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1. What is BMI ?

Body mass index, or BMI, is a measure of body size. It combines a person's weight with their
height. The results of a BMI measurement can give an idea about whether a person has the
correct weight for their height.

2. Calculations of BMI .

BMI is your weight (in kilograms) over your height squared (in centimeters). Let’s calculate,
however, using pounds and inches.
For instance, the BMI of a person who is 5’3" and weighs 125 lbs is calculated as follows:

1. Multiply the weight in pounds by 0.45 (the metric conversion factor)

125 X 0.45 = 56.25 kg

2. Multiply the height in inches by 0.025 (the metric conversion factor)

63 X 0.025 = 1.575 m

3. Square the answer from step 2

1.575 X 1.575 = 2.480625

4.Divide the answer from step 1 by the answer from step 3

56.25 : 2.480625 = 22.7

The BMI for a person who is 5’3" and weighs 125 lbs is 22.7 or practically, 23.

A healthy BMI ranges between 19 and 25.

3. Applications of BMI .

Body mass index (BMI) is the recommended method for diagnosing overweight and obesity.
It evaluates the relationship between body weight and height. While BMI is not a direct
measure of excess body fat, it expresses the weight-height relationship and provides a more
accurate measure than body weight alone.

There are many studies that show a link between BMI and the risk of several diseases as well
as premature death. As BMI increases, so does the risk for:
 diabetes
 cardiovascular disease
 stroke
 hypertension
 gallbladder disease
 osteoarthritis
 sleep apnea
 some cancers
The Weight Watchers Healthy Weight Ranges are based on BMI. Weight Watchers can help
you reach a healthy range.

4. Limitations of BMI

BMI alone cannot show whether a person's weight is healthful, but using it in combination
with other indicators can provide a more complete picture.

Age & Sex

For adults ages 20 years and older, BMI incorporates weight and height, but it does not take
age or sex into account.A woman tends to have more body fat than a man with the same BMI.
Likewise, an older person tends to have more body fat than a younger person with an equal
For these reasons, BMI may not give the detail necessary to determine whether a person's
weight is healthful.
Body composition
BMI does not reflect the location or amount of body fat, and these factors can impact
health.For example, studies have indicated that people who have fat around the waist and
surrounding the abdominal organs may be more at risk of health problems than those with fat
in other areas.
A 5-year investigation of 1,964 people, published in Scientific Reports in 2017, was one
study that confirmed these findings.

BMI and health

If a person has a high BMI, they are likely to have a high proportion of body fat, especially if
their BMI falls in the obesity category.However, it is possible to be "overweight" according
to BMI, but have healthful levels of fat.
For extremely muscular people, such as athletes and bodybuilders, height and weight
measurements alone may not accurately indicate health, because muscle weighs more than
fat.A healthy, muscular person may have a BMI in a very high range. Meanwhile, a frail,
inactive person may have a low BMI, but more body fat and less lean tissue than is healthful.

5. Alternatives of BMI

Alternatives to Body Mass Index (BMI)

 Body Adiposity Index. BAI is unlike BMI as it does not use your weight in the
 Waist Circumference Measurement. One of the most effective alternatives to BMI is
the old fashioned tape measure.
 Waist-to-Hip Ratio.
 Hydrostatic Weighing.
 Body Fat Measuring.


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