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Family Workshop Results Report

Student name:​ Kalie Halpin

Internship Site and Location:​ Jordan Matthews High School-Siler City, NC
Date and Location of Family Workshop:​ 2/25/19, Jordan Matthews Auditorium
Workshop Title:​ Program Showcase Night

Names, titles, and organizations of all persons involved in delivery of workshop:

School Counselors: Margaret Grayson, Tammy Morris, Kalie Halpin
Central Carolina Community College Adviser: Steve Heesacker
Carolina College Advising Corps: Gemma Herrera
CTE teachers

Number of workshop participants (attach copy of participant sign-in sheet):

150 seats were taken in the auditorium, although there was no sign-in sheet

Outline of workshop content (attach all lesson plans, powerpoint presentations, and copies
of handouts, brochures, or other materials distributed to participants):
The purpose of this program is for incoming freshmen and their parents to get a better idea of
their class options, the timeline for the registration process, and tips on how to best transition into
high school.
For the first hour, families had the opportunity to visit tables from all CTE programs (agriculture,
technology engineering, robotics, etc) as well as a student services table, dual language tables,
and a CCCC table. This helps students choose which electives they want to take freshman year.
After this, the counselors and I present to the auditorium for 30 minutes regarding the transition
to high school. Powerpoint slides are attached below, and a video of my speaking portion will be

Description of marketing/participant recruitment plan and description of attendance

There was ample marketing for this program, as it is a well-attended event every year. It was
posted on both middle and high school calendars, it was mentioned to 8th grade students during
the pre-registration assemblies from the JM counselors, and the middle school principal included
it in his weekly phone messages.
There were no tangible incentives for participating, but students and families left with a better
idea of what each CTE course is like, the differences between middle and high school, and how
to best transition.
Summary of participant evaluations
● Participants felt more confident to make registration decisions
● Participants like the length and elements of this program, but would rather have the
presentation first so they do not have to spend an hour in the CTE showcase if they are
finished earlier than that

When and how did you share the workshop results with school leadership?
School leadership was present at the workshop, so they were able to see process data themselves.
The following week in our student services meeting, we did a “keep/change/trash” activity to go
over data and make recommendations for adjustments for next year.

Provide a brief summary of recommendations for future family engagement efforts in your
● Shorten the time for the CTE showcase portion to lengthen the counselor presentation.
● Provide more than one translator for the CTE showcase portion of the event.
● Provide pre-registration worksheets at event so students can circle and write notes about
their courses of interest

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