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Hypercompletions of Riesz Spaces

Author(s): Wolfgang Filter

Source: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 109, No. 3 (Jul., 1990), pp.
Published by: American Mathematical Society
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Volume 109, Number 3, July 1990



(Communicatedby John B. Conway)

ABSTRACT. It is shown that each Riesz space with separatingorder continuous

dual can be embedded in a unique " e-hypercompletion,"where e is a fixed
weak unit of the extended order continuous dual.


In [8] I investigated-in terms of an internal characterization-those Riesz

spaces which can be represented as bands of spaces of measures; I call these
spaces hypercomplete. The present paper is devoted to the question of how
far Archimedean Riesz spaces can be embedded in a "hypercompletion." It
follows already from [7, Theorem A] that each Riesz space L with separating
order continuous dual Ln (i.e. (Ln)0 = {0}) embeds order densely in some
hypercompleteRiesz space M, but uniqueness is not yet guaranteed. The main
result given here is that each Riesz space L with (Ln)0 = {O} can be embedded
order densely in a unique " e-hypercompletion"where e is some weak unit of
the extended order continuous dual F(L) of L. But we will see in an example
that, in general, dependence on the weak unit e cannot be avoided.

L always denotes an Archimedean Riesz space.
For convenience, the definitions of extended order continuous dual and hy-
percompleteness follow.
Let D be the set of all order dense ideals of L. Then F(L) U=U '(, is
the extended ordercontinuousdual of L (see [10]), where 4 c In and q Jn
are identified if they coincide on I n J. With algebraic and order structure
defined by using representatives, F(L) is a universally complete Riesz space
[10, 1.5], and for each 4 E F(L) there exists a greatest L[f] E (D such that
c- L[K]n[ 10, 1.3].
If e is a weak unit of F(L) and R c L- is a set of components of e such
that for each upward-directedfamily (xl) from L+ for which sup g(x1) < oo
Received by the editors September1, 1989.
1980 Mathemnatics SubjectClassification(1985 Revision). Primary46A40.
1990 American Mathematical Society
0002-9939/90 $1.00 + $.25 per page


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for every g E R there exists supx1 in L, then call (e, R) an hc-pair of L.

Call L hypercompleteif there exists an hc-pair of L.
In the sequel let e be a weak unit of F(L). I denote by Re the set of all
components of e in Lj.
Before reading the appropriatedefinition, note that it would not be senseful
to call a Riesz space M e-hypercompletion of L if L is order dense in M
and e is the first component of an hc-pair of M, since in this case M would
not be unique: If X(?X) denotes the set of all real-valued a-additive measures
on some a5-ringJ of subsets of a set X, and h(J) denotes the bounded
measures on M , then for L = /h(J) and e = ix , both M1 -=/(() and
MV2= 1f(M) would satisfy this bad definition. One has to impose an extra
condition for this reason.
If M is an ArchimedeanRiesz space and if /: L -* M is an injective Riesz
homomorphism such that XL is order dense in M, I denote by V,M, the
canonical Riesz isomorphism
F(M) -' F(L), F- 4 ?

([10, 2.6]).
Definition 1. A hypercomplete Riesz space M is called e-hypercompletionof
L if there exists an injective Riesz homomorphism q: L , M such that
1. XL is an order dense Riesz subspace of M;
2. we have 1 (g) E Mn for all g E R ,and (Vj (e), VY (Re)) iS
an hc-pair of M.
Roughly, M is an e-hypercompletionof L iff L is order densely embedded
nM, ReCMne and (e, Re) is an hc-pair of M.
It follows from condition 1 and [8, 2.3] that only spaces with (L-)? = {O}
can possess an e-hypercompletion. For this reason, we assume Ln to be sepa-
rating from now on.
If Y is a locally compact Stonian space, let X(Y) denote the set of normal
Radon measures on Y.
Proposition2. If M1, M2 are e-hypercompletionsof L, then M1 and M2 are
canonically Riesz isomorphic, i.e. iffor k E { 1, 2}, qk5:L -* Mk satisfies the
definition above, then there exists a Riesz isomorphism v: MI - M2 such that
V 0?1 = 02
Proof. Set VWk := . By the Ogasawara-Maedarepresentation theorem
there exist a compact hyperstonianspace Z and a Riesz isomorphism U: F(L) -*
COO(Z) with u(e) = I z . Then U0 ol/k: F(Mk) -COO (Z) is a Riesz isomorphism
with u o v/k(Yk (e)) = 1 Set

Yk := U suppuo (YIk(g))
gC R(,

Uk: F(Mk) -
(U ?
Co(Yk), I ) Vk)(4) Y,

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By [7, Theorem A], there exists a Riesz isomorphism Vk: Mk -+ 1(Yk) such
that (bk' Uk, vk) is a w7 (e)-mr of Mk to which I1 (Re) is associated;
observe that vk is onto by the hypercompletenessof Mk. But Y, = Y2, and
hence v := v I0a v is a Riesz isomorphism.
Fix x c L. Then for all 4 E F(L) for which 4(x) is defined:

J uXlydv, (l0x) =f u 1 dv, (Xl1x)= (_ 711)(x) = 4(x)

- J
= Y2u~jy

Hence v1(qIx) = v2($2x) and thus v o 1 = 02 E]

Let Ge denote the ideal of L- generated by Re.
Theorem3. (Ge)- is the e-hypercompletionof L.
Proof. By [7, Theorem A] there exists an e-mr (Y, u, v) of L to which Re
is associated. Then (lI, {kgJg E Re}) is an hc-pair of X41(Y), which implies
that X1/{(Y) is an e-hypercompletionof L.
Since obviously Ge = CC(Y) (the set of continuous functions on Y with
compact support), it follows from the Riesz representationtheorem that (Ge)
= (Y)
The uniqueness was proved in Proposition 2. Ei
Of course, L is its own e-hypercompletion if (e, Re) is an hc-pair of L.
As we have seen in the proof of the precedingtheorem, the e-hypercompletion
of L can always be realized as the space X(Y), for some locally compact hy-
perstonian space Y. Another beautiful description of it in terms of extended
L1(8)-spaces-where ,u is a normal measure on a compact Stonian space-was
obtained by Y. A. Abramovich [15].
Copying the proof of Theorem 3, we get
Corollary 4. If R c Re with e = supgER g,then (GR)n is hypercomplete,where
GR standsfor the ideal of L- generated by R. o

But (GR)n = (Ge?) need not always hold: If L = ,b(S), e = ix, R =

{ i 4A c M}, then (Ge)n = (g) while (GR)n =
The following example shows that, in general, to different e's there belong
different e-hypercompletions.
Example. Let L := f?. Then L- = fI and F(L) = RN. For each weak unit
e of lN , set

v (e)= {A c NIE e(n) < oo}

Me := {h CE 1N Ih(n)Ie(n) < oc for all A C X(e)


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Then Me is the e-hypercompletionof L, where the embedding map 0 is just

the identity map on L.
It follows that if v: Me , Me is a Riesz isomorphism preservingthe em-
bedding of L, we must have VIL = id, and hence, by the order continuity
of v, v = id, which implies Me = Me . But if, for example, e, , e2 E L-
then the condition M M is easily seen to be equivalent to the existence of
positive reals C, D with Ce? < e2 < Del, which allows us to construct many
nonisomorphic e-hypercompletionsof L. n

Let us briefly consider the situation where Ln possesses weak units.

If e E L , then e is the greatest element of R , and since R c ((G)n
by Theorem 3, we have
Proposition5. If e E L_ then (e, {e}) is an hc-pair of (G ) E.
Let M be a Dedekind complete Riesz space, and denote, for x E M, by
S(x) the ideal of M generated by x. Then, if f, g are weak units of M,
the Ogasawara-Maedatheorem implies the existence of a Riesz isomorphism
X: S(f) - S(g) with Of = g.
An immediate consequence of this remark is that for weak units e1, e2 of
Ln , the corresponding e-hypercompletionsare Riesz isomorphic (but of course
not canonically, i.e. not preservingthe embedding of L):
Proposition 6. If e1, e2 are weak units of L-, then Ge and Ge are Riesz
isomorphic,and hence the same holdsfor (G )n and (GQ . a
We can even say that an e-hypercompletionbelonging to e c L- is in some
sense minimal. Consider another weak unit f of F(L) . Then e: inf{e, f}
is a weak unit of L-,
n and since S(f) is isomorphic to G (the remark above
applied to F(L)), Gf embeds order densely in Ge, which implies that (Ge
embeds in (G )n, and hence (G)< embeds in (Gf)n, too.

I now brieflysketch an application;a more detailed presentationwill be given
in a subsequent paper.
Several authors (cf. [1-5, 9, 11-14]) have studied so-called Hellinger inte-
grals to get integral representationsof the duals of spaces of finitely additive
or a-additive measures; here a real-valued function q, defined on some ring
of sets, X, is called Hellinger integrable with respect to a measure ,u having
domain J if lim 4E q(A)u(A) exists in R, where _v runs throughthe set
of partitions of X , directed under refinement. But the representationtheorems
these authors get are not very satisfying in some sense, because set theoretical
assumptions have to be made (see e.g. [12]), and one must necessarily restrict
to "small"spaces of measures as Keisler has shown [9, Theorem 4]. A method
proposed here to overcome these difficulties is to work with generalized parti-

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tions as describedbelow; this method works not only in spaces of measures but
in Riesz spaces L with separatingdual Ln:
3 denotes the set of all countable disjoint systems from Re . Setting g,:
supgc,/ g for sv E 3, one can define an order relation on 3 by
v' -<i7 :
gX < gw, and for all h E 97 either
inf{h, g,} = 0 or there is g E -v with h < g.
Let 9- be the section filterof 3 with respectto -< . For x E L and q: Re R
set Xx (v ) := EgEl' 0(g)g(x) if the series is summable, and Xx(v ) := 00,
otherwise (-V c 39). One can call X x-integrable if Xx(S9) converges in IR;
in this case, set
J dx limOx (Y9).
The following representationtheorem may serve to justify the definition of
generalized Hellinger integraljust given (observe that this theorem applies in
particularto spaces of measures since they are hypercompleteby [8, 2.5]):
Theorem7. For each 4 E F(L) whichis extendableto M[e] ( where M denotes
the e-hypercompletionof L), there exists a boundedmap X: Re -* IR such that
X is x-integrable and 4(x) = f X dx for all x E L[fl.
Proof (idea of). Let (Y, u, v) be the e-mr of M to which Re C Mn is
associated; then vM = JX(Y), by [7, Theorem A] and the hypercompleteness
of M.
For g E Re, g :&0, set q5(g) := u4(yg), where yg is a point of supp ug in
which lkil attains its minimum on supp kg; for g = 0, set q(g) :=0.
Since kX is definedon 4b(Y) = v(M[e]), kX is bounded by [6,], and
hence X is likewise. The rather technical verification that X has the required
properties is omitted here. f1
Every 4 E F(L) can be representedin the same way, but q will no longer be
bounded in general. The advantageof the boundedness of q is that in this case
one obtains the same Hellinger integral when working only with finite disjoint
systems from Re (at least for x E L[e]).

I am very grateful to the referee for a number of useful comments.


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