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Oktarina Nur Widyanti et al.

Strategies for the Fulfillment of Animal Nutritionist Competency Needs

Buletin Peternakan 43 (1): 79-85, February 2019

Bulletin of Animal Science

ISSN-0126-4400/E-ISSN-2407-876X Accredited: 36a/E/KPT/2016

Doi: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v43i1.35969

Strategies for the Fulfillment of Animal Nutritionist Competency Needs at

Feedloters in Indonesia
Oktarina Nur Widyanti*, Anggraini Sukmawati, and Sukiswo Dirdjosuparto
School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, 16151, Indonesia
Faculty of Economics and Management, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, 16680, Indonesia


This study aimed to analyzing the Strategies for fulfillment animal nutritionist
competency at feedloter in Indonesia. Methods in this study using Analytical Hierarchy
Process (AHP). The data collection technique was conducted by judgment sampling to
seven competent resource persons in the field of animal feed they are feed director in
Ministry of Animal Health and Husbandry Republic of Indonesia, Chairman AINI and
Director of the competency development and certification AINI period 2015-2019,
Article history
Academics of lecturer in feed formulation, operational manager and animal nutritionist
Submitted: 30 May 2018 in industry feedlot. The questions posed to the resource persons include factors, actors,
Accepted: 24 January 2019 goals and alternatives that most decisive in the fulfillment animal nutritionist
competency at feedloter in Indonesia. The results of the AHP indicate that individual
* Corresponding author: competence factors are critical in the strategy of the needs of livestock animal
Telp. +62 81291860620 nutritionist. The Indonesian Association of Nutrition and Feed Technology (AINI) is
E-mail: actor the most influential in fulfilling the needs of animal nutritionist. AINI can conduct
competency-based training, skills and knowledge development, latest technological
innovations in ration making, and certification of competence of animal nutritionist to
enhance individual competence. The alternative that a feedloter should do is to adapt the
competency standards policy that exists in our country. It is concluded that the
Strategies for fulfillment animal nutritionist competency at feedloter in Indonesia can be
fulfilled through the individuals as animal nutritionist, role of AINI increasing the
competence of animal nutritionist, and the application of customized Indonesian welfare
in Indonesia.

Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process, Animal nutritionist feedloter, Competency,

Industry feedloter

Introduction amounted at 506.66 thousand tons, while the

consumption of beef was at 613.11 thousand
Quality of human resource is a major asset tons, resulting in a deficit of beef in Indonesia of
for a company that has a competitive advantage 106.45 thousand tons (Figure 1).
and has competency in the era of globalization. This had made the government implement
Characteristics of competency indicate the the policy of importing beef to Indonesia. The beef
motives, traits, self-concept, knowledge and skills import program was not the right solution as if this
that are causally related to superior performance is to be done repeatedly it would make Indonesia
in a job situation (Palan, 2007). The theory of face dependency and reduce foreign
competency explains the underlying exchange. The cause of the policy implementation
characteristics that indicate ways of thinking and was the conditions of Indonesia’s livestock
behaving of a person (Spencer and Spencer, business which were mostly secondary or
1993). Competency improvement requires training complementary businesses with small numbers of
and capacity building to produce quality human animals (less than 10) per farmer, and the
resources in effective and efficient manner. technology that were still low (Lestari et
Human resource in the livestock subsector is al ., 2017). Data from BPS (2017) explains that
required to be creative, knowledgeable, and the condition was also not supported by the
innovative. growth of feedlot industry which had declined from
Livestock sub-sector plays an important the year 2014 (Figure 2).
role in the supply of food as a source of animal The not so stringent competition
protein. Data from Ministry of Agriculture (2017) of industrial feedlots in Indonesia should have
shows that the beef production in 2015 was become opportunity to meet Indonesia’s needs on

Oktarina Nur Widyanti et al. Strategies for the Fulfillment of Animal Nutritionist Competency Needs

beef. The livestock sector is vital for national industry demands human resources who know the
development, especially in national food basics of animal feed science, distinguish the
availability, as the demand for animal protein will nutritional properties of animal feed raw materials
continue to increase along with the increasing and their processes in the body, and understand
population and purchasing power of the people the nutritional needs of beef cattle. Universities as
(Sukmayadi et al., 2016). The feedlot institutions that produce bachelor of animal
industry aims to increase Indonesia’s cattle husbandry are required to be able to produce
population to be able to meet that beef demand nutritionist for beef cattle farming that supports the
and so reduce the import of beef whose supply acceleration of the feedlot industry. Competency
needs to be increased. of human resources should be improved, so that it
The effort to increase Indonesia’s feedlot can produce optimum performance in work,
industry needs to be supported by competent especially in the field of cattle feedlot. The
animal nutritionists. Data of Indonesian problems faced in Indonesian feedlots
Association of Nutritionist and Feed Scientist industry today is the lack of special competency
(AINI, 2017) states that the feed is the largest cattle nutritionist who are specially skilled in the
component, revolving around 70-80%, in the field of ruminant feed, as not all feedlots have their
composition of farming costs. In this case, the role own feedmill. This lack of special competency of
of animal nutritionists is to formulate quality feed nutritionist impacts the productivity of the
feeds so that good beef or carcass can be feedlot industry as different breed and physiology
produced. Livestock nutritionists are people that status of different cows have different feed
are competent in the fields of nutrition and animal requirements. Despite the condition, feedlot
feed technology (AINI, 2017). The competency industry currently still heavily relies on
that needs to be possessed by animal manufactured feed concentrates. Based on this
nutritionists means the ability and authority to do a background this study aimed to analyze the
job based on knowledge, skills, and attitude in strategy to fulfill the need of animal nutritionist
accordance to animal feed technology and competency in Indonesian beef cattle feedlot
nutrition science. For instance, a beef cattle industry.
nutrition expert, can specifically formulate beef
cattle feed to produce good quality product. The Material and methods
improvement of competency requires structured
effort to obtain the quality and capabilities of a The data retrieval was done for three
good nutritions. This improvement can be months (December 2017-February 2018) in
achieved through formal education, namely the Bogor, Jakarta and Yogyakarta involving
colleges or universities in the field of animal expert resource persons in the field of beef cattle
husbandry especially in the science of nutrition feedlot nutrition. The location of the study was
and animal feed, as well as non-formal education conducted by purposive sampling based on
through seminars and animal feed the domicile of the experts. Expert resource
workshops. Related to this, the government has persons for this study were seven people
released the regulations contained in Government who are: Director of Feed of the Directorate
Regulation No. 31 of 2006 concerning the General of Livestock and Animal Health Republic
National Work Training System to support the of Indonesia, Dean of Faculty of Animal
capacity of nutritionists. The National Professional Husbandry of a national university, Chairman of
Certification Board (BNSP) is the institution to AINI, Head of Competency Development and
provide assistance in the process of issuing Professional Certification AINI 2015-2019 period,
competency certification. lecturer of ration formulation subject, Operational
Currently most nutritionists in Indonesia’s Manager and Animal Nutritionist in feedlot industry
cattle feedlot industry are still limited to general company. The data was retrieved using judgment
animal husbandry undergraduates. The feedlot

1400 645.46 595.11 613.11 597.608

1200 514.18 512.61
Total (000 Ton)

800 485.33 508.91 504.82 497.67 506.66 524.11
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Beef Production (000 Ton) Beef Consumption (000 Ton)

Figure 1. Total national beef consumption and production in 2011-2016 (Ministry of Agriculture, 2017).

Oktarina Nur Widyanti et al. Strategies for the Fulfillment of Animal Nutritionist Competency Needs


Number of Feedlot
109 109 109
88 88

60 62
40 41
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Figure 2. Number of Feedlot Industries in Indonesia in 2012-2016 (BPS 2017).

Table 1. Comparison of Analytical Hierarchy Process Judgment Scale [Saaty, 1991]

Judgment x Verbal Equivalent Comment

1 Equal importance Two activities contribute equally to the objective.
2 Weak or slight
3 Moderate importance Experience and judgment slightly favor one activity over another.
4 Moderate plus
5 Strong importance Experience and judgment strongly favor one activity over another.
6 Strong plus
7 Very strong or demonstrated importance An activity is favored very strongly over another; its dominance
demonstrated in practice.
8 Very, very strong
9 Extreme importance The evidence favoring one of the highest possible orders of

sampling where data is retrieved based on certain alternative approaches, namely implementing
sets of characteristics. The characteristics were professional competency standard of beef cattle
defined by the terms of: having experience in the animal nutritionists from other countries or
field of animal feedloter for at least 5 years, international associations, creating its own
serving as manager in feedlot industry, and having standard of professional competence for beef
equivalent qualifications for resource persons of cattle animal nutritionists in Indonesia, and
other stakeholders such as the government, the adopting animal nutritionist competency
Indonesian Association of Animal Nutritionists and standard from other countries which is then
Feed Scientist (AINI) and universities. The data adapted to the condition in Indonesia. The value
was then processed and analyzed using Analytical of the pairwise comparison scale is shown in
Hierarchy Process method. Table 1.
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was The determination of priority using AHP is
used to assess and analyze the strategies to carried out by developing the hierarchy. In AHP
support the fulfillment of beef cattle feedlot method, the minimum level of acceptable
nutritionist competency needs to improve the consistency is less than 0.1 or 10%. If the
productivity of beef cattle in Indonesia. The steps results are inconsistent, then there are two
of using AHP method according to Saaty choices, namely repeating the comparison of
(1991), are: 1) Define the problem and specify the preferences or doing the autocorrecting
solution desired; 2) create a hierarchical structure process. Opinions of expert resource persons
beginning with the goal and criteria. In the process which have been collected are processed using
of creating the hierarchy structure, there is no limit Expert Choice version 11 software that support
to the number of levels is there in the matrix; 3) solving problems for the desired strategy.
construct pairwise comparison matrix that
describes the relative contribution or impact of Results and Discussion
each element on each governing criterion in the
next higher level; 4) compile a pairwise The hierarchical structure of the strategy to
comparison matrix. In this step, the pairs of meet the competency needs of beef cattle
elements are compared and rated based on nutritionists in Indonesian feedlot industry
importance. The observed elements are a) The hierarchical structure of the strategy to
factors, namely individual competencies, company meet the competency needs of beef cattle
needs, and competency development nutritionists describes the impact of each element
organization; b) actors, namely ministries of labor, at the level of the hierarchy to the main
AINI, feedlot industry, directorate general of target (goal). Analysis shows that in order to
animal husbandry and animal health of the obtain the best competency of animal nutritionist,
Republic of Indonesia, and higher education priority strategies are needed by carrying out
institutions; c) purposes, namely increasing the synergistic relationships that exist. The results of
competency of livestock nutritionists in feedlot the hierarchy of strategies to meet the
industry, improving the performance of animal competency need of animal nutritionists in
nutritionists in feedlot industry, and improving the Indonesian feedlot industry are in Figure 3.
competitiveness of feedlot industry; and d)

Oktarina Nur Widyanti et al. Strategies for the Fulfillment of Animal Nutritionist Competency Needs

Results on element factors showed that maintain the quality of feed in order in the event of
individual competence with value of 0.397 has the availability fluctuation of raw materials, able to
highest role compared to factors such as company evaluate the process of nutrients in the body and
needs and organization of company development. is able to search for innovations on influence of
Individual competence is related to the ability to feed to market demand in the form of quality of
achieve optimum performance and to increase the beef (color, texture, and marbling).
competitiveness of the feedlot industry. The level The second priority according to the result
of individual competence can be viewed from the was the company needs with value of 0.380. This
skills and knowledge of the individual concerned. indicates that feedlot industry needs to work with
Individual competency of animal nutritionists is a universities and AINI to create education and
vital component for the ongoing business training curriculum to achieve the expected
in feedlot industry. It is because 70-80% of total competency of beef cattle fattening nutritionists.
production capital is the cost of manufacturing This is supported by the study of Triyonggo et
feed. Knowledge and skills in feed formulation are al. (2015) that formal education institutions in
very important in feedlot industry, in accordance Indonesia had not implemented competency-
with Spencer and Spencer (2009) which states based curriculum so that graduates are not fully
that there are five competency characteristics, prepared to face the challenges of the industrial
namely knowledge, skills, attitudes (self-concept), world. Competency-based training that is focused
character, and motivation. Individual competence on the needs in feedlot industry such as (1) being
of animal nutritionists must be improved not only able to formulate animal feed rations; (2)
in the manufacturing of feed but their ability to knowledge in the basis of animal feed nutrition
adapt to company needs such as; able to science; (3) understanding the results of nutrient
formulate feed efficiently and effectively, able to uptake in the body of the cow; (4) knowing forage

Fulfillment of Animal Nutritionist Competency

Goal Needs at Feedlot in Indonesia


Individual competence Company needs Organization of competency development

(0.397) (0.380) (0.223)


Ministry of Manpower Association (AINI) Feedlot Directorate General of College or

of Republic Indonesia Industry Livestock and Animal Health University
(0.074) (0.280) (0.110) (0.239)


Improving animal nutritionist Performance Increasing

competencies improvement in industry competitiveness in feedlot
feedlot industry

Apply standard policy of Create its own standard of Adapt animal nutritionist
animal nutritionist competency animal nutritionist competency standard at
at feedloter from other competency at feedloter in feedloter from other countries
countries or international Indonesia. according to the needs in
association. Indonesia.
(0.144) (0.493)

Figure 3. Hierarchy structure of strategies for fulfillment animal nutritionist competency for feedloter in Indonesia.

Oktarina Nur Widyanti et al. Strategies for the Fulfillment of Animal Nutritionist Competency Needs

management for cattle feed; (5) being able to do and practice will improve the competence of an
market analysis of cattle and feed materials; (6) expert and increase competitive strength.
Having insight into supply and demand and the The role of animal nutritionists in Indonesia
quality of beef cattle feed materials. is vital because the quality of animal feed
The results on the actor element showed materials varies from region to region therefore
that the Indonesian Association of Nutritionist and technological innovations from beef cattle animal
Feed Scientist (AINI) was the most influential nutritionist are needed. Innovation of new
actor in fulfilling the needs for beef cattle feedlot technologies and the development of appropriate
nutritionists, with value of 0.297. This is because technology is an important determinant of
AINI is an institution that shelters livestock competitiveness (Simatupang and Hadi, 2004;
nutrition experts in Indonesia. AINI is an Daryanto, 2009). The quality of raw materials that
organization that deals with professions in the field continuously changes has made the importance of
of nutrition and animal husbandry. The purpose technological innovation for experts in trending
of establishing AINI was to provide various beef cattle fattening. Rouf et al. (2014) explains
information and development training to improve that feedlot industry competitiveness is
professional competence including beef cattle determined by several factors such as natural
feedlot nutritionists. Most of AINI’s functionaries resources, labor, technology, and market demand.
come from universities. In producing animal This shows that the labor factor, namely animal
nutritionist, universities and AINI have their nutritionists is a factor that needs to be continually
respective roles. The role of university is to improved. Skill improvement which are needed by
produce animal nutritionist who will work in feedlot nutritionists for cattle feedloter, from the results of
industry, while the role of AINI should be to interviews with respondents including : (1) able to
issue competency certification that assesses the detect health condition of cow; (2) knowing
abilities, knowledge, and skills for animal animal behavior of cow; (3) able to put technology
nutritionist. For the certification, competency- of production and feeding of livestock into
based training (CBT) is required. The training application; and (4) able to solve problems by
which needs to be carried out by AINI among utilizing existing technology and data. Learning
others is competency-based training to ensure the and practice will improve the competence of an
result of competitive animal nutritionist. This is in expert and have competitive strength. This is in
line with the opinion of Ananda et al. (2016) that accordance with the results of research by
competency-based training is needed in Aditya et al., (2015) which states that competency
accordance with the curriculum prepared by the is a skill needed to achieve results that can be
Ministry of Manpower. The curriculum should be accounted for and directly influence performance.
emphasized on achieving certain competencies The result of alternative approach
which are in accordance with the needs of element, according to the experts, showed that
community as user (Sawitri et al., 2013). AINI has adopting the policy of feedlot cattle nutritionist
had held many activities related to training and competency standards from other countries
development for feedlot cattle nutritionist but has adapted for domestic needs as the first priority,
not been able to provide a certificate of with value of 0.493. To implement competency
competence. This is due to the absence of SKKNI standards, active role by AINI to compose SKKNI
(Indonesian National Professional Competency for beef cattle feedlot nutritionist. AINI in
Standard) document from AINI for certified feedlot collaboration with universities and Indonesia’s
cattle nutritionists. The availability of competency feedloter is expected to comprehend the quality of
standards for nutritionists in beef cattle is nutritionists demanded by feedloter so that
expected to improve the quality of coaching in universities are able to produce competent animal
feedlot industry in Indonesia. The process would nutritionist. Universities need to make efforts to
also produce data on the number of ruminant arrange competency-based curriculum by
nutritionists who possess a certain standard of continuing to make updates in specific
competency in each year. approaches to nutrition science and animal feed
The result of goal element showed that the technology. This would make it easier for animal
main priority is to increase the number of feedlot nutritionists in the feedlot industry.
cattle nutritionist in Indonesia (0,463). The
importance of animal nutritionists is due to the Conclusions
quality of animal feed materials in Indonesia that
varies from region to region. The problem The results of this study concluded that the
regarding the quality of raw materials is because priority elements to meet the needs of animal
of Indonesia’s varying climate therefore nutritionists in feedlot industry were a) individual
technological innovations from beef cattle feedlot competency factor, b) actor of the AINI institution,
nutritionists are much needed. The needed c) improve the competency of livestock
competency for animal nutritionists includes: (1) nutritionists beef cattle in the feedlot industry, d)
able to detect health condition of cow; (2) the adoption of competency standards for animal
knowing animal behavior of cow; (3) able to put nutritionist from outside Indonesia that has been
technology of production and feeding of livestock adjusted for Indonesia. This aims to improve
into application; and (4) able to solve problems by competitiveness and develop the quality of
utilizing existing technology and data. Learning

Oktarina Nur Widyanti et al. Strategies for the Fulfillment of Animal Nutritionist Competency Needs

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to the needs of the labor market. nload/file/290-outlook-daging-sapi.
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Acknowledgment Lestari, R. D., M. B. Lukman, and N. Rita. 2017.
Daya Saing Usaha Penggemukan Sapi
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University (Prof. Dr. Ali Agus, DEA), Chairman of Peternakan 41: 101-112.
Indonesian Association of Nutritionist and Feed Palan, R. 2007. Competency Management:
Scientist (AINI) 2015-2019 (Prof. Dr. Nahrowi, Teknik Mengimplementasikan Manajemen
MSc ), Chairperson of AINI's Competency SDM Berbasis Kompetensi untuk
Development and Professional Certification Meningkatkan Daya Saing Organisasi.
( Prof. Dr. Dewi Apri Astuti, MS), Lecturer Edisi ke-2. I(Octa MJ, Trans) [Competency
of Ration Formulation subject, Department of Management: Techniques for
Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Implementing Competency-Based HR
Animal Science IPB (Dr. Ir. Idat Galih Permana), Management to Increase Organizational
Director of PT. Lembu Jantan Perkasa Competitiveness. 2nd edition]. Ramelan
(Ir. Harianto Budi Rahardjo), (ed). PPM Manajemen, Jakarta.
and Feedmill Manager of PT Catur Mitra Rouf, A. A., A. Daryanto, and A. Fariyanti 2014.
Taruma (Dendy Vidianto, SPT), the writers Daya Saing Usaha Sapi Potong di
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