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MAXON Cinema 4D v10.506 Studio Bundle MultiLang + Xfrog 4.3

Equip your production environment with the CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle in order to t
ake advantage of all the power CINEMA 4D has to offer. Your advanced 3D projects
will come alive with the addition of hair and fur tools, dynamic simulations an
d non-photorealistic rendering. The CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle lets you unleash you
r creativity and enjoy 3D without limits.
The CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle contains the following modules:
Advanced Render
Thinking Particles
Sketch and Toon
NET Render
MAXON CINEMA 4D R10.5 New Features List
Below is a brief description of all new CINEMA 4D R10.5 features.
CINEMA 4D R10.5 Core Version
Images for background templates can be dragged directly into a 2D view.
Noise shader display in OpenGL mode.
Any CINEMA 4D command can be dragged into the editor view to be used as a HUD el
Navigation speed setting for tablet users.
Option for saving objects polygonally in the native CINEMA 4D format.
New Auto-Save function.
Native CINEMA 4D file format can be opened directly in Allplan 2008.
New DWG import format.
Selection assistance in the HUD.
New HUD commands.
Commands with which existing objects or materials can be put out as XRefs.
Camera rotation can be fine-tuned via a manually adjustable pivot point.
Objects and materials can be saved to separate scenes using the XRef function.
The last eight tools used are displayed
Tool for interactively placing lights (and reflections).
Selecting all Phong Edge Breaks.
New Structure command for connecting Points or Edges.
New Structure command for removing edges in consideration of the Phong Angle.
Command to spin selected edges.
A new Animation Palette option that makes it easier for users of other applicati
ons to use CINEMA 4D.
Scalable mini F-Curves.
Selected keys can be moved using the cursor keys.
New key property, "Relative".
Pseudo sequences for easy selection and repositioning of all keys on a given tra
Exchanging Markers between scenes.
Selecting objects simultaneously in the Object Manager and the Timeline.
New KeyReducer algorithm.
Deletion of redundant Keys.
Commands for defining an animation before the first and after the last Key.
Command to make Keys relative.
Command for switching the Key state between Mute and Active.
Selected Keys can be scaled and moved temporally.
Commands to source out existing objects/materials as XRefs.
Up to 5 F-Curve snapshots can be made..
Complex curves can be controlled using RM Curves.
Command for displaying the Material Manager’s layer tabs in rows.
Resetting parameters to default setting.
The Editor Camera’s settings can now be accessed.
A full text search can be conducted in the context-sensitive Help system.
Help can be accessed directly from dialog windows.
Help pages can be bookmarked.
BodyPaint 3D
Command for importing older BodyPaint 3D color presets.
Command for importing older BodyPaint 3D brush presets.
Various scaled UV Islands can be scaled proportionally to corresponding object s
New ABF UV Relax algorithm.
Two new commands for arranging a UV mesh in round or square shapes.
MOCCA Module
Many of the following also apply to the CINEMA 4D core version.
Collision Objects can also be Generators.
Various new settings for the Skin Object.
The Cluster Deformer can be used to deform object groups via point selection or
vertex maps.
The Jiggle Deformer for creating secondary motion.
The Point Cache Deformer transfers animations in the Point Cache Tag to other ob
Squash and Stretch lets deformations such as that of a bouncing ball be created.
The Joint Align tool can be used to freely align joints using a variety of setti
Several new modes for the Weight Tool.
The Weight Tool now works symmetrically.
The new Paint Tool allows precise painting of vertex maps.
Command that transforms a point selection into a cluster.
New bind functionality
The IK Tag has a new Squash and Stretch functionality.
Several new options have been added to the IK Spline Tag. Joint rotation can be
more precisely controlled, and more.
With the Point Cache Tag object point information can be baked and transferred t
o other objects via the Point Cache Deformer.
Two new Weight Tag options.
The Weight Tag can now account for one vertex map per joint.
HAIR Module
HAIR supports multiprocessing.
A new parameter for the Paint Guides Tool with which the interpolation of newly
painted Guides can be controlled.
Hair can be made to bend in the direction of the Target Object.
New parameter for defining hair shadow density.
Stepless antialiasing quality for hair shadows at light source level.
Hair shadow density at light source level.
New, faster interpolation mode, suited especially for use with fur.
New antialiasing mode for stepless adjustment of antialiasing strength.
Steplessly adjustable antialiasing strength.
MoGraph Module
Removing unwanted texture reflection in X and Y direction.
New, faster Effector for simple effects.
The effect of each Effector can be restricted to a selection of Clones.
The effect of the new Volume Effector is limited to object volume.
Clone selections are saved to the MoGraph Selection Tag.
Interactive Clone selection.
Clone selections can be read using the MoGraph Selection Node.
PLEASE Take your time and follow the instructions, this is not difficult but it
is lengthy.
Extract .iso (Which of course you already did!)
Open folder "MAXON.CINEMA.4D.Studio.Bundle.v10.111.Multilanguage"
Copy the "CINEMA 4D R10" folder to your C:\Program Files directory or where ever
you keep your installed programs
Run either 32bit via CINEMA 4D.exe or 64bit via CINEMA 4D 64bit.exe, depending o
n your system.
Once loaded a window will pop up and it will say wrong serials...
Open Keygen and click make and copy and paste serials into the correct boxes,
also fill in personal info (You can make it up)
The app should then load
UPDATE to 10.5
Open "MAXON_CINEMA_4D_V10.5_UPDATE" and run "Updater C4D 10.5.exe" choose the fo
lder where you copied the "CINEMA 4D R10" to during install
For instance in my case it will be C:\Program Files\CINEMA 4D R10
Let the installer run its course.
Launch app and then use the keygen to fill in the 10.5 serial IMPORTANT!! Use th
e Serial counter number (5 digits from earlier)
Open notepad and paste the codes, from keygen, theres a bunch of them. The third
one worked for me, keep trying until the app loads.
Once done, create a shortcut on desktop for easy access
Xfrog 4.3 install instructions are in that folder, Copy your CINEMA4D serial (11
digits) before installing this app.
Thanks to all those who contacted me for requests and support...
It may take a week or so to respond because of the volume of email I receive
Need Music? Appz? Help installing? Anything? Email me for requests planetmaster@ (Please No Spam!)
NOTE: I only check the comments at PirateBay (My Home Site) !!!!
All my releases here:

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