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Jeffrey Mo

ISM- Period 6

Ding, Shifei & Li, Hui & Su, Chunyang & Yu, Junzhao & Jin, Fengxiang. (2013). Evolutionary

artificial neural networks: A review. Artificial Intelligence Review - AIR. 39.


• Training process is adjusting weights

• Evolutionary genetics:
o Three basic operators:
▪ Selection
▪ Crossover
▪ Mutations
o Step 1 Set t = 0.
o Step 2 Randomize the initial population P(t).
o Step 3 Evaluate the fitness of each individual of P(t).
o Step 4 Select individuals as parents from P(t+1) based on the fitness.
o Step 5 Apply search operators (crossover and mutation) to parents and generate
o Step 6 Set t = t + 1.
o Step 7 Repeat step 3 to step 6 until the termination criterion is satisfied.
• EA advantages:
o Solve difficult problems reliably and fast
▪ “large, complex, noncontinuous, nondifferentiable, and multimodal”
▪ Easy to hybridize
▪ “reach the nearoptimum or the global maximum invariably.”
• Three main types of EAs
o Evolutionary strategies
o Evolutionary programming
o Genetic algorithms
• How to evaluate a GA’s connection weights:
o 1: Randomly generate group of distribution
o 2: Compute error function
o 3: Select highest fitness individuals
o 4: Use population crossover to breed
o 5: Repeat steps 1-4

Evolutionary algorithms use biological phenotypes and genotypes to achieve the highest fitness
score in a given task.
Jeffrey Mo
ISM-Period 6

Bhattacharya A., Abraham A., Grosan C., Vasant P., Han S. (2006) Meta-Learning Evolutionary

Artificial Neural Network for Selecting Flexible Manufacturing Systems. In: Wang J., Yi

Z., Zurada J.M., Lu BL., Yin H. (eds) Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2006. ISNN

2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3973. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

• MLEANN (Meta-Learning Evolutionary Artificial Neural Network):

o Computational framework for adaptive optimization of ANNs
o Application of neural networks:
▪ Task optimization
▪ Speech recognition
▪ Pattern recognition
▪ Signal processing
▪ Function approximation
▪ Financial problems
• Artificial neural network:
o “useful nonlinear systems accepting large numbers of inputs, with the design
based solely on instances of input-output relationships.”
o Training set T
o Arguments n
o d-Dimensional arguments x
o Associated target t

o Training set data is equal to
▪ In the set of i index of arguments and target
▪ Such that if the index is equal to 1
• local search techniques are used to fine-tune the weights (meta-learning)
• Connection and activation functions

Evolutionary algorithms utilize a series of neural networks to maximize the efficiency of a

program for the purpose of accomplishing a given task through the use of artificial neural
networks and mathematical equations.
Jeffrey Mo
ISM- Period 6

Hardesty, Larry, and MIT News Office. “Explained: Neural Networks.” MIT News, MIT News,

14 Apr. 2017,

• Google’s translator:
o “deep learning”
o “Perform some task by analyzing training examples”
• Neural networks:
o Training examples are usually hand-labeled
o Object recognition system
o Thousands of images:
▪ Cars
▪ Houses
▪ Horses
▪ Coffee cups
• Modelled loosely on the human brain
• Thousands of nodes
o Densely interconnected
• “Feed forward network”
• Receive interconnections known as weights
o Each weight receives different data
o Threshold value depends on how much a node fires
• Training data is fed through input layer
• Exited through output layer
• “human neuroanatomy and cognition”
o An indication that they capture something about how the brain processes
• Poggio’s three-part theorical study of neural network

Artificial neural networks allow scientists to model the brain’s network structure to better
understand and solve complex problems.

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