .θ ( ⋅) ∈ L2 ( Ω, F , P ) ;
 (13)
φ ( x, ⋅) = v ( x ) .ϑ ( ⋅) ∈ L ( Ω, F , P ) .

Hence, one has

( 2
L2 Ω, F , P; ( H 01 ( 0 ,l ) ) ≃ L2 ( Ω, F , P ) ⊗ ( H 01 ( 0,l ) ) ⇒ V ≃ L2 ( Ω, F , P ) ⊗ ( H 01 ( 0 ,l ) ) .
2 2

It is also necessary to redefine the differential operator for the space obtained via tensorial product.
( )
The operator Dων : V → L2 ( Ω, F , P ) ⊗ L2 ( 0, l ) , acts over an element w ∈ V the following

( )
Dων w : d vν ( x ) .θ ( ω) ,

where ν ∈ ℕ and ν ≤ 2. Let u, v ∈V , with u = ( w, φ) and v = ( h, υ ) , define inner product

(⋅, ⋅) V
:V ×V → ℝ ,

( u,v)V = ∫∫ ( ( Dωφ.Dωυ) + ( Dωw −φ) .( Dωh − υ) ) ( x,ω) dxdP ( ω) . (15)


= ( u , v )V . The bilinear form

The inner product defined in Eq. (15) induces the V norm, u V

a : V ×V → ℝ , is defined as
a ( u, v ) = ∫∫ ( ( α.Dωφ.Dωυ) +β.( Dωw − φ) .( Dωh − υ) ) ( x, ω) dxdP ( ω) . (16)

The abstract variational problem associated to the strong form, Eq. (9), is defined as follows:
 Find u ∈ V such that
 (17)
 a ( u,v ) = ℓ ( v ) , ∀v ∈V ;
where ℓ :V → ℝ is a linear functional given by,
ℓ ( v ) = ∫ ∫ ( f .v ) ( x,ω ) dxdP ( ω) . (18)
Ω 0
From the hypotheses H1, Eq. (10), one can show that the bilinear form has the following

a. continuity

a ( u,v ) ≤ ∫ ∫ α ( Dωφ.Dωυ )( x,ω) + β . ( ( Dω w − φ ) .( Dωh − υ ) ) ( x,ω)  dxdP ( ω)
 

  l
1 1
 l 
2 2

≤ C. ∫  ∫ ( Dωφ )( x,ω) dx  .  ∫ ( Dωυ )( x,ω) dx  dP ( ω)

2 2

Ω  0  0 
1 1
l  l 
2 2

+ ∫  ∫ ( Dω w − φ )( x,ω) dx  .  ∫ ( Dωh − υ )( x,ω) dx  dP ( ω) 

2 2

Ω 0  0  
≤ C.  Dωφ . Dωυ + Dω w − φ
 L 2 ( Ω ,F , P )⊗ L 2 ( 0 ,l ) L 2 ( Ω ,F , P )⊗ L 2 ( 0 ,l ) L 2 ( Ω ,F , P )⊗ L 2 ( 0 ,l )

. Dωh − υ  ≤ C. u . v ,
L 2 ( Ω ,F , P )⊗ L 2 ( 0 ,l )  V V

{ }
where C = max α, β .
b. coercivity
a ( u,u ) ≥ ∫∫ ( α.Dωφ.Dωφ) +β.( Dωw −φ) .( Dωw −φ)  ( x,ω) dxdP ( ω)
≥ c ∫∫ ( Dωφ.Dωφ) + ( Dωw −φ) .( Dωw −φ)  ( x,ω) dxdP ( ω) ≥ c. u V2 ,

where c = min {α ,β} .

From hypothesis H1, which state the continuity and coervicity of the bilinear form, and from the
Lax-Milgram lemma, Babuska al (2005), it is guaranteed that the problem defined in Eq. (17) has
unique solution and continuous dependency on the data ( α, β, f ) .


In this work, results were presented on the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions for the
stochastic bending problems of Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams. For that, hypotheses
related to the limitation and regularity of the elastic coefficients and loading term were necessary.
From this, the Lax-Milgram lemma was used to obtain the result of existence and uniqueness of
weak solutions. In addition, we obtained the continuity of the weak solutions with respect to the


This article is part of a research project of process number 420615/2016-4 developed in the
PPGEM/UTFPR and supported by the National Research Council, CNPq.


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Bubnov Galerkin Method Applied Euler Bernoulli
Beam Stochastic Bending
Cláudio R. A. da Silva Júnior1, Pedro D. Danizete*2
Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering and Materials (PPGEM), Federal Technological
University of Parana (UTFPR), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
Graduate Program in Mathematics, Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.

(Received keep as blank , Revisedkeep as blank, Accepted keep as blank )

Abstract. This research is presented a study about stochastic bending Euler Bernoulli beam. The
uncertain is modeled by random variables. From this, the Bubnov-Galerkin method is applied to obtain
approximate numerical solutions for the stochastic transverse displacement process. The approximation
spaces are generated by the generalized polynomials of chaos and dense global functions in the spaces
of the theoretical solutions. The Monte Carlo method is used for evaluation perfomance's Bubnov
Keywords: Bubnov Galerkin method; generalized polynomials of chaos; stochastic bending Euler's

1. Introduction

The last few decades have witnessed tremendous developments in the modeling of the
structural behavior of mechanical systems, due to advances in computational mechanics.
Numerical, and computational methods such as finite element, finite difference, boundary element,
and so on, have reached wide acceptability and ample coverage of applications. New
developments address the solution of complex, non-linear problems. Multi-physics analysis allows
the investigation of new, unforeseen interaction effects between structures and soils or fluids. But
despite the tremendous robustness and accuracy of modern computational mechanics tools, one
significant aspect of most engineering problems has been neglected by so-called deterministic
computational mechanics: uncertainties, Spanos and Ghanem (1989).
In the present paper, the Bubnov-Galerkin method and chaos polynomials are used to obtain
approximate solutions for the stochastic displacement response of stochastic bending of Euler-
Bernoulli beams. Uncertainties in bending stiffness are modeled as parameterized stochastic
process, indexed in uniform random variables, in agreement with the conditions for existence and
uniqueness of the solution. The space of approximate solutions is constructed using generalized
chaos polynomials. A stochastic version of the Lax–Milgram lemma, Babuska al (2005), is used
for a brief theoretical study about the existence and uniqueness of the solution. The Bubnov-

Corresponding author, Professor Claudio Avila, E-mail:

Galerkin method is applied to obtain numerical solution for a example stochastic bending
problems. The performance of numerical solutions is evaluated by comparing first and second
order moments of the approximated displacement responses with the same statistics obtained via
Monte Carlo simulation.

2. Stochastic Bending of the Euler-Bernoulli Beams

In this section, the strong and weak formulations of the problem of stochastic bending of Euler-
Bernoulli beams are presented. At the end of this section, the Lax-Milgram lemma is used to
present a proof of existence and uniqueness of the solution. The strong form of the stochastic
ì 2
ï dx 2 ( dx
ï d E.I ( x,w) . d u2 = f , " ( x,w) Î ( 0 ,l ) ´ W;
íu ( 0 ) = u ( l ) = 0;
ï 2
ïd u =
d 2u
= 0;
ï dx 2 dx 2 x=l
î x =0 (1)
where E is the Young’s modulus, I is the moment of inertia, Ω is a sample space and f is a load
term. For the existence and uniqueness of the response, the following hypotheses are considered:
H1 : $c, C Î ¡ ++ : P wÎW : E.I ( x, w) Î éëc, C ùû , "x Î éë0, l ùû = 1.)
H2 : f Î L2 ( W, F , P; L2 ( 0, l ) ) .
Hypothesis H1 ensures that the beam stiffness modulus is positive-defined and uniformly limited
in probability e a hypothesis H2 ensures that the stochastic loading process is limited.
In order to study existence and uniqueness, the abstract variational problem associated to the
strong form (Eq. 1) needs to be defined. The abstract variational problem associated to the beam
V = L 2 ( W, F , P ; Q )
bending problem defined in Eq. (1) is defined in , with
ï d 2u d 2u ü
Q = íu Î H 2 ( 0, l ) u ( 0 ) = u ( l ) = 0 Ù 2 = 2 = 0ý
î dx x=0 dx x =l ï,
ï ü
L2 ( W, F , P; Q ) = íu : ( 0, l ) ´ W ® ¡ u é mensurável e ò u ( w) dP ( w) < +¥ ý.
H 2 ( 0,l )
î W ï (3)
u Î L ( W, F , P; Q )
u ( ×, w) Î Q
Expression (2) means that an element for w ÎW , fixed, . On
x Î ( 0, L ) u ( x, ×) Î L2 ( W, F , P )
the other hand, for , fixed, . Defining the tensorial product
v Î L2 ( W, F , P )
between and wÎ Q as u = v.w , one should note that for fixed wÎW ,
u ( ×, w ) = v ( ×) .w ( w ) Î Q
, (4)

x Î ( 0, L ) u ( x, ×) = v ( x ) .w ( ×) Î L2 ( W, F , P )
whereas for a fixed , . Hence, one has
L ( W, F , P; Q ) ; L ( W, F , P ) Ä Q Þ V ; L ( W, F , P; Q ) Ä Q
2 2 2
. It is also necessary to
redefine the differential operator for the space obtained via tensorial product. The operator
Dwa : V ® L2 ( W, F , P ) Ä L2 ( 0, l )
, Matthies and Keese (2005), acts over an element u Î V
the following way,

( ) ( x ).w ( w) ,
Dwa u : d av
dx (5)
where a Î ¥ and a £ 2. V is a Hilbert space, with internal product defined as
(u,v )V = ò Dw2u ( w) ,Dw2v ( w) L (0,l ) dP ( w)
) 2

. (6)
The bilinear form a :V ´V ® ¡ is defined as,

a ( u,v ) = ò E.I .Dw2u ( w) ,Dw2v ( w) ) L2 ( 0 ,l )
dP ( w)
. (7)
The abstract variational problem associated to the strong form, Eq. (1), is defined as follows:
ìïFind u ÎV such that
ïîa ( u,v ) = l ( v ) , "v ÎV . (8)
From the hypotheses of limited probability one can show that the bilinear form has the following
a. continuity
a ( u,v ) £ C ò Dw2u ( w) 2 Dw2v ( w) 2 dP ( w) £ C u V v V
L ( 0 ,l ) L ( 0 ,l )
W ;
b. coercivity
a ( u,u ) ³ c ò Dw2u ( w) ,Dw2u ( w) ) dP ( w) ³ c ò Dw2u ( w) dP ( w) = c u
L2 ( 0,l )
L ( 0,l )
From hypothesis H1 and H2, which state the continuity and coervicity of the bilinear form, and
from the Lax-Milgram lemma, it is guaranteed that the problem defined in Eq. (1) has an unique
solution, and continuous dependency on the data.

3. Uncertainty Representation

In most engineering problems, complete statistical information about uncertainties is not

available. Sometimes, the first and second order moments are the only information available. The
probability distribution function is defined based on experience or heuristically. In order to apply
Galerkin’s method, an explicit representation of the uncertainty is necessary. Given the incomplete
information about the probability distribution of a given parameter, an hypothesis of finite
dimensional noise is assumed. This implies that the uncertainty over a given input parameter
J : ( 0,l ) ´ W ® ¡
will be represented in terms of a finite set of random variables:

J ( x,w) = J ( x, x ( w) ) = J ( x,x1 ( w) , K , x N ( w) ) .
From this hypothesis, the uncertainty in beam and foundation stiffness coefficients are modeled
via parameterized stochastic processes. These are defined from a linear combination of
deterministic functions and random variables, Grigoriu (1995),
J ( x, w ) = m J ( x ) + å ji ( x ) x i ( w) = m J ( x ) + F t ( x ) .x ( w )
i =1 , (10)
m J ( ×) J ( ×, × ) F : ( 0,l ) ® ¡ N
where is the expected value of random process , is a vector-valued
( 0, l ) , "i Î {1,K , N} . x ( w) = {xi ( w)}i=1
ji Î C0 ( 0, l ) I C

function with terms is a vector of

independent random variables, such that:
ìïE [ xi ] = 0, "i Î {1, K , N} ,
ïî P ( wÎ W : xi ( w) Î G i ) = 1, "i Î {1,K , N} , . (11)
E [×] G x
where is the expected value operator. In Eq. (11), i is the image of random variable i ,
Gi = xi ( W ) Gi = [ ai , bi ] Ì ¡ Gi = bi - ai < ¥, "i Î {1, K , N}
that is, , with , , limited. In this
{Gi }i=1 , is given by

form, the image of random vector x : W ® G , with G Ì ¡

, and in terms of
G = Õ Gi
i=1 . Since the random variables are independent, the joint probability density is given by:
r ( x ( w ) ) = Õ r i ( xi )
i =1 , (12)
ri ( ×) xi . Hence, the
where is the marginal probability density function of random variable
dP ( ×)
probability measure is defined as:
dP ( x ( w) ) = Õ ri ( xi )d xi
. i =1 (13)
From the measure and integration theory one knows that the probability measure defined in Eq.
(13) is the measure obtained from the product between probability measure spaces associated to
x ( w) = {xi ( w)}i =1
x :W ®G
the random variables , with i i.
From the Doob-Dynkin lemma, Rao and Swift (2010), the transversal displacement random
x ( w) = {xi ( w)}i =1

process will be a function of random variables , hence:

u ( x, w) = u ( x, x ( w) ) = u ( x, x1 ( w) , K , x N ( w) )
. (14)
In this paper, polynomials of the Askey-Wiener scheme are used construct the problems solution

4. Bubnov-Galerkin Method

The Galerkin method is used in this paper to solve the stochastic beam bending problem with
uncertainty in the beam and foundation stiffness coefficients. In order to develop numerical
solutions which are compatible with the conditions for existence and uniqueness of the theoretical
solution, existence and uniqueness results are used. An element from a space isomorph to the
V ; L2 ( W, F , P ) Ä Q
space obtained via tensor product, , can be represented from elements of
L ( W, F , P )
separable spaces, dense in spaces and Q . Hence, the strategy to construct
approximated, numerical solutions and to use Bubnov-Galerkin method is to use bases of finite
L 2 ( W, F , P )
dimensions, but dense in and Q . Due to the simplicity of the spatial domain for the
present problem, no spatial discretizations are employed. Hence, functions employed in
construction of the responses are defined in the whole problem domain. For more complex spatial
domains, special techniques like finite element, boundary element or finite differences would have
to be employed.
It is proposed that approximated solutions to the stochastic displacement response of the beam
have the following form:
u ( x, x ( w) ) = å uidi ( x, x ( w) )
i =1 , (15)
where i
u Î ¡ , "i Î ¥ are coefficients to be determined and i are the test functions.
d ÎV
Numerical solutions to the variational problem defined in Eq. (11) will be obtained. Hence, it
becomes necessary to define spaces less abstract than those defined earlier, but without
compromising the existence and uniqueness of the solution. From the theorem of Cameron and
L2 ( W ,F ,P )
S = L2 ( W,F ,P )
Martin (1947), have . Consider two complete orthogonal systems
ì d 2f d 2f ü
F = span ïífi Î C ( éë0, l ùû , ¡ ) fi ( 0 ) = fi ( l ) = 0 Ù 2i ( 0 ) = 2i ( l ) = 0 , "i Î ¥ ïý

ïî dx dx ïþ
L2 ( W,F , P )
= span {yi }i =1 = L ( W, F , P )
Y= Y Q
= 2
, such that F = Q , and define the tensor product
between F and S as:
(fÄy )i ( x, x ( w) ) = f j ( x ) .yk (x (w)) , with j, k Î¥ . (16)
d = ( fÄy )
To simplify the notation, we will use i i . Since approximated numerical solutions
are derived in this paper, the solution space has finite dimensions. This implies truncation of the
= span {yi }i =1
Yn =

complete orthogonal systems F and S . Hence one has F m and , which

VM = F m Ä Y n
results in Y n ( n = dim Y n =)
. The dimension of , , depends on the dimension

x ( w)
of the random variable vector and on the order of chaos polynomials. Let "s" be the
x ( w)
dimension of random vector and “p” the order of chaos polynomials , then the dimension of
Y n is given by:
( s + p )!
n= .
s!.p! (17)
dim F n =< ¥ and dim Y n =< ¥ , one has that the dimension of the approximation space,
, is given by
M = dim (VM ) = dim ( F m Ä Y n ) = dim ( F m ) .dim ( Y n ) = m.n
With the above definitions and results, it is proposed that numerical solutions are obtained from
truncation of the series expressed in Eq. (15) at the M th term:
uM ( x, x ( w) ) = å ui di ( x, x ( w) )
i =1 . (19)
Substituting Eq. (19) in Eq. (8), one arrives at the approximated variational problem consists in
finding the coefficients of the linear combination expressed in Eq. (19). Using a vector-matrix
representation, the system of linear algebraic equations can be written as
KU = F , (20)
K Î MM (¡ ) U = {ui }i =1 F = { f i }i=1

where is the stiffness matrix, is the displacement vector and

is the loading vector. Elements of the stiffness matrix are defined as,
K = éë kij ùû
M ´M
, kij = ò ò EI .Dw2di .Dw2d j ) ( x, w)dxdP ( w).
W0 (21)
The load vector is given by
F = { f j} f j = ò ò ( q.d j ) ( x, w)dxdP ( w)
j =1
W0 . (22)

5. Numerical Examples

In this section, two numerical examples are presented, for bending of random Euler-Bernoulli.
In the example, uncertainty on the beam stiffness is considered. The uncertainties in stiffness are
represented using parameterized, weakly stationary, random processes. The beam is simply

supported at both ends, the span equals one meter

(l = 1 m ) , the cross-section has width
b = 1100 m and the beam is subject to an uniform distributed load of q ( x ) = 1 kPa.m, "x Î [ 0, l ] .
In this example the uncertainty is assumed on the Young´s modulus of beam material,
E : [ 0, l ] ´ W ® ¡ +
, which is modeled as a parameterized random process:

( n.lx ) + x ( w) sin ( n.lx )ùûú
E ( x, x ( w) ) = m E + 3.s E å éx2.n -1 ( w) cos
n =1 ë
, (49)
m E is the expected value and s E is the standard deviation of Young´s modulus and
x ( w) = {xn ( w)}n=1

, is a vector of four uniform, independent random variables, hence, N = 2 ,

( 2.N = dim x ( w) ). Numerical solutions are obtained for
s E = ( 101 ) .m E
. Results obtained via
Monte Carlo simulation, and used as reference. The Fig. 1 presents results for the expected value
of mid-spam displacements, obtained trough Monte Carlo simulation, and by means of the
p Î {1, 2,3}
Galerkin solutions of order . The difference between the curves is imperceptible,
showing that even a Galerkin solution of order p=1 is already accurate.

Figure 1: Expected value of displacements.

The Fig. 2 show the variances graphics obtained via Monte Carlo simulation and via Galerkin
p Î {1, 2 ,3}
method for , respectively. Other than what was observed for the expected value,
approximations for the variance are only accurate for p=2.

Figure 2: Variance of value of displacements.


In this paper, theoretical and practical results for bending of stochastic Euler-Bernoulli beams
have been presented. The uncertainty in beam stiffness was modeled as parameterized random
processes. The Lax-Milgram lemma was use to establish a proof for existence and uniqueness of
the theoretical solutions. This study guided construction of the approximate solution space. The
Bubnov-Galerkin method was employed in the construction of approximate, numerical solutions to
Euler-Bernoulli beam bending. Tensor product of finite-dimensional spaces was used to construct
the approximate solutions. In order to represent the random displacement response, a family of
Legendre polynomials, originated from the Askey-Wiener scheme, were employed. In general, it
was observed that even low-order numerical solutions (p=1) provide accurate approximations of
the expected value of the response. For the variance of the displacement responses, higher order
polynomials were needed, but accurate results were already obtained for p≥3, for all cases studied.
The developed numerical solution developed herein, using chaos polynomials of the Askey-Wiener
scheme, was shown to be an accurate and efficient solution for problems of stochastic bending of
Euler-Bernoulli beams. If a proper family of chaos-polynomials is selected, and if the conditions
for existence and uniqueness of the solution are respected, excellent convergence rates are
obtained in the approximation of random displacement responses.


This article is part of a research project of process number 420615/2016-4 developed in the
PPGEM/UTFPR and supported by the National Research Council, CNPq.


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Hermínio T. Honório 1 , Felipe Giacomelli 2 , Lucas G. T. da Silva 3 , Clovis R. Maliska 4

1 Federal University of Santa Catarina,
2 Federal University of Santa Catarina,
3 Federal University of Santa Catarina,
4 Federal University of Santa Catarina,

Solid mechanics is a research field that deals with the mechanical behavior of a wide variety of materials
undergoing external loads. Among the various types of solids, porous materials, for instance, can be
found in applications such as soil and rock mechanics, biomechanics, ceramics, etc. These applications
are studied in the field of poromechanics, which is a specific branch of the solid mechanics that considers
all types of porous materials. An important characteristic of such materials is that they contain a network
of interconnected pore channels saturated with a fluid. In most situations the mechanical behavior of the
porous matrix and the fluid flow through the pore channels are two tightly coupled phenomena interfering
with each other. When the fluid moves from one region to another in the porous matrix it changes the
pressure field inside the pore channels, which is perceived by the porous matrix as a force imbalance. As a
consequence, the porous matrix tends to deform in order to find a new configuration of stress equilibrium.
When the porous matrix deforms, the pore channels are also modified, which directly affects the fluid
flow and the pore pressure field. It is clear then that a fluid flow model and a structural model must be
considered in order to solve this coupled phenomenon.
The basis of the theory that describes coupled poromechanics has been established by Terzaghi
(1923) [1], where the effective stress principle has been presented. According to this principle, the
effective stresses σ 0 acting on the solid porous matrix is balanced by the pore pressure p and the total
stress tensor σ externally applied to the system, that is:

σ 0 = σ + αpII (1)

where α is the Biot’s coefficient and I is the second-order identity tensor. Almost 20 years later, Biot
(1941) [2] generalized this theory to three-dimensions and it has become known as Biot’s consolidation
theory. In this theory, the governing equations are the mass conservation equation for deformed porous
media and the stress equilibrium equations for a porous matrix. Considering only small strains and linear
behavior for the porous matrix, the stress equilibrium equations can be written as:

∇s · (C∇s u − αpi) + ρg = 0 (2)

with C being the fourth-order tensor written in Voigt notation, ∇s being the symmetric nabla operator
and i being the Voigt represetation of I. Finally, the mass conservation equations in this case reads,
1 ∂p 
+ ∇ · v f + αvs = q (3)
M ∂t
with the Biot’s modulus given by a combination of the solid and fluid compressibilities (cs and c f ,
respectively), porosity φ and α, that is, M = [φc f + (α − φ)cs ]−1 . Additionally, the seepage velocity
(Darcy velocity) and the solid velocity are respectively given by:
k ∂u
v = − · (∇p − ρ f g) and vs = (4)
µ ∂t

111 1
Figure 1: (a) Corner-point and (b) unstructured grids.

in which k, µ, ρ f , g and u stand for the absolute permeability tensor, fluid viscosity and density, gravita-
tional acceleration vector and the displacement vector, respectively.
For real applications, the system of coupled partial differential equations composed of Equations
(3) and (2) must be solved by numerical techniques. In the groundwater community, the most common
approach is to apply the Galerkin Finite Element Method (FEM) for discretizing both fluid flow and
structural models. The use of FEM for solving coupled geomechanics is probably because of historical
reasons, as problems involving solid mechanics have always been solved by FEM. Although this method
presents the advantage of being applied to unstructured grids (see Figure 1b), thus providing great ge-
ometrical flexibility, it does not ensure local mass conservation, which is an important characteristic
specially for multiphse flows. In reservoir simulators, for instance, where multiphase flows are the main
mathematical models considered, the Finite Volume Method (FVM) is the most common choice. The
reason for employing the FVM in reservoir simulators is because its basic premisse is to ensure local
conservation in every control volume of the grid. In this context, another common approach for solving
coupled geomechanics is to solve the fluid flow model in a resevoir simulator with the FVM, and then
solve the geomechanical model in a separate FEM software. There are a number of drawbacks in this
approach that deserves further discussion. First, reservoir simulators are usually applied to corner-point
grids, as the one depicted in Figure 1a, where the variables are stored at the grid block centroids. In the
FEM software, unstructured grids are usually employed, with the variables stored at the grid nodes. This
situation requires the interpolation of variables between two different grids, which represents an extra
source of numerical errors and additional computational cost. Moreover, synchronizing two different
softwares and managing the traffic of information between the two of them can be a cumbersome task.
In order to avoid these drawbacks, a number of researchers have been proposing unified methodologies
for solving both geomechanical and fluid flow models. In the FEM community, a number of works in
this direction can be mentioned ([3, 4, 5] and many others). On the other hand, a few important attempts
have being proposed for solving coupled geomechanics in a unified finite volume formulation. For ins-
tance, Shaw & Stone (2005) [6] solved linear poroelasticity in unstructured cell-centered grids, although
emphazis has been placed on corner-point grids. Later on, dal Pizzol and Maliska (2013) [7] presented
a finite volume formulation for coupled geomechanics in Cartesian staggered grids for two-dimensional
problems. Important advances on cell-centered finite volume formulations were also developed in [8, 9]
for two-dimensional unstructured grids.
The present work proposes the solution of coupled geomechanics by employing the Element-based
Finite Volume Method (EbFVM) for discretizing the partial differential equations of both fluid flow and
geomechanical models. As a finite volume method, the EbFVM ensures mass and momentum (force)
conservation for each control volume of the grid, which is an important feature specially for fluid flows.
Moreover, the EbFVM provides great geometrical flexibility as it is naturally applied to unstructured
grids. In this work, three-dimensional unstructured grids composed of tetrahedra, hexahedra, prisms and
pyramids are employed. These types of grids are of particular interest for building radial grids around
wells in order to better capture the radial flow pattens in this region (see Figure 1b). In the EbFVM, the
control volumes are built around the nodes of the grid, therefore the variables of the problem (p and u, in
this case) are stored at the grid nodes, characterizing a cell-vertex method. As shown in Figure 2a, each
element of the grid is subdivided into sub-elements, or sub-control volumes, associated to each element
vertex. The control volume is then built by the union of all sub-elements sharing a common node. Figure
2b shows a control volume built around a node of a three-dimensional grid. Each control volume Ωi is
bounded by a control surface Γi composed of faces identified by one integration point, ip, on its centroid

112 2
Figure 2: Geometrical entities for (a) two-dimensional grid and (b) three-dimensional grid.

and an area vector, s, point outwards the control volume.

The discretized mass and stress equilibrium equations are obtained by integrating Equations (3) and
(2) in each control volume and applying the divergence theorem. The resulting surface integrals over
Γi are then evaluated at the integration points of the control volume. This means that mass fluxes and
forces are computed at the control volume surfaces, which is precisely what ensures mass and momentum
(force) conservation. When the algebraic representation of Equations (3) and (2) are grouped together,
the following linear system is obtained:
    
−K L u bu
Q A   =   (5)
−H p bp
∆t ∆t
where the block matrices K and L accounts for the effective stresses and the pore pressures acting on
control volumes’ surfaces. The second block-line of Equation (5) contains the mass conservation equa-
tions, where matrices A, H and Q represent the accumulation terms, the mass fluxes due to the seepage
velocity and the mass fluxes due to the solid movement. The linear system of Equation (5) is solved in a
monolithic way by an LU decomposition.
The proposed methodology is first validated against the well known Mandel’s problem, where a
rock slab is compressed in vertical direction and the lateral boundaries are fully permeable, as depicted
in Figure 3. In this problem, the poroelastic equations cannot be decoupled as in the one-dimensional
poroelastic column of Terzaghi, which makes it a suitable test case for assessing the proposed formula-
tion. The problem has been solved with grids composed of four types of elements: hexahedra, tetrahedra,
prisms and pyramids. As it can be seen, good agreement with the analytical solution is obtained for all
types of grids.
The final problem intends to reproduce a water withdrawal from a 12 meters aquifer composed of
sand. The aquifer is trapped between two layers of silty clay with low permeability. The whole struc-
ture consists of a cylinder with 250 meters radius and 50 meters height. A vertical well with prescribed

Figure 3: Mandel’s problem: Pressure and displacement profiles for different time steps.

113 3
constant pressure is placed at the center of the structure. Due to symmetry, only a quarter of the geom-
etry is considered, as depicted in Figure 4. The left side of this figure shows the pressure and vertical
displacement fields. The graphic in the middle shows the pressure profile along the vertical center line
of the structure. The well is placed between z = 27, 5 and z = 40 meters, where pressure is constant. It
is interesting to notice the positive values of pressure that establishes in the adjacent aquitards. This is
known as the Noordbergum effect and it’s an evidence of the coupling between fluid flow and geome-
chanics. The rightmost graphic of Figure 4 shows the vertical displacement in the radial direction. After
250 days, the maximum subsidence observed is of 40 mm right above the well.

Figure 4: Groundwater withdrawal.

In this work the EbFVM has been used for solving both physical models involved in geoemechanics:
the fluid flow and geomechanical model. This a promising alternative for solving coupled geomechanics
for two main reasons. Since it is a fully conservative method, it is able to accurately solve multiphase
flows in porous media. Moreover, the momentum equation is also satisfied for each control volume of
the grid. The second reason is because it is able to handle unstructured grids composed of different types
of elements. This allows for the use of radial grids in the near-well region in order to better capture the
flow patterns in the vicinity of the well. To the knowledge of the authors, there is no other numerical
scheme that present all this features together.

[1] K. Terzaghi. Die berechnung der durchlassigkeitsziffer des tones aus dem verlauf der hydrodynamis-
chen spannungsercheinungen, Sitzung berichte. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien Mathematiesch-
Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, 1923.
[2] M.A. Biot. General theory of three-dimensional consolidation. Journal of Applied Physics 12 (1941), 155–
[3] J. A. White, R. I. Borja Stabilized low-order finite elements for coupled soliddeformation/fluid-diffusion and
their application to fault zone transients. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 197
(2008), 4353–4366.
[4] M. Ferronato, N. Castelletto, G. Gambolati A fully coupled 3-d mixed finite element model of Biot consolida-
tion. Journal of Computational Physics 229 (2010), 4813–4830.
[5] J. Choo, R. I. Borja A stabilized mixed finite elements for deformable porous media with double porosity.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 293 (2015), 131–154.
[6] G. Shaw, T. Stone Finite volume methods for coupled stress/fluid flow in commercial reservoir simulators.
SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium (2005), Houston, Texas U.S.A.
[7] A. dal Pizzol, C. R. Maliska A finite volume method for the solution of fluid flows coupled with the mechanical
behavior of compacting porous media. Porous Media and its Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry
1453 (2012), 205–210.
[8] J.M. Nordbotten Cell-centered finite volume discretizations for deformable porous media. Int. J. Numer. Meth.
Engng. v100, issue 6, (2014), 399–418.
[9] J.M. Nordbotten Convergence of a cell-centered finite volume discretization for linear elasticity. SIAM J.
Numer. Anal. v53, issue 6, (2012), 2605–2625.

114 4



Daiane G. Faller1, Clare Eayrs1, Jhon Mojica1, Nelson F. F. Ebecken3, David M. Holland1,2
Center for global Sea-Level Change, New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United
Arab Emirates,
Center for global Sea-Level Change, New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United
Arab Emirates,
Center for global Sea-Level Change, New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United
Arab Emirates,
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, New York, 10012,
United States of America,
Laboratory of Technology Transference Nucleus-COPPE, Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil,

In this study, we investigate the ability of a Lagrangian transport model to predict float
trajectories in the Southern Ocean (Weddell Sea - Antarctica, 20°E-15°W, 62°S-67°S).
Between 2014 and 2018, the project SOCCOM (Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate
Observations and Modeling) deployed 4 floats within the selected region with the endeavor to
measure different oceanographic variables such as temperature, nutrients, oxygen, pressure,
among others. The float is designed to drift between the surface and 2000 meters collecting
data profiles, transmitting the data via satellite each time it reaches the surface. However, if
the surface is covered by ice, to avoid being trapped, the float avoids the surface, stores the
data and descends for another round of profiling, waiting until the ice retreats to safely
transmit the data. In such cases, the data is transmitted without tracking (position) information
as the float relies on GPS to obtain its location.
Aiming to simulate the ‘virtual’ trajectory of the floats we used the offline particle-tracking
ARIANE and velocity fields from HYCOM (HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model) ocean model
outputs with 1/12° horizontal resolution and 32 vertical levels. HYCOM is a primitive
equation general circulation model with high horizontal resolution and adaptive vertical
coordinate system, using terrain-following coordinate at shallow water and z-level coordinates
in the mixed layers and/or unstratified water. When combined with NCODA (Navy Coupled
Ocean Data Assimilation), HYCOM is able to assimilate data from in situ profiles and

altimeter data, which allows the model physics to be adjusted by the real observational data,
resulting in more realistic results. ARIANE is a Fortran toolkit with a staggered C-grid for the
Lagrangian interpretation of the circulation calculated by numerical ocean models. ARIANE
performs an analytical calculation, where each trajectory segment respects locally the
continuity equation.
Before the simulation, the float temperature profiles with known locations were used to
validate the reliability of the HYCOM output. The model and float profiles showed good
correlation and small misfit (observational data minus model data) from the surface down to
1000 meters, so the velocity fields from the first 14 layers of the HYCOM output
(representing the first 1000 m) were used with the particle-tracking model. During the particle
simulation virtual particles are introduced into the flow field near the initial float position,
with the central particle located at the known float position. The method used create a grid
with 4 by 4 degrees, with the same resolution as the HYCOM grid (1/12°), which represents
144 particles per grid cell (totaling 2304 particles). The particles are allowed to move freely
via hydrodynamic forcing in the horizontal domain of each layer, however, vertical
movements are not considered, i.e., particles cannot move between layers. At the end of the
simulation, the position of the particles along each float pathway is extracted as well the
profiles from the HYCOM fields (temperature, salinity and velocity). The robustness of the
results is checked by comparing the modelled profiles with those obtained by the floats.
Regional and global models that use data assimilation are only able to assimilate data with
known position. There is limited information on the real ocean state during winter at the polar
regions. Using this method to retrieve valuable data sets that previously had no positional
information vastly improves the winter oceanographic database, particularly in the poorly
sampled Southern Ocean. Our results provide a larger data set from which to examine and
interpret meso- and small- scale processes and identify the main ocean features of the region.



Dang Phong Bach, Delphine Brancherie, Ludovic Cauvin

Sorbonne Universités, Université de Technologie de Compiègne

Laboratoire Roberval FRE UTC-CNRS 2012, Compiègne, France

1. Introduction
Popularity of nanocomposites is still encreasing due to their remarkable physical properties (mechanical,
electrical,...). Thus, understanding of their behavior has become a crucial issue on the experimental point
of view but also on the analytical and numerical aspects. With the use of nano-reinforcement, size effects
usually not observed with “standard” (in terms of size) reinforcement appear: the mechanical properties
are not only dependent on the volume fraction of reinforcement but also on the size of the reinforcements.
This size effect, due to local phenomena at the atomic scale, could be attributed to the increase of the
ratio (interface matrix-inclusions) / (volume fraction of inclusions). In order to model this size effect,
a coherent interface at the matrix-inclusion interface is usually considered. The introduced interface is
therefore characterized by a surface stress-strain relation leading to a surface elastic behavior. In terms
of modelisation, most of the works consider analytical developments and tend to estimate the overall
mechanical properties of nano-composites [1–6]. The main limitations of such analytical works is that
the shape of the inclusions is limited to cylindrical and spherical ones. Moreover, such techniques do
not allow to easily consider material non linear behavior. The development of dedicated computational
approaches is therefore necessary to circumvent those limitations. If we omit the high cost works based
on molecular dynamics [7, 8] few numerical approaches are proposed in the literature to describe the
behavior of nano-reinforced materials. The first one consists in introducing interface-type elements in a
standard Finite Element (FEM) framework to account for the surface elasticity [9]. The second approach
investigated in the literature by Yvonnet and co-authors [10] consists in taking into account the surface
effect in the framework of the eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) . The last one discussed in
this work is the Embedded Discontinuity Finite Element Method (EFEM) which take into account the
interface at the local level of the elements. We propose first to compare the two former approaches (FEM
and XFEM). After validation of the implemented strategies, we investigate, the influence of the homog-
enization hypothesis in terms of boundary conditions on the computed effective mechanical properties.
In particular, a statistical analysis is performed on random RVEs ( Representative Volume Elements).
Further results are presented in the context of elastoplastic behaviors. A comparison of the two previous
numerical approaches with EFEM will be discussed during the presentation.

2. Problem definition and associated numerical formulations

We consider here a continuum body which is described by a bounded domain Ω ⊂ Rd (d = 2 or 3) , with
boundary ∂Ω. This domain consists of two phases Ω(1) and Ω(2) ( in the remainder of this paper Ω(1)
and Ω(2) denote inclusion and matrix, respectively). These two phases are divided by an interface Γ (see
figure 1a).

117 1
(a) Geometry (b) FEM conformal mesh (c) XFEM mesh (d) EFEM mesh

Figure 1: Cylindrical inclusion with imperfect interface treated in plane strain models

The equilibrium equations in the bulk can be written:

divσ(i) + b = 0 in Ω(i) (i = 1, 2) (1)

The generalized Young-Laplace equation [11] is then used to deal with the coherent interface equilib-
[[σ]] · n + divs σs = 0 (2)
where [[σ]] denotes the jump of stress across the interface Γ, divs denotes the surfacic divergence and σs
is the surfacic stress tensor.
By appealing to the extended divergence theorem, we can build the weak form of the previous problem
as: Z Z
δu · (div σ + b)dΩ + δū¯ · (divs σs + JσK · n)dΓ = 0 ∀(δu, δū¯ ) (3)
For XFEM enrichment strategy, the interface is defined as the zero level-set of the function φ(x) (see
figure 1c). The displacement is interpolated as:

n n n

u (x) = ∑ Ni (x)ui + ∑ N j (x)ψ(x)a j with ψ(x) = ∑ |φi |Ni (x) − ∑ φi Ni (x)
i=1 j∈VΓ i=1

where Ni (x) is the shape function associated to node i and VΓ denotes the set of nodes associated to
elements whose support is cut by the interface.
The use of the previous interpolation in the weak form of equilibrium equations (3) leads to the following
discrete system to be solved:
(K + Ks) d = f (5)
For the FEM with interface-type elements approach (see figure 1b), taking into account coherent interface
is based on an explicit discretization of the interface through the use of interface elements with surface
elasticity. In that case, we have to consider the classical interpolations for the 2D elements in the bulk
and the 1D elements on the interface Γ:
n m
uh (x) = ∑ Ni (x)ui and uhs (x) = ∑ Ñi(x)ũi (6)
i=1 j=1

where Ñi is the shape function of 1D interface elements associated to node i and ũi corresponds to
the displacements of node i along the interface direction obtained by projecting the components of the
displacement in the global frame onto the local frame:

ũi = ui · tΓs (7)

where tΓs is the unit tangent vector of the interface.

Using those interpolation in the weak form of the equilibrium system leads to the discretised system to
be solved:
(K + Ks) u = f (8)

118 2
3. Several numerical results
In this section, few selected results of this work are presented. Additional results will be discussed during
the presentation. Figure 2a presents the comparison in terms of rate of convergence and efficiency of two
implemented numerical approaches (XFEM and Interface Element). Figure 2b presents the effective
(homogenized) normalized bulk modulus obtained for different sets of interface elastic properties (set
A: λs = 6.842 N/m, µs = −0.375 N/m; set B: λs = 3.48912 N/m, µs = −6.2178 N/m; set C: λs = 0
N/m, µs = 0 N/m) in terms of the radius of nanopore for a fixed volume fraction f=0.2. For the effective
properties both approaches give very similar results but the efficiency and the rate of convergence is
better for Interface element (see figure 2a).

-0.4 0.58
setA XFEM/level set XFEM/level set
-0.6 setB XFEM/level set 0.56 Set A Interface element

Normalized effective plane strain

setC XFEM/level set GSCM [Le Quang et He 2009]
setA Interface element
-0.8 0.54
setB Interface element
setC Interface element

bulk modulus
-1 0.52
log 10 (e)

Set C
-1.2 r = 0.6 0.5

-1.4 r = 0.73 0.48

-1.6 0.46
r = 0.95
-1.8 0.44
r=1 Set B
-2 0.42
-1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 0 10 20 30 40 50
log 10 (h) Ro in nanometers, f=0.2

(a) Convergence analysis with different (b) Size-dependent effective bulk modulus for
interface parameters periodic boundary condition

Figure 2: Cylindrical nanopore problem with the coherent interface

Influence of the homogenization hypothesis on the computed effective mechanical properties has been
studied in terms of boundary conditions (Kinematic Uniform (KUBC), Static Uniform (SUBC) and Pe-
riodic). A comparison with an analytical homogenization technique [3] is also carried out. Periodic
boundary condition show a good agreement with the analytical model.

Normalized effective plane strain

bulk modulus

Set B

Set C

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Volume fraction

Figure 3: Size-dependent effective bulk modulus for different type of boundary condition

Finally, in order to get closer to real microstructures, different RVEs consisting of randomly distributed
nanopores are analyzed to compute the effective properties in terms of the radius of the pores:

119 3

Normalized effective plane strain



bulk modulus



0 10 20 30 40 50
R0 in nanometers, f=0.3

Figure 4: Size-dependent effective bulk modulus with random distribution

[1] P Sharma and S Ganti. Size-dependent eshelby’s tensor for embedded nano-inclusions incorporating sur-
face/interface energies. Transactions-American society of mechanical engineers journal of applied mechan-
ics, 71(5):663–671, 2004.
[2] P Sharma, S Ganti, and N Bhate. Effect of surfaces on the size-dependent elastic state of nano-
inhomogeneities. Applied Physics Letters, 82(4):535–537, 2003.
[3] H. Le Quang and Q. C. He. Estimation of the effective thermoelastic moduli of fibrous nanocomposites with
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120 4



David Sebastián Cotes Prieto 1, César Andrés Méndez Poveda2, William Giovanny Alfonso León3, Oscar
Javier Begambre Carrillo4

Industrial University of Santander,
Industrial University of Santander,
Industrial University of Santander,
4 Industrial University of Santander,

1. Abstract
In current engineering practice in Colombia, footings linked by beams is one of the more employed shallow
foundation systems when the ratio of transferred (from the super-structure to the foundation) flexural moment
and axial load is high. Its broad implementation is due to its capacity to control excessive differential
settlements, soil pressure and uplifting. There are a lot of simplified “traditional” methodologies used for the
analysis of these foundation systems, however more accurate results can be obtained when taking into account
the effect of soil-structure interaction (SSI). Often a discouraging “side-effect” of the use of SSI is that wider
dimensions for the elements are usually needed to accomplish minimum structural codes requirements. This
work presents preliminary results of a research project that pretends to encourage the use of SSI in analysis and
design of these kind of foundations by taking advantage of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) ,which has
proven being efficient for solving other structural engineering problems, to minimize the quantity of concrete
for the footings and beams, required to achieve proper differential settlements and soil pressure, and to avoid
uplifting (according to Colombian structural and construction code “NSR-10”). Structural analysis of the
system was done using finite element analysis integrating: (i) elastic springs with stiffness according to the
ballast coefficient to simulate the soil, (ii) the Kirchhoff plates theory for footings modeling and (iii) the Euler-
Bernoulli beams theory for link beams modeling. All the analysis and optimization were done using a self-
made code in Matlab R2017a. The efficiency of the proposed analysis and optimization methodology was
proved using a real-life problem of an already existing foundation. Results showed that the proposed
methodology is a good alternative to reduce the quantity of concrete required in this kind of foundations.
Keywords: Particle swarm optimization, shallow foundation, soil-structure interaction, finite element method.
2. Methodology
2.1. Structural case
The foundation system proposed for analysis and design is form by two footings linked by a beam. One of the
footings is commonly known as a center footing while the other is an eccentric footing. The solicitations are
modeled in the geometrical center of the footings and consists in an axial load and a flexural moment (that
causes flexure in the beam) for each, these forces are directly transferred from the super-structure to the
foundation system. Additional flexural moment is calculated for the eccentric footing based on the eccentricity
of the transferred force, this condition gives a high ratio of the total flexural moment and the axial force.
Described above is presented in Figure 1.

2.2. Structural modeling

Kirchhoff plates theory to model footings, and Euler-Bernoulli frames theory to model beams [1], were
employed using the finite element method (FEM) implementing rectangular four-node plate elements for the
footings and linear two-node bar element for the beam [1]. To model soil-structure interaction, linear springs
were used as supports in the nodes [2]. Springs stiffness corresponds to the geotechnical parameter known as
ballast coefficient [3] [4]. The structural model was programed using Matlab R2017a [5]. Results obtained
from the model, needed for the optimization method restrictions, are: (i) maximum soil pressure (Qmax) (related
to springs force), (ii) differential settlement (ds) (between footings), and (iii) maximum displacement (dmax);
this last result is needed to verify if there is or not uplifting in the foundation [6]. Figure 2 illustrates deformed
shape for a foundation system obtained in the Matlab 121 R2017a program.
Figure 1. Foundation system conventions and modeling.

Figure 2. Structural model results

2.3. Particle swarm optimization

To minimize the quantity of concrete required for the foundation system, particle swarm optimization (PSO)
was implemented [7]. This heuristic method was selected due to its successful use on the optimization of other
structural engineering problems [8]–[10]. The objective function to minimize is the volume of the system as
described in Equation 1 [11].

ffitness = (bx1 ∗ by1 ∗ bz1 ) + (bx2 ∗ by2 ∗ bz2 ) + (hv ∗ bv ∗ Lv ) (1)

The function has eight independent variables which describe the footings and beam dimensions and one
dependent variable which is volume. Equation 2 presents the restrictions adopted (described in 2.2) for the
optimization, which are based on structural and geotechnical engineering criteria proposed on the Colombian
structural and construction code “NSR-10” [12]. Minimum and maximum values allowed for the independent
variables were chosen based on NSR-10 recommendations and constructive criteria. To control de velocity of
the method a hybrid between the constriction factor [13] and the inertial weight [14] was used. Figure 3
presents the flow diagram that describes the integration of the structural modeling and the PSO
programed by the authors.

differencial settlement ≤
Restrictions = { 160 (2)
maximum soil pressure ≤ admisible soil pressure
maximum displacement ≤ 0


Maximum and minimum values of independent variables, restrictions,

material parameters, loads, iterations number and particle numbers.

Randomly determine initial positions and velocities of the swarm particles.

Calculate differential settlements, maximum soil pressure and maximum displacement using

Are restrictions



Calculate stochastic factors (rand, χ) and inertial weight (w).

Calculate new velocity and position for the swarm particles.

Calculate differential settlements, maximum soil pressure and maximum displacement using

Are restrictions

New position is accepted (particle New position is not accepted (particle

moves). does not move).

Calculate objective function.

Selection of the best positions (for each particle and for all
the swarm).



Best value of objective function.

Best position of the swarm particles.


Figure 3. Flow diagram that describes the integration of the structural modeling and the PSO.

3. Partial results
Results presented in Table 1 are based on a real case of study, the algorithm was executed three times for three
different values of maximum iterations (maxit=5, 10, 15) maintaining a constant value of swarm particles
(N=10), for a total of nine numerical experiments performed. The movement of the particles can be seen in
Figure 4. It can be noticed the all experiments of maxit=5 resulted in values of the standard deviation high
when compared to maxit=10 and 15, so a higher number of iterations is required to obtain better results,
however as it can be seen in Figure 5 in all cases (for the minimum standard deviation of each set of
experiments) it was possible to obtain lower values for the objective function (volume) compared to the real
case of study results, so minimization process was123achieved.
Table 1. PSO results.

PSO Results (10 particles)

Real maxit=5 maxit=10 maxit=15
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
bx1 [m] 2.000 2.753 1.284 2.904 1.128 1.263 1.193 3.450 1.364 3.200
by1 [m] 2.000 1.681 3.096 1.986 3.205 1.022 1.105 1.445 3.652 1.364
bz1 [m] 0.400 0.474 0.520 0.473 0.449 0.586 0.650 0.503 0.421 0.560
bx2 [m] 1.800 0.763 0.501 1.652 2.908 0.817 1.759 1.369 1.150 1.581
by2 [m] 1.800 1.404 2.352 0.747 0.473 2.713 1.825 0.521 0.589 1.785
bz2 [m] 0.400 0.673 0.687 0.440 0.625 0.582 0.425 0.498 0.532 0.509
hv [m] 0.800 0.363 0.376 0.668 0.365 0.677 0.688 0.432 0.248 0.455
bv [m] 0.500 0.390 0.493 0.676 0.519 0.273 0.265 0.514 0.652 0.346
ds [mm] 2.562 4.006 3.787 2.521 4.446 4.654 3.217 3.437 3.481 3.512
Qmax [kPa] 181.069 183.660 212.117 143.944 238.810 313.712 227.533 173.530 173.224 205.523
dmax [mm] -1.965 -0.586 -1.516 -1.078 -1.524 -3.188 -2.470 -0.902 -0.850 -1.626
ffitness [m]3 3.560 3.432 3.850 4.651 3.286 2.992 3.086 3.455 3.241 3.275
st dev [m] - 0.529 1.151 0.821 0.533 0.046 0.175 0.120 0.798 0.007



3.5 maxit=5 (st dev=0.529)

maxit=10 (st dev=0.046)
Best function [m]3

3.4 maxit=15 (st dev=0.007)




1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
Figure 4. Swarm displacement behavior (maxit=10, std Figure 5. Best function results for minimum standard
dev=0.046 [m]). deviations obtained.


[1] E. Onate, Structural Analysis with the Finite Element Method - Linear Statics, vol. 1. 1989.
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[7] J. Kennedy and R. Eberhart, “Particle swarm optimization,” Neural Networks, 1995. Proceedings., IEEE Int. Conf., vol.
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of spread footing and retaining wall,” J. Zhejiang Univ. A, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 415–427, 2011.
[11] A. Petrowski, J. Dréo, P. Siarry, and E. Taillard, Metaheuristics for Hard Optimization. Berlin-Germany: Springer,
[12] Comisión asesora permanente para el régimen de construcciones sismo resistentes, Reglamento colombiano de
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[14] R. Correa, O. Begambre, and J. Carrillo, “Validación de un algoritmo híbrido del PSO con el método simplex y de
topología de evolución paramétrica,” DYNA, pp. 255–265, 2011.



Davidson de Oliveira França Júnior1, Lineu José Pedroso2

University of Brasilia,
University of Brasilia,

1. Introduction
The cylindrical shells are characterized by a curved surface object with a small thickness compared to
their other dimensions, being generally made of solid material. Despite extensive theoretical studies on
vibrations in cylindrical shells, most works are limited to classical boundary conditions: pinned-
pinned, clamped-clamped, and clamped-free. However, it is known that in engineering applications,
the walls of cylindrical shells are generally connected to other structural components (cover, bottom
plate, etc) through various types of connections, in which the idealization of different conditions (Fig.
1) represents a fundamental role in the analysis of these situations in the mathematical and/or
numerical model.

Figure 1: A Diagram of the tank: (a) the cross-section; (b) the transversal section.

Several studies have theoretical analytical, numerical and experimental approaches to the study of
vibrations in cylindrical shells for different boundary conditions, such as [1-7]. In this work, the free
vibrations of an empty, fully filled cylindrical reservoir with an inviscid and incompressible liquid are
studied for various boundary conditions. The reservoir is modeled by a cylindrical shell and the fluid
represented by an acoustic cavity. The analytical solution is based on the variational calculation
through the energy theory implemented in MAPLE software. The fluid is modeled by the wave
equation and the fluid-structure interaction performed by incorporating an additional mass of fluid into
the dynamic equations of motion of the shell. The numerical discretization is done with the finite
element method (MEF) using the software ANSYS. The forced vibration comes from a harmonic
point load in the shell, in which the frequency domain response spectra were investigated for the
decoupled shell with different boundary conditions.

2. Analytical Formulation
The cylindrical shell (Fig. 1) is composed of thin walls of length L, median radius R, radial angle φ
and thickness h. The shell material is considered to be elastic with Young's modulus E, Poisson
coefficient v and specific mass ρ. The coordinates of the displacement vector on the surface of the
shell in the axial, circumferential and radial direction are respectively u, v and w. The deformations
and the changes in the curvature of the shell assumed based on the linear theory of Flügge [8]. The
dynamic motion equations can be obtained through the Rayleigh-Ritz procedure through the
Lagrangian function (Γ). The Lagrangian function, the internal energy of deformation and the kinetic
energy of the cylindrical shell, according to [9], is given by:
2 2 L
EP =
2    ( z  z )
+     +  z  * z dv
h 0 0

 = Ec máx − E P máx 2
2 L  2 2 2
Rh  u   v   w 
Ec =
2    t  +  +

 t

 t 
 dzd
0 0

where ECMÁX is the maximum kinetic energy of the shell and EPMÁX is the internal energy of the
maximum deformation of the cylindrical shell. Part of the beam modes presented by [10]. When
applying the Rayleigh-Ritz procedure (  A = 0 ;  B = 0 ;  C = 0 ) in the Lagrangian function, we have
a system of three equations of motion. These equations can be expressed in matrix form, by symmetric
terms, in which for nontrivial solutions, the determinant of the characteristic matrix is defined as zero.
This yields the characteristic polynomial in which the roots characterize the natural frequencies.
Through the analyzed analytical procedure, for a cylindrical shell with boundary condition pinned-
pinned, the coupling is performed by the additional mass of fluid imposed in the shell equation in
terms compounded by the mass of the structure. The expression of the additional mass was developed
by [11] and imposing such a parameter has a hydrodynamic pressure of the transformed fluid in an
additional virtual mass in the shell structure.

3. Numerical Simulation
In the modeling the following properties of the materials were adopted: the steel shell considered to be
made with Young's modulus E=200 GPa, Poisson Coefficient υ=0,29 and specific mass ρe=7760
Kg/m3; the liquid is water with specific mass ρf=1000 Kg/m3 and speed of sound propagation in water
c=1500 m/s. For the geometric properties, were adopted: the cylindrical shell with radius R=0,175 m,
length L = 0.664 m and thickness h = 0.00102 m; the acoustic cavity with radius R = 0,175 m and
length L = 0,664 m. The formulation used was U-P, displacement for structure and pressure for the

Figure 2: Numerical models: (a) Uncoupled shell; (b) Uncoupled fluid and (c) Fluid-Structure

4. Results
The analytical results were compared with the numerical results and are presented in Figure 3. The
study was limited to a low-frequency range (m = 1) and different numbers of circumferential waves.

(a) (b)
Figure 3: Natural frequencies of the mode shape m = 1 for different boundary conditions for (a)
uncoupled shell and (b) coupled with fluid.

Based on Figure 3, it is possible to observe that the analytical and numerical results practically
coincide, validating the analytical technique and numerical modeling in ANSYS®. It is observed that
the lower natural frequencies of the cylindrical shell do not necessarily occur for small values of n,
both for the uncoupled shell and for the shell coupled with fluid, and also, as n increases, natural
frequencies tend to be common values. Such a phenomenon is justified by the fact that when the shell
vibrates in small circumferential modes the energy of membrane extensional deformation
predominates in the total deformation energy of the system. However, as the number of modes n
increases, the flexural deformation energy becomes predominant in the system.
The presence of the fluid reduced the natural frequencies, showing that the mode of additional mass in
which the structure predominates over the fluid is predominant during vibration. From the numerical
modeling validated in the analysis in free vibrations, the harmonic point load was imposed on the
cylindrical shell, P(z,ϕ,t) = 100 sen (ϖt), in the radial direction, at the center of the cylindrical shell
(z=L/2) and for its angle ϕ=00. The excitation frequency (ϖ) of the load was varied from 0 to 2500
rad/s and the damping ratio adopted was equal to two percent (ξ = 2%). Thus, it was possible to obtain
the displacement amplitude curves as a function of this applied excitation frequency.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 4: Frequency spectrum for a cylindrical shell for z = L / 2 and ϕ=180º: (a) pinned-pinned, (b)
pinned-free, (c) clamped-clamped, (d) clamped-free e (e) clamped-pinned.

Based on the frequency spectra shown, it can be concluded that the peaks of the curves with the
displacement amplitudes occur at applied frequencies approximately equal to the first natural
frequencies at which the shell is excited. This is observed for all boundary conditions, where the
difference between the applied and the natural frequency did not exceed 3%. As can be analyzed, the
largest amplitudes were identified both in the radial (w) direction of the shell and in the
circumferential direction, showing that for forced vibrations the circumferential displacement becomes
important in the analysis.

5. Conclusions
With the numerical modeling, it was possible to analyze the effect of the fluid-structure coupling
through the identification of the dominant modes of the system. This fact was fundamental to observe
that even having influence in the dynamic behavior, the different bindings produce typical
characteristic modes of the structure. In general, both for the decoupled and coupled fluid-structure
problem it can be concluded that the boundary conditions with one or both free edges cause the lower
frequencies, i.e. it is clear that a reduction of system rigidity occurs and consequently a decrease in
natural frequencies. By imposing the harmonic point load on the decoupled cylindrical shell, it was
possible to show the way of obtaining the operational modes, since the analytical treatment in these
situations is more complex.


The authors thank the University of Brasília (UNB), the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher
Education Personnel (CAPES) and the Foundation for Research Support of the Federal District (FAP-
DF) for the resources received.


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cylindrical shell with an internal liquid. In: Journal Aerospace Science. 29, 1052-1059.




Davidson de Oliveira França Júnior1, Lineu José Pedroso2

University of Brasilia,
University of Brasilia,

1. Introduction
The dynamic structural analysis of cylindrical shells is considerably complex due to the fact that they
have flexural and extensional vibrations together. In this sense, a shell has three deformed modalities:
the deformed axial (u), circumferential (v) and radial (w). According to [1], because they have higher
displacement amplitudes, the radial deformations produce the lower natural frequencies for a cylindrical
shell. This fact directly influences the coupled analysis, since to perform the fluid-structure interaction
the modal deformed of the tank with fluid are assumed the same as in the vacuum.
The study of vibrations in cylindrical shells over the years, and still does today, following the classic
works of [2-5], among other various theories that have been improved over time. From this, several
works bring theoretical analytical and numerical approaches to the fluid-structure coupling, in which we
can mention some works that couple the fluid as a virtual mass in the shell equations only in the radial
modal deformed direction, such as: [6-10]. In this work, the free vibrations of a cylindrical tank totally
filled with an incompressible and incompressible liquid are studied, for different forms of mass coupling
between fluid and structure. The tank is modeled by a cylindrical shell and fluid-structure interaction is
accomplished by incorporating a virtual additional mass into the shell equations in seven different ways:
coupled mass in the axial, circumferential and radial deformed as well as the combinations between
them. The analyzed analytical methodology is based on the energetic formulation implemented in
MAPLE software. For the validation of the procedure, the results were compared with the values
obtained in the experiment performed by [9].

2. Analytical Formulation
2.1 Cylindrical Shell

The cylindrical shell (Fig. 1) is composed of thin walls of length L, median radius R, radial angle ϕ and
thickness h. The shell material is considered to have Young's modulus E, coefficient of Poisson v and
specific mass ρ. The coordinates of the displacement vector on the surface of the shell in the axial,
circumferential and radial direction are respectively u, v and w. The deformations and the changes in the
curvature of the shell assumed on the basis of the linear theory of [4].

Figure 1: Schematic diagram of tank: (a) Coordinate system and geometry of cylindrical shell (b) the
cross-section; (c) fluid-structure interaction by additional mass of fluid.

The dynamic equations of motion can be obtained through the Ritz procedure through the Lagrangian
function, given by:
 = Ec máx − E P máx (1)

where ECMÁX is the maximum kinetic energy of the shell and EPMÁX is the internal energy of the maximum
deformation of the cylindrical shell. The internal energy of deformation and the kinetic energy of the
cylindrical shell, according to [11], is given by:
2 2 L
EP =
2    ( z  z +     +  z  * z dv ) (2)
h 0 0


2 L  2 2 2
Rh  u   v   w 
Ec =
2    t  +  t  +  t   dzd
0 0

Since A, B and C are constants that expose the amplitude of the axial, circumferential and radial
displacements, respectively. The number of longitudinal half-waves is m and the number of
circumferential waves is n. The plot ϕm(z)represents the longitudinal displacements of the shell. In the
proposed method, a beam with pinned-pinned boundary condition presented by [12]. Applying the Ritz
procedure in the Lagrangian function (  A = 0 ;  B = 0 ;  C = 0 ), we have a system of three equations
of motion. These equations can be expressed in matrix form, expressed by symmetric terms, and are
given by:

 C11 C12 C13   A

C  
 21 C22 C23   B  = 0 (4)
C31 C32 C33  
C 

For non-trivial solutions, the determinant of the characteristic matrix is defined as zero. This yields the
characteristic polynomial in which the roots characterize the natural frequencies. Through the
implementation on the software MAPLE, it is possible to obtain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the
uncoupled shell.

2.2 Fluid-Structure Interaction

Through the analyzed analytical procedure, for a cylindrical shell with pinned-pinned boundary
condition, the coupling is performed by the additional mass of fluid imposed on the shell equation in
terms compounded by the mass of the structure. The expression of the additional mass was developed
by [13] and is given by:

  2mH  
sen   
f  R   H  L   J n (i ) 
 = 
 
   −  
 h   L (5)
  2m  R J n (i )
  = 

  r R
 

Since ζ is the virtual additional mass expression, ρf is the density of the acoustic fluid and J'n is the
derivative of the Bessel functions. By imposing such a parameter there is a hydrodynamic pressure of
the transformed fluid in an additional virtual mass in the shell structure. Mass couplings were studied in
the following way:

𝐶11 + 𝜁𝜔2 𝐶12 𝐶13 𝐶11 𝐶12 𝐶13 𝐶11 𝐶12 𝐶13
[ 𝐶21 𝐶22 𝐶23 ] [𝐶21 𝐶22 + 𝜁𝜔2 𝐶23 ] 𝐶
[ 21 𝐶22 𝐶23 ]
⏟ 𝐶31 𝐶32 𝐶33 ⏟𝐶31 𝐶32 𝐶33 ⏟𝐶31 𝐶32 𝐶33 + 𝜁𝜔2

𝐶11 + 𝜁𝜔2 𝐶12 𝐶13 𝐶11 + 𝜁𝜔2 𝐶12 𝐶13 𝐶11 𝐶12 𝐶13
[ 𝐶21 𝐶22 + 𝜁𝜔2 𝐶23 ] [ 𝐶21 𝐶22 𝐶23 ] [𝐶21 𝐶22 + 𝜁𝜔2 𝐶23 ]
𝐶33 + 𝜁𝜔 2 𝐶33 + 𝜁𝜔2 (6)
⏟ 𝐶31 𝐶32 𝐶33 ⏟ 𝐶31 𝐶32 ⏟𝐶31 𝐶32

𝐶11 + 𝜁𝜔2 𝐶12 𝐶13

[ 𝐶21 𝐶22 + 𝜁𝜔2 𝐶23 ]
⏟ 𝐶31 𝐶32 𝐶33 + 𝜁𝜔2

In the modeling, the following properties of the materials were adopted: the steel shell with Young's
modulus E=200 GPa, Poisson ratio υ=0,29 and specific mass ρe=7760 Kg/m3; the liquid is water with
specific mass ρf=1000 Kg/m3 and velocity of sound propagation in water c=1500 m/s. Regarding the
geometric properties, the following was adopted: the cylindrical shell with radius R=0,175 m, length
L=0,664 m and thickness h=0,00102 m; the acoustic cavity with radius R=0,175 m and length L=0,664
The formulation implemented on the software MAPLE is analogous to the uncoupled problem, where
the characteristic matrix determinant is defined as zero. With this, the roots of the characteristic
polynomial, in this case, represent the coupled natural frequencies.

4. Results
The analytical results obtained were compared with the experimental results and are presented in Table
1. The N index is the order of the frequencies, m is the longitudinal mode shape number and n is the
number of circumferential waves.

Table 1 – Comparisons of natural frequencies (Hz) the cylindrical shell coupled with fluid.
Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff.
N m n Ref [9] Case A Case B Case C Case D Case E Case F Case G
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
1 1 4 92,00 220,37 139,53 199,58 116,93 103,28 12,26 198,94 116,24 103,19 12,16 100,80 9,57 100,71 9,47
2 1 5 104,00 230,13 121,28 217,84 109,46 116,12 11,65 217,56 109,19 116,08 11,62 114,40 10,00 114,36 9,96
3 1 3 119,00 311,53 161,79 256,05 115,17 134,03 12,63 253,74 113,23 133,69 12,34 128,15 7,69 127,86 7,45
4 1 6 147,00 297,80 102,59 288,13 96,01 159,74 8,67 287,96 95,89 159,71 8,65 158,17 7,60 158,14 7,58
5 1 7 206,00 396,05 92,26 387,71 88,21 223,51 8,50 387,60 88,16 223,49 8,49 221,96 7,75 221,94 7,74

Based on Table 1 it is possible to observe that the additional mass can increase the inertial load of the
shell in the axial, circumferential and radial direction, and among their combinations. The shell
displacements are larger in the radial direction, but incorporating the additional mass of the axial,

circumferential and radial direction (Case G) brings more realistic results, since, even if small, the
viscous tension of the fluid in these directions also influences the phenomenon physical vibration. It
should be noted that cases C, E, and F also produced good results, but cases A, B and D do not simulate
adequately and cannot be used. In this way, Case G can be recommended to perform the fluid-structure

5. Conclusions
This work addressed the aspects of fluid-structure interaction in problems applied in the dynamic
analysis in vertical cylindrical tanks. The influence of the way of incorporating the additional mass of
fluid in the shell has become clear and must be taken with care since it has been found that the error
between the analytical and experimental results differ based on this parameter. The procedure of
coupling the fluid in the three deformed shells (u, v and w) can be used to analyze the tank in different
modes of vibration by producing results very close to the experimental result.


The authors thank the University of Brasília (UNB), the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher
Education Personnel (CAPES) and the Foundation for Research Support of the Federal District (FAP-
DF) for the resources received.


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Jérémie Bude 1 , Delphine Brancherie 1

1 Laboratoire Roberval, FRE UTC-CNRS 2012,

This work deals with a modeling tool aiming at describing, without mesh dependency, ductile failure
phenomena. The non linear behavior of ductile materials can be decomposed into two phases precursor
to failure: the pre-peak phase in which plasticity and damage are evolving in the bulk, and the softening
post-peak phase in which strain localization occurs and leads to a macro-crack growth responsible for
the failure of the structure. This second phase is responsible for the mesh-dependency observed numer-
ically when dealing with such softening materials. Many authors have proposed localization limiters::
non-local techniques [11, 8], rate-dependency regularization [9, 10] or mesh size depending softening
parameters [4, 1], to cite only a few of them.
In this work, we present the extension of the strong discontinuity approach as a localization lim-
iter to the regularization of a coupled damage-plasticity version of Lemaitre’s phenomenological model
[7]. The proposed extension of the strong discontinuity approach (also called embedded discontinuity
approach) takes into account the two phases of the nonlinear behavior of the considered material. The
pre-peak phase, characterized by the evolution of plasticity and damage in the bulk, is described through
the use of classical continuum models. The second phase of the behavior, characterized by the coales-
cence of micro-cracks and development of macro-cracks, is described by the introduction of a surface
of discontinuity of the displacement field. A traction-displacement jump relation is considered on the
interface to represent the localized dissipation occuring due the development of macro-cracks. The reg-
ularization properties of the strong discontinuity approach has to be attributed to the introduction of the
interface and the related surfacic dissipation.
The Finite Element implementation of the method is based on the use of the incompatible modes
method [6]. It has proven its regularizing effect in the case of brittle materials [2]. In this work, we
intend to attest its regularizing effects in the ductile fracture framework by considering both plane strain
and axisymmetric test problems. We investigate, in particular, the influence of the criterion for the
introduction of the displacement discontinuity.
Moreover, the key points of the extension of the strong discontinuity approach to the framework of
finite strain will be presented and discussed.
Several numerical examples will be presented to assess the regularizing capabilities of the approach
as well as its efficiency in reproducing the crack path observed experimentally.

[1] Barenblatt, G.I., The mathematical theory of equilibrium crack in the brittle failure. Advances in Applied
Mechanics, Vol.7, 55–125, 1962.
[2] Brancherie, D., Ibrahimbegovic, A.. Novel anisotropic continuum-discrete damage model capable of repre-
senting localized failure of massive structures. Part I : theoretical formulation and numerical implementation.
Journal of Engineering Computations, Vol. 26, 100–127, 2009.
[3] de Souza Neto, E.A.. A fast, one-equation integration algorithm for the Lemaitre ductile damage model.
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 18, 541–554,2002.
[4] Dugdale, D.S., Yielding of steel sheets containing slits. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics and Solids,
Vol. 8, 100–104, 1960.

134 1
[5] Dujc, J., Brank, B., Ibrahimbegovic, A.. Quadrilateral finite element with embedded strong discontinuity for
failure analysis of solids. Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, Vol. 69, 223–258, 2011.
[6] Ibrahimbegovic, A., Wilson, E.L.. A modified method of incompatible modes. Communications in Applied
Numerical Methods, Vol. 7, 187–194,1991.
[7] Lemaitre, J., Chaboche, J.L., Mechanics of Solid Materials. University Press: Cambridge, 1990.
[8] Mulhaus, H.B., Aïfantis, E.C., A variational principle for gradient plasticity. International Journal of Solids
and Structures, Vol. 28, 845-857, 1991.
[9] Needleman, A., Material rate dependence and mesh sensitivity in localization problems. Computer Methods
in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 63, 69–85, 1988.
[10] Niazi, M.S., Wisselink, H.H., Meinders, T., Viscoplastic regularization of local damage models: revisited.
Computational Mechanics, Vol. 51, 203–216, 2013.
[11] Pijaudier-Cabot, G., Bažant, Z.P., Non-local damage theory. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol.
113, 1512-1533, 1987.

135 2



Dimitri Komatitsch1 , Simon Bernard1 , Vadim Monteiller1 , Philippe Lasaygues1 and Régine Guillermin1
1 Aix Marseille Univ., CNRS, Centrale Marseille, LMA, Marseille, France,

We introduce an ultrasonic quantitative imaging method for long bones based on full-waveform in-
version. The cost function is defined as the difference in the L2 -norm sense between observed data and
synthetic results at a given iteration of the iterative inversion process. We use a full-wave viscoelastic
implementation, but in order to reduce the computational cost we resort to a two-dimensional approxi-
mation. The inverse problem is solved iteratively based on a quasi-Newton technique called the Limited-
memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno method. We show how the technique can be made to work
well for benchmark models consisting of a single cylinder, and then five cylinders, the latter case includ-
ing significant multiple diffraction effects. We then show pictures obtained for a tibia-fibula bone pair
model. Convergence is fast, typically in 15 to 30 iterations in practice in each frequency band used. We
discuss the so-called ‘cycle skipping’ effect that can occur in such full waveform inversion techniques
and make them remain trapped in a local minimum of the cost function. We illustrate strategies that can
be used in practice to avoid this, as also demonstrated in [1] in the simpler acoustic case only. Future
work should include real data instead of synthetic ones only.
The main idea behind our work from a medical tomography point of view is that bone strength is re-
lated to bone mass, geometry, architecture, and composition [2]. In particular, recent studies have shown
that the thickness and porosity of the cortical bone layer plays a major role in bone resistance to fracture
at various sites such as the hip, radius and vertebrae [3, 4, 5, 6]. Bone diseases such as osteoporosis
affect bone remodeling, which results in increased cortical bone porosity and reduced cortical thickness,
and therefore in an increased risk of fracture. Osteoporotic fractures cause substantial suffering to the
patient, have a high mortality rate, and are an increasing source of burden in aging societies [7].
Bone mineral density (BMD) assessed from dual-energy-X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is the most
commonly-used predictor of bone fracture risk [7]. DXA-measured BMD correlates to fracture risk, but
has a limited predictive power [8]. This comes from the fact that DXA measures bone mineral quan-
tity but ignores other relevant parameters related to bone geometry and mechanical properties. Higher-
resolution methods such as high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT)
and high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (HR-MRI) can provide detailed images of bone ge-
ometry and architecture [9] but are of limited clinical use because of high costs, irradiation, or long
acquisition time.
Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS) techniques have been developed as an alternative to X-ray methods
for bone quality assessment [10, 11]. Ultrasounds can indeed provide information on bone mechanical
parameters through the measurement of the speed of sound and/or of attenuation, as well as geometrical
information. They are non-ionizing and low cost, two considerable advantages over X rays. While QUS
methods have originally focused on trabecular bone assessment, they have recently been extended to
cortical bone measurements [12]. Most notably, model-based approaches relying on guided ultrasound
wave propagation in the cortical shell of long bones have yielded promising results for instance for
thickness measurements of the radius bone [13].
Ultrasonic Computed Tomography (USCT) has been proposed as a tool to provide quantitative im-
ages of the speed of sound in the cross-section of long bones with millimetric resolution [14], allowing
for accurate assessment of cortical thickness. The main difficulty of bone USCT is the large impedance

136 1
Figure 1: Result of FWI for wave velocity (a) and mass density (b) for a realistic tibia-fibula bone pair
model. The insert shows the true geometry. The actual velocity values are 2800 m.s−1 for bone and 1500
m.s−1 for the surrounding media, while the density values are 1800 kg.m−3 for bone and 1000 kg.m−3
for the surrounding media. It can be observed that, while the velocity map is correctly estimated, the
estimation of density is difficult.

contrast between hard bones and the surrounding soft tissues. In that context, ray-based and first-order
Born or Rytov approximation methods commonly used in USCT of soft tissues [15, 16] do not provide
quantitative images, except in the case of specific but time-consuming algorithms such as Compound
USCT [17]. Iterative approaches based on high-order approximations have been proposed to address the
nonlinear inverse problem for high-contrast targets [18, 19]. Lasaygues et al. [14] applied one of such
iterative methods, called distorted Born diffraction tomography (DBDT), to bone-mimicking phantoms
and obtained fairly accurate estimates of their geometry, with a relative error on their size of about 5%,
as well as of their wave speed, with a relative error of about 10%. Recently, a Born-based inversion
method was proposed to image the internal structure of long bones from reflection data acquired in an
axial configuration [20], but no quantitative assessment of the wave speed was obtained.

[1] Simon Bernard, Vadim Monteiller, Dimitri Komatitsch, and Philippe Lasaygues. Ultrasonic computed to-
mography based on full-waveform inversion for bone quantitative imaging. Physics in Medicine and Biology,
62(17):7011–7035, 2017.
[2] C. J. Hernandez and T. M. Keaveny. A biomechanical perspective on bone quality. Bone, 39(6):1173–1181,
[3] Gerold Holzer, Gobert von Skrbensky, Lukas A. Holzer, and Wolfgang Pichl. Hip fractures and the contri-
bution of cortical versus trabecular bone to femoral neck strength. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research,
24(3):468–474, 2009.
[4] Roger M. D. Zebaze, Ali Ghasem-Zadeh, Ann Bohte, Sandra Iuliano-Burns, Michiko Mirams, Roger Ian
Price, Eleanor J. Mackie, and Ego Seeman. Intracortical remodelling and porosity in the distal radius and
post-mortem femurs of women: a cross-sectional study. Lancet, 375(9727):1729–1736, 2010.
[5] Jean-Paul Roux, Julien Wegrzyn, Monique E. Arlot, Olivier Guyen, Pierre D. Delmas, Roland Chapurlat, and
Mary L. Bouxsein. Contribution of trabecular and cortical components to biomechanical behavior of human
vertebrae: an ex vivo study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 25(2):356–361, 2010.
[6] Yohann Bala, Roger Zebaze, Ali Ghasem-Zadeh, Elizabeth J Atkinson, Sandra Iuliano, James M Peterson,
Shreyasee Amin, Åshild Bjørnerem, L Joseph Melton, Helena Johansson, John A Kanis, Sundeep Khosla,

137 2
and Ego Seeman. Cortical porosity identifies women with osteopenia at increased risk for forearm fractures.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 29(6):1356–1362, 2014.
[7] O. Ström, F. Borgström, John A. Kanis, Juliet Compston, Cyrus Cooper, Eugene V. McCloskey, and Bengt
Jönsson. Osteoporosis: burden, health care provision and opportunities in the EU. Arch. Osteoporos., 6:59–
155, 2011.
[8] S. C. E Schuit, M van der Klift, A. E. A. M Weel, C. E. D. H de Laet, H. Burger, E. Seeman, A. Hofman,
A. G Uitterlinden, J. P. T. M van Leeuwen, and H. A. P Pols. Fracture incidence and association with bone
mineral density in elderly men and women: the Rotterdam study. Bone, 1(34):195–202, 2004.
[9] Eve Donnelly. Methods for assessing bone quality: a review. Clin. Orthop., 469(8):2128–2138, 2011.
[10] Pascal Laugier. Instrumentation for in vivo ultrasonic characterization of bone strength. IEEE Transactions
on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 55(6):1179–1196, 2008.
[11] Pascal Laugier and Guillaume Haïat. Bone Quantitative Ultrasound. Springer Netherlands, 2011.
[12] Kay Raum, Quentin Grimal, Peter Varga, Reinhard Barkmann, Claus C. Glüer, and Pascal Laugier. Ultra-
sound to assess bone quality. Curr. Osteoporos. Rep., 12(2):154–162, 2014.
[13] Quentin Vallet, Nicolas Bochud, Christine Chappard, Pascal Laugier, and Jean-Gabriel Minonzio. In vivo
characterization of cortical bone using guided waves measured by axial transmission. IEEE Transactions on
Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 63(9):1361–1371, 2016.
[14] Philippe Lasaygues, Régine Guillermin, and Jean-Pierre Lefebvre. Ultrasonic computed tomography. In Pas-
cal Laugier and Guillaume Haïat, editors, Bone Quantitative Ultrasound, pages 441–459. Springer Nether-
lands, 2010.
[15] Cuiping Li, Nebojsa Duric, Peter Littrup, and Lianjie Huang. In vivo breast sound-speed imaging with
ultrasound tomography. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 10(10):1615–1628, 2009.
[16] Roberto J. Lavarello and Andrew J. Hesford. Methods for forward and inverse scattering in ultrasound
tomography. In Jonathan Mamou and Michael L. Oelze, editors, Quantitative Ultrasound in Soft Tissues,
pages 345–394. Springer Netherlands, 2013.
[17] Philippe Lasaygues, Edgard Ouedraogo, Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, Marcel Gindre, Marilyne Talmant, and Pas-
cal Laugier. Progress towards in vitro quantitative imaging of human femur using compound quantitative
ultrasonic tomography. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 50(11):2633, 2005.
[18] C. Lu, J. Lin, W. Chew, and G. Otto. Image reconstruction with acoustic measurement using distorted Born
iteration method. Ultrason. Imaging, 18(2):140–156, 1996.
[19] Régine Guillermin, Philippe Lasaygues, Guy Rabau, and Jean-Pierre Lefebvre. Quantitative non-linear ul-
trasonic imaging of targets with significant acoustic impedance contrast - An experimental study. J. Acoust.
Soc. Am., 134(2):1001–1010, 2013.
[20] Rui Zheng, Lawrence H. Le, Mauricio D. Sacchi, and Edmond Lou. Imaging internal structure of long bones
using wave scattering theory. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 41(11):2955–2965, 2015.

138 3



Djemerson Mateus de Andrade1,

Geraldo Donizetti de Paula2,
Rovadávia Aline de Jesus Ribas3
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto,
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto,
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto,


O sistema misto de laje com forma incorporada steel deck é muito utilizado no Brasil. No entanto em
outros países aplicam-se outros sistemas de construção. Neste artigo faz-se um estudo comparativo do
sistema Slim Floor com o sistema misto convencional. O sistema Slim Floor é caracterizado por
proporcionar ganho na espessura final do pavimento, pois as vigas se encontram incorporadas a laje.
Assim, este trabalho visa contribuir para o conhecimento dessa outra técnica no país. Ao aplicar a
metodologia do sistema Slim Floor, em comparação com o steel deck, conseguiu-se uma redução de
45% na espessuara do pavimento tomado como referência.

Palavras-Chave: Estruturas Mistas; Laje Mista; Pavimento de Pequena Espessura.


The mixed slab system with built-in steel deck is widely used in Brazil. However in other countries
other construction systems are applied. In this article we make a comparative study of the Slim Floor
system with the conventional mixed system. The Slim Floor system is characterized by a gain in the
final thickness of the floor, since the beams are incorporated in slab. Thus, this work aims to
contribute to the knowledge of this other technique in the country. When applying the methodology of
the Slim Floor system, in comparison with the steel deck, a reduction of 45% in pavement thickness
was obtained as reference.

Key Words: Slim Flor; Composite Structures; Slab of small thickness


O sistema misto de laje com forma incorporada steel deck vem sendo muito aplicado no Brasil. Em
outros países aplicam-se ainda outros sistemas de construção, dentre eles o sistema conhecido como
Slim Floor, no qual a mesa inferior é mais larga que a superior, podendo a laje se apoiar nessa mesa
(Figura 1). Esse perfil é obtido ao se cortar um perfil I ou H longitudinalmente e a posterior soldagem
de uma chapa de aço, mais larga que a mesa original. No entanto, a atual norma brasileira de estruturas
de aço, a NBR 8800 [1], não contempla esse tipo de dimensionamento, que é pouco conhecido por
profissionais da área [2]. Neste artigo é focada a aplicação das vigas mistas incorporadas tipo Slim
Floor ou Pavimentos Mistos de Pequena Espessura, fazendo-se um estudo comparativo do sistema
sistema Slim Floor com o sistema misto convencional em steel deck. Para o dimensionamento do
sistema Slim Floor foi utilizado o software CoSFB® [3].

Figura 1: Viga mista Slim Floor [3]


Para o estudo, utilizou-se uma estrutura de uma edificação localizada na cidade de Ouro Branco-MG,
que será um parte de um Instituto Federal. Na Figura 2, tem-se um detalhe do projeto que mostra a
viga em estudo. Essa viga é formada por um perfil W530x66, resultando em um sistema laje mais viga
com uma altura total de 675 mm (Figura 3).
A sobrecarga para o dimensionamento do sistema steel deck é de 3 kN/m², para salas de aula,
conforme a NBR 6120 [4]. Há também o peso do revestimento em granilite, que representa uma carga
permanente de 0,2 kN/m², considerando-se uma espessura de 10 mm. As cargas referentes ao peso
próprio do sistema estrutural utilizado não foram discriminadas, pois é apresentado apenas o resultado
do cálculo em steel deck, ou seja, a espessura final do pavimento, que consiste da viga mais a laje.

Figura 2: Viga mista [5] Figura 3: Viga mista [5]


Para o dimensionamento, em atendimento às normas NBR 6118 [6] e NBR 8800 [1], do pavimento
Slim Floor, foram utilizadas as mesmas cargas citadas anteriormente, ou seja, carga permanente
devido ao granilite de 0,2 kN/m² e a sobrecarga de utilização referente a uma sala de aula de 3 kN/m².
Nesse processo é considerado um perfil tipo IFB tipo A, em que a carga permanente referente ao peso
do perfil é somente a metade de seu peso próprio, pois ele é utilizado cortado ao meio. O peso da
chapa soldada ao perfil e o peso do concreto da vigota pré-moldada e da capa de concreto são
calculados pelo próprio programa CoSFB® [3].
Ao efetuar o dimensionamento, têm que ser consideradas duas etapas importantes: a primeira, em que
o concreto está fresco, nesse caso só a viga atua na resistência do pavimento, e a segunda, em que o
concreto já está curado, atuando todo o sistema em conjunto [7, 8].


No primeiro caso, no qual é feita a verificação no estado limite último, em que só a viga resiste aos
esforços solicitantes, o Eurocode 4 [9] usa para essa verificação, o fator de segurança de 1,35 para a
carga permanente do sistema estrutural. A sobrecarga não é considerada nessa etapa, pois não há
nenhuma sobrecarga atuando na laje nesse momento. A carga que atua, então, é a soma do peso
próprio da viga e do peso próprio da laje de concreto (pré-laje mais a capa), resultando em uma
espessura de 375 mm, no caso em estudo. O peso total do sistema Slim Floor, considerando a laje
mais a viga escolhida – que foi um perfil HE 550 A – e a placa soldada na parte inferior, representa
uma carga permanente de 9,84 kN/m². Como as vigas estão espaçadas de 3 m, isso resulta em uma
carga distribuída de 29,52 kN/m. Levando em consideração que o sistema estrutural é composto por
vigas bi apoiadas e um fator de segurança de 1,35, chega-se a um momento solicitante no meio do vão
de 435,54 kNm. Na Tabela 1 mostram-se esses valores obtidos no software CoSFB® [3].

Tabela 1 – Carga distribuída

Carga na laje 9,84 kN/m²
Carga Distribuída Posição inicial (x=0) Posição Final (9,35)
na viga 29,52 kN/m 29,52 kN/m

Nessa etapa, a viga resiste sozinha a um momento de 837,24 kNm, o que resulta em segurança
estrutural em relação ao momento fletor atuante, e na Tabela 2 mostram-se os valores desses
momentos obtidos no software CoSFB® [3].

Tabela 2 – Momentos solicitante e resistente

Posição X(m) Med (KNm) Mrd (KNm)
4,67 435,54 837,27

O esforço cortante atuante na viga é de 186,33 kN, enquanto ela resiste a 833,77 kN, resultando,
também, em segurança estrutural ao sistema nessa fase inicial de construção. Na Tabela 3 tem-se o
valor do esforço cortante resistente.

Tabela 3 – Esforço cortante resistente

(kN) 833,77

Foi feita a análise para verificar se a quantidade de conectores stud bolts utilizada seria o suficiente
para haver interação entre a laje e a viga, tendo-se aplicadas duas linhas de conectores espaçados de
170 mm. Para que haja interação parcial entre os dois elementos, teria que se ter uma interação mínima

de 0,60. A interação existente foi de 0,83, na qual o valor do esforço horizontal de cálculo foi de
3477,03 kN e a força resistente do conector de 2897,67 kN, conforme mostra-se na Tabela 4.

Tabela 4 – Interação laje e viga do sistema Slim Floor

x(m) Ncd(kN) Nstuds(kN) η ηmín OK
4,68 3477,03 2897,67 0,83 0,6

A seguir, foi feita a análise do sistema trabalhando em conjunto, em que a laje e a viga resistem
conjuntamente aos esforços solicitantes. Além do peso próprio do sistema, tem-se a sobrecarga
atuando, de 3 kN/m², referente a uma sala de aula [4]. O Eurocode 4 [9] considera, para o estado
limite último, a combinação de cargas com os fatores de segurança de 1,35 para o peso próprio e 1,5
para a sobrecarga. Com esses coeficientes, tem-se uma carga distribuída de 53,35 kN/m. Isso resulta
em um momento solicitante de 582,83 kNm e um esforço cortante de 249,44 kN, enquanto os esforços
resistidos pela interação entre a viga e a laje são de 1347,09 kNm e 833,77 kN, respectivamente,
conforme mostra-se na Tabela 5. O sistema, do ponto de vista estrutural, considerando o ELU, mostra-
se bastante seguro, mas deve-se verificar o ELS.

Tabela 5 – Momento e esforço cortante resistentes e solicitantes com interação laje e viga
Med= 582,83 kNm 1347,09 kNm (Mpl, red.) OK
Ved= 249,44kN 833,77 kN (Vpl,rd) OK

Segundo Barros [7], os parâmetros para verificação da flecha em estruturas do tipo Slim Floor, são
diferentes das estruturas convencionais, sendo permitida uma flecha de L/200. A norma NBR 8800 [1]
prevê uma flecha admissível de L/350 para pisos. Como o trabalho segue normas europeias, foi
admitida a flecha de L/200, que resultou em uma flecha admissível de 4,68 cm. Na verificação nesse
estudo, foi encontrada uma flecha inicial de 4,53 cm e uma final de 4,75 cm (valores muito próximos
ao limite de 4,68 cm - L/200).


Ao se utilizar o sistema de dimensionamento Slim Floor, chegou-se auma espessura do pavimento de

375 mm, uma redução de 300 mm, que representa 45% da altura do pavimento convencional.
Devido à flecha excessiva, teve-se que utilizar um perfil de dimensões maiores, o que resultou em uma
folga considerável no tocante ao momento fletor e esforço cortante. Para o momento fletor, o momento
final resistido pelo sistema Slim Floor foi de 1347,09 kNm, enquanto o momento solicitante foi de
582,83 kNm, ou seja, 2,3 vezes maior que o necessário.
Para o esforço cortante ocorreu a mesma condição, na qual o esforço que o sistema resiste é de
833,77 kN, e o atuante foi de 249,44 kN, ou seja, o sistema Slim Floor resiste a um esforço cortante
3,3 vezes maior que o necessário. Então, para se atender a limitação da flecha, foi necessário aumentar
a espessura do pavimento, fazendo com que a viga ficasse com uma segurança exagerada em relação
ao momento fletor e ao esforço cortante, o que gera aumento de custos em uma construção.


[1] ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 8800. Projeto de estruturas de

aço e de estruturas mistas de aço e concreto de edifícios. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 2008.

[2] Andrade, D.M. Comparativo de Dimensionamento de Pavimento Misto de Steel Deck com o
Sistema Slim Floor Utilizando o Software CoSFB. 2017. 68p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia
Civil). Escola de Minas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, 2017.
[3] CONSTRUCTALIA. Slim Floor. An innovative concept for floors. Manual da Arcelor Mittal,
[1996]. Disponível em: <
9b4c958d6dca408cc87f6ffff15a8f4a.pdf>. Acesso em: 15 mai. 2017.
[4] ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 6120. Cargas para o cálculo de
estruturas de edificações. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 1980.
[5] MD BRASIL ARQUITETOS. Projeto do Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais de Ouro Branco.
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[6] ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 6118. Projeto de estruturas de
concreto - Procedimento. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 2014.
[7] Barros, M. O. Análise e dimensionamento de pavimentos mistos slim floor. 2011. 132 p.
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de Lisboa, Lisboa, 2011.
[8] SANTOS, V. J. M.; LIMA, D. M.; SAKIYAMA, F. I. H.; Slim Floor: método de dimensionamento
e estudo paramétrico. Revista Eletrônica de Engenharia Civil, Universidade Federal de Goiás, v.13, n°
1, 2017.
[9] EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION. Eurocode 4 – Design of composite
steeland concrete structures – part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings. Bruxelas, 2004.




D.Ding1, A.Ouahsine2, P.Du3

UT Compiegne-Sorbonne Univ., Lab. Roberval, 60203 Compiègne Cedex, France,
UT Compiegne-Sorbonne Univ., Lab. Roberval, 60203 Compiègne Cedex, France,
UT Compiegne-Sorbonne Univ., Lab. Roberval, 60203 Compiègne Cedex, France, ,

Abstract: High speed trains that run through snowfall blow up the snow which sticks to the underfloor
equipment and freezes rapidly into ice. When trains enter a warmer region, the frozen snow and ice
drop at high speed from train causing the ballast to fly up and seriously damage the car body and the
environment along the track. To clarify the dynamic behavior of ballast stones at the time of collision
with a lump of snow/ice, discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) method has been was carried out.
The DDA simulation illustrates the relationship between the number of ballast stones and the mass,
shape, speed and angle of the ice /snow hitting the track.

Keywords: Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (DDA), high speed train; ballast flying;

1. Introduction and Motivation

During winter, train services in snowy countries are usually struck by constantly recurring
problems related to snow, ice and coldness. The occurrences of dry snow and temperature changes are
two different scenarios that have been pointed out as particularly unfavorable. The dry and light snow
can whirl around and cling to the train while running, as seen in Figure 1(a). This phenomenon causes
snow packing as shown in Figure 1(b). The trains carrying snow enter a warmer region and the
generated heat and vibration cause the snow to melt. The frozen ice/snow then drops at high speed
from the train, causing the ballast to fly up and seriously damage the car body and the environment
along the track [1-3]. The discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) method was used to investigate
dynamic behavior of ballast stones at the time of collision with a lump of snow/ice. It also used to
analysis influence factors of ballast flying, thus providing theoretical basis for optimizing ballast bed
profile and preventing ballast flying.

(a) (b)
Figure 1. Snow fly and stick to the underfloor equipment

2. Method and Model
2.1 Discontinuous Deformation Analysis
In this study a numerical model based on the method of Discontinuous Deformation Analysis
(DDA) [5,6] is presented to simulate the dynamic behavior of ballast stones colliding with the accreted
snow/ice. The ballast stones are considered as a stack of rigid blocks moving against each other [4]. The
contact and cohesion between stones as well as their geometric shape are included in this analysis.
In two dimensions, the first order approximation of the displacement (u, v) at any point (x, y) of a
block i is interpolated as:
u   1 0 ( y  y0 ) ( x  x0 ) 0 ( y  y0 ) 
   d   (T ) d  (1)
v   0 1 ( x  x0 ) 0 ( y  y0 ) ( x  x0 ) 
where d is the vector of variables associated with an individual block comprising the rigid body
translations and rotation at the centroid of the block, 0 ,  0 and  0 and the normal and shear strains,
 x ,  y and  xy , respectively:
d T  0  0  0  x  y  xy 
The equilibrium formulation in the DDA method is provided by the principle of potential energy
minimization. For a system of n blocks, the total potential energy  is given by
 =d Tp k pq dq  d Tp f p p, q  1,....6n (3)
where  includes contributions from block strain energy and energy terms emanating from point
and gravity loads, block to block contacts, initial stresses and boundary constraints. For more
information regarding the derivation of these contributions, the reader is referred to Shi (1992) and Shi
and Goodman(1989)[7,8]. Minimization of the above energy potential yields
 k pq d q  f q  0 (4)
d q
Consequently, Equation (4) takes the partitioned form:
 k11 k12 k12 ... k1n  d1   f1 
    
 k21 k22 k23 ... k2 n  d 2   f 2 
 k31 k32 k33 ... k3n  d3    f3  (5)
    
 ... ... ... ... ...  ...   ... 
k kn 3 ... knn    
 n1 kn 2  d n   f n 
where fi is a 6  1 vector of forces acting on block i and d i contains the variables associated with
block i . The off-diagonal submatrices kij , ( i  j ) contain the stiffness components associated with
the contact between block i and j and kij refers also to the components of the material stiffness of
block i .
2.2 Track bed model
According the European standard (13450, 2002) [9-11], half of the ballasted track bed model was
built as shown in Figure 2. The distance between the bottom of the vehicle and the top of the ballast
is set to 600 mm, which is equal to the sum of the heights of half of bogie and rail. The properties of
the materials (ice and ballast) such as unit mass, elastic modulus and Poisson ratio are shown in

Figure 2. Track bed model
Table1. Properties of ice and ballast
unit mass elastic modulus Poisson ratio velocity
ice 800 kg /m3 5600 Pa 0.06 250(300/350) km /h
ballast 2600 kg /m3 500000 Pa 0.25 0

3. Validation and Conclusion

The validation of the numerical results is done by using Japanese experimental data [2]. In these
experiments, an air cannon was used to eject ice/snow with different masses and angles as shown in
Figure3(a). The geometries of the ballast bed and ice/snow are created wherein the ballast bed
corresponds to the European gradation standards. The relationship between the number of ballast
stones and the mass, shape, speed and angle of the ice/snow will be investigated and compared with
test data by DDA simulation.

(a) (b)
Figure 3. Japanese snow/ice flying experiment and results


[1] Kloow L. High-Speed Train Operation in Winter Climate. Foreign Rolling Stock, 2015.
[2] Kawashima I, Endo F. Experimental studies on ballast-flying phenomenon caused by dropping
of accreted snow/ice from high-speed trains, RTRI Report, 17 (8), 2003.
[3] G.Q.Jing, D.Ding. Snow Flight Characteristic and Prevention Research of High Speed Railway
in Cold Region. Journal of Railway Engineering Society,2017, (9):29-34.
[4] Hadji S, Ouahsine A, Naceur H, et al. Modelling of transport and collisions between rigid
bodies to simulate the jam formation in urban flows. International Journal of Multiphysics,
2(2):247-266, 2008.
[5] S. Kaidi, M. Rouainia, A. Ouahsine (2012).. (2012), ’Stability of breakwaters under
hydrodynamic loading using a coupled DDA/FEM approach. J. Ocean Engineering, Vol.55,
2012, 62–70.
[6] S. Kaidi, A. Ouahsine, P.Sergent, M. Rouainia (2012). Discontinuous Deformation Analysis to
assess the stability of rockfill dams under seismic loading’. C.R.Acad. Sci. Paris, Série IIb, vol.
340 (10), 2012. 731-738

[7] Shi, Gen-Hua. "Discontinuous deformation analysis: a new numerical model for the statics and
dynamics of deformable block structures." Engineering computations 9.2 (1992): 157-168.
[8] Shi, Gen‐ hua, and Richard E. Goodman. "Generalization of two‐ dimensional discontinuous
deformation analysis for forward modelling." International Journal for Numerical and
Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 13.4 (1989): 359-380.
[9] Bonnett, Clifford F. Practical railway engineering. Imperial College Press, 2005.
[10] Selig, Ernest Theodore, and John M. Waters. Track geotechnology and substructure
management. Thomas Telford, 1994.
[11] Alemu, A. Y. "Survey of Railway Ballast Selection and Aspects of Modelling
Techniques." Division of Highway and Railway Engineering, Department of Transport Science,
School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Royal Institute of Technology ,2011.




D. R. Santo1 , J.-M. Mencik2 , B. Tang3 , P. J. P. Gonçalves 4 , M. J. Brennan5

1 São Paulo State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bauru, Brazil
2 National Institute for Applied Sciences Central Val de Loire, Blois, France

3 Dalian University of Technology, Institute of Internal Combustion Engine, Dalian, China

4 São Paulo State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bauru, Brazil

5 São Paulo State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ilha Solteira, Brazil


1. Introduction
Periodic structures, also called metamaterials, are a new class of composite materials [1] capable of
exhibit novel properties never seen before in materials found in nature, offering new possibilities to
enhance the performance of structures using these materials [2]. Metamaterials have important char-
acteristics to deal with electromagnetic, acoustic and elastic waves and, at first, they were proposed to
deal as electromagnetic wave absorbers [3, 4]. The analogy between electromagnetic waves and acoustic
waves led the development of metamaterials to deal with acoustic waves [5]. Metamaterials, when re-
lated to structural vibration, are composed tailoring identical periodic substructures, designed to decrease
wave propagation through the structure, enhancing determined phenomena. One of those, the band gap
or stop-band phenomena, describe a certain frequency region which the wave propagation on periodic
structures doesn’t exist. This phenomena can be used as a form of passive control of vibration and noise
in engineer structures, specially in strategic areas as naval, civil construction, automotive and aerospace
industries. Metamaterials offers the exceptional capacity to create desired properties through structural
arrangements of its inner elements. Therefore, take advantage of the capacity to control the parameters
that effective act on the metamaterial, changing its properties and, consequently, its dynamics, have at-
tracted considering interest over the last decade. One way to design tunable metamaterials occurs with
the introduction of nonlinear elements [6].
Motivated by the challenge in understand the bad gaps of wave propagation in periodic structures at
frequencies often encountered in engineering applications, this work aims to study the band gap behavior
of a periodic structures as rods and beams to which grounded stiffness elements are attached at set
distances apart. According to [7], Bloch’s theorem states that for any periodic structure with identical
unit periodically arranged in the structure, the change the wave amplitude across the unit cell, due to
propagating wave without attenuation, does not depend upon the location of the unit cell within the
structure. Therefore, it is possible to understand the wave propagation through the entire structure just
by considering the wave motion in a single unit cell. The first order Harmonic Balance Method (FHBM)
is used to derive the dynamic stiffness terms of the nonlinear spring and nonlinear stiffness coefficient of
the spring is considered both positive and negative. Next, analytical and numerical simulation studies of
the nonlinear behavior of the adopted model are performed.

148 1
2. Problem statement
The problem considered in this work is illustrated in Figure (1), where a rod and a beam of length L is
coupled at x = 0 to a nonlinear spring, with linear and nonlinear coefficientes represented by s1 and s3 ,
respectively. At the other end, x = L, there is a harmonic force with magnitude FL . Rod displacements at
x = 0 and x = L are U0 and UL . Where the linear and angular displacements at x = 0 and x = L are W0
and wL , respectively. According to [8], the dynamic stiffness matrix relating forces and displacements at

(a) (b)

Figure 1: (a) Rod and (b) beam coupled to nonlinear spring at x = 0 and force at x = L.

both ends of a rod and beam elements can be written as Eqs., respectively.
F0 EAkl cot (kl L) + Dr0 −EAkl / sin (kl L) U0
= (1)
FL −EAkl / sin (kl L) EAkl cot (kl L) UL
    
F0 −K11 + Db0 −P K12 V W0
 M0  EIkb3  −P Q11 −V Q 12
  Θ0 
     (2)
 FL  = N  K12 −V −K11 P   WL 
ML V Q12 P Q12 ΘL

K11 = EIkb3 (cos (kb L) sinh (kb L) + sin (kb L) cosh (kb L)) /N, K12 = EIkb3 (sin (kb L) + sinh (kb L)) /N

P = EIkb2 (sin (kb L) sinh (kb L)) /N, V = EIkb2 (cos (kb L) − cosh (kb L)) /N
Q11 = EIkb (cos (kb L) sinh (kb L) − sin (kb L) cosh (kb L)) /N, Q12 = EIkb (sin (kb L) − sinh (kb L)) /N
N = cos (kb L) cosh (kb L) − 1
Rod amplitudes of displacement at end x = 0 and x = L are U0 and UL , respectively. The quasi-
longitudinal wavenumber is represented by kl . Beam amplitudes of linear and angular displacements
at ends x = 0 and x = L, and the bending (flexural) wavenumber are represented by W0 , Θ0 , WL , ΘL
and kb , respectively. Forces and moments applied to the ends of rod and beam at x = 0 and x = L
are F0 , FL , M0 and ML . Using the first order Harmonic Balance Method (FHBM), the dynamic stiff-
ness terms of the nonlinear stiffness attached to the rod and beam are given as Dr0 = s1 + 3s3U02 /4 and
Db0 = s1 + 3s3W02 /4, respectively. For convenience, the nonlinear spring coefficients for the rod and
beam study cases are written in a nondimensional form as α1 = s1 L/ES, α3 = s3 L/ES, γ1 = s1 L3 /EI,
γ3 = s3 L3 /EI, where E, S and I are, respecively, the Young’s Modulus, rod cross-section area and beam
second moment of area.

3. Analysis and Results

Figures (2) and (3) shows the propagation constants versus the nondimensional wavenumber, kl L, of a
rod grounded to a nonlinear stiffnes spring for different values of α1 and α3 . In Fig (2a) it is possible to
observe the propagation constant for the linear spring case, α3 = 0, and shows that the spring has more
influence over the system dynamics in the low frequency. When the nonlinear coefficient α3 is different
from zero, Figs. (2b) and (3), it is possible to observe the increase of the bandwidth of attenuation
in low frequencies and, also, that the system shows great attenuation for higher frequencies. Figures
(4) and (5) shows the propagation constants versus the nondimensional wavenumber, kb L, of a beam

149 2
2 6

P hase ← | → Atten. 1 4

P hase ← | → Atten.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
kl L kl L
(a) (b)

Figure 2: Propagation constants for the rod grounded to a nonlinear springs at x = 0, force at x = L and
U0 = 0.1. (a) (blue) α1 = 0.1, α3 = 0; (red) α1 = 0.5, α3 = 0; (black) α1 = 1, α3 = 0. (b) (blue) α1 = 1,
α3 = 100; (red) α1 = 1, α3 = 1000; (black) α1 = 1, α3 = 10000.

P hase ← | → Atten.


0 2 4 6 8 10 12
kl L

Figure 3: Propagation constants for the rod grounded to a nonlinear springs at x = 0, force at x = L and
U0 = 0.1. (a) (blue) α1 = 1, α3 = −100; (red) α1 = 1, α3 = −1000; (black) α1 = 1, α3 = −10000.

grounded to a nonlinear stiffnes spring for different values of γ1 and γ3 . Figure (4a) shows the propagation
constants curves for γ3 = 0. As expected, the linear spring attached to the beam has great influence at
low frequencies. In Fig. Fig. (4b), the attenuation constants increases for both low and high frequency as
the positive value of γ3 increases. For negative γ3 , Fig. (4), the attenuation constants decreases for both
low and high frequency as γ3 value increase.

4. Conclusions
This work presented a study of the band gap behavior of a periodic rod and beam which grounded nonlin-
ear stiffness elements are attached in one of the ends and harmonic forced on the other one. The nonlinear
stiffness coefficients considered are both positive and negative. Such a system can be considered as a
metamaterial whose properties can be tailored to achieve a certain dynamic behavior. A particular chal-
lenge is to arrange for the band gap in wave propagation along the beam to occur at low frequencies,
so that it can be used to control vibration transmission at frequencies often encountered in engineering
applications. The work involved analytical and numerical investigation into the band gap behavior of rod
and beam with such elements attached. It is expected that the results showed in this work improves the
comprehension of wave propagation and band gaps in periodic structures like rods and beams.

150 3
2 2

P hase ← | → Atten.

P hase ← | → Atten.
1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

-3 -3

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
kb L kb L
(a) (b)

Figure 4: Propagation constants for the beam grounded to a nonlinear springs at x = 0, force at x = L
and W0 = 0.1. (a) (blue) γ1 = 0.1, γ3 = 0; (red) γ1 = 0.5, γ3 = 0; (black) γ1 = 1, γ3 = 0. (b) (blue) γ1 = 1,
γ3 = 100; (red) γ1 = 1, γ3 = 1000; (black) γ1 = 1, γ3 = 10000

P hase ← | → Atten.




0 2 4 6 8 10 12
kb L

Figure 5: Propagation constants for the beam grounded to a nonlinear springs at x = 0, force at x = L and
W0 = 0.1. (a) (blue) γ1 = 1, γ3 = −100; (red) γ1 = 1, γ3 = −1000; (black) γ1 = 1, γ3 = −10000.

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[5] G.W. Milton, J.R. Willis, On modifications of Newton’s second law and linear continuum elastodynamics,
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Vol. 363,
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terials, Vol. 3, No. 11 (2011), pp. 100.
[7] A.S. Phani, J. Woodhouse, N.A. Fleck, Wave propagation in two-dimensional periodic lattices, The Journal of
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151 4



Eduardo M. B. Campello 1
Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, University of São Paulo, Brazil

The release of incandescent fragments from bulk materials (usually metallic or ceramic) is a common
side effect in many human activities and engineering applications. This is the case of (but is not
restricted to) manufacturing processes that involve cutting, grinding, sanding and welding, as well as
metal-to-metal contact observed in construction sites, worn-out brakes, ballistic impacts, explosions,
pyrotechnics, etc. Besides being potentially hazardous if in direct contact to humans, incandescent
fragments may be the starting point of unwanted fires, especially if in dry or semi-dry environments.
Depending on (i) their thermal state, (ii) their kinetic energy when released and (iii) the type of
material on which they land, incandescent fragments can be a dangerous source of fire ignition and
human injury. These aspects depend on a number of factors, among which the most relevant are the
thermal properties and the trajectories of the fragments. In a recent work by Zohdi [1], a simple
computational model was proposed to track the time evolution of hot fragments with respect to both
position and temperature. Therein, however, the fragments were allowed to have only translational
motion. The present work is an extension of Zohdi´s model in the sense that particle spin is now
incorporated into the problem´s dynamics, affecting both the particles´ trajectories and their cooling
rates. Our approach is based on discrete particle dynamics following the works of Campello [2,3],
combined with standard differential equations from heat transfer to capture the temperature evolution
of the fragments. We use the released energy from an initial blast pulse to provide the starting kinetic
energy of a system of particles, and then numerically compute the trajectory and thermal state of the
particles over time. Gravitational settling, drag forces, drag-induced heating, as well as convective and
radiative cooling, are considered. Additionally, since the particles are allowed to spin, and thereby
have a more complex interaction with the surrounding air, the influence of Magnus forces is further
investigated. It is shown that particle spin may have a quite significant effect on the spatio-thermal
footprint of the fragmentation, especially when small to mid-sized fragments are present (of the order
of fractions of millimeters to a few millimeters). We believe that simple particle models of the type as
shown here may be a useful tool to estimate fire hazards distributions as well as to guide fire safety
rules in industrial and construction workplaces.


[1] T. I. Zohdi. Modeling the spatio-thermal fire hazard distribution of incandescent material ejecta in
manufacturing, Comput. Mech., 2018 (online first) (
[2] E. M. B. Campello. A computational model for the simulation of dry granular materials, Int. J.
Nonlinear Mech., v. 106, 89–107, 2018 (

[3] E. M. B. Campello. A description of rotations for DEM models of particle systems, Comp. Part.
Mech., v. 2, 109–125, 2015.



Eduardo A. K. Naccache1, Valério S. Almeida2,

University of São Paulo,
University of São Paulo,

Abstract. As the concrete used in each floor of a building or in each group of elements comes from
different mixtures, its statistical parameters can be assumed constant only inside the same mix. In this
work a reliability analysis of the horizontal displacement of a concrete frame is undertaken
considering different statistical parameters for the concrete of different groups of elements. The
horizontal load is an equivalent static wind with statistical properties. The concrete frame is linear
elastic and the reliability methods applied are the Monte Carlo with simple sampling and the First
Order Reliability Method (FORM).

Keywords: Reliability; Finite element method; Service limit state; Equivalent static wind.

1. Introduction
Reliability has found a large application field in structural engineering. Although very far from a pure
probabilistic approach, the current reliability methods allow the performance assessment of different
structural requirements. A performance-based wind engineering (PBWE) is proposed in Tessari,
Kroetz and Beck (2017). The performance of a steel latticed tower subjected to wind loads, either
equivalent static wind as dynamic wind, are assessed by means of reliability methods. The potential of
the PBWE with probabilistic approach for the design of steel towers was made evident as it is a way to
make a balance between expected failure costs for different performance measures and to optimize the
structure performance before different load scenarios.
In earthquake engineering the performance-based design has found even more acceptance. A four-
storey concrete building under seismic action has its horizontal displacement performance verified in
Abdelouafi, Benaissa and Abdellatif (2015). The seismic analysis was a static equivalent lateral load
called pushover analysis. The results of some reliability methods such as the FORM, Importance
sampling and Response surface were compared and found good agreement but with FORM being a
much less time consuming as it is expected when the problem involves a low number of variables.
In Corelhano, Corrêa and Beck (2012), the reliability of concrete frames regarding the top horizontal
displacement was studied too. The most important feature is the model error used in the limit state
function. The horizontal displacement of forty-two frames with different reinforcement ratios; number
of floors; number of bays; columns sections; beams sections were calculated one time with simplified
models and one time with rigorous models to represent cracking of the concrete. The horizontal

displacement ratio between these two situations is the variable which represents de model error and its
parameters could be estimated from these forty-two observations.
In this work the reliability analysis of concrete frames considering different concrete parameters for
different groups of elements is aimed. The non-linearities are not considered so the structure model is
relatively simple, but on the other hand, the reliability analysis regards hundreds of variables as each
element dimension is regarded as such.

2. Main objectives
This work has some important objectives. First one is applying reliabilities methods in a problem that
involves a great number of variables and understand the pros and cons of each one of them. The
second one is to develop a design procedure in the moulds of the Performance based engineering
(PBE) that would lead a probable designer to an optimal and functional solution. The third and the last
one is to make way for more complex structural analysis to be associated with the performance-based
design, also for not letting the simpler ones be forgotten as not deserving a modern treatment.

Figure 1 – Two-dimensional frame without and with soil structure interaction.

3. Concluding remarks
With this work the authors expect to get along a promisor area of the engineering research, what very
probably is, for the evolution of the design process seems to pass through a performance measure,
slowly leaving behind the traditional design philosophies.
Beside the evolution of the design process goes the search for increasing realism of the structural
analysis. In this matter, the authors expect to extend the reliability analysis for structures with
increasingly complexity degree such as three-dimensional frames and considering the soil structure

What becomes clear is the fact that as the complexity level of the structural problems increases, the
performance-based design comes out as the more reasonable approach. It is not by chance that in the
earthquake engineering this new philosophy has found its first application. Then, without mistake, one
can state that as the engineering community abandon the very much simplified methods and
considerations such as the equivalent static wind and the rigid interaction between the soil and the
foundations, more necessary the performance-based design will be.

The authors would like to thank the academic support given by the PPGEC-EPUSP (Programa de Pós-
Graduação em Engenharia Civil da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo) and the financial
support of CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) and Cnpq
(Consenlho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico).


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Eliete Biasotto Hauser 1 , Evandro Manica 2 , Gianina T. Venturin 3 , Samuel Greggio 4 ,Eduardo Rigon
Zimmer 5 , Wyllians Vendramini Borelli 6 , Jaderson Costa Da Costa 7
1 Brain Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (BraIns)/School of Sciences, PUCRS,
2 Institute of Mathematics, UFRGS,
3 Brain Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (BraIns), PUCRS,

4 Brain Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (BraIns), PUCRS,

5 Department of Biochemestry, UFRGS,
6 School of Medicine, PUCRS,
7 Brain Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (BraIns)/School of Medicine, PUCRS,

The main purpose of this study is to estimate the unknown transport rates in a irreversible two-tissue
compartment model, solved by Laplace transform method, for kinetic modeling of [18F]2-fluor-2deoxy-
D-glucose(FDG) , in order to quantify amyloid in Positron Emission Tomography(PET) image. The
image-derived arterial input function (IDAIF) is obtained, noninvasively, from a first order differential
equation that describe the dynamics of the radiotracer on the from the discrete time activity curve in
a carotid volume of interest(VOI) (known to be amyloid free). The transport constants are determined
applying the initial conditions, the effective dose injeceted, the half-life of the tracer, the discrete activity
curves (TAC) and, iteratively, minimizing the sum of the quadratic residuals(Levenberg-Marquardt).
After calculating a convolution integral, the analytical solution is completely described. We present
numerical results generated by this methods applied in data obtained from the projects at the Brain
Institute (InsCer/BraIns) at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) and comparing
our results with those published in the literature.
The mathematical model for the problem is expressed by the system of two differential equations:

 d
 dt C1 (t) = K1 Ca (t) − ( k2 + k3 )C1 (t)


 d

 C2 (t) = k3 C1 (t)
where, Ca (t) is the IDAIF, C1 (t) and C2 (t) are, respectively, the concentration in the non-displaceable
and displaceable compartments, K1 and k2 , k3 , k4 are kinetic rate constants which have to be determined.
In order to determine the IDAIF Ca (t) , we use the dynamics of the radiotracer on the reference
region(carotids), governed by the differential equation
dCr 0 0
= K1Ca (t) − k2Cr (t) (2)
where Cr (t) is the concentration of the radiotracer in the reference region, K1 0 > 0 and k2 0 > 0 are pro-
portionality rates describing, respectively, the tracer influx into and the tracer outflow from the reference
tissue(Carotids VOI). Cr (t) will be approximated by means of nonlinear regression of the data obtained
from a TAC curve on a Positron Emission Tomography(PET) image (Figure1 and Figure2). Data used
to determine the TAC and Ca (t) come from PET image data obtained from a experiment performed at
Brain Institute(BraIns) at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS).
The equations (1) and (2) are integrated with respect to time together with their partial derivatives
with respect to the parameters ki .

158 1
Figure 1: Carotids Volume of interest(VOI) on the positron emission tomographic(PET).

Figure 2: Discrete time activity curves(TAC)- Left and right carotids.

 We apply  the Laplace transform with respect to t in Eq.(1), denoting £ {Ci (t)} = Ci (s) and
d Ck (t)
£ = sCi (s) −Ci (0) .
With C1 (0) = 0 and C2 (0) = 0, obtain the an algebric system of 2 equations:

 ( s + k2 + k3 )C1 (s) = K1Ca (s)

− k3C1 (s) + s C2 (s) = 0

Then, using the inverse Laplace transform, Ci (t) = £−1 Ci (s) , and we consider ∗ to denote the
convolution operation, we obtain

159 2
−1 K1Ca (s) −1 1 
C1 (t) = £ = K1 £ ∗ £−1 Ca (s)
( s + k2 + k3 ) ( s + k2 + k3 )
k3C1 (s) 
C2 (t) = £−1 = k3 ∗ £−1 C1 (s) .
The analtical solution is
Z t
−( k2 +k3 )t
C1 (t) = K1 e ∗ Ca (t) = K1 e−( k2 +k3 ) (t−u) Ca (u) du
Z t
C2 (t) = k3 ∗ C1 (t) = k3 C1 (u) du .

Keywords: Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), Image-Derived Arterial Input Function (IDAIF), Kinetic Mo-
delling, Parameter Estimation, Laplace Transform, Positron Emission Tomography(PET).

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161 4



Andre Luis Ferreira da Silva1 , Ruben Andres Salas1 , Emilio Carlos Nelli Silva 1
1 Department of Mechatronics System Engineering, University of Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

1. Introduction
Fiber-reinforced composite materials have been used more frequently and their properties can be im-
proved by optimum fiber orientation. Models which are based in discrete candidate angle as the models
DMO, SFP, BCP and NDFO are efficient to avoid multiple local minima and problems related to initial
fiber configuration. Among the methods of optimization of fiber angles the NDFO method stands out.
Such method uses only one variable per element, regardless of the number of chosen angles. However,
the NDFO method has been applied so far in materials where the stress-strain relationship can be con-
sidered linear. This work proposes the application of an adaptation of NFDO using the Neo-Hookian
model of Ciarlet-Simo, which can be used for materials subjected to large deformations. To consider
the effect of the fiber on the element, a transversely isotropic part is added to the isotropic portion of
the strain energy function. The optimization problem solved in this work is the well-known minimum
compliance design. The unwanted effects of fiber discontinuity are treated using the filter proposed by
Lazarov which consider as a filter a solution of a modified Helmholtz equation. A numerical example is
presented to demonstrate the result of the proposed method.

2. Theoretical Formulation
A hyperelastic material is one for which there is a strain energy function per unit undeformed volume Ψ
depend upon the right Cauchy-Green tensor C as [1] [2] [3]

Ψ = Ψ(C) (1)
Since 12 Ċ is work conjugate to the second Piola-Kirchhoff tensor S, its possible to determine the deriva-
tive of Ψ in respect to time as [3]

∂Ψ 1
Ψ̇ = : Ċ = S : Ċ (2)
∂Ċ 2
and therefore S is defined as

S=2 (3)
For isotropic materials, the strain energy function can be written as a function of the invariants of C as

Ψ(C) = Ψ(I1 , I2 , I3 ) (4)

162 1
where the invariants I1 , I2 and I3 are defined as [4]

I1 =tr(C) (5a)
I2 =C : C (5b)
I3 =det(C) = J (5c)

therefore the second Piola-Kirchhoff tensor is determined by

∂Ψ ∂Ψ ∂Ψ −1
S=2 I+4 C + 2I3 C (6)
∂I1 ∂I2 ∂I3
Due to Ψ can be an arbitrary function of the invariants, Eq. 6 becomes complex because of a large number
of possible constitutive parameters [4]. The Neo-Hookean hyperelastic equation can be used for large
strain range and has only two constitutive parameters. The strain energy and the second Piola-Kirchhoff
tensor for Neo-Hookean hyperelasticity are defined as [2]

1 1
Ψnh = µ(I1 − 3) − µ ln J + λ(J − 1)2 (7)
2 2

Snh = µ(I − C−1 ) + λJ(J − 1)C−1 (8)

where µ and λ are Lamé coefficients, J is the Jacobian and I is the identity matrix.
A transversely isotropic material is characterized by an isotropic plane and physical properties symmet-
rical with respect to this plane. Fig. 2. represents a transversely isotropic in an undeformed configuration
Ωr and in a deformed configuration Ω. The isotropic plane is obtained from the directions 1 − 2. In
direction 3 there is a vector a which represents the main direction of orthotropy.

Figure 1: Transversely isotropic solid in undeformed and deformed configurations.

The portion of strain energy Ψtrn which represents the transversely isotropic behavior is a function of
two pseudo invariants of C given by

I4 =ar · C ar (9a)
2 r
I5 =ar · C a (9b)

The transversely isotropic portion Ψtrn can then be defined as

Ψtrn = [α + β lnJ + γ(I4 − 1)] − α(I5 − 1) (10)
and the corresponding second Piola-Kirchhoff tensor is [2]

Strn = 2β(I4 − 1)C−1 + 2[α + 2β lnJ + 2γ(I4 − 1)]ar ⊗ ar − α(Car ⊗ ar + ar ⊗ Car ) (11)
where α, β and γ are constants that depend on Young’s modulus and the Poisson’s ratio.

163 2
3. Topology Optimization Formulation
The optimization of fiber angles based in discrete methods follows the basic concept of choosing a set of
candidate angles and using a weight function to determine an effective elastic tensor as a weighted sum
of the elastic tensors which corresponds to each candidate. However, owing to the fact that in this work
it is used a hyperelastic model, it is necessary to utilize a different approach. Since the collaboration
of the fiber for the stiffness of the material is considered in the transversally isotropic part of second
Piola-Kirchhoff tensor and considering the fact that when some load is applied parallel to the isotropic
plane, only the matrix of the composite material is loaded, thus the second Piola-Kirchhoff tensor can be
defined as
S = Snh + ∑ wi Stri (12)
where wi are the weighting functions and nc the number of candidate angles.
All methods which use a selection of discrete angles are intended to drive only one weighting function
wi to 1, whereas all the others are driven to 0. What differentiates fiber optimization methods based on
the selection of candidate angles is the way the wi function does the parameterization. In this work wi is
given by [5]

wi = nc (13)
∑k=1 ŵk
where nc is the number of candidate angles and ŵi is a normal distribution function which can be written
as [6]
(θ−θic )2

ŵi = e 2p2

where i represents the number of candidate angles, θ is the design variable, θic represents the candidate
angles and pθ is a penalization constant.
The optimization problem solved in this work consisting of the well-known compliance minimization
which is defined as
min b · u dΩ + t · u dS
s.t. P : ∇v dΩ = b · v dΩ t · v dS (15)
θc ≤ θ ≤ θmax
where b are the body forces, t are the surface forces, v is a test function, u are the displacements and P
is the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor.
The relation between the first and the second Piola-Kirchhoff tensors is given by

P = S · FT (16)
where S is the second Piola-Kirchhoff tensor and F is the deformation gradient. S is calculated as a sum
of the isotropic part with a weighting sum of the transversally isotropic part, such as
S = Snh + ∑ wi Strn,i (17)

4. Numerical Example
The numerical example presented here is a box domain with dimensions represented by Fig 4. Table 1
shows the material properties used in this example. The candidates angles are

θc = [−78.75, −67.5, −56.25, −45, −33.75, −22.5, −11.25, 0, ...symmetric..., 90] (18)

164 3
and the domain has 120x40x6 tetrahedral elements linearly interpolated.

(a) Domain (b) Solution

Figure 2: Fully clamped beam with in-plane distributed load

EA [N/mm2 ] E[N/mm2 ] GA [N/mm2 ] ν F[N] θ0 [◦ ] pθ,0

38.3 · 103 8.27 · 103 4.14 · 103 0.26 [0, −100, 0]T 45 10

Table 1: Material properties and initial conditions

5. Conclusion
An optimization method for fiber orientation based on NDFO method considering hyperelastic mate-
rial has been proposed. The proposed method uses weighting functions to select only one transversely
isotropic second Piola-Kirchhoff among a set of candidates.
Continuity is achieved by using a modified Helmholtz equation as a filter method. By increasing the r
value in the filter, it is obtained higher values of the objective function.
The result shows in the example demonstrates it is possible to optimize the fibers orientation by using
a formulation where the linear elastic behavior approximation is not considered. With this formulation,
the number of possible modeled materials has been increased and there is no limitation imposed by the
small deformations.

6. Acknowledgements
ALF Silva thanks CAPES ( Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement) and INCT/CEMTEC
(Nacional Institute on Advanced Eco-Efficient Cement-Based Technologies) for the financial during his
Master’s Degree under Grant 88887.165790/2018-00. Authors also acknowledge the support of the
RCGI (Research Centre for Gas Innovation), hosted by the University of São Paulo (USP) and spon-
sored by FAPESP (2014/50279-4) and Shell Brazil.

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166 5




Roberval Laboratory CNRS FRE 2022 - Sorbonne Universités - Université de Technologie de Compiègne
CS 60319, 60203 Compiègne, France - e-mail:

1. Context and interest of this study

The research presented in this article focuses on the development of a numerical tool for investigating
fluid-structure interactions (FSI) between a fluid flow that is not confined (infinite) and a current turbine
with blades. Many similarities may be observed from its aerial version (wind turbine) but a major point
of concern results from a fluid density 800 times higher than in the air. The constant search for an
optimal solution (by increasing size and reducing mass) inevitably leads to flexible behavior resulting
from hydrodynamic loads, and this flexible behavior may have serious impacts on the efficiency of the
device. The FSI model may here without loss of generality be restricted to a 2D airfoil placed in a flow
and having two degrees of freedom (dof), namely plunging and pitching motions. The Panel Method
approach [2, 3] is of particular interest for fluid flow calculations around lifting device due to the fact it
has been originaly designed for. This potential approach is restricted to incompressible and irrotational
flows, however if completed by a Kutta condition, it can be extended to lifting flows. The FSI approach
is here based on a partitioned coupling with a dedicated solver for each of the two physics (namely fluid
flow and structure dynamics). Exchanges take place regularly between the two solvers via a coupling
scheme [4, 5] that is based on successive solutions produced by the fluid and structure solvers. The
coupling is said to be loosely coupled partitioned if only one shot (that is to say a single computation)
per time step is required for each field, and strongly coupled partitioned if an iterative procedure is used
to ensure convergence of the coupled solution. The major drawback of the standard partitioned FSI
coupling scheme is that where higher density fluids are involved (meaning strong effects of added mass),
convergence is no longer guaranteed, and divergence will generally be observed, regardless of the chosen
time step for incompressible flows [6]. The objective in this paper is to show that in order to take into
account heavy fluid flows such as in sea currents, the coupling scheme must be corrected, as described
for example in [1], in order to counteract the penalizing impact of the added mass effect on the classical
FSI coupling scheme. This correction is based on estimating an added mass matrix [Madd e ] that may

considerably improve and/or ensure the iterative phase of a strongly coupled partitioned approach.

θ(t) 25%c
~n P
Kθ ~eθ ~r
w(t) P F
V∞, ρ α G F cpi ~t
chord c N −1
z,~k Kz z N
N +1
y,~ Position at rest x 4 cp3
3 cp2
2 cp1 1

0 x,~ı O
(a) Dynamics of a 2D hydrofoil (b) Panel Method discretization
Figure 1: Fluid-stucture interaction for a 2D hydrofoil with plunging and pitching motions

167 1
2. Fluid-structure coupling for a 2D movable hydrofoil
2.1. Dynamics for a hydrofoil with two degrees of freedom
Here we consider a 2D airfoil with chord length c, of mass m and flexibly attached to a fixed point,
as illustrated in Figure 1(a). Two dof are here considered, namely plunging w(t) and a pitching θ(t)
motions. From Lagrange’s equation and the kinetic and potential energies of the airfoil we obtain the set
of two equations:
m −mPG ẅ Kz 0 w Rz
+ = (1)
−mPG IP θ̈ 0 Kθ θ M P + PG mg
with Kz denoting the axial rigidity along the z−axis, Kθ the torsional rigidity with respect to the y−axis
and I |G the mass moment of inertia about G. The terms Rz and M P denote respectively the vertical
component of the generalized force obtained from the pressure integration, and the resulting pitching
moment at P. Finally, this may be condensed to the following:

[M]{Ü } + [K]{U (t)} = {Fp (t)}, with {U (0)} = {U 0 } and {U̇ (0)} = {0}, (2)

where [M] and [K] denote respectively the mass and the rigidity matrices corresponding to the attachment
of the airfoil, and {U } denotes the two dof. The term {Fp } denotes for the sollicitation vector resulting
from aerodynamic loads.

2.2. Panel Method (PM) for lifting potential flows

Panel methods are particularly suitable for calculating the flow field over an airfoil that undergoes un-
steady time-dependent motion in a fluid that may be assumed inviscid and incompressible. The main
idea in the Panel Method is not to solve this Laplacian equation in the classical way for the entire fluid
domain, but to cast the same analysis in a boundary integral equation form, where the Hess & Smith
Panel Method (HSPM) was introduced, is considered to be the reference paper. In this approach, with

2D non-stationary flows being restricted as set out in [9], the velocity V at any point ~x = (x, z) of the
fluid domain is decomposed according to:

− →
− σ(s)~r τ(s) V2 ∂ϕ
˛ ˛
V (~x) = V ∞ +~v with ~v = ds + ~eθ ds and p + ρgz + ρ +ρ = f (t). (3)
2πr 2 2πr 2 ∂t

where V ∞ defines the velocity of the uniform flow at infinity. The vector ~v denotes the disturbance
field due to the airfoil and results from two contributions, since the airfoil may be represented by two
elementary flows (also called singularities) corresponding to source flow (σ(s)) and vortex flow [9] (τ(s)).
For points belonging to the interface between the flow and the airfoil, the boundary condition that
stipulates no flow through surface enables us to define a given set of equations to be solved for σ(s).
Completed by the Kutta condition that stipulates that the flow must leave the trailing edge smoothly, the
set to be solved for σ(s) and τ is now complete. In order to couple the fluid flow with the structure,
we need to know the pressure p. This may be calculated at any point using the non-stationary form of
Bernoulli’s equation.

2.3. Fluid-structure coupling scheme corrected from added mass effect

The coupling process is required to perform FSI calculations in order to regularly update the variables
common to both the fluid and the structure solvers. In order to better counteract the added mass effect that
results from heavy fluid flow such as in a liquid (sea currents) and that may lead to divergence, here we
propose correcting the classical FSI coupling scheme in relation to the added mass effect. The main idea
(in the case of conservative systems only) is that if the real added mass matrix [Madd, f ] could be calculated
exactly, the force term appearing in equation (2) would be exactly replaced by {Fp }i ≡ −[Madd, f ]{Ü }i .
For most cases, the real added mass matrix [Madd, f ] is out of reach. The classical partitioned coupling

168 2
scheme (denoted by CLAS) is then modified in accordance with [1], and equation (2) is now related to
the corrected scheme (denoted by CORR):

([M] + [Madd,e ]) {Ü }i+1 + [K]{U }i+1 = {Fp }i + [Madd,e ]{Ü }i , (4)

where i and i + 1 are indexes for the iterative process, and [Madd,e ] is the matrix corresponding to the
estimated added mass effect resulting from the pressure load all around the structure. Each component
Madd,e (i, j) is related to the force on the body in the i-axis resulting from a unit acceleration along the
j-axis. At convergence, the two additional terms cancel out and we get back to the original form of the
coupling equation (2). Adding extra terms on both parts of the original equation, helps to reduce the
penalizing effect of {Fp } and to increase the beneficial effect of [M]{Ü } on the convergence process.

3. Results
In this example an hydrofoil (NACA 2412, 105 panels) is flexibly attached to a fixed point, as illustrated
in Figure 1(a). Immersed in a uniform flow (V∞ , ρ), the airfoil is initially removed from its position
at rest (wo = 0.2 m and θo = 8 deg.) until a stationary fluid state is reached. It is then relaxed to allow
the fluid-structure coupling process to take place freely: it will be remarked that the mechanical energy
decreases with time because of a transfer of energy to the fluid tracked in the form of a vortex wake. The
point of this example is to look at the influence of the volumetric mass ρ on the convergence property
of the FSI scheme, to show the severe limit observed for the classical coupling scheme (that we term
CLAS), and finally to show the beneficial effect of the scheme corrected from the added mass effect (that
we term CORR). Fluid flow conditions and structure characteristics are summarized in Table 1.

ρ V∞ m I |G KZ Kθ Madd,e (1, 1) Madd,e (1, 2) Madd,e (2, 2)

[kg/m3 ] [m/s] [kg] [kg/m2 ] [N/m] [Nm/rad] [kg] - -
[1 − 2000] 5 10 100 104 104 0.71ρ −0.15ρ 0.05ρ
Table 1: Fluid flow conditions and structure properties
The estimated added mass matrix [Madd,e ] (symmetric) is calculated according to [10]. The airfoil
is considered fixed over a given number of time steps nFIX , then its flexibility is restored in order to start
the free fluid-structure interaction. The time step ∆t = 10−3 s is related to the two natural frequencies
( f1 = 1.59 Hz, f2 = 5.03 Hz) extracted from an eigenvalue analysis. The same analysis, in accordance
with equation (4), is conducted over nstep time steps, for both the CLAS scheme (with [Madd,e ] = [0])
and the CORR scheme, for a range of volumetric mass given in Table 1. For each time step, the number
of iterations to convergence is extracted. The case (ρ = 8 hg/m3 ) corresponds to the limit observed
for the CLAS scheme to converge. Any density above this value causes the coupling to diverge, as
reported in Table 2. For the considered case, the CLAS scheme excludes densities higher than 20 kg/m3 .

ρ [kg/m3 ] 1 10 20 25 100 1000 2000

# iterations (CLAS) 10 8 8 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
# iterations (CORR) 10 8 7 6 6 6 6
Table 2: Effect of density on the averaged total number of iterations for convergence
Above this value the coupling scheme systematically diverges. The CORR scheme, on the other hand,
systematically converges, whatever the density value, which confirms its capacity to support heavy fluids.
But the number of iterations is not the only determinant of whether a scheme is capable of converging.
The results below are solely obtained by using the CORR scheme. Figure 2(a) and (b) shows that
increasing the fluid density gives rise to a predictable higher level of energy dissipation in the fluid,
since a wake and vortex are generated that are simply convected downstream of the flow with their own
energy (which the airfoil is consequently deprived of). Energy signals are normalized according to the
initial energy Eo resulting from initial perturbations wo and θo . The two signals Em and W have opposite
behaviors, in agreement with the principle of energy conservation. In other words, an irreversible transfer
of the mechanical energy Em is observed between the main flow and the airfoil, due to the produced work
W . The higher the density, the higher the observed dissipative effect.

169 3

0 0

z [m] −0.5 −0.5

−1 −1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
x [m] x [m]
1 1

Em 0.8

E /Eo

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2

W 0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
time [s] time [s]

(a) ρ = 1 kg/m3 (b) ρ = 10 kg/m3

Figure 2: Dissipative effect due to airfoil energy transfer to the wake
4. Conclusions and prospects
This paper presents a corrected version of a strongly iterative partitioned FSI scheme for studying the
dynamics of an airfoil flexibly attached and immersed in a heavy fluid. The intended application of our
work mainly concerns the fluid-structure coupling that may operate between a moving lifting component
(such as a marine current turbine) and a surrounding heavy fluid such as water. The mathematical model
for the fluid is based on the potential Panel Method that offers the dual benefit of being restricted to a
boundary element analysis and of ensuring the lifting capability of the component. The mathematical
model for the structure, on the other hand, is based on the dynamics of a 2D airfoil that encounters
plunging and pitching motions. Correcting the FSI scheme to counteract the penalizing effect of the
added mass allows convergence to be ensured, whatever the value of the added mass. The application
case is intended to show how the classical FSI scheme is only applicable to a narrow range of fluids
(ρ ≤ 8 kg/m3 ), whereas taking into account the added mass effect on the coupling scheme can ensure the
convergence required by coupling considerations. We are currently looking at the possibility of extending
this approach to 3D applications to cover more realistic rotor geometries (wind mills, marine turbines),
in order to establish the full requirements of FSI calculations for such devices.
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[4] Piperno S, Farhat C, Larrouturou B. Partitioned procedures for the transient solution of coupled aeroelastic
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[5] Felippa CA, Park KC, Farhat C. Partitioned analysis of coupled mechanical systems. Computer Methods in
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170 4



E. Hadzalic 1,2 , A. Ibrahimbegovic 1 , S. Dolarevic 2

1 Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France,
2 Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

In fluid-structure interaction problems, the external fluid acts both as the source of the loading on the
structure and as source of the saturation of the material. The both aspects of the external fluid influence
have to be taken into account in order to provide a sound design of the structure in terms of structural
integrity and durability. In order to do so, the structure in the interaction problems of practical inter-
est such as dam-reservoir systems, storage tanks or water containers, has to be represented in terms of
saturated porous media. For numerical representation of the structure response, we propose the use of
coupled discrete beam lattice model based on Voronoi cell representation of the domain with nonlinear
Timoshenko beam finite elements acting as cohesive links, capable of modeling the response and lo-
calized failure in pore-saturated structures. Numerical implementation of the internal solid phase-pore
fluid coupling, which is governed by Biot’s porous media theory, results with an additional pressure-type
degree of freedom placed at each node of Timoshenko beam finite element. In fluid-structure interaction
problems of our interest, we can assume a small motion of the external fluid. This hypothesis allows us to
choose mixed displacement/pressure based finite element formulation for the external fluid motion, with
the governing equations derived from the acoustic wave theory. The chosen formulation of the external
fluid motion features both displacement and pressure degrees of freedom. This allows for the structure
and the external fluid finite elements to be connected directly at the common nodes, without any special
numerical treatment of the fluid-structure interface.


For numerical representation of the structure response, we choose coupled discrete beam lattice
model based on Voronoi cell representation of the domain with cohesive links as nonlinear Timoshenko
beam finite elements enhanced with additional kinematics [1, 2, 3]. These enhanced kinematics in terms
of embedded strong discontinuities in axial and transverse direction allow for modeling crack formation
and propagation both in mode I and mode II. Mode I relates to crack opening, and mode II relates to
crack sliding. The coupling between the solid phase and the internal pore fluid is introduced in the model
through Biot’s porous media theory and Darcy’s law governing the pore fluid flow [4, 5]. The pore fluid
flow is spread across the mesh of CST (Constant Strain Triangle) finite elements, which coincide with
Delaunay triangles. The duality property between the Voronoi cell and Delaunay triangle representations
in combination with Hammer quadrature rule for numerical integration on CST elements, results with an
additional pore pressure degree of freedom placed at each node of Timoshenko beam finite element.
Biot’s formulation of coupled problem combines equilibrium and continuity equations. The strong
form of equilibrium equations for Timoshenko beam finite element is written as

dN dV dM
+ n(x) = 0; + q(x) = 0; +V (x) + m(x) = 0 (1)
dx dx dx

171 1
where n, q and m are the distributed external loads, N = N 0 − bpAe , V = V 0 and M = M 0 are the total
stress resultants (the axial force, the shear force and the bending moment, respectively), p is the pore
pressure and b is the Biot coefficient. We assume that p is positive in compression. Following Terzaghi’s
principle of effective stresses, the superscript (0 ) denotes effective stress resultants.
The strong form of continuity equation exploits Darcy’s law for pore fluid flow, and is written as
1 k 
ṗ + b∇ · u̇ − ∇ · ∇p = 0 (2)
M γf

where M is Biot modulus, u is the displacement of the solid phase, k is the coefficient of permeability of
isotropic porous media, and γ f is the specific weight of the pore fluid.


For numerical representation of the external fluid motion we choose mixed displacement/pressure
finite element formulation. We assume that the motion of the external fluid remains small and irrotational,
with inertial effects being negligible due to quasi-static simplification. The strong form of governing
equations is written as [6, 7]
p Λ
∇p + ∇ × Λ − fb = 0; ∇ · u + = 0; ∇ × u − = 0 (3)
β ϑ
where p is the pressure, u is the displacement vector, Λ is the ’vorticity moment’ and ϑ is the penalty
parameter. The parameter β is the bulk modulus of the external fluid, and fb is the external load vector.
For numerical discretization of the external fluid domain, we choose Q4-P4-Λ4 finite element. The
’vorticity moment’ degree of freedom can be statically condensed on the element level, so the only
unknown variables remaining on the global level are displacements and pressures.

In this section, we simulate the response of a nonlinear dam-reservoir system with the aim of quanti-
fying the overall safety of the dam structure against localized failure. The geometry of the dam-reservoir
system and the loading program are shown in Figures 1a and 1b.
1.0 m

Specific weight [MPa]


6.0 m
5.1 m


y γw

0 7 14 21 28
Time [days]
3.0 m 8.0 m

(a) Geometry of dam-reservoir system (b) Loading program

Figure 1: Dam-reservoir system

We compute the maximum overload the dam structure can withstand, on top of already acting self-
weight and hydrostatic loading. The computation of maximum overloads for both horizontal and vertical
direction is carried out by imposing corresponding displacements at the top base of the dam. The specific
weight of the water is γw = 0.01 MPa, and the specific weight of the dam material is γs = 0.02 MPa.
The mechanical properties of Timoshenko beam finite element are: Young’s modulus E = 10000 MPa,

172 2
the yield and fracture limits in tension, compression and shear σy,t = 0.015 MPa; σy,c = 0.20 MPa;
σy,s = 0.015 MPa; σ f ,t = 0.02 MPa; σ f ,c = 0.30 MPa; σ f ,s = 0.02 MPa. The coefficient of permeability
of dam material is k = 10−7 m/s, and the bulk modulus of external fluid is β = 1000 MPa. All numerical
computations are performed with a research version of the computer code FEAP, developed by R. L.
Taylor [8].
Pressure [kPa]
0.000e+00 12.75
0.0127 25.50
0.0255 38.25
0.0382 51.00

Numerical model
0.8 Analytical solution




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Hydrostatic pressure kPa]

(a) Pressure and pore pressure distribution (b) Hydrostatic pressure distribution

Figure 2: Computed pressure fields due to self-weight and hydrostatic loading

We first assume linear elastic response of dam structure, and perform the computation for the first two
loading phases indicated in Figure 1b. The computed pressure field in the reservoir and in the body of the
dam due to the self-weight and hydrostatic loading are shown in Figure 2a. The computed pressure field
in the reservoir is practically identical with the analytical solution for the hydrostatic pressure distribution
(Figure 2b).

Horizontal overload [kN]

-1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0
Horizontal displacement [mm]
(b) Deformed (c) Cracks formed and (d) Cracks formed and
(a) Horizontal overload configuration propagating in mode I propagating in mode II

Figure 3: Horizontal overload: computed results

Vertical overload [kN]

-1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0
Vertical displacement [mm]
(b) Deformed (c) Cracks formed and (d) Cracks formed and
(a) Vertical overload configuration propagating in mode I propagating in mode II

Figure 4: Vertical overload: computed results

173 3
Next, we assume nonlinear behavior of dam material, and perform computations following the load-
ing program shown in Figure 1b, with the aim to determine the maximum overload dam can withstand
until ultimate failure. The computed admissible horizontal overload is 8.3810 kN (Figure 3a). The to-
tal horizontal reaction resulting from the self-weight and hydrostatic loading is 130.05 kN. Thus, we
can conclude that the computed factor of safety against failure is 1.06. The failure mode for horizontal
overload is shown in Figures 3b-3d. The computed admissible vertical overload is 139.2103 kN (Figure
4a). The total vertical reaction resulting from the self-weight and hydrostatic loading is 252.7516 kN.
Thus, we can state that the computed factor of safety against failure is 1.55. The failure mode for vertical
overload is shown in Figures 4b-4d.

In this paper, we have presented an efficient approach for dealing with acoustic fluid-structure in-
teraction problems in quasi-static setting. The structure is considered as saturated porous media whose
response is obtained with nonlinear coupled discrete beam lattice model. The external fluid motion is
described with mixed displacement/pressure based formulation. The chosen finite element representa-
tions of the structure response and the external fluid motion feature the same displacement and pressure
degrees of freedom. This allows for the structure and the external fluid finite elements to be connected
directly at the common nodes ensuring the exchange of both pressure and motion at the fluid-structure
interface, without any special numerical treatment of the common boundary. The results of numerical
simulations show that with the proposed model we are able to capture localized failure in the pore-
saturated structure for a particular loading program, and to quantify overall safety of the pore-saturated
structure against failure with respect to fundamental load cases, self-weight and hydrostatic loading. The
proposed numerical model of interaction shows excellent performance in terms of fast convergence rates
and efficient computational time.

This work was supported by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and French Embassy in Bosnia
and Herzegovina. Professor Adnan Ibrahimbegovic was supported by the funding for Chaire de Mé-
canique Picardie (120-2015 RDISTRUCT-000010 and RDISTRUCT-000010), EU funding (FEDER) and
IUF-Institut Universitaire de France (Membre Senior). These grants and financial supports are gratefully

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in Engineering, 102(8):1507–1526, 2015.
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Systems Mechanics, 7(1):27–42, 2018.
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puter Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 298:407–427, 2016.
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tems Mechanics, 7(1):43–59, 2018.
[6] KJ.Bathe, C.Nitikitpaiboon, X.Wang. A mixed displacement-based finite element formulation for acoustic
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[7] X.Wang, KJ.Bathe. Displacement/pressure based mixed finite element formulations for acoustic fluid-structure
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[8] O.C. Zienkiewicz, R.L. Taylor. The Finite Element Method, vols. I, II, II, Elsevier, 2005.

174 4


Emir Karavelić 1,2 , Adnan Ibrahimbegovic 1

1 University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
2 Université de Technologie de Compiègne/Sorbonne Universités, Laboratoire Roberval de Mécanique,

Centre de Recherche Royallieu, 60200 Compiègne, France,

1. Introduction
In this work we develop plasticity model much inspired by bahaviour of concrete. We present the con-
crete model built in the view of failure models for massive structures, where the elastic behavior is
followed by the creation of the fracture process zone with a large number of micro-cracks and subse-
quent final failure mode in terms of the macro-cracks. The fracture process zone is represented by the
non-associated Drucker-Prager model since the number of micro-cracks is considered sufficiently large
and their orientation random. The macro-crack is represented with a surface of displacement discontinu-
ity on which are concentrated all localized dissipative mechanisms due to the apparition and development
of localization zones [1].

2. Multi-surface model
The constitutive model governed by Hooke’s law, in the presence of plastic deformation, is no longer
pertaind to the total, but the elastic deformation. Namely, by assuming the independence of the elastic
response on plastic flow, the total deformation can be split additively into elastic εe and plastic part ε p ,

ε = ε e +εε p (1)

By further assuming that the elastic response remains linear, reducing to Hooke’s law in the absence of
plastic deformation, we can construct the free energy potential as a quadratic form in terms of deforma-
ψ(εε,εε p ,ζζ) := 21 (εε −εε p ) · C(εε −εε p )) + 12 ζKζ (2)
Besides the stress tensor σ we define the stress-like internal variable q, which is dual to the strain-
like internal state variable ζ. We assume that this dual variable is used to define the yield criterion which
corresponds to the classical Drucker-Prager model:
1 2 (3)
σ, q) :=k dev[σ
φy (σ σ] k + tan(ϕ)tr[σσ]) − (σy − q)
3 3
σ] = σ − 13 (tr[σ
dev[σ σ])1 (4)
is the deviatoric part of the stress tensor, tan(ϕ) is material parameter which can characterize the internal

friction and σy is uni-axial yield stress. In (10) the Frobenius norm is used with k σ k:= σ : σ. Instead
to the yield function, plastic flow develops along the normal to the plastic potential function resulting

175 1
with nonassociated Drucker-Prager model. Here, we will use plastic potential function similary to yield
φ p (σ σ] k + 13 tan(ψ)tr[σ
σ, q) :=k dev[σ σ] (5)
where tan(ψ) is material parameter describing the angle of dilatancy.
Given three fundamental equations in (1), (2) and (3) with (5), are sufficient to completely define
the stress tensor computation as well as the internal variables evolution corresponding to the plasticity
model, simply by using the the second principle of thermodynamics and the principle of maximum plas-
tic dissipation [2]. It can be shown that the corresponding value of Lagrange multiplier γ̇ for associative
plasticity model is obtained from the consistency condition, which assures that in a plastic loading pro-
cess, subsequent stress and deformaton states remains on subsequent yield surface. Consequences of the
principle of maximum plastic dissipation that characterize such associative plasticity model are the con-
vexity of the yield surface in stress space and normality of plastic flow with respect to the yield surface.
Drucker’s stability postulate is also in agreement with this principle thus we can conclude that proposed
model with Drucker-Prager nonassociative flow rule is not stable in sense of Drucker. However, stability
postulate is sufficient but not a necessary criterion. Since the uniqueness of stress and strain trajectories
for a given loading exists, the material can be regarded as locally stable, thus the condition of uniqueness
rather than the stability postulate may be regarded as a basic for establishing stress-strain relationship.
For non-associative flow rule, the plastic multiplier γ̇ is obtained by using the plastic consistency
condition φ˙y = 0, and can be expressed as

γ̇ = h−1 · Cε̇ε (6)
where we used relation
∂φy ∂φp ∂φy ∂φy
h−1 = ·C + ·K (7)
∂σ σ
∂σ ∂q ∂q
We can simplify corresponding results in (6) for proposed model to obtain:

2Gνν : ε̇ε + 3Kα1 tr(ε̇ε)

γ̇ = (8)
2G + 9Kα1 α2 + 32 Kh,iso

Once the plastic multiplier γ̇ is determined the corresponding stress increment can be obtained and
the elastic-plastic constitutive

Cep = C + C p (9)

where C p is plastic tangent stiffness tensor and represents the degradation of the stiffness of material
due to plastic flow. It can be noted from (33) that tensor C p lacks symmetry, and so does Cep if a
nonassociative flow rule is used which we stated for Drucker-Prager model:

(2Gννn+1 + 3Kα1 1) ⊗ (2Gννn+1 + 3Kα2 1)

Cep = C − (10)
2G + 9Kα1 α2 + 23 Kh,iso

The stress update and formation of the elastoplastic tangent modulus requires the derivative of the
yield and of the plastic potential function. Thus, even for linear criteria this is a cumbersome task when
carried out in the general six-dimensional stress space. It will be shown in the following that computation
in principal stress space simplifies the presented procedure above, remarkably. Firstly, the dimension of
the problem reduces from six to three, and secondly, in the three-dimensional stress space the stress
states can be visualised graphically, making it possible to apply geometric arguments. The approach is
applicable for general isotropic yield criteria, but in the following only Drucker-Prager criteria will be
considered. As only isotropic material models are considered the manipulations can be carried out with
respect to any set of coordinate axes. Therefore the predictor stress is transformed into principal stress
space and returned to the yield surface. Considering the fact that the stress return preserves the principal
directions, the updated stress can then be transformed back into the original coordinate system. The

176 2
constitutive matrices are also formed in principal stress space and then subsequently transformed. All
transformations rely on standard coordinate transformation.
Drucker-Prager model in principal stress space is right-circular cone with its axis equally inclined
with the respect to each of the coordinate axes and its apex in the tension octant. It can be shown that
plastic deformation must be accompanied by an increase in volume if ϕ 6= 0. This property known as
dilatancy is consequences of the dependency of yield surface for associative or plastic potential surface
for nonassociative flow rule, on hydrostatic pressure. Figure 1 shows the Drucker-Prager yield surface
open in direction of the negative hydrostatic axis along with plastic potential function. From flow rule the
plastic strain increment dεipj is perpendicular to plastic potential surface at the actual yield point M. The
vector dεipj can be decomposed into vertical and horizontal component where horizontal components
dεipvj represents the plastic volume change, which is always positive for ψ > 0 so and for associative
plasticity. When using a negative dilatancy angle, we find that stress-strain curve gradually approaches
a line with a negative slope. In other words, hardening is followed by softening and during this unstable
behaviour the material resistance vanishes completely.

d pv
Current loading surface
d ij
Plastic potential surface

Subsequent loading surface


Figure 1: The loading and plastic potential surfaces for the Drucker-Prager material with a nonassociated
flow rule

Invoking three main ingredients sufficent for the constitutive model of plasticity we can provide the
stress tensor computation as well as internal variables evolution. The principal stresses and deformations
as well as their directions are found by solving the well-known eigenvalue problem. The three eigen-
vectors of deformation tensor form a coordinate transformation tensor, thus forming the transformation
matrix T . All the remaining ingredients of the plasticity model can be obtained from the standard ther-
modynamics considerations. After the computation of plastic multiplier and updating stress tensor we
also have to obtain the elastoplastic tangent modulus which constist of a material and of a geometric part

σ 3 3
∂σ ∂σi ∂
C= =∑ ni ⊗ ni + ∑ σi (ni ⊗ ni )
∂εε i=1 ∂εε ε
i=1 ∂ε (11)
| {z } | {z }
Cmat Cgeo

In order to take into account two types of dissipative mechanism, for compression and tension one, we
build multisurface model in order to better reproduce the behavior of massive structures: a bulk dissipa-
tion characterized by the development of micro-cracks, which is taken into account by introduction of
the Drucker-Prager model and a surface dissipation taking place at the level of the localization zones in
terms of the macro-cracks triggered with plasticity criterion in strain space defined by three surfaces [4].

φ1 (εεe ) = εe1 − (εy − q) ≤ 0

φ2 (εεe ) = εe2 − (εy − q) ≤ 0 (12)
φ3 (εε ) = εe3 − (εy − q) ≤0

Figure 2a shows proposed criterion in terms of principal stresses. One can note that in tension region
elastic stage is followed by softening, while in compression the fracture process zone is defined, followed
by softening.
Figure 2b cleary reveals that the only loading case which is not limited is the three-axial compression
along the three axes such as produced by hydrostatic pressure. Figures 3 and 4 shows stress-strain curve
for performed numerical tests.

177 3
s 3

s 1



(a) (b)
Figure 2: Multisurface criterion (a) in principal stress space (b) in meridian plane

Isochoric-simple shear test


Shear stress [MPa]


(a) (b)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Shear strain [%]

Figure 3: Computed responses of concrete in isochoric shear tests

5 0
Linear hardening
4.5 -5 Saturation hardening


Stress [MPa]

Stress [MPa]



0.5 -40

(a) (b)
0 -45
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 -0.4 -0.35 -0.3 -0.25 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0
Axial Strain [%] Axial Strain [%]

Figure 4: Macroscopic response: (a) uniaxial tension test; (b) uniaxial compression test

3. Conclusion
It has been shown that proposed model combining the inelastic hardening and inelastic softening is able
to explain the failure of a massive structure. The class of problem of main interest for this kind of model
pertains to the failure of massive structures where final failure mechanism is preceeded by significant
development of plastic zone and where the contribution of the so-called fracture process zone remains of
equal importance for total plastic dissipation as the actual failure mechanism itself.
Acknowledgements: This work was supported by a scholarship from the French Ministry of For-
eign Affairs and French Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.This support is gratefully acknowledged.
Adnan Ibrahimbegovic was supported by the funding for Chaire-de-Mecanique and IUF. This support is
gratefully acknowledged.

[1] Karavelic E, Nikolic M, Ibrahimbegovic A (2017) Concrete meso-scale model with full set of 3D failure modes
with random distribution of aggregate and cement phase. Part I: Formulation and numerical implementation.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., doi:10.1016/j.cma.2017.09.013
[2] Ibrahimbegovic A (2009) Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: Theoretical Formulations and Finite Element Solution
Methods. Springer, London
[3] Ibrahimbegovic A, Gharzeddine F, (1999) Finite deformation plasticity in principal axes: from a manifold to
the euclidean setting. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 171,341-369
[4] Ibrahimbegovic A, Brancherie D, (2003) Combined hardening and softening constitutive model of plastic-
ity,precursor to shear slip line failure. Computational Mechanics,31,88-100, doi:10.1007/s00466-002-0396-x

178 4



Zampaolo, T. C.1, Massaroppi Jr., E.2, Abambres, M.3, Ribeiro, T. P.4

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of São Paulo, Brazil,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of São Paulo, Brazil,
Abambres’ Lab, Portugal,
Tal Projecto, Portugal,

Abstract: Tapered steel beams and columns are increasingly being used as primary load carrying
structures. To design and determine the load carrying capacity of these structures numerical modeling
methods, such as the finite element method, have been widely employed in the past few years. This
paper presents a systematic study on the influence of the finite element model on the ultimate bearing
capacity and postbuckling behavior of tapered steel columns with circular hollow section. The aim is
to investigate the influence of model simplifications, mesh density and quality, element types and
boundary conditions.

Keywords: Finite element model validation; mesh quality; nonlinear buckling; tapered column.

1. Introduction and Motivation

The considerable stiffness, strength and ductility of metals, as well as recent advances in
manufacturing technology, have led to the construction of highly efficient structural metal systems
(large strength-to-weight ratios) – in particular, those composed by thin-walled members have shown
to be a quite economic solution featuring reduced transportation and construction times (Loughlan
2004). Non-prismatic (tapered) members are widely used in modern metal construction in Civil,
Mechanical and Aeronautical industries, mostly due to their (i) structural efficiency, (ii) functionality,
and (iii) low fabrication costs (Zhang and Tong 2008) - Fig. 1 shows some typical applications of long
tapered steel columns in airport structures.

(a) (b)
Fig. 1. Tapered steel columns in (a) Barajas (Madrid) and (b) Beijing international airport.

In order to take advantage of those benefits, accurate, simple and efficient design methods
must be available. Nevertheless, it is well-known (Marques et al. 2012) that safety verifications in

steel standards (e.g., CEN 2005, 2006, AISC2010, SA 2016), most mostly
ly adapted from prismatic member
rules, might be unsafe (up to 300% in some cases - Bedynek et al. 2013), difficult to perform, and/or
quite conservative (not taking advantage of the economy of non non-prismatic
prismatic members). A commonly
adopted alternative to thosee methods, as recommended by design codes, is the use of advanced
(physically and geometrically nonlinear) FEA, which is obviously unfeasible in current design practice
due to their time and know-how how requirements (besides involving expensive FEA software). Although
the large amount of research performed in the last few decades, either concerning (i)
/analytical formulations (e.g., Ghadban et al. 2017, Kim and Jang 2017, Balduzzi et al. 2017,
Lee and Lee 2018), or (ii) design methods (e.g., Marques et al. 2012, Papp 2016), it is still imperative
the development of groundbreaking (i.e., simultaneously accurate, easy-to-use,
easy use, versatile, efficient and
affordable) design rules/tools for tapered steel members. Within this context, the work presented
herein is part of an ongoing investigation that aims to propose (until the end of the year) an Artificial
Neural Network (ANN)-based based design scheme for simply supported circular hollow section (CHS)
tapered steel columns, exhibiting a parabolic taper and typicall
typically used (i) in high-rise
rise building (high-
ceiling) lobbies, and (ii) as support of large span roof structures (see Fig. 2). For that purpose, the first
step consists in the performance of an extensive parametric finite element analysis (FEA) for the
computationon of (i) elastic buckling and (ii) ultimate bearing capacity loads.

Fig. 2.. Generic tapered CHS column analyzed in this work.

The parametric analysis (PA) involves nine independent (input) variables, as defined in Tab. 1.
All combinations of input variable values were taken for the PA, resulting in a total of 58320 distinct
columns to be simulated.

Tab. 1.. Variables/values involved in the FE

FE-based parametric analysis.

2. Main Objectives

The accuracy of the finite element simulations is highly dependent on the model adopted (i.e.
the simplifications adopted to the geometry to be analyzed), boundary conditions and the mesh quality
and density. Thus, care has to be taken during this initial stage of the FE simulations in order to
achieve accurate and reliable results. This paper addresses details and important conclusions about the
modelling, simplifications and mesh validation procedures carried out before the onset of the PA, all
performed using the FE package ANSYS Mechanical APDL (Ansys Inc 2014).

3. Future research

In Civil Engineering, ANNs have provided a convenient and often highly accurate solution to
problems within all branches, appearing from publications statistics to be one of the great successes of
computing (Flood 2008). The first journal article on civil engineering applications of neural networks
was published by Adeli and Yeh (1989). The authors used a simple one-neuron model to the design of
steel beams. Since then, many other applications of ANNs within all fields of Civil Engineering arose
with increased complexity and sophistication (Adeli 2001). Areas like (i) buckling load prediction
(e.g., Sharifi and Tohidi 2014), (ii) bearing capacity prediction (e.g., Gandomi et al. 2013), (iii)
constitutive modeling (e.g., Oeser and Freitag 2016), (iv) structural reliability and/or optimization
(e.g., Papadrakakis and Lagaros 2016), or (v) structural health monitoring (e.g., Min et al. 2012), have
received special focus until today. Many successful ANN-based models have been proposed to assess
the behavior of metals and structures, when composed by prismatic members (e.g., Guzelbey et al.
2006, Efstathiadesa et al. 2007, Lu et al. 2009, Sheidaii and Bahraminejad 2012, Xu et al. 2013,
Tohidi and Sharifi 2015, 2016, Nazari et al. 2015, Banu and Rani 2016). Several works have revealed
a huge decrease in computing time when comparing the proposed ANN model with the FEA
counterpart, and without compromising accuracy – e.g, when estimating the temperature of a tubular
truss under fire, Xu et al. (2013) concluded that the ANN computes the desired output 1800 times
faster than FEA. Surprisingly, unlike for prismatic members, virtually no effort has been done to
develop analysis and design methods for tapered metal members based on ANNs.


Adeli H (2001). Neural networks in civil engineering: 1989–2000, Computer‐Aided Civil and
Infrastructure Engineering, 16(2), 126–142.
Adeli H, Yeh C (1989). Perceptron Learning in Engineering Design, Computer-Aided Civil and
Infrastructure Engineering, 4(4), 247-256.
AISC – American Institute of Steel Construction (2010). Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
(ANSI/AISC 360-10), AISC, Chicago, USA
Ansys Inc. (2014). ANSYS APDL (Mechanical), release 15.0, Canonsburg, PA.
Balduzzi G, Morganti S, Auricchio F, Reali A (2017). Non-prismatic Timoshenko-like beam model:
Numerical solution via isogeometric collocation, In Computers & Mathematics with Applications,
74(7), pp. 1531-1541.
Banu PSN, Rani SD (2016). Knowledge-based artificial neural network model to predict the properties
of alpha+ beta titanium alloys, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 30 (8), 3625-3631.
Bedynek A, Real E, Mirambell E (2013). Tapered plate girders under shear: Tests and numerical
research, 46(January), pp. 350-58
CEN - Comité Européen de Normalisation (2005). Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Part 1-1:
General rules and rules for buildings (EN 1993-1-1), Brussels
CEN - Comité Européen de Normalisation (2006). Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures. Part 1–5:
Plated structural elements (EN 1993-1-5), Brussels

Efstathiadesa C, Baniotopoulosa CC, Nazarkob P, Ziemianskib L, Stavroulakisc GE (2007).
Application of neural networks for the structural health monitoring in curtain-wall systems,
Engineering Structures, 29(12), 3475-84.
Flood I (2008). Towards the next generation of artificial neural networks for civil engineering,
Advanced Engineering Informatics, 22(1), 4–14.
Gandomi AH, Yun GJ, Alavi AH (2013). An evolutionary approach for modeling of shear strength of
RC deep beams, Materials and Structures, 46(12), 2109–2119.
Ghadban AA, Al-Rahmani AH, Rasheed HA, Albahttiti MT (2017). Buckling of Nonprismatic
Column on Varying Elastic Foundation with Arbitrary Boundary Conditions, Mathematical problems
in engineering, Volume 2017, 1-14.
Guzelbey IH, Cevikb A, Gogus MT (2006). Prediction of rotation capacity of wide flange beams using
neural networks, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 62(10), pp. 950–61
Kim H, Jang G-W (2017). Higher-order thin-walled beam analysis for axially varying generally
shaped cross sections with straight cross-section edges, Computers & Structures, 189(September), 83-
Lee J, Lee B (2018). Elastica and buckling loads of nonlinear elastic tapered cantilever columns,
Engineering Solid Mechanics, 6(1), 39-50.
Loughlan J (Ed.) (2004), Thin-Walled Structures − Advances in Research, Design and Manufacturing
Technology, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol.
Lu Y, Ye L, Su Z, Zhou L, Cheng L (2009). Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-based Crack
Identification in Aluminum Plates with Lamb Wave Signals, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems
and Structures, 20(1), 39-49.
Marques L, Taras A, Silva LS, Greiner R, Rebelo C (2012). Development of a consistent buckling
design procedure for tapered columns, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 72(May), 61-74.
Min J, Park S, Yun C-B, Lee C-G (2012). Impedance-based structural health monitoring incorporating
neural network technique for identification of damage type and severity, Engineering Structures,
39(June), 210–220.
Nazari A, Rajeev P, Sanjayan JG (2015), Offshore pipeline performance evaluation by different
artificial neural networks approaches, Measurement, 76 (December), pp. 117-28
Oeser M, Freitag S (2016). Fractional derivatives and recurrent neural networks in rheological
modelling – part I: Theory, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 17(2), 87–102.
Papadrakakis M, Lagaros ND (2016) Reliability-based structural optimization using neural networks
and Monte Carlo simulation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 191(32),
Papp F (2016). Buckling assessment of steel members through overall imperfection method,
Engineering Structures, 106 (January), pp. 124-36
SA - Standards Australia (2016). Australian standard: Steel Structures, AS 4100—1998 (R2016),
Sharifi Y, Tohidi S (2014). Lateral-torsional buckling capacity assessment of web opening steel
girders by artificial neural networks — elastic investigation, Frontiers of Structural and Civil
Engineering, 8(2), 167–177.
Sheidaii MR, Bahraminejad R (2012). Evaluation of compression member buckling and post-buckling
behaviour using artificial neural network, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 70(March), 71–77.
Tohidi S, Sharifi Y (2015). Neural networks for inelastic distortional buckling capacity assessment of
steel I-beams, Thin-Walled Structures, 94 (September), pp. 359-371
Tohidi S, Sharifi Y (2016). Load-carrying capacity of locally corroded steel plate girder ends using
artificial neural network, Thin-Walled Structures, 100 (March), pp. 48-61
Xu J, Zhao J, Wang W, Liu M (2013). Prediction of temperature of tubular truss under fire using
artificial neural networks, Fire Safety Journal, 56 (February), pp. 74-80
Zhang L, Tong GS (2008). Lateral buckling of web-tapered I-beams: A new theory, Journal of
Constructional Steel Research, 64(12), 1379-93.


Repeated Richardson extrapolation with verification of the order of

accuracy of numerical schemes and the forms of applying
boundary conditions of the finite volume method on the Laplace

Fabiana de Fátima Giacomini1, Ana Paula da Silveira Vargas2

Technological Federal University of Parana,
Technological Federal University of Parana,

Reliable accuracy and predictions of transport phenomena are the main purpose in Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD). The final intent of scientific interest is the validation of a mathematical model and for
this numerical verification is necessary. Two verification steps are: the computational code verification
and the numerical solution verification. Therefore, the objective of this work is to verify the effect on
the discretization error and its order caused by the form to apply the boundary conditions in problems
solved with the finite volume method. For this, they are considered: one and two-dimensional Laplace
equation with the verification of the order of accuracy a priori and a posteriori; uniform grids; up to
seven primary and secondary interest variables with numerical approximations of first and second orders
of accuracy; Dirichlet boundary conditions; tri and pentadiagonal solvers; grids with up to millions of
nodes; quadruple precision; and number of iterations suficiente to achieve the machine rounding error.
The form of apply the boundary conditions considered are four: with and without ghost volume; half
volume; and zero thickness volume. The a priori estimate of the order of accuracy is performed by
means of the deduction of the formal order based on the Taylor series. This approach is used to
effectively verify the order of accuracy of the numerical solutions calculated a posteriori by the use of
hibrid techniques, with numerical approximations of different orders, or not. The a posteriori estimate
is made based on the estimation of the discretization error obtained through Repeated Richardson
Extrapolation (RRE) [1]. As results obtained it is expected that: i) if the mixing fator exist, it does not
change the effectiveness of RRE [2]; ii) the accuracy order obtained a posteriori by means of RRE
corroborates the formal order obtained a priori; iii) RRE provides subsidies for cases in which it is not
possible to estimate a priori or a posteriori the orders of the numerical error; iv) the form to apply
boundary conditions with half volume results in the smallest numerical error [3]. Additional topics
include deduction of true orders from the numerical scheme, apparent order analysis, numerical
parameter effect on hibrid scheme, if any, and parabolic equation with or without source term.


[1] C. H. Marchi, L. A. Novak, C. D. Santiago, A. P. da S. Vargas. Highly accurate numerical solutions

with repetead Richardson extrapolation for 2D laplace equation, Applied Mathematical Modelling 37,
7386-7397, 2013.

[2] A. P. da S. Vargas. Repeated Richardson extrapolation and schemes of 1st and 2nd order, mixed and
Crank-Nicolson on the advection-difusion and Fourier 2D equations, Doctoral Thesis, PGMEC-UFPR,
[3] F. F. Giacomini. Verification of the form to apply boundary conditions in one-dimensional problems
with the finite volume method, Master’s Dissertation, PGMEC-UFPR, 2009.



Tiago Sten Freitas1, Fabrício Nogueira Corrêa2, Breno Pinheiro Jacob3
Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia - COPPE/UFRJ,
Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia - COPPE/UFRJ,
Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia - COPPE/UFRJ,


O termo problemas de contato é empregado para as situações gerais onde ocorrem interações entre
um ou mais corpos. Os problemas de contato são frequentes em mecânica dos sólidos, visto que
as ações de contato são o mecanismo mais comum para as transferências de forças entre estruturas
ou sólidos em geral.
Problemas de contato são notadamente complexos quando não são conhecidos os pontos ou
regiões de contato, principalmente em problemas dinâmicos definidos no espaço tridimensional.
Para tal, deve-se conhecer a trajetória dos corpos no espaço e, por sua vez, a distância entre eles.
Assim que o contato é identificado, deve-se solucionar a equação de movimento dos corpos
considerando suas equações constitutivas, as condições de contorno e as condições iniciais que
definem o contato.
Este tipo de problema é notadamente não-linear por além de envolver não-linearidades
geométricas, envolvem não-linearidades físicas devido a vários fatores, tais como: grandes
deformações da seção dos corpos em contato, efeitos de atrito, etc.
Tradicionalmente, o problema de contato em modelos numéricos é baseado no uso de escalares
generalizados ligados por dois nós, um de cada corpo, definidos por molas não lineares com
patamar nulo para representar que os sólidos estão afastados e não nulos para representar forças
elásticas durante o contato.
O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um algoritmo mais aprimorado para identificação de
contato, baseado na interpenetrabilidade volumétrica, em análises globais de estruturas esbeltas
de seção circular, modeladas através de elementos finitos reticulados, de pórtico ou treliça
espacial. As forças elásticas de ação-reação são calculadas de forma expedita pela aplicação de
uma rigidez de contato, enquanto a dissipação de energia do contato é definida pelo
amortecimento estrutural de Rayleigh.
Este método é adequado para tratar o contato externo ou mesmo de uma ou mais estruturas
internas a outra (pipe-in-pipe).
Neste contexto, cabe recordar que as análises globais tem como objetivo avaliar, por exemplo, o
comportamento dinâmico das estruturas esbeltas, os modos de vibração, os esforços e curvaturas;
não sendo objeto da avaliação os efeitos mais localizados e complexos que envolveriam, por
exemplo, o uso de elementos finitos tridimensionais e equações constitutivas mais rigorosas para
estimativa das tensões e deformação da seção devido ao contato/impacto.
Deste modo, análises globais são aplicáveis em projetos de cabos de torres teleféricas, linhas de
ancoragem e risers de estruturas de exploração de petróleo offshore - que são dutos de escoamento

responsáveis pela ligação entre o poço e a unidade flutuante, aplicados nas operações de
perfuração, produção, exportação, injeção e completação. Em qualquer uma destes problemas, o
contato entre estruturas adjacentes pode ocorrer e ser mitigado globalmente com o método
apresentado neste trabalho.
Em sistemas de risers, por exemplo, onde grupos de risers são colocados lado a lado, o contato
externo entre eles (clashing) deve ser evitado e depende do afastamento dos slots, da força da
corrente marítima sobre cada estrutura, da diferença de peso e demais características físicas e
geométricas entre risers adjacentes, etc. A Figura 1 ilustra de forma esquemática a necessidade
de verificação de contato entre dois ou mais risers.

Figura 1 - Contato entre diferentes riser.

Ainda no cenário offshore, o contato externo entre estruturas pode ocorrer, por exemplo, em uma
situação de blackout de uma sonda de perfuração posicionada dinamicamente por propulsores. A
unidade de perfuração em blackout desconecta seu riser do poço, ficando em deriva livre pela
perda de funcionamento dos propulsores com o riser de perfuração pendurado. Nesta situação, ela
pode se aproximar de uma unidade de produção ancorada na mesma localidade, havendo risco da
colisão entre a coluna de perfuração e as linhas de ancoragem (Figura 2). Se isto acontecer, a linha
de ancoragem pode exceder seu limite de carga e romper, o riser de perfuração pode ser danificado
e a coluna de perfuração pode ainda se prender na linha de ancoragem, guiando a unidade de
perfuração em deriva para cima da unidade de produção.
Além disso, existem situações mais específicas onde o contato pode existir quando uma estrutura
está dentro de outra tubular (pipe-in-pipe). Na área de exploração de petróleo, operações de
descida de colunas de revestimento pelo interior da coluna de riser em operações de perfuração
de poços é um bom exemplo deste tipo de contato.
Em todos os casos citados, as análises globais envolvendo a modelagem das linhas por elementos
finitos reticulados devem ser capazes de simular o efeito do contato, contando com um algoritmo
de identificação dos pontos de contato e de aplicação das forças de ação-reação no modelo de
elementos finitos solucionado no domínio do tempo.

Figura 2 - Colisão entre riser de perfuração e uma linha de ancoragem.

Neste contexto, este trabalho mostra que o algoritmo desenvolvido para identificação de contato
é adequado para análises dinâmicas globais no domínio do tempo de estruturas esbeltas modelas
por elementos finitos reticulados de seção circular. A abordagem envolve a identificação continua
de contato através de um método analítico, evitando que usuário pré-defina possíveis regiões de
contato, escalares generalizados, ou se preocupe com o tamanho dos elementos finitos nestas
regiões. O desempenho computacional é garantido através do uso de bounding box para busca de
possíveis regiões de contato.
Dois modelos genéricos serão estudados apenas para apresentar a funcionalidade do método: um
simulando o contato externo de linhas; e outro, o contato pipe-in-pipe. A eficiência computacional
também será abordada.

Keywords: Global Analysis, Contact Algorithm, Finite Elements.


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penalizadas do método dos elementos finitos. 2002. P. 156 Tese (Doutor em Ciências em
Engenharia Civil). Programa de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia (COPPE) da
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, 2002.

[2] SILVA, D, M, L. Ferramentas computacionais para análise e projeto de Instalação de dutos

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UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, 2009.

[3] AZEVEDO, C, T.; ROCHA, L, A, S. Projetos de Poços de Petróleo: geopressões e

assentamentos de colunas de revestimentos. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Interciência, 2009.

[4] BELYTSCHKO, T.; FISH, J. Um Primeiro Curso em Elementos Finitos. Rio de Janeiro, RH,
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Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, June 4-9, Hamburg, Germany, 2006.




Raí Mariano Quintas1, Fabrício Nogueira Corrêa2, Carl Horst Albrecht3

Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia – COPPE/UFRJ,
Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia – COPPE/UFRJ,
Escola Politécnica – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,

Faced with the threat posed by global warming and climate change to the future of the planet,
society has intensified the pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, countries have
been mobilizing to reduce the use of fossil fuels, which is a major contributor to anthropogenic
greenhouse gas emissions.

At the same time, as the world population continues to grow, demand for energy will increase.
Thus, to ensure the supply of this energy, without counting on fossil fuels, it will be necessary to
invest in alternative energy sources.

Because of that, renewable energy has gained increasing importance in the energy production
industry. Among the sources of renewable energy, one that has a great potential for generation, but is
still not much explored, is the wave energy.

Wave energy has some advantages over other sources of renewable energy, such as a higher
energy density and its generation consistency, but the efficiency of the devices developed to convert
this energy into useful electrical energy is generally very low, which makes the production of energy
by waves still unpractical [1].

Therefore, this work aims to study and propose strategies to theoretically increase the
hydrodynamic efficiency for a wave energy conversion device.

For this purpose, it will be used a submerged pressure differential device with cylindrical
geometry. This device will be simulated numerically for the cases of regular and irregular sea to find
the value of the parameters that optimize the device’s efficiency.


[1] B. Drew, A. R. Plummer, M. N. Sahinkaya. A review of wave energy converter technology, Proc.
IMechE Vol. 223 Part A: J. Power and Energy, 887-902, 2009.




Laboratoire Roberval UMR CNRS/FRE 2012, Sorbonne Universités, Université de Technologie de
ICD/LASMIS, UMR STMR 6279, Université de Technologie de Troyes, 12 rue Marie Curie,
BP2060, F10010 Troyes, France

1. Introduction
The metal forming process is of great importance in the industry. The damage of ductile material as well
as the fracture occurring during metal forming process is a great concern during metal forming
processes. The 2D simulation of ductile damage [1] [2] is widely studied in the literature, however 3D
simulation of ductile damage, especially the representation of the cracks based on h-adaptive
methodology is still an opening problem to be discussed.

2. Damage model
The elasto-plastic model proposed by Hooputra et al. [3] is used to describe the inelastic behavior of the
ductile material. The equivalent plastic strain is given by Eq.1.
 T sinh  k0        T sinh  k0     
 Dpl  ,  pl   (1)
sinh  k0      

Where  T and  T correspond to the equivalent plastic strain at ductile damage initiation for equibiaxial
tensile and equibiaxial compressive deformation, respectively. For isotropic materials the stress
triaxiality in equibiaxial tensile deformation state,   , is 2/3 , and in equibiaxial compressive
deformation state,   , is -2/3. The stress triaxiality  is defined as    p / q where p is the pressure
stress, q is the Mises equivalent stress and  pl is the equivalent plastic strain rate. The damage variable
D is defined in Eq. 2 which increases monotonically with plastic deformation.
d pl
D   pl (2)
 D  ,  pl 

3. 3D h-adaptive methodology
3.1 3D mesh refinement strategy
During the metal forming processes, with the plastic strain accumulating, the damage increases which
results in a highly localized physical field. These two physical quantities are chosen as indicators to
make a referenced size map. The mesh is then refined by bi-section technique [4]. This technique given
by a minimum size ratio 2 between old coarse mesh and new fine mesh. This requires field transfer
operator to capture the evolution of the physical field in a reliable way.

3.2 Element deletion and volume conservation

The cracks are represented by deleting totally damaged elements. The damage value ranges from 0 to 1.
We define a critical damage value as Dc  0.99 [5]. If all integration points in an element having the
damage value bigger than this critical damage value, this element is defined as totally damaged elements.
As discussed in section 3.1, the totally damaged elements located within very narrow damage bands and
the size of totally damaged elements are limited to be equal or smaller than minimum mesh size.
Therefore, when these elements are removed from the mesh, the volume reduction is very small. Based
on this fact, the compensation of the volume can be performed by relocating the nodes on the crack
surface. This process is similar to a smoothing process, however the displacements of the nodes are
small. As a result, the topology of the mesh around the crack surface can be kept.

3.3 Field transfer operator

3.3.1 Nodal field transfer --- shape function interpolation
The mesh is refined according to cumulative strain and damage field. Then the nodal fields and
integration fields should be transferred from old (coarse) mesh to the new (fine) mesh. Nodal fields are
transferred by shape function interpolation as expressed in Eq. 3:

j ( x, y , z ) 
S new N
i 1
i ( x, y , z ) Siold (3)

where N iold is the shape function corresponding to node of the containing element in old mesh which
contains the node j in the new mesh. The nodal value Siold is at ith node of the containing element. The
nodal value S new
j is at jth node in the new mesh. Sometimes, after refinement and relocation process, a
node in the new mesh may be located outside the old mesh. In order to interpolate around all boundary
of the old mesh, the shape function here can be negative outside the element. In this case, we choose the
element in the old mesh which is nearest to the considered node in the new mesh as the containing
element. Because this node is very near to the “containing” element, the continuity of shape function is
not disturbed.

3.3.2 Integration field transfer --- hybrid interpolation

Some authors [7] in the literature transfer the integration field by a meshless interpolation called diffuse
approximation [6]. This method is aimed to reconstruct the field by an interpolation function using a
group of neighboring points based on moving least square. A brief introduction is expressed as
following, in Eq. 4:
 a0 
a 
S ( X  X 0 )  P ( X  X 0 )   X 0   1 x  x0 y  y0 z  z0   1 

 a2 
 
(4)  a3 
in which X 0 is the evaluation point and S is the field we want to reconstruct in the vicinity of the
evaluation point. P is the basis of a polynomial function and  is the coefficient vector to be solved.
The coefficient vector is obtained by satisfying the following criterion in Eq. 5:
n n
Min : J  ( X  X 0 )   wi ( S ( X i  X 0 )  Si ) 2   wi ( P ( X i  X 0 )   Si ) 2 (5)

i 1 i 1

in which Si is the field value on the neighboring point X i . wi is the interpolation weight corresponding
to each neighboring point.
However, most of them treat with a 2D problem or a nearly non-localized problem (no crack
propagation). In our case, the integration field is 3D and highly localized. According to our experience,
the only diffuse approximation is not enough to achieve a robust transfer. The solution is to introduce
also the shape function interpolation process. The whole meshless-FEM based hybrid transfer process
is illustrated in the following Fig. 1. The integration fields of the old mesh are transferred to the nodal
points of the new mesh by diffuse interpolation (meshless) and then again transferred to the integration

points of the new mesh by finite element shape function interpolation. The advantages of this hybrid
transfer process is that it preserves the extrema value of the field, especially when the field is localized
as well as minimum the numerical diffusion of the transfer process.

Figure 1. The hybrid transfer process

4. Numerical results
This adaptive methodology is used to simulate crack initiation and propagation on aluminum board
under tensile test. The aluminum alloy EN AW-7108 T6 is used to run the simulation. The numerical
process is carried out by ABAQUS Explicit® in a quasi-static frame. The parameters in equivalent
plastic strain are listed in Tab. 1.

Table 1 Experimentally determined ductile failure parameters [3]

Parameters  T  T k0
Values 0.26 193.0 5.277

Three different shape of specimens with a uniform thickness 0.5mm are used. For each of the specimen,
the initiation and propagation of the crack are displayed. The adaptive process does not influence on the
evolution of the plasticity and damage field. The cracks propagate within a narrow bands. The damage
field on the specimens are colored with blue equals to 0 and red equals to 1.

Figure 2. The crack initiation and propagation on the double arc specimen

Figure 3. The crack initiation and propagation on the double notched specimen

Figure 4. The crack initiation and propagation on the specimen with double holes

We can see in the Fig. 2, the double arc specimen is fixed at the left extreme and a load is added at the
right extreme. The crack initiates in the middle of the specimen and propagates to the two arc boundaries.
In Fig. 3, the double notched specimen is also fixed at its left extreme and a load is given at the right
extreme. The crack initiates around two notches and propagates to the middle of the specimen. The
specimen with two holes in Fig. 4, is fixed at the bottom and a load is given at the top. Three cracks
appear on the specimen. We can see that in all numerical results the initial meshes are very coarse
meshes and the meshes are refined around the cracks because of the accumulation of the plasticity and
damage in these zones. The advantages of our method are that saving lots of the computational cost and
no need to pre-refined mesh along the potential crack path.


[1] Hooputra, H., Gese, H., Dell, H., & Werner, H. (2004). A comprehensive failure model for
crashworthiness simulation of aluminium extrusions. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 9(5),
[2] C. Labergere, A. Rassineux, K. Saanouni, Numerical simulation of continuous damage and fracture
in metalforming processes with 2d mesh adaptive methodology, Finite Elements in Analysis and
Design 82 (2014) 46–61.
[3] Bouchard, P. O., Bay, F., Chastel, Y., & Tovena, I. (2000). Crack propagation modelling using an
advanced remeshing technique. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 189(3),
[4] A. Rassineux, 3d mesh adaptation. Optimization of tetrahedral meshes by advancing front technique,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 141 (3) (1997) 335–354.
[5] K. Saanouni, Damage mechanics in metal forming: Advanced modeling and numerical simulation,
John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
[6] P. Breitkopf, G. Touzot, P. Villon, Consistency approach and diffuse derivation in element free
methods based 22on moving least squares approximation, Computer Assisted Mechanics and
Engineering Sciences 5 (4) (1998) 479–501.
[7] D. Brancherie, P. Villon, and A. Ibrahimbegovic. On a consistent field transfer in non-linear inelastic
analysis and ultimate load computation. Computational Mechanics, 42(2):213-226, 2008.




Felipe Pamplona Mariano1, Andreia Aoyagui Nascimento2, Aristeu da Silveira Neto3

Universidade Federal de Goiás,
Universidade Federal de Goiás,
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia,

Phenomena involving aeroacustic, transition to turbulence and combustion are problems that
engineers aim to understand using techniques of Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD) [1]. In these
problems are used methods of high order accuracy to obtain results to analyze the real physical
phenomena mentioned. High order methods provide an excellent accuracy, for example, high order
finite differences method and compact schemes [2]. On the other hand, they have disadvantaged of
computational expensive cost in comparison to conventional methods. The mathematical formulation
of spectral methods become possible to join high accuracy with low computational cost [3,4]. This low
computational cost is given by the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) [5], since the order (O) of the
computational cost of a fluid flow problem solution with finite differences method is O(N2), where N
is the number of the grid points, the cost of the FFT is of O(Nlog2N). Furthermore, it was also
developed the projection method [4], which uncouple the pressure field in the spectral space. Using
the projection tensor is not necessary to calculate the Poisson equation, as has been done by
conventional methodologies to simulate incompressible fluid flows. Normally, to solve this equation is
the most expensive part of a CFD numerical codes [1]. The disadvantage of the spectral methodology
is the difficulty to work with complex geometries and boundary conditions [5]. One of the most
practical methodologies to work with complex and moving geometries is the Immersed Boundary
(IBM) [6]. It is characterized by the imposition of a term source, which has the role of a body force
added to the Navier-Stokes equation to represent virtually a body immersed in the flow [7].
A methodology used, in the present paper, works with Fourier pseudospectral method connected
with Immersed Boundary Method [8]. It is proposed to simulate flows with non-periodic boundary
conditions making use of the term source of immersed boundary. On the other hand, the accuracy of
immersed boundary is improved, at least to second order for smooth solution problems.
The present work shows the simulations of flows over cylinders stationary and flows over cylinders
fixed by springs and dampers. These are some classical problems to validate the procedure of Fluid
Structure Interaction (FSI), i.e., the cylinder can move into the flow and interacts of the fluid flow
edges. These kinds of problems have a great industrial interest and a challenge for researchers in CFD
[9, 10, 11].
It is generate an inlet uniform profile flow, the fluid flow cross the section of a circular cylinder
and we verify the drag and lift coefficients, this variables determine the forces that act on bodies
immersed in flow, the drag coefficient (Cd) determines the resistance force of the fluid on the body
immersed, while the lift coefficient (Cl) determines the force that exists in the direction perpendicular
to incoming flow, an interesting problem in aeronautical engineering is the optimization of airfoils,
that consist in maximize the lift and minimized the drag of the airfoil profiles. Other parameter

analyzed is the Strouhal number (St) which determines the non-dimensional vortex shedding, it is
important to solve problems of fluid-structure interaction, for example, pillars of bridges, or wings of
aircraft, submitted to a flow, if the frequency of vortex shedding is close to the natural frequency is
extremely damaging to these structures.
The Fig. 1 shows vorticity isocontours (-1,0<w<1,0) of fluid flow over a cylinder, at Reynolds
number equal 100. In the Fig. 1 it is possible to see the periodical boundary conditions and the
Immersed Boundary method acting over the flow.

Figure 1. Isocontours of vorticity (-1,0<w<1,0) at Re=100. - negative vortice; -- positive vorticity.

The Tab. 1, shows the comparison between Cd, Cl and St for different Reynolds numbers and with
different authors.

Table 1. Comparison of drag coefficient and Strouhal number.

[12] [13] [14] [15] Present work
Re Cd Cl St Cd Cl St Cd Cl St Cd Cl St Cd Cl St
100 1,39 0,20 0,160 1,44 0,33 0,165 1,42 0,34 0,171 1,39 0,34 0,160 1,45 0,35 0,175
150 1,37 0,25 0,175 1,47 0,58 0,184 1,37 0,49 0,200
200 1,42 0,66 0,202 1,38 0,68 0,192 1,27 0,47 0,213
300 1,22 0,27 0,190 1,08 0,39 0,221

To study the effects of fluid structure interaction (FSI) we realize simulations of flows over
cylinder fixed by two spring-damper systems in agreement of the works of [10] and [11]. Furthermore,
we perform the simulations of two different time advanced methods, the first is the classical explicit
Euler and the second one is the forth order Runge-Kutta with six steps and low dissipation and low
dispersion method (RK46) purposed by [16]. In the Fig. 2 is shown the vorticity field of both methods
at the same time and at the same Reynolds number.

Figure 2. Vorticity field of flows over cylinder fixed by spring. In the left figure the simulation is
realized using the explicit Euler and the right using the forth order Runge-Kutta method.

In the Fig. 2 it is noteworthy the change of the flow pattern of the wake vortices, in the simulation
of RK46 the pattern of flow is the 2-C and in the explicit Euler the pattern is 2-S. The Fig. 3 presents
the maximum displacement of center of the cylinder using the RK46 in comparison with the [10]. The
solution is very similar to work of the reference, but it is a little overestimated. It is important
understand that the results of [10] are obtained using a Finite Volume Method.

Figure 3. Maximum displacement of cylinder center.

The Fourier pseudospectral method allows solver the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with
high order accuracy and with low computational cost when compared another high order method,
because the pressure disentail and the use FFT algorithm. In the simulations of the flow over a circular
cylinder it is possible observe the drag and lift coefficients and Sthrouhal number quite like other
authors. In the simulations of fluid structure interaction, it is important highlight the time advanced
method in both, fluid and rigid body movement, differential equations. It is required the use the high
order time-advanced method, in the present paper we adopted the Runge-Kutta with low dissipation
and low dispersion purposed by [16]. This way allows we obtain the correct flow pattern and
displacement of the cylinder center.


[1] S.V. Patankar. Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow. Hemisphere, 1980.
[2] G.E. Karniadakis, S.A. Orszag. Nodes, modes and flow codes. Physics Today, 34-42, 1993.
[3] S.A. Orszag. Spectral Methods for Problems in Complex Geometries, Journal of Computational
Physics, 70-92, 1970.
[4] C. Canuto, M.Y. Hussaini, A. Quarteroni, T.A. Zang. Spectral methods: fundamentals in single
domains, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
[5] W.L. Briggs, V.E. Henson. The DFT, SIAM, 1995.
[6] C.S. Peskin. The immersed boundary method, Acta Numerica, 479–517, 2002.
[7] Z. Wang, J. Fan, K. Luo. Combined multi-direct forcing and immersed boundary method for
simulating flows with moving particles, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 283-302, 2008.
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[9] S. Enriquez-Remigio, A. Silveira Neto. A new modeling of fluid-structure interaction problems
through immersed boundary method/virtual physical model (IBM/VPM), Proceedings of the 19th
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modeling of vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder, Journal of Wind Engineering and
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[11] S.P. Singh, S. Mittal. Vortex-induced oscillations at low Reynolds numbers:
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[12] A.L.F. Lima e Silva, A. Silveira Neto, J. Damasceno. Numerical simulation of two dimensional
flows over a circular cylinder using the immersed boundary method, Journal of Computational
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[13] M.C. Lai, C.S. Peskin. An immersed boundary method with formal second order accuracy and
reduced numerical viscosity, Journal of Computational Physics, 705–719, 2000.
[14] S. Xu and Z.J. Wang, An immersed interface method for simulating the interaction of a fluid with
moving boundaries, Journal of Computational Physics. 454-493, 2006.
[15] D.V. Le, B.C. Khoo, K.M. Lim, An implicit-forcing immersed boundary method for simulating
viscous flows in irregular domains, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2119-
2130, 2008.
[16] V. Allampalli, R. Hixon, M. Nallasamy, S. Sawyer. High-accuracy large-step explicit Runge-
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3850, 2009.




Elder Gualberto Alves1 , Felipe Pamplona Mariano2 , Andreia Aoyagui Nascimento3

1 Universidade Federal de Goiás,
2 Universidade Federal de Goiás,
3 Universidade Federal de Goiás,

The study of flow around slender structures (circular and rectangular cylinders) are of practical inter-
est to many fields of engineering because many civil structure and industrial structure can be assimilate to
this shape. Many publications about circular cylinder such as Sarpkaya (1979, 2004), Sumer and Freds0e /
(1997), Bearman (1984), Williamson and Govardhan (2004, 2008), are motivation to any researchers sty-
ding this physical problem. In contrast, flow around rectangular cylinders has not been investigated to
the same extent, although this has many technical applications such as building aerodynamics; Franke et
al. (1990), Klekar and Patankar (1992), Davis and Moore (1982), Davis et al. (1984), Okajima (1982,
1990), Mukhopadhyay et al. (1992) and Suzuki et al. (1993). In this paper, addresses the application
Fourier Pseudoespectral Method (FPM) coupled with Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) for incom-
pressible and isothermic flow, two-dimensional domain, through cylinders of circular and rectangular
cross-sections. The Navier-Stokes equations are solving for FPM, and the geometries are represented by
immersed boundary. Computer simulations were solving for low Reynolds numbers and four rectangu-
lar models having width-to-height ratios of 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 16.0 were considered. Results about vortex
sheddings and Strouhal are discussed.

[1] Franke, R., Rodi, W., Schönung, B., Numerical calculation of laminar vortex shedding past cylinders. J. Wind
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[2] Klekar, K.M., Patankar, S.V., Numerical prediction of vortex shedding behind square cylinders. Int. J. Numer.
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[3] Davis, R.W., Moore, E.F., A numerical study of vortex shedding from rectangles. J. Fluid Mech. 116, 475-506,
[4] Davis, R.W., Moore, E.F., Purtell, L.P.,A numerical-experimental study of confined flow around rectangular
cylinders. Phys. Fluids 27, 46-59, 1984.
[5] Okajima, A., Strouhal numbers of rectangular cylinders. J. Fluid Mech. 123, 379-398, 1982.
[6] Okajima, A., Numerical simulation of flow around rectangular cylinders. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 33,
171-180, 1990.
[7] Mukhopadhyay, A., Biswas, G., Sundararajan, T., Numerical investigation of confined wakes behind a square
cylinder in a channel. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 14, 1473-1484, 1992.
[8] Suzuki, H., Inoue, Y., Nishimura, T., Fukutani, F., Suzuki, K., Unsteady flow in a channel obstructed by a
square rod (crisscross motion of vortex). Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 14 (1), 2-9, 1993.
[9] Sarpkaya, T.,Vortex-induced oscillations: a selective review. J. Appl. Mech. 46, 241-258, 1979.
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198 1
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[11] Sumer, B.M., Freds0e,
[12] Williamson, C.H.K., Govardhan, R., Vortex-induced vibrations. Annu. Rev.Fluid Mech. 36, 413-455, 2004.
[13] Williamson, C.H.K., Govardhan, R., A brief review of recent results in vortex-induced vibration, J. Wind Eng.
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[14] Bearman, P.W., Vortex shedding from oscillating bluff bodies. Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 16, 195-222, 1984.

199 2



Felipe Tempel Stumpf 1 , Rogerio Jose Marczak 1

1 Departamento de Engenharia Mecanica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.

In order to satisfy requirements such as unicity of solutions and physically plausible mechanical
behavior, it is mandatory that the strain energy function W of hyperelasticity fulfills some mathematical
conditions, such as policonvexity and the Baker-Ericksen inequalities. Policonvexity is assured by the
positive definiteness of the Hessian of W, implying uniqueness of solutions and numerical stability in the
framework of computer simulations with Newton type methods. The Baker-Ericksen inequalities, on the
other hand, are sufficient to guarantee that the material behaves in a physically plausible way, although
they are rarely taken into account during the procedure of curve fitting. A hyperelastic model must,
therefore, be developed in a way that its equation for W allows the simultaneous satisfaction of both of
these requirements. Here we propose such an isotropic constitutive model based on a modification of a
previously developed equation in order to enable the fulfillment of the aforementioned conditions as well
as incorporating anisotropic capability based on the Holzapfel-Gasser-Ogden model.

200 1



Flavio Torres da Fonseca 1 , Roque Luiz da Silva Pitangueira 2 , Samuel Silva Penna 3
1 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
2 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
3 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,

The INSANE (Interactive Structural Analysis Software) is being developed by the Structural Engineering
Department of Federal University of Minas Gerais (DEES/UFMG) since 2002. Through these years,
the system has evolved from a simple 2D frame element analysis software to a very complex system,
with many different methods, elements, constitutive models and solution types. However, the system
also suffered from a well known phenomena called software erosion: a slow deterioration of software
performance over time. In this paper, the INSANE system will be briefly described and a diagnosis
of its actual state will be presented. Software erosion causes, consequences and possible solutions or
preventions will be discussed.

1. A brief history of the INSANE project

The INSANE (Interactive Structural Analysis Software) software started to be developed in 2002, by
the Structural Engineering Department of Federal University of Minas Gerais (DEES/UFMG), as an
undergraduate research program. Its initial objective was to create a simple 2D frame element analysis
software to be used as an academic resource in Structural Analysis courses [1, 2]. However, since the
beginning, its software architecture and class organization were planned to be as general as possible, in
order to enable its expansion.
Since then, many undergraduate and graduate researchers have worked on it, resulting in 29 Master
Thesis and 5 Doctoral Dissertations [3].
Today, the INSANE is a complex system with many methods (Finite Element Method - FEM, Gener-
alized Element Method - GFEM, Boundary Element Method - BEM and Mesh Free Methods), linear and
non linear (physically and geometrically) analysis, static and dynamic analysis, as well as many different
constitutive models [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].
Despite many efforts have been put in creating a friendly and complete user interface [10], its devel-
opment did not follow the advances of the analysis modulus, so the last stable version of INSANE was
released in 2004 and presents only the frame elements interface.

2. Software erosion on the INSANE source code

Software erosion can be described as a slow deterioration of software performance over time. It is a
phenomena that has been studied by computer scientists for decades and has been detected not only
in academic softwares, but also in well known open sources and proprietary projects, as Mozilla web
browser, VIM text editor, ANT and version 2.4 of Linux kernel [11, 12, 13].

201 1
The biggest problem with software erosion is that its effects accumulate over time, making the source
code harder to maintain and to understand.
One of the main causes of this phenomena in the INSANE comes from the project’s own nature: an
academic project, in which each developer has an individual objective and a rigid time schedule. The
rotativity of contributors is very high, so the understanding of the system as a whole and the formation of
a developing culture is not achieved. Another point is the lack of sense of community. Some people tend
to think only in its own work and do not worry about the effects of the modifications on other developers’
In the INSANE source code the most commons signs of software erosion are cyclic dependencies,
dead code (unused code, large number of commented lines) and code clones (identical or near-identical
code fragments).
A sign of erosion which appeared after the adoption of Git as the version control system is the huge
number of branches that were created and that are never updated with the master branch modifications
or nerver merged into master. There are also some orphan branches which were created, modified and
Another problem in INSANE code, but that is not direct related to software erosion but indirectly
contributes for it, is the small quantity of implemented unit tests. To maintain a stable code and enable
refactoring, it is imperative to have tests, to ensure that the software works properly.

3. Recommendations to avoid and reverse software erosion

The first step to avoid the software erosion process is to put into the mind of all developers that the
INSANE system is bigger than their individual work and that other people will need to understand and
use their source code. By knowing this, it is expected that all contributors will create good ‘legacy’ code
for the upcoming developers.
Another step is to introduce code review process, which can be done within the adopted version
control system (Git and GitLab). This will force the code to be well written and dead code to be removed.
To reverse the software erosion, the existing source code must be refactored. This refactorization
comprises dead code removal, proper documentation of source code, numerical methods optimization
and software architecture modification. For this last change, one of the possibilities is to adopt a plug-in
based architecture, which will modularize and encapsulate even more the source code, protecting the
core classes and methods.
In order to guarantee that the code is correct and functional, unit tests must be implemented.

4. Conclusion
The INSANE source code has suffered a heavy process of software erosion and a lot of work must be
done in order to make it useful, understandable and expandable. A complete refactoring and modification
of its software architecture, adopting a plug-in based architecture, is the best option and will be done in
the next few years.

5. Acknowledgments
The authors would like to acknowledge CNPq (National Council of Scientific and Technological De-
velopment), CAPES (Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel), FAPEMIG (Minas
Gerais State Research Foundation) and PROPEEs/UFMG (Structural Engineering Graduate Program of
the Federal University of Minas Gerais) for financial supports.

[1] F.T. Fonseca, R.L.S. Pitangueira. Um programa gráfico interativo para modelos estruturais de barras, XXV
CILAMCE - Iberian Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, 2004.

202 2
[2] R.L.S. Pitangueira, K. Caldas. Projeto de software livre para modelos do Método dos Elementos Finitos, XXVI
CILAMCE - Iberian Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, 2005.
[3] INSANE project website. [Accessed: 31/05/2018].
[4] F.T. Fonseca, R.L.S. Pitangueira. Insane: uma plataforma para computação científica, X Encontro de Mode-
lagem Computacional, 2007.
[5] P.D. Alves, F.B. Barros, R.L.S. Pitangueira. An object-oriented approach to the Generalized Finite Element
Method, Advances in Engineering Software, 1-18, 2013.
[6] A.B. Monteiro, A.R.V. Wolenski, F.B. Barros, R.L.S. Pitangueira, S.S. Penna. A computational framework for
G/XFEM material nonlinear analysis, Advances in Engineering Software, 380-393, 2017.
[7] R.G. Peixoto, F.E.S. Anacleto, G.O. Ribeiro, R.L.S. Pitangueira, S.S. Penna. A solution strategy for non-
linear implicit BEM formulation using a unified constitutive modelling framework, Engineering Analysis with
Boundary Elements, v. 64, p. 295-310, 2016.
[8] Silva, R.P. Análise Não-Linear de Estruturas de Concreto por meio do Método Element Free Galerkin, Doc-
toral dissertation, Federal University of de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2012.
[9] L. Gori, S.S. Penna, R.L.S. Pitangueira. A computational framework for constitutive modelling, Computers &
Structures, 1-23, 2017.
[10] S.S. Penna, R.L.S. Pitangueira. Projeto orientado a objetos de um pós-processador para modelos do Método
dos Elementos Finitos, XXVII CILAMCE - Iberian Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in
Engineering, 2006.
[11] M. Dalgarno. When good architecture goes bad, Methods & Tools, Editor, 27-34 , 2009.
[12] L. Silva, D. Balasubramaniam. Controlling software architecture erosion: A survey, The Journal of Systems
and Software, 132-151, 2012.
[13] R. Terra, M.T. Valente, K. Czarnecki, R.S. Bigonha. Recommending refactorings to reverse software ar-
chitecture erosion, 16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, IEEE, 335-340,

203 3


Florian De Vuyst1 , Thomas Douillet-Grellier 2

1 LMAC, EA 2222, Sorbonne Universités, Université de Technologie de Compiègne

2 CMLA, ENS Cachan, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, 94235 Cachan, France

1. Introduction
The kinetic origin of the LB method yields the question of the compatibility of the LB method
with the H-theorem. This topic has gained attention [1, 2] because it is strongly connected to
the stability properties of the method. In particular, in order to palliate the fact that classic
LB schemes do not verify the H-theorem, new LB formulations have been introduced based
on the construction of specific equilibria equipped with an H-theorem [3] or entropy-controlled
schemes [4, 5].
In this work, we study the entropy properties of the D1Q3 LBGK scheme applied to the 1D
advection-diffusion equation. First, we introduce the considered model and its relevant proper-
ties. Then, we show how it satisfies a discrete H-theorem for a particular entropy functional.
In this process, we reinterpret the BGK operator as a gradient of a Lagrangian functional while
exhibiting the the entropy dissipation source terms and the entropy fluxes. Our observations
are validated through numerical experiments. Moreover, equilibrium distributions are obtained
from minimization principles.

2. LB method for the 1D advection-diffusion equation

Let’s consider the 1D advection-diffusion equation with a constant advection speed u ∈ R:
∂t ρ + ∂x (ρu) − ν ∂xx ρ = 0, x ∈ R, t > 0 (1)

with ρ = ρ(x, t) the density and ν the viscosity. The initial condition is ∀x ∈ R, ρ(x, t = 0) = ρ0 (x)
where ρ0 is the initial density distribution. Additionally, we assume ν > 0 and we only consider
positive solutions of equation (1) such that ρ(x, t) ≥ 0.
Let us consider the D1Q3 lattice with its discrete velocities v = (v− , v0 , v+ )T = (−c, 0, c)T and
its discrete distribution vector f = (f− , f0 , f+ )T . The LB equations (LBE) are given hereafter
in vector form

∂t f + Λ ∂x f = q(f ), (2)
where the source terms q is the collision term and with the diagonal and constant advection ma-
trix Λ defined by Λ = diag(−c, 0, −c) We connect the LBE (2) with the macroscopic equation (1)
by imposing the follwoing constraints

hf , ei = ρ, hq(f ), ei = 0 (3)

where h., .i denotes the standard scalar product, and e = (1, 1, 1)T , q(f ) = (qi (f ))i .
The BGK collision model is defined as a relaxation term towards a discrete equilibrium
distribution f eq , i.e.
f eq − f
q(f ) = (4)

204 1
with τ 0 > 0 a relaxation time.
It is also expected that f eq has the 0th -order moment property but also the 1st -order and
2 -order moment consistency properties. For a certain constant γ > 0, We can write

hf eq , ei = ρ, hf eq , vi = ρu, hf eq , v 2 i = γρc2 . (5)

3. Equilibrium distributions
In this section, we will obtain the equilibrium distributions associated with the entropy functional
defined in equation (6) from minimization principles.

3.1. Entropy functional

As shown in the previous section, consistency is obtained under the hypothesis of small flow
velocities. Thus, it is always assumed that |u|  c. In particular, the inequality 1 − 3|u|
2c < 1
holds. Therefore, the follwoing functional H(f ) is clearly strictly convex
H(f ) = hi (fi ), (6)

fi2 1 1
with hi defined as hi (fi ) = 2 wi , i ∈ {−, 0, +} and w− =3u , w0 = 1, w+ = .
1 − 2c 1 + 3u
We call H(f ) an entropy for f . The entropy functional H of equation (6) can be rewritten
1 1
H(f ) = hDf , f i = kf k2D . (7)
2 2
where D = diag( 1−13u , 1, 1+13u )
2c 2c

3.2. Entropy minimization problem

To begin, let us consider the constrained minimization problem
min H(f ), (8)
f =(f− ,f0 ,f+ )T

subject to 
f ≥ 0,
hf , ei = ρ
The functional H is coercive, strictly convex and the admissible set is non-empty, closed and
convex. Therefore, there is a unique solution f eq to the problem (8-9). To this minimization
problem, we associate a Lagrange multiplier λ ∈ R and the Lagrangian functional L : R3 ×R → R
expressed as
L (f , λ) = H(f ) + λ ϕ(f ). (10)
The necessary 1st -order optimality conditions are given by the Euler-Lagrange equations:
∇L (f eq , λ? ) = ∇H(f eq ) + λ? e = 0, (11)
It leads to the following solution
ρ ρu ρ ρ ρu
(f− )eq = − , (f0 )eq = , (f+ )eq = + .
3 2c 3 3 2c

3.3. Reinterpretation of the BGK collision term

We now focus on the collision term of the LBE. Let us choose the collision term as
q(f ) = − 0 D−1 ∇f L (f , λ? ), (12)
with τ 0 > 0 a characteristic time of collision and L defined in equation (10). We can write
1 −1 f eq − f
q(f ) = − D (∇H(f ) + λ?
e) = .
τ0 τ0
We retrieve the standard BGK collision term [6].

205 2
4. Discrete H-Theorem
The time partial derivative is now discretized by the Euler explicit scheme. The lattice relaxation
time is chosen as τ = .

4.1. Collision step

We first study the entropy property of the collision step. To simplify notations, we omit the
dependency in x position, and denote f at discrete time tn = n∆t by f n . The collision step on
a time step ∆t reads
fˆn = f n + (f eq,n − f n ) . (13)
After some algebraic manipulations, we can obtain
1 1
H(fˆn ) − H(f n ) = − (τ − ) kf eq,n − f n k2D . (14)
τ 2 2
We then get a local entropy dissipation proportional to kf eq,n −f n k2 , as soon as τ > 12 . We notice
that the numerical stability limit, τ > 1/2, is naturally recovered through entropic considerations.

4.2. Transport step

Let us now consider the transport step. At a lattice node x and at instant tn+1 , this reads

fin+1 (x) = fˆin (x − vi ∆t). (15)

Let us now consider the transport of entropy quantities. From (15), we get the conservation
∆t n
H(f n+1 (x)) = H(fˆn (x)) − [φ (x + h/2) − φn (x − h/2)] . (16)
where the numerical entropy flux φn (x + h/2) = φn (fˆ(x), fˆ(x + h)) is given by

φn (x + h/2) = c h+ (fˆ+ (x)) − c h− (fˆ− (x + h)). (17)

4.3. Whole discrete entropy inequality

By combining entropy balances for both collision (14) and transport (16) steps, we get a discrete
entropy balance for the LBGK scheme:
∆t n 1 1
H(f n+1 (x)) − H(f n (x)) + [φ (x + h/2) − φn (x − h/2)] = − 2 (τ − ) kf eq,n − f n k2D ≤ 0. (18)
h τ 2

5. Numerical experiments
As a numerical illustration of the behavior of equation (18), a couple of numerical experiments
have been undergone. The spatial domain is Ω = [0, 1] (in meters for example) and is closed with
periodic boundary conditions. Ω is discretized with 4000 lattice points, so that the space step
h = 2.5×10−4 m. Regarding the physical parameters, we have set the advection speed u = 0.1m/s
and the speed of sound c = 2m/s. Consequently, the time step is dt = h/c == 2.5 × 10−4 s. The
initial density profile to be advected is chosen as piecewise constant ρ0 (x) = 1x∈[1/3,2/3] (x).
Figure 1 shows the density profile at t = 10s and the corresponding entropy dissipation for two
different values of τ .
It is observed on both figures that the the entropy dissipation is strictly negative up to
machine precision as predicted by equation (18). Note that we have tested to compute the
entropy dissipation as H(f n+1 (x)) − H(f n (x)) + ∆t 1
h [φ (x + h/2) − φ (x − h/2)] or as − τ 2 (τ −
n n
1 eq,n − f n k2 and that it gives exaclty the same results. The entropy dissipation is a good
2 ) kf D
indicator of density changes and could eventually been used as a tool to track discontinuities in
a multi-fluid context.

206 3
2 2

Entropy Dissipation (.10−7 )

Entropy Dissipation (.10−7 )

Profile at t = 10s Profile at t = 10s
Profile at t = 0s 0 Profile at t = 0s 0

1 1
-1 -1

0 -2 0 -2

-3 -3

-1 -1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

x(m) x(m) x(m) x(m)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 1: Advection of a rectangular profile for 10s and its associated entropy dissipation for
τ = 0.51 (a,b) and τ = 0.501 (c,d)

6. Conclusion
In this paper, we have shown that by considering a particular entropy functional, it is possible
to derive a discrete H-theorem for the LBGK scheme applied to the 1D advection-diffusion
equation in a non-standard way. A fine evaluation of the entropy dissipation is presented where
the dissipation source terms due to the collision step and the entropy fluxes associated with the
transport step are exhibited. The quantification of entropy dissipation is verified by numerical
experiments that confirm the theoretical results.
Through the exploration of the intrinsic entropic properties of this LBGK scheme, we have
obtained the equilibrium distribution by solving an entropic minimization problem and pro-
posed a reinterpretation of the BGK collision term as the gradient of the Lagrangian functional
associated with this minimization problem.
Future work will be focused on extending our approach to more general entropy functionals,
to 2D, to different collision operators and to non-periodic domains. We aim to improve the
understanding of the numerical stability conditions of the LBGK scheme using these entropic

[1] Iliya V Karlin, Alexander N Gorban, Sauro Succi, and V Boffi. Maximum entropy principle for lattice
kinetic equations. Physical Review Letters, 81(1):6, 1998.
[2] Li-Shi Luo. Some recent results on discrete velocity models and ramifications for lattice boltzmann
equation. Computer Physics Communications, 129(1):63 – 74, 2000.
[3] Santosh Ansumali and Iliya V Karlin. Entropy function approach to the lattice boltzmann method.
Journal of Statistical Physics, 107(1-2):291–308, 2002.
[4] Santosh Ansumali and Iliya V. Karlin. Stabilization of the lattice boltzmann method by the H-
theorem: A numerical test. Phys. Rev. E, 62:7999–8003, Dec 2000.
[5] Bruce M Boghosian, Jeffrey Yepez, Peter V Coveney, and Alexander Wager. Entropic lattice boltz-
mann methods. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineer-
ing Sciences, 457(2007):717–766, 2001.
[6] P. L. Bhatnagar, E. P. Gross, and M. Krook. A model for collision processes in gases. i. small
amplitude processes in charged and neutral one-component systems. Phys. Rev., 94:511–525, May

207 4


François Dubois 12
1 LMSSC, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris
2 Department of Mathematics, University Paris Sud, Orsay
30 May 2018

The lattice Boltzmann scheme in his actual form has been developed with the contributions of Lallemand,
Succi, d’Humières, Luo [1, 2, 3, 4] and many others. In order to derive the equivalent partial differential
equations, a classical of the Chapman Enskog expansion is popular in the lattive Boltzmann community
(see e.g. [4]). A main drawback of this approach is the fact that multiscale expansions are used without a
clear mathematical signification of the various variables and functions. Independently of this framework,
we have proposed in [5, 6] the Taylor expansion method to obtain formally equivalent partial differential
equations. The infinitesimal variable is simply the time step (proportional to the space step with the
acoustic scaling). This approach has been experimentaly validated in various contributions [7, 8]. A
third order extension for fluid flow has been proposed in [9] and an efficient implementation up to fourth
order accuracy is presented in [10].
In this contribution, we consider a regular lattice L composed by vertices x separated by distances that
are simple expressions of the space step ∆x. A discrete time t is supposed to be an integer multiple of a
time step ∆t > 0. A very general lattice Boltzmann scheme with q discrete velocities of the form

f j (x, t + ∆t) = f j∗ (x − v j ∆t, t) , 0 ≤ j < q .

The distribution f ∗ after relaxation is defined with moments m such that

mk = ∑ Mk` f j .

The d’Humières matrix [3] M is invertible and we decompose the moments in the following way:
m≡ .

The conserved variables W are not modified after relaxation: W ∗ = W . The microscopic variables Y
are changed in a nonlinear way by the relaxationprocess:

Y ∗ = Y + S (Φ(W ) −Y ) .

The matrix S is invertible, and ofter chosen as diagonal. It is supposed to be fixed in the asymptotic
process presented hereafter. The equilibrium values Y eq = Φ(W ) are given smooth functions of the
conserved variables. When ∗∗ is evaluated, we have simply

f ∗ = M −1 m∗ .

With this general framework, we determine in this contribution an asymptotic system of partial differen-
tial equations for the conserved variables:

∂t W + Γ1 (W ) + ∆t Γ2 (W ) + ∆t 2 Γ3 (W ) = O(∆t 3 )

208 1
and an asymptotic expansion for the microscopic variables as a differential nonlinear function of the
conserved variables:
Y = Φ(W ) + ∆t Φ1 (W ) + ∆t 2 Φ2 (W ) + O(∆t 3 ) .
The coefficients Γ1 , Φ1 , Γ2 , Φ2 and Γ3 of this expansion are recursively determined as a function of the
data v j , M, Φ(W ) and S. We compare our new result with the particular third order expansion proposed
in [9] and the linear approach presented in [10].

[1] FJ. Higuera, S. Succi, R. Benzi. Lattice gas dynamics with enhanced collisions, Europhysics Letters, volume 9,
issue 4, p. 345-349, 1991.
[2] YH Qian, D d’Humières, P. Lallemand. Lattice BGK models for Navier-Stokes equation, Europhysics Letters,
volume 17, issue 6, p. 479-484, 1992.
[3] D. d’Humières. Generalized Lattice-Boltzmann Equations, in Rarefied Gas Dynamics: Theory and Simula-
tions, volume 159 of AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Astronautics, p. 450-458, 1992.
[4] P. Lallemand and L.-S. Luo. Theory of the Lattice Boltzmann Method: Dispersion, Dissipation, Isotropy,
Galilean Invariance, and Stability, Physical Review E, volume 61, 6546, 2000.
[5] F. Dubois. Une introduction au schéma de Boltzmann sur rà seau, ESAIM Proceedings, volume 18, p. 181-
215, 2007.
[6] F. Dubois. Equivalent partial differential equations of a lattice Boltzmann scheme, Computers and Mathemat-
ics with Applications, volume 55, p. 1441-1449, 2008.
[7] F. Dubois, P. Lallemand. Towards higher order lattice Boltzmann schemes, Journal of Statistical Mechanics:
Theory and Experiment, P06006, 2009.
[8] F. Dubois, P. Lallemand. Quartic Parameters for Acoustic Applications of Lattice Boltzmann Scheme, Com-
puters and Mathematics with Applications, volume 61, issue 12, p. 3404-3416, 2011.
[9] F. Dubois. Third order equivalent equation of lattice Boltzmann scheme, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical
Systems-Series A, volume 23, issue 1/2, p. 221-248, 2009.
[10] A. Augier, F. Dubois, B. Graille et P. Lallemand. On rotational invariance of Lattice Boltzmann schemes,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, volume 67, issue 2, p. 239-255, 2014.

209 2



Paulo Guilherme Inca1 , Gabriel Maidl 2 , Eduardo Massashi Yamao 3 , Renato de Arruda Penteado Neto
4 , Leandro dos Santos Coelho 5 , Cintia de Carvalho Toledo 6

1 Lactec and Federal University of Parana,

2 Lactec and Pontifical Catholic University of Parana,
3 Lactec,
4 Lactec,
5 Pontifical Catholic University of Parana and Federal University of Parana,
6 U. E. G. Araucaria,

1. Introduction
The usage of natural gas to generate power has been increasing over the years. This is explained by
the fact that natural gas fuel emits less pollutant when compared with coal, for instance [1]. However,
awareness with climate change has also been raising over the last decades [2]. This scenario makes
companies that produces energy seek for solutions that reduces the amount of pollutant emitted by their
power plants, while trying not to reduce the power generated.
Some researches aiming to reduce the emissions of SO2 , NOx , CO, and CO2 include the installation
of pollutant cleaning, switching to low-emission fuels, replacement of aged parts of the power plant, and
emissions dispatch [3]. This environment awareness and the legislation that regulates pollutant emissions
by power plants, enforce companies to be under a certain limit. The Brazilian legislation delimits the
level of pollutant gases emission in the environment coming from energy production in power plants. It
also applies fines and criminal penalties to companies emitting over the limit [4].
The energy consumption is also rising all over the world. If it keep the trend, energy demand is
supposed to increase 65% from 2004 to 2030. Nevertheless, most of the energy consumed worldwide
is not renewable [5]. Considering these reasons, developing new methodologies to reduce the emissions
of harmful gases that pollute the atmosphere or make the combustion of the fuel more efficient is likely
to scale down the environmental impact caused by the energy production from thermal power plants.
Therefore, this paper proposes a optimization of power generated by a combined cycle heavy-duty gas
turbine using the Self-adaptive Differential Evolution (SaDE) algorithm.

2. Combustion Chamber
The combustion chamber studied in this article is part of a heavy-duty gas turbine used for power genera-
tion in a gas power plant. The gas turbine operates using natural gas in a combined cycle, where the hot
gases generated by the combustion in the gas turbine are used to move a steam turbine. The combustion
system is composed by sixteen combustion chambers, assembled in a circular arrangement.
Each combustion chamber has a basket, where the combustion occurs, a transition piece, which
directs the hot gases produced in the combustion to the turbine, and a set of injectors, which has a
pilot injector surrounded by eight secondary injectors. These injectors conduct the gas fuel into the
combustion chamber through calibrated holes that promote a strong turbulence, favoring the mixture
between the compressed air that comes from the compressor, and the fuel.The secondary injectors are

210 1
geometrically equal and they are called stages A and B, alternately arranged around the pilot injector.
The pilot injector differs from the others by its size and presence of a complementary part used for air
injection, which characterizes the low NOx emission system.

3. Models Identification
The modeling of both power and NOx models uses the gas demand in the stages A, B, C, and pilot, and
the ambient temperature in Celsius. The NOx model also take into consideration the power generated
by the turbine in Megawatts (MW). The process of identification of these models uses neural networks,
with a variation of the standard network which is called Radial Basis Function (RBF) [6]. An RBF
neural network uses a Gaussian function as the activation function and it is used in many applications for
function approximation.

4. Optimization Procedure
Different techniques can be used to solve optimization problems, such as convex programming [7] and
metaheuristics [8]. This research is focused on metaheuristic optimization which uses stochastic methods
to search for the global minimum and maximum of the objective function, aiming to avoid local soluti-
ons. Although these methods may not always find the optimal solution, the result is often a satisfactory
solution for the problem [9], and it is restricted in the feasible region, meaning that the answer found
respects all the constraints of the problem. Furthermore, metaheuristics are a class of algorithms that can
solve the problems in a reasonable amount of time.

4.1. Differential Evolution

Differential Evolution (DE) is population-based method, stochastic function optimizer which was firstly
introduced by Storn and Price. This meta-heuristic draw attention due to its performance on the First
International Contest on Evolutionary Computation managing to finish at the third place. After that, a
detailed description of the algorithm was presented in [10]. Following the success of this algorithm many
variants derived from the original method [11], and it was applied in a variety engineering problems [12].

4.2. Self-adaptive Differential Evolution

In the classical Differential Evolution there are three control parameters that have to be set by the user,
they are the mutation factor, the crossover rate (CR), and the population size. It is well known that there
are some specific values of CR that make the algorithm converge much faster [13]. Empirical studies
have suggested values to be used in this parameters [10] and [14].
To tackle this time consuming fine tune of the control parameters Qin, Huang, and Suganthan in-
troduced the Self-adaptive Differential Evolution (SaDE) [15]. This algorithm adapts the value of the
mutation factor and the crossover rate. The only parameter left to user is the population size. Moreover,
it has a poll of strategies in the mutation operator that is also adapted to choose the strategy that is more
likely to generate a trial chromosome that will survive to the next generation.

4.3. Objective function

Using the models of power and NOx to simulate the process of power generation and NOx emissions
by the thermal power plant, the objective is to maximize the power, this means adjust the valves of the
combustion chamber to decide which gas demand produces more energy. The restriction of this problem
is the NOx emissions, that must be under a certain limit.
In this research only a specific range of generated power is optimized. In this interval, the gas
demand of the stage B is the value as the gas demand of the stage A. Hence, the optimization procedure
only manipulates the stages A, C, and pilot.

211 2
5. Results
This chapter brins the results of the power generation optimization. To run the SaDE optimization,
the parameters setup were selected empirically and the best results were with a population size of 10
chromosomes with a maximum of 1000 generations.
For the models simulation it has been defined a variation of temperature and different values to the
restriction limit of NOx emission. Each simulation setup was executed 10 times and the best fitness was
considered. The search space for the combustion chamber stages were set from 0 to 4.5 kilograms per
second of natural gas for the stages A and B, from 0 to 2.5 kilograms per second for stage C, and from
0 to 2.0 kilograms per second for the pilot stage. This is the physical limitation of gas demand in the

5.1. Obtained Results

The best result of 10 executions for each scenario is shown in the from Table 2 to Table 3, where A, B, C,
and Pilot are the turbine stages, GD is the gas demand which is the sum of gas in the four stages and AT
is the ambient temperature of the simulation parameter, and OP is the output power in MW optimized by
the optimization procedure. In Table 3 NOx is also specified since no restriction has been set.

Tabela 1: Optimal stages configuration for 20 ppm%02 NOx restriction

A B C Pilot GD AT OP
3.41 3.41 0.35 0.62 7.80 18 116.81
3.31 3.31 0.34 0.65 7.61 23 113.43

Tabela 2: Optimal stages configuration for 25 ppm%02 NOx restriction

A B C Pilot GD AT OP
4.36 4.36 0.19 0.45 9.36 18 152.50
4.08 4.08 0.29 0.46 8.91 23 140.09

Tabela 3: Optimal stages configuration for no NOx restriction

A B C Pilot GD AT OP NOx
4.36 4.36 0 0.61 9.33 18 158.51 30.17
4.36 4.36 0 0.61 9.33 23 158.51 33.19

From the results it is possible to notice that if the NOx emissions is more restricted, meaning that
less pollutant gases should be emitted, the gas turbine will produce less power. Without any emission
restriction is where the turbine can produce more energy, as shown in Table 3, although it exceeds the
legal maximum proposed by Brazilian authorities. For a NOx restriction of 20 PPM%O2 the efficiency of
the turbine will be reduced on average 21%, Table 1. Finally, the environment temperature affects directly
the NOx emissions, thus an increase in the ambient temperature incurs a decrease on the maximum power
generated by the turbine in due to emissions constraint, as shown in 1 and 2.

6. Conclusion
The present research has provided an experimental study on the power generation of a heavy duty gas
turbine taking into account environmental restrictions. The optimization method applied in this expe-
riments has shown to be appropriate, hence the convergence to the optimal value has occurred with a
small population and few generations. Moreover, the usage of this optimization method has reduced the
amount of computer processing due to the good parameters setup. All results found for different environ-
ment temperature, desired output power, and NOx emissions limits are within the legislation restrictions

212 3
and are the optimal adjustment for the gas demand of each stage of the combustion chamber. It was
also presented an hypothetical results with NOx emissions restriction slightly below the current Brazilian
regulation to demonstrate that the simulations can cope well with different scenarios of the emissions
limits regulations.

[1] M. T. Tolmasquim. Energia Termeletrica: Gas natural, Biomassa, Carvao, Nuclear. Rio de Ja-
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[2] Nnamdi I. Nwulu and Xiaohua Xia. Multi-objective dynamic economic emission dispatch of elec-
tric power generation integrated with game theory based demand response programs. Energy Con-
version and Management, 89(Supplement C):963 – 974, 2015.
[3] J. H. Talaq, F. El-Hawary, and M. E. El-Hawary. A summary of environmental/economic dispatch
algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 9(3):1508–1516, Aug 1994.
[4] Brasil Conama. Dispoe sobre padroes de qualidade do ar, previstos no pronar. Diario Oficial da
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[5] Manuchehr Irandoust. The renewable energy-growth nexus with carbon emissions and technologi-
cal innovation: Evidence from the nordic countries. Ecological Indicators, 69(Supplement C):118
– 125, 2016.
[6] Chien-Cheng Lee, Pau-Choo Chung, Jea-Rong Tsai, and Chein-I Chang. Robust radial basis func-
tion neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics),
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[7] Sébastien Bubeck. Convex optimization: Algorithms and complexity. Found. Trends Mach. Learn.,
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[8] Ilhem Boussaïd, Julien Lepagnot, and Patrick Siarry. A survey on optimization metaheuristics.
Information Sciences, 237(Supplement C):82 – 117, 2013. Prediction, Control and Diagnosis using
Advanced Neural Computations.
[9] Ibrahim H. Osman and Gilbert Laporte. Metaheuristics: A bibliography. Annals of Operations
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[10] Rainer Storn and Kenneth Price. Differential evolution – a simple and efficient heuristic for global
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[11] S. Das and P. N. Suganthan. Differential evolution: A survey of the state-of-the-art. Trans. Evol.
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[12] Kit Po Wong and Zhao Yang Dong. Differential evolution, an alternative approach to evolutionary
algorithm. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on, Intelligent Systems Application
to Power Systems, pages 73–83, Nov 2005.
[13] F. Penunuri, C. Cab, O. Carvente, M.A. Zambrano-Arjona, and J.A. Tapia. A study of the classical
differential evolution control parameters. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 26(Supplement
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[14] J. Ronkkonen, S. Kukkonen, and K. V. Price. Real-parameter optimization with differential evolu-
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13(2):398–417, April 2009.

213 4



Gabriela Bandeira de Melo Lins de Albuquerque1, Valdir Pignatta e Silva2, João Paulo
Correia Rodrigues3
University of São Paulo – Brazil and University of Coimbra – Portugal,
University of São Paulo – Brazil,
University of Coimbra – Portugal,

This paper presents the basis for the conception of a three-dimensional finite element model capable of
simulating the flexural behavior of simply supported reinforced concrete beams. The modeling was
performed from the software DIANA [1], considering the characteristics of the full scale beams that
were submitted to four-point bending tests by the authors of this research in the Laboratory of Testing
Materials and Structures of University of Coimbra, Portugal. Besides the concrete beam itself, the
geometry of the model has the steel plates used to distribute the applied loads, the blocks of the roller
and pinned supports and the longitudinal and transverse reinforcements (Figs 1 and 2). Crack
formation and propagation was incorporated from a rotating crack model [2], that is based on smeared
cracking approach, initially proposed by [3]. The crack bandwidth was automatically determined by
the software with the use of Rots’ element based method [4]. The effects of material softening, as well
as the concrete stiffening between cracks, were other phenomena included to represent its nonlinear
behavior. Both the exponential [5] and the parabolic models [6], adopted to mimic the response of
concrete to tensile and compressive stresses, respectively, were derived from the principles of fracture
mechanics. The compressive strength and the density of the concrete were defined by experimental
tests, while its other mechanical properties were calculated from [7, 8]. The steel of the loads
distribution plates and of the support blocks was characterized from an isotropic linear-elastic
constitutive model with mechanical properties calculated from [9]. An elasto-plastic stress-strain
diagram with hardening was chosen to simulate the behavior of the reinforcements, for which some
mechanical properties were again measured by experimental tests and the others defined according to
the standard [10]. The 3D model was discretized with a mesh of a twenty-node isoparametric solid
brick elements with three degrees of freedom that are based on quadratic interpolation and Gauss
integration, applying a 3 point integration scheme to solve the stiffness matrix of the element. Those
elements are the most recommended for the analysis of concrete structures as they can describe a
greater number of deformation modes [1, 11]. The reinforcements were embedded in the mesh of the
"mother elements" and considered as uniaxial bar elements. Therefore, they didn't have degrees of
freedom of their own and their mechanical properties were calculated only in the longitudinal
direction, in a 2 point integration scheme. Perfect bond between the reinforcement and the surrounding
material was considered. An element size of 40 x 40 x 40 mm was defined after a mesh sensitivity
analysis. It was verified that this FE mesh presented a good equilibrium between accuracy and
efficiency. The behavior of the reinforced concrete beam was evaluated from a nonlinear structural
analysis, in which the equations related to the problem were iteratively solved by the Newton-Raphson
Regular method with the tangent stiffness matrix being derived for every iteration. The load increment

applied to the beam was performed by force control, with relatively small load steps (1 kN). Due to the
high degree of nonlinear phenomena involved and the feasible difficulty to converge some steps, the
arc length control was activated for some critical stages of the analysis, such as the beginning of the
concrete cracking. The convergence criterion was controlled by the displacement norm, assuming a
tolerance equal to 5 x 10-2. In order to increase the convergence rate and to maintain stable solutions,
the line search algorithm was also applied [12, 13]. The model was validated by comparing predicted
to experimental data. Good agreement was verified for the curves of applied loads vs deflections of the
beam (Fig 3). The crack fields, including the crack widths, also managed to be quite representative of
those measured during the experimental tests (Fig 4). The flexural failure modes were achieved by
means of the numerical model too, as can be seen in Fig 5. Thus, the consistency of the hypotheses
adopted for the numerical modeling presented in this research was demonstrated, since it was able to
represent in a satisfactory and accurate way the flexural behavior of simply supported reinforced
concrete beams.

Fig 1 Geometry of the beam, of the steel plates used to Fig 2 Detail of the longitudinal and transverse
distribute the applied loads and of the supports blocks reinforcements embedded in the geometry of the beam

P [kN]

15 A_ka0_kr0_1
10 A_ka0_kr0_2
5 A_ka0_kr0_3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
dv,s2 [mm]
Fig 3 Comparison between experimental and numerical curves of applied loads vs beam deflection

Fig 4 Crack field obtained by DIANA, with the values of crack width Ecw1, compared to the one measured during
experimental tests for 25 kN of total applied load

Fig 5 Comparison between beam deformed shapes for the maximum deflection measured during tests


[1] DIANA FEA. User’s manual: release 10.1. Delft: DIANA FEA BV, 2016a. 13 v.
[2] Cope R. J. et al. Modelling of reinforced concrete behaviour for finite element analysis of bridge
slabs. In: Numerical methods for nonlinear problems 1. Swansea: Pineridge Press, 1980. p. 457-470.
[3] Rashid Y. R. Ultimate strength analysis prestressed concrete pressure vessels. Nuclear
Engineering and Design, v. 7, n. 4, p. 334-344, 1968.
[4] Rots J. G. Computational modeling of concrete fracture. 1988. 132 p. PhD Thesis, Delft University
of Technology, Delft, 1988.
[5] Vecchio F. J., Collins M. P. The modified compression-field theory for reinforced concrete
elements subjected to shear. ACI Journal, v. 83, n. 22, p. 219-231, 1986.

[6] Feenstra P. H. Computational aspects of biaxial stress in plain and reinforced concrete. 1993. 151
p. PhD Thesis, Delft University of Technology, Delft, 1993.
[7] European Committee for Standardization. EN 1992-1-1: Eurocode 2: design of concrete structures
- part 1.1: general rules and rules for buildings. Brussels: CEN, 2004. 225 p.
[8] Comité Euro-International du Béton. CEB-FIP MC 2010: fib Model Code for concrete structures
2010. 2011. 653 p.
[9] European Committee for Standardization. EN 1993-1-1: Eurocode 3: design of steel structures -
part 1.1: general rules and rules for buildings. Brussels: CEN, 2005. 91 p.
[10] European Committee for Standardization. EN 1992-1-2: Eurocode 2: design of concrete
structures - part 1.2: general rules - structural fire design. Brussels: CEN, 2004. 97 p.
[11] Belletti B. et al. Guidelines for nonlinear finite analysis of concrete structures. Utrecht:
Rijkswaterstaat Centre for Infrastructure, 2016. 66 p. (Rijkswaterstaat Technical Document RTD:
[12] Crisfield M. A. Accelerated solution techniques and concrete cracking. Computer Methods in
Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v. 33, n. 1-3, p. 585-607, 1982.
[13] Schweizerhof K. Consistent concept for line search algorithms in combination with arclength
constraints. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, v. 9, n. 9, p.
773-784, 1993.



T. A. A. Oliveira1, G. Gomes2, F. Evangelista Junior3, A. M. Delgado Neto4

University of Brasilia

1. Introduction

This paper shows an analysis of multiple cracks in an aircraft fuselage through the automation in
software specialized to evaluate the cracks propagation - BemCracker2D [1, 2]. The first analysis
refers to the macro element in which is performed a rivet modeling at the software BemLab2D [3] and
analyzed via Dual Boundary Element Method the SIF at BemCracker2D. With the SIF, the stresses in
a micro element are then calculated. This micro element is composed by two pre-established initial
cracks and a circular hole. As a result, there is relationship between fatigue life (number of load
cycles) and compliance of the edges of this micro element at each crack increment. The main objective
is evaluating the compliance of micro elements under several levels of loads, cracks, and holes. And as
specific objectives: obtaining edge displacements at each crack propagation and the number of loading
cycles for each increment.

2. Material and Methods

The methodology of this paper consists of the analysis via Dual Boundary Elements Method of fatigue
life of aircraft fuselage with two cracks pre-established and a circular hole. For this, an aircraft
fuselage panel model, representing the macro analysis, was automated in order to obtain elastic
stresses in the regions of these voids.

2.1. Macro model analysis

BemLab2D was used to create the boundary element mesh to represent the numerical model (see
Figure 1), and the BemCracker2D to compute the SIF.

Figure 1: Boundary element mesh of the macro model with BemLab2D.

SIF values are listed in Table 1.
Analytical Numerical
Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 Tip 4 Tip 5 Tip 6
0.07092803 0.07155231 0.07155169 0.07156367 0.07156367 0.07155169 0.07155231
Table 1: Analytical and numerical SIF results.
These results therefore present the purpose of corroborating the model and the subsequent analysis to
be performed.
2.2. Micro model analysis
With the SIF computed, the stress field at the crack tip is calculated through the Eqs. (1), (2) and (3)
according to [4]. To the tip 1 in Figure 1 (KI=0.07155231).
𝐾𝐾𝐼𝐼 𝜃𝜃 𝜃𝜃 3𝜃𝜃
𝜎𝜎𝑥𝑥 = cos �1 − sin sin � (1)
√2𝜋𝜋𝜋𝜋 2 2 2
𝐾𝐾𝐼𝐼 𝜃𝜃 𝜃𝜃 3𝜃𝜃
𝜎𝜎𝑦𝑦 = cos �1 + sin sin � (2)
√2𝜋𝜋𝜋𝜋 2 2 2
𝐾𝐾𝐼𝐼 𝜃𝜃 𝜃𝜃 3𝜃𝜃
𝜏𝜏𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥 = sin �cos cos � (3)
√2𝜋𝜋𝜋𝜋 2 2 2
where KI is the SIF, r the distance to the tip and θ the angle.
Figure 2 shows the stress field near the crack tip for three different angles used to the analysis in the
micro element.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2: Stress field for different angles θ
a) θ=0° b) θ=45° c) θ=90°

As near the crack in the case of the LEFM the stresses tend to infinity near the crack tip, in order to
calculate the maximum ones in the elastic stage it was used r as the distance of the Irwin’s plastic zone
(2𝑟𝑟𝑝𝑝 ).
The stresses field values are listed in Table 2.

Angle σx σy τ
θ=0° 239.00 239.00 0.00
θ=45° 142.74 298.88 32.34
θ=90° 84.50 253.50 -84.50
Table 2: Stresses Fields

The micro model is highlighted in Figure 3, which shows two pre-established cracks and a central
circular hole. For the analysis, a BemLab2D model of a 1 cm square side element was adopted with
the stresses calculated in Eqs. (2) to (4) and displacement constraint on the left and lower sides, with a
central hole of radius 0.1 cm and two 0.1 cm cracks inclined 45°.

Figure 3 - Model of the Micro Element.

3. Results

According to each increment there are the points for the construction of the fatigue life curve (N) x
Compliance in (m/N) of both the right and upper edge, shown in Figures 4, 5 and 6 for θ=0°, 45° and
90°, respectively. It can be seen that as the crack propagates (number of cycles) compliance increases.
This is due to the fact that the edge displacement rates increase gradually due to the loss of rigidity of
the plate with the crack increments, so that when the number of cycles reaches about 106, the edge
displacements are already quite amplified, resulting in high compliance. It is also seen Figure 4 that
due to the symmetry of the plate layout, the graph of Crack 1 Tip 1 is equal to that of Crack 2 Tip 2
and that of Crack 1 Tip 2 is equal to that of Crack 2 Tip 1.

Figure 4: Load cycles x Compliance for θ=0°

4. Conclusions

Regarding the use of software (BemLab2D and BemCracker2D), the results found for SIF validation
were very close to the analytical ones with identical values up to the second decimal place. Therefore,
it can be concluded that the use of these were satisfactory resulting in output data as expected.

Figure 5: Load cycles x Compliance for θ=45°

Figure 6: Load cycles x Compliance for θ=90°

5. Acknowledgement

The authors are grateful to the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq), to the Brazilian
Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education (CAPES) for the supporting funds for this
research and to Federal District Research Support Foundation (FAP-DF).
6. References

[1] Gomes, G. "Data Structure for Representing Bidimensional Models of Boundary Elements". MSc.
Thesis, Brazilia University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Brazilia, 2000.
[2] Gomes, G. "Aplication of BEM and DRM in in Object Oriented 2D Plasticity Problems". DSc.
Thesis, Brazilia Univeristy. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Brazilia, 2006.
[3] Delgado Neto, A. "BEMLBA2D: Graphical Interface for Modeling, Visualization and Analysis
with Boundary Elements - An Application in Elastomeric Problems". MSc. Thesis, Brazilia University,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Brazilia, 2017.
[4] Anderson, T. L., 2005. Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications. CRC Press. Boca.



Jether Gomes1, Thiago M. R. Dias¹, Gray F. Moita1


¹CEFET-MG - Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais Av. Amazonas, 7675,
Nova Gameleira, 30510-000 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

The publication of scientific papers has increased significantly in recent years. Consequently, several
studies on scientific production data have been carried out in order to analyze what has been
researched. Since the understanding of how research has evolved can, for example, serve as a basis for
the construction of scientific policies. Thus, the objective of this work is to identify and analyze the
main topics of research published between 1962 and 2016 in congress annals and journals by Brazilian
PhD researchers who work in engineering.

Keywords: Keywords. Research topics. Bibliometrics. Lattes Platform.

The internet and its services have been instrumental in the impressive growth in the number of
publications of scientific articles in recent decades. According to Dias [9], the great ease of accessing
the articles made available on the Internet contributes directly to the expansion of knowledge. On the
other hand, according to Yi and Choi [8], understanding about the evolution of scientific production
can promote new advances in science. In Brito et. al. [1], the authors point out that works of this
nature are considered urgent in Brazil and can portray what is developed and published in science,
technology and innovation, making it possible to generate parameters to guide efforts and investments
in order to boost research results.
As a consequence of this, there is a global growth in the number of researchers from all areas to
extract knowledge about what has been developed in science ([9]; [6]; [5]; [10]; [11]). At this point, it
is important to emphasize that the work can be carried out under different perspectives, such as:
productivity indicators, scientific collaboration and analysis of research topics. In the latter case, a
topic can be understood as a term (or descriptor) that represents one of the subjects associated with a
particular document.
At the national level, however, very few studies are doing research topics, and when they do, they
usually use a restricted amount of data that comes from specific international repositories, and
therefore can not represent what is produced in the Brazil. Thus, analyzing data from repositories that
encompasses several types of publications, especially in national vehicles and in several areas of
knowledge, becomes a relevant task for understanding the evolution of Brazilian science. In this
context, Ferraz et. al. [7] points out that the large volume of data in the curriculum repository of the
Lattes Platform represents the most important instrument for studies on Brazilian scientific production.

One of the most interesting approaches for studies of research topics is the analysis of the
keywords of a set of scientific publications, since they are carefully inserted by their respective authors
and provide a possibility to describe the main subjects that permeate the work ([8]; [3]). Thus, in the
current work, keywords of scientific articles are also referred to as research topics.
In addition, for Pritchard [2], bibliometrics stands out as one of the main metric sciences of
content analysis and can be applied to scientific data repositories in order to obtain quantitative
information about publications. While in Dias [9], the author emphasizes that with the use of
bibliometrics it is possible to identify the trends and growth of scientific knowledge in several areas,
observe the dispersion of scientific knowledge, support investment policies and understand how
scientific developments occur.
Therefore, this study aims to analyze all keywords of scientific articles referring to large area
engineering, published in congress annals and journals between 1962 and 2016 by the Brazilian PhD
researchers who have curricula registered in the Lattes Platform. The study contemplates bibliometric
analyzes of the keywords in order to identify and map the main research topics in engineering by
Brazilian researchers.

The motivation of choosing the Lattes Platform as a source of information is basically related to
four factors: (1) data are available on the internet and not widely analyzed ([6]); (2) to deal with the
integration of scientific production data of all the areas of S & T that exist in Brazilian science along
the whole trajectory; (3) for not neglecting articles published in national journals that are often not
indexed, as well as articles in congress annals ([9]); and, (4) as a powerful source for providing high
quality data to measure and measure national academic performance.
The acquisition of the PhD's curricula in the XML version was done through the use of
LattesDataXplorer, developed by Dias [9] to collect the scientific data contained in the curricula
registered in the Lattes Platform. Subsequently, a framework of components was developed
responsible for processing the data of the curricula in order to support the desired analyzes (Figure 1).
In it, the components "data filtering" and "data treatment" are responsible for the entire process of
selecting, treating and modeling information from the curricula that actually need to be processed to
achieve the proposed objectives, and, at the same time, computational processing.

Figure 1. A set of components developed for filtering and processing data.

The "filtering" component performs the mining step in the curricula to extract information from
the articles, storing them separately in a scientific publications archive, thereby defining the core data
set to be studied. Information from the articles include: curriculum identifier; large area of publication;
year of publication; type of publication; title and keywords. For this work, it was considered all the
publications in congress annals and in journals that have as great area, the engineering. On the other
hand, the "treatment" component processes data from the archive of scientific publications to treat and
characterize them and builds from them a set of standard results files to facilitate analysis. This
component basically performs three steps, namely: cleaning and grouping the data, normalizing the
data and building the files.
The cleaning and grouping the data step is for processing the keywords in such a way as to
exclude terms that do not represent study topics. It also groups distinct keywords that have the same
semantic value. For this, initially, the developed method obtains the keywords of each article analyzed.
Then, each of the keywords are associated with the language registered for the article, serving as
reference in the process of radicalization. The lowercase process converts all words to lowercase in
order to standardize the set. In the process of stopWords are removed the terms that do not have
semantic values. Subsequently, in the normalization process all accents and scores are taken from the
keywords. Finally, the process of radicalization is responsible for reducing the keyword to its radical.
However, in the case of composite keywords, this process is executed on each term individually, and,
concatenated in a single word.
At the normalizing the data stage, all the articles in the scientific publications archive are
processed to identify and process the collaborative works. This procedure is performed for data from
the same scientific article not being considered more than once during the analyzes. In order to do so,
it was necessary to adapt the ISCooll method proposed by Dias and Moita [11] to identify high-
volume scientific collaborations with linear cost data. Thus, while the original ISCooll method uses a
dictionary to link articles (keys of a dictionary) to their authors (curriculum identifiers), the adapted
ISCooll method adopts a dictionary to link the titles of articles to the union set of their keywords.
Finally, the building the files is intended to facilitate the analyzes and contribute to the reduction
of the data to be processed. For more comprehensive analyzes, the standard results files were divided
into: files that consider works done in co-authoring (processed through cleaning and normalization
steps) and those containing the entire set of articles (processed only by the cleaning step). Therefore,
three files of the following formats were constructed: (1) Individuals file by keywords (Curriculum
identifier, keyword1, ... keywordN); (2) Keyword archive by year and large area (Keyword, year,
frequency and large area) and (3) Keyword frequency file by year and publication quantity (Year,
keyword frequency, amount of publication and large area).

Results and Discussions

Data were collected in April 2017, totaling 265,170 PhD's curricula, where 23.437 of these
curricula have engineering as their main area of expertise. For the analyzes were considered all the
unique articles (collaboration) published by the doctors in congress annals and in journals between
1962 and 2016 referring to the large area of engineering, totaling 906.775 articles and 2.626.707
keywords. In addition, it should be noted that most of the curricula were recently updated, with 47%
having a date last updated in 2017 and 72% updated in the last two years. In spite of this, it is worth
mentioning that, according to Dias [9], the non-updating of the rest of the curricula may have varied
and difficult to recognize reasons.
In continuation, to know the topics that are the main research topics in the last 55 years of
engineering research in Brazil, all the keywords processed were ranked according to the importance of
a topic based on frequency. Table 1 presents the top 15 research topics studied in engineering in

Table 1: Main topics of study used by individuals who work in Engineering.
Rank 1962-2016 Frequency
1 Composites 6.088
2 Optimization 5.535
3 Concrete 5.300
4 Simulation 4.994
5 Corrosion 4.937
6 Recycling 4.388
7 Biodiesel 4.360
8 Modeling 4.155
9 Ergonomics 3.977
10 Biomaterial 3.958
11 Ceramics 3.852
12 Mechanical Property 3.755
13 Finite elements 3.715
14 Solid Waste 3.611
15 Adsorption 3.579

Finally, it is emphasized that this type of analysis is characterized as an important mechanism,

since it makes it possible to identify the most impacting topics within a research community in each
epoch. When analyzing the keywords of the curricula registered in the Lattes Platform it is possible to
consider publications made in congresses annals, which is not feasible when verifying international
data repository or in non-indexed journals. Therefore, it is possible to obtain a more precise view of
the topics most investigated over time by the Brazilian researchers in the areas of engineering and,
from this, to perform analyzes about phenomena and tendencies to extract knowledge to be used in the
most varied types of decision in the scientific field. However, despite the validity of the results, it is
noticed that the analysis of the keywords using only measure of popularity importance based on
frequency is influenced quantitatively, which, in the case of the Lattes Platform that has articles
published in the most varied conferences and periodicals with different levels of qualities, only
quantitative analyzes can lead to misperceptions. Thus, as future studies, it is expected that analyzes
will be performed considering temporal factors to determine the relevance of a topic in each epoch,
analyzes based on social network techniques to determine the most central keywords, and qualitative
characteristics appropriate to the context of the Lattes Platform.

[1] A. G. C. de Brito, L. Quoniam, and J. P. Mena-Chalco, “Exploração da plataforma lattes por assunto:
proposta de metodologia,” Transinformação-ISSN 2318-0889, vol. 28, no. 1, 2016.
[2] A. Pritchard, “Statistical bibliography or bibliometrics,” Journal of documentation, vol. 25, pp. 348, 1969.
[3] G. F. Khan and J. Wood, “Information technology management domain: Emerging themes and keyword
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[8] S. Yi and J. Choi, “The organization of scientific knowledge: the structural characteristics of keyword
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The Fuzzy Logic Technique for Emulation of the Decision-making

Process during Human Movement Simulation

H.C. Braga1, G.F. Moita2, Paulo E.M. Almeida3


Abstract. Not rarely the movement of people is linked to the flow behaviour of particles, or even to a
behaviour similar to that found in fluid dynamics. Thus, the modelling of the movement can benefit
from the knowledge already established for the flow of particles and fluids. However, in addition to the
dynamic aspects already established, there are, concurrently in moving people, human factors, such as
cognitive and social phenomena. Thus, for most adequate models, is necessary consider these human
aspects. In previous work was used the model Fuga to simulate the evacuation process of some
environments. This model uses the Fuzzy Logic for emulation of decision-make human process. With
the fuzzy logic, it is possible work with qualitative and quantitative variables within the same process,
which is very useful to work with ergonomics aspects. However there are no commercial software
using fuzzy logic for simulate human movement, and even in academic contest there are very few.
Why? In this work will be detailed described how the Logic Fuzzy can be used in the context of human
movement simulation. The mainly advantages are specified, and examples will be showed. However
the disadvantages will be commented too. The mainly is probably the required time for a complete
fuzzy processing. In the simulation, each agent will pass for a complete fuzzy process several times
each second. The fuzzy logic is a process relatively sophisticated, and considering that in simulations
can participate hundreds, or until thousands, of agents, the processing time is an important factor to be
considered. However was developed a technique capable of improve the processing time for fuzzy logic
named Fuzzy Matrix. An example will be showed where the use of Fuzzy Matrix became the system
about 140 times faster. Thus the fuzzy logic appears a very promiser instrument to be used in pedestrian
Keywords: Fuzzy Logic; Human movement; Decision-make process; Multi-agent simulation.

1. Introduction
The movement of people sometimes is linked to the flow behaviour of particles, or even to a behaviour
similar to that found in fluid dynamics. Thus, the modelling of the movement can benefit from the
knowledge already established for the flow of particles and fluids. However, in addition to the dynamic
aspects already established, there are, concurrently in moving people, human factors, such as cognitive
and social phenomena. Thus, for most adequate models, is necessary consider these human aspects.
In previous works the model Fuga, developed to simulate the human movement in some environments,
both in situation of evacuation during an emergency [1, 2] and in bidirectional flows [3], was used. This
model uses Fuzzy Logic for the emulation of human decision-making process. With fuzzy logic, it is
possible to work with qualitative and quantitative variables within the same process, which is very
useful to deal with ergonomics aspects. However, there are no commercial software using fuzzy logic to
simulate human movement, and even in the academic context there are very few available. Thus, this
work describes how fuzzy logic can be efficiently used in the context of human movement simulation.
2. Fuzzy Decision-Making Process

One person located at any position of a given environment needs to take a decision in order to choose
the best route to a target (usually the nearest exit). Several variables are taken into account in this
process and different route options are available. For each route option, each person will calculate its
“quality”, named route quality (RQ). The higher the RQ value for a certain route, the more appropriate
is the choice of that route. Hence:
RQk = ƒFuzzy (inputsk) (1)
RQke = max (RQk) (2)
ke  k RQke RQk (3)

inputs = input variables;
ƒFuzzy = fuzzy system function response;
k = movement options;
ke = the option of movement effectively chosen;
RQk = each of the RQs for each of the k move options calculated by the fuzzy system; and
RQke = RQ of the effectively chosen route.

In Fuga v. 1.0, the input variables were AD, WE, PR, SL, IE and AE. Figure 1 shows the representation
of this adopted fuzzy system.

Figure 1: Representation of a fuzzy system for emulating human decision-making process [2].
- AD (Apparent Distance): AD is related to the distance of the agent to the exit or target obtained by
comparing the value of the distance map [4] of the location of the agent with the value of the distance
map of the neighbouring cell under analysis. The AD values will then be:
AD = 0, if in the comparison the apparent distance increases;
AD = 0.5, if it remains the same apparent distance; and
AD = 1, if the direction checked indicates a cell with less apparent distance than the current occupied.
- WE (Wall Effect): it is related to the search for the comfort zone [5]. Associated with the model,
there is an algorithm that verifies if there is a wall around the cell occupied by the agent. Thus, the WE
values will be:
WE = 0, if the neighbouring cell of the agent in question is also immediate neighbour to a wall (great
repulsive effect);
WE = 0.5, if the distance from any wall is of two matrix elements (each matrix element have 9 cm by
9 cm); and
WE = 1, if position is three or more matrix elements away from any wall (no repulsive effect).
- PR (Preferential Route): PR is obtained by comparing the direction of movement indicated by the
value of the escape route matrix of the cell of agent, with the effective direction of movement that the
agent would do to this neighbouring cell in verification. The PR values will then be:
PR = 0, if direction of movement of the agent to neighbouring cell in analysis is opposite to the
direction indicated by the cell of the matrix route of escape occupied by the agent;
PR = 0.5, if direction indicated is orthogonal; and
PR = 1, if the direction checked coincides with the indicated direction.

- SL (Stress Level): before each simulation (input parameter) the level of stress of the each agent (low,
medium, high or very high) was determine. Thus, based on the U-inverted hypothesis [6] and
depending on this previously defined stress level, the SL values will be:
SL = 0, for medium stress situations;
SL = AD, for situations of low or high stress; and
SL = rand (1), for situations of very high stress.
Additionally, SL also, regardless of its initial value, will have a random component. Thus, at each
iteration, the SL will have a probability (usually 5%) of having a random value.
- IE (Inertia Effect): IE is obtained by comparing the direction of movement that the agent would make
if it moved to this neighbouring cell with the last direction of movement. The IE values will then be:
IE = 0, if the direction is opposite to last performed;
IE = 0.5, if it is orthogonal to the last performed; and
IE = 1, if movement maintains the same direction of the last performed.
- Automata Effect (AE): there is an algorithm that verifies if there is another agent around the cell
occupied by the automaton associated with the model. Thus, the AE values will be:
AE = 0, if there is a neighbouring agent up to a distance of six matrix elements in the considered
direction; and
AE = 1, if the direction is not obstructed by agents.
For example, Figure 2 shows a sequence of images of an evacuation simulation with 400 persons in a
square environment of 200 m2 with two exits using this fuzzy system to choice the best route until the
nearest exit.

Figure 2: Sequence of images of an evacuation with a fuzzy decion-make process [2].

3. Enhancing The Fuzzy Performance

As showed, the fuzzy system can be used in order to emulate the decision-make process in a human
movement simulation. However, one of the factors that may be contributing to the difficulty of
applying fuzzy logic is its processing time. A fuzzy system encompasses a series of operations, such as
scalar to fuzzy conversion, all inference machine processing and its association to the rule bank, as
well as the final fuzzy conversion to scalar.
This whole process has some sophistication, therefore a high computational cost. Considering an
application in a process control, for example, the computational time spent for a complete cycle of a
fuzzy decision making technique may, in practice, be considered negligible, so it is not a limitation to
its use. However, multi-agent modelling can involve thousands of agents - or even more, where each
agent, individually, may need to perform several complete fuzzy processing cycles every second. In
this case, the processing time becomes a negative point to the use of this tool out of the academic
A possibility would be the direct use of fuzzy data, for example, in the form of a table (FT). Ideally this
FT should stay in the computer's dynamic memory, for the reduction in the search time, which will be a
great advantage. One issue is that input quantities may have continuous variations, that is, some criteria
should be adopted for the generation of FT. This TF would have as many columns as the input and
output quantities. An alternative to simplify this table, and also greatly facilitate the research on, is to
use the Fuzzy Matrix (FM) concept.

The FM is an array that has only the values of the output. Each of the input quantities is treated as one
different dimension. Knowing the values in each dimension (input quantities), the output value is
directly obtained. It will be necessary to convert the values of each input quantity of the FT into its
matrix equivalent index.
Table 1. Example of PR conversion from FT to FM.
Fuzzy Table Fuzzy Matrix
Input variable Input value Respective dimension Dimension index
0 1
PR 0.5 PRd 2
1 3

Thus, the RQ for each possible movement option can now be simply obtained reading the desired value
on the FM:
RQk = FM [PRd; ADd; WEd; SLd; IEd; AEd]k (4)
To verify the reduction of the processing time, a set of 10 complete fuzzy system by Fuga (random
values of the inputs) were carried out on an ASUS Notebook computer, Intel Core i5 2.53 GHz, 64 bits,
Windows 7, using the program Matlab 7.9.0 (R2009b) in its own programming environment and its
Fuzzy Toolbox package (FIS Editor).
As a result, the effective processing time of obtaining the output fuzzy value was reduced by about 140
times, which is very expressive and no doubt facilitates the expansion of the field of application of the
fuzzy logic. Regarding the quality of the result, the only expected difference is associated to the
rounding of the SL values to a multiple number of 0.1; since the other input quantities did not change.

4. Conclusions
The fuzzy logic technique can be considered a promising alternative tool to be used in human
movement simulation software in order to emulate the decision-make process. To enhance its results,
the use of fuzzy matrix concept can reduced very expressively the processing time without loss in the
quality of the information accurate. This is a valuable finding that contributes for a more efficient use of
the fuzzy logic in multi-agent simulations of complex systems.
The authors would like to thanks CEFET-MG, CNPq and CAPES for the financial support received
during this work.
[1] H.C. Braga, G.F. Moita, and P.E.M Almeida. Simulation of People Flow by a New Fuzzy Discrete
Automata Model and an Ergonomic Approach, Traffic and Granular Flow 2015, pp. 137-144,
[2] H.C. Braga, and G.F. Moita. Modeling with Fuzzy Logic the dynamic of people flow during the
evacuation of constructed environments dimensioned according to the Brazilian legislation. In:
11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2014, Barcelona. Proceedings ..., Barcelona:
CIMNE. v. V., p. 6458-6467, 2014.
[3] H.C. Braga, G.F. Moita, and P.E.M Almeida. Simulation with Fuzzy Logic of Human Movement
in Bidirectional Flows with the formation of Lane Formation and Jamming, Abakós, v. 6, n. 1, pp.
19-34, 2017.
[4] P.A. Thompson, and E.W. Marchant. Testing and application of the computer model SIMULEX,
Fire Safety Journal, n. 24, pp. 149-166, 1995.
[5] X. Pan, et al. A multi-agent based framework for the simulation of human and social behaviors
during emergency evacuations, AI and Society, n. 2, v. 22, pp. 113-132, 2007.
[6] M.A. Staal. Stress, cognition and human performance: a literature review and conceptual
framework, NASA, 171 p. TM 212824, 2004.




G.Giuntoli 1 , S. Oller 2 , M. Vázquez 3 , G. Houzeaux 4

1 Barcelona Supercomputing Center,
2 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya,
3 Barcelona Supercomputing Center,
4 Barcelona Supercomputing Center,

There is no doubt that composite materials are widely used nowadays in different industries. One of
the main areas of applicability is in the aircraft industry, a clear evidence is the A350 from Airbus which
has more than 50% of its weight in composite materials. These materials allow to build lighter aircrafts
that save fuel and reduce emissions while at the same time has enough strength.
One way of designing composite material structures can be done by simulating the behavior of a
prototype under different working loads, by this way several computational methods can be used (see
Ref. [1]). In this case we focus particularly on the FE2 multi-scale method (FE2) 1 . The main idea
is to create a coarse grid at the macroscopic scale that is solved by FEM and the constitutive average
properties of this macroscopic problem are calculated with a micro-model by FEM calculations too. In
Fig. 1 we represent a basic idea of the FE2 algorithm where the structure is composed of two different
micro-structures and at the time it needs a property (the stress σ) it asks to the micro-models to calculate
it using the strain ε. This last process is called localization of the strain and it is reached through the
imposition of specific boundary conditions at the micro-structure.

h h h

h h

h h

h h h h h h h

h h

h h

h h h

ε h















h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h

h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h

h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h

h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h

Figure 1: Scheme of the FE2 multi-scale method process. In this 2D representation the structure is
composed of two different micro-structures: layers of matrix and circular fibers with different orientation

This work is divided in two main parts, in the first one we analyze a non-linear composite material
problem using the FE2 method and we compare the solution with other one but applying FEM directly
as a single micro-structure, we consider this last one an exact solution. Once we show that both solutions
are coherent we measure the computational cost and we compare them, we expect the cost of the FE2
to be significantly less than the other. The particular problem that we solve consists on a beam like the
one shown on Fig. 2. For simulating the non-linear behavior, the micro-structure is made of two layers
of different materials, one of them is linear and the other has a plastic behavior.
The main challenges on this problem is that for each integration point at the micro-structure a certain
amount of internal variables should be stored in order to compute the plastic response or non-linear
1 The name FE2 is because the finite element method is applied at two scales: microscopic and macroscopic.

230 1
response. For the case of the linear materials the solution is much more easy to obtain because only one
calculation should be done at the microscopic scale and then the result is reused in all the integration
points of the macroscopic scale. We compare also this last linear case in order to see the accuracy and
the efficiency.

h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h

h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h

h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h

h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h

h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h

h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h

h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h

Macro-problem Micro-problem

Figure 2: Problem that we are going to solve to test the accuracy and efficiency of the FE2 multi-scale

The code that we prepared for applying the FE2 method consist in a coupling between two codes. For
solving the macroscopic problem we use Alya, a parallel multi-physics code capable of being executed
in distributed architectures which has a solid mechanics module. For the microscopic problem we use
MicroPP, which is able to localize the strains from the macroscopic code and to homogenized stress and
return them to the macro-scale.
The second part of this work is devoted to explain the main design details of the codes and to measure
the performance and trying to figure out the maximum computational problem size that we can solve
using this strategy.
The main bottleneck of the algorithm resides on the microscopic calculations because all the integra-
tions points in the macro-structure should get the average properties to assemble the matrix and the RHS
of the macro-problem. By this way the macroscopic problem cannot calculate until all the microscopic
problems would have being solved and that is why we designed the microscopic code from scratch in
order to fulfill some requirements and reach good efficiency.
The main characteristic of MicroPP that we discuss in detail are:

• Structured grid design

• ELL matrix format

• Efficient memory management.

Solid mechanic module FE2 Structured grids

Parallel MPI code ELL matrix format

Alya MicroPP Memory management

Figure 3: Coupling scheme of codes to solve the FE2 problem. Alya is used to calculate over the
macroscopic scale and MicroPP over the microscopic one.

[1] S. Oller. Numerical Simulation of Mechanical Behavior of Composite Materials, Springer, 2014.

231 2



Guilherme Barros 1 , Luiz Fernando Martha 2 , Evandro Parente Junior 3

1 Department of Civil Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro,
2 Department of Civil Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro,
3 Department of Structural Engineering and Civil Construction, Federal University of Ceara,

This paper is concerned with the analysis of framed structures with inextensible and rigid members, i.e.
members without axial and bending strains. Rigid and inextensible members may be useful in educa-
tional software because they capture the essence of the structural behavior with a reduced the number of
variables. In addition, they allow a comparison with results obtained by hand calculation using classical
structural analysis methods. There are three main approaches to constraint handling: transformation,
penalty function and Lagrange multiplier methods [1,2,3]. The transformation methods, also known as
master-slave elimination, use each constraint to eliminate one equilibrium equation, reducing the num-
ber of degrees of freedom. However, this approach does not allow the determination of axial forces in
inextensible member or bending moments in rigid members. The implementation of the penalty func-
tion method is trivial, since physically it corresponds to assign a very large number to the axial stiffness
(EA) of inextensible members and a very large number to the bending stiffness (EI) of rigid members.
However, as the penalty factor increases, the stiffness matrix becomes increasingly ill-conditioned, lead-
ing to large solutions errors. This paper presents a methodology for considering structural member
deformation constraints using Lagrange multipliers. It consists of adding strain constraints into the total
potential energy minimization, leading to a quadratic programming problem. In addition, this approach
is very suitable for computational implementation because it does not affect the generic characteristic of
a matrix structural analysis. The solution gives rise to one Lagrange multiplier per constraint, which is
essential for computing member internal forces. However, there are situations in which inextensible and
rigid member constrains may be redundant, which prevents the determination of dependent Lagrange
multipliers. In these cases, it is not possible to determine internal forces in the members with redundant
constraints. Although not implemented, a special treatment is indicated for determining member internal
forces in these situations.

[1] O.C. Zienkiewicz, R.L. Taylor, J.Z. Zhu. The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals, 2013.
[2] R.D. Cook, D.S. Malkus, M.E. Plesha, R.J.W. Witt. Concept and Applications of Finite Element Analysis,
[3] C.A. Felippa, Introduction to Finite Element Methods, 2017.

232 1


G. G. Botelho 1 , H. A. S. Monteiro 2 , R. G. Peixoto 3 , R. L. S. Pitangueira 4
1 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG,
2 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG,
3 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG,
4 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG,

The present work shares the new features included in the open source software INSANE (Interactive
Structural Analysis Environment) for managing and solving multiphysics engineering problems. The
implementation described in this paper focuses on the thermomechanical problem when the mate-
rial’s physical properties are temperature dependent and the problem is analyzed accordingly to the
Finite Element Method (FEM). The suggested framework is based on a new entity, called Simula-
tion Manager, responsible for setting up the analysis parameters for each physics, for controlling the
solution process and for managing the data to be transferred from one analysis to the other. Both
analysis are carried out using the same discrete model. Since the software is written according to
the Object Oriented Programming, the existing resources for solving single-physics problems could
be combined to minimize code repetition. The implementation was tested and validated by solving
problems whose analytical solutions are available in the literature.

Keywords: Multiphysics, Themomechanical analysis, Finite Element Method, INSANE System

The analysis and the design of industrial equipment require an understanding of the response to the
actions in which the machinery will be exposed during its operating cycle. Thus, it is required for the
analyst or designer to build a mathematical model simplified enough to be solved using the available
methods and complex enough to provide a solution with the desired accuracy. In some situations the
mathematical modeling leads to a system of partial differential equations whose solution by analytical
methods is not feasible or sometimes impossible [1].
To overcome the limitations of analytical methods, numerical techniques have been developed
such as the Finite Element Method (FEM) [1], the Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) [2],
the Boundary Element Method (BEM) [3], among others. The numerical solution allows the ana-
lyst or designer to build models whose representation comes closer to the real physical phenomena.
However, it is often necessary to solve a large system of algebraic equations to obtain reliable results
(within suitable error bounds), a characteristic which justifies the computational implementation of
proper algorithms.
Over the years, these algorithms were implemented into software packages, some of them propri-
etary and some open-source. These softwares for computational simulations of engineering problems
usually contain a graphical interface for modeling the problem, a numerical core for mounting and
solving the set of mathematical equations, and a graphical post-processing interface to display the
The present work refers to the inclusion of new features into the software INSANE (Interactive
Structural Analysis Environment) for managing and solving multiphysics engineering problems. IN-
SANE is a multiplatform free software, written in Java following the Object-Oriented Programming
(OOP) paradigm, intended to be used as a didactic and research tool, among other purposes. This
software has been developed by the Structural Engineering Department of the Federal University of

233 1
Minas Gerais (UFMG) and is available at It has a segmented and
generic numerical core independent of the pre- and post-processing graphical interfaces. The data
persistence between the numerical core and the graphical interfaces is done by Extensible Markup
Language (XML) files.
INSANE’s numerical core is designed abstractly so that the same basic structure, which is a
composition of abstract entities, applies for modeling and solving problems of different fields of en-
gineering by different methodologies. The OOP inheritance mechanism is employed in each abstract
entity to describe specific behaviors associated to the studied physical phenomena and to the adopted
mathematical technique.
Tools for analyzing problems of solid mechanics by means of the FEM, GFEM, BEM and other
discretization methods were already available in INSANE before the present work [4], [5], [6]. The
software was also able to solve geometrically and physically nonlinear problems on the steady state
and on the time-dependent regime. Resources for analyzing heat conduction problems on solids by
the FEM, as well as resources for solving solid mechanics problems considering the thermal strains
associated to the variation of the temperature field in the body were also already implemented in the
software [7].
This paper describes a new entity introduced into INSANE’s numerical core, called Simulation
Manager, which acts controlling the solution processes and performing the necessary changes of the
analysis parameters when necessary. This new set of classes were abstractly written, as the other
entities of the numerical core, and then specialized for the thermomechanical particular case.
The numerical core description, as well its expansion, will be presented in this paper using Uni-
fied Modeling Language (UML) diagrams.


As described in detail by Fonseca [4], the numerical core is responsible for obtaining the results of
different discrete models. The most important abstract classes and interfaces of the numerical core
are Assembler, Model, Persistence and Solution.
The assembler interface is responsible for mounting the matricial system of equations, the abstract
class Solution contains algorithms for solving different physical problems, the abstract class Model
contains information related to the discrete model and the Persistence interface is responsible for
parsing the data input and for persisting the analysis results.
Since this work refers to the management of the solution process in multiphysics simulations by
the FEM, special attention will be given to the abstract class FemModel, that inherit from Model.
This class contains lists of the entities that describe a finite element model. Some of these entities
and its corresponding implementation will be briefly explained bellow.
In the FEM, the domain of a body is subdivided into interconnected regions, called finite elements
and the solution is approximated by a set of predefined mathematical functions, which interpolate the
values of the element vertices [1]. In the software, these components are represented by the Element
class, the Shape function class and the Node class, respectively.
The constitutive law represents the material’s response to the external actions. The constitutive
laws are implemented by the ConstitutiveModel classes and the materials description are imple-
mented by classes descending from Material [8].
The external actions are implemented by classes descending from the Loading class, and the
combinations of loadings are described by the class LoadCombination.
When the body geometry is modeled in a non tridimensional simplified form, for example when
a bar is modeled as a line, it is said that the geometry is degenerated. The information related to
non-modeled part of the body, for example the cross sectional area of a bar or the thickness of a
plate, is described by classes descending from Degeneration.
The physics being analyzed is described by the AnalysisModel class. This class informs, for
example, the number of degrees of freedom contained by a node in the mesh.
The classes derived from ProblemDriver perform the calculations relative to the FEM at the
element level, i.e., they calculate, for example, the element’s stiffness matrix and the equivalent
nodal loading associated to the external actions acting over the element domain.
It should be noted that some of the classes that compose the Model are physics dependent, spe-
cially the ProblemDriver, the AnalysisModel and the ConstitutiveModel classes. This dependence
implies the need of a manager of the solution process to configure the FemModel to the current
physics in a multiphysics analysis.
The solution process begins after the user call by the Graphical User Interface (GUI). This request
dispatches an event to an auxiliary class responsible for initiating the Persistence and the Model and

234 2
for solving the problem for each Load Combination.
The abovementioned auxiliary class, called SolverClass, works as a basic manager of the solution
process since it performs basic configurations and then manipulates the execution flow for calculating
the results for each combination. However, with the SimulationManager some limitations could be
overcome and the multiphysics problem readily solved. For instance:
• In multiphysics problems, each physics might be analyzed using a different Solution class. It
would be possible, for example, a linear thermal solution (and thus performed by the SteadyS-
tate class) and a nonlinear mechanical solution (by the StaticEquilibriumPath class). The
proposed SimulationManager can instantiate and point to the desired solution class in each
physics, solving the problems in independent computational ways.
• There is a need to reconfigure the model for each physics. This configuration consists in chang-
ing the current AnalysisModel, ProblemDriver and ConstitutiveModel classes. The adoption
of a manager of the solution processes allows the code to be fragmented in order to keep the
configuration steps related to multiphysics only in the classes which are targeted to this pur-
• When the thermal analysis finishes, it is necessary to create a set of temperature variation
loads and add them to the remaining mechanical loads before the beginning of the mechanical
analysis. The SimulationManager can handle this task in a very straightforward manner.

Figure 1: SimulationManager, DataManager and Setuper classes diagrams.


The SimulationManager class is depicted on Fig. 1. This class has the public method solve() which is
now the starting point of the solution process. This mehod is invoked by the SolverClass, previously
mentioned in this paper. It is implemented in the inherited class ThermoMechanicalSimulationMan-
ager, and will iterate over the MultiphysicsCombinations. For each combination, it will call the
private methods of the ThermoMechanicalSimulationManager class for:
1. setting up the thermal problem;
2. solving the thermal problem;

235 3
3. processing the thermal analysis results in order to create the temperature variation loads;
4. setting up the thermomechanical problem;
5. solving the thermomechanical problem.
After the solution of the thermal and of the thermomechanical problems an output file is generated
containing the corresponding analysis results. These files are read by the GUI post-processor when
the user intends to visualize them.

The proposed entity included in the INSANE’s numerical core, responsible for managing the solution
process, was implemented by the class SimulationManager and its child ThermoMechanicalSimula-
tionManager. After the expansion, multiphysics analysis are being entirely performed by INSANE.
The new classes were validated by solving a thermomechanical problem, in which the material’s
physical properties are temperature dependent and by comparing the numerical results with the ana-
lytical solution. These results will be presented in the final paper.
The new organization of the numerical core provided more flexibility for future expansions in
areas where the solution process contains more than one stage, as in the case of multiscale problems
or in the case of the simultaneous use of different discretization methodologies in the same numerical

The authors gratefully acknowledge the important financial support of the brazilian research agencies
CAPES (in portuguese "Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior"), CNPq (in
portuguese "Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico") and FAPEMIG (in
portuguese "Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais").

[1] O. C. Zienkiewicz, R. L. Taylor. The Finite Element Method, Vol. 1, Butterworth Heinemann,
[2] C. A. Duarte, I. Babuska, J. T. Oden, Generalized finite element methods for three-dimensional
structural mechanics problems, Computers and Structures, 215-232, 2000.
[3] C. A. Brebbia. The Boundary Element Method for Engineers, Pentech Press, London; Halstead
Press, New York, 1978.
[4] F. T. Fonseca, R. L. S. Pitangueira, An object oriented class organization for dynamic geomet-
rically non-linear FEM analysis, XXVIII CILAMCE - Iberian Latin American Congress on
Computational Methods in Engineering , Porto , 2007
[5] P. D. Alves, F. B. Barros, R. L.S. Pitangueira, An object-oriented approach to the Generalized
Finite Element Method, Advances in Engineering Software, 1-18, 2013.
[6] R. G. Peixoto, F. E. S. Anacleto, G. O. Ribeiro, R. L. S. Pitangueira, S. S. Penna, A solution strat-
egy for non-linear implicit BEM formulation using a unified constitutive modelling framework,
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 295-310, 2016.
[7] G. G. Botelho, R. L. S. Pitangueira, F. T. Fonseca, Sistema computacional orientado a obje-
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[8] Gori, L., Penna, S.S. and Pitangueira, R.L.S., 2017. A computational framework for constitutive
modeling. Computers and Structures, Vol. 187, pp. 1–23.

236 4

Guoqiang Wei1, Pascal Lardeur1, Frédéric Druesne1
Sorbonne Universités, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, FRE UTC-CNRS 2012,
Laboratoire Roberval, 60203 Compiègne, France,,

1 Introduction
The final objective of this research is to define a methodology to identify, in the context of linear static
or dynamic analysis, optimal finite element models from both theory and mesh points of view. Indeed,
a finite element model may be optimal if the choice of the 3D solid, shell or beam theory and the
choice of the mesh are both relevant. As discussed in section 2, a lot of papers have been published
about subjects relative to this problematic, but as far as the authors know, the overall problem
proposed here, involving in particular an adaptive choice of theory, has not been described in the
literature. This study is performed in the context of the so-called Verification and Validation [1]
methodology, to improve the predictive capability of finite element models.
2 Drawbacks of the current finite element modeling process
The current finite element modeling process can be described into three steps. First, the geometry,
material properties and simulation scenario are defined. Secondly, theory (3D solid, shell or beam) is
selected using rules acquired through experience. In some cases, for complex structures or systems
(ex: a car finite element model), different theories may be used in the same model. The third step deals
with the creation of the mesh. A consistent mesh can be obtained thanks to a convergence study.
During past decades, numerous studies where performed about the adaptive meshing issue, leading to
the determination of optimal meshes [2, 3]. In an industrial context, rules acquired from experience are
often used to define the mesh size. Deficiencies appear in this existing finite element modeling
Some of these difficulties are highlighted through examples, some of them are presented in Fig. 1.
Choosing an appropriate theory may be difficult when geometry, boundary conditions, loadings and
materials are complex. For instance, the best choice of theory is ambiguous when objects have
complex shapes or contain stiffeners (Fig. 1a). Limitation of beam and shell theories is also a difficult
issue for composite or sandwich structures. For example, even if an automotive windscreen is thin
from a geometric point of view, shell theory may be inappropriate for this type of structures. When
shell theory is chosen, starting with the solid geometric definition of the object under study, a mid-
surface geometry is required. This is often a difficult task for an industrial application and existing
tools generally fail in this context. To avoid having to create a mid-surface geometry, the so-called
solid-shell finite elements have been developed [4, 5]. In the same way, when beam theory is chosen,
difficulties appear to create a mid-axis geometry. So solid-beam finite elements have also been
developed [6]. Fig. 1b shows a fan blade which is a combination of massive (cylinder area) and thin
structure. The optimal model is certainly made of solid elements and shell elements. But mixing

different types of elements in the same model requires some specific numerical treatment. Namely at
the interfaces between solid areass and shell ones,, specific relations between the degrees of freedom are
necessary to ensure the compatibility between solid and shell elements.

Fig. 1. Examples of complex structures: (a) pedal support, (b) fan

an blade.

3 Methodology proposed
The approach proposed is based on the following characteristics.
- As any adaptive process, an iterative approach is developed. Currently, the process concentrated on
the choice of theory uses two iterations.
- Any structure is defined by a solid geometry, even if some dimensions are small compared to the
others. The solid geometry
ometry is always kept during our adaptive process, even if shell or beam theories
are selected. So the difficult process which requires a mid-surface
mid or mid-axis
axis geometry is avoided.
- Only solid finite elements are used in the models.
- Choice criterion based on the analysis of the state of stress helps for selecting the relevant theory in
the different
ferent areas of the structure. Currently, the choice criterion is essentially based on analysis of
principal stresses in each element.
- The first iteration uses a coarse solid mesh, in order to calculate the choice criterion in each finite
- For the second iteration, in order to apply the shell or beam equations, kinematic relations between
egrees of freedom are imposed. Linear equations
equations are used for eliminating slave degrees of freedom.
For beam theory, equations involve slave nodes and master nodes
n through the surface of each section.
For shell theory, equations involve slave nodes and master nodes through the thickness of each
- The consequence of the technique using equations described above is that for the same structure,
solid, shell
ll or beam theories may be used together, without any compatibility difficulties between the
respective areas.
- The
he methodology proposed can be interpreted as a model reduction method,
method, compared to a complete
solid approach. Depending onn the example treated,
treate the reduction level may be higher or lower, but
generally the gain in terms of computational cost is significant.
- For the mesh, at the moment the voxel technique [7]] has been used. This method facilitates the
management of equations due to the relations between the concerned degrees of freedom.
4 Example
emic example with three cases,
An academic cases, to assess the accuracy and the efficiency of our methodology
in static analysis, is presented in Fig.
Fig 2. The first case is a classical cantilever beam, clamped at one

end and submitted to a distributed force at the other end. The material is isotropic and homogeneous.
The section is square: b/h=1. The second case is obtained by increasing the width of the structure:
b/h=3. For the third case,, the width is equal to the length, leading to a moderately thick square plate.
The Abaqus software is used. In order to prevent locking phenomena due to transverse shear effects,
the quadratic C3D20 solid element is chosen.
chosen Indeed this element exhibits good performances, even
for thin structures under bending.. All the input data of the example with its three cases are summarized
in Table 1.

Dimensions (mm) Material properties Loading Mesh

case length width heigh
ight Young’s Poisson’s distributed element number of
modulus ratio force type elements
(MPa) (N/mm2)
1 1000 100 100 210000 0.3 0.002 C3D20 80
2 1000 300 100 210000 0.3 0.00067 C3D20 240
3 1000 1000 100 210000 0.3 0.0002 C3D20 800
Table 1. Input data of the example: geometry, material properties, finite element model.

Fig. 2. Academic example with three geometric cases.

The first step is the finite

inite element analysis with a coarse solid model. The results are treated
t according
to the choice criterion and for each element, an appropriate
appr theory is proposed.. Fig. 3 shows the results
obtained thanks to this criterion. The blue, green and red colors correspond to beam, shell and solid
theories respectively. For case 1 (square section), the results show that beam theory is recommended,
except near the boundary conditions and loading areas, where solid theory and shell theory are
required respectively. For case 2 with an intermediate geometry, the size of the shell and solid areas is
wider,, but a large part of the structure may still be studied with beam theory. For case 3, shell theory is
justified on the major part of the structure, with localized solid areas near the boundary conditions
cond and
loading zones. These results ts are consistent with classical
classical knowledge about the validation domain of
these theories. In particular, local effects justify a refined
refined theory, for any geometric definition of the
The second step requires the creation of a new model. The results ts obtained during the first step (Fig.
(Fig 3)
lead to the definition of beam,, shell and solid areas. In solid areas, no specific treatment is applied. In
the beam and shell areas, beam or shell equations involving slave and master degrees of freedom are

Fig. 3. Choice criterion results for the three geometric cases.

The results obtained are summarized in Table 2. The maximal displacement, as well as the maximal
von Mises stress obtained with our adaptive approach, are compared with the reference results
obtained with a solid model. For cases 1, 2 and 3, errors on displacement don’t exceed 0.2% and errors
on von Mises stress don’t exceed 0.3%. These results are quite satisfactory. The last column gives the
gain due to the reduction of the model, thanks to the equations applied. This gain, defined as the ratio
between the number of flops required by the reference solid model and the adaptive model, is
comprised between 4 and 25. The biggest gain is obtained for case 1, indeed in this case most of the
structure is modeled with beam theory, allowing the elimination of a large number of degrees of

Max displacement (mm) Max von Mises stress (MPa) Gain (flops)
case 3D solid adaptive error 3D solid adaptive error
theory method (%) theory method (%)
1 3.799e-3 3.795e-3 0.10 1.201e-1 1.200e-1 0.08 25.1
2 1.250e-3 1.248e-3 0.16 3.833e-2 3.822e-2 0.28 11.2
3 3.643e-4 3.640e-4 0.08 1.163e-2 1.163e-2 0.00 4.1
Table 2. Comparison of results between solid theory and adaptive model.

5 Conclusions and perspectives

A new adaptive methodology to identify, in the context of linear static or dynamic analysis, optimal
finite element models from theory point of view, has been presented. The good results obtained on an
academic example with three cases show that our adaptive modeling method is promising. The
adaptive model, using a mix of beam, shell and solid theory gives similar results compared with a
reference solid model.
Several perspectives are envisaged. The methodology itself requires further developments, namely for
the choice criterion and the mesh issue. The approach will also be developed for dynamic analysis.
More complicated and industrial examples will be treated.
This work is financed by the China Scholarship Council (CSC). The financial support is gratefully
[1] P. Lardeur, R. Scigliano, M. Scionti. Verification and validation for the vibration study of
automotive structures modelled by finite elements, The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering
Design, 48(1):59-72, 2013.
[2] A. Rassineux. 3D mesh adaptation. Optimization of tetrahedral meshes by advancing front
technique, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 141(3-4): 335-354, 1997.
[3] P. L. George, H. Borouchaki, P. Laug. An efficient algorithm for 3D adaptive meshing, Advances
in Engineering Software, 33(7-10): 377-387, 2002.
[4] F. Kpeky, F. Abed-Meraim. New linear and quadratic prismatic piezoelectric solid–shell finite
elements, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 319: 355-368, 2018.
[5] H. Naceur, S. Shiri, D. Coutellier, J.L. Batoz. On the modeling and design of composite
multilayered structures using solid-shell finite element model, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design,
70: 1-14, 2013.
[6] J. Frischkorn, S. Reese. A solid-beam finite element and non-linear constitutive modelling,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 265: 195-212, 2013.
[7] Z. L. Wang, J. C. M. Teo, C. K. Chui, S. H. Ong, C. H. Yan, S. C. Wang, H. K. Wong, S. H. Teoh.
Computational biomechanical modelling of the lumbar spine using marching-cubes surface
smoothened finite element voxel meshing, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 80(1):
25-35, 2005.




G. S. V. Gontijo 1 , E. L. Albuquerque 2 , E. L. F. Fortaleza 3

1 University of Brasilia,
2 University of Brasilia,
3 University of Brasilia,

Geometrically, in 2D reservoir models, a well can be modeled as a “hole” in the domain, using boundary
elements to physically represent its perimeter. However, when simulating withdrawal above the critical
flow rate, the interface between fluids necessarily touches the well. As this occurs, the boundary elements
that represent the well must be merged to the interface and their nodal coordinates must be changed as
the interface moves. This mesh re-adaptation is laborious and can impact the simulator’s performance.
This paper presents an alternative approach: to model the well as a set of point sinks, arranged on
the perimeter which would be formed by the well’s wall. As the point sinks do not involve the use of
boundary elements, the interface’s movement over them does not require any changes in the mesh. This
approach requires the establishment of the total flow entering the well as representation of the effect
caused by the well in the reservoir. The total flow is distributed between the point sinks, which can be
balanced to create an equipotential surface inside the well.
This approach is extremely simple and does not requires computational efforts. Besides, it allows
to easily quantify the produced volume of each fluid along time during withdrawals at supercritical flow

Keywords: Production well, Point sink, Moving interface, Water and gas coning, Boundary Element

1. Introduction
The Boundary Element Method (BEM) is commonly used in fluid withdrawal simulations in which it
is desired to analyze the behavior of a moving boundary near a production well. Examples of this type
of application can be seen in the analysis of fluid extraction in aquifers made by Zhang et al [1], [2],
Hocking and Zhang [3], and the analysis of fluid extraction in oil reservoirs made by Gontijo et al [4].
The drive mechanism of a production well is the introduction of a potential difference into the fluid
reservoir, causing the fluids to flow towards it. It is common, in 2D simulations, to represent each
production well by one point sink. It is important to note, however, that an oil well, for example, is a
steel tube typically on the order of 100 to 250 mm in diameter. This tube has its external wall perforated
in the region in which the withdrawal is desired. In simulations that focuses on the fluids behavior near
the well, such as water coning analysis, it would be more realistic to model the well as a perforated tube
with finite diameter, in detriment of the modeling with a single point sink.
Consider the system showed by Fig. 1 of a reservoir containing two fluids stratified by their densi-
ties. Water coning studies, such as presented by Gontijo at al [4] adopt the sharp interface assumption

241 1
proposed by Bear [5], which states that above the oil-water interface, the fluid is 100% oil and, under it,
the fluid is 100% water. That leads to the possibility of using the BEM sub-regions formulation showed
by Brebbia and Dominguez [6] and applied to porous media flow by Ligget and Liu [7].

Figure 1: Position of the interface’s central point along time.

In this scenario, the governing equations of the fluids flow are either the Laplace equation:

∇2 Φ = 0 (1)

for incompressible flow, or the Hydraulic Diffusion equation:

θ µ c ∂p
∇2 p − =0 (2)
k ∂t
for compressible flow. In these equations, p is the fluid’s pressure, θ is the porosity of the medium,
µ is the fluid’s viscosity, and c is the total compressibility. Φ is the fluid’s potential, also known as
piezometric head, given by:
Φ= +z (3)
where ρ is the fluid’s density, g is the gravity acceleration, and z is the vertical coordinate of the point in
which the potential measurement is made.

2. Types of representation
Wells introduce a potential difference in the reservoir. This potential difference causes the fluids to
flow into the well. To represent the well in the simulators, two factors must be taken into account: the
representation of its effect on the reservoir and the representation of its geometry.
Regarding the effect of the well in the reservoir, there are two possible approaches. The first of
these is the establishment of the well wall potential (Dirichlet boundary condition). The second is the
establishment of the flow rate that enters the well (Neumann boundary condition). Both are related by
the relation of cause and effect that they maintain.
With regard to geometric representation, there are also two possible approaches: The first possibility
is to model the well as a “hole” within the domain, using boundary elements to represent its perimeter
(Fig. 2a). Thus, boundary elements physically represent the well wall. With this geometric modeling,
it is possible to adopt any of the approaches for modeling the effect of the well: prescribed potential or
prescribed flow rate (i.e. Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions). In this case, the potential or the
flow rate are established as contour conditions of the elements representing the well wall.
The second approach to geometric modeling is to model the well as a series of point sinks (Fig. 2b).
They are arranged on the perimeter that would be formed by the wall of the well. Since point sinks, by
definition, are flow rate related entities, this geometric modeling works only with the establishment of
the flow rate as a representation of the effect of the well.
The geometric representation of the well by means of boundary elements presents a difficulty of
implementation. When the simulation involves fluid extraction above the critical flow rate (the maximum
flow rate at which the interface do not touch the well and only one fluid is withdrawn), the interface or
free surface necessarily reaches the well. At this point, the boundary elements that form the “wall” of
the well must integrate with the interface. Fig. 3a shows this situation. In this figure, the red interface

242 2
(a) Well represented by boundary elements (b) Well represented by a series of point sinks

Figure 2: Well modeling approaches

portions represent where the elements of the two subregions are coincident, as it was from the beginning.
The elements in blue represent the part of the interface coincident with the well and belonging to the
lower subregion. The green elements represent the part of the interface coincident with the well and
belonging to the upper sub-region. At each subsequent instant of time, the movement of the interface
requires a re-arrangement of the elements, since the height at which the interface touches the well varies
over time. All this adjustment of the mesh is very laborious and impacts the performance of the simulator.
In addition, in the green and blue portions, the continuity equations along the interface are not valid and
should be replaced by the boundary conditions of the well wall.

(a) Well represented by boundary elements (b) Well represented by a series of point sinks

Figure 3: Interface-well interaction

With these problems in mind, the representation of well geometry by a set of point sinks becomes the
natural choice. Because point sinks do not involve the use of boundary elements, moving the interface
over them does not demand any change in the mesh (Fig. 3b).

3. Characteristics of the adopted representation

The geometric representation of the well is then made by a series of point sinks, distributed so as to form
the perimeter of the well. The representation of the effect of the well is made by establishing the total
flow rate of fluids entering it. The contribution of the well’s flow rate must be put into Eq. 1 and Eq. 2,
and the become, respectively:
∇2 Φ = δ(x − xs ) (4)
1 ∂p Qρg
∇2 p − = δ(x − xs ) (5)
η ∂t K
where Q is the total flow rate imposed by the well and K is the hydraulic conductivity of the medium. δ
is the Dirac delta and xs is the position of the sink, i.e., in the coordinates of a sink, the right hand term
is active; in the other points, it is zero.
The total flow rate is, then, an input parameter of the simulation and is distributed among all the point
sinks. However, the distribution does not occur equally, and the reason is explained below.

3.1. Equipotential condition

In many cases, an equipotential surface is desired as the representation of the well’s interior. Based on
this condition, the distribution of the flow rate between the sinks uses the criterion of balance of the
intensity of each one of them, in order to make equipotencial the interior of the simulated well. To
guarantee this condition, an algorithm can be easily developed to adjust the intensities of each point sink
based on the potential distribution within the perimeter formed by them.

243 3
Figure 4 shows how intensity balance of the sinks can change the potential distribution inside the
well (case study with a 10 mm diameter well extracting glycerin from a 2 m wide Hele-Shaw cell).

(a) Well represented (b) Interior of the well (c) Interior of the well
by one point sink without balancing with balancing

Figure 4: Potential gradient inside the well - different well representations

Although small, the potential gradient inside the unbalanced well generates a different interface
displacement, as compared to the balanced well. When determining the well’s critical flow rate, the
difference in interface’s displacement affects the numerical result, leading into errors in system’s charac-

4. Supercritical production
With this modeling, it is easy to simulate supercritical fluid extraction. When the interface rises and
touches the well, all the necessary is to transfer the contribution of the affected concentrated sinks to the
other fluid.
This process is simple and does not consume computational resources. Moreover, this representa-
tion allows to easily quantify the volume of each of the fluids produced over time during supercritical

5. Conclusion
The approach showed in this paper, despite quite simple, brings improvement in the accuracy of results
of fluid’s interface moviment when simulating the reservoir region close to the well.
The proposed representation is more realistic in relation to the real well structure when compared to
the single point sink usually adopted in the modeling found in the literature. This approach is already
being used in the authors’ research group on studies about water and gas coning in oil reservoirs, in the
characterization of reservoir parameters with promising results.

[1] H. Zhang, D. A. Barry, G. C. Hocking Analysis of continuous and pulsed pumping of a phreatic aquifer,
Advances in Water Resources, 623-632, 1999.
[2] H. Zhang, G. C. Hocking, B. Seymour Critical and supercritical withdrawal from a two-layer fluid through a
line sink in a partially bounded aquifer, Advances in Water Resources, 1703-1710, 2009.
[3] G. C. Hocking, H. Zhang Coning during withdrawal from two fluids of different density in a porous medium,
Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 101-109, 2009.
[4] G. S. V. Gontijo. E. L. Albuquerque, E. L. F. Fortaleza Study on the water coning phenomenon in oil wells
using the Boundary Element Method, Advances in Boundary Element Techniques XV, EC Ltd, 201-206, 2014.
[5] J. Bear Dynamics of fluids in porous media, American Elsevier, 1972.
[6] C. A. Brebbia, J. Dominguez Boundary elements - an introductory course, WIT Press, 1992.
[7] J. A. Ligget, P. L-F. Liu The boundary integral equation method for porous media flow, George Allen and
Unwin, 1983.

244 4



Helena Maria Reis Fideles1, Marco Felipe Fialho Santos2, Sergio Hampshire de Carvalho
Santos3, Webe João Mansur4
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
COPPE / Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,

The objective of this work is to present the development of a computational tool for the dynamic
analysis of foundations considering soil-structure interaction in a layered medium, using the theory
previously developed by Wolf (1985).

The stiffness of a layered soil, under dynamic forces is studied through two and three-dimensional
models. For this, a dynamic stiffness matrix is obtained with the manipulation of the wave propagation
equations in elastic media.

In the examples analyzed in this paper, the foundation is considered as rigid and the loadings are
superficial and vertical (with amplitude r0). Fig. 1 shows plane and axisymmetric models.

(a) Two-dimensional model. (b) Three-dimensional model.

Fig. 1 Constant vertical (r0) load distribution in the region of the foudation. (WOLF, 1985)

The loading is harmonic with circular frequency ω, indicated as a function of position x and can be
rewrited as a function of the wave number k, using the Fourier Transform.
The dimension 2Δb corresponds to the width of the foundation in the two-dimensional model and the
dimension Δa corresponds to the radius of the circular foundation in the three-dimensional model.

The model for analysis of the layered soil is assembled in a similar way as used in conventional
structural analysis. Each layer stiffness contributes as an element to the global matrix system. For this,
each interface corresponds to a node and each node must be in equilibrium, considering the forces
actuating on it. The equilibrium matrix equation is formed considering the vector of forces, the
stiffness matrix and the vector of displacements.
Fig. 2 indicates what was mentioned in the previous paragraph, for the two-dimensional model, for
one layer on half-space. In the case of the three-dimensional model, the model is developed in a
similar way.

Fig. 2 Forces actuating in interfaces and corresponding matrix equations, for two-dimensional model.

It is possible to extend this analysis to n layers. The superior index is referred to layer number and the
inferior index is referred to the position inside the layer (1 is related to superior interface and 2 is
related to inferior interface).

In sequence, the global matrix equation is formed, considering the n layers and the half-space, as
indicated in Fig.3.

Fig. 3 Matrix equation for global stiffness from layered media, for the two-dimensional model.

If the loading is superficial and vertical, then the vector of forces has only one position different from
zero, its first line.

For each circular frequency ω of the applied forces, there is a stiffness matrix that is a function of
wave number k, soil properties (Poisson ratio ν, shear stiffness G, density ρ, primary damping
coefficient ξp, secondary damping coefficient ξs) and layer thickness d.

It is possible to solve the matrix equation since the forces vector and the stiffness matrix are known,
then the vector of displacements is obtained.

The results are the values of foundation displacements, as functions of the position of the superficial
points. These displacements were calculated in the wave number domain and, later on, the results are
transformed to the space domain, using the Inverse Fourier Transform.

Next equations present the solutions for two-dimensional e three-dimensional models, respectively.

u(x) ( ) F (k)cos (kx) F (k)sin (kx) p

= ! dk# $ r '(1)
w(x) −F (k)sin (kx) F (k)cos (kx)

u(r) F (k)J+ (kr)

= Δa J+ (kΔa) dk! r (2)
w(r) F (k)J (kr)

The wave number k ranges from –∞ a +∞ and it includes different types of waves. The variables Fuu,
Fuw, Fwu, Fww were obtained by Wolf (1985). J0, J1 are Bessel Functions.

The integrals above can be solved using Simpson's rule as a method for numeric integration. The
integration limit k and the increment of integration variable Δk shall be investigated for each problem

For each frequency ω of the applied forces, there is a maximum element length able to represent the
wavelength properly. For this, the foundation should be discretized in an adequate number of elements
depending on the frequency range that is analyzed.

Analyzing a discretized foundation, each element is loaded separately, with a unitary force, and with
the average displacement obtained, it is possible to assemble the flexibility matrix of the soil-
foundation interaction.

Inverting the flexibility matrix, the stiffness matrix is obtained. In case of rigid foundations, the
stiffness that represents the foundation is the sum of all positions of this matrix. This stiffness value is
a complex number, where the real part corresponds to a spring and the imaginary part corresponds to a
viscous damper, both simulating the soil media in the base of the foundation.

With these results, the impedance coefficients (stiffness and damping) are obtained, as functions of the
frequencies of the applied forces.

The results of a studied three-dimensional model of a circular foundation, using an axisymmetric

formulation, were compared and validated with the ones obtained by Luco (1974) in similar problems,
with a different formulation.

With the axisymmetric problem solved for a rigid circular foundation, it is possible to solve problems
of foundations of different geometries. Using the same procedures, dividing the foundation geometry
into small disks, each axisymmetric problem can be solved. Having the solution of each part that
forms the foundation, it is possible to assemble the dynamic stiffness matrix for this soil-structure-
interaction problem, for solving the problem of a generic foundation.


[1] WOLF, J. P. Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction 1st ed, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985.
[2] LUCO, J. E. Impedance Functions for a Rigid Foundation on a Layered Medium, Nuclear
Engineering and Design 31, page 204 - page 217, 1974.



H. A. N. C. Filho1, S.M. Ávila2, J. L. V. Brito3

Structures and Civil Construction Program – University of Brasilia,
Gama Engineering College – University of Brasilia,
Technology College – University of Brasilia,


Wind turbines are very sensitive structures because of their slender nature and also for the reason that
they have natural frequencies close to the excitation spectrum. The soil-foundation interaction can
further alter the vibration characteristics and dynamic responses of wind turbines. Thus, the dynamic
analysis becomes essential to design this type of structure, consequently minimizing undesirable effects
and avoiding failures. With this in mind, two scenarios are proposed to describe the problem: a clamped
tower model with 3 blades at the tip (considering rotation), and another similar model, but considering
the ground as an elastic support. A modal analysis is performed for both cases, in which the natural
frequencies are found. For both cases, an analytical solution is proposed. Subsequently, the models are
simulated in the ABAQUS finite element software, being the numerical results corroborated through the
analytical one. After this stage, both models are subjected to a forced vibration via a seismic spectrum
using the previously simulated ABAQUS models. Comparisons between the two models are shown and
important differences regarding the modes of vibration of both models are discussed using data from a
real wind turbine.

Key words: Structural Dynamics, Wind Turbine, Seismic Analysis and Finite Element Method.

1. Introduction and Motivation

The search for solutions to the world energy problem through sources that can attend to the way of life
in today's society in an environmentally sustainable way is today a worldwide obsession. The awareness
of global warming as a real and current problem and the reduction of non-renewable energy sources are
stimulating for initiatives that seek the use of renewable energy sources; as well as the search for new
"clean" electric power generation options. Thus, wind energy emerges as a legitimate alternative that
meets the desired sustainability.

In this process of transforming energy by wind, the main instrument is wind turbines. They are,
therefore, essential devices in the study of this area, as they are responsible for converting the kinetic
energy of the winds into electrical energy.

To efficiently use the vast wind resources, due to the development of high strength and lightweight
materials, wind turbines with a high energy capacity are increasingly presenting larger rotors and slender
towers. Thus, they are becoming even more vulnerable to external sources of vibration; such as wind
loads, sea waves (offshore wind turbines), which are constantly experienced during the lifetime of a

wind turbine, or even exceptional actions such as earthquakes, can result in excessive vibrations to the
structures [1].

The adverse vibrations can compromise wind energy production, cause fatigue damage in structural
components, and even structural collapse under extreme conditions. To ensure the safe and efficient
operation of these wind turbines, it is important to understand accurately the dynamic behavior due to
external vibration loads [2].

2. Methodology and Objectives

Pioneering research on wind turbines was developed by Bazeos et al. [3] and Lavassas et al. [4]. In order
to reduce the complexity of the analysis, they considered the rotor and nacele system as a concentrated
mass located at the top of the tower and used a detailed mesh of finite elements to model the tower. A
more realistic model considering rotor dynamics and rotor and tower flexibilities was also considered
by other authors (Witcher [5], Zhao et al. [6], Zhao and Maißer [7]).

However, in reality, the geometric characteristics and the rotational capacity of the blades flow directly
from the wind loads acting on the blades. In addition, the centrifugal stiffness generated by the spinning
blades can increase the strength and natural frequencies of the blades, which contribute to the structural
responses [2].

Uma turbina eólica operando a uma velocidade constante do rotor é um sistema complexo e dinâmico,
e sua análise sísmica é igualmente complexa. A complexidade na análise surge principalmente da
dinâmica associada a corpos rotativos e flexíveis, bem como da aerodinâmica das pás. O spin do rotor
introduz momentos devido à rotação das pás e termos periódicos dependentes do tempo nas equações
de movimento. Além disso, a mudança na velocidade relativa do vento quando as pás se movem para
trás e para frente pela ação de um terremoto produz um amortecimento aerodinâmico no sistema. A
presença de termos periódicos requer o uso de técnicas mais avançadas, como a teoria de Floquet, para
verificar a estabilidade da turbina eólica e extrair as frequências modais e formas de modo do sistema
em movimento livre.

A wind turbine operating at a constant rotor speed is a complex and dynamic system, and its seismic
analysis is equally complex. The complexity in the analysis arises mainly from the dynamics associated
with rotating and flexible bodies, as well as the aerodynamics of the blades. The spin of the rotor
introduces moments due to the rotation of the blades and periodic time-dependent terms in the equations
of motion. In addition, the change in relative wind speed when the blades move back and forth by the
action of an earthquake produces an aerodynamic damping in the system. The presence of periodic terms
requires the use of more advanced techniques, such as Floquet's theory, to verify the stability of the wind
turbine and extract the modal frequencies and mode shapes of the system in free motion [8]

This paper studies a simplified model of a wind turbine that is intended to be as simple as possible but
at the same time it contains the essential physics of a real turbine. The model is responsible for the
flexibility of the blades only in the direction of flapping.


[1] FEIJÓ, B. P.; LIMA, J. B. C. A.; MELO, A. M. C. DE; JR., E. P. Otimização Estrutural de Torres
de Aço Tubulares para Geradores Eólicos. Mecânica Computacional, v. 29, p. 781– 792, 2010.
[2] ZUO, H.; BI, K.; HAO, H. Using multiple tuned mass dampers to control offshore wind turbine
vibrations under multiple hazards. Engineering Structures, v. 141, p. 303–315, 2017.

[3] Bazeos,N., Hatzigeorgiou,G., Hondros,I., Karamaneas,H., Karabalis,D., and Beskos,D.,2002. Static,
seismic and stability analyses of a prototype wind turbine steel tower, Engineering Structures 24, 1015–
[4] Lavassas, I., Nikolaidis, G., Zervas, P., Efthimiou, E., Doudoumis, I., and Baniotopoulos, C., 2003.
Analysis and design of the prototype of a steel 1-MW wind turbine tower, Engineering Structures 25,
[5] Witcher, D., 2005. Seismic analysis of wind turbines in the time domain, Wind Energy 8, 81–91.
[6] Zhao, X., Maißer, P., and Wu, J., 2007. A new multibody modelling methodology for wind turbine
structures using a cardanic joint beam element, Renewable Energy 32, 532–546.
[7] Zhao, X., and Maißer, P., 2006. Seismic response analysis of wind turbine towers including
soilstructure interaction, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of
Multi-Body Dynamics 220, 53-61.
[8] Díaz, O.; Suárez, L. E. Seismic analysis of wind turbines. Earthquake Spectra, v. 30, n. 2, p. 743–
765, 2014.




Iara S. Ribeiro1, Francisco C. de Araújo2, Kátia I. da Silva3, Tatiane M. P. Mendes4

Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto,
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto,
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto,
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto,

In order to accurately understand the failure mechanisms of structural systems, carry out their post-
buckling analysis, allowing them to reach ultimate loadings and large deformations, is crucial. In such
problems, it is necessary to employ an incremental-iterative strategy capable of passing through limit
points of load and displacement (snap-back points). This paper presents a methodology based on the
Direct Stiffness Method (DSM) for carrying out geometrically non-linear analysis of plane frames
undergoing large displacements, and having shear-deformable elements with generic variation of
rigidity along their axes. To obtain the elastic and geometric stiffness matrices, and the equivalent
nodal load vector demanded by the DSM, a unified flexibility-type method based on the Principle of
Virtual Forces (PVF) is applied. It basically consists in stating a system of compatibility equations
from which "exact" expressions for the stiffness and load coefficients are evaluated. In the
computational code, mathematical expressions based on boundary integrals are employed to determine
all geometric properties for arbitrary cross-sections. In the incremental-iterative Newton-Raphson
(NR) Method, the Generalized Displacement Control (GDC) Method is applied to iterate the solution
during a given load increment. In this non-linear solution process, a co-rotational approach is
incorporated, which conveniently allows describing large displacements. In order to validate the
proposed methodology, comparisons with non-linear responses obtained by employing the SAP2000
software are considered. In the applications, the non-linear analysis of plane frames with complex
geometric characteristics are carried out.

Keywords: Geometrically non-linear analysis, path-following methods, shear-deformable elements

with arbitrary cross-section and variable rigidity, plane frames, Direct Stiffness Method (DSM)

1. Introduction and Motivation

Nowadays, in structural engineering, technological advances in the production of high-strength new

materials allied with the development of accurate computer-aided analysis methods for the structural
analysis have allowed the construction of safe and economical complex structures. Thus, challenging
structural projects have been accomplished in the last decades as e.g. of large-span bridges and tall
buildings, in many cases having slender elements or elements with geometrically variable section
along their length (Fig. 1). In this context, computational analysis tools with the ability to simulate the

nonlinear response of structural systems have played a fundamental role for bringing about the
reduction of material consumption in the construction of these civil works.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig.1 Modern complex structures

2. Main Objectives

This paper applies the Direct Stiffness Method (DSM) for carrying out the non-linear analysis of plane
frame structures until collapse, including their responses in the post-buckling phase. In this strategy, a
unified numerical process based on the Principle of Virtual Forces (PVF) is devised for calculating the
elastic and geometric stiffness matrices, and the equivalent nodal load vectors demanded by the DSM
[2, 3]. As a matter of fact, a flexibility-type process is taken into account to get the "exact" expressions
for the coefficients of the DSM system of equations. In order to increase the modeling ability of the
strategy, options to simulate shear-deformable frame elements having cross sections of any geometric
shape and with generically variable rigidity along their length have been implemented in the
computational code. Particularly for non-conventional cross sections, boundary-integral mathematical
expressions for evaluating their properties (area, centroidal point, the moment of inertia and the shear
form factor) are employed, which makes the modeling of geometrically complex cross sections much

In order to take into account the variation of the involved rigidity throughout the elements (which
results from variable geometric and/or physical characteristics along their length; see Fig. 2), we
assume the following types of interpolation laws: linear, parabolic, cubic and quartic. The coefficients
of the compatibility system of equations, from which the sought-after DSM coefficients (stiffness and

nodal load values) are evaluated, can be then numerically calculated using the Gauss-Legendre
integration process [1]. In references [2, 3], a detailed description of the whole process for determining
the element stiffness matrices and equivalent nodal load vectors is presented.

Fig.2 Frame elements with variable geometric characteristics along their axis [4].

To carry out the non-linear analysis and to determine the nonlinear equilibrium trajectories for the
frame, one applies a co-rotational updated Lagrangian formulation along with an incremental-iterative
full Newton-Raphson (NR) method. In this algorithm, the stiffness matrix is updated at every load
increment and at every iteration. In order to determine the frame response in the post-buckling phase,
the NR method is applied along with the Generalized Displacement Control (GDC) method proposed
by Yang and Kuo [6]. This path-following technique makes the NR method considerably more robust.

3. Results and concluding remarks on current and future research

In the applications, a cantilever beam with non-usual cross-section variation under bending moment
(Fig. 3) has been analyzed. Since no results for that are available in the technical literature,
comparisons are only made to the ones obtained by using the SAP2000 [5].

v (m)

Fig.3 Cantilever beam with unusual varying cross section

One can notice that the results obtained by employing the proposed method accurately correspond to
those provided by SAP2000 in the whole equilibrium path. However, it is worth mentioning that the
modeling of such geometrically complex elements with the proposed methodology goes in much
simpler way even when compared to the powerful apparatus available at the graphic interface of the
SAP2000 software.


This research has been sponsored by the Brazilian Research Council (CNPq) under grant
305229/2013-3, and the Coordination for Improvement of Higher-Education Personnel (CAPES).


[1] Bathe, K. J. Finite Element Procedures in Eng. Analysis. Prentice–Hall, Inc., New Jersey, 1996.
[2] de Araujo FC, Pereira RAT. Boundary-integral-based process for calculating stiffness matrices of
space frame elements with axially varying cross section. Eng Anal Bound Elem 2017;77:61–9.
[3] de Araujo FC, Ribeiro SI, Silva KI. Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Plane Frames With
Generically Nonuniform Shear-deformable Members. Structures 2017;179:187-12.
[4] Ribeiro, IS. Nonlinear geometric analysis of plane frames having elements of variable rigidity -
applications in steel and reinforced concrete structures, Master-Degree Work (in Portuguse).
Graduate Program of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Ouro Preto, 2016.
[5] SAP2000, 2013. Structural Analysis Program (SAP). Versão Ultimate 16.0.0. Computers and
Structures, Inc
[6] Yang, Y.B., e Kuo, S.B. Theory & Analysis of Nonlinear Framed Structures. Prentice Hall, 1994.




Iarly Vanderlei da Silveira1, Lineu José Pedroso2, Maurício Vittalli3,

Universidade de Brasília,
Universidade de Brasília,
Universidade de Brasília,


As barragens são estruturas hidráulicas importantes e quando submetidas a ações dinâmicas apresentam
mecanismos de interação complexos, principalmente, entre o meio fluido e a estrutura. A compreensão
desse comportamento é um fator de destaque no controle da segurança dessas estruturas. No entanto,
antes de estudar as ações sísmicas em barragens deve-se avaliar e efetuar o estudo preliminar que aborda
o caso de vibração livre, cuja importância se insere no entendimento das faixas de frequência em que a
estrutura está submetida e os modos dominantes no sistema acoplado barragem – reservatório. Assim,
este trabalho tem o objetivo de verificar a influência da interação fluido-estrutura no comportamento
dinâmico em barragens gravidade de concreto em termos das frequências naturais e deformadas modais
e aplicá-lo numa análise de vibração livre da hidrelétrica de Koyna. O estudo do acoplamento barragem
– reservatório foi investigado através da análise modal pelo método dos elementos finitos via software
ANSYS na linguagem APDL. Foram analisados os quatro primeiros modos para o sistema desacoplado
e acoplado, sendo possível uma verificação do meio dominante acoplado no sistema. Os resultados
demonstram que para o primeiro modo era dominante estrutura, representado pelo modo de massa
adicional, enquanto que os demais foram de dominantes do reservatório. Portanto, esse estudo verificou
a influência de cada meio do sistema acoplado, assim como, evidenciou a importância de uma análise
preliminar desacoplada de cada meio antes do tratamento final acoplado.

Palavras - chave: Barragens gravidade de concreto, Método dos Elementos Finitos, Análise Modal


As barragens são estruturas que possuem um elevado potencial de riscos em decorrência da sua possível
ruptura e por envolver elementos complexos. Na análise dinâmica dessas estruturas tem-se,
principalmente, dois meios preponderantes: a estrutura e o fluido do reservatório, que juntos formam o
sistema acoplado fluido-estrutura.
O sistema fluido-estrutura é importante, por exemplo, para o estudo sísmico ou de vibrações induzidas
por fluidos em barragens. O movimento da estrutura provoca inevitavelmente um movimento do fluido,
que permanece em contato com as paredes da estrutura, com resultado, o conjunto fluido-estrutura
constitui um sistema acoplado para qual é frequentemente impossível considerar separadamente as
respostas e excitações.

A análise dinâmica de barragens foi estudada por vários pesquisadores ao longo de décadas, sendo
Westergaard (1933) um dos primeiros estudiosos a avaliar a interação fluido-estrutura e excitação
sísmica em barragens, formulando um método chamado pseudo-estático. Chopra (1978) observou-se
que a resposta dessas estruturas dependiam do modo fundamental de vibração, originando o método
pseudo-dinâmico. Após esses dois estudos clássicos, surgiram inúmeros outros estudos que avaliavam
a influência da compressibilidade do fluido: Hall e Chopra (1982), Fenves e Chopra (1984), Hall (1986),
Ribeiro (2006), Souza (2007); da influência da fundação: Wolf (1985), Léger e Katsouli (1989), Burman
et al. (2011), Chopra (2014), Silveira (2018); e das condições de contorno que evitam a propagação de
ondas: Dimitris (2004), Mendes (2018), Looke (2018).


O modelo de acoplamento barragem -reservatório com fluido em repouso é governado equação

bidimensional da onda:

1 2 p [1]
2 p
c 2 t 2

Sendo c a velocidade da onda, p é a pressão acústica hidrodinâmica e t é o tempo. Esse problema

matemático descrito pela equação [1] com as respectivas condições de contorno apresentada na Figura
[1], conduz a equação do sistema acoplado barragem – reservatório, apresentada na equação [2].

Figura 1: Sistema de interação fluido – estruturas e as suas condições de contorno

A equação [2] envolve termos de movimento da estrutura, do fluido e de acoplamento, onde [M], [K] e
[C] representam, respectivamente, as matrizes de massa, rigidez e amortecimento, e os índices b e f
representam, respectivamente, a barragem e o fluido. Já, as matrizes [U] e [P] caracterizam,
respectivamente, o deslocamento da estrutura e a pressão no fluido, além do termo [Q] que representa a
matriz de acoplamento entre o fluido e a estrutura.

 Mb 0  U b  Cb 0  U b   Kb Q  U b   M bU b  [2]

  QT  +  +    
 M f   Pf   0 C f   Pf   0 K f   Pf   0 


Um estudo do sistema barragem – reservatório foi efetuado para o complexo hidro energético de Koyna,
na Índia, que apresenta as seguintes propriedades físicas para o concreto da barragem: massa específica
de 2643 kg/m3 e um coeficiente de Poisson de 0,20; para o fluido usou-se uma massa específica de 1000
kg/m3 e a velocidade do som de 1440 m/s.
A análise do caso feito com o auxílio do programa de elementos finitos ANSYS APDL, na qual assumiu-
se o material da barragem linear, elástico, isotrópico e homogêneo. Para essa estrutura usou-se o
elemento PLANE 183. Já, para o reservatório usou-se o elemento FLUID 29, modificando para o
FLUID129 na aplicação da condição Sommerfield (condição de não retorno de onda no reservatório).
A Figura [2] mostra as 4 primeiras frequências naturais e as respectivas deformadas modais dos modos
desacoplados e acoplados da barragem e reservatório. Observa-se que no caso acoplado os 4 primeiros
modos estão associados a 1° deformada modal da barragem, onde o 1° Modo é um modo de massa
adicional, e os outros três são relativos aos modos acústicos do reservatório. As deformadas modais
desacoplados do reservatório deixam de ser apresentadas por reproduzirem as mesmas deformadas
modais do caso acoplado, porém, com frequências um pouco alteradas (facoplada < fdesacoplada-reservatório).
Em função da geometria da barragem e reservatório em questão, as frequências acopladas e as
frequências desacopladas do reservatório ficaram numa bastante próximas. Para a 1° frequência
acoplada o fluido é incompressível, mas as outras frequências já mobilizam a compressibilidade do
Modos da estrutura
Modo acoplado barragem -reservatório
f1( reserv.) 3,93 f1 2,79 f1 3,05

f 2( reserv.) 4,15
f2 3,97 f2 8,10

f 3( reserv.) 4,51
f3 4,14 f3 10,82

f 4( reserv.) 5,02 f4 4,75 f4 15,87

Figura 2: Deformadas modais para a estrutura nos casos: (a) desacoplada e (b) acoplada


Esse trabalho se referiu a um estudo do comportamento dinâmico em função das modificações nas
frequências e deformadas modais para os casos desacoplados e acoplados do sistema barragem-
Pode-se concluir que a interação barragem-reservatório é importante de ser considerado nos projetos de
barragem, devido a influência da estrutura e do reservatório no sistema acoplado. Ressalta-se ainda que
o primeiro modo possui uma participação modal superior aos demais, fato que o torna mais importante
de ser avaliado nos estudos dinâmicos acoplados. Outro aspecto importante que se evidencia neste
trabalho, é a consideração de uma análise desacoplada fluido-estrutura em obras de grande
responsabilidade, em particular quando a influência dos fatores que controlam o fenômeno não são


À Fundação de Apoio de Pesquisa do Distrito Federal (FAP), ao Conselho Nacional de

Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) e à Universidade de Brasília (UnB).


[1] Westergard, H. M. Water Pressure on Dams during Earthquakes, TRANSACTIONS ASCE Vol.98; 1933.
[2] Chopra, A. K. Earthquake resistant design of concrete gravity dams. In: Journal of The Structural Division,
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[3] Hall J. F. and Chopra A. K., Hydrodynamic effects in the dynamic response of concrete gravity dams.
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[4] Fenves, G. and A. K. Chopra. Earthquake analysis and response of concrete gravity dams. Report No.
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[5] Hall, J. F. “Study of the Earthquake response of Pine Flat Dam”, Earthquake Engineering & Structural
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[6] Ribeiro, P. M. V. (2006). Uma Metodologia Analítica para a Avaliação do Campo de Tensões em Barragens
Gravidade de Concreto Durante Terremotos. Dissertação de Mestrado em Estruturas e Construção Civil,
Publicação E.DM -003ª/06. Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, Universidade de Brasília, 140p.
[7] Souza, S. M. (2007). Contribuição para uma Metodologia de Análise Acoplada Fluido-Estrutura para
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Publicação E. TD-004A/18, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, Universidade de Brasília, 306p
[15] Lokke, A., Chopra A. K., Dire fi i e eleme me hod for o li e r e r hqu ke lysis of 3‐dime sio l
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Issue 5. February 2018.



Adriano Ribeiro Marinho1, Hélio Luiz Simonetti2, Valério Silva Almeida 3, Isabel S. Jesus 4,
Ramiro S. Barbosa5
Department of Eletrotechnical Engineering from the Porto Superior Institute of Engineering (ISEP)
and Federal Institute of Minas Gerais (IFMG),
Department of Mathematics, Federal Institute of Minas Gerais (IFMG),
Department of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering from the School of Engineering of the
University of São Paulo (EPUSP),
GECAD - Knowledge Engineering and Decision Support Research Center, Institute of Engineering –
Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP/IPP),
GECAD - Knowledge Engineering and Decision Support Research Center, Institute of Engineering –
Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP/IPP),

This article approaches the application of Topological Optimization in Von Mises maximum
stress problems of the structure for the optimal modeling of a flexible robotic arm prototype, carried out
by a load and also by its own weight. For that, a topological optimization procedure known as Smoothing
ESO (SESO), a derivation of another method, Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO) was used.
For the best simulation and configuration of the structure, this methodological variation uses, firstly, the
discretization of the mesh by Finite Element Method (MEF), being these triangular elements of high
order, facilitating the solution of complex problems of geometry. The SESO methodology presents as
main difference the heuristic of element removal, which occurs in a smooth and gradual manner,
preventing problems such as the formation of a board, very common in ESO works, appear in the optimal
configuration. For that, a numerical program was developed in Fortran software. The goal is to achieve
an optimum structure with mass reduction and, consequently, volume, without becoming unfeasible
from a manufacturing point of view.

Keywords: Flexible Robotic Arm; Topological Optimization; SESO.

Cet article aborde l’application de l’optimisation topologique dans les problèmes de tension
maximale de Von Mises de la structure pour la modélisation optimale d'un prototype de bras robotique
flexible, soumis par son poids et aussi par une charge. Pour cela, une procédure d’optimisation
topologique a eté utilisée, connue comme « Smoothing ESO » (SESO), une dérivation d’une autre
méthode, « l’Optimisation Structurelle Évolutive » (ESO). Pour la meilleure simulation et configuration
de la structure, cette variation méthodologique utilise, d’une part, la discrétisation du maillage par la
méthode des éléments finis (MEF) avec des éléments triangulaires d’ordre élevé, en facilitant la
résolution de problèmes complexes de géométrie. La méthodologie SESO présente comme différence
principale l'heuristique d'élimination des éléments, qui se déroule de manière douce et progressive,
empêchant l'apparition de problèmes tels que la formation d'un tableau, très fréquent dans les travaux
avec l’ESO, dans la configuration optimale. Pour cela, un programme numérique a été développé dans
le logiciel Fortran. L'objectif est d'obtenir une structure optimale avec une réduction de masse et, par
conséquent, de volume, sans que cela ne devienne irréalisable du point de vue de la fabrication.

1. Introduction
The way in which structural designs are conducted is mainly based on the intuition of the
designers, often following procedures established decades ago. This causes a slowly installation of
technological advances in the activities that need them. However, the high competitiveness of the
industrial market forced companies to make cheaper and faster products available. This led the engineers
to look for new ways and methodologies, emerging as an advanced tool for structural projects in the
beginning of this century: The Optimization (LABANOWSKI, 2004). On the other side, one of man's
greatest goals in the last 30 years has been the construction and implementation of machines with a
certain degree of intelligence - Artificial Intelligence (AI) - that are capable of assuming the role of
humans in parts of a process where their role is considered difficult or offers some risk to the individual.
It is also worth noting that the need to increase productivity, as well as the search for improvements in
product quality in the industrial sector, were the main reasons for the insertion of robotic manipulators
in the production line. (GONZALEZ and MARENGONI, 2005; BRUNNER et al, 2012; KANEIRO et
al, 2012).
Over the years, the scientific society has been developing more and more research in an
important industry line: the positioning of robotic arms for a given task (SHHEIBIA, 2001). What is
currently found in large industrial centers, are robotic manipulators with high rigidity in their elements
in order to obtain the highest possible precision. This results, however, in heavy machinery with low
cinematic performance and dynamic efficiency. Therefore, one way of achieving greater agility and
efficiency, is the reduction of mass and consequently the volume and weight, but maintaining its rigidity.
Lightweight manipulators offer many challenges to researchers in robotics, compared to rigid and bulky
robots, as a behavioral analysis of their structure when required by a load, for example, becomes
essential. Energy consumption can be reduced due to mass removal, besides speed increase in the
performance of a task (CHIESA et al, 2015).
In this work, the Topological Optimization is used to minimize the weight subject to a stress
restriction and a prescribed volume. Thus, a robotic arm, subjected to a punctual loading, is modeled
using the Finite Element Method by the SESO technique (smoothing-ESO), derived from the ESO
method of XIE & STEVEN (1997), whose heuristics of removal of the elements occurs smoothly and
gradually, such as a "Soft-Kill" procedure. All the formulation was implemented in Fortran and
numerical instabilities are avoided with a spatial tense filter. The performance of the structure is
monitored with the performance index (IP). The material distribution should be analyzed in a way that
is viable from the point of view of manufacture, an optimized model that does not present the problem
of checkerboard and avoids the creation of too many cavities, which would make the structure very

2. SESO Optimization Problem

In the SESO technique, implemented by SIMONETTI (2009) and later developed in
SIMONETTI et al (2014), a structure is optimized by removing p% and returning (1-p%) the elements,
that is, the element itself, instead of its associated physical or material parameters, is treated as the design
variable. Therefore, the Weight Minimization Problem (Eq.1) shows a stress-based topological
optimization problem formulated to minimize the weight of a given design domain subject to voltage
constraints. The voltage constraints are defined on the basis of von Mises voltage failure theory. Thus
the optimization problem via SESO can be written as:

Minimize V(x) = å xe *Ve
e= 1
subject to Ku = F
max (1)
s vm
g(xe ) = <1
s projeto
X = {x1 x2 x3 ... xN }, xi = 1 or xi = 0

Where, V is the volume, NE the total number of elements that defines the project domain, and
are elements within the project design domain, Ve is the volume of each element in the design domain,
s vm
is the maximum stress of von Mises. ‘K’ is global stiffness matrix, ‘u’ is global displacement
vector, F global force vector,
xi is the material removal variable of the design domain and ‘X’ is a
vector of the project variable.

3. Results
A robotic arm was designed as a two-dimensional beam, whose length-to-height ratio (L / H) is
4: 1. On the left side a hexagonal hole is inserted to represent the axis of rotation of the arm. In the free
side, midpoint, a point load F = 1E5N / m² is applied, see figure 1. The properties of the material used
are: Young's modulus of 210 GPa, Poisson's coefficient 0.33, material density is 2.7 kg / m³ and
thickness equivalent to 1mm. The discretization of the mesh was 160x60 and the evolutionary procedure
starts with a rejection ratio (RR) equal to 1%, evolutionary ratio (ER) of 1.25%. The volume removed
by iteration was 1.75% of the initial volume, and the volume for the final structure was equivalent to
38% of the initial volume. It can be observed that the load applied on the structure, results in traction
elements, highlighted in blue, as well as the compressed elements, in red.

Original Model submitted to Topological Optimization via SESO

Since the goal is to obtain an optimal and workable structure from the point of view of
manufacture, it is important that a control is made about the created cavities to avoid very complex
models. Applying the SESO method, it could obtained the evolution of the structure to the following
optimized form, with a computational time of 3457 seconds. Effective Iteration, which exhibits the
optimal model proposed by the control based on the performance index, occurred in iteration No. 233.
See below the figures that indicate the convergence of the SESO process.

4. Conclusions
This work has a mainly objective, the application of the technique of Topological Optimization
by SESO, exemplifying the importance that the technique has for studies in several areas of engineering.
It can be said that the industrial sector has been the focus of several researches and technological
innovations, justified by the choice of a flexible robotic arm as a prototype to be optimized.
From the analyzed problems, the results obtained were satisfactory, when compared with
similar problems presented in the literature. The main objective was accomplished, it means that, from
the constraints imposed on the problem, optimal structures were obtained with a reduction in the volume
and, consequently, a reduction in the cost of production of the component, based on the reduction of the
expense with raw material. It is verified that the checkerboard formation has been reduced due to the
use of the space stress filter. The filter control parameter, the coverage radius, was 1.25 in the example
presented. However, it is not recommended to use a very high value, so that the project domain limits
are not extrapolated, preventing the program from finding an optimal solution.
It is noteworthy that the results presented here, as well as the robotic arm design, are still
primary. The tests with more complex models and their graphical analyzis will be explored in the
extended work. The design of the robotic arm presented here will suffer several analyzes such as the
ideal position of the hole for the axis of rotation, so that the final article presents the best possible


This work is supported by FEDER Funds through the “Programa Operacional Factores de
Competitividade - COMPETE” program and by National Funds through FCT “Fundação para a Ciência
e a Tecnologia” under the project UID/EEA/00760/2013.
Also, I would like to thank those involved in the production of this work. Both in Portugal,
where I was very well received, with all the support of the Higher Institute of Engineering of Porto
(ISEP), as well as in Brazil, through the Federal Institute of Minas Gerais.

[1] A. J. LABANOWSKI. Análise Comparativa de Métodos de Otimização Topológica em Elasticidade
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in Engineering Ney Augusto Dumont (Editor), ABMEC, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, November 22-25,
[3] F. KANEHIRO; E. YOSHIDA. Efficient Reaching Motion Planning and Execution for Exploration
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pp. 1-3, 2012.
[4] H. L. SIMONETTI. Otimização Topológica de Estruturas Bidimensionais. 2009. Dissertação
(Mestrado em Engenharia Civil) – Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Universidade Federal de Ouro
Preto, Ouro Preto.
[5] H. L. SIMONETTI ; V. S. ALMEIDA; L. OLIVEIRA NETO. A Influência do Peso Próprio na
Otimização Topológica de Estruturas Elásticas 2D – via Técnica Numérica Smooth Evolutionary
Structural Optimization (SESO). Rev. int. Métodos Num. Cálc. Diseño Ing., 30(4) (2014), p 271-280.
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[7] M. BRUNNER; B. BRUGGEMANN. Motion Planning for Actively Reconfigurable Mobile Robots in
Search and Rescue Scenarios. Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), IEEE International
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Inteligente. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Curso de Pós – Graduação em Informática, Departamento de
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Computers & Structures, Vol. 49(5), 885-896, 1993.




I.Imamovic1, A.Ibrahimbegovic1, E.Mesic2

Laboratoire Roberval, Université de Technologie de Compiègne / Sorbonne Universités, France;
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina ,

1. Introduction
The moment-resistant steel frames are frequently used as load-bearing structures of buildings in
seismic regions. The earthquake induced inertial forces show cyclic loading pattern. Cyclic loading
can significantly change the response of the structure in comparison with the monotonic loading. The
behavior of the joint is very complex, and depends on the type of the structural connection.
The analysis of a structural connection can be performed with many nonlinear FEM commercial
programs, using 3D solid finite elements [1]. The quality of the predicted connection behavior,
obtained by using refined FEM model, is confirmed with experimental tests in many scientific works
[2,3], but those computations are often too costly and not practical for everyday usage. Modern code
[4] proposes the representation of a connection behavior with nonlinear links, but the connection
response under cyclic loading is not covered.
This work deals with the experimental testing of two types of structural connections under cyclic
loading. Experimental observations show the change in the behavior of connections in comparison
with tests under monotonic load. Namely, with the change in the direction of the applied load, the less
stiff response of structural connections is measured. Inspired by experimentally measured responses of
structural connections we propose modification of beam model in order to cover observed
phenomenon. The proposed beam model contains 18 unknown constitutive parameters. The
identification of unknowns can be successfully done by using well designed experimental test, which
gives sufficient information needed for identification procedure. Details of the identification procedure
are shown in authors’ previous work [5].

2. The experimental testing of structural connections

The tests are performed on experimental structures, which are composed of two perpendicular beams
(vertical-IPE200 and horizontal-IPE400) and connections between them. These tests were designed in
a way that sufficient information for the identification of constitutive parameters can be obtained from
experimental measurements [5]. In these experimental structures, connection represents the weakest
element in which plastic deformations and failure are expected to occur. The first experimentally
tested connection type is end plate connection with extended plate, which is constructed from the plate
(340x130x10mm) welded to the vertical beam and eight bolts (M12) connecting the plate to the
horizontal beam. The second tested connection type is end plate connection, which is composed of the
plate (220x130x10mm) welded to the vertical beam and four bolts (M16).
The measured responses of experimental structures under cyclic loading (Fig 1) indicate the complex
behavior of the connection, which cannot be represented by plasticity. By analyzing these responses,

we can also note the complex behavior of structural connection under cyclic load. Namely, after
changing the direction of applied load, the less stiff response has been measured. In the next section,
we propose model capable of representing measured responses.

a) End plate connection with extended plate b) End plate connection

Fig 1 Experimentally measured responses

a) End plate connection with extended plate b) End plate connection

Fig 2 Deformation of connection elements during experimental testing

3. Finite element beam model

The experimental results show complex responses of tested structures, which are quite a challenge to
describe. In this work, we propose the geometrically exact beam model [6,7] with hardening/softening
response including modification related to the response under cyclic load. Namely, the large
deformations of the connection components under cyclic loading cause the less stiff response of the
experimental structure. This phenomenon has a physical explanation. During the loading of the
experimental structure, large deformations of the welded plate in the tension zone cause partial loss of
the contact between the plate and horizontal beam, see Fig 3a. With the change in the direction of the
applied load, the compression and tension zones will be inverted. The partially lost contact in
compression zone causes the reduced stiffness of the connection, see Fig 3b. The stiffness remains
reduced until the full contact between the plate and horizontal beam is reached again. After the full
contact has been reached, the connection will provide again the full stiffness.

a) b)
Fig 3 Deformation of the connection during a cyclic loading
The idea is to use the coupled plasticity-damage model [5,8]. The plasticity part governs the hardening
and unloading phases, whereas the damage part provides the reduced stiffness of the connection after
the change in the sign of the bending moment: from positive to negative or vice versa, see Fig 4. The
damage model governs connection response until full contact between the plate and horizontal beam is
reached. After the full contact has been reached, the plasticity model is again activated. The gap δ
corresponds to the plastic deformation in bolts.

The beam constitutive model consists of bilinear hardening and linear softening. The hardening model
is defined as coupled plasticity-damage model. The modification of the beam model requires splitting
of internal variables into two groups, depending on the sign of bending moment. This model is capable
of representing a previously described phenomenon which is commonly observed during experimental
testing. A detailed description of the proposed beam constitutive model is given in [9].

Plastic model + accumulating damage for opposite load direction


Elastic response with reduced stiffness

D-1(-) ψ
δ D-1(+)

Elastic response with reduced stiffness

Plastic model + accumulating damage for opposite load direction

Fig 4 Constitutive model

4. Identification of the constitutive model parameters

In the case of a structural connection testing, the global response of a specimen can be represented
with load-displacement (F-u) diagram. Any such curve can be related to the three phases of the
connection response: elastic, hardening and softening part. The used damage-plasticity model, which
represents connection behavior, contains the bilinear hardening and the linear softening response. For
the most general case, we need to identify three parameters in the elastic phase, nine in the hardening
phase and six unknown parameters in the softening phase.
The identification in general case is performed in two steps: i) definition of an objective function
based on some experimental measurements; ii) minimization of this objective function in order to find
values of constitutive parameters used in the model.
The standard algorithms for unconstrained minimization included in Matlab are sufficient to solve the
identification problems for each and every phase. The key step to facilitate this is in a pertinent choice
of the objective function for the parameters identification with the general format that can be written
as [5]:
J  d p   a  FPicom  FPiexp   b U Picom  U Piexp   b U Scom
, Pi  U S , Pi   c  Pi   Pi  
3 3 3 3
2 2 exp 2 com exp 2

1 1 1 1
 d     e    g   
2 3 3
exp 2 exp 2 exp 2
Pi   Pi
Pi  Pi
Pi   Pi
1 1 1

where: FPicom , FPiexp are forces for different load level (Pi); U Picom ,U Piexp are the corresponding
, Pi , U S , Pi are shear displacements (Pi );  Pi ,  Pi
com exp
displacements (Pi ); U Scom exp
are rotations of the
connection (Pi);  Picom   Picom1  Picom and  Piexp   Piexp1  Piexp are gradients of rotation between two
different load (Pi );  Picom ,  Piexp are curvatures of the section (Pi);  Picom   Picom1   Picom and
 Piexp   Piexp1   Piexp are gradients of the curvature between two different load (Pi ); while a, b, c, d, e, g
are constants.
The identification procedure on constitutive parameters has been performed according to [5].
Thereafter, by using the identified parameter, we have performed the numerical simulation of the
experimental tests. The comparison of the computed and the measured response is shown in Fig 5.

Both of them indicate that proposed model is capable of representing the connection behavior,
including many phenomena characteristic for this structural connection types.

a) First conn. – Hysteresis and extracted cycle b) Second conn.– Hysteresis and extracted cycle
Fig 5 Computed vs. measured response of the experimental structures

5. Conclusions
In this chapter, we have presented an experimental and numerical study of the moment-resistant
structural connection behavior under cyclic loading. A total of two experimental tests have been
performed for two different types of the structural connection. The experimental observations have
shown that the behavior of the structural connection is affected by the load type. During the tests with
the change in the direction of the applied load, we have measured the less stiff response of structural
connections. With the intention to include this phenomenon in a numerical prediction, we have
proposed a modification of the beam model. The proposed beam model is geometrically exact beam
with hardening and softening part of the response included. The hardening part of the response is
described by coupled plasticity-damage model. The ability of the proposed beam model to represent
the connection behavior is confirmed through several numerical simulations where good matching
between measured and computed responses is observed. The computed response is obtained by using
the set of parameters which were identified from experimental measurements, resulting in enhanced
predictive capabilities of the proposed model.
Acknowledgement: This work was supported by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This support is
gratefully acknowledged.

[1] Imamovic I, Mesic E. Non-linear analysis of end plate connections with four bolts in a row and
their effect on the global behavior of a frame, Conference EUROSTEEL 2014, Naples, Italy
[2] Faella C, Piluso V, Rizzano G. Structural Steel Semirigid Connections: Theory, Design, and
Software: CRC Press LLC; 2000.
[3] Gang Shi YSYW. Behaviour of end-plate moment connections under earthquake loading,
Engineering Structures, 29, 703–716, 2007.
[4] EC3. EN 1993-1-8: Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of joint, Bruxelles:
European Commitee; 2005.
[5] Imamovic I, Ibrahimbegovic A, Knopf-Lenoir C, Mesic E. Plasticity-Damage Model Parameters
Identification for Structural Connections, Coupled Systems Mechanics, 4, 337-364, 2015.
[6] Imamovic I, Ibrahimbegovic A, Mesic E. Nonlinear kinematics Reissner’s beam with combined
hardening/softening elastoplasticity, Computers and Structures, 189, 12-29, 2017.
[7] Ibrahimbegovic A, Frey F. Finite element analysis of linear and non-linear planar deformations
of elastic initially curved beam, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 36,
3239-3258, 1993.
[8] Ibrahimbegovic A. Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: Springer; 2009.
[9] Imamovic I, Ibrahimbegovic A, Mesic E. Coupled testing-modeling approach to ultimate state
computation of steel structure with connections for statics and dynamics, Coupled Systems
Mechanics, 2018.




Ivan Rukavina1 , Adnan Ibrahimbegovic1

1 Laboratoire Roberval, Université de Technologie de Compiègne / Sorbonne Universités, France

In this paper, two multiscale methods for representing localized failure of the material are compared.
The first one is a multiscale approach with a strong coupling of the scales, where each macro element
is represented by a micro mesh. The second one is a homogenization FE2 approach, where each Gauss
point on the macro-scale is described by a mesh over representative volume element.

1. Multiscale formulation with strong coupling

In the strong coupling approach, two scales are communicating constantly during the analysis, and com-
putations advance simultaneously at each scale to produce the final result. The standard finite element
method is used on both scales. The micro-scale mesh, finitely smaller than the macro-scale mesh, is
placed inside the macro elements (see Figure 1a)[1, 2]. Hence, the macro element does not need any
constitutive equation and its element arrays are obtained from the micro-scale calculations. Displace-
ment based coupling is used, where the micro-scale displacements on the interface comply with the
displacements at the macro-scale.
Localized Lagrange multiplier method is used for scale coupling. They allow to replace the standard
computation of the element tangent stiffness matrices and the residual vectors by an assembly of micro-
scale contributions which are statically condensed at the macro-scale [3]. The finite element models
representing the microstructure communicate between each other exclusively through the degrees of
freedom of the macro-scale model, so the advantage is that the micro-scale computations are independent
of each other and can be executed in parallel.

(a) (b)

Figure 1: (a) Multiscale model with FE mesh at both the macro and micro-scale; (b) FE2 model with FE
mesh at the macro-scale and FE mesh constructed at each Gauss point at the micro-scale

The displacement field approximations on the micro and the macro-scale are calculated by standard
finite element method. The localized multipliers enforce that the displacements on the interface nodes
at the micro-scale are calculated as a linear interpolation of the nodal values of displacements at the
macro-scale. Then, the displacements at the micro-scale can thus be written as:

n+1 |ΓM,E = T dn+1 (1)

268 1
where TE is the connectivity matrix, and dM,En+1 are displacements of the macro-scale element.
Such connectivity matrix TE , based on the macro-scale shape functions is calculated for each inter-
face node on the micro-scale. After obtaining the solution on the micro-scale, static condensation of the
stiffness matrix and residual is calculated. The values of the residual and stiffness matrix for each macro
element are calculated based on the values obtained on the micro-scale:

n+1 = T
E,T e m
Kn+1 TE ; rM,E
n+1 = T
E,T m
e (2)
where e em
n+1 is the staticaly condensed residual and Kn+1 is the staticaly condensed stiffness matrix on the

2. FE2 formulation
In the FE2 method, the scales are weakly coupled, and the final solution can be constructed in two sepa-
rate steps by using standard finite elements at both scales. We first perform the micro-scale calculation
and then proceed to the macro-scale [6]. The most important step in FE2 analysis is to define a mi-
crostructural representative volume element that can represent the constitutive behaviour of the material.
On the macro-scale, the representative volume element is defined in a single point, typically chosen as
the Gauss point of the macro element [5].
The result is used to define the material response, at the macro-scale in terms of the stress σM and
the strain εM , which is obtained from the macro-scale displacement field uM . With the stress σm and the
strain εm defined at the micro-scale level, the constitutive relation at the macro-scale can be written as
1 1
σM = σm dV ; εM = εm dV ; (3)
where V RE is the volume of the representative element and ΩRV E is its domain of integration.

3. Numerical examples
Multiscale calculations are implemented using Finite Element Analysis Program (FEAP) for both macro
and micro-scale. The macro-scale instance has been modified so it can start the execution of the micro
instances and obtain the results. Synchronization and communication between the instances is imple-
mented using Component Template Library (CTL) as explained in [2]. FE2 calculations are implemented
using FEAP module FE2 and OpenMPI for parallel execution and communication between the scales.
To validate the theoretical formulation with numerical examples, a simple tension test was chosen.
The results for both methods were compared against the monolithic solution. The goal was to see which
method can represent the localized failure. The boundary conditions and imposed displacement for
simple tension test are shown in Figure 2a. The weakened element is shown in gray.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 2: (a) Simple tension test with weakened element; (b) Monoscale mesh; (c) Multiscale:
macro-scale mesh; (d) Multiscale: micro-scale mesh

The mesh for monolithic method is shown in Figure 2b and the mesh for multiscale is shown for
both macro in Figure 2c and for micro-scale in Figure 2d. Both meshes have an equal total number of
elements if micro elements of the multiscale method are summed up. The monoscale mesh has 40 x 40
elements. The element used for this analysis is described in [4]. In the multiscale method there are four
macro elements on the macro-scale and 20 x 20 elements on the micro-scale for every macro element.

269 2
When the crack appears in the weakened element, it propagates vertically, and at one point reaches the
top of the specimen. When the stress is small enough and only elastic response is obtained, the results for
monoscale, multiscale and FE2 model produce the same force-displacement diagram as shown in Figure
3a. For the hardening case, the force-displacement diagrams are still the same (see Figure 3b).

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 3: (a) Elastic: monoscale and multiscale; (b) Hardening: monoscale and multiscale; (c)
Softening: monoscale; (d) Softening: multiscale

When the structure enters into softening, the results are much different. The monoscale method pro-
duces results with the crack properly propagating vertically, and the force-displacement diagram shows
the proper results for the softening phase (see Figure 3c). The multiscale method does not produce
good results, as the crack cannot be properly transfered to the macro-scale. The macro-scale element is
not able to represent the diplacement jump. While transfering the displacement from the macro to the
micro-scale, the micro crack starts to propagate both vertically and horizontally, until the whole structure
To overcome this problem, a new mesh is constructed with regular size macro elements and one
narrow macro element with a width of only one element. In the micro mesh of the narrow macro element,
the bottom element is weakened. In this way, the crack on the micro-scale can propagate only vertically
and produce good results on the macro-scale (see Figure 4). It is also shown that micro cracks can
propagate properly from one macro element to the other by running an example with four regular size
macro elements and two narrow macro elements one on top of another (see Figure 6).

(a) (b)

Figure 4: (a) Macro scale elements: displacements; (b) Narrow micro-scale element: cracks

(a) (b)

Figure 5: (a) Macro-scale elements: displacements; (b) Narrow micro-scale element: cracks

270 3
The FE2 method example was able to represent localized failure on the macro-scale. The force-
displacement diagram is shown in Figure 6a. The displacements are shown in Figure 6b. The weakened
element is positioned at the bottom of the micro mesh of the macro element that has failed. The crack
has propagated vertically on the macro-scale.

(a) (b)

Figure 6: (a) FE2 method: force-displacement diagram; (b) FE2 method: displacements

4. Conclusion and perspectives

In order to allow the multiscale model to represent localized failure, the idea is to implement an embedded
discontinuity on the macro-scale element. With the introduction of the incompatible mode function,
calculation of the displacements on the interface nodes at the micro-scale needs to be changed. Also,
the stiffness matrix and the residual obtained on the micro-scale need to be calculated differently, and
additional information need to be translated from micro to macro-scale.

This work was supported jointly by Haut-de-France Region (CR Picardie) (120-2015-RDISTRUCT-
000010 and RDISTRUCT-000010) and EU funding (FEDER) for Chaire-de-Mécanique (120-2015-
RDISTRUCTF-000010 and RDISTRUCTI-000004). This support is gratefully acknowledged.

[1] A. Ibrahimbegovic, D. Markovic. Strong coupling methods in multi-phase and multi-scale modeling of inelas-
tic behavior of heterogeneous structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 3089-
3107, vol. 192, 2003.
[2] R. Niekamp, D. Markovic, A. Ibrahimbegovic, H. G. Matthies, R. L. Taylor. Multi-scale modelling of hetero-
geneous structures with inelastic constitutive behavior: Part II - software coupling implementation aspects,
Engineering Computations: International Journal for Computer-Aided Engineering and Software, 6-28, vol.
26, no. 1/2, 2009.
[3] M. Hautefeuille, J.-B. Colliat, A. Ibrahimbegovic, H.G. Matthies, P. Villon. A multi-scale approach to model
localized failure with softening, Computers and Structures, 83-95, vol. 94-95, 2012.
[4] X. Nam Do, A. Ibrahimbegovic, D. Brancherie. Dynamics framework for 2D anisotropic continuum-discrete
damage model for progressive localized failure of massive structures, Computers and Structures, 14-26, vol.
183, 2017.
[5] F. Feyel, J.-L. Chaboche. FE2 multiscale approach for modelling the elastoviscoplastic behaviour of long fiber
SiC/Ti composite materials, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 309-330, vol. 183,
[6] A. Ibrahimbegovic. Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, Springer, 2009.

271 4

On the analysis of an innovative architectural project of the XIII

century considering modern numerical techniques : the spire of
the Senlis cathedral

Antaluca E.1, Rolin R.1, Batoz J.L.1,2, Lamarque F.1

Avenues Laboratory, Sorbonne Universities, University of Technology of Compiègne, France,  
Roberval Laboratory, Sorbonne Universities, University of Technology of Compiègne, France,


In this paper we present a complete methodology used from digitization by 3D laser scanning to finite
element study of the spire of the cathedral of Senlis, France. The main objective consists in the
analysis of a complex architectural project erected during the XII and XIII centuries using a complete
chain of numerical techniques: laser scanning, geometrical modeling, BIM models, 3D meshing, finite
element structural analysis. We consider the particular difficulties linked with digitization and
geometrical modeling of gothic structures, as well as the need to find compromises between quality
and accuracy of extracted data used for geometrical modeling and for structural analysis. Advanced
numerical analyses offer significant information for understanding the behavior of the structure and
potential damage monitoring, provided that results are reliable and correctly detailed. The assessment
of the structural behavior of historic masonry structures like cathedrals still remains an engineering
and architectural issue, because of the economic and cultural relevance of such buildings. It is also
important to understand the links between architectural and structural aspects, for past and future


Several publications are dealing with the development of numerical techniques and methodologies for
digitization and geometrical modelling of historical buildings in order to carry out finite element
structural analyses (see [1,14] among others). One important reason is due to the significant
technological advances in the fields of laser-scanning and photogrammetry, both with material (better
quality and accuracy of digitization devices, improved image formats, significant reduction in
hardware costs, etc.) and software (efficient and reliable algorithms for data processing, better 3D
modelling of complex geometries, etc.) [3,4]. As a result, several types of studies and approaches have
been conducted, depending on needs, specific contexts and objectives [5,6,7], and can be classified
according to the type of works and studies carried out [8,9]. The communication is intended to present
a methodology dedicated to point clouds processing, as-built hBIM-oriented modelling and finite
elements structural analysis for the case study of the spire of the Senlis cathedral, in France.


The cathedral of Senlis and its spire.
The Cathedral of Senlis, located 40km north of Paris, in the department of Oise, France, is a French
gothic cathedral and one of the city's main symbols. Its construction began in 1151, both at the east
and west ends of the site. The spire of the cathedral (78 meters high) was erected on the south tower
during the thirteenth century, around 1240. Other construction and reorganization works took place
during XIVth and XVth centuries. The spire of this cathedral is one of the few that survived the
centuries and remains almost intact (see figure 1). The height, the actions of wind and temperature
changes, lightning and water infiltration are continuously stressing the structure, which also suffered
serious damage during a fire in 1504 and during conflicts in 1914. The last major restoration works
took place in 1993.

Figure 1 : The cathedral of Senlis (main facade) and details on the spire (interior)

Digitization and laser-scanning, hBIM model.

A digitization campaign of the spire of the Cathedral was carried out during spring 2015, using a
FARO Focus X330 terrestrial laser scanner (TLS). The entire structure was digitized by performing
forty measurement ground-based stations, both from the outside of the structure and inside the
structure. Some details could not be properly digitized. Information for those parts have been obtained
from existing historical and architectural data. The point cloud was very heavy: the initial number of
points was 839 million before cleaning and additional processing. The final point cloud we kept for
further works has been filtered with uniformly spaced points every 2 cm (with a maximum distance
between points set at 4 cm). The number of points in the cloud after filtering and reduction was 9
million points, thus providing a fully exploitable cloud presenting a good compromise between data
quality, precision, number of points and file size. After post-processing and optimization steps of the
point clouds, 3D modelling operations were carried out to build a parametric hBIM-oriented model of
the spire, instead of a geometrical one describing the whole structure only by surfaces and volumes.
The construction of hBIM models helps the steps for geometrical modelling. However, due to the
great complexity of the structure, the construction of a 3D model including only parametric
components correctly describing the geometry became difficult and quite time-consuming, which
explains why the use of geometrical additional components is an interesting compromise. The


objective in our case was to propose a fast and reliable way of geometrical 3D modelling, without
requiring any time-consuming additional editing phase. The resulting hybrid model was completed
and gradually improved with other geometrical components. The final model contains 6 features: 26
walls, 1 slab, 8 openings, 12 poles, 155 volumes and 5 stairs components.
Structural analysis by 3D finite elements

In order to study the structural behaviour of the spire, the geometry has been exported into the
dedicated 3D finite element (FE) meshing software Hypermesh [15]. The finite element model built
after processing is based on tetrahedral meshes with four-node linear elements. The selection of the FE
mesh is not an easy task in the case of the complex geometry of the Senlis cathedral spire. There are
various constraints to satisfy: satisfactory representation of the 3D geometry, acceptance of mesh
elements distortion and precision of global and local stress states.

A good compromise was to build a
mesh with 20 cm average elements  
size (the average thickness of the
walls is 45cm). The full tetra mesh  
was built from one side of the
structure to the other, to get a full  
mesh of the entire structure. For
correcting potential geometrical  
errors on tetras, improving the  
quality of elements, and for avoiding
errors during the computational  
phase, tetramesh optimization steps
were required. After that, the final  
mesh contained 647 639 elements
and 165 961 nodes (see figure 2).  


Figure 2 : Spire after full tetra mesh  

generation (perspective)

As a first structural analysis, we performed the static analysis of the spire under its self-weight, in the
linear range and with homogeneous material elastic properties. The basis of the spire has been
assumed fully fixed on the upper part of the right cathedral’s tower. The finite element analysis has
been performed using the Optistruct solver [16]. The total number of degrees of freedom is 397 883.
The distribution of vertical displacements presents an expected overall deformation under self-weight.
The maximum displacement at the top of the spire is -52mm along Z-direction (-18mm along X-
direction and -6mm along Y-direction), and no excessive strains are observed. The results (small
displacements and strains) validate the assumptions related to linear elastic structural analysis.
The distribution of stresses is quite regular from the top to the basis, without apparent major
perturbations or stress concentrations.
The maximal szz compression value is 1.3 MPa at the base of the spire, on a limited number of points
and elements belonging to the external octagon walls. The maximum value is well below the average
limit in compression of the material (15 MPa). Figure 3 shows compression stresses values between -
0.5 and -1.4 MPa. The maximal values are localized at the base of the external octagon walls and


Figure 3 : Compression stress (szz, MPa) between -0.5 and -1.4 MPa

[1] Castellazzi G, et al., From laser scanning to finite element analysis of complex buildings by using a semi-automatic
procedure. Sensors 2015; 15; 18360-380.
[2] Castellazzi G, et al., A mesh generation method for historical monumental buildings: an innovative approach. In
ECCOMAS Congress, Crete Island, Greece, 2016.
[3] Castellazzi G, et al., An innovative numerical modeling strategy for the structural analysis of historical monumental
buildings. Engineering Structures, 2016, 132, 229-248.
[4] Barazzetti L, et al., BIM from laser clouds and finite element analysis: combining structural analysis and geometric
complexity. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Avila,
Spain, 2015.
[5] Biagini C, et al., Towards the BIM implementation for historical building restoration sites. Automation in Construction,
[6] Korumaz M, et al., An integrated Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS), Deviation Analysis (DA) and Finite Element (FE)
approach for health assessment of historical structures. A minaret case study. Engineering Structures, 2017; 153: 224-238.
[7] Pieraccini M, et al., Radar detection of pedestrian-induced vibrations of Michelangelo's David. Plos ONE, 2017; 12(4).
[8] Betti M, Vignoli A. Modelling and analysis of a Romanesque church under earthquake loading: Assessment of seismic
resistance. Engineering Structures, 30, 352–367, 2008.
[9] Betti M, Bartoli G, Orlando M. Evaluation study on structural fault of a renaissance italian palace. Engineering
Structures, 32, 1801–1813, 2010.
[10] Betti M, Vignoli A. Numerical assessment of the static and seismic behaviour of the basilica of santa maria
all’impruneta (Italy). Construction and Building Materials, 25, 4308–4324, 2011.
[11] Betti M, Orlando M, Vignoli A. Static behavior of an italian medieval castle: Damage assessment by numerical
modelling. Computers and Structures, 89, 1956–1970, 2011.
[12] Sánchez-Aparicio LJ, Riveiro B, Gonzalez- Aguilera D, Ramos LF. The combination of geomatic approaches and
operational modal analysis to improve calibration of finite element models: A case of study in saint Torcato church
(Guimaraes, Portugal). Construction and Buildings Materials, 2014.
[13] Barazzetti L, et al., Cloud-to-bim to- FEM: Structural simulation with accurate historic BIM from laser scans.
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[14] Saloustros S, Pelà L, Roca P, Portal J,. Numerical analysis of structural damage in the church of the Poblet monastery.
Engineering Failure Analysis, 2015, 48, 41–61.
[15] Hypermesh :  
[16] Optistruct : Unknown
Code de champ modifié





Yabo Jia1, Jean-Christophe Roux1, Eric Feulvarch1, Jean-Baptiste Leblond2, Jean-

Michel Bergheau1

1 Université de Lyon, ENISE, LTDS, CNRS, UMR 5513, 58 rue Jean Parot, 42023
Saint-Etienne Cedex 02, France,,,,
2 Université Sorbonne, Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, CNRS, UMR7190, 4 place

Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France,

In this paper, a new method based on nodal integration is presented for

simulating processes involving moving loadings in the reference frame related to
solicitations. The method is based on a nodal integration technique and the
material motion is simulated step by step up to obtain the steady state. The
advantage of the nodal integration technique is that the transfer of the
mechanical state needed to simulate the material motion is more straightforward
as all the variables are calculated at nodes. It is thus achieved directly using the
shape functions of the elements and avoided average computations from Gauss
points to nodes. The method is applied on welding and rolling examples.

Keywords: steady-state, reference frame formulation, numerical simulation, nodal

integration technique.

In the literature, a lot of articles discuss the numerical simulation of metal
forming processes with different formulations such as Updated Lagrangian (UL),
Eulerian or Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) (see e.g. [1,2,3,4,5]). Each of
these formulations has its benefits and drawbacks. We present in this paper a
new approach using the nodal integration (nodal FE) technique to simulate both
transient and steady states in the reference frame related to solicitations. The
method is applied on the simulation of welding and rolling processes.


A nodal integration technique is used combined with tetraedral mesh [6]. With
this technique, the integration points coincide with the nodes, which eliminates
the locking phenomenon encountered for the elastoplastic problems associated

with a von Mises plasticity criterion and which occur when using standard linear
Most of the welding processes involve a moving heat source translating along an
often straight weld path. Rolling processes, on the contrary, involve a straight
motion of matter. But in both cases, in order to reduce the size of the geometrical
model, it could be interesting to simulate the problem in the reference frame
associated to the solicitation, that is the reference frame related to the moving
heat source for welding processes or to the rolling rolls for rolling processes.
The simulation is performed step by step in time. At each time step, the initial
mechanical state of a node is the one of a point located upstream of the node at
a distance equal to where is the velocity of the matter. The values of the strains,
stresses and internal variables at this point are calculated from nodal values of
these fields using the shape functions of the elements. When using a nodal
integration technique, as all the mechanical fields are calculated at nodes, this
avoids to apply first a procedure to extrapolate these values from Gauss points to
the nodes. The localization of the points situated upstream of all the nodes of the
mesh is performed on the undeformed mesh at the beginning of the simulation
and must be updated at each change of the time-step.


In order to demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach, we propose
first to apply the method to simulate the steady states of welding processes.
Lets consider a 316L stainless steel plate the dimensions of which are
2∗0.2∗0.05m. Due to symmetry with respect to the mid-plane, only one half of
the structure is represented in the finite element mesh. Figure 1 shows the mesh
used in the simulation. It is obtained from an hexahedral mesh, each hexahedron
being then cut into 6 tetraedra as shown on Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Finite element mesh and cutting method

The thermal steady state is first calculated using the standard finite element
method applied to the diffusion-convection problem. Once the steady
temperature distribution has been calculated, a transient step by step
thermoelastoplastic calculation is performed using the nodal approach and the
procedure described previously. The mechanical calculation is performed using a
small displacement, small strain formulation. A step by step algorithm is applied
up the mechanical seady state has been reached. The calculated temperature
distribution as well as the contours of the longitudinal residual stress sigma22
and von Mises stress are given in figure 2.
These results have been compared with the moving reference frame method [1]
which produces very similar results. This validates the proposed approach to

calculate steady states using linear tetrahedral meshes. However, the computing
time is slightly larger using this new approach, but the convergence is better
than the moving reference frame method one.

Figure 2 - Steady state thermal loading (upper left), steady state longitudinal residual
stress sigma22 (upper right), steady state von Mises stress (bottom left), zoom of melted
zone (bottom right).

Numerical model t=10s

t=20s t=60s

Figure 3 - Numerical model, displacement UX at t=10s, displacement UX at t=20s,

displacement UX at t=60s

A second application of cold rolling is then presented. In order to simplify the
problem, friction between the roll and the sheet of metal is not taken into
account. The same material 316L stainless steel is used. The temperature is fixed
at 20°C and a 2mm thick sheet of metal is laminated. In the zone near the roller
the mesh is refined. The numerical model and displacement distributions at
different times are presented in figure 3. It can be seen that the steady state of
rolling can be reached progressively

A new method of simulation of welding or rolling processes based on a nodal
integration technique and a solution procedure in a reference frame related to
solicitations has been presented. The first advantage of the method is that linear
tetrahedral elements can be used for thermoelastoplastic problems thanks to the
nodal integration technique. The second advantage is that unstructured meshes
can be used contrary to the moving reference frame method [1]. The third
advantage is that the proposed approach enables to refine the mesh only closed
to the solicitations avoiding costly remeshings when the solution is calculated in
a fixed reference frame.


[1] J.-M. Bergheau, D. Pont and J.-B. Leblond, « Three-dimensional simulation of a

LASER surface treatment through steady state computation in the heat source
comoving frame », Mechanical Effects of Welding, IUTAM Symposium Lulea
(Sweden), 1991, edited by L. Karlsson, L.-E. Lindgren, M. Jonsson, 1992, Springer-
Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 85-92.
[2] J.Y. Shanghvi and P. Michaleris, « Thermo-elasto-plastic finite element analysis
of quasi-state processes in Eulerian reference frames », Int. J. Numer. Meth .
Engng 2002 Volume 53, pages 1533-1556.
[3] Y. Crutzen, R.Boman, L. Papeleux, J.P Ponthot, ‘Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian
simulations cold roll formaing processes including inline welding’ complas 2017, 5
-7 September 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
[4] A. Hacquin, P. Montmitonnet a and J.-P. Guilleraultb, « A steady state thermo-
elastoviscoplastic finite element model of rolling with coupled thermo-elastic roll
deformation», Journal of Materials Processing Technology 60 (1996) 109-116.
[5] J. Huetink, P.T. Vreede, J. Van der Lugt, « Progress in mixed eulerian-
lagrangian finite element simulation of forming processes », Int. J. for Numer.
Meth . Engng 1990, Vol. 30, 1441-1457.
[6] J.M Bergheau, J.B Leblond, « A novel finite element method based on a nodal
integration technique for nonlinear problems of solid mechanics», complas 2017,
5 -7 September 2017, Barcelona, Spain.




Jeferson Wilian Dossa Fernandes 1 , Rodolfo André Kuche Sanches 2

1 Department of Structural Engineering, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo,
São Carlos, SP, Brazil,
2 Department of Structural Engineering, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo,

São Carlos, SP, Brazil,

1. Introduction
In many mechanic problems, in order to get a realistic and accurate numerical modeling, it is necessary to
take into account with significant locks (crack, hole, strengthener, moving interfaces, etc.) in the global
available numerical model.
Considering a continuum mechanical field, the main difficulty to achieve the above-mentioned tasks
in the Finite Element Method (FEM) context is linked to the rigid way in which the continuous is dis-
cretized as a linear combination of shape functions. In addition, the classical h- and/or p- adaptive finite
element refinement techniques, although powerful and robust, methods but are not very flexible and in
many cases present possible prohibitive costs. her important task in computational mechanics is the
simulation of problems with moving domains. Specifically, in computational fluid dynamics context
analysis, many moving boundary domain problems can be solved by employing well known techniques
as the Lagrangian-Eulerian Arbitrary (ALE) [1] description or Immersed Boundary Methods (IBM) [2].
However, both of them have its disadvantages. The first needs efficient mesh moving techniques in order
to preserve the mesh quality along the simulation and, in problem with greater distortion, re-meshing
cannot be avoided. On the other hand, IBM cannot properly have a fine mesh close to the boundaries
in order to capture boundary layers, unless as re-meshing technique is used, and also, IBM often re-
quire level-set functions to perform the local boundary tracking, which can lead to some difficulties in
self-contact problems.
In this work we develop an overlapping meshes stabilized method in order to ensure local refinement
for incompressible flows with moving boundaries without the need for deforming the entire mesh. This
is achieved by the superposition of a finer (local) model to an existing coarser (and global) model one.
Then, following the Arlequin frame [3–5], a gluing zone and a coupling operator are defined, as well
as a weighting function in order to preserve the system energy. In addition, the local model can move
within the global model which is performed locally by using the ALE description. approach results in a
advantages of the immersed boundary methods, can capture limit layer effects in the fine scale mesh and
avoids the need for level-set boundary tracking.

2. Formulation
2.1. Incompressible flow monomodel
The incompressible Newtonian flow in the ALE description is governed by the momentum conservation
and continuity equation according to:
ρ (u̇ + (u − ū) · ∇u − g) − ∇ · σ = 0 in Ω, (1)

280 1
∇ · u = 0 in Ω, (2)
where ρ, u̇, u, ū, g and σ are, respectively, the fluid density, acceleration, velocity, domain velocity, body
forces and the Cauchy stress tensor, given by

σ(u, p) = −pI + 2µ(u) = −pI + µ ∇u + ∇uT , (3)
where I is the identity tensor and µ is the fluid dynamic viscosity.
A common technique employed in the discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations is accomplished
by employing convection, pressure and least-squares stabilizations [6, 7], in order to avoid spurious varia-
tions in convection dominated and high Reynolds number flows as well as to overcome the Ladyzhenskaya-
Babuška-Brezzi (LBB) condition [8], which  results
 the following
 (see [7], for example)
b qh , uh + d qh , rM = 0, (4)
m wh , u̇h + a wh , uh + c uh − ūh ; wh , uh + b ph , wh + s wh , rM + v wh , rC = f wh , (5)
where qh and wh are the pressure and velocity trial functions. rM and rC are the momentum and continuity
residuals and the linear, bilinear Zand trilinear operators are given by Z
b qh , uh = qh ∇ · uh dΩ, b ph , wh = − ph ∇ · wh dΩ, (6)
  nel Z  h  
d q ,u , p = ∑
h h h
τPSPG · rM uh , ph dΩ, (7)
e=1 Ωe ρ
  Z   Z
m wh , u̇h = ρwh · u̇h dΩ, a wh , uh = 2µ(wh ) : (uh ) dΩ, (8)
c uh − ūh ; wh , uh = wh · (uh − ūh ) · ∇uh dΩ, (9)

  Z Z
f wh = ρwh · gh dΩ + wh · T h dΓN , (10)
  nel Z     
s wh , rM = ∑ τSUPG uh − ūh · ∇wh · rM uh , ph dΩ, (11)
e=1 Ωe
  nel Z  
v wh , rC = ∑ ρνLSIC ∇ · wh rC uh dΩ, (12)
e=1 Ωe
where T h is the fluid surface loads and τSUPG , τPSPG and νLSIC are the stabilization parameters, which
are computed with basis on the flow and discretization parameters [7].

2.2. Arlequin modeling

The Arlequin method is based on three main ideas: the superposition of a local model (Ω1 ) in a sub-
region of an global existing one (Ω0 ); the energy distribution between the two models by means of a
partition of unity weight function; and the coupling of the models in a sub-region of the superposition
zone (Ωs = Ω0 ∩ Ω1 ), called gluing zone (Ωc ), by means of a Lagrange Multiplier field.
Jamond and Dhia [5] outlines a methodology to take in account the incompressibility constraint in
the Arlequin framework. As they employed LBB-stable finite elements the incompressibility constraint
must be removed in the local or global models in the superposition zone, in order to avoid the system
redundancy. In the present work, LBB-stabilized finite elements are employed and thus the Arlequin
formulation can be achieved more directly. We assume that the indexes 0 and 1 corresponds to the global
and local models, respectively and for the sake simplicity, without loss of generality, that the global
model is fixed (ū0 = 0). Thus, the Arlequin formulation
b0 qh0 , α0 uh0 + d0 qh0 , rM0 = 0, (13)
m0 wh0 , α0 u̇h0 + a0 wh0 , α0 uh0 + c0 uh0 ; wh0 , α0 uh0 + b0 α0 ph0 , w0 h
+s0 wh0 , rM0 + v0 wh0 , rC0 + l wh0 , λh = α0 f0 wh0 − m0 uh0 , α̇0 ,
b1 qh1 , α1 uh1 + d1 qh1 , rM1 = 0, (15)

281 2
m1 wh1 , α1 u̇h1 + a1 wh1 , α1 uh1 + c1 uh1 ; wh1 , α1 uh1 + b1 α1 ph1 , w1 h
+s1 wh1 , rM1 + v1 wh1 , rC1 − l wh1 , λh = α1 f1 wh1 ,
l ζ h , uh0 − uh1 = 0, (17)
where ζh is the Lagrange multiplier trial function and the coupling operator is given by
l whk , λh = whk · λh dΩc . (18)
The momentum
 continuity residuals are now given by
rCk uhk = αk ∇ · uhk , (19)
rMk uhk , phk , λh = αk ρ u̇hk + uhk − ūhk · ∇uhk − ghk − αk ∇ · σ uhk , phk + (−1)i λh Ωc , (20)
and αk are the energy weight functions such that αk ∈ [0, 1] in Ω, α0 + α1 = 1 in Ω, α0 = 1 in Ω0 \ Ωs and
α1 = k > 0 in Ω1 \ Ωc , with k being a small constant to guarantee the relevance of the Arlequin method
In the same sense, the Arlequin solution is given by
alr u0 in Ω0 \ Ωs , alr p0 in Ω0 \ Ωs ,
u = , and p = . (21)
α0 u0 + α1 u1 in Ωs α0 p0 + α1 p1 in Ωs .
Concerning the Lagrange multiplier space of function, it can be defined both in the local or global
models. However this choice will lead to distinct results [3]. In this work, we prefer to define the
Lagrange multiplier field in the local model.
Regarding the finite element discretization, it was adopted equal polynomial quadratic approxima-
tions for both velocity, pressure and Lagrange multiplier fields.
Finally, the resulting nonlinear algebraic system of equations is solved by the Newton’s iteration and
the α-generalized is the time marching scheme adopted.

3. Results
To test the proposed formulation, an example of a propeller contained in a square box fulfilled with
fluid is presented. Initially the fluid is at rest and an angular velocity profile is imposed to the propeller,
as indicated in Fig. 1a. In addition, two openings are made in the side walls such that the remaining
boundary conditions are shown in Fig. 1a. The finite element discretization is carried out by means of a
global model (in black), which does not reproduce the propeller geometry and a local one (in red) which

0.1 p∞
w (rad/s)
w 1

0.9 2.0 t (s)

ρ = 1.0 kg/m³
μ = 0.01 Pa.s
Δt = 0.1 s
ux=uy=0 p∞ = 0 Pa

(a) geometry, boundary conditions and material properties (b) finite element discretization
Figure 1: Propeller problem.

Both Lagrange multiplier field and energy weighting function (set with linear behavior) are defined
for a range of elements located at a distance of 0.08 from the local model boundary. Fig. 2 shows the
results obtained for the velocity and pressure fields for various time instants.

282 3
Pressure (Pa)

t = 3.5 s t = 8.0 s t = 15.0 s



t = 30.0 s t = 40.0 s t = 50.0 s

Figure 2: Pressure and velocity vector fields.

4. Conclusion
In this work we have addressed the main ideas for the simulation of moving domain incompressible
flow problems with overlapping meshes by employing the Arlequin method. The results obtained in the
propeller example shows perfect continuity between the pressure and velocity fields, demonstrating its
robustness as well as the main advantages of the technique: the capture of localizes effects in the local
model and mesh moving or re-meshing techniques are completely avoided in moving domain problems.

The authors are thankful to the Brazilian National Council for Research and Technological Development
(CNPq) for the financial support.

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[2] R. Mittal and G. Iaccarino. Immersed boundary methods. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 37:
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[3] Hachmi Ben Dhia and Guillaume Rateau. The arlequin method as a flexible engineering design tool.
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283 4



Péricles Rafael Pavão Carvalho 1 , Humberto Breves Coda 2 , Rodolfo André Kuche Sanches 3 , Jeferson
Wilian Dossa Fernandes 4
1 Department of Structural Engineering, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo,
São Carlos, SP, Brazil,
2 Department of Structural Engineering, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo,

São Carlos, SP, Brazil,

3 Department of Structural Engineering, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo,

São Carlos, SP, Brazil,

4 Department of Structural Engineering, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo,

São Carlos, SP, Brazil,

1. Introduction
The modeling of elasto-plastic materials has a wide range of applications, including several manufac-
turing processes which involves contact in order to give the solid its desired shape. Numerical analysis
of such problems are challenging and involves three causes of non-linear behavior: large strain mate-
rial behavior, large displacements and contact effects. In this work, we develop a computational code
using a position based finite element formulation [1, 2], that differs from traditional ones by using as
nodal parameters the positions instead of displacements. This approach is based on a total Lagrangian
description and naturally includes geometrical non-linearity, being therefore applicable to large displace-
ments cases. The elasto-plastic constitutive model is based on the multiplicative decomposition of the
deformation gradient [3, 4, 5]. We adopt von Mises yield criteria to identify areas with plastic behavior,
and kinematic hardening based on Armstrong-Frederick law [4]. In order to solve the contact prob-
lem, we employ a Node-to-Segment approach [6], using Lagrage multipliers to impose non penetration
conditions. Finally, numerical examples are performed in order to verify the proposed method.

2. Formulation
2.1. Kinematics
Let A denote the gradient of the change of configuration function f mapping the solid from its unde-
formed to deformed state. Then, we can define the Green-Lagrange strain tensor by:
E = (AT A − I) (1)
For the plastic kinematics, we make use of the concept of intermediate configuration, which results
in the following multiplicative decomposition:

A = Ae A p (2)

Where Ae and A p represents, respectively, the elastic and plastic parcels of deformation. From these,
analogously to equation (1) we can also define the elastic and plastic Green-Lagrange strain tensors,

284 1
respectively denoted by Ee and E p . Then, one can obtain the following relation:

Ee = (A p )−T (E − E p )(A p )−1 (3)

2.2. Positional Finite Element Method

The finite element adopted in this work is the ten node triangular with cubic interpolation. Using its
shape functions, we map the initial and deformed positions of the solid, then proceed to calculate the
Green-Lagrange strain tensor and its energetic conjugate, the Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (S).
Accordingly, the non-linear system resulting from the internal and external forces equilibrium is
written in terms of the positions, and is solved using the Newton-Raphson method.

2.3. Elasto-plastic constitutive model

The Helmholtz free energy ψ is additively decomposed into its elastic part ψe , which depends only on
the elastic deformation, and its plastic part ψ p , which depends only on the plastic deformation and the
hardening parameters [3]. The stress measures directly associated with those parcels can be defined by:
∂ψe ∂ψ p
Se = and X= (4)
∂Ee ∂E p
Other two important stress measures used in this model are the Mandel and back stress tensors,
respectively defined as:
M = (Ae )T Ae Se and χ = A p X(A p )T (5)
For the Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress, the following expression can be applied:
S= = (A p )−1 Se (A p )−T (6)
In the present work, the von Mises yield criteria is employed. It is written in this context as [4]:
Φ = k(M − χ)D k − 2/3σy (κ) ≤ 0 (7)

Where (•)D represents the deviatoric part of a tensor, κ is the isotropic hardening parameter and σy
is the function defining the isotropic hardening law. If the material does not have a isotropic hardening
law, σy (κ) is assumed to have a constant value.
The evolution of the plastic variables is defined by the following expressions:
p p
Ȧ = γ̇R p A p , κ̇ = γ̇ 2/3 and Ẋ = γ̇RX (8)

Where γ̇ is a plastic multiplier to be solved during the process and the tensors R p and RX are given
by the flow rule. In this work, R p is assumed ortogonal to the yield surface and RX is expressed by the
Armstrong-Frederick law [4].
The computational implementation of the constitutive model is based on elastic trial and plastic
correction steps: at first is assumed γ̇ = 0 (no plastic updates). Then, the yield criteria (equation (7)) is
verified. If false, a plastic correction is required, so the evolution laws are solved numerically, together
with the condition Φ = 0, using backward Euler time-integration and Newton-Raphson methods.

2.4. Node-to-Segment contact model

This approach is characterized by discretizing the projectile interface as nodes, whereas the target one as
segments. For each projectile node with position yN , the contact is activated when there is a point on the
target surface of coordinates yS whose gap

gN = (yN − yS ) · n (9)

is less than zero. In equation (9), n denotes the normal vector pointing outside the target surface.
Since no friction is present, the contact point for each projectile node is determined by the closest point
on the target surface, i.e., the one that contains its normal projection.

285 2
Once the node is known to be in contact, the constraints are applied by the Lagrange multiplier
method. It consists in adding a new degree of freedom, denoted by λ, representing the contact force
applied to the node. The potential energy associated with this force is then added on the system by the
following expression:
ΠNcont = λgN (10)
The minimization of the equation (10) ensures that gN = 0, i.e., the normal gap between the two
points in contact becomes zero. Since no adhesion model is considered, the contact force λ must be
negative, meaning that the contact force can only be of compression. Therefore, if λ > 0, the contact is

3. Results
3.1. Uniaxial tension and simple shear deformation
The classical examples of uniaxial tension and simple shear deformation were performed in order to
validate the implemented elasto-plastic model. The material used for this analysis is mild steel Ck15,
whose parameters are given by [7], and are listed in Figure 2. For the elastic part of the constitutive law,
a neo-Hookean law is adopted. The resulting Stress-Strain diagram for both cases are shown in Figure 1,
where a great agreement with [4] can be noted.
800 Present work Present work
600 Dettmer and Reese (2004) 400 Dettmer and Reese (2004)
Cauchy shear stress
Cauchy axial stress

0 0
−600 −400
−0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Linear axial strain Linear shear strain

(a) Uniaxial tension (b) Simple shear deformation

Figure 1: Stress-Strain diagrams for uniaxial tension and shear deformation

3.2. Metal bending

The following example consists in the bending process of a metallic bar who is initially straight and
then forced to assume an L-shape. The upper and lower blocks (see figure 2) are treated as rigid bodies,
whereas the bar material is mild steel Ck15. Plane strain state is considered, and a self-weight distributed
loading of value 0.07693 MPa is applied along the bar area.

Geometry: Material:
45º R-h L = 1.0 m Bulk modulus: Λ = 173 333 MPa
A R = 0.3 m Shear modulus: μ = 80 000 MPa
Thickness: b = 1.0 m Yield stress: σy = 300 MPa
Case 1: h = 0.02 m Kinematic hardening parameters:
Case 2: h = 0.04 m c = 1900 MPa; b = 8.5
Case 3: h = 0.06 m Density: ρ = 7 850 kg/m3

Figure 2: Metal bending example

The upper block is moved down by prescribed displacements until it reaches a gap of value h with
the lower block, where h is the height of the bar. This process is performed in 4000 time steps. After that,

286 3
the upper block is withdrawn in order to be observed the Spring Back compensation, i.e., the amount of
vertical displacement the bar will suffer after the contact pressure is over. Three analysis are made with
different values of height, where the corresponding meshes and results are shown in the figure 3. In order
to measure the Spring Back, we take the vertical displacement that occurred on point A between the step
4000 and its final configuration. As can be observed, the highest values of heights results in the smallest
values of Spring Back, which means a more effective mechanical conformation.

Step 4000 Step 4000 Step 4000

After removing the upper block After removing the upper block After removing the upper block
Mesh: 2172 Nodes, 430 Triangles Mesh: 2460 Nodes, 502 Triangles Mesh: 2985 Nodes, 622 Triangles
Spring Back value: 0.015379 m Spring Back value: 0.006109 m Spring Back value: 0.002830 m

(a) h = 0.02 m (b) h = 0.04 m (c) h = 0.06 m

Figure 3: Adopted mesh, Spring Back value and plastic strain for each analyzed height

4. Conclusion
In this work, we developed a computational program to make numerical simulation of large displacement
and elasto-plastic solids with contact. Problems involving large strains were performed, showing that the
proposed formulation behaves properly, presenting no material inversion. The adopted contact model
is also consistent, succeeding in ensure the non penetration condition for the proposed examples and
leading to coherent results.

[1] H.B. Coda, M. Greco. A simple FEM formulation for large deflection 2D frame analysis based on position
description, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 193, 3541-3557, 2004.
[2] H.B. Coda, R.R. Paccola. An alternative positional FEM formulation for geometrically non-linear analysis of
shells: Curved triangular isoparametric elements, Computational Mechanics 40, 185-200, 2007.
[3] B. Svendsen. A thermodynamic formulation of finite-deformation elastoplasticity with hardening based on the
concept of material isomorphism, International Journal of Plasticity 14, 473-488, 1998.
[4] W. Dettmer, S. Reese. On the theoretical and numerical modelling of Armstrong-Frederick kinematic harden-
ing in the finite strain regime, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 193, 87-116, 2004.
[5] J.P. Pascon, H.B. Coda. Large deformation analysis of elastoplastic homogeneous materials via high order
tetrahedral finite elements, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 21-38, 2013.
[6] G. Zavarise, L.D. Lorenzis, The node-to-segment algorithm for 2D frictionless contact: Classical formulation
and special cases, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198, 3428-3451, 2009.
[7] G. Lührs, S. Hartmann, P. Haupt, On the numerical treatment of finite deformations in elastoviscoplasticity,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 144, 1-21, 1997.

287 4



João Gabriel Souza Debossam1 , Juan Diego dos Santos Heringer2 , Grazione de Souza3 , Helio Pedro
Amaral Souto4
1 Polytechnic Institute, Rio de Janeiro State University,
2 Polytechnic Institute, Rio de Janeiro State University,
3 Polytechnic Institute, Rio de Janeiro State University,
4 Polytechnic Institute, Rio de Janeiro State University,

Abstract. The main goal of this work is to develop a numerical simulator to study a two-components transport in
an isothermal single-phase oil flow in a naturally fractured reservoir, taking into account advection and dispersion
effects. We use the Peng-Robinson equation of state with a volume translation for the evaluation of the properties
of the components. The discretization of the partial differential equations is carried out with the Finite Difference
Method, with implicit and first-order upwind schemes. This process leads to a coupled linear system for the
unknown pressure and molar fractions. The Conjugate Gradient and Bi-conjugated Gradient Stabilized methods
are then used to solve it. We compare the numerical results with analytic solutions for both pressure and molar
fractions, and we study the effect of a heterogeneous permeability field upon the flow in a fractured reservoir.

Keywords: compositional simulation; equation of state; finite difference method; fractured oil reservoir; porous
media flow

1. Introduction
Porous media flow occurs in many engineering problems, for example, aquifer contamination [1], carbon
sequestration [2], membrane filtration [3], chemical processes [4] and hydrocarbons production [5, 6].
On the oil and gas industry, since the decade of 1960, porous media flow, reservoir management, wellbore
pressure profile and reservoir characterization have been studied using numerical reservoir simulation. In
order to obtain an optimized wellbore control, numerical methods have been used to maximize hydrocar-
bon recovery. In this context, there are many problems involving transport phenomena in heterogeneous
reservoirs [7, 8, 9].
Indeed, physical-mathematical modeling and numerical simulations of flow in heterogeneous porous
media have attracted researchers in the past decades. Porous media flow in naturally fractured reservoirs
(NFRs) is of particular interest [12]. In these rock formations, there are permeability (k) and porosity
(φ) fields with high contrasts caused by geological factors. A natural fracture is a planar discontinuity in
reservoir rock due to deformation or diagenesis (chemical and physical changes after deposition) [13].
Cavities, called vugs, can also be formed depending on the scale of the heterogeneities and spatial distri-
bution. High permeability channels, natural fractures and vugs in carbonates, for instance, are the result
of the dissolution of rocks.
Two different regions, matrix and fractures, must be considered in order to model fluid flow in NFRs.
In the porous matrix (rock), a fracture or a fracture network may exist. In general, fractures have much
greater permeabilities and porosities than the porous matrix. Depending on the reservoir characteris-
tics [12]:

• fractures provide the essential reservoir permeability and porosity;

288 1
• fractures give only the essential reservoir permeability;

• fractures have a secondary role for permeability; or

• fractures have influence only on the reservoir anisotropy.

Figure 1 shows schematically a naturally fractured reservoir. Different approaches can be considered
depending on the hypothesis adopted in order to model fluid storage and matrix and fracture flows: dou-
ble porosity, double permeability, Multiple Interacting Continua (MINC), Embedded Fracture Modeling
(EFM) and the Discrete Fracture Networks (DFN). In this work, we use a discrete network of fractures,
and the computational mesh is employed to represent the geometry of each individual fracture.

Figure 1: Naturally fractured reservoir: fractures in dark gray color and matrix in light gray color.

2. Governing Equations and Equation of State

In this work, we are interested in numerical simulation of an isothermal single-phase two-components
flow in a naturally fractured reservoir considering advection and dispersion effects. The governing equa-
tions are obtained from continuity equation, Darcy’s law and rock and fluid properties [14]:
∂ ξ
(φξ) = ∇ · k (∇p − γ∇z) + q, (1)
∂t µ
where p is the pressure, φ is the porosity, ξ is the molar density, µ is the fluid viscosity, k is the absolute
rock permeability tensor, γ is the product of density and gravity magnitude, z is the depth and q a source
term; and
∂ xm ξ
(φxm ξ) = ∇ · k (∇p − γ∇z) + φξDm ∇xm + qm m = 1, 2, . . . , Nc , (2)
∂t µ
where xm is the molar fraction, Dm is the dispersion tensor, qm is a source term and Nc is the number of
Therefore, we must solve numerically Eq. (1) for the fluid phase and Eq. (2) for one component, and
here we use the Peng-Robinson equation of state (PR-EoS) with a volume translation for the evaluation
of the properties of the components.
The molar density is a function of the compressibility factor Z such as
ξ= , (3)
where R is the universal gas constant, and the Peng-Robinson cubic equation can be written as
Z 3 − (1 − B) Z 2 + A − 2B − 3B2 Z − AB − B2 − B3 = 0. (4)
where A and B are parameters that are functions of critical temperature and pressure.
We know that Eq. (4) has three roots, and when there is only one real root it’s selected. We take the
largest root for a gas flow whereas the smallest positive one is chosen for oil flow [6].

289 2
Some parameters of the EoS are specific for vapour pressure. Thus, a volume translation is used to
avoid errors when using the equation of state for liquids [14],

vcorr = vEoS +C, (5)

where the volume v is the reciprocal of the molar density ξ, and C is the correction factor. This correction
factor is computed using temperature and component’s properties [15].

3. Methodology
A numerical method is necessary in order to solve the partial differential equations (PDEs) considered
here, so the discretization of the PDEs is carried out using the Finite Difference Method (FDM), and we
use an implicit time formulation and a first-order upwind scheme. Discrete fracture networks are placed
in the computational grid, considering planar fractures distributed in a structured mesh.
We use also an operator splitting tecnique [16] along with a linearization such as we solve pressure
and molar fraction in two separated discrete subsystems. This procedure leads to a coupled linear system
for the unknown pressure and molar fractions. We apply the Conjugate Gradient Method to solve the
pressure equation (symmetric coefficient matrix) and the Bi-Conjugated Gradient Stabilized Method for
the molar fraction equation (asymmetric coefficient matrix) [17].
We compare the numerical results with analytical solutions, known in the literature [18, 19], for
pressure and molar fractions for some simplified cases. Then, we modify some porous media flow
parameters and carried out simulations in order to analyze their influences. The effect of the presence
of a heterogeneous permeability field is also studied, and we found that the results properly describe the
flow in the reservoir. We also employ a numerical strategy using micro time-steps to obtain the molar
fractions and thus saving computational effort. Lastly, we consider different production scenarios for
hydrocarbons recovery, and we concluded that permeability field spatial distribution has, as expected,
direct influence on the pressure and concentration fields and on the computational costs.

The authors gratefully thanks Rio de Janeiro State University, Coordination for the Improvement of
Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and National Council for Scientific and Technological Develop-
ment (CNPq) for their support.

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American Journal of Computational Mathematics, v.7, 350-370, 2017.
[2] S. Das, P. Dutta, Preliminary understanding of CO2 sequestration and enhanced methane recovery in Rani-
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[5] R. Zaydullin, D. V. Voskov, S. C. James, H.Henley, A. Lucia, Fully compositional and thermal reservoir
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[6] Y. Wu, S. Sun, Equivalence of two models in single-phase multicomponent flow simulations, Computer and
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[7] A. Jmili, G. P. Wilhite, D. Green, Modeling Gas-phase Mass Transfer Between Fracture and Matrix in Natu-
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[8] D. Biryukov, F. J. Kuchuk, Transient Pressure Behavior of Reservoirs with Discrete Conductive Faults and
Fractures, Transport in Porous Media, v. 95, n. 1, 239-268, 2012.
[9] M. A. Mendes, M. A. Murad, F. Pereira, A New Computational Strategy for Solving Two-phase Flow in
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ple of a Large Touching Vug Carbonate, Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and
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291 4



Joël Beny1 , Jonas Lätt2

1 Université de Genv̀e, Geneva, Switzerland,
2 Université de Genv̀e, Geneva, Switzerland,

There exists an increasing interest for using immersed boundary methods (IBMs) [5] to model mov-
ing objects in computational fluid dynamics, because this approach does not require any adaptation of
the fluid mesh, and is therefore particularly efficient. This approach is particularly frequently proposed
in combination with the lattice Boltzmann methods (LBM) [3, 1]; it fits in an elegant way into the frame-
work of this method, and yields impressive parallel performance.
It has also become quite common to accelerate LBM simulations with the use of Graphics Processing
Units (GPUs) [9], as the algorithm of the method adjusts naturally to the architecture of this platforms,
and it is not uncommon that speedups of 1-2 orders of magnitude at equal financial cost or energy
consumption are observed, as compared to classical CPUs. IBM algorithms are however more difficult
to translate to GPUs, because their complex memory access pattern conflicts with a GPUs strategy of
broadcasting data to a large number of GPU cores in single memory accesses. In the existing literature,
GPU implementations of LBM-IBM codes are therefore restricted to situations in which the immersed
surfaces are very small compared to the total number of fluid cells [8], as is often the case in exterior flow
simulations around an obstacle. This assumption is however not valid in many other cases of interest,
as for example the simulation of deformable red blood cells, for which many authors have adopted the
LBM and IBM as their method of choice. Indeed, red blood cells fill the blood volume densely, and the
immersed surfaces contribute substantially to the overall computational cost.
We propose new methods for the implementation of a LBM-IBM on GPUs in the CUDA lan-
guage [6], which allow to handle a substantially larger immersed surface with acceptable performance
than previous implementations. For test purposes, we consider the case of a single or multiple rotating
propellers in a fluid. The methods is applied to a direct-forcing flavor of the IBM as proposed by Ota,
Suzuki, and Inamuro [4]. In this method, the surface is represented by a certain number of points with
Lagrangian coordinates, which interact with the fluid within a given kernel through a force term. The
algorithm is iterative, to achieve agreement between the effect of neighboring, overlaping kernels, and
each iteration is split into two parts: (1) a fluid → surface data transmission, during which the flow
velocity is interpolated onto the immersed surface, and (2) a surface → fluid data transmission, during
which the surface acts onto the fluid through a force term to enforce the boundary condition.
Our efficient GPU algorithm is based on three key ingredients:
1. Single-population LBM implementation: the populations are allocated only once in GPU memory
(while a straightforward GPU implementation would allocate “incoming” and “outgoing” pop-
ulations in separate arrays). The so-called “AA-pattern” [10] is used, which is thread safe and
therefore compatible with the multi-core framework of a GPU.

2. The two steps of an IBM iteration (fluid → surface vs. surface → fluid) are parallelized separately,
and thus dispatched to different GPU cores, to achieve a best memory access pattern for each of

3. The IBM algorithm is not applied to the full fluid domain, but to a restricted domain comprising
all IBM kernels, to optimize the usage of the available GPU cores. Two strategies are tested, one

292 1
applying the method to a cube around the immersed object (“the box strategy”), and one restricted
to the exact number of fluid nodes that are subject to the IBM force, which need to be recomputed
at every time step to adjust to the moving object (“the kernel stragegy”).

The figure below illustrates the geometry of the propeller we use in the test case, as well as the fluid
cells which dispatched to the GPU cores for the IBM algorithm, in case the above-mentioned “kernel
strategy” is used.

Our implementation was executed on a NVIDIA Tesla P100-PCIE GPU with 3584 CUDA cores
and a maximum clock rate of 1.33 GHz. The speed was compared to a CPU implementation proposed
by the Palabos library [2], executed on an Intel Xeon E5-2620 12-core CPU at 2 GHz (all 12 cores
are being exploited by Palabos with help of MPI parallelism). The performance is assessed by means of
Million Lattice-Site-Updates per Second (MLUPS), the number of lattice nodes for which a full collision-
streaming cycle is compared, divided by 10−6 . We first simulated a single propeller, represented by 3930
surface points, embedded in a fluid domain of 160×160×320=8.2 Million fluid cells. In this case, the
GPU has a 19-fold speedup as compared to the CPU:



To test the capability of the implementation to cope with large surfaces, we duplicated the propeller,
and ran multiple, independently rotating propellers, as illustrated on the image below:

The graph illustrates the evolution of the performance as new rotating propellers are added into the
fluid. With six propellers, and a total of 23580 immersed surface points, the GPU performance is still
outstanding at more than 650 MLUPS.

293 2
[1] T. Krüger, H. Kusumaatmaja, A. Kuzmin, O. Shardt, G. Silva, and E.M. Viggen. The Lattice Boltzmann
Method: Principles and Practice. Graduate Texts in Physics, 2016.
[3] P. L. Bhatnagar, E. P. Gross, and M. Krook. A Model for Collision Processes in Gases. I. Small Amplitude
Processes in Charged and Neutral One-Component Systems. Phys. Rev. 94. 51 May 1954
[4] Keigo Ota and Kosuke Suzuki and Takaji Inamuro. Lift generation by a two-dimensional symmetric flapping
wing: immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann simulations. Fluid Dynamics Research, vol 44, page 045504.
[5] Lai M-C and Peskin. An immersed boundary method with formal second-order accuracy and reduced numer-
ical viscosity. J. Comput. Phys. 160 2000
[8] Pedro Valero-Lara, Alfredo Pinelli, and Manuel Prieto-Matias. Accelerating Solid-Fluid Interaction using
Lattice-Boltzmann and Immersed Boundary Coupled Simulations on Heterogeneous Platforms. Procedia
Computer Science, Volume 29, Pages 50–61. 2014
[9] Jonas Tl̈ke. Implementation of a Lattice Boltzmann kernel using the Compute Unified Device Architecture
developed by nVIDIA. Comput Visual Sci 13:29–39. 2010
[10] Bailey, P., Myre, J., Walsh, S. D. C., Lilja, D. J., & Saar, M. O. (2009). Accelerating lattice boltzmann fluid
flow simulations using graphics processors. In ICPP-2009 - The 38th International Conference on Parallel
Processing (pp. 550–557). [5362489] DOI: 10.1109/ICPP.2009.38

294 3



Almério J. V. P. S. Pamplona1 , Flávia de M. R. Cardoso2 , Fabiano F. T. dos Santos3 , Joel R. G. Vasco4

1 Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação, UFG,
2 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária, UFG,
3 Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, UFG,
4 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária, UFG,

As características dos escoamentos que aparecem com frequência na natureza são influenciadas direta-
mente pela viscosidade dinâmica do fluido. Tal influência pode ser notada, por exemplo, na distribuição
de velocidades na seção de um conduto circular sob pressão ou na força de arrasto imposta a uma esfera
submetida a um campo de velocidade constante. Nos dois casos citados, a viscosidade do fluido escoante
modifica os campos de velocidades e de forças.
Ademais, escoamentos de fluidos newtonianos em que a força viscosa é dominante sobre a inércia são
regidos pela equação de Navier-Stokes. Nestes casos, para geometrias simples e condições de contorno
bem definidas, soluções analíticas existem, tanto no regime permanente quanto no transiente. No entanto,
para a maioria dos problemas de Engenharia, não existem soluções analíticas.
Sendo assim, utilizam-se métodos numéricos para simular escoamentos laminares, regidos pela equação
de Navier-Stokes. Neste cenário, métodos de partícula são vantajosos por não necessitarem de malhas
na discretização do domínio (meshless ou meshfree), podendo assim representar fronteiras com formas
geométricas variadas. Além disso, métodos particulados dispensam a discretização dos termos não li-
neares da equação de Navier-Stokes associados à aceleração convectiva, uma vez que as partículas são
acompanhadas ao longo da a simulação (abordagem Lagrangiana). O método de partícula SPH (Smo-
othed Particle Hydrodynamics) vem sendo utilizado, como sucesso, tanto em escoamentos turbulentos
como problemas envolvendo propagação de ondas solitárias [5], sloshing [1], ressalto hidráulico [2] e
ruptura de barragens [4], quanto em escoamentos laminares [6, 7].
Isto posto, a comunicação científica em tela tem por finalidade avaliar a aplicabilidade do método SPH
a escoamentos laminares em regime transiente. Avalia-se, como estudo de caso, o escoamento de Cou-
ette transiente com gradiente de pressão. O escoamento de Couette nada mais é do que o escoamento
entre placas planas, horizontais e paralelas, considerando a largura da seção e comprimento do domínio
infinitos. Impõe-se uma velocidade constante à placa superior (vx (t, x, d) = V , onde d é a distância entre
as placas), enquanto que a velocidade da placa inferior é nula (vx (t, x, 0) = 0). Aplica-se também um
gradiente de pressão constante, na direção do escoamento.
Avaliando a solução analítica do escoamento de Couette transiente com gradiente de pressão, o perfil de
velocidades pode ser obtido com a aplicação do método de separação de variáveis (análise de Fourier),
sendo dada por:
∂p y Vy 2V ∂p 2d 2 nπy  νn2 π2
vx (y,t) = (y − d) + +∑ (−1)n − ((−1)n
− 1) sin exp − t .
∂x 2ν d n=1 nπ ∂x νn3 π3 d d2
Já a solução numérica do escoamento de Couette transiente com gradiente de pressão, obtida com o
método SPH, considera um domínio retangular (1,0 × 0,6 m), com condição de contorno periódica nas
fronteiras laterais (x = 0 m e x = 0, 6 m). A condição de contorno periódica e de aderência são represen-
tada por partículas fantasma [8]. O núcleo de suavização utilizado nas simulações é o spline cúbico 2D,
com suporte compacto e comprimento de suavização igual a h = 1, 2 ∆x. O espaçamento médio entre

295 1
partículas vale ∆x = 0, 6/35 m, gerando ao todo 2153 partículas. Utiliza-se a formulação clássica para
viscosidade artificial [3], com α = 0, 025 e β = 0. As partículas são posicionadas nos vértices formados
por quadrados, de lado ∆x, com velocidade nula (vx (0, x, y) = 0). A massa específica inicial das partículas
ρi = 1010 kg/m3 e o fluido possui uma viscosidade cinemática ν = 1 m2 /s, resultando em um número de
Reynolds próximo de 0, 06.
A figura 1 mostra a evolução temporal do perfil de velocidade adimensionalizado vx /V obtido pelo
método SPH na seção central do domínio computacional (x = 0, 3 m). A velocidade na placa superior
vale V = 0, 1 m/s, enquanto que o gradiente de pressão é de −1262, 5 N/m3 .

Figura 1: a) Disposição das partículas no domínio para o tempo t = 0, 01 s e b) resultados nos tempos
t = 0, 01 s (+), 0, 02 s (×), 0, 03 s (∗), 0, 04 s () e 0, 10 s (). Os símbolos indicam os resultados
numéricos, enquanto que a linha contínua representa os resultados analíticos

Avaliando os resultados numéricos em relação aos analíticos (figura 1), verifica-se que o método SPH
representa de maneira adequada a evolução temporal do perfil de velocidade.

[1] A. Colagrossi, G. Colicchio, C. Lugni, M. Brocchini. A study of violent sloshing wave impacts using an
improved SPH method, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 94-104, 2010.
[2] I. Federico, S. Marrone, A. Colagrossi, F. Aristodemo, M. Antuono. Simulating 2D open-channel flows through
an SPH model, European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 35-46, 2012.
[3] J. J. Monaghan, R. A. Gingold. Shock simulation by the particle method SPH, Journal of Computational
Physics, 374-389, 1983.
[4] J. J. Monaghan. Simulating free surface flows with SPH, Journal of Computational Physics, 399-406, 1994.
[5] J. J. Monaghan, A. Kos. Solitary Waves on a Cretan Beach, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean
Engineering, 145-154, 1999.
[6] J. J. Monaghan. Smoothed particle hydrodynamic simulations of shear flow, Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, 199-213, 2006.
[7] J. P. Morris, J. P. Fox, Y. Zhu. Modeling low Reynolds number for incompressible flow using SPH, Journal of
Computational Physics, 214-226, 1997.
[8] J. P. Vila. Méthodes particulaires régularisées - Développements récents et nouvelles applications, Procee-
dings ESAIM - 29ème Congres D’Analyse Numérique, 131-146, 1998.

296 2



Jorge Leite1, Diogo Ribeiro1, Nuno Pinto2 and Rui Calçada2

CONSTRUCT-LESE, School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto, /
CONSTRUCT-LESE, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, /

The present article describes the experimental evaluation of the dynamic effects of wind action on a
high-rise telecommunications tower based on a permanent monitoring system. Monte da Virgem
telecommunications tower is located near the city of Porto, Portugal, and its structure consists of a
reinforced concrete shaft, with 126 m of height, on which a 51 m high steel mast rests, resulting in a
total height of 177 m. The monitoring system includes accelerometers, anemometers and a
meteorological station, allowing the characterization of the maximum accelerations of the structure
and wind regimes during a period of 6 months. The optimal positioning of the sensors was performed
based on numerical analysis using a computational fluid mechanics (CFD) approach, in the case of
anemometers, and in a modal analysis, in the case of accelerometers. The automatic processing of the
experimental data involved the application of a hybrid technique based on a principal component
analysis (PCA) associated with an autoregressive model (AR), in order to remove from the
acceleration records the influence of some operational factors, namely those associated with the
movements of the elevator, technical staff and equipment in operation. The analysis of the results
enabled identifying specific events for which the dynamic response of the tower under the action of
the wind appears significantly amplified, besides having demonstrated the efficiency and robustness of
the proposed hybrid post-processing technique in the estimation of the maximum values of the tower´s


[1] D. Ribeiro, J. Leite, R. de Pauli, V. Alves, B. Costa & R. Calçada. Calibration of the numerical
model of a telecommunications tower based on genetic algorithms, Chapter 3, Genetic Algorithms:
Advances in Research and Applications, Nova Publishers, 2017.
[2] D. Ribeiro, J. Leite, N. Pinto, B. Costa & R. Calçada. Avaliação experimental dos efeitos
dinâmicos da ação do vento em uma torre de telecomunicações de elevada altura, CILAMCE2017,
Florianópolis, Brasil, 2017.



Jorge Nunez-Ramirez1 , Antoine Hurmane 1 , Fredéric Laurin 1 , Jean-François Maire 1
1 ONERA-Paris-Saclay University, DMAS/MC2, F-92322 Châtillon, France,,,

1. Introduction
The current abstract aims at presenting a macroscopic one-dimensional constitutive model capable of
predicting damage evolution and hysteretic effects induced by crack friction in Ceramic Matrix Com-
posites (CMC). For several years, ONERA has been using and improving upon a macroscopic damage
model that enables to effectively predict the mechanical behavior of CMCs [1, 2]. This model, known as
the ONERA Damage Model (ODM), is capable of estimating the evolution of damage within the matrix
and the appearance of residual irreversible strains, as well as predicting the failure of the material due
to the rupture of yarns. The ODM model is written in a classical strain-based formulation which can be
readily implemented in a FEM solver.
In spite of the accuracy and robustness proven by ODM in different configurations, the model is cur-
rently unable of capturing the hysteretic loops observed experimentally in tensile tests involving loading
and unloading cycles (Figure 1). Indeed, the inception of cracks and delamination zones within the
material increases the occurrence of internal friction within the composite matrix which can be macro-
scopically observed through the hysteretic loops in tensile tests. The modeling of the hysteretic cycles
is not actually necessary if only the mechanical resistance under static loading is sought, however, if
an accurate estimation of the lifetime of the material is needed, a measurement of the energy dissipated
through crack friction is required and thus the modeling of the internal friction induced hysteretic loops
is essential.

Stress as a function of strain

[normalized stress]

0 1

[normalized strain]

Figure 1: Hysteretic loops and residual strains observed experimentally in a tensile test in the warp
direction [1]. Comparison with ODM.

298 1
In order to integrate the modeling of hysteretic loops into the current damage model, inspiration
from the field of civil engineering was drawn. Indeed, during the past decades, several constitutive
models highlighting crack growth and resulting friction induced hysteresis have been the subject of
ongoing research for concrete-like materials in this particular field [3, 4]. More recently, a more general
macroscopic strain-based model was proposed [5] to simulate damage evolution and inter-crack friction
induced hysteresis in reinforced concretes. The latter model shares strong similarities formulation-wise
with the current model (ODM) as it is strain-based and the evolution of internal variables are a function
of the increasing damage variable. However, the inclusion of a measurement of strain accounting for the
sliding friction within the cracks, as well as for the permanent deformations of the damaged structure is
also taken into account. The latter state variable is coupled to the damage variable and its evolution is
assumed to have a plasticity-like behavior driven by a non-linear kinematic hardening law. This model
introduces the evolution of two separate yield surfaces: one for the damage variable and one for the
sliding one.
The current study proposes a method for successfully predicting damage evolution in CMCs while
describing crack-friction induced hysteretic loops in 1D. The proposed method allows exploiting the
damage evolution laws present in the already existing CMC damage model (ODM) and coupling them
with the crack sliding internal variable to calculate residual strains and include the hysteretic behavior
observed experimentally. In the following section, the main ideas of the proposed method will be high-
lighted briefly. This will be followed by results of numerical simulations in order to validate the model
in 1D.

2. Constitutive Model
The Helmholtz free energy potential allowing to establish a constitutive model based on a state coupling
between damage and friction is given by (1):

ρψ = (1 − d)εi jCi jkl εkl + d(εi j − ηεπi j )Ci jkl (εkl − ηεπkl ) + γαi j αi j + H(z) (1)
Where ρ is the macroscopic density, d is the damage state variable, εi j is a component of the strain
tensor, Ci jkl is a component of the elasticity tensor, η is a variable allowing to describe the closure state
of cracks and επi j is a component of the sliding strain tensor. The last two terms in equation (1) allow
to describe the evolution of the internal variables επi j and d, respectively. Regarding the first term, γ is
the kinematic hardening variable and αi j is a component in the kinematic hardening tensor describing
the evolution of the yield surface. Finally, H(z) is the function describing the evolution of the hardening
variable z which describes the yield function responsible for the evolution of the damage variable d.
The constitutive law giving the stress σi j as a function of the strain εi j is :

σi j = ρ = (1 − d)Ci jkl εkl + dCi jkl (εkl − ηεπkl ) = σdij + σπi j (2)
∂εi j
The latter expression allows to express the total stress σi j as a superposition of a stress depending
only on elasto-damage considerations σdij and a stress depending on the coupling between the damage
and sliding internal variables σπi j .
The evolution of the damage variable, d, is drawn from the current damage model for CMCs (ODM):

√ √ ! p !
y − y0 +
d = dc 1 − exp − √ (3)
For the sake of brevity, the definition of the components of equation (3) will be omitted, however
they can be consulted in [2].
The evolution of the sliding strain επi j is governed using a non-linear kinematic hardening law. The
flow law is very briefly summarized in the following equation:

299 2

 ∂φπ

ε̇πi j = λ̇π π ;
1 ∂σi j
φπ = ||σπi j − Xi j || + aXi j Xi j =⇒ (4)
2 
 ∂φπ
α̇i j = −λ̇π

∂Xi j
Where φπ is the pseudo-potential of dissipation expressing a non-linear relationship between the
duals of the sliding strain επi j and the kinematic hardening tensor αi j (σπi j and Xi j , respectively). Fur-
thermore, λ̇π is the temporal evolution of the Lagrange multiplier involved in the yield constraint, a is
a material parameter and ||.|| represents a norm to compute the offset between the sliding stress and the
back stress tensor components since a kinematic hardening law is considered. The non-linearity in φπ is
the key factor resulting in the succesful modeling of the hysteretic behavior and the residual strains. The
reader can consult [5] for further details.

3. Numerical Examples
In the current section, the results of the numerical modeling of a CMC subjected to a tensile test in the
warp direction are presented. Comparisons with experimental data and the original ODM model are
highlighted in Figure 2 and in Figure 3.
For the first example, the experimental data comes from tensile tests in the warp direction with five
cycles of loading/unloading with increasing damage.

Stress as a function of strain Stress as a function of strain

1 1
[normalized stress]

[normalized stress]


Experiments Proposed method

Proposed method ODM
0 0
0 1 0 1

a) xx
[normalized strain]
b) xx
[normalized strain]

Figure 2: Comparison of the proposed model with ODM and experimental data for a tensile test in the
warp direction

As highlighted by Figure 2a, the model is in good agreement with the experimental data and succes-
fully captures the hysteretic behavior as well as the residual strains observed experimentally. Figure 2b
shows a comparison between ODM and the proposed method. Once again good agreement is seen with
the added benefit of the inclusion of the hysteretic cycles.
Finally, the closure of the cracks inducing an elasic recovery when in a compression loading scenario
can be taken into consideration through the value of variable η in equation (2). In the current study, a
linear evolution of this variable has been considered as highlighted in [5], however different alternatives
exist such as that used in the ODM model [1, 2]. The results of a tensile test with compression and the
comparison with the proposed method are presented in Figure 3. Good agreement is once again obtained
for a single loading/unloading cycle.

300 3
Stress as a function of strain

[normalized stress]

xx Experimental
Proposed method

0 1

[normalized strain]

Figure 3: Comparison of the proposed model with experiments for a tensile test involving compression
in the warp direction [1]

4. Conclusion
The current abstract briefly explains and highlights the results of a constitutive model allowing to capture
the hysteretic behavior of Ceramic Matrix Composite materials (CMC). The results of the simulations
show good agreement with experimental data and with the current model used for CMCs (ODM) in 1D.
Future work will focus on the extension of the model into a multidimensional formulation allowing to
simulate the response of CMCs when subjected to more complex loading scenarios.

The authors wish to thank SAFRAN Ceramics, who provided the experimental data used in this study

[1] Laurin, F., Tableau, N., Kaminski, M., Aboura, Z., Bouillon, F. (2014, June). Validation of the onera dam-
age model through comparisons with multi-instrumented structural tests on interlock woven ceramic matrix
composites. In 16th European Conference on Composite Materials.
[2] Hemon, E. (2013). Modèles multi-niveaux de prévision des durées de vie en fatigue des structures composites
à matrice céramique pour usage en turbomachines aéronautiques (Doctoral dissertation, Université Sciences
et Technologies-Bordeaux I).
[3] Andrieux, S., Bamberger, Y., & Marigo, J. J. (1986). Un modèle de matériau microfissuré pour les bétons et
les roches. J. Méc. Théor. Appl, 5(3), 471-513.
[4] Halm, D., & Dragon, A. (1998). An anisotropic model of damage and frictional sliding for brittle materials.
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 17(3), 439-460.
[5] Ragueneau, F., La Borderie, C., Mazars, J. (2000). Damage model for concrete-like materials coupling crack-
ing and friction, contribution towards structural damping first uniaxial applications. Mechanics of Cohesive
frictional Materials, 5(8), 607-625.

301 4



José Alves1, Alvaro Coutinho2, Renato Elias2, Carlos Silva1, Leandro Gazoni1, Marcus
Casagrande1, Ricardo Borges3

The petroleum industry has expanded offshore operations to previously unexplored
ultra-deep waters regions, notably in Brazil. In these scenarios, the likelihood of geotechnical
hazards may impose major constraints on the location of subsea facilities at the ocean floor.
Regarding the occurrence of seismic events, the most frequent geotechnical risk factors
include regions of steep slopes, very fragile soils and very irregular topographic features.
Assessment of geological and geotechnical hazards in ultra-deep waters is required, providing
the necessary support for properly planning and designing the development at of oil and gas
fields at reduced risk.

The main motivation of this work is to investigate the application of high performance
computing technology involving the use of 3D spectral elements (SPECFEM3D) to evaluate the
seabed response on a regional scale, subjected to the propagation of seismic waves. The
objective of these analyses is to investigate the effects of slope geometry, the frequency and
duration of the predominant seismic excitation as well as the geotechnical properties of the
soil in a parametric way, and to provide qualitative and quantitative results on the
phenomenon of seismic amplification due to topographic irregularities.

The extension of the area of interest combined with the spatial resolution required to
the representation of the topographical features strongly indicate the use of massively parallel
computing techniques.

The numerical analyses were performed in the Lobo Carneiro system installed in the
NACAD supercomputing facility at COPPE/UFRJ The quality of response and scalability of the
technique are investigated and presented for realistic subsea scenarios.

Literature Review
It is well established that the topographic effect on the ground acceleration occurs due
to the characteristic of the interaction of the seismic waves with different materials. The
waves travel within the medium with different physical properties, being mainly affected in
the middle transitions [1].

The different materials of the layers interact with the waves and initiate reflection or
refraction or both [2]. The focus and the defocusing of seismic waves depend on the curved
shape of the terrain. Generally, seismic waves are trapped in a convex terrain and dispersed
by concave shapes in various topography [3]. These processes cause the capture of seismic
waves at the top of the convex terrain and damping at the base of concave terrain.

Preliminary studies of topographic impact in seismic amplification were performed

through field measurement and instrument record analysis. An analysis of acceleration
records showed that, on a hill, the amplification response was expected to be 25-50% larger
than on a flat surface [4].

The slope of a terrain is considered the most sensitive feature of the site response
because it determines the angle of reflection and diffraction of seismic waves [4]. The steep
slope tends to concentrate the reflected seismic waves at the crest of the slope, while soft
slopes disperse the diffracted seismic wave. The effect of different angles of slope was
investigated by a numerical model and reported that, with increasing slope angle, magnitude
of peak amplification increased and varied between 15% and 25% [5].

The topographic effect of amplification has been proven by many studies. Studies on
the San Fernando earthquake revealed that an attenuation zone was found in the bottom and
a 30 to 50% amplification occurred near the top [6]. A recent study of realistic three-
dimensional topography in Taiwan has shown that crest amplification ranged from a factor of
2 and vice versa in the valley.

A study modifying the location of the source term was carried out, aiming to present the
sensitivity of the PGA Amplification output variable. The positioning of this source term may
influence the amplification of the acceleration, so it is important to know the sensitivity of the
PGA amplification in relation to the positioning of the source term.

The geometry is based in a bathymetry of a marine region with a 100x100m precision

grid. The soil was represented by only a homogeneous material with p-velocity of 1500 m/s,
s-velocity of 750 m/s and specific mass of 1200 kg/m3. The boundary condition on the surface
of the bathymetry is free, while all other surfaces are absorptive.

The PGA amplification map is not directly exported by SPECFEM3D, it is necessary to

perform a simulation with the desired bathymetry and another simulation with the flat top
geometry (without bathymetry), then the PGA without bathymetry (𝑃𝐺𝐴𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛 ) is subtracted
from the PGA with bathymetry (𝑃𝐺𝐴𝑏𝑎𝑡 ), and then divided by the PGA without bathymetry

and multiplied by 100 to obtain the percentage. This process was performed for each location
of the source term.

𝑃𝐺𝐴𝑏𝑎𝑡 − 𝑃𝐺𝐴𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛
𝑃𝐺𝐴 𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ∙ 100

Four positions for the source term were chosen as follows: the mesh is divided into four
quadrants; each forcing term is located in the center of each quadrant (Fig. 1).

Figure 1: Location of the four source terms.

The amplification maps are shown in Figure 2. In these images we can see that there
was an amplification of up to 26% in relation to the flat case in the most critical case, whose
source is positioned in the upper left quadrant. It is also attentive to the fact that the various
positions illustrate which peaks have the greatest amplification potential.

Figure 2: PGA amplification distribution for each source term location.


[1] Erdik, M., & Durukal, E. Strong ground motion, Recent advances in earthquake Geotechnical
engineering and microzonation, 67-100, 2004.
[2] Lowrie, W. Fundamentals of geophysics, Cambridge university press, 2007.
[3] Lay, T., & Wallace, T. C. Modern global seismology (Vol. 58), Academic press, 1995.
[4] Boore, D. M., The effect of simple topography on seismic waves: implications for the accelerations
recorded at Pacoima Dam, San Fernando Valley, California. Bulletin of the seismological society of
America, 63, 1603-1609, 1973.
[5] Ashford, S. A., Sitar, N., Lysmer, J., & Deng, N., Topographic effects on the seismic response of
steep slopes, Bulletin of the seismological society of America, 87, 701-709, 1997.
[6] Bouchon, M., Effect of Topography on Surface Motion, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of
America, 63(3), pp. 615-632, 1973.
[7] Lee, S.-J., Chan, Y.-C., Komatitsch, D., Huang, B.-S., & Tromp, J., Effects of realistic surface
topogrsphy on seismic ground motion in the Yangminshan region of Taiwan based upon te spectral-
element method and LiDAR DTM. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 99, 681-693, 2009.



Leonardo de Souza Bastos1, Carolina Sanchez Guerrero1, José Guilherme Santos da Silva1
Civil Engineering Postgraduate Programme (PGECIV). Faculty of Engineering (FEN). State
University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil. E-mail:;;

This research work presents a study that aims to assess the dynamic structural behaviour and also
investigate the human comfort levels of a reinforced concrete building, when subjected to
nondeterministic wind dynamic loadings, considering the effect of masonry infills on the global
stiffness of the structural model [1,2].
In general, the masonry fills most of the empty areas within the structural frames of the buildings.
Although these masonry infills present structural stiffness, the common practice of engineers is to
adopt them as static loads, disregarding the effect of the masonry infills on the global stiffness of the
structural system [1,2].
This way, in this study a sixteen-storey reinforced concrete building with 48m high and dimensions
of 14.20 m x 15 m was analysed (Figures 1 and 2). The investigated building presents walls with
thickness of 15 cm and height of 2.5 m, under the concrete beams. The masonry used in the structural
system is an 8-hole ceramic and mortar-laid, presenting a modulus of elasticity equal to 2.3 GPa [1].
The numerical modelling of the investigated reinforced concrete building adopted the usual mesh
refinement techniques present in the Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations implemented in the
ANSYS program [3]. This way, three-dimensional numerical models were developed in order to
simulate the structural model based on two different strategies: no masonry infills and masonry infills
simulated by shell finite elements.

(a) Floor structural plan (units in meters) (b) Architecture plant (units in meters)
Fig. 1 Investigated sixteen-storey reinforced concrete building

(a) 3D model perspective (without masonry infills) (b) 3D model perspective (with masonry infills)
Fig. 2 Building structural model (perspectives)

In the developed building finite element model, the concrete floor girders were represented by
three-dimensional beam elements (BEAM44), where flexural and torsion effects are considered. The
concrete slab and the masonry infills were represented by shell elements (SHELL63). The masonry
infills were discretized based on a thickness equal to 0.15 m and a mesh of 0.25 m [1], considering all
the openings of doors and windows, see Figure 3.

(a) 3D view: without masonry (b) Front view (c) 3d view: with masonry (b) Front view
Fig. 3 Finite element model of the investigated reinforced concrete building

In this investigation, the wind action is considered like a nondeterministic process and presents
unstable properties and also random characteristics. The fluctuating parcel of the wind is decomposed
into a finite number of harmonic functions proportional to the structure resonant frequency with phase
angles randomly determined. The amplitude of each harmonic is obtained based on a wind power
spectrum density function [2], see Equation (1). Considering the existing power spectra density
functions determined by formulas of the technical literature, the Kaimal spectrum was adopted due to
consideration of the building height z [2].

f S V (f,z) 200 x
 (1)
u* 2 ( 1  50 x)5 / 3

The natural frequencies (eigenvalues) and the vibration modes (eigenvectors) of the investigated
structural model were obtained with the aid numerical methods of extraction (modal analysis), based
on a free vibration analysis, performed with the use the ANSYS program [3]. It must be emphasized
that the investigated structural model can vibrate in many different ways and these different mode
shapes of vibrating present their own natural frequency. In sequence, Figure 4 and 5 presents the first
four vibration modes of the analysed reinforced concrete building with and without masonry infills,
and the respective natural frequencies values.

(a) 1st Mode (Bending-X) (b) 2nd Mode (Bending-Z) (c) 3rd Mode (Torsion-Y) (d) 4th Mode (Bending-Z)
f01 = 0.53 Hz f02 = 0.55 Hz f03 = 0.62 Hz f04 = 1.64 Hz
Fig. 4 Natural frequencies and vibration modes of the building without masonry infills

(a) 1st Mode (Bending-Z) (b) 2nd Mode (Bending-X) (c) 3rd Mode (Torsion-Y) (d) 4th Mode (Bending-Z)
f01 = 1.14 Hz f02 = 1.28 Hz f03 = 1.88 Hz f04 = 3.83 Hz
Fig. 5 Natural frequencies and vibration modes of the building with masonry infills

Based on the developed analysis methodology, and considering the existing power spectra density
functions determined by the Kaimal spectrum, see Equation (1), the time series of nondeterministic
wind dynamic loadings were generated (Figure 6) aiming a proper statistical treatment, and a forced
vibration dynamic analysis was performed using the ANSYS software [3]. Thus, the nondeterministic
loading series were applied on the investigated models during a time interval of 10 minutes
(600seconds), based on the two different strategies: no masonry infills and masonry infills simulated
by shell finite elements. The nondeterministic dynamic structural response of the sixteen-storey
reinforced concrete building (displacements and accelerations) is presented in Figures 7 and 8.

Fig. 6 Nondeterministic wind action in time domain

Fig. 7 Displacements in time domain at the building top

Fig. 8 Accelerations in time domain at the sixteenth floor of the building

The nondeterministic dynamic analysis performed in this investigation clearly demonstrates the
relevance of a more realistic numerical modelling of the masonry infills, due to the modifications on
the global structural stiffness of the building. The maximum displacements and peak accelerations
values were reduced when the effect of the masonry infills (structural stiffness) were considered in the
dynamic analysis (Figures 7 and 8). Finally, it can be concluded that the human comfort evaluation of
the sixteen-storey reinforced concrete building can be altered in a favourable way to design.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support for this investigation provided by the
Brazilian Science Foundation’s CAPES, CNPq and FAPERJ.


[1] L.D.S. de Sá. Study of the static and dynamic structural behaviour and human comfort analysis of
reinforced concrete buildings considering the effect of the masonry infills. MSc Dissertation. Civil
Engineering Postgraduate Programme (PGECIV). State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Rio de
Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, 2018.
[2] L.S. Bastos. Study of the nondeterministic dynamic structural behaviour of buildings when
subjected to wind actions considering the soil-structure interaction effect. PhD Thesis (In
development). Civil Engineering Postgraduate Programme (PGECIV). State University of Rio de
Janeiro (UERJ). Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, 2018.
[3] ANSYS Swanson Analysis Systems Inc. Theory Reference Manual (R.12.1), 2010.



Alan Barile1, Leonardo de Souza Bastos1, José Guilherme Santos da Silva1
Civil Engineering Postgraduate Programme (PGECIV). Faculty of Engineering (FEN). State
University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil. E-mail:;;

Nowadays, the construction of tall and slender buildings to attend the demand of population growth
and the reduction of available free spaces in urban areas have resulted in relevant structural problems
related to excessive vibrations and human discomfort caused by the dynamic characteristics of the
wind loadings [1].
This way, a reliable human comfort analysis depends on the correct description of the wind
dynamic loadings when compared with studies of natural wind. Thus, in this research work an analysis
methodology was developed based on the study of Shinozuka [2], aiming to generate dynamic wind
loads using a power spectral density function and coherence function suggested by Kaimal and
Davenport [1].
In order to test the developed mathematical model, a three-dimensional finite element model of a
30 stories reinforced concrete residential building, with a total height of 90 m and rectangular
dimensions of 21.50 m x 17.30 m was developed aiming to investigate the dynamic structural
behaviour of the structure when subjected to the wind loadings. After that, the peak accelerations
values were compared with recommended limits proposed by design standards [3] to perform a human
comfort assessment.
Initially, in this work it was assumed that the wind velocity can be divided in a static part and a
turbulent part, see Equation (1), where V ̅= mean wind speed, in m/s and vf (t)= turbulent part in m/s.
The static part usually is defined using the mean value based on an interval of 10 minutes or 1 hour.

𝑣(𝑡) = 𝑉̅ + 𝑣𝑓 (𝑡) (1)

The turbulent part can be obtained using the “Spectral Representation Method” explained by
Shinozuka [2]. This method consists in generate samples of the signal using a power spectral density
and a coherence function for spatial correlation between different points. The spectral density and the
coherence function were used to obtain the amplitude of a finite number of harmonics superposed with
phase angles randomly generated, see Equation (2).
𝑁𝑝 𝑁𝜔

𝑣𝑗 (𝑡) = ∑ ∑|𝐻𝑗𝑚 (𝜔𝑘 )|√Δ𝜔𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜔𝑘 𝑡 + 𝜙𝑘 ) , 𝑗 = 1,2,3, . . 𝑁𝑝 (2)

𝑚=1 𝑘=1

In Equation (2), Np = number of points of the structure used to apply the dynamic wind load; Nω =
number of frequencies used to represent the spectrum;  = increment of frequency;  = frequency,
in rad/s;  = independent random phase angle distributed uniformly over the range (0-2π). In Equation
(2), the H matrix represents the lower part of the cross-spectral density matrix S() [𝑆(𝜔) =
𝐻(𝜔)𝐻 𝑇∗ (𝜔)], and in Equation (3), S represents the power spectral density and γ is the coherence

𝑆𝑗𝑘 (𝜔) = √𝑆𝑗 (𝜔)𝑆𝑘 (𝜔)𝛾𝑗𝑘 (𝜔) , 𝑗, 𝑘 = 1,2, . . , 𝑁𝑝 , 𝑗 ≠ 𝑘 (3)

In this research work, the mathematical equation proposed by Kaimal et al. [1] was selected to
model the power spectral density function of the longitudinal wind velocity fluctuations at different
heights of the building, see Equation (4).

2𝜋𝑢∗ 2 200𝑛 𝜔𝑧
𝑆(𝜔) = ; 𝑛= (4)
𝜔 (1 + 50𝑛) 5/3 ̅̅̅̅̅̅
2𝜋 V(z)

In Equation (4), z = height, in meters; f = frequency, in Hz; u* = shear velocity of the flow, in m/s;
an ̅̅̅̅̅̅
V(z) = mean wind speed at height z, in m/s. The coherence function proposed by Davenport [1]
was selected aiming to correlate the velocity fluctuations at two different points in space with
coordinates, (z1 ; y1) and (z2 ; y2), see Equation (5).

𝑛𝑘 √𝐶𝑧 2 Δ𝑧 2 + 𝐶𝑦 2 Δ𝑦 2
−𝑓 (5)
𝐶𝑜ℎ(𝑟, 𝑛𝑘 ) = 𝑒 ,𝑓 =
1 ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
(𝑉(𝑧1 ) + 𝑉(𝑧2 ))

In Equation (5), ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅

V(z1 ) and ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
V(z2 ) = mean wind speeds at heights z1 and z2, respectively, Δz =
|z1 − z2 |, Δy = |y1 − y2 | and Cz and Cy are constants that can be set equal to 10 and 7, respectively.
The wind load for each building structural section (node in the FEM), considered in this analysis is
obtained using the equation suggested by Brazilian design standard [3], see Equation (6).

𝐹𝑗 (𝑡) = 0.613𝑣𝑗 2 𝐶𝑎 𝑗 𝐴𝑒𝑓 , 𝑗 = 1,2,3, . . 𝑁𝑝 (6)


In Equation (6), v represents the velocity calculated for the building structural section (node in the
FEM), using the developed analysis methodology, see Equations (1) to (6); Ca is a coefficient
determined by the mentioned design standard [3] and Aef is the effective area considered for the node
in the building FEM.
It is important emphasize that the time increment of the resulting signal must be less than the
double of the maximum frequency adopted, in order to avoid aliasing according to the sampling
This way, aiming to test the developed analysis methodology, a finite element model was created
based on a real and existing thirty-storey reinforced concrete building, with total height of 90 m, storey
height equal to 3 m and rectangular dimensions of 21.50 m by 17.30 m. The structure is composed of
beams with sections of 30 cm x 60 cm, columns with sections of 30 cm x 80 cm and slabs with 18 cm
of thickness, see Figure 1.
The concrete presents a compressive strength (fck) equal to 45 MPa, modulus of elasticity (Ecs) of
34 GPa, Poisson’s ratio (ν) equal to 0.2 and density (γc) of 25 kN/m³. It was adopted the following
static loads on the concrete slabs of all 30 stories: permanent loads (1.0 kN/m2) and accidental loads
(1.5 kN/m2). The total weight of the masonry infills was distributed over the concrete slabs of the
investigated building (2.8 kN/m2).
The proposed computational model, developed for the reinforced concrete building dynamic
structural analysis, adopted the usual mesh refinement techniques present in finite element method
simulations implemented in the ANSYS computational program [4]. In this three-dimensional
numerical model, the concrete floor girders were represented by three-dimensional beam elements,
where flexural and torsion effects are considered. The concrete slab was represented by shell finite
elements, see Figure 1.

(a) FEM: 3D building floor perspective (b) FEM: 3D global perspective
Fig. 1 Finite element model of the investigated thirty-storey reinforced concrete building

In sequence of the investigation, a forced vibration dynamic analysis was carried out on the
investigated thirty-storey reinforced concrete building, in which the wind was simulated considering
the nondeterministic wind loadings, acting at the negative direction of the global axis Z, see Figure 1.
In this investigation, the numerical results were obtained considering the wind acting on the
reinforced concrete building during a total interval of 10 minutes. Figure 2 presents a generic
horizontal nondeterministic dynamic force, in the time domain, at height of 9 m (Y = 9 m), obtained
according the developed analysis methodology, see Equations (1) to (6).
It is possible to evidence the random character of the wind actions and that the generated signal
respects the adopted spectral density and coherence function, respectively (see Figure 3). A better
similarity can be obtained with time duration greater than 600 seconds.

Fig. 2 Example of nondeterministic dynamic wind loading generated at the height of 9 meters

(a) PSD function (Y = 9m) (b) Spatial correlation between two points
Fig. 3 Example of PSD obtained at a height of 9 meters and spatial correlation between generic points

In sequence of the study, Figure 4 presents the accelerations at the top of the building, in the time
domain. The human comfort can be verified using the peak acceleration of the signal. The result shows
a peak acceleration value equal to 0.11 m/s² that slightly overpass the recommended limit proposed by
the Brazilian design standard [3] of 0.10 m/s², when the building steady state response was considered.

ap = 0.11 m/s2

Fig. 4 Accelerations at the thirty floor of the building in time domain


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support for this work provided by the Brazilian
Science Foundation’s CAPES, CNPq and FAPERJ.


[1] R.R. Barboza. Dynamic behaviour analysis, evaluation of human comfort and vibration control of
high buildings subjected to nondeterministic wind action based on the consideration of the effect of
soil-structure interaction. PhD Thesis. Civil Engineering Postgraduate Programme (PGECIV). State
University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, 2016.
[2] M. Shinozuka, Stochastic Fields and Their Digital Simulation, Stochastic Methods in Structural
Dynamics, pp 93-133, 1987.
[3] NBR 6123: Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT). Forças devidas ao vento em
edificações (ABNT: Forces due to the wind on buildings - In Portuguese), Rio de Janeiro/RJ,
Brazil, 1988.
[4] ANSYS Swanson Analysis Systems Inc. Theory Reference Manual (R.12.1), 2010.




Juan Diego dos Santos Heringer1 , João Gabriel de Souza Debossam2 , Grazione de Souza3 , Helio Pedro
Amaral Souto4
1 Polytechnic Institute, Rio de Janeiro State University,
2 Polytechnic Institute, Rio de Janeiro State University,
3 Polytechnic Institute, Rio de Janeiro State University,
4 Polytechnic Institute, Rio de Janeiro State University,

Abstract. This work aims to develop a three-dimensional numerical simulation of flow of heavy oil with heaters
placed in the reservoir. Mass, momentum and energy balances, as well as rock and fluid physical properties, are
used in order to obtain nonlinear partial differential equations for the unknowns fluid pressure, and temperatures
of the fluid and rock. We use a two-equation model because it is more appropriate to deal with high contrast
values for the thermophysical properties. These equations are discretized using the finite volume method. In
the numerical solution, we apply a linearization and a decomposition of operators, and the three subsystems of
linearized equations are solved using the conjugate gradient method. The results obtained show the suitability of
the numerical method and the technical feasibility of the use of heating by means of static equipment.

Keywords: conjugate gradient method; finite volume method; heating techniques; non-isothermal flow; petroleum
reservoirs; splitting method

1. Introduction
Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) or tertiary recovery is commonly applied in order to extract an extra amount
of oil from the reservoir after primary (production based on reservoir energy) and secondary (immiscible
fluid injection) recoveries. EOR techniques include chemical, miscible displacement, biological and
thermal methods [1], increasing the recovery of hydrocarbons by changing the properties of the fluid.
As for example, we have extraction of heavy oil using thermal methods for reducing oil viscosity [2].
According to Eduardo [3] the non-isothermal flow in porous media has attracted the interest of a large
number of engineers and scientists since the rock and fluid properties depend on pressure and temperature
in a real process.
Nowadays, there are several thermal techniques in order to warm-up the reservoir, as for example,
heated water injection, steam injection, in-situ combustion and static heaters. The last category includes
different mechanical structures (such as an antenna), based on microwave or electricity, for example. In
recent years, the research and development of static heaters have been intensified. It has been used to
improve heavy oil displacement without fluid injection. The heaters just add thermal energy in a specific
region of the reservoir to warm-up both rock and fluid (Figure 1).
In this context, this work deals with the numerical simulation of non-isothermal three-dimensional
flow of heavy oil in a reservoir containing static heaters. Mass, momentum and energy balances, as well
as relations for the determination of rock and fluid physical properties, are used to obtain the governing
nonlinear partial differential equations. The unknowns of the problem are the fluid pressure and the
temperatures of the fluid and rock.

314 1
Figure 1: Reservoir heating process.

2. Governing Equations
Based on the principles of mass conservation, we can derive a continuity equation. For an arbitrary
volume Ω, we can state the conservation of mass as [4]:

{change of mass} + {net flow in/out of Ω} = {change of mass due to sources/sinks} . (1)
Therefore, the equation that describes the mass balance, in terms of the formation-volume-factor
(FVF), is given by [5]
  v q
∂ φ sc
−∇· − = 0, (2)
∂t B B Vb
where φ and B are the porosity and the FVF, respectively, qsc represents a source term in standard condi-
tions, Vb is the total volume, and the superficial velocity is represented by the vector v, which is provided
by the Darcy’s law [5]

v = − (∇p − ρg∇D) , (3)
where k is the permeability tensor, µ is the fluid viscosity, p is the pressure in the reservoir, ρ is the fluid
density, g the magnitude of gravity, and D the depth.
Considering that the porosity and the formation-volume-factor are functions of pressure and temper-
ature, φ = φ(p, Tr ) and B = B(p, T f ), given respectively by
φ = φ0 1 + cφ p − p0 + cφT Tr − Tr0 , (4)

B=  , (5)
1 + co (p − p0 ) + coT T f − T f0

and taking the partial derivative of φ with respect to p and Tr (rock temperature), and of B with respect
to p and T f (fluid temperature), and after reordering the terms, we obtain [4]

∂p ∂Tr ∂T f v q
Γp − ΓTr − ΓTf +∇· − =0 (6)
∂t ∂t ∂t B Vb
φco φ0 cφ
Γp = + , (7)
B0 B

315 2
φ0 cφT
ΓTr = , (8)
ΓTf = , (9)
with co and cφ the respective compressibility of the fluid and rock, coT and cφT the thermal expansion
coefficients of both phases, and the superscripts represent the reference value.
With regard to energy conservation in a control volume Ω, the first law of thermodynamics establishes
that the rate of stored energy must be equal to generated energy, plus the difference between the energy
that enters and leaves the control volume [4]:

{change in thermal energy} = {energy carried by the flow}

+ {heat transfer by thermal dispersion}

+ {heat sources} . (10)

In this work, we do not assume the hypotheses of local thermal equilibrium. In other words, the
mean temperatures of rock and fluid are not equal, and the heat transfer exchanged between both fluid
and rock is modeled via macroscopic source terms [6]. Hence, the rock balance equation is [4]

∂ qH
[(1 − φ)ρr c pr Tr ] − ∇ · [(1 − φ)Kr ∇Tr ] + AH(Tr − T f ) − (1 − φ) =0 (11)
∂t Vb
while for the fluid we have [4]

∂ qH ρ f hqsc
(φρ f c p f T f ) − ∇ · (φK f ∇T f ) + ∇ · (ρ f h f v) − AH(Tr − T f ) − φ − = 0, (12)
∂t Vb Vb
where the subscripts r and f denote rock and fluid, φ is the porosity, ρr and ρ f are the densities of rock
and fluid, c p f and c pr are the specific heats of rock and fluid, h f = c p f T f is the fluid enthalpy [6], and
K f and Kr represent the effective thermal dispersion tensors. The term A is the superficial specific area
of the fluid-solid interface, H is the effective heat transfer coefficient, qH /Vb represents the increase or
decrease of heat in the reservoir due to the heaters, and ρ f h f qsc /Vb represents the gain or loss of energy
related to injection or extraction of fluid into or from the reservoir.
We only consider here the contribution due to the thermal conductivity, and we neglect tortuosity
and hydrodynamic dispersion. However, this procedure is commonly used [4]. Therefore, K f = κ f I and
Kr = κr I where κ f and κr are the thermal conductivities of fluid and rock, respectively. For the two-
equation model, the intrinsic average temperatures are then determined by directly solving the macro-
scopic equations for each phase [7].

3. Methodology
Equations (6), (11) and (12) form a system of non-linear partial differential equations that don’t have an
analytical solution. As an alternative, we employ the Finite-Volume Method (FVM) to solve them. This
method divides the physical domain into discrete three-dimensional control volumes and transforms the
partial differential equations into a set of discrete algebraic equations that can be solved using a numerical
method [8]. Furthermore, we implement a linearization technique and a decomposition of operators, so
that three subsystems of equations are solved iteratively by the Gradient Conjugate Method.
The numerical results are first validated by performing comparisons with known analytical solutions
for selected temperature and pressure problems. Moreover, a sensitivity study involving different pro-
duction scenarios are performed such as different production ratios, varying the position of the heaters,

316 3
and using various values of the coefficient of heat exchange. Also, special attention is given to the hy-
pothesis of local thermal equilibrium, and we perform numerical simulations to compare the so-called
one- and two-equation models. In summary, the results show the suitability of the numerical model used
in this study to solve the proposed problem and the technical feasibility of the use of heating by means
of static equipment.

Authors gratefully thanks Rio de Janeiro State University, Coordination for the Improvement of Higher
Education Personnel (CAPES) and National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
(CNPq) for their support.

[1] Manichand R. N., ‘Análise do Desempenho do Aquecimento Eletromagnético na Recuperação de Reser-
vatórios de Petróleo’, M.Sc. Thesis, Rio Grande do Norte State University, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil,
[2] Aouizerate G., Durlofsky L. J., Samier P., New models for heater wells in subsurface simulations, with
application to the in situ upgrading of oil shale, Computational Geoscience, v. 16, n. 2, 519-533, 2011.
[3] Eduardo R., ‘A comprehensive model describing temperature behavior in horizontal wells: Investigation
of potential benefits of using downhole distributed temperature measurement system’, Ph.D. Thesis, The
Pennsylvania State University, USA, 2010.
[4] Lampe V., ‘Modelling Fluid Flow and Heat Transport in Fractured Porous Media’, M.Sc. Thesis, University
of Bergen, Noruega, 2013.
[5] Ertekin T., Abou-Kassem J., King G., Basic Applied Reservoir Simulation, Richardson, USA: Society of
Petroleum Engineers, 2001.
[6] Rousset M. A. H., Huang C. K., Durlofsky H. K. J., Reduced-order modeling for thermal recovery processes,
Computational Geosciences, v. 18, n. 3-4, 401-415, 2014.
[7] Moyne C., Amaral Souto H. P., Multi-Scale approach for conduction heat transfer: one and two-equation
models. Part 2: results for a stratified medium, Computational & Applied Mathematics, v. 33, n. 2, p. 433-
449, 2014.
[8] Moukalled F., Mangani L., Darwish M., ‘The Finite Volume Method in Computational Fluid Dynamics:
An Advanced Introduction with OpenFOAM and Matlab’, Springer, Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications,
Switzerland, 2016.

317 4



Aldemon L. Bonifácio1, Julia C. Mendes2, Michele C. R. Farage1, Flavio S. Barbosa1, Ciro B.

Barbosa1 and Anne-Lise Beaucour3
Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil,,,,
Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil,
University of Cergy-Pontoise, France,

Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (LWAC) is a composite widely employed worldwide. Some of its
benefits are: improved thermal insulation, reduction of the concrete's specific mass, and consequent
reduction of the structural load in the building. Given that the properties of the Lightweight Aggregate
(LWA) are difficult to measure experimentally, the design of LWAC mixtures is a rather complicated
task. This fact stimulates the search for numerical or analytical methods to investigate the LWAC’s
properties from the properties of its components or previous experimental data. Thus, the present work
presents the performances of two methods to predict the compressive strength of LWAC’s samples:
Support Vector Machine and Finite Element Model. To this end, both strategies use the LWA's
Young’s modulus and compressive strength obtained from an experimental program from the
literature. The results encourage further studies towards the development of a numerical tool that may
assist engineers for practical purposes, since both methods show good agreement with the validation


[1] KE, Y. Caractérisation du comportement mécanique des bétons de granulats légers: expérience et
modélisation. Tese, Cergy-Pontoise, 2008.
[2] K. O. Akande, T. O. Owolabi, S. Twaha, and S. O. Olatunji. Performance comparison of svm and
ann in predicting compressive strength of concrete. IOSR. J. Comput. Eng, 16(5):88–94, 2014.




Aldemon L. Bonifácio1, Julia C. Mendes2, Michele C. R. Farage1, Flavio S. Barbosa1, Ciro B.

Barbosa1 and Anne-Lise Beaucour3
Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil,,,,
Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil,
University of Cergy-Pontoise, France,

The mechanical properties of concretes are of great importance in civil engineering problems, such
as: structural analysis and dimensioning, load transfer, creep prediction, durability, among others.
Nowadays, these mechanical properties, i.e. compressive strength and Young’s modulus, are designed
based on charts and empirical formulae. This scenario is even more imprecise for lightweight
aggregate concretes (LWAC), for which even less information is available. In this sense, this work
presents a numerical simulation of the compressive behavior and Young’s modulus of LWAC’s
samples using the Finite Element Method. The samples were modeled to reproduce an experimental
program from the literature: the material was considered as biphasic, composed of mortar and sphere-
shaped lightweight aggregates (LWA). The mechanical properties of the mortars were experimentally
measured, while LWA’s properties were obtained analytically. Numerical results showed fair
agreement with the experimental data, despite the real LWA not being exact spheres. Results
encourage further applications with more complex geometrical aspects to improve the mix design and
safety of LWAC.


[1] BS EN 12390-1: Testing hardened concrete: shape, dimensions and other requirements for
specimens and moulds. British Standards Institute, London, 2012.
[2] KE, Y. Caractérisation du comportement mécanique des bétons de granulats légers: expérience et
modélisation. Tese, Cergy-Pontoise, 2008.




Juliana Cardoso Santos 1, Marcus Vinicius Girão de Morais 1, Erwin Ulises Lopez Palechor 2,
Marcela Rodrigues Machado 1, Ramon SalenoYure Costa Silva 3, Luciano Mendes Bezerra 1

Universityof Brasília, UnB,,,,
Federal University of Cariri, UFCa,
University Paulista, Campi Brasília, UNIP,

Early damage detection plays an exceptional role in the safe maintenance of structures. Even
if there are some non-destructive methods, it requires finding other techniques with greater
efficiency and lower cost.
In the last decades, damage detection researchers are focused on methods that use elastic
wave propagation at medium and high-frequency bands, such as Krawczuk [1], Grabowska, et
al. [2], Stachowicz [3], Santos, et al.[4], Su and Ye [5]. Most of the non-destructive
techniques compare intact and damaged structures, which requires the identification of both
beforehand. Zhong [6] presented a damage detection technique that uses auxiliary mass
spatial probing to localize damage zone in beams without comparing to the intact one based
on the derivatives of the curve of the corrected high-accuracy natural frequencies.
The auxiliary mass technique consists of traversing the additional mass along the structure to
magnify the effect of discontinuities on the dynamic response and, hence, to facilitate the
identification and location of damage in structures. Palechor [7] applied this technique using
transient force excitation in supported beams and identified frequency perturbation by wavelet
transform. Machado et al. [8] developed a new spectral-element with additional mass and
compared the spectral method and Galerkin assumed-mode with experimental results of an I-
shape simply supported beam, presenting good experimental agreement with low
computational cost.
Sometimes the presence of damage cannot be evident just using the additional mass
technique. Therefore, methods for the damage perception with sensibilities to small
perturbations are practicable. Silva [9] used wavelet transform for monitoring and

identification of damages in structures like beams and concrete/steel bridges by numerical and
experimental analysis. Palechor [10] applied the same method in beams of steel I-section
using wavelet coefficients that reach large amplitudes in the damaged region.
A technique used for discontinuities detection is the study of variation on the strain curve
slope. Lee et al. [11] performed a numerical and experimental analysis in a damaged beam
subject to a moving mass and presented that the strain data, the acceleration, the mass
magnitude and the velocity can affect the viability of the damage detection.
The aim of this paper is to apply damage identification techniques in free-free beams based on
the variation of natural frequencies caused by the application of an additional mobile mass
along the structure through numerical analysis. Thereafter, the wavelet transform was applied
to detect the discontinuities of the damaged response.

The sample is a steel beam with a Young’s Modulus (E) equals to 200 GPa, Poisson
coefficient (ν) of 0.3, and density (ρ) equals to 7860 kg/m³. The cross-section area is 0,017 m
x 0,017 m with 40 cm of length. The beam is divided into 10 elements, as shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1. Dimensions of the steel beam.

The additional mass has 0,25 kg and it is placed on each node along the structure. The
application of the proposed technique is validated by a numerical analysis with Ritz-Galerkin
assumed-mode technique and compared to results from the commercial software ANSYS.
The first five frequencies (Hz) as a function of additional mass’s position (mm) are presented
in Tab.1 and Tab. 2 correspond to commercial software ANSYS and Galerkin method,
Table 1. First five frequencies (Hz) as function of additional mass position by ANSYS.
x(mm) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400
f1 443,9 511,8 552,9 537,3 497,5 480,5 497,5 537,3 552,9 511,8 443,9
f2 1341 1549 1463 1.343 1447 1567 1447 1343 1463 1549 1341
f3 2835 3170 2.775 3.056 30623 2707 3063 3056 2776 3170 2834
f4 5048 5217 5.105 5.404 4818 5543 4818 5404 5106 5217 5048
f5 8148 7794 8.668 7.613 8761 7615 8761 7613 8668 7794 8148

The Fig. 2 compares the first frequency obtained by both techniques. There are differences
between ANSYS and Galerkin technique. This difference can be attributed to formulation
adopted by both. The equation of motion in ANSYS and Galerkin are, respectively,

Timoshenko beam and Euler-Bernoulli. Experimental data and other numerical technique
(Euler-Bernoulli Spectral Element) are necessary to eliminate this doubts.
Table 2. First five frequencies (Hz) as function of additional mass position by Galerkin Method.
x(mm) 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400
𝑓1 369,6 479,3 547,9 528,1 481,3 463,3 481,3 528,1 547,9 479,3 369,6
𝑓2 1222 1487 1383 1254 1384 1519 1384 1254 1383 1487 1222
𝑓3 2561 2974 2505 2828 2853 2499 2853 2828 2506 2973 2561
𝑓4 4389 4700 4469 4823 4278 4921 4278 4823 4469 4700 4389
𝑓5 6708 6590 7186 6420 7327 6475 7327 6420 7186 6590 6708

Figure 1. Fundamental frequency (Hz) of free-free beam as function of additional mass’s location (cm).


This paper presents a damage identification technique in free-free beams. This technique is
based on attend of natural frequencies caused by the location of an additional mobile mass
along structure. This technique does not require the comparison of the intact and undamaged
A preliminary comparison between assumed-mode Galerkin technique and ANSYS
BEAM188 FE modeling is presented showing a reasonable agreement indeed formulation
differences. Other numerical studies are required to improve de agreement between numerical
results. And a comparison between experimental results is necessary to assure the validity of
modelization proposed.
The numerical essays with damage will be proposed and compared to numerical techniques
(Galerkin and ANSYS, at least) and preliminary experimental results. Some technique will be
applied to detected damage to this beam.

[1] KRAWCZUK, M. Application of spectral beam finite element with a crack and iterative
searchtechnique for damage detection. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 80 (2002), 1809–
[2] KRAWCZUK, M., GRABOWSKA, J., AND PALACZ, M. Longitudinal wave propagation.
Partcomparison of rod theories. Journal of Sound and Vibration 295 (2006), 461–478.
[3] OSTACHOWICZ, W. M. Damage detection of structures using spectral finite element
method.Computers and Structures 86 (2008), 454–462.
[4] SANTOS, E., ARRUDA, J., AND SANTOS, J. D. Modelling of coupled structural systems by an
energy spectral element method. Journal of Sound and Vibration 36 (2008), 1 – 24.
[5] SU, Z., AND YE, L. Identification of Damage Using Lamb Waves. Springer (2009).
[6] ZHONG, S., OYADIJI, S. O., AND DING, K. Response-only method for damage detectionof
beam-like structures using high accuracy frequencies with auxiliary mass spatial probing.Journal
of Sound and Vibration 311 (2008), 1075–1099.
[7] PALECHOR, E.U.L. Método de identificação de danos em estruturas, baseado na variação da
frequência natural causada pela aplicação de uma massa móvel adicional. Tese de Doutorado em
Estruturas e Construção Civil da Universidade de Brasília (2018), 462 p.
analysis of a beam with additionalauxiliary mass spatial via spectral elementmethod, Proceeding
of 14th International Conference of Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications (DSTA2017),
Lotz, Poland (2017).
[9] SILVA, R.S.Y.R.C Monitoramento e identificação numérico e experimental de danos em vigas e
pontes de aço e concreto utilizando transformadas de wavelet. Tese de Doutorado em Estruturas e
Construção Civil da Universidade de Brasília (2015), 237p.
[10] PALECHOR, E.U.L. Identificação de danos em vigas metálicas utilizando wavelets e dados
numéricos e experimentais. Dissertação de Mestrado em Estruturas e Construção Civil da
Universidade de Brasília (2013), 299p.
[11] LEE, E. T, EUN, H. C. Damage Detection Using Measurement Response Data of Beam Structure
Subject to a Moving Mass. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures (2015).




Kaio Ricardo da Silva1, Evangelos Dimitrios Christakou2, Lenildo Santos da Silva3

ENC/FT, Universidade de Brasília - UnB,
ENC/FT, Universidade de Brasília - UnB,
ENC/FT, Universidade de Brasília - UnB,


The advancement of technology and the successive growth of the complexity of the ventures
brought to the fore several paradigms in relation to the difficulty in the analysis and interpretation of
the information in the project process, mainly due to the quality of the projects, the omission of
information, the organization and the standardization. One of the methodologies that are being created
and applied to the improvement of the construction process is Building Information Modeling (BIM).
Due to the comprehensive lifecycle of a building the potential impact of BIM is considered to
be so great. For BIM can be used from the stage that inaugurates the beginning of this cycle of the
enterprise, called inception, until the demolition of the building, transforming the work of all the
professionals involved with the enterprise. With the increase in the amount of information that the
projects came to possess, the compatibilization of projects became even more important than before,
as there was a growing need to prevent the design solutions created by the various disciplines from
crossing. BIM technology provides for such automation to be performed in an automated manner, but
this is only possible if the systems used work in an interoperable way.
Interoperability has the function of identifying the need to transfer data between different
software, so that several applications or different software can contribute together with the work that
needs to be done. Interoperability also eliminates the need for rework to replicate data entry that was
previously generated and facilitates workflow and automation. In view of the potential of BIM
technology and the need to improve systems and the compatibility of projects, it is fundamental to
analyze the interoperability between BIM platform and the most used structural design software in
Brazil and also to improve architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry design
The objective of the present work is to analyze and evaluate the interoperability between some
software of structural design with software of the BIM platform and to identify the favorable and
unfavorable points of each one of the software analyzed and how this limits the implementation of
BIM technology by the project offices and evaluate the possibilities of applying the main, non-
proprietary, information exchange protocol (IFC) and interface between the modeling software.


Primarily, the software used for the design of architectural and structural projects will be
recognized so that it is possible to explore and study the capacity, functionalities and mode of

operation of each of the software. Next, an existing architectural design that was developed using
Autodesk AutoCAD software will be modeled later on Autodesk Revit software, which was developed
specifically for Building Information Modeling (BIM).
Later, with the architectural model done, it will be possible to model and size the structural
part of the project in one of the structural design software. Initially, it is intended to work with TQS
and CypeCAD, that it is some of the most used structural design CAD systems in Brazil. With the
structure properly designed and modeled, it will be possible to transfer back to Autodesk Revit and
check the compatibility of architectural and structural design initially proposed.
The structural elements studied will be divided into beams, slabs, pillars and foundations.
Information about which structural elements and which information was correctly transferred between
the software will be tabulated for further analysis and comparison.
After performing a general analysis of the elements imported from the projects, the check will
be made, indicating the points of incompatibility, identified during the launch of the projects,
highlighting the failures of the lack of integration and compatibility of the projects, according to
Marsico et al. (2017) highlights in his work.



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A New Approach to Create Profitable Customer Profiles using
Machine Learning and RMFP Model
Leandro da Silva Carvalho 1a (Superscript―*: Corresponding, 1: affiliation, a: footnote info),
Nelson Francisco Favilla Ebecken*2
COPPE/UFRJ, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil,,
COPPE/UFRJ, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil,
Department of Civil Engineering – COPPE/UFRJ, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
CT – Bloco B / Sala 100, 21945-970, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

(Received keep as blank , Revised keep as blank , Accepted keep as blank )

Abstract. This work aims to present a new model, called RFMP (Frequency – Frequency – Monetary –
Profitability), as an alternative to the traditional RFM models when used with Machine Learning techniques. The
objective is to evaluate whether the inclusion of a new parameter P, associated with customer’s profitability, will have
any impact on the customer segmentation process. The idea is to differentiate the client groups not only by the
monetary value – standard behavior from RFM models – but also through profitability. All of this will be
accomplished through an empirical study, with a transactional dataset from a Brazilian ecommerce website, using a
cloud machine learning platform (with the technological resources available in the Azure Machine Learning
Keywords: RFM Models; RFMP Models; Machine Learning; Customer Segmentation; Azure Machine
Learning; Clustering; K-means; e-commerce

1. Introduction

Companies began to rely on a powerful resource to generate knowledge through their datasets
using Machine Learning techniques. However, the vast majority of potential applications are still
waiting for their implementations, because the greatest benefit will not come from the simple use
of algorithms, but rather from the companies’ usage to the generate value through the real
problems’ solutions.
Anyway, similar to any other project, the use of Machine Learning methods should be preceded
by a thorough analysis from a significant problem definition that companies would like to solve.
Therefore, context is essential for the solutions proposed with the use of such techniques to make
sense and produce positive results to organizations.
Thus, the purpose of this paper is to present the creation of a new model, called RFMP
(Frequency – Frequency – Monetary – Profitability), as an alternative to the traditional RFM
models when used with Machine Learning techniques. The objective is to evaluate whether the
inclusion of a new parameter P, associated with the client’s profitability, will have any impact on
the customer segmentation process. The idea is to differentiate the consumer groups not only by
the monetary value – standard behavior from RFM models – but also through profitability.
All of this will be accomplished through an empirical study, with a transactional dataset from a
Brazilian ecommerce, using a cloud-based machine learning platform provided by Microsoft
The remaining topics of this paper are organized as follows: Section 2 provides the literature
reviews. Section 3 describes the methodology and process used in this paper. Section 4 presents
the empirical results. Finally, Section 5 concludes our study.

 1 Corresponding author, Professor Leandro Carvalho, E-mail:

2. Literature Review

2.1 RFM Model (Recency – Frequency – Monetary)

RFM (Recency – Frequency – Monetary) models was proposed by Hughes (Hughes, 1994) and
represents a customer classification method that allow to identify who are the most recent
customers, the most frequent buyers and those with the highest expenses. This method allows to
create customers profiles taking into account the history’ purchases of each client and their
respective relationship with companies.
However, because their efficient and scalable methods in the task of grouping data, RFM model
has been successfully integrated with machine learning techniques, as described in the works:
(Coussement et al., 2014), (Miguéis et al., 2012) and (Shim et al., 2012). Especially by using k-
means algorithm (Macqueen, 1967), as presented in the studies: (Wei et al., 2013) and (Khajvand
et al., 2011).
In this case, the development process adopts the following operation: first, the global average
of each RFM attribute by the dataset used is computed; then, the clustering process is performed
using k-means algorithm; in the sequence, for each cluster found, the average of each attribute is
calculated; finally, this average is compared to the global average. Thus, each cluster is classified –
positively or negatively – by comparing its respective average with the global average of each
RFM attributes.
For example: if a cluster average, to R attribute, is less than or equal to the global average, it
will be classified as positive (+); else, it will be classified as negative (–). The same occurs with
the F and M attributes, but with an opposite in the rule. This means, if a cluster has a F or M
average greater than or equal to the global average, this cluster will be classified as positive (+);
otherwise, it will be classified as negative (–).
Regarding the new approaches, it is worthwhile to point out the study proposed by (Song et al.,
2017), which recommends a time series analysis to explore the customers’ relationships from a
timeframe, in order to segment them to discover the quantitative relationships in the RFM model;
and the study proposed by (Khodabandehlou e Rahman, 2017), which provides a new approach for
targeting customers based on changes made by consumers over time in relation to their respective
purchasing behaviors. Both studies suggest that tracking the temporal history groups – and their
respective shopping behaviors – have a great relevance to improve RFM model.
However, any article clearly addressed one of the main companies’ motivations: the profit. And
when they try, do it in a wrong way by treating the M (monetary) attribute as if it were the
profitability, as seen in the articles: (Bhensdadia e Kosta, 2010), (Ait Daoud et al., 2016) and
(Dursun e Caber, 2016), which treat as profitable customers those with the highest score on the
traditional RFM classification. This means they do not consider the own customer's profitability,
but only the monetary value, which strengthens the main justification proposal presented by this

2.2 K-means

This algorithm is a non-hierarchical grouping method which aims to partition a dataset into K
groups. Its execution is accomplished through an iterative process that works based on minimizing
the error of a criteria function. In this method, a given data can only belong to a single cluster at a
time. The main advantage of using the k-means algorithm is that it is a simple and a low-cost
computational method, which allows it to run efficiently in large volumes of data. However, as is
notorious in the k-means algorithm, this method does not guarantee the number of clusters is
actually the best to be worked on, since this number must be set previously. And being defined
previously, the major challenge is precisely to find the best number of K before starting a
particular analysis.

3. Methodology

3.1 Problem Definition

To increase the customer segmentation process contribution, this paper focused on one of the
main motivations for companies: the profitability, since the original RFM model skips this
attribute. Thus, the analysis process was enriched by a RFMP models’ creation, with the clear
objective to present an alternative to the traditional RFM models, to evaluate if the inclusion of a
new parameter would have any impact on the targeting customers process. This parameter was
directly associated with the client’s profitability, and was defined by the letter P.

3.2 Development Process

Therefore, this study initiated the evaluations that would compose the research domain by
developing two analyses to understand: the models generated and the behavior used to distinguish
each cluster. However, before that, it was necessary to define a way to identify the best value for
the K parameter to be used in the k-means algorithm. In this case, the study chose Average
Deviation index (Michael et al., 1999) to find the best number of clusters.
From this point, the study performed an empirical research to assess the models generated with
the platform adopted. Then, it was created a specific analysis for each RFM and RFMP model,
using Z-Score method to normalize the dataset used.

4. Case Study

4.1 Dataset

The dataset used by this work was extracted from a transaction history purchase from a
Brazilian e-commerce website. In this study, only the records referring to the purchases made in
the last year were evaluated. Thus, the initial dataset analyzed included a total of 2.336 customers
and 2.676 orders.
In this case, the study defined the respective R, F, M and P values as follow:
• R – Defined by the difference in days from the record with the most recent purchase
date for each customer;
• F – Measured by the amount purchases carried out by a customer within the study
• M – Calculated by the ticket average value of each customer; and
• P – Defined by the percentage average value of each customer's profitability.

4.2 Data Organization

Orders done by recurring customers represent 21% of the database analyzed, that is, 561
purchases were made by customers who request more than 1 order within this period. The
remaining 2.115 requests were made by non-recurring customers (those who made only 1 purchase
within the review period). However, only 9% of customers are recurring, which cause a skewness
in F attribute and can also affect the models that will be created. Table 4.1 best describes this
relationship between the purchase’s frequency by recurring and non-recurring customers with their
respective orders.

Table 4.1: Relation between the frequency purchases and recurring customers.
Frequency Total Customers with
Total Orders Placed Percentage
(Number of Orders) Frequency Pattern
11 1 11 0,41%
10 1 10 0,37%
8 3 24 0,90%
7 2 14 0,52%

6 3 18 0,67%
5 5 25 0,93%
4 11 44 1,64%
3 25 75 2,80%
2 170 340 12,71%
1 2.115 2.115 79,04%
TOTAL 2.336 2.676 100,00%

4.3 Results – RFM Analysis

Average Deviation index computes the quality values that indicate the achieved score to infer
the best K value for the k-means algorithm. The platform used provides the results through an
ordered table by the best score obtained and the number of centroids used in the execution, as can
be seen in Table 4.2. However, it is worth emphasizing that the lower the score, the better is the

Table 4.2: Score obtained by Average Deviation metric from RFM Analysis.
Score Best K Score Best K
0,421769 20 0,69031 10
0,438438 19 0,692245 9
0,459932 18 0,75049 8
0,490611 17 0,758808 7
0,495687 16 1,054807 6
0,497835 15 1,126279 5
0,505771 14 1,160806 4
0,510323 13 1,193762 3
0,544725 12 1,303976 2
0,61535 11

In this analysis, the best suggested model obtained a value of K equal to 20. So, the largest
cluster was with 348 records (14,90%), while the smallest was with only 1 register (0,04%), as can
be seen in Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2. Then the behavior of each cluster is detailed according to the
results presented in Table 4.3.
In this context, the best segments are represented by clusters 14, 7, 3, 15 and 1, which have
RFM+ classification, that is, formed by recent, frequent and monetary customers. These groups
represent VIPs clients, those with the highest value for companies. Together, they represent 2,14%
of the dataset analyzed, with values contained in F attribute being the main criterion separation
between them. On the other hand, clusters 19 and 6 represent the inverse, i.e. classification RFM–
(non-recent, non-frequent, and non-monetary customers).
Clusters 18, 17 and 9 have the following classification: RM+ and F–; that is, recent and
monetary customers, but not frequent. In this case, M attribute served as the primary separation
criteria between them. Whereas clusters 5, 11, 8, 4 and 13 have customers with M+ and RF–
classification, which means monetary clients, but not recent and not frequent, both was separated
by M and R values.
Clusters 16 and 2, with FM+ and R– classifications, have frequent and monetary customers, but
not recent ones. Precisely this behavior is the inverse of clusters 10 and 12, with classification R+
and FM– (recent clients, but not frequent and not monetary). And finally, the cluster 0 that was
classified as RF+ and M– (recent and frequent but non-monetary customers).
In the following, the study evaluates in more details the model generated to better describe the
separation behavior between clusters. It’s possible to note a clusters behavior based on values
contained in F attribute. As can be seen, clusters 10, 19, 12, 18, 5, 17, 8, 4, 13 and 9 were formed
only by frequent customers (F attribute) equal to 1. While clusters 0, 2, 16, 14, 7, 3,15, and 1 —

which represent together 9,20% of the data — have only customer records whose F attribute
values were different than 1.

Table 4.3: RFM Analysis results.

Avg. Min. Max. Avg. Min. Max. Avg. Min. Max.
C. Qty. % RFM+ RFM-
10 348 14,90% R FM 41,64 1 88 1 1 1 132,90 24,99 238,90
19 335 14,34% RFM 223,89 177 270 1 1 1 116,52 11,90 231,80
12 304 13,01% R FM 128,98 85 176 1 1 1 116,32 9,10 229,90
18 302 12,93% RM F 58,10 1 119 1 1 1 323,33 218,98 470,09
6 249 10,66% RFM 316,73 269 365 1,01 1 2 121,15 36,40 219,99
5 240 10,27% M RF 174,24 116 235 1 1 1 295,47 187,90 462,70
11 165 7,06% M RF 296,36 238 365 1,01 1 2 300,16 198,50 419,00
0 146 6,25% RF M 100,02 3 263 2 2 2 218,42 53,13 483,24
17 76 3,25% RM F 94,82 3 178 1 1 1 559,38 443,09 783,90
8 54 2,31% M RF 268,96 191 364 1 1 1 556,54 435,99 793,99
4 36 1,54% M RF 170,13 12 354 1 1 1 947,21 753,90 1.119,99
14 24 1,03% RFM 93,54 11 235 3 3 3 254,66 116,00 605,79
16 18 0,77% FM R 190,50 51 325 2,05 2 3 611,57 362,00 828,80
7 16 0,68% RFM 62,06 1 219 4,31 4 5 285,98 166,78 438,47
13 7 0,30% M RF 163,14 50 313 1 1 1 1.433,59 1.260,05 1.545,40
3 5 0,21% RFM 45,40 15 87 6,40 6 7 246,90 96,26 446,06
9 5 0,21% RM F 111,60 4 206 1 1 1 1.942,41 1.896,75 2.049,24
15 3 0,13% RFM 126,66 74 206 8 8 8 376,57 281,63 491,86
1 2 0,09% RFM 10,50 4 17 10,50 10 11 644,81 436,51 853,12
2 1 0,04% FM R 235 235 235 2 2 2 2.480,00 2.480,00 2.480,00

Clusters 6 and 11 were the only ones that mixed customers with F attribute equal to 1 or 2, and
produced identical F averages for both, with a value of 1,01. However, they differ by values from
R attribute, which was averaged from 316,73 to the first, and 296,36 to the second, as well the M
attribute averages: 121,15 to cluster 6, and 300,16 to cluster 11.

Figure 4.1: Number of records per cluster from RFM analysis.

Figure 4.2: RFM Analysis Histogram.

It was also possible verify clusters separation by the R attribute when compared to M. This was
the case between clusters 12, 19, 6 and 10, since both were M averages very close: 116,32; 116,52;
121,15 and 132,90. However, their separations were made through R value scale, since cluster 10
was between 1 and 88; cluster 12 between 85 and 176; cluster 19 between 177 and 270; while
cluster 6 had values between 269 and 365.

Figure 4.3: Graphical visualization from the clusters obtained by RFM analysis.

The same occurred with clusters 8 and 17, since they have the following averages for the M
attribute: 556,54 and 559,38. Nevertheless, in this case, both were separated by the R values,
which in cluster 17 was between 3 and 178 (average 94,82), while in cluster 8 were records with
values between 191 and 364 (average 268,96).
Similar behavior was found between clusters 11 and 18, with M averages: 300,16 and 323.33.
However, with R averages: 296,36 and 58,10. Cluster 18 has values between 1 and 119, while in
cluster 11 between 238 and 365.
There were also clusters separated by F attribute when compared to M attribute values. In this
case, clusters 16 and 1 were with M averages: 611,57 and 644,85. However, they were separated
by F attribute, since cluster 16 took the records with values between 2 and 3, while cluster 1 was
valued between 10 and 11. The same can be observed between clusters 7 and 5, with M averages:
285,98 and 295,47, but with F averages: 4,31 and 1.
Other clusters separated by F attribute were: 0, 3, 14 and 7; since cluster 0 has only registers
with F value equal to 2; cluster 14 only with F value equal to 3; cluster 7 with values between 4
and 5; and cluster 3 with values between 6 and 7. Already the separation of clusters 15 and 12,
which have R averages: 126,66 and 128,98 respectively, can be seen by the F attribute (with an

average of 8 for the cluster 15 and 1 for cluster 12), and for M attribute (averages 376,57 and
116,32 respectively). In contrast, the separation between clusters 4, 13, 9 and 2 was done basically
by M values, with averages: 947,21, 1.433,59, 1.942,41 and 2.480,00 respectively.
Finally, the smallest cluster that caught the most attention, cluster 2. This cluster contains only
a single record that represents only 0,04% of the data (this indicates an outlier). In this case, a M
average value of 2.480,00, a F average value equal to 2, and an R average value of 235,00 were
found. With this, the record was classified as FM+ and R–, which means a frequent and monetary
customer, but not recent.
However, this model was able to use the three attributes (R, F and M) to find the separation
criterion between the clusters produced.

4.4 Results – RFMP Analysis

This analysis, with Average Deviation index, also produced a model with 20 clusters, as can be
seen in Table 4.4. In this case, the largest cluster was with 455 records (19,48%), while five other
clusters (represented the smallest clusters) were left with only 2 registers (0,09%), as can be seen
in Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5.

Table 4.4: Score obtained by Average Deviation metric from RFMP Analysis.
Score Best K Score Best K
0,704582 20 1,009983 10
0,717465 19 1,013367 9
0,733708 18 1,02975 8
0,738595 17 1,033227 7
0,760012 16 1,105753 6
0,764147 15 1,361926 5
0,7663 14 1,393461 4
0,823019 12 1,494072 3
0,843762 13 1,552877 2
0,902775 11

In addition, 10 clusters were left with less than 1% of the data in their respective contents.
Together, these clusters represent 2,53% of the dataset. However, it was possible observe that this
model did not produce the group that contained only 1 record from the previous RFM analysis,
which means that it was able to group this record into some other cluster (a different behavior from
the previous model). The chart in Figure 4.6 illustrates the representation of the generated model.
In any case, the behavior of each cluster is described below according to the results presented in
Table 4.5.
Clusters 19 and 3 were classified as a FM+ and RP–, that is, frequent and monetary customers,
but not recent and not profitable. Just the opposite of clusters 6 and 7 (RP+ and FM–), which
represent recent and profitable customers, but not frequent and not monetary. Clusters 18 and 14,
with M+ and RFP– classification, represent monetary customers, but not recent, not frequent and
not profitable. Whereas clusters 11 and 13, with P+ and RFM– classification, represent profitable,
but not recent, not frequent and not monetary clients. And clusters 17 and 4, with RM+ and FP–
classification, represent recent and monetary customers, but not frequent and not profitable.
On the other hand, clusters 8, 9 and 2, with RFM+ and P– classification represent recent,
frequent and monetary, but not profitable clients. While clusters 16, 10 and 1 were classified as
RMP+ and F–, which represent recent, monetary and profitable but not frequent customers. The
worst classification was found in clusters 5, 12 and 15, with RFMP–, that is, non-recent, non-
frequent, non-monetary and non-profitable customers. Finally, cluster 0, with RF+ and MP–, that
is, recent and frequent clients, but not monetary and not profitable. The study then evaluates in
more details the generated model to better describe the separation behavior between clusters.

Table 4.5: RFMP Analysis results.

RFMP RFMP Avg. Min. Max. Avg. Min. Max. Avg. Min. Max. Avg. Min. Max.
C. Qty. %
+ - R R R F F F M M M P P P

17 455 19,48 RM FP 63,43 1 145 1 1 1 295,69 39 554,98 42,79 35,23 47,36

5 435 18,62 RFMP 178,51 75 292 1 1 1 138,43 9,10 329,89 42,18 35,23 45,44
12 324 13,87 RFMP 312,58 241 365 1 1 1 169,85 36,4 405,70 44,39 35,23 48,85
6 319 13,66 RP FM 60,41 1 146 1 1 1 115,48 24,99 340,60 46,61 43,59 50
18 228 9,76 M RFP 225,28 113 364 1 1 1 380,23 224,99 621,60 43,58 37,88 48,85
11 192 8,22 P RFM 234,84 144 359 1 1 1 115,88 24,99 356,88 47,43 44,46 52,24
0 125 5,35 RF MP 63,83 3 137 2,13 2 3 231,71 53,13 613,24 44,35 36,84 50,72
16 81 3,47 RMP F 154,69 3 354 1,08 1 2 772,04 526,3 1.119,99 45,05 41,46 48,85
19 61 2,61 FM RP 203,70 136 359 2,13 2 3 248,28 54 580 44,45 40,06 49,04
10 57 2,44 RMP F 63,63 1 179 1 1 1 249,30 43,6 553,19 52,90 48,85 60,4
8 19 0,81 RFM P 58,21 1 219 4,57 4 6 265,27 96,26 438,47 43,73 40,22 47,45
4 11 0,47 RM FP 136,90 4 313 1 1 1 1.608,90 1.260,05 1939,87 42,26 37,87 47,46
14 7 0,30 M RFP 192 80 349 1,14 1 2 832,62 684,8 1072,8 38,31 34,15 41,45
13 6 0,26 P RFM 242 65 278 1 1 1 183,30 54,99 329,94 82,75 80 83,31
9 5 0,21 RFM P 98,80 27 206 7,60 7 8 379,95 281,63 491,86 43,71 42,78 44,46
7 3 0,13 RP FM 152,66 2 277 1 1 1 139,26 30 220 67,68 65 69,93
2 2 0,09 RFM P 10,50 4 17 10,50 10 11 644,81 436,51 853,12 44,33 43,36 45,31
15 2 0,09 RFMP 179 49 309 1 1 1 150,24 37,5 2.62,99 15,37 7,28 23,47
3 2 0,09 FM RP 214,50 194 235 1,50 1 2 2.264,62 2.049,24 2.480,00 36,77 34,68 38,87
1 2 0,09 RMP F 140 136 144 1 1 1 249,99 249,99 249,99 100 100 100

And as can be seen, F attribute was also considered as a separation criterion among some
clusters. This can be observed in the relationship between clusters 6, 17, 10, 4, 1, 7, 5, 15, 18, 11,
13, and 12 (which have records only with F attribute equal to 1) and clusters 19, 0, 8, 9, and 2
(which have records with F attribute greater than 1).

Figure 4.4: Number of records per cluster from RFMP analysis.

Clusters 16, 14 and 3 has customers with orders frequency between 1 and 2, but in these cases
they were separated from the others because the values contained in M attribute. However, among
them the separation occurred by P values (clusters 16 and 14, with averages: 45,05 and 38,31
respectively) and M values (since clusters 16 and 14 have averages: 772,04 and 832,65, while
cluster 3 has an average: 2.264,62).
The relationship between clusters 5 and 15 was very similar in the R attribute, with averages:
178,51 and 179. In addition to the M averages (138,43 and 150,24, respectively). The difference
was due to the P attribute, since the first one had an average of 42,18 and the second one with
15.37 (the smallest of all).
Clusters 6 and 11 were very similar in F, M and P values. However, they were separated by R
values, since the first one had a 60,41 average and the second with 234,84.
Clusters 4 and 1 were both very similar in R and F averages relation, but each cluster was
separated from the other not only by M value (1.608,90 for the first and 249,99 for the second), but
by P value (42,26 for the first and 100 for the second).
However, clusters 17 and 10 were separated only by the P attribute. After all, R and M values
were practically identical, as well as the M value, which was also very close. However, P values
remained with customers with an average of 42,79 from cluster 17, while the second with an
average of 52,90 (cluster 10).

Figure 4.5: RFMP Analysis Histogram.

Similar behavior was found between clusters 11 and 13, since R, F and M averages were left
with similar values. However, when observed P averages, it can be noted that cluster 11 was
averaging 47,43 and cluster 13 of 82,75. This same separation by P attribute can also be found
between clusters 5 and 7. The difference between them was practically the associated average,
which in the first was in 42,18 and the second in 67,68.

Figure 4.6: Graphical visualization from the clusters obtained by RFMP analysis.

Clusters 8, 9 and 2 were separated from the others by F attribute, since these are the clusters
that represent customers with the highest frequency values. In contrast, the separation between
clusters 9 and 18 was done not only by F attribute (average 7,6 in the first and 1 in the second), but
also by R attribute (average of 98,80 in the first and 225,28 in the second).
It is worth mentioning cluster 12, which was separated from others due to the average value of
R attribute (312,58). Its profitability (44,39) was very similar to others (as is the case of clusters 2,
0, 12 and 19), as well as its monetary value (169,85), which was close to the value obtained by
cluster 15 (150,24). In this case, it was possible to affirm that P attribute also had an impact on
clusters separation.
Clusters 0 and 19 were separated by R attribute, since both have frequent customers (between 2
and 3 orders), with identical F averages (2,13). M averages values were: 231,71 and 248,28; and P
were: 44,35 and 44,45 respectively. The difference was precisely in the values found by R
attribute, which was 63,83 for cluster 0 and 203,70 for cluster 19.
Finally, it was possible to realize that P attribute impacted on the formation and separation
clusters process, which was positive. After all, knowing the averages of a particular customers’
group can be critical to creating marketing and pricing strategies.
As an example, the relationship between clusters 19 and 10. In both, the average from M value
was very similar (248,28 and 249,30), but there was a large difference in profitability (P attribute)
that was 44,45 to the first, and 52,90 to the second. That is, if only the M attribute were considered,
it would be very likely that customers from both clusters would be treated as the same. However,
when analyzing P attribute, it was possible to understand that there is a difference between them in
an item that is very important to companies: the profitability.

5. Conclusions

With this work it was possible to observe that all attributes (R, F, M and P) were used as
separation criteria, so that the attributes F and P were the most stable in the RFMP classifications
(with the dataset used). As a positive point, it is worth highlighting the variety of profiles found in
the RFMP model, since the number of distinct classifications was greater than those found by
RFM model.
Therefore, this study concludes that the proposal for creating a new RFMP model, as an
alternative to the traditional RFM model, has brought a new perspective on how customers should
be segmented, since the original RFM model skips one of the main companies’ motivations: the
profitability. After all, as it could be observed, by including a new P attribute, related to the
consumers’ profit, it was possible to notice a direct impact on the development of the produced
clusters. So, the research was able to differentiate the customers’ groups not only by the monetary
value (standard behavior from RFM models), but also from their respective profitability.
This allowed to assure that customers with the highest values are in fact not always the most
profitable (as observed in cluster 3 produced by RFMP analysis, with an M average: 2.264,62; and
P average: 36,77%). This statement comes from the dataset analyzed, but it serves to alert
managers about the importance of getting to know that there are different customers profiles inside
their databases. After all, companies need to be able to find the right customers, understand what
types they have and know how to keep the best ones. Without that, companies can find out late
they are selling the wrong product, at the wrong price, to the wrong customer.
With this in mind, there are many strategies that can be adopted, once companies can correctly
segment their databases with the attributes defined by the proposed RFMP model. However, before
that, managers need to understand the problems that can be solved by data science. And only then,
transform them into models and actions that will enable companies to take faster and better
decisions, to impact positively their business strategies.


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André Guimarães Valente 1 , Leandro Di Bartolo 2 , and Webe J. Mansur 3
1 Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
2 Observatório Nacional,
3 COPPE / Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,

Finite-difference method is the most used for seismic modeling due to several reasons, specially
the computational efficiency. However, it suffers from problems related to the use of fixed grid
space. In order to overcome this problems, a finite-volume method (FVM) based scheme using Oc-
Tree meshes has been developed. The algorithm has a simple griding procedure, much less complex
and problematic than that of unstructured meshes, beyond generating better conditioned systems of
discretized equations. The main advantages of the developed algorithm is the possibility of using
small volumes near interfaces, also allowing a more precise discretization in targets (local refine-
ment), and the use of larger volumes in regions where the propagation velocity is greater, thus saving
memory and time. The method is based on applying gradient and divergent differential operators
that are developed by assembling matrices that connect the volumes to their faces. In this paper, it is
presented a new approximation for the gradient operator, which improves the order of formulation.
An example in a very complex model, the SEG/EAGE salt model, is presented.

1. Introduction
The study of numerical methods to simulate the propagation of seismic waves is of great importance in
applied geophysics. Offshore regions associated with salt tectonics have become common exploration
targets in the oil industry, and it is now well known that a significant proportion of the world’s hydro-
carbon reserves are in structures related to these geological formations. Additionally, 3D surveys have
become the rule and, in many places around the world, great interest has been focused on the pre-salt
regions. These areas have very complex geology, where high-velocity layers appears along with others of
lower velocities, all of this below of thousands of meters of low velocity water layer. On the other hand,
the technological development in the acquisition, processing, imaging and the improved computational
resources has allowed to increase the possibility of reconstructing high-resolution 3D images.
There are enormous challenges in the exploration and characterization of hydrocarbon reservoirs. In
many cases, the state-of-art algorithms of processing and imaging are based on efficient seismic modeling
algorithms. Examples of these are full-waveform inversion and reverse-time migration algorithms. As
a consequence, the development of efficient numerical schemes is an issue of renewed and fundamental
importance. The finite difference method (MDF) is the most popular method used to model seismic
waves, mainly due to their robustness and efficiency for wave propagation problems: it is simple to apply
in complex regions and at the same time it is accurate and computationally efficient. In addition, it is also
simple and easy to be implemented in computer codes and is very suitable for parallelization. Of course,
the MDF is not free of limitations. There are difficulties related to the fixed grid spacing, imposing a too
small value to avoid numerical dispersion in the lowest velocity layer. In this way, high-velocity layers
have a number of grid points per wavelength much greater than necessary to avoid numerical dispersion
in these layers. In addition FDM-based algorithms do not allow local refinement.
In this paper, we describe a finite-volume method (FVM) algorithm using OcTree meshes in order
to handle with the mentioned problems with FDM. The formulations for statial discretization is similar

338 1
to that proposed by [1]. The technique allows a great reduction in the number of degrees of freedom,
resulting always conduct to a well conditioned system of equations. The developed algorithm is applied
SEG/EAGE salt model, showing the potentiality of the algorithm in development together with a general
discussion about to the method.

2. Numerical Formulation
2.1. The OcTree mesh
An OcTree Mesh is represented by a three-dimensional sparse matrix M (mi, j,k are its elements) with
dimensions x1 = k1 2α1 , x2 = k2 2α2 , and x3 = k3 2α3 . We also define h as the smallest spacing of this
mesh. The non-null mi, j,k values ââare powers of 2 and αi , ki are non-null natural numbers representing
cubes with edge dimensions mi, j,k × h in the of OcTree mesh [1]. The storage of this type of matrix
is quite efficient and economical using the coordinate format (COO), which stores the non-null values
ââand the position of these values ââin an array with four rows and as many columns as the non-null
values ââof the array to be compacted. There are more efficient methodologies for the storage of sparse
matrices, described in the cited work, however this method was very convenient for direct location of the
volumes in the mesh, as well as for the determination of neighboring volumes, something fundamental
for the construction of the differential operators (next section). In this work it is imposed the use of
balanced meshes, i.e., the ratio between the side edges of two neighboring volumes is 1 or 1/2.

2.2. Discretization of differential operators

The numerical scheme is constructed using products of matrices that, in its turn, are constructed from
the 3D matrix M previously defined. It is necessary to numbering all the nv volumes and all the n f faces.
Then, we construct the following diagonal matrices: V (dimensions nv × nv ) with elements given by the
volumes of the cubes Vi and F (n f × n f ) with elements given by the edge dimensions of the faces Fi .
Another matrix needs to be used, namely, the sparse matrix N (nv × n f ) that connects the volumes with
their faces, i.e., it gives the connectivity information. Its only non-null elements are given by ±1 if Fj
belongs to Vi (the sign depends on whether the normal vector is directed to the inside or outside of Vi ).
Using the matrices stated above, the discrete divergent operator and the discrete gradient operator are [1]
1 2 1 T
DIV = V−1 NF and GRAD = − F−1 N . (1)
h h

2.3. Discretization of the wave equation

Applying central difference to time derivative of the acoustic wave equation, it is obtained the equation
pn+1 − 2pn + pn−1 2 1 n
= c ρ∇ · ∇p + s. (2)
∆t 2 ρ
Let we define the vector p as the pressure in the volume Vi of the OcTree mesh. It is also defined the
diagonal matrix B (nv × nv ), with Bi,i elements being ∆t 2 c2 ρi /h2 in each volume Vi , the diagonal matrix
L (n f × n f ), with Li,i elements being the inverse of the harmonic mean of the density of the neighboring
volumes which have as one of their faces Fi , and the matrix S (nv × nv ) such that its unique value different
from zero is S j, j is the function s that represent the source (located in volume V j ). Applying the discrete
operators described previously in Eq. 2, one get

pn+1 = Ypn + 2pn − pn−1 + S, (3)

where we have defined the matrix Y = BV−1 NF2 LF−1 NT .

2.4. Formulation λ for the gradient operator

Another formulation for the gradient operator was developed in order to improve the order of approxi-
mation and hence the accuracy of the results when the mesh has refinement. It was used an strategy to

339 2
change the weight that each face has in the construction of this operator. For this, the construction of
the N matrix (which is responsible for indicating which faces belong to each volume) has been slightly
altered. In the cases where a face Fk belongs to two volumes Vi and V j with different sizes, Ni,k and N j,k
have been changed from ±1 to ±λ. From empirical analysis, we found λ = √2+1 as the optimal value.
Despite the simplicity of this scheme, the results obtained from it were quite satisfactory.
A numerical experiment using plane wave was constructed, as depicted in Fig. 1 (left), to compare
the original scheme with the new gradient formulation. The original model has 32 × 32 × 2048 points.
The OcTree mesh was started with edge volumes measuring twice the spacing of the original grid and
a refinement with volumes with half the edge was done at z = 2304 m, resulting in the OcTree refined
as depicted at Fig. 1 (center). We used a homogeneous model with c = 1500 m/s and ρ = 1000 Kg/m3 .
The sources were applied to all points at depth x3 = 1536 m and a receptor R was inserted at the point
(24, 24, 1920) m (see Fig. 1, left). Appropriate boundary conditions were applied to avoid boundary
reflections. The parameters h = 1.25 m and ∆t = 2.0×10−4 s were used with a source of cutoff frequency
fc = 60 Hz. The trace measured is showed at Fig. 1 (right), where can be seen the strong attenuation of
the reflection artefact, expected due to the non-conformity of the OcTree mesh.

Figure 1: Left: Numerical experiment with plane wave; center: Local refinement in the plane wave
experiment; Right: Traces modeled using the λ and original formulations in the plane wave experiment.

3. Numerical example
In this section, we apply the new developed formulation to the SEG/EAGE salt model (see Fig. 2, left).
It was used a C language compiled program running an Ubuntu Linux system in a machine 4X AMD
Opteron 6376 Abu Dhabi 2.3GHz with 258 GB. The CUSP library tools for GPU processing (NVIDIA
Tesla C2075) were also used. The salt model was modified for constructing the OcTree mesh. The
modified model is a regular grid (a FDM grid) with 1536 × 384 × 384 = 233, 865, 216 points. The
generated OcTree mesh is a very simple one that has two different sizes of cubes and a total of nv =
53, 652, 756 volumes and n f = 167, 778, 537 faces. The grid spacing adopted was h = 1.85 m (the lowest
h for the OcTree mesh) and therefore the model is a parallelepiped with 2841.6 × 710.4 × 710.4 m. The
velocities of the model range from 1500 m/s to 4485 m/s and the density is ρ = 1, 000kg/m3 throughout
the model.
For the generation of the OcTree mesh with two sizes of cubes an empirical criterion was used. The
regular OcTree mesh with edges 2h is an starting model used to generate the final OcTree model used.
Then, for a volume to be divided into eight (reducing the edge from 2h to h), it was necessary that the
property difference at all grid points that make up this volume has mean deviation greater than γ. It was
adopter γ = 5 m/s. It was necessary due to several regions of the model have smooth propagation velocity
gradients and if a non-homogeneity criteria were used the mesh there would be refined at all points of
the mesh, resulting in a OcTree mesh equal the original FDM starting grid. The Figure 2 (right) shows
a representation of the different volume sizes used in the OcTree mesh (small cubes at the interfaces).

340 3
A Ricker pulse source applied in the center of the plane xy and at the depth z = 7.4 m. The cutoff
frequency adopter was fcuto f f = 50 Hz. The Figure 3 shows the snapshots at y = 355.2m.

Figure 2: Left: SEG/EAGE salt model adopted; Right: 2D panel of SEG/EAGE salt model at y = 355.2
m. Yellow and blue color indicated the regions containing cubes with edge, respectively, h and 2h.

Figure 3: Snapshots (y = 355.2 m) at t = 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35 s.

4. Conclusions
In this work, an explicit three-dimensional finite-volume algorithm was developed and applied to acoustic
wave propagation. A new formulation for the gradient was constructed and the accuracy of the scheme
was improved. The developed algorithm was applied to a very complex model, the SEG/EAGE salt
model. The results show the potential of the proposed method for the simulation of the propagation of
acoustic waves in complex media. The numerical scheme obtained is a generalization of the standard
equivalent staggered grid scheme for acoustics. The algorithm applies OcTree meshes and it allows local
refinement and the use of different sizes of volumes for different propagation velocities. The OcTree
mesh can be easily generated from a FDM grid using different criteria.
The scheme is very promising for seismic modeling, as well as its applications in migration and
inversion. The ability to use different volume sizes can be responsible for both better efficiency and
interface resolution. Considering the velocity range often encountered in seismic exploration, two or
three different volume sizes may be used in the layers. Considering the possibility of local refinement in
interfaces, different sizes can be used to describe irregular interfaces and ensure a good number of points
per wavelength at interfaces as well as on the surface in the on-shore case (using a vacuum formulation
for the correct representation of the topography).

[1] André Valente, Felipe Loureiro, Leandro Di Bartolo, and Webe João Mansur. Computer simulation
of hyperthermia with nanoparticles using an octree finite volume technique. International Commu-
nications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 91:248–255, 2018.
[2] Jianfeng Zhang and D. J. Verschuur. Elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous anisotropic media
using the lumped finite-element method. Geophysics, 67(2):625, 2002.
[3] M. Tadi. Finite Volume Method for 2D Elastic Wave Propagation. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.,
94(4):1500–1509, aug 2004.

341 4


Eliaquim Monteiro Ramos1 , Leandro Tavares da Silva2 , Jaime Santos Cardoso3 , Gilson Antonio Giraldi4
1 National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Petrópolis, Brazil,
2 Federal Center of Technology Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca, Petrópolis,
3 University of Porto and INESC, Porto, Portugal,
4 National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Petrópolis, Brazil,

In the past decades, concepts in vector field topology have been used for fluid flow analysis and visualiza-
tion [1, 2]. On the other hand, recent works have applied techniques from video summarization to yield a
synthetic and useful visual abstraction of the flow evolution in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) sim-
ulations [3, 4]. Moreover, deep learning methods are currently the state-of-the-art for pattern recognition
and classification tasks [5]. In this paper we apply an encoder-decoder deep neural network architecture
[6] for learning a metric in the space of vector fields associated with the simulation. Such metric can
be used to compare vector fields and discriminate between different topologies. Henceforth, starting
from the assumption that we can partition the flow simulation according to the topology of the velocity
fields therein, we apply the obtained metric as a component of a fluid flow summarization methodology.
Specifically, let D ⊂ R2 be the rectangular simulation domain and L the space of smooth real vector fields
v : D → E2 in D, where E2 is the two-dimensional Euclidean space. For numerical computations, each
vector field v is represented by a matrix V ∈ Rn×m×2 , using a regular n × m grid over D, which allows
to obtain the space L b , named in this work the source space. On the other hand, let H be the space of
velocity fields related to the simulation setup, named the target space, whose discrete version generated
through the n × m grid is denoted by H b . In this scenario, the training set χs =  V si , l si  ; i = 1, 2, . . . , N
b si
in the source space L is composed by vector fields V with known topologies labeled by l . We can buildsi

this set considering periodic orbits, hyperbolic and non-hyperbolic topologies of vector fields in E2 as
well as their combinations [7]. On the other hand, the unlabeled training set χt = V ti ; i = 1, 2, . . . , Nt ,
in the target space H b , contains velocity fields with unknown topologies and it is tailored by a specific
simulation. Given a sequence of numerical frames generated through a CFD simulation, the pipeline
firstly performs a coarse temporal stream flow segmentation using a simple similarity measure combined
with an interval tree for subsequent analysis. For each obtained segment, some keyframes are selected
[4]. The corresponding velocity fields, with unknown topologies, are used to build the set χt ⊂ H b . Next,
the encoder-decoder architecture is trained using the sets χs and χt and the learnt metric dt : H b →R
is used to compute a X-means clustering algorithm [8] to complete the summarization. We demonstrate
the methodology using 2D fluid simulations of the N-roll mill apparatus where N symmetrically placed
rollers, that rotate at constant angular velocities, are surrounding by a fluid. In this paper, we simulate
the N-roll mill flows, for N = 4, 6 using the SPH technique [9]. We compare the CFD summarization
technique proposed with counterpart ones and show that the clusters generated by our algorithm captures
a compact but detailed picture of important segments of the fluid which allows to build a summary useful
for scientific visualization purposes.

342 1
1. Proposed Method
In this paper we follow the key idea presented in [3, 4] that applies techniques behind video summariza-
tion for fluid flow analysis in CFD simulations. However, in this paper, we incorporate concepts of vector
field topology [1, 2] and metric learning through deep architectures [6] to accomplish this task. The goal
is to build a synthetic visual representation of the time evolution of the fluid, based on the detection of
fundamental sequences in the fluid flow. The input of the methodology is composed by velocity fields
generated by macro-scale models for fluid description, which can be derived through mass and momen-
tum conservation laws, in conjunction with numerical methods like finite differences, finite elements, or
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). The latter is a general meshfree technique used to simulate a
widely range of natural phenomena [10].
The proposed methodology is based on the following pipeline: (a) Build the labeled training set χs ⊂
L in the source space; (b) Perform a coarse temporal stream flow segmentation of the CFD simulation
using a simple similarity measure d : H b → R combined with an interval tree analysis [4]; (c) Select
key numerical frames inside each obtained segment and assemble the vector fields therein in a training
set χt ⊂ H b ; (d) The encoder-decoder architecture [6] is trained using the sets χs and χt to generate a
metric dt : H b → R ; (e) Apply X-means clustering technique [8], with the metric d : H b → R , to
+ t +
compute the final partition of the CFD sequence; (f) For each obtained cluster, take a keyframe to build
the summarization sequence. If compared with related works [3, 4] the novelties of this proposal are:
(i) Metric learning in the space of vector fields associated with the simulation through step (d); (ii)
Recognition of vector field topologies implemented through steps (d) and (e); (ii) New summarization
procedure composed by steps (a)-(f).
fields v si: D → E2 with known
The task (a) is performed by selecting a sequence of vector  topologies
si s si si s
labeled as l and discretize them to get the training set χ = V , l ; i = 1, 2, . . . , N in the source
space L b . The steps (b)-(f) are implemented in the context of two-dimensional flows simulated in a
domain D ⊂ R2 through the SPH technique. Therefore, the original velocity space, denoted by V , is
defined by the set:

V = (v1 , v2 , · · · , vK ) ∈ E2 × E2 × · · · × E2 , (1)
where vi = (vi1 , vi2 ) ∈ E2
 is the velocity of the SPH particle i = 1, 2, . . . , K. Then, given a sequence
j j j j
VK = v1 , v2 , · · · , vK , j = 1, 2, . . . , N f , where N f is the number of numerical frames generated through
a SPH simulation, we take a regular n × m grid over D and compute the velocity field in the grid nodes
using the SPH interpolation kernel and the particles velocities in VK [9]. The result is a matrix sequence
Vj∈H b , j = 1, 2, . . . , N , that represents the velocity fields along the fluid simulation.
In order to go ahead, we need the definition of a metric in the space H b to perform a coarse partition
(temporal segmentation) of the sequence V j ∈ H b , j = 1, 2, . . . , N . Once V j ∈ Rn×m×2 , we just take the
Frobenius norm to define the metric d : H × H → R+ as: b
" #1/2
n m
d (V,W ) = ∑ ∑ kV (k, l) −W (k, l)k22 , (2)
k=1 l=1

where k·k22 denotes the square of the Euclidean  norm. The task (b) is accomplished following [4], by
computing the distances sequence d V ,V j j+1 , j = 1, 2, · · · , N f − 1, and subdivide the obtained list into
homogeneous parts (segments) according to some criterion.  In this way, let a subsequence L (a, b) =
(r (a) , r (a + 1) , . . . r (b)), where r (a) = d V a ,V a+1 , a = 1, 2, · · · , b − 1. Let also the minimum and
maximum values of the list be denoted by min (L (a, b)) and max (L (a, b)), respectively, and a threshold
δ, which is used in the stop criterion C:
1, i f | max (L (a, b)) − min (L (a, b)) | < δ,
C (a, b) = (3)
0, otherwise,
Now, we build an interval tree to subdivide the list L (1, N − 1) into homogeneous parts according to
the criterion (3). Hence, the level zero of the tree holds the whole list: a = 1 e b = N − 1. If the test in

343 2
expression (3) returns 0, then the algorithm builds the level 1, as indicated in the Figure 1. In this step,
the expression (3) is evaluated for both the lists L (1, (N − 1)/2) and L ((N − 1)/2 + 1, N − 1). They are
recursively divided in the same manner before, until the test in expression (3) returns true or there are no
sublists left.

Figure 1: Interval tree construction (source [4]).

This step yields a set of initial segments of the simulation with cardinality equal to the number Nlea f
of leafs in the interval tree. We take the last frame in each segment, generating a list of vector fields that
will compose the set χt = V ti ; i = 1, 2, . . . , Nlea f ⊂ H , in the target space to complete the step (c). The
sets χs and χt are used to train a deep neural network that learns a set of hierarchical nonlinear transfor-
mations by transferring discriminative knowledge from the labeled source domain to the unlabeled target
domain (see [6] for details). The neural network architecture is pictured in Figure 2. Both encoder and
decoder in this figure are implemented through feed-forward neural networks where W (ξ) and b(ξ) are
the weight matrix and bias, respectively, for the layer ξ. Given an input V , the corresponding output V (ξ)
at the ξth layer is computed as:
f (ξ) (V ) = V (ξ) = ϕ W (ξ)V (ξ−1) + b(ξ) , (4)
where ϕ is a non-linear activation function (sigmoid function, for instance), which operates component-

Figure 2: Encoder-Decoder deep architecture for metric learning (source [6]).

For each pair of vector fields V i and V j , they can be finally represented as f (M) V i and f (M) V j at
the Mth layer of the network in Figure 2, and their similarity can be measured by computing the squared
Euclidean distance between the representations:

344 3
dt2 V i ,V j = f (M) V i − f (M) V j , (5)

In this process, the metric dt : H b → R is learnt by minimizing the reconstruction error

(2M) 2 s t
f (V ) −V 2 for V ∈ χ ∪ χ , subject to some suitable constraints and Fisher criterion, built through
the metric dt and a graph embedding framework [6], which completes the stage (d) above. This distance
is used in the step (e) to compute the final partition of the CFD frame sequence through the X-means al-
gorithm [8]. Finally, for each obtained segment, the frame closest to the corresponding X-means centroid
is selected as the keyframe to build the CFD summary.

2. Final Comments
In this work, we propose to improve the technique presented in [3, 4], by incorporating in the process of
summary generation concepts of vector field topology [7] and metric learning through a deep encoder-
decoder architectures [6]. As a starting point, we will reproduce the deep network used in [6] with
neural nodes from bottom to top layer set as: 500 → 400 → 300 → 400 → 500. In the computational
results, we will apply the methodology to analyze SPH simulations of N-roll mill flows, for N = 4, 6
and compare the obtained results with the counterpart ones [4, 11] in order to show the capabilities of
the new methodology. However, we shall highlight that the pipeline can be applied to CFD simulations
generated through others numerical techniques, like finite differences and finite elements.

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Marco Aurélio Bessa1, Kamila B Nascimento2, José H. M. de Paula3 and Leonardo Inojosa4
Centro Universitário de Brasília - UNICEUB,
Centro Universitário de Brasília - UNICEUB,
Universidade de Brasília,
Universidade de Brasília,

A engenharia civil tem visado projetos de edificações cada vez mais econômicos, de modo que
garantam a segurança, o conforto e a utilidade da estrutura, logo, vêm crescendo cada vez mais os
estudos de otimização que se destinam a minimizar o peso da estrutura, diminuindo,
consequentemente o volume de material utilizado, principalmente em estruturas metálicas.
De acordo com Tisot, Medeiros e Kripka (2010), é possível classificar uma otimização de acordo com
as três especificações a seguir:
- Otimização de seções: onde as dimensões dos elementos são modificadas e se otimiza suas
seções transversais;
- Otimização geométrica: é aquela em que há a modificação da geometria da estrutura, sem
a retirada de elementos que a compõem;
- Otimização topológica: os elementos dispensáveis, pela pouca solicitação de
carregamentos, são removidos da estrutura.

Esse trabalho é baseado na análise de terças constituídas por perfis do tipo U enrijecido, nas quais
variam suas inclinações, seus vãos e seus espaçamentos. O objetivo é analisar as combinações de tais
variáveis, disponibilizando qual o peso mínimo possível a ser utilizado em cada caso, sendo
dimensionados com perfis comerciais e não comerciais predeterminados, gerando posteriormente
gráficos que possibilitem a comparação entre esses dois grupos de perfil, entre os diferentes tamanhos
de vão e espaçamento.

Análise Estrutural e Topologia

Na análise estrutural são definidos os efeitos gerados na estrutura devido s cargas aplicadas na mesma,
onde o tipo de análise pode ser determinado de acordo com esses efeitos. A análise global elástica é
baseada no diagrama tensão x deformação elástico-linear, e a análise global plástica é feita de acordo
com o diagrama tensão-deformação rígido-plástico, elastoplástico perfeito ou elastoplástico não-linear.
Ambas análises são determinadas de acordo com a conduta do material, sendo a análise plástica
normalmente destinada à análise não-linear física.
A análise linear (teoria de primeira ordem) e a analise não linear são baseadas na geometria
indeformada e deformada da estrutura, respectivamente, e são utilizadas quando se refere ao
deslocamento da estrutura analisada. Este trabalho apresentará uma análise elástica e linear da
As terças analisadas neste trabalho possuem uma estrutura de suporte de mão francesa, como está
detalhado na Fig. 1a, onde a distância da extremidade da terça para o apoio da mão francesa está

fixado em 0,50 m, e o Lx (comprimento de flambagem em torno do eixo x) varia unicamente com a
alteração do vão da terça, que vai de 2 m a 10 m, em intervalos de 0,5 m.
Para a determinação dos esforços de vento, foi considerada a estrutura de um galpão leve de 25x50 m²,
com altura de 5 m, destinado ao armazenamento de grãos, onde Ly se refere ao comprimento de
flambagem em torno do eixo y, que varia de acordo com o vão das terças e a quantidade de
travamentos instalados nas mesmas, quando instalados. Ele está determinado somente pela distância
entre os pórticos (vão da terça), sem a presença de travamentos. Já o α representa a inclinação da terça
e, automaticamente, do telhado, valor que varia de 5° a 15° em intervalos de 2,5°, alterando, assim, a
altura total do galpão (𝑧).

Fig. 1a. Estrutura terça – mão francesa. Fig. 1b. Corte galpão.

Os perfis comerciais selecionados para realização do estudo no presente trabalho foram extraídos de
De Paula (2016), com os pesos definidos pelo programa CFS. Já os perfis não-comerciais foram
previamente determinados de forma que atendessem aos intervalos entre os perfis comerciais.

Apresentação e Análise de Resultados

No caso dos galpões, existem dimensões e distâncias que são comumente utilizadas em suas
confecções devido aos esforços e à utilidade da estrutura. No caso dos vãos das terças, normalmente
são instalados pórticos distanciados de 5m em 5m em média, para que não seja necessário utilizar
perfis muito grandes para vencer os vãos maiores.
Neste trabalho será apresentada a análise dos resultados referentes à inclinação de 5°, onde será
discutido apenas o intervalo dos vãos de 5 m a 6 m e os espaçamentos de 1,75 m a 2,5 m, que são, em
média, os mais usuais nos galpões leves. Porém, será mostrado o resultado detalhado apenas para o
espaçamento de 1,75 metros, para efeito de ilustração:

Fig. 2a. Peso comercial x Vão para espaçamentos de 1,75 m. Fig. 2b. Peso não comercialxVão para espaçamentos de 1,75 m.

Apesar de não ser notada uma diferença significativa nos pesos dos gráficos dos perfis comerciais e
não comerciais, é possível observar que, nos casos dos perfis não comerciais, o coeficiente de
determinação R² é mais próximo de 1 do que nos perfis comerciais, e, quanto mais próximo o valor de
R² está de 1, mais adequado é o modelo de regressão.
A Tabela 1 possui as equações nas quais é solicitado o vão a ser utilizado para que seja fornecido o
peso referente às terças da estrutura para perfis comerciais. Cada espaçamento possui sua equação, que

foi gerada a partir das retas de regressão dos gráficos Peso x Vão, mostrados anteriormente. Além de
apresentar as equações, a tabelas mostra os coeficientes de determinação de cada caso.

Tabela 1 Equações para inclinação de 5° (perfis comerciais).

A Fig. 3 mostra um exemplo das imagens que trazem superfícies de gráficos em 3D de perfis
comerciais e não comerciais, que representam o comportamento das terças relacionando peso, vão e
espaçamento, para a inclinação de 5°, demonstrando um crescimento maior do peso com relação ao
aumento do vão do que no espaçamento entre as terças.

Fig. 3. Gráfico Peso comercial x Espaçamento x Vão. Inclinação de 5°.

Esse trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as variáveis inclinação, vão e espaçamento das terças, de
modo que fosse possível notar as influências geradas por elas em cada caso, combinando-as, além de
comparar esses casos entre si utilizando perfis comerciais e não comerciais.
Em vãos maiores que 6 metros, os pesos dos perfis aplicados possuíam um crescimento bem maior do
que os dos perfis utilizados em intervalos de vãos menores, de modo que já não seria uma solução
viável aplicar grandes distâncias entre os pórticos. Além disso, quanto maior o comprimento da terça,
maior será a possibilidade de gerar instabilidades.
Para o caso das alterações das inclinações, pôde-se perceber um comportamento não linear do peso de
acordo com o crescimento do ângulo aplicado. Isso se deu devido às cargas de vento atuantes na
estrutura, mais especificamente, o caso de ventos de sucção. Ele foi o responsável por definir os
valores de piores esforços por se tratar da maior carga de vento atuante nas inclinações analisadas
neste trabalho. Seu coeficiente externo calculado foi aumentando de 5° até 10° e começou a decrescer
a partir de 12,5°, o que gerou o crescimento e a diminuição nestes intervalos, respectivamente.

Deve-se atentar ao fato de que não está garantido que, para inclinações maiores que 15°, o peso das
terças na estrutura irá diminuir. Existem outros casos de vento analisados que podem se sobressair em
relação ao caso de ventos de sucção.
É possível observar também que, as linhas de regressão não mostram uma diferença significativa entre
os pesos dos perfis comerciais e não comerciais. Porém, apesar de ser mais barato obter o perfil
comercial, a depender do tamanho da obra e da quantidade de galpões com o mesmo perfil, pode ser
mais vantajoso encomendar o não comercial, pois pequenas diferenças de peso, se multiplicadas por
grandes áreas, podem gerar grandes economias.
O trabalho mostra, então, que vãos com 5 a 6 metros, espaçamentos de 1,75 a 2,25 metros e a
inclinação de 5º são os parâmetros que geram menor peso do aço de acordo com todos os casos



DE PAULA, José Humberto M. Projeto de Perfis de Aço de Chapa Dobrada a Frio. 5. ed. Brasília:
UnB, 2016.
[2] DE PAULA, José Humberto M. Galpões Leves em Estrutura de Aço. Brasília: UnB, 2013.
[3] BELLEI, Ildony H. Edifícios Industriais em Aço: Projeto e Cálculo. 2. ed. São Paulo: Pini, 1998.
[4] YU, Wei-Wen; LABOUBE Roger A. Cold-Formed Steel Design. 4. ed. Rolla: Wiley, 2010.
[5] AISI. North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members.
Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. Reston, Virginia, United States, 2010.
[7] ROMAN, Rafael Roberto. Otimização de Coberturas Metálicas de Edifícios Industriais. 2016. 134
f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação em Engenharia Civil – Universidade Federal de
Santa Catarina – UFSC, Florianópolis, 2016.
[8] FLOR, Mariane Isabel. Otimização de Coberturas em Aço de Edifícios Industriais. 2015. 86 f.
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação em Engenharia Civil – Universidade Federal de Santa
Catarina – UFSC, Florianópolis, 2015.
[9] NOBRE, Gabriel José Gonçalves; RABELO, Rafael José. Projeto de Estruturas de Aço em Chapa
Dobrada a Frio pelo Método dos Estados Limites Segundo AISI/2007 – LRFD. 2016. 227 f. Trabalho
de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação em Engenharia Civil – Universidade de Brasília – UnB, Brasília,
[10] CHAVES, Michel Roque. Avaliação do Desempenho de Soluções Estruturais para Galpões
Industriais Leves. 2007. 140 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Programa de Pós Graduação em Engenharia
Civil: Construção Metálica, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, 2007.
[11] TISOT, Guilherme Di Domenico; MEDEIROS, Guilherme Fleith de; KRIPKA, Moacir. Estudo
de Treliças Metálicas para Coberturas em Duas Águas Através de Otimização Topológica. São Paulo,




Marco Aurélio Souza Bessa 1, Leonardo da Silveira Pirillo Inojosa 2, José Humberto Matias
De Paula3, Ronaldo Almeida4, Carlos FEIJÃO5, Márcio Augusto Roma Buzar6,

O edifício estudado, Biblioteca da Faculdade de Medicina do Distrito Federal está localizado na cidade
de Brasília, e abriga uma biblioteca com vãos livres de 12,5 m em laje nervurada com nervuras pré
moldadas. Foram realizadas vistorias ao edifício onde se constatou diversas patologias nas lajes
(fissuras e flechas) e nas paredes da edificação. Para conter, reparar os diversos problemas detectados
e reforçar a estrutura foi elaborado um estudo de recuperação/reforço estrutural das lajes com
adaptações estruturais. Foram realizadas análises numéricas com modelos tridimensionais da
edificação, visando à verificação dos deslocamentos, deformações e os esforços desenvolvidos pela
estrutura, observando-se os critérios de estados limites de utilização e último da norma brasileira de
Concreto Armado NBR 6118. Foram realizadas análises de instabilidade elástica e instabilidade
inelástica da estrutura tridimensional para verificar o fator de carga de colapso, empregando-se o
modelo de análise de Rankine-Marchant, com o objetivo de identificar os modos principais de
instabilidade e capacidade portante da estrutura. Após a análise numérica foram realizadas propostas
de reparos e manutenções dos elementos estruturais com patologias, para manter as mesmas
propriedades de segurança e desempenho da estrutural da edificação.
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o comportamento estrutural da estrutura original visando justificar
os danos e defeitos identificados na inspeção visual. Em seguida, identificar os mecanismos de
comportamento estrutural para realizar o diagnóstico da estrutura diante da necessidade do uso
(funcionalidade). Essa avaliação foi realizada por meio de inspeção visual, construção de modelo
numérico espacial e ensaio dinâmico de monitoração da estrutura do prédio da BCE/FEPECS, durante
24 horas, com uso de acelerômetros, inclinômetros e sensor de temperatura. Diante do diagnóstico
definido o modelo foi readequado para a determinação dos esforços do projeto de recuperação da

Caracterização da Estrutura e Inspeções

O prédio da BCE/FEPECS, é composto por dois pavimentos (térreo e superior) totalizando uma área
de 853,6m² e formado por conjuntos de lajes treliçadas com nervuras uni e bidirecionais, apoiadas
sobre pilares de concreto armado.
Em uma inspeção visual, realizada por técnicos da NOVACAP, foram constatadas e identificadas
issuras como as mostradas na Figura 1a.

A Figuras 1b, está mostrado o arranjo de instrumentação do prédio da Biblioteca Central da FEPECS
com acelerômetros posicionados sobre a laje bidirecional e inclinômetros instalados em um dos pilares
centrais da estrutura.

Figura 1a. Mapa de fissuras na laje do piso superior Figura 1b. Arranjo da monitoração da
da BCE/FEPECS. BCE/FEPECS, acelerômetros posicionados sobre a
laje bidirecional.
O objetivo do ensaio dinâmico é a identificação do comportamento estrutural do prédio da
BCE/FEPECS para o estado de solicitação atual, determinando-se as principais frequências naturais de
resposta, as deformadas modais e a rigidez da estrutura.
As séries temporais das acelerações da estrutura, das inclinações do pilar e a da temperatura ambiente,
registradas durante 24 horas, estão mostradas na Figura 2, a seguir.

Figura 2b. Séries temporais das inclinações do pilar.

Figura 2a. Séries temporais das acelerações Figura 2c. Séries temporais da temperatura ambiente.
longitudinais, transversais e verticais da laje
bidirecional do piso superior.

Figura 3. Modelo numérico do prédio da Biblioteca Central da FEPECS, vista em perspectiva.

Análise dos Resultados
Na Tabela da Figura 4a, está apresentado o resumo com as principais frequências naturais de resposta
do prédio da BCE/FEPECS obtidas por meio da Transformada Rápida de Fourier (Fast Fourier
Trasnform – FFT), a partir das series das acelerações da estrutura registradas durante 24 horas pelos
acelerômetros instalados conforme arranjo apresentado. A Figura 4b apresenta os valores das
primeiras 12 frequências na análise de vibrações livres.

Frequência (Hz)

Sensor 5,67 6,10 6,92 8,45 8,92 11,60

2947-X x

2947-Y x x

2947-Z x x x

2948-X x

2948-Y x

2948-Z x x x x x

Figura 4a. Frequências naturais de resposta do Figura 4b. Frequências modais do modelo numérico
prédio da BCE/FEPECS obtidas por meio da espacial da estrutura do prédio da BCE/FEPCS (SAP2000
Transformada Rápida de Fourier a partir das v.17.0.0).
series de acelerações da estrutura.

A menor frequência de vibração associada à modos de vibração vertical da laje de piso tem valor 5,31
Hz apresentado acima. Esta frequência é importante porque traduz a frequência que produz o modo de
vibração na direção das solicitações de caminhar das pessoas. De acordo com a NBR 6118:2014, item
23.3, usando o caso de escritórios (o caso da norma que mais se aproxima de uma biblioteca) a
frequência de vibração vertical da laje deve ser:
Onde é a frequência de vibração na direção da solicitação do carregamento (pessoas caminhando) e é a
frequência critica fornecida pela NBR 6118:2014 que depende do uso da estrutura. No caso presente a
frequência crítica é 4 Hz (escritório), assim,
f = 5,31 Hz > fcrit = 1,2 x 4 = 4,8Hz (2)

Solução para Reforço da Estrutura

Uma das alternativas apresentadas foi a de inserir dois pilares intermediários, até o nível do primeiro
pavimento, de seção 30x30cm com capitéis de seção retangular 0,90x1,20m, resultando em novos apoios
independentes à laje nervurada, conforme mostrado na Figura 5. Com a Alternativa 2, o fator de buckling
calculado foi de 30,6 para o pilar da extremidade.

Figura 5. Desenho esquemático da Alternativa 2 de enrijecimento da estrutura com a adição de dois pilares
intermediários com capitéis

Conclusão e Recomendação
A presente demanda teve início após identificação, por parte dos usuários e funcionários do prédio da
Biblioteca Central da FEPECS, de fissuras no piso do pavimento superior e, principalmente, na parede
de vedação. Essas fissuras também foram notadas na laje de cobertura diante das infiltrações
observadas durante as chuvas fortes. Além disso, houve relatos de ruídos de movimentação da
Quanto à documentação técnica do prédio da BCE/FEPECS, não foram encontrados os projetos
executivos originais ou as built. Contudo, foi disponibilizado pela direção da instituição um projeto de
A partir dessas ocorrências, realizaram-se inspeções visuais nas quais foram identificados processos de
fissuração e de flecha da laje do piso superior, além das fissuras da parede norte do prédio. Foram
identificadas, também, rupturas do apoio da laje de interação com a estrutura do prédio antigo e um
sistemático processo de fissuração da laje externa ao prédio, onde embaixo funciona a cantina.
Diante dos indícios observados e relatados, realizaram-se extrações de corpos de prova para
determinar o peso próprio da estrutura caracterizando a laje quanto a sua composição material e
construção do modelo numérico espacial em elementos finitos.
Da inspeção visual verificou-se a ocorrência de um processo de fissuração sistemático decorrente
grande deformabilidade, ocasionando inúmeros pontos de infiltração na laje de cobertura do prédio.
Da análise não-linear de buckling apresentou-se os dois primeiros valores do cr de 12,13 e 15,71 nos
pilares. Esses valores são considerados razoáveis para rigidez de estruturas em geral, mas como a laje
apresenta grandes flechas e rotações excessivas não é prudente considerar que a estrutura não
apresenta nenhum risco de instabilidade devido as manifestações patológicas apresentadas.
Conclui-se que a estrutura do prédio da Biblioteca Central da FEPECS necessita de reforço em razão
dos danos relatados e corroborados por meio da verificação da ineficiência da rigidez estrutural para
carregamentos horizontais e da constatação da grande deformabilidade da laje, avaliadas pelas
deformadas modais e frequências da estrutura a partir do modelo numérico construído.


[1] ABNT - Associação Brasileira De Normas Técnicas. NBR 6118. Rio de Janeiro, 2014.
[2] ASCE - American Society Of Civil Engineers, ASCE/SEI 7-10: Minimum Design Loads for
Buildings and Other Structures. Reston, Virginia, United States, 2010.
[3] Bakker, R.F.M. Initiation period. In: SCHIESSL, P. ed. Corrosion of Steel in Concrete, RILEM
Technical Comittee 60-CSC, London, 1988.
[4] CEB - Comite Euro-International Du Beton. Bulletin d’Information n.192. Paris, 1989.
[5] Gentil. V. Corrosão. 3ª Ed., Rio de Janeiro, LTC, 1996.
[6] Helene, P.R.L. Contribuição ao estudo da corrosão em armaduras de concreto armado. São Paulo.
Tese de Livre Docência - Escola Politécnica. Universidade de São Paulo, 1993.
[7] Helene, P.R.L..; Figueiredo, E.P. Assim caminha a corrosão. In: Revista Téchne, no. 10, p. 28-33,
São Paulo,1994.
[8] Ohno, Y.; Praparntanatorn, S.; Susuki, K. Influence of cracking and water cement ratio on
macrocell corrosion of steel in concrete. In: Corrosion of Reinforcement in Concrete Construction,
p.24-32, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 1996.

Modular modelling approach for FDM printed
structures and piezo disks for metamaterial design
Gabriel K. Rodrigues1, Maíra M. da Silva1a and Leopoldo P.R. de Oliveira1b
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Trabalhador São-Carlense,
400, 13565-090 São Carlos – SP, Brasil

(Received , Revised , Accepted )

Abstract. Research in metamaterials has been gaining interest in the fields of noise and vibration control. The
ability of creating band gap zones with minimum added mass is the main feature behind its success. When embedded
into such system, smart materials can provide the means to overcome typical issues, such as tuning and adaptation as
well as active control and monitoring capabilities. The use of 3D printed parts is also gaining interest in engineering
areas that demand intricate shapes or designs that are challenging for standard manufacturing procedures. In
particular, the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is popular for its capability of creating somehow complex
geometries at low cost. The accurate modelling of such complex structures, with respect to both, multifunctional
behavior and numerical efficiency, is one of the key steps towards the development of systems based on smart
metamaterials. However, it is a quite complex task for it involves multiphysical simulations on systems that can be
complex in geometry (to which little or no analytical solutions are available) and high on number of degrees of
freedom. In addition, the parts created by FDM process exhibits anisotropic behavior. The Finite Element Method is
often used as a way to surpass the barriers imposed on the mechanical domain, but the problem with the coupling
remain, as both the mechanical and electrical responses relies on the load circuit and on the shape of the piezoelectric
element. This paper presents a direct approach to the modelling problem using a state-space formulation for modular
coupling of electromechanical resonators manufactured by the FDM process. The numerical results are compared to
experimental data obtained with unit cells prototypes embedded with piezoelectric elements and connected with a
tunable shunt circuit. The good agreement between test and simulated data validates the design procedure.
Keywords: smart metamaterial; piezoelectric disk; shunt circuit; FEM; state-space model

1. Introduction

Research in metamaterials gains an ever-increasing interest in the field of noise and vibration
control ((Essink and Inman 2016; Miranda Júnior, Ferreira, and Dos Santos 2017; Yang, Lee, and
Kim 2016). The ability of creating band gap zones without penalizing other structural parameters
and behavior is the main purpose and goal, of this kind of solution. Firstly achieved by Liu et al.
(2000), this research field have grown in interest in the last two decades; as proposed by them, the
band gap mechanism stands on the Bragg scattering.

Corresponding author, MSc. Fellow, E-mail:
Professor Dr., E-mail:
Porfessor Dr., E-mail:

Later, subwavelength band gap mechanisms were proposed based on local resonances and
wave lensing (Cummer; Christensen; Alù, 2016; Huang; Shen; Jing, 2016). In addition, the use of
piezoelectric elements for that matter grew in relevance, for its capability of creating those effects
without penalizing other structural parameters, such as overall mass loading (Zhang et al. 2015;
Nouh, Aldraihem, and Baz 2016; Zientek, Gardonio, and Dal Bo 2018). When dealing with
subwavelength resonant type metamaterials, the structural design of each cell can be intricate
which, together with the necessity of manufacturing enough cells for assembling the full lattice
structure, often leads to additive manufacturing (Bilal, Foehr, and Daraio 2017; Qureshi, Li, and
Tan 2016). These techniques are, on their own, also gaining interest in many engineering areas,
from material sciences and manufacturing, to those related to the performance assessment of such
3D printed parts.
Among others, the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is interesting for its capability of
creating somehow complex geometries (Schumacher et al. 2015) at a relatively low cost (Bosqué
2015). In this way, as far as the design of FDM manufactured metamaterials is concerned, the
accurate modelling of such structures is one of the key steps on the development of a metamaterial
(sub)structure. The aim of using FDM parts together with smart materials, towards smart
metamaterials, poses two main challenges: (i) the parts created by FDM processes exhibit
anisotropic behavior (Lovo and Fortulan 2016) and (ii) the electromechanical couplings, to which
analytical methods are available thou rather restrictive in term of geometry complexity.

2. Metastructure modelling

This section deals with the procedure adopted for the full system modelling. The first steps
involve the modelling of a single unit cell, starting from mechanical and electrical subsystem and
their integration into an electromechanical system. The state-space representation of the unit cells
allows the assembly of a periodic arrangement of unit cells into the host structure, referred to as
The unit cell concept is often used for the metamaterial analysis (Raghavan and Phani 2013;
Claeys et al. 2015; Li, Zhang, and Liu 2017), as the full lattice is often composed by a periodic
arrangement of these cells. Therefore, the modelling of these cells is a key point for the analysis of
the metastructure. For to achieve the dynamic behavior of the cell is very common the usage of
lumped mass model, either for purely mechanical or mix type (e.g. electromechanical) (Hu et al.,
2016; Sugino et al., 2016). One can write for a flexural electromechanical beam structure
& cx& kx   v  f ,
mx& (1)
where m, c and k are the equivalent mass, damping and stiffness, respectively, x is the generalized
displacement, v is voltage across the piezoelectric element, θ is the electromechanical coupling and
f is the external force acting on the unit cell.
Equation (1) is often called the sensor equation and is also related to the actuator equation (Eq.
Erro! Fonte de referência não encontrada.). This equation describes mainly the electric
behavior of the system, with respect to the load circuit impedance Z and piezoelectric capacitance
Cp ,
 C p v&  x& 0 . (2)

As the problem with the electromechanical coupling is not trivial, the piezoelectric system
needs to be connected to a load circuitry, such as a LR shunt, in a way that both domains are
2.1 Mechanical subsystem modelling

A lumped model can be used to describe the mechanical behavior of the system and would,
arguably, be the most compact representation for such a system, as far as computational load is
concerned. Considering a homogeneous Euler-Bernoulli beam, one can write the potential energy
for the continuous solution as:
1 L
U  EI( w ) dx , (3)
2 0

where the EI stands for the flexural stiffness of the Euler-Bernoulli beam, L is the total length.
Also for kinetic energy,
1 L
&2 dx ,
2 0
T  S(w) (4)

in which w on the Eqs. (3)-(4) stands for the lateral displacement of the beam, which is variant in
time and in position; ρ is the density of them beam material and S is the cross section area. As
stated initially, a lumped model will be used. Thus, the finite form of Eqs. (3)-(4) with n elements
is as follows:
 
1 n
L  xi - 2 xi+1 + xi+2 
U =  EI   , (5)
2 i=1 n  L 

 n 
1 n L
T=   S n x&i .
2 i=1

Therefore, the stiffness and mass matrix can be written by using the Eqs. (5)-(6) to achieve the
elementary parameters for a discrete beam as proposed by Eddanguir and Benamar (2013).
As an alternative, the Finite Element Method (FEM) is often used for more complex problems,
such as arbitrary geometries and complex material behavior. One can use the interpolation
provided by the FEM and write the elementary mass and stiffness matrixes (Craig, 1981) as:

 156 22l 54 13l 

 
 hbl  22l 4l
13l 3l 2 
me  , (7)
420  54 13l 156 22l 
 
 13l 3l 2 22l 4l 2 

 12 6l 12 6l 
 
EI 6l 4l 2
6l 2l 2 
ke  3  . (8)
l  12 6l 12 6l 
 
 6l 2l 2 6l 4l 2 

Both, analytical and finite element models, will be compared in the results section of this work.
Either way, in this work, the mechanical state matrix is formulated in its modal state form, i.e:
 0 I 
Am   2 , (9)
 ωm  Λm 

where the I is the identity matrix, is the diagonal matrix of squared natural frequencies and
is the diagonal modal damping matrix of the mechanical system.
As the proposed material for the application is a FDM polymer, it is important to discuss the
hypothesis used on the modelling process. As mentioned previously, a FDM produces a anisotropic
material (Lovo and Fortulan 2016). Even though, it is reasonable to assume an orthotropic material
with planar isotropy, as resistance in the impression plane does not vary significantly as compared
with the resistance between layers. The porosity parameter can be taken into account by
considering a penalty on the stiffness and/or density of the material. However, as this factor may
vary between printers, printing materials and printing parameters, this will not be considered in
this paper.

2.2 Electrical subsystem modelling

The electrical behavior of piezoelectric materials can be described as an electrical source

connected to a capacitor, see Fig. 1. The external load impedance (Z) is often an inductance, a
resistance or both.

Fig. 1 Basic electric model

As shown in Eq. (2), the first term indicates the current, i, through the load. Therefore, one can
i . (10)
Similarly, for a pure inductance,
vdt .
i (11)

For a parallel association of a resistance and an inductance, a combination of Eqs. (10) and (11)
1 v
i  vdt  . (12)

Substituting Eq. (12) on Eq. (2) and rearranging to a differential equation notation results in
 & &  x& 0 ,
  C p& (13)
 &  x&
&    , (14)
Cp L Cp R Cp

   vdt . (15)

The first term on the right hand of Eq. 14 is the resonance frequency of the electrical system,
the second one is related with damping and the third is the electromechanical coupling. Therefore,
the full electrical state-space matrix can be written as
 0 I 
Ae   2 , (16)
 ωe  Λe 

where I is the identity matrix, is the squared resonance frequency of the electrical model and
the is the damping of the electrical system. One can easily read that if there is no resistor or
inductor on the electrical circuit the term vanishes from Eq. (13).

2.3 Electromechanical coupling

As described by Erturk and Inman (2008) as an analytic solution for a unimorph beam, the
moment due to the piezoelectric patch is written as
h2 d31
M f  v  Yp b ydy (17)
h1 hp

where Yp is the Young modulus of the piezo patch, b the width of the piezo, h the piezo height, d31
is a piezoelectric constant, and the spatial integral over y corresponds to the electromechanical
coupling θ, which can be evaluated as
  e bhn ,31
where the hn stands for the distance between the neutral axis of the piezo to the neutral axis of the
beam, and e is a piezoelectric constant.
The total moment of a generic piezo with arbitrary length and position attached to a structure is
given by Eq. (19), which includes the multiplication by Heaviside functions
M f   v(t)[H (x - x1 ) - H (x - x 2 ) ] . (19)

Therefore, one can fit Eq. (19) into a vector as:

Aθ  0 θ θ 0 K 0

Converting Eqs. (1)-(2) into matrix form and arranging for state-space representation one can
& ˆ& M-1F ,
x& -M1Kx - M1Cx&+ M1θv (21)

ˆv& -Cp 1L1ˆv - Cp 1R 1ˆv&+ Cp 1θx& .

& (22)

Then it is possible to build the full state matrix of the unit cell as:
 A M 1 Aθ 
Acell   1m t . (23)
Cp Aθ Ae 

2.4 Full metastructure modelling

For the sake of simplicity, a flexural beam will be adopted as host structure. Therefore, one can
easily write the state matrix as
 0 I 
Ahost   2 (24)
 ωhost  Λhost 

in which, now, is the diagonal matrix of squared natural frequencies and is the
diagonal modal damping matrix of the host structure. The strength of this technique resides exactly
in having all elements of the megastructure chain represented in the same fashion. Each state-space
modal model can be derived from different methodologies, depending on the governing physical
phenomena and the more convenient modelling tool at hand, such as analytical models, lumped
parameter, finite elements, etc.
As the cells and the host subsystems will share some degree of freedom, thanks to mechanical
attachments amongst each other, the off diagonal matrixes Ach,i enables the links between these
modules. Then one can write the full metastructure state-space dynamic matrix as:
 Ahost Ach,1 L Ach ,n 
 Acell,1 L 0 
Afull  . (25)
 O 0 
 
 sym Acell ,n 

3. Experimental validation

3.1 Experimental setup

For the experimental test, the selected benchmark structure consists of a FDM beam equipped
with a piezo disk, see Fig. 2. That way, both analytical and FE models can be used for validation
purposes. A base excitation was used as input while the outputs were the tip velocity and the
voltage accross the piezo electrodes. The force input was measured with a 208C02 force
transductor from PCB Piezotronics; the tip velocity was measured by a Laser Doppler Vibrometer

CLV1000 by Polytec. All the sensors, including the voltage measurements, were acquired with the
LMS SCADAS mobile module using LMS TestLab for processing the data, then exported to
MATLAB for post-processing and data plotting.

Fig. 2 Test setup for model validation including FDM beam with piezo disk base driven by a shaker

On the electrical connections, a resistive and an inductive circuit were used (Fig. 3). The
inductive circuit was tuned to match the first mechanical mode with the usage of a synthetic
inductor. The usage of a synthetic inductance were preferred on this test for the inductance for low
frequency resonance on an electrical system is reasonably high (above 100F), as shown in Tab. 1.

(a) Resistive circuit (b) Inductive circuit

Fig 3 Electrical connections

Table 1 Circuit values

Internal capacitance Resistance Inductance Circuit resonance
Cp(nF) R(Ω) L(H) ωn(Hz)
Theoretical 19,8 1000 - -
Experimental 20 991 - -
Theoretical 19,8 - 125,4 101
Experimental 20 - 134,61 97

3.2 Experimental results

As shown in Fig. 4, there is not a significant reduction on tip velocity due to circuitry
manipulation. This suggests a rather weak coupling between the FDM beam and the piezo
elements adopted. Even though, it is noticeable that the shunt circuit is performing as expected as
minor amplitude is present.

Fig. 4 Mechanical response comparison for different circuit configurations

On Figure 5, the difference in electrical response between a tuned and a detuned shunt circuit is
shown. For the tuned circuit, a five fold increase in the peak value can be observed around 100Hz.
In addition, it is noticeable the electrical resonance of the detuned system around 9 Hz. For a
strong-coupled piezo patch, this should result in a reasonable performance for the mechanical peak

Fig. 5 Electrical response – influence of proper tuning of the synthetic inductance

Also, a pure resistive load was compared against the tuned inductive load, to which results are
depicted in Fig. 6. Although the resistive load used is not the optimum value for this situation, its
peak value is two orders of magnitude below the tuned one. Further discussion on this topic will
follow in the next Section.

Fig. 6 Electrical response –influence of load nature

4.3 Model validation

The electromechanical models, as described in Section 2, have been implemented in MATLAB.

In order to allow a direct comparison, the experimental data also comprises the chosen outputs as
the tip velocity and electric voltage.
Figure 7 shows the tip velocity from both lumped and FEM models, in order to crosscheck both
modelling strategies. Both models were excited with a tip force, as the lumped one could not be
evaluated with base excitation input. Then, the response comparison shows that both models
deliver very similar values of amplitude throughout the frequency window and both resulted in
quite similar resonance frequencies.
Similarly, on Fig. 8, the electrical response for a resistive load, maintains the consonance
between the models. The higher electrical response is expected, as the amplitude on the FEM
model is also slightly higher. From this point on, therefore, the FEM model with base excitation is
used as a reference for the experimental validation.
It is possible to conclude that the modeling procedure is effective by comparing the FEM model
to the experimental data, also obtained with base driven shaker test. While Figure 9 shows this
comparison for the beam tip velocity, Fig.10 shows the electrical response across the piezoelectric
element. Also in Fig. 10, the maximum theoretical electrical output for a resistive load is shown.
Its peak value, around 6 V/N, sits closely below the detuned inductor, around 10 V/N, but stills
fairly below the tuned inductor, around 50V/N.

The dynamics observed on the experimental data, below the predicted 97 Hz resonance
frequency is due to the fixture, which is not an ideal clamping mechanism. The offset between the
experimental and numerical resonance frequency is attributed to the porosity factor neglected on
the modelling process, in which did not resulted in a big divergence from experimental data.

Fig. 7 Mechanical response – model output comparison

Fig. 8 Electrical response – model output comparison

Fig. 9 Mechanical response – model validation

Fig. 10 Electrical response – model validation

4.4 Metastructure simulation

As a proof of concept a full metastructure was simulated with the proposed method. A beam
host structure, clamped in both ends, equipped with periodically placed beam like resonators, as
the ones validated before. The overall increase in mass on the full structure is around 21%. Both
input (force) and output (velocity) are situated on the middle point of the host beam.
As shown on Fig. 11, the mechanical behavior of the resonators are tuned for the first mode of
the host structure, thus, they create a band gap around that frequency. In addition, the electric
behavior of the resonant circuit was tuned to tackle the border peaks that emerges from band gap

creation, rather than the bandgap itself. Thus, they are responsible for the attenuation of the
vicinity peaks and the overall vibration of the host structure.
In addition, the electrical resonators were interleaved leading to a “ABAB” pattern, were a “A”
cell is a cell with electrical tuning for the lower frequency peak, before the band gap, and the “B”
cell is electrically tuned for the higher peak after the band gap.
The mechanical behavior of a single cell is displayed on Fig. 11, as tip mobility due to a tip
force input. For this result, a short circuit on the piezo disk was considered as electrical condition
as this configuration is known to have the least piezoelectric effect. As it can be seen, this novel
strategy indeed result in sideband peak attenuation, even considering piezoelectric elements with a
low coupling, as the number of elements present on the periodic structure allows it.

Fig. 11 Mobility of structures – simple resonator to full metastructure simulation

4. Conclusions

A modular approach for electromechanical systems has been presented on this paper. As shown,
it demonstrated an accurate and versatile modelling strategy for the unit cell. The model is capable
of using both lumped and FEM strategies with ease, and without losing its accuracy.
The usage of the proposed modular approach, based on a state-space formulation, facilitates the
coupling of multiphysics elements on the unit cell level, namely, the structural resonator and the
piezoelectric element. The electromecanical coupling between the two domains is retained in the
state-space form, which is key for bot direct and indirect piezoelectric effect exploitation.
The modal state-space formulation of the unit cells also allows some independency between the
modelling of the host structure and the electromechanic unit-cell, as well as the assembly of the
full metastructure. This method also enables the usage of different types of cells with different
levels of discretization, e.g. a host structure with very coarse lumped model and very refined
lumped resonator.


The authors acknowledge the financial assistance of the Brazilian National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq (grant number 307369/2013-7) and the
scholarship awarded to the first author also by CNPq. In addition, the authors acknowledge Tiago
A. Moreira and João F. P. Lovo for the assistance with the 3D printing manufacturing process.


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Membrane-Type Acoustic Metamaterials:
A Modular Perspective
Lucas Y.M. Sampaio 1, Leopoldo P.R. de Oliveira 1a
Department of Mechanical Engineering, São Carlos School of Engineering – University of São Paulo
Av. Trabalhador São-Carlense, 400, 13565-090, São Carlos – SP, Brazil

(Received keep as blank , Revised keep as blank , Accepted keep as blank )

Abstract. Membrane-type acoustic metamaterials recently emerged as a reliable, compact and lightweight
solution to acoustically impaired environments. With their unusual properties of negative mass and bulk modulus,
a transmission loss performance superior to the one predicted by the mass-density law is feasible, asserting their
certain role in modern acoustics. Since the first membrane acoustic metamaterial was proposed, several new
concepts arose in the scientific community in order to improve its performance in terms of sound transmission loss
level and bandgap extension. These concepts, although constructively different, contain in essence the three
fundamental elements that characterize membrane acoustic metamaterials: a mass-, a stiffness- and a boundary-
element. The combination of these elements defines a metamaterial’s cell, which can present different resonant
properties according to the dynamic behavior of each component. The present research has explored this modular
perspective in terms of metamaterial design, analyzing the resonant behavior of possible elements in order to
propose new metamaterial concepts. Fully coupled vibro-acoustic simulations were used to model these elements
and to analyze the resulting sound transmission loss profile of a novel metamaterial concept. It was seen that a
coupled cell did present the particular resonances of its elements, validating the proposed design method, but had
setbacks in determined frequency ranges.
Keywords: metamaterials; acoustics; sound transmission loss; membrane; finite element model

1. Introduction

As modern engineering focus in the design of lightweight, reliable systems, it spends most of
its effort ensuring an optimal structural performance and stability. Despite these advancements,
the acoustic design is often still unsatisfactory, since conventional materials are bound to the
mass-density law transmission behaviour (LONDON, 1949), which implies that a lightweight
approach might even worsen an envisioned noise control. In another scenario, where low-
frequency sound absorption is desired, the traditional porous absorber technique is either
insufficient or too cumbersome for a practical solution. Both situations are common issues of
acoustic treatment and could be solved by the current state of the art in acoustics research:
acoustic metamaterials.
The field of acoustic metamaterials has grown drastically in the past twenty years as an
extension of the optic’s photonic crystal research (KUSHWAHA et al., 1993; KLIRONOMOS;
ECONOMOU, 1998), since acoustic waves exhibited the same distinct behaviour as observed in
its electromagnetic counterpart. These unusual properties were initially attributed to Bragg’s
scattering and later on to local resonances in the material’s structure, being perceived through
negative effective mass density (medium moves in opposite direction of force) and/or bulk
modulus (medium expands upon compression) in an specific bandwidth (CUMMER;
CHRISTENSEN; ALÙ, 2016). As a result, some metamaterials exhibit in this frequency range
not only exceptional subwavelength wave reflection and absorption but also phenomena such as
non-reciprocity (FLEURY et al., 2015) and cloaking (CUMMER; SCHURIG, 2007). Though

Corresponding author, MSc Fellow, E-mail:
Professor Dr., E-mail:

many of these developments are still only affordable under laboratory conditions, metamaterial
research has also concerned itself with more practical acoustic treatment solutions, which can
simultaneously attend to modern design requisites and surpass the performance of current
designs. Membrane-type acoustic metamaterials (MAMs) are the clear example of this effort
due to their high sound transmission loss (STL) potential allied with a simple, small-sized and
lightweight construction.
The concept of MAMs derived from the first realization of locally resonant acoustic
metamaterials (LIU et al., 2000), being conceived as a bi-dimensional approach to the original
proposal. YANG et al. (2008) envisioned a decorated membrane resonator (DMR), composed of
a mass, a stiffness and a boundary element, represented in this case by a hard disk attached to a
pre-stressed elastic membrane fixed on a rigid grid, respectively. This combination acting as a
sound barrier to a plane wave revealed a STL behaviour containing two dips associated with the
DMR’s resonance frequencies and a peak after the first resonance. This STL peak in a low
frequency region is superior to the STL predicted by the mass-density law, thus characterizing
the DMR as a locally resonant acoustic metamaterial and fomenting further development from
the concept. The desired improvements included mainly a STL bandgap extension for
broadband noise insulation, an absorption-focused approach to the original DMR and the ability
to actively manipulate MAMs for adaptive applications.

2. Modularity in MAMs

After a decade of MAM development since the first DMR, many new concepts arose to
attend the mentioned goals, but still conformed to the cited mass-, stiffness- and boundary-
element categorization. As each part contributes significantly to the resulting acoustic
performance, the idea of modularity seems natural to MAMs and is explored in the present
work. In modular product development (MPD), modular products refer to assemblies that fulfil
various functions through the combination of different building blocks (HUANG, 2000), which
in MAMs is applicable in two levels: first, the balance between mass- and stiffness-element and
their coupling with the boundary-element; and second, the coupling between distinct MAM
cells panel- and/or layer-wise. In both stages, a through description of each module is
envisioned to comprehend the categorization of the existent designs and their respective
physical principles and functionalities. The present manuscript focusses, in particular, with the
first stage, leaving the interaction between multiple cells to future work.
The modular approach to a MAM cell is displayed in Fig. 1. The following subsections
shall provide the theoretical background of the working principle and existent concepts from the
proposed modules for posterior analysis of this approach’s validity.

Fig. 1 Proposed modules for a MAM cell

2.1. Stiffness-Element

The foundation of MAM’s extraordinary performance lies unexpectedly in the application of

thin elastic membranes as its stiffness element. Conventional sound insulating materials follow
the transmission behavior described by the equation:


The ‘mass law’ presented in Eq. (1), valid for frequencies below the coincidence effect and
normal incident waves, indicates that STL increases at 6 dB per doubling of frequency [rad/s]
and per doubling of superficial mass density [kg/m²] (MÖSER, 2015). Thus, it becomes clear
that low frequency sound attenuation is compromised in small, lightweight barriers, and to solve
it using elastic materials with submillimetre thickness would be counterintuitive. Nevertheless,
such materials contain very weak elastic moduli, which is precisely why low frequency
oscillation patterns appear even in small boundary-limited samples (YANG et al., 2008). These
patterns correspond to vibration modes that induce transgressions of the mass law, which allow
improvement of STL in low frequency regime near their respective resonant frequencies.
Transmission peaks and dips appear in the frequency response of these local resonant units
because of the membrane’s dynamic behavior. Considering an acoustically excited sample, its
displacement can be decomposed as , where represents the surface-averaged
normal displacement of the membrane and the remaining oscillatory motion. The air layer
next to it must satisfy the dispersion relation:


where [1/m] represents the parallel (perpendicular) wavenumber vector. For , peaks
at zero, relating this displacement to a radiation-coupled “pistonlike” motion whose transmitted
field has the same wave vector and accounts for far-field sound. As for , since the sample
size has an order of a few centimeters and low frequency sound is considered, is necessarily
greater than . This leads to , which characterizes evanescent,
non-radiating modes associated to near-field transmission. Thus, when , despite of
remaining oscillations, total reflection occurs, leading to a transmission dip (YANG et al.,
2008;YANG et al., 2013).
With a better understanding of the dynamics behind STL in elastic surfaces, the question of
tuning these radiating and non-radiating modes becomes important, and can be approached by
means of numerical/analytical modelling. Although membranes were traditionally modelled as
tension-dependent materials, opposed by flexural rigidity-dependent plates (ZHANG et al.,
2012), vibration of any structure is a product of both parameters, resulting in the following
modal equation (BLEVINS; LAU; WANG, 2016):


where represents the bending stiffness and [N/m] the applied tension. These
three parameters have influence in the mode’s corresponding resonant frequencies and can be
chosen accordingly. In dynamics, the following matrix relation provides the natural frequencies
of a system:

where represents the stiffness matrix, whereas is called the mass matrix. Both and
contribute to the stiffness part, being then directly proportional to the squared resonant
frequencies. Concerning D, it was previously thought that a low elastic modulus E was
necessary for a short decay length of the mentioned evanescent waves, but Naify et al. (2010)
used elastic materials with E several orders of magnitude greater and obtained similar results.
The flexural rigidity plays a lesser role in , thus affecting with less sensitivity, whilst
tension plays a major role in altering not only but the STL amplitude proportionally (ZHANG

et al., 2012). Similarly, contributes to being inversely proportional to , shifting the
modes to lower frequencies with higher mass.
Geometrical parameters such as membrane size and shape are also of influence. By reducing
cell size and/or increasing thickness, a shift of the transmission peak to higher frequencies is
expected, extending the bandwidth of the high STL region (SUI et al., 2015). As to shapes,
although history presented mostly squares and circles, different ones can be used to the same
effect (YANG et al., 2008). Since the vibration mode’s shape is dependent of the membrane’s
geometry, some alteration in which mode induces a transmission peak or dip is possible, but still
conform to the associated with the mode.

2.2. Mass-Element

Although no-mass-attached membranes are potentially lighter and can introduce high STL at
low frequencies, constructions with an attached mass have been predominant in MAM research
(SUI et al., 2015). The reason behind such trend is the possibility of enhancing low frequency
performance with more controllability and independence from elastic properties of the stiffness-
element. As highly elastic materials often exhibit non-linear behavior and tend to gain density
with stiffness, the addition of a coupled element that commands the mass portion of Eq. (4)
helps not only in achieving lower resonant frequencies but also in manufacturing and tunability
of the MAM. The single drawback, besides weight increment, lies in the narrowband STL peak,
which in higher frequencies tends to result in a worse STL compared to an equivalent massless
The fundamental mass-element has been present since the first locally resonant metamaterial
in (LIU et al., 2000), in the form of a centered single concentrated mass. In MAMs, it took form
of a rigid disk of known mass, composing the DMR observed in (YANG et al., 2008) and
subsequent works, which displays the radiating vibration modes seen in Fig. (2), obtained from
finite element model (FEM) simulations.

Fig. 2 Normal displacement from radiating modes of a DMR obtained in FEM simulation

In both modes, a transmission peak is present due to a non zero . An anti-resonance

exists between modes (a) and (b), correspondent to a superposition of their amplitudes in
opposite phase and containing the amplitude maxima of the two, leading to (YANG et
al., 2008; NAIFY et al., 2010). The resulting transmission dip tends to follow the first peak,
whilst remaining almost immune to changes of the second peak. Mode (a) corresponds to the
first mode of any vibrating surface whose maximum displacement is centered. In this case, it is
accentuated by the rigid mass, which contributes to amplify the first transmission peak and dip,
as well as shift them to lower frequencies. Contrarily, mode (b) presents a node in the centered
region and maximum displacement between it and the cell’s boundary, thus being practically
only membrane-dependent. The first mode and anti-resonance are then described as mass-
dominated, being subject to the added mass density and tension, whereas the second mode is
membrane-dominated, being dependent of the elastic material’s superficial density and tension
(ZHANG et al., 2012).

Due to the coincident position of mass and mode (a)’s amplitude maximum, the original
DMR configuration boosts this mode’s influence resulting in a narrowband low-frequency STL,
which is solely inapplicable in most situations. Different mass-element related approaches have
been researched in order to extend the usable STL bandwidth and compose the possible
arrangements for the present module.
Perhaps the simplest alteration of the original concept was moving the mass-element to an
eccentric location, altering the previous mode shapes and adding another radiating mode with an
associated anti-resonance. Zhang et al. (2012) moved the concentrated mass laterally and
diagonally and analyzed how the first resonance and STL peak shifted in frequency. Chen et al.
(2014) reports that the first mode acquires strong rotational motion allied with the former
translation, the second consists primarily in rotation of the mass and the third accounts for the
membrane’s vibration with flapping movement of the mass. The last mode is the most sensitive
to eccentricity and shifts significantly to lower frequencies with more eccentric mass locations,
whereas the first and second modes tend to shift to higher frequencies with less magnitude.
Aside from a dislocated center-of-mass, multiple masses are also commonly employed as
concept for altering the membrane’s vibration modes. Naify et al. (2011) demonstrates the
potential of using multiple coaxial ring mass-elements in MAMs in extending the STL over
frequency. They concluded that the mass-dominated resonance tends to shift upward in
frequency when mass was concentrated away from center, agreeing with what was proposed for
eccentric masses. Additionally, attaching multiple rings resulted in new radiating vibration
modes and new STL peaks and dips. Their corresponding resonant frequencies depend highly of
the mass distribution of the rings, which if uniform promotes a multi-peak STL and if non-
uniform results in a broadband STL peak due to an approach of both mass-dependent modes in
frequency. An application of ring mass-elements appears in (LANGFELDT et al., 2017), where
the ring mass, associated with a perforated membrane, forms an air neck similar to Helmholtz
resonators and introduces another resonance prior to the membranes first mode, adding a STL
peak thoroughly dependent of the ring and perforation characteristics.
A combination of eccentricity and multiple asymmetric masses has led to the development of
so called “dark” acoustic metamaterials by Mei et al. (2012), which present extraordinary sound
absorption, instead of reflection, during resonance. These MAMs consist of rectangular
membranes and semi-circular masses equally distanced from center backed by an aluminum
reflector. The principle of sound absorption lies in the conversion of acoustic to elastic energy
through the flapping movement of the masses, already mentioned to be present in eccentric
cases, followed by efficient dissipation. Vibrating modes related to the flapping movement of
masses ar shown in Fig. 3. Influent parameters are the mass of the elements for the first
absorption peak and the distance between them for the second (HUANG; SHEN; JING, 2016).
Such MAMs are also analytically modelled in (CHEN et al., 2014) and applied laterally in
waveguides in (FU et al., 2017).

Fig. 3 Front view of a “dark” acoustic metamaterial (a) and normal displacement of its vibrating modes
below 1000 Hz (b-d). Source: Yang et al. (2015)

Although mass-elements have mostly taken circular-related shapes due to simpler
construction, arbitrary shapes can be modelled according to (LANGFELDT; GLEINE; VON
ESTORFF, 2015), indicating that potential optimized elements can emerge for new

2.3. Boundary-Element

This last proposed MAM module consists in the surrounding elements of a cell that impose
boundary conditions to its surfaces or edges, thus altering its dynamic behavior. Initial MAMs
had only a rigid frame as boundary-element for adequate membrane pre-stretching (YANG et
al., 2008; NAIFY et al., 2010), whose stiffness already played a role in STL as seen in (NAIFY
et al., 2011b, 2012). They stated that frame stiffness becomes an important factor as MAMs are
scaled up to include multiple cells and experimented with its influence in a four-celled grid.
Since the frame is an integral part of the MAM, its own vibrations alter the overall STL.
Compliant frames promote a diminished STL peak and decrease its bandwidth by shifting the
second mode to lower frequencies, as well as introducing its own resonance between both
modes in the spectrum.
Although frame geometry is usually determined by membrane design, the opposite path is
interesting due to the possibility of using off-the-shelf structures. Sui et al. (2015) and Lu et al.
(2016) combined hexagonal honeycomb frames, known for their high stiffness/weight ratio,
with elastic membranes to improve low frequency STL. Honeycomb structures were also
studied in (NAIFY et al., 2011c), where they were associated with different gas layers for
impedance mismatch and improved STL, and in (TANG et al., 2017), who used corrugated
honeycomb cores associated with micro-perforations for broadband sound absorption. These
last two, though membrane-less, can serve as potential boundary-elements for improving MAM
acoustic performance.
Traditional sound attenuating constructions have also been employed as boundary-elements
alongside MAMs, such as porous absorbers, largely used in acoustic treatment due to their good
mid- to high-frequency absorption. These materials contain open pores that lead to thermal and
viscous energy dissipation, which are effective only for significant particle velocities found
distant from a rigid boundary condition (velocity equals zero). A large material thickness is then
needed for better low-frequency absorption, which is often unfeasible (COX; D’ANTONIO,
2017; YANG; SHENG, 2017). Thus, such materials could potentially benefit from a MAM
coupling for broadband acoustic insulation and this combination is explored in (WANG et al.,
2018), where two MAMs coupled with fiberglass wool as dissipative medium present coherent
perfect absorption between 200-1000Hz.
Another commonly employed boundary-element is the Helmholtz resonator (HR), a classic
sound absorbing device composed of an acoustic neck and cavity, representing an acoustic mass
and compliance, respectively. Its resonant frequency can be calculated through:


where and are the neck’s area and effective length and is the cavity’s volume. In a HR’s
resonance, air vibrates rapidly in the neck region, inducing energy dissipation through
thermoviscous losses.
Side-mounted HRs are commonly employed in duct noise control since there is little flow
disturbance. Fu et al. (2017) improves this construction’s performance by coupling the HRs
with slightly detuned DMRs containing either a single mass or eccentric asymmetric masses like
(MEI et al., 2012). Through asymmetric reflection and absorption, the first has shown an
enhanced STL in the resonance region compared to single HRs, whereas the second exhibited
improved multiple frequency STL not seen in sole HRs. Yang et al. (2015) also used a single
mass DMR backed by a HR mounted laterally, but coupled it with another orthogonal single
DMR and tuned them for degenerate resonances. Almost perfect absorption was obtained for

wavelengths ten times lower than sample size.
Metasurfaces containing HRs for normal sound incidence are yet unexplored boundary-
elements for MAM. Li et al. (2016) and Yamamoto (2018) developed metasurfaces with HRs
which resulted in extraordinary absorption and enhanced STL respectively, but could still be
coupled to DMRs as seen in side-mounted HRs for superior performance.
A last boundary-element that derives from traditional sound attenuating concepts are micro-
perforated panels (MPPs), rigid plates containing periodically spaced holes with submillimeter
dimensions that act as acoustic resistance with low acoustic mass reactance for energy
dissipation. They were extensively studied by Maa (1998), who formulated the equations
necessary for analyzing the perforation’s role in sound absorption, which is mainly dependent of
the maximum absorption coefficient, the resonance frequency and a perforate constant. These
depend on geometric parameters such as hole diameter and cavity length. MPPs have already
been combined with a reflecting surface to enhance energy density and thus sound absorption
(YANG; SHENG, 2017), and with HRs to improve low-frequency performance (PARK, 2013;
ZHAO; YU; WU, 2016), but never to DMRs, which can lead to great sound attenuation in
broadband frequency.

3. Modular Design Process

Fully coupled vibro-acoustic finite element models are used to illustrate the proposed
approach to MAM design. A novel MAM is envisioned combining the STL potential of
different modules in order to reduce overall transmission in the 100-1000Hz range. Models for
each module were constructed under similar physics and boundary conditions to ensure a
consistent correlation and comparison between each numerical result.
Concerning model construction, a square waveguide with the structure under test is used to
predict STL between the incident and outgoing sound pressure fields. Waveguide face size
measures 22 mm in order to accommodate a 20 mm diameter MAM sample, determined by the
size of the experimental apparatus in which the sample is to be tested. The waveguide’s length
is 900mm at each side of the metastructure, where 800 mm of the posterior side is modelled as a
Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) to simulate an anechoic termination after sound transmission.
The waveguide surroundings are modelled as sound hard boundaries, except for the inlet
surface, where a planar wave radiation condition with an incident pressure field of 1 Pa is set
and the outlet surface after the PML, which is also modelled as a planar wave radiation
boundary. Sound power is measured at the inlet port and the PML’s interface with the outgoing
pressure field by integrating the following equation over the waveguide’s surface:


where is the incoming/outgoing sound power, the incoming/outgoing sound pressure

and air density. STL is then calculated as:


The modular design procedure begins with the definition of the stiffness-element and an
analysis of its sole STL performance. A circular membrane with 20 mm diameter and 0.19 mm
thickness made of latex rubber is chosen based on the available testing conditions. The
mechanical properties of the rubber have been determined by tensile testing and fed to the
model. For a pre-stress 0.785 MPa, they are defined as ,
and . The aforementioned tension is applied as initial stress in both axis
of the membrane’s surface. This model also contains a rigid grid which holds the membrane
aligned with the waveguide. The support is envisioned as a glass plate, whose properties are
defined as , and . The resulting STL profile is

seen in Fig. 4(a) and characterizes a worsening performance with frequency increase due the
membrane’s first radiating mode near 1053 Hz, where a transmission maximum is present.
Additionally, overall STL is also not significant over the frequency band, being less than 20 dB
above 300 Hz.
As seen in the previous section, the addition of a mass-element improves low-frequency STL
and shall be used to improve the performance of the sole stiffness-element. A circular central
mass is then added to the membrane sample to lower the first radiating mode and introduce an
anti-resonance as seen. Again due to experimental conditions, the modelled mass has a 5 mm
diameter and 2 mm thickness and weights 0.31 g and its mechanical properties are defined as
, and .
The STL curve for the DMR obtained numerically was also compared with the analytical
model proposed in (ZHANG et al., 2012) and the results are illustrated in Fig.4(b). Both
models show great coherence in the first vibrating mode and only 20 Hz difference in the anti-
resonance, which indicates the validity of the described modelling procedure. In this
configuration, the first radiating mode is then drawn to the lower frequency of 232 Hz, where a
STL dip is followed by a peak caused by the hybridization between the two radiating modes, as
seen in Fig. 4(a). The STL performance is greatly improved after 275 Hz, with a STL peak
around 375 Hz of 49 dB, but is significantly worsened at lower frequencies dominated by the
first radiating mode. STL also tends to diminish after the anti-resonance due to the second
radiating mode at 1833 Hz, which causes another transmission maximum.
It is then clear that, although this MAM concept is better than the sole membrane after the
first resonance, it still needs improvement before and after the STL peak. A complementary
boundary-element could then be designed to enhance STL in the two deficient regions, turning
the determined frequency ranges into design conditions for this element. As seen in literature
such as (YAMAMOTO, 2018), metasurfaces containing HRs can be tuned to a determined
frequency for improved STL at its resonance whilst still having increased STL with frequency
due to the mass-law. Therefore, a HR metasurface tuned at the STL dip from the previous
MAM construction appeals as an interesting boundary-element for broadening STL
A metasurface with an embedded HR backed by a traditional DMR is then proposed as
shown in Fig. 5, and is made of the same material as the previous support. The HR has a neck
length of 10 mm, a neck diameter of 1 mm and a cylindrical cavity volume of 4398 mm³,
determined by Eq. (5) to induce a resonance near 230 Hz, equivalent to the DMR’s first
radiating mode frequency. The resulting STL profile is displayed in Fig. 4(a), where a partial
improvement compared to the previous design is observed. In both targeted frequency bands, a
higher STL is present as the HR’s resonance counteract the DMR’s radiating mode around
230 Hz, raising near zero STL to 22 dB, and as the HR structure’s mass-law takes over and
exhibits better STL than the DMR not only in the STL peak but in whole range after 375 Hz.
However, collateral effects were also observed as the DMR’s transmission maximum diverged
into two STL dips which border the previous one, resulting in a worse performance of the
proposed concept in these two bands.
Another important consideration is the relationship between each concept’s mass and STL
potential. The sole membrane resonator estimated weight is approximately 0.81g, the DMR is
around 1.12g and the DMR with HR is near 8.86 g. The latter is compared with an equivalent
barrier that follows the mass-law from Eq. (1) in Fig. 4(a) and is seen to have a better STL
potential after approximately 340 Hz. Although this solely could justify the use of this novel
MAM concept as a smarter weight distribution for an acoustic solution, its weight is still several
times the one of a single DMR or membrane resonator. This brings up the question if one
should utilize the proposed boundary-element or employ the mass-equivalent number of DMRs
or membranes tuned in different frequencies for a better STL result.

(a) Constructed MAM concepts and mass-law curve (b) Analytical and numerical models
Fig. 4 Comparison between STL curves for different MAM models and concepts

A positive aspect of the proposed MAM is its robustness at higher frequencies due to the
partial binding to the mass-law, whereas multiple resonators would still exhibit multiple STL
dips in their resonances as seen in (NAIFY et al., 2012), resulting in worse performance around
these frequencies. However, in their anti-resonances, the STL peaks tend to surpass significantly
the proposed MAM’s STL profile, which may be more interesting depending on the application.

Fig. 5 Isometric view from a lateral section of the proposed combination of DMR and HR

4. Conclusions

A modular approach to metamaterial design was proposed, dividing a MAM cell into three
basic units: a mass-, a stiffness- and a boundary-element. The fundamentals and possibilities
from each module were thoroughly described through concepts found in recent works in the
field of acoustic metamaterials. It has been stated that the resonant properties of the final MAM
respect the dynamic behavior of the respective constituents, and this can be used in order to
improve MAM performance in terms of shaping the STL profile for broadband attenuation and
preventing transmission maxima.
Using the possible elements described for each module, a novel MAM concept was
envisioned to exemplify this sequential design procedure of modular construction. With a latex
rubber membrane as basis, it was seen how the STL curve was altered with the addition of a
rigid disk as mass-element and a HR as boundary-element. The mass-element transposed the
former membrane radiating mode to a much lower frequency and introduced a strong anti-
resonance, thus altering directly the membrane’s dynamic behavior. The boundary-element was
thought and tuned to complement the previous construction’s deficient regions and when
coupled was able to improve the desired weaknesses but not without side effects. It can then be
concluded that designing a MAM cell considering the particular resonances of its elements is
valid, since they influence the resulting STL profile in the tuned frequencies. However,

coupling effects also must be considered since they can affect the STL curve negatively in
frequencies where a good performance was previously present. Another important consideration
is how the STL performance relates to cell weight, not only to compare with the mass law but
with different assemblies of the resonant elements, which can prove advantageous according to
the application.
In order to fully comprehend the phenomena involving the proposed design and validate the
presented numerical simulations, this research finds itself in an ongoing experimental campaign.
After validation, the same simulation procedure shall be employed to test possible novel
metastructures using the modular approach described in this paper. Future work also involves
extending this research to multi-celled structures and study how periodicity can influence in
overall performance.


The authors acknowledge the São Paulo State Reseach Foundation – FAPESP, under grant
#2018/05793-2 for the financial support.


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Lucas Fadini Favarato1, Adenilcia Fernanda Grobério Calenzani2, Juliana da Cruz Vianna
Pires3, Elisabeth Junges4, Johann Andrade Ferrareto5
Federal University of Espirito Santo,
Federal University of Espirito Santo,
Federal University of Espirito Santo,
Federal University of Espirito Santo,

In the last decades, the modernization in structural engineering has increased the use of steel-concrete
composite and hybrid systems for slabs, when the adherence in the interface of the materials is present
or not, respectively. In addition to the traditional steel deck, a similar solution for precast trussed slabs
has been used for small constructions, in which a cold formed U profile acts as steel formwork before
the concrete curing, resisting to self-weight of the concrete and to the construction overload. After this
period, the steel profile gets incorporated to the concrete element, allowing the composite behavior of
the structure, system that may go without additional reinforcements. This slab includes, besides
concrete, a light filling material between ribs, cold formed profiles and the trussed reinforcement.
Once this technology has just arrived to the construction market, there is a gap of knowledge related to
its design procedure. In this context, this study aims to present a methodology to analyze the limit-
states that govern the design of these slabs. A computational tool was developed to evaluate the
resistance through data entry related to geometry, service loads and materials, which grants to conduct
a parametric study with pre-defined geometries to obtain, as results, spans and loads. Discussions and
conclusions about the maximum spans without shoring and general data were also conducted in this

Keywords: steel-concrete composite slabs; trussed slabs; cold formed U profile; design procedure.

The use of steel and steel-concrete composite systems for structures has become a reality in Civil
Construction since the second half of XX century due to several factors, as steel lightness, quick
assembly and increased resistance of components when compared to pure reinforced concrete
structures, in accordance to Carvalho et al. (2014) [1]. Moreover, the employment of cold formed
profiles, made from thin plates folding, has got common in small and medium constructions, small
houses, mezzanines, beams and slabs (Silva et al., 2014) [2], which is associated to the variety of
available cross sections and affordable coasts.

It’s important to state that composite systems for slabs are taking advantage of cold formed members
as well, owing to their lightness and suitable dimensions to resist to external loads. After concrete
curing, the profile gets incorporated to concrete, usually sparing additional reinforcements. Besides, in
the construction phase, it acts as a formwork and must resist to ultimate and serviceability limit states,
such as those due to bending moment and shear force.

In the literature, there are numerous studies that present design procedures and conclusions about
composite slabs with formwork in cold formed profile, usually based on experimental analyses, such
as Vianna (2005) [3] and Sieg (2015) [4]. In this context, this work aims to present a design procedure
for composite slabs with steel formwork in cold formed U profile, including additional reinforcements
due to the employment of a steel precast truss. However, once no full scale tests have already been
accomplished, no information about the composite behavior is provided. Thereby, this system is
analyzed as hybrid in a first moment, in which the steel profile resists to ultimate loads before concrete
curing and then concrete does.

The proposed design procedure is based on the recommendations of National Brazilian Codes, in
special the ABNT NBR 14762:2010 [5] and ABNT NBR 6118:2014 [6]. In addition, the limit states
considered include resistance to bending moment and shear force, maximum deflection and
restrictions to crack width in utilization phase, whose combination leads to the overload needed for
engineers when designing these slabs, and resistance to combined bending moment and shear force
and maximum deflection in construction phase, which leads to the largest value of span without


A computational tool was developed to calculate the maximum overload, in kg/m², for a given span.
Then, many scenarios were tested (inputs), combining different concrete compressive strengths, light
filling material (specific weight and dimensions), steel truss model and additional reinforcements. As a
result, an overload is estimated for a span without shoring, when possible. The thicknesses of 0.65mm,
0.80mm and 1.08mm for the cold formed profile, whose yield strength is 340 MPa, were tested for
two different input combinations, leading to spans of 1.2m, 1.4m and 1.4m, respectively, for the first
configuration and 1.0m, 1.2m and 1.4m for the second one, when the light filling block was replaced
by a 10cm wider one and the concrete layer thickness was increased in 1cm.

The results have shown that spans without shoring are possible up to 1.2m, on average, depending on
the input data. Although, once the mechanical coupling between steel formwork and steel truss hasn’t
been considered in the elastic stability numerical analysis, possibly a longer span will be expected. On
the other cases, for longer values of span, however, only construction with shoring is possible. In
addition, nonlinear numerical analysis and full scale tests will be performed, verifying the accuracy of
the proposed design procedure.

[1] Carvalho, P. R. M.; Grigoletti, G.; Barbosa, G. D. (2014), Curso Básico de Perfis de Aço
Formados a Frio, (3rd edition), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.
[2] Silva, E. L., Pierin, I., Silva, V. P. (2014), Estruturas Compostas por Perfis Formados a Frio:
Dimensionamento pelo Método das Larguras Efetivas e Aplicação conforme ABNT NBR 14762:2010
e ABNT NBR 6355:2012, Instituto do Aço Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

[3] Vianna, J. C. (2005), “Composite slab system for residential constructions using cold formed steel
plates with embossments” (in Portuguese), M. Sc. Dissertation, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.
[4] Sieg, A. P. A. (2015), “Study of a Slab System with Incorporated Sheeting” (in Portuguese),
M. Sc. Dissertation, University of São Paulo, São Carlos.
Dimensionamento de estruturas de aço constituídas por perfis formados a frio, Rio de Janeiro.
estruturas de concreto – procedimento, Rio de Janeiro.




Balaji Raghavan1 , Ludovic Cauvin2 , Piotr Breitkopf2 , Salima Bouvier2 , Fodil Meraghni3
1 Laboratoire de Genie Civil et Genie Mecanique EA 3913
INSA de Rennes, France,
2 Sorbonne Universités, Université de Technologie de Compiègne

Laboratoire Roberval FRE UTC-CNRS 2012, France,

3 Arts et Métiers ParisTech Metz, LEM3 UMR CNRS 7239, Metz, France,

Mechanical characterization typically involves the use of a variety of mechanical tests such as uniax-
ial and biaxial tensile tests (for ductile materials such as metals and alloys), different compression tests
(for brittle and quasi-brittle materials such as concrete) and relatively recent quasi-nondestructive tests
such as instrumented indentation [1, 2], with the ultimate aim of determining its macroscopic mechanical
plastic behavior: (e.g. yield surface, strain hardening, Lankford coefficients). Numerical simulation is
widely adopted to complement, and in some cases replace, experimental tests and error methods in order
to reduce the time and cost of development.
For several decades, material behavior has been described using phenomenological constitutive relations
in the general framework of the theory of elasto-visco-plasticity. This approach, albeit useful for simula-
ting boundary value problems in a realistic manner with the help of finite element methods, has potential
limitations for very anisotropic materials. These could be improved upon by taking into account the
fundamental mechanisms involved during mechanical deformation.
Anisotropic behavior in hexagonal materials (Zn, Zr, Mg alloys) is often very difficult to properly cha-
racterize due to the effect of their microstructure and initial crystallographic texture. At the micro-scale
level, metal plasticity involves the nucleation and migration of dislocations in the crystals and polycry-
stals as the underlying basis for microstructure evolution during plastic flow. As the individual crystals
have different sizes and orientations, i.e., the crystallographic texture, the anisotropy of the mechanical
properties of a polycrystal is a direct consequence of the anisotropy of the properties of each grain and
of this crystallographic texture. Moreover, the reorientation of the grains during mechanical deformation
of the polycrystal results in texture changes.
Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP) materials can be deformed by two different mechanisms: slip and twin-
ning. Slip in the crystallographic planes is the principal mechanism, which is activated when the resolved
shear stress reaches a critical value. This critical value is lower along close-packed planes due to the hig-
her atomic density, and therefore slip along these planes is the preferential way to accommodate plastic
deformation. The second mechanism, twinning, is also activated particularly at higher loads, along se-
veral directions of the crystal, and with a separate critical stress value. Twinning leads to a discrete
rotation of the c-axis within the twinned volume, by an angle depending on the type of the activated twin
system. Several twin families have been identified in HCP materials : (1 0 -1 2), (1 0 -1 -3), (1 0 -1 1),
(1 1 -2 -4), (1 1 -2 2), (1 1 -2 1), with the activated twin mode(s) depending on the c/a of the material.
Surprisingly few studies, if any, are devoted to the mechanical characterization and to the study of the
anisotropic behavior of this class of materials as a function of the initial microstructure, despite the con-
tinuing widespread use of these materials. In his seminal work on the ductility of polycrystalline metals
[3], von Mises was the first to note that five independent slip systems were required to accommodate the
strain requirements associated with an arbitrary homogenous plastic deformation. Metal plasticity would
require a (nearly) traceless deformation rate tensor with only 5 independent components (i.e. unknowns),

382 1
needing a system of 5 independent deformation mechanisms (equations). While this criterion is directly
applicable to Face-Centered Cubic (FCC) and Body-Centered Cubic (BCC) materials, the fundamen-
tals of the yielding and work hardening response for hexagonal metals are significantly more complex,
mainly because the hexagonal lattice does not provide a sufficient number of geometrically equivalent
slip systems to satisfy the Von Mises criterion for polycrystal deformation, which is very different from
what is seen in the case of FCC and BCC lattices. Meanwhile, to accomplish the deformation, more than
one crystallographic slip mode and/or twin mode must be activated. The exact deformation mechanisms
in Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP) metals, dislocation motion on specific slip systems and activation of
twinning, are not yet completely understood. This means that HCP materials show markedly anisotro-
pic mechanical properties that depend on its initial textures, deformation mechanisms and critical shear
stresses which, in turn, are different for different slip systems as well as the direction of the applied stress
(e.g. asymmetry of twin activation) during mechanical loading. There are four possible slip systems, ba-
sal, prismatic and pyramidal < a > and pyramidal < c + a >. In general, zinc exhibits deformation on
several crystallographic slip and twin systems, with very different activation stresses for each system.
The relative contributions of individual slip and twin modes strongly depend on temperature, loading
conditions, alloying elements, crystallographic texture, and microstructure evolution. This is the main
reason for zinc’s anisotropic behavior. The differing volume fractions of twins during tensile and com-
pressive loading leads to the alloy’s tension-compression asymmetry. Nevertheless it can be noticed that
basal and pyramidal < c + a > are more likely to be activated in the tensile test [4].
Furthermore, some alloys have an c/a considerably higher than that of an ideal structure (c/a = 1.632)
and this leads to a higher than usual property dependence on the slip and twinning systems, e.g. Zinc
alloys [5].
Currently, there is a dearth of systematic studies where crystallographic texture and grain anisotropy
have been examined over a wide range of conditions. Knowledge of the active deformation mechanisms
and the variation in their relative contribution as a function of these variables is required for accurately
predicting the plastic response and texture evolution of this class of alloys. This is particularly important
for the development of reliable material models for use in simulating forming processes with these ma-
terials, especially given the increase in applications of this class of materials.
The existing literature on mechanical modeling of the anisotropy of hexagonal materials is based on
micro-mechanical approaches [6, 7]. Micro-mechanical modeling provides a link between the mi-
crostructure of a material and its mechanical behavior, allowing us to quantify plastic deformation at
the microstructural level. This approach is thus well-suited for simulations involving material texture
and related anisotropy. A considerable amount of simulation has been performed using "physically ba-
sed" models rather than simply fitting phenomenological behavior laws in the literature[6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15, 16].
Some of these alloys typically involve both slip as well as twinning modes. These systems have diffe-
rent and unknown activation stresses that depend, usually in a non-unique manner, on the experimental
approach used to study the texture as well as on the type of micro-mechanical model. We therefore need
an accurate model to simulate its deformation under loading, including the large deformations typically
encountered during forming processes. This model needs to be capable of not just describing the mecha-
nical response of the material for a given texture, but also predicting how this texture would evolve with
Due to their significant anisotropy, the experimental forming set up which allows the realization of the
desired complex shapes is time consuming and judicious sequences of several forming steps should be
achieved in order to reach the desired forms. The optimization of such sequences can be readily accom-
plished based on numerical simulation using more phenomenological and physical models suitable for
these materials. In the recent years much less attention has been dedicated to the experimental charac-
terization and the macroscopic modeling of the anisotropic behavior of this class of alloys under several
loading paths at finite strains in spite of the continuing widespread use of these materials.
Cauvin et al [17] presented a complete protocol for the characterization of hexagonal polycrystalline al-
loys by clarifying the physical mechanisms involved in the plastic deformation of rolled Zn-Cu-Ti sheets,
using only tensile testing along three directions and Electron Beam Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) to exa-
mine the microstructure i.e. texture evolution.

383 2
The Visco-Plastic Self-Consistent (VPSC) model is considered to estimate the multiscale behavior of the

Figure 1: Tensile test: simulations vs. experimental data [17].

rolled Zn-Cu-Ti sheet, with the required material parameters such as the critical resolved shear stresses
for the different slip and twin systems identified using an inverse analysis by comparing the stress-strain
curves from uniaxial tensile testing along three different orientations (0◦ /RD, 45◦ /RD and 90◦ /RD) along
with the simulated macroscopic stress-strain curves along the same three directions. The inverse pro-
blem is solved by optimization with the well-known Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy
(CMA-ES) [18] evolutionary algorithm. As shown in the figure 1, with the identified parameters, a good
agreement between the simulation and the experimental data is obtained for the 3 considered directions.
Using the identified micro-scale parameters, we calculate the Lankford R-values followed by the Hill
coefficients for the alloy by simulation. The simulated and experimental yield surfaces are compared.
Finally, the simulated R-values are compared with those reported in the literature [19, 20]. However, the

Figure 2: Comparison between experimental data and simulations [17]: (a) Lankford coefficients (b)
Yield surface
multi-scale computational approach had two main shortcomings:
1. like all micro-mechanical modeling approaches, the amount of computational effort and time were
2. the pole figures were only used to appraise the quality of the identified parameter sets and not
directly used in the inverse problem.
This leads to a need for reduced-order modeling techniques to attempt to correct both shortcomings at the
same time, which could potentially be achieved in short order using the shape manifold approach to both
reduce the number of computations as well as to reduce computation time per calculation (parameter
The idea is to (eventually) develop a shape manifold-based approach capable of "learning" the anisotropy
intrinsically "encoded" in the pole figures, allowing for a direct comparison of the simulated and expe-
rimental mesostructures, to identify the micro-mechanical parameters and eventually the macroscopic

384 3
[1] L. Meng, P. Breitkopf, B. Raghavan, G. Mauvoisin, O. Bartier, X. Hernot. Identification of material properties
using indentation test and shape manifold learning approach, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
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[2] L. Meng, B. Raghavan, O. Bartier, X. Hernot, G. Mauvoisin, P. Breitkopf. An objective meta-modeling appro-
ach for indentation-based material characterization, Mechanics of Materials, 31 - 44, 2017.
[3] R. V. Mises. Mechanik der plastischen Formanderung von Kristallen, ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathema-
tics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 31 - 44, 1928.
[4] R. L. Bell, R. W. Cahn. The dynamics of twinning and the interrelation of slip and twinning in zinc crystals,
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[5] J.W. Christian, S. Mahajan. Deformation twinning, Progress in Materials Science, 1 - 157, 1995.
[6] M.J. Philippe, F. Wagner, F.E. Mellab, C. Esling, J. Wegria. Modelling of texture evolution for materials of
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[7] F. Zhang, G. Vincent, Y.H. Sha, L. Zuo, J.J. Fundenberger, C. Esling. Experimental and simulation textures in
an asymmetrically rolled zinc alloy sheet, Scripta Materialia, 1011 - 1015, 2004.
[8] S. Bouvier, A. Needleman. Effect of the number and orientation of active slip systems on plane strain single
crystal indentation, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 1105, 2006.
[9] K. Yoshida, R. Brenner, B. Bacroix, S. Bouvier. Effect of regularization of Schmid law on self-consistent
estimates for rate-independent plasticity of polycrystals, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 905 -
915, 2009.
[10] M. E. Nixon, O. Cazacu, R. A. Lebensohn. Anisotropic response of high-purity α-titanium: Experimental
characterization and constitutive modeling, International Journal of Plasticity, 516 - 532, 2010.
[11] B. Panicaud, K.K. Saanouni, A.L. Baczmański, M. Francois, L. Cauvin, L. Le Joncour. Theoretical model-
ling of ductile damage in duplex stainless steels - Comparison between two micro-mechanical elasto-plastic
approaches, Computational Materials Science, 1908 - 1916, 2011.
[12] K. Yoshida, R. Brenner, B. Bacroix, S. Bouvier. Micromechanical modeling of the work-hardening behavior
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- 1046, 2011.
[13] S. Bouvier, N. Benmhenni, W. Tirry, F. Gregory, M.E. Nixon, O. Cazacu, L. Rabet. Hardening in relation
with microstructure evolution of high purity α-titanium deformed under monotonic and cyclic simple shear
loadings at room temperature, Materials Science and Engineering: A , 12 - 21, 2012.
[14] N. Benmhenni, S. Bouvier, R. Brenner, T. Chauveau, B. Bacroix. Micromechanical modelling of monotonic
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[15] P. Gelineau, M. Stepień, S. Weigand, L. Cauvin, F. Bédoui. Elastic properties prediction of nano-clay rein-
forced polymer using multi-scale modeling based on a multi-scale characterization, Mechanics of Materials,
12 - 22, 2015.
[16] D. Chatziathanasiou, Y. Chemisky, F. Meraghni, G. Chatzigeorgiou, E. Patoor. Phase Transformation of Ani-
sotropic Shape Memory Alloys: Theory and Validation in Superelasticity, Shape Memory and Superelasticity,
359 - 374, 2015.
[17] L. Cauvin, B. Raghavan, S. Bouvier, X. Wang, F. Meraghni. Multi-scale investigation of highly anisotropic
zinc alloys using crystal plasticity and inverse analysis, Materials Science & Engineering A, 106 - 118, 2018.
[18] N. Hansen, S.D. Müller, P. Koumoutsakos. Reducing the Time Complexity of the Derandomized Evolution
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[19] A.N. Bramley, P.B. Mellor. Plastic anisotropy of titanium and zinc sheets, International Journal of Mechanical
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385 4



Adriana Correia da Silva1, Lineu José Pedroso2, Luiz Felipe Carvalhedo de Oliveira³
University of Brasília, Department of Civil Engineering, Brasília-DF, Brazil
University of Brasília, Department of Civil Engineering, Brasília-DF, Brazil,
³ University of Brasília, Department of Civil Engineering, Brasília-DF, Brazil,

O aumento da demanda de energia elétrica associado aos acordos internacionais sobre o

clima tornam necessário o estudo e desenvolvimento de fontes renováveis de energia,
sendo a energia eólica uma alternativa atraente. Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem
progressiva baseada na Dinâmica Computacional de Fluidos (CFD) visando
compreender o comportamento dinâmico de uma torre eólica em termos do modelo de
escoamento em torno da mesma e dos esforços atuantes na estrutura, podendo este
estágio de abordagem ser dividido em três partes: (a) Análise do escoamento em torno
de um cilindro circular rígido de dimensões equivalentes as de uma torre de
aerogeradores comerciais. (b) Análise dos esforços transmitidos pelo escoamento no
fuste rígido da torre. (c) Análise da resposta estrutural dinâmica da torre flexível. Todas
as modelagens do problema são realizadas usando o ANSYS CFX. Os resultados das
respostas dinâmicas efetuados em vibrações livres e forçadas, são correlacionados com
soluções analíticas simplificadas, que permitem a comparação e calibragem dos
modelos utilizados. As simulações efetuadas permitiram um tratamento adequado do
problema e os resultados alcançados reproduzem as tendências esperadas e
correspondem a descrição de conclusões de estudos correlatos relatados na literatura.

Palavras-Chaves : Elementos finitos; Dinâmica de estruturas; Escoamentos de

fluidos; Torres eólicas; CFD; Análise numérica; Soluções analíticas.

Application of a Multiobjetive Optimization Pareto Approach to Design
the SDRE Controller for a Rigid-flexible Satellite

Luiz C. G. de Souza1,2
National Institute for Space Research – S J Campos – SP - Brasil
Federal University of ABC- Sao Bernardo do Campo – SP - Brasil

Keywords: nonlinear control law, rigid-flexible satellite, sdre method.

Abstract. Complex space missions involving large angle maneuvers and rapid attitude control,
require new non-linear control techniques to design the Satellite Control System (SCS) in order to
have reliability and adequate performance. In that context, one investigates a new SCS technique
based on the State Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE) methodology which can be considered as an
adaptive form of the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) but which allows to deal with the non
linearities of the system. In order to use this controller, a nonlinear mathematical model of a flexible
rotatory beam is built through the Lagrangian formulation which can represent a rigid-flexible
satellite. The flexible displacement is modelled using the assumed modes theory and a structural
damping is added applying the Rayleigh technique. After that, one investigates the influence of the
nonlinear terns in the rigid-flexible model. The SDRE controller objectives are to control the hub
angular position and simultaneously to damp the flexible displacements. A computational procedure
is developed which allows drawing a performance map of the system showing all SDRE reachable
performances. Using this control algorithm one can obtain the Pareto’s border representing the set
of optimal performances. On the other hand, analyzing the influence of the weight matrixes terms, it
is shown that it is possible to get the Pareto’s border performances using only a few terms of the
SDRE weight matrixes. On the basis of this analysis, a control law enabling to get weight matrixes’
values as a function of a required performance is developed. Last of all, state dependent weight
matrixes are used to show that they can improve the system performance. Based on the results, it
turned out that the SDRE’s performance is better than the LQR’s one, not only because it can deal
with non linearities, but also because its design is more flexible and permits to control the rigid-
flexible satellite in the same time interval and spending less energy.

The main interest of the SDRE method [1] is that it is a systematic approach that can deal with non-
linear plant. A good state of the art about SDRE theory can be found in [2]. The idea of SDRE is to
linearize the plant around the instantaneous point of operation, producing a constant state-space
model and then calculate the controller as in LQR control technique [3]. The process is repeated at
each sampling periods producing and controlling several state dependent linear models out of a non-
linear one. In other words, a SDRE controller is an adaptive LQR. Feasibility in real time could be a
problem as the computation time for calculating the controller (solving the Algebraic Riccati
Equation ARE) has to be inferior to the sampling time of the system. Therefore, several simulations
have proven the computationally feasibility for real time implementation as in control of missiles
[4] and helicopter [5]. A different approach, also based on an optimization of weight matrix was
applied by [6] and [7] to design a control system of flexible satellites. As feasibility has no more to
be proven, therefore, this study will focus on simulation and will show benefit of this new nonlinear
sdre approach based on the weighting selection as a function of the state.
SDRE Methodology
The SDRE control approach is based on the LQR theory which controller minimize a quadratic
function cost given by


where is the state vector, is the control signal, and, and are the
weight matrices semi defined positive and defined positive respectively.
The idea of this function is making a trade of between performances using the weight to regulate
the “size” of the states and energy saving using the weight to regulate the control signal .
Therefore, the SDRE approach is an extension of the LQR controller with the difference that
weights and can be state dependent:


To solve this optimization problem, it is needed to define the specific problem in order to get
constraints of the cost function. There are two kinds of constraints: the model and initial conditions.
It can be written as:


Applying a direct parameterization to transform the non-linear system of Eq. 3 into State Dependent
Coefficients (SDC) representation [8], the dynamic equation of the system with control can be
written in the form
The control law is given by


where is the solution of the State Dependent Algebraic Riccati Equation (SDARE).

Equations of Motions of Rigid-flexible Satellite.

Figure 1 shows a representation of rigid-flexible satellite by a flexible rotatory beam; which consists
of a beam fixed to the rotor motor at one end and free at the other one. Euler-Bernoulli beam is
used; this means that deformations are considered small. Parameters of the beam are the following:
length , linear density , rigidity and the rotor motor parameters are: angular position ,
which is a rotation along the -axis so gravity has no influence, rotor and beam inertia , a
characteristic constant of the motor , the voltage and radius of the hub . The beam
displacement is . To simplify notation, is used without referring to its variables and its
partial derivatives relative to the time and the position are respectively written and .

Fig. 1 Representation of the rigid-flexible satellite model
The assumed mode method supposes that the flexible displacement is a linear combination of
products of a space function (also called form) with a time function that we
will call mode.


Lagrange theory permits deriving non-linear motion equations. Full calculation can be found in [9].


It is a classical vibrating systems equation where the mass matrix, the damping matrix, the
rigidity matrix and the external force vector.


and are Rayleigh damping coefficients. It is a technic to model structural damping without
having to know all materials properties [10]. Other matrix elements are defined in function of the
form function as


One observes that Eq. 7 represent is nonlinear equation of motion of the rigid-flexible satellite and
where the mass and damping matrix are not constants and depends on and .
To be able to apply the SDRE technique, this system has to be represented in the SDC form, with
the system states x are the rigid mode and flexible modes and their derivatives and control are
defined by


Reorganizing Eq. 7, the equations of motions can be put in the classic state space representation
given by

One observes that and are Rayleigh damping coefficients without considering its division into
static and dynamics and that and are clearly states dependent as well as the matrices and are
state dependent too.
SDRE Simulation Strategy
As matrix and depends on the states their values must be determined on every step. So, for
every iteration of the simulation, states vector is measured, the solution is obtained of SDARE ,
the feedback control is determined by Eq. 5 and then, the new matrix is obtained. This process
is described in the Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 SDRE algorithm

Implementation of this algorithm has been done using the MATLAB-Simulink. The solution of the
Algebraic Riccati Equation (ARE) has been found via a S-function [9]. The maximum voltage
supply for the motor is V. Referring to performance objectives, those are temporal requirements
since the model is non-linear and frequency analysis is not possible. The beam angular position
has to stabilize in the region of the command in a minimum setting time: . The flexible
deflection at beams extremity has to be as smaller as possible and can’t be higher than [cm].
Table 1 shows the values used for the simulation. It has been used 2 flexible modes. All results of
simulation are obtained with the weight . The command signal used for all this study is

Table 1: model parameters values

Bea Moto
Values Values
m r
41.9 0.146
0.0913 0.00753
0.155 0.1282

From the cost function represented by Eq. 2 it can be noted that weight is linked with the states .
weight is responsible for performance of the system. is a matrix where is the
number of flexible modes. In order to influence each state independently has to be chosen a
diagonal matrix, like : diag . Increase results in faster regulation of the associated
state. This insight comes from the analysis of the function cost Eq.(2). Let be a state of this system
and its associated weight. Increasing the state coefficient results in an increasing value of
. To minimize this quantity, has to reach the equilibrium value faster than other states.
Weight terms can be seen as states penalties.
Analyse of weights Q influence


60 +5%

 [deg]
Influence of the each terms of matrix Q Q = Identity
40 Q = 5

Figure 3 shows the influence of each terms of independently. One observes Qthat = 10 increasing q

20 Q = 10
leads to a faster system because state has to reach the equilibrium faster. and penalize d/dt
Q = 10 dq/dt
flexible modes so one can see that the displacement
0 is smaller when the weights increase. Finally
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
penalize the angular speed, that’s why the system ta
kes a longer time to set up.
Analyse of weights Q influence
100 4


60 +5%
 [deg]


Q = Identity
40 Q = 5
Qq = 105

20 Qd/dt = 10 -6

Qdq/dt = 103
0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t [s]

Fig. 3 Analyse of terms influence

To4 investigate the influence of flexible states one keeps the values of and constants.
2 have been represented in Figure 4. The best trade off found is the black response with
and . The settling time is the same as the cyan response and the deflection is
smaller. When looking at the green response and comparing to the black one, ones can see that the


settling time is worse and the deflection gain in dropping the deflection is not so better. Note that

values of and are high because values of and are small, remembering that what is to be
minimized is
-6 and .
Varying Qq and Qdq/dt for Q = 10 and Qd/dt = 1
-8 100
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
t [s]

 [deg]

20 Q = identity
Qq = 106 Qdq/dt = 105

0 Qq = 106 Qdq/dt = 104

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Qq = 105 Qdq/dt = 104
5 3
Qq = 10 Qdq/dt = 10



y [cm]






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
t [s]

Fig. 4. Varying and for and

The next step is to find good and . Other terms have been picked as the “best” value s of the
previous analysis: and . As it is not an issue the way of getting the desired angular
position (smoothly or not), can be relax. One relieves the constraint over , it means that there is
no matter of be high. Figure 5 shows that relaxing this constraint permits a better performance:
green response is faster than blue response and displacement is almost the same. It has been verified
that decrease more than has no effective effect on the system.


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Varying Q and Qd/dt for Qq = 105 and Qdq/dt = 104

100 1.5

80 0.5


y [cm]
 [deg]

Q = identity
-1 Q = 10 Qd/dt = 1

40 -1.5 Q = 10 Qd/dt = 0.1
Q = 20 Qd/dt = 0.1
20 Q = 45 Qd/dt = 0.1

0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 t [s]

Fig. 5. Varying and for and


On Figure 5 it is evident than increasing
improve the settling time but increase flexible
deflections. Then designer has to choose in function of its most important requirement.
y [cm]

Q = identity
-1 Q = 10 Qd/dt = 1

-1.5 Q = 10 Qd/dt = 0.1

SDRE Control Law Based on matrix
Q = 20 Qd/dt = 0.1
Q = 45 Qd/dt = 0.1
One observes that to get a fast response, a high is desired. The idea is to produce a variable in

function of the motion: small at the beginning of the motion and high at the end of the motion. The
0 0.5 1 1.5
t [s]
2 2.5 3

simpler function is a linear function of :

Both and are scalar parameters of the linear function to adjust the law to get the desired
performance. is a small number (typically ) to avoid singularity when . When ,
then, . At the contrary, when , then, . So, it
can be conclude that this function is increasing with the time, starting from and getting to
.Note that this function is not a linear function of the time because is not a linear
function of time. To prove benefits of having such adaptive weight, the response for different
weights has been calculated. The response is analyzed according two parameters: the setting
time and the maximum displacement at the beam extremity .
Performance Map
The performance map shows the system’s performance goals, where each point is obtained by
simulating the system with a different SDRE controller configuration, different values of the
weights of the Q and R matrices. Figure 6 represents the performance map for the objectives
and associated with various values of the matrices weights and

Fig. 6 - Performance map of the SDRE controlled for several different weights Q and R.
From Fig. 6, it can be seen the system performances map of SDRE controller. The division of these
points is not uniform; some sets of points appear in the left Pareto border which represents the best
attainable performances. In this area the density of points is very high; this means that there are
many different combinations of weights that allow optimum performance. In between of the Pareto
area also has a high dot density. These points represent the overshoot performances in the response
θ. Typically, when attempting to increase the speed of the system, a time arrives where the value of
θ to be reached ( ) is exceeded, this causes the stabilization time of the system to increase
abruptly, creating a zone of relatively low point density between the left and right sets of points.

Comparison of the LQR and SDRE Controllers Performance

Figure 7 shows the Pareto boundaries of SDRE and LQR in red and green respectively. It is noticed
that the SDRE controller achieves better performances than the LQR controller because the red
curve is below the green curve. The gain in performance is not very large, probably because the
modeled system does not have very large nonlinearities. It is believed that this gain would be greater
for a system with higher nonlinearities.

Fig. 7 - Comparison of performance map and Pareto frontier of SDRE and LQR controllers.

Figure 8 shows the time domain responses of the three points identified in Figure 7. In addition to
improving the stabilization time of the system having a maximum flexible displacement equal Lmax
= 3cm, the SDRE consumes less energy to perform the maneuver.
Hub angular position:  Beam extremity displacement: y
140 3
120 2 LQR
y [cm]
 [°]



20 -2

0 -3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
t [s] t [s]

t 2
Motor supply: U Energy:  U (t) dt
m 0 m
16 1


12 0.8

Eu [V ]
U [V]



2 0.2

-2 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
t [s] t [s]

Fig. 8 Time domain responses of the three points identified in Figure 7.

In addition, it is noted that when using SDRE with a state-dependent weight matrix, the second peak
of the flexible displacement is larger and reaches almost the same level as the first (3cm). This
phenomenon can be considered as positive because it allows the deformation of the beam during the
maneuvers to be symmetrical on both sides and thus decreases the possibility of the beam presenting
a residual deformation (due to material hysteresis) in one direction when the maneuver is
performed. 393
In this paper the SDRE controller was studied applying it to a non-linear model of a rigid-flexible
rotating robotic arm formed by a flexible rod coupled to a servomotor. The elaborated model
considers an Euler-Bernoulli type beam, uses the assumed modes method with two modes of
vibration, considers first order nonlinearities and has a Rayleigh type structural damping. This
model can be adapted to allow the simulation of satellites with flexible appendices such as antennas
or solar panels. The mathematical model was validated by comparing the open-loop results with the
real system results. The dynamics equations were parameterized to arrive at the SDC form for the
implementation of the SDRE controller. The adjustment of the SDRE controller by means of the Q
and R matrices was studied in detail: a normalization technique was applied in order to be able to
perform simulations to measure the influence of each term of the matrices weight on the
performance of the system. Afterwards, we tried to obtain the best possible performance in terms of
system stabilization time and vibration minimization. For this, the performance map of the SDRE-
controlled system was created to find the Pareto frontier; Set of optimal performance points. Based
on the points of the Pareto frontier, a law was successfully created that allows to obtain the values of
the matrices weight as a function of the value of a parameter of performance. The developed law has
a limitation; It only works for a certain range of performance. Finally, a weight-dependent matrix of
a state was used to show that, in this way, the performance of the SDRE can be improved. The study
was concluded showing that the SDRE controller allows obtaining a better performance than the
regulator LQR.


[1] Cloutier J. R., D’Souza C. N. & Mracek C. P. (1996). Nonlinear Regulation and Nonlinear H-
infinity Control via the State-Dependent Riccati Equation Technique: Part 1. Theory. In Proc.
of the 1st International Conference on Nonlinear Problems in Aviation and Aerospace.
[2] Cimen, T. (2008, July). State-dependent Riccati equation (SDRE) control: a survey. In Proc. of
the 17th IFAC world congress (pp. 3761-3775).
[3] Souza, L. C. G. (2006). Design of Satellite Control System Using Optimal Nonlinear
Theory. Mechanics based design of structures and machines, 34(4), 351-364.
[4] Menon, P. K., Lam, T., Crawford, L. S., & Cheng, V. H. L. (2002). Real-time computational
methods for SDRE nonlinear control of missiles. In American Control Conference, 2002.
Proceedings of the 2002 (Vol. 1, pp. 232-237). IEEE.
[5] Bogdanov, A., & Wan, E. A. (2007). State-dependent Riccati equation control for small
autonomous helicopters. Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics,30(1), 47-60.
[6] Sales, T.P.; Rade, D. A.; Souza, L.C.G. . Passive vibration control of flexible spacecraft using
shunted piezoelectric transducers. Aerospace Science and Technology (Imprimé), v. 1, p. 12-26,
[7] Pinheiro, E. R.; Souza, L. C. G.. Design of the Microsatellite Attitude Control System Using
the Mixed Method via LMI Optimization. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Print), v.
2013, p. 1-8, 2013.
[8] Souza, L. C. G., & Gonzales, R. G. (2012). Application of the state-dependent Riccati equation
and Kalman filter techniques to the design of a satellite control system. Shock and
vibration, 19(5), 939-946.
[9] Bigot, P., & Souza, L. C. (2014). Investigation of the State Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE)
adaptive control advantages for controlling non-linear systems as a flexible rotatory beam.
International journal of systems applications, engineering and development. (Vol. 8, pp 92-99).
[10] Wilson E. L. (1998). Three-Dimensional Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures, Chapter




Andréia H. A. da Silva 1 , Gonzalo L. Pita 2 , Julio Flórez-Lopez 3 , Gustavo H. Siqueira1 , Thiago D. dos
Santos1 , Karolinne O. Coelho1 , Ricardo A. Picón R.4 , Luiz C. M. Vieira Jr. 1
1 University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil.
2 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA.

3 Federal University of Latin American Integration, Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil.

4 Universidad Católica de Temuco, Temuco, Chile.


This paper aims to present a case study where the risk imposed by induced seismicity on Reinforced
Concrete (RC) structures is evaluated. In order to accurately process a large number of RC models in a
timely manner, nonlinear dynamic analysis is performed based on Lumped Damage Mechanics (LDM)
theory. This work is motivated by recent studies which indicate that seismicity can be induced by fluid
injections in oil and gas production; it is not clear, however, what is the impact of this induced seismicity
on the structural integrity of existing buildings. Although most attention has been given to the increase
in seismicity in central United States, Brazil also has potential for shale gas exploitation in the South
and Southwest, as well as in the Amazon region, which is close to tectonic faults and, therefore, is
more prone to inducing seismicity. To assess the risk imposed by the induced seismicity, two structural
configurations are studied: (i) a RC-cantilever column, and (ii) a RC frame; both structures behavior
were calibrated using the LDM software developed by the authors and experimental results reported in
the literature. A Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA), which takes into account characteristics
intrinsic to induced seismicity, is carried out to define all input parameters necessary to generate artificial
earthquakes signals. Monte Carlo analysis are performed to understand the impact of each uncertainty
inherent to the problem. Finally, the performance level of these RC structures is discussed and the
importance of considering accumulated damage in RC structures is emphasized. Results show that is
instrumental to consider earthquake recurrence in addition to its intensity and frequency content. Also, a
procedure to generate artificial ground motion based on PSHA results is reported to guide future research
on this topic. Further studies shall be carried out to extend the analysis framework presented herein to
different locations and structures.

395 1



Marcello Congro1, Rafael Abreu2, Deane Roehl3

Tecgraf Institute, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, marcellocongro@tecgraf.puc-
Tecgraf Institute, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro,
Tecgraf Institute, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro,

In most modeling processes in Engineering, the main goal is to obtain a certain response value
from input data and previously known parameters. However, often not all input values are known. For
many years, direct modeling methodologies were used in order to predict system response behavior.
However, with the increasing advancement of Computational Intelligence and Optimization techniques
in the last decades, inverse analysis emerges as a powerful tool to estimate which input data generate
the known response of a given system. In geomechanical reservoir models, this analysis becomes useful,
since some intrinsic parameters of each model layer are unknown in some cases.
This paper presents a metaheuristic approach for estimating elastic properties of geomechanical
models. Metaheuristic optimization algorithms, such as Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm
Optimization and Simulated Annealing were used in order to determine optimum material properties of
an oil and gas reservoir field. The longitudinal elastic modulus and the Poisson coefficient for the rock
layers that compose the reservoir model are determined to meet in the field stress profile and subsidence.
A finite element analysis provides the system response. Satisfactory results were obtained for the
parameters calculated with the metaheuristic algorithms when compared to literature values. In this
sense, the inverse analysis with such algorithms is an interesting alternative to predict geomechanical


[1] Portela, C., Jarek, A., Lacerda, L.A. Acoplamento de um Algoritmo Genético ao Método dos
Elementos de Contorno para a Análise Inversa em Estruturas. XXXVII Iberian Latin American
Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering. Brasília – DF – Brazil, 2016.

[2] Yin, Zhen-Yu & Jin, Yin-Fu & Shen, Shui-Long & Huang, H. An efficient optimization method for
identifying parameters of soft structured clay by an enhanced genetic algorithm and elastic–viscoplastic
model. Acta Geotechnica, v. 12, p. 849-867, 2017.

[3] Calvello, M., Finno, J. R. Selecting parameters to optimize in model calibration by inverse
analysis. Computers and Geotechnics, v. 31, p.410-424, 2004.




Maria Clara Carvalho Rameiro1, Calebe Paiva Gomes de Souza2

Universidade Federal do Piauí,
Universidade Federal do Piauí,

This paper aims to compare the computational performance of the methods Matrix Inverse, LU
Decomposition, Cholesky Factorization and QR Factorization (direct methods) and Jacobi Method,
Gauss-Seidel Method and Conjugate Gradients (iterative methods) for solving linear systems with
sparse and symmetric matrices that result from the finite element method. The plane structures
analyzed were implemented in MATLAB and discretized in one-dimensional elements (truss and
beam) and two-dimensional elements (triangular). Solvers with each algorithm of the methods were
developed in a script so that they could be individually implemented in each structure, and therefore,
individually analyzed. The comparative analysis considered as parameters the time and memory of
processing for each solution method. For the iterative methods, it was compared the number of
iterations that were necessary for each method to converge. By obtaining these results, it’s possible to
conclude which methods are more advantageous when using the finite element method.

Keywords: finite elements, sparse matrices, computational performance.


Nowadays, the Finite Element Method (FEM) has been increasingly used to discretize a continuous
space in a discrete one, in order to ease the calculations, giving its amplitude of applicability (Dhatt,
2012). FEM results in linear systems that, when converted to matrices, present symmetry and sparcity;
besides, these linear systems involve a great number of variables (Felippa, 2017).
There are various methods of solution of these systems, which are usually classified in direct and
iterative methods. According to Saad (2003), the first technologies that used sparse matrices applied
direct methods mainly. However, iterative methods have been increasingly considered as an option to
solve sparse linear systems.

In this context, this paper aimed to compare direct (matrix inverse, LU decomposition, QR and
Cholesky factorization) and iterative methods (Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and Conjugate Gradient method)
for solving linear systems that result from FEM, using MATLAB® platform to implement structures
discretized in one and two-dimensional elements, in order to optimize the computational use of FEM.


In order to perform the computational analysis, there were chosen three examples concerning
each element (truss, beam and triangular). Each direct and iterative method was implemented in order
to be tested and compared individually. The source code developed in this paper is available in and the methods are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 Methods for solving linear systems applied to finite elements

Methods of Solution
Finite Elements
Direct Methods Iterative Methods
Truss Element
Beam Element Matrix LU QR Cholesky Jacobi Conjugate
Inverse Decomp. Factoriz. Factoriz. Method Gradient
Triangular Element Method


The parameters of the analysis were:

 Response time;
 Memory of processing;
 Number of iterations (for iterative methods).
The validation was obtained with FTOOL® software and analytically for triangular elements, and
the memory of processing and response time were accomplished by MATLAB®’s own functions
memory and tic toc, respectively. Each case was run seven times in a row, and the medium value was
used in the comparative analysis.


A detailed characterization of the examples used in this work can be found in Rameiro (2018).

4.1 Results for Trusses

The results obtained for the cited parameters are presented in Table 2, Figures 1 and 2 below.

Table 5 Number of iterations required for iterative methods to converge for Trusses
Truss-1 Truss-2 Truss-3
(3 nodes) (5 nodes) (26 nodes)
Jacobi 28 69 376
Gauss-Seidel 14 35 270
Conjugate Gradient 2 4 22

Fig. 1 Results of time of processing (in seconds) Fig. 2 Results of memory of processing (in KB) for
for Trusses Trusses

4.2 Results for Beams

The results obtained for the cited parameters are presented in Table 3, Figures 3 and 4 below.

Table 3 Number of iterations needed for iterative methods to converge for Beams
Beam-1 Beam-2 Beam-3
(4 nodes) (5 nodes) (9 nodes)
Jacobi 178 298 405
Gauss-Seidel 88 210 300
Conjugate Gradient 5 7 15

Fig. 3 Results of time of processing (in seconds) Fig. 4 Results of memory of processing (in KB) for
for Beams Beams

4.3 Results for Triangular Elements

The results obtained for the cited parameters are presented in Table 4, Figures 5 and 6 below.

Table 4 Number of iterations required for iterative methods to converge

Plate-1 Plate-2 Plate-3
(9 nodes) (16 nodes) (25 nodes)
Jacobi 1485 3002 3910
Gauss-Seidel 1239 2785 3382
Conjugate Gradient 17 34 56

Fig. 6 Results of time of processing (in seconds) Fig. 6 Results of memory of processing (in KB)
for Triangular Elements for Triangular Elements


It was verified that the response time was lowest for QR Factorization and Matrix Inverse for direct
methods, although this last one showed the highest memory of processing of all methods. The
performance of time from LU and Cholesky decompositions were very similar, however, Cholesky
obtained the lowest values of memory of processing for direct methods, when analyzing structures
with a more robust matrix.
For iterative methods, it was verified that Jacobi showed the lowest response time, however it
required more iterations to reach the adequate precision. Yet the Conjugate Gradient method requires
expressively less iterations to converge when compared to the other ones, and for memory of
processing, it has a performance similar to Gauss Seidel, which had the lowest values of memory
among all methods.
Since the difference among the times of processing were inexpressive (less than one second),
unlike the memory results, the most advantageous methods (according to the these parameters) when
considering a moderate increase in the complexity of the structure are the Gauss Seidel and Conjugate
Gradient methods.


[1] Dhatt, G., Lefrançois, E., Touzot, G. (2012), Finite Element Method, John Wiley & Sons,
Hoboken, NJ, USA.
[2] Davis, T. A., Rajamanickam, S. and Sid-Lakhdar, W. M. (2016), “A survey of direct methods for
sparse linear systems” Acta Numerica, 25, 383-566.
[3] Felippa, C.A. (2017), Introduction to Finite Element Method, University of Colorado, Boulder,
[4] Fish, J. and Belytschko, T. (2007), A first course in Finite Elements. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken,
[5] Rameiro, M.C.C. (2018), “Estudo comparativo em resultados e desempenho computacional dos
principais métodos de resolução de sistemas lineares com matrizes esparsas e simétricas”,
Undergraduate Monograph, Universidade Federal do Piauí, Teresina.
[6] Saad, Y. (2003), Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, Society for Industrial and applied
mathematics, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
[7] Vuik, C. (2017), Iterative Solution Methods, Delft University of Technology, Delft, ZH, Holland.




Matheus H. Lisboa1, Carla T. M. Anflor2

Grupo de Mecânica Experimental e Computacional (GMEC), Universidade de Brasília –
Grupo de Mecânica Experimental e Computacional (GMEC), Universidade de Brasília –

This work numerically assess, using the Boundary Elements Method, the growth of cracks
in a multi-site damage (MSD) situation. In a two-dimensional aluminum plate, two hole-edge,
coplanar cracks are considered. Multiple cracks’ initial size are evaluated and a crack
coalescence criteria is employed.
Keywords: Dual boundary elements method, Multi-Site Damage (MSD), hole-edge crack

1. Introduction
Nowadays its almost common sense the fact that the fatigue crack growth is one of the main
costs to contemporary industry, be it naval, automotive, aeronautics, construction, etc. This
undesired phenomenon, study object of fracture mechanics, is difficult to be analyzed
analytically or experimentally for every case of interest, therefore, the use of numerical methods
in its study is proving itself to be a faster, cheaper and more efficient alternative.
It is relatively easy to assess the decrease in residual strength and the life cycle estimative
for structures with just one crack. However, it’s quite common to occur what is called Multiple
Site Damage (MSD), in which a mechanical component presents the appearance of several
small cracks simultaneously.
Thus, studying the behavior of multiple cracks in situations where the stress field of one can
influence in the propagation of the other is the main purpose of this work. This will be achieved
using Boundary Elements Method (BEM) and employing concepts of Linear Fracture
Mechanics (LFM) in plane, aluminum alloy plates, containing two coplanar hole-edge cracks, as
shown in Fig. 1.
In the work of [1] aluminum plates with the considered geometry were fabricated and
fatigue crack growth rate tests were carried out. To compare the results obtained using
numerical modeling with experimental results from literature in order to validate the code is one
of the steps of the present study.

10 3.5




Figure 1 – Specimen geometry (units in mm) with two coplanar hole-edge cracks.

2. Dual Boundary Elements Method

A variant of BEM is the Dual Boundary Elements Method (DBEM), proposed in a general
form by [2] and applied successfully for the first time in a problem of LFM by [3]. The DBEM
approach consists in applying the displacement integral equation in the plate’s external
boundaries and in one of the crack’s faces, and applying the traction integral equation in the
other face of each crack [4].

′ ′ + ∗
= ∗
′, 1

+ , = , 2
Equations (1) and (2) are linearly independent and, after being solved for every source
points using Gaussian Quadrature, form an algebraic system of equations.

3. Fracture Mechanics
The crack growth process is developed in an incremental way and its path is determined by
the Maximum Circumferential Stress Criteria, that is, for each crack increment the DBEM
performs a stress field analysis in the domain and predicts the direction of the next increment.
With the stress field obtained for each increment, the J-integral technique [5] is applied to
calculate the Stress Intensity Factors (SIF) in mixed mode deformation. The direct calculation
of J-integral results in coupled values for the SIFs, that is, with contributions of deformation
modes I and II. To isolate the SIFs for each mode is used the methodology described in [6]. In

= − , 3

"# = $% #, "## = $% ## , 4
Where M = I or II depending on the deformation mode.
As the cracks grow and their tips approach each other, the stress field of one starts
influencing in the other and vice-versa, what can make the growths faster and more unstable. In
order to predict this behavior, a crack coalescence condition based on the model of Ligament-
Yield Criterion [7] will be added to the code, which assumes that two crack will coalesce when
their plastic zones touch each other.
The plastic zone sizes ahead of the crack tips are estimated using the plastic zone model
described in [7], with the equation,
) "#
'( = + - 5
8 ,(

4. Preliminary Results
Some results already obtained for the geometry presented in Fig. 1 will be presented, as well
as some future perspectives. The full description of material, coefficients, and used values will
be available in the full paper/presentation.

Figure 2 – (a) Geometry with initial mesh and boundary conditions; (b) initial geometry,
without propagation; (c) final geometry, after 6 crack increments.
The stress intensity factors calculated by the J-integral are disposed in the chart of Fig. 3, it
is possible to realize that there is an increase in the SIFs as the cracks grow, and that the SIFs
for both cracks are virtually the same, since they have the same length. The interaction between
the cracks was not finished, so there aren’t plastic zone sizes previews yet and neither condition
for the link-up to happen.


Stress Intensity Factors [MPa.(m)^(1/2)]


Keq - Tip 1

6 Keq - Tip 2

1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 3 – Stress Intensity Factors for each propagation increment: left crack (Tip 1) and right
crack (Tip 2).

[1] JIN, Hui Jin, WU, Su Jun. (2017) A new driving force parameter for fatigue growth of
multiple cracks. Vol. 96, p. 10-16.
[2] H. Hong and J. Chen, Derivations of Integral Equations of Elasticity, J. Eng. Mech. ASCE,
114, 1028-1044 (1988).
[3] Portela, A., Aliabadi, M.H. & Rooke, D.P., 1992. The Dual Boundary Element Method:
Effective Implementation for Crack Problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in
Engineering, Vol. 33, pp.1269-1287.
[4] Aliabadi, M. H., 2002, The Boundary Element Method – Applications in Solids and
Structures, Vol. 2, WILEY.
[5] Rice, J. (1968). A Path Independent Integral and the Approximate Analysis of Strain
Concentration by Notches and Cracks. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 35, 379–386.
[6] Bui, H. (1983). Associated Path Independent J-integrals for Separating Mixed Modes.
Journal of Mechanics & Physics Solids, 31(6), 439–448.
[7] Swift, T. (1993) Widespread Fatigue Damage Monitoring – Issues and Concerns.
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Structural Airworthiness of New and Ageing
Aircraft, Hamburg, p.113–50.
[8] Dugdale, DS.(1960) Yielding of Steel Plates Containing Slits. J Mech Phys Solids; Vol. 8, p.



Mohamed Ali1 , Sami Kaidi1,2 , Emmanuel Lefrançois1

1 Sorbonne universités, Université de technologie de Compiègne, laboratoire Roberval,
60203 Compiègne cedex, France.
2 CEREMA-DtecEMF, 60280 Margny-lès-Compiègne, France.

1. Introdcution
In order to enlarge the navigation (safety) restriction, the Permanent Association of Navigation Congress
(PIANC [1]) established a new concept which is the Nautical Bottom allowing to exploit the mud layer
at the bottom of the channel or harbor. Using this new concept, vessels can navigate under small Under
Keel Clearance (UKC) and even under negative UKC where the ship’s keel is immersed into the mud
layer. These mud layers are formed mainly due the erosive effect of current in rivers. The alteration of
solidification and fluidization phenomena along time results in the formation of new solid bottom (solid
layer of sediments) which requires more dredging operations and a mud layer whose characteristics
depend on the water depth and sediments properties (organic/rocky matter).
Previously, many research works were done to study the effect of this mud layer on the surface
wave behavior (without ship) using different models to describe the mud rheology (Newtonian and non-
Newtonian: viscous, viscoelastic, viscous-elastic-plastic Dalrymple and Liu (1978) [2], MacPherson
(1980) [3], Deng et al. (2017)[4] ). Investigations showed that the mud has an important damping effect
and surface waves are attenuated above the mud layer. These results were useful for the experimen-
tal studies of the behavior of ship navigating in the muddy area such those of Delefortrie et al. 2010
[5], Delefortrie and Vantorre 2016 [6]). As a main result of these studies, it was found that the ship’s
maneuvers are slower in muddy areas especially in the case of a small positive UKC. However, the Ex-
perimental Fluid Dynamic has many drawbacks (availability of experimental data, unrealistic mud layer,
very costly) and reaches its limits. Therefore, it is very needful to use Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) to study the mud effect on the ship’s behavior (Stern et al 2013 [7]).
In the present project, a numerical investigation is undergoing in order to better understand the muddy
bottom effect on the ship’s behavior (Figure 1). The main objectives of this work are: (i) studying the
effect of the undulation of the mud-water interface on the surface wave propagation around the vessel,
(ii) studying the additional forces exerted on the ship and the impact of the muddy bottom on the ship’s
squat (sinkage and trim), and (iii) developing a reduced order model (or a analytical model) to describe
the navigation in muddy areas. The three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations are solved using RANS
method and the commercial software Fluent is used (Kaidi et al. 2017 [8]). The mud-water domain is
modeled, at a first approximation, as two immiscible Newtonian fluids with different constant densities
and viscosities. During the study, many parameters are considered such as the geometrical parameters
(ship dimension, canal dimension,...) and the operating conditions (ship’s speed, UKC, mud/water depth
ratio,...). Special attention is given to the undulation of the mud-water interface and the surface wave
attenuation according to these parameters.

405 1
2. Ship model and numerical method
2.1. Governing equations
The governing equations for mass and momentum conservation are the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes
(RANS) equations for incompressible flow, by using the Einstein notation these equations are given as
∂ρ ∂(ρui )
+ = 0 (1)
∂t ∂xi
∂(ρui ) ∂(ρui u j ) ∂P ∂(ρu0i u0j ) ∂ ∂ui ∂u j 2 ∂ui
+ = − + + µ + − δi j (2)
∂t ∂xi ∂xi ∂x j ∂x j ∂x j ∂xi 3 ∂xi
n 3
ρ= ∑ αn ρn , µ= ∑ αn µn (3)
n=3 n=1

here xi (i = 1, 2, 3) are Cartesian coordinates, ρ is the water density and t is time, ui (i = 1, 2, 3), P and µ
are velocity components, pressure and dynamic viscosity respectively, α is the phase fraction, n = 1, 2, 3
denotes the fluid phase number (water, air and mud), δi j is the Kronecker delta, ui( j) represents the
fluctuating velocity, −ρu0i u0j denote the average Reynolds stresses expressed by
∂ui ∂u j 2 δui
−ρui u j = µ
0 0 + − ρk + µi j δi j (4)
∂x j ∂xi 3 δxi
In the present work, the implicit Menter Shear Stress Transport (SST) k − ω model is chosen for its
robustness and stability to model the turbulence (close and solve the equation set, more details can be
found in Kaidi et al. 2017 [8]).

2.2. CFD solver

In this work, the incompressible flow around the ship hull navigating in muddy areas is studied using
the commercial RANS code "Ansys-Fluent" based on the finite volume method. The pseudo transient
pressure-based coupled algorithm is adopted to compute the pressure-velocity coupling and the (Body
Force Weighted) scheme is selected to compute the cell-face pressure.
To capture the free surface in air-water interface and the mud-water interface, two approaches were used:
(i) the implicit volume of fluid (VOF) method based on a second order scheme and (ii) the mixture
model allowed by Fluent and used to study the interpenetrating phases. The VOF is an Eulerian method
particularly used for flows with deformed interfaces. Using the VOF the air-water interface can be
tracked in a fixed grid by solving the continuity equation of the volume fraction (Eq.5-6).
+ u∇αn = 0 (n = 1, 2, 3) (5)
αn denotes the volume fraction of the nth fluid, and
α= ∑ αn (6)

2.3. Ship hull and boundary conditions

In this work, the hull form of the self-propeller container ship (135 m of length, 11.4 of width and
2.5 of draft) is used. Ne rudder and no propeller are included for the present simulations. The ship
hull geometry is simulated on the scale of 1/25. For the boundary conditions, a symmetry condition
is applied to simulate the flow around the ship in an open channel. Therefore only the half model is
considered. The boundary conditions considered are as follow: (i) at the inlet: velocity inflow, (ii) at the
outlet: outflow condition, (iii) at the bottom wall: moving wall with no slip condition, (iv) at the lateral
side, symmetry plane and top side: symmetry condition, and (v) at the ship hull: fixed wall with no slip

406 2
Figure 1: Problem shematic: left: mud-water interface and free-surface around the moving ship, right:
different fluid layer

3. Mud effect on the free surface behavior

During this work, many cases were studied according to the ship speed and the depth ratio of the
mud/water layers: (i) UKC > 0, (ii) UKC ≈ 0, and (iii) UKC < 0. As a first configuration, the ship
is considered moving in a lateral direction with constant speed (one-degree-of-freedom) in order to study
the mud-water interface, free-surface, and the additional forces due to the mud layer. During this pre-
liminary study, different available approaches were tested for the boundary conditions. The mud layer
is modeled as a Newtonian fluid with higher density and viscosity than water and thus the flow field is
formed by three phases: air, water and mud as shown in Figure 2. A reference case was considered where
only the water is considered on the navigation area. As primary results, the displacement of the ship is

Figure 2: Flow field initialization using Newtonian fluids: air, water and mud (density field)

found to have an important effect on the mud-water interface behavior. Undulations are observed under
and behind the ship. They are due to the variation of the pressure field around the ship which is due to the
density gradients near the mud-water interface. In Figure 3, the undulation of the mud-water interface
are clearly observed. A temporal evolution of the density profile is shown in Figure 4. The gradient of

Figure 3: Undulation of the mud-water interface under and behind the ship (density field

density which is initially sharp near the water-mud interface is more and more smooth due to the change
of pressure field during the ship movement. A deep analysis is ongoing to study quantitatively these
undulations and the free-surface flow according to the ship speed and the considered UKC.

407 3
Figure 4: Variation of the Density profile due to the ship displacement (vertical profile near the ship’s
downstream): dashed line: initial profile, continuous line: modified profile (solid bottom at -0.3 m, mud
layer between -0.1 and 0.1 m and the free-surface at 0.1 m, 1/25 scale is used)

4. Conclusions and perspectives

Numerical investigation on the effect of the mud-water interface on the free-surface and ship behavior
is ongoing. Ansys-Fluent commercial software is used to solve the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes
equations using RANS model and different multiphase approaches (VOF, mixture). For this preliminary
work, the mud layer is modeled as a Newtonian fluid with higher density and viscosity than water. Other
model are to be considered such as the non-Newtonian model and the dependent-depth density profile.
Results show that ship displacement causes undulations at the mud-water interface according to its speed
and the UKC considered. For the presented case (one degree-of-freedom), undulations appear under and
behind the ship. They are due to the pressure field modification around the moving ship. More detailed
study is conducted to deeply study the effect of these undulations on the free-surface behavior and on the
ship’s squat.

[1] PIANC/IAPH (1997). Approach channels - A guide for design. Final report of the joint Working Group PIANC
and IAPH, in cooperation with IMPA and IALA. Supplement to PIANC Bulletin No. 95, June 1997.
[2] R.A. Dalrymple and P. L-F. Liu. Waves over Soft Muds: A Two-Layer Fluid Model, Journal of Physical
Oceanography, vol 8, pp. 1121-1131, 1978.
[3] H. MachPherson. The attenuation of water waves over a non-rigid bed, Journal of Fluid Mechnanics, vol 97,
pp. 721-742, 1980.
[4] B.Q. Deng, Y. Hu, X. Guo, R.A. Dalrymple, L. Shen. Numerical study on the dissipation of water waves over
a viscous fluid-mud layer, Computers and Fluids, vol 158, pp. 107-119, 2017.
[5] G. Delefortrie, M. Vantorre. Squat prediction in muddy navigation areas, Ocean Engineering, vol 37, pp.
1464-1476, 2010.
[6] G. Delefortrie, M. Vantorre. Ship Manoeuvring Behaviour in Muddy Navigation Areas: State of the Art, 4th In-
ternational Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water (MASHCON), Hamburg, 2016.
[7] F. Stern, J. Yang, Z. Wang, H. Sadat-Hosseini, M. Mousaviraad, S. Bhushan, T. Xing. Computational ship
hydrodynamics: Nowadays and way forward, International Shipbuilding Progress, vol 60, pp. 3-105, 2013.
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noeuvring using CFD method, Journal of Hydrodynamics, vol 29, pp. 154-167, 2017.

408 4


Mohammad Malekan1, Simão Bach2, Idagene A. Cestari3
Bioengineering Laboratory, Heart Institute (InCor), University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil,
Bioengineering Laboratory, Heart Institute (InCor), University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Bioengineering Laboratory, Heart Institute (InCor), University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Heart failure is an important cause of morbidity and mortality and a survival of approximately 2 to 3
years after diagnosis. Although a small number of patients may qualify for heart transplants, this
limited by strict selection criteria and lack of availability of donor hearts. In Brazil, due to the high
cost of imported systems, the use of ventricular assist devices is practically inexistent, justifying the
development of a national technology. This work aimed to contribute to the development of the
pediatric ventricular assist device (VAD) developed at the Heart Institute (InCor) of the University of
São Paulo. The simulations involved initial FSI simulation long with movement of the mechanical
heart valves to be used with the VAD for fully FSI simulation. This paper presents the blood
hemodynamics in a pediatric VAD using computational fluid dynamics and FSI simulations. Blood is
assumed as Newtonian, viscose and incompressible fluid. On the basis of results, a detailed analysis is
presented and main aspects of the work is highlighted in the conclusion.
Keywords: Ventricular Assist Devices, Biomechanical engineering, Fluid-structure interaction,
Mechanical heart valve

Heart failure (HF) is a serious health problem with millions of cases each year and it is on the main
cause of mortality worldwide [1]. HF is among the progressive disease with approximately 5 % of HF
patients suffer from end-stage disease refractory to medical therapy [2], [3]. Heart transplantation is
still the main treatment for patients with continuous heart failure resilient to any medical therapy. HF
increases significantly among elderlies, specifically after age 65. The heart failure incidence will be
double in this group within the next 20 years, because of population growth [4]. Vast progress of the
mechanical circulatory support over the past 2 decades provides a major impact on the heart failure
treatment methodologies. As an outcome, ventricular assist devices (VADs) delivers a suitable
solution for the patients with heart failure issue.
There are various investigations related to the computational analysis of VADs, see [5]–[8]. Each one
of these studies focused on a specific type and size of VADs, but almost all of them have used fluid-
structure interaction (FSI) as the main computational approach to tackle the membrane-blood
interactions modeling. There, this approach is used in this work to model the blood-membrane as well
as mechanical heart valve interactions in a pediatric VAD. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is
used to model the blood hemodynamics and deformation and transient mechanical solver is used to
model the membrane deformation under the applied pressure and corresponding force from the blood.
Then, the system coupling is used to couple these two solvers which leads to fully-coupled FSI model.

Methods and Results
The geometry of VAD is shown in Figure 1. This model contains the membrane, mechanical heart
valve, as well as the blood and their interactions is modeled using FSI approach. The body forces are
neglected due to the short computational domain. The blood flow is considered as an incompressible
Newtonian fluid and laminar with a viscosity and density of 0.0035 Pa.s and 1050 kg/m3, respectively.
The membrane is made of thermoplastic ployurethane material with elastic modulus of 100 MPa,
density of 1100 kg/m3, and Poisson ratio of 0.4. The BCs are the pulsatile mass flow rate (for 80 bpm)
at the inlet and zero pressure at the outlet. The mechanical heart valve movement are modeled using a
used-defined function written in C and coupled with the Fluent solver. No slip condition was used at
the vessel surfaces for the blood flow.

Figure 1. Geometry of the pediatric VAD

Figure 2 shows the workflow for co-simulation 2-way FSI analysis in ANSYS® workbench. This
workflow consists of transient structural analysis system, fluid flow analysis system (Fluent), system
coupling component system, and results viewer module. The geometry is shared between structural
and Fluent® solvers. The structural response is studied on the membrane, while fluid response is
studied on the blood movement due to the forces from the membrane.

Figure 2. Workflow for co-simulation 2-way FSI analysis in ANSYS workbench

Mechanical heart valve movement were initially tested separately in an aortic-ventricle tube in order to
be sure of their correct functionality in the FSI model. This model was simulated for a situation with
cardiac output of 2.5 lit/min and heart rate of 90 bpm. As it can be seen in Figure 3, in the fully-
opened valve phase, the maximum velocity is reached a value of 1.6 m/s which is close to the value
from the literature [9], [10]. It also shows the three jet orifices that typically are shaping during each
complete valve movement cycle.

Figure 3. Velocity distribution (m/s) for the aortic-ventricle tube with the mechanical heart valve

Figure 4 shows the shear stress distribution over the membrane along with its deformation due to the
applied load from the air pressure. This deformation also forces the blood boundaries to be changed
with the same profile, and hence we can capture blood circulation in our simulation.

Figure 4. Distribution of shear stress over the membrane as well as its deformation due to applied load.

This work presented the preliminary results of a pediatric VAD simulation using FSI technique. The
model consists of membrane deformation, blood flow and mechanical heart valve movements that
were coupled in a system-based approach, i.e., fluid and solid systems. The fluid part was solved in
Fluent®, where the solid part was solved using transient mechanical solver. In addition, the mechanical
heart movements were initially modeled separately in order to test the UDF code and valve open-close
phases. The complete numerical model will contain 2-4 cardiac cycles in order to have a stabilized
computational model.

The authors are gratefully acknowledging important support from the São Paulo State Foundation
(FAPESP, Grants: 2012/50283-6, 2017/20994-1).
[1] A. Mosterd and A. Hoes, “Clinical epidemiology of heart failure.,” Heart, vol. 93, pp. 1137–1146, 2007.
[2] E. D. Adler, J. Z. Goldfinger, K. Jill, M. E. Park, and D. E. Meier, “Palliative care in the treatment of
advanced heart failure. 2009;120:2597–606.,” Circulation, vol. 120, pp. 2597–2606, 2009.
[3] E. Y. Birati and M. Jessup, “Left Ventricular Assist Devices in the Management of Heart Failure,” Card.
Fail. Rev., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 25–30, 2015.
[4] E. Braunwald, D. P. Zipes, P. Libby, and R. O. Bonow, Braunwald’s Heart Disease: A Textbook of
Cardiovascular Medicine, 7th ed. Saunders, Philadelphia, Pa, USA, 2005.
[5] E. Ferrara, M. Muramatsu, K. T. Christensen, and I. A. Cestari, “Particle-Image Velocimetry Study of a
Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device,” J. Biomech. Eng., vol. 132, no. 7, p. 71004, 2010.
[6] A. Caimi et al., “Toward the Virtual Benchmarking of Pneumatic Ventricular Assist Devices:
Application of a Novel Fluid-Structure Interaction-Based Strategy to the Penn State 12 cc Device,” J.
Biomech. Eng., vol. 139, no. 8, pp. 1–10, 2017.
[7] Y. Bazilevs, C. C. Long, and A. L. Marsden, “Fluid-structure interaction simulation of pulsatile
ventricular assist devices,” Comput. Mech., vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 971–981, 2013.
[8] C. W. Ong et al., “Fluid Structure Interaction Simulation of Left Ventricular Flow Dynamics under Left
Ventricular Assist Device Support,” pp. 6293–6296, 2012.
[9] M. Jahandardoost, G. Fradet, and H. Mohammadi, “Hemodynamic study of the elliptic St. Jude Medical
valve: A computational study,” Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part H J. Eng. Med., vol. 230, no. 2, pp. 85–96,
[10] L. P. Dasi, H. A. Simon, P. Sucosky, and A. P. Yoganathan, “Fluid mechanics of artificial heart valves,”
Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol., vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 225–237, 2009.



Nasser Samir Alkmim 1 , Francisco Evangelista Junior2
1 University of Brasilia,
2 University of Brasili,

1. Introduction
In this work, the numerical implementation of the eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) is described
to solve mechanical problems in two dimensions considering weak discontinuities.
The eXtended finite element method (XFEM) is a numerical method that extends the classical finite
element method (FEM) by adding additional degree’s of freedom with local enrichments. The enrichments
use the concept of partition of unit [1] which is a set of functions φi such that ∑∀i φi = 0. One of the main
advances of the method is to approximate solution with non-smooth characteristics.
One particular case of problem that presents non-smooth properties is the mechanical analysis of
composite materials. In this case, stress and strain field are not continuous across the material boundary.
Discontinuities are classified accordingly to the jump in the gradient of the field, they can be strong or
weak. If the gradient presents a jump the discontinuity is called strong. Weak discontinuity is characterized
by a kink in the gradient distribution.
The enhanced approximation for an element displacement function is given by the sum of the standard
FEM [3] approximation and additional functions,
u(x,t) ≈ uh (x,t) = ∑ Ni (ξ)ui + ∑ N j (ξ) (ψ(x) − ψ(x j )) a j
i=1 j=1

≡ Nstd enr
(ξ) u + N(ξ) a, x ∈ Ω(e) (2)

where ψ(x) is the enrichment function. The form ψ(x) − ψ(x j ) is known as shifted enrichment function
and is important to ensure that the function is approximated by the generalized coordinates at the nodes,
i.e., u(xk ) = uk . This allows one to enforce the boundary conditions directly in the linear system the
same way as in the standard finite element method.
N and M are the number of standard shape function and the number of enrichment functions. The
vectors u and a contain the standard unknowns and the new enrichment unknowns respectively.
For the plane problem the shape function matrices are given by,
std def Ni (ξ) 0 enr def N j (ξ) (ψ(x) − ψ(x j )) 0
Ni (ξ) = , N j (ξ) = (3)
0 Ni (ξ) 0 N j (ξ) (ψ(x) − ψ(x j ))

where, for quad elements, the shape functions given in isoparametric coordinates ξ = (ξ, η) are expressed
by Nk (ξ, η) = 41 (1 − ξk ξ) (1 − ηk η), with k = 1, 2, 3, 4 and (ξk , ηk ) the nodes coordinates of the master
element in the isoparametric coordinate system.
The enrichment function used in this work to model weak discontinuity is the ramp function [2] which
is based on the absolute value of the level set function.

413 1
2. Level set function
The level set function is used to define the discontinuities interface and is defined as a sign distance,
φ(x) = ||x − x∗ ||sign(n · (x − x∗ )) (4)
where the variables are depicted in fig. 1. The point x∗ is the closest from a general x to the discontinuity
surface. The zero level set indicates the discontinuity interface, φ(x∗ ) = 0. The inner product will indicate
if the point is inside or outside the inclusion. If the inner product is negative then the point is inside.

Figure 1: Level set function

3. Level set Implementation

This function is discretely created as a numpy two-dimensional array in which its values represent the
distante of grid nodes1 to the discontinuity interface. Therefore we need a way to define the discontinuity
interface which is done by evaluating grid points in a function that defines the interface. Figure 2 shows
how the interface can be defined as an array with -1 and 1 in which the zero level set, where the function
transition from positive to negative, indicates the discontinuity interface. In the left plot we can see the a
horizontal plane which cuts the function in the zero level set.

1.00 1.00
1.0 0.75 0.75
0.50 0.25
0.5 0.00
0.25 −0.25
0.0 0.00 −0.50
−0.25 −1.00
−0.5 1.0
−1.0 −0.75 −1.0 0.0
−0.5 −0.5
−1 0 1 −1.00 0.0
0.5 −1.0

Figure 2: A 2d array of -1 and 1 to define an interface where the inclusion is. The inclusion shape is
defined by when the value change from -1 to 1, which means the zero level set.

The advantage of this implementation of the discontinuity interface, represented by the zero level set
of the 2-dimensional array, is that we gain flexibility since there are multiple ways to come up with this
array. Other aspect is that the resolution in which the interface is represented can also be controlled by the
shape of the array, therefore, complex interfaces can also be represented.
The transition from the discontinuity representation to the signed distante function is performed using
an already implemented function from the scikit-fmm package. Figure 3 shows this transition. Now we
have an array with the distance of each grid node to the zero level set (discontinuity interface).
1 This grid is independent of the mesh grid.

414 2
1.0 1.00
0.5 0.75 0.50
0.50 0.00
0.25 −0.25
−0.5 0.00 1.0
−0.25 −1.0 0.0
−1.0 −0.5
−1 0 1 −0.50 0.0 −0.5
0.5 −1.0

Figure 3: Distance function that represents the distance of grid points to the zero level set, which defines
the inclusion interface.

This grid distance values are interpolated to the finite element mesh nodes and used to enrich its
approximation function.

4. XFEM verification
This verification is done by modeling a slab made out of two materials, on the outside the Young’s modulus
is twice the value of the center. Problem description is shown in fig. 4. Figure 5 show the different meshes
used for both FEM and XFEM models together with the displacement solution. Results shown in fig. 6
indicate that the XFEM results are less than 1% different from regular FEM considering the same number
elements even though the XFEM model contains more degree’s of freedom.

Figure 4: Problem description for XFEM verification

5. Conclusion
The implementation of the XFEM together with the level set function was described using the Python
programming language. A simple verification problem was presented in order to check the code. The
program is under development and is hosted in a github repository as open source software under the
name scikit-mechanics The level set function is conveniently created from a simple array in which
the zero level set defines the discontinuity interface. This allows complex material interfaces to be easily
described, which can be usefull when performing a multiscale analysis.

[1] C. A. Duarte, I. Babuška, and J. T. Oden, “Generalized finite element methods for three-dimensional
structural mechanics problems,” Computers & Structures, vol. 77, no. 2, pp. 215–232, 2000.

415 3
0.2 0.2 0.2
y (m)

y (m)

y (m)
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
x (m) x (m) x (m)

0.2 0.2 0.2

y (m)

y (m)

y (m)
0.1 0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
x (m) x (m) x (m)

Figure 5: FEM mesh at the top row and XFEM mesh at the bottom


error (%)
fem 32Ele
uy (cm)

χfem 32Ele 2
fem 128Ele
0.14 χfem 128Ele
fem 512Ele
0.12 χfem 512Ele
0 20 40 60 100 200 300 400 500
x (cm) Number of elements

Figure 6: Displacement uy at section y = 0.1 m and error of the maximum vertical displacement using the
FEM result as reference.

[2] A. R. Khoei, Extended Finite Element Method: Theory and Applications. Chichester, West Sussex:
John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2015.
[3] O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, The Finite Element Method, 5th ed. Oxford ; Boston: Butterworth-
Heinemann, 2000.

416 4


David Oliveira da Fonseca 1 , Raquel Jahara Lobosco 2 , Graziella Maria Faquim Jannuzzi 3 , Necesio
Gomes Costa 4
1 Rio de Janeiro Federal University,
2 Rio de Janeiro Federal University,
3 Rio de Janeiro Federal University,
4 Rio de Janeiro Federal University,

A numerical simulation of the incompressible multiphase hydraulic jump flow was performed to compare
the interface prediction through the use of the three RANS turbulence models: k–ε, RNG k–ε and SST k–
ω. A submerged hydraulic jump was modeled in the two dimensional simulation and a classic hydraulic
jump was modeled in the three dimensional simulation. Hydraulic jumps occur due to the rapid transition
from supercritical to subcritical flow, associated with a sudden elevation of water level, surface waves
and air bubble entrainment. Both the geometry and the mesh were created using the open source Gmsh
code. The project’s geometry consists of a rectangular canal with some length and height differences
between the two dimensional and three dimensional simulations. Uniform hexahedral cells were used
for the mesh. Three refining meshes were constructed to verify simulation convergence. The Volume
of Fluid (VOF) method was used for treatment of the water–air surface. The turbulence models were
evaluated in three distinct set up configurations to provide a greater accuracy in the flow representation.
The results were compared with literature data. In the two dimensional analysis, the RNG k–ε turbulence
model provided better results when compared with experimental results, while in the three dimensional
analysis the k–ε model provided better results. In this way the RNG k–ε model is better suited than the
other two models for tracking the height and length of the hydraulic jump.

1. Review
Te Chow states [1], the hydraulic jump was first investigated experimentally by Bidonel, in 1818. This
led Belanger in 1828 to develop the equation of momentum flow conservation. The hydraulic jump is
formed when the depth of the critical flow (y1) and the depth of the subcritical flow (y2), satisfies the
Belanger Equation. It is known that this equation was verified experimentally by several scientists and
has become very useful in basic hydraulics. Analytical solutions of the hydraulic jump were presented
by [2], who implemented an analysis of the study of the propagation of the jump in a channel of uniform
width and variable length. In particular, they derived a differential equation and determined how the
height varies with the wave propagation. Thus, they established criteria for the wave to grow, decay or to
propagate with constant amplitude. Three years later, [3] introduced the famous Volume of Fluid (VOF)
method. This method has been shown to be more flexible and efficient than old methods for dealing with
complex free contour configurations.

2. Results and discussion

The purpose of this study was to compare the models of turbulence in the numerical simulation problems
of hydraulic jump in open channels. In order to validate which model of turbulence had the highest accu-
racy, a comparison with the experimental results of [4] (two-dimensional case) and [5] (three-dimensional
case) was developed. In total, fifteen simulations: three in the two-dimensional case plus two in the three-

417 1
dimensional case were investigated. Both studies were made to verify which of the inserted models has
greater accuracy in the simulation numerical value of the hydraulic jump. In particular, the height of the
hydraulic jump (hr) and the length (Lr).

2.0.1 Bidimentional analysis

In Figure 1, the model RNG k–ε shows the best fit with the experimental results, while the models k–ε
and SST k–ω show both a similar adjust. As in this experiment the Froude numeber is 8.19, the hydraulic
jump has a chaotic behavior and due to that there are a fluctuation in the air-water interface capture at
the beginning of the computacional domain. In this simulation the RNG k–ε model achieved the best
agreement with the experimental results.

Figure 1: Comparison between the turbulence models standard mesh refinement.





Exp. 8, Long et al. (1990)
k−ε Malha padrão, t = 60 s
4 SST k−ω Malha padrão, t = 60 s
RNG k−ε Malha padrão, t = 60 s
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

In the Figure 2 an adimentional longitudinal velocity profile (Ux ) is shown in comparison to the re-
spective turbulence model.

Figure 2: Longitudinal velocity (Ux ) comparison with the turbulence model.

Exp. 8, Long et al. (1990)
SST k−ω Malha padrão, t = 60 s
16 RNG k−ε Malha padrão, t = 60 s
k−ε Malha padrão, t = 60 s



0 20 40 60 80 100

The hydraulic vorticity are shown in a stream line at the Figure 3. For a inicial velocity of Ui = 3.14m/s,
the supercritic depth flow was y1 = 0.015m and the Froude number Fr = 8.19. The solution was pro-
cessed for 60s with a standard mesh refinement for three turbulence models.

The numerical convergence of the turbulence SST k–ω model is showed in the Figure 4. After 60s the
initial residuo of the variables are keept constant, under e−4 .

2.0.2 Tridimensional simulation

Similar to the two-dimensional case, a qualitative analysis was performed to verify the behavior of a
hydraulic jump phenomenon. The Froude number adopted for the results showed below was 7.5.
Similar to the two-dimensional case, the same procedure to guarantee the numerical convergence was

418 2
Figure 3: Stream lines of the submersed hydraulic jump.

Figure 4: Residual convergence of the numerical simulation.

−1 k
Resíduo inicial




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Tempo (s)
made for the three-dimensional case as showed in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Initial residual of the tridimentional analysis.

Resíduo inicial




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Tempo (s)

It is observed that from 15s the solution is stable with the residues below e−3 .
1. This experiment consists of the following configuration: initial velocity Ui = 1.74m/s, depth of
supercritical flow y1 = 0.02m and Froude number of Fr = 3.1.

Figure 6: Turbulence model comparison with the free surface adjustment, for a standard mesh, in a flow
with Fr = 3.1.





Wang, Murzyn e Chanson (2015)
1.5 k−ε Malha padrão, t = 30 s
RNG k−ε Malha padrão, t = 30 s
SST k−ω Malha padrão, t = 30 s
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 6 shows, it is possible to verify that none of the three turbulence models have a good align-
ment with the experimental data. In addition, the turbulence model RNG k–ε, which previously

419 3
obtained good results with the two-dimensional data, is as less accurate as the SST k–ω model. In
this way, the turbulence model that best suits the three-dimensional case of this experiment is the
model k–ε.
The relative errors (er ) for this experiment, confirming analytically, that the model k–ε stands out
among the others.

2. This experiment consists of a initial velocity Ui = 3.37m/s, depth of supercritical flow y1 = 0.02m
and Froude number of Fr = 7.5.

Figure 7: Turbulence model comparison with the free surface adjustment, for a standart mesh, in a flow
with Fr = 7.5.




Wang, Murzyn e Chanson (2015)
k−ε Malha padrão, t = 30 s
2 RNG k−ε Malha padrão, t = 30 s
SST k−ω Malha padrão, t = 30 s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

By the relative error, the turbulence model k–ε obtained good results in relation to the experimental data.
This demonstrates that in this case that is possible to obtain accurate results without using a very fine
refinement mesh. The turbulence models RNG k–ε and SST k–ω exhibit a slight improvement in the
alignment to the experimental data. However, the variables Lr and hr have a worse adjustment.

3. Conclusion
Choosing the best turbulence model for CFD codes among a large number of options is crucial, however,
it can be a tricky activity due mainly to strong dependence on particular cases. In the literature, it is
found that the RNG k–ε turbulence model is most commonly used for hydraulic application. In spite
of this, this work carried out fifteen simulations to compare which of the three models of turbulence
mentioned has a better prediction for the hydraulics. For the two dimensional modeling, the turbulence
model RNG k–ε was confirmed to be the most suitable model, both visually and in the analysis of the
water-air interface and analytically in relation to the height of the jump (hr ) and the length of the jump
(Lr ). For the three-dimensional modeling, unexpectedly, the turbulence model k–ε proved to be more
appropriate, both visually and analytically in the same variables.

Ven Te Chow. Open-Channel Hydraulics. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2 edition, 1959.
Matthew F. McCarthy and Patrick M. O’Leary. The growth and decay of a hydraulic jump. Journal of Hydrology,
39(3):273 – 285, 1978.
C.W Hirt and B.D Nichols. Volume of fluid (VOF) method for the dynamics of free boundaries. Journal of
Computational Physics, 39(1):201 – 225, 1981.
D. Long, P. M. Steffler, and N. Rajaratnam. LDA study of flow structure in submerged hydraulic jump. Journal of
Hydraulic Research, 28(4):437–460, 1990.
Hang Wang, Frederic Murzyn, and Hubert Chanson. Interaction between free-surface, two-phase flow and total
pressure in hydraulic jump. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 64:30 – 41, 2015.

420 4




Gilberto C. Pereira¹, Nelson F.F. Ebecken¹

¹ COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro



Ecological systems are exposed and are influenced by a variety of natural and anthropogenic
disturbances, thus producing various effects and response states seeking symmetry for a phase
state or overall coherence of stability and equilibrium of their food webs. Thus, this study aims
to develop computational systems and data models to evaluate how these ecological networks
are organized from a structural and functional point of view, as well as to analyze the types
and degree of compartmentalization and synchronization between oscillatory and
interconnected elements and the influence of disturbances on the overall rhythm pattern of
the system.


An ecological network is a representation of the biotic interactions in an ecosystem, in which

species (nodes) are connected by pairwise interactions (links). Ecological networks are used to
describe and compare the structures of real ecosystems, while network models are used to
investigate the effects of network structure on properties such as ecosystem stability.

Synchronization refers to a process wherein two (or many) chaotic systems (either equivalent
or nonequivalent) adjust a given property of their motion to a common behavior due to a
coupling or to a forcing (periodical or noisy).

In a great number of networks with highly diversified geographical extent and taxa, the change
over time of the abundances of populations are highly correlated. This property, known in
ecology as population synchrony, has been documented for many populations.

Synchrony may arise from two independent mechanisms: migration (dispersal) of populations
among patches; and dependence of populations upon a common fluctuating environmental
factor, a mechanism known as Moran effect. The Basic Problem is the interplay between
topology and dynamics Structure vs. Functionality.

Types of Synchronization: With a network point of view the previous studies have focused on
Complete synchronization (CS) also named conventional synchronization or identical
synchronization, Is where all agents on a network converge to the same dynamics.

However, many networks display patterns of partial synchronization (clusters), where different
groups of agents converge to distinct behaviors: Lag synchronization (LS), Generalized
synchronization (GS), Phase synchronization (PS) - intermediate regime Imperfect phase
synchronization (IPS) and Almost synchronization (AS).

N nodes (13.385) which interact through 3 trophic layers with a total of 3.996.714 links
representing 3 different kind of interactions.


• The phenomenon of synchronization is one of the paradigmatic observations in

different dynamical systems. It is at the heart of some biological processes, and
according to the wide variety of applications presented, it is a plausible abstraction for
many other processes in different contexts.

• The elegant structure of the formalism, designed for linear systems or nonlinear
systems close to the synchronization state, allows us to make theoretical predictions
independent of the specificities of the dynamics.

• Applications that can be cast into mathematical models equivalent to those presented,
indicates an explosion of activity in different disciplines that will use the conceptual
framework of synchronization processes in networked systems as a fundamental
playground for understanding its dynamical behavior.


[1] Gouhiera, T.C., Guichardb, F., Menge, B.A., Ecological processes can synchronize marine
population dynamics over continental scales. PNAS, 107: 18, 8281-8286, 2010.

[2] Liebhold, A., Koenig, W.D., Bjørnstad, O.N., SPATIAL SYNCHRONY IN POPULATION
DYNAMICS. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 35: 467-90, 2004.

[3] Yuxiang Zhang, Y., Lutscher, F. Guichar, F., How robust is dispersal-induced spatial
synchrony? Chaos 25, 036402; doi: 10.1063 / 1.4906951, 2015.

[3] Kuramoto, Y. Scaling Behavior of Turbulent Oscillators with Non-Local Interaction. Progress
Theoretical and Experimental Physics, v. 94, n. 3, p. 321-330, 1995.

[4] Kuramoto, Y.; Nakao, H., Origin of power-law spatial correlations in distributed oscillators
and maps with nonlocal coupling. Physical Review Letters, v. 76, n. 23, p. 4352-4355, 1996.

[5] G. C. Pereira, A. R. Figueiredo, N. F. F. Ebecken. 2018. Using in situ flow cytometry images of
ciliates and dinoflagellates for aquatic system monitoring. Braz. J. Biol. 2018, vol. 78, no. 2, pp.

Shaped Charge Optimization Through Evolutionary Methods
Alexandre A Motta 1, Nelson F F Ebecken 11
NTT / COPPE / Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Cidade Universitária, CT Bloco B Sala 100 - Caixa Postal: 68506 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil - 21945-970

(Received keep as blank , Revised keep as blank , Accepted keep as blank )

Abstract. Shaped charge - Walters (2007) and Carlucci and Jacobson (2007), technology is no only broadly used
to defeat armor but also to perforate tunnels for extraction of oil and gas - Atwood et al (2009) and Han et al (2010),
and in demolition of buildings and structures - Xiao et al (2016). Several experimental methods have been developed
to optimize shaped charge munitions but the use of evolutionary methods is novel in the field. The model presented
by Johnsson et al (2013), simple, effective and robust for the desired development, was selected and efforts are
presently being carried out to develop a Genetic Algorithms-based tool to allow improvements in existing munitions
and to possibly provide insights about their performance without the need of expensive field experiments.
Keywords: shaped charges, optimization, genetic algorithms

1. Introduction

The work of Walters and Zukas (1989) lay the fundamentals on shaped charges, having been
expanded and complemented by many authors since then, like more “recent” works from Carlucci
(2007), Atwood et al (2009), Han et al (2010) and Xiao et al (2016).
Basically, according to the authors (1989), when a cylindrical explosive charge with a hollow
cavity in one end is initiated from the other end, the detonation products will be focused on the
hollow end, generating an “intense localized force”, that is capable of producing a deeper
penetration when directed against a metal plate than the same explosive without the cavity ̶ even if
we consider the reduced mass of explosive resulting from the cavity volume in the first.
This effect is known by names such as the Munroe, von Foerster or Neumann effect.
If a thin layer of an inert material such as a metal, ceramic or glass is applied on the surface of
the cavity, when detonated, the focused energy, when transferred to the lining material, propelling
it with very high kinetic energy. Due to the symmetry of the arrangement, the formed high velocity
jet will be directed at the axis of the cavity. Still according to Walters and Zukas (1989), the lining
material may be subjected to strain rates of 104-107/s and “maximum strains greater than 10 can be
readily achieved”, resulting in “a jet where the jet tip velocity can travel in excess of 10 km/sec”.
However, the author states, this jet will eventually breakdown in smaller particles because “of the
presence of a velocity gradient”. Fig. 1 shows a schematic representation of a shaped charge

Corresponding author, Professor Nelson Francisco Favilla Ebecken, E-mail:

D.Sc., E-mail:


Fig. 1 Schematic representation of a shaped charge munition (Walters and Zukas, 1989)

The applications of shaped charge are not limited to military use. Examples can be found in the
work of Walters (1990), Galante et al (1993) and Duan et al (2017).
Historically, shaped charge munition, whether for military or civilian applications, has been
developed using trial and error and semi-empirical methods. The literature shows a variety of
computational methods used to predict the performance of such munitions, but no method exists to
help developing a new or to improve an existing ammunition. Motta and Ebecken (2014)
presented a method, based on Genetic Algorithms (GA ̶ Goldberg, 1989), which was later applied
to kinetic ammunition optimization (2017).
The present work uses a simple model, adopted by the Swedish Fortifications Agency (2011),
to calculate the penetration caused by a shaped charge on a metallic target. More complex models,
which may include the performance calculation using the Finite Elements Method, like used by
Motta and Ebecken (2007), can be used in substitution of the present model. The simpler model is
adequate for the demonstrational purpose of the present work though, reason for its choice.
The results show good convergence and the results can provide insights on the improvement of
performance as a result of sometimes small changes in some parameters.
Coding and processing were carried on locally using Intel® Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition
for Windows running on Microsoft® Visual Studio Enterprise 2015.

2. The model

2.1 Model formulation

The model, as presented by Johnsson et al (2013), considers that the so-called depth of
penetration, or, simply, the penetration or even the performance (Pen) of a shaped charge munition
is a function of the warhead caliber (Ø), a coefficient for jet length k1 (Table 1), a coefficient for
the target material k2 (Table 2), the jet density (ρjet) and the target material density (ρtarget).
The penetration is calculated as in Eq. 1:


The relevance of the jet and target material densities ratio relies on the fact that, according to

Birkhoff et al. (1948), the interaction between the jet and the target can be considered to follow the
hydrodynamic theory of jet formation.

Table 1 Coefficient for jet length k1, Johnsson et al (2013)

Warhead Caliber [mm] k1
Sub-munition < 70 8
Hand-held anti-tank weapons < 110 8/12/16*
Light anti-tank missiles < 130 12/16**
Heavy anti-tank missiles < 180 12/16**
Ballistic missiles < 350 12/16**
* = 8 is used only for older ammunition with a depth of penetration into
steel up to 4 diameters, else k1 = 12.
** = 12 is used for all munitions, except late versions, with a depth of
penetration into steel corresponding to 8 calibers.

Table 2 Coefficient for target material k2, Johnsson et al (2013)

Target material Density, appr. [kg/m3] k2
Sand, gravel 1,600 1.0
Ordinary concrete (C40) 2,400 0.8
High-strength concrete (C140) 2,500 0.5

Still according to Johnsson et al (2013), Eq. 1 was developed for protective purposes and hence
based on optimal performance of the ammunition. According to the authors, a stand-off distance
from the warhead to the target is required for maximum penetration. Shaped charge munitions,
therefore, are not designed to detonate at contact with the target.
The ideal jet penetration versus stand-off for a shaped charge with a conical cavity/lining with a
maximum penetration depth of 8 diameters into 320 BNH armor (Walters and Zukas, 1989) are
shown in Figure 2. The penetration and the stand-off distances were normalized into multiples of
the charge diameter (or the caliber).

Fig. 2 Stand-off-curves for precision- and non-precision charges. Penetration into 320 BNH armor as a
function of stand-off distance, both expressed in charge diameters, CD (Walters and Zukas, 1989).

In the present work, the optimal values of caliber and jet density are sought within limits
specified beforehand (Table 3).

Table 3 Inferior and superior limits for the variables to be optimized

inferior limit superior limit
Caliber 0.070 m 0.130 m
Jet density 2,000 kg/m3 10,000 kg/m3

To comply with Tables 1 and 2, the ammunition was considered a Hand-held anti-tank weapon,
leading to k1 = 12, and, the target, constituted of High-strength concrete (C140), leading to ρtarget =
2,500 kg/m3 and k2 = 0.5. It is worth noticing the dominance of the caliber in the determination of
the fitness, measured as the penetration that may or may not be multiplied by penalization factors.
By having these values fixed, Eq. 1 can be re-written as:


Eq. 2 shows a weakness of the present model, its simplicity. Since the penetration has a direct
relationship with the caliber and the jet density, the higher these values, the higher the penetration
will be. However, the usefulness of this model is that while it serves for academic demonstration
purposes, it does lead to difficulties related to classified material.

2.2 Penalization

The abovementioned limitation can be overcome with the use of penalization functions, as
prescribed by Goldberg (1989), which can capture problems that might arise from the selection of
a higher caliber or a denser lining material. For example, it could be easier and more effective to
handle and deploy a charge with a diameter (caliber) of 75mm than another of 125mm. If their
performances with respect to a reference value are 60% and 80%, respectively, the use of two
75mm charges could be advantageous when compared to a single 125mm charge.
Penalization functions, therefore, must represent application-specific difficulties. In this work,
simple, linear functions that represent such difficulties were selected. Although they are simple to
implement, they indicate how higher values of caliber and jet density could result in lower overall
efficiency, despite of the higher performance.

2.2.1 Caliber penalization

A linear function was chosen to represent a penalization that increases with the caliber, Eq. 3,
as shown in Fig. 3:

PenaltyCal = 1.4667 - 6.6667 Cal (3)

Fig. 3 Caliber penalization.

2.2.1 Jet density penalization

Another linear function was chosen to represent a penalization with increasing jet density (JD),
Eq. 4, as shown in Fig. 4:

PenaltyJD = 1.10 - 0.00005 JD (4)

Fig. 4 Jet density penalization.

3. Results

As expected, executions with no penalization led the higher values in the allowed intervals as
optimal configurations.
The choice of the penalization functions PenaltyCal and PenaltyJD, as described, led to the
optimal values of caliber = 110 mm and jet density = 7,333 kg/m3.

Convergence was little affected by the rate of cross-over, as long as different than zero, and was
improved with the use of mutation, even at low rates. With populations as little as 100 individuals,
convergence was typically achieved within less than 50 generations.
The solution was “well behaved” from the computational point of view

4. Brief discussion and conclusion

A method for the optimization of shaped charges was introduced and the results, although
limited by the simple selected model for the determination of penetration, showed the potential of
the use of evolutionary methods in the design of new munitions or improvement of existing ones.
As mentioned, the method can be improved with the use of more complex models, which may
consider more variables.
Traditionally, development of such munitions, although supported by numerical analysis, is
carried on using empirical or semi-empirical methods, most of them developed during the time of
the cold war with military applications in mind. These methods are expensive and time consuming,
not to mention the requirements for adequate facilities and specialized personnel.
The herein discussed method shows the usefulness of the usage of evolutionary methods in the
present context, proving its value. With it, new models incorporating more recent advancements in
the development of shaped charges can be tested to provide insights on the sensitivity of these
munitions to certain parameters.


Walters, W. and Zukas, A.J. (1989), “Fundamentals of Shaped Charges”, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, NY, USA.

Walters, W. (1990), “The shaped charge concept, part I. introduction”, Ballistic Research
Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, USA.

Walters, W. (1990), “The shaped charge concept, part III. applications of shaped charge”, Ballistic
Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, USA.

Walters, W. (2007), “Introduction to shaped charges”, Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen

Proving Ground, MD, USA.

Carlucci, D.E. and Jacobson, S.S. (2007). “Ballistics - Theory and Design of Guns and
Ammunition”, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.

Atwood, D.C., Yang, W., Grove, B.M. and Behrmann, L.A. (2009), “Flow Performance of
Perforation Tunnels Created with Shaped Charges Using Reactive Liner Technology”, Society of
Petroleum Engineers, DOI:10.2118/121931-MS

Han, C., Du, M.H. and Ference, B. (2010), “Effects of Shaped Charge Case Materials on Guns and
Perforating”, Society of Petroleum Engineers, DOI:10.2118/130477-MS

Xiao, J., Zhang, X., Wang, Y., Xu, F. and Wang, H. (2016), “Demolition Mechanism and Behavior
of Shaped Charge with Reactive Liner”, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 41(4), 612-617.

Johnsson, F., Vretblad, B. and Sivertun, Å. (2013), “Shaped Charge Calculation Models for
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Operations”, Journal of Military Studies, 3(1), 55-78.

Duan, B., Zhou, Y., Zheng, S., Bao, M, Wang, L. and Dong, J. (2017), "Blasting demolition of
steel structure using linear cumulative cutting technology", Advances in Mechanical Engineering,
9(11), 1–11.

Galante, E., Haddad, A. and Marques, N. (2013), "Application of explosives in the oil industry",
International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Engineering, 1(2), 16-22.

Motta, A.A. and Ebecken, N.F.F. (2014), “An evolutionary method for kinetic energy ammunition
optimization”, Proceedings of the XXXV Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational
Methods in Engineering, Fortaleza, Brazil, November.

Motta, A.A. and Ebecken, N.F.F. (2017), “A performance analysis of kinetic energy ammunition
optimisation through evolutionary methods”, Proceedings of the XXXVIII Iberian Latin-American
Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, Florianópolis, Brazil, November.

Motta, A.A. and Ebecken, N.F.F. (2007), “On the Application of Genetic Algorithms in
Underwater Explosive Charges Optimization”, International Journal for Computational Methods
in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 8,1–8.

Swedish Fortifications Agency, (2011). “Design Manual for Protective Construction – Annex
Determination of weapon loads” (Fortifikationsverkets Konstruktionsregler (FKR 2011) – Bilaga
FortLast), Sweden. In Swedish.

Goldberg, D.E. (1989), “Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning”,
Addison-Wesley, Boston, USA.

Birkhoff, G., MacDougall, D., Pugh, E., and Taylor, G., (1948), “Explosive with Lined Cavities”,
Journal of Applied Physics, 19(6), 563-582.



Adnan Ibrahimbegovic 1 and Nikolaos Limnios 2
1 Chaire de Mecanique, UT Compiegne-Sorbonne Universites, Compiegne, France
2 LMAC, UT Compiegne-Sorbonne Universites, Compiegne, France E-mail:

Keywords: dynamic systems; heterogeneities; stochastic approximation, averaging.

1. Introduction
Combined expertise in Mechanics and Mathematics is needed for quantifying the risk of instability and
failure of flexible mechanical systems submitted to stochastic transient loading and solicitations. The
behavior of such systems is often nonlinear, either geometrically (with large displacement and rotations)
or materially (with nonlinear energy dissipation and damping effects). Some of the illustrative exam-
ples concern: in-land wind turbines with flexible blades (observation and control for stochastic loads),
electricity transmission overhead lines (energy dissipation and damping effects uncertainty). The ran-
domness in the framework of flexible mechanical systems occurs in different ways, such as additive
noise in system solicitation (random vibration under stochastic loading), or as a perturbation in the sys-
tem parameters (random nature of coefficient of the equations governing the system motion). In the
first part of this work, we present the results of studying two basic examples of the non-linear dynamic
systems given, respectively, by Van der Pol and Duffing oscillators. In particular, we propose to model
such dynamic systems via stochastic differential equations, and present the results obtained for such
models for two cases: free oscillations and forced oscillator under harmonic loading. We obtain the
corresponding stochastic differential equations and study their behavior and solutions under different
assumptions. Stochastic simulations of their trajectories are also performed providing the validation re-
sults. The chosen model problems of the Van der Pol and Duffing oscillator, perturbed by white noise,
are only particular illustrations of the generalized stochastic differential equation, where we introduce
a random environment modeled by another process (e.g. a Markov process), with rather different time
scales. We present the results for such a case for the studies using convergence techniques, such as av-
eraging or perturbations, diffusion approximation or normal deviations. Such methods, which are able
to describe these types of systems with great precision of their stochastic behavior, provide the basis
to tackle more complex systems, for example a buckled geometrically exact beam (Ibrahimbegovic [1],
as opposed to Duffing oscillator), heterogeneous solids for modeling flexible blades of wind turbines or
transmission overhead lines (Ibrahimbegovic [2], as opposed to Van de Pol equation). The first results
for this more general class of problems are also presented.

2. Averaging of a Nonlinear Perturbed Duffing Oscillator

A Duffing nonlinear oscillator is defined by the following nonlinear differential equation.

ẍ(t) + δẋ(t) + α(x(t))3 + βx(t) = h(t). (1)

where the function x(t) defines its trajectory over the time t ≥ 0. The coefficients δ, α and β are supposed
to be bounded. In the sequel, we will consider that theses coefficients are functions of a perturbing

431 1
process. The function is the solicitation which we consider to be the derivative (in the distribution sense)
of a multidimensional Brownian motion (a white noise).
Let us consider Duffing’s oscillator perturbed in two levels. At first it is sought by a white noise and
then it is driven by an ergodic Markov process in the level of drift and diffusion coefficients.
Let us consider an Rm -valued Markov process, ξt , t ≥ 0, with a general state space E, and functions
b : Rn × Rm → Rn and σ : Rn × Rm → Mn×d . Consider also an Rd -valued standard Brownian motion.
A Duffing oscillator is described by the following stochastic differential equation

dXtε = b(Xtε , ξt/ε )dt + σ(Xtε , ξt/ε )dWt (2)

where: Xtε := (xε (t), ẋε (t))⊤ = (xε (t), yε (t))⊤ , b(x, y, ξ) = (yε (t), −δ(ξ)y+α(ξ)x3 +β(ξ)x)⊤ , and σ(x, y, ξ) =
(0, 1)⊤ . we suppose that X0ε , the initial condition, converge weakly to a fixed point (x0 , y0 ).
We suppose here that the Markov process ξt ,t ≥ 0, is ergodic with ergodic probability π(dx) on E.
Then we prove the following averaging result.

THEOREM 1 The stochastic processes Xtε , t ≥ 0, ε > 0, converges weakly, in Skorohod topology, to an
Rn -valued diffusion process X̂t defined by the solution of the following stochastic differential equation

d X̂t = b̂(X̂t )dt + σ̂(X̂t )dŴt , X̂0 = (x0 , y0 ), (3)

where Ŵt is an Rd -valued standard Brownian motion, and

b̂(x) = b(x, y)π(dy), and σ̂(x)σ̂∗ (x) := σ(x, y)σ∗ (x, y)π(dy).
Rm Rm

[1] Ibrahimbegovic, A., On finite element implementation of geometrically nonlinear Reissner’s beam theory:
three-dimensional curved beam elements, Comp. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 122 (1-2), 11-26, (1995).
[2] Ibrahimbegovic, A. Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: Theoretical Formulations and Finite Element Solution Meth-
ods, Springer, New York, 2009.
[3] Koroliuk V.S., Limnios N. Stochastic Systems in Mernging Phase Space, World Scientific, Singapore, 2005.
[4] Limnios N., Oprişan G. Semi-Markov Processes and Reliability. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2001.

432 2



Norberto Domínguez1, Arturo Suarez2, Juan-Edmundo Mayorga3

Section of Postgraduate Studies and Research, ESIA ZACATENCO, INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO
Section of Postgraduate Studies and Research, ESIME ZACATENCO, INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO
Escuela Militar de Ingenieros - SEDENA,

The historic Centre of Mexico City is inscribed in the UNESCO’s World Heritage List, due to the
important number of historical buildings and monuments that are concentrated in this antique Aztec
empire. In the other hand, this region is one of the most susceptible to suffer earthquakes and flooding’s
effects, affected by a permanent soil subsidence phenomenon which produces structural instability in
most buildings. In this context, the conservation, restoration and reuse of historical buildings is a
Mexican society’s priority, and some of this heritage is responsibility of the Mexican army; namely an
ancient military building known as “Frontispicio” –which is currently used as a military school. The
building has more than 100 years old, and during its life it has been exposed to different historical
earthquakes (1957, 1985, 2017) as well to the effects of differential settlements, showing local damage
in different locations. The aim of this work is to use advanced numerical analysis based on some linear
and nonlinear models to:
a) evaluate the real state of the structural integrity and stability of this historical masonry building;
b) determine the principal causes of damage into the building;
c) make a prediction of the future response of the building if the current conditions of loading
remain without change.
Since a civil engineering’s point of view, to determine the real state of damage and degradation of an
ancient structure, as well as the risk associated to extraordinary extreme events like earthquake, are one
of the most difficult challenges that should be solved to ensure the structural security of the building
[1][2]. Regarding to the numerical analysis of this kind of historical masonry buildings, there are still
some key-items that are not well mastered by conventional engineers, but they must be considered into
the model: i) the low traction and shear resistance with a brittle failure of masonry; ii) the incertitude
about material parameters due to the mixed nature of masonry, the joint’s orientation, and the traditional
procedures of masonry construction; and iii) the limitations of current numerical methods specifically
intended to deal with the nonlinear behavior of masonry. With the aim to reach our objectives, we raised
a research project integrated by three consecutive stages: (I) Preliminary works; (II) Initial studies of
site; (III) Numerical analysis based on FEM. This paper focuses in the development of the third stage,
which in turn, it is composed by three main items: a) the different study cases and the experimental
evaluation of materials; b) the construction and analysis of the numerical model; and c) the analysis and
comparison of the numerical results.

From the study of the sequence of the extreme events to which the “Frontispicio” has been subjected
throughout its life, we drafted six scenarios of loading to be numerically simulated:

1) C1-GRA. Gravitational: Simulation of gravitational loading, without live loads.

2) C2-LEDS. Linear Elastic Differential Settlement: Simulation of differential settlements with
incremental induced displacements, considering linear elastic behavior for masonry (see Table 1
and Figure 1).
3) C3-NLDS. Nonlinear Differential Settlement: Simulation of differential settlements with
incremental induced displacements, considering nonlinear behavior for masonry.
4) C4-FRE. Frequencies: Numerical identification of the natural period of the building and other
5) C5-LEE. Linear Elastic Earthquake: Simulation of the seismic response of the earthquake of
1985 (SCT signal), using a linear elastic behavior model for masonry.
6) C6-NLE. Nonlinear Earthquake: Simulation of the seismic response of the earthquake of 1985
(SCT signal), using a nonlinear behavior model for masonry damage.

Table 1. Study case C2-LEDS, Linear Elastic Differential Settlements (table type)
STUDY CASE C2-LEDS: Linear Elastic Differential Settlement
FINITE ELEMENT USED 3D solid cube, 8-node simplex, with 8 integration points
BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Fully restrained in one edge line
EXCITATIONS Gravitational loading combined with incremental imposed displacements
MATERIAL MODELS Homogenized masonry with linear elastic behavior
TYPE OF ANALYSIS Quasi-static analysis solved with Gauss procedure or similar

Concerning to the materials, a few specimens were extracted from the basement of the building (6
samples). Three piles were subjected to the standard compression test, while other three wall-piles were
subjected to the diagonal tension test, obtaining the following material parameters: Young modulus of
343 MPa (3496 kg/cm2); shear modulus of 132 MPa (1349 kg/cm2); ultimate compression strength of
1.0 MPa (9.7 kg/cm2), and an ultimate shear strength of 0.07 MPa (0.7 kg/cm2). It is very important to
highlight that these experimental values are below the standard values proposed in the local construction
code, even lower than one third -in the case of the compression strength-.


First, it is very important to mention that the old building was cut in three non-symmetrical sections
(unknown date and reasons, apparently by the local settlement effects), with a large joint in each cut that
goes from the top of the foundation until the roof of the building. So, it was imperative to build the three
blocks working together in the same model. The construction of the model required at least the use of
four programs: AUTOCAD [3], to “draw” the complex 3D body of the structure using 3d solid
primitives; the geometrical information is saved in an IGES format. Afterwards, this file is exported to
the platform SALOME [5], in which the 3D solid primitives are transformed in a complex mesh of 3d
brick of 8-nodes via the module “Geometry”. Once the mesh is ready, it is analyzed with the help of the
finite element program CODE_ASTER [4], simulating the different scenarios mentioned before.
Finally, the results (displacements, stresses, damage fields) are visualized using the tool PARAVIEW
[6]. Concerning the nonlinear material behavior model, we used the last version of the continuum
damage model of Mazars [7]. With respect to the implementation of the boundary conditions (BC) as
well as the specific excitation (SE) for each scenario, we can briefly describe as follows:
1) C1-GRA. Gravitational: BC: fully restrained in the base of the foundation; SE: material density
affected by gravitational acceleration.
2) C2-LEDS. Linear Elastic Differential Settlement: BC: fully restrained in one edge supports +
imposed displacements in the whole base; SE: gravitational loading + evolutive and spatial function
to control differential settlements (see Figure 1).
3) C3-NLDS. Nonlinear Differential Settlement: BC: Idem to case C2-LEDS; SE: Idem to case C2-
LEDS + nonlinear damage model for masonry (controlled by Newton-Raphson method).

4) C4-FRE. Frequencies: BC: fully restrained in the base of the foundation; SE: gravitational loading
+ mass matrix + modal analysis.
5) C5-LEE. Linear Elastic Earthquake: BC: Signal acceleration imposed in the base of the
foundation; SE: gravitational loading + mass matrix + Rayleigh damping + seismic signal (1985
SCT earthquake signal) in the direction of the largest side.
6) C6-NLE. Nonlinear Earthquake: BC: Signal acceleration imposed in the base of the foundation;
SE: gravitational loading + mass matrix + Rayleigh damping + seismic signal (1985 SCT
earthquake signal) in the direction of the largest side + nonlinear damage model for masonry
(controlled by Newton-Raphson method).

Figure 1. Evolution of the differential settlements along the building during the last 100 years


By comparing the numerical results obtained from the simulation of the six scenarios, it is possible to
infer that differential settlements effects are the leading cause of building’s damage, concentrating it in
two zones: a) in the building’s roof in the central body; and b) in the edge of the North side block, very
close to the old Avenue Mexico-Tacuba, where currently the settlements reach 24 cm of difference.
Adopting the hypothesis that settlements have a constant velocity of sinking of 0.295 cm/year, it is
possible to make a prediction of elastic stress distribution for the year 2035, as it is shown in Figure 2.
The quasi-static nonlinear analysis performed, showed a correlation between damage and the
concentration of tensile stresses, namely at the level of the foundation. Nevertheless, it was not possible
to achieve a complete building’s map of damage, due to the rapid evolution of damage in a set of finite
element’s integration points near to the foundation, avoiding the numerical convergence. In other words,
we have observed a local “coalescence effect” in some masonry regions that could be interpreted as a
complete fracture on some elements, even if this does not mean the global failure of the structure.

Figure 2. Prediction of principal stress distribution in 2035, induced by differential settlements

Concerning to the seismic analysis, a realistic signal registered in the Minister of Communications and
Transportation (SCT) during the 1985’s earthquake of Mexico City was introduced into the model with
some little modifications, to cover a larger part of the seismic event. Using a database of displacements
for 500 instants, we performed a time-history analysis based on the classical Newmark method. In
general, we observed that all calculated displacements of the building are very small, having a maximal
displacement of 6.54 cm in the signal-pic, at the highest point of the central body of the “frontispicio”
(see Figure 3).

Figure 3. Lateral displacements induced by the earthquake signal SCT 1985, at the instant 46.92 s

As a part of a large Mexican project of research to evaluate the integrity and stability of Heritage
structures employing numerical methods, we present the results of applying a linear and nonlinear
analysis to the case of a military building known as “frontispicio”, which has been subjected historically
to different extreme events like earthquakes (1957, 1985, 2017) and long-term soil subsidence effects.
From these results, it was possible to: a) demonstrate that differential settlements are the most important
cause of building’s damage; b) show that damage will continue evolving even if some local cosmetic
reparations are done; and finally, c) make some recommendations about soil reinforcement and control
of settlements.

[1] P. B. Lourenço. Recommendations for restoration of ancient buildings and the survival of a
masonry chimney, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 20, pp. 239-251, 2006.
[2] M. F. Peña, P.B. Lourenço. Criterios para el refuerzo antisísmico de estructuras históricas.
Revista de Ingeniería Sísmica No. 87, pp. 47-66, 2012.
[3] Autodesk. AUTOCAD ver. 2013, 2013.
[4] Electricité de France R&D, Code_Aster Libre versión 7.4, open source code with license GPL,
[5] Open Cascade. Salome: The open source integration platform for numerical simulation, open
source program with license GPL: Sources, documentation, tutorials; 2015. http://www.salome-
[6] J. Ahrens, B. Geveci, Ch. Law. ParaView: An End-User Tool for Large Data Visualization,
Visualization Handbook, Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978-0123875822, 2005.
[7] J. Mazars. A description of micro- and macroscale damage of concrete structures, Journal of
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 25(5/6), pp. 729-737, 1986.




Octavio Castillo-Reyes 1 , Josep de la Puente 1 , José María Cela 1

1 Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), {octavio.castillo, josep.delapuente, josem.cela}

We present key aspects of numerical modeling of 3D controlled-source electromagnetic (3D CSEM) data
in isotropic conductive medium using high-order Nédélec elements [1] and high-performance computing
(HPC) platforms. The net result of our work is a fully 3D and flexible parallel Python code able to
modeling realistic 3D CSEM scenarios, namely, PETGEM [2]. The academic, social and industrial
worth of these computational tools relies in the fact that they allow us to better simulate and understand
the materials composing the Earth’s subsurface. This is essential for a variety of applications such as
CO2 storage, hydrocarbon extraction, mining, and geothermal energy production, among others.
The kernel’s code is focuses on the solution of electromagnetic (EM) fields in the harmonic regime
resulting from point sources using a total or scattering field approximation. It is written mostly in Python
and relies on the scientific Python software stack with use of mpi4py and petsc4py packages for parallel
computations. Furthermore, by employing unstructured grids, meshes can be easily adapted to complex
shapes and element sizes can be optimized to attain maximum accuracy with minimum computational
cost scaling up to hundreds of processors. The resulting code is open source and freely available at
Numerical results showing real-life cases of 3D CSEM are given in order to illustrate: 1) How is the
PETGEM workflow, 2) Regarding EM studies, how the inclusion of high-order Nédélec elements can
improve the numerical accuracy as well as reduce the size of the computational domain, 3) By merging
the concepts of high-order Nédélec elements, a flexible programming language and HPC, we aim at
developing a leading-edge modeling tool to analize EM responses in realistic 3D CSEM configurations,
and 4) Summary of challenges that we identified in the research field of the problem under consideration.

[1] Amor-Martin, A., Garcia-Castillo, L. E., Garcia-Donoro, D. D. Second-order Nédélec curl-conforming
prismatic element for computational electromagnetics. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
64(10):4384-4395, 2016.
[2] Parallel Edge-based Tool for Geophysical Electromagnetic Modelling. PETGEM Website
[], 2018.

437 1



P. Moreno-Navarro1 , A. Ibrahimbegovic2 , A. Ospina3

1 Laboratoire Roberval, Université de Technologie de Compiègne,
2 Laboratoire Roberval, Université de Technologie de Compiègne,
3 Laboratoire Roberval, Université de Technologie de Compiègne,

The tradition in solving electromagnetic problems is much influenced by electric engineering point-
of-view. Starting from electromagnetic theory, the integral equations [1], or their discrete approximations
in terms of cell method [2] lead to the equivalent of a system of constitutive equations. This work seeks
to reformulate the finite element discrete approximations and the material description from a mechanics
The main motivation is to open up the path towards exploration of the engineering materials which
can experience hardening and permanent damage with microscale point view that proved very successful
in mechanics (e.g. [6]).
The complete description of the electromagnetic phenomena can be expressed through four laws
known as Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetism, featuring electric field E, magnetic field H and
their dual fields D. These equations provide a macroscopic description for many observations on how
these fields evolve in the presence of the free electric flux J and free electric charge density ρq :

∇ × E = −Ḃ ;
∇ × H = J + Ḋ ;
f (1)
∇ · D = ρq ;
∇·B = 0

For static case with time derivatives Ḃ, Ḋ and ρ̇qf considered negligible, electrostatics and magneto-
statics split into two separate problems, electrostatics and magnetostatics. Both problems can be handled
independently from one another. To clarify, we further focus on electrostatics and only briefly cover
prominent difference in magnetostatics case.
The constitutive behavior is taken linear for both electrostatics (dielectric) and magnetostatics (dia-
magnetic or paramagnetic) through the second order tensors permittivity ǫ and permeability µ:

D = ǫE ;
B = µH

We seek to establish a clear analogy with mechanics point-of-view in formulating the boundary value
problems in electrostatic in the vein of the mechanical problem formulation. Consider a domain Ω̄ where
two different parts can be distinguished: the interior of the domain, denoted as Ω and its boundary Γ.
In addition, the boundary can be separated into two different parts, depending on the primary or dual
variable imposed; for electrostatics, on ΓV we impose the essential or Dirichlet boundary condition
through scalar electric potential V , and on ΓD the natural or Neumann boundary condition through the
normal component of D. The complete set of equations that describe the electrostatic phenomena for

438 1
such domain can be written in mechanics style as follows:

Field equations:

Kinematics E = −∇V 
Constitutive D = −ǫE in Ω
f 
Equilibrium ∇ · D = ρq (3)
Boundary conditions:
Essential BC V = V̄ in ΓV
Natural BC D · n = D̄ in ΓD

A complementary problem formulation in terms of dual variables can also be posed. It will be
illustrated for magnetostatics by using magnetic vector potential A, equivalent to Airy’s function for the
stress tensor σ. The corresponding complementary single-field formulation can be written as:

Field equations:

Compatibility B = ∇×A 
Constitutive H = µ−1 B in Ω

Equilibrium ∇×H = J (4)
Boundary conditions:
Essential BC A = Ā in ΓA
Natural BC n × H = J¯ in ΓH

Three variational formulations for the electrostatic problem are used which provide the basis for
the corresponding choice of the finite element discrete approximation. The first two are single-field
equations, one based on total potential energy with scalar potential V as the main variable and another
based on the total complementary potential energy with D as the main variable. The latter is also used
for magnetostatics. The last one is a hybrid formulation based on the Hellinger-Reissner principle for
mechanics adapted for electrostatics with two independent variables V and D.
The construction of discrete approximations is done through Whitney’s elements using differential
forms [5]. These differential forms, classified in i-forms (where i = 0, 1, 2 or 3), are the variables that the
finite element method is going to consider as degrees of freedom. A big advantage of using differential
forms is that every degree of freedom remains a scalar, even though it represents a vector field. Thus, the
interpolation functions are vectorial which allows to preserve boundary conditions in a natural way. Such
discrete approximation can be used to enforce the corresponding continuity across element boundary.
The preferred formulation in mechanics in terms of vector fields such as in [3] or [4], can be recast in
terms of differential forms. The latter are linear functionals of the vector field, which are associated with
both geometric and physical entities. Thus, for the discrete approximation constructed by finite elements,
we can choose:

• 0-form associated with vertices, which preserves point continuity.

• 1-form associated with edges, which preserves continuity of the electric field tangential compo-
nent: Z
ei = E · dl (5)
where dl is the vector associated to element edge C.

• 2-form associated with faces, which preserves continuity of the electric displacement normal com-
ponent over the facet: Z
di = D · n dS (6)
where n is the unit exterior normal and dS is an infinitesimal element of the surface.

• 3-form associated with volumes.

439 2
In order to recover the continuum vector fields from differential forms, special interpolation functions
are used. These functions are scalars for 0- and 3-forms, and vectors for 1- and 2-forms. In order to re-
construct a particular field, a linear combination of all the corresponding geometric entities is established
for every element. For instance, for the voltage, the electric field and the electric displacement:
nv ne nf
V = ∑ 0
Na va ; E= ∑ 1
Na ea ; D= ∑ 2Na da (7)
a=1 a=1 a=1

where 0 Na , 1 Na and 2 Na are respectively, 0-, 1- and 2-form interpolation functions for node, edge and
facet a, whereas nv is the number of vertices, ne is the number of edges and n f is the number of facets
per element.
The codes chosen for the implementation are FEAP [7] and GetDP [8]. The computer code GetDP
is used with Gmsh pre-processing that can be used to prepare and optimize the choice of vertex, edge,
facet and volume variables and the implementation of the variational formulation is done by introducing
the weak forms found in the previous section. The same pre-processing is carried out in FEAP which
leads to enhancement of the standard computer architecture not with respect to the choice of degrees of
freedom but with respect to the corresponding shape functions (for different nodes have different shape
z z

3 6 1
5 2
2 h h
1 3 h
4 3
x x

Figure 1: Locations of unknowns at nodes, edges and facets in a tetrahedral element and the correspond-
ing positive orientations, with the reference frame placed at node 1.

Taking advantage of the 14-node isoparametric tetrahedral elements, the nodes are classified into
vertex, edge and facet nodes as sketched in Figure 1, where the numbering of the local nodes for the
isoparametric tetrahedra is also displayed. Depending on the geometrical entity, the corresponding de-
gree of freedom is put on nodes 1 to 4, 5 to 10 or 11 to 14. This ensures the continuity of these variables
among elements. For the chosen Whitney’s interpolations, the position of the nodes does not matter as
long as the node is placed on the corresponding edge or facet.
We present the results of illustrative numerical simulations that can show the performance of different
formulations including validation test examples, which are used to and check for implementation errors.
For instance, a simulation of a dielectric material cube with a constant source term where the bound-
ary conditions for this example are:

∂V ∂V ∂V ∂V
= = = = 0 ; V (x, y, 0) = 0 ; V (x, y, lz ) = Vz (8)
∂x x=0 ∂x x=lx ∂y y=0 ∂y y=ly

For a problem of this kind, the analytical solution can be obtained as a superposition of a Pois-
son solution with homogeneous boundary conditions and a Laplace problem taking into account those
conditions. The solution can be expressed as:
Vz ∞
4 ρqf lz2 pπz
V (x, y, z) = z+ ∑ sin (9)
p=1,3,... ε p π
lz 3 3 lz

440 3
In numerical simulations with both computer codes, a good agreement with the analytical equation is
obtained. Figure 2 shows the spatial distribution of voltage and electric displacement for this numerical
problem in GetDP for Vz = 80 V. A senoidal solution for the former, getting the maximum value near the
middle plane of the cube. For the latter, a linear distribution with outer direction in both top and bottom
planes, in agreement with the spatial derivative of the analytical solution (9).

Voltage [V] Vert. electric displacement ×10−6 [C/m2 ]

Figure 2: Results obtained for Poisson problem. Left, voltage distribution; right, contour of vertical
component of electric displacement and electric displacement vectors.

This work was supported jointly by Haut-de-France Region (CR Picardie) (120-2015-RDISTRUCT-
000010 and RDISTRUCT-000010) and EU funding (FEDER) for Chaire-de-Mécanique (120-2015-
RDISTRUCTF-000010 and RDISTRUCTI-000004).

[1] E Tonti. On the geometrical structure of electromagnetism. Gravitation, Electromagnetism and Geometrical
Structures, for the 80th birthday of A. Lichnerowicz, pages 281–308, 1995.
[2] P Alotto, F Freschi, M Repetto, and C Rosso. The Cell Method for Electrical Engineering and Multiphysics
Problems: An Introduction, volume 230. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.
[3] P Moreno-Navarro, A Ibrahimbegovic, and JL Pérez-Aparicio. Plasticity coupled with thermo-electric fields:
Thermodynamics framework and finite element method computations. Computer Methods in Applied Me-
chanics and Engineering, 315:50–72, 2017.
[4] P Moreno-Navarro, A Ibrahimbegovic, and JL Pérez-Aparicio. Linear elastic mechanical system interacting
with coupled thermo-electro-magnetic fields. Coupled System Mechanics, 7(1):5–25, 2018.
[5] A Bossavit. Whitney forms: A class of finite elements for three-dimensional computations in electromag-
netism. IEE Proceedings, 135(8):493–500, 1988.
[6] A Ibrahimbegovic. Nonlinear solid mechanics: theoretical formulations and finite element solution methods,
volume 160. Springer Science & Business Media, 2009.
[7] RL Taylor. Feap: a Finite Element Analysis Program. Version 8.4 Theory Manual, 2012.
[8] P Dular and C Geuzaine. Getdp: a General Environment for the Treatment of Discrete problems. 1997.

441 4



J. Xavier¹, R. Pereira², L. Pedroso³, P. Martins4

UFERSA – Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid,
PUC-GO – Pontifical Catholic University,
UnB – University of Brasilia,
UnB – University of Brasilia,

Abstract. The objective of this work is to evaluate the nonlinear behaviour of beam elements in reinforced
concrete subjected to straight flexion-compression, delimited by two consecutive sections of discontinuity (cracks
or open joints), considering the Variable Bond Model (VBM). For this, two algorithms were developed using the
MATLAB tool for numerical solutions. The first one refers to the equilibrium of sections submitted to straight
flexion-compression based on the solution proposed by Martins [1]. The second calculates the equilibrium of the
sections considering the bond-slip effect, when maintenance of the Bernoulli-Navier hypothesis with perfect bond
is no more possible. The numerical solution used for the bond-slip problem was proposed by Manfredi and Pecce
[2]. The effects of tension stiffening and tension softening were incorporated into the model. Results obtained
pointed out a good agreement with the results found in the literature, indicating that these models may be
alternatives for a good evaluation of the nonlinear behaviour of beam elements when there is any sliding of bonded
steel reinforcement.

Keywords: Nonlinear analysis; Bond-slip; Variable bond model; Numerical analysis;

1. Introduction

The good behavior of the reinforced concrete structures is directly related to the bond phenomenon, which in
a simplified way can be defined as a property that prevents the sliding of a bar in relation to the surrounding
concrete. It is bond that makes possible to have solidarity between steel and concrete, allowing these materials
to work together. It is this solidarity that assures the transfer of efforts between the materials and the
compatibility of the strains.
Several studies have already quantified and verified the bond phenomenon, especially in relation to the
stresses that appears at the interface between steel and concrete. However, it is important to consider the
variation of these stresses due to the sliding of the bar to get a more realistic analysis of the stability and
ductility of the concrete element. For this, it is necessary to know the nonlinear behavior of the two materials,
considering the cracking of the concrete, so that the numerical model reflects the actual behavior of the
In this context, it can be highlighted the works of Cohn and Riva [3] and Martins [4], who analyzed the
behavior of structural concrete beams subjected to constant bending moments along the span, for the
incremental external loading. From these works, models emerged that progressed in the study of the nonlinear
behavior of pieces in structural concrete focusing the variation of bond, in pieces submitted to gradients of
bending moments. Among these other works are those of: Manfredi and Pecce [2]; Kwak and Kim [5];
Oliveira et al. [6]. In these models, it was also considered the variation of the bond stress with the sliding of
the steel bar (bond-slip effect) and the contribution of the tensile concrete to the stiffeness of the element
(tension stiffening). Thus, the objective of this work is to evaluate the nonlinear behavior of beam elements
in reinforced concrete subjected to straight flexion-compression, delimited by two consecutive sections of
discontinuity (cracks or open joints), considering the Variable Bond Model (VBM).

2. Main Objectives and Methodology

As main objectives, it is highlighted: implementation (using MATLAB) of algorithms that perform the
equilibrium of sections submitted to straight flexion-compression based on the solution of Martins [1] and
the numerical solution proposed by Manfredi and Pecce [2] for the bond-slip effect. For the development of
the methodology it will be used the concepts of the VBM, when the Bernoulli-Navier law is no more valid,
applied to beam elements (Fig.1a). An important feature of the VBM is that the longitudinal axis of null
displacements is distinct from the neutral line of null strains of the sections. In the general case, the first axis
is distinct from the second one because of the variation of the position of the neutral axis along the beam, due
to the singularities constituted by the cracks/joints (Fig.1b).

(a) Beam element (beam segment) delimited by two (b) Evolution of the neutral axis of deformation
consecutive sections of discontinuity and rotation of the sections
Fig.1 Beam elements with loss of grip

For the numerical solution, the beam is divided into sub-elements, which are discretized by finite segments,
delimiting the space between two cracks in (𝑛 − 1) subintervals with small lengths 𝛥𝑥. The governing
equations of the numerical solution are presented in the set (1). In Fig.2 the flowcharts of the developed
algorithms are presented. The indices "1" and "n" represent the position of the end sections of the beam
element (Fig.3), respectively.

(j) (j) 4 (j)

σs,i+1 = σs,i + . τi . Δx

(j) (j) (j) (j)

(j) (j) εs,i+1 + εs,i εct,i+1 + εct,i
ss,i+1 = ss,i + Δx. ( − )
2 2
(j) (j) (j)
F(s1 ) = σs,n − σs,n (s1 ) = 0

(j) (j−1) σs,n − σs,n (j−2) (j−1)
s1 = s1 − (j−2) (j−1)
. (s1 − s1 )
σs,n − σs,n

• Definition of strains and stresses at the

• Definition of input data; extremities of the subelement;
• Obtaining the geometric properties of the section. • Division of the subelement into 𝑛 parts.

• Obtaining the strains and stresses in the materials • Attempt to obtain slip in the first section.

along the section height;
• Obtaining of section resistive efforts.
• Obtaining strains and stresses distributed along
the subelement.
Increase in
Convergence test: No curvature and
R=S? deformation Convergence test: No
, =
• Print the results. Yes
• Print the results.

(a) Flowchart for flexo-compression solution443 (b) Flowchart for bond-slip solution
Fig.2 Flowchart of the developed algorithms
Where: → reinforcement normal stress; 𝜖𝑐𝑡 → tensile concrete specific strain; 𝜖 → reinforcement
specific strain; 𝑖 → sub-elements joints; → calculation iteration; → reinforcement slip; 𝜏 → bond

3. Numerical Application

In the application of the model, the segment located in the region of the central support of the beam was
analyzed (Fig.3), extracted from the work of Manfredi and Pecce [2]. For the constitutive models, it was
used the stress-strain law of concrete in compression and bond-slip according to the o fib Model Code 2010
[7]. For the tensile behavior, Mohammadi and Soltani [8] highlight the models presented by Wang and Hsu
[9] and Maekawa et al. [11]. These models evaluate the behavior of the concrete in the post-cracking stage
where there is a decrease in tensile stress. In this work, the model proposed by Maekawa et al. [11] was
used, because it considers the post-cracking stage and the effects of tension stiffening and tension softening.
Table 1 shows the data used in the analysis and figures (4) to (7) show the corresponding results obtained.

Fig.3 Beam used for application numerical

Table 1 Data used in the analysis

𝑓𝑦 = 599 MPa 𝐸 = 200000 MPa 𝑓𝑐𝑚 = 61.5 MPa 𝑀1 = −27.9 kN. m 𝑀 = −31.5 kN. m

𝐸 → Young’s modulus;
𝑀1 , 𝑀 → moments at the end of the beam segment;
𝑓𝑐𝑘 → average compression strength of concrete;
𝑓𝑦 → reinforcement yield strength;

Fig.4 Slip-beam segment length diagram 444 Fig.5 Bond stress-beam segment length diagram
Fig.6 Steel stress-beam segment length diagram Fig.7 Bond stress-slip diagram

4. Conclusion

Based on the obtained results, the conclusion is that the computational routines developed provide consistent
results with those found in the literature. It can be seen in Fig.4 that the null slip point is closer to the lower
bending moment end of the beam segment and in Fig.6 it is observed that the stresses in the steel decrease
towards the interior of the segment and in sections extremes they are different, corroborating the efficiency
of the computer program for concrete elements subjected to bending moment gradients. It is important to
emphasize that the developed program can be used for concrete elements submitted to simple bending or
straight composite bending, with or without constant bending moment. In addition, any constitutive model
can be used for the materials. Therefore, it is a good alternative for the evaluation of reinforced concrete parts
when there is loss of adhesion.


This study was developed in the Postgraduate Program in Structures and Civil Construction of the University
of Brasília (PECC/UnB), which encompasses studies with themes related to this research, with the support
and collaboration of professors Paulo Chaves de Rezende Martins and Lineu José Pedroso.


[1] MARTINS, P. C. R. Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Space Reticulated Structures. 1979. 177
p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências) - Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia, Universidade Federal do Rio
de Janeiro, COPPE, Rio de Janeiro. 1979.
[2] MANFREDI, G.; PECCE, M. A refined R.C. beam element including bond–slip relationship for the analysis of
continuous beams. Computers & Structures, v. 69, n. 1, p. 53–62, 1998.
[3] COHN, M.Z.; RIVA, P. A Comprehensive Study of the Flexural Behaviour of Structural Concrete
Elements.Milano, 1987.
[4] MARTINS, P. C. R. Modelisation du Comportement Jusqu’a la Rupture en Flexion de Poutres en Beton
a Precontrainte Exterieure ou Mixte. 1989. 367 p. These (Doctorat en Mecanique des Sols et Structures) - École
Centrale de Paris, France, Paris. 1989.
[5] KWAK, H.-G.; KIM, D.-Y. Nonlinear analysis of RC shear walls considering tension-stiffening effect.
Computers and Structures, v. 79, n. 5, p. 499–517, 2001.
[6] OLIVEIRA, R. S.; RAMALHO, M. A.; CORRÊA, M. R. S. A layered finite element for reinforced concrete
beams with bond – slip effects. Cement & Concrete Composites, v. 30, p. 245–252, 2008.
Federation for Structural Concrete, fib Model Code 2010 Final draft. Lausanne, Switzerland: International
Federation for Structural Concrete (fib), 2012.
[8] JAHANMOHAMMADI, A.; SOLTANI, M. Toward combined local-average stress field modeling of reinforced
concrete. Engineering Structures, v. 111, p. 394–410, 2016.
[9] WANG, T.; HSU, T. T. C. Nonlinear finite element analysis of concrete structures using new constitutive
models. Computers & Structures, v. 79, n. 32, p. 2781–2791, 2001.
[10] MAEKAWA, K.; PIMANMAS, A.; OKAMURA, H. Nonlinear Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete.London,
2003. 445
[11] SOLTANI, M.; AN, X.; MAEKAWA, K. Computational model for post cracking analysis of RC membrane
elements based on local stress-strain characteristics. Engineering Structures, v. 25, n. 8, p. 993–1007, 2003.



R. Pereira1, J. Xavier2, L. Pedroso³, P. Martins4

PUC-GO – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, Doutorando pela UnB,
UFERSA – Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Doutorando pela UnB,
UnB – Universidade de Brasília, Professor Doutor, UnB,
UnB – Universidade de Brasília, Professor Doutor, UnB,

Resumo. A determinação das flechas em elementos de concreto tem sido fundamental no processo de
dimensionamento estrutural para garantir o adequado funcionamento em serviço. No processo de determinação das
flechas imediatas, deve-se considerar que os elementos estruturais em concreto armado e protendido apresentam um
comportamento caracterizado pela não linearidade física do material. Esse artigo pretende discutir a eficiência dos
métodos simplificados adotados por referências normativas e alguns métodos refinados usados na determinação das
flechas imediatas. Foram avaliados 06 trabalhos, dos anos de 2003 a 2016, em que são comparadas 07 formulações
para determinação de flechas imediatas com ensaios experimentais. Mostra-se que muitas limitações ainda devem ser
superadas na busca de métodos numéricos e analíticos aplicados ao projeto estrutural de obras da construção civil que
representem adequadamente os deslocamentos reais em elementos fletidos, mesmo para os deslocamentos imediatos.
Pretende-se contribuir com a indicação de literatura composta por 138 espécimes que geraram dados experimentais
para ajuste de futuros modelos matemáticos e uma potencial adequação dos processos investigativos utilizados
atualmente no que se referem aos métodos matemáticos acoplados aos estudos experimentais para cargas de serviço.

Palavras-chaves: Flechas Imediatas, Modelos Simplificados; Métodos Refinados.

1. Introdução
Se considerarmos as possíveis variáveis no processo de cálculo das flechas, podemos agrupá-las em 05 fatores
representativos. Sendo assim, é possível esperar que uma equação mais eficiente e geral para as flechas deva
contemplar no mínimo: a) esforços seccionais; b) propriedades físicas e mecânicas do concreto nas idades de
aplicação dos carregamentos; c) propriedades físicas e mecânicas do aço; d) características geométricas da seção
transversal; e) taxa de alteração das propriedades em função do nível de fissuração e da idade do concreto.
Wickline [1] afirma que a prática presente nas normas americanas de adotar a equação de Branson [2], desde a
edição publicada em 1971, continua a ser a maneira recomendada de calcular o momento efetivo de inércia para
a determinação da flecha em um elemento de concreto armado. Tal opção contrapõe a alternativa de cálculo de
flechas através do método da integração da curvatura como adotado pela norma europeia, que, segundo o autor
é mais preciso porque a variação da rigidez ao longo do elemento é considerada e não assumida constante. A
equação de Branson tem sido continuamente questionada quanto à precisão de seus resultados. Segundo
Wickline [1], muitos estudos mostraram que as flechas estimadas pela equação de Branson é, na melhor das
hipóteses, 20% superior ou inferior aos valores obtidos experimentalmente em um ambiente controlado de
laboratório. A natureza empírica da formulação pode produzir erros grosseiros quando aplicada a vigas
fortemente ou levemente armadas e sujeitas ou não a cargas uniformes. Pesquisadores mostraram que, em alguns
casos, o modelo de Branson pode produzir valores 100% errados.
Embora com resultados discutíveis e dispersos, várias normas internacionais utilizam o momento efetivo de
inércia proposto por Branson. Além da NBR6118- 2013, tal procedimento é adotada pelo ACI 318-05 (ACI
2005), AASHTO LRFD (ASSHTO 2005), CSA A23.3-04 (CSA 2004), AS 3600 (SAA 1994) e TS 500 (TS
2000) nos cálculos de deflexão imediata de vigas de concreto. Silva [4] destaca que a simplicidade de utilização,
a fácil compreensão do seu equacionamento, o menor tempo de processamento e a praticidade são algumas das
vantagens que podem ser destacadas no emprego dos métodos normativos. Ao avaliar as flechas em vigas de
concreto armado calculadas segundo a brasileira, Carneiro [5] finaliza seu trabalho sugerindo a aferição da
expressão simplificada da rigidez equivalente de forma a levar em conta a taxa total de armadura, a aderência,
o tipo de carregamento, o módulo de elasticidade e a resistência à tração do concreto.
No trabalho analítico conduzido por Bischoff [6] a expressão proposta por Branson foi reavaliada para prever a
flecha em vigas de concreto armadas com aço e barras de polímeros reforçadas por fibras. O autor observou que
diferentes valores da relação entre a inércia bruta e446
a inércia fissurada (Ig/Icr) levava a variações na precisão da
formulação apresentada por Branson, que ia razoavelmente bem quando Ig/Icr = 2, o que não seria nenhuma
surpresa uma vez que Branson calibrou o seu trabalho usando vigas com Ig/Icr = 2,2.
Melo [7] apresentou um estudo sobre flechas instantâneas em vigas de concreto armado, comparando os dados
teóricos com resultados experimentais de 24 vigas ensaiadas por 04 autores, analisando os resultados do uso da
inércia equivalente de Branson e Bischoff com variações da taxa de armadura, da relação entre momento de
fissuração e momento máximo e das condições de aplicação de cargas (terço médio, distribuída, concentrada e
no balanço). Finaliza o artigo destacando que as comparações deixaram evidentes a influência da taxa de aço e
das condições de apoio das vigas sobre as discrepâncias entre os valores teóricos e experimentais, o que, reforça
a afirmação de que modelos mais eficientes e gerais para avaliação de flechas em vigas precisam ser formulados.
Tentativas de adaptações do coeficiente “m” da equação de Branson, a partir do estudo experimental de peças
pré-moldadas ou em protótipos, também têm sido conduzidas. Wickline [1] desenvolveu um trabalho
experimental, com o objetivo de formular procedimentos para a análise de vigas T a partir de um modelo de
momento efetivo de inércia que represente com precisão o comportamento em serviço de uma viga de ponte em
concreto armado submetida a uma configuração típica de carga militar. Wickline [1] concluiu seu trabalho
afirmando que mesmo determinando os coeficientes “m” experimentalmente, nas formulações avaliadas por ele
não foi possível prever adequadamente o comportamento das vigas ensaiadas para todas as taxas de armadura.
2. Objetivos Principais e Metodologia
Os estudos acadêmicos que pesquisam flechas de forma experimental têm, em sua maioria, tentado prever o
comportamento da curva carga x deslocamento, ou momento x curvatura, de vigas de concreto armado de seção
transversal retangular ou seção T desde o início do carregamento até a ruptura do elemento estrutural. Nesses
trabalhos as formulações existentes e o emprego de métodos numéricos são conferidos com ensaios
experimentais para adequar e/ou confrontar a precisão dos procedimentos existentes nos códigos.
Junges [9] realizou um estudo comparativo entre as flechas experimentais de 05 vigas biapoiadas, variando as
taxas de armadura longitudinal, com os resultados teóricos obtidos pelo método simplificado proposto pela NBR
6118/2007 e pelo método Bilinear. Foram utilizados também dois modelos refinados de elementos finitos, sendo
a não linearidade dos materiais considerada a partir de relações constitutivas do aço e do concreto, incluindo-se
uma proposta de tension stiffening, e utilizando-se gráficos momento-curvatura, obtidos por Branson. Para
Junges [9] os resultados do modelo refinado foram muito próximos dos experimentais e, na maioria dos casos,
mais próximos do que os obtidos pelos métodos normativos, sendo o Bilinear a apresentar os menores valores.
Carneiro e Campos [5] desenvolveram um trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar a metodologia proposta pela NBR
6118/2003 para a determinação teórica (δcal) de flechas em vigas de concreto armado e protendido, cujos
resultados foram confrontados com pontos das curvas experimentais carga x flecha correspondentes ao valor
limite da norma - L/250, em 53 vigas de concreto armado e 45 vigas de concreto protendido. Concluiu que a
expressão da NBR 6118/2003 para flecha imediata subestima em média em 22% o valor de flecha limite real
na maioria dos resultados experimentais, e em 4% para as vigas protendidas com cabos não aderentes. A Figura
1 mostram a dispersão dos resultados da razão flecha calculada/limite com a área de aço de flexão.

a) Dados de 53 ensaios de vigas de concreto Armado b) Dados de 45 ensaios de vigas de concreto protendido.
Figura 1 – Relações entre δcal/δlim e taxa de armadura obtidas de ensaios experimentais. Fonte: Carneiro e Campos [5]

Vale destacar que o conceito de flecha de serviço existente na norma brasileira considera, além dos valores de
deformações imediatas, também os valores de flechas diferidas no tempo. Desta forma, as flechas imediatas são
somente uma parcela da flecha de serviço a ser considerada pelo código, uma vez que a parcela diferida pode
representar um aumento entre o dobro e até 5 vezes a inicial. Trabalhos, como o de Carneiro [5], avaliaram as
flechas de serviço através de gráficos carga x flecha obtidos em diversos ensaios, porém retirou a carga a ser
utilizada na formulação da flecha teórica observando a abcissa L/250 dessas curvas e lendo a carga
correspondente à referida flecha. Entendeu-se, equivocadamente, este ponto como sendo o momento do ensaio
em que o elemento estrutural fletido alcançou o estado limite de deformação excessiva para critérios de
aceitabilidade sensorial, o que seria verdadeiro se não houvesse o efeito da reologia dos materiais.
Assim sendo, uma metodologia potencialmente mais adequada para a retirada de flechas imediatas nos gráficos
experimentais poderia consistir em estabelecer 447
as cargas de serviço, a partir das combinações quase-
permanentes (como requeridas pela normatização), e, de posse desse valor, entrar no gráfico carga x flecha e ler
o valor da flecha imediata correspondente. O valor da flecha de serviço seria calculado a partir da flecha imediata
somada aos efeitos diferidos de retração e fluência para um tempo de vida útil a ser considerado.
Na modelagem numérica conduzida por Araújo [8] foram calculadas flechas imediatas e diferidas por modelos
teóricos não-lineares baseados nas relações constitutivas apresentadas no MC CEB/90 [N] e por métodos
simplificados (Método bilinear, fórmula prática do CEB/90 (método dos coeficientes globais), fórmula do ACI
e pelo método adotado pela NBR6118). Os resultados indicaram uma boa concordância entre os modelos
simplificados, no que se refere ao cálculo das flechas iniciais das vigas de concreto armado. No estudo, o método
bilinear e o método adotado pela NBR6118 forneceram resultados compatíveis com a análise não-linear.
Quando se consideraram as deformações diferidas do concreto, verificou-se uma boa concordância do método
bilinear e da fórmula prática do CEB em relação à análise não-linear. Para o autor, o método da NBR6118 não
reproduziu satisfatoriamente os efeitos das deformações diferidas do concreto. Esse método subestimou as
flechas das vigas pouco solicitadas, quando elas ainda se encontram no estádio I, ou no início do estádio II (na
região de formação das fissuras) e superestimou as flechas das vigas mais solicitadas, em um estado de
fissuração mais adiantado. As Figuras 2, 3 e 4 mostram os resultados para flecha imediata, flecha imediata mais
fluência, flecha imediata mais fluência e retração, obtidos por Araújo [8]. Observa-se que as figuras a seguir
não representam relações carga x flecha, pois cada ponto corresponde a uma viga com armadura diferente.

Figura 2 – Flechas imediatas para as Figura 3 – Flechas imediatas acrescida da Figura 4 – Flechas total pelos diferentes métodos
cargas quase permanentes pelos métodos. fluência pelos diferentes métodos. (Imediata + Fluência + Retração).

As metodologias utilizadas na condução de ensaios em laboratório merecem ser avaliadas para evitar erros na
tentativa de demostrar o real comportamento dos espécimes. Exemplos desses potenciais erros acumulados são
apresentados nos trabalhos de Carneiro [5] e Kalkan [3]. No primeiro, são traçadas curvas momento-flecha para
elementos de pequena rigidez e os valores das curvas não se iniciam no cruzamento dos eixos cartesianos,
devido à consideração dos momentos permanentes de peso próprio e da estrutura de transferência de cargas. No
segundo Kalkan [3] comparou resultados de cálculo do momento de fissuração obtidos pelas normas ACI 318-
05 (2005), Eurocode 2 (2002) e TS 500 (2000) com resultados experimentais. Ele afirma que o valor do
momento de fissuração (Mr) usado na inércia efetiva das expressões de Branson e Bischoff afeta
significativamente a curva analítica carga x flecha. Em trabalhos realizados anteriormente descobriu-se
experimentalmente que o momento de fissuração estimado das relações empíricas dadas no ACI 318-05 (ACI
2005) são 20-40% maiores do que os momentos reais de fissuração das vigas de concreto armado, o que
influencia em grande parte as estimativas de deflexão analítica. Concluiu que apesar das estimativas de
momentos de fissuração pelo Eurocode 2 se mostraram inferiores, essas foram as que mais se aproximaram dos
valores de momento medidos nas amostras no instante em que ocorreram as fissuras.

O principal objetivo a ser alcançado no desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos, ou de novos modelos

numéricos, na investigação da aplicabilidade das formulações existentes de elementos finitos para a análise
estática não linear de elementos fletidos de concreto armado ou protendido (levando-se em conta a não-
linearidade física e geométrica) a serem implementados em programas computacionais de projetos deve ser a
acurácia (exatidão mais precisão) dos resultados quando confrontados com dados obtidos experimentalmente.

A modelagem de protótipos em softwares de elementos finitos a partir de dados obtidos em laboratório pode
corresponder a um fluxo alternativo de investigação do fenômeno físico relacionado aos deslocamentos.
Segundo essa perspectiva programas de análise podem ser utilizados para ajustar as curvas carga x flecha para
as cargas de serviço nos diferentes trechos em que as estruturas reais trabalham entre os domínios I e II, e,
conhecendo-se as variações das propriedades físicas do concreto, propor procedimentos simplificados capazes
de integrarem as referências normativas e serem usados como procedimentos de projetos corriqueiros.

3. Aplicação Numérica

A aplicação da metodologia descrita poderia ser feita a partir da utilização do Método dos Elementos Finitos,
para simular o comportamento de vigas de concreto448armado, considerando-se a resposta não-linear física dos
materiais na faixa de valores dos diagramas momento x curvatura relativos às cargas de serviço, utilizando-se
para isto programas comerciais como o ABAQUS ou o ANSYS. Trabalhos de investigação desse tipo são
frequentemente utilizados na prática acadêmica como, por exemplo, os citados em Ferrari [10] e Kachlakev [11]
que avaliaram ainda o desempenho de reforços estruturais. A validação do modelo com resultados experimentais
obtidos por vários autores possibilitaria ajustes nas curvas nos trechos específicos a serem avaliados e a
realização de análises paramétricas que possibilitassem chegar a uma formulação mais ampla, com fatores que
corrijam as limitações encontradas pelos procedimentos presentes nos códigos em vigor.

Na Figura 5 a seguir se observa a malha de elementos finitos utilizada por Ferrari [10] em sua modelagem com
auxílio do Programa ABAQUS onde, para evitar uma concentração de tensões, procedeu-se a um maior
refinamento nas regiões de aplicação da carga concentrada e nas regiões de apoio. Na Figura 6, está a localização
das barras de aço no modelo de elementos finitos, que foram consideradas como aderidas perfeitamente ao
concreto através de um elemento de barra, unidimensional, definido entre os nós de cada elemento sólido
(C3D8R) adjacente de concreto, de tal forma que os dois materiais compartilhassem o mesmo nó.

Figura 5 – Discretização das vigas por elementos finitos utilizada no Figura 6 – Posicionamento da armadura no interior do modelo
trabalho de [10] no software Abaqus utilizado por [10] no software Abaqus

4. Conclusões

Acredita-se que a utilização de métodos numéricos na busca de modelos simplificados para representar os
deslocamentos imediatos e diferidos para as cargas de serviço em elementos estruturais fletidos em concreto
armado e protendido possa corresponder a uma abordagem investigativa eficaz, desde que apoiada em resultados
experimentais consistentes presentes na literatura.
Neste trabalho levantou-se a possibilidade de adequação nos processos observados nos trabalhos técnicos, onde
se propõe o acoplamento das curvas momento-curvatura teóricas com as medidas experimentalmente em trechos
específicos correspondentes às cargas de serviço. Incluiu-se dados avaliados em 138 espécimes investigados em
ambiente controlado de laboratório, que podem servir de parâmetros para modelagens numéricas capazes de
colaborar na construção de métodos simples a ser incorporados nos códigos normativos, suficientes para prever
de forma mais adequada as flechas totais (imediatas e diferidas) que ocorrem nas estruturas usuais de concreto.
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Luiz A. Hegele Jr.1, Keijo K. Mattila2, Jonas H. Hegele3 and Paulo C. Philippi4
Technische Universität Clausthal, Clausthal , Germany,
Department of Physics, University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla, Finland,
Mechanical Engineering Department, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil,
Mechanical Engineering Graduate Program, Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, Curitiba,

Abstract. The lattice-Boltzmann equation (LBE) can be considered as a projection of the Boltzmann
equation onto a subspace Hq of the Hilbert space H that maps the velocity space onto the real
numbers. The dimension q of Hq is dependent on the hydrodynamic problem it is wanted to solve,
whether isothermal or non-isothermal, or if it involves non-ideality in single or multi-component
systems [1] [2], [3]. Since subspace Hq is generated by a finite Hermitian basis, truncated at a given
order, the solution of a LBE involve errors being affected by high-order moments that cannot be
controlled with this approximation and considered to contribute to instability issues. Regularization is
not a new concept in LBM and dates to the pioneer works of Ladd [4] in 1994 and showed to have
improved stability properties by Latt & Chopard [5]. An improvement of the regularization method
was proposed, in connection with kinetic projections [6] and it was demonstrated that solutions of the
LB equations, with improved stability ranges, may be found, in a systematic way, based on
increasingly order projections of the continuous Boltzmann equation onto subspaces generated by a
finite set of Hermite polynomials. We considered a particular truncation, filtering the diffusive parts of
high-order non-equilibrium moments that do not belong to the Hilbert subspace Hq, retaining. only
their corresponding advective parts that fit into this representation. The decomposition of moments
into diffusive and advective parts is based directly on general relations between Hermite polynomial
tensors. The resulting regularization procedure led to recurrence relations where high-order non-
equilibrium moments were expressed in terms of low-order ones [6]. The procedure is appealing in the
sense that stability can be enhanced without local variation of transport parameters, e.g., the viscosity,
or without tuning the simulation parameters based on embedded optimization steps.
In this work, LB regularization is extended to boundary conditions (BC). Dealing with boundary
conditions was ever considered a puzzling question in LBM, especially, when a large set of lattice
vectors is required for the description of a given physical problem. The most popular BC models are
based on Ad-Hoc rules, [7], [8] and although these BC models were shown to be suitable for low-
order LBE, their extension to high-order LBE was shown to be a very difficult problem and, at authors
knowledge, never solved with satisfaction. In fact, the main question to be solved is how to deal with a
problem when the number of unknowns (the particle populations coming from the outside part of the
numerical domain) is greater than the number of equations we have at each boundary site. A new
boundary condition model is here proposed. The main idea is that when we write both the equilibrium
and non-equilibrium parts of the discrete populations fi in terms of its equilibrium and non-
equilibrium hydrodynamic moments, these moments replace the discrete populations as unknowns,

independently of the number of discrete velocities that are needed for solving a given problem. This
idea was applied to the 2D [9] and 3D [10] lid-driven cavity flow problem and improved stability
properties were demonstrated with respect to Zou & He [7] model for boundary conditions.


1. Philippi PC, dos Santos LOE, Hegele LA, et al (2011) Thermodynamic consistency in deriving
lattice Boltzmann models for describing segregation in non-ideal mixtures. Philos Trans R Soc
A 369:2292–300. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2011.0021
2. Siebert DN, Philippi PC, Mattila KK (2014) Consistent lattice Boltzmann equations for phase
transitions. Phys Rev E 90:53310. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.90.053310
3. Philippi PC, Mattila KK, Siebert DN, et al (2012) Lattice-Boltzmann equations for describing
segregation in non-ideal mixtures. J Fluid Mech 713:564–587. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2012.473
4. Ladd AJC (1994) Numerical simulations of particulate suspensions via a discretized Boltzmann
equation. Part 1. Theoretical foundation. J Fluid Mech 271:285. doi:
5. Latt J, Chopard B (2006) Lattice Boltzmann method with regularized pre-collision distribution
functions. Math Comput Simul 72:165–168. doi: 10.1016/j.matcom.2006.05.017
6. Mattila KK, Philippi PC, Hegele LA (2017) High-order regularization in lattice-Boltzmann
equations. Phys Fluids 29:46103. doi: 10.1063/1.4981227
7. Zou Q, He X (1997) On pressure and velocity boundary conditions for the lattice Boltzmann
BGK model. Phys Fluids 9:1591–1598. doi: 10.1063/1.869307
8. Inamuro T, Yoshino M, Ogino F (1995) A non-slip boundary condition for lattice Boltzmann
simulations. Phys Fluids 7:2928. doi: 10.1063/1.868766
9. Hegele JH (2016) A new model for boundary conditions (Dissertation submitted to
Undergraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering -in portuguese). Federal University of
Santa Catarina
10. Hegele Júnior LA, Scagliarini A, Sbragaglia M, et al (2018) High Reynolds Number Turbulent
Cavity Flow Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method (under reviewing). Phys. Rev. E


Application of High Order Flux Reconstruction/Correction Pro-

cedure via Reconstruction (FR/CPR) Method Coupled to a
Non-Orthodox Multipoint Flux Approximation Method (MPFA-
D) in the Simulation of Two-Phase Flows in Petroleum Reservoirs

Gustavo Galinde Ramirez1, Fernando Licapa Contreras2, Darlan Karlo Elisiário de Carvalho1,
Paulo Roberto Maciel Lyra1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, UFPE, Av. Acadêmico Hélio Ramos s/n, CEP: 50670-
901, Recife, PE, Brazil,;;
Technology Center, Federal University of Pernambuco, Caruaru, Brazil.

The need for faster, more robust, and more accurate reservoir simulators has always driven the
field of research and development of numerical discretization techniques for petroleum reser-
voirs simulation. Several methods have been proposed in the past that are based on finite-
difference (FD), finite-volume (FV) or finite-element (FE). These methods are, in general, of a
low order of approximation and suffer excessive smearing at saturation front as well as a grid
orientation effect introducing error into the numerical solution. These deficiencies can be en-
hanced or mitigated using the high-resolution methods such as the k-exact or ENO/WENO (Es-
sentially Non-Oscillatory Schemes) FV methods [1], which require large stencils to reconstruct
high order polynomial within a control volume. On the other hand, recently a novel Variational
Finite Volume (VFV) [2] method was developed to improve the traditional FV schemes, which,
similar to the Discontinous Galerkin (DG), Spectral Volume (SV), Spectral Difference (SD) and
Flux Reconstruction/Correction Procedure via Reconstruction (FR/CPR) methods [3], can
achieve high order accuracy via a compact stencil consisting of the current cell and its immedi-
ate neighbors. However, the advantage of the FR/CPR method over the DG and VFV is that the
FR/CPR formulation does not involve any Gaussian quadrature formulas, improving computa-
tional efficiency. In addition, the FR/CPR recovery simplified versions of nodal DG, SV and SD
methods by choosing adequate polynomial reconstruction functions, whose coefficients are
preprocessed and stored. The focus of this work is to investigate and to apply a higher resolution
FR/CPR numerical discretization technique for the hyperbolic saturation equation, present in a
two phase flow model. In order to suppress numerical oscillations, a hierarchical multi-
dimensional limiting strategy (MLP) [4] is used in the reconstruction stage. The integration in
time is carried out using a third-order Runge-Kutta method. The solution procedure is the clas-
sical IMPES (IMplicit Pressure Explicit Saturation). To solve the pressure equation a non-
orthodox cell centered MPFA-D (Multipoint Flux Approximation-Diamond) finite volume [5] is
employed. In order to properly couple the MPFA-D method with the CPR formulation, it is
necessary to obtain an adequate velocity reconstruction throughout the control volumes of the
mesh. This is obtained by a reconstruction operator based on the Raviart-Thomas mixed finite-
element method [6]. This operator receives, as input, fluxes across element faces and returns the
point-wise values of velocity anywhere within the cell. A number of 2-D two-phase flow

benchmark problems are solved, in which pressure, saturation, and streamline-tracing using
reconstructed velocities are analyzed to verify the accuracy, efficiency and shock-capturing
capability of the proposed methodology.
Keywords: Two phase flow, Petroleum Reservoirs, Numerical Simulation, MPFA-D, High Or-
der, CPR, MLP.

[1] Shu, C.-W. “Essentially non-oscillatory and weighted essentially non-oscillatory schemes
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Pedro Cortez Lopes1,2, Rafael Lopez Rangel1, Luiz Fernando Martha1

Tecgraf Institute of Technical-Scientific Software Development of PUC-Rio
Fluminense Federal University, Engineering School

Keywords Linear structural analysis, MATLAB program, Graphic tool, Interactive modeling.

This work presents a user-friendly graphic tool, entirely implemented via MATLAB, based on the
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm, for linear-elastic analysis of one-dimensional element
models (reticulated models), such as frames, trusses, and grillages, using the direct stiffness method.
The creation of this program has two main goals. The first is an educational approach, which aims to
provide students a comprehensive program for better understanding the process of matrix structural
analysis, through a didactic and well-documented open source code. The OOP paradigm grants
generality and modularity to the code, which, combined with the high-level MATLAB programming
language, allows any user to understand procedures and implement new ones with relative simplicity.
The second goal, which is the focus of discussion on this article, is the development of a graphic
tool for practical use. A graphical user interface (GUI) of simple usage and multiple functionalities
combined with computer graphics techniques allow students and professionals to model, simulate,
visualize, and analyze several types of linear element models. The existence of a user interface and a
structure modeler complement the educational appeal of the program since the graphical visualization
of the analysis results gives students a better understanding about the behavior of reticulated models,
and may help teachers in providing such insight during classes. In addition, it is a great facilitator for
civil and mechanical engineers whose aim is to obtain results for designing structures.
The LESM (Linear Elements Structure Model) program was developed at the Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering of Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and at
the Institute of Technical-Scientific Software Development of PUC-Rio (Tecgraf/PUC-Rio) [1,2]. The
LESM program has been successfully used in some structural analysis courses at PUC-Rio as a
modeling and analyzing program for studying structures behaviors. The full documentation of the
program, as well as a download link is available at
Some features of the modeling and analysis options of the LESM program are the consideration of:
• Five types of analysis models: plane truss, spatial truss, plane frame, spatial frame, and
• Two types of bending behavior of linear elements: Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko
bending behavior;
• Four load types: concentrated force or moment, uniformly distributed load, linearly
distributed load, and temperature variation effects;
• Rigid or flexible (spring) supports;
• Creation of load cases and their combinations;

The interface of the program was created using the Graphical User Interface Development
Environment (GUIDE) of MATLAB, a drag-and-drop tool for laying out user interfaces whose
behavior are controlled by callback functions that are called upon a specific event based on the event-
driven programming paradigm. The program is composed by a main dialog window (see Figure 1) and
nine auxiliary dialog windows for modeling structures by entering the necessary input data. The main
dialog holds an axes, a MATLAB interface component that defines the area where the graphic system
can plot geometric primitives such as points, lines, polygons, etc., to represent the structural model and
analysis results. This plotting area for displaying the model and the results are also known as canvas.
An important feature of the LESM program is the mouse interaction with the canvas to draw the
model topology, pick objects to assign information to them, and manipulate the visualization to apply
camera rotation, zooming, etc. Mouse interactions configure an important aspect of modeling
structures, by using mouse clicks and movements on a canvas, the task of modeling and analyzing
results becomes intuitive and faster.
The program handles mouse events by creating objects of an inherited subclass from the generic
superclass EMouse [3]. This is an abstract class to facilitate the development of MATLAB
applications that handle mouse events on canvases. It declares abstract methods that associate callback
functions to basic mouse actions, and its use is achieved by creating a client subclass that inherits its
properties and implements its abstract methods. Two subclasses were inherited to manage the mouse
events, one for 2D models and another for 3D models. The visualization functionalities, such as pan
and zoom, are implemented by both plane and spatial models, while modeling options are restricted to
the 2D subclass. The modeling of 3D structures takes place in 2D projections specified by the user.
Once mouse modeling is enabled, some computer graphics issues surface and need to be dealt with.
In that matter, one of the main questions a linear element analysis program has to face is the treatment
of crossing elements and nodes, and collinear elements. This issue was solved with computational
geometry methods.

Figure 1: Main dialog window of the graphical user interface

Figure 2: Plane truss model with deformed configuration and axial force values

Figure 3: Spatial frame model with deformed configuration and bending moment diagram


[1] Rangel R.,Development of a Graphic Program for Structural Analysis of Linear Element Models,
Undergraduate thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Pontifical Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro, 2016.
[2] Duailibe M. F., Extensão de Programa Gráfico para Análise de Treliças e Pórticos Espaciais via
MATLAB e GUI, Undergraduate thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, 2017.
[3] Torres E., Martha L.F., Development of a class in the context of OOP for generic management of
mouse events in a canvas in the MATLAB environment, XXXVIII CILAMCE – 38th Iberian Latin-
American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil,



Pedro Machado Virgolino1, Cátia da Costa e Silva2, Paulo de Mattos Pimenta3
Polytechnic School at University of São Paulo, Brazil,
Polytechnic School at University of São Paulo, Brazil,
Polytechnic School at University of São Paulo, Brazil,

This work presents a geometrically exact Timoshenko rod [1] with an alternative parameterization [6],
the Rodrigues formula will be considered in an incremental way. This theory is geometrically exact
because there is no approximation other than the kinematical assumption. This assumption is that the
cross section undergoes a rigid body movement the displacements and rotation can be unlimited large.
The Rodrigues parameterization has a singularity when the rotation angle reaches 180 degrees, that is
the reason we describe the parameterization in increments so we pass through this problem. The rotation
tensor with the Rodrigues formula makes the updating of the rotational variables very simple. This
parametrization can be seen in [5]. Linear interpolation was considered for the displacements and for
the Rodrigues parameter.

In this work we intend to present a geometrically exact rod theory. The only considered approximation
is the kinematic hypothesis that the cross section undergoes a rigid body motion, this is, the cross
sections remain flat and undeformable during movement. This theory is geometrically exact because
there are no limits of deformations, displacements or rotations along its length. This theory considers
the effect of the rod distortion by shear stress, normal force deformations, and bending by moments,
but does not consider the bending of the cross section by twisting or distortion.
a= q and q = qe denotes the vector of Rodrigues parameters. The Rodrigues parameterization
4 æ ö
  Qˆ ( a ) = I + çç A + 1 A2 ÷÷ , where A = Skew ( a ) and a2 = a ⋅ a  .  (2.1) 
ç ÷ø÷
4 + a2 è 2

Vector  a  can be obtained from Q = ei Ä eir   with the aid of 

  a= axial ( SkewQ )     (2.2) 
1 + trQ
The curvature k   is  
  k = axial (Q ¢QT ) = Ξ a¢ and kr = QT k = axial (QTQ ¢ ) = ΞT a¢ ,    (2.3) 

and  k  is its back‐rotated counterpart with 
4 æ ö
  Ξ = çç I + 1 A ÷÷  .  (2.4) 
4 + a ⋅ aèç 2 ÷÷ø
(⋅) (⋅ )
Let i and i +1 denote a quantity
(⋅) at instants ti and ti +1 , respectively. And let (⋅)D be an
incremental quantity. Thus, one gets for the rotation tensor the following relations
Qi +1 = QDQi , where
ˆ ( ai +1 ) , QD = Q
ˆ ( aD ) ˆ ( ai ) . (2.5)
Qi +1 = Q and Qi = Q

We recall the following result by Rodrigues, which is probably the most relevant result by him,
4 æ ö
ai +1 = çç a + aD - 1 a ´ aD ÷÷ (2.6)
4 - ai ⋅ aD èç i
2 i

The curvature vector at instant ti +1 is given by ki +1 = axial (Qi¢+1QiT+1 ) . This delivers

ki +1 = QD ki + Ξ D aD¢ , (2.7)
4 æç 1 ö
ΞD = ç I + AD ÷÷÷÷
2 ç
. (2.8)
4 + aD è 2 ø
In (2.8), we have AD = Skew ( aD ) and aD2 = aD ⋅ aD .On the other hand, the back-rotated
æ ö
curvature vector at instant tt +1 is given by kir+1 = axial (QiT+1Qi¢+1 ) = axial ççQiTQTD (QDQi )¢ ÷÷÷ or
è ø

kir+1 = kir + QiT+1 Ξ D aD¢ = kir + QiT ΞTD aD¢ , (2.9)

4 æ 1 ö
ΞTD = ççç I - AD ÷÷÷÷ . (2.10) 
4 + aD è2 2 ø


Let {e1r , e2r , e3r } be an orthogonal system placed at the reference configuration of the rod. The
vectors ear , a = 1,2 , are placed on the cross section of the rod, shown in [5]. Thus, e3r is
orthogonal to this plane. The position of the rod material points in the reference configuration
is x and r r the director
x = z + r r , z = ze3r , r r = xaear . (3.1)
We introduce the coordinate z = z ⋅ e3r , z Î W = ( 0,  ) , where  is the rod length at reference
configuration. In the current configuration, the position of the material points is given by
x = z +r , r = Qr r , z ¢ = e3r + u ¢ and z ¢¢ = u ¢¢ . (3.2)

h = z ¢ - e3 and hr = QT h (3.3)

Introducing a linear elastic material law, a simple potential for the beam can be formulated
é hr ù éQT z ¢ - QT e t +1 ùú
based on generalized cross-sectional strains er = êê tr+1 úú = êê r t +1 T T 3 ú , incorporating the
êë kt +1 úû êë kt + Qt Ξ D aD¢ úû
axis stretch and curvature. The strain energy per unit reference length is then given by
1 r
y ( er ) = e ⋅ Der . (3.4)
A constitutive tensor D is used to model linear elasticity in this case. The potential will be
minimized using the standard finite element procedure.

It is concluded that the geometrically exact rod theory was a major advance for structural
analysis opening up new structural possibilities. There are still many discoveries to be
implemented for exact solution of the structure considering all the possible effects that the
deformation can entail. As for this theory is show that this parameterization works and can be
used for structural analysis with large displacements stresses and strains. The authors intend in
future works consider a hydrostatic pressure load in the model.

[1] Pimenta P. M. and Yojo T., “Geometrically-exact analysis of spatial frames”, Applied Mechanics
Reviews, ASME, New York, v.46, 11, 118-128, 1993.
[2] Pimenta P. M., “Geometrically-Exact Analysis of Initially Curved Rods”, in: Advances in
Computational Techniques for Structural Engineering, Edinburgh, U.K., v.1, 99-108, Civil-Comp
Press, Edinburgh,1996.
[3] Pimenta P. M., Campello E. M. B., “Shell curvature as an initial deformation: geometrically exact
finite element approach”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Engrg., 78, 1094-1112, 2009.
[4] Viebahn, N., Pimenta, P.M. & Schroeder, J., “A simple triangular finite element for nonlinear thin
shells - Statics, Dynamics and anisotropy”, Computational Mechanics, online, 2016.
[5] Silva, C.C., Maassen, S., Pimenta, P.M. & Schröder, J. “Geometrically exact analysis of Bernoulli-
Euler rods” submitted to Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018
[6] Pimenta P. M. and Campello E. M. B., “Geometrically nonlinear analysis of thin-walled space
frames”, Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Computational Mechanics, II
ECCM, Cracow, Poland, 2001.



P. Du1 , A. Ouahsine2
UT Compiegne-Sorbonne Univ., Lab. Roberval, 60203 Compiègne Cedex, France,
UT Compiegne-Sorbonne Univ., Lab. Roberval, 60203 Compiègne Cedex, France,

Abstract: The effect of the dynamic draft on ship hydrodynamics is investigated by coupling an
Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) based CFD solver with a 2DOF-rigid body
model. The effects of free heave and pitch are considered using the mesh morphing. Two conditions of
the ship with and without the free sinkage and trim are simulated. The wave elevations, ship
resistance, trim and sinkage are analyzed, and the results are validated using the experimental

Keywords: Hydrodynamics; trim; sinkage; ship waves; advancing resistance

1. Introduction
The ship motions in depth and restricted shallow waters were studied by several researchers
(Tezdogan et al. 2016, Linde et al. 2016, Du et al. ) According to these works, CFD method is proven
to be extremely suitable for ship dynamics problems. RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes)
seems to be a good choice regarding both the computational capability and precision. The free surface
can be captured either using the level set or the Volume of Fluid (VOF) approach. With respect to the
moving ship problems, mesh morphing techniques, remeshing method, overset method or IBM (Cai et
al. 2017) are all possible, depending on the large or small deformations.
In this study, the effect of the dynamic draft on ship hydrodynamics is investigated by coupling an
Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) based CFD solver with a 2DOF-rigid body
model. The effects of free heave and pitch are considered using the mesh morphing. Two conditions of
the ship with and without the free sinkage and trim are simulated. The wave elevations, ship
resistance, trim and sinkage are analyzed, and the results are validated using the experimental
2. Numerical methods
2.1 Hydrodynamic equations
To simulate the flow around the ship, the URANS equations with VOF (Volume of Fluid) method are
solved by using the OpenFOAM open source code. The governing Navier-Stokes (NS) equations are:

U = 0 (1)
   [  (U  U g )U ]  prgh  g  x    ( eff U )  (U ) eff  f (2)
where U is the fluid velocity,  is the fluid density. Ug is the grid velocity taking into account the
mesh motion. prhg  p   g  x is a modified pressure, where x is the position vector, g is the gravity
acceleration. f is the surface tension term. eff   (  t ) denotes the effective dynamic viscosity,
where  and  t are the kinematic and eddy viscosities respectively.  t is obtained from a specific
turbulence model. In this study, the SST (Shear Stress Transport) k-  model (Menter 1993) is

adopted. It is a two-equation eddy-viscosity model which combines the advantages of the k-  and k-
 models. The k-  model is used in the boundary layer and the k-  model in the free stream flow.
In addition, in order to simulate the fluid free surface, we used the The VOF approach by solving the
following transport equation, using both classical finite differences schemes or TDV schemas
( Smaoui et al.2008) :
   [ (U  U g )]    [ (1   )U r ]  0 (3)
where  is the phase fraction, which takes values within the range 0    1 .   0 and   1
correspond with gas and liquid respectively. It can be seen that the compression term (the last term on
the left hand side) only takes effect within the interface. This term is able to compress the free surface
towards a sharper one. U  U w  (1   )U a is the effective velocity, and U r  U w  U a is the
relative velocity between the two phases, where the subscripts 'w' and 'a' denote water and air
respectively. The density and dynamic viscosity are calculated according to the following equations:

  w  (1   ) a and   w  (1   )a (5)

The surface tension term f is calculated by f   , where  is the surface tension coefficient
(0.07 kg/s2 in water).  is the curvature of the free surface interface, determined from the volume of
fraction by    ( / |  |) .
3. Computational procedure and methodology
The solution procedure is presented in Fig. 1. The mesh information is updated at first. The 6-DoF
rigid body motion solver is used to realize the mesh morphing, where the Newmark method is used for
updating the mesh velocity and position. Following the dynamic mesh procedure, VOF and NS
equations are solved continuously.The turbulence is calculated at last to update the turbulent kinetic
energy (k), specific dissipation (  ) and eddy viscosity ( t ).

Fig. 1 Flowchart of the solution procedure

In this work , two cases are simulated and compared, which are termed as the static and dynamic cases.
The ship in the static case is fixed, where the grid velocity Ug is neglected in Eq. (2)-(3). In the
dynamic case, instead of 6-DOFs, only the heave and pitch motions are considered to limit the mesh

Fig. 2 Computational domain and boundary conditions

The ship model used in this study is the KRISO Container Ship (KCS) developed by the Korea
Research Institute for Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO). The geometrical parameters can be
seen in Table 1. This is a well-tested ship model with many open experimental and numerical data.
The computational domain is shown in Fig. 2. The bow and the stern are refined with a higher
level since they have relatively more complex geometries. Only a half domain in the y direction is
simulated using the symmetry boundary condition to reduce the mesh number. Slip boundary
conditions are used for the side, bottom and top of the domain.
Table 1 Geometrical parameters of the full-scale KRISO Container Ship (KCS) and model used in this study.
Parameters Symbols Full scale Model
Scale factor  57.5
Length between perpendiculars LPP [m] 230 4
Beam B [m] 32.2 0.5635
Draft T [m] 10.8 0.1878
 [m ]
Displacement volume 52,030 0.2737
Longitudinal center of buoyancy -1.48 -1.48
Wetted surface area without rudder SW0 [m2] 9424 2.8504
Kxx/B 0.4 0.4
Moment of inertia Kyy/B 0.25 0.25
Kzz/B 0.25 0.25
4. Results and discussions
Three different grids are used for the mesh sensitivity study with the mesh numbers 962,346,
1,485,916 and 1,717,375. They are denoted as grid 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The cases are carried out
with the dynamic mesh. The mesh deformation can be clearly observed in Fig. 3. Only the meshes in
the mesh morphing regions deforms during the simulation. The wave elevations at the lateral position
y/LPP=0.0741 are shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 3 Mesh morphing during the simulation Fig. 4 Wave elevations for three
different grids (Fr=0.260).
The wave elevations on the hull at three different speed (Fr=0.227, 0.260, 0.282) are shown in Fig.5. It
can be seen that the wave elevation grows with the increase of the ship speed. The largest wave
elevations are near the bow and the stern. All the waves in the dynamic cases will have a fluctuation at
the bow. However, the amplitude of this fluctuation reduces when the ship speed is increased. The
extrema of the wave on the ship's side is pushed towards the stern by the accelerated flow. The ship-
generated waves will also propagate further with a higher maneuvering speed.

Fig. 5 Wave elevations on the hull surface in static and dynamic cases
The experimental data comes from Hino (2005) and Kim et al. (2001).

Fig. 6 Total resistance against the Froude number (Fr).
The final resistance coefficients are plotted in Fig. 6. The results agree well with experiments (Kim et
al. 2001). For the dynamic case, the resistance is higher than that in the static case since it sinks more
into the water. With the increase of the ship speed (Fr), the resistance increases.
3. Conclusions
The ship hydrodynamics with and without the trim and sinkage was simulated using 3-D numerical
simulations.The wave elevations and ship resistances were analyzed to characterize the influence of
the free trim , the sinkage and of the ship speed. High speed was found to increase the wave elevation
around the ship. Compared with the static case, the dynamic case seemed to generate higher waves
near the bow and after the stern. The frictional resistance was found be to more dominant. However,
the pressure resistance became gradually important with the increase of the ship speed.
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Numer. Meth. Fluid., 85(5) (2017) 288–323.
[3] B. Guo, S. Steen, G. Deng, 2012, Seakeeping prediction of kvlcc2 in head waves with rans, Appl.
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generated waves in a restricted waterway, J. Hydrodyn., Ser. B, 24(3), 420–429.
[6] S. C Ji, A.Ouahsine, H. Smaoui and P. Sergent, 2014, 3d Numerical Modeling of Sediment
Resuspension Induced by the compounding effects of Ship-Generated Waves and the Ship
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Philippe Devloo1, Ronghong Fan2, Wenchao Teng3, Chensong Zhang4

University of Campinas, Brazil,
LSEC, AMSS, China,
Peking University, China,

A multiscale hybrid-mixed method is applied to the numerical approximation of two-dimensional fluid

flow in porous media with fractures. The two-dimensional fluid flow in the reservoir and the one-
dimensional flow in the discrete fractures are approximated using mixed finite elements. The coupling
of the two-dimensional flow with the one-dimensional fracture flow is enforced using the pressure of
the one-dimensional flow as a Lagrange multiplier to express the conservation of fluid transfer
between the fracture flow and the divergence of the one-dimensional fracture flux. A zero-dimensional
pressure (point element) is used to express conservation of mass where fractures intersect. The issuing
simulation is then reduced using the MHM method leading to surprisingly accurate results with a very
reduced number of global equations. A general system was developed where fracture geometries and
conductivities are specified in an input file and meshes are generated using the public domain software
GMSH. Several test cases illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach comparing the
multiscale results with direct simulations.



Pierre Feissel1 , Liqi Sui1 , Thierry Denoeux2
1 Laboratoire Roberval FRE UTC-CNRS 2012, Université de Technologie de Compiègne,
60200 Compiègne, France,
2 Laboratoire Heudiasyc UMR UTC-CNRS 7253, Université de Technologie de Compiègne,

60200 Compiègne, France

1. Introduction
This paper focuses on developing a method to identify material parameters from full-fields kinematic
measurements, thanks to an inverse approach. Hence, we have to deal with measurement uncertainties
and ill-posedness of the inverse problem. It can be done by taking advantage of available prior infor-
mation. There are two challenges: firstly, taking into account both measurement and prior information;
secondly, quantifying the different kinds of uncertainty and propagating them through models. The un-
certainty on prior information can be represented by various approaches, such as intervals [1], possibility
theory [2], or imprecise probability [3].
We aim at proposing a unified framework to describe all uncertainties, and a strategy to propagate
them. Belief function theory, also referred to as Evidence theory [4] [5] [6], offers a suitable framework
to encode and quantify both epistemic and aleatory uncertainty. Moreover it includes a comprehensive
information merging mechanism for combination and conditioning. Some previous studies using belief
function theory have focused on the conversion of available information and the propagation of uncer-
tainty through mechanical models [7] [8]. However, very few studies have been devoted to handling
uncertainty in identification based on belief functions. In this paper, we explore the possibility of using
belief functions theory to quantify uncertainty in identification.

2. Identification framework
We consider the identification of elastic parameters of a 2D domain Ω (under plain stress assumption) un-
der loading based on displacement field data. The main unknowns are the material parameters collected
in θ; the stress field σ and the displacement field u are secondary unknowns.
Both the experimental and theoretical information can be translated in terms of equations as follows:

• We assume that the data and modeling of the test allow us to define a well-posed direct solid me-
chanics problem on Ω described by the standard equations (equilibrium, constitutive law, boundary

• On Ωm : u = u
e. The displacement is measured in Ωm ⊂ Ω.

The purpose of the identification is to find the elastic parameters θ that are compatible with the above
equations, taking into account uncertainty. The available information can be split into three categories:

• Theoretical information, which is considered as reliable and deterministic. Eq. (??) and Eq. (??),
along with the boundary conditions, lead to a well-posed direct problem, parameterized by θ. Its
solution is denoted u = u(θ) for any given θ and is usually estimated through a FE calculation;

466 1
• Experimental information, with mainly aleatory uncertainty. Hence the displacement measurement
can be written as
e = u(θ) + e, where e is the measurement error;
u (1)

• Background information corresponding to prior knowledge on θ, with epistemic uncertainty.

In the following, we will use belief functions and random sets to model uncertainty. Considering
a probability space (Ω, σΩ , P), a non-empty set Θ, its power set 2Θ and a strongly measurable multi-
valued mapping Γ: Ω −→ 2Θ , Γ is a random set. For all A ⊆ Θ, the uncertainty of the proposition θ ∈ A
can be quantified by belief and plausibility function [4] [9]:

Bel(A) = P({ω ∈ Ω|Γ(ω) ⊆ A, Γ(ω) 6= 0}), (2)
Pl(A) = P({ω ∈ Ω|Γ(ω) ∩ A 6= 0}). (3)

Bel(A) is interpreted as the degree of support in the proposition θ ∈ A, while Pl(A) measures the lack
of support in the proposition θ 6∈ A. The contour function pl : Θ → [0, 1] is defined as

pl(θ) = Pl({θ}) for all θ ∈ Θ. (4)

3. Identification strategy
3.1. Measurement information
The measurement u e is assumed to be known with some aleatory uncertainty (see Eq. (1)). The error is
assumed to be a random Gaussian noise, with known covariance D: e ∼ N (0, D). Based on [4] [6],
the uncertainty about θ is represented by a consonant likelihood-based belief function, whose contour
function equals the normalized likelihood function:
L(θ; u
pl(θ; u
e) = , (5)
supθ L(θ; u

where L(θ; u
e ) is the likelihood function,
−1/2 1 T −1
L(θ; u
e ) = (2π det D) exp − (u(θ) − u
e) D (u(θ) − u
e) . (6)

The contour function pl(θ; u)

e in Eq. (5) is normalized. It corresponds to a consonant random set, where
Ω = [0, 1] and Γ defined as: Γ(ω) = {θ ∈ Θ|pl(θ; u)e ≥ ω}.

3.2. Prior information

Prior information with epistemic uncertainty is represented by a possibility distribution π(θ), which
induces the consonant random set

Γ(ω) = {θ ∈ Θ|π(θ) ≥ ω}. (7)

The consonant random set shown in Fig. 1 expresses an expert opinion about θ: values of θ outside
interval [a, d] are considered as impossible, while values inside interval [b, c] are considered as fully
possible. Indeed, Γ(ω) ⊆ [a, d] and [b, c] ⊆ Γ(ω) for any ω ∈ [0, 1]. In this paper, we assume that
ω ∼ U [0, 1].
Moreover, in the framework of belief function theory, the discounting operation allows us to ex-
press the degree of confidence in a source of information. Assume, for instance, that an expert uses
the possibility distribution of Fig. 1 to represent their opinion about a parameter, and we have a degree
of confidence mΘ ∈ [0, 1] in this opinion. We can then assign the value mΘ to the whole set Θ, i.e.,
P({ω ∈ Ω|Γ(ω) = Θ}) = mΘ . When mΘ = 0, we fully trust the expert’s opinion; when mΘ = 1, we
totally doubt it. The discounted possibility distribution is shown in Fig. 2. We notice that it has an
infinite support.

467 2
π(θ) π(θ)
1 1


θ mΘ θ
a U(ω) b c V(ω) d a b c d

Figure 1: Possibility distribution Figure 2: Discounted Possibility distribution

3.3. Merging prior and experimental information: Dempster’s rule

Measurement and prior information typically induce two random sets represented by possibility dis-
tributions. Aggregation of information from multiple sources is an important step in the modeling of
uncertainty. Dempster’s rule [4] is a combination mechanism in belief function theory. This rule is often
used to combine belief functions defined on finite sets. Here, we reformulate it in the infinite setting.
Consider two random sets (Ωk , σΩk , Pk , Γk ), k = 1, 2. Let Ω = Ω1 × Ω2 be the product space, P = P1 ⊗ P2
the product measure on σΩ = σΩ1 ⊗ σΩ2 , and Γ p the multi-valued mapping defined by: ∀(ω1 , ω2 ) ∈ Ω p ,
Γ p (ω1 , ω2 ) = Γ1 (ω1 ) ∩ Γ2 (ω2 ). The combined random set is (Ω, σΩ , P, Γ p ). It induces the following
belief and plausibility functions: for any A ⊂ Θ,
P({(ω1 , ω2 ) ∈ Ω|Γ p (ω1 , ω2 ) ⊆ A, Γ p (ω1 , ω2 ) 6= 0})
Bel(A) = , (8)
P({(ω1 , ω2 ) ∈ Ω|Γ p (ω1 , ω2 ) 6= 0})
P({(ω1 , ω2 ) ∈ Ω|Γ p (ω1 , ω2 ) ∩ A 6= 0})
Pl(A) = . (9)
P({(ω1 , ω2 ) ∈ Ω|Γ p (ω1 , ω2 ) 6= 0})

The degree of conflict is:

k = P({(ω1 , ω2 ) ∈ Ω|Γ p (ω1 , ω2 ) = 0}). (10)
k is a measure of the compatibility between the two sources of information.
In this paper, we use Monte Carlo simulation to implement Dempster’s rule for combining informa-
tion. A keypoint is to use a strategy to describe subsets of arbitrary shape. Here, we propose to describe
subsets using a cloud of points generated by a Halton sequence [10]. For each domain, a discrete in-
dicator function is defined such that its value at any point is 1 if the point is inside this domain, and 0
otherwise. Such a description is suitable for Boolean operations as required by Dempster’s rule.
After merging information, we obtain a collection of posterior subsets that need to be exploited. The
contour function pl(θ) is an easy and direct way to summarize information, in particular through the
parameters maximizing it. For further exploitation of posterior random sets, we search for a minimal
subset R ⊆ Θ such that Pl(R) and Bel(R) are larger than threshold values δPl and δBel .

4. Application
In this section, we present the numerical example of the identification of the Lamé coefficients θ = {λ, µ}
of a 2D plate from a tensile test. The measurement is the displacement field on the whole plate and the
applied traction. It was created based on a reference finite element calculation with reference value
{λ, µ} = {1, 1} and adding a 5% Gaussian noise to represent the measurement error.
The prior information, which comes from expert opinions, was expressed by possibility distributions.
In order to check the performance of this approach, two scenarios were considered: in the first scenario,
the expert possibility distributions are close to the reference values; in the second scenario, they are far
from the reference values.
As described in Section 3.3., we used Dempster’s rule to combine the information. After computing
the ω-level cuts of the two distributions and intersecting the random sets, we obtained a posterior random
set. The degrees of conflict in scenarios 1 and 2 were, respectively, b k1 = 0.3867 and b
k2 = 0.7996. If the
degree of conflict k is too large, at least one source is likely to provide wrong information.

468 3
The estimator pl(θ) of the contour function is shown in Fig. 3. The value θmax with maximum
plausibility can be used as a point estimator. For scenario 1, we obtained θmax = {0.943, 0.939}; for
scenario 2, θmax = {0.935, 0.937}. Further results will presented.

1 1

0.98 0.98

0.96 0.96

0.2 0.3
0.6 0.7
0.94 0.94 0.9
0.1 0.5
0.92 0.92

0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05

λ λ

(a) (b)

Figure 3: Contour function pl(θ): (a) scenarios 1; (b) scenarios 2.

5. Conclusion
In this paper, we have presented an identification strategy based on belief function theory. This approach
allows for the representation and combination of prior and measurement information. Point clouds were
used to describe multi-dimension random sets. Dempster’s rule was used to combine random sets from
prior and measurement information. Finally, posterior random sets were obtained and explored. This
approach makes it possible to encode and propagate epistemic and aleatory uncertainty in a unified
framework. The discounting operation allows us to take into account the reliability of the sources of
information; as a result, inaccurate information only marginally affects measurement information. The
two functions Bel and Pl provide a rich description of the uncertainty on model parameters, taking
into account prior information. In the future, our research will focus on accounting for uncertainty in
mechanical models and on the application of this approach to more complex structures.
This work was carried out and funded in the framework of the Labex MS2T. It was supported by the
French Government, through the program “Investments for the future” managed by the National Agency
for Research (Reference ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02) .
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[4] Glenn Shafer. A mathematical theory of evidence, volume 1. Princeton university press Princeton, 1976.
[5] Philippe Smets. Belief functions on real numbers. International journal of approximate reasoning,
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[6] Thierry Denoeux. Likelihood-based belief function: Justification and some extensions to low-quality data.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 55(7):1535–1547, 2014.
[7] Fulvio Tonon. Using random set theory to propagate epistemic uncertainty through a mechanical system.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 85(1):169–181, 2004.
[8] Fulvio Tonon, Ha-Rok Bae, Ramana V Grandhi, and Chris L Pettit. Using random set theory to calculate
reliability bounds for a wing structure. Structures and Infrastructure Engineering, 2(3-4):191–200, 2006.
[9] Glenn Shafer. Allocations of probability. The Annals of Probability, pages 827–839, 1979.
[10] Ladislav Kocis and William J Whiten. Computational investigations of low-discrepancy sequences. ACM
Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 23(2):266–294, 1997.

469 4




1 University of Technology of Compiegne, Roberval Laboratory
2 Altair Engineering France

Finite elements numerical simulation has became a compulsory tool in industrial manufacturing. It is
for example widely used when designing new automotive vehicles. The need for precision in the model
used for optimizing such vehicles in crash situtations makes the computations time prohibitives. The
emergence of Model Order Reduction (MOR) techniques may help overcome this difficulty. The car
manufacturer PSA Group, the software developper Altair Engineering and the Roberval laboratory of
the University of Technology of Compiegne are collaborating in this thesis to go toward the integration
of intrusive model order reduction techniques in crashwortiness optimization at an industrial scale.

Figure 1: Final configuration for an industrial crash simulation

After a short review of the different MOR techniques ([1, 3, 2]), the Hyper Reduced Proper Orthog-
onal Decomposition (HRPOD)([4]) has been implemented in the industrial solver RADIOSS in which
it shows great results. Major key issues to the use of this method in industrial large scale models are
identified. The discretized equations used in crash write as follow

[M]u(t) + Fint (u(t),t) = Fext (t) (FOM)

This method consists in training a reduced basis [Φ] that takes account for the low rank of the underlying
manifold where lives the high fidelity model solution u. u is then approximated by ũ = [Φ]α. Injecting
this approximation in the discretized equations (FOM) yield the following Reduced Order Model (ROM)

[Φ]T [M][Φ]α(t) + Fint ([Φ]α,t) = Fext (t) (ROM)

In which the internal forces Fint are yet to approximate.

An incremental reduced basis constructor ([5, 6]) is used and shows computational and memory
savings in the reduced model training. An error estimator has been developped for this method and is
used to drive the whole construction of the reduced basis.

470 1
Figure 2: An hyper-reduced integration scheme for internal forces integration on a Taylor beam model

Another part of the work concerns the approximation of the internal forces. The suboptimal greedy
algorihm used to build a reduced integration scheme is compared with a state of the art optimal algortihm
using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP).

[1] F. Chinesta, R. Keunings, A. Leygue, The Proper Generalized Decomposition for Advanced Numerical Simu-
lations, SPRINGER, 2014
[2] S. Chaturantabut, Nonlinear Model Reduction vie Discrete Empirical Interpolation, Rice University, 2011
[3] D. Ryckelynck, F. Vincent, S. Cantournet, Multidimensional a priori hyper-reduction of mechanical models
involving internal variables, Comput Meth Appl M, 2012
[4] C. Farhat, P. Avery, T. Chapman, J. Cortial, Dimenisonal reduction of nonlinear finite element dynamic mod-
els with finite rotations and energy-based mesh sampling and weighting for computational efficiency, Int. J.
Numer. Meth. Engng, 2014.
[5] M. Brand, Incremental singular value decomposition of uncertain data with missing values, Springer LEC
Notes Compute SC, 2002
[6] G. M. Oxberry, T. Kostova-Vassilevska, B. Arrighi, K. Chand, Limited-memory adaptive snapshot selection
for proper orthogonal decomposition, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, LLNL-TR-669265, 2015

471 2



Rafael Lopez Rangel1 , Luiz Fernando Martha1

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and
Tecgraf Institute of Technical-Scientific Software Development of PUC-Rio
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

Keywords Structural analysis, geometric nonlinearity, second-order effects, educational tool.

This article presents in detail the development and use of a graphical tool to analyze framed
structure models with the consideration of large displacements, rotations, and deformations in the
elastic regime of the material. The main objective in the development of this application is the focus
on the educational aspect about the behavior of reticulated structures with geometric nonlinearity, and
this article seeks to demonstrate, through a series of validation examples, the performance and results
of the developed system.
This tool is being implemented from the FTOOL (Two-dimensional Frame Analysis Tool Program)
program [1]. The FTOOL was conceived in 1991, from a research project of the Tecgraf Institute of
Technical-Scientific Software Development of PUC-Rio (Tecgraf/PUC-Rio). Over the last years
FTOOL have demonstrated to be a valuable tool for structural engineering teaching, being used on
structural analyses, concrete and steel design courses on various civil engineering programs of
universities all over the world. It consists of a structural analysis program possessing, in a single
platform, all the necessary tools for an efficient model pre and post processing and a fast solving
strategy. The implemented graphical user interface is an efficient and user-friendly environment built
using the IUP (Portable User Interface) system [2]. FTOOL uses an internal solver, FRAMOOP,
which is a simplified version of the FEMOOP (Finite Element Method – Object Oriented Program)
system [3] adequate for the analysis of framed structure models.
The IUP system is a multi-platform toolkit for building graphical user interfaces that offers a
simple API in different programming languages and allows a program source code to be compiled in
different systems without any modification. Its main advantage is the high performance, due to the fact
that it uses native interface elements.
The FRAMOOP system is written in the C programming language and adopts a programming
philosophy similar to the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm, and is responsible for the
process of analyzing plane and space reticulated structures.
To provide a way for students to analyze the geometrical nonlinear behavior of the structures, some
numerical algorithms will be available to solve the nonlinear system of equilibrium equations and
follow the equilibrium path. These algorithms include the standard Newton-Raphson, Two-Cycles,
and Generalized Displacement Control [4] schemes, all of them implemented following the updated
Lagrangian formulation. The tangent stiffness matrices corresponding to the aforementioned
formulation are included in the FRAMOOP code for Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam elements.
These matrices were formulated considering the second-order nonlinear terms of the Green-Lagrange
strain tensor [5].

The possibility of performing a nonlinear analysis through different iterative-incremental methods
is necessary to allow users to follow the post-critical equilibrium trajectory and to evaluate the snap-
through and snap-back phenomena, characteristic of this type of analysis, since different responses can
be obtained by the use of each method, including inappropriate responses if a convenient method for
the model is not used. Load versus displacement graphs will be displayed to express the nonlinear
behavior of the structure along the incremental steps of the method in question until it reaches the
desired load stage by the user.
Thereby, this tool is not intended to teach the implementation or the theory behind an analysis with
geometric non-linearity, but rather to develop understanding of structure behavior with second order
effects. The possibility for students to test different models with different solution algorithms and to
evaluate the equilibrium path and critical points is important to give them a sensitivity on how the
structure behaves.


[1] L.F. Martha, FTOOL: A Structural Analysis Educational Interactive Tool, Proceedings of the
Workshop in Multimedia Computer Techniques in Engineering Education, Technical University of
Graz, Austria, 51-65, 1999.
[2] C.H. Levy, L.H. Figueiredo, M. Gattass, C. Lucena, D. Cowan, IUP/LED: A Portable User
Interface Development Tool, Software: Practice & Experience, 1995.
[3] L.F. Martha, E. Parente Jr., An Object-Oriented Framework for Finite Element Programming,
Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, IACM, Vienna, Austria, 2002.
[4] S.E. Leon, G.H. Paulino, A. Pereira, I.F.M. Menezes, E.N. Lages, A unified library of nonlinear
solution schemes, Appl Mech Rev, Article 040803, Vol. 64, No. 4, 2011.
[5] M.A.C. Rodrigues, R.B. Burgos, L.F. Martha, A Unified Approach for Timoshenko Geometric
Stiff-ness Matrix Considering Large Rotation and Large Dis-placements Gradients, to be submitted to
Latin America Journal of Solids and Structures




R. Cottereau 1 , R. Sevilla 2
1 Laboratoire MSSMat, CNRS, CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, France,
2 Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering, College of Engineering, Swansea University, UK,

This talk [2] describes precisely the influence of material heterogeneity on the stability of explicit
time marching schemes for the high-order spectral element discretization of wave propagation problems.
Two different types of heterogeneity are considered. In a first part, it consists in a periodic fluctuation
of the density and stiffness parameters, whose period is related to the characteristic element size of
the mesh. A new stability criterion is derived analytically for quadratic and cubic one-dimensional
spectral elements in heterogeneous materials, which may in some situations replace the current rule
of thumb. The analysis presented reveals the origin of instabilities that are often observed when the
stability limit derived for homogeneous materials [1] is adapted by simply changing the velocity of the
wave to account for the material heterogeneity (see Fig. 1). In a second part, a more general type of
heterogeneity is considered and precise stability estimates are obtained based on Irons and Treharne
theorem [3] and general eigenvalue bounds. Finally, in a third part, very simple estimates are obtained
for rapidly fluctuating media. Several extensions of the results are discussed, including higher order
approximations, higher dimensions and random media. Extensive numerical results demonstrate the
validity of the new stability estimates.

[1] G. Cohen Higher-order numerical methods for transient wave equations, Springer, 2001.
[2] R. Sevilla, R. Cottereau. Influence of periodically fluctuating material parameters on the stability of explicit
high order spectral element methods, submitted for publication in Journal of Computational Physics, 2017.
[3] I. Fried. Bounds on the extremal eigenvalues of the finite element stiffness and mass matrices and their spectral
condition number, Journal of Sound and Vibration 22(4), 407-418, 1972.

474 1
Figure 1: Ratio between the value of the critical time step for the heterogeneous and homogeneous cases
for different values of the ratios of parameter values inside the element and on its vertices. The red dot
indicates the homogeneous case and the white discontinuous line represents the change of definition of
the critical time step given by the maximum in the two eigenvalues of the dispersion matrix.

475 2



Renan Rocha Ribeiro 1, Rodrigo Lameiras 2

Universidade de Brasília – UnB,
Universidade de Brasília – UnB,

The number of aging and end-life civil structures is constantly raising, and proper monitoring must be
performed to guarantee safety. Innovations in the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) field are very
welcomed as there are many problems yet to be solved, from theoretical analysis methods to real
implementation issues. The SHM is the process of implementing a damage identification strategy in any
type of infrastructure, in a typically continuously, and preferably online and real time, system [1]. SHM
relies heavily on electronic sensors usage, being the development of new sensors and applications one
of its major research focus [2]. A number of recent works can be found regarding various sensing
techniques [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9].
Among others, sensing techniques based on vibration measurement for modal analysis in SHM are one
of the most studied and applied. Vibration-based sensing usually involve the use of accelerometers to
measure the response of the studied structure under a given excitation, aiming to determine its modal
parameters (eigenfrequencies, damping ratios, mode shapes, and modal scaling factors) [10]. Since the
accelerometer performance directly affects the quality of the data gathered, and the results they can
yield, it is of paramount importance the adequate selection of accelerometers.
Accelerometers can be of various types regarding its internal functioning. Most of them are based on
piezo-electric crystals, which are materials capable of converting a force in an electrical charge,
although, from the 1990s, micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) have become increasingly
mainstream for accelerometers [11].
MEMS, also designated as Micromachines or Microsystems Technology, refers to a field where
mechanical elements are manufactured at a microelectronics scale for various sensing applications,
allowing, among other benefits, miniaturization of existing devices, cost reduction and broad
applications [12]. Being very popular in consumer electronics, such as videogames and handheld
devices, MEMS accelerometers have become very cheap and commercially accessible nowadays.
With the widespread of open-source electronics platforms based on easy-to-use hardware and software,
such as Arduino [13], the development of low-cost vibration-monitoring systems have been
progressively explored. Several works have been conducted with the Arduino platform and commercial
low-cost accelerometers, aiming the development of SHM and control systems with diverse capabilities
and finalities [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22].
The commercial MEMS accelerometers used in some of these researches are: the tri-axial accelerometer
ADXL 335, 345 and 350, from Analog Device [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [22]; the MPU 6050, from
InvenSense, which is a Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) comprising a tri-axial accelerometer and tri-
axial gyroscope [18]; and the tri-axial accelerometer MMA 7455L and MMA 7361L, from NXP
Semiconductors [19] [21]. However, it is observed in the literature a lack of studies about the
applicability of commercially available low-cost MEMS accelerometers for structural monitoring
purposes involving real situations of modal analysis. A comparative study could provide insights about

the performance of various sensors in real modal parameters identification and discuss to which extent
such sensors can provide good results and what set of accelerometer characteristics tend to be more
important for this type of application. In this sense, an experimental evaluation and comparative analysis
of commercial MEMS accelerometers is found [23], although no mention is made regarding the specific
structural monitoring application. Also, studies regarding the design of new MEMS accelerometers
specifically for SHM applications are reported in literature [24] [25]. These studies outline important
characteristics and parameters that should be considered when analysing accelerometers adequacy.
The present work proposes a comparative performance analysis of six low-cost MEMS accelerometers
for SHM modal analysis application. The sensors studied are: MPU6050, from InvenSense [26];
BMI160, from Bosch Sensortec [27]; ADXL335, from Analog Devices) [28]; and MMA8452,
MMA7361 and MMA7455, from NXP Semiconductors) [29] [30] [31]. The Arduino platform is used
as data acquisition system, to interface with the sensors and store the data, comprising, basically, the
following hardware: an Arduino UNO microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P [32]; Wireless
SD Shield, allowing SD card interface for data storage [33] and an external 16-bit analog-to-digital
(ADC) converter ADS1115, from Texas Instruments [34].
A three-storey shear building model, made of 4 horizontal aluminium bars and two steel vertical bars,
is subjected to an Operation Modal Analysis (OMA) with the studied sensors and data acquisition
system. The ambient vibration, taken as white noise with a zero-mean value, is potentialized with the
use of a fan. The modal parameters are estimated using Basic Frequency Domain (BFD) methods [35]:
Peak Picking method, for natural frequencies; and Half Power Bandwidth Method and analytical
spectrum fitting, for damping coefficients estimation [10] [35] [36]. The shear building is modeled in a
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software to obtain the numerical values of modal parameters and allow
evaluation of the sensors precisions. A preliminary modal analysis is also carried out on a reinforced
concrete slab to compare the performance of the studied sensors under service conditions.
The results obtained from the modal analysis with each sensor, together with characteristics available in
the datasheets, are compared to produce insights regarding the suitability of the sensors, and the
measurement system based on Arduino platform, for SHM applications. Special attention is given to the
sensors sensitivity and frequency response and to the system maximum achievable resolution and total
noise floor.


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339, 2016.

[25] S. Kavitha, R. J. Daniel and K. Sumangala, “High performance MEMS accelerometers for
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[26] InvenSense, “MPU-6000 and MPU-6050 - Produc Specification - Revision 3.4,” InvenSense Inc.,
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[27] Bosch Sensortec, “BMI160 - Data sheet,” Bosch Sensortec, Reutlingen, 2015.

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[36] R. W. Clough and J. Penzien, Dynamics of Structures, 3rd ed., Berkeley: Computers & Structures,



Reyolando M.L.R.F. Brasil1

Federal University of ABC,

1. Introduction

The present work will address the nonlinear dynamical analysis of structures for the support of
equipment. Due to the importance of the quality of manufactured products, workers' welfare and
structural safety, a study will be developed on the machine-structure interaction of rigid foundation
blocks for unbalanced rotary machines. Our mathematical models consider these systems as non-ideal,
subject to the so-called Sommerfeld effect, which may manifest close to resonances for low power
machines, with possible jumps from lower to higher frequency rotation regimes without intermediate
stable solutions. The proposed theoretical model is defined by four degrees of freedom, the two
translations and the rotation of the rigid block in the plane normal to the machine axis, and one
associated with the rotation of that axis. This is characteristic of the so-called non-ideal systems. The
mathematical model that describes the motion of the system is derived via Lagrange’s equations. The
solution of this system of differential equations can, in principle, be done analytically. But this can be
difficult and even impossible in some cases, particularly when these equations are nonlinear, such as
these. Hence the need to apply numerical methods to simulate these solutions. The numerical solution
adopted for this work will be the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method implemented in the Matlab®
environment. This research aims to consider whether the modeling of these types of foundations as
non-ideal systems may have practical importance.

The Sommerfeld Effect, related to the interaction of structures with supported limited power sources,
was first described by Kononenko [1] and latter commented by Nayfeh and Mook [2]. Recent and
fairly complete review papers were presented by Balthazar et al. [3][4].

2. Mathematical model
2.1. Displacements and velocities of masses centers
q1, q2 and q3 are, respectively, the generalized coordinates related to the horizontal, vertical and
rotational displacements of the foundation block, while q4 is the angular displacement of the motor

2.1.1 Unbalanced mass M 0

x0  q1  hq3  e cosq4 y0  q2  e sin q4  h

x0  q1  hq3  e q4 sin q4 y 0  q2  e q4 cos q4

wheree is the eccentricity of M0 and h is the height of the motor axis to the foundation block axis.

Fig. 1 Mathematical model

2.1.2 Mass of the motor M M

xM  q1  hq3 yM  q2  h

xM  q1  hq3 y M  q2

1.3 Mass of the foundation block M B

xB  q1 yB  q2

xB  q1 y B  q2

2.2. Kinetic Energy

T 
 2
 2
 2


1 M 0 q1  hq3  q 4 e sin q4   q 2  q 4 e sin q4   M M q1  hq3   q 2  M B q1  q 2
2 2

2  J B q32  J M q 42 

whereJB and JM are, respectively, the foundation block and motor rotor moments of inertia.

2.3. Strain energy


K1q12  K 2 q22  K3 q32 

whereKi (i=1,2,3) are the stiffness coefficients of the mediuml around and bellow the foundation block.

2.4. Total Potential Energy

V  U W

W  gM M  M B q2  M 0 q2  e sin q4 

andg is the acceleration of gravity.

2.5. Langrange’s Equation

d  L  L
   Ni i  1,4 L  T V
dt  qi  qi

whereL is the Lagrangian function and Ni are the non-conservative generalized loads.

2.6. The four equations of motion

M 0  M M  M B q1  K1q1  c1q1  (M 0  M M )hq3  M 0eq4 sin q4  q42 cosq4 

M 0  M M  M B q2  g   K2q2  c2q2  M 0eq4 cos q4  q42 sin q4 
M  M h  J q  K q  c q  (M  M )hq  M heq sin q
0 M
B 3 3 3 3 3 0 M 1 0 4 4  q42 cos q4 

M e  J q  q   M ehq  q sin q  q  g cosq 

M 4 4 0 3 1 4 2 4

where q4  is the liquid torque of the motor, and ci (i=1,2,3) are the damping coefficients of the
medium around and bellow the foundation block.

2.7. Isolating the accelerations

M 0  M M  M B 0  ( M 0  M M )h  M 0 e sin q4   q1 
 0 M0  MM  MB 0 M 0 e cos q4  q2 
  
  ( M 0  M M )h 0 M 0  M M h 2  J B M 0 he sin q4  q3 
 
  M 0 e sin q4 M 0 e cos q4 M 0 he sin q4 M 0 e 2  J M  q4 

  K1q1  C1q1  M 0 eq 42 cos q4 

 
 M 0  M M  M B g  K 2 q2  C2 q 2  M 0 eq 4 sin q4 
 
  K 3 q3  C3 q 3  M 0 heq 42 cos q4 
 q 4   M 0 ge cos q4 

2.8. System of first order differential equations


x1  q1 x2  q1 x3  q2 x4  q2 x5  q3 x6  q3 x7  q4 x8  q4 x9  t


x1  x2 x2  q1 x3  x4 x4  q2 x5  x6 x6  q3 x7  x8 x8  q4 x9  1

3. Conclusions
We presented a mathematical model of the nonlinear dynamics of an unbalanced rotary machine
foundation, considering the interaction between the structure and the power source, considered to be

We expect this system to exhibit the so called Sommerfeld effect, possibly in all three resonance
regimes, as the model of the support structure has three degrees of freedom. Numerical simulation to
verify this assumption will be presented elsewhere.


We acknowledge support by FAPESP and CNPq, both Brazilian research funding agencies.


[1] V.O.Kononenko. Vibrating System of Limited Power Supply.,Illife Books, London,1969.

[2] A. Nayfeh, D.T. Mook.Nonlinear Oscillations., Wiley,New York (1979).
[3] J.M. Balthazar, D.T. Mook, H.I. Weber, R.M.L.R.F. Brasil, A. Fenili, J.P. Felix. An Overview on
Non-Ideal Vibrations, Meccanica, vol. 38, pgs. 613 - 621, 2003.
[4] J.M. Balthazar, A.M. Tusset, R.M.L.R.F. Brasil, J.P. Felix. An overview on the appearance of the
Sommerfeld effect and saturation phenomenon in non-ideal vibrating systems (NIS) in macro and
MEMS scales, Nonlinear Dynamics, Published online, 2018.




Rharã Cardoso1, Alexandre Cury2, Flávio Barbosa2

Univ. Federal de Ouro Preto,, 2 Univ. Federal de Juiz de Fora

Abstract. Structural Health Monitoring programs play an important role in the field of civil
engineering, especially for assessing safety conditions involving large structures such as viaducts,
bridges, tall buildings, towers and old historical buildings. Essentially, a SHM process needs to be
based on a trustful strategy for detecting structural novelties or abnormal behaviors. Usually, such a
strategy is complemented with human inspection and structural instrumentation routines, where the
latter requires proper hardware equipment and software tools. Recently, many advances were achieved
regarding the hardware resources, such as wireless communication, remotely configurable sensors and
other data management devices. On the other hand, the software counterpart still is in its early
development. In fact, many researches are under development to fill this gap. In this context, this
paper presents a novel online SHM identification method suitable to unsupervised real-time detection
of structural abnormal behaviors. The proposed methodology includes the use of an original
representation of raw dynamic signals, i.e., in situ measured accelerations. To assess the proposed
approach, two experimental applications are studied: a railway viaduct, PK 075+317 in France, and an
old masonry tower, in Italy. The results suggest that the proposed detection indexes are suitable to a
wide range of SHM applications.

Keywords: Structural Health Monitoring, damage detection, unsupervised statistical learning,

symbolic data object, real-time structural monitoring

1. Introduction and Objectives

The statistical learning procedures used in the forward SHM techniques can be classified as supervised
or unsupervised. Supervised learning is applied to cases where a prior dataset exist, known as baseline,
which is assumed to be the structure’s healthy state. The drawback here is evident, since data
acquisition during the undamaged baseline period is not always possible. The first reason is that most
of SHM applications are based on aged structures, which may have already endured any structural
modification or even damage. The second reason is that newly built structures may not present a long
enough baseline to allow the establishment of a healthy reference state. Conversely, unsupervised
learning methods are more suitable to SHM since they do not need prior knowledge of long periods of
the structure’s response nor target categories related to an assumed healthy reference state.

Despite its rather impractical aspect, almost all forward SHM methods reported in the literature are
based on supervised approaches [1-5]. Even the works addressing clustering methods, which are very
well suited for unsupervised methods, report a supervised strategy of pre-defining cluster partitions to
describe one or more known structural behaviors and, subsequently, compare them with new ones [6-
8]. However, some recently published works [9,10] propose a time-window procedure to extract
sensitive features based on a fully unsupervised approach that uses clustering methods for performing
feature classification. Such a methodology allows (i) detecting structural novelties without resorting to

previous knowledge; (ii) performing real-time identification relying on the detection of novelties upon
each new acquired data.

This paper proposes a fully unsupervised and adaptive methodology capable to detect structural
novelties accurately using raw dynamic data directly. To this end, it was employed a new
representation for raw dynamic signals, i.e., accelerations, based on an original symbolic data object
(SDO). The SDO comprises all four data descriptors, such as expected value, variability, symmetry
and flatness. Such a representation provides a richer, yet compact way to characterize raw dynamic
measurements. To assess the methodology, two distinct applications of SHM are studied: a railway
viaduct, PK 075+317 in France, and an old masonry tower, in Italy.

2. The Proposed Symbolic Object

The interquartile range (IQR) has proven to be adequate for forward real-time SHM in an
unsupervised framework [10]. However, such a symbolic object includes just one of the non-
vibrational data descriptors presented above: variability. To mitigate this limitation, the present work
proposes a novel SDO, comprising not only the 1st and 3rd quartiles that define IQR, but also the
median (2nd quartile) of the raw data distribution. For this reason, the new symbolic object was named
IQRM, where “M” stands for median. This new representation provides a richer, yet compact way to
characterize raw dynamic signals.
The IQRM object consists in a hyper-rectangle with a point within. While the facets represent the
interquartile range (denoted as IQR) of each property (i.e., acquisition channel), the point locates the
median (denoted as M) of the distribution. For the case of just two properties (two acquisition
channels) its geometry collapses into a rectangle with a single point, as shown in Fig. 1, where Qk,r is
the k-th quartile of the r-th property.

3. The Proposed Symbolic Metric

Aiming at extracting a unidimensional feature sensitive to structural novelties, one proposes a new
distance metric for unsupervised statistical learning.

Being Qk,r the k-th quartile of property r  1, 2, 3, … , p , where p is the total number of properties
(channels) of the raw data, the vectors containing the quartiles information of all properties of object i
can be written as shown in Eq. (1):

 Q1,1   Q2,1   Q3,1 

Q  Q  Q 
 1,2   2,2   3,2  (1)
L i   Q1,3  , M i   Q2,3  and U i   Q3,3 
     
     
Q1, p  Q2, p  Q3, p 
     

The p-dimensional vectors Li, Mi and Ui gather the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quartiles, respectively, of each one
of the p properties. Hence, one should notice that such a triplet of vectors defines an IQRM object

Now, as one considers a second object, with index j, it is possible to compute the norm of the vectors
difference, as shown in Eq. (2), where Δ is the so-called distance vector, whose magnitude is the
distance di,j between objects i and j, as shown in Eq. (3), where  stands for the Euclidean norm of
vector  .

 L j  Li 
 
Δi , j   M j  Mi  (2)
 
 U j  Ui 
 

di, j  Δi, j (3)

Fig. 1 Proposed symbolic data Fig. 2 Two weeks of continuous monitoring on Gabbia masonry tower.
object, named IQRM. SDI points out a single novelty on June 21: a damage provoked by
an earthquake.

4. The Proposed Detection Indexes

In order to detect structural damage (or novelty) two different single-valued indexes are proposed: one
for short-term monitoring (FDI) and the other for long-term continuous monitoring (SDI). The FDI
(First Outlier Detection Index) is computed within a time-window scheme by means of an outlier
analysis of a series of values of an index called Novelty Index [10]. Each NI value is obtained through
the application of k-medoids clustering technique on the distance matrix computed inside a time-
window. The SDI (Second Outlier Detection Index) is computed as a second outlier analysis, now on
the series of FDI positive values.

5. The Studied Cases and Conclusions

One could conclude that the FDI requires a shorter initialization period. On the other hand, it rises up
too many false alarms in long-term continuous SHM. The SDI, however, requires a longer
initialization period and may not suitable for short-term SHM. At the same time, it seems to be robust
enough to perform long-term SHM without revealing too many false alarms or missing real damage
scenarios. For instance, Fig. 2 shows the result from the continuous monitoring on the old Gabbia
masonry tower, in Italy. The FDI series (blue bars) are depicted along with the adaptive confidence
boundary (CB) for SDI computation. While the former sounds many false alarms, the latter readily
detects a single novelty, which occurred on June 21: damage provoked by an earthquake.

Two real SHM cases were studied: a railway viaduct, PK 075+317 in France, and an old masonry
tower, in Italy. The results suggest that the proposed detection indexes are suitable to a wide range of
SHM applications.


The authors would like to thank CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível
Superior), CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico and FAPEMIG
(Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais) for the financial support, IFSTTAR
(former LCPC – Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées) and SNCF (Société Nationale des
Chemins de fer Français) for the data used in this paper (project 01V0527 RGCU “Evaluation
dynamique des ponts”).


[1] J. Kullaa, Damage Detection of the Z24 Bridge Using Control Charts, Mechanical Systems and
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Environmental Conditions. University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, (2010).
[3] D. Posenato et al., Methodologies for model-free data interpretation of civil engineering structures,
Computers & Structures, 88(7-8), pp.467–482, (2010).
[4] H. Sohn, J. Czarnecki, C. Farrar, Structural Health Monitoring Using Statistical Process Control.
Journal of Structural Engineering, 126(11), pp.1356–1363, (2000).
[5] M. Gul, F. Catbas, Statistical pattern recognition for Structural Health Monitoring using time series
modeling: Theory and experimental verifications, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 23(7),
pp.2192–2204, (2009).
[6] K. Nair, & A.S. Kiremidjian, Time Series Based Structural Damage Detection Algorithm Using
Gaussian Mixtures Modeling, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 129(3),
pp.285–293, (2007).
[7] S. Silva et al., Structural damage detection by fuzzy clustering, Mechanical Systems and Signal
Processing, 22(7), pp.1636–1649, (2008).
[8] V. Alves, A. Cury, C. Cremona. On the use of symbolic vibration data for robust structural health
monitoring, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, 169(9), pp.
715-723, (2016).
[9] J. Santos, Smart structural health monitoring techniques for novelty identification in civil
engineering structures, Ph.D. thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Univ. of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal,
[10] J. Santos et al., Early Damage Detection Based on Pattern Recognition and Data Fusion, Journal
of Structural Engineering, 143(2), (2017).




Ígor J. M. Lemes 1 , Luís E. S. Dias 2 , Ricardo A. M. Silveira 2 , Amilton R. Silva 2 , Andréa R. D. Silva 2
1 Department of Engineering, Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, MG, Brazil,
2 Department Civil Engineering, Federal University of Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil

Abstract. In the construction of structural elements composed of different materials, it is necessary to

create a means of connection between them so that they work together. In general, in steel-concrete com-
posite structures this connection is usually made by shear connectors. The number of shear connectors
may not be enough to generate the perfect interaction between the elements. In this way, with slipping
at the steel-concrete interface, the connection is defined as partial. For steel-concrete composite beams,
this condition is characterized by the non-monolithic behavior of the element reducing its bearing ca-
pacity and stiffness, implying directly in the structural system global behavior. A FEM-based numerical
formulation developed to simulate this problem will be applied. In this formulation, effects such as ge-
ometric and material nonlinearities can be jointly applied to partial interaction, providing realistic and
practical results. The study of a multi-storey framed structure behavior is carried out in order to evaluate
the system global response considering several partial shear connections, addressing the ultimate and
serviceability limit states.
Keywords: Steel-concrete composite beams; Partial shear connection; Bearing capacity; Multi-storey

1. Introduction and motivation

The realistic simulation of the steel-concrete composite structural systems behavior requires the consid-
eration of several nonlinearities sources. In recent years, several researchers are developing their work
in this context, seeking to reduce simplifications and improve the structures numerical simulation [1-
3]. One of the main sources of nonlinearity in the stee-concrete composite structural elements problem
occurs in the shear connection between the concrete slab and the steel beam. One way to make this con-
nection is to use stud bolt connectors. These connectors have their own bearing capacity and stiffness,
and these can significantly alter the structural system behavior.

2. Main objectives

The main objective of the present work is the application of a FEM-based numerical formulation for the
simulation of two-dimensional composite frames considering the partial interaction between the concrete
slab and the steel section. Thus, effects such as geometric, materials and shear connections nonlinearities
will be considered simultaneously in a concentrated approach. This study aims at a realistic simulation
of the multi-storey building behavior. Thus, once the numerical formulation regarding geometry and
material is already consolidated [1,2], attention will be paid to the behavior of the deformable connection.
The Vogel frame [1-4], illustrated in Figure 1 with the used FEM discretization, is analysed here. At first,
the analyses considered nonlinear geometric and material effects being the shear connection treated in
a linear way, allowing the slip. Several degrees of interaction are considered varying the arrangement
of stud shear connectors, Figure 2. The analyses will provide data for the study of the structural system
stiffness and the bearing capacity for each of the tested situations. Thus, the load-displacement curves

488 1
obtained for the structure considering full interaction, studs in double, studs in single and null interaction
are presented in Figure 3.

31.7λ kN/m
10.23λ kN 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 u


64 65 66
49.1λ kN/m
20.44λ kN 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63


52 53 54
49.1λ kN/m
20.44λ kN 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

40 41 42
49.1λ kN/m

6 x 3.75 m
20.44λ kN 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

28 29 30
49.1λ kN/m
20.44λ kN 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


16 17 18
49.1λ kN/m
20.44λ kN 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


4 5 6
∆ ∆ = 1/450 ∆
1 2 3


Figure 1: Six-storey Vogel Frame - geometry, loads and adopted discretization

110 cm 1219
110 cm
y y



x x


Steel section
165 : IPE Steel section
165 : IPE
single stud studs in double
Perfil : 304 x 165 x 6, 02 x 10, 16 Perfil : 304 x 165 x 6, 02 x 10, 16

Figure 2: Steel-concrete composite beam cross section for partial shear connection consideration

For the analyzed structure it is possible to notice a significant change in the system stiffness as the
degree of interaction is modified. The connection stiffness is related to the increase of the compressed
concrete slab area in the composite beam. If the degree of interaction is greater, the cracking effect on the
slab concrete will be lower. This analysis is of great importance since the lateral displacement reduction
of the multi-storey frame directly implies the second order effects reduction.

3. Concluding remarks on current and future research

The degree of interaction variation in the steel-concrete composite beams with deformable connection
resulted in a proportional relation to the structural system stiffness and its final bearing capacity. In
this sense, it is possible to visualize the reduction of the structure lateral displacements and consequent

489 2

Load factor λ

Full interaction
0.4 Null interaction
Shear connection: 1 stud
Shear connection: 2 studs

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Displacement u (cm)

Figure 3: Six-storey frame: Equilibrium paths

reduction of second order effects. In the presented results, the shear connection was considered in a
linear way, being addressed in a more realistic way in the future. As a future researches, we intend to:

• include beam-to-column connections nonlinear behavior;

• simulate the problems as a three-dimensional model;

• introduce dynamic loads; and

• to simulate the soil-structure interaction effect.


The authors would like to thank CAPES and CNPq (Federal Research Agencies), FAPEMIG (Minas
Gerais State Research Agency), Gorceix Foundation, PROPEC/UFOP, PROPP/UFOP and UFLA for
their support during the preparation of this work.

[1] Lemes, Í.J.M., Silveira, R.A.M., Silva, A.R.D., Rocha, P.A.S. Nonlinear analysis of two-dimensional steel,
reinforced concrete and composite steel-concrete structures via coupling SCM/RPHM, Engineering Structures
147, 12-26, 2017.
[2] Lemes Í.J.M. Advanced numerical study of steel, concrete an steel-concrete composite structures, Graduate
Program of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil, 2018.
[3] Chiorean, C.G., Buru, S.M. Practical nonlinear inelastic analysis method of composite steel-concrete beams
with partial composite action, Engineering Structures 134, 74-106, 2017.
[4] Vogel, U. Calibrating frames. Stahlbau. Berlim, 1985.

490 3


Lidiane R. R. M. de Deus1, Jéssica L. Silva1, Igor J. M. Lemes2, Ricardo A. M. Silveira1

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro
Preto/MG, Brasil,,,
Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras/MG, Brasil,

Abstract. In the advanced structural analysis context, this paper brings a numerical computational study
involving shallow and non-shallow steel arches with tubular cross-section considering the nonlinear
geometric effects and the material inelastic behavior. The CS-ASA computational platform, which
perform nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of structures (based on the Finite Element Method), is
used to carry out the arches numerical analysis. Different arch geometric configurations, boundary and
loading conditions are analyzed. Therefore, it will be possible to evaluate the representativeness of the
nonlinear effects for different structure configurations.
Keywords: Shallow and non-shallow arches, Tubular sections, Nonlinear geometric effects, Material
inelastic behavior.

1. Introduction
This paper deals with the inelastic large displacement analysis of shallow and non-shallow arches with
tubular cross-section. The computational framework used in this work is the CS-ASA (Computational
System for Advanced Structural Analysis, Silva, 2009 [1]), a software developed for advanced structural
analysis that has been expanded with new functionalities and formulations, incorporating the structure
material and geometric nonlinearities, coupled with efficient nonlinear solvers, which allows the
creation of numerical models that reproduce results very close to the structure’s actual performance.
The most recent improvements are:
 The concrete and composite structures nonlinear analysis module (Lemes, 2015 [2]; Lemes et
al., 2017 [3]), with a generalized formulation using the Strain Compatibility Method (SCM) and
the Refined Plastic Hinge Method (RPHM); and
 The co-rotational formulations for beam-column elements made by Silva, 2016 [4].
This work investigates several aspects related to the inelastic stability of arches, analyzing equilibrium
paths, plastic load limits, and influence of factors related to arches geometry, among others.
For the arches analyses presented here, in addition to the CS-ASA computational platform, the Mastan2
program (Ziemian, 2010 [5]) is also used, which is a graphic-interactive program for elastic and inelastic
analysis, first and second order, of plane and space reticulated steel structures.

2. Coupling RPHM / SCM
The closer the computational models are to the real structures, representing the material behavior and
all the sources of nonlinearities, more complex the numerical simulations become. The most efficient
numerical methodology commonly employed in the computational representation of structures is based
on stresses/deformations analyses in a distributed form, with high computational effort and characterizes
the Plastic Zone Method (PZM, Chiorean, 2013 [6]). An alternative to this method that presents
considerably less computational demand is the Refined Plastic Hinge Method (RPHM), which consider
the plasticity in a concentrated form. According to Chan and Chui, 2000 [7], fictitious rotational springs
can be used to simulate the material inelasticity in the RPHM. In this work, this simulation is based on
the Strain Compatibility Method (SCM) (Chiorean, 2013 [8]) for the evaluation of the cross-sectional
strength and axial and flexural stiffness. The construction of the moment-curvature relationship becomes
essential for such an evaluation. Once considering the tangent to the moment-curvature relationship, the
stiffness depends of the geometric properties of the section and the modulus of elasticity of the materials,
which are obtained from the respective constitutive relations. The coupling of this methodology to the
RPHM evaluate the plasticity of nodal form through the generalized parameters of rigidity.

3. Co-rotational Formulation
A co-rotational formulation is used here to describe the motion of the structure including the nonlinear
geometric effects, and can be adapted to both the Lagrangian total reference (RLT) and the updated
Lagrangian referential (RLA), as described by Hsiao et al., 1987 [9], Battini, 2002 [10] and Santana,
2015 [11].
In the co-rotational formulation, the motion is decomposed into two parts: one relative to rigid body
motion, including rotation and translation of the element, and the other associated with pure
deformation, that is, the relative deformation in a local coordinate system that produces energy.
Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the relation between the local and global coordinate system for update
the structural system analysis. Details about this formulation can be seen in Silva, 2016 [4].

4. Example: Circular Tubular Arch

This example deals with the design of a pin-ended circular steel arches with hollow circular cross-
sections, subjected to uniformly distributed vertical load on the entire arch. Dimopoulos and Gantes,
2007 [12] also analyzed this structure. A material with yield stress fy = 275 MPa, Young’s modulus E =
210 GPa, is used. A cross-section with external diameter D = 508 mm and thickness t = 20 mm is
adopted, and it is assumed no residual stresses. In this example, S is the length, and 2Θ is the internal
angle of the arch.
Figure 1 shows the equilibrium paths for a (a) non-shallow arch with S = 34,6 m, 2Θ = 6° and (b) shallow
arch, with S = 34,6 m, 2Θ = 100°. The literature results are used for comparation. On the horizontal axis
the dimensionless vertical displacement vc/f of the arch crown is plotted, where f is the arch height; the
dimensionless load q/qLB is plotted on the vertical axis, where qLB is the linearized buckling load.

Figure 1 – Arches equilibrium paths: (a) non-shallow arch (b) shallow arch.

The equilibrium curve in Fig. 1(a) is representative of a non-shallow arch characterized by material
failure, while that in Fig. 1(b) is representative of a shallow arch characterized by snap-through buckling.
It should be noted that the results found are very close of those obtained by Dimopoulos and Gantes,
which proves the efficiency of the numerical formulations used on this work to solve this problem.
Figure 2 shows a comparison of the equilibrium path between a pin-ended and a fixed shallow arch with
S = 34,6 m, 2Θ = 100°, in wich q is the distributed load and v is the displacement in the top of the arch.
The results obtained in the CS-ASA were compared to the Mastan2 results.

Figure 2 – Arches equilibrium paths: pin-ended and fixed.

It is observed that the behavior of the two arches are similar, however, as expected, the load level at
which the fixed arch resists is greater than that of the pin-ended, and the displacements of the fixed arch
are smaller. The results obtained via CS-ASA are close to those found in Mastan2. In the pin-ended
case, the difference between the load limit is 8%. The limit load supported by the arch is 61 N/cm in
Mastan2 56 N/cm in CS-ASA. In both cases, the displacement at which the limit load is reached is
approximately 28 cm. In the fixed case, the limit load is the same, approximately 157 N/cm, but the
displacement at which the limit load is quite different.

5. Final Remarks
The numerical formulation developed and implemented is quite efficient to predict the behavior of the
arches of different cross sections, including tubular sections, and boundary conditions. The agreement
of the results obtained here with those from the literature and Mastan2 validated the numerical
formulations implemented in the CS-ASA. Many other advanced inelastic analyses of shallow and non-
shallow arches can be seen in Deus, 2018 [13].

6. Acknowledgments
The authors thank CAPES, CNPq, FAPEMIG, Fundação Gorceix and UFOP for the support during the
preparation of work.

7. References
[1] Silva, A.R.D. Sistema Computacional para a Análise Avançada Estática e Dinâmica de Estruturas Metálicas,
Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, 322p. 2009.
[2] Lemes, Í.J.M. Análise Avançada via RPHM de Estruturas Mistas de Aço e Concreto. Dissertação de Mestrado,
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, PROPEC/EM/UFOP, Ouro Preto, 2015.
[3] Lemes, Í.J.M., Silveira, R.A.M., Silva, A.R.D. & Rocha, P.A.S. Nonlinear analysis of two-dimensional steel,
reinforced concrete and composite steel-concrete structures via coupling SCM/RPHM. Engineering Structures,
vol. 147, pp. 12-26. 2017.
[4] Silva, J.L. Formulações corrotacionais 2D para análise geometricamente não linear de estruturas reticuladas.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, PROPEC/EM/UFOP, Ouro Preto,
[5] Ziemian RD. Guide to stability design criteria for metal structures, 6th Edition, Structural Stability Research
Council, Wiley, 2010.
[6] Chiorean, C.G. A Computer Method for Nonlinear Inelastic Analysis of 3D Composite Steel-Concrete Frame
Structures. Engineering Structures, vol. 57, pp. 125-152, 2003.
[7] Chan, S.L. & Chui, P. Non-linear static an cyclic analysis of steel frames with semi-rigid connections. Oxford,
Elsevier, 2000.
[8] Chiorean, C.G. A Computer Method for Nonlinear Inelastic Analysis of 3D Composite Steel-Concrete Frame
Structures. Engineering Structures, vol. 57, pp. 125-152, 2013.
[9] Hsiao, K.M., Horng, H.J. & Chen, Y.R. A co-rotational procedure that handles large rotations of spatial beam
structures. Computers & Structures, vol. 27 n° 6, pp. 769-781, 1987.
[10] Battini, J.M. Co-rotational beam elements in instability problems. Ph.D Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology
– Department of Mechanics, Stockholm / Sweden, 2002.
[11] Santana, M.V.B. Desenvolvimento de sistema computacional via MATLAB/GUI para análise
geometricamente não linear de estruturas. Dissertação de Mestrado, Programa de Pós-Graduação em
Engenharia Civil, Deciv/EM/UFOP, Ouro Preto, 2015.
[12] Dimopoulos, C.A. & Gantes, C.J. Design of circular steel arches with hollow circular cross-sections
according to EC3, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2008.
[13] Deus, L.R.R.M. Análise avançada inelástica de arcos abatidos e pouco abatidos. Dissertação de Mestrado,
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, PROPEC/EM/UFOP, Ouro Preto, 2018




Roberto Mauro Felix Squarcio 1, Cláudio Roberto Ávila Silva Junior.2

Federal Technological University of Paraná,
Federal Technological University of Paraná,

Abstract. The error estimate of an adopted model is one of the main challenges in the quantification of
uncertainty and in predictive science. For computational models of complex physical systems, the
model error - also known as ‘random process’ or ‘model inadequacy’ - is frequently the major
contributor to general predictive uncertainty. In stochastic mechanics, process uncertainties are
associated to the material and geometry of the structural elements as well as to the load on the
structure and, from the random process, one seeks to quantify the variability of the responses,
generally associated to stresses and strains. Uncertainty is dealt with as a multivariate stochastic field
where the system properties are modeled through their probability distribution. The Monte Carlo
simulation emerges as a traditional model of reliability evaluation in order to solve the stochastic
variational problem formulated using finite elements, but, for more complex systems, the computing
costs of this model becomes prohibitive. The proposal of the present work is to study, apply, and
evaluate the Monte Carlo λ-Neumann simulation model with a numerical methodology and strategy to
quantify uncertainty when applied to the traditional Euler-Bernoulli beam bending theory and the
Timoshenko bending and rotation theory. MCS N-λ is based on the Neumann series and, for problems
to which it was applied, it presented a satisfactory performance regarding a reduction in processing
time and also in the non-intrusiveness of the computer program.
Keywords: Stochastic Mechanics, Monte Carlo λ-Neumann Simulation, Beam Theory

1. Introduction and Motivation

Reliability theory is a set of statistical techniques and mathematical programming that, based on the
knowledge of probability distributions of input random variables, provides the probability of a system
failing, besides estimating the importance each of those variables has in determining that probability.
Reliability synthesizes the chance, in percentage terms, of a given variable of interest to belong to a
specified interval indicating the percentage of simulation-generated scenarios within that interval. The
structural variability is modeled as a multidimensional and multivariate stochastic field - as well as the
digital generation of their sampling functions, where its components are correlated.
In stochastic mechanics the variability is related to the stiffness coefficient beams, the shear
coefficient and random loads on the structural element. Such uncertainties emerge from the surface
imperfections, heterogeneity of the material and seismic loading. By assuming that these variables
obey a probability distribution, one guarantees that they are strictly positive and that they have a
compact support such that they are defined within established limits.
It is natural to infer that variability of this data input produces responses with corresponding
uncertainties and, for the inner region of the beam, for example, one can obtain a related multivariate

field, such as, the vertical displacement of the Euler-Bernoulli beam, the vertical displacement and
rotation of Timoshenko of the symmetry line of the beams.
Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko classical theories are applied to uniform prismatic beams with a
constant cross-sectional and with a longitudinal length as its predominant dimension. The basic
difference between the models relates to the fact that Euler-Bernoulli formulation (pure bending) does
not consider the shear strain present in the cross-section. In order to include this effect, the
Timoshenko model is described in Timoshenko (1921) and Timoshenko (1922).
Several authors agree in that the research lines in stochastic analysis by finite elements present
basically two foci: the probabilistic modeling of the random average and the numerical solution of the
stochastic equations. The variational formulation occurs through functionals that operate as a filter
acting on the process, with orthogonal and independent increments. In order to obtain the response
representation through the stochastic finite element method (SFEM), some models are available and
the most common and robust of them is the Monte Carlo simulation (SMC).
The Monte Carlo method is simple and flexible for parallel computation, with no restrictions on the
number of random variables, thus showing efficiency and versatility. SMC is generally taken as a
reference to verify other SFEM techniques. The model is studied in Shinozuka and Astill (1972),
Shinozuka and Leone (1976), Shinozuka (1987), and Spanos and Mignolet (1986).
Another method used for evaluating uncertainties is the Neumann expansion method applied for
solving linear algebraic equations. The Neumann series is used in functional analysis, which deals
with the study of function spaces from formulations that use differential equations and integral
The Neumann expansion technique derives from the finite elements solution to the response
variability within the structure of the Monte Carlo method. It is observed that the most striking feature
of this method is that the factorization matrix is required only once for all samples, and the
computational process can fully utilize the banded characteristics of that matrix. Therefore, computing
time and costs can be reduced considerably.
Shinozuka and Deodatis (1986), Yamazaki (1987), Yamazaki et al. (1988), Araujo and Awruch
(1994) deals with the response variability problem resulting from a spatial variability of the material
properties along the structure when it is submitted to deterministic and random loads. The authors uses
the series to determine an approximation of the stiffness matrix inverse associated to the resolution of
the system of algebraic equations that represent the balance equation formulated by the finite elements
Chakraborty and Dey (1996) used the Neumann series and compared the results with those
obtained by the Monte Carlo method in a beam bending problem with uncertainty in elasticity module
of the material and in load. They evaluated the expected value and the standard deviation of the
bending and extracted efficient results regarding accuracy and computing time, when considering
small variabilities in the parameters.
In a second work, Chakraborty and Dey (1998) obtained the expected value and the standard
variation of the displacement stochastic process applied to structural problems (beams and plates)
considering uncertainties in the mechanical properties of them and added stiffness parameters of the
foundation. Again, they used the Neumann series and emphasized that computing time depends on: 1)
the number of terms of the series that were taken, 2) the number of degrees of freedom in the system,
3) variability of inputs, and 4) the level of accuracy required.
Other works on the application of Neumann expansion are found in Shinozuka and Nomoto (1980),
Adomian and Malakian (1980), Shinozuka (1987), Squarcio and Ávila (2017).
During the last decade, an innovation added improvements to the application of Neumann series in
the stochastic process establishing a convergence parameter λ, obtained by applying a structural
optimization problem in a multivariate scale generating the Monte Carlo simulation model with
Neumann expansion identified by SMC N-λ.

The SMC N-λ is presented in Avila and Beck (2015), who uses the Neumann series with its linear
approximation, in which the argument of the series is obtained through the variation of the stiffness
matrix and the λ parameter through the optimization of a minimum distance problem.
The model was based on the application of the Galerkin method to the Abstract Variational
Problem (AVP). The estimates of the expected value and variance of the strain field were applied to a
sequence of works involving structural beams and plates.
In order to test the method, the authors applied reaction-diffusion and Euler-Bernoulli beams to two
stochastic problems. In the first problem, they considered uncertainty on the diffusion and reaction
coefficients and, in the second, the random variables were the geometric and material properties of the
The results presented a better computational performance when understood as the absence of the
need of repeated matrix inversions for the various performances of the random process. Moreover, the
reduction in computing time renders the model promising for applications in more complex structures,
dynamic systems (random vibrations), and also for greater values associated to input uncertainties.
The application of the variational formulation of the problem allows reducing the regularities
required for the numerical solution. Associated to the components of specific and angular strain, one
has the normal and the shear stress, which represent the state of the internal forces, respectively, in
directions at each point of coordinate one-dimensional beam model. Based on those relations, the
expression of the internal power is established.
Among the works related to variational formulation for Timoshenko beams, one can mention
Timoshenko and Goodier (1951). The numerical solutions of Timoshenko stochastic differential
equations, again reduced to the regularities, are performed using the stochastic finite elements method.
In Ávila and Beck (2010), there are differences between the stochastic Euler-Bernoulli and
Timoshenko beam theories that establish uncertainty results associated to the elasticity module and to
the second-order inertia moment. The authors emphasize that, despite the pronounced discrepancy
among the results associated to uncertainty, the deterministic values are very close. It is important to
note that the model was applied to beams with intermediate length within the limits of each
In both beam formulations, the inversion of this stiffness matrix requires considerable computing
time and so, the use of the Neumann series has stood out. It has been observed that the computing cost
of this inversion is minimized without compromising the accuracy of the results.

2. Main Objectives

In the present work, the random parameters of the system are modeled within a second-order
stochastic process defined by its averages and covariance function; and the SMC N-λ model is
compared to simple SMC models and to the use of Neumann expansion. Numerical results are
presented for the SMC N-λ beams.
The following present the variational formulation of the stochastic bending problems of Euler-
Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams. For the bending model, the SFEM uses the Galerkin method and,
for the bending-rotation model, the SFEM uses the Gaussian integration. In association, Monte Carlo
simulation is used to determine the first- and second-order moments for random fields of vertical
displacement and rotation. Also present the solution of the system of equation by Neumann expansion
and the proposed introduction of the convergence parameter λ. The stochastic model is discussed and
compared considering beams under various contour and loading conditions.


The authors thank the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq) for sponsoring the present
current research and the Post Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering and Materials of the
Federal Technological University of Paraná (Ppgem-UTFPR) for the support.


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[2] Araújo J. M., Awruch A. M. On Stochastic Finite Elements for Structural Analysis, Computers
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[3] Ávila C.R.S.J., Beck, A.T. Timoshenko Versus Euler Beam Theory: Pitfalls of a Deterministic
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[4] Ávila C.R.S.J., Beck, A.T. New Method for Efficient Monte Carlo-Neumann Solution of Linear
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[6] Chakraborty, S, Dey, S.S. Stochastic Finite Element Dynamic Analysis of Structures with
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[7] Shinozuka, M., Astill J. Random Eigenvalue Problems in Structural Mechanics, AIAA Journal,
page 456-page462, 1972.
[8] Shinozuka, M., Leone, E. A Probabilistic Model for Spatial Distribution of Material Properties,
Eng. Fracture Mechanics, page217-page227, 1976.
[9] Shinozuka, M. Structural Response Variability, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, page825-
page842, 1987.
[10] Shinozuka, M., Deodatis, G. Response Variability of Stochastic Finite Element Systems,
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[11] Shinozuka, M., Nomoto, T., Response Variability Due to Spatial Randomness of Material
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[12] Spanos, P.D. Mignolet, M. Z-Transform Modeling of P-M Wave Spectrum, Journal of
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[13] Squarcio, R.M.F., Ávila, C.R.S.J. Application of the Monte Carlo λ-Neumann Method to the
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[14] Timoshenko S.P, On the Correction for Shear of the Differential Equation for Transverse
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[15] Timoshenko S.P, On the Transverse Vibration of Bars of Uniform Cross-Section, Philosophical
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[16] Timoshenko S., Goodier, J.N. Theory of Elasticity, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York,
[17] Yamazaki, F. Simulation of Stochastic Fields and its Applications to Finite Element Analysis,
ORI Report 87-04. Ohzaki Research Institute Inc., November, 1987.
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Rosa Adela Mejia-Nava1, Adnan Ibrahimbegovic1, Rogelio Lozano-Leal2

Université de Technologie Compiégne, Laboratoire Roberval de Mécanique, France,
Université de Technologie Compiégne, Heudiasyc UMR CNRS 7253, France

1. Introduction

Structures behavior under dynamic loads control is very important for preventing their collapse with
catastrophic consequences. One kind of structure control under dynamic loads can be achived by adding
a damping provided by some kind of external damping mechanism to the structure, such as a smart shape
memory alloy [6,7]. This kind of control is equivalent to the well-known concept of passivity (e.g. see
[8]). In ortder to administrate such control for the case of geometric instability problem, we choise a
shallow two-dimensional elastic frame structure undergoing large overall motion. For this type of
instability, we must use the arclength method, which is the most robust and most efficient way to trace
the equilibrium path after the limit point [1,2].

In this approach is equivalent to control strategy, as shown in [9], first the static analysis is performed
using displacement control method or arc length method for tracing the load-deflection path. The second
analysis has been performed by using the static analysis, with load control method before the limit point
and the dynamic analysis, with the Newmark scheme beyond the limit point. Strong oscillations
observed around the equilibrium point, can be handled by using a dissipative scheme like HHT- alpha
algorithm. In order to enhance the computational efficiency, the implicit Newmark time integration
scheme was used with nonlinear damping avoiding the vibration around the equilibrium point. We can
also employ the energy decaying, Hilbert-Hughes-Taylor (HHT) scheme.We choose the arc-length
solution procedure for solving the problems in nonlinear mechanics in presence of instability, which
allows us to trace the complete force-displacement diagram. We assume that the displacements, rotations
and strains can be (very) large before arriving at the critical equilibrium point, Then follow the same
process like in [2] until we find here an equilibrium point. With the purpose of ensuring the stability
robustness, we will use a more sophisticated energy-decaying scheme instead of HHT scheme and at
the end we compare results and the efficiency for this research.

2. Shallow Frame Structure

A shallow truss is composed of two frame elements with 2-nodes, this example represent a typical
case of geometric instability, which is loaded by a vertical force at the apex (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. i) Shallow beam, ii) Force displacement diagram and iii) susseccive deformed shapes

It is easy to see that maintaining equilibrium will require zero value of vertical external force for the
displacement values d = −h and d= −2h (see Figure 1). These two equilibrium states correspond,
respectively, to the truss equilibrium state where both bars are horizontal and the equilibrium state where
bars have been moved through to the opposite side so that the deformed length of each bar becomes the
same as in the initial configuration, which implies zero internal force. However, even if they share the
same (zero) value of external force, these two equilibrium states are not the same: the first is unstable,
since any small force increase will lead to very large increase of displacement, whereas the second is
stable with a small force increase accompanied by a proportionally small displacement increase. We
ensure the continuation in response computation after passing through a critical equilibrium point, which
should allow within a particular loading program to either increase or reduce the level of external
loading. For that reason, the external load vector is written as the product between a time–invariant
vector 𝑓0, indicating only the loading direction, and the time-dependent loading parameter λ(t),
specifying the current level of loading with :
𝑓 𝑒𝑥𝑡 (𝑡) = 𝑓0𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝜆(𝑡) (1)
where λ(t) is an additional unknown, whose value can either increase or decrease during the given
loading program (see Figure 1) [1,2].

3.Time Integration scheme

We give example three time integration schemes, i)Central difference scheme an explicit method,
ii)Trapezoidal rule or average acceleration implicit scheme and iii)Midpoint implicit scheme with its
modification for energy conservation and energy dissipation.

The central difference scheme is based upon the second order approximation of the differential
equations of motion, with a truncated series development. This results with the corresponding
approximations of the velocity at the mid-point of each time step,with the explicit form of the central
difference approximation given in Table 1.

Initialize : 𝑑0 , 𝑣0 → 𝑎0 = 𝑀−1 (𝑓0𝑒𝑥𝑡 − 𝑓̂ 𝑖𝑛𝑡 (𝑑0 ))

Compute for each step : n=0,1,2,... (given : 𝑑𝑛 , 𝑣𝑛 , 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ)
𝑑𝑛+1 = 𝑑𝑛 + ℎ𝑣𝑛 + 𝑎
2 𝑛
𝑀𝑎𝑛+1 + 𝑓̂ 𝑖𝑛𝑡 (𝑑𝑛+1 ) = 𝑓𝑛+1

𝑣𝑛+1 = 𝑣𝑛 + (𝑎𝑛 + 𝑎𝑛+1 )
Table 1. Central difference scheme in nonlinear dynamics.

Table 1 gives the most efficient implementation of the central difference scheme. The most costly phase
in central difference scheme is the solution of set of algebraic equations for computing the acceleration
vector 𝑎𝑛+1 . This cost can be reduced considerably by using a diagonal form of the mass matrix, which
allows to obtain the solution with the number of operations equal only to number of equations ‘n’.
Combined central difference scheme with an implicit scheme, used for real computational algorithms,
provides a very interesting alternative solution for nonlinear inelastic behavior in dynamics. Only
conditional stability of the explicit central difference scheme can often be too severe restriction, forcing
us to take a time step which is too small with respect to the required result accuracy. For that reason, the
central difference scheme is mostly used in applications to dynamics phenomena of short duration, such
as impact problems [1].

In order to allow for larger time steps we have to turn to implicit schemes like trapezoidal rule or
average acceleration. We can obtain the most suitable implementation of the trapezoidal rule as
presented in Table 2i.

Initialize : 𝑑0 , 𝑣0 → 𝑎0 = 𝑀−1 (𝑓0𝑒𝑥𝑡 − 𝑓̂ 𝑖𝑛𝑡 (𝑑0 ))

At each step : n=0,1,2,... (given : 𝑑𝑛 , 𝑣𝑛 , 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ) Initialize : 𝑑0 , 𝑣0
Find= 𝑑𝑛+1 , 𝑣𝑛+1 , 𝑎𝑛+1 For each step n=1,2,... :
Iterate : (i) =1,2,... Given : 𝑑𝑛 , 𝑣𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ
Compute : 𝑑𝑛+1 , 𝑣𝑛+1 𝑠𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡
(𝑖) (𝑖) 4 (𝑖) 4 Iterate : (i) =1,2,...
𝑎𝑛+1 = 𝑎̂ (𝑑𝑛+1 ) ≔ 2
(𝑑𝑛+1 − 𝑑𝑛 ) − 𝑣𝑛 − 𝑎𝑛 (𝑖)
ℎ ℎ 𝑑𝑛+1 − 𝑑𝑛 (𝑖)
(𝑖) (𝑖) (𝑖+1) =𝑣 1
𝑀𝑎̂ (𝑑𝑛+1 ) + 𝑓̂ 𝑖𝑛𝑡 (𝑑𝑛+1 ) = 𝑓𝑛+1𝑒𝑥𝑡
→ 𝑑𝑛+1 ℎ 𝑛+
(𝑖) 2 (𝑖) 𝑣
− 𝑣𝑛
𝑣𝑛+1 = (𝑑𝑛+1 − 𝑑𝑛 ) − 𝑎𝑛 𝑛+
ℎ 𝑀 2 (𝑖)
+ 𝑓̂ 𝑖𝑛𝑡 (𝑑 1 ) = 𝑓 𝑒𝑥𝑡1
(𝑖) (𝑖)
IF ‖𝑓𝑛+1 − 𝑀𝑎𝑛+1 − 𝑓̂ 𝑖𝑛𝑡 (𝑑𝑛+1 )‖ 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛(𝑖) → ℎ 𝑛+
(𝑖 + 1) → 𝑑̅𝑛+1 Next iteration : (𝑖) ⟵ (𝑖 + 1)
Else n→ 𝑛 + 1 Next time step :𝑛 ⟵ 𝑛 + 1

Table 2. i)Trapezoidal rule or average acceleration scheme for nonlinear dynamics, ii) Mid-point
scheme in nonlinear dynamics

The trapezoidal rule method has unconditional stability for linear dynamics problems, otherwise, the
trapezoidal rule can no longer ensure the energy conservation for nonlinear dynamics problems, which
is one of the main motivations for study of other implicit time-integration schemes, such as mid-point
rule [1,3].

Another implicit scheme of particular interest for low-frequency nonlinear dynamics is the mid-point
rule, this scheme is especially interesting in a modified version enforcing the total energy conservation
(in the absence of external forces). This scheme in general ensure the satisfying performance of the
scheme in computations over very long time interval, where the accumulation of round-off errors can
seriously affect the results quality.

Namely, the correct increment value of the internal energy contribution towards the total energy
conservation is computed by the mid-point scheme only for linear dynamics problems, providing the
capability to dissipate the energy of high frequency modes Such a feature is of strong practical interest
for stress computation accuracy, which can often be plagued by unresolved high frequency modes. The
proposed cures from linear dynamics based upon the modified Newmark method have not always proved
successful for nonlinear dynamics problems, where the high frequency modes would (constantly)
change in the course of motion with each modification of the tangent stiffness matrix. One way for
constructing a modification of the mid-point scheme capable of numerical dissipation of high-frequency

modes (with no need to compute them exactly), is to start from the algorithmic constitutive equations
designed for energy conservation with mid-point scheme, and add a dissipative term.

The main change concerns the high-frequency modes (with the period equal or smaller than the chosen
time step), without much affecting the low-frequency modes (with the period much larger than the
chosen time step) [1,3,4].

In figure 2 we show load deflection path after the limit point obtained by dynamic analysis with gradual
increase of the loading where oscillations are observed around the equilibrium point.

Figure 2. Load displacements path of shalow beam i) static and dinamic analysis without damping,
ii) dynamic analysis [2].


We would like to thank the Region Hauts-de-France (CR Picarde) (120-2015-RDISTRUCT-000010)

and Chaire de Méchanique picardie for financial support.

[1] A. Ibrahimbegovic. Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, Spriger, 2009.
[2] S. Mamouri, E. Mourid and A. Ibrahimbegovic. Study of Geometric Nonlinear Instability of 2D
Frame Structures. European Journal of computational Mechanics, Volume24,2015.
[3] S. Mamouri, R. Kouli, A. Benzegaou, A Ibrahimbegovic. Implicit controllable high-frequency
dissipative scheme for nonlinear dynamics of 2D geometrically exact beam, Nonlinear Dynamics 84 (3),
[4] A. Ibrahimbegovic, S. Mamouri. Nonlinear dynamics of flexible beams in planar motion:
formulation and time-stepping scheme for stiff problems. Comput. Struct. 70, 1–22 ,1999.
[5] A. Ibrahimbegovic, S. Mamouri, Energy conserving/ decaying implicit time-stepping scheme for
nonlinear dynamics of three-dimensional beams undergoing finite rotations. Comput.Methods
Appl.Mech. Engrg. 191, 4241– 4258 ,2002.
[6] H. Oliveira, A.S. De Paula, and M.A. Savi. Dynamical Behavior of a Pseudoelastic Vibration
Absorber Using Shape Memory Alloys. Shock and Vibration, 2017.
[7] L. G. Machado, D. C. Lagoudas, M. A. Savi. Lyapunov exponents estimation for hysteretic
systems. International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 ,1269–1286, 2009.
[8] Brogliato, B., Lozano, R., Maschke, B., Egeland, O., Passivity-based control system analysis
and design, Springer Series in Communications and Control Engineering, 2008
[9] A. Ibrahimbegovic, C. Knopf-Lenoir, A. Kučerová and P. Villon, Optimal design and optimal
control of structures undergoing finite rotations and elastic deformations, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng;
61:2428–2460, 2004.





Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás,
Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás,

Considering the increasing use of tubular profiles in civil construction , this paper highlights the study
on the behavior of welded connections between square hollow core section column and I-beam, with
emphasis on the assessment of the joint stiffness. Firstly, a theoretical analysis of the welded joints has
been done focusing on prescriptions of the technical literature for the types of geometries mentioned.
Then, a numerical analysis of the proposed joints were performed by the finite element method (FEM)
with the software ANSYS. In this study, two models were evaluated for different parameters, such as
the thickness of the cross section of the column and the sizes of cross section of the beams. The first
model describes a connection in which one beam is connected to the column in a unique bending plane,
while the second model describes a connection of two beams to the column in two bending planes. From
numerical results, the bending moment-rotation (𝑀 × Φ) curve was plotted to determine the resistant
bending moment for each model. The results are consistent with those provided by theoretical analysis
being the margin of error between these analyzes compatible with previous studies on the subject.

Keywords: steel structures; hollow core section column; welded connections; bending moment-rotation.

[1] CIDECT, (2010). Wardenier, J., Packer, J. A., Zhao, X. -L., van der Vegte, G. J. Hollow
section in structural applications.
[2] Lu, L. H., 1997. The static strength of I-beam to rectangular hollow section column
connections. PhD Thesis. Delft University, Netherlands.
[3] Reis, S. L. F., 2011. Análise teórico-experimental de ligações metálicas soldadas entre
coluna em perfil tubular circular e viga em perfil de seção transversal “I”. Dissertação de
Mestrado. Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.
[4] Nunes, T. C., 2012. Análise de ligações metálicas soldadas entre pilar de seção RHS e viga
de seção I. Dissertação de Mestrado. Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.
[5] Pereira, D. H. F., 2013. Análise do comportamento estrutural de ligações em aço entre viga de seção
I e pilar de seção tubular circular. Dissertação de Mestrado. Universidade de São Paulo.
[6] Affonso, G. R., 2014. Avaliação de ligações entre vigas de perfil I ou H e colunas em perfis tubulares
circulares. Dissertação de Mestrado. Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.



Ruy Marcelo de Oliveira Pauletti1

Polytechnic School at the University of São Paulo,

Abstract. This paper presents an outline of SATS – A System for the Analysis of Taut Structures,
developed at the Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering of the Polytechnic School at
the University of São Paulo. STATS is coherent computational framework capable of solving a broad
range of problems involving the shape finding and the nonlinear analysis of cable and membrane
structures, with satisfactory performance, as attested by several benchmarks and applications.

Keywords: tension structures; cable and membrane structures; nonlinear analysis and design.

1. Introduction
The problem of equilibrium of a nonlinear structural system can be posed as finding a configuration x*
such that g ( x* ) = P ( x* ) − F ( x* ) = 0 , where the involved quantities are respectively the unbalanced load
, the internal forces and the external force vectors. This system can be solved –with some luck– iterating
Newton’s recurrence formula, x i +1 = x i − ( K t i ) g ( x i )
where the tangent stiffness matrix can be
conveniently decomposed into geometric, constitutive and external stiffness matrices. Although
analytical derivation of K t is straightforward for many types of elements, computers nowadays can
easily assemble numerical approximations for it, without loss of numerical precision (Pauletti, 2010).
Cables and membranes have neither bending nor compression stiffness; thus, their stability strongly
depends on their geometric stiffness. Without a proper tension field, analysis of this type of structures
through Newton’s method (NM) might diverge, either because the structure really goes slack, or simply
because of numerical limitations of the method. The dynamic relaxation method (DRM) offers an
interesting alternative to NM, replacing the equilibrium problem by a pseudo-dynamic analysis, where
fictitious mass and damping matrices are arbitrarily chosen to control the stability of the time integration
process. Furthermore, the definition of an arbitrary damping may be circumvented by the process of
kinetic damping, whereby the undamped movement of the system, governed by Mx + p ( x ) = 0 , is
followed until a maximum of the total kinetic energy is reached, when all the velocity components are
cancelled, and the analysis is restarted until new kinetic energy maxima (usually smaller than the
precedent ones) are found, and all velocities are zeroed once again. Although DRM shows no advantage
for small to medium sized problems, whenever NM shows good convergence, there may be economy
for very large problems.
These nonlinear analysis methods have been implemented by the author and his former graduate students
into a coherent computational framework named SATS – A System for the Analysis of Taut Structures,
developed at the Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering of the Polytechnic School at
the University of São Paulo. STATS has been applied to several problems involving the shape finding
and analysis of cable and membrane structure, showing very satisfactory performance. This paper
presents an outline of SATS, alongside with some specialized applications to the design and analysis of
cable and membrane structures. References [1] to [8] provide more detailed descriptions, and further
literature regarding the methods outlined herein.

2. Line elements
Figure 1(a) presents a truss element, whose internal force vector is expressed as
− v  N  I3 −I 3   x1 
p=N =  (1)
v  −I 3 I 3   x 2 
where the scalar N = EA ( −
)/ r
is the element internal normal load, v is a unit vector directed from
node 1 to node 2, I 3 is the order-three unit matrix, and x1 , x 2 are the nodal coordinates. For this element
N = 0 , whenever 
to represent a cable, then .
Assembling the elements’ internal load vectors into a global vector is all it takes to solve the equilibrium
of a cable network via DRM, under some external loads and enough displacement constraints. If NM is
chosen, then the element’s internal tangent stiffness matrix is also required. After some derivations, we
− vv T  N  ( I 3 − vv ) − ( I 3 − vv ) 
EA  vv

k int = ke + k g = r 
+   (2)
vv T   − ( I 3 − vv T )
 − vv
( I − vv T
) 
 3 
where k e stands for a linear elastic constitutive matrix and k g is the geometric stiffness matrix. Again,

, then k int = 0.
Slipping node P3nid
Pji  End nodes P3id P3

  
Pij 2 2
1 N1 N 2 P1 1 P2

Fig. 1 (a) A truss element, with local and global nodal indexes; (b) A belt sliding over a cylindrical bed, with friction coefficient   0 ; (c)
a three-node discretization of this situation; (d) A sliding super-element with n nodes, passing through n-2 pulleys.

This paper discusses some specializations of the basic truss/cable element, such as the variable initial
length element (physically correspondent to an hydraulic actuator) and the force density element, which
is based on the prescription of some value for the force density n = N / , as implicitly defined in
Equation (1), resulting in a linear problem in terms of the element coordinates. The force density method
(FDM), first proposed by Linkwitz in 1971, became one of the main methods for shape finding, at that
time an emerging technique on the field of taut structures, nowadays of widespread use for the design
and optimization of many types of structures. The paper presents also a class of elements capable of
representing sliding cables, with or without friction (depicted in Figures 1(b) to 1(d)), which are useful
to model the slippage between cables and membrane border sheaths, ridges and valleys, as well as
geodesic-string elements, which are convenient to adjust a mesh according to geodesic lines, an essential
procedure for the design of membrane structure, since it provides the best lay-out for the fabric pattering.

Fig. 2 (a) geodesic lines obtained via a geometric procedure (in blue), applied to a non-geodesic mesh layout; (b) geodesic lines obtained via
both Newton’s Method or dynamic relaxation (in red); (c) Argyris element nodes, lengths i and unit side vectors v i .

3. Argyris’ Membrane Element and the Natural Force Density Method

The paper further discusses Argyris’ natural membrane element (1974), sketched in Figure 2(c),
conveniently defined within the same framework of the previous line elements, with analogous
distinction between the components of its tangent stiffness. Given a uniform Cauchy stress tensor σ ,
we calculate the stress vectors along the element edges by ρ i = σn i , where n i are the unit vectors normal

to the element sides. Thus, integrating ρ i along the element edges and distributing the resultants among
the nodes, the vector of internal forces can be written as
 p1   2 ρ 2 + 3ρ3   N 2 v 2 − N 3 v 3  ( n2 + n3 ) I 3 − n3 I 3 − n2 I 3   x1 
e e

   
p = p 2  =  1ρ1 + 3ρ3  =  N 3 v 3e − N1 v1e  =  − n3 I 3 − n1I 3   x 2 
( n1 + n3 ) I3 (3)
 p 3   1ρ1 + 2 ρ 2   N1 v1e − N 2 v e2   − n2 I 3 − n1I 3 ( n1 + n2 ) I 3   x3 
where we have subsequently decomposed the internal forces into components parallel to the elements
sides, or natural loads N i , as well as recognized some natural force densities ni = N i / i . This leads to
the definition of the Natural Force Density Method (NFDM) an important extension of the FDM for the
shape finding of membrane structures, which preserves linearity but overcomes the difficulties that the
original method presents to cope with irregular meshes (Pauletti, 2006), (Pauletti and Pimenta, 2008).
Analogously to cables, since membranes do not withstand either bending or compression, any practical
membrane element must be able to cope with slackening or wrinkling conditions. We consider a
projection technique by which total strains are decomposed into elastic and zero-strain energy parts, and
only the elastic part exerts internal forces. Moreover, since membrane structures are prone to large
displacements, variations of external loads due to displacements cannot in general be disregarded.
Accordingly, the paper recast the exact external stiffness for Argyris’ element under a constant
transversal pressure –an asymmetric matrix, reflecting the fact that wind loads are generally non-
conservative. Conditions which render conservative a closed pressurized system, such as a soccer ball,
are also discussed in the paper.
4. Selected applications
If the NFDM is applied iteratively, always re-imposing a uniform and isotropic stress field, the geometry
converges to a minimal surface, through a succession of viable configurations. This is a clear advantage,
if compared to NM or DRM, which may also converge to a minimal solution, but through a series of
unfeasible, non-equilibrium configurations. Imposition of non-uniform stress fields is also possible and
provide non-minimal equilibrium surfaces (for any reasonable stress field). Figure 3 compares a
minimal conoid (stress ratio  r /   = 1 , necessarily, over the whole surface) to a non-minimal conoid,
with  r /   = 3 , arbitrary imposed over the whole surface. Results compare very well with analytical
solutions, as discussed by Gellin and Pauletti (2013). Geometry converges much faster than stresses and,
for practical purposes, the analysis could be stopped after a couple of iterations.

Isometric view

1st principal
stresses  r

minimal conoid (  r /   = 1 ) non-minimal conoid (  r /   = 3 )

Fig. 3. Comparison between minimal and non-minimal conoids.

The 1st line of Figure 4 shows a large cable-reinforced, insufflated dome, built to cover the site of a
nuclear power plant during the process of ground preparation, which lasted 6 months (Pauletti, 2010).
The structure had a rectangular plant, 110m x 86m, 30 meters high, with rounded corners, and was
anchored to a perimeter concrete wall. The membrane was constituted by a PVC-coated, polyester
fabric, and was reinforced by seven cables laid over the membrane, aligned with the longitudinal
direction and free to slide in the tangential direction. Numerical analyses performed with SATS allowed
determination of loads on the reinforcement cables and perimeter wall, under design wind loads. For the
prescribed internal pressure, the envelope would develop large wrinkled areas (depicted in gray in the
 2 stress field plots of 4th line of Figure 4), so this pressure should be increased. The maximum

membrane displacement under longitudinal winds (aligned with the reinforcement cables) and with
sliding cables (about 2.5m) were much larger than the maximum displacements with adherent cables
(about 0.4m). Moreover, the uniform normal loads along the sliding cables matched well the average
normal loads along adherent cables, a favorable condition. Sliding conditions did not alter significantly
the displacements of the membrane due to transversal winds, if compared to adherent conditions, but
stress concentrations were smoothed out and wrinkles were no so spread over the surface.

Fig. 4 1st line: a large pneumatic envelope; 2nd line: fields of displacement norm for adherent and sliding cables;
3 line: 1st principal stress fields and 4th line: 2nd principal stress fields (again for adherent and sliding cables conditions).

[1] R.M.O. Pauletti and P.M. Pimenta ‘Formulação de Um Elemento Finito de Cabo Incorporando O Efeito do
Atrito’, Revista Internacional de Metodos Numericos para Calculo y Diseño en Ingenieria, Barcelona, 11 (4)
565-576, 1995.
[2] R.M.O. Pauletti, D.M. Guirardi, T.E.C. Deifeld, ‘Argyris' Natural Membrane Finite element Revisisted’, in E.
Oñate and B. Kröplin, Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures 335-344 CIMNE, Barcelona (2005).
[3] R.M.O. Pauletti, ‘An extension of the force density procedure to membrane structures’. IASS Symposium /
APCS Conference, Beijing, 2006.
[4] R.M.O., Pauletti, ‘Static Analysis of Tension Structure’, in E. Oñate, B. Kröplin, Textile Composites and
Inflatable Structures II. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences 8. 117-139, Springer (2008).
[5] R.M.O. Pauletti, and P.M. Pimenta, ‘The natural force density method for the shape finding of taut structures’,
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 197, 4419–4428 (2008).
[6] R.M.O. Pauletti, E.S. Almeida Neto, ‘A Finite-Difference Approximation to Newton Method’s Jacobian
matrices’, MECON 2010 / CILAMCE 2010, Buenos Aires (2010).
[7] R.M.O. Pauletti, ‘Some issues on the design and analysis of pneumatic structures’, Int. J. Structural
Engineering, 1 (3/4), 217–240 (2010).
[8] S. Gellin, R.M.O. Pauletti, ‘Necking limits of conoid membrane structures with variable stress ratio’.
Engineering Structures 50, 90–95 (2013).



Sara Grbčić 1,2 , Adnan Ibrahimbegović 2 , Gordan Jelenić 1
1 University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering,,
2 Université de Technologie de Compiègne / Sorbonne Universités,

1. Introduction
In general, most of the materials are heterogeneous, owing to a specific microstructure which can be
determined at a particular scale. However, when that scale is significant compared to the overall scale,
the commonly used classical (Cauchy) continuum theory fails to describe the behaviour of such a material
satisfactorily. It is experimentally observed that such materials exhibit a so-called size-effect phenomenon
[1], which manifests in increased stiffness of smaller specimens made of the same material. In order to
take this into account, a number of alternative continuum theories are developed. Among other theories,
one such theory is the micropolar (Cosserat) continuum theory analysed here [2]. In addition to the
displacement field, there exists an independent microrotation field ϕ (representing the local rotation of
a material point) which leads to the existence of an additional couple-stress tensor µ and a curvature
tensor κ. Such a theoretical setting allows us to take into account the intrinsic material length-scale but,
in order to completely describe such a material, six material parameters are needed, in contrast to only
two in the classical theory. Experimental determination of the additional parameters, however, is not
straightforward and the key to developing more precise experimental procedures could lie in the inverse
analysis involving highly efficient numerical procedures. For this reason, here we present numerical
analysis of a specific micropolar boundary value problem for which the closed-form solutions exists
[3] by using the finite-element method [4]. Furthermore, we extend the finite element formulation to a
geometrically non-linear regime and observe the internal length-scale effect. However, in the non-linear
analysis new challenges regarding the proper treatment of large rotations arise and finite elements are
shown to be suffering from the strain non-invariance anomaly.

2. Micropolar continuum model

The basic equations of the micropolar continuum theory are briefly outlined. The detailed exposition
may be found in the literature, e.g. [2]. We consider a continuous body under the influence of external
actions consisting of distributed body force pv and body moment mv and distributed surface force ps and
surface moment ms .

Kinematic equations. The two independent kinematic fields, displacement u and microrotation ϕ
define the micropolar strain tensor  as

i j = ui, j + εi jk ϕk , (1)

Owing to the existence of an independent rotation field ϕ, there also exists a corresponding micropolar
curvature tensor κ defined as

κi j = ϕi, j . (2)

508 1
Constitutive equations. The relation between the corresponding two sets of stress tensors σ, µ and
strain tensors , κ is defined through the following constitutive equations

σi j = λ  pp δi j + (µ + ν)i j + (µ − ν) ji , µi j = ακ pp δi j + (β + γ)κi j + (β − γ)κ ji , (3)

where α, β , γ, λ , µ, ν represent the material parameters describing the behavior of the linear isotropic
micropolar continuum. These material parameters are related to a set of engineering (measurable) pa-
rameters, via [1]:
2n G G N2
λ= , µ = G, ν= ,
1 − 2n 1 − N2 (4)
2G lt (1 − ψ)
α= 2 2 2
, β = G lt , γ = G(4lb − lt ).
Parameter G represents the shear modulus, n is Poisson’s ratio, lt the characteristic length for torsion and
lb the characteristic length for bending. Characteristic length variables quantify the influence of the mi-
crostructure on the macro-behavior of the material and have the dimension of length. Their values are of
an order of magnitude of material particle-, grain- or cell-size, depending on the material microstructure.
Parameter N represents the coupling number that is a dimensionless measure of the degree of coupling
between the microrotation vector and the macrorotation vector, with the restricted value N ∈ h0, 1i. Con-
sequently, ν quantifies the degree of coupling between macro- and microrotation effects. Parameter
ψ ∈ h0, 32 i represents the dimensionless polar ratio of rotation sensitivity (a quantity which relates the
torsional strains in a way analogous to that in which Poisson’s ratio relates the normal strains).
The weak form is obtained by means of the principle of virtual work stating that the difference
between virtual works of external and internal forces should vanish. Virtual work of internal and external
forces can be expressed as
ˆ ˆ ˆ
int ext
G (u, ϕ; u, ϕ) = ( : σ + κ : µ)dV, G (u, ϕ) = (u · pv + ϕ · mv )dV + (u · ps + ϕ · ms )dS, (5)

where u and ϕ are the virtual displacements and virtual microrotation vectors, respectively, and  and
κ represent the corresponding tensors of virtual strains and virtual curvatures. In order to obtain the
numerical solution of the problem, the kinematic fields have to be approximated using chosen interpo-
lations. Among several analysed (e.g. see [5]), the outlined interpolation in this work which is shown
to be very efficient is the Lagrange interpolation for the displacement and microrotation fields, but with
the displacement interpolation additionally enriched with the incompatible modes, applied on an isopara-
metric trilinear hexahedral finite element with eight nodes and six degrees of freedom per node (three
displacements ux , uy , uz and three microrotations ϕx , ϕy , ϕz ) shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Hexahedral finite element with eight nodes

The kinematic field interpolation is defined as

8 3 8
uh = ∑ Ni (ξ , η, ζ )uei + ∑ Mi (ξ , η, ζ )αei , ϕh = ∑ Ni (ξ , η, ζ )ϕei , (6)
i=1 i=1 i=1

509 2
where Ni (ξ , η, ζ ) represent the Lagrange trilinear isoparametric shape functions, Mi (ξ , η, ζ ) represent
the incompatible shape functions chosen as: M1 = 1 − ξ 2 , M2 = 1 − η 2 , and M3 = 1 − ζ 2 and αei is the
vector of the element parameters for the incompatible shape functions.
By introducing the interpolation (6) into the kinematic equations (1) and (2) we obtain the interpo-
lated micropolar strain tensor  h and the interpolated curvature tensor κh together with their interpolated
virtual counterparts  h and κ h . Next, we introduce the interpolated kinematic fields and their virtual
counterparts into (5) and obtain the following equilibrium equation

ˆ ˆ ˆ
( h : (C1 :  h ) + κ h : (C2 : κh ))dV − (uh · pv + ϕ h · mv )dV − (uh · ps + ϕ h · ms )dS = 0, (7)

which leads to a system of two equations defined at the element level, i.e.
D T E  e T e   e   
e T K Fe d f 0
d αe − = . (8)
Fe H e αe 0 0

In order to eliminate the presence of unknown incompatible-mode parameters αe , we have to perform

the so-called static condensation by first expressing from the second equation αe = −He Fe de and then
introducing it into the first equation. Consequently, we obtain the reduced form of the element stiffness
T −1
K̃e = Ke − Fe He Fe . (9)
From this point on, we can proceed towards the standard finite element assembly accounting for all
element contributions, i.e.
nelem nelem
K d = f ⇒ d; K = A K̃e ; f = A fe . (10)
e=1 e=1

For the detailed derivation of the presented finite element formulation (referred to as Hex8IM) see [4].

3. Numerical example

Analytical (micropolar continuum) [3]
Analytical (classical continuum)
● Experimental [1]
◆ Present numerical model
J ●

[N] 100
d2 ●


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
d2 [mm2]

Figure 2: Analytical, experimental and numerical representation of a size-effect behaviour of a

polymeric foam [4]

Here we present one of the numerical examples analysed in detail in [4] which consists of an axisym-
metric solid micropolar cylinder subject to pure torsion. The work of Lakes [1] represents the first (and
rare) successful attempt to experimentally obtain six micropolar material parameters. Lakes studied the
size-effect phenomenon, which is analytically predicted to occur in torsion and bending. By perform-
ing a set of quasi-static torsion and bending tests on circular cylinder specimens and dynamic tests on

510 3
rectangular bars made of low-density polymeric foam, Lakes determined the micropolar material param-
eters by finding the best-fit theoretical curve given in [3] to the experimental results. For the case of the
polymeric-foam specimens, the experimental data are fitted well by G = 0.6 N/mm2 , ψ = 1.5, lt = 3.8
mm and N = 0.3. This set of experiments is thus analysed numerically and the results obtained using
Hex8IM are presented in Figure 2. An excellent agreement between theory, experiments and the nu-
merical analysis is achieved, leading to the conclusion that Hex8IM is highly suitable for the numerical
validation of the experimental procedure.

4. Work in progress
After a detailed numerical analysis using different kinematic field interpolations and finite element
discretization in the linear regime, next, we extend the finite element formulation to a geometrically non-
linear regime, exhibiting large displacements and large rotations where several new challenges in the
finite element implementation arise. Even though the 3D finite rotations are describable by the magnitude
and axis of rotation (the two attributes describing vectors), 3D finite rotations do not obey the laws of
vector calculus. The finite rotation space is non-linear and the finite rotations are non-commutative
and non-additive, and thus require a special geometric treatment [6]. Consequently, the mathematical
approach of implementing finite rotations in the numerical analysis differs from the treatment of large
displacements. Additionally, already in the classical theory it is observed that finite elements with large
rotations show an anomaly which give rise to the so-called non-objectivity of material strains. Objectivity
of material strains (or strain invariance) at a particular configuration is understood as their inherent
ability to remain unaffected by a constant motion of the configuration [7]. However, even though the
strain invariance is a physical property, the approximated strain values (being the basic ingredient of the
finite element method) do not have to possess this property. In order to resolve this anomaly, proper
interpolation of the microrotation field has to be developed.

Acknowledgement. This work was supported by the Croatian Science Foundation Grant No. IP 1631
Configuration-dependent approximation in non-linear finite-element analysis of structures and by the
French Embassy in Croatia through the French Government scholarship for doctoral level.

[1] R. S. Lakes. Size effects and micromechanics of a porous solid, Journal of Materials Science, 2572-2580, 18,
[2] A. C. Eringen. Microcontinuum field theories: I. Foundations and solids, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2012.
[3] R. Gauthier, W. E. Jahsman. A Quest for Micropolar Elastic Constants, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 369-
374, 2, 1975.
[4] S. Grbčić, A. Ibrahimbegović, G. Jelenić. Variational formulation of micropolar elasticity using 3D hexahedral
finite-element interpolation with incompatible modes, Computers and Structures, 1-14, 205, 2018.
[5] S. Grbčić, A. Ibrahimbegović, G. Jelenić. Finite element analysis of linear elastic micropolar continuum:
application of quadrilateral elements in 2D problems, ECCOMAS-MSF 2017, Ibrahimbegović et al., 139-
143, 2017.
[6] A. Ibrahimbegović, F. Frey, I. Kožar. Computational aspects of vector-like parametrization of three-
dimensional finite rotations, Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 3653-3673, 38, 1995.
[7] M. A. Crisfield, G. Jelenić. Objectivity of strain measures in the geometrically exact three-dimensional beam
theory and its finite-element implementation, Proc. R. Soc. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., 1125-1147, 455 (1983),

511 4



S.F. Maassen 1 , P.M. Pimenta 2 , J. Schröeder 1

1 Institut für Mechanik,Universität Duisburg-Essen,,
2 Polytechnic School at University of São Paulo,

While various shear deformable beam theories have been investigated throughout the last decades,
the shear rigid theory of Euler-Bernoulli beams was a little out of sight. Hence various publication on
Timoshenko formulations can be found, like [1], [2] or [3], to name just a view. However, rising attention
was set to Euler-Bernoulli beams in recent years. The lack of shear locking leads to favourable behaviour
in modelling slender structures. In view of modern finite element formulations, Euler-Bernoulli beams
were extended to large strain geometrically exact kinematics in three dimensional space. A comparison
with shear deformable formulation can be found in [4]. The state of the art on current investigations is
basically set by the works of C. Meier like [5].
In the present work we propose a beam finite element which represents a different version of an
Bernoulli beam model, which sets some major improvements. In contrast to treat the shear rigidity as a
constraint we rely on a kinematical formulation that a priory fulfils this main property. This contribution
is an extension of the authors work [6]. It differs from the mentioned one as it is no longer formulated
based on a priory known cross sectional properties. Instead these are implicitly obtained by numerical
integration over a cross section, while evaluating a three dimensional material law in each integration
point. In plane, cross sectional changes are considered, as well as the effect of elastic torsional warping,
to overcome unphysical stiffening in this context.
In the following we briefly introduce the underlying beam kinematics, in combination with the
parametrization of the rotation. Both lead to the deformation gradient that satisfies Bernoulli’s second
theorem of shear rigidity.
In line with most beam kinematics, we consider a representation of a beam by its axis, denoted by,

X0 = ζ er3 . (1)
Such axis within this formulation are considered as straight lines in the reference state, where the
parameter ζ ∈ L = [0, l] is the concerning arc length along a beam element with l being the length
of it. Furthermore each point on a rigid cross section is defined by a director r r = ξβ erβ , with β =
1, 2, which will remain perpendicular to the axis at any point and is parametrized in ξβ ∈ (H, B) =
([−h/2, h/2], [−b/2, b/2]). The scalar quantities h, b define the height and width of a cross section re-
spectively. A triad base, here denoted by (er1 , er2 , er3 ) is assumed to be fixed locally to each cross section.
Furthermore we restrict a cross section to be of rectangular shape, with respect to the utilized numerical
integration procedure. The just introduced quantities are referred to the back rotated configuration, indi-
cated by (•)r , which can be obtained by a back rotation of the superimposed rotations that the beam will
exceed through its deformation. Accordingly the spacial position of a material point on any cross section
in the deformed configuration can be described by,

x = X0 + u0 + y. (2)
In accordance with figure 1, the axis displacement field is denoted by u0 = û(ζ), which appears to
be parametrized also in terms of the arc length of the beam. In this case it is obtained by interpolation

512 1
of nodal degrees of freedom by Hermite polynomials, to satisfy the C1 -continuity of the beam axis, as
required in Euler-Bernoulli theory respectively.

v e3

r rigid cross section

+ u0 er1

X0 rr



Figure 1: Geometrically Exact Kinematics

The vector y can be decomposed as follows,

y = r + v + w. (3)

The current director field r, in terms of the current local basis is obtained by a rigid body rotation,

r = Qr r , e j = Qerj with j = 1, 2, 3. (4)

The rotation tensor Q is parametrized by means of a vector of Rodrigues parameter α,

4 1 2
Q=I+ A+ A with A = Skew(α). (5)
4+α·α 2

The Skew operator fulfils V = Skew(v) with V x = v × x. This parametrization has certain benefits, as
already discussed in [8]. Beside the good computational performance we highlight the simplicity of the
resulting formulas from the Rodrigues rotation vector.
The vector w = w e3 , accounts for elastic, torsional, out of plane warping after the rigid deformation
of the cross section. Due to the choice of Rectangular cross sections, the warping function can be
approximated by a Lagrangian polynomial, obtained by St.Venants torsion theory,
ξ2 ξ1 3b6 + 57b4 h2 + b2 h2 −140(ξ2 − ξ1 )(ξ2 + ξ1 ) − 57h2 − 3h6
ψ= , with h > b. (6)
3 (b2 + h2 ) (b4 + 13b2 h2 + h4 )

Last but not least, the amplitude of the warping scales with the amount of torsional twist, which can be
obtained from the curvature vector κr · er3 .
The here presented model also accounts for in plane cross sectional changes. Rather than assuming a
zero, main lateral stress condition in each material point, as proposed e.g. in [7]. Accordingly we make
an ansatz for the in plane displacements, by considering additional cross sectional degrees of freedom,
interpolated by shape functions of Lagrangian type over the cross section as,
1 1
v = (φβ · dv ) eβ with φ1 = (ξ1 , ξ21 , ξ1 ξ2 )T and φ2 = (ξ2 , ξ2 ξ1 , ξ22 )T . (7)
2 2

513 2
The vector dv contains the additional cross sectional degrees of freedom, which in accordance to this
ansatz are three.
The deformation gradient is obtained straight forward by differentiation with respect to the parameter
lines and application of the chain rule

F = x,ζ ⊗ er3 + x,ξα ⊗ erα . (8)

The partial derivatives are here denoted by the subscript of the argument e.g ∂(•)/∂ζ = (•),ζ . In view of
the application we introduce the back rotated version of the deformation gradient, which is beneficial in
many ways,
F = QF r = Q(I + γαr ⊗ erα + γ3r ⊗ er3 ) with (α = 1, 2). (9)
The vectors γ3r , γαr are called back rotated, generalized strain vectors and are defined as follows:

γ3r = η r + κr × y r + (ψβ · dw,ζ )erβ

γα = (φβ,ξα · dv )erβ + (ψ,ξα (κr · er3 ))er3

Here we can identify the cross sectional constant strains, the back rotated beam stretch vector η r =
QT η = k(X0 + u0 ),ζ − 1ker3 and curvature vector κr = QT κ = axial(QT Q,ζ ).
For the rotation, an incremental update scheme is proposed to overcome limitations of the presented
parametrization. In this sense, the current rotational state is decomposed into a previous (•)i and an
incremental (•)∆ state, which leads to the following update formulas:
4 1
Q = Q∆ Qi , α= αi + α∆ − αi × α∆ ,
4 − αi · α∆ 2
r r T 4 1
κ = κi + Q Ξ∆ (α∆ ),ζ with Ξ∆ = I − Skew(α∆ ) .
4 + α∆ · α∆ 2

Each rotation is herby described around the the current cross sectional basis, which categorize the final
state as a compound rotation around follower axis.
A priory satisfaction of the shear rigidity constraint is given by the update of the rotation vector,
which was the main contribution in [6],

ei3 × e3 em 1
α∆ = m 2
+ ϕ∆
m with em i
3 = (e3 + e3 ). (12)
ke3 k ke3 k 2

In this case an additional, cross sectional degree of freedom ϕ∆ is introduced to account for the torsional
rotation around the axis tangent respectively.
The finite element formulation is designed around a virtual work principle, that can be expressed on
a potential form as Z Z
Πint = P r (F r ) · F r dA dL. (13)
The integral over the domain is decomposed into the integral over the arc length of a beam element
and the integral over each area of a cross section A = (H, B). Both integrals are evaluated numerically,
while evaluating a three dimensional material law at each integration point. Thereby we chose Gauss-
Lobatto integration as adequate quadrature rule to capture also the boundaries of the domain. Five
integration points in length are required, while the amount of points to integrate over the cross sectional
area, depends on the material law at hand and thus has to determined through numerical studies. The first
Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor P appears here also in its back rotated version, by using F r as argument
for the constitutive law. In this work we propose such that are defined in terms of a free energy such as a
St.Venant-Kirchhoff material,
λ 1 ∂Ψ
Ψ = (E · I)2 + µ (EE) · I with E = (F rT F r − I) and P r = . (14)
2 2 ∂F r

514 3
As material parameters in this case λ, µ are used, which are known as Lamé constants. The final element
matrices are obtained using automatic differentiation, by application of a differentiation exception to
account for the analogy to a virtualisation procedure,

δ̂Π δ̂pe
pe = r and k e
= . (15)
δ̂d DP =const. δ̂d
DF r
Here pe and ke denote the element residual vector and stiffness matrix respectively. For more information
about the AceGen,AceFEM software used here and automatic differentiation, the interested reader is
referred to [9]. Within the vector d consequently all elemental degrees of freedom are collected,

d = (uI , u0I , ϕI∆ , dv,I )T with I = 1, 2. (16)

The superscript I was used in this case to index the nodes of the element, meaning this procedure can be
extended to higher order elements easily. However though, in the presented version an element consists
of two nodes and thus 20 scalar degrees of freedom.

[1] J.C. Simo A finite strain beam formulation. The three-dimensional dynamic problem. Part I, Computer Meth-
ods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, p.55–70, 1985.
[2] P.M.Pimenta, T. Yojo Geometrically exact analysis of spacial frames, Applied Mechanics Reviews, p.118–128,
[3] F. Gruttmann, R. Sauer, W. Wagner Theory and numerics of three-dimensional beams with elastoplastic ma-
terial behaviour, International Journal For Numerical Methods In Engineering, p.1675–1702, 2000.
[4] F. Boyer, D. Primault Finite element of slender beams in finite transformations: a geometrically exact ap-
proach, International Journal For Numerical Methods In Engineering, p.669–702, 2004.
[5] C.A. Meier, A. Popp, W.A. Wall An objective 3D large deformation finite element formulation for geomet-
rically exact curved Kirchhoff rods, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, p.445–478,
[6] C. Costa e Silva, S.F. Maassen, P.M. Pimenta. , J. Schröder Geometrically exact analysis of Bernoulli Euler
rods, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, submitted, 2018.
[7] S. Klinkel, S. Govindjee Using finite strain 3D-materials models in beam and shell elements, Engineering
Computations, p.254–271, 2002.
[8] P.M. Pimenta, E.M.B. Campello Geometrically nonlinear analysis of thin-walled space frames, ECCM, 2001.
[9] J. Korelc, P. Wriggers Automation of Finite Element Methods, Springer, 2016.

515 4


Ricardo Leite Martins Bazarin 1 , Christian Naaktgeboren 2 , Silvio Luiz de Mello Junqueira 3
1,3Research Center for Rheology and Non-Newtonian Fluids (CERNN), Curitiba, Brazil,,
2 Research Center for Thermal Sciences, Guarapuava, Brazil,

The Lattice-Boltzmann method, which uses pseudopotential model to describe interfacial dy-
namics, is used to simulate immiscible multiphase flow in porous media. The porous medium is
represented by the second order of the Sierpinski carpet fractal geometry, being a geometry com-
monly used in the representation of porous media. The influence of contact angle (θc ) in relation
to the sweep efficiency (Se) is studied systematically in the fluids displacement processes for the
two different processes, drainage and imbibition, of wich are dependent of the contact angle. The
obtained results showed a decrease tendency of the sweep efficiency with the increase of the con-
tact angle. Consequently, the imbibition process exhibits a tendency of greater performance than the
drainage process.

Keywords: displacement, Lattice-Boltzmann method, wettability, sweep efficiency.

1. Introduction
Problems involving the interaction of immiscible fluids in contact with solid substrates are present
both in nature as in industrial processes. In the interaction interface of the immiscible fluids in contact
with solid substrate occur surface phenomena that represent macroscopic effects, such as wettability
and capillarity.
In the petroleum industry the interaction of immiscible fluids in contact with solid substrates is
characterized specifically in the secondary stage of the oil recovery process, where a fluid is injected
into the reservoir in order to displace all petroleum present in the porous formation.
According to [1], the secondary stage allows the recovery of up to 40% of the oil present at the
beginning of this stage, although results of [2] indicates a recovery of up to 70%. However, the
fractions of oil recovered in the secondary stage are influenced by the fact that the injected fluid does
not reach all the regions of the reservoir. Remarkably, in the regions reached, part of the oil remains
retained in the porous medium by the action of the wetting and capillarity effects. The influence of
these effects on the oil displacement behaviour is complex and varies according to the characteristics
of the reservoir and the fluid injection process.
The displacement of immiscible fluids through porous media involves the competition of capillary
and viscous forces. The capillary forces act locally at the fluid interfaces and the viscous forces act
throughout the fluid phase. The ratio between the viscous and capillary forces, and the viscous forces
between the fluids, are represented by the capillary number
Ure f µ
Ca = (1)
and viscosity ratio
M= , (2)

516 1
respectively, where Ure f is the reference velocity, µ is the fluid viscosity, γ is the interfacial tension
between the fluids and the subindices f i e f d represent the injected fluid and the displaced fluid,
respectively (Lenormand et al., 1988).
According to [3] three different states of displacement can be observed: viscous fingering, cap-
illary fingering and stable displacement. In Figure (1) one observes the illustration of the states in
a two-dimensional porous medium. Visually viscous fingering state a) is characterized by the for-
mation of multiple fingers advancing towards with the flow by percolating the channel with a width
of pore diameter scale. The capillary fingering state b) is represented by multiple fingers spreading
through the pores in all directions, even against the direction of the displacement, forming recir-
culation regions. Finally, the stable displacement c) state is characterized by a flat flow front with
some irregularities occuring in the pore diameter scale. The indication of the displacement states can
be made through the diagram presented in Figure (1) credited to [3], in terms of the dimensionless
parameters of viscosity ratio and capillary number.




Viscous Fingering


Capillary Fingering

Figure 1: Diagram of displacement states: a) Viscous Fingering; b) Capillary Fingering; c) Stable Dis-
placement. Adapted from [3] and [4].

In the estimation of the wettability effect in the fluids displacement process, the present work
uses the contact angle measure θc , exemplified by the angle of the fluid 1 droplet immersed in the
fluid 2, in contact with a solid flat surface (Figure 2 a)). Considering the case where the fluid 1-solid
affinity is smaller than the fluid 2-solid, the droplet acquires a more circular shape not spreading on
the surface and having contact angle in the range 180o ≥ θc > 90o (black color in Figure 2 b)), in this
case the fluid 2 is determined as wetting fluid and fluid 1 as non-wetting fluid. The opposite case,
where the fluid 1-solid affinity is greater than fluid 2-solid, the droplet spreads over the surface with
contact angle in the range 90o > θc ≥ 0o (red color in Figure2 b)), being the fluid 1 the wetting fluid
and the fluid 2 the non-wetting fluid. When θc = 90o is considered intermediate wettability.


a) b)
Fluid 2

Fluid 2
Fluid 1
𝜃𝑐 Fluid 1

Figure 2: Contact angle: a) angle formation of the droplet over the surface; b) variations of the contact
angle in black for 180o ≥ θc > 90o and red for 90o > θc ≥ 0o .

517 2
The displacement process is also classified as to the wettability of the injected and displaced
fluids. Whenever the injected fluid is the wetting fluid and the displaced fluid is the non-wetting fluid
the displacement is called imbibition, the opposite i.e., the injected fluid is the non-wetting fluid and
the displaced fluid is the wetting fluid, the process is called drainage [5]. For the case of intermediate
wettability, the displacement process is considered neutral.
Therefore, the present work seeks the development of a numerical code capable of representing
the process of fluid displacement with the objective of analyzing the influence of the effects of capil-
larity and wettability on the efficiency of the displacement process. The numerical study is based on
the Lattice-Boltzmann method, being a reference method in the study of flow in porous media.

2. Problem Formulation
In this work, the analysis of the interaction of immiscible fluids flowing in the porous medium is
carried out through the study of the displacement of a fluid present in a porous channel by the in-
jection of another fluid. The geometry corresponds to a channel of length L formed by two parallel
plates filled by heterogeneous porous modeled as the second order of the Sierpinski carpet gometry.
Notably, such geometry of the Sierpinbski carpet is a fractal-like geometry commonly used in the
representation of porous media [6, 7, 8]. The Figure (3) illustrates the fluid displacement process,
where fluid 1 is injected with a constant parabolic velocity profile, displacing the fluid 2 present in
the porous channel.
Both fluids are assumed Newtonian for an incompressible flow (ρ1 and ρ2 constant), the gravita-
tional force is negligible and the wettability is considered homogeneous and constant for the surface
of the porous medium.

Figure 3: Geometry and boundary conditions of the fluids displacement process in porous media.

The conservation equations of mass and momentum in the incompressible form of the problem
are in agreement with [9] and are expressed, respectively, by

∇~x · (~uσ ) = 0, (3)

ρσ + ρσ (~uσ · ∇~x )~uσ = −∇~x pσ + ρσ νσ ∇~2x~uσ + ρσ~g, (4)
where σ indicates the respective fluid, ~u is the velocity vector, t is the time, p is the pressure, ~g is the
external force per unit of mass and the term ∇~2x represents the scalar product ∇~x · ∇~x .
Initially the problem is characterized by an inlet region filled by fluid 1, while the porous chan-
nel remains saturated by fluid 2, both fluids with zero velocity field. The boundary conditions are
parabolic velocity profile at the entrance and constant pressure at the channel exit; non-slip conditions

518 3
are also applied to the walls and surfaces of the blocks. The boundary conditions are also required at
the interaction interface of the immiscible fluids in order to guarantee momentum conservation:

~u1 = ~u2 and P1 ·~n − P2 ·~n = 2γκ~n, (5)

where~n is the unit normal vector, κ is the local curvature of the interface and P is the pressure tensor,
given by  
1 2
P = pI + µ ∇~x~u + ∇~x~uT − (∇~x ·~u)I . (6)
2 3
Such a representation of the boundary conditions at the interface of the fluids, described by [9],
is characterized by a singular interface where the phase interface is modeled by means of a disconti-
nuity surface, i.e., the phase transition region has no thickness [10]. An illustration of the boundary
conditions can be seen in Figure (3).
The sweep efficiency is the main analysis parameter of the present work, representing the effi-
ciency of the displacement process of immiscible fluids, given by
Vf i
Se = (7)

where Se is the sweep efficiency, V f i is the volume occupied by the injected fluid and V f is the fluid
phase domain volume.

3. Numerical Procedure
The numerical formulation of the problem is done by the Lattice-Boltzmann method, which consists
of a discrete form of the Boltzmann equation in space velocity and space-time. The method is rep-
resented by the time evolution of the mass distribution function f which describes the probability of
fluid particles to be in a certain position at a certain speed at a specific time [11, 12]. For the rep-
resentation of the multiphase system the present work uses the pseudo-potential model, developed
by [13], with some changes proposed by [14]. The pseudo-potential model is based on the potential
interaction of the particles of each phase, represented by forces resulting from the density variation.
The Boltzmann discretized equation, given by the Equation (8), known as the Lattice-Boltzmann
equation, is represented in the present work using the model proposed by [15] for simplification of
the integral-differential collision operator:
1 eq 1
fi,σ (~x +~ei δt ,t + δt ) = fi,σ (~x,t) − ( fi,σ (~x,t) − fi,σ (~x,t)) + 1 − δt Fi,σ (~x,t), (8)
τσ 2τσ

where f eq is the equilibrium distribution function, Fi is the force term, ~e is the velocity particle
vector, i represents the index of space velocity discretization, δt is the discrete time increment and τ
represents the non-dimensional relaxation time given by
νσ 1
τσ = + , (9)
c2s 2

where cs represents the sound speed in the method scale.

The equilibrium distribution function, present in Equation (8) is given by the Maxwell-Boltzmann
distribution function, which represents the probability of a particle at a steady state. Using a second
order discretization of velocity space, the equilibrium distribution function is represented by the
Equation (10) in its discretized form and truncated in the second order term [16]:
 ~ei ·~uσ 1 
fi,σ = ρσ wi 1 + 2 + 4 ~uσ~uσ : (~ei~ei − c2s I) , (10)
cs 2cs

where wi are the weight factors for the corresponding index of space velocity discretization.
The force term, represented by the scheme proposed by [17], consists of the approximation of the
distribution function by the equilibrium distribution function, given by

~σ F
~σ eq F
~ σ ~ei −~uσ eq
Fi,σ = · ∇~ξ fi,σ ≈ · ∇~ξ fi,σ = · fi,σ , (11)
ρσ ρσ ρσ c2s

where F
~ is the external force per unit of volume.

519 4
The evolution of the dynamic interface of the different phases in the pseudo-potential model
occurs by the fluid cohesion force that is based on the methodology of [18] for a tenth-order approx-
imation, represented by equation
~ c,σ = −Gc ρσ (~x,t)c2 ∑ w(|~ei |2 )ρσ (~x +~ei δt ,t)~ei
F (12)

where F ~ c,σ represents the cohesion force, w(|~ei |2 ) the weights for each order of approximation and
σ the opposite phase of σ. The cohesion coefficient Gc is an important parameter, as it controls the
intensity of the cohesion force and consequently the immiscibility of the fluids.
In the representation of the wettability effect the fluid-solid adhesion force is described by
~ ads,σ = −Gads,σ ρσ (~x,t) ∑ wi s(~x +~ei δt ,t)~ei
F (13)

where F~ ads,σ represents the adhesion force and s(~x +~ei δt ,t) is the indicator function that is equal to
1 for solid phase and 0 for fluid phase. The adhesion coefficient Gads,σ controls the adhesion force
and consequently the intensity of the wetting effect. Considering the homogeneous wettability the
coefficient Gads,σ is constant for phase σ and opposite for the phase σ, i.e., Gads,σ = −Gads,σ .
The macroscopic properties of the flow are recovered from the lowest velocity moments of the
mass distribution functions, i.e.,
δt ~
ρσ = ∑ fi,σ and ρσ~uσ = ∑~ei fi,σ + Fσ . (14)
i i 2

The discretization of the velocity space is done using a second-order approximation for nine
points, obtaining the two-dimensional lattice D2Q9 (see Figure 4), where

~ei=0 = (0, 0),

i−1 i−1
~ei=1,2,3,4 = cos π, sin π ,
2 2 (15)
√ i−5 π i−5 π
~ei=5,6,7,8 = 2 cos π + , sin π+ .
2 4 2 4

The D2Q9 lattice weight coefficients are given by√w0 = 4/9, wi = 1/9 for i = 1, 2, 3, 4; and wi = 1/36
for i = 5, 6, 7, 8; and the sound speed by cs = 1/ 3.

3.1. Boundary Conditions

The non-slip conditions on solid surfaces is done via the lattice bounce-back model for a second order
accuracy [19]. Additionally, the boundary conditions of constant velocity and pressure are considered
at the channel inlet and outlet regions, respectively. Such conditions are represented using the model
proposed by [20], which is based on the tension tensor symmetry and expressed algebraically by
neq eq eq neq
fi = fi − fi = fi0 − fi0 = fi0 (16)
where f neq is the non-equilibrium distribution function and i0 is the opposite direction to i. The
application of the boundary conditions at the boundaries and surfaces of the blocks are highlighted
in Figure (4).
The boundary conditions at the interface between fluids 1 and 2, as described by [9], are repre-
sented by the pseudo-potential model based on the diffuse interface theory, where the dynamic fluid
interface is approached thermodynamically [21].

3.2. Mesh Test

The test seeks to minimize the total error related to the method given by the sum of Etotal = EMa +
Eδx + Eδt , where Etotal is the total error, EMa is the error associated with compressibility (Ma is the
Mach number), Eδt is the temporal error associated with the time step and Eδx is the spatial error
associated with the mesh (δx = ei δt is the lattice spacing). The determination of δx and δt is given
by the ratio between the real scale of the problem and the method scale, following the methodology
proposed by [22].

520 5
𝑓6,𝜎 𝑓2,𝜎 𝑓5,𝜎 𝑓2,𝜎 = 𝑓4,𝜎 𝛿𝑥
൞𝑓5,𝜎 = 𝑓7,𝜎
𝑓6,𝜎 = 𝑓8,𝜎 𝑓6,𝜎 𝑓2,𝜎 𝑓5,𝜎

𝑓6,𝜎 𝑓5,𝜎
𝑓3,𝜎 = 𝑓1,𝜎 𝑓1,𝜎 = 𝑓3,𝜎
𝑓7,𝜎 = 𝑓5,𝜎 ቑ 𝑓3,𝜎 𝑓1,𝜎 ൞𝑓5,𝜎 = 𝑓7,𝜎 𝑓3,𝜎
𝑓6,𝜎 = 𝑓8,𝜎 𝑓8,𝜎 = 𝑓6,𝜎 𝑓1,𝜎
𝑓7,𝜎 𝑓8,𝜎

𝑓4,𝜎 = 𝑓2,𝜎
൞𝑓7,𝜎 = 𝑓5,𝜎 𝑓7,𝜎 𝑓8,𝜎
𝑓7,𝜎 𝑓4,𝜎 𝑓8,𝜎 𝑓4,𝜎
𝑓8,𝜎 = 𝑓6,𝜎

1 3

1 3
𝑓0,𝜎 + 𝑓2,𝜎 + 𝑓4,𝜎 + 2 𝑓3,𝜎 + 𝑓6,𝜎 + 𝑓7,𝜎
𝜌𝑤,𝜎 = 𝑓0,𝜎 + 𝑓2,𝜎 + 𝑓4,𝜎 + 2 𝑓1,𝜎 + 𝑓5,𝜎 + 𝑓8,𝜎
𝑓5,𝜎 1 − 𝑢𝜎 (𝑦) 𝑢𝑒,𝜎 = −1 +
𝑓6,𝜎 𝜌𝜎
𝑓1,𝜎 2
𝑓1,𝜎 = 𝑓3,𝜎 + 𝜌𝑤,𝜎 𝑢𝜎 (𝑦) 2
3 𝑓3,𝜎 = 𝑓1,𝜎 + 𝜌𝜎 𝑢𝑒,𝜎
1 1 3
𝑓5,𝜎 = 𝑓7,𝜎 − 𝑓2,𝜎 − 𝑓4,𝜎 + 𝜌𝑤,𝜎 𝑢𝜎 (𝑦) 𝑓3,𝜎 1 1
𝑓8,𝜎 2 6 𝑓6,𝜎 = 𝑓8,𝜎 + 𝑓2,𝜎 − 𝑓4,𝜎 − 𝜌𝜎 𝑢𝑒,𝜎
1 1 𝑓7,𝜎 2 6
𝑓8,𝜎 = 𝑓6,𝜎 + 𝑓2,𝜎 − 𝑓4,𝜎 + 𝜌𝑤,𝜎 𝑢𝜎 (𝑦) 1 1
2 6 𝑓7,𝜎 = 𝑓5,𝜎 − 𝑓2,𝜎 − 𝑓4,𝜎 − 𝜌𝜎 𝑢𝑒,𝜎
2 6
𝑢𝜎 = 𝑣𝜎 = 0 𝑓6,𝜎 𝑓2,𝜎 𝑓5,𝜎
𝑓4,𝜎 = 𝑓2,𝜎 𝑓2,𝜎 = 𝑓4,𝜎
2 ൞𝑓7,𝜎 = 𝑓5,𝜎 4 ൞𝑓5,𝜎 = 𝑓7,𝜎
𝑓7,𝜎 𝑓8,𝜎 = 𝑓6,𝜎 𝑓6,𝜎 = 𝑓8,𝜎
𝑓4,𝜎 𝑓8,𝜎 𝑢𝜎 = 𝑣𝜎 = 0

Figure 4: Boundary conditions of the problem in the Lattice-Boltzmann Method.

The error related to compressibility to Ma < 1 is order of magnitude Ma2 , calculated by Ma =

|u|/cs in the lattice-Boltzmann scale. From the established compressibility error, the relationship
between the errors is given by
Eδ 1
EMa ∝ t ∝ 2 (17)
Eδx r
where Eδx is of the order δ2x , Edt of order δt2 and r = δx /δt is a ratio between the lattice spacing and
the time increment. For more details on the test methodology see [23] and [24].

4. Results and Discussion

For this study, two fluids of the same density ρ1 = ρ2 = 800 kg/m3 and viscosities ν2 = 10−3 m2 /s
and ν1 = 10−3 /M m2 /s, are defined. It is emphasized that the fluid 2 have the properties of light oil,
while the kinematic viscosity of the fluid 1 is varied as a function of the viscosity ratio.
For the analyzed cases the capillary number is calculated as a function of the displaced fluid
viscosity and the maximum velocity of the parabolic inlet profile, i.e,

521 6
Ca = . (18)
To characterize the immiscible fluid displacement process, the cohesion coefficient is chosen
within the range of immiscibility for Gc = 4, corresponding to interfacial tension γLB = 0.14 Pa.m,
where the subscript LB indicates the method scale, for more details see [22]. Given a value of the fluid
interfacial tension, the scales are dealed so that the viscosity of the injected fluid is µ2,LB = 0.14 m2 /s,
simplifying the application of the capillary number to

Ca = Umax,LB . (19)
The variation, in the analysis of the parameters of capillary number, viscosity ratio and contact
angle of the displacement process, are established in Table (1). Values of Ca = 10−2 and M = 1
were chosen to represent a state between viscous fingering and stable displacement. The angle of
contact is varied so as to cover the entire range of 180o ≥ θc ≥ 0o , the values of Gads for each θc were
obtained by simulating the drop contact angle following the methodology of [25]. In Figure 5 are
observed the droplet geometries and the contact angle values as a function of the droplet fluid Gads
(represented by the white color).

Table 1: Range of parameters investigated.

Parameters Values
Viscosity Ratio M 1
Capillary Number Ca 10−2
Contact Angle θc 0 up to 180o

180𝑜 150𝑜 139𝑜 129𝑜

120𝑜 115𝑜 109𝑜

102𝑜 95𝑜

85𝑜 78𝑜

72𝑜 63𝑜 55𝑜

48𝑜 36𝑜 23𝑜 0𝑜

Figure 5: Contact angle values as a function of the droplet fluid Gads and the droplet geometries.

Applying the above mentioned mesh test, for variations in sweep efficiency over time, in the
critical case of Ca = 10−2 , M = 1 and θc = 180o . The reference mesh is obtained in HLB = 144 m
and LLB = 576 m.
In Figure (6), the results can be observed at the point of constant sweep efficiency. The injected
fluid, the displaced and the solid one are represented graphically by the colors white, black and gray,
Evaluating the process of imbibition, the static contact angle of the injected fluid is varied from
0o ≤ θc < 90o , corresponding to the adhesion coefficient range of 0.9 ≥ Gads > 0. In the Figure (7)

522 7
(a) 𝜃𝑐 = 180𝑜 (b) 𝜃𝑐 = 150𝑜 (c) 𝜃𝑐 = 140𝑜 (d) 𝜃𝑐 = 128𝑜

(e) 𝜃𝑐 = 120𝑜 (f) 𝜃𝑐 = 115𝑜 (g) 𝜃𝑐 = 109𝑜 (h) 𝜃𝑐 = 102𝑜

(i) 𝜃𝑐 = 95𝑜 (j) 𝜃𝑐 = 90𝑜 (k) 𝜃𝑐 = 85𝑜 (l) 𝜃𝑐 = 78𝑜

Injected Fluid
Displaced Fluid

(m) 𝜃𝑐 = 72𝑜 (n) 0𝑜 ≤ 𝜃𝑐 ≤ 63𝑜

Figure 6: Representation of the displacement process for variation of 0o ≤ θc ≤ 180o in the constant
sweep efficiency (t = 6.0 × 104 ). The flow occurs from left to right.

note the increased scanning efficiency with the decrease of the contact angle, so that the injected fluid
becomes increasingly wetting on the displaced fluid, adhering to the surfaces of the solid matrix. For
the range of 0o ≤ θc ≤ 63o a full sweep of the porous channel is observed.
As in the imbibition process, the drainage process is evaluated by varying the contact angle of the
injected fluid of 90o < θc ≤ 180o , corresponding to the adhesion coefficient range of 0 ≥ Gads > −0.9.
In the Figure (7) the sweep efficiency values tend to decrease with increasing of the contact angle,
where the displaced fluid becomes increasingly wetting on the injected fluid, adhering to the surfaces
of the solid matrix. Such displacement fluid adhesion phenomenon can be observed on the surface
of the second order central block of the Sierpinski carpet (highlighted in red in Figure 6), where the
fluid-solid contact area increases proportionally with the static contact angle. Another characteristic
observed is the adhesion of the displaced fluid throughout the channel wall surface to values of

523 8
θc ≥ 150o (highlighted in blur in Figure 6).

Figure 7: Values of sweep efficiency in drainage and imbibition processes.

Therefore, analyzing the effect of the wettability by the influence of the contact angle on the
sweep efficiency in both the drainage and imbibition processes, a decrease tendency of the sweep
efficiency with the increase of the contact angle is observed. Such a behavior tendency demonstrates
proportionality with the adhesion intensity of the wetting fluid to the surface of the porous medium.

5. Conclusion
The pseudopotential model in the Lattice-Boltzmann method, originally proposed [13], is applied fol-
lowing the modifications proposed by [14] for the simulation of a multiphase flow in porous medium.
The numerical code, developed to represent the fluids displacement through the porous medium de-
scribed by the second order of the Sierpinski carpet, shows a behavior consistent with the of fluids
displacement process and with the representation of the wettability effect.
The numerical simulations of the different contact angles certainly demonstrated the influence of
surface wettability on the fluids displacement process. Both drainage and imbibition processes were
considered, covering the entire contact angle range of 0o ≤ θc ≤ 180o . In general, the results showed
a tendency to decrease the sweep efficiency with the increase of the contact angle. Consequently, the
imbibition process tends to be more efficient than the drainage process

6. Acknowledgments
The authors are thankful to the support provided by the Repsol Sinopec Brasil, the Brazilian Petroleum
Agency (ANP), the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the
UTFPR Science Foundation (FUNTEF-PR).

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Simona Dobrilla1,2, Noémi Friedman1, Tea Rukavina2,3, Hermann G. Matthies1, Adnan


Institute of Scientific Computing, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Mühlenpfordtstraße 23,
38106 Braunschweig, Germany
Université de Technologie de Compiègne / Sorbonne Universités, Laboratoire Roberval de
Mécanique, Centre de Recherche Royallieu, 60200 Compiègne, France
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Radmile Matejcic 3, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia

Concrete is one of the most versatile and widely used building materials. However, being a brittle
material, it has its weaknesses by means of relatively low tensile strength and no significant post-
cracking ductility. In order to overcome these limitations steel fibers are incorporated into a cement
matrix to increase tensile capacity, ductility and fatigue resistance of the concrete, as well as to
improve its resistance to crack initiation and the behaviour in the post-cracking phase. Fiber reinforced
concrete (FRC) stands for a concrete with an addition of randomly distributed short discrete fibers.
Due to its many advantages, fiber reinforced concrete has many great applications as in the
construction and repair of dams and other hydraulic structures, airport runways, shotcrete, to mention
only a couple of well-known ones [1].
In the last thirty years, significant progress has been made towards understanding the performance of
this type of material. The effectiveness of fiber reinforced concrete highly depends on the orientation
and dispersion of the fibers within the cement matrix. By knowing the distribution of fibers in a
specimen, its mechanical properties can be derived by representing the micro structure of the material
using numerical tools like the finite element method [2].
Describing the behaviour of such heterogeneous materials with complicated micro structure pertains to
performing complex simulations which may be computationally very demanding. Although,
elaborated sophisticated models are already developed. One such model is the model that can take into
account all the different failure mechanisms occurring in heterogeneous brittle materials, developed by
Rukavina et al. [3]. The failure mechanism of the mentioned model is very sensitive to the variations
of its model parameters.
In this paper, we seek to determine the uncertainty propagation of the model input parameters in the
global and local responses of the tensile test carried out by a highly nonlinear model. A method of
choice here is the quasi-Monte Carlo method [4], which implies repetitive executions of the
deterministic simulations. With this method the quantification of uncertainties of the model response is
obtained from an ensemble of responses computed from samples of the input parameters.
The tensile test used for the analysis is a simple example shown in Figure 1.a. In this test, a specimen
containing a single horizontal 2 mm long fiber is subject to a controlled tension loading until failure
occurs. The chosen model is proposed and elaborated in [3]. This model, developed within the finite
element method framework (FEM), is capable of capturing a complete set of failure mechanisms of

heterogeneous materials such as fiber reinforced concrete. The applied FEM code is an elasto-damage
constitutive model with hardening and softening [5]. The hardening part is represented by a continuum
damage model with isotropic criterion, while the softening part is represented by an embedded
displacement discontinuity in the spirit of incompatible mode method. The FEM mesh, as well as
displacement and stress contours are shown in Figure 1.
The steel fibers are following a linear-elastic constitutive law, while the behaviour at the interface
between the fiber and concrete is represented by a linear softening bond-slip law. When the bond-slip
strain reaches its maximal value, the complete pull-out of the fiber occurs.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1. a) A specimen containing a horizontal fiber [2]; b) Displacements in x-direction [3];
c) Tensile stress distribution in the specimen [3]

The FEM leads to a nonlinear problem, which can be described with an abstract formulation as
A  u, q,   f  q,  , (1)

where A is a nonlinear operator, u is the predicted response of the system, the displacement field, f
is the source term,   is the time or spatial variable and q is a vector collecting the model parameters.

The numerical simulation of the tensile test is performed herein within a probabilistic framework. That
is done by treating q as a random vector representing our lack of knowledge by uncertainty. In our
analysis we focus on three model parameters collected in the vector q and we suppose that they are
independent. These parameters are:
 Kbs; the tangent modulus for the pull-out part of the response
The bond-slip law is attained in an experimental way, which indicates that we are dealing with
some uncertainty in model input parameters due to errors which are likely to occur during the
measurement process. Within this paper, we seek to account to which extent the modulus Kbs
will affect the softening part of the response. Experimental results showed that this parameter
should have a value in between bounds [-300, -100]. Therefore, distribution of the modulus
Kbs is modelled by a Beta distribution, Beta(α, β), with α = β = 3, scaled and shifted such that
it has the given bounds.

 K; the hardening modulus

This modulus will affect the hardening part of the response. By professional expertise it is
shown that this random input can as well be modelled by a Beta distribution with the same α
and β parameters. Standard Beta distribution is scaled to have bounds [150, 1000].

 β; the relationship between the ultimate stress and the fracture energy (See [2])
As this parameter is abstract, not physically measurable and rather difficult to estimate, the
chosen distribution is uniform on the interval [10, 22]. Therefore, β ~ U(10, 22).

If we place the stated deterministic problem (1) in a probabilistic setting, the following equation is

A u   , q     f  q    , (2)

where    denotes the actual realizations   , where  is the probability space, and q are the
parameters depending on the possible realizations, and this dependence is defined by the random
variable Q :   q . When the deterministic problem described in (1) is highly nonlinear, neither the
dependence of the response on the parameter u  q  , nor the statistics and sensitivities of it are known
explicitly [4, 6].
In the followings, some results from the quasi-Monte Carlo simulations are presented. The input
parameters were sampled by the Halton sequence. Figure 2 depicts the force-displacement diagram. It
can be seen that we can predict relatively well the behaviour of the model in the elastic and hardening
phase, but in the softening phase the confidence region becomes significantly wider indicating the
discrepancy of the model.

Figure 2. Force-displacement diagram in the global response

Figure 3 represents the bond-slip displacements along the fiber length. It shows that the right side of
the fiber is the one that will get pulled out of the concrete.

Figure 3. Bond-slip displacements along the fiber length

The following diagrams describe the bond-slip mean stress evolution in time for the elements on both
left and right end of the fiber (Figure 4).

(a) (b)
Figure 4. Mean bond-slip stress evolution in time in elements; a) at the left end of the fiber, b) at the
right end of the fiber

By taking into account our findings, we can conclude that the model is found to be robust. Within this
research, some future work should also include: the response surface methods, sensitivity analysis and
identification of parameters when experimental data of the model response is available.

[1] S. Ragavendra, I. Praveen Reddy, A. Dongre. Fiber reinforced concrete – a case study,
Proceedings of the 33rd national Convention of Architectural Engineers and National Seminar on
"Architectural Engineering Aspect for sustainable building envelopes" ArchEn-BuildEn-2017.
[2] A. Ibrahimbegovic. Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: Theoretical Formulations and finite Element
Solution Methods, Springer, 2009.
[3] T. Rukavina, A. Ibrahimbegovic, I. Kozar. Fiber reinforced brittle material models capable of
capturing a complete set of failure modes including fiber pull-out (paper in preparation)
[4] H. G. Matthies. Uncertainty Quantification with Stochastic Finite Elements, in: E. Stein, R. de
Borst, T. R. J. Hughes. Encyclopedia of computational mechanics, Wiley, 2007.
[5] X. N. Do, A. Ibrahimbegovic, D. Brancherie. Dynamics framework for 2D anisotropic
continuum-discrete damage model for progressive localised failure of massive structures,
Computers & Structures, 183, 14-26, 2017.
[6] N. Friedman, E. Zander, H. G. Matthies. Uncertainty Quantification, Parametric Problems and
Model Reduction. Lecture script. 2018.




Faisal Amlani1 , Stéphanie Chaillat 1 , Adrien Loseille 2

1 POEMS, CNRS-ENSTA-INRIA, Palaiseau, France; e-mail:,
2 Project Team Gamma3, INRIA Paris-Saclay, Palaiseau, France; e-mail:

1. Context
The main advantage of the Boundary Element Methods (BEMs) is that only the domain boundaries
(and possibly interfaces) are discretized leading to a drastic reduction of the total number of degrees
of freedom. In addition, they are well suited to problems in large-scale or infinite domains since they
exactly account for radiation conditions at infinity. In traditional BE implementation the dimensional
advantage with respect to domain discretization methods is offset by the fully-populated nature of the
BEM coefficient matrix, with set-up and solution times rapidly increasing with the problem size.
Mesh adaptation is a technique to reduce the computational cost of a numerical method. The principle
is to optimize the positioning of a given number of degrees of freedom on the geometry of the obstacle,
in order to yield simulations with superior accuracy compared to those obtained via the use of uniform
meshes. For wave scattering problems, adaptation is particularly important for obstacles that contain
geometric singularities, i.e., ridges and corners, which lead to a rapid variation of the surface solution near
these singularities. In addition, we may exploit the directionality of the waves in order to further reduce
the number of degrees of freedom. The best strategy to achieve these goals is via so-called "anisotropic"
mesh adaptation for which an extensive literature exists for volume-based methods [1]. However, there
is relatively little research attention being paid to mesh adaptation in a boundary element context. One
possible explanation is the large computational cost of standard BEMs. With the development of fast
BEMs such as the Fast Multipole accelerated BEM (FM-BEM) [3] or H-matrix accelerated BEM (H-
BEM) [5], the capabilities of the BEMs are greatly improved such that efficient adaptive mesh strategies
are needed not only to optimize further the computational cost, but also to certify the numerical results by
assessing that the theoretical convergence order is observed during the computations. Most current BEM
adaptivity methods, like those relying on Dörfler marking, have been confined to isotropic techniques.
In addition, most works are restricted to Galerkin discretizations and are formulated specifically for a
system of equations [2].

2. Methodology
The first originality of the present work is the extension of metric-based anisotropic mesh adaptation
(AMA) to the collocation BEM where it has never been used. The metric-based AMA proposed in [6]
does not employ a Dörfler marking strategy but rather generates a sequence of non-nested meshes with
a specifed complexity. The different meshes are defined according to a metric field derived from the
evaluation of the linear interpolation error of the (unknown) exact solution on the current mesh. From a
theoretical point of view, a continuous metric is derived from the Hessian of the exact solution. From a
practical point of view, an approximate metric is derived from the numerical solution only. In AMA, the
size, shape, and orientation of elements are adjusted simultaneously. The advantages of this approach

530 1
are that it is ideally suited to solutions with anisotropic features, it is independent of the underlying PDE
and discretization technique (collocation, Galerkin, etc.), and it is inexpensive.
The second originality of this work is the combination of two acceleration techniques, namely metric-
based anisotropic mesh adaptivity and Fast Multipole acceleration. If no fast BEM is used, the capabil-
ities of anisotropic mesh techniques cannot be fully demonstrated for realistic large scale scattering
Since geometric representation, numerical implementation and discretisation strategy are a handful
of factors that determine the effectiveness of BEMs for wave scattering problems, we also extend the
methodology presented in [4] to high order BEMs. The main difficulties in this context are: (i) to relate
the interpolation error to the metric driving the adaptation, (ii) to define the optimal metric in the context
of non-planar curved elements and (iii) to define an efficient preconditioning strategy to prevent the
number of iterations to be the limiting factor.

3. Numerical results illustrating the efficiency of the strategy

This original combination permits us to show the performance of AMA strategy for complex real-world
scattering problems such as acoustic scattering. More precisely, we show via a variety of numerical
examples that it allows to recover better (or optimal) convergence rates for P0 , P1 or P2 interpolation
than with uniform meshes, for domains with geometric singularities: a planar screen, a sphere with
aperture, a cube with cavity (Fig. 1), and a F15 jet (Fig. 2a-b). These optimal convergence rates cannot
be achieved when using uniform or isotropic refinement since the rapid variation of the boundary solution
near geometric singularities requires special meshing treatment.

10−1 Adapted
L2 error in domain


O N− 3

O N− 2

103 104 105

N (#DOFs)

Figure 1: Sound-soft cube with cavity: Relative L2 errors for uniform and adapted meshes, k = 10.

[1] M. Ainsworth and J. T. Oden. A posteriori error estimation in finite element analysis, John Wiley & Sons,
[2] M. Bakry, S. Pernet, and F. Collino. A new accurate residual-based a posteriori error indicator for the BEM in
2D-acoustics. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 73: 2501–2514, 2017.
[3] S. Chaillat, M. Bonnet and J.F. Semblat. A multi-level fast multipole BEM for 3-D elastodynamics in the
frequency domain. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 197: 4233–4249, 2008.
[4] S. Chaillat, S. Groth and A. Loseille. Metric-based anisotropic mesh adaptation for 3D acoustic boundary
element methods. Under review.
[5] S. Chaillat, L. Desiderio and P. Ciarlet. Theory and implementation of H -matrix based iterative and direct
solvers for Helmholtz and elastodynamic oscillatory kernels. J. Comput. Phys., 351: 165–186, 2017.

531 2
(a) (b)

Figure 2: F15: (a) (b) Mesh after AMA and (b) Real part of the total field in the plane x = 0 and z = 0

[6] A. Loseille and F. Alauzet. Continuous mesh framework part I: well-posed continuous interpolation error.
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 49: 38–60, 2011.

532 3

Forecast Demand on the Quebec Power Grid: Challenges Ahead

Stéphane Dellacherie1, Olivier Milon2, Cédric Poutré3, Arnaud Zinflou4

Hydro-Québec – TransÉnergie, Montréal (Québec), Canada,
Hydro-Québec – TransÉnergie, Montréal (Québec), Canada ,
Université de Montréal, Dpt de mathématiques et de statistique, Canada,
IREQ, Science des données & calcul haute performance, Varennes, Canada,

In order to balance supply and demand at all time, Hydro-Québec (HQ) must produce at all time the
electrical load forecast on the Québec grid as accurate as possible. To do this, HQ has developed
expertise and reliable internal tools to estimate this load with an excellent level of accuracy.

Nevertheless, the recent changes in society (teleworking, variable rates, etc.) and in the future
(transport electrification, behind the meter production, storage, smart grids, active role of the
consumer, etc.) are current and incoming challenges for the parametric forecasts HQ developed and
exploits, since the load will undoubtedly be more difficult to modelize with no clear physical
phenomena and measures to explain it.

It is therefore necessary to get prepared for this energy transition by testing potentially more flexible,
that can a priori capture rapid and deep network behavior changes and that is able to predict the
network’s load at the consumer level (bottom-up approach) thus generating theoretical and technical
challenges in terms of training data management and production environment configuration.

However, deep neural networks are a possible alternative to parametric models or at least could be a
powerful help because they are not built from a more or less precise understanding of load relative
physical phenomena (such as the use of a heating versus an air conditioner) and because they are
particularly suitable for large input signals.

After introducing the main trends and tools in production in the field of load forecasting in Quebec,
this talk aims to show preliminary results using deep neural networks to predict the electrical load on
the network. Some mathematical results highlighting the interest of the neural approach in the context
of the bottom-up (eg density result in L_inf [1], optimality of the approximation error [2]) will also be
recalled. Finally, we will conclude the presentation by sharing some technical and theoretical
questions for which we currently have no clear answer (eg relevance of mean-field game theory [3] in
the bottom-up context [4], etc.).


[1] G. Cybenko. Approximation by Superpositions of a Sigmoidal Function, Math. Control Signals System, 2,
pp. 303-314, 1989.
[2] A. R. Barron. Universal Approximation Bounds for Superpositions of a Sigmoidal Function, IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory, 39(3), pp. 930-945, 1993.
[3] J.L. Coron. Quelques exemples de jeux à champ moyen. Thèse de l’Université Paris-Dauphine, 2017.
[4] R. Malhamé. Mean Field Control Theory and its Applications, American Control Conference, Chicago,
workshop One-day Workshop Game Theory: Models and Applications to Networked Systems, 2015.



Tea Rukavina1,2 , Adnan Ibrahimbegovic1 , Ivica Kozar2
1 Université de Technologie de Compiègne / Sorbonne Universités,,
2 University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering,

To understand the behavior of fiber-reinforced heterogeneous composites, especially in the post-cracking

phase, it is necessary to model the different processes happening at the interface between the matrix
material and the fibers. In this work, we are dealing with concrete that is reinforced with short steel
Existing models that take into account fiber inclusions, like [1] and [2], are based on the partition
of unity finite element method (PU-FEM), or the extended finite element method (X-FEM). But, such
models lack the capabilities of taking into account one of the most important failure mechanisms in this
kind of composites: the complete pull-out of the fiber from the matrix material.
In this work, we combine the embedded discontinuity (ED-FEM) approach for modeling damage in
concrete, with the X-FEM approach for taking into account the fiber inclusions. The idea is based on [3],
where standard reinforcement in concrete is modelled, so the ends of the bar are fixed. Since our interest
lies in the modelling of fiber pull-out, we have to chose an appropriate description of bond-slip that
will provide a realistic behavior of the composite, which has to be in accordance with the experimental
observations. Here, our goal is to show how our novel description of bond-slip affects the response of
the composite on the global level, and also on the local level of the fiber itself.

Figure 1: Algorithm flow-chart for time step n + 1 and iteration (i)

We model concrete with triangular finite elements, and fibers with 1D truss bars. In the spirit of
X-FEM, the displacement field for our domain is represented as a sum of the standard and the enriched

534 1
n n
u(x)|Ωe = ∑ Na (x) dca + ∑ Na (x)ψ(x) αa (1)
a=1 a=1

where dca are concrete displacements, αa are bond-slip displacements, Na (x) are the standard shape
functions for concrete, and ψ(x) is the enrichment function that describes the bond-slip distribution
along the fiber-matrix interface.
In Figure 1, we can see that the computation is divided into two phases, global and local, and the
bond-slip is activated only when one of the elements containing the fiber cracks. For more details about
the governing equations and finite element implementation, see [4], and for the damage computation see
[5, 6].


Figure 2: Tensile test: (a) Specimen with a fiber ; (b) Finite element mesh with weak zone (grey) and
enriched elements (black)

To test our model, we will perform a numerical simulation on a specimen containing a fiber, that
is subjected to tensile loading, as shown in Figure 2a. The dimensions of the specimen are 4x4 mm2 ,
and the fiber length is 2 mm. The chosen material parameters for the matrix material are the following:
E c = 2000 MPa, ν = 0.2, σ̄ f = 4.5 MPa, K̄ = 1000 MPa, σ̄¯ f = 10 MPa, β̄¯ /σ̄¯ f = 20 mm−1 , σ̄¯ s /σ̄¯ f =
0.3. There is a weak stripe near the middle of the specimen that will lead to the crack formation in these
elements (shown in grey in Figure 2b), whose ultimate stress is σ̄¯ f ,weak = 5 MPa. For the fiber, we have:
E f = 500000 MPa, φf = 0.05 mm, and for bond-slip: τy = 6 MPa, and K bs = -250 MPa.
In [4], it has been shown that for the linear elastic analysis the proposed model gives the same results
as the ones obtained in [1]. When we perform the computation while taking into account the damage
of concrete and the bond-slip between the fiber and the matrix, we obtain the graph shown on Figure 3.
Here, we can observe that the addition of the fiber increases the ductility of the composite material, and
gives a better post-cracking response. The jump is due to the activation of bond-slip when the central
enriched element fails.

Figure 3: Force-displacement diagram for a damage case with and without the fiber

535 2
We have observed experimentally that the fiber’s ends get pulled out of concrete, and that has lead
us to propose an enrichment function ψ(x) that would have a fixed point (zero value) where the crack is
loaceted, and the largest value (equal to 1 or -1) at the ends of the fiber. Ideally, such fixed point would be
in the middle of the element that contains the crack, but since we have to fix an already existing node, we
can choose between three types of enrichment functions, as shown in Figure 4, depending on the node
that is fixed (first, last, or both nodes of the cracked element).







Figure 4: Three types of enrichment function ψ(x) that gives the distribution of slip along the fiber: (a)
enrtype = 1, where the first node of the cracked element is fixed; (b) enrtype = 2, where the second node
of the cracked element is fixed; (c) enrtype = 3, where both nodes of the cracked element are fixed;

In Figure 5a, we can see that all three enrichment functions give a similar response on the global
level, with a slightly smaller jump for enrichment type 3. The difference is more pronounced when we
observe the distribution of slip along the fiber on Figure 5b, where enrichment functions 1 and 3 result
with the right side of the fiber being pulled-out, while it is the left side for enrichment function 1.

(a) (b)

Figure 5: Influence of the choice of the enrichment function: (a) On the global level; (b) On the local
level of the fiber

When the bond-slip strain in an enriched element reaches the limit value, the complete fiber pull-
out takes place, and the influence of the fiber is not taken into account in that particular element in
subsequent time steps. In the examples shown so far, it has not been the case, because the absolute value
of the bond-slip modulus K bs was too small. If we change its value too K bs = -1000, the maximal value
of the bond-slip strain will then become γbs bs
max = τy /|K | = 0.006, that will result in the complete pull-out
of the fiber from some of the elements.

536 3
Figure 6: Force-displacement diagram with and without the implementation of the complete fiber

On Figure 6, a comparison is given between the case when the complete pull-out is not implemented
in the code (the fiber influence is taken into account in the element until the end of the analysis), and
for the case when the complete fiber pull-out is implemented (the fiber influence is eliminated from the
computation in an element as soon as it reaches the limit value). The jumps in the diagram for the case
with complete pull-out are due to the fiber extractions from three enriched elements. The bond-slip stress
and strain evolutions in time for the far-right element are given on Figure 7. These examples show the
capabilities of our model to represent the realistic behavior of fiber-reinforced composites and give us the
perspective of expanding the model with taking into account uncertainty within a multi-scale approach.

Figure 7: Bond-slip stress and strain evolution in time with and without the implementation of the
complete fiber pull-out

[1] F.K.F Radtke, A. Simone, and L.J. Sluys. A partition of unity finite element method for obtaining elastic prop-
erties of continua with embedded thin fibres. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
84(6):708–732, 2010.
[2] M.G. Pike and C. Oskay. XFEM modeling of short microfiber reinforced composites with cohesive interfaces.
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 106:16–31, 2015.
[3] A. Ibrahimbegovic, A. Boulkertous, L. Davenne, and D. Brancherie. Modelling of reinforced-concrete struc-
tures providing crack-spacing based on X-FEM, ED-FEM and novel operator split solution procedure. Inter-
national Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 83(4):452–481, 2010.
[4] T. Rukavina, A. Ibrahimbegovic, and I. Kozar. Fiber reinforced brittle material models capable of capturing a
complete set of failure modes including fiber pull-out. (in preparation).
[5] D. Brancherie and A. Ibrahimbegovic. Novel anisotropic continuum-discrete damage model capable of repre-
senting localized failure of massive structures: Part I: theoretical formulation and numerical implementation.
Engineering Computations, 26(1/2):100–127, 2009.
[6] X.N. Do, A. Ibrahimbegovic, and D. Brancherie. Dynamics framework for 2D anisotropic continuum-discrete
damage model for progressive localized failure of massive structures. Computers & Structures, 183:14–26,

537 4


Kesley Roberto Ferreira Silva1, Matheus Delgado de Azevedo2, Adriano Nogueira Drumond3,
Thiago Magela Rodrigues Dias4

Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais,
Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais,
Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais,
Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais,

Since the technological improvement has made possible the low initial investment, several researchers
have been studying cockroaches or alternative techniques of signal manipulation aimed at their use for
control of prosthetics or accessibility in general. This paper presents the development of a
classification of muscular electrical signals using an algorithm based on neural networks for
identification of open and closed hands defined by the user. The purpose of this step consisted in
comparing the efficiency of such a model to identify movements with the sensor manufacturer and
reproduce such movements in a prosthesis prototype printed in 3D. The values obtained by each
electromyography sensor of the device were processed for extracting statistical information from each
signal and then routed to a neural network responsible for identifying the pose posed by the user.


The development of orthopedic prostheses is increasingly becoming an area where the application of
multidisciplinary knowledge. The use of microprocessor technology portable, together the processing
of myoelectric signals then becomes a large area of study, as researched by [1] and [2].

Electromyographic (EMG) signs are electrical signals generated by muscle contraction. These can be
collected mainly through the use of superficial electrodes (non-invasive method) or implanted
microelectrodes, which makes it necessary to perform a surgical procedure to acquire the signal. A
commercial device for the reception of surface EMG signals (sEMG) is Myo Armband, a bracelet
capable of collecting eight sEMG signals to be used primarily for entertainment purposes.

The present work describes the development of a prosthesis controlled by muscular electrical signals.
For this, the printing and assembly of a prototype involving the regions of the forearm and hand in real
size whose design of the pieces is made available for free by the project InMoov. In addition to the
prototype, we used an Arduino Uno microcontroller, a Raspberry Pi microcomputer and the Myo
Armband device, responsible for capturing the electrical muscle signals.


The initial process was aimed at researching replicable mechanical design models through 3D printing,
finding technologies capable of capturing movements in a human arm, choosing microprocessor
systems capable of supporting the communication software between the user and the device described
previously, and, finally, to look for microcontrollers capable of acting the printed mechanical
assembly for the reproduction of movements in the prosthetic hand.

As a working tool, we chose to use part of the model called InMoov [3]. The same is an open project
where drawing models are available for 3d printing of a life-size humanoid robot. Once the project is
segmented, it was possible to replicate only the part of the forearm and hand, necessary for the
simulation of an orthopedic prosthesis.

For the acquisition of electromyographic signals, the use of Myo Armband [4] was chosen. Such a
device offers a set of eight differentially amplified surface EMG electrodes operating with 200Hz
sampling, in addition to an IMU (Inertial measurement uni) operating at 50Hz.

Since the analysis of such signals in real time demands a processing power that is not supplied by a
common microcontroller, we chose to use the Raspberry PI 1 Model B microcomputer. Such a device
is equipped with an ARM1176JZF-S microprocessor running to 700MHz, having available 512MB of
RAM [5]. In addition, it supports alternative versions of Linux systems such as Raspbian, selected in
this work.

Since the drive of the servo motors of the prosthesis would require the elaboration of a communication
board and drive through the Raspberry Pi, due to the limitation of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
outputs of the device, it was then decided to use the Arduino One as an interface between the signal
processing and the drive of the motors, without considerably increasing the total cost of the work.

With the devices in hand, the mechanical components of the InMoov project began to print. The files
were downloaded and the parts were printed on a 3D printer.

For the individual movement of the prosthesis fingers, two cables connected simultaneously to each
servo were used, causing one of them to be pulled while the other was loosened according to the
direction of rotation of the servo motors. This form of drive makes it possible to move the fingers
independently of the orientation of the hand.

The printed prototype requires six servo motors for operation, five for finger movement, and one
additional for wrist rotation. These motors are located inside the forearm of the prosthesis, where the
cables were fixed to the movement, resembling the human tendons, according to Figure 1.

An ATX power supply was also used during the work, providing the voltage and current levels
required to drive all the servo motors simultaneously.

Figure 1. Construction of prosthesis tendons

After the assembly was completed, the embedded system was set up to manage the motion capture.
Myo Armband developer Thalmic Labs provides a Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows
and Mac operating systems in Lua and C ++ languages, as well as an application capable of managing
the "computer-armband" connection via the Bluetooth protocol.

With all the modules properly configured, the project went to the system programming stage. This task
consisted of developing scripts for obtaining data from preconfigured poses, communication between
the SOC or computer for the MCU and actuation of the servomotors of the mechanical system through
the Arduino.

Once the communication between the devices was configured, an algorithm was developed based on
neural networks for the classification of open and closed hand poses performed by the user. The
objective of this step was to compare the efficiency of such a model to identify movements with the
SDK detection algorithms provided by the manufacturer of Myo Armband. The values obtained by
each EMG sensor of the device were processed to extract statistical information from each signal and
then forwarded to a neural network responsible for identifying the pose performed by the user.


For training of the network, 250 samples were collected in different positions and activation time,
totaling 18.9MB of data. For efficiency in the convergence method, batch training was applied.

The first version of the mounted prosthesis was able to reproduce movements such as opening and
closing the hand, and rotating the wrist using the postures established by the Myo API (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Execution of movements

As a way to verify the performance of the elaborated network, comparative tests were performed to
identify the two main poses: Fist, Fist and FingerSpread. Fifty repetitions were performed, and an
accuracy of 96% of the wrist closure movements and a 78% accuracy of the opening movement of the
palm were verified.


The use of the obtained real-size forearm model allowed the tests to be performed in a real prosthesis
simulation. It was possible to perform simple activities involving the individual movement of the
fingers and the rotation of the wrist.

Because it is an open-loop system, interaction with another person as a simple handshake depended on
the gradual actuation of the finger-servos, since programming using defined positions for each servo
could cause injury to the individual. In addition, the use of steel cables to drive the prosthesis made the
movements not occur in a fluid way, causing a negative visual appearance.

Neural network calculations did not converge for real-time measurements, with online calculations of
mean, standard deviation, amplitude, and RMS. This is due to the training conditions provided by the
experiment. While training was performed by calculating statistical parameters for large sample sizes
(training files containing about 10 seconds or approximately 2,000 samples), the data collected for
neural network evaluation contained only dozens of samples. The result indicates mean and RMS
values smaller than expected and higher-than-expected standard deviation, even for similar poses. It is
possible to conclude that sampling by statistical values provides good accuracy of data, but not in
viable time for the system.


[1] Fernando E. R. Mattioli, et. al. Utilização de redes neurais para a classificação de sinais EMG
aplicados no controle de próteses virtuais de mão, 2010.
[2] Alcimar Soares, et. al. The Development of a Virtual Myoelectric Prosthesis Controller by an
EMG Pattern Recognition System Based on Neural Networks, 2003.
[3] Langevin, G. (2011). Inmoov - open-source 3d printed life-size robot.
[4] Labs, T. (2013). Myo gesture control armband.
[5] Pi, R. (2014). Raspberry pi 1 model b+.



Thiago Vieira Fernandes1, Paulo de Mattos Pimenta2, Cátia da Costa e Silva3

Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Polytechnic School at University of Sao
Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil,
Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Polytechnic School at University of Sao
Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil,
Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Polytechnic School at University of Sao
Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil,


This work presents a geometrically exact model of Kirchhoff-Love shells. It presents a shear
rigid shell meaning the deformations due to shear forces are despised. Due to that, C¹ continuous
interpolation is needed to describe the finite element approximations of the shell’s displacements. This
novel approach defines a new way to connect the shells and guarantee that the angle between the shells
remain the same. In this paper, Kirchhoff-Love’s assumption that the director vector of the shell remains
orthogonal with its middle surface. The rotation of the shells is parametrized by the Rodrigues formula
on an incremental approach. Therefore, the rotation of the nodes on the threshold between shell elements
aren’t assumed to be equal as essential boundary. Instead, they are calculated as an additional DOF. The
numerical examples show the reliability and adaptability of the element formulation.


Kirchhoff-Love Shells, Geometrically exact model, Rotation Rodrigues parameters


This paper presents an alternative way of modeling shells. Shells are widely used in different
fields of structural mechanics. The model uses benefits from Automation Techniques. These techniques
are used extensively as programmable tools to make differential algorithms, generation of codes, and
implementation of Finite Elements, which was possible due to AceGen generator. Simulations presented
in this paper were performed within the AceFEM software. Both programs were developed and
maintained by Joze Korelc (University of Ljubljana).
The main goal of this paper is to present a new connection between elements of a geometrically
exact model of Kirchhoff-Love shells.
The nomenclature used in the test addresses: Greek and Latin lower case letters (a, b… a, b…)
for scalars, bold Greek and Latin lower case letters (a, b… a, b…) correspond vectors, bold Greek and
Latin lower case letters (A, B, … k, X,…) represent second-order tensors in a three-dimensional
Euclidian space. The operation ‖ ‖ = √ . stand for the norm of the vector v, while ‘.’ is the scalar
product between the vectors. The operator ⨂ represents the tensor product of two vectors. The operator

= , with V skew-symmetric, then = and = , ∀ , where means the
cross product between two vectors and = , which is the skew-symmetric part of V.


As [1] used to rods, this paper takes the Rodrigues Parameters to describe the rotation of the
elements. Those parameters are applied by rotation vector .
Rotation tensor Q is function of the rotation vector α:
= ! ! " #$%.%
" where ! = % .

Other common parameters are:

# # #
&= '" " & ( = )( & = * '" " & = * '" "
#$%.% #$%.% #$%.%
The quantities from initial and current configuration are represented as . + and . +$ , while the
instants are ,+ and ,+$ so we have:
)-$ = )∆ )- where )-$ = /01
)∆ = ∆
and )- = /
With the aid of linear algebra, we extract α and φ
78 ; ;
23 = 425$ 25 6 %= ; ; :5$ :5 " = = % ∙ 23
9$:501 ∙:5
Geometrically exact Kirchhoff-Love shell theory

As [2,5] the middle surface of the shell is plane at the initial reference configuration. The vectors
that make the orthogonal system > ? = @:A9 , :A8 , :AC D are placed on the reference middle plane while EF is
orthogonal with this plane. The thickness, which doesn’t change along the transformation, is G = GF =
GFH GFI . The current position of the material point is given by = J K where
J = L M is the current position of the middle surface and
= is the current director of the middle surface.


The local orthogonal system have:

:9 = ‖N ‖7 N ; :C = ‖N N ‖7 N N
and :8 = E : This will aid the
implementation of the incremental angle in the shell
Because = J K we have for the Deformation Gradient
, which can be expressed by the rotation of the
back-rotated deformation gradient OA = R F ⨂ F like:
O= O = S% ⨂ :% .
We reach the strain vectors as in [2, 3, 5], where the
back-rotated strains is a function of the strain cross-section
generalized back rotate strain and the curvature: SF = TF
And, the cross-section generalized back rotate strain and the curvature back rotated are,
TF = J * :F (TF represents the membrane strains) and UA% = %

Hyperelastic Constitutive Equations

Working with the plane stress condition, that defines the stresses in the normal direction of the
shell mid-plane is null ( V:E . :E = W), is introduced the local transversal strain as an additional DOF
SEE . So, the Jacobian, which represents de infinitesimal variation of the element's current volume
relative to its reference volume, can be expressed as:

Plane stress condition: X = Y ,O = ZE . Z Z8 = 1 SEE :E . Z Z8 = 1 SEE \ ̅

where Z+ are the spatial derivatives and to i=1, 2 Z+ = J+ + and ZE = + C

As the paper deals with isotropic and Hyperelastic materials. The strain energy ^ can be
expressed as a function of invariants of the right Cauchy-Green strain tensor = O O . In addition, the
strain energy function can be expressed in terms of the principal invariants, which have the values below
thanks to the Kirchhoff-Love’s assumption that the director a remains orthogonal with the surface of the
Kirchhoff-Love’s assumption:
SF . :FE = TF . :FE = W ⇒ T . :E = J . :E = W ⇒ Z . :E = W
` = Z .Z 1 ` = a .a \ `E = \

Where, due to the Plane stress condition we have:

a = 1 SEE . 4b c Zc :E 6
aE = Z Z = X̅ E

And the invariants stay:

` = Z .Z 1SEE
` = 1 SEE Z E . Z E \̅
`E = 1 SEE \ ̅

So, applying that physically SEE > *1 the solution of the element is the function below:

e^ +fg e^ +fg e^ +fg

h E . h E \̅ =0
e` e` e`E

This approach, as explained in [3,6], is formulated considering the strain energy in terms of the
principal invariants. The invariance condition of material frame indifference is acknowledge by the
invariance of the constitutive equation under imposed rigid body motions onto the current configuration
(“Principle of objectivity of material properties”).
Due to this non-linear equation in SEE , it’s solved through Newton method, calculating the
function above to discover the value of SEE that satisfy VEE = W. So the nominal stress vector is:

e^ e^ +fg e^ +fg
V = =2 Z 2 1 SEE 1 SEE Z E X̅4b c Zc :E 6"
eZ e` e`
e^ +fg e^ +fg
2 1 SEE X̅ 4b c Zc :E 6
e` e`E


The displacements field require k continuous approximation, it is approached via shape
function based on baricentric coordinates.
Some finite elements programs use the “Tying method” to guarantee the continuity and equality
between discrete values of the primary and secondary degree of freedom on the threshold of elements.
Additional to that, the angle rotation l of the node at the threshold between elements are, on some
papers, assumed as equal. The element of this paper, instead of using Tying methods, transform the
problem of continuity into a constrained optimization problem. And, most of all, the angle l is
calculated to guarantee the equality of its discrete value on the intersection of elements. The intersection
of elements A and B have a Lagrange multiplier, which is defined as a DOF. So the optimization is
summed up in
m = s4lt * lu 6
The drawback of the Lagrange multiplier approach is that it adds a scalar DOF for each scalar
constraint, leading to a more complex and time demanding formulation. Its advantage is the absence of
another Potential energy that has to be minimized and the lack of weighs to be determined like on Penalty

Finite Elements

To reach the stiffness matrix the differential of the Potential Energy must be null (minimum
potential energy). This differential, that is nonlinear in terms of d, solved through the Newton-Raphson
iteration scheme.
∇m w = 0 w = M, x = yz z{ z
em w em w e mw
⇒ =0⇒ ∆w = 0 ⇒ | }∆Y = 0
ew ew ew8
The linear equation system above generate the global Residual matrix (R) and the global
stiffness matrix (K). Those matrix are obtained through assemble of their elemental counterparts.
The linearization and discretization (on space and time) of the displacements and acceleration
is necessary to solve the nonlinear formulation and calculate the residual and stiffness matrix. The
scheme used is the same as [3] and leads to the respective discretized variation and linearization of the
displacements: ~y• = ∑rq + • ~w and ∆y• = ∑rq + • ∆w where en is the number of
element nodes and Ni are the shape functions that approximate the displacements.
Those discretization are used on the linearization of the weak form of the formulation of the
problem, which benefits from the equilibrium from Theorem of the Virtual work. So, the Newton
method can be used to solve the formulation of the shell.

[1] Silva. C. C., Massen S., Pimenta P. M. and Schröder J., Geometrically exact analysis of Bernoulli-
Euler rods, page1-page33, 2017.
[2] Campello E.M.B., Pimenta P.M. and Wriggers P., A triangular finite shell element based on a fully
nonlinear shell formulation, Computational Mechanics, 31 (6), 505-518, 2003.
[3] Viebahn, N., Pimenta, P.M. and Schroeder, J., “A simple triangular finite element for nonlinear thin
shells -Statics, Dynamics and anisotropy”, Computational Mechanics, online, 2016.
[4] Korelc, J., Wriggers, P. “Automation of Finite Element Methods”, Springer, online, 2016.
[5] Pimenta P.M., Neto E. S. A. and Campello E.M.B “Fully Nonlinear Thin Shell Model of Kirchhoff-
Love Type”, New Trends in Thin Structures: Formulation, Optimization and Coupled Problems. CISM
International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, vol 519.Springer, Vienna, 2010.
[6] Truesdell C, Noll W “The non-linear field theories of mechanics”, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin. (2004)



T. A. A. Oliveira1, G. Gomes2, F. Evangelista Junior3, A. M. Delgado Neto4

University of Brasilia

1. Introduction and Theory

From the technical point of view, it is sought to develop structures that are subject to
combinations of external loads in a way that works in the usual situation and does not reach the
respective Ultimate and Service Limit States [1]. For this, the knowledge of the stress field is a
necessary condition to predict the behavior of these elements to avoid combinations that provoke a
Limit State.
This paper analyzes the growth of aircraft fuselage subjected to external loads evaluated from
the contact mechanics [2]. In this way, a macro analysis of stresses in a fuselage plate is realized from
the theory of the contact, and after it is analyzed the behavior of the advance of the crack in this plate
to evaluate fatigue, residual strength, Stress Intensity Factors, crack path and the deformations at every
crack increase. The main objective is to evaluate from the contact mechanics, cracked fuselage plates
when subjected to contact stresses. And, as specific objectives define crack propagation to obtain
fracture mechanics parameters at each increment, such as: Stress Intensity Factors, number of loading
cycles (fatigue), deformations and residual strength.
Fatigue is characterized by a cyclic loading process that causes progressive internal
cumulative structural damage. After a certain number of cycles the cracks can reach critical lengths
that can make the structure unstable and, in some cases, lead to collapse. Admitting an elastic half-
space body shown in Figure 1. External loads p(x) and q(x) act on the surface over the region from
x = -a to x = b while the remainder of the body is free from loads. The stress components σx, σy, τxy at
all points through the solid are computed according to [3] shown in Equations 1, 2 and 3.

2𝑦𝑦 𝑏𝑏 𝑝𝑝(𝑠𝑠)(𝑥𝑥 − 𝑠𝑠)2 2 𝑏𝑏 𝑞𝑞(𝑠𝑠)(𝑥𝑥 − 𝑠𝑠)3

𝜎𝜎𝑥𝑥 = − � 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 − � 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 (1)
𝜋𝜋 −𝑎𝑎 ((𝑥𝑥 − 𝑠𝑠)2 + 𝑦𝑦 2 )2 𝜋𝜋 −𝑎𝑎 ((𝑥𝑥 − 𝑠𝑠)2 + 𝑦𝑦)2
2𝑦𝑦 3 𝑏𝑏 𝑝𝑝(𝑠𝑠) 2𝑦𝑦 2 𝑏𝑏 𝑞𝑞(𝑠𝑠)(𝑥𝑥 − 𝑠𝑠)
𝜎𝜎𝑦𝑦 = − � 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 − � 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 (2)
𝜋𝜋 −𝑎𝑎 ((𝑥𝑥 − 𝑠𝑠)2 + 𝑦𝑦 2 )2 𝜋𝜋 −𝑎𝑎 ((𝑥𝑥 − 𝑠𝑠)2 + 𝑦𝑦 2 )2
2𝑦𝑦 2 𝑏𝑏 𝑝𝑝(𝑠𝑠)(𝑥𝑥 − 𝑠𝑠) 2𝑦𝑦 𝑏𝑏 𝑞𝑞(𝑠𝑠)(𝑥𝑥 − 𝑠𝑠)2
𝜏𝜏𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥 = − � 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 − � 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 (3)
𝜋𝜋 −𝑎𝑎 ((𝑥𝑥 − 𝑠𝑠)2 + 𝑦𝑦 2 )2 𝜋𝜋 −𝑎𝑎 ((𝑥𝑥 − 𝑠𝑠)2 + 𝑦𝑦 2 )2
2. Material and Methods
To achieve the objectives a routine was developed in Matlab to automate the stress field
derived from contact mechanics based on [3] and showed in Eqs. 1, 2 and 3. From the stress field, it is

analyzed the crack propagation in an infinitesimal element through Boundary Element Method using
BemCracker2D to obtain the required parameters.
2.1 Macro element analysis
Figure 2 shows the model of the contact problem to be analyzed. P and Q are normal and shear
loads (MPa), respectively, and they can be non-uniform with lengths a and b (cm). With automation,
loads P, Q (MPa) and a, b (cm) will assume the values in Table 1.

Figure 1: Model of the contact mechanics Figure 2: Macro element analysis

Table 1: Loading Series

P Q a b
Loading Series 1 100 0 -8 8
Loading Series 2 100 100 -8 8
Loading Series 3 100 100 -2 8

2.2 Micro element analysis

From the applied external load, the micro element is subject to stress in the directions x (𝜎𝜎𝑥𝑥 ),
y (𝜎𝜎𝑦𝑦 ), and shear (𝜏𝜏), according to Figure 3. The value is obtained directly from the stress field of Eqs.
1, 2 and 3 considering a square of 1 cm of side located in the origin of the axis (x, y) of Figure 2. The
pre-established crack has initial size of 0.1 cm.

3. Results

For the 1 x 1 cm micro element located at the axis origin shown in Figure 2 with a preexisting
crack of 0.1 cm size subjected to the loading series 1, 2 and 3 presents the following stress fields
indicated in Table 2. Applying these stress fields, the crack growth path and deformation results are
shown in Figures 4, 5 and 6 for each loading series, respectively. The objective results of this work are
shown in Tables 3, 4 and 5 for each increment of crack of size 0.08 cm.
Table 2: Stress field in the micro element (MPa)
Loads (MPa) σx σy τ
Loading Series 1 96.79 100.00 0.00
Loading Series 2 98.38 100.00 96.79
Loading Series 3 183.35 100.31 92.03

Figure 3: Micro element stress field

(a) Crack growth (b) Deformed mesh
Figure 4: Fuselage behaviour Loading Series 1

(a) Crack growth (b) Deformed mesh

Figure 5: Fuselage behaviour Loading Series 2

(a) Crack growth (b) Deformed mesh

Figure 6: Fuselage behaviour Loading Series 3

Table 3: Results for Loading Series 1

Residual Strength Load Cycles
increment (MPa√m) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 0 0 6.97178 -1.74E-13 1
1 0.653288 131998.06 10.6718 -1.16E-13 1.53072
2 0.469662 168266.7 14.8443 1.18E-13 2.12919
3 0.357415 181532.41 19.5061 -1.24E-13 2.79787
4 0.285085 187332.65 24.4551 -2.44E-13 3.50773
5 0.237662 190285.42 29.3348 -2.13E-13 4.20765
6 0.207698 192031.39 33.5669 -4.34E-13 4.81468
7 0.192078 193254.41 36.2965 -7.28E-13 0

Table 4: Results for Loading Series 2
Residual Strength Load cycles
increment (MPa√m) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 0 0 7.08838 -5.50486 1
1 0.509932 30919.114 21.5883 -0.29607 1.96104
2 0.328615 34432.366 33.4986 -0.48989 3.04308
3 0.209502 35287.767 52.5493 -0.64872 4.77323
4 0.119744 35478.877 91.9471 -0.88202 8.35112
5 0.055810 35508.594 197.256 -2.57544 0

Table 5: Results for Loading Series 3

Residual Strength Load cycles
increment (MPa√m) (MPa√m) (MPa√m)
0 0 0 13.3191 -5.23414 1
1 0.594629 10047.13 26.6414 -0.45976 1.68172
2 0.399605 11889.40 39.652 -0.49395 2.50247
3 0.267223 12403.95 59.2875 -0.93025 3.74219
4 0.169876 12541.35 93.2651 -1.39323 5.88663
5 0.097418 12571.86 162.663 -1.67123 0

4. Conclusions
Comparing Loading Serie 2 (Table 4) with respect to 1 (Table 3), it is realized that
maintaining the normal stress level (100 MPa) and including shear (100 MPa) with the same size of
application (a = b = 8 cm), the residual strength reduces and the number of load cycles also reduces to
the same size of increment of crack, obeying the Law of Paris. SIFs I and II result in higher values
since the applied external loads are higher, resulting in greater SIF-EQ. SIF II for Loading Serie 1 is
approximately zero because has no external shear stress. Now, comparing Loading Serie 3 (Table 5)
with respect to 2 (Table 4), it is realized that maintaining the normal (100 MPa) and shear (100 MPa)
stresses level, but with different sizes of application (a = 2 and b = 8 cm), the residual strength
increases and the number of load cycles reduces because of the greater stresses field. SIF I results in
higher values because σx for LS3 is almost double the LS2 and SIF II are approximate because the
shear stresses are almost equal, according to Table 2. The normalized SIF-EQ are similar.
As for the propagation crack direction, for the LS2 and LS3 subjected to shear, it changes the
direction of propagation of the crack because KII is different of zero. LS2 resulted in a much larger
angulation than LS3 because the SIF I for this latter is much larger, tending to keep the propagation of
the crack straighter than the initial crack.
The authors are grateful to the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq), to the Brazilian
Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education (CAPES) and to Federal District Research
Support Foundation (FAP-DF) for the supporting funds for this research.
[1] Melchers, R. E., 1999. Structural Reliability Analysis and Prediction. 2. ed. Chichester, United
Kingdom: Wiley. 456 p.
[2] Sackfield A., Hills D. A., Nowell D., 1993. Mechanics of elastic contacts, Butterworth-
Heinemann, ISBN: 9781483291949, 45-48.
[3] Johnson K. L., 1985. Contact mechanic, Cambridge University Press.




Tiago Morkis Siqueira1, Humberto Breves Coda2

Department of Structural Engineering, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo,
São Carlos, SP, Brazil,
Department of Structural Engineering, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo,
São Carlos, SP, Brazil,


The present work develops a total Lagrangian formulation of the Finite Element Method
(FEM) employed for the modelling of three-dimensional actuators used in structures and mechanisms.
Actuated mechanisms are present in the aerospace industry as several types of deployable structures
such as antennas, reflectors, solar arrays and sails, and boom systems [1–4]. Actuators also have
numerous applications in other industries, for instance mechanical, civil and healthcare, in
construction and packaging machines of manufacturing processes, control valves, dental chairs and
medical equipment, or as motion devices for sliders on driven mechanisms.
Instead of perfectly rigid actuators, introduced in the structural system as constraints on the
distance of two points, we control the distance of the points by a modified three-dimensional truss
finite element [5,6]. Since the formulation is total Lagrangian, the actuator motion is governed by
changing the element initial configuration. It has the advantage of retaining the actuated bar flexibility,
an important factor when simulating very flexible mechanisms, and not requiring special treatments on
constraint enforcement imposition, which may bring instabilities in the time discretization of the
dynamical system [7,8].
The adopted FEM formulation uses positions, instead of displacements, as nodal parameters.
Since finite deformations but small strains are present in the intended applications, the Saint-Venant-
Kirchhoff constitutive model is adopted relating the Green-Lagrange objective strain measure with the
second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor. The Principle of Stationary Total Energy is used to obtain the
system equations of motion. The resulting nonlinear system is solved by the Newton-Raphson method.
Time integration is accomplished using the Newmark method, which, in total Lagrangian descriptions,
guarantees the energy conservation [9].
An example of a deployable reflector is presented to show the formulation application


The Principle of Stationary Total Energy can be employed to obtain the equations of motion of
the structural system. The total energy of the system can be written as:
        (1)
where  is the strain energy,  the external forces potential,  the kinetic energy and  the
external damping dissipation. The equilibrium is achieved by the first variation of the energy as:
             0 (2)

where  means variation.
When analysing trusses, is usual to consider external forces as concentrated on the nodes.

Since the employed FEM formulation uses the positions of the nodes Y as the degrees of freedom, the

potential of the external loads F is written as:
 
  F Y (3)
and its variation regarding the positions is:
 
   F  Y (4)
The kinetic energy of the element is written in its initial volume V0 from the material mass

density  0 and the velocity y of the material points as:
1  
  0 y  y dV0 (5)
2 V0

Developing its variation one achieves the inertial force F iner term as:
   
   M  Y   Y  F iner   Y (6)
where M is the mass matrix, calculated as lumped masses at the bar nodes. The external dissipation

force F damp is introduced as mass-proportional Rayleigh damping as:
   
  D  Y   Y  F damp   Y (7)
where D  cM is the damping matrix and c is a proportionality constant.
The strain energy of the actuated bar is obtained from the same expression as the truss energy.
For that, it is necessary to define the uniaxial Green-Lagrange strain measure for the bar as function of
the element length, which is written in the initial and current configurations as:
L20  ( X 1b  X 1a ) 2  ( X 2b  X 2a ) 2  ( X 3b  X 3a ) 2 (8)
L2  (Y1b  Y1a ) 2  (Y2b  Y2a ) 2  (Y3b  Y3a ) 2 (9)
In expressions (8) and (9), X i and Yi represent the positions, respectively, on the initial and
current configurations for a node  and direction i . The Green strain E can be stated as:
1  L2 
E   2  1 (10)
2  L0 
Although any expression could be chosen for the constitutive model, given the strain measure
in (10), the Saint-Venant-Kirchhoff model is employed and its specific strain energy is given by:
u E 2 (11)
where  coincides with the Young modulus for small strains. The second Piola-Kirchhoff stress S is
obtained from (11) as [10,11]:
S  E (12)
The accumulated strain energy on the element is found by integrating (11) over the initial
volume of the bar as:
 1 
   u ( E (Y )) dV0   E 2  A0 L0 (13)
V0 2 
in which A0 is the initial cross-section area of the bar. Since expression (13) depends on the current

position of the nodes of the solid, the first variation of the strain energy gives the internal force F int
   
     Y  F int   Y (14)

Developing the derivative on the last expression one achieves the internal force expression:
 F int i  A0 (1) E (Yi b  Yi a ) (15)
Since the formulation is total Lagrangian, the internal force of the element depends on the
initial configuration of the bar, as is shown in expression (15) by the dependency on its initial length.
This fact can be used to develop the actuated bar by changing L0 over the analysis. The increase, or
decrease, of the bar length unbalances the system that tries to find a new equilibrium configuration by
conforming the current position of the nodes in a stable arrangement. One should note that, in spite of
the change in the initial length of the bar, the mass matrix is not recalculated at each iteration since the
total mass of the system must be conserved.
Finally, the equations of motions (nonlinear dynamical equilibrium) are written as:
    
F int  F  F iner  F damp  0 (16)
    
F int  F  M  Y  D  Y  0 (17)
To expression (17) the Newmark approximations can be introduced to discretize time.
Afterwards, the resulting nonlinear equations are solved by the Newton-Raphson method. Further
details of these calculations can be obtained in [5].


The unfolding process of a truss which can be the base that holds any spacecraft deployable
system such as a reflector or solar array, Fig. 1, is shown in order to present an application of the
actuated bar. In the initial stowed configuration, the truss system is folded to occupy only 60 cm in the
spacecraft and, after fully deployed, to have total length of 6.0 m.

Actuator length (m)

0 200 400 600 800
b) Time (s)

Displacement (m)

3.0 x
2.0 y
0 200 400 600 800
c) Time (s)

Fig. 1. Deployment of the truss: a) snapshots of the analysis, b) actuator length evolution and c) truss extremity displacement

The actuators length evolves in two phases as shown in Fig. 1 b). For the simulation, the
parameters of the Newmark method for average acceleration in the time step were employed. The time

increment used was 1.0 s. All bars have mass density of 8000 kg/m³ and the damping parameter is
equal 2.0. The cross section area is equal to 0.04 m² and the Young modulus is 10 GPa, except for the
actuated bars which 100 times greater. Fig. 1 c) shows the evolution of the displacements of the truss
extremity according to the motion imposed by the two phases of the actuated bars.


In this study, a three-dimensional actuator is proposed on a total Lagrangian framework of a

positional FEM formulation for trusses. The actuated bar works by changing its initial length during
the analysis which unbalances the system and forces it to find a new equilibrium configuration. An
example of the unfolding process of a deployable spacecraft system is presented from which is
possible to note the capabilities of the formulation.


The authors would like to thank the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP-2016/00622-0)
for the financial support.


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Mariana Nunes Souza1, Túlio Cezar Borges de Melo2

Universidade Veiga de Almeida,
Universidade Veiga de Almeida/Universidade Federal Fluminense,

The use of steel structures has been gaining the market, because they have greater agility in the
construction than the reinforced concrete. The steel presents a reduction in working time, and in addition
presents the possibility that there are several fronts of work [5], also is lighter than the reinforced
concrete, which generates a relief in the foundations and provides a clean construction, since there is no
need for prop and there is little generation of construction debris. However, the steel presents a certain
difficulty in executing rigid connections due to its material and still presents worrying deformation in
fire situations, so arises the concern that the structure can suffer progressive collapse.
Progressive collapse consists in the propagation of an initial damage in a disproportionate way and that
generates global damages, this is due to the failures that are caused in the next elements due to the loss
of an initial structural element. With the loss of this element there is a need for redistribution of efforts
to the adjacent elements, collapse occurs when there is no such redistribution, either because there was
a bad connection of the elements, or because of the type of material and the constructive technique
adopted . The causes of progressive collapse are due to the exceptional actions, be they vehicle crashes,
bomb explosions or earthquakes. Its prevention is extremely important, because due to it there is gain
in the survival of the structure, an increase in safety and especially the lives that are saved.
The principles of progressive collapse are structural integrity and robustness. Robustness is the ability
of the building to withstand the stresses, which depends on the type of material and the constructive
method adopted [8]. The structural integrity is linked to the alternative paths that the load will adopt
after the rupture of a structural element. The two concepts depend on the redundancy, continuity and
ductility that the structure presents.
There are standards such as the DoD (2016) and the GSA (2016) that show the behavior of a structure
to progressive collapse and help to take measures that do not happen, these norms are US and aim to
normalize government buildings, also be used for other types of classifications [3]. Most of the standards
use the method of the alternative path, which is a direct method that fights progressive collapse. But
they also describe the other methods, which would be the indirect method and the specific local
resistance method, which is also one of the direct methods.
The objective of the present work is to report how the behavior of a steel structure occurs when there is
loss of a corner pillar and an intermediate pillar and how this affects the structure, both in the demanding
efforts and in the deformations that the building undergoes.
To perform the analysis, SAP2000 [7] software was used, which uses the finite element method, which
consists of transforming a more complex problem into several simpler ones. This is achieved by
discretizing the geometry into a finite number of elements with a simpler geometry, which generates the
finite element mesh [4].

The pillars and beams will be composed of the frame element, which is represented by a line connecting
two points. A mesh will be applied to these elements so that the results come closest to the realization.
This mesh is composed of elements that exhibit flexural deformation properties that are well known.
This process consists in dividing the element into a number n of squares.
The used building was used in [6], but with some changes, such as the number of floors and all the
beams and pillars are made of steel. It was adopted in this work 10 floors and USI CIVIL 350 as steel
that composes the beams and pillars. It was also adopted the steel deck slab of 15cm of thickness.
This work shows the importance of predicting the progressive collapse of buildings, and steel structures
are increasingly gaining in engineering. It became clear that the building behaves more worryingly when
there is a corner pillar lost than an intermediate pillar, and that this may be even more serious when there
is a fire due to the deformation suffered by the steel.


[1] Department Of Defense (DOD). Design of Buildings to Resist Progressive Collapse, Unified
Facilities Criteria. 4-023-03, 2016.
[2] GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (GSA). Alternate Path Analysis & Design
Guidelines for Progressive Collapse Resistance. 2016.
[3] Longo, H. I. Diretrizes para o projeto de estruturas de concreto armado para resistir ao colapso
progressive. X Congresso Brasileiro de Pontes e Estruturas, RJ. 2018.
[4] Malaguti, A.K. Análise dinâmica de estruturas de barra empregando o método dos elementos
finitos com funções de forma b-splines não uniformes. Monography. Universidade Tecnóloga Federal
do Paraná. 2013.
[5] Rizzo, L. A. D. Estudo do colapso progressivoem estruturas de aço. Monography. Universidade
Técnologa Federal do Paraná. 2013.
[6] Sáles, J. J. Estudo do projeto e da construção de edifícios de andares múltiplos com estruturas de
aço. Doctoral thesis – Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos,
[7] Sap2000, CSI. Analysis Reference Manual. Bekerley, California: Computers and Structures Inc.,
2005. 415 p.
[8] Starossek. Topology of progressive collapse. Hamburg University of Technology. Alemanha.



Valério Silva Almeida1, Hélio Luiz Simonetti2, Edson Bispo Ferreira3

Department of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering from the School of Engineering of the
University of São Paulo (EPUSP),
Department of Mathematics, Federal Institute of Minas Gerais (IFMG),
Federal Institute of Education and Technology of São Paulo (IFSP),

The paper aims to determinate the Strut-and-Tie models (STM) for the design of structural elements
in reinforced concrete using the Topological Optimization (TO). The numerical technique presented is
the classical Evolutionary Structural Optimization procedure, called ESO, that is used to identify the
stress regions which represent the strut-and-tie members and to quantify their respective efforts. The
basic concept of this numerical technique is to identify the flow of stresses generated in the structure,
setting out in more technical and rational members of STM, and to quantify their value for future
structural design.
Elastic and material non-linearity laws are formulated by using 3D truss finite element which is
coupled with the TO. The methodology is then applied for solving general problem, as in complex 3D
geometries with non-conventional geometric and/or natural boundary conditions, or not previewed
excentricities or initial holes that emerged during the execution.
Thus, some classical examples of the STM are compared with the literature that demonstrate the
efficiency of this formulation and non-conventional examples are evaluated via the present procedure
and the respective STM is obtained and proposed for the quantification and disposition of reinforcement
concrete design.

Keywords: Evolutionary Structural Optimization, 3D Truss, Material non-linearity, Strut and Tie.

1. Introduction
In structural engineering, the most concrete linear elements are dimensioned in a simplified manner,
using the Bernoulli's hypothesis. The application of this hypothesis for any structural element can lead
to over or under sizing of certain parts about the structure. This hypothesis is valid for parts of the frame
that there is no interference from hard regions, such as sections near the columns, the cavities or other
areas where the influence of strain due to shear is not negligible.
There are structural elements or regions where the assumptions of Bernoulli bending do not
adequately represent the structural behavior and the stress distribution. For a real physical analysis about
behavior of these regions it is common to use the strut-and-tie model (STM) that is a generalization of
the classical analogy of the model for truss beams. The analogy used in the STM uses the same idea of
the classical theory in order to define bars representing the flow of stress trying to create the shortest
path loads and more logical. Because it is a simple model, and needs the experience of the designer to
select and distribute the elements of the model in order to represent this flow of stresses in a better way,
it becomes evident the use of more reliable and automatic tools for defining its geometric and structural
For this purpose, numerical analysis has been providing these tools for years, with faster processing,
new theories and formulations. Together with these tools, techniques about Topology Optimization (TO)
has been employed in modeling help via STM in reinforced concrete structures as shown in [1], [2], [3],
[4] and [5]. These cited works apply the TO for in-plane and elastic linear formulations, but the present
paper explores the application of 3D truss geometry and the plasticity theory for finding strut and tie

configurations in some concrete structural elements by using the Evolutionary Structural Optimization
(ESO), where the general concept is described in [6].

2. Optimization Problem, Performance Index

A general optimization problem of a single objective is defined as the minimization (or
maximization) of a scalar function expressed by:
𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑓({𝑥})

𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑔𝑗 ({𝑥}) ≤ 0 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑗 = 1,2, … , 𝑘

ℎ𝑗 ({𝑥}) = 0 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑗 = 1,2, … , 𝑙 (1)

𝑥𝑗𝑙 ≤ 𝑥𝑗 ≤ 𝑥𝑗𝑢 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑗 = 1,2, … , 𝑚

with 𝑓({𝑥}) being the objective function, {𝑥} is the n-dimensional decision vector that contains all
possible factible space in the project, 𝑔𝑗 ({𝑥}) and ℎ𝑗 ({𝑥}) represent, respectively, the k and l inequality
and equality constraints, that must be satisfied during the optimization procedure, 𝑥𝑗𝑙 and 𝑥𝑗𝑢 are the
lower and upper bound values of each j-th variable, of a m total number of the project variable. The ESO
is a heuristic technique in which the shape and topology are determined simultaneously and has its origin
based on a procedure called "Hard-Kill" which is the permanent removal of elements that do not meet
the criteria for rejection set. The penalization along the process is done by altering the Young's modulus
of each finite element, where it can be written as:

0 ≤ 𝛼 ∙ 𝐸𝑗 ≤ 𝐸𝑗𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑗 = 1,2, … , 𝑚 (2)

where 𝐸𝑗𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 is the initial value of reference for each j-th element in the structure, α is a scalar adopted
as "0" or "1" if the element is removed or not, which this penalization is done for the removal elements
to avoiding remeshing scheme. The most effective way for eliminating those elements having the lowest
values that the increase in energy is minimal, so, the energy optimization problem can be expressed as:
𝑚 𝑇
𝑢 𝑇 𝐾𝑢 𝜀𝑗 𝐸𝑗 𝜀𝑗 𝑑𝑉𝑗
𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑈(𝑋) = =∑
2 2

𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝐾𝑢 = 𝐹

𝑉(𝑋) = ∑𝑚 ̅
𝑗=1 𝑥𝑗 𝑉𝑗 − 𝑉 ≤ 0 (3)

𝑋 = {𝑥1 𝑥2 𝑥3 𝑥4 . . 𝑥𝑚 } 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑥𝑗 = 0 𝑜𝑟 𝑥𝑗 = 1

where 𝐸𝑗 , 𝜀𝑗 and 𝑉𝑗 are, respectively, the constitutive matrix, the strain component vector and the
volume of each j-th element. 𝐾𝑢 = 𝐹 is the equilibrium equation where 𝐾 is the stiffness matrix, 𝑢 and
𝐹 are the displacement and applied force nodal vector of the structure, 𝑥𝑗 is the design variable of the j-
th element and 𝑋 is the vector of the design variables.
In the removal heuristic, when the element is removed from the domain of design during the
evolutionary process, elements that remain in the structure represents a basic solution as proven by [7],
where the gradient vector terms have zero values. The objective function, described in the present paper
in terms of the diameter of the truss member (t), which can be minimized in the way:
f  ln[W ext ({t})]  ln[V ({t})] , where W ext being the external work and V the volume of the structure.
The partial derivative of the objective function in relation the diameter of the element is given by:
𝜕𝑓 ∗ 𝐴𝑗 𝑊𝑗0∗
= ∗ [1 −
] 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑗 = 1,2, … , 𝑚 (4)
𝜕𝑡𝑗 𝑉 𝑊 0∗

with 𝑊 0∗ the average is strain energy density of the structure and 𝑊𝑗0 denotes the average strain energy
density, A j is area for the j-th element, with the symbol "*" represents the minimization region for the
feasible solution. From Eq. 4, shows that all the gradient vector terms have zero values, when the value
of the strain energy of the element is near the value of the strain energy of the structure, indicating that
a stationary point is reached.
The performance index (PI) is a dimensionless parameter that measures the structural performance
efficiency. The PI was proposed by [2] and which is adapted here for the present problem as:
𝜎0,𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑉0 𝜎0,𝑚𝑎𝑥 ∑𝑚
𝑗=1 𝐴𝑗 .𝐿𝑗
⁄𝐴 ∑𝑚 𝐴𝑗 .𝐿𝑗 𝑁0,𝑚𝑎𝑥 ∑𝑚 𝐴𝑗 .𝐿𝑗
𝑃𝐼 = ∙ =( )∙ ∑𝑘
= 𝑁𝑖,𝑚𝑎𝑥
∙ ∑𝑗=1
𝑘 = ∙ ∑𝑗=1
𝑘 (5)
𝜎𝑖,𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑉𝑖 𝜎𝑖,𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑗=1 𝐴𝑗 𝐿𝑗 ⁄𝐴 𝐴
𝑗=1 𝑗 𝑗 𝐿 𝑁𝑖,𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑗=1 𝐴𝑗 𝐿𝑗

where N0,max and Ni,max are the maximum normal effort in the initial and i-th iteration, respectively, k is
the number of the elements that has not been removed from the structure until the i-th iteration, with Aj
e Lj being the area and the length of the j-th element.
The optimal control is done by this PI, because it is a factor of "monitoring" in the region optimal
design. The control of maximizing this parameter refers to the minimization of the volume control, so
if the index falls in an accentuated way is a strong indication that passed by a local optimum
configuration or stationary.

3. Numerical Example - Pile Cap

The square cap has dimension of 220 cm e height of 80 cm, with diameter of 20 cm for each pile.
Young's modulus is equal to E = 20,820 MPa, Poisson's ratio is 0.15, 𝑓𝑦𝑑 = 434 𝑀𝑃𝑎 and 𝑓𝑐𝑑 =
30 𝑀𝑃𝑎. The column is in the center of the cap with a vertical force of Fd = 1,000 kN. The procedure
ESO is evaluated, where the evolutionary process began with the RR = 2% and ER = 0.25%, with a
maximum of 1% of available removing in each iteration and the final volume is obtained with the PI
monitoring. The figure 1 shows the optimal strut and tie model obtained via the TO.
4. Conclusions
The present paper aims to get the strut and tie model (STM) for some classical structural element via
a TO numerical technique. The methodology intends to present the STM in examples where there is no
such closed pattern design, as for generical 3D geometries, with non-conventional loads and/or loads
with initial excentricies that emerged in the execution project which was not evaluated in the previous
analysis by the design engineer. The material non-linearity is also included in the formulation to compare
with the linear analysis for the final strut ad tie configuration. Thus, the efforts in the members may be
evaluated to enable the design and reinforcement necessary at each section and with the examples that
have been already solved, it is demonstrated good accuracy with the values reported by other authors in
classical models and in non-conventional cases, where quantification and disposition of reinforcements
can be proposed.

Figure 1 – (a) Pile cap model; (b) Optimal topological model, with 1% of the initial volume;
(c) Final Strut and Tie model; (d) Initial mesh for the TO analysis

The authors are grateful for the total support by grant #2016/02327-5, São Paulo Research
Foundation (FAPESP) for the funding provided to the present research.

[1] Ali, M. Automatic generation of truss model for the optimal design of reinforced concrete structures.
Dissertation. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, 1997.
[2] Liang, Q.Q., Xie, Y.M., Steven, G.P. Topology optimization of strut-and-tie models in reinforced
concrete structures using an evolutionary procedure. ACI Structural Journal, vol. 97, No. 2, pp. 322-
330, 2000.
[3] Liang, Q.Q., Steven, G.P. A performance-based optimization method for topology design of
continuum structures with mean compliance constraints, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, 191, 13-14, 1471-1489, 2002.
[4] Liang, Q.Q. Performance-based Optimization of Structures: Theory and applications, Spon Press,
London, 2005.
[5] Brugge, M. Generating strut-and-tie patterns for reinforced concrete structures using topology
optimization. Computers and Structures, 87:1483-1495, 2009.
[6] Xie, Y.M., Steven, G.P. A simple evolutionary procedure for structural optimization, Computers &
Structures, Vol. 49, n. 5, p. 885-896, 1993.
[7] Tanskanen, P. The evolutionary structural optimization method: theoretical aspects. Comput
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Glück Nardi, Vanessa1 , T. Franco, Admilson2

1 Federal University of Thechnology - Paraná UTFPR,
2 Federal University of Thechnology - Paraná UTFPR,

Because particles motion and particles collisions play an important role in the performance of many
industrial processes involving suspension flows, several studies regarding the settling mechanisms of
particles have been performed in the last decades. Over the years, analytical solutions, empirical and
numerical correlations for particles terminal velocity and drag force have been developed [1]. In oil and
gas industry, one of the most important functions of a drilling fluid is to carry cuttings out of the drill
region as quickly as possible. Generally, cuttings tend to settle and travel with a lower velocity than
the drilling fluid due its greater density when compared with drilling fluid. For efficient hole cleaning,
much effort has been done to improve the drilling fluid ability to transport cuttings from the bottom to
the surface of the well. It is therefore important to predict accurately the settling and transport of parti-
cles moving through a drilling fluid. Recently, lattice - Boltzmann method (LBM) has been a promising
alternative over the conventional CFD schemes that solves macroscopic variables such as velocity and
pressure fields using the discretized Navier-Stokes equations. Further, the common feature of using the
Cartesian grid motivates the coupling of LBM and immersed boundary method (IBM), which is a non-
body-conformal grid method that adds a force density term in the governing equation in order to satisfy
the no-slip boundary condition on the boundary. The first coupled immersed boundary - lattice Boltz-
mann method (IB-LBM) was propoused by Feng and Michaelides (2004) to simulate the motion of rigid
particles. Their approach is similar to the feedback forcing method of Peskin (1977) but insted of solve
NSe they used Lattice Boltzmann equation. In the same way that it happened after the work published
by Peskin, many studies involving IB-LBM arose just after Feng and Michaelides work. The exploration
of this new branch in the LBM has brought out several new different ways of approaching the particle-
fluid coupling by the immersed boundary method in the LBM framework, in which the forcing term can
be evaluated using feedback-forcing method or direct forcing method and the interface schemes can be
sharp or diffuse and can be evaluated explicity or implicity [4].

In this work, a numerical solution for particle settling in non-Newtonian fluid is propose. The problem
consists of a 2D particle released from the rest in a quiescent non-Newtonian media within a rectan-
gular container of height H and length L, as shown in Figure 1. The particle of diameter d exerts a
downward shear force on the fluid medium due gravitational effects. The 2D particle is a rigid circum-
ference with geometrical dimensions and density (ρ p ) considered to be constant. The problem is treat
two-dimensional in a Cartesian coordinate system (x, y), where x and y are the horizontal and vertical
coordinates, respectively, and gravity g is pointing to the −y direction. The non-Newtonian behaviour is
represented by a power-law fluid type in which the apparent viscosity is given by:

 n > 1 ⇒ Shear − thickening
η(γ̇) = mγ̇n−1 where i f n = 1 ⇒ Newtonian (1)

n < 1 ⇒ Shear − thinning
m is the consistency index and n is the power-law index

560 1



Figure 1: Geometry and boundary conditions for particle settling in power-law fluid.

The problem was solved via direct force IB - LBM with an implicit diffuse interface scheme in which a
2-point discrete delta function was applied. The non-Newtonian effect was incorporated into the program
via adaptive viscosity method. The implementation was done via Fortran language. Resutls for particle
settling velocity and vertical trajectory were compared with those present in literature for particle settling
in Newtonian fluids. As shown in Figure 2 the obtained results are in good agreement with those from
literature [4][5][6]. For particle settling in power law fluid the obtained results were compared with the
literature for different power-law index. Results are again in good agreement with the literature [6] as
shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2: Comparison with literature of temporal evolution of particle settling velocity and particle
position for Newtonian fluid.

Results for particle terminal settling generalized Reynolds number Re pl,T and drag coefficient CD,T were
obtained as a function of generalized Arquimedes number Ar pl . As shown in Figure 4 curves for different
n for Re pl,T × Ar pl tend to pass through a common point. For a given value of Ar pl above this point an
increase on n causes a decrease on Re pl,T . On the other hand, for Ar pl values below the common point,

561 2
Figure 3: Comparison of temporal evolution of particle settling velocity with literature for different
values of n.

increasing n implies a increase of Re pl,R . A similar tendency is observed for CD,T as a function of Ar pl in
Figure 5. There is a common point for all the curves in which values of Ar pl above it imply a reduction
of the CD,T with the increase of n and for Ar pl below it CD,T is increased by increasing n.

Figure 4: Drag coefficient experienced by the particle at its terminal settling velocity as a function of
Ar pl

[1] Chhabra, Raj P. Bubbles, drops, and particles in non-Newtonian fluids. CRC press, 2006.
[2] F. Zhi-Gang, E. Michaelides. The immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method for solving fluid-particles
interaction problems. Journal of Computational Physics, 602-628, 2004.
[3] C. S. Peskin. Numerical analysis of blood flow in the heart. Journal of computational physics, v. 25, n. 3, p.
220-252, 1977.
[4] S. K. Kang. Immersed boundary methods in the lattice Boltzmann equation for flow simulation. Texas A&M
University, 2010.

562 3
Figure 5: Terminal settling Reynolds as a function of Ar pl .

[5] S.M. Dash. Development of a flexible forcing immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method and its applica-
tions in thermal and particulate flows. Doctoral dissertation. 2014.
[6] A.A. Delouei et al. Non-Newtonian particulate flow simulation: A direct-forcing immersed boundary-lattice
Boltzmann approach. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, v. 447, p. 1-20, 2016.

563 4



Victor Bicalho Civinelli de Almeida 1 , Delfim Soares Jr. 2

1 Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, TU Berlin ,

2 Structural Engineering Department, Federal University of Juiz de Fora,

Abstract. The numerical modeling of interacting acoustic fluids and elastodynamic solids by time domain
finite element procedures is discussed here. In this study, the global model is divided into acoustic
and elastodynamic domains and each domain is analyzed independently, as an uncoupled model. The
interaction between the different domains is accomplished by interface forces. Adaptive explicit and
implicit time-marching techniques are considered, in which the time integrators are locally computed,
assuming different values along the spatial and temporal discretizations, as the solution evolves. The
proposed solution algorithm is very efficient, accurate, flexible and easy to implement, standing as a very
attractive approach. At the end of the manuscript, numerical applications are presented, illustrating the
good performance and potentialities of the discussed techniques.
Keywords: Time integration, Explicit/implicit techniques, Acoustics, Elastodynamics, Coupled analysis


Many phenomena in engineering and physics involve multiples domains and much attention has been
recently drawn to their numerical modeling, mainly due to the fact that analytical solutions are seldom
known for practical setups. More specifically, the fields of computational acoustics and elastodynamics
have been thoroughly developed in the past decades, although many issues are still to be better addressed.
Firstly, the numerical methods used to discretise each one of the domains (in both space and time) are nu-
merous, each one with its own advantages and drawbacks. Secondly, appropriate interface treatment for
coupled problems is of critical importance, since each domain requires specific spatial and temporal reso-
lutions, and their physical properties may differ extensively. Lastly, aspects such as consistency, stability
and accuracy should be carefully watched over, if the development of efficient and robust algorithms is
A recent overview of achievements in wave propagations models and coupled domains is given by [1],
describing both time and frequency domain approaches. On the Finite Difference Method (FDM) di-
rection, [2] point out some numerical hurdles which still require more attention, notably when physical
properties discontinuities are present. [3] also tackle some of the issues related to time dependent hy-
perbolic problems, particularly far-field scattering of waves within the Finite Elements Method (FEM)
framework. A broad review encompassing time operators for transient problems is provided by [4], con-
sidering both explicit and implicit time march schemes. In summary, the study of wave propagation in
coupled elastodynamic and acoustic media is a far-reaching research area, with numerous studies being
available recently ([5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]).
The numerical solution of these (generally denominated) Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) problems can
be categorized into two approaches: simultaneous and partitioned. The simultaneous modeling, also

564 1
known as direct ([17, 18, 19]), assembles all domains into one system of equations, and solves them
synchronously, regardless of how different their physical properties might be ([20, 21, 22]). When the
discretization method is the same for both domains, the procedure is also denominated ‘monolithic’
([23]). The simultaneous strategy promises stability and accuracy, specially for media whose mutual
interaction strongly influences the surroundings dynamic response. However, a couple of issues arise,
such as very large and ill-conditioned matrices (including zero entries on the diagonal), especially due
to the different physical properties of the media. Sub-cycling is at principle not possible, since both
domains march together in time.
In contrast to the simultaneous approach just described, partitioned solvers deal with each domain sep-
arately and variables on the boundaries of both fields are exchanged from time to time ([24, 25, 26]). If
convergence is somehow to be assured within each time step, a strong partitioned scheme follows; other-
wise, it is named a weak partitioned scheme ([27]). Thus, the problem shifts from guarantying stability
and accuracy of the global system to making sure that the coupling constraints are properly respected
at the boundaries. Generally a strong partitioned scheme is desired, and if both domains march with
implicit time discretizations (as usual for general-purpose commercial codes), a closed loop (iterative)
procedure is required. This leads to a costly but normally stable numerical solution. Else ways, if at
least one of the domains marches with a explicit scheme, then a sequential or staggered procedure can be
applied, in which the explicit domain is firstly solved, followed by the implicit. This staggered modeling
“uncouples" the domains in time, sparing the need for iterative procedures at the cost of having a limit
on the time step for the explicit marching part. Partitioned approaches are also appealing since many
complex codes and commercial software are precisely developed for specific physics, and thus the “best
of both worlds" can be retrieved with proper interface handling between the independent algorithms.
This contribution presents a novel numerical technique to model acoustic-elastodynamic media, which is
highly efficient and accurate. The spatial discretization for both the acoustic and elastodynamic domains
is performed with the FEM (see for instance [28, 29, 30]). The temporal discretization of the hyperbolic
equations system is based on an adaptive FDM time march recently proposed by [31]; this scheme makes
use of automatically computed integration parameters (here denominated α and γ) to increase accuracy
and guarantee stability. These integration parameters are calculated for each of the finite elements and
at each time step. The parameter α is devised to dissipate non-physical numerical oscillations (linked to
spurious modes) and reduce amplitude decay errors, enhancing accuracy. On the other hand, the param-
eter γ is linked to the stability of the scheme (and also its accuracy), additionally defining whether the
time march is explicit or implicit. Both parameters are computed according to physical and discretization
properties of the problem being solved, and the dissipation of numerical oscillations is carried automat-
ically only where (in specific finite elements) and when (on specific time steps) it is needed for each
specific problem.
The numerical procedure here described presents several advantages, namely: (i) it is not an iterative
scheme, that is, no computational costly internal loop is necessary within each time step to achieve
convergence, once the domains are “uncoupled" in time; (ii) the integration parameters are automatically
computed to best solve each problem, without a potentially inadequate interference of the user; (iii) it
is a self-starting procedure, in the sense that no initial calculation of second derivatives or multi step
initial values is necessary; (iv) explicit-explicit and implicit-explicit approaches are possible, allowing
a staggered coupling procedure to be implemented, in which each medium is solved separately and
boundary conditions at the interface are exchanged within each time step. As it will be seen in the
numerical applications problems, the technique presents notable computational efficiency and accuracy.
This document is presented in the following structure: on section 2. the acoustic and elastodynamic do-
mains are physically described, including the interface coupling equations for the partitioned approach.
Then, on section 3., the numerical methods and their implementation are discussed, including the novel
technique on which this work focuses. Section 4. follows with problems which illustrate the new method-
ology and how it compares with a traditional and well-known time scheme for wave propagation prob-
lems. The last section 5. brings the method to a close and points out some of the advantages of the new

565 2

The physical characterization of the acoustic fluid (subsection 2.1.) and the elastodynamic solid (subsec-
tion 2.2.) are now presented, followed by the equations that constrain the coupling problem (subsection
2.3.). Although the main ingredients and assumptions regarding the domains physical description are
provided, the reader might refer to indicated specific literature for a thorough derivation of the equations.
For both media, x represents the material position vector inside the domain Ω (with boundaries Γ), while
t is the time coordinate.

2.1. Acoustic domain

The acoustic fluid domain here described adheres to the following assumptions: it is a newtonian,
isotropic, monophasic, inviscid and irrotational fluid, in which the amplitude of traveling waves is suf-
ficiently small. Rigorous derivation of the equations can be found, for example, on [32, 33]. The wave
equation modeling the hydrodynamic pressure field p = p(x,t) is given by:
∂p ξ ∂p 1 ∂ p
− − 2 + f = 0, (1)
∂xi ∂xi K ∂t c ∂t 2

where f = f (x,t) stands thep for body source/sink term, ξ(x) the viscous damping coefficient, K(x)
the bulk modulus and c = K/ρ the wave propagation speed, for a fluid with specific mass ρ = ρ(x).
Indicial notation is used within this work (that is, single subscripts represent vectors, double subscripts
tensors and repeated subscripts summations). For boundaries x ∈ Γ = Γ1 ∪ Γ2 (observing Γ1 ∩ Γ2 = 0) /
and t > 0, the Dirichlet and Neumann conditions are respectively:

p(x,t) = p̄(x,t) for x ∈ Γ1 , (2a)

q(x,t) = (x,t)ni (x) = q̄(x,t) for x ∈ Γ2 , (2b)
where ni is the outward normal versor and q the pressure flux on the boundary. Within this work, overbars
represent prescribed values for variables. The initial conditions (t = 0) for the acoustic fluid are given

p(x, 0) = p̄0 (x), (3a)

(x, 0) = p̄˙0 (x), (3b)
where overdots represent time derivatives (that is, ṗ = ∂p/∂t).

2.2. Elastodynamic domain

The solid domain is considered isotropic and obeys to the generalized Hooke’s law. Additionally, suffi-
ciently small strain gradients are allowed. More details regarding these assumptions and development of
equations can be obtained, for example, at [34, 35]. The Navier-Cauchy elastic wave equations are given
∂2 ui 2
2 ∂ uk ξ ∂ui 2
2 ∂ ui
= b i + c d − c s − + c s , (4)
∂t 2 ∂xi ∂xk ρ ∂t ∂xk2
where ui (x,t) represents the material particle displacements and bi (x,t) the body forces. The dilatational
and shear wave speeds are given respectively by cd = (λ + 2µ)/ρ and cs = µ/ρ. On these equations, µ

566 3
and λ are the Lamé parameters, while ρ is the material specific mass. The viscous damping coefficient is
ξ. Equations (4) are derived from the linear momentum conservation principle, and can also be cast as:

∂2 ui ∂ui ∂(σi j )
ρ +ξ − ρbi = , (5a)
∂t 2 ∂t ∂x j

σi j = λ εkk δi j + 2µ εi j , (5b)
1 ∂ui ∂u j
εi j = + , (5c)
2 ∂x j ∂xi

where σi j (x,t) and εi j (x,t) represent the stress and strain tensors, respectively. δi j is the Kronecker
delta. Equation (5b) describes the constitutive relations of the medium, while Eq. (5c) the kinematic
relations between stresses and strains.For boundaries x ∈ Γ = Γ1 ∪ Γ2 (observing Γ1 ∩ Γ2 = 0) / and t > 0,
the Dirichlet and Neumann conditions are respectively:

ui (x,t) = ūi (x,t) if x ∈ Γ1 , (6a)

τi (x,t) = σi j (x,t)n j (x) = τ̄i (x,t) if x ∈ Γ2 , (6b)

where τi (x,t) stands for the boundary tractions and ni the outward normal versor. The initial conditions
(displacements and velocities at t = 0) for the elastodynamic solid are given by:

ui (x, 0) = ūi0 (x), (7a)

(x, 0) = ū˙i0 (x). (7b)

2.3. Coupling constraints

On a partitioned coupling approach, the interaction between the acoustic and elastodynamic domains is
constructed by compatibility relations along the common boundaries. These are represented by kinematic
and dynamic equations ([36, 18]). The kinematic relation requires the displacements (or velocities) to be
the same for both boundaries. The dynamic relations are given by:

∂2 un
ρ = q, (8a)
∂t 2

τn = −p, (8b)

where Eq. (8a) relates the fluid specific mass and solid acceleration to the pressure flux on the fluid, and
Eq. (8b) relates the normal force on the solid with the pressure on the fluid. It can be noted that viscous
stresses are not present on these dynamic coupling equations since the fluid here modeled is inviscid.
Since both domains are described on Lagrangian frames of reference, troublesome mesh adaptation or
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) ([37]) procedures are not required in the coupling process.


The numerical discretization of both acoustic and elastodynamic media is now presented. The equations
given on the previous section will be spatially discretized for both domains by the FEM on subsection
3.1.. The time discretization for both domains is based on the FDM and is put forth on subsection 3.2..
The staggered coupled procedure is then described with respect to the interfaces on subsection 3.3..

567 4
3.1. Spatial discretization

Since both acoustic and elastodynamic domains are spatially discretized with the FEM, a general state
variable X will be used here, that is, for the acoustic fluid X = P (pressure field) and for the elastodynamic
solid X = U (displacements). After spatial discretization, Eq. (1) and (5a) are recast as:

MẌ + CẊ + KX = F, (9)

where M, C and K are the mass, damping and stiffness matrices, and F the load vector.
The acoustic fluid matrices (labeled with the subscript f ) are constructed in the following fashion:
Mf = NTf ρ f N f dΩ, (10a)
e Ωe

Cf = NTf ξ f N f dΩ, (10b)
e Ωe

Kf = ∇NTf K ∇N f dΩ, (10c)
e Ωe

[ Z Z
Fnf = K q̄ NTf dΓ + Kf NTf dΩ , (10d)
e Γe Ωe

where N f is the shape function matrix and ∇ represents the gradient operator. K is the fluid bulk modulus
(as previously described on Eq. (1)). The symbol e indicates that each of these matrices is constructed
on element level, and the assembly into global matrices is symbolized by the token .
As for the elastodynamic solid, the matrices (labeled with the subscript s) are given by:
Ms = NTs ρs Ns dΩ, (11a)
e Ωe

Cs = NTs ξs Ns dΩ, (11b)
e Ωe

Ks = BTs Ds Bs dΩ, (11c)
e Ωe

[ Z Z
Fns = NTs τ̄n dΓ + ρs NTs b dΩ , (11d)
e Γe Ωe

where Ns is the shape function matrix, Bs the deformation matrix (Eq. (5c)) and Ds the constitutive
matrix (Eq. (5b)).

3.2. Time discretization

The recently developed adaptive time march ([31]) implemented on this work stems from the integral
form of Eq. (9), written on element level for the interval ∆t:
Z t+ ∆t Z t+ ∆t Z t+ ∆t Z t+ ∆t
2 2 2 2
Me Ẍe dτ + Ce Ẋe dτ + Ke Xe dτ = Fe dτ, (12)
t− ∆t2 t− ∆t2 t− ∆t2 t− ∆t2

568 5
where the integrals are respectively approximated by:
Z t+ ∆t
n+ 21 2 n+1 n
IẌ = Ẍe dτ ≈ Ẋe − Ẋe , (13a)
e t− ∆t2

Z t+ ∆t
n+ 1 2
IẊ 2 = Ẋe dτ ≈ Xn+1
e − Xne , (13b)
e t− ∆t2

Z t+ ∆t  
n+ 1 2 1 n+1 n
IXe 2 = Xe dτ ≈ ∆t Xne + ∆t 2 γne Ẋe + αne Ẋe , (13c)
t− ∆t2 2
Z t+ ∆t
n+ 12 2 1 
IFe = Fe dτ ≈ ∆t Fn+1
e + Fne , (13d)
t− ∆t2 2

where the superscript n indicates variables written at the nth time step (that is, Xn = X(t n ) for t n = n ∆t).
The integration parameters γne and αne originate from the adaptive method itself and will be described
shortly. Subsequently, the state variable at time step n + 1 is calculated as:
1  n n+1

e = Xn
e + ∆t Ẋe + Ẋe . (14)

Plugging Eq. (13) and (14) on Eq. (12), the recursive form of the adaptive method is obtained:
1 1 n+1
Me + ∆t Ce + γne ∆t 2 Ke Ẋe =
2 2
1 n+1 n
 n 1 n n 1 n 2 n
∆t Fe + Fe + Me Ẋe − ∆t Ce Ẋe − Ke ∆t Xe + αe ∆t Ẋe . (15)
2 2 2

Thus, Eq. (15) is used, followed by Eq. (14) to calculate pressure and displacement fields for each
domain. It can be observed from Eq. (15) that the adaptive method parameter γne multiplies the stiffness
matrix Ke . Thus, if γne = 0, and the mass and damping matrices are written on a lumped form, an explicit
formulation is obtained for the system of equations. If an implicit formulation is desired, the parameter
γne is calculated as a function of the maximal frequency of each finite element (namely ωe,max , which is
the highest eigenfrequency of the element). Thus, the calculation of γne can be summarized as:
(i) explicit analysis: γne = 0, (16a)
1 1
(ii) implicit analysis: γne = tanh ωe,max ∆t . (16b)
2 4
An important remark is that for elements whose physical properties do not change along the solution
(the most common practical situation), γne = γe (no time dependence), so that the integration parameter
can be efficiently calculated only once throughout the code. With the explicit approach (Eq. (16a)),
a conditionally stable scheme follows, with the exact same critical time step as the Central Difference
Method (CDM). Alternatively, with the implicit approach (Eq. (16b)), an unconditionally scheme is
obtained, which is always more accurate then the classical trapezoidal rule, once dissipation is not taken
into account ([31]).
The other integration parameter introduced by the method, αne , is designed to properly deal with numeri-
cal damping. It is also free to vary for different elements and time steps, and its main goal is to dissipate
spurious oscillations only if needed, so to increase accuracy. When α = 1 − γ, no numerical dissipation
takes place, which only occurs for α > 1 − γ. With that in mind, a proper oscillatory criterion has been
developed, aiming at automatically activate dissipation where and when it is necessary. The oscillations
are detected by the following easily calculated parameter φne , which is computed at every time step for
every element as:
φne = ∑ | |X jn − X jn−2 | − |X jn − X jn−1 | − |X jn−1 − X jn−2 | |, (17)

569 6
where the element nodes are j = 1, . . . , J. Subsequently, αne is computed as a function of φne :
αne = 1 − γne if or (φke = 0) , (18a)

s  2  
2 n
αne =2 2 γne + − (1 + γne ) if and (φke 6= 0) . (18b)
ωe,max ∆t k=n−m

Equation (18a) introduces no numerical dissipation, while Eq. (18b) introduces maximal numerical
dissipation at the maximum sampling frequency of the related element. The calculation of the oscillation
parameter φne on Eq. (17) checks whether numerical  oscillation has occurred in the last three time steps.
n n−2
That is, if the field variation within two time steps |X j − X j | is not the same as the two consecutive
variations in the previous time steps |X jn − X jn−1 | + |X jn−1 − X jn−2 | , then an oscillation is said to have
taken place, for which numerical dissipation is applied. Along this work, two consecutive oscillations
(that is, m = 1) are used to trigger the numerical dissipation. Higher or lower values for m could be
employed, but a parametric study was performed and m = 1 has been shown to yield better results.
For a vectorial state variable (with more than one degree of freedom per node), Eq. (17) uses the
magnitude of the vector X for each node j. This is the case for the elastodynamic domain, for which
X j = (ui ui )1/2 (total displacement).
The introduction of the two parameters γne and αne generates an accurate and stable method. It is impor-
tant to remark that their calculation employs only element level matrices, therefore no costly eigenvalue
problem with global matrices has to be solved. Besides, the integration parameters can be computed only
once if no physical property changes with time. Regarding numerical damping, dissipation is fully auto-
matically computed with the aid of an oscillation criterion, which measures whether vibratory behavior
occurred. Additionally, only the field variable and its first derivative (X and Ẋ) are needed, being this a
simple single-step marching procedure.

3.3. Coupled interface discretization

As previously stated, the coupled domains problem is solved here with a partitioned method. That means
that each domain will be separately treated (as an uncoupled system), with proper interface conditions
exchanged at each time step. Thus, the coupling constrains from section 2.3. are now written on a
numerical form fitted to the time march procedure just described.
(i) Acoustic fluid domain: Equation (8a) approximates the forces acting on the fluid due to the solid
domain, which are numerically implemented as:
Fe, f −s = NTf K f q dΓ = −K f ρ f NTf nTf Ns dΓ Üie = −K f ρ f Qie Üie , (19)
Γie Γie

where Q stands for the coupling matrix between the domains and the subscript ie denotes the interface
of elements at the common boundary. The approximation applied for the acceleration Ü at the solid-fluid
interface uses the same recipe for the time march procedure integral (Eq. (13a)). Thus, integrating Eq.
(19) one obtains:
Z t+ ∆t Z t+ ∆t  
2 2 n+1 n
Fe, f −s dτ = −K f ρ f Qie Üie dτ ≈ −K f ρ f Qie U̇ie − U̇ie . (20)
t− ∆t2 t− ∆t2

The fluid domain on this work is solved explicitly, that is, γnf e = 0. By including this boundary force on
Eq. (15), a new recursive relation for the pressure field, also including the coupled interaction, can be

570 7
written on element level:
1 n+1 n+1 n
M f e + ∆t C f e Ṗe = −K f ρ f Qie U̇ie − U̇ie
n 1 n 1 n 2 n
+ ∆t Fn+1 + Fn
fe + M Ṗ
fe e − ∆t C Ṗ
fe e − K fe ∆t Pn
e + α ∆t Ṗe , (21)
2 fe
2 2 fe
where the influence of the solid domain on the fluid is represented by the first term on the right hand
side. After calculating the first derivative of the pressure field in time, Eq. (14) is then used to compute
the pressure field, finishing the solution for the fluid domain for time step n + 1.
(ii) Elastodynamic solid domain: Equation (8b) approximates the forces acting on the solid due to the
fluid domain, which are numerically implemented as:
Fe,s− f = NTs τ dΓ = NTs n f N f dΓ Pie = QTie Pie , (22)
Γe Γe

which, when integrated using the same recipe as in Eq. (13c), yields:
Z t+ ∆t Z t+ ∆t  
T 2
T n 1 n 2 n 1 n 2 n+1
Fe,s− f dτ = Qie Pie dτ ≈ Qie ∆t Pie + α f e ∆t Ṗie + γ f e ∆t Ṗie . (23)
t− ∆t2 t− ∆t2 2 2

As stated before, the fluid domain here is solved explicitly, thus γnf e = 0. Also, no dissipation is applied
at the common boundary for simplicity, that is, αnf e = 1 is considered on Eq. (23). The new recursive
relation for the solid domain is then obtained as:
1 1 n 2 n+1 T n 1 2 n
Mse + ∆t Cse + γse ∆t Kse U̇e = Qie ∆t Pie + ∆t Ṗie
2 2 2
1 n+1 n
 n 1 n n 1 n 2 n
+ ∆t Fse + Fse + Mse U̇e − ∆t Cse U̇e − Kse ∆t Ue + αse ∆t U̇e , (24)
2 2 2
where the influence of the fluid domain on the solid is represented by the first term on the right hand side.
Again, after the velocities are computed, Eq. (14) is used to calculate the displacement field, finishing
the solution for the solid domain for time step n + 1.
As a recap, the multiple domain acoustic-elastodynamic problem is decoupled in time using the stag-
gered procedure described above. The recursive relations for the acoustic and solid domains are given
respectively by Eq. (21) and (24), and the field variable calculation is then obtained with Eq. (14). On
this work, the fluid domain is marched with an explicit scheme, while the solid domain can be calculated
by both explicit or implicit procedures, as described on section 3.2.. However, since the wave speed is
usually much larger on solids in comparison to fluids, the time step would be too small for the solid
domain to ensure stability and accuracy. Therefore, a probably efficient decision would be to march the
solid domain with an implicit scheme (which is not confined to critical time step values), and the fluid
with the explicit scheme.


In order to expose and illustrate the novel method, two numerical applications are considered on this
section. The first one is a fluid-solid column problem (section 4.1.), while the second application is
an array of sonic crystals (section 4.2.). In both problems, the numerical results are compared with a
classic explicit time march, the Central Difference Method (CDM), whose implementation is described,
for instance, by [38]. The numerical solutions are also compared with the analytical, when available.
The error measure applied here is the discrete L2 norm, here defined by:
" #1
2 2
∑Nn=1 (ψn − ψa (t n ))
ErrorL2 ≡ 2
, (25)
∑Nn=1 (ψa (t n ))

571 8
where ψn stands for the numerical solution at time step n and ψa (t n ) the analytical solution for the
correspondent time instant. N is the total number of time steps computed for the run.

4.1. Fluid-solid column

On this section, the fluid-solid column problem is presented. In spite of the simple geometry, this appli-
cation illustrates clearly how numerical instabilities arise and propagate on both fluid and solid domains,
and more importantly, how the time schemes react to non-physical oscillatory behavior. Additionally,
the analytical solution is available, enable the estimation of the numerical error. For more details about
this problem, the reader is referred to [38, 39], for example. The geometry of the fluid-solid column is
schematically shown on Fig. 1.

Figure 1: Geometry for fluid-solid column problem

The column length is L = 1 m. The fluid physical properties are: specific mass ρ f = 1 kg/m3 and bulk
modulus K = 100 Pa. The solid physical properties are: specific mass ρs = 1 kg/m3 , Poisson coefficient
ν = 0 and elasticity modulus E = 100 Pa. For both media the physical damping is null. From these
properties, the longitudinal wave speed for both domains is c f = cs = 10 m/s. The boundary conditions
are null fluxes at the left end of the column, and a Heaviside pulse at the right end ( f (t) on Fig. 1).
Four triangular regular meshes are generated to discretize the domain, with properties shown on Table 1.
The time step was varied for each mesh, so to keep a constant CFL ([40]) number of 0.4, as a common
Table 1: Meshes for fluid-solid column problem

Mesh Nodes Elements ∆x (m) ∆t (s)

1 66 100 0.200 0.0080
2 231 400 0.100 0.0040
3 1326 2500 0.040 0.0016
4 5151 10000 0.020 0.0008

Transient results are produced for the locations denoted by A, B and C (relative to Fig. 1) for mesh 3,
depicting the adaptive new method on the implicit-explicit setup shown on this work, the CDM and the
analytical solution. Figure 2 depicts the solid displacements on locations A and B, while Fig. 3 depicts
the fluid pressures on locations B and C.

572 9
Z o o m Z o o m
0 .0 4 1
0 .0 8 0 .0 8 0 0 .0 4
0 .0 4 0
0 .0 7 0 .0 7 9

0 .0 7 8 0 .0 3 9
0 .0 6 0 .0 3
2 .3 6 2 .3 8 2 .4 0 2 .4 2 2 .4 4 2 .2 2 .4 2 .6
D is p la c e m e n t ( m )

D is p la c e m e n t ( m )
0 .0 5

0 .0 4 0 .0 2
A n a ly tic a l A n a ly tic a l
0 .0 3 N e w m e th o d N e w m e th o d

0 .0 2 0 .0 1

0 .0 1

0 .0 0 0 .0 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
T im e ( s ) T im e ( s )

(a) Point A (b) Point B

Figure 2: Axial displacement history for fluid-solid column problem, mesh 3

1 .0 Z o o m
1 .0 Z o o m
0 .4
0 .8

0 .5 0 .5 0 .4

0 .0 0 .0
0 .0 0 .0 -0 .4

-0 .4 -0 .8
P re s s u re (P a )

P re s s u re (P a )

-0 .5 3 .0 3 .2 3 .4 -0 .5 2 .8 3 .2 3 .6

-1 .0 -1 .0
A n a ly tic a l A n a ly tic a l
N e w m e th o d N e w m e th o d
-1 .5 C D M -1 .5 C D M

-2 .0 -2 .0

-2 .5 -2 .5

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
T im e ( s ) T im e ( s )

(a) Point B (b) Point C

Figure 3: Pressure history for fluid-solid column problem, mesh 3

The gains from the new method are remarkable, as one can observe on Fig. 2 and 3. The solution
by the standard CDM produces spurious oscillations, while the new method takes proper care of these
non-physical perturbations with proper numerical damping. This is confirmed by the calculated errors,
some of which being shown on Fig. 4 for points A and B. The deviation from the analytical solution is
clearly less for the new method in comparison to the standard CDM, for both the explicit-explicit and
particularly the implicit-explicit (that is, acoustic fluid explicit, elastodynamic solid implicit) setups.

∆x ( m ) ∆x ( m )
0 .2 0 .1 0 .0 4 0 .0 2 0 .2 0 .1 0 .0 4 0 .0 2
0 .0 2 5 0 .2 5 0

C D M N e w m e th o d e x p lic it- e x p lic it
N e w m e th o d e x p lic it- e x p lic it N e w m e th o d im p lic it- e x p lic it
0 .0 2 0 0 .2 0 0
N e w m e th o d im p lic it- e x p lic it

0 .0 1 5 0 .1 5 0

E rro r L

E rro r L
0 .0 1 0 0 .1 0 0

0 .0 0 5 0 .0 5 0

0 .0 0 0 0 .0 0 0
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
M e s h M e s h

(a) Solid domain, point A (b) Fluid domain, point B

Figure 4: Computed L2 error for fluid-solid column problem

4.2. Sonic crystals

This section describes the sonic crystal representative problem. It consist of an array of solid tubes
disposed on a specific pattern immersed in a fluid medium. This application is here depicted to illustrate
the new coupling procedure, but more details regarding sonic crystals technology and modeling are given,
for example, by [41, 42]. The geometry and mesh here simulated are shown on Fig. 5. 7991 and 486793
linear triangular finite elements are employed for the solid and fluid meshes, respectively.

(a) Geometric disposition (b) Meshes for fluid (above) and solid (below)

Figure 5: Geometry and mesh for sonic crystal problem

The dimensions related to Fig. 5 are r = 1 m, d = 0.04 m, D = 3.2 m and a = 0.08 m. The fluid (water)
physical properties are: ρ f = 1000 kg/m3 and c f = 1466 m/s. The solid (steel) physical properties are:
E = 200 GPa, ρs = 7845 kg/m3 and ν = 0.30, therefore the longitudinal wave speed is cs = 5858 m/s
(which is roughly 4 times the fluid wave speed). Physical damping is null. As initial condition, a Ricker
pulse given by f (τ) = P (1 − 2τ2 )e−τ and τ = (t − ts )/t0 is implemented at the center point O. ts is the

time when the maximum amplitude P occurs and t0 = (π f )−1 normalizes the pulse with frequency f ,
with the following values here adopted: f1 = 9, 164 Hz, f2 = 18, 328 Hz and f3 = 27, 492 Hz. Pressure
histories are measured on points A (clean) and B (after crystal barrier).
The new methodology with the solid implicit and fluid explicit setup is here applied, together with the
CDM, for comparison. The time step choice is based on the critical stability limits for each method (re-
lated to the maximum eigenfrequency of the finite elements ωe,max ). For the new method, for which the
explicit fluid domain determines the stability limits with its maximum element eigenfrequency ω f e,max ,
the time step is computed as ∆t = 2/ω f e,max = 2.03E−6 s. For the CDM, the time step is similarly com-
puted, based on the expression ∆t = φ (2/ωe,max ) = 1.85E−7 s, where φ = 0.5 is adopted so to increase
even more the time resolution of the scheme. Thus, the critical time step for the CDM is practically 11
times larger than the new method implicit-explicit setup.
Figure 6 depicts the pressure history on point A for the three aforementioned Ricker pulse frequencies.
It can be observed that, for high frequencies, the adopted FEM mesh does not properly resolve the
wave propagation behavior, once too few elements model the correspondent high frequency wave length.
Despite this fact, the new method produces less error, although the time step utilized is still almost 11
times larger than the time step for the standard CDM. Besides, spurious oscillations are much better
handled with the proposed time march. The computed errors with respect to the analytical solution are
shown on Table 2, and display the superiority of the new approach.

2 1 .5
A n a ly tic a l
N e w m e th o d im p lic it- e x p lic it
1 .0
1 .0

P a )

0 .5
-1 1

0 .5
P re s s u re (1 0

0 0 .0
0 .0

-0 .5
-0 .5

-1 .0 -1 .0
0 .0 0 0 6 0 .0 0 0 8 0 .0 0 1 0 0 .0 0 0 6 0 .0 0 0 8 0 .0 0 1 0 0 .0 0 0 6 0 .0 0 0 8 0 .0 0 1 0
T im e ( s ) T im e ( s ) T im e ( s )

(a) f1 = 9, 164 Hz (b) f2 = 18, 328 Hz (c) f3 = 27, 492 Hz

Figure 6: Time pressure history on point A, for a Ricker pulse impulse with different frequencies

Table 2: L2 errors for point A pressure history in sonic crystal problem

Pulse frequency (Hz) Standard CDM New method

f1 = 9, 164 1.066 0.240
f2 = 18, 328 1.629 0.323
f3 = 27, 492 1.570 0.832

The pressure distribution on the fluid domain is shown on Fig. 7 for both the CDM and the new method,
along with the activated dissipative elements and the dissipation parameter (for this problem ranging
between 2.3 < αe < 2.4, when activated). The Ricker pulse frequency in this case is f3 . Clear spurious
oscillations can be seen on the CDM solution, which are properly dissipated with the new method. Figure
8 depicts the solid von Mises stresses, right after the wave hits the tubes. In this case, the numerical
difference between the two time marches is not so large. No oscillation behavior was detected by the
new method for the solid domain on this problem, so no αe values are shown.

Figure 7: Pressure and parameter αe for fluid domain with Ricker pulse excitation.
Solutions with the CDM (top), new method (middle) and activated dissipation elements (bottom).
Time instants in s, from left to right: 7.1E−5; 2.8E−4; 6.2E−4; 1.0E−3

Figure 8: Von Mises stress for Ricker pulse f3 excitation at time t = 4, 3E−4 s.
Solution with CDM (left) and new method (right)

For completeness of the sonic crystal problem, the time pressure history at point B is shown on Fig. 9,
for Ricker pulse f1 excitation. The amplitude at point A is almost 50% larger than at point B, once the
structure attenuates the wave propagation. More tubes should reduce even more the amplitude. Since
this problem has been used here just to illustrate the potentialities of the new methodology, no further
parametric studies have been conducted.

2 P o in t A :
N e w m e th o d

P o in t B :
N e w m e th o d
P a )
-1 1
P re s s u re (1 0


0 .0 0 0 6 0 .0 0 0 8 0 .0 0 1 0
T im e ( s )

Figure 9: Time pressure history on point B, for a Ricker pulse f1 excitation

Finally, not only the new adaptive method is much more accurate, but it also shows an enormous com-
putational efficiency in comparison with the standard CDM time march. For this sonic crystals problem,
the CDM took more than 6 times CPU effort than the new time scheme. A further remark is that on the
sonic crystal problem here simulated, the wave propagates only once along the domain (until it hits the
outer boundary). For problems with a larger number of time steps, the computational time difference
would be even more substantial.


A novel time domain partitioned coupling procedure has been presented on this work, for acoustic-
elastodynamic interacting domains. It is based on an adaptive time march recently proposed by one of
the authors, which has been specially designed to enhance accuracy and to deal with spurious oscillations
issues on the Finite Element Method framework. The proposed time march method has been compared
with a standard scheme, and has proven to be much more accurate and computationally efficient.
Two numerical applications have been analyzed. The first problem (fluid-solid column, section 4.1.),
despite its uncomplicated setup, addresses the challenges which time schemes have te deal with, with
respect to spurious modes damping without damaging the important low modes numerical solution. The
proposed adaptive methodology has properly dissipated non-physical oscillations and achieved very re-
duced error values relative to the known analytical solution. The traditional Central Differences Method,
however, behaved poorly in the same situation.
On the second problem (sonic crystals, section 4.2.), a more involving geometry has been studied, with
realistic material properties and more computational requirement. The proposed new method with solid
implicit and fluid explicit setup has once again overtaken the standard time march, with much more
accurate results within 1/6 of the computational time.

The novel coupling technique can be summarized on the following work flow: for the fluid and solid
domains, respectively, the recursive forms on Eq. (21) and (24) are firstly used, together with Eq. (14).
The adaptive methodology with the automatically calculated parameters is compiled on Eq. (16)-(18).
No iterative procedure is required, once the domains are “uncoupled" in time. Also, no calculation of
initial second derivatives is required. The simple numerical implementation of the proposed technique
makes it vary appealing for general applications and commercial codes, once the approach is very general
and no user input is required.


The financial support from CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico),
FAPEMIG (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais) and CAPES (Coordenação de
Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) is gratefully acknowledged.


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V. Ruas1
∂ 'Alembert, Sorbonne Université, CNRS, UMR7190, 75005, Paris, France & CNPq research grant
holder, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PUC-Rio, Brazil,

Abstract. The isoparametric version of the finite element method for meshes consisting of curved triangles or
tetrahedra is widely employed to solve second order partial differential equations posed in curved domains. It
allows recovering optimal approximation properties that hold for elements of order greater than one in the
energy norm for polytopic domains. However so far it has mostly been applied to Lagrange interpolations. Even
in this case it requires the manipulation of rational functions and the systematic use of numerical integration.
Moreover natural isoparametric versions of other types of finite elements are still incipient, if not unavailable.
We consider a simple alternative to deal with Dirichlet boundary conditions that bypasses these drawbacks,
without eroding qualitative approximation properties. Applications involving prescribed values of an unknown
field but also normal-component or normal-derivative degrees of freedom, illustrate the wide scope and the
potential of the new technique.

Keywords: Curved domain ; Finite element ; Higher order ; Polynomial shape-functions ; Straight-edged ;
Tetrahedron ; Triangle

1. Work's Overview

Among a few known techniques the isoparametric version of the finite element method (cf. [1]) for
meshes consisting of curved triangles or tetrahedra is the one most widely employed to solve partial
differential equations with essential conditions prescribed on curved boundaries. It allows recovering
optimal approximation properties that hold for elements of order greater than one in the energy norm
for polytopic domains. However, besides a greater geometric complexity, this method requires the
manipulation of rational functions and the use of numerical integration. We consider a simple
alternative to deal with essential - that is, Dirichlet conditions -, that bypasses these drawbacks,
without eroding qualitative approximation properties. Moreover, in contrast to other methods such as
the isoparametric version of the finite element method, our technique is universal, for it applies to
different types of degrees of freedom, such as normal components of vector or tensor fields. Actually
the idea behind it was first disclosed during the talk given by the author on a Hermite method with
normal-derivative degrees of freedom at ICNAAM - the International Conference of Numerical
Analysis and Applied Mathematics -, which was held in Rhodes, Greece, in September 2016. Later on
this work was published in the form of article [2]. In the present work we first recall the main
principle the new technique is based upon, by taking as a model the solution of the Poisson equation
with quadratic Lagrange finite elements. A detailed description thereof in both the two- and the three-
dimensional case can be found in the open access article [3] and references therein. Then we show
that the new method extends very naturally to both classical elasticity systems and viscous
incompressible flow equations. This forms a basis for technique's application to the finite-element
modeling of both fluid flow and solid-body deformation. In the particular case of the Stokes system,

for instance, we show that the new method can be combined with any velocity-pressure pairing of
global order greater than one. As an illustration we consider the classical Taylor-Hood (cf. [4]) and the
Crouzeix-Raviart method, for which examples are given in two-dimension space. Some simulations of
deformations of solid bodies of curved shape using our technique in connection with quadratic
Lagrange finite elements are also supplied (see also [5]).

2. Method's Short Description

First of all it is important to recall that the technique under consideration is aimed at interpolating
Dirichlet conditions prescribed on curvilinear boundaries of two- or three-dimensional computational
domains. It can provide a significant cost reduction of finite-element simulations in pure CFD or in
Structural Calculus, as long as the method in use is of order greater than one. In this respect we can
take as an example the popular Taylor-Hood method to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes
equations in a region delimited by two deformable excentric cylinders, both rotating with given
angular velocities. The precision of this second order method to simulate the flow of an
incompressible viscous fluid in such a domain will be considerably eroded, in case it is simply
aproximated by the polygon formed by the union of the straight-edged triangles, when a standard
mesh is used. A classical solution to overcome such an accuracy loss is to employ the isoparametricc
version of the finite element method to represent the velocity of the fluid, which requires the use of
elements with parabolic edges to approximate boundary portions. However, besides obvious
geometric complications, this technique transforms the original local polynomial shape-functions into
rational functions. Handling such functions can become a delicate issue. This is because the use of
numerical integration is inevitable to compute the matrices inherent to the simulation, and the right
choice of a quadrature rule is not always so clear. For all those reasons our method provides an
efficient alternative. Indeed it avoids the use of curved elements and handles only polynomial shape-
and test-functions, thereby allowing for exact integration without any qualitative loss, as compared to
the isoparametric technique.
Our method's guiding principle can be well understood in the framework of the finite-element
solution of the following model-problem. Let us consider the Laplace equation Δu = 0 in a smooth
curved plane domain Ω, with Dirichlet conditions u=g on its boundary Γ, where g is assumed to be
sufficiently smooth as well. Suppose that classical Lagrange finite elements are used to solve this
problem, based on a straight-edged triangular mesh, in association with continuous functions which
are a polynomial of degree less than or equal to k in each triangle.
Suppose again that Ω is approximated by the polygon Ωh with boundary Γh, formed by the union of the
triangles of a mesh with maximum edge-length equal to h. If the values of g at the nodes on Γh
different from vertexes are taken from points on Γ close to them, it is well-known that, whatever k >
1, the error of the approximation of u in the energy norm will be an O(h1.5) (see e.g. [6]), instead of the
O(hk) one could hope for with this kind of interpolation. With the new technique it suffices to
substitute the Lagrangian nodes in the interior of the edges contained in Γh, by nodes on Γ located
nearby. The choice of the latter nodes is very wide, since anyway integration remains restricted to the
triangles that form the polygon Ωh. We further observe that the test-functions are not defined in this
manner, but rather in the usual way for Lagrange finite elements. This is one of the main advantages
of our method. In short this procedure allows generating approximations of optimal order k in the
energy norm. A rigourous analysis of this property in both 2D and 3D can be found in two arXiv
papers cited in [3].
A possible construction of the nodes located on Γ pertaining to the new method, generically denoted
by P, is illustrated in Figure 1 for k=3.

Fig. 1 Lagrangian nodes M Є Γh for k=3 and corresponding nodes P Є Γ for typical boundary triangles

From the numerous experiments carried out so far with the new method to take into account Dirichlet
boundary conditions prescribed on smooth curved boundaries, it is possible to assert that it is a
simple, reliable and accurate tool to allow for higher order finite-element modeling. Moreover, as
shown in this work, it is a universal technique, for it applies to different types of interpolations and
degrees of freedom, and not only to those based only on function values, such as Lagrange finite
To summarize we highlight the main features of the new method :

 Only polynomial local test- and shape-functions are employed;

 The method works for Dirichlet conditions in both two- and three-dimensional domains;

 Curved domains are approximated by the union of straight-edged triangles or tetrahedra;

 The method is universal as far as degrees of freedom and interpolation types are concerned;

 Akin to classical techniques optimal arbitrary order is attained;

 No numerical integration is necessary to compute element matrices;

 Implementation is simple and straightforward;

 The method is well-suited to adaptivity and the p-version of the finite element method;

 Multigrid or h- finite element versions are not harder to deal with than for other techniques.

The author gratefully acknowledges the financial support provided by CNPq, the National Research
Council of Brazil, through grant number 307996/2008-5.


[1] O.C. Zienkiewicz and R.L. Taylor, The Finite Element Method. McGraw Hill, Vol. I., 1989, Vol.
II., 1991.

[2] V. Ruas and M.A. Silva Ramos, A Hermite finite element method for Maxwell's equations.
Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, 12-2, 271–283, (2018)

[3] V. Ruas, Variational formulations yielding high-order finite-element solutions in smooth domains
without curved elements. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 5-11, (2018) (DOI:

[4] V. Ruas, Accuracy enhancement for non-isoparametric finite-element simulations in curved

domains; application to fluid flow. Computer and Mathematics with Applications, to appear.

[5] V. Ruas, Optimal Calculation of Solid-Body Deformations with Prescribed Degrees of Freedom
over Smooth Boundaries. In: Advanced Structured Materials, H. Altenbach et al. eds., Magdeburg,
Springer International Publishing, Vol.1, 695–704, (2018).

[6] P.G. Ciarlet, The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems, North-Holland, 1978.




Wilber Vélez1, Thiago Araujo2, Tiago Oliveira3, Artur Portela4

University of Brasília,
University of Brasília,
University of Brasília,
University of Brasília,

Abstract. The Meshless Method with reduced integration (IMFM) is derived through the work theorem
of structures theory. In the formulation of the IMFM, the kinematically – admissible strain field is an
arbitrary rigid – body displacement; as a consequence, the domain term is canceled out and the work
theorem is reduced to regular local boundary terms only. The Moving Least Squares (MLS)
approximation of the elastic field is used to construct the trial function in this local meshless formulation.
IMFM has a highly performance in problems with irregular nodal arrangement leading to accurate
numerical results. This paper presents the size effect of the high irregularity of the nodal arrangement
(Cn) on three different nodal discretization to solve the Timoshenko cantilever beam and the infinite
plate with circular hole using different parameters of the local support domain (αs) and the local
quadrature domain (αq). Results obtained are optimal for 2D problems plane stress when compared with
the exact solution.

Keywords: Work theorem, Reduced integration, Local Meshless Method, High irregularity of the nodal

1. Introduction
This paper presents the formulation of a local meshless method, implemented with reduced integration
and irregular nodal arrangement, for the solution of two-dimensional problems in linear elasticity (see
Figure 1 and 2). The formulation is derived in a weighted residual framework, leading to a weak form
that is the work theorem of the theory of structures. In the set of kinematecally admissible strain fields,
thus leading to integral form of equilibrium, defined in the local domain of each node. In the absence of
body forces, this local form of equilibrium becomes a simply a local boundary integral that is computed
by a reduced numerical integration process, with a single integration point, on each side of the local
integration. In a nodal discretization, the size of the compact support domain determined the accuracy
and the size of the local integration domain an efficiency of the method. An important feature of this
local meshless method is the stability for high irregular nodal arrangement. Other numerical methods
that use standard numerical quadrature presents this feature with a lower coefficient of irregularity.

2. Main Objetives
The main objetive is using the local meshless method with reduced integration for solving two-
dimensional problens with hihg irregular nodal arrangement determined . The novel scientific concept
to be explored the accuracy and effeciency of these method using a special metodology for generated
the irregular nodal arragement.

Fig. 1 Cantilever beam

Fig. 2 Hole in an infinite plate

3. Concluding remarks on current and future research

The effect of the nodal irregularity is very little on energy and displacement relative errors for different
configuration and discretization. This fact reveals that the meshless methods with reduce integration are
stable for high irregular nodal arrangements. This new methodology for generated irregular nodal
arrangement may be interesting for optimization studies because it allows to locate the points in the
places where the greatest tensions occur, decreasing the number of nodes used for the solution of the

The program PECC – Pós-Graduação em Estruturas e Construção Civil, Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Brasília and CNPq – Brazilian
National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development for his PhD scholarship.

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Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Laboratoire Roberval,
Chair for Computational Mechanics, UT Compiègne,


In this work we propose two-dimensional anisotropic continuum-discrete damage model for crack
propagation in dynamics. The proposed model is based on embedded strong discontinuities method,
namely, in which propagation of cracks activates enhancements in the displacement field leading to
embedded strong discontinuities for discrete crack description. In addition, taking into account
localization phenomena by using the embedded strong discontinuities approach guarantees mesh
independence for post-peak softening regime in this model. We show that implementation in dynamics
framework can be obtained by adding inertial effects without modifying the existing quasi-statics
models [2]. In order to provide reliable results, classical implicit Newmark algorithm can be used for
time integration. The model are subjected to dynamic crack propagation benchmarks, where detailed
analysis on strain, kinetic and dissipated energy during simulation is verified by comparison to the
amount of total work which is introduced into the system. The main strength of the proposed approach
is that cracks initiation, propagation, their coalescence, merging and branching are automatically
obtained without any tracking algorithms. Moreover, since the discontinuities remain localized inside
elements, accurate complex crack patterns and failure mechanisms can be obtained with fairly coarse
grids leading to high computational efficiency.
Keywords: dynamic crack propagation, embedded strong discontinuities, localized failure, dissipated
energy, kinetic energy, strain energy.

Numerical simulations

This section presents one of the results obtained from several numerical tests designed to evaluate
and illustrate the performance of the proposed anisotropic damage model. In this example, the plane
strain hypothesis is imposed, the time-dependency of the application of loads is linear increase in time
and there is no artificial damping in the simulations. GMSH software [2] is used to generate meshes
with constant strain triangle (CST) elements. In the finite element framework, all computations are
implemented by a research version of the computer program FEAP, developed by Taylor [3].
Pre-notched plate subjected to impulsive load - Kalthoff’s test
In this test, we study the two notched maraging steel specimen which is subjected to the edge
impact of a projectile applied in the direction of the notches. Geometry and boundary conditions of the
specimen are described in Figure 1. The projectile impact is represented in the model by imposed
velocity, which is initially applied and held constant, v0=16.5 m/s. Herein, thanks to the symmetry we
consider only half of the mesh in order to reduce the computational cost. The initial notch is modeled
directly by leaving the space in the mesh. The set of material properties is given in Table 1. Three
different meshes, which are exploited in the computational procedure, are composed of 1383, 4421
and 11649 triangular elements for coarse, medium and fine mesh.

From the contour plot in Figure 2, it can be observed that for all mesh densities, the main crack
propagates from the top of the notch at an angle of about 70°, the same as observed in available
experimental results for such a test, reported in Kalthoff [4] (with variation of this test with one notch
in Zhou et al [5]). The simulation is run for 100 and the crack propagated to similar position in all
three cases. It is worth noting that this crack is governed dominantly by tensile failure and failure
function for mode I activated the embedded discontinuity and strain softening behavior inside failing
elements. Since no tracking algorithm has been used to enforce only one crack, secondary crack
propagated in the lower right corner of the specimen. The cracks are propagated by the stress
concentration at the crack tip, while stress distribution governed the failure direction. Continuity of the
crack was preserved without enforcing it with tracking algorithm.
Figure 3 reveals energy balance for the failure. Firstly, the dissipated energy and elastic strain
energy versus time are respectively plotted in Figure 3.a and Figure 3.b. Since embedded discontinuity
and corresponding element enrichment procedure provide the possibility of failure mechanism inside
elements with mesh independent softening response, dissipated energy also remains mesh
independent. We can observe from Figure 3.a that the total dissipation in all three meshes remains
very close, since cracks propagated until the same position in the mesh and localized failure occurred
in the interiors of elements. The minor perturbation in dissipated energy is produced by the secondary
crack in coarse mesh, which propagated in slightly different manner in the later stage of simulation.
The elastic strain energy computed from elastic strain follows the similar pattern in Figure 3.b, except
that coarse mesh reaches slightly higher peak value. Figure 3.c shows kinetic energy evolution in time
for all meshes, which is computed as = , with v being velocity vector and M mass
matrix. The total energy balance is plotted in Figure 3.d, where the sum of dissipated, strain and
kinetic energy in every time step equals the total input work introduced into the system by external
loads. The total input work on the boundary can be computed as =∑ ∙ ∆ Г , with Г
denoting the boundary.

Figure 1: Geometry and boundary conditions of the notched specimen for Kalthoff’s test.

Continuous model
Young's modulus 190 GPa
Poisson’s coefficient 0.3
Density mass 8000 kg/m3
2.2 GPa

Discrete model
1.07 GPa
/ 0.2
̿ 17 GPa/mm

Table 1: Material properties for Kalthoff’s test.



Figure 2: Crack opening [mm] at the end of simulation for: a) coarse, b) medium and c) fine mesh.

Figure 3: Energy evolution for applied impact velocity v0=16.5 m/s.


The proposed methodology is computationally very efficient with various failure and crack related
complexities being resolved. It can equally be used for computation of homogeneous solids and
heterogeneous materials.
The true benefits of the approach could be used for failure applications in 3D environment where
complex cracks become surfaces. Their interaction will automatically be resolved like shown in the
present 2D case, while at the same time relatively coarse grids could provide correct failure
phenomena all resulting with high computational efficiency. This is the topic of our subsequent

Xuan Nam Do and Adnan Ibrahimbegovic would like to thank the Hauts-de-France Region (CR
Picardie) (120- 2015-RDISTRUCT-000010 and RDISTRUCT-000010) and the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF) 2014/ 2020 for Chaire-de-Mecanique (120-2015-RDISTRUCTF-000010
and RDISTRUCTI-000004) for the funding of this work. This support is gratefully acknowledged.


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Shang-Gui Cai 1 , Abdellatif Ouahsine 2 , Yannick Hoarau 3
1 UT Compiegne-Sorbonne Univ., Lab. Roberval,60203 Compiègne Cedex, France,
2 UT Compiegne-Sorbonne Univ., Lab. Roberval,60203 Compiègne Cedex, France,
3 Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, ICube UMR 7357 Strasbourg, 67000, France,

Abstract. A strongly coupled algorithm is presented for the incompressible fluid-rigid body interac-
tion using the moving immersed boundary method. The pressure and the boundary forces are treated as
Lagrange multipliers to enforce the incompressibility and no-slip wall constraints. To improve the com-
putational efficiency, we only iterate the moving force equation with the rigid body motion equations and
the time-consuming pressure Poisson equation is solved once the sub-iteration is finished.

keywords: Fluid-structure interaction, Immersed boundary method, Projection method, Strongly cou-
pled algorithm.

1. Introduction
The first immersed boundary method (IBM) proposed by [13] employed a boundary force for the pres-
ence of solid boundaries in the flow and solved the fluid equations on a Cartesian grid irrespective to the
movement of solids. IBM greatly simplifies the grid generations and the computations involving complex
and moving geometries. It however comes at a price on the imposition of boundary conditions, since the
solid boundaries are not well defined by the grid. Interpolation methods are often used to overcome this
problem, either by locally reconstructing the velocity or by distributing a forcing function with smoothed
For the latter choice, it is crucial to compute the boundary force accurately to ensure a physical
boundary condition at the interface. [2] proposed the moving immersed boundary method (MIBM) to
decouple the pressure and the boundary force into two independent systems. The pressure Poisson coef-
ficient matrix is kept unchanged and hence preconditioners only need to be constructed in the initial step.
The boundary force is computed from a moving force equation. The size of the corresponding matrix
is considerably reduced as it is only proportional to the number of Lagrangian markers defining the im-
mersed boundary. In this work, we will extend the MIBM for the fluid-structure interaction applications
by incorporating the rigid body dynamics.
Generally, two approaches can be used for the fluid-structure interaction time coupling: the monolithic
(direct) approach and the partitioned (segregated) approach. For the monolithic method, all the unknowns
from the fluid and solid equations are formulated into a single large system along with interface condi-
tions. While the partitioned method formulates the two subproblems into different systems and solve
them separately. In the present work, we will design a partitioned but strongly coupled scheme with the
moving immersed boundary method (MIBM).

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splitting,Springer Verlag, 2016, Ch. 3, pp. 49-66.
[4] S.-G. Cai, A. Ouahsine, J. Favier, Y. Hoarau, Implicit immersed boundary method for fluid-structure interac-
tion, La Houille Blanche 1 (2017) 33-36.
[5] P.Causin, J. Gerbeau, F. Nobile, 2005. Added-mass effect in the design of partitioned algorithms for fluid-
structure problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 194, 4506-4527.
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Yassine Saadlaoui1, Eric Feulvarch2, Alexandre Delache3, Jean-Baptiste Leblond4, Jean-Michel

Univ. Lyon, ENISE, UJM, LTDS UMR 5513 CNRS 58 rue Jean Parot, 42023 Saint-Etienne cedex 2,
Univ. Lyon, ENISE, LTDS UMR 5513 CNRS 58 rue Jean Parot, 42023 Saint-Etienne cedex 2, France,,
LMFA UMR 5509 CNRS - site de Saint-Étienne, Université de Lyon, Université Jean Monnet de
Saint-Étienne, France,
Univ Sorbonne, Institut Jean-Le-Rond-d’Alembert, CNRS, UMR 7190, 4, place Jussieu, 75252 Paris
cedex 05, France,

The aim of this paper is to propose a new approach for welding simulation taking account of surface
tension effects (including both the “curvature effect” and the “Marangoni effect”), buoyancy forces and
free surface motion. The effects of the fluid flow on temperature distributions are discussed in a hybrid
laser/arc welding example.

1. Introduction
The large use of welding processes and the need to improve them to achieve a better control of the
welding quality led to the development of several numerical simulation methods, which may provide
valuable assistance to study the effects of welding on the final structure.
Depending on the objectives targeted by the simulation, different approaches have been developed.
These approaches can be classified into two groups, comprising respectively thermal mechanical
simulations to predict the metallurgical and mechanical consequences induced by welding, and
simulations of the processes itself including the fluid flow in the weld pool. Industrial companies took
a large part in the development of thermal-mechanical simulations since the objectives of these
simulations are to estimate the residual stresses and distortions [1], thus providing very useful
information for fatigue lifetime predictions or welding sequence optimization. The thermal part of this
kind of simulation is generally simplified in order to reduce the calculation time since it is used to
simulate large structures. However, this type of simulation is not totally predictive as far as temperature
distributions are concerned. Their prediction indeed requires carefully simulating the fluid flow which
plays an important role, particularly on the morphology of the weld pool.
Several authors have therefore developed numerical approaches [2] the aim of which is to simulate the
physical phenomena involved by the process itself. Among these phenomena, the fluid flow in the
molten pool, particularly related to the surface tension has a direct effect on the field temperature and
weld pool morphology [2]. This is why several studies were carried out to model the surface tension in
the molten pool [3].

The classical implementation methods of the surface tension in finite-element codes consider the two
effects of the surface tension (normal and tangential effects) in a natural way. In this type of approach,
the normal effect is very difficult to incorporate since it requires a direct calculation of a force which
depends on the free surface motion [4].
The aim of this paper is to propose a new approach for the simulation of the weld pool taking account
of the surface tension effects (including both the “curvature effect” and the “Marangoni effect”),
buoyancy forces and free surface motion. This simulation will be used in further studies to simulate the
interaction between the fluid flow and the solid deformation. For this purpose, the approach developed
by Leblond et al. [4] to model the surface tension is used. It has been applied up to now to simulate
simple academic benchmarks. In this work, a first application to an industrial problem is proposed
(welding process). This modeling of surface tension consists of incorporating the normal and tangential
effects in a very simple and efficient way compared to classical methods. In addition, a pragmatic ALE
approach is developed to simulate the free surface motion. The choice of this approach is based on two
criteria: the simplicity of its implementation, and the possibility to take into account the solid
deformation in a simple way.

2. Thermal-fluid simulation of welding process

2.1. FE model
In this section, a 3D thermal-fluid simulation of hybrid laser/arc welding is presented using the
SYSWELD® code [5]. It takes into account the fluid flow through the surface tension and the buoyancy.
Both equivalent double ellipsoidal and Gaussian surface heat sources are applied in the Y direction to a
metal block 30 𝑚𝑚 in length, 10 𝑚𝑚 in width and 20 𝑚𝑚 in height. The model has a symmetry about
the 𝑌𝑍 plane (Fig.1). Only half of the structure is modeled and a single pass hybrid weld is considered
with a welding speed equal to v𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 6 𝑚𝑚𝑠 −1 .

To study the effect of the fluid flow on the temperature field and the weld pool morphology, two
simulations are carried out. The first simulation is a thermal-fluid computation (with fluid flow). Here,
the heating time is 1.4 𝑠, including 1 𝑠 for the creation of the molten pool (thermal computation with
static heat sources and without fluid flow) and 0.4 𝑠 for the thermal-fluid simulation (with fluid flow)
with the motion of heat sources. The time step is equal to 0.1 𝑠 for the creation of the molten pool and
2.5 10−4 𝑠 after the activation of the fluid flow. A temperature dependent surface tension 𝛾 = 𝛾𝐿 +
𝛼(𝑇 − 𝑇𝐿 ) with 𝛾𝐿 = 0.15 𝑁. 𝑚−1, 𝑇𝐿 = 1,500°𝐶 and 𝛼 = 10−4 𝑁. 𝑚−1 𝑘 −1 is considered to include
both the normal and Marangoni effects. The second simulation is a purely thermal simulation (without
fluid flow) during 1.4 𝑠. In both simulations, heat exchanges due to convection and radiation on the
boundary with the external medium are taken into account.

Fig.1. Finite-element model: Mesh.

2.2. Results and discussion
The thermal-fluid simulation gives the distribution of the thermal field and fluid flow during the welding
process. In this simulation, the solid is schematized as a fluid with a high dynamic viscosity µ =
106 𝑘𝑔𝑚−1 𝑠 −1. The fluid is supposed to be Newtonian with a dynamic viscosity µ =
2.5 10−3 𝑘𝑔𝑚−1 𝑠 −1 . The fluid flow is taken into account through the surface tension (normal and
tangential effects) and the buoyancy. The fluid flow is activated at 𝑡 = 1 𝑠, the time necessary to form
a sufficient quantity of fluid in the weld pool.
In this section, some illustrations of the results of the purely thermal and thermal-fluid simulations are
given (Figures 2 and 3). Figure 2 illustrates the field temperature for purely thermal and thermal-fluid
computations at 𝑡 = 1.12 𝑠. Figure 3 shows respectively the temperature field and the velocity field of
the fluid flow at 𝑡 = 1.12 𝑠.

Fig.2. Temperature field at t=1.12 s (YZ plane): (a) purely thermal computation, (b) thermal-fluid

The effect of the fluid flow on the temperature field is very significant (Fig.2). With regard to the
thermal-fluid results, we note a significant temperature drop. This is explained by the positive derivative
of the surface tension with respect to temperature which generates a penetrating weld pool, bringing the
cold material from the edge towards the center of the weld pool.
During the thermal-fluid simulation, an average velocity approximately equal to 0.3 𝑚𝑠 −1 is found.
This value is consistent with literature values, whereas a maximal value of velocity equal to 0.6 𝑚𝑠 −1
is noted when the heat sources begin to move. This increase of velocity is linked to the high temperature
gradient. Indeed, the gradient of the surface tension is proportional to the temperature gradient: therefore
when the temperature gradient increases, the velocity increases. The two effects of the surface tension
with a positive 𝜕𝑇 are clearly visible in Figure 3. This figure shows that the fluid flow moves from the
edge of the molten zone to its center. Thus, a penetrating vortex is produced.
Table 1 shows the weld pool morphology at 𝑡 = 1.4 𝑠 of the “purely” thermal and thermal-fluid
computations. Maximal gaps equal to 15% for the length, 9.6% for the height and 1.6% for the width
of the weld pool are found. A positive 𝜕𝑇 gives a deeper and narrower weld pool. This effect of the fluid
flow on the temperature field and the weld pool morphology can influence the microstructure and the
mechanical computations.


Fig.3. Temperature field, and velocity vector of the fluid flow at t=1.12 s (YZ plane).

Table 1: Weld pool morphology at t=1.4 s.

[mm] Thermal-fluid Purely thermal Gap
simulation simulation
Length 13.7 16.14 15%
Width 4.78 4.86 1.6%
Height 3 2.71 9.6%

3. Conclusion
In order to study the interaction between the fluid flow and the solid deformation during the numerical
simulation of welding processes, a new transient formulation for the numerical modeling of a weld pool
was developed. It consists of taking into account the fluid flow in the weld pool through the surface
tension and the buoyancy. In this context, a new method was used to simulate the surface tension. It
incorporates both the normal force exerted onto the free surface (“curvature effect”) and the tangential
effect (“Marangoni effect”) in a very simple and efficient way compared with classical methods.
A 3D thermal-fluid simulation of a hybrid laser/arc was carried out. It gives good results in terms of the
velocity of the fluid flow and the evolution of the free surface compared to the literature results.
To understand the effect of the fluid flow during the simulation of hybrid welding, a comparison of
results between thermal and thermal-fluid simulations was performed. It shows the significant influence
of the fluid flow on the temperature field and the morphology of the weld pool. The effect of the fluid
flow on the temperature field and the weld pool morphology can influence the microstructure and the
mechanical fields of the solid part and, on the counterpart, the deformations of the solid part can modify
the fluid flow in the molten pool. A work is in progress to couple in an ALE formulation, fluid flow in
the molten pool with the deformations of the solid part.

1. J.-M. Bergheau and J.-B. Leblond. Coupling between heat flow, metallurgy and stress-strain
computations in steels - The approach developed in the computer code SYSWELD for Welding or
Quenching, Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes V, Edited by M.
Rappaz, M.R. Ozgu and K.W. Mahin, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, pp. 203-210, 1991.
2. Y. Saadlaoui, H. Sallem, E. Feulvarch, T. Sayet, J-B. Leblond, J-M. Bergheau. Influence des
écoulements de la matière sur l’évolution des contraintes résiduelles Durant le proceed de soudage,
13ème colloque national en calcul des structures CSMA, 2017.
3. P. Bach, O. Hassager. An algorithm for the use of the Lagrangian specification in Newtonian fluid
mechanics with applications to free surface fluid flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 152, pp. 173–
190, 1985.
4. J-B. Leblond, H. Amin El Sayed, J-M. Bergheau. On the incorporation of surface tension in finite-
element calculations, Comptes Rendus Mecanique 341, pp. 770-775, 2013.
5. ESI Group, User manual, 2015



Zeyd Benseghier1, Pablo Cuéllar2, Li-Hua Luu1, Stéphane Bonelli1 and Pierre Philippe1
IRSTEA, French Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture,
3275 route de Cézanne, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France.
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Division 7.2 for Buildings and
Structures, Unter den Eichen 78, 12205 Berlin, Germany.

Surface erosion of a cohesive granular soil by a fluid flow is investigated numerically by coupling the
Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) [1] for the fluid phase and the Discrete Element Method (DEM) [2]
for describing the motion of the solid particles. In addition, inter-particles cohesion is insured by a
contact model featuring a paraboloidal yield surface [3]. The use of a fully resolved LBM-DEM
coupling technique is currently limited due to the computational cost when simulating a large number
of particles. This issue can be overcome using the graphics processing unit (GPU) thanks to its
massively parallel hardware architecture. Here, we first present a 2D GPU implementation of LBM-
DEM coupling for a granular assembly. The GPU implementations are approximatively 30 times
faster than a single core CPU version. Then, we apply the parallelization technique to practical
erosional cases, namely the jet erosion test (JET) [4] and the shear-driven erosion by a Couette flow.
These numerical tests aim to relate micro parameters of a cohesive material (eg. cohesion) to macro
parameters (eg. soil erodibility, mechanical strengths). Preliminary results show that micromechanical
features indeed provide a novel insight of soil erosion phenomena.

[1] Lallemand, P. and Luo, L.-S. Theory of the lattice boltzmann method: Dispersion, dissipation,
isotropy, galilean invariance, and stability. Phys. Rev. E, 61, 6546-6562, 2000.
[2] Cundall P.A. and Strack O. D. L. A discrete numerical model for granular assemblies,
Géotechnique 29:1, 47-65, 1979.
[3] Delenne, J.-Y., El Youssoufi, M.S., Cherblanc, F. and Bénet, J.-C. Mechanical behavior and
failure of cohesive granular materials, Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech., Vol. 28, pp. 1577-1594,
[4] Hanson, G. and Cook, K. Apparatus, test procedures, and analytical methods to measure soil
erodibility in situ, Applied engineering in agriculture, 20(4), 455, 2004.

Index of authors

Ávila Da Silva Júnior, Claudio Roberto, 95, 102 Bertoni, Christophe, 91

Ávila, Claudio Roberto, 495 Bessa, Marco, 346, 350
Bezerra, Luciano, 320
Abambres, Miguel, 179 Bicalho Civinelli de Almeida, Victor, 564
Abreu, Rafael, 396 Bonelli, Stéphane, 600
Aguiar, Adair, 35 Bonifacio, Aldemon, 318, 319
Aiosa Do Amaral, Giovanni, 42 Borelli, Wyllians Vendramini, 158
Albrecht, Carl, 82, 189 Borges, Ricardo, 302
Albuquerque, Éder, 241 Bouabdallah, Salim, 470
Albuquerque, Gabriela Bandeira De Melo Lins De, 214 Boujelben, Abir, 17, 31
Alfonso León, William Giovanny, 121 Bouvier, Salima, 382
Ali, Mohamed, 405 Braga, Henrique, 226
Aline de Jesus Ribas, Rovadávia, 139 Brancherie, Delphine, 117, 134
Alkmim, Nasser, 413 Brasil, Reyolando, 480
Almeida, Paulo E. M. de, 226 Breitkopf, Piotr, 25, 382, 470
Almeida, Ronaldo, 350 Bude, Jeremie, 134
Almeida, Valério S., 154, 259, 556 Buzar, Marcio, 350
Alves Da Silveira Monteiro, Humberto, 233
Alves, José, 302 Côrtes, Adriano M.A., 50
Alves, Michell Macedo, 77 Cai, Shang Gui, 592
Amaral Souto, Helio Pedro, 314 Calçada, Rui, 297
Amlani, Faisal, 530 Calenzani, Adenilcia, 379
Anflor, Carla, 401 Camata, José J., 46, 50
Antaluca, Eduard, 272 Campello, Eduardo M. B., 21, 152
Antoine, Xavier, 67 Cardoso, Flávia, 295
Aoyagui Nascimento, Andreia, 194, 198 Cardoso, Jaime, 342
Araújo, Francisco Célio de, 251 Cardoso, Rharã, 484
Araujo, Thiago, 585 Carvalho, Darlan, 452
Assis Motta, Alexandre de, 424 Carvalho, Leandro Da Silva, 327
Ataide Nery De Castro Filho, Henrique, 248 Carvalho, Péricles Rafael Pavão, 284
Casagrande, Marcus, 302
Bach, Dang Phong, 117 Castillo Reyes, Octavio, 437
Bach, Simão, 409 Cauvin, Ludovic, 117, 382
Barbosa de Lima, Antonio Gilson, 63, 65 Cela, José María, 437
Barbosa, Carlos, 46 Cestari, Idagene A., 409
Barbosa, Ciro, 318, 319 Chaillat, Stéphanie, 530
Barbosa, Flávio, 318, 319, 484 Coda, Humberto Breves, 284, 550
Barbosa, Ramiro, 259 Coelho, Karolinne O., 395
Barile, Alan, 310 Coelho, Leandro, 210
Barros, Guilherme, 232 Congro, Marcello, 396
Bartolo, Leandro di, 338 Contreras, Fernando, 452
Batoz, Jean-Louis, 272 Corrêa, Fabricio, 189
Bazarin, Ricardo, 516 Costa Da Costa, Jaderson, 158
Beaucour, Anne-Lise, 318, 319 Costa Melo, Rafaela Quinto, 65
Beck, André Teófilo, 59, 61 Cotes Prieto, David Sebastian, 121
Beckmann, Marcelo, 71 Cottereau, Régis, 474
Begambre Carrillo, Oscar Javier, 121 Coutinho, Alvaro L.G.A., 46, 50, 302
Ben Belgacem, Faker, 25 Covari Isaak, Estevan, 42
Benseghier, Zeyd, 600 Cuéllar, Pablo, 600
Beny, Joel, 292 Cury, Alexandre, 36, 484
Bergheau, Jean-Michel, 91, 276, 594
Bernard, Simon, 136 Danizete Damázio, Pedro, 95, 102

Debossam, Joao Gabriel Souza, 288 Gontijo, Gustavo, 241
Delache, Alexandre, 594 Grbčić, Sara, 17, 508
Delgado Neto, Alvaro Martins, 218, 546 Greggio, Samuel, 158
Delgado, Matheus, 538 Gualberto Alves, Elder, 198
Dellacherie, Stéphane, 533 Guerra Peixoto, Rodrigo, 233
Denoeux, Thierry, 466 Guillermin, Régine, 136
Deus, Lidiane de, 491
Devloo, Philippe R. B., 94, 465 Hadzalic, Emina, 17, 171
Dias, Luís E.S., 488 Hauser, Eliete Biasotto, 158
Dias, Thiago, 222, 538 Hegele, Jonas, 450
Dimitrios Christakou, Evangelos, 324 Hegele, Luiz, 450
Ding, Dong, 144 Heringer, Juan Diego Dos Santos, 288
Do Nascimento Santos, Mariana Julie, 63 Hoarau, Yannick, 592
Do, Xuan Nam, 17, 588 Honorio, Herminio T., 111
Dobrilla, Simona, 17, 526 Houzeaux, Guillaume, 230
Dolarevic, Samir, 171 Hurman, Antoine, 298
Domínguez, Norberto, 433
Ibrahimbegovic, Adnan, 3, 17, 31, 171, 175, 264, 268, 431,
Donizetti de Paula, Geraldo, 139
438, 499, 508, 526, 534, 588
Dos Santos Heringer, Juan Diego, 314
Imamovic, Ismar, 17, 264
Dos Santos, Fabiano, 295
Inca, Paulo Guilherme, 210
Douillet-Grellier, Thomas, 204
Inojosa, Leonardo, 346, 350
Druesne, Frédéric, 237
Drumond, Adriano, 538 Jacob, Breno, 82
Du, Peng, 144, 461 Jacovazzo, Bruno, 82
Dubois, François, 208 Jahara Lobosco, Raquel, 417
Jelenic, Gordan, 508
Ebecken, Nelson Francisco Favilla, 71, 327, 421, 424
Jesus, Isabel, 259
Elias, Renato, 302
Jia, Yabo, 276
Evangelista Junior, Francisco, 218, 413, 546
John Brennan, Michael, 148
Faller, Daiane, 115 Jorge, Schirley, 46
Farage, Michele, 318, 319 José Paupitz Gonçalves, Paulo, 148
Favarato, Lucas, 379 Junges, Elisabeth, 379
Feissel, Pierre, 466 Junqueira, Silvio, 516
Fernandes, Jeferson, 280, 284
Kaidi, Sami, 405
Fernandes, Thiago, 542
Karavelić, Emir, 17, 175
Ferrareto, Johann, 379
Klocker, Helmut, 91
Ferreira Da Silva, André Luis, 162
Komatitsch, Dimitri, 136
Ferreira, Edson B., 556
Kozar, Ivica, 534
Feulvarch, Eric, 91, 276, 594
Kroetz, Henrique, 59
Fideles, Helena, 245
Flórez-Lopez, Julio, 395 Labergere, Carl, 190
Fortaleza, Eugênio, 241 Lamarque, Fabien, 272
Fraga Filho, Carlos Alberto Dutra, 83 Lameiras, Rodrigo, 476
França Júnior, Davidson De Oliveira, 125, 130 Lardeur, Pascal, 237
Franco, Admilson T., 560 Lasaygues, Philippe, 136
Friedman, Noémi, 526 Latt, Jonas, 292
Laurin, Fréderic, 298
Garcia Botelho, Guilherme, 233 Leblond, Jean-Baptiste, 276, 594
Gay Neto, Alfredo, 40, 42 Lefrançois, Emmanuel, 167, 405
Gazoni, Leandro, 302 Leite, Jorge, 297
Gesenhues, Linda, 50 Leite, Luciano, 46
Geuzaine, Christophe, 67 Lemes, Ígor J.M., 488, 491
Giacomelli, Felipe, 111 Lima, Beatriz de, 71
Giacomini, Fabiana De Fatima, 183 Limnios, Nikolaos, 431
Giraldi, Gilson, 342 Lisboa, Leonardo, 52
Giuntoli, Guido, 230 Lisboa, Matheus, 401
Glück Nardi, Vanessa, 560 Lopes, Pedro, 454
Gomes Costa, Necesio, 417 Loseille, Adrien, 530
Gomes, Gilberto, 218, 546 Lozano-Leal, Rogelio, 499
Gomes, Jether, 222 Luiz Da Silva Pitangueira, Roque, 233

Lustosa Schuina, Lucas, 83 Ouahsine, Abdellatif, 144, 461, 592
Luu, Li-Hua, 600
Lyra, Paulo, 452 Palechor, Erwin, 320
Pamplona Mariano, Felipe, 194, 198
Maassen, Sascha, 87, 512 Pamplona, Almério, 295
Machado, Marcela, 320 Parente Junior, Evandro, 232
Maday, Yvon, 12 Paula, José Humberto de, 350
Magno, Carlos, 56 Pauletti, Ruy Marcelo, 504
Maidl, Gabriel, 210 Pedroso, Lineu José, 125, 130, 255, 386, 442, 446
Malekan, Mohammad, 409 Penteado Neto, Renato De Arruda, 210
Maliska, Clovis R., 111 Pereira, Gilberto, 421
Manica, Evandro, 158 Pereira, Robson, 442, 446
Mansur, Webe, 245, 338 Pereira, Thiago, 40
Marczak, Rogério José, 200 Phalippou, Pierre, 470
Maria Faquim Jannuzzi, Graziela, 417 Philippe, Pierre, 600
Marinho, Adriano Ribeiro, 259 Philippi, Paulo, 450
Martha, Luiz Fernando, 232, 454, 472 Picón, Ricardo A., 395
Martins, Paulo, 442, 446 Pimenta, Paulo de Mattos, 8, 87, 458, 512, 542
Massaroppi Jr., Ernesto, 179 Pinheiro Jacob, Breno, 185
Mateus de Andrade, Djemerson, 139 Pinto, Nuno, 297
Matthies, Hermann, 3, 526 Pires, Juliana, 379
Mattila, Keijo, 450 Pita, Gonzalo L., 395
Mayorga, Juan-Edmundo, 433 Portela, Artur, 585
Mejia Nava, Rosa Adela, 17, 499 Poutré, Cédric, 533
Melo, Rodrigo, 52 Puente, Josep de la, 437
Melo, Tulio, 554
Mencik, Jean-Mathieu, 148 Quintas, Raí, 189
Mendes Vitalli, Mauricio, 255
Mendes, Julia, 318, 319 Raghavan, Balaji, 382
Mendes, Tatiane Maga, 251 Rameiro, Maria Clara, 397
Mendez Poveda, Cesar Andrés, 121 Ramirez, Gustavo, 452
Meraghni, Fodil, 382 Ramos, Eliaquim, 342
Mesic, Esad, 264 Rangel, Rafael, 454, 472
Mesquita, Luís Jorge de, 56 Rassineux, Alain, 190
Milon, Olivier, 533 Ribeiro, Diogo, 297
Modave, Axel, 67 Ribeiro, Iara, 251
Moita, Gray, 222, 226 Ribeiro, Renan Rocha, 476
Monteiller, Vadim, 136 Ribeiro, Tiago, 179
Monteiro, Bruno, 82 Ricardo Da Silva, Kaio, 324
Morais, Marcus, 320 Roca Santo, Douglas, 148
Moreira Avila, Suzana, 248 Rochinha, Fernando A., 50
Moreno-Navarro, Pablo, 17, 438 Rodrigues, Gabriel Konda, 354
Moriya Sampaio, Lucas Yudi, 368 Rodrigues, João Paulo Correia, 214
Roehl, Deane, 396
Naaktgeboren, Christian, 516 Rolin, Raphael, 272
Naccache, Eduardo, 154 Rosa Franzini, Guilherme, 42
Nascimento, Kamila, 346 Rosa, Rosicley, 503
Nelli Silva, Emílio Carlos, 162 Roux, Jean-Christophe, 276
Neto, Juliano, 503 Royer-Carfagni, Gianni, 35
Nikolic, Mijo, 17 Ruas, Vitoriano, 581
Nogueira Corrêa, Fabrício, 185 Rukavina, Ivan, 17, 268
Nunez Ramirez, Jorge, 298 Rukavina, Tea, 17, 526, 534

Oliveira Fonseca, David, 417 Saadlaoui, Yassine, 594

Oliveira, Leopoldo Pisanelli Rodrigues de, 354, 368 Saanouni, Khemais, 190
Oliveira, Luiz, 386 Salas, Ruben Andres, 162
Oliveira, Thiago Arnaud Abreu de, 218, 546 Sanches, Rodolfo André Kruche, 280, 284
Oliveira, Tiago, 585 Sanchez Guerrero, Carolina, 306
Oller, Sergio, 230 Santos Da Silva, José Guilherme, 306, 310
Oppenheim, Georges, 25 Santos Da Silva, Lenildo, 324
Ospina, Alejandro, 438 Santos, Juliana, 320

Santos, Marco, 245 Vieira Lima, Breenda Lorrana, 77
Santos, Sergio, 245 Vilela, Raphael, 46
Santos, Thiago D., 395 Villon, Pierre, 25, 470
Schröder, Jörg, 87, 512 Virgolino, Pedro, 458
Seitenfuss, Alan, 35 Vital de Brito, José Luis, 248
Sevilla, Ruben, 474 Vuyst, Florian de, 25, 204
Silva Penna, Samuel, 201
Silva Pitangueira, Roque Luiz da, 201 Wei, Guoqiang, 237
Silva Porto, Brenda, 83
Silva, Adriana, 386 Xavier, João Paulo, 442, 446
Silva, Amilton R., 488
Yamao, Eduardo Massashi, 210
Silva, Andréa R.D., 488
Yang, Fangtao, 190
Silva, Andréia H. A., 395
Yvonnet, Julien, 6
Silva, Cátia da Costa e, 87, 458, 542
Silva, Carlos, 302 Zampaolo, Tiago, 179
Silva, Jéssica, 491 Zhang, Chensong, 94, 465
Silva, José Vieira, 65 Zimmer, Eduardo R., 158
Silva, Kátia, 251 Zinflou, Arnaud, 533
Silva, Kesley, 538
Silva, Lucas G.T. da, 111
Silva, Maíra Martins da, 354
Silva, Ramon, 320
Silva, Valdir Pignatta E, 214
Silveira Neto, Aristeu da, 194
Silveira Vargas, Ana Paula da, 183
Silveira, Ricardo A.M., 488, 491
Simonetti, Hélio Luiz, 259, 556
Siqueira, Gustavo H., 395
Siqueira, Tiago, 550
Soares Jr., Delfim, 564
Soares, Daniel, 36
Souto, Helio Pedro Amaral, 288
Souza Bastos, Leonardo, 306, 310
Souza Debossam, João Gabriel de, 314
Souza, Anaximandro, 52, 56
Souza, Calebe, 397
Souza, Grazione de, 288, 314
Souza, Luiz, 387
Souza, Mariana, 554
Squarcio, Roberto, 495
Sten Freitas, Tiago, 185
Suarez, Arturo, 433
Sui, Liqi, 466

Tahri, Chawki, 91
Tang, Bin, 148
Tavares Da Silva, Leandro, 342
Tempel Stumpf, Felipe, 200
Teribele Venturin, Gianina, 158
Tessari, Rodolfo, 59
Toledo, Cintia De Carvalho, 210
Torres Da Fonseca, Flavio, 201

Vázquez, Mariano, 230

Vélez, Wilber, 585
Valente, André, 338
Vanderlei Da Silveira, Iarly, 255
Vasco, Joel, 295
Vasconcelos Da Silva, Anderson Melchiades, 63
Viebahn, Nils, 87
Vieira Jr., Luiz C. M., 395

P. Moreno-Navarro
Organizing committee:
A. Ibrahimbegović, P.M. Pimenta, D. Brancherie, B. Duch, F. de Vuyst, ISBN 978-2-95-659610-3
0.00 EUR

E.M.B. Campello, I. Rukavina, T. Rukavina, P. Moreno-Navarro, R.A.

Mejía, A. Boujelben, X.N. Do, S. Grbčić, E. Hadzalić, I. Imamović, E. 9 782956 596103
Karavelić, S. Dobrilla

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