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A Transcript

i 30 year old boomer just wants one win

ii 30 year old boomer just wants some wins

iii 30 year old boomer reaches his final form

iv 30 year old legend gracefully ends his career before it gets


Part I

3 0 Y E A R O L D B O O M E R J U S T WA N T S O N E W I N

ey everybody welcome to the start of I don’t know it could be a one
Episode series it could be an infinite episode series I’m not saying it’s
gonna come out every day I want to manage your expectations prop-
erly I got a lot of feedback regarding that in the recent administra-
tive and programming changes surrounding the show I in the interest
of bringing more variety the channel that was a real sentence I just
slurred my words a little bit I have been playing a crapload of Tetris 99 let me show you
some stats games played total playtime 10 hours this embarrassing games played 158
look at this stat right at the top wins 0-0 highest place to and I’ve gotten that like 6 times
this 10 kills in a game averaging about a kill per game could be better than that 8500
total lines even got 12 t-spin minis 14 total teaspoons I’ve been targeted for elimination
by 42 players simultaneously and yet no wins what are we gonna do here we’re gonna
play Tetris 99 I’m gonna try to keep up a coherent and cogent stream of dialogue
I got to teach you some terms first couple of Tetris terms first one radio silence
radio silence happens when there’s enough blocks on the screen I can’t have any energy
focused on dialogue all of the energy has to be focused on clearing blocks Wyatt Earp
that’s when you accidentally draw the ire of the fastest tetris gun in the West Sally
Jenkins she’s been playing since the release in 1984 Oh send them the last word I want
her to teach you was send them send them is what happens when you get a situation like
this where you’re unfairly targeted for elimination by dozens of people simultaneously
they don’t want you to win that’s at the end of the day they don’t want you to win Alexi
doesn’t want you to win so what we’re gonna do is tell Alexi keep your stupid comments
in your pocket okay what’s my strategy for Tetris 99 it’s pretty simple and you know
I’m open to learning a little bit more about how to actually be good at the game but
essentially clear lines quickly is the heart and soul of it as you might expect and then
beyond that it’s all about targeting you know that that’s like the higher-level strategy I
think I tried to target chaos because I feel like the only way I’m ever gonna beat someone
who’s substantially better at Tetris that myself is to get enough chaos it gives you what’s
called a garbage multiplier and you know no no jokes about I thought that was well
your YouTube channel was called please have some respect the garbage multiplier yeah
sure let’s send the garbage multiplier allows for you with one line of garbage - Pato
aw crap - possibly send as many as like two or three even lines of garbage back at the
enemy I’ve royally screwed this one up and I apologize but you know what that’s how
I’m gonna beat a better player is the way I wanted to finish that saying the only way I’m
gonna beat a better player is to either become a better player unlikely or alternatively
we’re gonna reach a situation where we just have so much garbage multiplication that

they can’t hang and by playing you know 1/3 as good as them I can still end up beating
them though that’s the the way I consider most likely and I’m being a hundred percent
sincere but you know what the end of the day Tetris isn’t just the game about winning of
course that’s you know on my to-do list for sure Tetris is a game is about improvement
it’s just an enjoyable game in its own right you know at the end of the day and it’s fun
to ruin people’s games even if you don’t actually end up you know winning yourself
and we’ve already done that like what’s our chaos a trade here we already got to chaos
that’s above average for a me and ABI are no question about it so we probably should be
saving some more blue boy like a long pieces I got some real dereliction in my strategy
I’ll level with you but I know that you know people are just like bility spin dad look I
know what a tea spin is I know how to do it I struggle sometimes with being able to
do it at exactly the most opportune moment I guess is the way that I would describe it
but I’m working on it you know there’s definitely work to be done in that department
but we’re trying to get there trying to save pieces that are the most relevant to save like
this I’m not even messing with you you might be like oh my god what’s he doing I
didn’t know and I’ll had this level of ability inside of him this is nothing you think this
is something wait until I mean clearly you have not seen where Tetris goes from here
because like I mean I was in your position at one point of my life many many hours ago
I didn’t realize that once you get to the final circle of Tetris 99 it’s a real hassle you’ve got
the shots are coming in so fast and furious you know it’ll make your friggin head spin
dude like a look at this is this a Wyatt situation I cannot say for certain whether we’re
being Wyatt ’add or or not Wyatt ’add right now is this a Wyatt or is this just a dude
who saved up you know his life savings for the kind of combo he thought would knock
me out of the game that was not very smart of me but we can still you know we can
clear it no hard feelings this will work and then this will not work we’re waiting for an
orange piece or a long blue that’s not a long blue the orange piece will do let’s go back
to Kos Kos and then we’ll store this and try to clear a line here yo not something you
sometimes you know the best laid plans of mice and men speed is the name of the game
is all I’m gonna say sometimes you got to make a suboptimal decision in the interest of
getting things you know the turnovers got to be a little bit answers what I’m trying to
say all right so we’re fighting back we got it we got an attacker on us I don’t know what
red screen means I think it means that I’ve become the number one threat in the game
which makes sense to me because you know I’m not doing that badly honestly but it’s
kind of falling apart now and at the end of the day you know you just got to go faster
okay we’re in the top ten this will work don’t send me don’t send me oh we had the
blue piece ready to go I don’t know who I was eliminated by let’s see who I eliminated
you know scroll down scroll it scrolled down can you scroll down please there we go
who we got here oh we didn’t knock out anybody for the back half of the game I’m
very sorry burgandy and I’m very sorry Dillon level five playing his first game at Tetris
99 he runs into a thirty-year-old wunderkind with a man on a mission hmm sorry that
was a big mouthful and so we can get you subscribed to my youtube channel northern
lion 9 big mouthfuls every day so what’s the what’s the point of the series is twofold its
threefold its manifold the first one I’ve been playing a lot of Tetris 99 I’ve been enjoying
it and people have said I enjoy watching it secondly what I’m a man on a mission I’ve
won a game I don’t know you’re gonna be like have you ever done it without Austin
yes I’ve won a game of apex Legends I’ve won several you know I’ve won a solo in

fortnight I’ve won a solo in pub G Tetris 99 despite my 10 hours of gameplay continues
to elude me my wife has won a game coria’s won a game I don’t know anybody else’s
won a game but I’m just saying you know it’s on my list of things to do oh my god we
got to KO is already oh we have three Kos already okay this is CS what happens when
you step to the King sometimes you might end up all getting Kayode simultaneously I
love that so you’re like what is going on right here why are you getting so many particle
effects every time you make a line that’s because I have so many attackers right now that
every time I make a line it sends a line to all of my attackers due to my targeting and
as a result I mean you’re watching the chaos they’re getting real strong here pretty soon
we’re not gonna have any attackers left the problem is that we also are going to become
like the number one target because we’re gonna potentially have the most badges in
the game and you can see that badges is another means of targeting over there so you
know there’s definitely some inherent risk involved with this strategy but I’m having a
good time nonetheless this is one where I’m like I just don’t know where to place that
bad boy try something like this definitely need a long piece please don’t take that out
of context and no further comment is necessary alrighty like this like this eventually
you know I’m not a pro at Tetris but I think you know if I’m being honest I definitely
think I’m an above-average Tetris player I might not be an above-average tetris 99 player
okay let’s start over chaos I’m worried I’m actually catching too much heat here so you
might be like well if you’re catching too much heat why are you going for chaos well
I think like there’s like a feedback system right like if I have a lot of badges I’m gonna
get targeted a lot and then if I go to attackers I’m gonna just keep attacking more and
more people over time I don’t know if that’s the case but that’s my hunch and to be
honest you know in in Tetris once you’re locked into a strategy you know that’s it for
the match it’s hard for me to dynamically change what we’ve had going on here this
a real problem you will never hear me suggest that this is not a real problem but wait
this is some radio silence territory okay I think we’re out of we’re almost out of radio
silence and by almost I mean we’re back in radio silence I can’t believe we haven’t been
killed like we were we were primed for elimination there oh here we go okay we’re back
boys whoo a little spicy temporarily but you know that’s like baby you can’t handle the
spice stay out of the Tetris oh my god we have eight Kos again I was stressed I actually
don’t think 8k OS is really a good thing necessarily it is remarkable it’s another radio
silence level here we got some we’ve got certain issues that need to be handled pardon
me I’d really really like to get to the bottom you know I think we can actually handle
that please take me down I need to go no not like this okay we got to go to attackers
temporarily this is a perfect radio silence example they don’t want you to win that didn’t
make a lie all this it’s problematic no no spin them out spin them out this too many lines
we man cannot deal with this many lines okay just paint them just spin them okay as
the 34th place finished with eight Kos we beat ask a dad I’ll tell you I think we maybe
got a little too big for our britches on the kills there it wasn’t my intention but you
know 10 people come after you they got knives what do you do parry their blows one
by one like Chandra parks landmark film old boy from 2003 not the Spike Lee remake
yet another big mouthful excuse me can’t help but notice you know we have like eight
people targeting us again this is probably a situation where I should learn from my
previous mistake and not you know basically I should have mercy and not eliminate
these people who know not what they do however I’m just sorry to tell you it’s a very

simple situation if you come out of the gate and the random number generator says
attack this guy it’s not in my DNA to not fight back you know it’s not in my DNA to
be like live-and-let-live in this situation it’s in my DNA to be like you will be destroyed
I’m sorry to say but when the kr the chaos start flowing it’s a bad one I know where I’m
going we’ve created a pretty terrible situation for ourselves here but again that’s Tetris
my man Tetris is about I’m actually gonna go on a randoms for a bit to accident to avoid
accidentally ruining my game it’s a lot of garbage but I’m gonna just be honest with
you is not an insurmountable amount of garbage I think some people they see that on
the left side of the screen they go what am I supposed to do about this that’s not me in
my present world view that’s not me okay so we we’ve screwed this up royally again
sometimes I really think this the heart and soul of Tetris is recognizing you’ve made a
mistake and instead of creating a situation that can compound that mistake getting your
way out of it you know doing something like that something like that you’re only ever
a few lines away from being in a better position you know what I mean they’re really
looking for a key block if possible eighty block very useful there it is all right so we’re
back and I mean we got a little bit of garbage coming in but you know what else is new
right that’s Tetris you you know if you’re gonna play this game and you’re gonna be
like I can’t handle the garbage you shouldn’t be playing the game you’re gonna be sent
garbage we’re being sent garbage on a regular basis right here I will also say this may
at this point constitute an impossible amount of gar for us to deal with this is a perfect
example of the situation we described earlier as being Wyatt ’add I know you’re like
radio silence you madman nom-nom-nom this is a Wyatt situation somebody a Tetris
God has found us and they’ve said you know what this guy’s a threat I’ve got you in
my sights oh I screwed it up so bad we had a chance there soldier 76 I’ve got you in my
sights and he endeavoured to take us down you know and that’s that’s fine it is what
it is we’ve leveled up to level 30 I could have gotten out of that if I had just I should
have placed the T Block what I was thinking is I got you know got to get that long block
down there but I made a mistake in the moment it happens mm-hmm at this point you
know what that sound is the mouthful of a large degree you gotta give me a moment
we’re gonna come back look this is a much better game okay so we got three people
targeting us right from the get-go you know what that means that means I don’t have to
pop off I don’t have to you know become Rorschach from Watchmen I can just enjoy my
life instead of having to worry about like oh you know like in two seconds I might have
too many Kos you know I want to stay a little bit under the radar oh my god okay forget
that we’re going hard you take a shot at the champion best not miss look at the amount
of garbage you tried to pile on me you know there’s I got off or something in my own
defense here which is some dude just came out of the woodwork and decided you know
what we’re gonna hit this guy with like a Tetris that I’ve stored up since my 9th birthday
party so we got to fight back you know remove the the garbage related situation and
you know we’re in a knock-down drag-out fight I’m not gonna deny it but here we
go we come back we hit them with one of those stored oh that’s a good you know we
need a word for that that’s when you get mad catz I accidentally inhibited myself I put
the restrictor plate on my controller my mistake hit the button when I shouldn’t hit the
button it happens from time to time but you know this is actually like is my favorite part
of Tetris because it looks like you’re never gonna be able to come back like you might
as well just hold the UP button you know just send the pieces straight down dad you

already lost this one not it’s not like that I can understand you know some people they
live their lives you know if they ever make a mistake it’s time to start over I don’t live
that kind of lifestyle and as a result I’m being punished by the game right now but you
know what that’s okay because you know what you can’t control you can’t control how
other people react to your tetris skills all you can control is yourself that’s fair I’m gonna
I’m gonna toss at least one more of this video that was just a bad game honestly when
we MadCatz ourselves we created a certain situation for ourselves that was untenable
let me remind you of some of the terminology by the way this is a pro I’m not using the
pro troller I should say the pro controller d-pad is too touchy for tetris 99 I’m using the
Joye cons shoved into that like plastic holster that came with the Nintendo switch it’s
fine you know that wasn’t a situation where the button is too sensitive there’s a situation
where my brain is too bad all right so we got another Rorschach situation here keep in
mind we’ve added a lot to our lexicon over the course of the video so far we’ve gone
from having a couple of unique tetris words to you know now we’ve got Rorschach I’m
gonna do like the world’s worst t-spin there just to get myself out of a little bit of a jam
and now we’re back Rorschach is when you’re getting attacked by too many enemies
simultaneously you know right at the start of the game they go hey I want to pick a
fight with this guy and you got no choice but to defend yourself you go on attackers
and you let it fly and then you get game old ko ko game over ko enjoy it you know it’s
not told you it’s not gonna be like that forever look at that that’s a Rorschach right there
you remember why it we’ve encountered a couple of Wyatts over the course of the game
so far of course don’t forget this is a big one [Music] Wyatt Earp is when you encounter
a Tetris god the likes of which is very unlikely that you will defeat you know what I’m
okay with that I’m content with that situation shall we say Mad Catz no offense to an
organization that I heard has become substantially better since I was a child just flavor
text don’t get too spiced over it toss one of the easier way look at that okay now we got a
you know I’m not gonna belabor you with too much verbiage maybe next episode we’ll
teach you about the idea of a garbage hole but let me teach you some advice for those
of you out there you know you’re trying to get good at Tetris you know it’s a long road
don’t get me wrong and I’m still on that road with you for life the thing is you want to
get good at the game at the end of the day you got to keep your garbage hole clean and
I know it sounds like I’m making a joke there’s nothing funny about it this is a problem
it’s one of those situations where you just have to act faster I think and I’m doing a
pretty terrible job of that yeah like a truly heinous job so I’m basically being targeted by
Kaos right now because I think I’m in the number one or one of the top positions to get
knocked out so when you’re being targeted by Kos you know you can’t play your ideal
Tetris game anymore you really got to start to make some compromises and that’s what
happened there you know any game where we get a 2-1 KTR it’s not it’s not great but
it’s not terrible came in the top half got two kills our Rorschach didn’t pop off the way I
wanted it to that’s okay sometimes you just say sometimes you’re in a game with parler
players you know hey I heard this game is free on Steam I love to check it out there’s
not steam sorry on switch sometimes you end up with a game that with people and
I’ve noticed this that saw that the game was announced in the Nintendo Direct did not
own a switch went to Amazon and went give me that switch because I want to get some
wins in Tetris it’s a very Rorschach II situation right here that’s okay truth be told as
much as it might be a negative for my overall chances of winning I love the Rorschach

you know why I mean you get spiced early send them oh that’s a perfect send them
situation then you do this okay that garbage hole you got keep that garbage hold clean
remember that keep the garbage hole clean okay we got no choice but to take advantage
of the space afforded by the garbage hole there but in general we’re trying to keep that
garbage hole clean this is a big one you do this you still got a lot of attackers you do
this and you send them you do this and you send them chaos are gonna start flowing
don’t get it twisted you do this you got a clean garbage hole what comes next you go
fast you get this you send them again what happens after that send them once more
now we got them off our back for a bit you might even get a few more chaos flow and
you never know alright unfortunately in the game of Tetris as in the game of life there’s
not that much time to take your foot off the gas pedal we’re looking for predominantly
I hate that I had to use that they’re looking predominantly for the square blocks thank
you send them send them again it’s one of those situations you know maybe we gonna
swap off because I think we’ve taken care of the the base level gamers and I think now
I’m attracting a little bit too much attention got myself in a risky whyatt esque situation
that I don’t want any part of to be honest we’re just gonna clear our you know the
inertia garbage that we’ve got going on here I’m willing to compromise a little bit on
that one still got some issues no question about it I’d really like to be able to get out of
this garbage could I got going on maybe we even go one step towards complacency and
it’s not a word I necessarily like to use but you know we’re gonna attack randoms here
instead just to keep ourself relatively safe and you know we can always toss down one
of those oh my god we’ve almost got a clear garbage hole so now you go for attackers
and you get ready to send them one of those oh dude we got a great setup here look
at that look at that and it’s good stuff again I’m gonna compromise on that one you’re
gonna notice a lot of common verbiage yo we got an orange piece let’s go you’re gonna
notice a lot of common verbiage that’s because it’s very difficult to play Tetris and talk
simultaneously you’ll notice when you watch some of the big Tetris players some of the
truly professional Tetris aficionados they don’t talk that much and I don’t mean that
as a negative you know we’re offering different things into the ecosystem here but you
know it’s so they’re not watching you know the slash Tetris God for quips
they’re watching slash Tetris god to see some top level place and that’s not
what you’re getting here you know in cases Casey were confused about what you were
watching you know you’re not gonna encounter too many God game or level plays here
I hate it but what you are gonna encounter is a man who’s sincerely doing his darndest
and I hope that’s on display to keep his garbage hold clear keep his nose clean and
compete that’s what I’m here to do I’m here to compete probably should have just taken
the the lines on that one but you know what we had a risky situation wouldn’t say I
regret our approach let’s go for some chaos as dicey as it is I knew it I smelled that ko
coming clear some lines dude clear some lines store this bad boy not now no I screwed
it up i reaiiy tried to bail out of that one in the last second if I had my controller input on
you would be like I saw him try to bail out so that’s this is a very very not good situation
but again what are you doing Tetris you get the knock good situation you bail yourself
out bucket by bucket hate it now I feel the tell-tale controller rumblings of having drawn
the attention of a Wyatt there is a Wyatt present and accounted for be careful it’s like
a today you tomorrow me sort of situation if you know what I mean you know what
go ahead and toss that one right there today Wyatt shows up on slash

northernlion to drop you know eighty five lines of garbage on me everybody laughs
tomorrow he ends up in your inaugural game of tetris 99 and it’s not so funny also
whoever made a post on tetris calm and let all the tetris pros know oh my god i i’m
mad catz tit let the tetris pros know that the game is out bring you buddy you caused
me a lot of no no it’s the same situation white up no fifth place nine kos who’d we get
let’s take a look Itachi 974 rip in peace sixth place be base URI F Barragan I’m very sorry
to hear that no comment risk at a painful look at these these badges dude porca Nader
well that’s gonna do it for episode one again I don’t know if the series is gonna come
out every down and I was gonna come out every other day all I know is you’re gonna
witness a man do his darndest to ascend to the level of Tetris 99 greatness one win is all
I asked for I don’t want to become a professional Tetris 99 player I just want to get to the
level where I can say I knocked out the W and if we have some fun in the process then
you know No hard feelings for now thanks for watching hope you guys have enjoyed
the episode click the like button if you did to subscribe if you want to see more in the
future and of course check out Tetris 99 it’s free on switch and I could use the fodder
for now thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time sweet Oh

hey everybody welcome back to some tetris 99 130 year-old baby boomer tries to
reach the level of a grandmaster he didn’t watch the first episode go back there’s so
much vernacular you know it’s like missing the second lecture of a college class first
lecture don’t cheat on your test yeah I get it dude second lecture if you miss that and
you show up the dude’s gonna be talking about micropipettes and benzene rings the
fall of Rome and you’re gonna be like wait a minute I thought this was home ech yeah
toss me on randoms here for once we’re not getting Rorschach tat the very start of the
game and again if you need to ask what’s a Rorschach yo what did I just tell you you
got to go back and watch the previous episode okay so I got a methodology for the
most part of the methodology is very very simple to understand cuz I’m a simple kind
of man trying to build a tower but sometimes you know the tower it’s not built to your
specifications you know what I mean like sometimes this will never work sometimes
you’re building your tower and you’re like you know what I don’t like the granite that
we picked out for the countertop so you take the tower down to zero in that case and
you start over again and you get something that looks good I will say still I wouldn’t
say it’s basic tetris strategy but there’s still some tetris strategy that is to a certain extent
lost on me I understand I have an over-reliance on long L blocks and and would never
dispute that fact mostly because I have eyeballs but how do you get consistent entries
or Tetris let’s go for some chaos yeah I think the times right without relying on the L
block that’s alright people you know they pop in there they’re well-meaning you know
it’s not like they’re they’re being jerks but they pop in and they’re like you rely on L
blocks too much or the street blocks too much and you’re like okay I agree what do
I do about it and they’re like rely on them less that’s nonspecific feedback how am I
supposed to take that you know back to the HQ and improve my ability to get better
you know you need actionable feedback rely on them less is not actionable feedback
it’s like hey when you’re in this situation you have a pattern your pattern is to do this
instead of doing this do this instead where this does not rely on them less you know
what actually like this piece right here you know it’s it’s the s and the Z block that gets
you into trouble from time to time we got to try to work our way out of those if you can
find good opportunities to drop s and z blocks dude you’re gonna love life let me tell
you I can’t believe by the way we have zero chaos oh baby we do not have a zero kos
any longer we desperately okay that block is actually fine then we can take advantage
of this all right you know what let’s store this bad boy up does leave us kind of a weird
spot on building but and isn’t it the the universal axiom of tetris it always feels like the
bad blocks show up way more frequently I don’t think that’s the truth but you know it’s
to some extent I think it’s the it’s a you know there’s a lot about Tetris you can apply to

life at large and I know that sounds ridiculous but look at that we just had two positive
things in a row but I barely noticed cuz as soon as I saw the positive thing I just slurp
that up oh and I needed you know we didn’t take too much time to appreciate it maybe
maybe there’s a metaphor in there you know for her life in general you know take the
time to savor the good stuff when it’s there or maybe not maybe it’s just matching blocks
I don’t know it’s not really my goal to be the Zen master in YouTube just kind of trying
to get a W here for my own self confidence okay we mad cats but that’s alright that
was the rare accidentally tactical mad cats that’s when you mad cats but the situation
was actually probably better than what you would have done in the first place so I’m
gonna give myself a big round of applause for that okay I saw that shot coming in now
you get yourself on Wyatt watch okay is this Wyatt or is this just you know somebody
clear in lines I’m very cognizant of the fact not not everybody who sends us garbage
that was not a Mad Catz that was a bad brain not everybody who sends us garbage is
trying to ruin our day some people who send us garbage are just trying to stay alive
and you know I don’t want to pile on you know what I mean and again you know that
the tetris methodology we got problems this is I don’t think this is Wyatt oh my god
never mind that was a perfect Wyatt how many attackers that we have there be honest I
don’t know we screwed that up two missed inputs in in quick succession you know it’s
gonna throw you for a loop and Tetris there’s no doubt about it that’s my bad I really
think you know if I’m gonna consistently have a good shot at getting top 10 top five
top three which is where you got to be obviously to have a chance of the victory we got
a we got to basically play a mistake-free game it’s tough sometimes it feels like there’s
nothing you can do sometimes it feels like you’re all alone in the city you live in the City
of Angels lonely as I am together we cry probably should have gone for a full-on Tetris
there so my methodology right now I’m keeping us on thanks that was pretty dumb
I’m keeping us on please play an option here keeping us on randoms you know I’m
not really in a position where I feel too comfortable making enemies at the time being
you know we didn’t have a whole lot of people targeting us from the get-go so I don’t
really think it’s it’s a wise decision for me personally to come out of the gate and make
a whole bunch of people mad and you know we got garbage coming in but remember
not you know we get two lines of garbage that’s not a situation where somebody’s like
hey he’s the streamer kill him this is a situation where you know these are people just
trying to make their way in the world today and as you know from the cheers theme
song sometimes that takes everything you got perfect placement thank you see here’s
the situation we really need an orange to go there okay we got some chaos flowing I
apologize it was not a KO I necessarily intended upon what am i doing it was a KO
that just happened to occur you know probably starting right now you know we’re in a
pretty good spot haven’t been playing perfect making some pretty brain-dead mistakes
to be honest with you but you know we’re close to the bottom and when I’m close to
the bottom that’s when I like to start taking a little bit more of a KO focus personally
now if we get targeted too much I don’t think that was too much I’m gonna give them
a chance to redeem themselves by changing their targeting we start to get targeted too
much we go for a little bit of a Rorschach situation as I’m sure you’re familiar with from
my earlier discourse as per my recent emails you should know what a Rorschach is even
if I do mispronounce it okay that’s a lot coming in this might be a Wyatt situation but
you know if you want to be the Wyatt you got to beat the light we’re gonna send them

a full-on Tetris go a little bit radio silence just temporarily I’ve got to clear the garbage
whole screwed that one up something fierce that’s okay because we just do this now
let’s go back on randoms we’ve angered Wyatt Wyatt is furious and you can tell that
he’s mad based on the quantity and sadly the quality of the garbage that he’s sending
us in order for us to get out of this situation well let me let me settle this for you we
probably won’t get out of the situation but if in order for us to have any chance to get
out of this situation we got to be able to put some lines down field so to speak it’s pretty
dangerous and delicate situation here but you know at the end of the day you can bail
yourself out a little bit in Tetris getting yourself if you’re getting targeted and you got
you know clowns to the left you Joker’s to the right you guys you got real problems yeah
I mean we also had eight lines of garbage coming up there so it was pretty unlikely we
were gonna make it out of there but we did at least beat big Yoshi so we got very very
little to worry about in terms I mean I think that was a pretty good game that’s what
I’m trying to say that’s the thing you know at the end of the day which I realized I’ve
been saying a lot here at the end of the day part of our ability to succeed in tetris 99 is
gonna come down to luck and luck in this case means number of games played plus the
situation involved in those games I got three attackers I got one attacker one attacker
equals you go for randoms doesn’t bother me what have I done here’s where you start
throwing out some super weird stuff I don’t know dude let’s just try it on see what fits
this is a terrible idea okay so now that I’ve screwed myself let’s you know do Tetris 101
pull ourselves back and get cut ties with all the lies that you’ve been living in you know
what send them we’re lucky we’re not be honestly if this has been a Rorschach situation
young men would already be dead Agent Smith the matrix look it up sweetheart instead
we got very lucky we were not really targeted for deletion like a Wikipedia article on a
subject of questionable influence instead you know we’re able to get ourselves back to a
situation where honestly things are looking pretty salt look at that we’re back down to
zero here so now that we’re here we accidentally got a KO on randoms that’s a-ok oh by
me and you know what we’re gonna we’re gonna compromise a little bit compromising
is when you recognize you place the hole in your tower somewhere but in the interest
of expediting the process getting things placed down quickly you know you feel like it’s
the right call in that moment which may or may not be the case okay chaos or flooding
I may not do we got a few attackers here but that’s okay I may not be the best Tetris
99 player on earth I think that that’s definitely still up for debate I’m being facetious
but I laughed nonetheless however I got a pretty good kdr and I gotta think that you
know maybe part of our problem is is being a little bit too aggressive and going for
chaos Kay told me when she won her focus was basically on attacking randoms until
she got attacked in a big way herself and then she would focus on on hold up here I got
a plan this is radio silence just temporarily okay we’re back um until she got attacked
in a big way then she would attack attackers and then she would go back to randoms
so this is a big one probably a prime time to switch yeah we got to go attack attackers
it’s the only way for us to get out this might be a Wyatt situation maybe maybe not you
never know right and I never know I mean I only know once I see their name after the
game it’s like Smash Bros oh we gotta go this one you always it that’s like the first step
in my personal Tetris evolution was looking at the next piece you know when I started
playing Tetris well Tetris 99 at least which is really my first foray into anything but like
a Windows Tetris when I first started playing it you know it’s just enough for me to just

to try to stay alive you know so you’re just let me put it this way you might think I’m
playing slow right now but you know this is is 20 times faster than I was playing when I
first began you know what possibly one of these okay then you start sending them then
you start sending them toss them one of these send them one of those send them back
I don’t even know what are we attacking right now we were attacking we had like no
targets didn’t keep the garbage hole clean that’s it’s a mistake but it’s a mistake that’s
certainly recoverable [Music] and can’t you feel it for yourself you know we’re not at
risk of getting the W probably in this one but you know one day we play long enough
it’ll happen and when it happens it’s gonna be is gonna be a beautiful moment hate
it oh I hate it even more oK we’ve we’re so lucky and I know that sounds ridiculous
but we’re so unbelievably lucky to have not been targeted during my own period of
being extremely terrible right there we might just have a chance to temporarily bail
ourselves out I don’t know if I would recommend the move I just made but here we are
one of those situations where you’re just waiting for one particular piece and somehow
someway we’ve managed to pull ourselves out of disaster and I really like if I’m being a
hundred percent with you we almost certainly should be dead and are not really doing
a great job you know with the situation we’ve been bequeathed please don’t target me
I’m begging you not to target me no okay I screwed it and then I saved it that was the
old screw and save no comment on my choice of diction there please please oh my god
I okay that was that was not great yeah okay okay 6ko 18th place I’m never gonna be
like oh we really drop the ball what we did do is we panicked we panicked a little bit
I you know it’s just all it takes in the controller is one brain madcatz one time you hit
up when you when you didn’t actually have it in the position you wanted like I said
we gotta have a mistake-free game but we were playing on the back foot for a long time
there and I honestly I think we did well not to just give up and be like long we’re in
a tough spot right we you know you can fight sheer force of will will will do a lot for
you in this game all right one attacker it’s not a Rorschach situation which is beautiful
all right let’s create a trough on one side of the screen all right that’s a lot of garbage
early I can really only assume that that is a double Tetris since we’re gonna lose like
instantaneously I’m dead I came in last I can’t I did come in last all I can say about that
one is what can you do the answer is clear lines be better you know be better is kind of
like you know I can’t I lift 500 pounds just be stronger you know it’s gonna take time
for us to get there if you get targeted for deletion by Wyatt Earp Annie Oakley it’s a
you know shootout at the OK Corral sort of situation I was it I didn’t lose that game
that was the game I was never gonna win as long as you know Leon the professional
was involved life goes on what are we learned from that game like literally nothing but
you know that was like in Mega Man X when you fight the penultimate boss on the first
level and you’re forced to lose it’s just a situation where like you know we’ve learned
what’s possible in this game let’s put it that way yeah it’s compromised compromisable
situation no harm no foul send them one of these all right let’s go for Kos usually by
this point in the game somebody’s starting to get a little frazzled maybe they got a
Wyatt base situation like we had last time you know it’s just the way of the world kid
at the end of the day almost everybody involved in any game of Tetris 99 is gonna die
and I don’t mean in real life I mean within the context of the game mode itself who
knows maybe we’ll be the immortal life generation you know I’m not happy with what
I’ve done here but it’s not a situation where we should just toss it waiting for that next

blue piece then we go attackers we’re getting ready to throw down several Tet trees on
them there you go that’s what happens when you send me garbage okay you send me
garbage you get garbage and return that’s a metaphor for twitch chat as well here you
go The Beatles said it best and in the end the garbage you make is equal to the garbage
you take never forget who did that was it me that targeted you I don’t think so I don’t
think so dude I hate we got we had to swear boys okay we got to work ourselves out
of this how does one do that it’s a tough one we got to wait for a long piece thankfully
we got one I apologize by the way I will probably consistently call the long piece an L
block erroneously should probably switch off with attackers you know I don’t want to
draw too much iron if possible okay that garbage hole is clear well don’t love clear in
that line this is a situation where we had the opportunity there and I’m working on it
we had the opportunity to create a situation that could only be solved by a long block
and I fought hard against my preconceived notions to not do that I hope that that was
considered a positive top half to really you know the top half is just the beginning okay
so we got a full Tetris easily stored up let’s send that back at these three attackers then
immediately go back to Kos it’s not my position to be making you know enemies we
can’t handle just yet at the end of the day and I know I keep saying at the end of the day
quite consistently you know you’re gonna unless a Wyatt happens to get knocked out
you’re gonna encounter a Wyatt it’s the way of the world sweetie [Music] no like this go
back to attackers you got several they don’t want you to win send them one of those you
know what possum one of these not a very common move in my lexicon if you got to do
this to clear lines you got to do this to clear lines you go back to attackers you send them
I I noticed in my peripheral vision I only have one attacker that means I’m gonna lay
off a little bit rather stay you know we’re sending 50% more garbage than your average
bear right now it could be better I’d really like to get that at you know it’s possible
like 10,000 times the amount of garbage sent in all likelihood that’s pretty unrealistic it’s
okay with that that’s tomorrow Ryan’s problem right there the fact that we created a gap
there that’s not for me to deal with that’s tomorrow Ryan you know what not panicking
not yet I’ll admit could be better but there’s no panic involved you know we’ve done a
pretty good job look at that tomorrow Ryan that’s why you don’t doubt tomorrow Ryan
he was up to the task [Music] now we’re on radio silence as I’m sure you’ve noticed as
always I have placed myself on full Kos and then been like dude why do I have so many
chaos I can’t do anything about it eggh you’re gonna get in trouble send them hate it
absolutely hate it but you know what we’re just waiting on long block I see it coming
there it is right there it’s honestly like a half of this game is just having a place for the
inevitable square block to go I don’t see a long block enroute I’m gonna do one of these
things are getting a little spicy no doubt about that have we attracted the attention of
a Wyatt yet I would say no perfect good stuff good very good stuff honestly don’t get
it twisted up everything’s going just fine right now you can always spin just a little bit
extra keep yourself you know in the market for a W I’ve really desire a long piece I’m in
trouble send them this is a big sin double moment ah I knock someone know I’m dead
I’m dead Oh Oh baby we were kicking it there well how many kos was that eight kos
dude Oh for now that’s gonna do it for this one I’d take a little brain break I’ll be back
momentarily well I momentarily but soon with another Tetris 99 Eggman tries to get his
first and perhaps only W for now thanks watching because we enjoyed the episode of

you thinking like why I’m just a great deal Chris described y’all see more in the future
friendlies watching I will see you next time true

hey everybody welcome back Norden lamp a playing Tetris 99 I’ve accepted you
know it might take a hundred episodes for us to sniff a win we’re consistently top half
I think is a fair expression to say you know the part from the occasional early Wyatt
situation and then beyond that you know we’ve been racking up chaos if anything I
think I should play a little bit about you know the slower less aggressive game here’s it
once people start targeting me dude I would rather knock out all the people targeting
me and then lose then win and I think that’s what I mean that’s just at the end of the
day pretty dumb so I got a I got a work on that for me personally anyway it’s a bad
start to this tower so actually like an extremely bad start to this tower it’s okay well
rebuild shouldn’t really have to be worried about rebuilding this early but it is what it
is remember keep that garbage hole clean we can afford a yellow tower at the present
moment try something like this right something like this this one is it’s starting you
know you wanted a slow start here you go let’s put it that way that was a Mad Catz and
by a Mad Catz I mean I made a mistake and tried to deflect the blame onto a blameless
corporation that has nothing to do with my mistake whatsoever ie there was nothing
I could do dude the controller bro all right look at that just cuz things started a little
wonky that doesn’t mean that you’re screwed okay we got a long piece coming up I’m
getting a little nervous I’m seeing a lot of you know lines flashing across the screen
we’re keeping ourselves on randoms trying not to draw too much attention luckily not
in that range where I would expect to be targeted for deletion you know especially with
zero chaos we’re not really on anybody’s radar right now or at least you shouldn’t be
there’s always the risk of just a random Wyatt bass situation but short of that again this
is you know somebody sends us a little bit of garbage so why everybody you know
you got to send garbage to live in this game like this yeah okay all right so we’ve just
a absolutely god-awful start a long way to go until our next long boy so I’m just gonna
do something like this okay we’ve made some space definitely send this one Oh like
this okay now we’re coming back I see we’ve got a lot of attackers or as I call them
opportunists it’s a very quick game I didn’t expect to be you know top half already this
one is a sadly and no-go you know I think we got to do it like this unfortunately but
Mike’s okay possum one of those store this and now all of a sudden we got a red piece
coming up soon it means we can or an orange I should say which means we can do
one of these one of these send them garbage hole is in a pretty bad spot to be honest
with you but the rebuild is well underway will it finish now that’s you know the $64,000
question very strong setup we got one last garbage hole to clear and I just built on top
of it I knew it was coming but you know I said to myself self sometimes you got to

bite the bullet on that one [Music] that sucked but this rules I think that was actually
an advisable compromise now we got a just build as fast as anybody’s ever built before
um we’re screwed we will die here but we can I was just gonna say we can learn that
was a bad game I made a lot of I mean there’s no little mistakes I guess at that level
you know we made a lot of mistakes that basically destroyed us not every game we
lose is the result of making mistakes sometimes is the result of play and supplier who’s
just got an overclocked Intel Celeron cerebral cortex that one was you know me being
like I haven’t defrag my cognitive hard drive so let’s clear our mind we’re gonna come
back fresher stronger better this is a Rorschach situation you know at the end of the
day your man cannot resist the spice as a nice outlet for me because like in every other
battle royale that’s right your boy just t-spin in every other battle royale I can’t handle
the spice I die so quickly like every single time so for me it’s almost like you know this
is a it’s a refreshing oh oh kkkk ok-kk oh okay we’ve let her go that’s a Mad Catz okay
so this is a super rebuilt you know I’ve screwed us we have to get some lines going real
quick this one’s got to go here because we can’t be picky super terrible placement at
the end of the day and I know I am really trying to notice when I say at the end of the
day over and over and now now I’ve gotten inside of my own head but it’s not over till
it’s over in Tetris you know if you’re gonna make a mistake making a mistake at the
bottom you know it’s better than making a mistake at the top okay yeah we got to go
on randoms temporarily we got a we’ve gotten the attention of one Wyatt Earp and it’s
definitely leading the problems we still haven’t worked our way through our earlier sub
optimization but it’s coming never thought I’d see the day but yeah I was just gonna
say we’re actually looking for one of those bad boys right there send them okay now
we go attackers and all the opportunists who thought it was time guess what you’re
right you just didn’t realize what time it actually was now we’re back any time you get
a chance to dump that piece you gotta do it very dumb should have gone faster there
oh well um it’s tore that bad boy where you going dump that bad boy right here good
placement send them okay I see a long piece in the hopper had to be done okay now
let’s get off this go to chaos right you know I I had to build in such a circumstance there
that I wasn’t too pleased with myself dude I can’t help it I love the Rorschach games
even if I can’t pronounce the word it’s just so satisfying to have like you know all these
people targeting you and then you go you know what I’ve decided you’re dead I’ve
decided you’re gonna die now okay top fifty is a real spicy game for a top fifty situation
I will stand by the fact that I feel like I had to make the move I made there yes we’re
in a we’re in a weird spot and we have been for unfortunately quite some time but now
you go attackers look at these opportunists you see these guys in your Tetris 99 game
you call them out you go hey opportunist I see you and you know what happens when
an you see an opportunist you end an opportunist gotta do this look at that I can see
your board I can see that you’re not happy with this if you’re unhappy with this change
you’re targeting this is your chance it might be your final chance cuz I’m now at the
bottom of my board and when I’m at the bottom of my board baby oh it’s all coming up
we got 50% plus garbage have we attracted the attention of any Wyatts yet I certainly
hope not maybe there’s no why it’s in the game you know that’s the dream we need
blues good work okay now we got to send them we go chaos [Music] you know I think
this is a much better call here it took me a second to figure it out but I think that line is
substantially better still only 50% garbage up okay you know anytime I’m stacking and

I get garbage to this degree I definitely look at it as if it’s a Wyatt based situation luckily
you know we stored up one of these but you know that’s about where my abilities cease
[Music] trying my my absolute darndest to get one over here no that was real bad keep
fighting survive that’s what it’s all about the end of the day you want to win a game of
Tetris 99 you’re gonna have to live in a situation where others thought it impossible look
at how many attackers we have right now no sorry not attackers opportunists and yet
we live radio silence send them now the 15 ko seventh place and about six of those Kos
came at the very tippy top of the tower if I could have gotten a place to stick that long
piece please google deepmind I mean in a tetris related context we had him that would
have been like six Kos that that I guarantee I mean at the end I didn’t look at anybody’s
board there might have been one Wyeth sitting there and he’s at like base level but that
was a good one that one was good for my confidence I’m not saying we played a perfect
game that’s obviously false but we live I’ll say it okay don’t forget I’m not locked in here
with you you’re locked in here with me you’ve chosen this path never forget that you
have my word if I make it through this there is no other way forward but for you to
be sundered and never forget oh I didn’t have any choice NL the RNG dude the RNG
didn’t give me any choice to just chose you yeah well there’s one ko there’s two who’s
next somebody that’s three somebody sent it s4 somebody’s sending garbage back they
don’t realize it’s futile I’m not mad I mean I’ll be trying to send garbage bag too what the
heck dude somebody’s targeting me you targeted me you targeted me you talking to me
as another one do maybe this is my wheelhouse maybe I’m never gonna be the guy who
ends up you know getting a staggering amount of Tetris 99 wins I think that’s probably
fair to suggest but I can you know like put me on Kaos I’m scared maybe I can be the
guy who starts every game by dropping a an absolute bevy of chaos on my enemies
chaos on my Capo’s I don’t know man this might be t spinnable but we got ourselves
a little bit of a pickle I’m not sure if you found yourself cognizant of the situation yeah
despite survive survive we’re back KO start flowing again you know definitely could
have performed a little bit better and kept us from getting into that situation but we
got out then you go attackers look at this opportunists identified thanks for the kills
might get one more out of that I mean we’re sending 50% garbage so you know just
just cuz we’re sending minor lines you know you might think that’s not that hard to
deal with those are minor lines every line is 50% bigger as a result you know we might
be targeted for deletion for badges so you got to be careful about that sometimes you
just got to send I know we got a weird setup up there it’s okay clear some lines [Music]
kind of a little bit radio silence we got a Wyatt on our tail what do you do in that
situation you make them work for it you know at the end of the day if we’re fighting
against somebody who’s got a 10,000 hours and Tetris where’re we supposed to do you
know all we can do is make him prove it and maybe pick up some delicious Kos along
the way we need a blue oh we have a blue stored attackers hello opportunists identified
target acquired you see an orange get ready you know where that orange is going blue is
not orange oranges orange opportunists identified yet again store it store it opportunists
identified opportunists destroyed hate it shouldn’t have done that got impatient seventy-
five percent garbage up please I beg you the tea peace thank you thank you thank you
send them back so work here this will work here I see a long piece in our future [Music]
now we’re lucky honestly we have a situation where it’s pretty easy for us to make lines
oh no had to do it I hate doing it had to do it don’t send me don’t send me the 14k Oh

17th place yes right you know just cuz you got a look at somebody like shroud you know
Schrag is an amazing player one of the best players I mean maybe the best player player
on those battlegrounds that I’m familiar with on the platform and other video
games as well just cuz he’s the best shot you know that does that make him the best
player maybe maybe not you know if he gets into a bar brawl with somebody that he’s
you know going up against he’s got all the utmost confidence that he can win but part of
his intelligence and his skill is game sense maybe you know I gotta learn when to back
off and this isn’t like oh I’m just too good sort of like this course it’s more like how many
oh we got enough attackers to Rorschach despite what I just said about playing it cool I
love getting again might like my strategy to some extent is just like if I can start sending
twice as much garbage you know that gives me a better chance against anybody I could
be going up against I suppose come on come on we’re not getting the chaos I want the
chaos it’s a feedback loop there you go you get one you still got no garbage bonus so we
got to get a little higher as fine happens somebody has chosen to the smirch our efforts
with garbage against us not a whole lot I can do about that except wishing them the best
in the future and then uh-oh that’s a Mad Catz okay I mean as an obvious mad cat scible
situation think part of my my plan for being better at Tetris is minimizing the amount of
Mad Catz situations that occur what’s my action item for that don’t have one I’m in Ko
territory right now ko territory is very dangerous until you realize that I’ve just attracted
a staggering amount of opportunists if we rang the alarm bell for opportunists we had
a ring ring hello people who want easy chaos came here and then oh there they’re gone
now okay so now we’ll send some katana Mo’s and do it it’s over this is ko City they
haven’t started yet but you know where we okay we got one dude this close to the top
should have been looking at my board instead I was looking at his board classic mistake
sorry look at that I already cleared the mistake okay attackers one not we’re back to Kos
shouldn’t have done that that early life goes on easy clear easy clear equals easy clamp
many attackers now okay is our time you know we don’t have the kind of ko setup that
I’d like to have so at the end of the day this is it you know if we’re going up against why
it’s so be it kill or be killed shoot Wyatt you’re only gonna kill a man blue boy gets put
out right there easy mo okay we’re back to chaos it appears that Wyatt is called off the
dogs which I appreciate you know as much as I like getting down and dirty I don’t want
to go up against the best players in the game right off the bed I’d rather give myself the
best available chance to pick up literally any sort of advantage that could benefit me
okay I don’t like this move I wanted that to be clear I’m doing this move under duress
no opportunist so we go chaos little radio silence you’re just trying to figure out where
I’m going no opportunists we go chaos there we go okay let’s let’s get it started one ko
is just the just the freaking beginning okay no opportunists Oh a purchase okay I felt the
controller vibration the force feedback MadCatz working out of my favorite we got 25%
garbage up honestly is gonna be a lot of work it’s gonna be a lot of work to kill these or
eliminate these tetris professionals hate it still hate it shouldn’t have done that you know
that’s a that’s a dump got greedy I don’t think we have opportunists anymore I think
we just got normal individuals so we’re going back to Kos again they’ll never besmirch
anybody you know their right to be an opportunist at the end of the day you know all
that matters is who gets that crown at the end of the game maybe you care about Kos
maybe you don’t I don’t really the only reason I care about them you know is there’s a
means to an end I really need a blue and I’m looking around like okay it’s not that far

away slot that blue right here taking the chance that there’s gonna be some opportunists
that was a real bad move on my part compounded by another real bad move okay there’s
no question at this point I’ve attracted the attention of a Wyatt and life is pain I’m dead
that’s a you know you get one I get you get the eye of Tetris professional or somebody
that’s stacked up double digit chaos you got to be clearing garbage a lot faster than
I’m clearing garbage to have a chance that’s all right I thought we played a pretty good
game there so that’s what my strategy is evolving a little bit what’s my strategy right
now pray that RNG assigns us six or more attackers on turn one from from time step
zero following this destroy them all see them to driven before us hear the lamentations
of their square blocks one that’s a bad situation put me on randoms for now hate it
how am I gonna get myself out of this what have I done moreover oh dude never mind
okay well that was not what I should have done but it might not be too terrible oh
we got it in the other day what are you doing Tetris clear Lions dummy that’s it now
we’re gonna be targeted for deletion I can tell you this with confidence any time you see
somebody scar like this is like seeing a wounded gazelle on the Savannah you’re going
like oh honey this person has got to be deleted all we can do at this point is you know
oh my god I screwed it up yet again all we can do is court that kind of attention and
then turn it back around on the on the opportunist and I would be an opportunist in
this situation as well trust me there’s nothing more being an opportunist than sorting
by chaos which is what I do you know whenever I find myself in a good position so I
recognized the the siren song of the opportunist there you go you know if you take a
stab at knocking somebody out because they’re in a very ko able situation I think we
got to do this you got to knock him out and that’s you know just the long and the short
of it we got a good setup here we got a beautiful setup right here now let’s go for kos
we got ourselves back to the bottom after truly some just god-awful play some some
play that didn’t need to happen beleaguered placement being a little bit greedy we still
feeling the ill effects as we still got a you know we’re not storing the pieces we want to
store we like having a long piece in our pocket at all times but you know it’s not always
gonna work itself out one attacker not a big deal I think that was one of my better lines
there that’s not meant as a joke as a pun they should say hmm I’ve sussed out your pun
better lines he says not an opportunist just just a player that’s fine he did send me quite
a lot of garbage not an insurmountable amount of garbage as I think we’re discovering
for ourselves right here but an amount of garbage we would like to reflect back at him
if at all possible Kay this is actually of all the Mad Catz I’ve encountered before that
one was one of the least terrible and we’ve almost got this so close to getting out of
the difficult situation we were in that didn’t help us as much as it might it look like it
did ko is are popping though if anything we really want a a blue piece right now but
I’ll accept this one opportunist he sent us garbage I sent him garbage in return that’s
called tit-for-tat strategy it’s game theory sweetheart look it up he’s sending us a ton of
garbage enjoy that we got a blue piece Commons shirt want to keep that garbage hole
clear but you know is getting yeah I should have gone radio silence there let me get one
more I’m not happy with any of these games you know we’re the two for one Katie our
situation that’s not where I want to be we I want to be up in that you know six seven
eight nine plus range whenever possible I get it’s probably frustrating to watch but I
hope you know you got something to root for you’re not watching the the alpha male
Tetris player I’m going for 70 wins in a row today you’re watching the common man

you know you’re watching Michael Scott you’re watching Truman from The Truman
Show and he’s trying to surmount insurmountable odds going up against people that
live their life and rush in our caves from the 1980s until the present moment I’m not
locked in here with you you’re locked in here with me here we go nice son we’re gonna
do it like this okay okay I’ve screwed us up a little bit here not like that placement in
my opinion is now uh screwed us I screwed our screwed us up way earlier than that
I left that open for that exact purpose now we’re back here we’re gonna go for chaos
it’s my strategy from this point forward let’s knock out some chaos you know we got a
good power strap we can start to employ here we got space for fat blocks that’s what
we need okay clearing some lions for our own confidence but you know the time has
come probably for us to start that building something a little bit more impressive that’s
fine sometimes you just got to accept you know hey the dude okay well sometimes you
don’t do accept sometimes you realize a little bit too late that you’re facing against an
opportunist you face against an opportunist is very simple you start sending them lines
now here’s the thing this guy appears to be extremely great or at the very least stored
up his life savings worth of Tetris in order to put me in a very foul situation shouldn’t
have done that one we had a better block open and yet all we can really do if we get
Wyatt udderly and it’s still happening convinced why it is not worth it that’s not gonna
do a good job of convincing him dropping a block in the wrong spot is not gonna do a
good job of convincing him that it’s not worth it if anything is he’s gonna be like I got
him he’s on the ropes and he wouldn’t be wrong okay got to focus on the little things
we’ve been temporarily hold okay we’re done good I gotta test it one more honestly
look you saw we were getting attacked by like one unit there we just got targeted for
deletion by somebody that’s better at the game in us it’s gonna happen from time to
time you know you find yourself in a toe to toe game with Shroud one-on-one in the
final circle he’s probably gonna get you you got it rely on his controller malfunctioning
we were targeted by the random number generation we got is round one of the match
of the gathering tournament and we got matched up against the guy who’s got a game
day 2004 play man you know he’s been playing for 20 years he owns nine black lotuses
and and I’m just another stepping stone for him on the road to his 15th victory in a
row that’s fine I understand I got one attacker honestly that’s the dream if you want to
slow play a game that’s the dream it will try a game of life strats again my wife is better
than me at Tetris to begin with her strat was essentially don’t draw too much attention
until people start you know aggressively attacking you when people start aggressively
attacking you that’s where you start you know attacking them and you know you might
lose but at the end of the day you’re definitely gonna lose if you don’t fight back so I
think you know it’s a good opportunity we didn’t start in a Rorschach situation it’s a
good opportunity to try that she’s also a big fan of our strategy like you got going on
right here it’s a good situation to start sending some back maybe should have put those
on Kos honestly probably could have picked up some easy ones okay we got it we’ve
attacked somebody they’ve chosen to attack us back we got ourselves oh dude look at
the speed at which these these blocks are coming my way look do you see the speed at
which these blocks are coming my way this is a real problem please please I’m begging
you back off you don’t want this I don’t want this nobody wants this maybe you want
this okay oh he’s actually managed to do something again I got to give you one more you
know why there’s not we could have done it we got targeted for deletion that was just

a situation where we sometimes it doesn’t matter of their level one you know it’s one of
these games all your level thirty how’d you die to that yeah because Theresa Hawkins
from Canton Ohio saw the Nintendo Direct last week ordered a Nintendo switch on
Amazon she doesn’t have Amazon Prime it doesn’t service her area yet it finally arrived
it’s her first game but she’s got three decades of Tetris skill sitting in her cerebellum she
doesn’t even need the pass into the executive function areas of Earth this is the dream
dude this is the dream the actual dream we need to send one line to me I got no problem
sent in one line back that’s a disrespect line and I’m I will build a tower we have to be
very danger lies should say it’s because of the fact that you know with all these people
here if they’re all building towers we’re creating a dangerous situation for ourselves by
not keeping our lines relatively clear for now I’m feeling good I’m bobbing my head
to the music you can already see us to chaos and there’s just something about seeing
all of those beautiful lines coalesce outwards if you don’t get a thrill out of that I don’t
know what to tell you brother probably coming pretty close to the time where I might
consider backing off of this strategy well three kos how many attackers we still got three
attackers I think I mean I can keep pace with them for now terrible bloc unfortunately
again like this was done we got no square blocks coming our way huh well we got to do
this let’s switch off we’re catching too much heat I don’t know if my methodology for
this is very simple if too much heat switch and I don’t even know if that’s um if that’s
how the strategy works that’s how I’m choosing to approach it the only and I’ve done
a bad job managing the garbage hole here the only way we can take this out is with a
long block and then we really need an orange block which thankfully is coming we need
another orange block we can deal with this clear outline very aware of my own mistakes
that have led us to this situation no question there but you know got ourselves out of it’s
all about spotting the line you know looking for a Jesse Pinkman block did not appear
now we go attackers and not enough opportunists for me to be interested honestly just
you know my efforts are better served taking out people that are low enough to get
destroyed here my personal opinion okay right a 6ko game pretty you know sensible
and the whole scheme of things not a not an aggressively amazing nor terrible game
you know what got a lot of opportunists anytime you see the opportunists you reply
with a double Tetris that’ll get them off your back let me go back to chaos it’s not really
my intention to ruin anybody’s life out here okay we got a this is a Wyatt base situation
we’ve immediately got to start clearing these actually think we do it like that then like
this remember we had a huge bonus to the amount of garbage we’re sending out there
let’s try that it’s gonna take us a long time to get where we want to go here that’s not
the end of the world okay I think we fought back our attackers okay immediately upon
saying that uh okay we’re dead I’ve realized this is one where I then we were a second
away from oblivion oh man has got me Hannes got me he did but for now we’re still
playing fun games interesting games games that I think are a good time one day we’re
gonna get there for now thanks for watching hope he hasn’t enjoyed the episode we’d
think like a like button I was a great deal of course describe you wanna see more in the
future for now thanks for watching and I will see you next time that every man will
triumph I promise

hey everybody welcome acting on the land place Tetris 99 let me hydrate a little
bit here let me hydrate why didn’t you hydrate before the video look for better or for
worse I live my life aggressively online hydrations no bowel movements but definitely
feedings and drinking’s I’m hopeful you know this is the last Tetris 99 episode I’m
recording today if we don’t win doesn’t bother me cuz you know we’ve done our Tetris
muscle has been engaging in eccentric and concentric motions it’s gonna get stronger
it can’t help but get stronger means you know I wouldn’t bank on a win this time
but hopefully in the future home final hard at at it was just one dude okay here’s the
thing I can’t fight that guy he’s too good I can’t find me yet I should say oh my god
I endeavour to find a long piece please oh I did it all wrong I deserve to die here I
mean this it look just kill me so terrible start but also can somebody look at a Wyatt
Earp’s board he destroyed me it’s gonna happen from time to time hey even the best
spelunky players sometimes they just get hit by an arrow trap you know sometimes
that arrow trap has been playing spelunky since the year 1984 four years before I even
entered the world sometimes the only video game that that arrow trap plays is spelunky
despite the fact that they’ve been on this earth for 23 years sometimes the arrow trap
derives it self-esteem from its performance in spelunky okay I’m gonna stop I’m gonna
get myself in trouble but you we’re gonna we’re gonna definitely endeavor to do a little
bit better this time you got four attackers as far as I’m concerned dream come true
please thank the random number generator for blessing us with many attackers most
content creators feel the opposite they go how dare many people attack me it’s not like
that that’s rng dude they didn’t choose to it that nobody knows who anybody is in this
game you start a game with ten attackers you say thank you cuz they’ve given you an
easy okay so we’re better off now but they’ve given you an easy Avenue from whence to
get myriad kills now is it working out no I’m actually performing like extremely badly
right now I guess Harvard just got out send them send them again as best as you’re
capable send them again nothing like completely clearing your lines and looking and
like you haven’t even made a dent Harvey or otherwise it’s another situation I’m just
gonna be honest with you we had no chance to win that game the person that we ended
up a growing substantially better than us this looks like a regression is not it’s just two
outliers very unlikely heaven if we place in Jason to one another our inexorable march
towards greatness continues and remember this series is not about becoming a tetris
grandmaster this series is about winning one game of tetris 99 and I will do it I think
you can get lucky and you can win him for tonight I say that because I’ve done it I think
you can get lucky and you can win in pub G I think obviously your odds are better the

better you play the fact that I by myself was able to get wins in those games though it
indicates you know I think we can afford to stall it indicates sometimes is just a law of
large numbers situation Tetris I feel is a little bit different to be honest you know what
my friends welcome welcome to the Rorschach I really feel like in Tetris if you’re good
you’re gonna I mean the fact that people are getting 70 wins oh not 70 I made that one
up but the fact that people are getting 30 wins in a row is indicative of the fact that
you know if you’re good at this game you’re gonna you’re gonna be fine we’re targeted
for deletion you can tell by the redness on our screen right now that means we can’t
afford to be too choosy like a choosy mom don’t you dare we’re still fighting as long as
there’s blood left in my body we’re still fighting this is a dangerous one we don’t have
too much going on in the form of like good light dudes that clutches square block in
history send them you don’t get too many square blocks they end up doing that for you
so what do you say well thank you would be a good start thank you mr. square block
still got four attackers these guys haven’t switched off yet there you go the game is done
as an incredible service there I’m not being insincere at the least oh my god okay this
is actually is better than it looks still have two targets easy money we’re looking for a
blue long piece is fine the Blues better thank you not quite radio silence territory yet
I relent you should have gone radio silence okay it’s a big one I think we’re screwed
oh yeah I’m giving her all she’s got captain sometimes yeah that’s the worst good Lord
man I’m Ted what time is it you know what this sounds ridiculous it’s um 5:43 p.m. I
think that the tetris masters just got off from work actuarial science classes let out the
Mensa meeting just got over with we gotta elevate our own brain to a certain level just
to get there you know we’re not there yet we might not get there today but we’re trying
I got to stop playing the Rorschach games man because you know what I need to do I
don’t think you need to t spin to win but I do I know it gives you an amplifier on your
damage multiplier your garbage multiplier let’s put it that way I don’t think you need
to pee spin the win however it would help are we really waiting for one person to get
into the game there’s no way there’s 98 people playing Tetris 99 right now it’s a free
game on the Nintendo switch I’m telling you that’s an off by one error pick up the red
telephone call the tetris corporation we ended up on a junk server here we go 99 out
of 99 I didn’t want to be in that game anyway we probably got put in the hopper with
pros you wouldn’t Tetris I was just gonna say don’t you dare take the servers down not
when I’m about to win one one attacker that’s perfect no harm no foul brother start like
this make some space over here I’m gonna plate it a little bit more conservative right
out of the gate you know we’re not building any big-time towers or anything like that
we didn’t really leave ourselves space let’s store that one you know what I’m gonna
do a little bit of reckless building here kos attackers here that we cost ourselves a little
bit in lyon economy but we what we lost in lyon economy I’d like to think we made
up for in our ability to you know see what was coming choose a target more aptly
and we take our tower down to zero and do this the Zen mastery of Tetris my man
you build the tower you take your tower down you build your tower take your tower
down rinse and repeat get those Kos adrenaline starts pumping brain starts to work at
an overclocked capacity you build the tower you take it back down you get chaos you
get damage multipliers you get garbage multipliers you identified the opportunists you
root them out you see them driven before you you base your whole self-worth on your
performance in the game that’s Tetris baby and all the while what are you doing buildin

tearing it down buildin tearing it down over and over and over that’s how she goes not
a whole lot of attackers never fear it’s not a situation I find myself perturbed by okay
sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures there we go still only got the
one attacker I got to stop taking forever sometimes I’m just going too slow and I don’t
think it’s all related to talking I actually feel like bizarrely sometimes I perform better
when I’m talking you know it keeps my mind focused for whatever reason instead of
wandering that piece not on roots let’s do this I it was on rude yeah blew it you know
got to be done I think we can afford this cost something like that Adam you know you
don’t always have to be clear in exceptional lines sometimes you got to compromise I
truly believe and something like that looked terrible was conventionally probably pretty
dumb but you know before you know we got ourselves out of a jam sometimes you just
got to recognize you know you got round pegs square holes what are you supposed to
do Hey pobody’s nerfect dude make the best of a bad situation how many attackers two
attackers you know what I’m willing to spice let’s do a little spice [Music] definitely just
gonna say waiting on the long piece now we’ve only got one attacker let’s go back to
chaos we spooked them scared them off great work this long piece has to go here we’re
way derelict on that side of the tower really really could use some orange pieces but you
know what I opted out opted to wait or not to wait I should say for the perfect world
scenario and as of right now I’m pleased with that decision but we got a lot of work to
do here we can easily build a Tetris don’t opt out too early on this one well I mean that
was a Tetris the dream scenario is exactly what we just had you got a long piece in your
pocket why is this game so rich in double entendre you got a long piece in your pocket
and then another long piece comes down the pipe what do you say in that situation say
thank you that’s a good start now I don’t know about that one we that was an impulse
buy did get some stuff cleared felt nice I got to be honest only 17 people left [Music]
I’m going a little radio silence for good reason I think okay you know what I I screwed
that one couldn’t get the piece to fit right s on me okay I just wanted to slow down
my attacker this is where you want to see non-stop Kos every KO is one step towards
greatness Wow although I’m full on radio sounds I don’t want to toss this one don’t do
it Sammy we got to clear this no no fourth place with four chaos we were really we were
chunk in there dude we were doing some good stuff let’s try again alright let’s isolate
what work there what didn’t I think you know at the end of the day chaos by default
unless you have a lot of attackers early and then you store the long piece and then
you just keep building the tower until you get long piece long piece equals Tetris equals
you’re sending garbage equals you’re getting chaos equals you’re sending more garbage
the next time you send garbage and you got a chance okay so this is four attackers right
off the bat five attack four attackers five attackers four Thakur’s five attackers this dude
can’t decide he’s like do I really want to go mano-a-mano with the person who came in
fourth place last game I don’t know you feeling lucky punk okay you’re doing this trap
now sometimes you’re gonna find yourself in this situation and that’s not a dream come
true but you know what then you just store this bad boy up and you start rebuilding
yet again I’m not even worried about that although I should be I should probably clear
lines a little bit faster we’ll do something like that I don’t even want to send that one do
something like that I can hear the chaos starting to get ready in fact we’re gonna switch
the chaos I just noticed we only had two attackers definitely should not have done that
and that’s a that’s a big oh l hate that you know it this is bad but it’s also in the interest

of getting Alliance cleared as quickly as possible and all of a sudden here we go we’re
back at you know build a tower and watch it grow sort of levels many attackers just two
attackers to attack two attackers equals I sleep we’re going for real Kos okay well I think
we’ve only got like one attacker now he’s just quite ornery about the whole situation
not my finest move there oh we did pick up a ko long piece enroute this is where ko
is are gonna start to happen good Petrus got some exponents in there but look at that
we’re back do have to clear a lot of blocks in this general region we’re just waiting on a
we got to go attacker it’s like this is it’s too dangerous [Music] sighs sorry for the radio
silence there’s got to be done okay now we’re just waiting on long piece we got one
send them back now we go back to Kos my hope and dream being that the man or the
player I should say that we just hit with the the big garbage pile he’s not gonna be back
anytime soon thank God Oh No thank God screw that one up something fierce we’re
actually super lucky we’re not more in trouble than that got to do it [Music] we’re don’t
get me wrong by the way we’re still in trouble and it’s entirely preventable or it could
have been prevented it’s not preventable now looking for blue or long and I see that we
got along now we’re looking for orange orange will still work want to break this now
we can get two lines going there okay I would say we’re back to like survivability all
right hey self let’s let’s not do that one again okay I do recognize we somehow racked
up a staggering amount of kills in that moment there I’m here to tell you don’t do what
I did we made a mistake just because it appears to have worked out that’s your brain
lying to you I know that was the same piece it’s just you know sometimes you just you
benefit from having a second to think things over you know what I mean so we had
75% garbage increase certainly not bad don’t let this guy spook you yet you know we
got every available ability come through here hit attackers and you just send them hate
it but we’re surviving till long peace very dangerous very very dangerous in certain
circumstances here I should say okay we’re still gonna go for Kos it’s all about getting
this garbage hole clear now once that happens I just heard a t-spin which means my
death is inevitable you know what sure sometimes it like you literally it feels like you
just can’t get that peace where it needs to go yo that was real bad please please please
I need y’all wait a second if I could just get that long piece in there we might add a
chance I’ll do two never mind I’m looking at my opponent’s board and look at it like
you can see it bottom right look at where he was you saw what I was doing now look
at this guy he was literally at zero and that’s well he was that before that’s what you
got to deal with in Tetris 99 you got to recognize that if you got a if you want to win a
game you got two options roll the dice 99 times and never have a natural 20 show up
possible or you just gotta you gotta beat a Tetris grandmaster you got to beat the top 1%
of Tetris players if you want to be the top 1% of Tetris players I was a great game we
got a lot of chaos we did make some big mistakes particularly towards the end I’m not
feeling negative about that I mean that was a I was a very good game in my opinion
one of the may be the best one we’ve had on camera does it reek a little bit of wasted
potential I wouldn’t say wasted you know I would say that we could have done better
we could have done more to guarantee ourselves a place of the table we can afford to
be a little bit spiced up here I think now I see we got attackers aka opportunists we’ll be
sending easy plaintive play in our game so far sometimes by the way play in my game
means doing something you might not do it means making a hole in our line Oh what
have I done yo but what have I done okay we just need a long piece and then we got

a basically this is an obvious strat at this point we just got to clear a bunch of lines so
we’re gonna do that my apologies for my badness some missed opportunities presented
there look at that now we’re back I would even just do this get to work on clearing this
line and now all of a sudden our towers back in a workable position yeah no worries
dude again oK we’ve been on attackers out of inertia for too long this is where we start
to go for Kos and if we can start bleeding the enemies you know we’d love to we want
to clear okay now we’re on attackers cuz this guy maybe he doesn’t recognize that he’s
coming at the champ I respect his go-get-’em attitude but unfortunately one of us has
to go and I would prefer that it weren’t me as a as a rough line for us to deal with we’ve
been targeted for deletion by the Wyatt Earp of Tetris all you can do at this point is
send them back we got into ko territory we’ve worked our way back from it that’s the
game now we go Kos and the ko instead of harping on attackers is really to be honest
it’s a respect to play we’re saying hey Wyatt I respect you you know you might not
have realized you were going up against another alpha male of Tetris why don’t we just
like meet each other in the final ten instead of instead of duking it out right here with
like low stakes odds you know it’s like they don’t have roger federer play Rafa Nadal
in match 1 you know we need a blue piece and we got one Beauty send them it’s a
wonderful situation we’re back boys you know they got a they got a meet in the finals
and that’s the message every time dude that’s the message I sent to Wyatt right there I
say Wyatt we don’t even do this is it’s not the right time soon okay so what’s current
priority make up for the mistake I just made which was already it’s a compounded
mistake from earlier but so be it inevitably you know obviously I would prefer to not
miss those drops it’s not my intention to place them badly just happens from time to
time you know what I’m gonna do that I had the feeling we might have a litte Wyatt
has returned and he’s mad he says how dare you respect me this is a video game we’re
mortal enemies and you know what mime you are correct and you are a much better
player of tetris 99 than I am so enjoy your victory I was not a good performance I mean I
it so sad that we beat someone whose name was mom those are the you know and Tetra
not in tetris say in pub G Apex legends you get body by xxt TV Boston cream donut
in Tetris you lose this alley you lose to mom you lose to UNK Iran you know that’s
what happens but I can feel dude the fact that we got a second that doesn’t mean that
we’re like you know close to it first oh this is Rorschach waiting to happen doesn’t mean
we’re close to a first there might be more only halfway but half ways you know better
than we started at I’m screwed up something fierce dude now we’re just pretty much
exclusively relying on the kindness of long blocks I gotta do it this is my bed and we got
super lucky with the pieces that that returned to us we should have been dead instead
we’re probably gonna come out of this with a bunch of chaos which is hilarious that’s
the way she goes sometimes um but yeah I mean I screwed this one up some appears
embarrassingly enough what I tell you start sending in the tetris is okay we need a blue
piece long pieces even better I just didn’t want to seem greedy you know what let’s let’s
clear a little all right we’re back removed all garbage and we’re good to go sometimes
you just have brain farts I know because I watch other people play this I don’t watch
pros play which you know again you could say that it’s part of my problem but it’s
not really my goal at all to be like a professional Tetris 99 player my goal to have fun
while playing the game and hopefully get better as well without shirking the fact that
obviously we got to attack let’s go chaos and I’m gonna really invest in this KO right

here was I gonna say I watch other people play the game I know the the brain part you
know you’re predicting where the piece is gonna go yeah all is a perfect spot for it right
here all of a sudden you know they drop it in a spot and they go I didn’t have a choice
they did have a choice right I’m right there with you we got two attackers okay we’re
gonna send them for the record you know I I would rather not have to ruin somebody’s
game by doing this but never forget who threw the first stone it might have been me
for all I know I mean I’ve been making lines okay don’t be stupid here good stuff great
stuff clear that line send them back go back to Kos I just want to buy myself some time
to be able to focus on eliminating players instead of exclusively and singularly focused
on defending myself from garbage arriving the sequel to Jupiter ascending when you
have two attackers okay um well that’s terrible um but I will I’ll take the opportunity to
fight back my lord it’s a real danger you know you’ll find yourself in the situation where
uh where you’re gonna lose know what happens is you get targeted for deletion by the
game’s version of Wyatt Earp [Music] and then all of a sudden you find yourself in Ko
range and as soon as you’re in Ko range you know you get targeted by the opportunists
so there’s a whole Tetris ecosystem you may or may not be privy to depending on your
your level of experience and I mean let’s be clear I’m making all of this up but it’s the
way it feels afternoons I deserve to lose on now I I’m there was a Mad Catz at the wrong
time that was an unforced - Mad Catz let’s try again I really want to get like one more
opportunity before it’s all gone Pete Tong here remember we got a second we’ve had a
couple of top fives I think and moreover we’re having fun let me know how you feel
about the series so far this is kind of what it when I said like we’re gonna record one
less Isaac a day and we’re gonna take that space to record more new stuff this is what I
had in mind you know this hey a sieve campaign hey we can do more let’s look at hey
a bunch of guys want to get together and play you know a round of clue or something
like that you know instead of just me being like it’s Thursday not that I dislike the Isaac
content just to be clear but you know oh what a whiff okay well I mean this is it’s not
what you want to do in a Rorschach situation which is where we’re at right now but
we’re actually not as screwed as it looked like we might have been mostly because of
the start of the game a lot of people are focused on building towers instead of instead of
sending garbage I think at least and I also like I think that’s why the Rorschach strategy
works is that the start of the game the majority of people are like I’m just gonna I’m
gonna build really tall and then what happens is they build I should’ve done that dude
they build really tall and then you know it all comes crashing down okay I screwed us
because we need to rely on the existence of an AI block now yeah that’s 100,000 percent
my bad not just because of the bad placement but you know me being a real dummy so
we’re gonna we’re gonna do one more I feel like that I don’t feel like I owe you one more
I feel like I personally owe myself one more you can buy that on the air block money
that’s not how it works you can rely on and that money it’s not an ell block it’s an eye
block you can rely on the long honey si square blocks honey won’t get you to forget
you do thumb Halla notes maybe you’ve heard of them it’s called 1980s popular music
look it up sweetheart perfect Rorschach starting us with that long block too oh my god
they’re like are you seeing this they’re also concerned where do I go gonna keep a tack
in here mom I’m gonna get in trouble okay I mean remember you did this I didn’t send
the block until you sent a block you send a block and I’ll send a block now honey use
in a block again I was in a block now babe my god he’s gotten so comfortable with the

Tetris he’s starting to sing you send a block in I was in the back and then at the end of
the game little round a block now where’s the chaos give me the chaos thank you more
more no no no you don’t save me garbage you haven’t figured out how this works yet
unless you’re a Wyatt I send you garbage okay and then you go there’s nothing I can
do dude until you lose okay I’m in trouble I’m switching I’m switching okay you know
what Wyatt you win this one you win this round I’ll see you in the leaderboards meet
you in the finals wives look at that okay immediately Wyatt thank you we called off
the dogs there was no reason for us I apologize things got a little heated there wasn’t
my intention to disrespect you one attacker no big deal send them okay next long piece
needs to be stored basically got it to send it back we got issues oh crap is horrible
dude you see in this garbage piling up what’s the boy to do the Wyatt amania is run a
wild on lathe it’s like we’re caught between a rock and the hardest place see I thought
maybe we could make it to that long piece it’s gonna be a long episode of it guess what
we’re going one more wait I’m not ending we gotta at least be top 25 for this to be the
final run of the day so here’s we’re gonna do so you clear out the old brain rust we’re
out the old brain rust world capitals Madrid Paris London Sarajevo Budapest Prague
Stockholm Oslo Helsinki Moscow Ottawa Washington DC Mexico City Taguchi gaupa
Accra Dhaka New Delhi Canberra okay we got the brain rust taken care of start with
start me on randoms I’m cool with that okay I I mean obviously I’ve created a monster
here it’s just an absolutely god-awful start you know we do what the god-awful start
we build low so we except I’m gonna be targeted for deletion cuz that’s just the way she
goes you make a mistake you get targeted for deletion that’s Tetris that’s Tetris okay hit
me with one of those I know it looks bad I disagree we’ll figure out who’s right in just a
moment but just remember arguments don’t decide who’s right they decide who’s left
yeah this’ll work I said that out I just want you to know I had no idea whether or not
that was gonna work did it work okay now as a question for a later day is my dude
what’s happening here okay dig yourself out of a hole this is Tetris 101 you make lines
okay this this one I know I’ve said this before this one’s actually gonna work sadly you
lose a little bit of your ability to be choosy when you’re in a delicate situation like this
got a whole heck of a lot of lines that need clearing okay this is fine believe it or not I
was just gonna say blue block is the next huge one we need and thankfully it did exist
making progress sweet blue block yet again long block is also fine blue block now we
do not need orange block is the King block we need another Orange please you know
what a compromise pretty much everywhere it’s gonna be hot attackers opportunists
get ready I’ve discovered you I’ve got you in my sights how on earth are we still being
targeted please stop we can’t afford to wait for the long piece we gotta do something
like this clear a line send them keep sanding dude it’s a situation you cannot afford
to stop sending for even a microsecond holy crap kayo one of the opportunists he saw
an easy three of the opportunists they saw an easy win they said you know what why
would I eat why would I work for a kill when I could just take this one than somebody
five of the opportunist have now been removed six of the opportunists have now been
removed and don’t you freakin forget it dude okay now again we’re in an a be clear
situation always be clearing would have liked to have done something differently there
sometimes you don’t have a choice yeah that was pretty bad you know what 6ko is
though we’re coming back what are we finished there I said top 25 we finished 28
sorry to tell you I’m really happy we worked our way out of what I would describe is

a pretty nasty bucket of syrup we picked up some there’s nothing like getting to the
point where you hit like Dragon Ball Z levels yeah and then the others who ate people
are all crowding in on if you had enough yet and then you go and your hair gets all
yellow if you have it otherwise eyebrows maybe and you just go boom dead boom dead
Kamehameha three more let the bodies hit the floor so this one a dad actually like to
play a little bit more of a chill game as possible ie stop screwing myself over with terrible
place and instead you know play a little bit more of a proactive game you know what I
mean instead of a reactive game I think that’s pretty much what’s happening right here
now especially cuz we’ve got two blocks coming not many attackers so we go Kos send
them Kos send them okay and then we build back easy so step one I mean we don’t
need to clear those but step one the first applicable block we’re gonna grab don’t sweat
the small stuff and right now it’s all small stuff sweetheart look it up okay starting now
got to go back to attackers cuz somebody’s being highly rude to us when that happens
you know you try to be the bigger man sometimes you don’t have an opportunity to
do so sometimes you just got to send it back we got a real problem there’s no doubt
about that we need an orange block there it is not shown up is a weird day we got to
start again again I really I feel the need to let you know my personal opinion on Tetris
99 if you’re targeted for deletion it’s all over it’s like you know rolling up to you know
you’re not LeBron James but you’re like you know I’m Kyle Lowry you’re rolling up to
your local gym people are like oh it’s kind of loud dude that’s incredible then LeBron
James steps in from the dressing room and you’re like dude I’m even if I’m the second
best player at the gym right now which I mean we came in like 80th so let’s not get
too ahead of ourselves but LeBron James is gonna make you look like a fool and if
anything I’m happy that they knocked us out sooner rather than later so then I could
get my foolishness out and start a game that perhaps I have a chance to win this one’s
no harm no foul early on here I’m not sweating might have to clear some lines it’s just
the way she goes of course I would like to get the garbage out of here so far so good
not my favorite move but you know I saw the line and it opened up my eyes I saw the
line life is demanding with that understanding but attackers there you go and again no
arm no foul I’m going back to Kos now I’ll see you in the final ten or at your leisure I
suppose attackers you did this that’s my new strategy crap this is real bed got a lot of
heat coming in early we can get out of this we do need a long piece though in in lieu of
a long piece which is oh my god dude very okay a Tetris video might be one hour long
but I can’t leave you on a negative note so here’s what I want you to do I always want
what’s best for you I don’t want you to just watch the content share the content I will
put me up in the right monitor and I promise you that my dulcet tones while playing a
game that makes me very harried will help you it’ll soothe you into a state of incredible
productivity will you do your taxes work-related stuff homework studying you know
the factoring and foiling and etc etc and you that doesn’t make you any less of a part of
the victory okay to have me on as ambient noise at this point I’m not playing the game
for you I’m playing the game for me so this is one of those situations where you just
go what what do you do again I’ve been targeted for removal from this game what the
only thing I think we can do is fight back oh my god did you see how many vultures we
have my only solace right now is the knowledge that some of these dudes are gonna oh
my word cobalt was that you let me do it I saw him in 99th there hold on twitch a TV
slash COBOL streak he’s not live right now I mean it could have been him but there’s

no way to know you know what I mean there’s no one I know you know what I mean
no way to know it’s okay I’m not mad believe it or not tetris does not make me upset if
anything I would rather have that happen let’s do it I would rather have that happen at
95 people remaining that 10 people remaining was at least I haven’t been mine fluttered
into believing I have a chance instead David Tetris from the tetris realm he said you
know what this one belongs to me you know what I respect that David your superior
player no salt required I mean a little frustration I’m not gonna be dishonest but no real
salt okay we got a lot of we got a lot of heat on us we’ve also managed to parry a lot of
the blows three Kos in the first eight people for Kos and the first nine people a very bad
placement send them back like a bad soup sent from the deli what do we do send it back
it’s hard as well because I recognize fully but I think we’ve essentially just created our
own demise you know if these turn out to be Kos we’re gonna end up getting targeted
for deletion by Wyatt but at this point what else are you supposed to do you see the
thousand nations of the Persian army descending upon you you got to fight in the shade
brother and worse I can’t believe some of the people involved here are just there taking
their own life into their hands you know they’re refusing to swap off of attackers in spite
of all this so I’m swapping off I’m going to chaos because I think we’ve got it like a little
bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy here I think I’m their attacker now and they’re like well
I’m attacking attackers because I’m getting attacked by attackers so you know we got a
we got to own our own role in this circumstance and we’re getting a lot of heat thrown
our way but we’re also at the bottom of the Tetris pile right now so we’re also I mean we
have eight kills we’re probably getting targeted for badge removal there’s really nothing
we can do there’s really nothing we can do but play fast so if you’ll forgive me I’m
doing a little bit of radio silence okay I’m gonna try put your studies away watch closely
there’s gonna be no narration for the time being we’ve made it out maybe go ahead we
gotta clear things are getting dangerous I don’t know what maybe somebody passed us
in badges we’re back to not feeling like every second of our life is just you know damage
control you know what’s in it you asked for the send just for the record mind you I’m
not really sending I’m not sending garbage back to attackers two lines gotta hit him
with something along these lines it’s getting a little hot no doubt about it another ko it’s
okay it’s what I wanted to see good good compromise oh no you know what well this
could aptly be described as the greatest thrill of the century that’s perfect good good
work Oh Wyatt Wyatt why we threw really hard we also ended up running up against
a real contender there anyway that was a great a great time we’ll be back playing some
more Tetris probably I really do want to get a win at some point for now thanks Roger
hope you guys have enjoyed the episode of the Khalil like button I was a great deal of
course subscribe if you wanna see more in the future for now thanks for watching wish
me luck in my practice in the future and I’ll see you next time soo

hey everybody welcome back to 30 year old boomer tries to win a single game
Tetris 99 hello Ruka my support animal you’ll notice my playtime has gone up quite a
lot played a lot of Tetris 99 this weekend still highest placement second I’ve probably
come in 2nd about 15 times at this point 44 simultaneous targets from other players
check this out sorry my son dude just relax check this out most Kos 15 that’s right yo
boy had a 15 ko game we’re gonna play a little Tetris 99 I’m knock-knock-knockin on
Wyatt’s door yes Ruka hello ok I’ll try one game with Ruka on my lap and if he is a good
luck charm prove it uh I have as my strategy changed no not at all 0% strategy change
maybe focus a little bit more on getting the tetris a little bit less on clearing single lines
and I have been you know I’ve been trying to facilitate some tea spins is it not as easy
as you might think so here’s the thing it’s the first run of the day hey cat get out of here
it’s the first run of the day so it might be a little bit rusted up and a try not to be but you
know at the end of the day is sad already starting to say the end of the days already huh
I did see some comments thank you for the support on the series so far by the way I saw
some comments people are saying NL you really gotta work on your floor smoothing
and your wall filling and I say hey man I didn’t start this freaking channel to be lectured
about interior decorating ok but I try to separate the good from the bad we have some
blue bees I’m looking for an orange boy if one could show up and I see an orange Lord
enroute look at this I screwed it up I immediately placed something in the spot where I
needed to put the orange thing I’m also managing this cat over here and he’s going like
oh what’s going on over here no you don’t need to know what’s going on over there
okay that’s on a need-to-know basis and I’m not sure if you’ve recognized you’re not at
the top of the food chain in here so we’re targeting pretty much exclusively chaos here
there’s a reason for that I want to get kills and the way I get kills is doing something like
that now not quite a double Tetris but good enough and my personal and professional
opinion to be acceptable I don’t really like this placement but I can live with it so I
hope that you know but just by virtue of having played a little bit more I’m hoping that
you know what let’s do it like this over the course of the past Yoav basically the past the
weekend that maybe I’ve gotten a little bit better but I can’t confirm nor deny that so you
do a little something like this to go like this immediately switch it up and go like that
and you just just hear the chaos coming in it’s a beautiful sound brother okay so we’ve
we’ve classic newbie mistake to ourselves sorry I thought it was our third ko but it’s just
our second it left some holes in our line here it’s alright you know what you do here
you go two attackers somebody’s being a real jerk you clear these lines back at them and
you say you’re gonna do a little bit better than that but you know to be honest you don’t

really have to do that much better than that you’re doing a pretty good job of getting me
anxious right now and I can hear the red alarm of destruction is coming for me I don’t
know again I don’t know how it happens you just get targeted for deletion by the Wyatt
Earp’s of the world but we’re gonna try to fight back nonetheless now I’m playing a little
bit too slow that’s a big part of this definitely did not mean to do that either we got to
start clearing some lions brother this is a bad situation there’s a line there’s a line finally
found a place for that hate to do it but we’re gonna send them a little of those okay keep
fighting is to never say die attitude is gonna keep us in this game if anything’s gonna
keep us in this game eventually the dude attacking us is probably not a great strategy
long term but the the people attacking us serve maybe just gonna get sick of it they’re
gonna decide like you know there’s other targets on the board right now that are easier
why am I wasting that’s I want to make myself unappealing to the Wyatt Earths it’s
like evolution you know I want to make it you don’t want to eat me I taste bad they’re
still trying to evening please stop I beg sure sincerely okay we’re definitely dead but we
did fight off a few a few attackers over the course that so I feel pretty good about that
as you can see I’m level 40 it’s embarrassing I see all these people they’ve they’ve won
they’re like level 6 sorry Tim didn’t mean for it to be like that um but we’re gonna get
there you notice I’m not playing this to become the best Tetris player I’m playing this
to win one single game and prove to all the 30 year-olds out there that it doesn’t matter
if you’re 31 or 30 or 35 or even 39.99 all that matters is your commitment so hard work
and equanimity and if you do that you too can place the Tetris blocks in such a speed
and with the precision necessary to facilitate a single victory in 1099 multiple victories
in quick succession unlikely brother this feels like a bit of a wonky start I noticed if
you ever want to make a song fit the beat of tetris or the tetris theme as it were it’s
extremely easy literally all you need to do is repeat the words until it matches following
that you’re good to go there is no step two so I mean this is just I mean I’ve built a
monster at this point this is not what it’s supposed to look like definitely should not
have swapped back to that either so here’s we’re gonna do we’re just gonna clear some
lines because essentially I screwed up pretty badly here who’s gonna place blocks very
quickly we’re gonna go to attackers just like imagine the gathering player who would
also facilitate a judge call and okay we’re gonna start the rebuild right here okay that’s
the moneymaker that is not the moneymaker square block is our most hated enemy at
the present moment I do not wish to see mr. square block please go away good job okay
now the only thing we could have done better is not getting ourselves into that situation
in the first place so so if we go back to chaos and we say you know what no hard feelings
my man we did just have a new target yo we also got a KO out of that was it worth it in
order to get the ko you know like basically not know but I’m not gonna I’m not gonna
rock the boat too hard see that’s a situation I have to imagine that’s probably considered
a pretty subpar placement and again I kind of saw this one coming down like this and
I said to myself a self I don’t know I don’t know this is where you want to be here
hey they don’t kill me don’t kill okay I deserved that one no that was a curse from the
star that was just a terrible performance no hard feelings I do think you know over the
course of the past week or so I’ve really noticed that the quality of gameplay coming
up in in tetris ninety nine matches I don’t know if there’s an MMR if there is an MMR
and it’s based on positioning rather than number of wins I’m totally screwed dude you
wouldn’t believe it may be from the episodes that you’ve seen but very consistently the

top 20 top 15 top 10 have some trouble once we get into that top 10 that’s where things
get spicy I really think I would benefit from engaging in a little bit of radio silence I’m
also emasculated because my wife I mean she’s better at Tetris and I am there’s no doubt
about that she also won that’s how we want to do that she won two more games of tetris
99 over the course of like a you know an hour and a half long stream meanwhile I’m
still over here looking for for W number one like some kind of chump I’m not saying
it grinds my gears like I’m happy for but simultaneously you ever see that episode of
The Simpsons where everybody solves the puzzle and lisas just like I can’t figure it out
and it’s really bad for her self-esteem that’s basically what’s happening right here but
to like a much milder degree I don’t know if I should have done that one you know I
refuse to accept and this is probably my problem I refuse to accept that I’m just worse
at Tetris ninety nine and as a result I’m overworking myself trying to get to this dub
probably not doing the things that you know you need to do if you want to be let’s just
clear this man that you wanted you want to do if you want to be a good Tetris 99 player
you know what I mean like I’m Ted Danson style from the good place the problem is
me this one is another it’s a very cursed run we’re gonna switch to attackers there we go
there’s nothing like I mean that ko might have come from ko instead of attackers but it’s
very nice to be targeting an attacker and then be like you hear that ko sound the dulcet
tones of the knockout really gotta stop putting stuff on top of the space we need to clear
we’re finally going to be free let’s go back the chaos that’s ko number - okay you know
what ko number two means it means that ko number three even better that means we’re
still in this get that sorted out here I don’t love it but I’m willing to do it cuz we got a
lot of clears coming up okay so we’re starting back from zero that’s where we want to
be made another newbie mistake but trying to learn and it takes a bit for sure but I’m
trying to learn like the patterns you want to keep available if you want to be successful
in tetris ninety nine and you know we’re all very familiar with the fact that I have an
over-reliance let’s do this I think we can make it I have an over-reliance without a doubt
on the the long block I think it’s a common concern for a lot of people not just yours
truly okay so we sent back the garbage and then some we’re only at a 25% damage
Bruce but hey man it’s not so bad could be worse okay now you can see I’m starting
to get that a PMS going up a little bit feeling a little bit better about myself we want to
fill that slot we need a blue boy that’ll work and now you know we’re top 50 long way
to go okay we got a blue boy coming I’d love to see it we’re top 50 start focusing you
know it’s not a big deal if you have to clear some lines we ran ourselves into a situation
here where it was probably beneficial we were pretty close to that double Tetris but you
know it did get the job done we’re gonna go on attackers we’re gonna try to defend
ourselves it is looking a little dicey I’ve almost screwed it up okay that attackers being
a real jerk we’re gonna hit him with one of these in with one of these pivot over really
need a different piece at some point of the future please no no no that’s what I mean
like I thought we were playing pretty well there a lot of chaos coming in in the clutch
fought back from oblivion but you know maybe we just got to be a little bit faster but
still like home oh I gotta tell you man it really feels like if you get targeted by somebody
who’s better than you at Tetris 99 it’s just a matter of time it’s just a matter of time - the
tetris tetris tetris t-spin t-spin mini piece pain quad piece pin triple i’ll sound like things
you order at the Dairy Queen ever you know after you finish your chicken strip basket
but I’m not demoralized I recognized it with every run the brain gets a little bit better

at peace in these tetrominos together I have faith I will accomplish my goal don’t know
they love that piece in that exact situation right there but look at that so there’s a good
lesson to be learned in there and the lesson is just because the pieces in a good fit right
now could be a good piece later and we’re not doing a very good job there’s a lot of
single line clears I really think part of my I wouldn’t say problem I think something that
would benefit me just in general is is really just the play faster that was a dumb one we
could have actually gotten a double Tetris very easily by just stalling for a second but I
am also like dude when if you can stand up to seven lines of garbage being sent to you
in the relative early game here you know what you got a chance I’m not gonna do Mew
I’m happy you’re here and best of luck thinning the herd from the amount of Wyatts
that might show up in the future if anything I’m appreciative okay we got a real issue
so I compensate by doing this we built too high and and there I say too greedily we got
pretty much the same situation right here so I really I think a a two slot hole please God
don’t take that out of context that’s not the optimum for us we are at one ko that we’re
starting to get there I I know that people have been hitting me up with all this Tetris
that’s fine this is a little mad cat Singh but it’s not that big of a deal they’ve been hitting
me up with all these tetris knowledge they’ve been saying NL you got to start building
for wide obviously I have not ignored that but you know you make it sound so easy I
ain’t Connor McDavid just put the puck in between you know drew Doughty’s legs why
are you letting him stop you like that well you know he’s trying brother is at the end
of the day it’s the honest to goodness truth you know it takes a while they implement
some of these things so I went for the clear there just because I thought anytime you
know we get a decent looking clear after we’ve just gotten another clear I want to send
it because I think that increases our odds of getting Kos sometimes you just you know
you kind of shoehorn into it you know what I mean so I think we gotta do something
like this get the line clear start back for me you know Brian McKnight Saul he’s talking
about starting back at one we’re gonna try to start back from zero we’re taking it a step
less far okay we got attackers let’s go to attackers I’m actually feeling like I’m feeling the
heat from having not had enough spice I know it sounds bizarre we got a 25% damage
modifier I’m willing to let it let it fly here very hard for me to not say something like
oh no my garbage hole that’s another big step for me by the way not the garbage hole
riffraff but being able to drop a long piece horizontal instead of vertical that’s like the
first step for me of feeling like I’ve ascended on literally any level in this game this will
work this is not so bad I know we’re filling up that spot you’re like we shouldn’t fill up
but you know all I did i solicited more attackers now that we got more attackers you
know what we do we send them you needed this one in a big way needed that one in
a big way next long piece not far not far away send them back send them back ok then
you bail oh I didn’t mean to drop that I meant to hit a different button but it actually
worked out relatively well tactical mad catz I remember the terminology okay we got
to get this garbage hole clear that’s a perfect opportunity send it back can I stop having
two attackers I’ve noticed I only have one attacker I’m hoping that means our previous
one fell victim to our incredible performance it’s getting a little hot here no question
about it so I always keep one of those in your back pockets you can drop it on like
so now things are getting a little dangerous and and really I’m gonna go radio silence
IOU radio silence please please it won’t do it they won’t do it you got to do it like this
then okay I mean I you’re gonna say panic panic panic I don’t really think that was a

panic panic panic situation I was a situation where I mean we ran into a wyatt earp we
ran into somebody who wanted us dead and they weren’t afraid to kill us that make
that happen suck on that Ray de stroyed okay I can understand you’re probably like
hey you’re not performing to the best of your tetris abilities right now you haven’t had
an amazing performance so far that’s alright we’re gonna take some time we’re gonna
get ourselves wound up we’re gonna play some dang old four blocks one of these days
we’re gonna we’re gonna cue into a game I do have to say I really wish I pushed harder
for a win in the first few days of tetris 99s release when it was mostly casual players
now you know everybody wants to be the new famous all 500 wins in a row
careful will you wish for man that’s all I’m gonna say about that alright your rest of your
let’s take it from the best Isak player on planet Earth rest of your life is just gonna be
stacking multicolored blocks you prepared for that all sounds good right now but what
about you know ten years down the road I’m just being facetious and banter rich but
okay you know what oh we got so many attackers this is what happens you send them
then you make a suboptimal decision to send them again should not have done this but
oh definitely do not do that save that one that’s that’s a clutch piece I can’t believe we
didn’t get a single K Oh Oh mmm he thinks the me doth protest too much definitely
place that one’s super incorrectly yeah now we’re running into trouble you know though
the ones who lived they’re coming back and they’re saying hey you you heard me and
my friends okay you know what that’s a noble pursuit for you to come back it’s very
unfortunate that it’s gonna have to end in your demise well or my demise one of the
two but definitely somebody will be demising it’s looking increasingly like is going to
be yours truly yo we’re out no not a goatees good piece not a great piece just do it like
this you gotta you got to make some space students what have I done why are the pieces
not clearing oh okay okay okay at the end of the day you just gotta say sometimes you
play in bed right Domo you justyou you think you’re doing well you ain’t doing well
you made a mistake things are going so hot you know I promise you don’t wanna at the
start of this episode see if we get a lot of targets we’ll do a little Rorschach situation or
if we get targeted by a lot of individuals do a little Rorschach situation if we don’t let’s
try to throw some teaspoons in there just to prove that I know how it’s done the thing
is I can pick one Duty spins or play fast that’s where I’m at right now I can do okay
what’s the Rorschach I’m sorry to tell you five or more attackers is a Rorschach what
do you do in a Rorschach situation build lines build tetris and go extremely high up in
the air I know you’re like that’s not a tetris you know what I wish I could disagree with
you but you’re right brother that wasn’t a Tetris I wish it were I wish it were I hate this
piece wait did you near suboptimal peace don’t one is highly suboptimal peace I had
the note at the end there don’t add me singing lessons are closed okay well you know
what sometimes you just you got to accept it ain’t your day and I am doing a very very
good job like literally my brain just froze there of showing what happens when it ain’t
your day and we’re gonna try to fight back cuz that’s the spirit of Tetris and also the
spirit of life not the circle of life that’s something different I wouldn’t know anything
about that talking about the spirit of life you know what we’re gonna try something a
little funky or check this out gives us a spot for that you store that one you send this
one this one you got no choice you got to do something with it you’re gonna go real
fast here cuz you got problems and you’re gonna start clearing some space that’s good
stuff we got a KL out of it now I think that’s what I normally would do and it’s a bad

idea what we’re looking for is long peace would be nice but I’ll live with an orange I
see that we got a long peace comments we’ll send that bad boy straight down when
we got a ability to clear these lines as well now we really need a long piece don’t we
all well I hate this I’m gonna do this is a compromise but does allow us to very very
very slowly bail ourselves out I think that’s my thing I gotta get a little bit more open to
compromise right now stop looking for the quote-unquote perfect world scenario start
clearing the lines you need to clear to make space you know for real we’re actually like
basically just extremely lucky to be alive and I’m actually feel like my problem is now
very clearly that I’m competent I see too much it’s a it’s a game of shifting strategies
Tetris maybe I don’t know at my level it feels like a game of shifted strategies you got an
orange no orange is coming on okay well I’ll settle for that clear this line this is gonna
make a little bit more garbage but it’s not an insurmountable amount of said garbage
and all of a sudden we’re back down at the base line here relatively speaking have you
got a yeah do that build yourself a few more outs a little earlier that way you got places
to put your blues you got places to put your orange Jezz put a purple over here so you
got a long piece stored up you can toss that bad boy down right there see now you got
a few problems that’s okay does he ever run into problems you can just do one of these
possum a little little pseudo Tetris because we like to call it in the business something
doesn’t feel right though it doesn’t feel right we’re looking for a blue I’ve screwed it
up but it’s okay because this blue is gonna save us here I’m just gonna tell you we got
some issues they might not seem that a parent right now as a result of the fact that we’re
clearing lines but I think it’s mostly the fact that we’re not targeted right now is making
things look better than they actually are and they still might look kind of bad I’m also
playing too slow so I think this is a good candidate for radio silence kill if you’ll forgive
me any time we’re in the final bit here we got to do a little radio silence just to stay
frosty you know what I mean [Music] I screwed this one up so badly oh it just actually
end me okay we’re still alive somehow send you just need a long piece this’ll work I’m
gonna live until I get targeted for deletion y’all know how it goes that was not the way I
wanted to place that just for the record we came third fourth maybe okay I mean that we
screwed it up at the end I’ll just call it we screwed it up but for now thanks for watching
I think it’s encouraging the most encouraging place to end for now thanks for watching
thanks for your support on the series thanks for your tips remember I’m not trying to
become the best Tetris player in the world what am I trying to do I’m trying to win one
game of Tetris 99 one game of Tetris 99 if I can do that I will be elated for now thanks
for watching hope you enjoyed the episode if you click the like button I’ll set a great
deal of course subscribe if you wanna see more in the future for now he’s watching I’ll
see you next time see ya

everybody welcome back to northernlion plays tetris 99 it’s not really in northern
lion place 30 year old boomer tries to get a single win just one win Sakurai please it
doesn’t have to be ten wins in a row I don’t have to be the the Shroud of Tetris 99 just
a single win is that so much to ask it’s almost as if I have all the tools in my toolbox
I just can’t seem to make it happen oh this is a Rorschach if I’ve ever seen one so
I’m if anything from the last episode we did okay but I’m extremely embarrassed by
our relative inability to get a good Rorschach going on you send me one line of garbage
you’re asking to be killed not in real life that’d be a little bit you know egregious but you
know one line of garbage is just a waste of time like why are you wasting everybody’s
time by sending me nothing wouldn’t you rather send me something as a chance to
get something done apparently not apparently you’d rather just die okay tell you what
nice garbage what have I send it back at you with no modifier whatsoever cuz they’re
still very early on in the game how would you feel about that what if I sent it back
again what if you start to be at a disadvantage because the people the random number
generator paired you with are dying to me does giving me a garbage multiplier how
would that make you feel probably pretty bad huh well that’s exactly what’s happening
radio do is why I like the Rorschach so much due to essentially nothing within the grasp
of my control we’re at a surprising advantage and now I mean we’ve still got like six
attackers so you know what’s happening don’t love something like that sending it back
and look at this we still got one of these in our back pocket send you know that’s another
ko waiting to happens just what did I tell you somebody up there they were fighting for
their life I feel bad for them I really sincerely do all of a sudden just as a result of RNG
not necessarily working out in their favor too much find yourself on the wrong side of
the law that’s the good stuff okay oh my god we have seven Kos so I’m looking for I
see long piece and I love it we want blue piece though oh my god more chaos okay so
here’s the good stuff you go to Kos now cuz all of our attackers have been eliminated
and then I’m just gonna say it’s another at least one person eliminated from the game
probably one dudes fighting valiantly right now please please how am I supposed to
deal with this much garbage being sent to me it’s not possible well take another one I
knew it sometimes you just need to give people the little push so that’s the end probably
of me having a chance in this game but it was fun well lasted wouldn’t you say I had
a good time with it at least so we’re going to attackers we got a lot of opportunists on
us right now we’re probably pretty high on you no badge related playlists radio silence
bad move that one’s embarrassing for me cuz we had a much better out we are still
gonna get ourselves out of it but if we have been targeted we would have run into a lot

more trouble [Music] you know what stacking baby that’s what the game is about that’s
why it’s called stack em up Tetris look it up is the original name it’s not the original
name I can’t back that up almost free can’t go there has to go there very sorry orange
piece long piece is fine too okay stop this I I’m kind of screwed it up but if there’s any
consolation I think I’ve started to just barely see the patterns where I’m screwing things
up there are multiple times here where I was like you know what I see where we went
wrong and I’m gonna endeavour to do my darndest to work it out okay we have 15 kills
officially we go attackers now multiple attackers in the top ten have you lost your mind
need a bluebies immediately don’t you do it [Music] it’s got to be done I think [Music]
I done it ah I knew it I smelled it comment on the screen hold I know you’re watching
on YouTube right now I got to go alert my wife it’s finally happened six episodes in you
step to me 19 freaking Kayo’s okay baby 19 knockouts who shroud who shroud oh no
not main menu wat be sorry cpu 99 Jason can’t read your name very sorry John Lillie
Joe RPG waffle sorry I can’t read your name melons I mean boys ed Justin Brian Patrick
and Mark Lee mani desperado with the dollar sign Tyler and Rose I’m yes you know I’m
posting it on Twitter right now that’s what you get to see you get a video where your
boy 9 minutes into the video knocks it out of the park this is the kind of content you
get to experience file save as Ted trysts go to Twitter who dad I am so excited Tetris it’s
not in the downloads folder it’s in the folder called Twitter photos Tetris and then we’re
gonna play one game and we’re gonna read all the comments coming from that all baby
there has never been dude I’m looking well decay old badges are off the screen so what
what went well for us that game you know let’s be honest what went well for us that
game we got some long blocks at the perfect opportunity and as much as I would like to
just end the episode and be like well I’ve accomplished my goal no not-not-not there’s
one rule about battle Royales you can’t end on a win ending on a win is cowardice you
got to give yourself the chance for the double what did we do I mean we cleared lines
and I gotta say we had some long pieces show up at exactly the right opportune time
the garbage multiply we got the exact same situation happening right here the garbage
multiplier certainly did not hurt I mean we got 19 chaos we got a real advantage over
anybody that’s trying to you know step to us oh I thought I’d place that one wrong
that’s fine all right so you know enjoy yourself you know act like you’ve been there
before because for once ya have been there before however don’t let it slip away don’t
throw just because of the fact that you just got a win maybe this is the dawning of the
Tetris God certainly three people in the game just figured it out and never mind four
people in the game has figured it out I told you I have one viable strategy for Tetris 99
if you get a Rorschach situation you take advantage of said Rorschach situation what
does that mean you get a lot of people that are attacking you I see you on Twitter you
get a lot of people attacking you go what am I supposed to do nah you’re blessed if you
get a lot of people that attack you in this game you’ve been given a golden gift it’s up
to you to walk through the door I’m mixing metaphors here that one’s from the matrix
but you get the general gist of it alright I think we’re off attackers we scare people off
picking up for chaos early that’s no joke and we got a little garbage coming our way it’s
all right garbage is if anything it’s a motivator so and it also gives us a great opportunity
to actually immediately go back to attackers and then start speeding up we’re playing a
too slowly way too slowly we also have a couple of Wyatts on our tail right now there
can be no doubt about this here’s the thing as we learn in the last game you want to

beat the Wyatts you got to be the whites and not vice versa I will never become that
which I’ve hated every time you hear that ko sound when you got targeted that’s the
sound of a Wyatt being destroyed you might get some cheap ones off that - they were
not quite at 50% garbage modifier yet start playing fast again take the restrictor plates
off you know this tetris brain she’s not exactly street legal but you know I can keep a
secret of you cameraman send them nothing wrong with this so far six chaos we hit that
magical 50% number all of a sudden everything should start to come a little easier now
you know what we do have to dump this some I’ve made a bit of a mistake for sure
I really I still like to build one tile wide I was just gonna say sometimes it’s not about
building the tetris is in my opinion and you know I’ve got one win so I know what I’m
talking about sometimes is about just sending you know especially once you get that
garbage multiplier going just send a bunch of lines out there simultaneously okay we’re
in the top 50 and I honestly feel like you know you if I were old me I would be looking
at this situation I’d still be pretty positive about it what’s not to like here a lot of Kos
high damage multiplier early long piece coming you know what felt like me sorta got
stuck on that one but get yourself out just by doing something like that then the hope is
actually that we’re we’re like piggybacking off of better players I know how that sounds
but like I’m not trying to KO people by myself like I would be more than happy if they
get Kayode by another source you know what I mean and I just pick up the the kill that
doesn’t bother me at all made a pretty classic error here need a long piece there was no
place for us to dump our two parters send them this is gonna be a delicate area to work
ourselves out of so far you know I’m feeling pretty okay it looks like we’re almost out
of the woods now please Lord don’t do it again look at that we got a perfect place to
dump one of those send them we got a good thing going on here I think could be wrong
wouldn’t be the first time [Music] definitely needed some support on that side oh that’s
okay that’s okay keep in mind you know shouldn’t have built that there that’s how it
happens from time to time I gotta cool down make it I wouldn’t call them mistakes I
would call them suboptimal moves moves that give the enemy’s an advantage for no
reason radios we’re in we’re back boys oh don’t do that I should have waited one more
turn I say it’s okay but in my heart I cry I [Music] think that was wise back on radio
silence for a second good good that’s fine that’s fine I know it looks suboptimal we’re
gonna pull out of this tailspin not enough okay you got a bail that’s fine somebody t-
spin that’s a real problem okay we got a lot of attackers complete radio silence here we
go steal their badges can’t get it over this fine this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
[Music] nice not-so-nice wanted to left screw that we’re gonna need that piece at some
point you send me one line that’s how I know you’re in trouble okay that’s more than
one line we’re fine that’s that’s what if we wanted believe it it took us a second to get
there we’re clearing we’re clearing it should have waited for the London sky [Music]
we’re sending them back that’s two freakin wins in a row that’s two in a row Dylan you
step to me in the middle of my hot streak and you say I dare you I dare you NL i freakin
dare you all baby and it feels so good it feels so good you know what comes next you
take the print screen your go to Microsoft Paint you use the crop tool the selected and
you go file new doing that save file save as tetris to your go to following this
and you grab your old tweet what’s that 255 likes is pretty good uh who’d add two in
a row you say what do you follow that up with your button Tetris too let’s read some
of these comments okay nineteen Kos might do it very impressive Thank You T spin

zero drew Scanlon gift I respect your your hesitancy but still your hesitancy as a lot of
he’s done it a lot of gifts of confetti fallen from the sky now don’t get your hopes up
obviously I would love to see three in a row but if it happens I’d be over the moon is it
likely to happen none none none none all we can do is play our game oh and Nicolai
gold open with the snipe on Anaheim the day can’t get any better brother where were
you this isn’t about me anymore this is about the 30 year old boomers out there like
me that play this game and they think there’s no conceivable chance in the world they
could ever get to this level and even win a single game I was there you watched me you
watched me struggle you watched me swear you’ll watch me learn how to do it t-spin
and then like literally never use it and you were there you were there when I got the
dub the most important being there evolved next to the Peter Sellers documentary okay I
royally screwed this one up like embarrassing that’s okay that’s okay man all you can do
is your best brother now what are you doing Tetris when things start to go wrong strong
chance we lose pretty quickly in this one next step would be switched to attackers deal
with the same friggin strategy we’ve been using since we were 0 years old in Tetris 99
terms what strategy is that very simple Rorschach without one’s going to be a problem
the Rorschach strategy served us very well I deserved that one that was really bad in my
defense until I have heard from someone like me there’s a lot of adrenaline pumping
through the veins right now anyway oh oh it feels good the back to back not so much
to back but maybe there could be like you know there’s one bad season you spring back
in the next one I really screwed it up by not waiting for the three consecutive line pieces
really should’ve just taken the the penalty of the the square block and then dumped
those line pieces on Kos this is a perfect Rorschach again I can’t stress to you enough
the fact that if you get mad when people in tetris 99 send you blocks right off the start
you’re you’re wrong and I mean that sincerely I think you’re barking up the wrong tree
does not where I meant to place that block I’m making some pretty egregious mistakes
here that was another one but if you didn’t see it it didn’t happen okay what do we do
well we still got a lot of attackers I hate that they’re not sending me garbage and I know
that sounds ridiculous but sincerely I would prefer if they send me garbage because it
means they’re not building a quintuple line aka a Tetris over there you know I think we
got it again it’s a compromisable situation see we got a blue boy coming up can’t do that
then toss him one of these in one of those oh man okay I’m I’m betting on my future
sacrificing my present to bet on my future I see got a long piece coming up that’s what I
like to see only got two attackers only got one Keo not a very strong Rorschach zero out
of ten a little embarrassed for myself but we’re gonna get through it okay we’re gonna
try to get through it probably could use a little extra sense of urgency at this point you
know what I mean so real we got a real issue over here but what fun would Tetris be
if it was all just take put the piece in the perfect spot dad you know there’s got to be
a little a certain semblance of danger otherwise why do you even play the game man
dad always used to say to me you know well you know I maybe I get mad if I lose in a
video game or something like that you’d say well what’s the point of playing if you’re
just gonna win all the time and I say you don’t get it dad but you know what here’s
the thing man the end of the day dad understood he’s still alive by the way though this
isn’t like a eulogy okay three kos this is a dangerous situation for us right now we’re
in a situation where I would expect to be targeted because we have a lot of badges and
very few means to defend ourselves now people won’t know that we have no means to

defend ourselves but if you target by badges you know you’re gonna be knocking on
my door pretty soon now you better hope you brought some kind of deadly weapon to
help you deal with what I’m putting out right now hate it continuing to hate it oh my
god I built right on top of it I was like there’s no way I’m building right on top of it and
this son of a gun what does he do Bill’s right on top of it no you coward what can you
do you gotta you gotta work your way out of this situation of your own construction oh
my lord that’s a lot of garbage of my controller is also lost I think it sincerely vibrated
so hard that it moved the move the piece for me they used motion controls we’re gonna
try one more to see if we can keep our crown you know one win I knew it was gonna
happen I was playing enough and I was playing decently enough I knew if we kept
playing we were gonna get to one w-what I did not think ever in a million years would
happen is two wins in a row that’s that’s entertainment baby this is not a Rorschach
situation what are we gonna do who knows do this might be the ultimate run in Tetris
I’ve ascended you know to the height of the mountain that I originally set out for myself
sometimes I don’t know maybe you was a little semblance in my head says ANL retire
on top I gotta admit it’s there I don’t know yet the the the real non me me answer is
I have no idea whether there’s gonna be more Tetris I have a feeling especially after
this episode people are gonna be like please dad more Tetris two attackers sometimes I
don’t even wanna Rorschach they just set themselves up three two one let’s jam [Music]
dude no fair I was trying to sort by low-hanging fruit the low-hanging fruit sent back
a double Tetris there was nothing I could do dude we want something like that that all
baby here we go heard you loud and clear wall smoothing floor flattening for smoothing
wall filling that’s what it was yeah we got it way too many single lines but I don’t like
the way this looks yet I’m starting to like the way it looks not at all one of these spaces
in a slightly different orientation here that’s what I want to see okay now we’re in the
good stuff hey put me on Kos sick of this okay put me on attackers because somebody
had a bad day today they want to ruin it youtubers day - well Who am I to stand in the
way of revenge nokeos you know that’s what’s got me rattled right now you know what
else I like about this situation I feel like I did wait a long time to get that win Justin’s
got a win Cory’s got a win maybe more than one Kate’s got three wings seeing people
on Twitter hey was that the Oscars just messing around on my phone downloaded this
Tetris app I won congratulations Adam I’m very happy for you sort of piece it’s not
abundantly clear but I gotta say if I could do it all over again would I you bet you man
for the two simultaneous w’s I’m not saying nobody on earth can compete with that
because obviously that’s ignorant what I will say it’s something special for me at least
it’s actually I’m not even memeing with you whatsoever it’s like the most excited I’ve
been for a feat in a video gaming for a long time okay I got attackers just remember
you did that to yourself I didn’t ask for that situation to take place I was minding my
own business reminiscing about my consecutive victory streak then somebody pops out
of the woodwork they say to themselves oh you think you’re pretty good at Tetris hun
I go No and they go that’s what I thought take a look at this and they send me a few
lines of garbage and I go alright why don’t you take a look at that and they send them a
thousand lines of garbage and they go bleh and then they go about three lines of guard
and I go how about three million lines of garbage and they go this is unfair just just
the price of doing business kiddo what why did I do that see I don’t want to get in the
battle even still even after my dominant performances I got no interest in getting into

a battle with the Wyatt Earp’s of the world mostly because I’m confident that if it goes
on too long I will lose yo yo we need to bail we did a bail that’s how you bail yikes
we’re done dude it’s the best video I ever recorded thanks for watching I hope you guys
have enjoyed it if you did click the like button helps out a great deal will there be more
Tetris I don’t know watch this space to learn more remember where you were when the
30 year old fighting for the other 30 year olds fought back for now thanks for watching
hope you’ve enjoyed it thanks for all your support couldn’t have done it without you

Part II

3 0 Y E A R O L D B O O M E R J U S T WA N T S S O M E W I N S

verybody welcome back to the land please hit return I 9 yo might be
like where were the videos Tetris sensei well I said in the last episode
I don’t know many more videos there will be I kind of want her to
go out on a rocky moment two wins in a row and then some truly
terrible performances after that fact but I’m back boys who would
have thought there would be such a such a demand for a suboptimal
but you know pretty decent Tetris player and I will always defend myself as not being
good but being decent I have one more win in Tetris 99 you did not see it was not
recorded it was late at night but I haven’t won in it like three or four days even though
I’ve been playing on and off you know I can’t stay away here’s the I don’t want to do an
episode of Tetris every single day for the entire month of March
okay so why the whole point of doing stuff like this was to mix in more variety
into my content but if you want more Tetris you want to watch more Tetris more Tetris
as what you’re gonna get for the time being so let’s enjoy it while it lasts while it lasts
play some more Tetris and come up with some words to the song so this is a your classic
warm-up match don’t get too perturbed right now by the speed of my tetris play before
you can go fast you got to be able to productively go slow you know what I mean
so here we go we got attackers we got one attacker one attacker does not interest me
that much so what we’re gonna do is send them send them back-to-back Tetris that’s
a real word look it up sweetheart I’m very surprised that didn’t get a KO I gotta be
honest I’ve been having some trouble getting chaos in the past couple of days I really
think that it’s possible I accidentally ruin Tetris 99 for myself but also for everybody else
on planet Earth how could one conceivably do this well I really think like Rorschach’s
strategy I’ve been getting messages from tetris professionals all over the world they’re
very threatening messages they say hey NL how dare you expose Rorschach meta I’ve
been using that to win and we’re coming to get your brother and I so I’m real scared
Wyatt you think I don’t know it’s you that’s right we’re building a cinematic universe
here it’s called marvel look it up sweetheart probably should have sent them there you
see this I’m I shouldn’t be having this much trouble eking out chaos right now you know
what I mean also shouldn’t be building one incredibly large Tower that seems extremely
dumb so I’m gonna do something I probably should not do and that’s engage in a little
bit of compromise meta just to get some lines cleared and I wish it didn’t have to be like
this well it didn’t have to be like this you see where you made this story like I said I wish
it didn’t have to be like this there was nothing I could do dude okay so we’ve gotten a
couple of kos out of it where do I start to you know consider the magic number on Kos

say once we get around like it seems like a lot I’ll admit but once we get around seven or
eight Kos that’s where I started to feel comfortable that we actually have a chance and
I’ve won I guess in situations where I didn’t have seven or eight Kos it’s just it’s a little
bit more of an uphill battle it’s how I would describe it okay this is uh it’s no good I wish
I didn’t have to send it felt like I had to sent it send it that’s the way you conjugate that
word send them again send them again clear the garbage hole make some space this is
a big one go back to attackers we got a lot of opportunists on our tail this one I hate it
but it’s got to be sent dude could have done that a little differently I’ll admit we’re just
trying to make space to be able to send something like that back at him I don’t see a
long piece coming so I’ll tell you what if I see a blue and I do see a blue oh we got a
long piece right after that well done well done smart plays kept ourselves out of the out
of the weeds there a little bit not much but a little bit and you know we also addressed
something that’s come up a lot which is NL please God look at what piece is coming
next now I do want to say in my own defense I do look at the pieces coming next it’s
just hard you know you got a lot of other stuff on the go simultaneously in the Tetris
economy if it was so easy you know even a child could do it instead of the Wyatts of
the world but you know we’re living in a Wyatt rich economy right now I actually think
people aspire to be Wyatt in this game as as slanderous as it might appear I probably
shouldn’t have done that one huh what am i doing okay it’s a very good moment to say
you know what slow your roll just a little bit we’re gonna clear some lines we’re pretty
close to the top ten I wouldn’t hold out a ton of hope about our long-term prospects on
this one but I wouldn’t give up either I would really like to see an orange but a long
will do you guys like that song by inner circle I love that long and then he goes come
on I can’t really do the whole thing you know okay we’re still we’re fighting that can go
there we’re approaching some sincere radio silence it’s an attackers moment if I’ve ever
seen one this is not as bad as it looks you know what that’ll work [Music] it’s a big one
I’m going back to Kos I don’t like hearing those tea spins Wyatt you get those tea spins
out of here a bit of a bit of a bad moment there let me over it’s okay this is fine and
we’re free I can do it not where I meant to play set things are that we’re running into
trouble you know the expression is fun getting into trouble they never ran into a Tetris
99 game with Wyatt let me tell you that much you find yourself you know in in a in
a gunslinger duel with one of the best Tetris 99 professionals on planet Earth what are
you supposed to do what can you do all you got to do just keep fighting okay you know
what we came third in that one I think that’s a pretty good start we beat jungus that’s all
I could really ask for and the the people that were fighting I mean we we’ve made some
bad plays there there’s nothing wrong with that you know you got to acknowledge you
make the bad plays but simultaneously so I’ve been talking a lot today I’m gonna I’m
gonna get down to a quieter tone of voice I do feel the need to say thank you by the way
for the tetris 99 support I really had no idea at all that tetris 99 would be this popular
hold on if you’ll excuse me I’m happy to see that it has been but I mean it was not the
smart money right I thought this was a game that I was gonna have fun playing and a
lot of people were gonna be like hey stop playing this you’re trash but the community
response has been outrageous and I am appreciative of that you know what we got to
clear someone’s still a lot of work to be done but you know I’m having a good time
playing it so much so that like this weekend I was like I want to play something that’s
not tetris 99 and then I started to play games that were not tetris 99 and I went why not

playing games that aren’t tetris 99 when tetris 99 exists and is also free which is still just
of staggering surprise to me that’s the coolest part of the whole the whole shebang as
far as I’m concerned really should have left myself a better blue spot that’s okay we’re
doing great here we’re doing fine here I’m actually really impressed with how the last
game went considering how it started it did not start well but anyway I didn’t really
finish my I didn’t get the train of thought done there thanks for watching the tetris stuff
appreciated a great deal I know you’re not watching out of a sense of duty like oh I got
to watch the egg play Tetris and I hate it but I appreciate that you’re watching you know
nonetheless I appreciate that you liked it if you appreciate that I’m making it it’s just
as an appreciation spree everybody’s having a good time that was a little compromise
meta I stand by it perhaps even though I should sure because I’m gonna do we’re gonna
send them we’re gonna send them send them send them I can’t believe we didn’t get
any chaos on that like big Tetris we made there may be big chunk astiz fighting back
it’s another issue I’ve been leaving myself in situations where only one attacker I’ve
been leaving myself in these situations where I don’t have any place for the square voice
they’re not square boys the the s and the Zed pieces and those are like some pretty
common pieces I mean they make up two of the Tetra Nomos so you got to be gotta
have some awareness about those so I think we’ll you know what I’m gonna send it and
then an orange will do us good okay I’ve made a bit of a mistake here I really don’t want
to clog up ye old garbage hole like this so hopefully that works that works put this here
send an orange well we’re on Kos you might as well capitalized on the kind of lying
economy we got going on here I don’t want to say @potus oh but you know the rest
of the quote that could be a big one too [Music] compromise meta dude compromise
meta plus fit accidentally filling the garbage hole over and over my life story y’all the
garbage hole is too full you got it you got to get out of there I know this looks horrible
it kind of feels horrible okay we’re gonna get there it’s gonna take a bit but I saw that I
saw the moment that allows us to start working our way out of misery okay again full
recognizance UM’s my own role in EXO is not where you want to be please delay the
top ten I’m not ready this isn’t my goal long piece we can’t afford to wait what that
should not be happening and I don’t even mean that out of like a weird sense of like
modesty once okay we got to live to send this long piece down blue piece is fine I had by
the way your boy he knows he screwed up there yeah that was really bad we probably
could have saved it if I just waited on the if I’d waited on the long piece and sent it
into the right spot instead of compromising with the L block that’s a very common me
mistake and something I should endeavour to work towards but that was pretty good
nothing wrong with that and you know I think some good progress has been made here
in this episode we’re only 14 minutes in we got to third place finishes pretty solid we
keep playing like this or at least queueing against people that are at this level which
is you know my level but slightly better probably no reason to think we couldn’t come
away with another win this episode I do want to temper your expectations you know
and that’s part of the reason I was hesitant at first to the idea of making more tetris
episodes is I didn’t want to give the impression dude I hate this I didn’t want to give
the impression that you know the level of tetris play you saw in the last episode was
gonna carry on because of course I would love if that were to happen and we didn’t
play perfectly of course but still you know we got some w’s it’s kind of a storybook
moment so what I’ve done in in typical northernlion fashion but also by request is I’ve

traded in that storybook ending for more episodes I’m okay with it if you’re okay with
it I’m okay with it okay this is you’ve done this I would have as far as I’m concerned we
were living in peace and harmony and then you come out and you say I’m gonna use
my Black Lotus alright well you know that’s that’s within your purview don’t get me
wrong but simultaneously yeah boys is gonna fight back we need this long piece send
them we’re still alive that’s a move I’m normally pretty uncomfortable with but in this
case I thought I saw a window I MadCatz myself the weirdest thing about that is I did
the Oh before I even press the button it was like my brain recognized hey you’re gonna
press the button wrong whatever we got ourselves out of it not really a catastrophic
problem yet we’re up against some real Wyatts though like these guys have refused to
capitulate it was a bad placement now that doesn’t get them and I really doubt it will
we’re gonna have a little bit of work cut out for us I guess I think that’s got to go there
clear this out okay so we’re back in a good place with respect to our so-called tetris
economy i feel probably store up a long block we’ve had the opportunity but I’ve been
enjoying having the opportunity to slide it into a better spot as well there we go let’s
go chaos and we gotta clear some lines you’re garbage hole is screwed up man [Music]
all right and we screwed it up something fierce as well right there but that’s alright that
that’s the kind of thing we can we can work around yeah this will be fine one of those
situations I hope looks worse than it is send them ask we’re dead now we just need a
blue block all right we’re free we got a Tetris opening again I have to stress having some
real trouble get in the chaos you know that the game’s flowing relatively well chaos or
not definitely want to clear some light some lines clear some lines if it’s if you’re not
singing it’s not Tetris that’s the rule I wish it weren’t like that fewer my singing voice
we’re free I think we got to temporarily make ourselves unfree send something like that
now please stop targeting me I’ve demonstrated my immunity to your charms all the
garbage whole is free okay I mean here’s the thing word this is a Wyatt Abel situation
we have a lot of attackers there’s not much you can really do when beset on all sides by
some whites you pretty much just gotta beat them and that’s gonna be a problem that’s
gonna be a major issue as I cannot make a line there and I will be killed that’s alright we
were doing something there we ran into some tough stuff you know I I thought we were
hanging in pretty tight I thought we had gotten ourselves down to the bottom we were
probably gonna be safe but I don’t blame the Wyatt there Oh why’d you put a gun into
Wyatt’s hands it knows nothing other than to pull the trigger and start dropping Sally
Rorschach three opportunists down that guy doesn’t even know he’s a Wyatt he’s he’s a
stealth Wyatt all he’s doing is doing what he’s created for his purpose in this world and
for him it’s pardoned how did you get so many lines so early see this is a Wyatt who
takes pleasure in seeing his enemies driven before him and hearing the lamentations
of their long pieces this is the kind of Wyatt you got to watch out for this Wyatt has a
lifetime subscription to the Tetris subreddit this Wyatt invented game fa Q’s we actually
know that I think about it we might have been hit by multiple simultaneous Wyatt’s
which is another I mean it happens to the best of us but it’s another very dangerous
situation I wouldn’t make light of it if I were you mind you I’m not put it here we can
do it thankfully did not build on the garbage hole yo your don’t do that do this I hate to
stack those squares but we’re in a knock-down drag-out fight for our life right now I still
hate to stack the squares dude I saw the matrix temporarily I saw the matrix give me
the pieces what the worst part about it is I’m sure that these guys are all they’re playing

right now going there’s nothing I could do dude well maybe if you stop sending me a
hundred lines a second we could all have a fun game at Tetris 99 apparently that’s not
in the cards so be it that’s all the look at dude the targeting is off the charts I shouldn’t
even be at the top of the badge list right now I actually again when I had that pause I
was like oh we won seems a little early but alright okay this is what actually I I spent
all this time being mad and now I’m thrilled because I’ve realized we’ve accidentally
and and unbeknownst to us created a Rorschach situation and a Rorschach situation I
mean for me is probably the best way to secure a victory oranges are a little ways away
I like this okay so if possible we would like to you know what I’ll clear let’s get the
garbage why not get the garbage out of there you know shouldn’t have done that we
should have saved the place for the two boys you go here we’re just gonna build up
a little bit as we got the blue boy coming up send the square piece alright you know
what put me on badges now you want a badge do let’s do it yeah swap that piece I
didn’t like it replace it with an exact replica okay I understand a little bit into oh no
baby what is you doing territory place too fast all right that time our Rorschach got
us into a little bit Trump my brain also short-circuited a couple of those plays there’s
no doubt about that right domo i’m beset on all sides by Wyatt’s stealth Wyatt’s Cylon
Wyatt’s who don’t even know that their wives their sleeper agents posing as Sally’s the
lure for the cinematic universe continues to grow Kangin is a promising to stay fully
dialed in on this one probably the final run of the video that was the most kills worse
performance our voice Shaq got us into if you’re gonna be Rorschach you you gotta you
gotta take some lives that’s just how it goes down you play more aggressively so any
time you have to leave a piece like that that’s how you do it send them like that okay
start sending lines a lot of people have complained you know they’re trying to play the
game and they can’t see because of all the people targeting them that’s like my dream
scenario and I’m not even joking to not even be able to see where the pieces can go
as a result of the amount of people targeting me that’s a dream unfortunately cowards
live amongst us they’ve already changed targeting and now they’re back okay well then
I go back to you I respect that someone who’s in it for the thrill of the kill that’s real
unfortunate for you attackers if that doesn’t get some chaos something’s wrong game’s
broken I just keep the brain overclocked I’m still waiting on those kills you know there’s
a little progressive loading happening here we’re looking for a blue blues good how
are you clearing the garbage doesn’t seem right there we go first kill starts to come
in you know what happens after the first kill soon after that you get what’s called the
second kill you get the garbage multiplier once you start to multiply the garbage it’s
the beginning of the end hopefully for them not for me but sometimes for both all right
so this is a we can work our way out of this never should have put ourselves in this
situation but you know every every rose has its Mad Catz I think we want to do it like
this and then I’m actually just gonna put you down there and yeah yeah then you get a
little bit of a problem right yeah no you’re not wrong so we got a little bit of garbage to
clean up once the garbage is cleaned up we’re good to start sending lines back honestly
think we should go Kos now we’re 25% up I don’t know we got three attackers let’s let’s
tough it out down here I mean I would always rather hit more people than less people
yeah yeah yeah that’s the ticket send them send them send them I got to stop creating
situations in which only long blocks can can save us or as Kid Rock would say only long
blocks slide only long that’s a little bit of it dated reference you guys now listen to child

Rock anymore he’s falling out of favor supposedly could have fooled me the songs are
still all over the radio here in the year 2000 which is where I live um okay well just a the
smallest of temporary compromises just to get us out of a jam and look at that all those
we sent some lines it’s not about sending lines in in situations where lines are easy to
send it’s about finding the combo that lets you send a line that gets you out of a real
Jam ya know yeah that’s the ticket took me a second to get free now that we’re they’re
not gonna let it slip away so easily next time should be a big one make some space I
really like the idea of just keeping our garbage clear I know you know sometimes I I
don’t live my life according to the principles that I did I say I wish to these attackers
are getting mighty close to being targeted that’s all I’m gonna say about that we did just
get another thing that I would consider pretty close to being mission-critical for a real
victory oh my god we’ve done it and that’s um well you know what radio silence for
a second I need a long piece it’s not coming the long peace will not arrive that hurts
that hurts well if you top 10 performances I’m not feeling too bad for now thanks for
watching hope you enjoyed the episode we’ll be back tomorrow we’re in a couple days
with more tetris I’m not gonna inundate you with Tetris I’m just gonna give you a steady
stream of content as we continue to hopefully get better and let’s remember the overall
lesson we’re just trying to get better we do it we got the win we wanted now let’s try
to you know extend that a little bit get even better and better and better and better and
just have fun simultaneously I hope you’re enjoying the content a particular go like but
I’m sooo great deal queer subscribe your hands see more in the future for now he’s
watching I will see you next time see ya

everybody welcome back to normal and please tetris 99 certainly a couple of those
runs I think we played a little better towards the enemy could have made it work but first
let me hydrate it’s a good half hour a warm-up I think you can never escape the Wyatts
and the Shelly’s and the Susan’s and the Stacey’s and the Stephanie’s of the world and
the Annie Oakley’s I still think um essentially I believe that we won the ones that we
won in the the last episode or two episodes ago at this point I should say because of the
facts that there was a Rorschach situation what might be a good thing for us to learn
more or less is how do we I don’t know it’s hard to like manifester Rorschach you know
I don’t think you can just be like um just just Rorschach forehead seems unrealistic for
me but what we can do is take the lessons learn from the art of war shocking I think
I’ve made a mistake here right off the bed so I recognized I didn’t finish my train of
thought completely we’re in a you know life-or-death fight early on here and we didn’t
have to be oh I’m so dumb I think I took garbage from somebody and then sent it
back at somebody else and does that seem like a thing that nice people do send other
people’s garbage you know pass it on that doesn’t seem to me like a thing that nice
people do definitely screwed that one up kind of in I wouldn’t consider it emergency
mode but I see a lot of garbage coming down and I’m like you know we got a we got
to do something to clear that garbage out and we’re gonna do it is it sustainable great
question no idea what I’m hoping to see either some chaos while there’s no either I’m
hoping to see some chaos I’m comfortable with his scent we don’t see chaos we might
have accidentally angered the Wyatts you anger the Wyatts you’re in a world of hurt may
I also just say and this is not meant as an excuse I feel like we’re doing okay but I have
the itchiest nose I’ve ever had in my adult life right now it’s it’s slowly crushing my will
to exist oh it’s so bad dude I think acknowledging the problem just made it worse send
them send them I got to do the old sendin scratch dude but how well beset on all sides by
a couple of gods and Tetris is so I’m not even I know it’s a little Jablonski right now but
like I swear to you all scratch oh my god that was a Wyatt slipped in some some itching
powder into the granola bar I never thought he would stoop to such unsportsmanlike
measures but you know what it just shows me that I’m clearly getting to a new level
a level that frightens the populace frightens me a little bit too to be honest you know
what send them send them okay too wide not my ideal structure keep that garbage hole
cleaner that’s the ticket that’s the ticket now what do you do send them I feel like me
and the other Wyatts really screwed this game up for ourselves oh my god it’s so easy
good like why are we fighting each other we could each have ten kills by now maybe
even a hundred never tell me the odds instead we’re wasting all of our time fighting

each other like fools for what for pride glory what our pride and glory by the constructs
of long dead men and yet the world is for the living come on I fought for it give me the
chaos that’s too much garbage and yet you send some more in return all right I see how
this game is gonna be I’m not mad if anything it’s exciting congratulations you made me
use 10% of my real power the first ko the second ko a sporting match indeed gentlemen
why they’re a little bit a little bit of panic not gonna lie to you I require a square piece
no I didn’t mean to do that I actually super panicked that’s the rare productive Mad
Catz always try to call it out when it happens okay super no panics allowed this is a
no panic allowed situation there’s clear lines clear garbage holes that was not a garbage
hole clearing this is clear that line send them go chaos wrong timing Wyatt no bonus
teaspoons send them send them oh that’s a bad send go over go over it went over and
then I stopped it ah no Tomo Roca I had a chance third place again we’re back in there
would beat the leases of the world would I tell you we were in a heavyweight knockout
then we spent the whole match running down our glycogen deposits just to get ahead
of a few people RNG selected us to fight against it that’s not a metaphor for real life
I don’t know what it is brother why am I wasting my effort trying to take down Zeus
when I could be feasting on the plankton getting stronger building muscle engaging
in progressive Overlord overload whatever you know it’s a joke I’m gonna try to tell a
bunch of them here today that one could have easily been a dub in another life that was
in another life that was a double in this life just gonna have to wait man that’s okay yo
my piece math it’s all off there we go we got something do we need to know let’s do it
anyway clear some space I like it I respect it good works coming as a result of this K you
know what you want to get nuts we can get enough so I don’t see any long pieces are
too far away and we’re in a lot of danger to be quite frank we gotta do something like
that we gotta send you we need another long piece essentially immediately you gotta
send it we need another we need this orange piece we got to send you this one’s got to
go here wish it didn’t that one’s got to go there this one’s got to go here send them okay
now we fight back that look bad in the end of might just turn out to be the best thing
that’s ever happened to us in this game send them again that’s not the piece I thought it
was it’s okay that’s am I’m just watching the chaos tick up you know how I know we’re
gonna get chaos we were unfairly targeted by opportunists present more opportunities
I’ve ever seen in my entire life to be frank with you you know what don’t even send
him that one cuz I’m not done yet only the Alpha opportunists remain yet day two will
fall to the earth I told you now we go bad jizz why we also have to rebuild our terrible
situation we go badges because I honestly think we’re capable of taking out any other
wide in the game at our current level so we send them a bunch of garbage and hope that
they ended up getting into some rough circumstances just to keep themselves alive like
we did I mean we were in just a nightmare scenario for a long time plenty of garbage
holes happening here I was okay that was not a wise move long piece is close enough
I think we can afford to do this the other thing is it’s totally possible that will target
badges and get beaten by a better player you know what we call that sports I see my
shot I feel like if I don’t take my shot Who am I you know starting to not like this very
much starting to wish I never angered the Wyatts of the world you know what you send
me I send you some of it back you’ll send me you’ll send me some then I will reply it by
sending some of it back let’s go not much we could do we got to get the long piece here
it comes send them send them okay we’re in a real battle this is video games should

have saved it but I it was not greed it was fear good we’re okay you see how quickly
things turn red for us there we had like a couple of lines showed up in the game was
like yo be afraid and I said yes I mean I’m embarrassed to say I say yes I will be afraid
orange blue there we go so does it just feel like it’s wise to point out to myself what I
feel like I need you got it it’s not is not a capitulation it’s not a brutality it’s a fatality
you’ve done great work long piece long piece kos now hate it I hate it even more okay I
mean you had to get that garbage hold clear do it this is perfect radio silence by the way
it’s a tough one is Wyatt just keep sending you can feel it in my voice I’m getting choked
don’t let him recover once you’re out you got to be out forever please wipe I beg you
get sent I knew it I knew it I felt I was in control I was in control and I was confident
d WOM great game default great game everybody else no disrespect meant that was
mine I felt it from front to back yo that guy’s level 61 good lord okay you know it’s a
real load off my shoulders to be honest 13 kill victory starting to get a little nervous you
know I thought maybe we’d never get back I thought never we’d maybe we’d never get
another dub and yet here we are we put another one down on camera that’s all I could
asked for who take a deep breath we’re that we were in radio silence for a while there
now I’m never gonna say you watch that back you watch the tape we got a lot of clutch
pieces and a lot of clutch opportunities and we had two Long’s in a row once which is I
don’t know if one of them was stored go ahead go ahead make my day play your game
play it fast they’re gonna send you trash we’re gonna send it back it’s the name of the
friggin game dude well the name of the game is Tetris but you get it you get it just a
guess that just of it Oh baby okay we got it we got to be a little faster I’m actually gonna
do a rare early radio silence because I think that’s how important this is I think if I can
come out toss down six or seven kills here early there’s no reason to assume that we
couldn’t do the rare duck back the max and that’s the only reason I was a bad movie it’s
the only reason I feel comfortable using the square blocks or the the I blocks like that
any weight radio sounds for a second I kind of screwed it up I’m sorry do it I recognize
how it looked sometimes you just got to trust feel like we had a few more Kos coming
up we’re fighting the garbage back that’s that’s step one need long piece thank you it
does fill the garbage hole but I can live with it it’s named my self-titled debut album
how could something be self-titled and also have a name NL that’s a great question to
answer it think fast and then I leave through the side door oh that’s a big no-no what we
did right there that’s a big no-no uh you know we’re gonna try to work ourselves out of
this no promises it’s it sucks but again how did we win the last one well we got beset on
all sides by extreme danger you just work your way out okay we got to use that to fill
that gap there okay you’re back all right attackers are done what did I say six kills that’s
a lot of heat it is not not a problem let me make that extremely apparent okay I don’t
know if there’s a garbage alliance here or what but you better cool it okay cuz I think to
some extent you know not the powers that you play with you get one of those sent back
eeeh you get one of those sent back yet you get one of those sent back eeeh and here you
are is this where you wanted to be but you keep him quiet for a little bit at least let’s go
back to Kos that’s that’s this games version of running away from a fight and I’m happy
to have the ability and the opportunity to do so to be honest things were looking a little
hot there to put it succinctly but also understate the issue a little we don’t want to fill the
garbage hole okay attackers again hello welcome it’s nice to see you you should see the
other guy you know what this is how we do it thanks for the free targeting that’s what

you gave me just the easiest targeting a man ever could have asked for it I don’t like
it I took a look at the situation realized with nothing left where we had 20 with 8 kills
absolutely a chance never a guarantee I’m the page patron saint of realistic expectations
okay terrible placement No hey I don’t know dude all right we’ve created a real problem
radio silence well I try to get us out of it not gonna happen fair enough fair enough I
a bad plays bad plays in the middle there but we did some good stuff we beat trollface
which is all I ever could ask for let’s try again kind of lost in there for sure take a little
sip hydrate I really thought we had we had a line we did have a line I screwed it up for
sure you know in it’s not me getting tilted I’m in a great place or any time I did get it
play a half hour tetras get a single win as enormous for me I’m on cloud nine but one
of my favorite genre of posts is on my subreddit when I make a mistake in Tetris and
people make a post that points out like look at how obvious the the right play is well if
it’s so obvious in the heat of the moment why don’t you have a hundred percent tetris
ninety nine wins you tell me the only reason you ever lose tetris ninety nine is when
the blocks don’t go your way I don’t think so brother you believe that I got a bridge
to sell you that’s why I like Tetris sometimes about making the best of a bad situation
sometimes you did everything you could do dude to create a functional scenario and it
just didn’t work out see this I’m not even sweating this okay I’ve started to sweat this
ever so slightly but only out of a sense of essentially all never mind I’m dead hold on
radio silence we can fight back from this dude that would be like it’d be a landmark
moment TSN Turning Point let me be the first to say we don’t deserve to be alive right
now not in like a weird super negative way but in like a like a literal a literal we’re the
luckiest Tetris players on planet Earth sort of way you know what I mean we got a lot of
heat by the way is a little bit more heat than I I would like to see at this point we’re still
fighting you gotta do this don’t kill me send me if I’m going out is my intention to take
some people with me who took way too long there it’s okay cuz we got that going on
get the orange the orange is the key I don’t think we can afford to wait is a real issue we
need to blue feed the orange why won’t you die no no okay I mean we did it that was
just terrible I can’t believe we fought for that long at the top but that was that was really
bad I was originally gonna be the last tetras 99 running this one we’re not gonna do it
anymore haha we got a real one in us keep in mind some terrible plays were done there
take a deep breath you’re talking to the four-time tetras 99 champion one two three four
two in a row one off-camera third one on camera okay this one I don’t like this one it’s
taken too long to get us in matchmaking I think it’s all the Wyatts are having dinner
right now it’s Sunday 6 p.m. they’re busy cooking up something on the satellite hot
stove for all the youngsters before they get down to oh well let’s start a street and get
19 wins in a row no no I don’t want them I want those steps I want the David’s let’s
hydrate a little here I was gonna say don’t do me like this Tetris 99 don’t take 45 seconds
to matchmake I’m not made of time okay okay let’s put the pressure back on a little
bit and when the pressure is on I think that’s when I actually tend to play well by the
way you might be wondering I haven’t given up on the concept of teaspoons I still am
in the zone where like I can either play fast and have a chance to win or I can t-spin
prove that I can t spin and then lose so that you know if I really ever want to ascend
and I haven’t decided when it comes to Tetris gameplay if I if I ever want to get to that
level surely all paths lead to learning how to t spin appropriately why am I not making
Tetris is I’m just kind of feeling it out for right now you know I actually see sometimes

it seems like the pieces fit best in a way blue keys coming but the reality of the situation
is they would work better they went slightly differently you know just because it looks
the best in one specific way doesn’t mean it is the best in one specific way may I also
say I love the horizontal long piece we only have one attacker as far as I’m concerned
this guy’s well within his rights to to be attacking us right now he’s inspired no malice
the horizontal long piece is just like you know I don’t even need this you know oh yeah
sure it’s the most valuable piece in the game whatever who cares right that makes sense
tried to swap a long piece for a long piece if I had a long piece I wouldn’t need to swap
what I no comment anyway good we got a square spot we need two long blocks that’s
the I built this in a very suboptimal way so instead I’m gonna compromise I’m gonna
say we need one long block I’m gonna build something like this to get us out of a jam
and send them back if I haven’t noticed something about this right now I’ve noticed it as
well what the heck are we gonna do by having zero kills great question glad you asked
first off I’ll tell you what we are gonna do is we’re gonna attack attackers got a real
opportunistic situation flying right now really wanted that to clear oh that’s no good
we’ll do one more that would that was just that one never even got started dude I think
it’s clear I need some spice I need to get you know I need to know moves bush to get
the run started I can’t just come out of the gate I am slowly stacking a town or so that
I can get ready to clear that’s not how I play how I play is murder that’s the sound of
the tetris 99 autotargets and who are they targeting number one and then some of them
trickle down or number six which is me and that’s that’s when I play on my sharpest I
don’t like this I don’t like seeing no enemies here so what are we gonna do we’re gonna
try to make some enemies one enemies not good enough he started sending garbage
what happens next people go on garbage huh early garbage well if you’re gonna send
me garbage I’m gonna start attacking attackers okay smart move let’s even let’s go to
badges for a second and we’re gonna try to attract even a little bit more attention then
we’ll go back to chaos I didn’t even send any lines there but you know it’s the thought
that counts or something that’s send some liens send some liens dude oh here we go
alright we got a bite boys okay that was too easy like that was easy enough that I feel
like it’s kind of like a trick question sort of deal how did you let me get a KO so easily
is this a trick [Music] there we go okay are we ready no I’d rather get ready to send
more like I’ll clear a little bit of space for now when it’s appropriate said it’s so weird
half roll Priya everything’s a nap these days you know I think I’m okay with that catch
a lot of flack for compromise Mehta I understand why might not always be the most
appropriate play was that a Mad Catz as shaggy would say it wasn’t me okay I’m hoping
started to attract a little bit of heat off that one and if not we’re gonna get there pretty
soon as soon as you start that you know you send a line and you get people attacking
you I think that is a sign of desperation in a lot of circumstances you know that’s the
mark of somebody who just went oh crap if I don’t target this guy and get him off my
back I’m gonna be in a whole world of hurt it does cover a garbage hold don’t at me it
does cover a garbage hold don’t add there we go we’re just slowly we’re working down
the line I want to work down and to be honest you’re doing a real terrible job of it but
there we go finally cleared part of it definitely could have planned better pretty much
just need a long piece following that if I can get like nine or ten more long pieces oh
my god we’re gonna get back why do I always have to suck so bad in order to do well
it’s like a staggering amount of my decent performances are immediately precluded or

preceded I should say by just baffling mistakes I’m not really - madam I’m mad about
that one but I’m not really too mad about it in general because like somehow it keeps
working it just feels like it probably could be a lot easier if I didn’t force myself to recover
from my own mistakes over and over okay we’re in overclock brain status now anytime
you feel comfortable going that fast that’s usually a pretty good sign I think yeah that
felt right this definitely feels a top tenable never really comfortable huge mistake think
never really feel comfortable calling for it you know the dub seems a little I’m not that
not that good yeah yikes yeah just keep building over your same mistake I think that
this time now that’ll probably handle it please don’t top-ten me good thank God people
are putting up a fight lets me do something like that get out of a jam terrible play okay
there you go this is the state in which we’re most comfortable you got a line on the side
oh don’t do this don’t do this send it here the ı̀iı̂ yeah now you got a space we got a
KO we definitely did not deserve we got room to send my autobiography room to send
them the story of the greatest tetris ninety nine player that ever lived wombo closing
in on that top ten think we’re happier with this kos are coming with Kos badges with
badges you know his brother real problem put me on attackers coach what got a clear
space okay I mean that got hot is there like a ten badge maniac in here somewhere either
way there I say we got a video or we got a win in this video we definitely got a video in
this win as well not fantastic performance but you only had to do it to him once I guess
no comment for now thanks for watching because I’ve enjoyed the episode if you didn’t
know comment click the like button episode of great the old course subscribe here and
see more in the future for now thanks watching I’ll see you next time thanks for the
support so far I’ll see you then

hey everybody welcome back Tyrone the lamb please Tetris now it’s a pretty good
a pretty good day you know two videos one win you gotta remember red eight videos
three wins that’s pretty solid dude you know there’s ninety nine people in every single
one of these games do you believe that man you must be some kind of loser to make
up to five episodes of Tetris ninety nine without getting the win why would you even
keep playing the game I’m just being facetious in case I’m not locked in here with you
you must remember that you are locked in here with me it’s the tenure and ever survey
of the valleys of Zack Snyder’s Watchmen film it wasn’t that good but I saw it at a
formative age in my twenties I thought it was underrated and people got obsessed with
blue genitals dad okay let’s not here we go chaos are starting to play you should know
at this point it’s not even like I’m not playing it up for four laughs if we get Rorschach
there’s only two outcomes we either like leave with several kills just need a long piece
here keep that garbage hole clean rather leave with several kills or we die those are the
only two options right now I’m actually believe it or not looking a little bit closer to
death oh my god it’s happening disregard what I said about death happy learn to putt
we’re back oh my god the use coming and they don’t stop coming give the K oh when I
get it okay let’s not the only rhyme I could think of there might have been a little lewd
it’s a family-friendly series still got a lot of attackers - we might have even picked up a
couple after the whole scheme of things as a result of the you know badge Patrol you
know let me do this then we say and I think we got a long piece coming up or sorry a
square piece coming up as long as we got a square piece coming up I would rather use
that to fill a a two gap I don’t know if that’s what it’s called this I’m calling it brother
okay I think we go Kos now you know we got a 50% damage bonus more or less some
50% garbage bonus we give it just a you know I’d rather target Kos then attackers cuz
who knows who’s attacking us at this point it could be anybody Sally’s Wyatt’s you
never know right never thought I’d say it dude but like where’s my square blocks green
greens aren’t coming fast enough send them one of those door slamming going on out
there I’m not sure if you can hear it’s an angry day Sunday the angriest of all of the
days okay yeah I’ve gotten to the point and I’m not trying to flex I’ve got to the point
where I see two blocks ahead now how many moves ahead does like a good chess player
seat well you know it varies to give you the greatest non-answer of all time but in the
opening you know it could be let’s just say a lot because it’s been a while since I played
but it’s more than two let’s put it that way so we still we got a ways to go before I start
to consider myself you know in that even in that lower echelon to be honest but this
is a big one now we got to clear some lines got to make our life easier we are gonna

need one more long to go here I thought about it briefly and I decided I did not like it
I’m glad I decided that I think things were looking a little hot there it’s clear it’s nice to
have the ability to clear should really figure out what it is that creates that situation and
then try to manifest in the future 18 left we’re gonna go on badges real quick and by
real quick I mean I’m probably gonna forget to change it for the remainder of the game
[Music] the idea being if I can knock out a Wyatt might have just given myself the easiest
conceivable path to victory super attackers situation any long piece will do I much rather
would have not done that by the way but oh we’re done look at that what happened we
were way too high up there I’ll give him that but that one line of garbage that God sent
was that was Herculean we had like 19 or 20 Kos there we were up there good game
good game fun game I like to get started with that level of spice does feel like we Swan
dird things a little bit pardon me but you know it that’s what I feel like people don’t get
they don’t appreciate that much about games you know playing battle royale solo games
ninety-eight people leave with an L it’s not a necessarily a choke situation you know just
because you you weren’t capable of getting the win at the end of the day even with an
advantage that I hesitate the call that it shows now obviously I have a expressed interest
in not calling it show considering I just choked but shut up just watching yeah I think
I’m content to start sending let’s do something like this created a situation I’m not a big
fan of here like this it’s real messy on the way up okay so messy we named it lien old
but look at that no mess in Tetris is really that bad I think well I mean except the ones
that kill you but let’s ignore those because there’s not that much you can do about it at
this point this is good definitely save that starting to see the pieces wrong it happens
after a little bit too much Tetris Inge on any given day not afraid I’m gonna start sending
them back like an old man sent in super to Delhi but I was on afraid I was looking at the
the economy of long pieces coming our way still in another orange would be nice long
is fine why not leave some space leave some space you can tell those were opportunists
you know why as soon as we made lines they disappeared they’re not autotargeting us
or they’re not manually targeting us I should say that was an auto target so you know
I’m gonna waste my time being mad at those two bronies get sucked into a a Wyatt
heavyweight knockout this is it just feels so good when you start to get the line sending
you start to pop them down and like you know a quarter of a second per block mind
you my brain usually overheats pretty soon after that okay we are looking for a long
piece got one another one coming soon after as big we’re looking for an orange piece
we’re looking for a pink piece no lewd comments please got one big moment orange
pieces coming up still how do you handle this one now like that where’s my blue piece
you don’t need blue you got orange you don’t need blue now you need blue okay we’re
free the send the great sending has begun blue is fine just try not to build on the garbage
hole crap smart we got out of it we’re out of it again store it’s the old store and send sure
I’ll stack I always say I don’t like stacking them but you know if I’m being honest I kind
of like stacking compromised would have preferred to have not had to who wouldn’t
who among us wouldn’t prefer to never have to compromise but you know what is the
knowledge that the compromise is actually productive in surprising ways that keeps me
coming back to the compromise meta something like that for example [Music] it works
is just a little annoying not good enough that is a situation I waited for the right piece
to ensure that the garbage hole would have been clear that’s not the way I played the
game you know even a week and go not to say there’s not it’s still a lot of room for

improvement I’m just saying you have improved orange peace is a big one here blue
piece is another big one still looking for blue piece as there is not one in close proximity
hate it we had to do something like that mercifully they left that garbage whole wide
open we’re almost top 10 status here that’s a big one okay I’m gonna hit you with that
full-time radio silence gonna be honest wasn’t really thinking about what move I was
going to do next there oh that’s not right okay yeah yeah terrible play at the end even
radio silence or no radio sounds terrible play at the end there we had that one good
send recapitulated life goes on what do you do you learn you take a deep breath you
come back what are the Lana say Ruka you live you learn you okay yeah you learn what
you live you learn lyrics I need some inspiration you cry you learn you lose you learn
absolutely you bleed you learn you scream and then she gets low she goes you learn feel
free thank you Alanis this one goes out to you early radio silence by the way I’ve run
out of things to say for one but secondarily very prudent that we get a great start here
we can start with a few kos basically the world’s our oyster more than a few I believe
like when I hear the notes on they used to play that’s the good stuff I’m sure send it it’s
good to send it’s a compromise sending but is sending nonetheless it’s not gonna come
as much comfort that it was a compromise sending to the people who just got sent that’s
okay we can afford to carry a little bit of debt right now all this this is better than fine
yeah sorry that was me talking to myself getting a little spooky going on attackers now
hey oz was fun we got orange we got orange I never wanted this for to be the fate of
the people who were attacking me they chose this all do it not being able to see I think
that’s the only way I truly see anything is when I’m blind trying to think about it too
much yeah we’re already up to eight Kos out of the first 40 people eliminated one in
five of them met with their fate as a result of my actions how does it feel so dang good
you ain’t even got an axe and all I’m settling into a little meta I got a Balu coming up
so we just do that settling into a little not even a meta just a pattern what’s the pattern
real simple clear Alliance as long as we’re clearing liens should recognize where I had a
happy camper happy campers clear lines unhappy campers build garbage plus they’re
unlikely to book next year okay we’re gonna go badges real quick in a hope that we
got some badge Lords with a little bit of debt right now that aren’t gonna know how to
handle the kind of haha heat I’m trying to output I can’t say for certain whether or not
that’ll be the case nothing in life is certain dude except for you know death taxes New
England Patriots being in a Super Bowl value of pi’ as so that’s a pretty important one
that would mess things up that change I mean sometimes constants a good thing you
know I’m not trying to go to bat for the Patriots I’m just constancy gets a little bit of a
bad rap come on there’s got to be a long piece in here somewhere you wouldn’t do your
old Tetris that dirty like this complete absence of long pieces what are you doing haha
yeah just do that instead it’s not great but it’s better I think I saw a funky move and I
said to myself a funky move that’s got to be the right one for us okay we’re all back to
chaos by the way I think I’ve gotten myself into it an ill-advised situation a Wyatt rich
environment that I don’t want any part of how on earth have we gotten ourselves out
of this one yet again I’m sure you’re saying the same thing this is a real he can’t keep
getting away with it sort of moment and yet here I am getting away with it yet again
all that Walter White he can’t keep getting away surely radio silence by the way that’s
beautiful huge you know what I was almost gonna compromise terrible move this is a
real issue no no I need the blue let me have the blue Oh baby blue got what I need cuz I

really needed pieces that were long enough to fit the gap salivated blue we were doing
some good stuff there you’re getting back hang tight you know it’s been a good run so
if we had a lot of three top tens hey you never know from playing this game only one
in nine point nine people makes it to the top ten we’re up there on a consistent basis we
made some terrible plays at the end there but 10 another 10 K old game who’s gonna
complain not me not I let’s try it again you got it a little Rorschach situation for me you
got a little Wyatt rich environment you got some Annie Oakley’s lurking behind the
corners you got some stream snipers opportunist AKA nothing yet there is something
that I have a theory I should say about Tetris 99 I think the best thing we could hope
for in Tetris 99 is to improve at a rate equal to the rate of decay of players who get sick
of losing now what I’m saying might sound nonsensical but I think you gotta recognize
this is a game it’s pretty punishing this is grueling one of the toughest physical games
you can play on the market everybody knows it people are gonna wash out you know
I didn’t get a win in my first game I quit we’re never gonna be the best Tetris player
in the world the first step that I think we can take is just getting better we’re good
enough to compensate for the loss in bad players that’s naturally gonna happen is that
that makes sense professor didn’t realize I was in school if we can get that you know
it’s it’s a start so speaking of it’s a start I’m starting to lose my mind at the incredibly
sub optimal placement of just about every block on my board right now there we go
so this is one I just want to burn it down take me down to zero no Kos and honestly
highly deserve to have no chaos I’m gonna put a gap in here but it’s not a malicious
scam you know she’s me I’ve been targeted Oh pride because I sent garbage you guys
always forget you know I’m somebody else’s Wyatt in this game you know I’m sending
garbage along Wyatt stop saying any garbage that garbage goes to them and they go oh
I got a couple of Wyatts on my tail blocks rolled downhill that’s what I’m trying to say
blocks rolled downhill this is a big moment I have the utmost confidence in myself we
can make it out of this how we gonna do it it’s gotta be something like that clear the
garbage clear the garbage make space clear garbage all you do it you only do two things
in this game it’s the easiest game on planet Earth you make space you clear garbage
screwed up something fierce okay here’s what we’re gonna do it’s gonna get a little hot
and heavy here temporarily that’s why I always look at the pieces coming down the
wire I would rather not but you know we’ve made the space you make the space you
send this base we’re going on attackers not as many attackers as I thought I honestly
thought they sent 20 or 30 guys to try to stop us there and honestly they’re gonna wish
they did I don’t see any orange pieces coming our way so we got to really gotta make
some space here okay I mean we were gonna lose anyway but the Mad Catz didn’t help
let me toss one more good one your way coming 50th place that’s not where I want to
be that’s not where I want to be Luca Tomo do you believe do you believe in the power
of a Tetris in your heart of hearts can you envision your is a surrogate father I don’t
think that’s the word I don’t want to stay stepfather it’s got connotations these days
me your owner and greatest human friend on the planet along with Kate do you think
can you see it happening they seem nonplussed and honestly a little bit annoyed at the
incursion in their sleeping time which is fair I would be annoyed to like I get annoyed
when they for example wake me up and want to play it 6:30 in the morning and I’m like
your cat’s not kids like I love you but you got to recognize okay so that was a that was
a bold move some might say dumb some might be right welcome attackers welcome to

the Wyatt show who’s Wyatt you are what happens to Wyatt’s around here oh you ever
see Westworld me neither but there’s a character named Wyatt in that show and I from
what I hear things get a little spicy for pretty much everybody so I’m gonna imagine
why it also has a pretty bad time I saw the big piece coming but I think we’re in the
clear here too have been a little bit more aggressive wise much smarter play than what I
was originally doing okay we’re back to square one what do I want this good question
yeah there’s nothing like getting the long piece the most beautiful piece in all of Tetris
what do you do with it create a situation that requires another long piece like that’s just
dumb dude what am i doing store send place recover that was a weird little triangle
swap we did there that’s like that’s one way to put it yeah weird kick still little surprise
nokeos you know I can come in time or sometimes not at all I know the rule you don’t
stack them guess what in this family we try not to stack but sometimes despite our
best efforts a stack seems like the most appropriate way to deal with a situation okay in
this family we recognize the rules sometimes we break them in and we endeavor to do
better in the future all right mr. perfect so those were compromises and we continue to
compromise to this very day by building just a horrible garbage hole that that isn’t even
garbage you know this is it it’s a garbage hole we created why great question I mean
you got a you got a clear outline all right I deserve to lose again and I can’t leave you
on that one that’s that’s just I got don’t even want to talk about that one that one wasn’t
even a good there was nothing good about that maybe the stepfather joke anyway one
more can’t really do that when I’m beat look at the ruger - good - good - good ticka ticka
ticka ticka okay you know what that’s how you know you’re out of commentary let me
go let me go get ready sorry hold me back hold me back Alexei Alexander I forgot you
know the inventor of tetris the chosen one the Prophet what I want it where do I want
to build where do I want to ruin someone’s day right side agreed starting to get a little
too too large for my barges you know too big for my britches enough attackers here’s
my rule of thumb okay anytime sorry I gotta focus for a sec oh these pieces are gonna
be the death of me dude anytime I get cool visual effects from attacking attackers that’s
enough attackers for me to consider attacking okay next lesson not gonna be free so I
hope you enjoyed that one acceptable no no no not acceptable it’s acceptable send them
back send them back the soups too cold but did I order this I didn’t mean to order
this send it back oh I didn’t realize I forgot the Thai I’m allergic to mushrooms send
it back yeah no it’s called mushroom soup send it back well you tell me the customers
not always right guess what gets sent start to hit you with is there anything I can do
to help you send him back sir get sent oh yeah what the heck I didn’t even make any I
didn’t even make any garbage I just got a KO that’s where we’re at right now oh I can
feel it sometimes legitimately the brain just overclocks by itself I wish I knew how to
create that situation I started selling you a line of dubious nootropics on YouTube the
truth of the matter is I don’t know how to create the situation you know sometimes it
just happens all you got to do is tap in and not let it leave and they’re just as quick
as it came is gone top fifty to chaos it slow that’s not a super winnable situation you
know all that’s perfect I was gonna I was gonna compromise there I’m glad I didn’t but
we got a we got to start sending them next long piece well okay blue piece little piece
please well I would really well we got to get through the pieces a little faster you got it if
there’s nothing I can do dude we had the clear lines that’s some chaos if that’s no chaos
I’m not gonna say you deserve to win because I want to be part of the conversation but

certainly you know I would expect to get some kills out of that it’s okay all right no no
no chaos no problem he said through tears okay I was like a modest problem but but
I’m a problem of merely modest circumstances nothing of nothing to worry about really
need orange or long sadly both is actually not as helpful as you would think we’ve done
it yet again should I stack that in the opposite direction you know we’ve been really
useful information for me to have five minutes ago but [Music] [Music] longest longest
oh my god we’re sending them back to the deli counter where they belong long piece
big moose send them the great sending has begun a new top ten through that app and
fast I’m gonna heat with that top ten radio silence save that long piece that’s all you
need to know right now his long piece is being saved situations like that not thank you
why would I ever do that by literally as I was doing it my brain was like sure dude and
I was like don’t tell me what to do brain you’ve been bossing me around for too long I
mean you got us you gotta send an orange over there dude what are you doing please
please let me go let me send the orange that’s all I could ever ask for is the opportunity
you say I deserve that as a big loss and you know just a capitulation at the end but still
a top four finish life goes on we’ll be back with another one soon for now thanks for
watching a lot of top 10s no wins hope you enjoyed it if you think like a like but I was a
great deal course describe your on see more in the future finales question I will see you
next time soon

everybody welcome back so I’m just gonna let you know I’m gonna mute because
I got a burp coming up you never know sometimes until you start the episode you got
a pineapple burp sitting deep in your chest my tea caught the breathy first part of that
I accidentally clicked on the you don’t even know what OBS looks like I clicked on
the wrong button temporarily but I got it under control okay brain cooled little glucose
slurry added to the blood stream little H - whoa deep breaths it’s rorschach able yeah
okay it’s still rorschach about having a good time playing Tetris you know I think in
many ways the idea that I wasn’t gonna play more Tetris in my head starting to realize
it was to protect myself as well not just from the sting of loss but from the the pain of
Tetris addiction but if you’re gonna be addicted to any video game I mean Tetris has
got to be pretty high up the list of acceptable ones so we we have a good place for a
blue and an orange we don’t have a good place for two blues so here’s how we’re gonna
do this crap there’s no good place for you dude well I hate that that’s the blue now we
don’t have a good place for an orange things change all right anyway we’re clearing our
garbage out of the way I really think there’s that I’m not gonna write it just to be clear
yet blue and orange work here fine as well um I really think there’s like a Zen in the art
of Tetris maintenance book sitting out there there’s so many good life lessons that the
game doesn’t necessarily teach you but playing the game teaches you I think you know
a lot of the The Tao of Tetris has been tongue-in-cheek but there you know there’s some
good lessons to be gleaned I think from from plan the world’s most favorite game that
was a Mad Catz but a surprisingly not bad Mad Catz first piece of wisdom you need
to know Mad Catz situations are gonna happen you know all you can really I’m being
facetious to some extent but I’m also being real you know I think it’s healthy to have the
the mindset that you know mister not making mistakes you know you don’t endeavor
to make mistakes of course but mistakes are likely to happen what matters the most is
how you react to them ok so we’re gonna send you back to attackers here okay let’s do
this perfect I don’t want to build in the garbage hole dude you know I think uh that was
terrible that was just not even a Mad Catz that’s a Mad Catz brain wish my parents have
gotten me name brands I see it a lot online we’re waiting for an orange yeah so I keep
interrupting myself and my incredibly cogent incoherent train of thought I see it a lot
you know when you stream and playing something like subnautica you make a mistake
you go how could I have prevented this mistake in the future and a lot of Chad just goes
you know the thing where you made the mistake don’t do that like yo it’s not really
realistic sorry I’m mad catz myself yet again George is getting upset look at this though
Oh sometimes I think the Mad Catz it really just puts the enemies in a worse position
quite frankly a more dangerous without the Mad Catz than with it we good here good

enough good enough okay keep this man we’re a long way away from long pieces I’ve
done this to myself we’re so close to having like a good setup here and I just keep kind
of squandering it in ways that it does not need to be squandered anyway other the Tao
of Tetris we’ll talk about that enough in a moment the time is wrong to speak about
such a topic with such the quorum you can tell this is not really where I want to be and
we just built on top of that garbage hole never build on top of the garbage old once you
start to say you know you’re in trouble dude orange pieces orange pieces coming okay
Naja head the orange piece coming there’s a way out good enough it’s a real delicate
position okay you might be watching and noticing all sorts of little things that could be
doing it make my life slightly easier no don’t say okay I’m dumb I was trying to make
sure I attack the attackers there before things got hot and obviously you know boys
screwed up yeah yeah I deserved that one I I was you’d watch the stick on the screen I
was trying to get it to go to attackers but you know or gets good to go to Kaos I can’t
remember regardless there’s my my mistake but you know here’s the thing the town
of Tetris 99 Edition you if you look hard enough you can often see what’s coming your
way the next block very important was another piece of wisdom in good times save up
that energy to deal with some of the bad times you see a big block coming your way
hold it if you got a bad block in your hold swap it for a better block I’m just gonna go
Kos probably here and most importantly don’t panic if you can avoid the panic you can
pull a win or a moral victory out of just about any circumstance yo what have I done
is this is this sensible feeling this is not sensible t-spin NL do the TSP Tina it’s time to
okay well you know what that doesn’t look like it’s a tea spinnable situation for me but
I don’t know I don’t know that the ins and outs of the t-spin Mehta what I do know is
I can do this instead and then I got nothing to worry about okay we’re back boys send
him big sin double moment Obama was always looking for teachable moments now we
got sandable moments I would honestly say they’re even more important but I might
be a little biased don’t send them not every moment is a sin double moment okay check
this my son you’ve accidentally created a tea spin how do you do it okay I mean I know
just clear this up for a sec okay you got to get set up for the clears as a thing so you
do something like this store it store it and send store the old store and send you know
the deal don’t ruin your tea spit he’s done it a single t-spin where’s my gold medal
where’s my where’s my grand prize free victory in Tetris 99 apparently we got to do a
little bit better than that who would have thought what am i doing we really have no
chaos I mean I’m not saying we played well but we gotten some chaos and some pretty
terrible runs so it’s a little bit surprising to me oh there we go all right we’re starting
to send I do feel rightly or wrongly like the fact that we got a win in in what for me
is this recording session you can’t take that away from me no matter how hard you try
keep that in mind this rhyme I designed to explain at the time if you didn’t say all I
know right there that’s you’re an officer of the law okay thought it best to not dwell on
the obvious negatives of this situation right here but I do think we would be slumped
a little not in a huge way but just you know enough to be embarrassed by I shouldn’t
they used that blue like that created a bit of a strange setup here that’s the ticket and
what do you do there three two one send them rinse and repeat it’ll work it’ll work
we’re looking for orange do we have any chance in this game I mean I guess you know
in a very very reductive way so reductive it’s borderline unhelpful as long as you’re
alive I guess you got a chance so here’s what I’m gonna do you just witnessed it I’m

gonna gonna tempt fate I’m gonna put us up with I of the tiger thrill of the fight sort
of situation here rising up to the challenge of our rivals I’m taking on the badge leader
right now I read the decision essentially immediately but perhaps I can make them
regret the situation as well you know what I’ll do it and then I’ll do it make some space
send it back all we need to do you know it it would be nice to get 14 kills in the final ten
there’s not really many ways to will that into existence unfortunately so unless you got
a two tickets on the first-class airfare to Fantasy Island down in the real world we got to
try to accomplish something here in the way that we’re gonna try to accomplish this is
we’re gonna take on you know the danger head on apply directly to the forehead okay
it’s a real problem put me on Kos Oh God we’ve we’ve escaped with our lives but not
much more than that then we go back to badges we send them we go back to badges
when we send them then we go to chaos because quite frankly I’m afraid uh you ice
okay so we’re definitely gonna lose here all I can say in my own defense is that if I had
the greatest microphone on the planet you could have heard me hitting the buttons to
ensure that this didn’t happen I was spinning is what I’m trying to say [Music] please
don’t target me I’m not worth I am but a mere insect in the world of tetris your time
what have I done I’m not worth your time quite frankly I am but an insignificant little
speck of dust on the door oh man it was a great let’s be honest but that was fun I can’t
believe we picked up a KO at the end there I don’t like those games I don’t like you
know I’m pub G I like waiting in the woods waiting in the woods some dude comes
around I got 20 kills I watched shroud all the time I got to tear these subscription huh
and then I just throw a grenade at the dome piece he takes 90 damage well he’s healing
up I’d go over hit him with one shot in the kneecap he turns a1 taps me that’s my mo I
like to be aggressive in this game because I can’t be aggressive in the other battle Royales
because I’m bad but you know so that was an example of probably picking the absolute
worst time conceivable to change who I was targeting ie there was nothing I could do
dude anyway we’re getting back down there no no sweat you know if something like
that sets you back too far you got bigger problems I hate to say it I hate to be rude
about it but you know you’re gonna have bigger problems in Tetris cuz that’s a pretty
minor situation and you know I got a book I can sell you about that it’s called the pallet
Tetris hasn’t come out yet it’s still in its pre planning stages it’s an issue okay here’s
what we’re gonna do compromise something like this all we need is an orange we get
an orange we’re back in business you didn’t even need the orange just kidding we still
need the orange okay now we’re free to chaos out of that mess geez I swear sometimes
I think I’m actually at an advantage by screwing myself up I create enough lines to
actually have stuff to clear for the future all right I also love attacking attackers it’s like
you’ve given me a golden gift and you didn’t even realize it yeah he’s out maybe he’s
not out that’s my mistake sir I was under the impression that you were out here’s the
me I was mistaken when I suggested they you know the tales of your outward grossly
exaggerated it’s my mistake it won’t happen again oh it’s so close to being like usable so
close don’t build over the garbage oh there you go okay you just built a big one over the
garbage hole you dummy what are you doing I see the chaos coming I’m just like yums
kind of aghast at my own performance never forget who invited that evil into their life
you by making lists no not me for anything it was exclusively their fault never forget it
I am the streamer and I’m above reproach [Music] here’s a drinking game you can play
if you want to die every time I swap a piece for the exact same piece take a drink as a

really dumb move then mercifully did not immediately come back to bite me in the butt
okay I’m gonna I’m gonna make some compromises here that hurts that hurts okay just
so slow just so slow I don’t know who we beat there but it wasn’t Dave just brain was
done Intel Celeron one point negative 30 need to be on the Sandy Bridge architecture
with the cobalt microchip array dynamically adjust the amount of transistors per square
centimeter of chip space to accommodate the increasingly exponential gains of Moore’s
law it’s called Wyatt’s law every week the skill required the place at the same position
in Tetris 99 doubles put it in the lexicon do we have a Miriam endo or a Webster at this
point put it in the lexicon Wyatt’s law the amount of skill it takes to place @x in tetris 99
doubles from week to week also I’ve been making like some truly and heinous moves
some embarrassingly bad moose all we can do is clear oh that’s not where that one goes
yeah just kill me that was terrible that was not a Wyatt that was just me being insanely
bad it was sorry I know you’re like yells losing it he’s not I’m not losing here’s what
you do you started counting backwards from ten ten you’re like a dream come true nine
just want the long block blue eight the square with playing the see that there’s no place
for you to be in seven sorry Nora I got the song all backwards repeat steps 10 through
ade six agimo victories then Kate whenever L feel my work is sand the starting back at
ten yeah yeah you guys like Brian McKnight probably one of the most soulful singers
on planet earth eat your heart out Michael Bolton never happened to Brian McKnight
probably still alive I mean I mauled the late I’m getting there I should say as song wasn’t
written a hundred years ago it’s not like Beethoven you should have seen my face when
I found out Mozart was still alive that blew me away I was like aren’t you like 500 years
old I don’t know what that bit is that the bid is for a while I would pretend that Mozart
is still alive it would be a thing people would be like does anyone really not know that
Mozart’s dead and I’d be like what are you talking about you I just saw him yesterday
and then the culmination of the bit would essentially be I don’t know I hadn’t really
gotten that far yet so I had to distract myself temporarily from my impending demise
but here we are Dracula alive and loving it pick up some chaos in Abood KO is on
randoms that’s not a common scenario okay orange piece is extremely mission-critical
oh this is a merciful bountiful gifts right send them it’s not it’s not the perfect scent you
can make it as perfect as possible I don’t see any oranges coming up in my near future I
hate to do it I took no pleasure in that except the innate pleasure in a well-played game
of Tetris of course oh my god dude we’re free Oh once we get long pieces it’s over this is
a race too long go faster faster you’re going too slow send them what happens next race
two long pieces dude whoa life comes at you fast brother that happened fast okay so I
get the final a few runs we’ve done here just truly awful let me get a little okay hands
have been reamed with the good-luck charm the pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet you
stretch you get yourself back in a run in your sets on the dangling mental workout plan
run run your sets run your suits or any assets or any assets not being targeted as resin
gonna try something new it’s called go as fast as you can meta it’s not a strategy the
Wyatts would have told you about it’s also leading but first off it looks a lot like the way
that I normally play the game and you know I’m not gonna hold it against you you know
you have an untrained mind I wouldn’t expect you to know the difference between a
high-level strategy and a low-level strategy that sucks in the same way I wouldn’t expect
me to know you know what’s the diameter of a lug nut you know it’s just not it’s not
part of my purview where was I going with this anyway we’re gonna win I personally

guarantee this isn’t just gonna be a win it’s probably gonna be the best win you’ve ever
seen maybe the best win I don’t even want to say recorded because I think that does it a
disservice I say the best win in any video game ever ever invented ever conceived of for
a chance to dream can’t build on the garbage hole it’s okay you know you know why
it’s okay cuz we got a straight piece just hanging out can we afford to wait no honestly
just don’t believe it we’re free really I said is BM you know I’m not trying to say like oh
we’re so bad and yet we still got a KO finalist like dude we’re playing real bad to pull
a KO out of that it’s just surprising okay I don’t see a long piece coming so I think is
very much in our best interest to clear garbage great work can’t really put this anywhere
very good stuff what are we looking for next hey it’s impossible oh we’re free oh thank
god okay I mean that was some truly terrible stuff may I just say um in spite of my
rage I’m still just a rat in the cage but you know apart from all that you mean you don’t
need to hear about my personal life I think we’ve done a good job not of minimizing
the frequency of mad Katz’s but in lessening the severe heat severity of the inevitable
Mad Catz whence they arrived Kate disagrees that’s all right she’s not here she’s not
watching the situation she hasn’t seen things the way you know I’m seeing them right
now we’re gonna start sending you some lines we still mad cats in fact I would say we
mad cats with the best of them we might mad cows more than ever what we don’t do is
let ourselves get mired in the mad catz minutia you know we make a mistake we mad
and we move on okay there it’s a lot of heat can’t stand the heat get out the wild wild
west words to live by it’s a very important moment for us shouldn’t have built so much
on top of the garbage hole but we’re gonna get out of it I can already see the line for free
your scent should have gone for attackers honestly but that’s you know as a problem for
the post mortem we let the attacker get off a little bit too easily - everybody laugh every
time I say that good line clearing yo I haven’t seen any any huge badge plays you know
like some Penn Badgley ’s don’t want to filled out the garbage old mom oh oh we’re
free eight kills how are the badges looking that’s the most important thing how are the
badges looking that’s a lot of badges that’s enough badges to start the ride home we got
this place this you must free yourself this is starting to look an awful lot like somebody
who’s not gonna free themselves I’m almost back to the place where it all started to go
so terribly wrong okay now we just need a blue now we just need straight pieces I can I
can live with that on maintenance put it on layaway send it straight down send it again
no not the piece we want not our piece that’s our piece oh no it’s alright just wait for
your piece that’s our piece that’s our piece this is not as bad as it looks yet but merely
because we have not been targeted can’t he spend that dad we’re alive just let it go it’s
the mercy of Wyatt he’s a merciful God he’s letting us live Thank You Wyatt I won’t
forget this to simply exist for this long is a gift send them you got to do it make space
okay it’s a garbage hole no no but I don’t live my life waiting for the permission of the
garbage all praising screwed us oh we were so close we got in there we got out of some
situations we never should have been in in the first place we defeated somebody born 9
years after I played Tetris for the first time you know there’s there’s some stuff going on
in there that wasn’t too too bad we never should have lived that long anyway it was a
merciful gift anyway we’re gonna do another video here thanks for watching hope you
enjoyed if you click the like buttom to grade the old course subscribe you wanna see
more in the future now let’s watch and I’ll see you next time see you

everybody welcome back been on that Tetris 99 grind started to Peter out all this
will probably be the last episode recorded today but that’s not an admission of failure
you know the session coming up with uh W that’s big I’d love to add a second one but
just to be in the mix in the regu on a regular basis that’s all I could ask for you know
how many episodes you recorded a pub G where we never sniffed it being in like one
of the top five squads don’t say all of them that’s rude many many is a fair assessment
but all we can do for now is our best I know there’s a quote for this situation from the
movie The Rock Sean Connery says losers whine about that oh no way he’s bein whine
about doing their best winners go home and engage in an act with the prom queen that
I can’t mention do it a google deepmind all these sides like a it’s a terrible quote in my
opinion I know it’s one of the most is it’s probably the most quoted line in that movie
of course you know you don’t just want to do your best you want to be successful as
well whether that involves google deepmind related activities or not but all you can do
is your best at the end of the day mr. Connery I feel like you’re being full that means
you didn’t write it maybe based on like a Tom Clancy novel I don’t know anyway the
point is I don’t know where I was going with it good movie though the rock definitely
recommended you know who’s not in that movie the rock little known fact it’s the only
movie named the rock that does not star the rock and that’s why it’s so memorable to
this day I already tell the story kata now we’re in a hotel and this is non-google d-minor
later that promise we’re in a hotel and we were watching a movie on TV and then it
was like okay next movie’s coming up they start playing it big title crawl comes up it
says the rock I go dude The Rock Sean Connery Nicolas Cage this is a dream come
true and then the next words that come up on screen Sean William Scott that’s right for
those astute viewers amongst you it was not the rock the rock was merely the star of
another movie by the name of walking tall so I turned off the television went to sleep
here walking tall is not bad but I didn’t sign up for walking tall it’s like imagine you
were going to the movies and it was like some super special secret surprise right that’s
not the piece I thought it would be you know I wonder what is gonna be and then when
you get there you know they’re like it’s a super special secret screening of one of the
most hotly anticipated pseudo historical movies ever made captain and you’re like oh
my am we’re gonna see Captain Marvel six minutes before it comes out and they go
sky captain in the world of tomorrow and you go I’m in that movie you got a bad rap
undeservedly I mean of course I it’s not that I have anything against sky captain in the
world of tomorrow starring Jude Law Bai Ling and Angelina Jolie but simultaneously
I just you know it sure I so I think I gotta go guys I can’t stay and watch this I got my
hopes too high and maybe that’s my own fault but you know I didn’t get out of bed to

go see sky captain in the world of tomorrow it’s not my idea of how I want to spend
my time at the multiplex go okay we’re it we’re at full broken brain levels let’s do this
we got we got some space to clear now we go attackers and the great sending begins
I put myself in a dangerous situation and it was not on purpose you know I would I
would be lying to you if I said my intention was to put us in this dangerous situation so
that I could you know bail us out of it later not really where I’m trying to hit you from
you know all please we need blue peace don’t kill me don’t kill me any blue peace send
them dead might have killed us simultaneously might also have been the only thing
keeping us alive not a fantastic game life goes on I mean we were like 20th that’s too
bad but 20 of those like average just get ourselves back in the swing of things not a
Wyatt Ridge game just a ran into trouble what an archetype of Tetris 99 player do you
think you are I’ll tell you people say they accuse me of being a Wyatt I’m not a Wyatt
I’m a hundred percent an opportunist I oughta target Keo is like the whole time 90%
of every game is autotargeting chaos I would like to be a Rorschach whenever given
the opportunity but you know you don’t always have that you don’t you don’t choose
the Rorschach life the Rorschach life chooses you this will work send them it’s unlikely
that these early lions are gonna be worth too much so why are you sending them then
you know what let me answer your question with the command send them does that
answer your question if you’re not sending are you really living brother let me answer
that question with another question no we appear to be facing a wyatt Renaissance that
was that was Wyatt I don’t know what to say about that except for the fact that we ran
into some real Wyatt or deed individuals there that was us with I’m the number eight
gunslinger in Pacific Northwest and then all of a sudden Wyatt Earp pops out from
behind the saloon you’re dead he’s off to get three fingers of google deepmind friendly
xxx whiskey bottle from the local barkeep sometimes you walk into the wrong town
and it’s like track ten of Blues Traveler straight on until morning you know what I mean
let me just let me look up the straight on until morning straight on till morning track
lists you got to give it a second oh my word okay it’s actually 11:00 that’s the gunfighter
number 10 is most precarious which is a banger if you ended up listening to that who
shouldn’t it be most prettiest who and I do feel like a big mistake okay we should focus
a little bit I think you could definitely make a conceivable argument I’ve lost a little bit
of my train of thought you get the you get to have fun and do bits when wouldn’t the
runs are going good when the runs are going bad you got to get a little bit more sensible
so I’m actually gonna heat with an early radio silence see you in a minute just until I get
a few chaos just got to establish myself you know in the world it’s a start I think we got
more in us though I think we got it even more in us yo that’s not what I meant to do you
fool there we go there we go dude and we get more targets you know why cuz the path
of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the something-something Pulp Fiction BAE
there we go the longer we can keep this straight block in the rotation you know in the
hopper the happier we’re going to be I think send it I know we got seven chaos is not
greed it’s just looking at the situation I I would honestly say logically why do they you
know as long as we have this many attackers I think it’s extremely wise for us to you
know go for them now we’re gonna go badges real quick try to get a little wyatt access
I’m gonna make the very risky assumption that what just happened to us was an act of
chance nay of circumstance and a Wyatt just happened to have the fortune to send us
a little bit of garbage but he knows not what he does what are we looking for straight

piece hey here’s the thing my friend I don’t think you’re gonna get one not anytime
soon okay we got it we got a switch things got you got a straight piece send them I
know that looks I mean that was terrible now that I’d take more than two seconds to
look at it oh wait okay no don’t attack attackers what have I done and stop building on
the garbage hole all right but there’s a few different things happening right now that all
sort of you know require a little bit of attention blue piece coming up let’s go okay we’re
free again we do have a problem though if we can’t defeat Wyatt like this how are we
gonna defeat Wyatt that’s how you do it send him a little garbage run for your life take a
potshot from behind the bush make him bleed debatably wrong decision oh my god let
me add put me on randoms dude you got to get the book yes you misplaced of course
but simultaneously you just got it you got to make lions dude full panic that was a full
full metal panic my favorite anime things went wrong there we at least be Jaden’s mom
dude I love it I love in in apex legends or in you know pop g4 night you could kill by
somebody nine times out of ten T T V dot you know slash whatever their name is trout
trout lover doctor respect you know you get killed by people in tenders ninety nine you
go who would who’s the son of a gun that killed me who dare turned their sights on the
champ you look at it Jayden’s mom there’s something incredibly wholesome about that
and yet oh that’s a Rorschach jaemin’s mom she’s got some fight in her just cuz she’s a
mom doesn’t mean she can’t kick your butt in Tetris Jaden strong mom’s also clear lines
strong moms also clear lines never forget that I know I won’t not after that beatdown
I mean she wasn’t even really involved to be honest but like I like the narrative that
she was alright things are getting a little tougher as much as I’d like to suggest that it’s
you know the changing demographics of playing the game at 8:00 p.m. I doubt that’s
the case I think that’s a fairy tale I would tell to make myself feel better okay here’s
what we’re gonna do mistakes have been made time to compromise remember not all
mistakes are bad some mistakes are accidentally great somehow I don’t know I hadn’t
really thought it through all the way will lead us to Kings well the the real answer is
cuz I’ve been waiting for a long or a blue for a long time I would prefer not to have
to build on top of what are known as garbage holes I do not like to say garbage holes
because it sounds like a crass word garbage holes does it sound like a like a pejorative
or something you’d only say to someone who you drafted up a safe word prior to the
interaction you were having no there’s anything wrong with that where am I going here
you know what that’s where I’m going here okay let’s go Kos I got to work on my
targeting we stayed in a comfortable state for too long there there’s no reason to stay
attacking attackers for that long you know once the once the attackers are dead it’s time
for you to go how’s this going so far two kills in the first 50 is certainly not bad but I
would probably also say is not in line with the best performances we’ve ever had but
again I don’t know how much of those we actually control not to get a loominatee on
you know I don’t mean oh like that what I mean is like I think we tend to do best in the
situations where we’re Rorschach the most okay one attacker one too ornery attacker
it doesn’t bother me too much really that lis seeking orange block thank you we don’t
need that okay I’m gonna take a big risk here that was not where that was supposed
to go okay I’m gonna immediately go back on my quote unquote large risk what’s he
doing what am i doing there you go we greens no greens you don’t always seem to go
you don’t know what you got till it’s gone you got no greens what can a man do but
send dykes to D okay the sending is not begun don’t go your oaths of the sending has

not begun yet this is the proto sending that’s all you got huh cuz I can do this all day
as a real bad one by the way when I previously said I could do this all day oh what I
meant was I got a little bit left in me but really not a whole heck of a lot to be honest
with you I don’t know what’s happened in the other room try not to concern yourself
with it we got a real Tetris conundrum on our hands something along these lines save
it this is a save and send situation piggy gotta make space [Music] oh my god were free
perhaps only temporarily did you see the the aggression with which I push that block
downwards there was genuine malice that was not where I’m many many things went
wrong there did you see the Wyatt thing that happened at the end we’re gonna we’re
gonna start again we were never gonna win that one once things got into that dangerous
situation but we could have played better at the end is that sometimes I get stuck in this
I try to oops I I’m pressing the buttons to illustrate but you can’t see my hands I start
spinning I don’t want that there I don’t want that there I don’t want that there I gotta
accept bail hit L no matter what muscle memory Punk you got something else you got
an opportunity to be in a different a different peace of mind you know what I mean
geronimo geronimo Lily speaking tetra nama Connelly speaking speaking within the
context of tetra nama knows which are actually called to toronto mos okay let’s go for
five four three I can take it dude there is no greater feeling in video games this year then
being targeted for deletion in tetris 99 and fighting back what’s better nothing’s better I
mean I give the the opportunity to tell me somethings better but simultaneously I just
want you to know it like in my head I’m like they’re not gonna come up with anything
better because there isn’t anything better than that I like this so far my hunch is that
all the people targeting us are busy digging themselves out of a garbage hole as of the
present moment it’s not impossible but you know it’s so the awkward situation to be
in I knew it I honestly think following this you know everybody else has done a pretty
decent job of earning my respect we’re gonna immediately pivot yeah I can live with it
now we’re in a pretty good spot that spot as eroded as quickly as it existed never mind
we’re set okay this is a good place for us to be we’re on Kos we’re sending garbage
here in the badges tick up perhaps most importantly don’t love that though not worried
oh Jesus exclusively with the trappings of a tetris Driven Life of course I want to make
Texas more than anything what do I want to do clear blocks as fast as possible I don’t
even really I mean it’s gonna sound like sacrilege I don’t want to send garbage there I
said it if there was a way for me to live peacefully not requiring the sending of garbage
I would love to do it unfortunately the Creator Alexi he’s chosen in His infinite wisdom
for us to express ourselves through destruction it’s not up to me if it were up to me we
could all live happily I’m trying a few new tag techniques on precise here by the way
you’re probably seeing them one of the techniques is called place blocks in a very bad
area it’s it’s a performance art piece and performance art piece of trash and we will lose
as a result not of my poor play but of my endless desire to constantly innovate we will
be unfairly removed from the equation we were almost II didn’t I don’t know if he saw
that pieces falling into place we were getting to a pretty good spot I was about to be
able to send some some garbage Bachelet yeah we you know my tetris brain might have
peeps let’s look at something that’s not falling blocks for a minute and just clear our
mind no you can’t sing that song play your body clay your mind that’s that’s Eiffel 65
or as I like to call them dad my dad was not an Eiffel 65 that would have been pretty
cool though I’d tell you what I wouldn’t be feeling blue about that pertained well you

know I mean I don’t want to disrespect my dad give me a great upbringing but he
didn’t write the 1999 landmark album Europop let’s put it that way and by that way
I mean literally he did not write that that’s the Eiffel 65 album I don’t know we don’t
have a lot of attackers we’re gonna play a little this is a wasn’t known as a swordfish
you know in the movie swordfish John Travolta takes Hugh Jackman he says the best
hackers in the world can do this in 30 minutes I need somebody who can do it in 30
seconds and before Hugh Jackman can even say John that’s unreasonable John Travolta I
mean there’s another google deepmind sort of situation involved here but it’s a test he’s
run out of tests on them spoilers in case you haven’t seen the movie for yourself this is a
test for the people attacking me are you worthy if you’re worthy you can stand up to the
garbage that guy was unworthy that was a twenty-minute sort of guy let’s see we got
any 22nd guys remaining here don’t answer that also you might not have seen the movie
but at multiple points John Travolta accidentally puts a block in the wrong location and
then goes dude my controller okay so now we’re gonna go for chaos our our situation I
wouldn’t describe it as an abject failure but it certainly could have been more successful
that’s okay this is the thing anytime you got a swordfish situation you know it’s not up
to me it’s up to them if they’re good enough to handle it then what more needs to be
said I don’t know about that one for anybody familiar the the northern lion translation
for I don’t know about that one is that was bad but I don’t know enough about the game
to know why I can’t put into words well I am unhappy with the way that went down
but I am that’s alright though we got a 25% damage multiplier is be polite it’s a start
plenty of room to grow can’t stop hearing all three-syllable phrases in the tetris theme
room to grow room to grow room to grow room to grow girl legacy it’s not even like
it’s a psychosis at this point if you ever need to remember anything for like a class an
exam maybe you’re taking your LSAT soar something like that just set it to the tune of
the tetris theme it will never leave your head toward law is what happens when there is
a dispute over contract negotiations you know that’s it I apologize I should have done it
was something I’m actually aware of because I probably just got that stuck in your head
for years you’re gonna be on Jeopardy you’re gonna be like you know Final Jeopardy
question this is the branch of law that deals with contract disputes you’re gonna say tort
law you’re gonna get it wrong everyone’s gonna laugh at you you know who’s gonna
be laughing the hardest me cuz I’m gonna be sitting on podium one I’ll say you fool
what is business what Clemson that’s right it’s a long con I was playing it cuz I knew
one day we’d face each other the field of academic battle top 20 I really want to clear
more lines as obvious as that sounds we’re about to enter top 10 status yeah that’ll work
but that was a facetious that’ll work by the way before we enter top 10 status I’d like to
have our lines as handled as possible I’d like to be like the bottom is probably unrealistic
but this is not a situation where your boys go in aggro this is a situation where your
boy fears the reaper you know you asked for this by the way it’s a problem no not like
this it’s not how I go it turns out that is how I go okay but there was we fought hard
for that one Bryce what kind of a tetris name is Bryce dad Noah Trey glad I eliminated
him probably cool dude who surfs and loves his mom what was the matter Calvin you
didn’t get a tetris win in your 15 minutes of a lot of recreation time in the midst of your
homeschooling season Calvin that is your - probably just stop making fun of people for
their first names but I’m mad that we lost that one I thought we were in a good place
Kristen Bell Ted Danson and the etcetera stupid dick no Rorschach’s okay no there’s no

swordfish to have then you know let me say five or more Rorschach between one and five
that’s a swordfish situation at five use your discretion you know I’m not your mom you
can figure it out for yourself it’s called autonomy sister look it up send send you know
I’m gonna do with that one I send it not a sin This Is It this is a trick sent now we want
to blue you know what that’s not acceptable that’s extendable this is a build that will
get us some kills I personally guarantee you how many 86 that’s right first perfect game
ever we’re gonna eliminate every single remaining tetris 99 player i don’t see how we
could again that’s a drink in the northern lion drinking game we swapped a piece for its
exact doppelganger what a thrill this is where you get yourself into a is delicate dance of
mediocrity you know when you start doing the mediocrity dance and you know I don’t
speak Greek the legendary Greek hero mediocrities when you start doing that dance it’s
time to send it’s as easy as that why complicate things oh that was a bad placement we
need a long piece we need another long piece I’ll accept blue temporarily but only yo
I screwed it up something fierce okay we need another long piece immediately this is
not a drill this is not a run you’re set situations a clear some friggin line situation clear
some lines clear some lines don’t sing the song just clear some frickin lines okay I met
no promises that’s what I was gonna say there’s a way out of the situation we created for
ourselves of course a big part of me wishes have never got to that point to begin with uh
in many ways I never had a choice I didn’t choose to be bad at Tetris okay Tetris chose
to be bad at me I think this is a one attacker situation I think I’ve learned some valuable
lessons about getting hit by a lot of garbage from one attacker and letting that change the
way I play the game in short I don’t think I should do it anymore in long I don’t think
I should do it anymore closing in on some radio silence have been targeted for deletion
it’s a feeling I’ve normally the Wyatts have been pretty merciful today when they target
me for deletion which happens you know because I’m a threat so I mean I can’t really
blame me but normally they make it mercifully quick today at least they don’t let me
feel the knife go in you know they just good you know I’m like I’m having a good game
I’m dead why it got me this game I could feel the screws start to turn I can feel the I
can feel the the Wikipedia article of dubious notoriety start to slip over the top and all I
can do is fight back you know I am of notable notoriety okay I am a youtuber and also a
twitch streamer there are dozens of us yeah where this isn’t a built this is this is a send
you know where was I going with that I don’t know we’re getting close to radio silence
brains shutting off all I’m trying to get at is you know when we start to get something
going doesn’t take too much for it to get it all out of whack so in general I’m gonna favor
a send based archetype Oh No okay terrible timing by the way just the worst timing it’s
not getting much better [Music] oh my god that we actually clear though oh that’s not I
didn’t rotate it as many times as it deserves what is happening dude absolutely broken
brain [Music] I’m gonna hit you with that early radio silence cuz I’m lucky to be alive
right now Oh God go on attackers dude stay frosty this is not so bad I knew it you can’t
have that happen without getting some chaos send them [Music] could be worse dude
nobody wants to leave put me on kos we got to start sending people if nobody else is
gonna send people I guess it’s got to be me don’t don’t don’t fight three people remain
you’re looking for that orange piece lawn-boy just make a line yikes dude no no don’t
send me that line that line did that light does it belong to you that line doesn’t belong
to you oh what a throw what it oh then the other dude was not even close min ji the
villainous min ji so let’s be real we through there was a real chance there but we tossed

it away we did well to fight back defeated the other villainous Ryans yo your level 63 oh
that’s as good a point as any to end it I think over you’re enjoying the Tetris as much as
I am if you are click the like button helps out a great deal of course describe you and see
more in the future for now nice watching and I will see you next time with more more
dangerous more see ya

well-well-well they had to release the Maximus Cup this weekend didn’t they or
as I like to call it the Wyatt Cup test your skills in the first Maximus cup to celebrate
the release of tetris 99 started seven hours ago it goes until it’s the whole weekend
win online battles to achieve Tetris Maximus as many times as possible the top 999
players will receive $10 USD and Nintendo store credit all the Wyatts have come out
of the woodwork I’m gonna get myself kid icarus for free if you’re motivated by the
gold the my Nintendo gold you’ve already lost some of us you know we’re not hidden
the blocks and clearing lines because of any kind of monetary fiduciary reward or for
the glory involved in the victory there’s no gilding necessary it’s just the thrill of the
algorithm for me the block show up on the left nope that’s not correct the block show
up on the right you toss them down the middle and the world’s your oyster so first that
there is not just first tetris runt of the day I should say first Tetris run in a few days
here probably gonna be a little bit on the slower side no apology necessary you know
why I’m doing my darndest you know I’m trying to stay ahead of the curve here but
life I don’t want to say it gets in the way cuz you know my real life doesn’t necessarily
involve playing Tetris I you know for the I like my real life I don’t think I need to
apologize for being a little bit out of practice on the old Tetris thing if anything I feel
like I should apologize to myself for getting so good at Tetris that it was possible to be
out of practice something it has definitely not been a relevant problem for me in the
past as a result of the fact that I just kind of stunk previously but yeah I think you know
this some at all you fool is the Maximus Cup this weekend yo yo you can’t do that dude
I expect that we will probably have some more extreme wiring than usual and that’s
okay you know it finally you’ve got a chance to realize your relevant dreams in tetris
99 and and and really make a go at becoming a pro by receiving ten dollars in store
credit but to be fair is ten dollars in store credit for playing a game that you got for free
so it’s i mean if you can make it happen it’s pure profit as long as you don’t consider
the hours and hours invested and you know it is an investment okay sorry them do
you know the new update the the title update for tetris 99 it’s really throwing me into
a tizzy that was not the right play there rest assured I’m already aware of that I’m just
trying to eke out a meager existence please I beg you Wyatt’s let me live it’s my first
run of the day why it’s I’ve done nothing I’ve done nothing to deserve this yet I beg
you oh my god I mean I I still expect to die but the fact that we’re up for chaos is a
little surprising me I did buy the oil that was such a bad mistake there um I did and
you’re not gonna believe this I’ve taken the next step in my Tetris evolution I watched
another good streamer play Tetris I do not remember their name what I do remember
I’m not trying to not give credit you know I’m trying to give credit I just forgot the name

temporarily of the person who taught me these incredible skills but I know that they
are a melee a super smash brothers melee player who also I’ve been told they were at
NASA which is you know pretty impressive and really puts into perspective you know
the level of Tetris player you have to be if you’re gonna beat us I am being facetious but
regardless they they made a video about essentially finding teaspoon setups which I’m
so thankful for because every other teaspoon video ever released on the platform known
as has essentially boiled down to like hey this is what a tea spoon looks
like guys so just do it you know this video was substantially more helpful it identified
a couple of actionable pieces of advice that you could actually take upon yourself to do
is clearly a very experienced presenter and and as somebody who respects you know
rhetoric in the art of presentation itself you know I I appreciate it a great deal okay we’re
in the heat when you’re in the heat you switch your pivot still a major concern never
mind we’re free gotta send them should not have covered the garbage hole you know
that’s the situation you send it right there you make some space you do this ya do this
somehow we have found ourselves back in the realm of like survivability I was a little
bit weak I know trying to find a way to successfully clear the whole native garbage you
know it’s an uphill battle for some of us myself included sometimes all the time okay
can I just say the the fact that we’ve lived this long not a good move by the way but the
fact that we’ve lived this long a a big surprise you know what you know what does it
maybe we’ll look back at that as the moment this all went wrong as if it ever was really
right on this run hey I need a piece of a longer variety save it okay we’re not dead yet
I can’t believe we actually managed to get that one down there good lord you know
what you got to send that one there you send this one here I don’t I’m gonna Institute
like a surprising radio silence may I means my video so the end of the day I guess I
can do whatever the heck I want but well with Henry oh no not a Mad Catz that was
me being extremely overeager got a Sandom dude garbage holes garbage hole my man
yikes honestly like for having made as many mistakes as we made in this video that was
a pretty good performance that’s all the whole 70 oh my god I mean I’ve been playing
a decent amount of Tetris 99 but to sea level seventies that’s uh that’s a new one for me
anyway we did we did fine we played really badly but we placed well got a lot of kills
as well which is a little bit surprising but you know I got a I feel like that was a decent
warm-up for the first not just first run of the day but first run for a little while it feels
good as I mentioned you probably ad nauseum it’s not my intention to you know get out
of you know seven videos a week of issac we still are making seven but we previously
made fourteen not my intention to immediately just move those over to Tetris but I find
myself playing the game people still seem to enjoy watching it and as a result we’re
gonna continue playing it for the time being it’s just one of those well not very smart
in fact we actually had a t-spin set up I’m sorry I’ve left my my new mentor down my
apology so it wasn’t my intention you know what that’s a sin double offense just using
my noggin here I actually like this this and this and I think you know it might not strike
you as having been it certainly was slower but I think that might have actually been a
more productive approach than the way I was originally gonna handle that so I think
that that was a moment of potential improvement for us which is a rare thing in today’s
work a day world isn’t it anyway yeah you know that I expected to work in a little bit
more variety and I mean the I di think it’s going relatively well as is regardless but at the
end of the day and I know I keep saying at the end of the day but at the end of the day I

never stacked those dude I’m liking Tetris I’m loving Tetris I’m won some more of them
Tetris not ovum it’s two very very different things actually I’ve been watching a level
with you I find Tetris 99 enjoyable to watch if the player is bad when the player is good I
actually don’t really enjoy watching tetris 99 and that’s not to besmirched the efforts of
you know incredible content creators but I guess I at the end of the day I prefer watching
someone who makes me feel better about my skills which is probably the whole reason
my channel has any semblance of popularity to begin with is the exact same sentiment
from other people but hey you know well they’ll take what I can get but I watched a
few you know really really really really good tetris 99 players you know the ones and
I’ve come to of course respect their gameplay but beyond that because that should be
self-evident I hope I also came to understand that I was avoiding some things that they
do all the time in principle I had thought some things were bad which were actually
apparently completely fine like for example there’s not really a perfect example there
but leaving a couple gaps in your Tower obviously not ideal but not actually the end of
the world I had been under the mole that was not what I wanted to do obviously I’ve
been under the impression that if you ever made a gap in your tower you failed that’s the
end you might as if you win you got lucky at that point I’m watching these like superstar
Tetris players play there they’re not necessarily like building garbage towers but there I
mean they kind of are building towers of garbage I guess ISM is a good way to describe
so if you want to if that’s a garbage tower then then a garbage tower so be you know
they they basically just build faster which is something I’m failing at miserably while
explaining this but um it’s not to say they make compromises it’s actually to say that
I think that things that I had thought were compromises were actually just sometimes
like the right play obviously some of the things I think are the right play are definitely
they end up being the wrong play it’s not my intention with that sentence to suggest
that absolutely everything I do is the right play because of the fact that I’m the one
doing it but you know this isn’t Frost v Nixon what it is is northernlion you know 30
year old boomer just wants some wins in Tetris 99 we had the refactor of the title you
know why we had the refactor the title because we got more than one win who would
have thought we got more than one winner in a row don’t let that slip by your memory
you know as we get through these times of trouble here we’ve been I wouldn’t just
describe it necessarily as a slump but we’ve been you know not necessarily performing
fantastically over the you know recency of the previous few videos and yet we should
remember we you know managed to get several dubs yo we knocked out a badge Lord
maybe not king badge Lord but a badge Lord is a badge Lord is a bad lord no no no
no that’s the ticket right there okay another thing they do and again like even though I
know this stuff is it takes some time to work it into the you know the mental equation if
that makes sense let’s get off of Kos we’re maybe getting a little bit of undue attention
paid to ourselves or not they also build a much wider which is to say hmm hate this this
might be the death of us actually yep maybe not the death of us but is looking pretty
terrible that I wouldn’t describe that as bad luck I would describe that as incredibly
poor preparation well then this is an obvious radio silence moment oh my god I really
just thought I could get it over yeah that’s fair that’s fair that’s not a great performance
on my half or on my behalf I should say they build um they build with bigger gaps on
the bottom so you know the the prototypical you know amateur to intermediate I think
Tetris strategy is you build a huge tower on the left or on the far right and you leave a

space open at the at the edges as you can drop long pieces down there and send Tetris
Tetris Tetris test you know you get the idea I can’t say Tetris four times in a row that’s
like quadruple Tetris is not allowed the the good players that I’ve seen and I relay this
even though I’m not doing it myself is they seem to have a strategy that essentially boils
down to just leaving a bunch of space open so that any piece that they get can be used
and this is like in the late game maybe but that any piece they get can be used to clear
garbage or or you know just keep their nose clean if that makes sense so instead of just
exclusively worrying about tetras they seemed more concerned with with an actual like
Tetris 99 specific strategy I think of a Tetris 99 specific strategy of making sure that they
can always have enough and no matter what piece they get the piece is gonna be able to
be used to clear garbage or do they keep the there keep them out of the danger zone if
that makes sense I think that makes sense I’m just it do it it’s real hard to play this game
and talk at the same time if you think it’s not go watch some of the good players some
of them talk some of them don’t but is far from a universal thing that people are hitting
you with anecdotes on a regular basis I guess the thing that I struggle with a little bit is
the idea that you know if you build wide like this obviously very easy to clear garbage
but there’s some pieces that it feels like it’s just hard to fit in like not even now on that
wasn’t even what I was going for oh that’s absolutely horrible let’s get ready to clear
some lines what are you doing you know why that’s a great question we’re gonna we’re
gonna clean that up [Laughter] it’s actually not the end of the world but it is pretty
dumb you know problem-solve temporarily might have slowed us down a little bit at
the outset but who cares look at that we’re sending lines again we’re sending another
one let’s uh let’s do it like this that way we keep that garbage hole clean and all of a
sudden you know I would describe us as having an actual you know a functional outlet
here this is another situation they the big players you know the big guns they don’t get
stressed out about something like this and I’m envious about that you know someone
sends them lines they accept it as the inevitability of playing Tetris online they go you
know playing Tetris online it means you’re going to be sent sometimes it’s not to say
you shouldn’t fight back please let me live please let me live I didn’t deserve to live there
anyway I’ve been talking too much about what the other players do you know what I
gotta do is I gotta worry about what I’m doing 35th place 1k oh it’s not where we want
to be I feel like they reworked the algorithm dude not to mention the Wyatts are out
in full force as a result of the Wyatt Cup the tetris maximum is Wyatt Cup everybody’s
trying to get their hands on a free $10 gift certificate by 1/6 of a NES game that came
out in 1987 while they’re playing a free game based on a game that came out in 1987
I understand is the hustle dude you ever work in an office and they have like a you
know who can walk the most challenge what was that thinking you know what I was
thinking I was thinking of Dan G’s Ling’s pool Mehta there we go pull Metta he has
not been able to accomplish it I’ve accomplished it and it’s terrible dude in my opinion
um yeah you know like you a we’re gonna have a competition at work to see who can
walk the most steps so that’s cool maybe I’ll compete maybe I won’t yeah the winner
gets a $75 sharper image gift certificate people will start throwing haymakers to win
that prize you better believe it that’s what we got going on here people were probably
like you know what I don’t know what I’m gonna play this weekend there’s lots of new
stuff Devil May fried Devil May fry that’s a good game Devil May Cry 5 just came out
getting fantastic reviews across the board maybe I’ll check that out or I don’t know my

stardew farm is in disarray you know it would be nice to get back to that after tetras 99
monopolized my time or you know I haven’t checked out the new civics expansion yet
blah blah blah by the way comes recommended for me personally at full price I don’t
know I all admit it’s a little bit on the pricey side but I don’t know what all I can get
in my head right now is I’m mr. price I’m not smart then the the Wyatt Cup comes out
and they go you know what it’s time by the way attackers go home and haters back off
like Miranda sings said okay you’re doing me an incredible disservice right now you’re
doing yourself an incredible disservice by coming after me early cuz honestly I’ll be
there to take out later you don’t have to worry about taking me out now oftentimes I’ll
remove myself from the equation before you even have to worry about it brother but
look at that now you’ve awakened the sleeping dragon just like Ken Watanabe says in
Michael Bay’s magnum opus Pearl Harbor that being said I will be killed nevermind but
like probably still gonna die yeah I am mad catz myself with a little bit of oversensitive
input there we got targeted for deletion you know it’s been a while since we got to
use the phrase targeted for deletion if somebody sends you three lines of garbage and
it rattles you and you’re done congratulations Sally to yourself somebody sends you
20 lines of garbage and then you know 45 seconds later they send you another eight
lines of garbage and then you know in a minute they send you four lines of garbage
that’s you got targeted you’re targeted for deletion when the Wikipedia mods turn their
John Carpenter 1980s predator eyes onto you and they say questionable notoriety please
justify this articles existence you’re done you’re already done unless you get nominated
for Best new orders to the Grammys this year I’m ready did you hear the Wyatts they’re
showing up so check this out that’s how you set up for a flip and t-spin wait a minute
how do you set up for a flip and t-spin I don’t think it’s I’ve screwed it up alright I’m
sorry sensei I still think one of the great lies told in tetris 99 has been that T spins are
necessary to win I think they’re very helpful to win especially if you end up somehow
playing against amazing players if your goal is to win a single game and you’re coming
from zero I think it’s putting the the I was gonna say it’s putting the baby ahead of the
bathwater which is not the expression I think it’s not strictly necessary this is what you
wait for like this is your genuine victory chance is anytime you get the opportunity to
send multiple lines of garbage on the cheap and this don’t you make no mistake this
is on the cheap so if you get targeted by multiple people make them work for it if they
live they live more power to them you know but if they die dude you know what Drago
said if they die they die a lot of people ask me they say an L should you really be you
know basing your words of wisdom on a von Drago one of the most hated characters
in movie history what do you what do you mean hateable I thought he was the good
guy you’ve been watching it with the proper ganda glasses on well you think rocky
wasn’t juicing he’s an 80 year old man have you seen him with his shirt off the 80 year
old men with their shirts off don’t look like that okay all right buddy von Drago you
know I all admit he’s not actually the good guy but he could have shown at least a
little bit more sympathy after that after what he did to Apollo Creed I was you know
there was no need to be so glib about it you know I get it you’re a big scary boxer dude
you’re a tough guy but you don’t need to like I don’t know like strong men also cry mr.
Lebowski look it up sweetheart okay we should go chaos now we didn’t pick up quite
as much life what are you huh what have I done dude I mean there’s nothing I could
do dude okay we’re actually safe yet again somehow thankfully you guys see that in

one of Dan’s recent Tetris 99 videos and I hope I’m publishing this before he gets a dub
otherwise I’m gonna look mighty silly but he ended up getting a 75% damage bonus I
honestly didn’t know he had it in him it was a complete like by accident situation but
you know so are 99% of the times that I managed to get a 75% damage bonus so I’m
not gonna hate on the man for that cuz if I hate on him I’m hating on myself feeling the
heat here which is ironic cuz I’m literally like not targeted at all but I’m at least feeling
the heat from the perspective of like I feel like I’m building some garbage towers which
is definitely true but only I can say it okay remember I’m the streamer I’m allowed to
be rude to myself I know I just filled the garbage hole there when you’re older you’ll
understand sometimes you got to fill your garbage hole not like that Internet but like
maybe sometimes I guess I mean it is rough when you made the garbage hole that
you’re filling but if we’re being honest with each other probably happens all the time
right a lot of the garbage holes in our lives are of our own creation it’s the Tao of Tetris
you know I could use a long piece we’re not getting one so you don’t get one you got a
compromise with something like this ah dude what Mad Catz how dare you how dare
you do absolutely nothing and receive all the blame okay you know I’m not saying the
controls are different I think it’s just you know I’ve been playing slower games games
that don’t require you to be like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m disappointed you know
I will say I’m happy you know every other battle royale I ever recorded you know solo
episodes of come on dude if I finish an episode and I had like 10 kills three deaths I’d
be like this is the greatest video I’ve ever recorder to this but for me I’m like dude this
is a pretty bad Tetris 99 episode we’ve only got a three to one kdr but I mean to be fair
if on those Battle Royale episodes I ended up blowing myself up with a grenade when I
had a chance at the throne I guess we would probably look at those as being a little bit
more negative that’s fair that’s fair I would always rather have the the criticism brought
up by myself than then brought up by by chance so you know if I control a stone at
myself ten times out of ten I think it’s a healthy attitude you know forgive yourself but
also acknowledge your own mistakes especially in a venue as relatively you know safest
Tetris is you know just a video game you know you’re in trouble when you start to
pull out that it’s just a video game rhetoric that’s when you’ve given up it’s not a video
game dude it’s a way of life and if you can’t see that you’re already lost like look at that
that’s a play that requires fearlessness not quite a teaspoon but you know the thought
of the teaspoon was there so I actually I wouldn’t say I memorize the tetris opening
cuz that’s still kind of like absurd to me but I do know one of the t-spin setups now is
again thanks to that extremely helpful video the way that you do with TSP set you get
a long piece and then you put one of the s or Zed pieces on top of it you know what
attackers one attacker you asked for it so we can actually do it pretty soon I think we
gotta go we could have done it right there again remember that the constant T spin as
a novice conundrum I can either go relatively fast by my standards or I can spin those
T’s I cannot do both I wouldn’t even necessarily say I’m working on it I would like for
it to be worked on but I don’t think I’m actively in the process of knocking any of that
out to be honest that’s okay perhaps we’ll get there one day perhaps we want save that
for a blue this will work that will work now a blue will not work you need to spend
your next long piece here and then you know what send the tetris make yourself a little
safer what are we at zero Kayo’s really put me on attackers sorry put me on Kos it’s
embarrassing to be on zero Kos I mean I don’t know what makes a KO and in Tetris and

and you know apart from having a lot of attackers you know the difference between a
high ko game and a low-cal game for me art I mean the play is like 99% similar again
I will apologize there was some decently sketchy moves invoked there I wouldn’t say
they worked but you know here we are without a major concern hampering us and
then immediately you make me look like a fool by tossing me this much garbage how
dare you sir leave that garbage hole open you know what close that garbage hole all
of a sudden one good piece away from victory I didn’t see that we had the long piece
coming down but all we’re not free we’re not free at all dude to Kos should have sent
a long piece but you know what it’s like Jodie Foster said in contact they should have
send a should have sent the poet but guess what they didn’t they didn’t send a poet
some truly galaxy brain moves happening if you can’t understand the genius of these
maneuvers at this point I honestly I don’t know what to tell you except that I feel almost
lost the plot they’re almost I just feel bad you know don’t do it this is a real targeted
for deletion situation I hate it I like it no no tea spinning allowed on my watch brother
tea spins please you know what I was about ready to check out on that situation just
slot it right there you got something good going on that’ll work I know it seems bad
that’s just because it’s so good that most regular human beings cannot comprehend the
true genius of what we just did radio silence by the way I bet it should have instituted
that policy a long time ago I see it oh no no no teaspoons dude did you bring enough
teaspoons for the rest of the class unlikely honestly we came second to Popo I’m not
mad I we we did we were mercifully targeted last for deletion that’s all I could ever
ask for we were very very unlikely to beat this T spinning God weep weep but I can’t
complain dude a second-place finish kids with the likes of konkey dong in here I can’t
complain that was okay thanks for watching a little bit of an exciting finish I hope at the
end there was a chance for now thanks for watching if you enjoyed the episode click the
like button opposite a great deal of course inscribe you wanna see more in the future
but at least watching and I will see you next time soo

hey everybody welcome back to northern Lyon place Tetris 99 all I’m gonna say
is that right at the end of that last episode bangies signed on to Tetris 99 that doesn’t
mean we’re gonna face each other in the heat of battle it just means there’s a chance
there’s a chance we might ko or get ko’d by dan it’s like playing pub G at the same
time as your boy you never know if you’re gonna get you know take a 7.62 round of
the dome and then you look at the kill feet and you’re like oh my gawd but for now a
second place finish that to be honest I do not feel we particularly deserved check this
out boys it’s t spinnable dude I’m like wait a minute how do I do this again yeah we
broke our t-spin anyway if I don’t get it like if I open up a t-spin early and then don’t fill
it immediately it’s over I will never get that t-spin over the course of the entire episode
probably I mean if I get average a teaspoon per episode I’d be a real happy man anyway
regardless yo good play we definitely on merit alone we did not deserve to get a second
place finish in that last episode but you know what battle Royales are an interesting
genre in that your performance is not dictated by merit alone you know there’s a there’s
an element of luck huge element of skill and I’ll fight anybody who thinks that tetras
99 is not like one of the more skill focused be ours you don’t have to be the bet the best
tetris 99 player in the world to get a win but the best head 99 players in the world win
extremely consistently like I’ve seen some of them do they win half of their games that’s
nuts anyway we got a KO here we do have to work ourselves out of the pit we created
I think we got a blue coming up we don’t want to cover the garbage hole so this will be
fine that will no longer be fine I know this looks horrible but I think by doing this we’ve
actually given ourselves the out we need as dumb is it oh my god all right so what do
you do then immediately cover the garbage hole that’s step one you cover that garbage
hole get that garbage hole covered up and then we got we got no blues coming for quite
some time so send them one of these send them one of these wrong that was the wrong
play there you go that’s what we could you be more specific please this whole episode
is the wrong place so far okay blue pieces huge value here orange pieces good value
True Value Hardware [Music] what are you doing you know you know put a big one
on top of the garbage hole doesn’t really seem like the the shrewdest move but what do
I know there you go send this bad boy in here toss them a little botch t-spin that’s the
ticket oh my god have we finally finally gotten ourselves a little bit out of the nightmare
yes but it’s still horrible yes that’s the maybe not the right play but a much writer played
there you go start sending him the good gravy and we have found our way out of the
maze we were lost for a long time I didn’t want to say it but things were looking a little
grim all of a sudden a couple of good sends in a row and wouldn’t say we’re completely

out of the woods see that was dumb but it did accomplish one of my goals which is to
remind people that I’m bad at Tetris you know we got to check as long as Dan’s online
I killed mommy babe that’s fine you know all that means is that Dan he must be in
this game he must be in this game getting ready to get that dub who knows maybe
he even knocked us out I’m not gonna tell you his name all I’m gonna tell you is that
you’ll know when you see it yeah that was I mean very very bad performance from the
get-go there I don’t want to be the tetris player who’s happy with the you know like that
but I got three kills you know getting kills in Tetris is a matter of circumstance are you
better than the person targeting you and also do you have the ability to multiply the
garbage you send at them you know it’s I’m not gonna say it’s not skill it’s a product
of your skill but it’s not a direct relation to how well you played in the previous match
in my personal opinion two targets one target nothing nothing special nothing to write
home about okay so use your noggin can we set up a tea spin here yeah like that so we
won’t because it’ll looked like that was a joke when I said like that this is what I would
consider to be a pretty good start for now mercifully you know what send them send
them go to Kos probably could have gone to Kos earlier I I miss played a lot of those
pieces they’re super my bad but here we are we’re probably still a little bit too early for
players to really be suffering I hate to say it but as suffering goes up in Tetris sodas our
enjoyment we want to play a game you know from a tetris standpoint not from a real
person standpoint from a Tetris standpoint we want games where people are maximally
frustrated we want games where people are extremely annoyed we want games where
people are given the refrain of the the frustrated gamer we want them to say there was
nothing I could do dude say with me there was nothing I could do dude when we get
people saying that it’s a good game for us it’s the sad reality of competitive video game
life if you’re having a bad game somebody else out there is probably having a great
game now that’s the one metaphor I don’t think I feel comfortable saying applies to life
a lot of people do live their life according to that principle you know they think others
misfortune directly relates to their own ability to succeed to that I say ah not in my
worldview hmm you know I’m probably missing a better move but I think we could
have easily made a lot of worse moves there and and have in the past we got blue pieces
coming up so I gotta do a stack this deal with the heat for a minute and then you’re
sending them that could easily be a KO honestly no promises but that’s not even like
unless we get sent substantially more garbage than that I’m not even concerned now
we send them let’s go on attackers actually I’m a little annoyed is the word I’m gonna
use but I’m not annoyed that I’m being targeted this is not there’s nothing I could do
dude situation rather this is you know I understand I understand the game of Tetris
you know I gotta send you lines to live you gotta send me lines to live it’s the way of
the world man unfortunately for one of us it means we got to die somebody’s got to
go down and that person is relatively likely to be me oh well at least we got two kills
um you got a look dude Donkey Khan dude there’s so many Donkey Kong names in
this game Jonathan he was Jonathan caves probably alright it’s fine the only thing and
I’m not complaining I’m explaining the circumstances that have befallen us recently we
haven’t had a good Rorschach I mean we had a decent one last episode but a lot of our
on camera winds have come from Rorschach Keable situations we get targeted by at
least four or five people ready to start I I would even take it three people let’s me go on
attackers build up a badger to and then give the badges you know they’re just desserts

just that three - you know what I’ll accept - for the time being I think it’s the time has
come for us to mix it up so the time has also come for us to speed it up I think we’re
playing much slower than I would like uh my controller was temporarily haunted which
is why it chose to send that piece to the side I’m not even being facetious my controller
has been haunted I you know can I can firm that was not one by the way that was just
an example of me being very dumb can I confirm that it’s the ghost of Wyatt no I cannot
but can I say that that’s my hunch without being irresponsible yes that’s my hunch
I think that having been destroyed on multiple previous occasions Wyatt is now he’s
taking his revenge in the first revenge you know it’s taken and what I would describe
is the most obvious way that you could ever imagine he’s he thinks the controller is the
problem it’s the controller is the reason he’s lost and that’s not true I would also say to
the ghost of Wyatt you know don’t be so down on yourself bud you’re still crushing it
why it has he’s got a winning record against me certainly not a situation where I think
yo I hate it but you know what we don’t need to get down to brass tacks right off the
bat here we got it we got time we still got time if anything it’s an advantage to have
this much garbage and I you know sometimes that’s a pretty dumb statement but here I
think it’s actually maybe right you know what tossing one of these and then rotate that
for no reason whatsoever but look here we are could have flipped that piece we could
you know we could have gotten more value out of that piece to save this one send them
all baby we’re back we got to give a lot of credit to the people we’re playing against
right now because a lesser player would have been completely sense for now I’m just
you know I don’t there are probably times where it’s acceptable to take the garbage you
know a time when you actually want to receive the garbage so that you have more to
send back at them it’s not what I want to do right now but it I’ll acknowledge that you
know I’m sure there’s a there’s a case for it I’m willing okay it’s fine just got a play fast
we’re actually out of a pseudo Rorschach we’ve actually created a pretty good situation
for ourselves I think just watching carefully for something like this and then you send
them okay we still got two attackers one of those attackers does have badges less than
me though and that’s not to be braggadocious is just to illustrate the point that you know
you might not even realize what’s happening right now and if that’s the case I feel bad
for the situation he may Lord willing find himself in in just a moment okay you’re a
badge Lord I got targeted by you temporarily and then I essentiai my trail trying to be a
little bit more attentive to the the world of the badges and the world of the the targeting
as well you know what we’ve got a lot of target is there did we know we didn’t lose
the heat at all we still got a people they want the badges that’s the thing people get
hungry when you get a hungry you go to the restaurant with the largest portion size
that’s us right now we’re Cracker Barrel probably could have chose a better restaurant
than that for a multitude of different reasons but I’m just gonna choose to let it go and
that’s okay we we added another badge to our tally is that a positive or a negative thing
yes okay you didn’t answer the question NL didn’t I didn’t I send the garbage back this
is a situation I’m being very protective of my garbage hole pun absolutely intended ten
players remain we’re still gonna stick with Kos sure I do think nevermind what I was
about to say no I was doing one extra piece quickly to try to get to the straight piece
we got deleted by a better player or a player at a good time I thought hello fake Daniel
I thought that was one of the the best positions we’ve had going into the final ten but
it all went wrong that hurts cuz it we got deleted so fast in hindsight what I should

have done is not if you’re wondering the play-by-play situation there instead of using
the orange to clear a line I almost dropped my controller it’s already haunted instead of
using the orange to clear a line I wanted to place the orange and then use the straight
piece to clear the line but we’re probably like one half to one second off from from that
working for us would it have saved us and giving us the win probably not but it would
have kept us in the game and as long as you got a ticket to the lottery you know you
can still get that jackpot but I think we played a lot better that game than than usual
or then then-recent somebody’s already been KO it apparently I don’t know you know
what I assume that situation is is somebody that’s trying to stream snipe and obviously
that’s probably based on my own bias from being a streamer but my expectation is that
somebody was probably like I’m gonna stream snipe you know whoever’s playing right
now and then they looked at the stream realize they’re not in the same game and just X
out tell me I’m wrong you don’t have to tell me I’m wrong just tell me the actual truth
which is there’s no way to know if you’re right right now fair enough wrong move it’s
okay what do you do when you make the wrong move you’re rebuild believe it or not
we’re actually seeking not long piece not orange piece but I’ll take it we were actually
seeking square peace so I really screwed this one up drop a square piece over here it’s a
little bit safer this is I get myself stuck in these situations a lot this is something I could
really use some actionable criticism on instead of just building these terrible wells over
and over oh that is a real bad piece of mojo for you buddy all of a sudden we got a the
easiest double Tetris in history map like I guess there’s just like a pattern where when
you get the pieces stuck in that situation what looks to me to be the optimum move is
always just stacking the chimneys up which is obviously not very smart sorry Daniel I
don’t mean the the Smerch the exact strategy you hold so dear you know what some
like that now you got a way out of that situation in the future it was something like that
I’d rather save it but there’s no real place to dump these but now that I think about it
it hasn’t really changed has it I’m actually pretty surprised that work Aeolus so far you
know my position is rarely if ever like oh we’re doing so well right now like where’s my
chaos it’s more just like okay I mean we split it up there so that’s part of the problem
probably but it’s more just like you know I would have assumed at this point we would
have had at least one just from sheer amount of lines were sending downfield controller
literally just would not let me send that one for about a second you know what possum
one of these it gives us an avenue for the straight piece in the future actually fine still
fine not as good give him the straight piece in the garbage hole it’s uh I got to imagine
that’s very rarely gonna be the right move and that was also probably the wrong move
give him one of these one of these square blocks useful get out of a jam clear the line
send the garbage hole still zero Kos what a merciless game right now this is good this
is good that’s not great but it’s oh it’s fine that lines getting cleared whether it wants
to or not and of course the downside of trying to clear the line is that you got a clear
it which is looking a little spotty but there we go I told you you know we were a little
slower probably than we had to be what else is new what are you Mike teachers every
year haunted controller got a little scary there it’ll it’ll work it’s just a little spooky you
send them one of those please do not send me thank you I just need to one of these and
then we could send you again still hate it but we can make it work we need a blue piece
now orange piece is kind of not what we’re looking for you know what still not what
we’re looking for but a compromise was in order I know I did trust me you don’t even

need to tell me what’s wrong with this one he’s actually done it he’s gotten himself out
of the jam that’s a big ko dude that is a badge Lord if I’ve ever seen one I’m gonna eat
you with that early radio silence not common and also I love the talk it’s hard to do the
radio silence for me are you see we almost had you got to do a different one okay you
know what it doesn’t want to go there that’s gonna create a pretty major problem for
us it literally just will not okay I mean what are you supposed to do dude if it doesn’t
want to go it doesn’t want to go bad placement this one’s gotta go there we go open and
send case oh I knew it this is still okay just hang tight only having two Kos here is real
nasty you know what I think that goes there that surprising move might have allowed
us to stay afloat temporarily really really tenth let me go let me go ah dude one more
one more piece we get the square block in there we had a chance alright let’s see we got
I’m just waiting where’s my Daniel at that was a much better game from our standpoint
from the standpoint of us playing it being Soaker is that guy’s name really Mario Plus
okay we got one more Ennis I think over the course of this episode I think we played
a lot better you know still no teaspoons that’s the thing you know I really the t-spin
comments you got to learn I don’t disagree but it’s like literally you’re in like your first
day at college for civil engineering and you’re like just build the diverged Dubai you
know Lowell someone else did it like hit you got a you practice it you know you see the
patterns you know the patterns and recognize them you do them you know the patterns
you don’t even have to recognize them or think about them you can do them you know
you get to that you you climb the ladder of mastery you start throwing those T spins
out is its otherwise it’s kind of like you know watching Wayne Gretzky play hockey and
you’re like you know what there’s our teaspoon you’re watching Wayne Gretzky play
hockey and you’re like no you know Wayne can do it why doesn’t everybody just do it
this is where I struggle with the t-spin is when I’m like how do I get all the other pieces
to line up with the t-spin cuz you gotta hit him with like a little overhang or something
here right or I mean we could do a t-spin single no we can do a teaspoon double here
you go look at that little t-spin double how do you like me now I will be honest with
you I think that was one of the circumstances in which it was probably better to set up
the TSP I think that was one where you know we were better off slow on our roll I don’t
think those situations come up every time but when they do like that I’m happy to make
it work not always gonna be in the cards but that felt good just to prove that I could at
least do it you know I put me on attackers I don’t know at this point I really think in
order for us to have a good chance of a win we gotta hit you with the did it did it did it
sometimes people you know they’ll reply to it you know in reference to what I said right
there and be like what the heck how does NL know kpop first off I don’t understand
the the hold on I got a thing for a second the idea that that someone wouldn’t know
kpop is like one of the most popular genres on the planet right now also I lived in Korea
also my wife is Korean doesn’t mean I’m required by law to know you know all the
hottest singles from the JYP entertainment group but you know they do come into my
purview on occasion so I’m being targeted for deletion here they’re not doing a great
job of it which is fantastic news for me I might eat those words or maybe they’ll leave
those words anyway suffice it suffice it to say I am aware of kpop am I and I know you’ll
Casey Neistat k-pop ya can trust me I’m familiar with YouTube too at this point we’re
coming up to having spent a third of my life on the platform it’s embarrassing as that
is you can’t sneak a meme by me okay at least not if it’s been at least like you know a

couple of months since its creation I might not get the memes right off the bat but you’ll
be in that point sooner rather than later as well I promise you do I like it enough I like it
enough to try and hit him with something like this also known as it did it did it it’s okay
I’m starting to think it was not okay you know what put me on kos again screwed that
one up for sure for sure don’t be stupid on that one I felt my stupidity coming to rise on
that one you’re okay you do have to send them this will work for a send it just took a it
was a second order sending but it could be worse it could be a Jupiter ascending okay
we almost screwed that one up for ourselves unnecessary movement you know it’s part
of my problem I’m okay with that I did that move deliberately believe it or not it’s like I
hit him with something like this oh yeah that’s right that’s what I meant to do you ever
get so attached to the long piece that you just never use it that’s where we’re at right
now no that’s dumb well you know what’s it like to never do dumb things I wouldn’t
know cuz I haven’t been a teenager for a while can’t do this can’t do this one you gotta
do this one then you send them then you send them then you should have sent them
slightly differently but that’s okay cuz you send them and then you get the heck out
of town that was one of the more valuable get the heck out of town situations I’ve had
need that long piece desperately we’re gonna have to make some fairly uncomfortable
decision soon unless we get a glut of long pieces see that was kind of one of them no
long pieces will be saved over the duration of this madness y’okay you just trying to
stay afloat in a world that’s doing everything to take us down I don’t even want to see
that ko you know why we I don’t I wouldn’t say that we’ve deserved that ko this is
okay somehow we’re not out send them save it that was a big save dude had you know
I would have preferred to have saved it for the straight piece there but I don’t think we
had the option I just got to live to let straight piece comes down oh my god please I
require another relevant piece immediately dude bad order let me let me place one let
me place one okay now you’re now you’re screwed you let me put like an idiot you let
me place one get out get out get out go get out get out of there you got to get uh-oh
that was that was a hotly paced game we didn’t quite Uncle Dan that’s not Daniel I
promise you but that is funny um dad we worked on it we didn’t get there I tried but
there was some okay plays in this episode for now thanks for watching hope you guys
have enjoyed it if you didn’t click the like button and upside a great deal and of course
subscribe you gonna see more in the future for now thanks for watching and I will see
you next time

everybody welcome back the tetris 99 who I mean we were four or five episodes
out from having been victorious I really I want to refer back to and I don’t know if Dan’s
playing anymore okay if you let me overlay after this game I don’t necessarily want to
give his username away even though we would if it was on the board especially if we
defeated him plus he’s giving it away himself on his stream yeah yeah you know I don’t
want to cross the line but please remember why it’s law it’s very similar to Moore’s law
what have I done what have I done the effort required to win let me rephrase the skill
required to win the game of tetris 99 gets twice as high every two weeks its Moore’s law
sweetheart look it up what does this mean this means that you know if you had to be
a six out of ten a tetris 99 to get a dub you know back in you know the week where it
first came out now you got to be a freaking 24 out of 10 how does that sound not so nice
right doesn’t sound good it’s a harder environment and it continues to get harder for
us to snag that W there’s no doubt about it in my mind I know this looks bad I actually
kind of like this I think we’re we’re attracting a lot of attention that I’m actually happy
to have so that I can send them as we did just there and now they’re like what the heck
dude I was the one doing the sending and now I’m getting sent myself yeah yeah buddy
that’s how she goes all right and then the in return I’m now getting involved in a little
sending of my own but check it out you send them one of those and you send them one
of those and pop this down that down right there and you send them one of those and
all of a sudden we are back in this telling you caio’s are starting to cave flow anyway all
I’m saying is what I’m always saying making excuses for losing but simultaneously also
asking for a little recognizance you know that it’s is a tough game you know everybody
out there is trying to snag the dub as well you think the other people watching right
now you know they haven’t watched wumbo they don’t want the win either you know
all you gotta you gotta beat them at the end of the day you just got to play a better
game sometimes we do most of the time we don’t I feel like the majority of the time
that we’ve even the games that we’ve won have predominantly been games where we
probably were not the best player in the game but but circumstance conspired to help
us out I think it’s a healthy attitude to have all things considered I know you’re begging
me right now NL please God switch off from attackers I will not that’s cowardice plus
I don’t know if you’ve noticed as of the present moment I have not yet been sent why
on earth would I switch in advance of a send that was not where that was meant to
go it doesn’t make any sense you know what sometimes you got a nut up except that
your previous mistake probably screwed you up a little bit you send them send them
again we don’t send good money after bad here it’s Dragons Den it’s called Canadian

television look it up sweetheart easy easy you know what I’m okay with that things are
about to get a little hot a little too hot for television Jerry Springer style get ready okay
we’re gonna cover up that garbage hole and I’m not even mad to have done it but it’s
gonna get a little spicy tell you one more we just got said one more garbage so I’m gonna
stick to my principles and I know that looks a little wonky there and indeed you were
right it was half we’re dead we’re not literally dead now we’re dead okay we deserve to
lose that one hey you know there’s no hard feelings about that didn’t go so hot let me
go I’m gonna go check my overlay real quick and see if my good friend Daniel easily
is still online got to figure out how to manage Nintendo’s interface friends was zero
online last online one hour ago he’s a busy man you know he doesn’t get to sit down
for these marathon tetras 99 sessions like I do we got children responsibilities I mean so
do I but I mean I would argue less so yeah I think that’s fair I got a lot but you know am
NOT responsible for too many human lives apart from my own gives you a little bit of
a leg up so I don’t know the t-spin set up here but I looked at my pieces and you know
what I did not see was a single yo this finally I think we’ve got something I can hang
my hat on but I didn’t see a single long piece like in our first you know 20 pieces which
is definitely not how many of there actually are there so I said to myself we’re gonna
have to wait on the t-spin today and that’s fine okay so where did we go wrong in the
last episode well great question because I don’t know the answer I’ll tell you though I’m
feeling warmed up right out of the gate a little bit extra speed compared to my previous
I would say I’m also starting and you know this might you never know I guess is this
a regression or is this the regression that inevitably becomes before you explode into
greatness you know it’s the easiest scent of my life brother it’s probably gonna give me
another one what did I tell you I’m experimenting with some of these like BAE basically
new structures in this game the idea that it’s okay to take a step backwards because it
might look like a step backwards but actually it gives you way more garbage to send in
the future you know sometimes I’ll deliberately create a gap now if it looks like I can
clear it in time for it to not become a major problem or even more so than not being a
major problem it could be a big help you know what I kind of like this you just got to
make sure that we have lines to send yo my controller actually got haunted there for a
second again haunted controller you know I I hope at this point if you’ve been watching
the series for a while you think you can rely on me to tell you when the game does
something wrong or when I feel the game has wronged me instead of when you know
I made a mistake but don’t want to own up to it I make a lot of mistakes in Tetris 99
some of those mistakes still happen on runs where there ends up being a win at the
end of it which is kind of amazing yeah we gotta know we don’t have enough juice
actually yeah that was the right play there I think much better well yes I mean it’s still
my fault because I own the controller I could just buy new ones before you ask I know
you’re gonna be like well the pro controller doesn’t work there’s a lot of ghosting you’re
gonna hit a lot of you know up blocks you don’t mean to hit yeah you’re not wrong
but I haven’t used that you know pro controller strat since like day two okay you got
to rely on your man NL to be aware of that meta if you use the pro controller and you
consistently get dubs you’re probably the greatest tetris 99 player on earth by the way
this is the Great’s ending and I even it looks a little wonky but check this out thank you
thank you for giving me the gift of send this is a not smart LED if you got six things in
your fridge it doesn’t really matter what you’re planning on having for dinner you know

you’re having fried rice oh we just got it like the reason there is a delay and and Dan’s
not online anymore by the way or we’re playing at a time when he’s not online is cuz I
just picked up the cats we had him shaved cuz they got like ridiculous all cat hair so I
had to take a second there to wipe my nose cuz you know I just took them home and
the cat hair is getting everywhere they look so much cuter and beyond that in the long
run they’re gonna make a lot less of a mess but in the short run is a real pain in the butt
let me tell you where we add 6 Kos six Kos in an on Rorschach game that’s a positive
experience there’s a real chance at greatness here I can take it I’ll tell you getting mighty
close to looking at hidden attackers if you start to hit me with that level of disrespect
you’re gonna have to forgive me but we’re gonna send some back okay we really want
the orange piece but we can afford to sit on it for a bit until the oh no no no I screwed
it up real bad that’s it’s not horrible but definitely I’m dumb you know the suspicions
confirmed okay if not confirmed then confirmed soon after okay just get yourself out I
mean you did it to yourself you do and that’s what really enhance you like Radiohead
heard of this band up-and-coming English band I’m not sure you got to be into foreign
music in order to understand them a little bit cerebral you know not for the kiddos nope
I don’t like it any time you don’t like it get yourself out of there you know what did to
myself again this is a very important long piece one of the most important long pieces I
would say am i Tetris career just happened right there probably didn’t need to go that
deep for it but that’s okay cuz now we got this surprising for sure please let me get
over by the way you can’t see it yourself but I’m trying multiple different rotations to
get that that I’ve had the comments show up people say hey try rotating in the other
direction that’s step a number one don’t I’m not mad it’s really good advice but your
boy is already doing it I should have looked a little earlier because I see that there aren’t
all around me there are a few long pieces a few long pieces 9f long pieces I would like to
get a few long pieces and then he goes happy birthday happy birthday no it’s okay dude
there’s still a line not there there yes yes yes yes yes yes you know what as I screwed
it and then saved it send them and send them and get ready this is unacceptable send
that’s a much better send it’ll work I know you’re like why didn’t you use the long
piece for it yo if if some buds for candies and nuts dude we’d all have a freaking Merry
Christmas wouldn’t we it’s not that easy brother filled the garbage hole yet again yet
another time I felt that was good play bad decision-making I know that sounds crazy
but we were we were getting in there we made a few bad decisions with respect to the
garbage hole over and over and over daddy time amazing I was a pretty good game at
the end of the day can’t be overly upset with the way that went down right Ruka sorry
let me clean my glasses here’s I got that new glasses smell you know where you you
get new glasses you want to keep them clean at all times in like six months when I take
off my glasses they’re gonna look like I don’t even want to say what I was gonna say
because it wouldn’t be pg-13 friendly so just use that you know you can you can fill in
the blanks for yourself look like a scene from Reservoir Dogs can we sneak that one in
probably three attackers love to see it step one of any great endeavor is play fast step
2 oh I tried to give myself the t-spin dude you know what I think we can still get it
I know we just got rid of the T do something like that and then long piece there and
then start filling in the space go it’s a little spotty though I’m not sure if you’ve noticed
that’s a double teaspoon waiting to happen so you know what send them excuse me
was that not a tea spin in my defense I am stupid and I think that our place so far on

this on this match is indicating that but you know what like the start of a game of Tetris
99 sometimes it gets hot don’t get me wrong and we dig we’ve got kind of a Rorschach
here they don’t really want to squander it but at the same time and simultaneously and
in such countries as you know it’s an old meme anyway I don’t think it’s it’s actually
that bad at the start of a tetris 99 game to be like you know what we’re gonna try to
throw in a few teaspoons how else you gonna learn you know if you don’t find the
opportunity to to throw it out there plus we still got ah great song greats Led Zeppelin
dude look them up look at that as a result of my stupidity I have accidentally made
some of the smartest maneuvers you could ever expect to see in Tetris all of a sudden
were sending just a staggering amount of lines all right here’s what I like okay give him
one I’ll write that of course why would that work that doesn’t even make sense so set
up for a double oh that was a phantom trying to get the set up for a TT spin it’s not as
easy as you would think on account of the whole dumbness thing sorry I’m in doom
ah that’ll work and you send not really a great send ability rating on this one like if I
was on I wouldn’t give this a high send ability score we’re starting to get to
the the level of send ability as you know I’d be comfortable seeing enough in a place
I would consider living what can you say you know the man with the world’s loudest
sigh I’m working on it I’m starting to think that you know I might need to advance my
controller setup I might need to pick up are there any controllers specifically made for
hardcore gamers don’t answer that because I’m aware that the answer is definitely yes
and that actually might be relevant now that I think about it it’s not the kind of thing
to get get on the gamers case for who knows right dude okay we’re getting out of this
bucket of syrup it’s one of my favorite expressions because it’s what it is here yeah yeah
this is genius genius level and by genius I mean grossly over complicated to really just
complete what at the end of the day is an incredibly simple task in the world of Tetris
clearing this garbage hole what can I say dude there was nothing I could do dude we’re
just like screwed right because of the way that I’m tackling this I think we’re done oh
my god two long pieces in quick succession is it my birthday wrong that was the wrong
move get your head back in the game oh my god Wyatt he’s finally realized why he
smells my fear dude don’t send me I deserve to be sad I still even when you deserve
to be deleted you don’t you you know you don’t wish for it to happen you don’t go
oh thank you all’s right in the world the tetris delete me bad you go you know you’re
gonna not go gentle into that good night William Butler Yeats no Dylan Thomas do not
go gentle into that good night Dylan Thomas for mm please all right still search him
we haven’t even really and we’ve had a second in recent memory but I still would just
not say that we’ve been playing fantastically and that’s like the understatement of the
century obviously I mean maybe not obviously i insult myself too hard I just don’t like
this setup right here you know if you’re a Tetris god the god of Tetris you probably got
a little bit more gas here than I do but I don’t see the gas and if I don’t see the gas it
doesn’t exist think about really waiting on our orange piece bro thank you okay we’re
not you don’t have to get an all-clear to be a good Tetris player you probably do have
to get some all clears to be great Etra Slayers so I’m not just trying to make lines you
know what give me attackers here and uh joke’s on you I’m pretending to be bad you
notice like all the attackers they they this guy’s hidden in equipment it’s not a phrase
I enjoy using here but don’t you think it’s honest-to-goodness truth look at he hits us
with a line and then he bounces he hits us with a line and then he bounces that was not

what I meant to do dude there was nothing I could do dude I got to get off of attackers
just cuz it’s so freaking annoying that’s the good stuff and by good stuff I mean we
may live temporarily you know what we’re living that’s all I could ever ask for I do
wish I had sent them two attackers but here we are having pretty much cleared out the
garbage hole and then immediately built on top of it dude I I don’t know I don’t want
to say I can’t help it cuz that’s some defeatist literature snuck a KO out of it somehow
we’re so close to the peace haurache dude I don’t want to do this but I didn’t see other
avenues for greatness do we have a blue coming up we do so store this son of a gun
you’ve actually got you you covered up your next garbage hole but you know what
that’s something we can worry about tomorrow that’s for tomorrow Ryan haven’t seen
a a sentiment regarding tomorrow Ryan for a while there you go you got to clean that
garbage hole before you clean the other one it’s just science you know hey I’m willing
to send him I’m willing to send them and then we can hold our other one and then we
can send them I think that’s a reasonable opportunity for what I would describe as a
KO it’s also how its described in the scientific literature of which there is myriad for the
record that’s just I wanted to give them a little bit of how do you do so to speak if we’re
gonna be engaged in battle you got to be prepared for the fact that I’m gonna hit you
with everything I got that’s pretty much everything I got so if you survive that and kill
me you win more power to you okay we’re looking desperately seeking losing got it 1ko
and an itchy face not where I want to be entering the top-20 store send okay now we
got a chance a theoretical chance at least to build something beautiful now we’re gonna
switch off cuz things got mighty scary mighty quick can’t do that gotta do that we made
some desperate moves but what can I say you know if a desperate move saves you from
deletion is a desperate or is it all you got you know could have done something a little
different there we get me a targeted that’s fine not in a bad way do you know you got a
target people in this game I gotta get the cat hair on my face you got to do a little bit of
this you go something like that yo da da da da da da but with your nose you alternate
nostrils my cats looking at me like what’s wrong with you yo it’s not your fault you
got hair buddy I mean who amongst us would know that and understand your plight
more than me nobody is the answer so they really worked on the Rorschach algorithm
it happens so rarely now just looking I wanted to keep t-spin potentiality open I mean
obviously that’s not how that’s gonna work so let’s just do that and we get to score this
long piece instead I don’t know I don’t know that T’s been set up there let’s be honest
that’s probably not my number one concern right now my number one concern should
be you know some combination of survival and and Tetris self-improvement fair you
know don’t do that that was a foolish maneuver not sending full Tetra memos that’s the
word unquestioned and also do not wear it out we just got that resurfaced wrong wrong
probably still wrong super wrong yeah that’s right we need a long piece put down there
I endeavor to never say yeah that’s right we’ll put a long piece down there ever again
in my youtube career but for now no promises right yo dude okay this is what I was
waiting for I needed something to wake me up out of the Walter Mitty esque slumber
I place myself in what on earth is happening dude got to clear that line I didn’t want
to get into the this spookiness of that situation whoa that I’ve been targeted make send
it send it again that’s no good imagine being an opportunist and losing as a result of
that that’s just like I don’t begrudge the opportunists I mean you’ve heard me on many
occasions here I if anything I support the opportunists I understand them probably

more than anybody else I deserve to be killed that long piece would have helped out
a lot though but imagine targeting K I mean I’ve become this the thing I hate I guess
I knocked out the guy who killed me well all the chaos were all roar shagging each
other you fool what are you doing okay here’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna take a
deep breath we’re gonna close all distractions preview window chat obviously discord
minimize everything it’s just me and the pieces dude but if you didn’t believe me yeah
I know I I’ve opened myself up to the comment very easily I’ve opened myself up to
the comment I know what the comment is competition hasn’t gotten harder you just got
Morris wrong they could both be true for one but the competition has definitely heated
up you know what I like here I like this store send store all of a sudden in theory that’s
a teaspoon single you know what not proud of myself but that’s the thing you know
it’s it’s in theory the spin of t’s not where that was meant to go it’s the simplest thing
in the world so simple even a child to understand and many children do in practice
placing the requisite T down in the right place to get what’s known as a teddy spin
not as easy as you might originally consider dude I’m telling you I gotta I gotta get the
gamer controller it’s the only conceivable explanation for my misfortune right now it
could not possibly be it dude it’s a controller if you can’t relate that’s not my fault you
know just cuz you’ve never had controller issues of this variety that definitely does not
mean I’m making them up and they don’t exist okay that’s jealousy talking you know
what happens when jealousy talks I do not listen and say mr. jealousy you take that
elsewhere I am uninterested in what you’re selling ok hate that but is maybe doesn’t
necessarily have to be done but was done and and and so am I in so many ways send
them send them as there’s still a big problem is is you know what 67 with nokeos you
should not be mad you should be happy because that means you get another one right
here Plus how am I supposed to how am I supposed to defeat Dark Lord you know
that’s what you got a there’s a bit in here somewhere I love playing Tetris 99 I think I’ve
said it nearly verbatim the same way but when you Lewis and Pub GE you TT v / the
uber Slayer 99 or now it’s like oh five you’re like damn I just got killed by a fourteen-
year-old alpha male in this game you get killed and you’re like you know who did I get
killed by I got killed by Tom switch how dare you Tom switch what is this you watch it
what is happening what are you doing was there a streamer out there I always assumed
anytime something like this is going down I always assume that there’s a streamer out
there that’s like hey you know it’s fun to do it just switch targets every two seconds
well you know what Congrats buddy I’m not switching targets I might have switched
targets were it not for the fact that you’re coming at me with whatever the heck these
incredibly annoying shenanigans are you could have been a friend of the gamers and
instead now you’re getting garbage saying your way it also might be a young parent
who does not know how the controller works but I do not I didn’t get into this business
to offer mercy and clemency I got into this business to perhaps win one or more games
of Tetris 99 and here we are three wins deep on camera that I know of store give them
the old store and send again I’m telling you that’s if your controller can stand up to
the heat that you’re putting out there that’s what’s gonna happen and I’m I I don’t like
being the guy who has to demonstrate it but it’s actually I mean I’ll tell you what it
is with no no no fooling no laughs okay it’s been a common problem for me I don’t
know if if there is a nun being serious stop laughing okay I don’t know if they’ve ever
made a controller seriously that’s capable of handling my maximum input speed my

normal input speed is no problem you know I I mean I in order to not shock people I
play a little slower than I otherwise would just to you know keep it real but sometimes
you got to hit him with the with the hot sauce you know and we’re hitting them with
the hot sauce I need a controller that’s is capable of hanging with me years from now
people will talk about that move right there they’ll say that was the one that was when
I knew that this was gonna be win number six on camera that I know of okay I mean
we’ve we’ve decimated attackers certainly the Joker he’s been removed Joaquin Phoenix
Heath Ledger I don’t care now we start sending after chaos it’s not a nice thing to do but
sometimes Tetris is in a nice game if I wanted to make friends I’d play player unknowns
battlegrounds I didn’t get into this business to make friends I got in this business to
clear lines I don’t know where I’m gonna put the next piece that’s not good for your
business let me tell you that much anyway somebody is gonna die as a result of this or
some wonder one of the people we were attacking out there had like a quintuple Tetris
just waiting to pop out there I can’t be mad that’s ingenious I wish I thought of it myself
oh wait I did when I was zero years old and bad at this game there’s some garbage for
you enjoy it relish it might be the last pieces you see what a shame to waste them on
anger for something that’s outside of the realm of your control to begin with [Music]
don’t let me say I told you so store oh we’re getting into some save and store situations
like that’s a compromise I’m willing to accept in order to get some good stuff pop in
here no yes long piece no long piece okay that’s you know obviously you’d prefer to see
a long piece if you don’t get one you don’t get one obviously you prefer to not build
on top of the garbage hole obviously you prefer to not do exactly the same thing right
after you said you shouldn’t do that but you know sometimes you don’t have a choice
man so I’m just building up to the Tetris line then I’m sending them we get to keep one
stored okay that’s an attackers and bail situation I think yo is hot dude put me on put
me on randoms get me out of this mess long piece coming up just get that garbage hole
clear you know what send them incredibly poor send an unfathomably bad idea you
know where this one’s going this is a big one you don’t want that don’t let him do it to
me I’m almost free dude not like this not like this not like this put him down no second
place really we got ourselves up there gay bar you put up a heck of a fight look at that
he wasn’t even close to getting killed he had a great badge advantage we were getting
in there if we if we do Papa gonzo if we didn’t I mean if we didn’t play as bad as we did
we would have won or we could have won if we didn’t get sent as bunch of garbage as
we got same we could have won as well but that was a good game I hope you enjoyed
watching as much as I enjoyed playing if you did click the like button upset a great deal
of course subscribe you wanna see more in the future for now thank you for watching
and I will see you next time sooo I didn’t stop recording huh so you

Part III



et me just set the stage for you startin the episode off this weekend
was the Maximus Cup no it was the whyatt cover level a competition
I’ve never seen before in my Tetris life getting knocked out 80th place
60th place all pretty good games 35th place I took my signature line of
performance-enhancing legal supplements pre-workout cup of coffee
multivitamin 19 fish oil pills high intensity interval training workout
crossfit post-workout another cup of coffee brain exploding nootropic stack ASAP sci-
ence video came back played some tetris 99 last night look at this look at don’t even
worry about the fact that we’re number one and it’s playing the victory music tea spins
zero because I don’t t spin unless there’s a point mini T spins that’s one t spin singles
that’s one t spin doubles this one he’s been total three I don’t want to teach the tetris
company about set theory how is it possible I have three total T spins and 0 T spins
let’s ignore that that’s right well let’s go back to the main menu temporarily I want
to match in the Maximus Cup it’s probably the single greatest achievement of my adult
life can I put a plus on this so it ended last night I don’t know the I guess I didn’t win
the ten dollar gift certificate just for having a single victory which is perfectly fair look at
that we got six wins we average a winner free oh I don’t know about every five and end
well six and a half hours or so you know don’t don’t feel bad that you haven’t seen more
of them I guess on the channel cuz that’s I mean we’d probably put up about six hours
of gameplay so far so I have learned to t spin the mental overhead required for me to
completed T spin is now about 1/8 of what it used to be but I still struggle with doing
it especially as the game goes faster but when the game slow I can set up a TSP double
combo it up and and really amp up those chaos and it’s I really think they reconfigured
the Rorschach algorithm I’m very rarely getting targeted by you know eight plus people
at the start of a game so I had to come up with a new innovation basically look at it’s
just one person so yeah I still uh you know for anybody who’s not familiar a t-spin oh
oh oh that way sorry warm-up game for anybody that’s not familiar with t-spin is a
maneuver in tetris that sends a little bit more garbage the greatest trick the devil ever
pulled was convincing the calm man Tati that T spinning was essential for victory it’s
not essential for victory and and we proved that on a number of occasions but if you
want to win consistently it’s a big part of the equation for certain I’m sure it doesn’t
send ten times more garbage a teaspoon single sends two lines of garbage with no and
multiplier eighty spin double spins sends four lines of garbage from my money is a little
bit harder okay to send the T spin double you know what then it is to fabricate a Tetris

and just send that instead you really should have gone on attackers there we probably
could have gotten some sweet sauce but you know what there you go as soon as you
see the red lines you know you’re getting targeted as soon as you know you’re getting
targeted that’s your cue you start targeting the enemies you bite the fry the fry bites
back my man I’m a little bit surprised so far to see us at zero chaos after what felt like
yo yo yo you do not do that just do this there’s another move I’ve been trying out and
I don’t want to build on top of the garbage hole but sometimes building on top of the
garbage hole is not just a necessity it’s an inevitability what are you talking about don’t
worry about it yet sometimes you got no choice that’s all I’m trying to throw out there
again this is a pretty bad move I think you toss him one of these and then you gotta do
something along those lines and even though we got another piece coming up I got the
utmost faith we’re able to send them something like that all of a sudden look at this we
finally got it working out in our favor we had a lot of attackers now said attackers you
know if I were them I wouldn’t be feeling too good what is this terrible sound in the
background you hear that glunk glunk you know what send them there I’m willing to
do this gives us one of these perfectly setup in my opinion don’t really like dropping the
dude lay on them the Michael Buble but if you got to do what you got to do it and this
has not been a landmark performance in terms of our actual result but in terms of our
like you know the the skill in which we’re playing put me on Kaos now I feel like we’re
in an OK spot you know what you have not seen so far as a teaspoon that’s because I
made a Mis play extremely early on that essentially precluded me from doing that so
you probably won’t see any over the course of this video that’s sore over the course of
this match that’s because if I don’t get it deep in within the first I don’t know let’s let’s
call it three minutes over tetras 99 match you’re probably not gonna see one for a little
while hate the build on the garbage hole but rules are made to be broken sometimes I
can’t tell you by the way how excited I was you know what let’s we don’t like this very
much shouldn’t have done it probably but I was extremely excited to have won a match
in the Wyatt Cup obviously I don’t care at all about the the sharper image gift certificate
doesn’t interest me in the very least however - you know in peak Wyatt environment to
be able to step up and go you know what Wyatt I’m here to play - congratulations I hope
you enjoy your gift certificates but simultaneously your boy who was previously a Tetris
nobody he’s here to play I don’t know if I’m here to stay but I’m here to play now send
them send them this could be big that was the old sending store we’re actually almost
top ten already it’s kind of surprising to me I think we’ve got how to do something like
that just any time I say we got to do something like that I’m opening myself up to the
most obvious criticism of all time you never have to do anything I mean we don’t even
have to fast drop it we could just start dropping the blocks you know however we see
fit here as slowly as possible but you know what I mean when I say there’s nothing
we could do dude I don’t mean there’s nothing we could do dude all I mean is I’m
okay with this okay you know what there’s a lot of attackers considering we’re up you
know in the top ten here almost and you’re gonna step to me with three attackers in
the top ten are you insane wrong drought not by much but you gotta admit that was
the wrong drop something like that that’s a big one dude that’s another big one and I
am being erased don’t erase me let me place it don’t erase me all right that’s tough we I
mean look at how quickly the top ten happened there it literally was just like there were
ten people and then there were three it’s all good and we see there’s two badge Lords

fighting it out right now two people with with quite a lot of support that could be a
long one anyway that was a pretty good like first game there you know there is a world
I think in which things could have gone differently there we don’t make the mistake in
our first 30 seconds as a result of that we end up being able to set up for some more
you know high offensive plays oh thank you ocean shape for the subscription if we get
a little bit more offensive octane action in the early game we get more chaos maybe we
can actually clear the garbage fast enough to not get killed there but I’m not gonna be
disappointed about a seven or eight kill fifth place finish right off the bat this doesn’t
bother me at all one attacker not a big deal alright so yeah I owe it to the audience that
I would there I even say to myself that was a very poor performance there to try to set
up for what is known as a Theodore spin now I don’t I don’t have the know-how or
the elbow grease there’s like one specific guy lay out I know how to do it with right off
the bat if I don’t get that you know it takes me a bit okay so you got to look for setups
that can give you the prototypical t-shape which is why I’m going a little slower here
and that’s it you know it is what it is you’re gonna see a little bit of a slower play when
you go for the TSP setup for me personally it’s just a necessary it’s part of the business
you know okay there’s a t-spin set up right there now the second step you’ve got to get
something like hey yeah yeah yeah like that that’ll do that’ll do dude okay next step
okay we got go straight onto attackers we need a purple piece please we need this part
we need this purple piece a lot faster so I have had the bail out of my learning lesson
congratulations attackers you’ve you’ve compromised the whole human race here we
could have gained knowledge together instead you decide Oh easy kill and do this it’s
all the more offensive honestly cuz the Wyatt Cup is over so like I’m here trying to teach
a lesson and you’re coming out forcing me to KO you honestly that’s that’s what you’ve
done you I had a perfect t-spin setup and then you go always weak it’s my chance to
take out the Grandmaster how do you feel about that right now as you get thousands
upon thousands of lines of garbage sent your way damn that’s what I thought what I is
exactly how I thought you’d feel about her is ko ko look at that okay congratulations all
right you’re all very intelligent here we are Grandmaster level Tetris 99 place thanks for
the garbage multiplier I really appreciate it jinx okay you know what I don’t dislike it
oh dude another ko thanks but I already had one what do you get for the man who has
everything you can’t get him more Kos let that be a lesson to you okay you step to me
in my place of work as I try to do a Theodore spin just stop you want to lose that badly
you’re talking to one of the best Tetris 99 players of all time when it comes to finishing in
fifth place you really want to invite that evil into your life I wouldn’t but what’ll I know
look at that yeah I watched it you never get time to watch anything in Tetris 99 I took
time out of my busy schedule here to watch that man get erased you attack me during
my setup you invite that level of schadenfreude there’s a little swagger I haven’t felt a
swagger in the Tetris 99 video for quite some time and you know what you know why it
is cuz the freaking Wyatt Cup is over all of a sudden were bad all the nuclear physicists
who played Tetris have finally gone back to NASA and I can look substantially better at
the game than I actually am as a result of the fact that it’s just normal everyday Tetris
aficionados playing again it’s your Sally’s your Susan your number one grandpa etc etc
those are my people that’s where I want to be okay I’m so sorry it didn’t have to be like
this just kidding I never had a choice now are we gonna win this one you never bet on
a win that’s reckless it’s a good way to endanger your sanity the only time I know if

I’ve got a good chance of a win and this is sincere is when its final two and I look at the
other person’s grid if I look at their grid and they’re in trouble I know I’m probably okay
you know what you got it you gotta do something better there if I look at their grid and
they got some good stuff going on I know that’s gonna be a hard one for me to recover
from that’s the only time I know and even then I’m oftentimes wrong to be honest he’s
a little bit of rare deference not to be confused with the vas deferens it won’t quite work
the way I want it to work yeah me is a little bit of a spooky situation but we’re getting
ourselves out of the spooky situation just in time thankfully to be able to hopefully fight
back a little bit here this is a big one is a huge one we’re Dan is another pretty good
performance though I mean but 14 kills 15 minutes into the video there’s a good one got
a little bit we built too high you know they took us too long to clear that garbage hole
at the top reigai do this makes me want to create a new Nintendo switch profile that’s
just like Tetris Terminator or something like that I’m tired of Kon people and they’re
like who did I get killed by Brian nah the Terminator of Tetris you got sent by L block
daddy okay now that game again I was trying hey everybody welcome to the tutorial
ization of how to do t spins badly I’m your host northernlion and then all of a sudden I
was beset on all sides by opportunists and I sent to the best of my knowledge absolutely
every single one of them trying to think about really yeah you really got to do it like that
okay this is a t-spin opportunity here store that and then yeah this is where things get
dicey for me is you got to figure out where the heck you’re gonna send blocks in order
to not compromise your t-spin so we got a t-spin double setup already so you just go
like that a whip and then send them you’d like to be able to build into a little bit more of
a combo there for sure that I mean that’s not gonna knock anybody out but I did want
to prove to you that I know how it’s done send them again you know what I mean we
can look at that right there and we can see that there’s another t-spin opportunity now
as it’s not the fastest gun in the West when it comes to T spinning but you know what it
is is a substantial improvement over mighty spin ability in recent memory so I’m trying
to like let’s let’s finesse this you know send me a bunch of attackers I want them thank
you we only have one attack okay put me on Kos then and we’ll send them and then
following the send you hit with a little bit of that so now you got a little combo going
there it’s not gonna be practical in any or perhaps or I say any I’m in every and then
I was gonna say any but it’s not always gonna be the number one tool in the toolbox
but whenever you get a chance to send some garbage with a multiplier is probably the
ideal choice rest assured I’ve seen the the good players okay they counted that one I
appreciate it I know the good players T spin like crazy the good players also exist in a
different world you know they’re I’m not gonna say they’re not human beings because
it borders on sounding insulting but when it comes to Tetris they’re substantially above
average players and if you can’t see that then you are truly lost this is a real issue dude
this is a real freaking issue um I have screwed us for no reason whatsoever and if we
can fight back from this were probably the greatest Tetris player in the history of planet
Earth like what I have done is extremely bad as you can tell from the fact that we just put
a square block down that literally hit nothing oh look at the targets dude my Edmondo
K so that’s the danger of a teaspoon you know is is for me I end up building these like
super weird structures that the only reason they existed like that is because I wanted
to protect the sanctity of a t-spin the next step is I mean T spinning faster for sure but
also integrating them into our normal build pattern so that we don’t screw ourselves

by building you know minas tirith it’s called fantasy literature look it up sweetheart
anyway in terms of number of Kos we got to be up there as far as this video goes I mean
I know we had two games with 31 Kos total in that episode six landmark performance
but can’t always get 36 Kos I mean it’s a little sound likely at least yeah that’s not what
you want this is what you want okay so this I don’t know if that’s the the Jedi would
not tell you the power of how to start like that I’m just keeping a low for now and it’s
probably a little ill-advised but I’ve got to manually check the D spend register right
now that’s the I don’t know if I’d call it a problem so much is a natural part of the
evolutionary process anytime I have T spend potential I got a I got a look at it basically
yeah I’m just looking at a few moves ahead here figure out where I want things to go so
we’re probably getting out of TSP territory I think can afford to build slightly higher but
I’m gonna send one just to give us the space necessary send another one really I don’t
understand the point of sending the randoms unless you’re trying to if you’re trying
to hide and that’s not a useless piece of trivia you know trying to hide in in Tetris 99
is actually pretty important sometimes I think because manual targeting is is difficult
so we’ll go on attackers real quick because you’re trying to be well someone’s trying to
send you basically and if anyone’s ever trying to send you you have an obligation to do
one of two things you can either get out of the way and let them win or you can send
them back and I’m in the business of send him back we actually could start to look at
TSP potentiality here so it’s something like you know what if we just set it up like this all
of a sudden we have a potential TSP set up right there and then we just go like whip and
then it doesn’t clear any lines because that’s not the way you’re supposed to do it is the
thing and that’s I really wanted to make sure that being demonstrated to you so that you
learn you learn about the difficulty of a Theodore spin you see it’s not just something
you can throw into your wheelhouse willy-nilly you know requires practice and dare
I even say beyond that it demands respect yeah you never stack those is the thing so
there’s a t-spin opportunity there I don’t really want to do that at much rather send you
a long piece what are you doing what are you doing what do you what are you doing
okay where’s our long piece it’s coming okay this is where you go attackers you start to
send them and you send them and then you realize you’ve constructed your Tower yet
again in such a way that baguettes the difficulty of a true sense and and you realize the
folly of your ways and you fight back with every muscle you got in your body you go
oh and then you miss click that’s another part of it occasionally you’re gonna have to
miss click but then the miss click joke’s on you it was just a bait that was a baited miss
click to trick you and now that you’ve been tricked step one is tricks step two ascent
yikes dude send oh that’s a you got to send them you got to send them again don’t send
me I deserve to be sent on that one okay we got one more and as those you know not
an ideal performance because I’m telling you do - then he spin if that t-spin hit that was
a t spin Google risk Tetris is four lines of Google risk is 400 lines easy it wouldn’t even
be a challenge to win at that point we’d probably have 90 badges I’m imagining that’s a
thousand percent damage multiplier so anytime we sent one line of garbage you’d get
a million and there’s only like 30 lines you can even get here so I don’t know how my
home big is the board 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it seems like it’s like 20 lines tall it’s like one
of the things they should teach you right off the bat but you know you think Sidney
Crosby knows the length of a regulation NHL stadium slash rink probably now that I
think about it it seems like it would probably come up in conversation you know it’s a

rare compromise Mehta early on so we can get something like that I wasn’t happy with
the the spin potentiality of what I got going on here game yeah okay um just keep it up
for now it’s not bad not good we’re not setting up for any spins we’re just looking at
being able to send enemies the way they want to be sent okay I’ve learned to be a little
bit more aggressive when it comes to accepting garbage previously you send me one
line of garbage I got garbage huh I don’t like that and I send it back to you immediately
no longer that we approach the game through that antiquated lens although that time
I did send it back immediately I’ve come to realize that it can be very advantageous to
receive a bunch of garbage just gives you more power to send it back at a later date so
like this time I’m looking at this and I’m going the same so bad dude go ahead and
send me your garbage and then as a result of your garbage we got a double Tetris we
just sent back at you and I’m looking at my attacker my attacker weathered the storm
so I say you know what attacker this is your time this isn’t how you go now we go to
chaos because I want to get some easy chaos I don’t want to get distracted by the by the
fact that you know we got a pretty good player coming up behind us I’d much rather
just make sure we’re keeping the keeping things steady from a game related context I
think it’s the wisest move we could ever make perhaps the wisest move dare I say that’s
ever been made and all of a sudden we’re back at zero and we’ll send that line there it
looks like chaos could start flowing here pretty soon now we build our there Teddy spin
opportunities not that I see right now but that doesn’t mean no kaidan you know what
I just made one look at that that’s that’s a new one for yours truly so let’s let’s start here
and we’ll give honor that’s not gonna work that’s fine we’ll wait for the next one why
will that not work cuz we need to be able to fill in that side first and I we got to kill there
I don’t want to say we don’t deserve it but we didn’t really deserve it so you got to store
this then you got to find something to do with this which is no good then you send this
one down here you probably wait for a blue it doesn’t matter you don’t need the blue
so here’s what you do you go Kos send him to TSP double store that and now you start
to give him the old store and say you know the deal probably could have done a little
bit more combo work there but hey rome wasn’t built in a day brother it’s a long trip
ok implementing these T spins it hasn’t been the easiest task in the world if I’m being
a hundred percent straight up with you I’m trying ok but that I know that that was an
opportunity right there but it’s it’s been a little bit of work send them we should just be
playing faster as well but again it’s it’s the the duopoly the twin spec there’s a play fast
but also play optimally that that leads to danger sometimes but hopefully not despair
ok you’ve have been asking for trouble and this is your opportunity to receive some
trouble in return if I do say so myself that was a wonderful experience for me and then
wow you really oh I screwed it up so bad okay here we go [Laughter] what happened
don’t talk to me that’s what happened I hit I got a little overeager hit the button a little
too fast happens to the best of us this is where you got to compensate for your badness
with a little bit you know extra credit somehow we’ve managed to work ourselves out
of that we definitely did not deserve to I like it I like it now I’m actually I’m focusing
on getting the garbage cleared a little bit faster and the reason for that is because I’m a
little nervous about the the speed of play here and it’s getting fast is the easiest way to
describe it going back to chaos I I bear no ill will I’ve really had I’ve transcended anger
in Tetris Rivaldo nah still a deadly sin but anger has been transcended that’s that’s huge
I no longer bear grudges against those who only have wronged me as a result of the

systems of the machine in which we operate radio silence this one’s got a shot okay
immediately that shot has been squandered and nobody to blame but myself but also
nobody to rely on by myself that’s a huge surprise to me that’s an even larger surprise
to me what’s happening yang student huge radio silence it’s a long one voice oh oh
there was some real high-level I mean not for me but there was some tough play going
on there I really I went radio silent cuz I believed in that runner I believe there was a
chance but look at these guys I want to see who wins that’s that’s a good one where
I feel like we had a decent game definitely cost ourselves quite a lot of quite a lot of
power with a couple of miss drops but recovered relatively well and you know we’ll
just endeavour to play a little smarter a little slower actually as weird as it sounds in
the future because the the overeager drops cost us majorly there but still big games I
think this is a good video All Things Considered hey for now thanks for watching hope
you guys have enjoyed if you did click the like button helps out a great deal of course
subscribe you want to see more in the future I’m having a fun time playing Tetris hope
you’re having a fun time watching it thanks for all your support and I’ll see you next
time sooo

everybody welcome back to the land place headers ninety-nine no wins in the last
episode but personally I think it was a it was a step forward there was some encour-
aging play and perhaps most importantly the areas of improvement are obvious really
overeager on the fast drops constants in a couple of games but but there was some good
stuff happening here the speed of play was the pace of play was relatively good setup
and and actually executed a couple of deliberate T spins that’s something we’re gonna
keep trying to work into our playbook here and you know okay yo okay two attackers
equals I attack I hate this I’m not even dropping pieces I hate this pick an attacker and
stick with it you cowards okay there pick a target and stick with it I don’t play that game
alright if I see you switching targets non-stop you know what that means you’re my tar-
get this is not coltan particularly strongly but check it out dude it’s a freaking t-spin
opportunity don’t send it don’t say it don’t send it send them here then send them give
them a little one of these howhow are the other boys doing are they fighting are they
struggling I’m struggling a little not for long I’m not willing to send it yet that took a lot
of maturity for me personally to not just immediately send that like on the blue piece
and we’re gonna rinse and repeat pretty much the same situation right here send them
again now we need to get rid of this friggin tower dude in order to do this we gotta
please tell me some of these dudes are about ready to die is basically what I want to say
it’s like I can do this all day but at some point we got to start working them down I think
we’re starting to reach that point thankfully you know what I’ll even send them one of
these don’t send them that one though that’s that’s a real bad one to send send them
this one now we’re cooking don’t send them that one making a lot of mistakes in the in
the send meta here I got frazzled I’ll just admit it like I don’t love it I mean how could
you we got a blue piece coming up you know what I’m just gonna mark this one in
the category of we deliberately took on garbage to make the enemies life more difficult
but you know you and I both know staying exactly how it went down put me on chaos
we’ve been we’ve been dilly dallying for far too long I’m actually real yeah like this I’m
real pleased with the amount of garbage you got set up right here I almost want to if
I can just store and I’m willing to compromise on that one until we can get a super ko
here like that dude come on I actually feel bad and not in like a braggadocious way he’s
struggling to survive there all of a sudden you get sent a double Tetris somebody else
sniped the ko which is fair cuz I mean I tried to snipe the ko got like a pot kettle black
situation there I’m on afraid trying to make it to that line peace send it send it there’s
the chaos send it again send them again that could easily be another one he’s got badges
too that’s right I’ve upped my game I can now look and play simultaneously may I say

I was a happy man in the pre Wyatt existence of my life I didn’t want to become this
guy everybody else going to the tutorials how to t-spin calm besties spend meta 2017
you know you’ve done this and I mean that in the nicest way possible you forced me to
evolve all of a sudden it’s not enough to just t-spin anymore you got a T spin and then
play a mach-500 it’s a bad move okay that’s it that’s a good opportunity for ascend and
just you know stay steady back here yeah a lot a lot of bad move opportunities there this
is substantially worse you know what don’t add me on that one I know I screwed that
one up some of the Pierce okay sometimes I mean you’ve perhaps witnessed it for your-
self over the course of these games i if you give me a lot of garbage that’s where I feel
like I belong that’s where I play my best Tetris is when I’ve been hit with the staggering
amount of garbage now it’s also where I get eliminated because that’s the way that this
game works like on a literal level really kind of surprised at the the ease of these Kos
here we’re top 10 already okay I’ll hit you with radio silence we got to give it a chance
we’re done that happened in like a second we were in a terrible spot honestly we the
odds of us getting the win there we’re not very good the odds of us you know surviving
that long we’re pretty low too but here we are the day I’m upset about a top-10 finish
you know in a battle royale it’s a long way away let’s put it that way the only time I get
upset is when I’m in like a top-ten position and I’m the reason it gets thrown if I get if
a badge Lord hits me with a double Tetris you know 60 spins in a row and he knocks
me out with 30 lines of garbage that I just you know I don’t have an answer for that’s
that’s Tetris baby how do you think I got my wins well now with the T spins I suppose
but you know having having a badge advantage and then hitting them where it hurts
it’s the way you do it I don’t know let me try something here I i’ve just been throwing
stuff at the board basically and trying to see if we can create a tee spinnable situation
and most of the time the way that i do it is not correct like and I have to sincerely think
about it every time and you’re like I know I’m watching fair enough okay still don’t see
one I like the early game like I if I get the opportunity to build badges of course I’d
like to you know get some badge building going on but otherwise I do think you get
a decent chunk of time to just you know examine what you’re doing I should ganda
kayo is way faster there ended up splitting on my garbage dude that’s not the way you
want to roll now I got a fight back oh that’s not the way that you want to place that
piece there we go yeah here here here you got the line cleared what comes next you
even need me to say it 3 2 1 send them you just got to get this cleared all of a sudden
back in the game and most importantly that’s something like that ready to go throw in
a quick send it’s not an ideal Sen double opportunity but it’s an acceptable send in my
opinion we’re still on 0 Kos gonna take us a bit to get there ok so just build like default
Tetris style if your brain starts to overclock and you see these pain opportunities by all
means but for God’s sake do not focus on I’m okay taking one line of garbage dude
if anything we’re in the danger zone right now it’s not the danger zone for me is the
danger zone for our enemies replace this let me send them we’ve gotten a bunch of the
extra attackers that was beautiful I don’t see any of my attackers in the in the pink range
which is surprising to me but that’s the game you know wrong I really I mean one ko
is fine and I like that we’ve actually picked up a lot of aggro because I you know me in
in this game at least I would rather you know die early but every now and then have
a chance to get a huge Rorschach style victory yeah I can live with this I can live with
that too how did we get a KO there that just makes me upset whoever died there you

weren’t supposed to die there he’s supposed to die here see was that so hard ah that is
not the way that you play Tetris it’s okay real you know positive stuff in these videos
these first couple that I’ve recorded today but real issues with the piece dropping meta
you know I’ve had a lot of failed drops not willing not willing to do that it’s okay it’s
just a you know one more thing that we can work on pop it into the wheelhouse let’s
get off attackers go on Kos should have done it faster I really think we honestly could
have one or two extra wins in our series so far if I worked on my if I had done perfect
targeting suffice it to say I don’t think targeting is our major area that we should look to
for improvement but it’s not effing utley on the list it’s a easy scent that’s a problem use
your brain that would be an example in my opinion of using your brain badly just drop
it you get you got to get it that was not it that was not a situation where we should have
died it wasn’t a huge mistake it was just slow play that kept us you know we we play
one more piece we clear four lines all of a sudden we’re sending back garbage ooh and
we’re back in the game brain short-circuited for a second there but life goes on from xxx
down to zero or down to first I should say I really feel like it’s just about clearing liens
it’s about you know accepting that you’re gonna be sent garbage on occasion what do
you do you got a Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Joe that’s you eating the garbage and then
you go and you spit the garbage back at them 1.2 1.2 5 x 3 attackers that’s it’s a modern
Rorschach you know the days of the old school Rorschach’s they’re over unfortunately
I sadly truly believe it this is like trying to build the spin here you see what I’m trying
to get going on it’s just a lot of work to be done in the t-spin generation Department
the algorithm is is not working out for me just yet and that’s okay you know it gives
me something to work on it’s a long list but still one attacker oh dude he’s almost dead
what are you doing dude how dare you have I’m just mad cuz I’m like you’re making
me kill you why would you do that that’s such a rude thing I’m gonna let you live a
little longer because I don’t want anybody else targeting you I want that kill to be mine
but I’d like to get a couple more at the same time if possible and that’ll work now not
ready not ready for this end starting to get ready for this end I’m very eager to send
okay here we go he’s replied in turn and I wouldn’t dare suggest that that’s not okay
very appropriate maneuver for him to be doing you know the antiquated advice don’t
hate the player hate the game it’s really the way I’ve come to feel about Tetris 99 if you
want to live in Tetris 99 whoa surprisingly we’re actually completely safe out of that ad-
vant if you want to live in Tetris 99 you got to send garbage you know bummer um you
just got it finally that we should have oh my god brain what are you doing we should
have been able to get out of that situation a lot faster bizarrely this is I mean obviously
idiotic but we’re still surprisingly not completely screwed so we’re just waiting on we
don’t need a blue piece anymore I’ll just take a long and deposit do that send them all
right so we’re back down to the bottom here put me on Kos the attacker honestly I don’t
deserve to get a KO right now which is why I went to Kos don’t think about it too hard
okay a lot of commentary coming out over the course of these episodes you know not
all of it is necessarily going to be how should we say it sensible alright we’ve actually
done a decent job here I think covered up our earlier mistakes we’re gonna have a little
a heat soon I mean we got a little heat right now but that’s that that’s heat that comes
from somebody that’s just trying to live so let’s send it back at him you’re just trying to
live I’m sorry but at this point you’re krill for the whales is that with eight krill help I
don’t know I always get those two confused that’s not even a joke that’s that’s the real

deal Holyfield just a really really suboptimal construction we’re working on it though
and by working on it I mean hoping against hope that things start to get better and this
is how quick it can change right like word previously things were looking real spotty in
my opinion all of a sudden definitely not out of the woods we got to start to give him
a little compromise meta unfortunately certainly not out of the woods you know one
thing we got to do to get out of the woods is get that nonsense out of our as dam we’ll
call it our back pocket I refuse to say it the way he says it I don’t want to bite his bit
you know what I mean looks like a brain-dead move oh no that’s the brain-dead move
we got to live to long piece not gonna happen we deserve that that’s I mean mistakes
happen but that’s a little embarrassing just endlessly dropping the pieces in the wrong
spot I’m dropping them one off hard for me to argue it’s a controller sync issue what’s
the difference in that situate um just a a picosecond you wait one extra infant Istanbul
unit of time you move it into the right spot you do a quick little neurological check you
go that’s the right spot right there and you drop it bummer I don’t think we had a you
know good optics in that situation to begin with but you don’t want it to go down like
that wait again so let me let me tell you what happened on that one I hit up because I in
my brain I was like I want to make that piece be higher so that’s that’s about where the
noggins at right now in case you’re curious about that see this is again you’re like I want
want to set up the spin can’t seem to get the pieces to line up that’s where you say to
your brain hey brain work with me a little bit here you know you’re capable of amazing
things in theory and practice oh my god dude and then I went for the stylish drop that
I’m not even sure accomplished anything okay we this is all speed and we’re still going
to slow little dangerous considering you know part of the problem originally was was
probably going too fast but here we are send them back we got a lot of heat on us and
that’s what we want he’s gonna make mistakes that’s probably when you want to make
them see some lines being created over there it bothers me not you know what we got a
decent knockout construction here as long as we don’t get knocked out ourselves prob-
ably should have dropped them there you know we’re gonna start dropping [Music]
and we’re gonna stop dropping I’ve looked at our enemies and I said you know what
they’re not close to death if they’re not close to death I’m not gonna waste my pieces
sending them right now it’s a mature choice we’ll send them you know just just to stay
alive here and stay ahead of the curve we don’t want to be buried in garbage if possible
early on sometimes sometimes we do I know we say a lot of conflicting things over the
course of these episodes I also do need to say that let’s do that we do like line sending
meta oh my god so we changed ours I don’t know I don’t know what to tell you brain is
broken sometimes you start up the videos and you do pretty well ten seconds later your
brains like my boss frame machine broke today but how inspiring would it be for us to
be the first person to ever win a game of Tetris 99 with a fundamentally poisoned brain
it would be a landmark performance they’d be talking about it for minutes to calmly
you know what I’ve decided that garbage hole I didn’t like it anyway spent the whole
freaking game on attackers just got our second ko long road boys long road that’s okay
look at this wait no we were on K oh sorry again the broken brain strikes I think after
this we need to do a little mental reset can actually go there specifically just because you
know the bad plays are one thing it’s when the plays are so preventable you know and
it’s just like it’s not even like a lack of focus we actually want to flip this unfortunately I
don’t think you could describe it as a lack of focus at least just playing a little bit too fast

okay we’re free and we got another long piece coming up okay who um really nothing
you can say here except thank you we got an orange coming out this work thank you to
the gods of Tetris for giving me this incredible bounty we’re closing it on the top ten I’m
going badges at this point I’ve decided you know we’re either gonna we’re gonna live
or die a hero let’s put it that way and if we can somehow doesn’t look likely here we can
somehow knock out the badge Lord all the controller’s haunted get off the badge alert
oh my god he’s too strong acceptable this was the right play send them dude I don’t
know you’re just trying to live till we get a long piece that can actually do something for
us no haunted controller please radio silence for sure got to be done no ads necessary
dangled garbage hole dude oh my god we’re free how did it happen I don’t know this
not like me stunting like oh how did that happen that’s literally like I don’t understand
how we got out of it it’s a badge Lord it’s penance badly oh oh so undeserving for us
to be up there but dude okay left it on a positive note I was looking he had badges I
had badges you know I would have put us at a one-third chance to win there so I wish
I put up more of a fight at the end 33% is pretty cool in my book taking it taking a
deep breath we got a lot to learn from that one if we don’t chunk a lot of our man too
many Dan isms if we don’t chunk a lot of our garbage in a terrible spots where we can’t
do anything with it we win there I think honestly you know it’s hard to tell but we
could have given ourselves a much better chance of winning by not consistently placing
things in awful positions but we’re we’re knocking on the top tens door consistently
feels great so here’s the old t-spin setup is something like you guys dad every time I put
it in the wrong spot yeah you want something like that and then then then then then
you know it’s it is what it is dude that was a creative plane which is a I don’t just mean
that like from humor standpoint I mean like being able to clear that line was actually
something I wouldn’t normally consider likely for myself I do see a spin look at that
that’s new that’s new for me to take a second and be like I see the spin can’t drop that
there that’s right okay yet we’re on attackers is where we want to be send one send to
send more is that enough garbage to deal with what they got coming out probably say
no on that one but I mean I’m not even concerned about the garbage that I’m being sent
in return right now it’s inconsequential I am trying to fight back because there is like
I mean there’s enough of it it’s not like they were not sending us a lot of garbage we
had like 20 lines of garbage minimum there anytime something I’m trying to get better
at but anytime you get the opportunity to dump a square piece out of your rotation if
you don’t take it I think you’ve made a major misstep this is is hot dude this one is not
ending somebody’s got to die I don’t really feel like I have the space right now to stand
back you know and start building something I really feel like I just got to keep the heat
coming Michael Mann 1995 is a great movie and once the levee breaks it’s gonna start
to be rough I I’m pretty sure that everybody involved in this situation right now is how
do I not have chaos I don’t want to have kale is it do what I send a thousand lines of
garbage how do I not have chaos well one dude got a ko out of that I didn’t see that
piece blame that one on the boom on okay first ko happened don’t take this the wrong
way and you know it try to be a sportsman like player it’s just one of those situations you
know you’re running with the Bulls in Pamplona if you’re not an experienced runner
you end up in a situation like this you got to be cold I don’t mean killed that would be a
little I mean it’s a recreational thing right Jesus but I do mean you got a you got to sort
yourself out pretty quick or you’re gonna get sorted okay we got a Oh squandered it’ll

work I changed targets I don’t know dude but also like it’s pretty ok it’s no longer ok
that was real bad I’ll give you another one on top of that that was gonna be the last one
just bad placement and we were who are in the heap the whole time I’m not making an
excuse I’m just you know everybody makes mistakes but if we get stopped chunk in our
pieces into the wrong spot just because we want to play slightly faster that’d be a big
big one for me it’d be a big one for me maybe we don’t want Rorschach meta anymore
maybe we want to be a carrion eater you know a vulture we want to get few targets
right off the bat we go on Kos and just start the hitting with the spins so I’m gonna try
an Augmented version and never thought I’d say it of Daniel jeez Ling’s quote-unquote
cool meta the idea is we want we want a spinnable there and straight up I’m still trying
to figure out how the heck we’re gonna get to I think that’s as one way for sure ok now
we got a spin set up it did take us a minute and who knows you know if that’s even
close to an efficient way to do it ok now we get this I think you send it and then you
get ready to send some more kos nobody’s hitting on chaos right now badges badges
are fine I’m just trying to make sure we’re sending it at the right time probably should
have gone faster but you know you don’t want to you don’t want to screw it up right
and now we’ll just we’ll take it down we built it up we can take it down who’s sending
me here for what reason pray tell am i being sent eat right now be jealous did you see
the whip I’ve been jealous of the teaspoon before I’ve called the tea spin resonance see
another spinnable opportunity here just got to learn what piece actually goes there yes
I was gonna say what piece fits in that hole okay you got me slow your roll no reason
to clear lines unnecessarily here I know I said that as I clear the line I deemed that one
necessary okay you got a chance dude we got we got too many attackers is there like an
anti t-spin coalition should I be worried is this a watchman all over again the t-spin is
not going to work this is a weird one all I ask is that you lend me your ears okay this
is way too much work to go through just to send it t-spin singled which is why we’re
not gonna spend senda t-spin single we’re gonna send the t-spin single and then we’re
gonna hit him with everything we got which is apparently an incredibly slow deluge of
impotent garbage it’s a beautiful phrase anybody feeling it yeah one of our attackers is
feeling it so don’t don’t let him up the hook just yet this is where you play fast I got it
I got a realize my brain much like an eight dog’s brain in regulate it’s got two modes
he had a mode where he lets his gat explode and then freak mode of course is the most
well known probably of the two modes my other attackers guy I’ve got a teaspoon set
up mode and then I’ve got let’s call it real mode where I where I try to play a little bit
faster okay this is the mode where you definitely start to play faster this is play faster
mode 100% you know what we got a long piece coming beautiful go attackers we’re
very blessed to have a sin double opportunity there I’ll never forget when given the
opportunity to send you take it no no no you know what I like this and then you send
them a send is in order a send is born [Music] long piece coming up stall and then drop
it in the wrong place that’s a big one I really think you’re gonna be good at this game
you got to get used to dropping your long pieces in the wrong place and it might seem
counterintuitive but it keeps you fresh it keeps you keeps you ready to go this is another
big one I had to think my way through this we’re gonna go back to Kos try to get a little
plausible deniability for the carnage that’s about to come long peace common but that’s
okay be cleared the space and clear this space we clear the garbage I’d you know built on
top of the garbage hole but just a little that’s just a little garbage compromise okay we’re

back down to the bottom pretty close to getting the radio silence levels honestly it just
didn’t like anything about that I don’t like anything about this either let’s let’s get ready
to this clear space I hated this layout I still hate this layout it’s gonna be hard for me
to make this argument but that was a more mature choice than I’m used to making in
this game well I think you know what pieces I’m looking for those are pretty important
I’m gonna eat you with pre-emptive radio silence what who I was I was not expecting
that when you go into the final four with two Kos you don’t expect a knockout number
four number three and number two unroot to the dub I mean look at this we’re dealing
with caramel Phil and Hobbs oh [Laughter] it’s better look at that name okay you ever
see a top ten that looks like this I don’t need any help in the top ten check out these hot
stats to tease oh do I what’s your number wins came seven I think I am also a seven I
did check this out we’re stats set on the screen sorry my brains fried seven wins baby
what’s your level though you’re like level 40 oh my god you see this I’m 41 hours in
this freak it’s like though with you three it is the Isaac mines but for in this game I’m
actually good hey for now links are watching hope you enjoy if you take a look alive
but I was a great deal Chris described you’ll see more in the future we’ve done it and
I’ll see you next time so you

well-well-well finished off the last episode oh I don’t mean to go to stats that’s just
stunning at this point seven wins in 40 hours what are you a professional anyway um
big win in the last episode I really we miss played a market amount an amount that the
I mean we could notice the Miss place and here’s our reward we get to hear the sweet
victory music for another four or five seconds before we get the wrong blood throws
come on you could have worked on your comedic timing a little bit game okay put me
on Kos so what are we working on in case you’re uh you’re not privy to the reason and
will this work case you’re not privy to the recent revelations I’ve been trying to work
on my petty spins and unfortunately you know as a situation we’re playing for the dub
here okay I could have made the TSP work but I had screwed it up in the first place I
don’t want to double down and make a bad mistake just to prove that I know how to do
it y’all know I’m working on the teaspoons okay it takes a bit to get the muscle memory
to figure out where they actually belong it’s not the easiest task in the world for me
but I’m working on it and we’ll get there and we’re getting wins in the interim period
that’s the important thing for me I’ve gotten myself to a point thankfully where I’m at
least able oh you’re in trouble mister I’ve gotten myself to a point where I’m at least
able to have a chance in games and also hopefully very very slowly but surely perhaps
increment ourselves a little bit towards inevitable t-spin ability yo we’re getting targeted
this is a this is a good player and I I mean them no ill will I I mean that’s sincerely a
lot of respect for the level of play we’re seeing right here gotta be honest definitely hate
this is gonna this garbage hole is gonna be a little bit longer for us to clear right now I
might have just missed an obvious location to store the piece but this is a real issue dude
we took way too long on that for one I think at this point we gotta just throw it at the
wall see what sticks this is a real that’s a real problem please go over top go over top go
over top go over top going we’re dead alright so not the best defense of our title that’s
okay that way I mean I feel like I need to defend myself but only ever so slightly at this
point of you don’t know now you’re about to know tetris 99 there’s not one variable
your own performance there’s 99 variables there’s everybody else it’s possible that we
won our last game against players who are significantly worse than the dude urges or
the multiple people who sent us garbage there you know just cuz we came in first last
game in 60th this time that’s how she goes sometimes you know sometimes you Pete
Sampras get not it gets knocked out in the round of 16 at Wimbledon and you go what
the heck Pete Sampras how did you get knocked out you know who knocked him out
Roger Federer you know who we beat for the championship the previous year Michael
Chang exactly think about it all right so I think not I mean obviously not like that by

the way I have had some people does he know you don’t have to use a tee piece for a
tea spin yes but I’m you know you got to learn on the shoulders of giants you know
you start by watching tutorials every tutorial I’ve seen has been hey here’s how UT spin
using a tee piece that’s why I’m using the T piece because they use the T piece maybe
at some point but probably not will reach the level where we feel like that’s no longer
a necessary part of our evolution what was the placement dude what are you doing
don’t get frustrated though we’re actually me it’s not good but we’re not too screwed
early on man send them send them you gotta accept you know if you make mistakes
you’ve taken yourself out of the area where you can afford to be greedy you gotta just
you gotta send lines and that’s what we’re trying to do right now hmm you know this
is much better and that’s a great example of how you don’t always I mean if you’re my
level of badness you don’t always want to send quick you know we thought about it for
two seconds we came up with a line that I think was much better might as well get that
plugged up break from the get-go here okay we do this clear that all of a sudden our
long piece is going down I mean this is a thing and I’m not trying to besmirched my
attackers who may well be better at the game than I am but if you’re gonna and I’m not
gonna say if you’re gonna come at the King you better not miss is a little disrespectful
haunted that I swear to you that was a haunted controller my controller was taken over
by by Beelzebub the ghost of Tetris well that’s gonna put a real damper on things I this
is now the first time I feel like I’ve had to really ask this does anybody else get this
haunted controller thing the first time I’ve ever experienced the consequences to such
a dire degree it took over my controller on a long piece and then just shoved it in the
side that’s a new one for me somehow we’re still alive anyway what I was gonna say is
if you’re if you’re gonna be sendin elite you know you might not know if you’re part
of a Rorschach situation so I’ll give you a little bit of respect on that one however if
you find yourself in a Rorschach situation you got to be prepared to send some garbage
dude you can’t just be holding out back there like I’m gonna build a quintuple Tetris cuz
you’re gonna get erased this is an issue and it’s an issue of my own design yes that’s
not gonna work pretty bad performance but also who knows where we would have
ended up there I would like to think we’d make it a little further if my controller hadn’t
become possessed and here’s what I think happens and I don’t know you know don’t
quote me on this I think that when you get happens when you get sent a lot of garbage
I think something to do with the controller vibration it hits some of the electronics and
just it shoves them to the side and like takes control away from you I’m not saying that’s
the only reason I lost there that would be unfair but certainly that long piece being kind
of shoehorned up there I mean it matters more at the top not just because you’re closer
to death but also because you have less time to recover from the original placement
anyway life goes on okay are we we got a Teddy spin right off the bed you gotta love
the T spin immediately two attackers okay guess why you’re getting spun not sprung
that’s a different thing altogether but you gotta love the T spin right off the bat because
that’s like the only time I feel comfortable doing it the rest of the time things become
a little tricky you know you know again you gotta acknowledge that in some of these
situations maybe a teaspoons possible at my current level the speed of the T spin is too
slow to justify its existence my to seat yo alrighty then so we’re gonna do it like that
huh fair just hope you know what you’re getting yourself into mister that’s the good
stuff that’s the play you got to look at and be like I didn’t used to play like that that’s

a big one somebody sends you garbage it gives you carte blanche guilt-free drop them
feels great send them here trying to leave a lot of I mean that’s I play a craggy game
of Tetris now I like to leave as many crags open as possible not empty space like that’s
obviously not conducive to a victorious situation neither is this to be fair yep that’s you
know there’s there’s got to be something to be said for the human psychology as I was
placing that piece my brain went hikes before I even had a chance to see what was yak
scible so like why don’t you just not do the hikes thing brain instead of sending me
a message that says that’s a mistake before the mistake has even been committed to
celluloid beats me what can I say I’m not a neurologist put me on Kaos now we our
attackers are demoralized and otherwise eviscerated now we can play our game again
so I do see the t-spin opportunity I have squandered said t-spin opportunity but I see
another one so it’s something you got to basically make something happen right there
I could be more specific there you go how’s that for specificity dude so the next step is
we got to fill in the space on the sides but again that kind of precludes me from it forces
me to build a gap basically so now store this rest assured I do not like that we got Kos
yeah one dudes about to get kod I actually switched back to attackers of the last second
because I was targeted and I felt that was unfair given the set-up time required for the
Teddy spin but you know it’s just in the interest of defending my own honor basically
you know can’t help but feel like we could have done a little bit more with that situation
I’d really really rather wait for an orange piece or sarria square we’re little never hear
me say this so get ready we were lucky to get to square pieces in a row there that’s an
uncommon situation to be happy with we got our whole world is garbage holes here we
finally gotten free of a couple of them oh my god we’re almost down there send them
and I’d even send them again take a moment to clear this garbage hole in advance of
your long piece coming I see that we got another one coming that’s the that’s the good
stuff otherwise I’d be despondent right now this is just a terrible tower dude so we have
some back-to-back Tetris and then that’s a real compromise this is I’m playing this game
in the real world right now this is not you know big pictured best potential Tetris plays
of all time this is I’m feeling the I’m feeling the heat and that one was just not a good
play at all and I mean it was just placed in what is demonstrably not the right area
leaving me extremely open for deletion do it somehow still hanging out still hanging
out I’ve just determined it you know my dominant strategy somehow is be bad get a
bunch of attackers and then be like the joke’s on you I was just pretending to be bad now
I’m slightly better this is radio silence if you’ll forgive me so a lot of stuff on the go boys
stay cool look at this badge Lord you see how many badges this dude has what do you
see how many badges I have other dude also has quite a lot of badges radio silence stop
making me talk I see him I see him feel in the barn I knew it oh it’s a dominant Table
ten performance that’s the good stuff I felt I do in the top three a lot of badge Lords I
took one out to the glance of the other guy he’s already got a garbage house I got eight
dubs it’s a new era Dan you’re not allowed to watch this video or the last one okay what
were the keys to the kingdom on that one are targetting we switched it at the right time
I’m derelict in this Duty sometimes this time I noticed we have no attackers what do we
do switch to chaos that was the problem honestly that targeting might have given us the
momentum to take us where we needed to go imagine how many wins I could put up
if I stopped dropping the pieces wrong place and if I stopped having the world’s most
haunted controller and this is me before the era of the t-spin which is on route I promise

you very scary I’m a little frightened myself to be honest mind you in order to get there
I’ll probably have to you know actually learn how to set up a t-spin appropriately for
the first time in my life but who cares okay attackers one attacker you know what that
means that means we wait I gotta find a place to be able to put this el bloque because
like I can’t put you know what you got a t-spin send them whoa just see the heat al
pacino would be proud I’m surprised we got a kill out of that it seemed a little bit weak
for uh for ako and yet here we are you know what give them a little one of those dump
this and all of a sudden we’re back baby love it not at all worried about tea spins in the
present moment exclusively 100% concerned with survival building a dream tower now
I got a set them you know I didn’t see a better option I got like a new rule for myself
if I don’t see a better option within like you know two seconds I think it’s time to just
accept it that’s not the right time for us didn’t see that one coming digit we got a blue
piece coming first okay we got heat I like it you get the blue piece definitely sit that
down definitely sit this down and now the sending begins mmm could have done that
a little bit better to be honest I think you’re okay here I know it looks spotty it’s okay
that’s why it’s okay did I say Wyatt oh this does Amy with some chaos and something’s
gone wrong check the targeting reticle who would have thought 30 year old boomer just
wants one Petrus 99 win please Sakurai what are we on now like six wins on camera
five wins on camera I honestly if you told me that two weeks ago I wouldn’t believe
me if you told me one I would have believed you we were trending for that win for a
long time if you told me we’d be starting to throw out T spins you know what I would
tell myself get a life and yet here we are and yet here we are that’s a tough one that’s
a tough one yes sir okay it’s true I’ve a same is that what you’re asking we got issues
boys take them down we no longer have issues we got solutions we’re not a problem
based organization we’re a solution based organization you know where that quotes
from sounds inspiring right fire festival look it up to Kos it’s a tough victory to sneak
out of to chaos and somehow find yourself you know hidden the next level actually like
this much better this is about to be a huge scent good targeting that’s got to be a kill I
would be surprised if it weren’t more honestly I mean it sounds braggadocious but it’s
just Matt no wasn’t worth it don’t build on the garbage hole if possible that’s the ticket
we at where we have it long piece long piece enroute 10-4 good buddy I gotta say top
16 they’re fighting it out I’m just I’m kind of when I’m in a mindless zone all I’m doing
is sending lines we should probably start to build Lowell don’t build there okay this
is sorry I was spinning the piece for no reason okay there you go acceptable line radio
silence yet again we’re blessed to be here don’t forget it this is a very important one
next one also extremely important that should be usable yeah built on the garbage hole
sorry I’m gonna shut up good good enough you know I hate here in those teaspoons
four left badge Lords on me need a long piece got myself into a bad spot needle on
keys let me out let me out they didn’t let me out here No oh dude we were in there we
had a chance couple a couple of missed drops but third place nothing to be too morose
about honestly could have stayed up at the top of the pack there but just take a deep
breath and we’re going back for one more game a 3 a 2 L 1 and we’re back good mental
state calm cool collected we know where these 41 hours of tetris 99 you think I don’t
know where the frigging pieces go where’s the Teddy spin I’ve screwed it up somehow
ok acceptable start you know what’s nice is like after you get one of those you know
top three finishes your brain comes pre overclocked you don’t even have to think about

it anymore you just know where the pieces are going get yourself into a little bit of a
dangerous situation like this chaos chaos where we all he’s not as easy kills unfair for
him beautiful for us someone else might pick up the kill you know that’s not for me to
judge I was there trying to get the the carry in as well the carry and luggage two long
pieces in a row yeah I mean we got we got sin double chaos here now my ideal choice
but acceptable slowing down a little bit brain it love you to knock them dead starting
to slow down a little bit here was what I was gonna say that’s a lot of heat but it’s not
enough to get rattled honestly at this point I you look at that almost ugh and this is not
a meme you look at it almost as a blessing you don’t want that I actually as bizarre as
it is I think that’s your plate just to get one extra level of garbage hole cleared and all of
a sudden we’re back put me on attackers dumb move very dumb move but you know
we accidentally created a teaspoon now we’re not gonna do anything with it we’re just
gonna use it to clear the garbage hole hey at least we were able to acknowledge it when
it arrives that feels good all right we’re back at zero so let’s start rebuilding got ourselves
out of a little bit of a jam there now it’s time to to make some moves so I think we’re
going left side long piece that’s the way uh-huh I like it okay seeing the Sunshine Band
we’re gonna need many more long pieces to facilitate this a cursive tower I think we got
to start sending we are getting pretty close to the point where you know when I don’t
get Kos we had a long piece coming up thank you for the garbage I really appreciate it
trust me I’ll make good use of it we’re getting close to the point where when I don’t they
get chaos I’m starting to get a little ornery started to say excuse me you you’re aware
this is supposed to be a ko rich environment by this point of the game they say yes and
I say well what’s the holdup then and they say well I’m not ready to be Yoda yet and I
say nobody’s ever ready to be Yoda it’s a very common misconception you think when
somebody’s on their deathbed in Tetris 99 they go well I played a feasting game but it’s
time to be erased absolutely not don’t send me yet not ready see I told you this’ll work
you just got to get over step1 step2 and I miscalculated all right that’s gonna do it for
this episode but don’t forget picked up another dub over the course of this one for now
thanks for watching because I’ve enjoyed the episode of you the clue the lag but I was a
great deal course subscribe you wanna see more in the future for now at least watching
and I will see you next time so yo

everybody welcome back throwing land please tetris 99 anytime we’re getting
dubs in the video is this ASMR anytime we’re gettin dubs in the video you know we’re
happy this is the second no sorry it’s the fourth and final video of this recording session
not the series invest it too much time to quit now however two wins in a recording
session that’s some big positives I would love to add a third but to some extent I don’t
want to say it’s out of our hands it’s a little defeatist but you know what I mean I don’t
know why I would place it there hold on get your head back in the game okay step
one clear some lines I see we got to do it over there he’s building it today honestly he’s
not hurting anybody I’m not mad about that guy’s existence right now I’m not worried
about the fact that he’s sending me garbage we’ve evolved past that no longer am i
concerned with the trappings of small life such as is this guy sending us a little bit of
garbage if he is he is you know it doesn’t really bother me that much you got to send
garbage to survive again don’t hate the player hate the game you know what we call a
player that doesn’t send garbage in Tetris deceased so if anything unhappy he’s sending
garbage more grist for the mill later I’m even happier by the way that he’s sending
the garbage to me because he seems like a pretty decent player so far if he wanted to
he could be sending that garbage to somebody that’s actually gonna die so instead he
sends me the garbage and then I’m like a garbage conversion facility I’m turning that
garbage into kills hopefully didi stop targeting me he’s realized now it’s not the right
plate and I agree with them I’m an I’m sad to see him go but at the same time this does
open us up and now we can actually afford to start building our own towers here and
start sending our own lines down now I don’t know who that went to does not appear
to be a KO rich environment oh well we definitely want one of those it’s probably isn’t
where you want to build your tower exit okay that’s definitely not what you want to
do and yet here we are um okay I’ll tell you what I think that’s the way you start to
get yourself out of this and it is bad but you got to do something yeah just just build
a big old tower on top of the garbage hole that’s a get a summer home at the garbage
hole I’d recommend it I think it’s a very strong move yeah and then just in dude I don’t
know what to say I had had a real problem with controller fidelity and I cannot blame
the controller I would love to be the kind of person who could sit here depart me Lola
granola throat um I’d love to be the type of person that could go there’s nothing I could
do dude but let’s be honest and multiple times during this experience there were things
I could have done dude still we’re not dead why are we talking like we’re deceased I like
this took us a minute to get there once we got there we’re back you know we can wait
for the blue but we I was just gonna say we my mom dead and definitely should not

have stacked it there we might not even get to the blue is one piece away that was really
dumb I mean it is just bad play that’s all right first one back some major miss plays
extremely inopportune times no big deal I’m gonna tell you I’m not my biggest enemy
but I’m probably like my third biggest threat in any given game there’s usually two
super Wyatts I think I’ve ascended to Wyatt level but there’s like two proto Wyatt’s that
have you know merged you by doing the fusion dance and a hyperbolic time chamber
and then there’s me sitting there like number three that’s like maybe they’ll disrupt
along peace sideways over the garbage hole I already see the matrix on this one like
that okay was that matrix worthy I don’t know dude I’ve never seen it just kidding it’s
one of the landmark films of my youth you think I haven’t seen the matrix do you think
I am Austin never thought I’d say it too many long pieces right out of the gate won’t
be it for me to complain about an incredible bounty but simultaneously okay building
high strong strong move I think this is where we send them looking at chaos are not
even close looking at attackers not even close badges all right I’m gonna I’m gonna go
for the badge Lord temporarily what’s my reasoning I’d rather inhibit him then inhibit
anybody else on the game right now in the game right now I don’t know sometimes
I don’t word good okay if that’s gonna be a problem you can leave yep that’s see I I
can tell you exactly what’s going on there my brain goes there’s a good piece and then
there’s like an internal send him ometer and that’s what’s happening my brains going
send them and I’m like well maybe we should we should wait it should make sure it’s
an appropriate send before Sandeman mi alright one of the boss said send him and
then I begin to send proceedings and then I go up about not like that and then when
you said send them and I go I know what I said you don’t tell me what I said I tell
you what I said again it’s all part that that was haunted controller I swear it did not
wish to bequeath me an easy out here and you know what I respect that because it
really just gives me a better opportunity to do something like that and all of a sudden I
mean there’s no easier way to clear garbage than when your whole field is garbage it’s
called mathematics look it up sweetheart almost did the dumb one take it take it now
we’re still targeting badges badges orde he’s running into trouble I think this might be
a moment that I actually consider myself correct to be targeting badges as dangerous as
it might be or look what else am I gonna do just let him ball out of control and possibly
win I don’t think so so I’m gonna keep him honest and I’m gonna I’m gonna force him
to deal with the lines that were sending and we’re gonna start to really amp up our level
of play I see his garbage when he makes lines he’s gonna reflect him in a big way and
he might reflect them at us I would so I got to be ready for that which is partly what
I’m doing right here also preparing for the mega send that’s fine not scared actually it’s
a little compromise that I would I would do a hundred times out of a hundred given
the opportunity look we knew this was a possibility getting into this if you’re the badge
Lord wrong play yes still III I think if you’re you know top 50 no kills you gotta give
the badge as a chance basically what I said is hey 1v1 me for the throne and he beat
me what can you say the second place thirtieth nine on a second really really bad piece
placement I honestly I think I could cut my controller issues by like 40% by getting
new joi cons I don’t know what’s wrong with these ones you know what’s hilarious I’m
looking at my joint cons right now I’d like I’ve used Kate’s joi cons they just feel a little a
little smoother but um the up button is like completely eroded the fast drop the left and
right buttons are completely eroded the down button has barely been touched did you

tell how I play Tetris 99 we move a little and that’s it I hate this dude I’m sure I’ll give
you a quick little proto sin just to get myself back into a a world of survival and okay I
guess we’re gonna be building there from this point onwards we need two long pieces
that’s no good you never want to put yourself in that sort of situation we need two long
pieces just to get yourself back in back in the saddle slightly better dude dare I say we
actually have a tea spinnable opportunity here but we need a long piece I think to set
it up okay now we got a doubled t-spin set up kos Oh someone’s close okay send them
follow it up what can I say when it works it works baby definitely a lot to improve like
start getting those tea spins out substantially faster next long piece you know where it’s
going you don’t need me to tell you right there all of a sudden were free and we can start
working on another spinnable maybe at that time data I don’t like to place the piece in
next pants you know where the next long piece is going yet again definitely don’t even
need me to mention it probably be offended if I mention it you’d be like you don’t need
to tell me that I’m aware yo sure sure really gotta prioritize getting this garbage hole
cleaned up thankfully again we I don’t know how we do it and as not meant to be
braggadocious it’s merely meant to like sincerely indicate that sometimes I don’t know
what I’m doing in this game and yet we find ourselves performing okay we turned into
a garbage manufacturing facility compromised and we took the garbage we were given
and we gave it back to somebody else it’s really not fair ever hear the expression esther
rolls downhill only I didn’t say ass that’s kind of Tetris 99 - why it’s duking it out one
of them sending garbage to another Wyatt what’s the other one doing he’s sending that
garbage to you welcome to the real world sweetie lots of attackers perfect you know if
there’s anything I can say about this session of episodes I think it’s gone really really well
the exception of some mechanical errors I think we’ve done a fantastic job of creating our
own Rorschach’s and we’d been really suffering me not really suffering like on a human
level but I mean like on a Tetris level we’d been suffering from a lack of Rorschach’s for
quite some time I’ll send them I don’t care dude you got to do that open up a garbage
whole life goes on we’ll compromise meta all of a sudden we’re back down here dude
the attackers are still coming strong so I feel no remorse about our present approach
definitely like yeah it’s a little wack but here we are alright that’s the that’s why it’s last
and I promise you know that’s something you should never do and yet I do it every
time and then go you should never do that we got two attackers still one of them is
badge Lord - real dangerous real dangerous for him to put himself in a situation like
this needlessly jeopardizing his advantage in the game for reasons that well are now
becoming I would say strikingly apparent turns out he’s been operating in a garbage
which environment yeah you know what fair enough we got deleted look at the badges
dude this is of this a feast or famine sort of game right there one person I’d like well
not one person three people had like four badges everybody else has zero is rough what
do we want to do play faster that was we were going too slow I got some nutrients
entering the brain right now you got to give it ten or fifteen minutes for the glucose
day of the blood stream my mind exploding myelin sheath enabling nootropics tak to
kick in and it’s all over it’s all over for everybody probably me too neurons are I mean
they’re frayed I don’t think I can keep it up at this pace honestly can’t advise it so this is
one of those situations where I just hate the start so I’m gonna get us out of it hopefully
I don’t know we got it we got some symmetry here but not the kind of symmetry I’d be
excited to brag about we got a lot of attackers and I’m it took me a second there cuz at

first I was like Leon a lot of attackers now I got to remember a lot of attackers is a good
thing you get an excuse to send lines that’s a haunted controller there we go it’s back yo
don’t delete me it’s too early to be okay it’s too early for me to feel happy about being
deleted so I’m gonna hit you with a little rarity not what I meant to do not what I meant
it okay um no rarity there we got destroyed that was a perfectly deletable situation an
embarrassing performance take a swig and you get ready to get back in there alexander
ovechkin 2010 Washington Capitals the fastest team in the post lockout NHL to this day
to have qualified for the playoffs who have clinched their playoff spot round one what
happens they run into Jaroslav Halak and that eighth seed Montreal Canadiens they lose
in seven games due to a stellar otherworldly performance from a previously unknown
Slovakian goaltender where’s Alexander Ovechkin now still sleeping off the hangover
from winning the Stanley Cup last year you see where I’m going with this metaphor
just cuz we lost one there’s a lot of game left I’m a big-picture guy not so much worried
about losing this one I’m worried about maximizing my win rate long term so I’m not
gonna let one admittedly terrible game get under my skin too much what I am unhappy
about so far feel like I’ve not been doing a fantastic job so we got a there’s no way to set
up oh there is a way to set up a t-spin there hold on I don’t know if we can do it here
that’s gonna make it harder okay just dump that there you go there’s your tea spin and
unfortunately there’s like this is what I really obviously need to work on I see we got
another good piece coming our way in the future but this is what I really need to work
on is like getting a tea spin is one thing but like what do you do with it after you have
it you know like how do you build in such a way that you don’t screw yourself okay we
got a lot of attackers send them the tea spin brother got a long way to go until we get a
square piece so we’re gonna start sending them these okay you know I’m also learning
I think I was wrong to question the efficacy of the tea spin for so long I know that
looks absolutely idiotic but there’s a reason behind it what is that reason as the seconds
passed I lost it well there was something out there you go there’s a tea spoon okay um
I actually I I’ve come to respect the tea spend a great deal now I would respect it more
if a tea piece showed up thank you how we attackers not so bad so I’m very sorry to
have to do this the Kos I never feel good about sending a manufactured t-spin to Kos
because they’re just minding their own business trying to stay alive all of a sudden we
come out of the woodwork with like you know the most trihard move you can do in the
Tetris lexicon anyway I’m having fun with this game and the other thing is you know
the t-spin definitely store that it makes the early game a little bit more interesting and
if we can ever get to the point like III feel confident enough sacrificing my early game
this is there are some big rookie mistakes in there I feel confident enough sacking my
early game to try to make my mighty spin IQ rise it’s not always gonna work out for
us right now who cares definitely should have stored that one but you know what we
can always send a little bit back now we go attackers a lot of garbage coming our way
no promises might have to hit you with a little radio silence we got a cross why–i ting
situation right here a few Wyatt’s myself included quieting each other big huge we’re
bad lord go immediately go back to Kos we got a 75% damage multiplier if you can find
a spinnable situation here oh my god we got some more there’s you spin okay so what
happens next store this one’s got to go here you got a TT spin ready start sending them
that multiplied garbage many people thought this day would never come how foolish
but what can a land do when hearing of the slaughter but impotently brave against the

coming of the light okay that’s a lot of that’s a lot of garbage to be honest it’s a good time
for us to start sending and this is really is make-or-break territory right here dude that’s
oh my god so I’m hitting you with the radio don’t do me like this now like this now like
this I worked for this one I are in these kills these are my kills that I mean I’m not gonna
say that nobody could have done something there but you know we got a lot of targets
on us as a result of killing to badge Lords fair enough four kills but a lot of badges I
would say that that time perhaps we had the misfortune of killing the badge leaders oh
well fun game anytime you’re capable of hitting a t-spin under duress that’s big we’re
getting there I really think this is like last session was a regression this session is a huge
step forward to dubs and also starting the work you know anew flea-flicker into our
playbook is really really gonna serve us well in the future and apparently I’m just gonna
play this game forever so there’s you how’s that for a pool meta Daniel I don’t know
what you do with it after this stuff yeah okay so we wanted to make that into a tea spin
that’s how you do it we’ve already done it who would have thought it could have been
so simple so we actually have a tea spin setup it’s really just a matter of one attacker
okay it’s really just a matter of how much we wanted to commit to it and the answer
was I need to do it immediately or I will be dead so that makes your decision a lot easier
and I’m very grateful for that you know a lesser player would have been tilted into the
stratosphere by that plate I’m so experienced at making mistakes that that just is water
off a duck’s back doesn’t even matter to me [Music] yeah acceptable and then starting
to build that we do have a garbage hole sorry we had possessed controller for just a
microsecond there next step we’re waiting for it yeah two long pieces is fine by me one
attacker chaos an attackers same difference right now beautiful how can you not like
that you know what I’ll take it a step further how can he not love that answer you can’t
I loved it guilty as charged dude okay back down at the bottom long piece has to go
there we can stall for a bit though blue piece coming up yeah no worries small worries
so can’t believe nokeos our attacker I think is dead I’m trying to follow the board but
it’s a little trickier than you might expect or maybe is exactly as tricky as you’d expect I
don’t know no one insult you I assume you’re a smart audience I mean you’ve picked
probably some world-class entertainment tell you one thing hope you’re better at tea
spinning than I am that’s it there’s the spin okay sighs one day I’ll get out of the the
mold where I need to spin it 15 times to get it set up well please father may I have a tea
spin that cleared a decent chunk decent chunk dangerous still very very dangerous don’t
do it do this this is a big moment I hope you’ll forgive the radio silence wasn’t intending
to leave the run this early so if you’ll excuse me please make an appointment with a
different Wyatt I’ve decided this isn’t how I go is inspiring dude their eyes probably like
the most inspiring confidant website to be honest with you I knew it you can’t stand up
to that it’s I what can I say I can’t blame you I mean of course how could I blame you
would be hypocritical we got a blue piece coming first not by much but by enough and
all of a sudden we’re right back in there we got a 25% damage multiplier that’s weak
that’s weakness got a long way to go step one you start with some sense now I really like
thank you thank you thank you thank you I was just gonna ask for that exact thing more
badges okay being back at the bottom here it’s great news we got our well set up on the
right side already store this so you can get something like that going on got to make big
moves here as quickly as possible faster than that no no no no no no no dude I really I
think we’ve I mean first up we could have played faster but I also think we’ve gotten into

like a new e low maybe perhaps we’ve reached a higher level of performance and that’s
great because the only way that my growth can continue at this point is for something
like that to happen I’ve done everything I can do in the double-a leaks if I want to get
to the majors we got to take another step up there and that was not a perfectly played
game I think we’ve we’ve started to make better and more strategic more astute choices
on a regular basis but it’s not a perfect game that’s not a Nolan Ryan it’s not a Justin
Verlander that’s right I know to major league baseball pitchers who have thrown perfect
games I think emphasis on don’t think so check this out really committed to the spin
ability of this world but that’ll have to wait I know I said check this out and you’re
like check what out you know what if you’re so smart well know he spin I do t spin
on a regular basis oh you know what then why are you watching the video I find you
entertaining well thank you I really appreciate that thank you so much it’s really nice
that somebody can watch this video and then be like you know even though you’re not
at the level that I’m at in Tetris I enjoy watching thank you that’s sweet seaweed that’s
conflict resolution 101 we turned a potentially incendiary situation into something that
worked better for all parties involved one attacker doesn’t bother me struggling a little
bit on the t-spin ability mostly because i think we’ve created a situation in which it may
literally be impossible to t spin out of don’t hold me on that and just in general don’t
quote me and sign up to be quoted again not interested one attacker again i do not
begrudge you my brother if you’re not making lines and tetris you’re dead as a result
i refuse to turn against my brother for sending me garbage that was incentivized by
the system that being said i will send them cuz that’s the name of the game i’ve got a
great respect for my competitors for once to it very bad move thought about it for two
seconds realized the move is bad the road to greatness is paved via mistake you never
forget that we want to fail we want to fail we want to fail fast we want to fail frequently
most importantly we want to set up p spin situations like that one right there don’t do
me like this like we got a good teaspoon sitting in the pocket and we just yikes tit and
now what are you doing don’t worry about it go back inside where we add on Kos
he’s close send them that’s a bad lord - oh it went to somebody else maybe the other
dude died probably I mean if you watch the good players you know they’re not taking
10 seconds to figure out who they’re targeting cuz that guy close to death all they do
is send lines and trust the auto targeter to figure it out if you’re sending enough lines
you probably don’t have to worry about it too much mind you actually just worked
out acceptable go on attackers I refuse to believe that that was one person that just sent
us that in light of the evidence that I’m now seeing it was one person that just sent us
that they should be very impressed unfortunately that doesn’t really mean much in the
world of Tetris as I continue to live in spite of their unfounded aggression say you don’t
need me to tell you is radio silence dude we got we got some issues okay sorry that’s
haunted controller temporarily not and not a hundred percent of that was haunted but
100 percent of that situation involved a haunting if you want to get technical because
we have so many people on us and a 50% damage multiplier all I’m gonna worry about
right now and I’m gonna shut up in just the second year we’re gonna start building
some serious freaking lines and once we build them what’s step two three two one you
send them I didn’t have anything ready to send their I apologize definitely a missplay
slightly faster this isn’t my tempo Center [Music] I’ll send them again bothers me not I
want them to recover just in time to get sent yet again like this radio silence do I [Music]

that’s a bad one that’s probably worse [Laughter] as tsubame dude stay tight stay tight
oh do I had that I had that where was he he had some garbage to misplace took me out
of that game that’s fine though it’s gonna happen from time to time hey it hurts dude
I’ve seen deep mar in like ten of these games too anyway life goes on a bit of a throw
at the end but a great performance overall in this session on the list thanks for all your
support I wouldn’t be here if it were not for this and of course subscribe if you want
to see more tetris 99 in the future every time I come back I come back with something
new in my pocket I hope that it’s internalized tea spins next time for now thanks for
watching hope you enjoyed it and I will see you next time soo

everybody welcome back snoring lion placed Harris 99 well did I do that look at
that we’re on the stat screen 11 wins still most chaos was that first dub but yesterday
it’s been three or four days since I recorded the last match yesterday I won the game
on stream which was it’s always nice and doing is the first one I’ve ever won on stream
but the pressure of a live audience that I had to ignore to overclock my cerebral cortex
to keep putting down pieces um and I want to off-camera just that night when I was
hanging out peeping a little Gio storm the classic film with the Gerard Butler out of my
peripheral vision so I really I feel good like I’m not guaranteeing a victory in this episode
but you should at this point just assume that any given run of tetris 99 has a chance you
know there’s no at least and it it starts by having a chance let’s put it that way there’s no
extenuating circumstances any longer that are required in order to get a victory the only
thing required to get a victory is not completely screwing up early and then playing
well throughout the run I think I made it seem a little bit more braggadocious and I
was intending I didn’t mean that if I never made mistakes I would always win for many
reasons what I meant is don’t write off a run just because we don’t have you know a
Rorschach situation right off the start so I was looking for the t-spin opportunity there
didn’t get it so what’s the secret to winning hate to say a brother there is no secret I
thought the teaspoons would unlock the potential I thought that was just a double tap I
thought that playing faster would unlock the potential I thought that watching tutorials
would unlock the potential you know what actually unlock the potential all of them
trying to unlock the potential unlock the potential playing a lot getting a decent chunk
of practice in and really good without the insulting the teaspoon playing clean you know
just just good tetris helped out a great deal as well you know we can stack that there I got
to think for just a moment which is a dangerous thing sometimes do we’re so far away
from our t piece though what have you done all right here you go we’re safe I actually
you know the T spins do not at me for this terrible opinion I don’t wanna necessarily I
made a number of mistakes in a very short amount of time there I don’t necessarily want
to take the position that these pins are overrated but I will stand by the idea that they’re
overrated for beginners I think you know as a beginner which I definitely was and and
maybe I’m just cresting out of now everybody’s on you at all times you gotta learn how
to t spin do whatever watching the videos on YouTube now you’re gonna how you got
a win without doing a T spin well I deserve this to be honest that was a much-deserved
I place the nel piece sideways over my piece pin hole very dumb mistake like I said
you can never count me out dude I think just playing faster has been the biggest thing
and then you get a recognizance overtime of you know where to wear different pieces go

based on their actual you know just based on their physical structure a pretty bad warm-
up game the life goes on at least we know you know we introduce some conversational
topics nothing to worry about here early let’s play a smoother game this time so I’m
thinking get something like that set up and look at that now we got a little baby piece
pin opportunity my real fatal flaw is that I almost always need a first tee piece to set up
the second TVs okay and I think this one should work the downside being we need to
get the tepees first let’s try this we got one attacker one attacker so I’m just gonna slide
this in the old-fashioned way maybe don’t quote me on that one never realized until I
started playing it on YouTube but there’s a lot of double entendre potential in in Tetris
previously I thought it was an innocent game for innocent players I’ve only recently
come to realize that in fact it’s got the dirtiest vernacular out there every single piece of
tetris lingo sounds like it could also be the name of a maneuver that led Robert Kraft
allegedly got involved in you know case so I’m not really much about current events
guy but you got to give me one now and then see like that seems like a very bad way
to do it but you know you get the weave I’ve also recently chat and this is why it’s nice
to have live feedback but I was told by chance that whenever you hear that whip it’s
always you either making a tea spin or a double Tetris I had no idea mmm that means
every single time I’ve been like oh I just heard a tea spin it’s actually been me probably
getting a double Tetris in a relatively short period of time that’s embarrassing but also
hilarious see that we didn’t do anything special there we got a KO just by targeting
chaos and grime the enemy down actually meant to swap that this is not bad honestly
could actually even do that and then this and then this just to make sure we actually hit
the bonus for the Tetris this is actually not bad at all I don’t really want to build on top
of the garbage hole but it’s it’s relatively inconsequential for the time being so we’re just
gonna throw a perp in there we got a green coming soon so just something like this and
if anything I’m actually pretty pleased because we’re gonna have a bunch of we have a
bunch of garbage to hopefully try to do something with now I’m gonna go on attackers
real quick and I’m gonna hopefully go on a tear cuz I’m realizing there’s a little bit of
wishful thinking earlier we got quite a lot of garbage coming our way now but we’re
about to hit that dude to do it has been done still got a lot of danger but we’re getting
that damage multiplier but just via the sheer number of people targeting us right now
don’t build in the garbage hole don’t be a fool okay we had the build on the garbage
hole way I gave ourselves a way out the way out was rebuked instantaneously do not
do that do that you gotta make lions dude [Music] this is one of those situations this
isn’t compromised meta dude this is compromised to survive Oh haunted controller hey
that’s not a great game to be honest we got some heat there but I don’t think we played
terribly once the heat hit us I will say should have been a little bit more aggressive once
we had a lot of attackers we could have responded a little faster to that people have told
me by the way for a haunted controller they have explained what the what the problem
is apparently the joint cons have a tendency to accumulate a little bit of dust and when
they get dust under the left joystick sometimes it just kind of takes over it’s okay you
know life goes on that we - chaos could be a little bit better but it’s still shaking a little
bit of the rust off - and that’s fine you know rome wasn’t built in a day I don’t know
why I’m telling you no I don’t feel like it’s the problem with the fact that I’ve spent my
whole life online you know whenever I don’t win something that I have a chance to win
cuz it’s you know but pub G didn’t really have a chance to win most of those games

if you know what I mean but whenever I don’t win something and I have a chance to
win it I feel I wanna do it I gotta explain I gotta come up with a cogent explanation
for why that one went totally wrong and I think that’s just you know and except you
know in battle Royales I think it pays to have a short memory you know to be a little
nihilistic I’m gonna go on attackers real quick just a not double down on our mistake
from last time hopefully it’s it’s a little touchy that was probably the wrong place but
we got another one coming down real soon almost let my controller get haunted on
that one would have been an embarrassing way to go we got a lot of attackers I think
this is a beautiful situation honestly we should probably capitalize on this immediately
just stack them all right I always say I don’t like to do it I’d do it anyway so let’s just
finally admit you know what I say it’s like Walter White I’m stacking them cuz I want
to stack them get off my case Skyler I’m not gonna get into it but yeah you always think
Skyler gets kind of a raw deal in the Breaking Bad fandom but you know we don’t need
to talk about that today isn’t Breaking Bad monthly it’s another show I run where we
discussed the episodes of Breaking Bad two times per year that’s not a real thing don’t
go looking for it you will be disappointed okay we’ve done ourselves a disservice here
let’s let’s start sending some of the garbage back no no not like that though like this
okay garbage hole is in I wouldn’t say mission-critical zones yet but you know certainly
we don’t want to build too much more on top of it we’ve actually cleared it out pretty
nicely here I’m okay with that I see a lot of a lot of lines coming up from the other side
of the screen I don’t know what’s going on people are starting to finally get their Sens
ready okay we’re good dude you don’t normally start the hit you know a red line when
you’re getting sent your first lines of garbage that normally happens much much later
so I don’t know what’s happening here I’m either being sent garbage by an incredible
Tetris prodigy or honestly beats me because it’s it’s happening fast normally you get
a couple of lines and the game’s like I did I didn’t even want to bring it up because I
thought it might just annoy you in this situation it’s like as soon as we get a line sent
to us the game’s like dude you got to handle this or you’re gonna be in a world of hurt
blues first okay well doesn’t really matter actually now that I look at it but and then no
lines here so I don’t know I guess we’re maybe less targeted for the time being pretty
good response I think at least really good time for a long piece to show up temporarily
I think we gotta hit him with one of these replace it with one of those when the time
is right sadly I don’t like it for the record but it did give us a window we even could
have done better on that one but I don’t want to belabor the point mostly because if I
start to believe or the point I’m not gonna be able to focus anymore things are starting
to fly at us pretty quickly here I’m not gonna hit you with that radio silence just yet but
mmm I don’t like it definitely don’t like it hit him with something like this instead now
you know we got a real dereliction of duty here we got a we got a problem probably
gonna need to solve it with an orange piece which is a little bit of a compromise but life
goes on it’s a lot of attackers I mean it’s only two I guess but when two of 18 people
are hidden yeah feels a little bit more dangerous than it actually might be I guess now
normally as you’re probably aware I’m like grateful when I’m being attacked in this
game this is not the case right now I’m also struggling oh I’m a fool we could have
placed that much better I’m struggling mightily to place my well in a location where
I’d actually like to have it like the middle is is not where I want it to be okay we finally
got it set up on the right side and then I’ve broke it immediately but for what I felt like

was a good reason at the time okay this isn’t the time nor the place to discuss that well
that we do that in the post-mortem once the game is complete for the time being we
just focus on having a strong finish by the way radio silence for real though it’s gotta
happen faster that was you can’t I don’t have a hand camp all I’m gonna say is that
I feel like a couple of those pieces slotted in and that’s not to say it cost us the dub
I feel like a couple of those pieces slotted in as I was rotating them we didn’t get that
infinity spin that I tend to look for you try to spin it over the top of the pieces that’s okay
I’m coming to the point where people are gonna stop being sympathetic of my joy con
issues and instead they’re gonna say hey idiot get new joy Khan’s as a great idea that’s
a very good idea am i at that level where I’m gonna play a free game with controllers
I specifically bought to not have a couple of input mistakes per game I think perhaps
we are there to be honest I think in the same way that bought the flight stick to play X
plane y’all do put me on attackers maybe it’s time I get some new joy cots so I no longer
have to say there’s nothing I could do dude all right so we got a spin setup I believe
you me I’m no huge fan of the Franken structure we built to accommodate our T spin
that’s okay because we’re gonna start sending them a little earlier now I’m gonna stop
looking for the dream scenario instead I’m gonna start to send them like pretty much
immediately in the hopes that we get enough of a damage multiplier off of the off of
the TSP to put us in a safer position maybe it’d work maybe it didn’t it let’s be honest it
did otherwise we would have kills right now it’s the streamer brain talking i think he’d
started to send them again we put go on chaos actually think they bailed on us probably
afraid can’t blame them I mean you think about us haunted controller just temporarily
there think about us like a couple weeks ago somebody came at us with a t-spin like
within the first 45 seconds of the game how are we gonna react probably call him a nerd
introduce a new terminology to describe them ie Wyatt and then go about a go up on
with our next run hoping to run into less advanced competition next time so I can can
definitely understand where you’re coming from don’t get me wrong yikes dude do not
build on the garbage hole if possible but then immediately here’s the thing build on the
garbage hole wrong wrong move no they were dead we’re dead we’re gonna die here
that’s fine we got targeted by what felt like a good player I’m gonna take a deep breath
we’ve had pretty bad results over the course of this video so let’s take a take a step back
and then just think to yourself you know what could we do better what’s going wrong
how are we gonna get out of this we’re gonna queue eight hours later so we don’t run
into this time zone of players time zones are a real thing in games just the same way
they are in real life you know you play at different times that they run into a different
audience I exclusively want to play video games when the demographic that’s bested
them is asleep or otherwise indisposed that’s right in my heart of hearts I’m a coward
just a really bad setup I don’t want to double down on right there and that’s only like
ten percent a joke for the most part I stand by what I said there just drop it right there
we’re gonna we’re gonna have to reconfigure this whole thing to get ourselves out of it
don’t sweat it too much just yet you know what I see we got a few attackers they saw we
were weak I don’t blame them but I also if anything I’d just pity him what was I saying
I was mostly I mean I wasn’t mostly joking I believe that there was a Tetris time zone
I got no idea what a Tetris time zone is for this game which is called Tetris but I’m not
sure if we established that but I don’t think that’s our problem maybe it’s like you know
the better you play the more of a warm-up you need in order to get yourself to that level

where you feel comfortable like for here I wouldn’t say we’re playing badly I’d say we
probably could be making more of an effort to to build up in a productive way instead
of just exclusively you know clearing a couple of lines and then getting out of it and
just cuz it worked for us in terms of getting okay oh that doesn’t mean that it’s the right
thing to do moving forward you know what’s been the biggest success for us when it
comes to racking up the kills generally speaking building high has been really helpful
then you wait for the next long piece and you start to go I really it was just a split second
behind there you want to go chaos and then you hope that that’s enough and then you
start from zero again and you get all the gears are starting to turn again feels good toss
me one we got orange piece coming first toss me one right here that’s look longer than
it should have and now we got that set up which feels a little bit better you know what
I don’t like it there’s another thing I’m working on as soon as I don’t like it it’s time
for a little sin doesn’t have to be a big sin just the type of sin that you know it keeps
you in the game in case things are getting a little heated which I definitely think we’re
starting to get there but I had that line kind of in my back pocket for the whole time so
I’m realizing as well as that you know keeping a long piece in your back pocket is not a
bad play you know just because it’s super beginner oriented you know there’s a reason
that everybody kind of defaults to that Tetris strategy especially at first you know of just
hold a long piece use it to make a Tetris it’s functional right I think that’s how it seems to
me at least but even better than that I think just send it wrong wrong time to send even
better than that is actually in my opinion at least holding a play in your back pocket so
instead I know we’re doing a little Dan ISM here but instead of being like you know I’ve
got this piece in my back pocket so that I can you know if push comes to shove I can drop
it you know that’s better than nothing what seems even better than that is you know
I’ve got like these three pieces lined up that I can do something with in case something
goes down we should get serious cuz this is starting to be a potentially a functional run
here okay don’t let it get you down what do you do in this situation possibly lose but
definitely for now just start being faster and even when that leads to some situations
that you might not be super pleased with hey we got down to the bottom picked up
a KO on the way very very lucky to have not been targeted in the interim period like
an issue with radio silence we got some real attackers long pieces coming soon enough
like I said radio silence you know radio silence just the occasional a little bit of speech
you wouldn’t understand it’s too advanced for you apparently [Music] to long till the
next good piece had to give him one of those whoo that’s a real bad one we’re finally
free took way too long we’re not free we’re free and again radio silence by the way long
piece please orange piece please send them dude [Music] huge huge what can I say I felt
the heat coming my way I feel like we were going up against a pretty good guy I saw
the lines made a couple of ah couple of sensible gambits and all of a sudden after a very
very disappointing start the first few runs of this episode we really got down to what
I would consider to be a pretty good battle there that was a good one and how many
T spins were present zero now we probably weren’t going up against any eSports level
pros and I might be one of the highest level players in the game embarrassingly enough
but simultaneously is a good win feels great that’s gonna do over this episode and click
you’ve been there before for now thanks for watching hope you guys have enjoyed it if
you did click the like button on so the great deal Cour subscribe you wanna see more in
the future finales watching and I will see you next time sooo

everybody welcome back the room Lane please Tetris 99 we got our 12th victory
in the last episode never ever thought I would see the day and yeah here we are where
we got a we got a win how did it feel it was intense in the moment it was a gunslingers
duel we came out with a dub what do I owe the dub to I hate to say it dude radio silence
being able to focus a hundred percent of my brain on actually putting the pieces where
they’re supposed to be tell you the turns out that’s helpful now why don’t I just do
radio silence every single episode because I don’t think people watch this to see me win
at Tetris I feel like they watch these to see me talk I mean if you’re watching these to
see me win at Tetris why the heck were the first episode so popular so that’s like we’re
not gonna lose automatically I really should have gone much faster I was trying to force
some lines that that didn’t want to be forced but this is a pretty aggressive start can we
can we level with one another here like this is not the kind of start you would normally
expect to see I hate it but I as long as I can live long enough to get this piece down life
goes on what have I done to deserve this level of square blockage no attackers you really
you hit me with a little drive-by and then you said that’s that’s it I don’t want any part
of it anymore well who’s to blame for that one anyway um well you old dude they came
back stream sniper even though there’s no way for him to possibly know who I am or
that I’m in the game and you know beyond that not really like that big of a personality
to begin with but there’s nothing I could do dude so we got a few attackers again one of
them is feeling the heat it’s the kind of thing that just I wouldn’t say it makes you mad
if anything is a great opportunity for us but again like the KO was automatic it’s just it’s
bad rng for that guy is I mean guess the healthiest way to look at it cuz really he’s a little
ugly but still a little ugly but still a little ugly but yeah just bill on top of the garbage
hole for no reason good call um it’s bad rng for that guy cuz you know we were one
of us was gonna die there was no reason for that we could have targeted other people
but I’m not changing my targets cuz I’m relatively confident I can come away with the
wind so I really I do lump a lot of the disaster there at his own feet this is a good game
I am actually and I don’t know why I’m acting like it’s a bad one now that I think about
it we should always be happy to have a situation in which we’re being targeted as long
as we can handle the targets which we can not which we can no we’re dead dude yeah
we got targeted for deletion we were kind of under the gun for a lot of that one and
of course you know I always want to Ryan and Ryan right next to each other I always
want to follow up the victory with another victory started badly which actually wasn’t
that much of a detriment cuz we did get back down to the but yeah I mean could have
been better just just could have played faster for sure botched e spin right off the get-go
too we still trying to increment them in you know it’s like even if you’re happy with

where you’re at you know you’re always trying to work in the next little step on the
staircase to get you up there but the next step on that one was just go faster okay let’s
not overthink this too much can always get out of a jam like that by just doing that all
right so I hate it so far all we got to do is get our I think I think like well strat has been
very good for me and I’m not talking about mouths well well well I’m talking about you
know acknowledging where you would like to place your lines and then setting it up
appropriately I’m going on attackers dude again not my preferred strategy necessarily
but if somebody comes at you like this you got a you got a send them if you don’t
send them that’s gonna send them a message and the message is gonna be hey you can
mess with this guy he’s not gonna do anything about it it’s not the message I’m trying
to put out there in the world the message I’m trying to put out there in the world is
subscribed and if you enjoyed the video click the like button it helps out a great deal
drop a comment saying how impressed you were with a win last time keep leaving me
advice on how to get T spins I’m still learning I’m a new streamer there’s a T spin a
TPS I should say coming up but it’s a ways away dude and we screwed up the T spin
location okay attackers you should have freaked off when I told it now you made me
upset one more piece please don’t yes thank you what are you doing dude oh my god
did you hear the heat limit of F F F F F F euro is up is a big ol hikes dude yeah I mean we
deserved that 100% what can you say we made a couple mistakes they’re the dominant
mistake was covering the t-spin area we would have gotten a nice little reflection back
on that turns out if you want to do a tea spin you should leave some space over top
of it that’s my bed the end of the day we’ll just you know say that this is our we got a
win hangover right now it’s a great way to describe it very frequently create a situation
exactly like this where I just like do not know how you’re actually supposed to build
that in in such a way as to not screw yourself over like that it’s like Thanos dude what
did it cost you every t-spin I make I got a I got a crunch the opportunity cost and be like
was that actually a wise idea at all or was that extremely dumb and you know the time
it does seem pretty dumb but it’s also it’s always fun to bust them out so I’m not gonna
be you know too negative about it anytime you can land it these days it’s just fun well
I don’t think it’s fun get out of here character I made up to fill four seconds of dead air
you’re not welcome here I told you that many times in the implied Lord that I’m using
for world building purposes well you guys don’t know Murgatroid he’s my cousin we
go way back you know like to the womb it’s a weird bit anyway we’re free we’re free no
chaos I’m surprised sometimes the kos sound is like white noise you know you just you
hear it but you don’t hear it it’s kind of wearing that right now but I’m very surprised
on the back end to not have been granted now it’s like it’s a it’s a question of greed right
how greedy are you willing to go and the answer was mmm about that greedy I wasn’t
willing to get any greedier than that and for good reason things could have gotten a little
dangerous there that’s fine attackers just the one but he’s got garbage so I’m actually
gonna send them I don’t know what lesson I’m trying to send him there but I guess the
lesson is don’t attack me even though I specifically built that I you know partly to be
attacked but you know maybe it’s not always about sending a lesson maybe it’s about
having fun playing a video game from time to time I don’t know sounds dumb when I
put it like that but he’s still going I he’s kind of a bad lord too like he’s got some decent
optics on this situation we would thank you that’s the last thing I was gonna say is it
would be nice to knock him I’m glad we were able to get it accomplished having done

that long piece is fine yeah we don’t have any orange pieces coming up soon I’ll tell you
though I think I’d rather use my next well we’ll see what I was thinking is I wanted to
use a long piece to fill a gap but I don’t think we need to do that any longer actually
like what we got going on two attackers two easy okay we don’t want to get too greedy
here probably this and then I think that’s good enough for a send and if we could just
build one more Tetris before we send it as to Tetris is dude I don’t know if you were
counting my math checks out but by my math that was a double Tetris situation that’s
pretty hard to recover from one of them I see was struggling for a bit there it looks like
he’s made it out I think we’re out of combo range so you just got to accept you know
we will wear him down a little bit that garbage hole is gonna it’s gonna keep him in a
dangerous position but it’s not really my intention to continue attacking I’m just trying
to also you know make sure my own nose is kept cleared here this will work a bit of a
compromise for sure I can live with it that’s not modesty I actually don’t think that was
particularly strong it just made a lot of noise and in most video games making a lot of
noise is like oh he’s good what am i doing there we go it took me a minute to figure
out where I was headed here now I’m back our weed 14 left we are closing in on radio
silence and I got to be honest I’m looking forward to it I tired of hearing the sound of
my own voice here that should help out sometimes you just you know you get lucky
weird like peak speed already - nobody’s feeling the heat I’m going back to Kos I was
a huge waste on my part again a pretty big waste but as long as we’re making lines
not too mad about it this is a big one made it made it problems exist for sure oh we
had the blue piece I had the rotation in the muscle memory it’s okay top ten finish best
performance of the video so far less hydrate return we’ve squandered two long pieces
that definitely could have liked the long piece is not just about clearing the garbage it’s
about taking the garbage you got sent using the garbage hole to send back a ton so they
don’t attack you again because they’re dead instead we use the long piece to fill a single
hole when a tea piece would have done would have done the job adequately you know
with one ko in the final ten you really gotta get a little lucky on the ko targeting to pull
out the badge is necessary to have a good chance but you know we could have done
better there let’s be honest I’m trying to defer responsibility rather just trying to explain
you know what happened pretty pretty shrewd start here right yeah this is the this is
the one I see all the other youtubers make again all I can say in my own defense you
know is that this is uh I filled my t’s pinhole what are you doing dude this was a this
is a casualty of trying to build a t-spin and obviously oh my god I’m like I’m lost what
have I done what have I done to this beautiful Tetris board okay we got a pivot in to
pretend your stupid strategy is a strategy I really respect that hinges around getting a
lot of attackers by pretending to be bad or in our case here actually being bad and then
using the lines accrued by your badness synthetic or otherwise to start sending like a
crapload of lines and I got to tell you it does work it’s not the way I intended to go on
this run it’s kind of where we’ve ended up by default just for the record I am trying to
bail us out here it’s just until you really get the line that you’re looking for it it’s two
steps forward one step back it’s not that bad you know it could be the more common
adage is one step forward two steps back no it’s not that it you know that would be
terrible we’d be we’d be working in Reverse this isn’t that bad it’s still not good but it’s
not nearly that bad okay I probably should have made that easier earlier garbage holes
starting to clear up it’s like the only time you don’t really care about a long piece holy

crap we’ve uncovered the area we covered up about I don’t know two or three minutes
ago yeah and then we’ve you know all I’m gonna say right there is we’ve been having a
lot less Mad Catz related issues we’ve replaced them somehow with haunted controllers
they say yeah just do the exact same thing over again it seems worked out last time
right I mean we picked up a KO now we’re we’re gonna rebuild and buy rebuild I mean
destroy actually quite the opposite I suppose I’m a little flustered it’s hard to break out
of that so here’s my plan inevitably because we’re amazing we’re going to get back
down to the bottom here once we get back down to the bottom we’re gonna hit the hard
reset button we’re gonna say you know what sure the run didn’t start that well but now
we’re out here we got the same we don’t the same chance as everybody else that kind
of ignores part of the knock-on effect of what we got going on right here but like you
know we got a we got a chance I think we should bail on attacking what we were trying
to attack there as well which was attackers sorry a little scrambled brain what really
please put me on randoms any I’ll do anything at this point just let me get out of this
mess long pieces incoming long pieces here oh my god kos it’s time to reap our revenge
on the people that have wronged us by doing exactly what they should have done in
this circumstance all baby you’ll I don’t know about this one what’s what’s your game
plan here great question really this is real surprising to me dude we should have been
dead about 10 different times probably still coming by the way radio silence who would
have thought [Music] that’s gonna be a big ol hikes [Music] once we deserve nothing we
deserve to die and yet what on earth happen in that game dude I don’t even know what
to say honestly it’s it’s very disrespectful to my opponents that suggests that there was
you know they did anything less than a hundred percent effort and I mean with ninety-
nine opponents I got to assume that some big dogs just knocked each other out on route
to the top here but once I started to see those chaos poppin in the top five I was like
this makes no sense I’m a line away from the top anyway win third team by the way ho
who would have thought we’d ever be here on a win layer on a run like that the pull out
of dub is hilarious I really think it’s one of those situations where you got like five pro
players in the in the top six and they all just throw grenades at each other somehow and
then you know little old me is just I’m not even in the circle yet I’m like I could leave for
the guys and then all of a sudden well you know little old me a little later the alphabet
called that W maybe you’ve heard of it maybe not okay it’s a terrible garbage hole but
it really does not matter okay I mean I don’t know if you want to attack me if you know
I won the last game that’s right look it up sweetheart I don’t think we have enough and
we’re in a very very slightly awkward position in my opinion we’re not at the level of
pretend you’re bad where we’d expect to get like a nice garbage multiplier for it we
were just kind of like we’re just a little bit put out you know a little bit inconvenienced
if you will next long piece goes here all of a sudden we got you got some heat on us
which is exactly what we want you know what okay definitely should be on Kos kind of
a botched approach there but that’s fine that’s fine dude you’re able to put out lines that
quickly you’re gonna get chaos maybe not today maybe not tomorrow but every day
for the rest of your life I just feel so much more comfortable with like building than I
used to and I know I’m probably making some just comical mistakes and I I’m realizing
that more and more as I as I placed out more and more pieces on this one specifically
but Paulo is a radio silence dude cam back embarrassed and perhaps soon to be killed
claiming soon yeah okay fair enough that was horrible what did i do there I don’t know

I try to get a little too fancy with it basically I was bad um but I’ll you know I’ll take
5 greater than 50th places if it guarantees one victory now I think we could work on
our overall level of consistency and gameplay for sure but pool this will probably be the
last one here I don’t know what do I change the title of the series to at this point baby
boomer appreciates some ascendancy in that race you know baby boomer just wants to
get all hundred wins in Tetris 99 I don’t know because I know you it’s gonna sound
maybe a little ridiculous but why stop at a hundred dude it’s not cocky you just think
you know I play enough that I could get to a hundred I think really at that point has
nothing to do with the performance just a law of large numbers sort of deal okay well
you know I don’t always like to send the t-spin this early but the only time I ever make
these spins is early when you send it early it seems like a huge waste right because
okay dude you know what they should add to this game and I’m not joking at all and
I know most of the time I say I’m not joking at all I’m actually extremely joking this is
not one of those times they shouldn’t make a piece pin targeter so that you can target
by you could target by attackers you could target by you know everything the same as
it is right now but you could also be like I just hate when they T spin and target the
people who are spinning against you I love it okay so we’ve that wasn’t even pretend
you’re dumb as far as I’m concerned we got Hannibal on the unfair is not the right
word unjust yeah great injustice was done good we got on justly targeted by a bunch
of people now they’re off actually except for the the badge Lord but you know when is
the badge Lord ever concerned me myriad occasions that’s the right answer I’m proud
of you for not just assuming that I would have meant never rarely do I mean never this
just it’s not a great structure but we’re we’re almost back ok put me on randoms I think
we got we got too much heat right now and I’m just gonna basically play fast Etra s–
so I’m gonna shut up for a second what I’m too lightly trying to insinuate very non
wise maneuvers for me I gotta edge with one well I’m embarrassed by that performance
to be honest now we did get we were hit with some stuff there for sure that was not
your average start that’s what I mean like the game we won I’m counting it as a win
because we probably lost some we didn’t deserve to lose down the line along the line
but we didn’t deserve to win that one it was a situation where like two meteors collided
in front of us and then split so that the spaceship could go through the mill you know
that old song and dance two attackers three attackers honestly I think I still prefer chaos
I think I do better when I have less to focus on she’s probably trooper you know most
people and most things in life we don’t need to get into that right now so I didn’t even
bother said another t-spin this time what I setup was the opportunity to respond and
and really without being rude I don’t think I did anything too egregious there all I did
in my opinion was respond to the garbage that was sent to me sure I’m willing to send
something like this your way yeah okay it feels good to get the chaos when you know
don’t be dumb about it and then immediately be dumb about it um it feels good to
get the chaos when you’re targeted when you target other people and you’re playing
the villain role I mean that feels good too that feels good in like in a different way you
know in the way that grabs the Marvel Cinematic Universe villain feels when you’re
unjustly targeted by the random number generator can you manage to fight back you
feel justified okay so obviously just absolutely god-awful mistakes have led us to this
point we’re now free our attacker is the badge Lord dude I think we got a stick on him
he might be better than me if he’s better than me he deserves to be me to the victor go

the frickin spoils there’s a little tactical missplay there that was I didn’t want to send him
to a he’s in trouble is a dream come true you got to send them that’s not send able you
can’t send them like that you got it you got to set up a little bit more I beg you might
gain them for a long piece my lord thank you send them said that’s enough I hope he
fought back he’s targeting me as well so I’m just saying you know if you’re in my game
right now you know in the past and you wanna you know a good strategic strategy
here you know what you should do I got him distracted I mean I can’t imagine why on
earth you would want to keep the badge lured alive and yet right now I appear to be the
only one engaging him in the art of combat you can see my my conundrum here that
appears all of my my cohorts in this particular game are invested in losing it seems like
they want to lose I refuse to let it happen I’m gonna make the badge Lord work for it
he’s dead no he stopped attacking me go bad just do it I’m not I’m not letting up on this
guy right now that’s another like quantum leap in Tetris 99 once you can get to the point
where you can actually see who you’re targeting you’re gonna be a lot better off I think
it’s probably time to send I don’t know if we’re still getting combos for that that’s the
next thing but I could actually learn a little bit about scoring who knows dude dare I say
the world might be our oyster perhaps I don’t want to be presumptuous very dangerous
move with 35 left to have the cojones to step in and be like you know what we’re gonna
use our long piece for something other than sending very dangerous send them oh the
Badger Lord no give me the other badge Lord duty was about to be KO it as well that’s
why you probably would I mean I don’t even the really really good players is he playing
Tetris do not commonly use manual targeting so I’m not gonna suggest that that’s the
next step up the ladder for us because I think quite frankly that’s a little ridiculous you
know what [Music] I feel fine about that oh I do not feel fine about that what were you
thinking no no no that’s a that’s one of those situations they I think everybody’s got it
where you you know in Tetris you have shapes that you like the look of it’s one where I
like the look of but should tell it to back off every time it shows up that was another one
to be honest with you and I know we’re covering the garbage hole there’s actually I don’t
want to say a tactical reason for it put me on random so we got a little heat little eats
nothing to worry about a lot of heat that’s where the danger comes in we were targeting
the same dude on randoms that’s hilarious okay put me on Kos one ko final you know
location here it’s not really where you want to be but two Kos a little bit more where I
want to be we’re not in the final ten yet by the way let’s not get too ahead of ourselves do
this side there’s some seed competition in this one I know you were like what’s he doing
what’s he doing that’s what I’m doing is son of a gun okay now we go the popping has
begun got to cover the garbage hole sometimes that was the many mistakes multiplied
by one another long pieces incoming in time you got to give them one of these holy
crap we’re out oh oh we’re not out radio silence to annex absurd degree dude why am
I not being attacked I’m so scared it’s good but like frightened good what are you what
are you doing though what are you doing here joints no let me place one oh I think
we could have gotten him so many bad plays in the top ten by the way I got a I got a
a G with one more just because I’m warmed up we did that was a loss we could have
won no doubt a lot a lot of botched plays I don’t feel good leaving on one like that even
though it’s a second place you know some seconds are undeserved and you when you
get there you say thank you for the opportunity some seconds you’re like oh dude that
was mine I had that one I wouldn’t say in the bag but I had a really good opportunity

and you know the only way you get practice in those situations is by getting to those
situations you got a you say thank you for the second place you move on I tell you it’s
a lot easier to tank the negative feeling of a loss after you get that first win that was not
my attitude prior to this prior to being slightly better at the game how are we gonna
set up a t-spin here and I’ll what do you thinking dude you can’t set up a tea spinner
an opportunity like that you know it’s not called an opportunity either it’s called an
opportunity you know number is the adrenaline coursing through the veins right now
you wouldn’t think it you know it’s all it’s just Tetris what are you talking about it’s not
just Tetris it’s like I’m not saying Tetris is life I’m saying Tetris is alive relatively minor
in the whole scheme of things then you send them you get you know you can as soon
as you send them you start to get hit with a little bit of the detritus in return I wouldn’t
have it any other way not a teaspoon a teaspoon okay good stuff are we gonna be able
to dump this piece anywhere you know what that’s my new strat and if you criticize
me you are definitely right because this was not a smart move on my part we’re gonna
have some work to do to bail ourselves out Hey kind of like tripling down by making
bad mistakes but I know you might be like is he pretending no this isn’t like this is an
experiment and on that I’m being sincere about it so it’s no less diluted but I’m like you
know if I place the pieces the same way I always place them how am I supposed to get
different results I guess we could bury the speed in the interest of scientific authenticity
sure we can vary the speed I thought you know maybe we’ll discover a tech that I’m
not familiar with a new tech either way you know when you pretend that you’re bad
the chaos start flowing it makes you feel like a bad person but then again I guess you
got to remember all the people that are there we go all the people that are attacking
you when you pretend to be bad our people that we’re trying to be opportunists there’s
nothing wrong with that but it you know takes away a certain level of the sympathy no
no thank you thank you they let me live they didn’t let me live again alright well is he
you know one win per episode is the ratio I can live with for now thanks for watching
because I’ve enjoyed the episodes if you did click the like button I was at a great deal
course subscribe you wanna see more in the future for now thanks for watching and I’ll
see you next time thanks for all the support Co

well well well it’s the most wonderful time of the day and your stack in the garbage
and clear and the lines and the Wyeth say hey did I love Tetris 99 who would it all
even show you my playtime is an embarrassing level I got like 52 hours in this game
it’s comical if you had told me then this is a new session by the way in case you’re
wondering but if you had told me then I would put 50 hours into a Tetris game in the
year 2019 I would have told you tell me something I don’t know cuz I’m doing it right
now and you’re like that’s not the spirit of the bid and I’m like that’s not just be another
bin okay whatever mom um hold on here’s the deal you know how it is always gonna
be a little bit of a I don’t want to call it a hangover period because it’s not really what’s
going on here there’s always gonna be a little bit of a getting up to speed period you
know what I’m trying to get it’s been a couple of days as I played well no that’s not
true it’s been a couple of days since I recorded Tetris 99 you’ll understand once you
reach a high level of Tetris 99 play the only thing that’ll keep the masses at bay is wins
you know you you’ll win today you’ll win tomorrow you don’t win the day after that
people go he fell off I’m being facetious I’m you know if anything I’m finally at a level
of Tetris 99 where I can at least be like a little bit pleased with my performance but I
don’t have a big head about it believe it or not it’s a character I’m playing it’s called
fiction sweetheart look it up so went on random is there temporarily it was just a little
frightened about the amount of detritus being sent to me and now we’re free we even
picked up a KO out of the old deal alrighty then Jim Carrey voice and that is not where
I wanted to drop that piece but it’s too late it’s can and now much like they screwed up
the end of Dexter but they can’t go back now where we had 67 1 K ok put me on chaos
which I was already on all I’m saying is the first run of the day you never expected of
ever but if you if you ever expect a dub on the first run of the day you’re barking up the
wrong tree my dude I’m willing I’m willing to let it ride put me on attackers send them
to oblivion and remember the name James West Peyman the West yo ok is getting a little
dangerous put me on randoms I didn’t know it was gonna be so hot stack them up to
stack them up we’re free hate that after two seconds I’m thinking about it definitely do
not like that oh that’s even worse brother yeah okay I deserve to lose that’s fine it’s a
little warm up focusing a little too much on the on the talking not enough on the killing
I will say I thought that the level of tetris play would come down I thought it would
lower after the Wyatt Cup was over after the sharper image $10 gift certificates came
out people got them in the mail and went I could buy one sixth uh let’s go Pikachu
with this meanwhile Epic Games is like hey you got six kills in fortnight here’s mm
dollars but the level of play keeps rising you know I think I think it’s the the dregs
are being removed the winless tetran tetris well I was trying to think of the word the

demonym for a Tetris player I don’t know what it is even still in the midst of the bit
terrible structure by the way but okay we’re back now and we’re really back for real
this time no foolin there we go store that and we’re good to go um I think that the bad
players have left is what I’m trying to say he bailed on me at the last second to avoid
derision what a coward or our leaving is probably a better way to describe it now of
course people are always gonna be rejoining the game is the siren song of tetris who
says no nobody however I do think what have I done dude I do think that good players
are sticking around players who maybe we’re a little bit less experienced maybe they’ve
gotten frustrated I don’t want calm bad players it’s a little bit of bad manners I might
still be a bad player but definitely was for a long period of time maybe the level of play
has gone up because Dan got his first victory oh I don’t actually know if he did I’m just
saying I’m prognosticating that could be one reason mostly I just wanted the cheap joke
okay I didn’t think that it would be subject to the level of scrutiny that it appears to be
subjected to so this is a new strat occult it you keep the well open much like Arcade
Fire wanted you to keep the car running what we do in this strategy is we got a well we
keep the well open and then yeah it’s ended and you get a good senda bôla’ portunity
you take it back down well you just leave the well oh but I prefer a one tile wide well
and on either side really is fine by me and it looks like it’s gonna be on the left side
here and that’s a okay you know I’m not out here to end anybody’s life right off the
bat I’m just out here trying to keep myself alive sometimes you know unfortunately for
the tetris populace they’re one in the same they are one in the same like you just you
get a little mad right like when you see somebody sending a single line of garbage or
like three lines of garbage you just like come on dude you’re just making somebody
else’s life harder you don’t realize it well content controller do not cover the garbage
hole brother I’ve warned you this controller is so haunted right now oh I’m being the
bigger man I’m not saying that’s exclusively a haunted controller related situation I’m
so bad but that was a problem you know I’m gonna do I’m gonna take a look I’m gonna
go under the joystick here I’m gonna go I don’t know does that work I’ve worked on
the cartridges back in the day I see a little dust in there large man babies have ruined
the my controllers broke an excuse for everybody the number of people out there who
have falsely claimed that their controller has cost them the win means that anytime you
go my controller to the position of the piece and then you know people to own my
controller is broken I get it you’re a 30 year old child but do this controller it gets is
haunted is the ghost of Wyatt it’s a proton pack all the Wyatts I’ve Kayode before that
original Netflix series they’ve become trapped inside of the inside of the game this is
extremely what have I done moment you know what dude cut your losses sometimes
you go for the T spin and then you you know three seconds later you realize I shouldn’t
have done that you got a well it’s not you always want the well to be on the side we’ve
done a very bad job of that right now we got a middle well I would not recommend it
but you know what we’re all so I’ll say it I’m not afraid we’re playing too slow we’re
still playing too slow we’re still playing too slow that’s that they go now we’re going
now we’re getting somewhere why do that one head and thought about it okay all right
hey get off my back and all dad other such things they say in movies with mafiosos
they forget about it okay so I’ve learned as bad forget about what I learned it doesn’t
matter ah you probably shouldn’t pop that piece down there that’s another thing I’ve
learned a lot of years in the business something like this and then we might need to

engage in operation witness protection that’s where you you run away I was gonna say
run away from a fight makes it sound like you know the witness protection program is
something bad or cowardly it wasn’t my intention which is why I’ve bailed out of the
bit but then told you about it afterwards in order to hold myself accountable okay yeah
I like that well that Wells fine I’ll even hit you with a little Lynyrd Skynyrd it would be
something like a do that well can’t you well the head you know starting to think your
boys got a little arrest send them one of those we really got a deconstruct what we got
going on here I know that you’re watching this and you’re going what the heck are you
doing I have one piece of advice when you get into a screwed situation like this and
the piece of advice is probably markedly unhelpful as we go to witness protection real
quick the piece of advice is just play fast like as needlessly reductive as that obviously
is it’s also very very helpful this is a big one all the attackers who thought I was dead
congratulations you just made my list of things to do today wrong but alive still wrong
heavyweight but still alive by the way temporarily at least yeah but like maybe we’ll get
it I don’t know look at this garbage multiplication we got going on here finally we’ve
cleared the garbage hole and we’re sending it follow in the send you get the kills and
then you get the sin and then all here’s what you do you break them and you send them
and you send them okay now let’s not get cocky at all despite the clear admission that
we’re you know what our other attacker is pretty close to death - I’m gonna ruin his life
despite the the recent development that we’re the veterus the bet hrus which is what
we call it in the business when you’re the best the bet rest’s Tetris player despite that
recent revelation we got to stay humble except when you make an amazing play like
that that’s that’s the only time I’ll let you brag a little and then you send them okay you
know what we don’t have attackers anymore well you don’t have attackers there’s no
reason to ruin everybody’s life so slow like my reaction time is for whatever reason is
still a little jacked up sometimes it takes at you we all have days like this right it takes
me a little bit longer to get the the gears in motion right now compared to where I’d
like to be but once we get them going dude okay you did this you did this two attackers
really make my day make Matt make Matt make Matt make Matt date you know that
one three attackers we’re very close to radio silence I’ve come to love the radio silence
but we’re not there yet [Music] 8k o–’s dude a bit surprising dude I’m first off radio
sound secondly the badge Lord does not concern me end him and then I’ll see you on
the other side brother cael’s are coming I can feel it told you almost haunted controller
doesn’t get sir me rom send them wrong again literally the exact same wrong move
dude send them and then shot it [Music] this one’s gonna be tough this guy I’m looking
at him he’s good [Music] this is the big one [Music] [Music] hate it send them all right
dude the good probably the longest 1v1 I’ve had that guy’s a good player Jaden more
power to you that was a great game my heart’s pumping that was I I got I played better
on that run until things got super hot then I did on many of my victories there’s no
okay there’s no doubt about that okay all respect to Jaden that was a beautiful match
shaken Alou I’m shaking like I shake after I get a win there was some I mean that was
probably like four or five minutes of radio silence that’s what it felt like at least maybe
it was ten seconds he was a good player could I have beaten them maybe maybe that’s
what makes it so exciting you take a big drink out of the bpa-free Nalgene and you go
back to the well for more if anything I’ll tell you I’m warmed up oh that’s the good stuff
that’s what keeps you coming back to what’s the takeaway message from that here’s the

takeaway message how about this one tell this one of your buddies in the press Tetris
is a fun game that’s the takeaway it’s not always about the eSports okay sometimes it’s
about the you know did I have a fun time the answer to the question that time did I ever
do now I don’t want to get your hopes up too high my wife is playing Tetris 99 right
now there is the chance we’ll find ourselves in the same game you never know who
would win I gotta tell you it’d be a close one my wife more experienced Tetris player
taught me everything I know however I invest a little bit more time in detention 99 than
she has I’m on for what is by my standards a little bit of a hot streak lately could be a
good match I’ll tell you probably the best match of all time I want my well to be there
I don’t know if it matters much I I do not like this structure so let’s actually be smart
and break it down early it might not have been a smart placement right after I said let’s
be smart but it’s really just that you know we’re doing this in the service of taking the
whole thing down like so and all of a sudden we got a slightly better well we’ll just
sneak it over one and now we have a well exactly where we want it you know what I’d
call that well a well well orange is coming up soon and we’re free got to keep building
like that though I don’t know about this one little greedy can I be honest with you until
that moment I didn’t realize we had two open spots in the web I I was just like man this
is why am i nervous this doesn’t feel right why should I be nervous things are going
really well on this run this is where you made some serious mistakes on that one see
the thing is Casey didn’t see it we had accidentally created a double-wide well I there’s
been times in my limited tetris ninety nine experience I’ve considered a double-wide
well to be a positive thing I’m definitely out of that mindset now I’ve become attached
to the one tile lights and I think it’s served me very well well well let me just say if I
die here there has rarely been a more deserved death in this entire series that being said
the poem is not called alright go gently into that good night although that would be
maybe an interesting one to read for other reasons you know by the acceptance to be
inevitable and whatnot but not really that’s the fetus literature I’m not that interested
in exploring right now cuz I’m in the middle of trying to save my freakin life that’s a
real problem we’re dead I think yeah and again can I just said so deserves terrible play
I’m still shaking from the the 1v1 battle with Jaden Jaden the Magnificent Jaden is not a
Wyatt Wyatt pulls both guns out of the holsters he’s trying to take you out Jaden he will
he gave you a sporting chance he wants you to learn Tetris he wants you to get down
to the T spins at a at a production level instead of takin 25 years to set him up Jaden is
he’s your boy he’s your buddy he’s your friend [Music] okay little contra spread gun at
the start fine by me why start like this that wasn’t a question that I thought you might
have been asking it was a question I was asking myself like brain what do you what do
you think in here this seems unnecessary okay this is what I like you know if we can get
a teaspoon yeah I would I would love to of course we’re going back on attackers who
people are ruthless right now okay not quite the double Tetris but maybe made up for
it a little bit with the combo meta good I don’t know why everything I say in Tetris 99
ends up sounding like it’s from a Jim Carrey sound board oh that’s gonna leave a mark
alright it’s just one of those kind of fast clearing situations here things a little a little
sketchy we’ve really screwed ourselves notice the verbiage yeah I’m gonna do it we’ve
screwed ourselves not been screwed screwed ourselves on the on the square pieces thus
far and why my PC sounds like it’s friggin taken off right now dude oh you know why
cuz the twitch launcher the standalone desktop version of the application we all know

and love as just opened up on its own in the background that’s cool I’m happy to see
that the NBA G Lea G League is on right now not Gigli it’s a different film yo okay well
alright coast to coast L late to Chicago baby western male oh you have made an enemy
for life sirs oh no I actually feel bad we got such a perfect array of pieces you know can
at least do that then next long piece we got it out huge okay get me off attackers we
killed three of them which is hilarious cuz you know without being immodest I think
we can all admit there was some problems with my play there like mostly the fact that
instead of being good I sucked yeah what’s the difference you know what brother I
hope you find what you’re looking for in life I hope you figure out what’s causing that
negativity and you get out ahead of it before it consumes us both you know what send
them trying to think of a song parody the moments I’m like I want something else to
give me through this way okay why I bury the lede way too much it’d be like I sent me
charmed kinda live baby square piece square piece I want something else then listening
when you t-spin me gates like really bad I get it mmm I’m gonna take it down we do
have seven kills we could go for the edges but is an unnecessary option right now now
it’s getting hot this is where I go on attackers this is a liver dye moment oh my god cake
yeah you spooked me I’m aware yeah I mentioned it she left probably scared I would be
too I’m pretty on right now 24th still going way too slow let’s be real faster we can go
faster without even starting to overclock the cerebral cortex send them send them oh he
already had some badges too it’s a bad day to be you friend as a compromise I’m willing
to make okay we’re still doing this huh I all applaud necessary is that an expression all
applaud necessary you’ve done it you’re done go to work sticking in the game when
nobody thought you could do it least of all me and yet here you are still making my life
miserable please I didn’t know long piece no long piece comes for me I will be killed
and deserve to die let’s try this again it was I am not pleased okay it’s not about going
into a video without getting a dub it’s about bad plays bad targeting there you go back
to the analogy who’s got less than 100 milliliters of water left that was a very strange cue
normally pretty much all the players pop in instantaneously not this time I’ll tell ya I’m
at a point where I expect to get about one win per hour of tetris 99 so for me that’s once
every two episodes if I can relatively keep that up or you know if I can get two wins in
five or six episodes that’s that’s a big deal for me still to this day so not concerned too
much so far with our performance what I will say is I would really like to improve my
t-spin abilities yeah okay that’s not when they transition to the part of the song I thought
it would be that’s okay when you start to sing when you play Tetris you’re out of things
to say just a nice casual there I say borderline friendly games so far in Tetris is a friendly
game of the best attire at the worst of times right and sometimes we all say things we
regret the Wyatts or otherwise and the heat of the moment but that doesn’t mean we
don’t have respect for the Wyatts that doesn’t mean you know we don’t appreciate the
fact that we’re all fighting on the same battleground here yo I’m real sorry I don’t know
if I’m gonna kill that dude but that dude is gonna die and I do feel you know I don’t
feel remorse really but I it’s a tough day to be him I saw you know all you can really
say is s rolls downhill I’m surprised it’s not the do to be targeted earlier that’s just that
kind of a random set up there two lines of garbage cool lines of garbage as in who cares
about those dumb lines of garbage that could be ko worthy that’s a surprisingly good
response you know one of the attackers he got himself out of the jam I respect that and
now what are you doing what are you pen hell you’re gonna get in trouble okay we

made it out I was kind of I wouldn’t say toying with them that’s a little ridiculous but
I was taking my sweet time before I got myself down to brass tacks you ever just make
a move and then you look at it and go what were you thinking it’s about 70% of my
Tetris 99 moves right after I do it I go what even now unlike I’m I’m none too pleased
47 was 1k out too slow dude still is still just a little bit too slow also like I appreciate
your endless willingness to just constantly build on top of the garbage hole did you see
something happened I became I’m certainly not badge leader so I’m pretty sure I just
became the closest to kayo on the board and let’s just say people noticed all of a sudden
I got five Kos 6 7 KO is what happened dude now I only have one attacker now I have
two attackers okay that might be a KO on that dude - for all I know I think he’s he’s
about to be sent maybe even loaded now he’s dead dude I don’t care about this attacker
like you’re you’re like a little ants right now put me on kos you just just bothersome I
was rude you know I didn’t mean to say you were like an aunt it was it was the heat
of the moment like I said you know when you get into the the whole swing of things
with the Wyatts and the in the you know you just end up maybe you could say some
things you were great you don’t feel great about it later I’m sorry you’re not like an and
you’re like it may be like a like a cool insect like a ladybug or an aphid certainly not I
mean that’s I mean even insulting the ants a little bit I don’t mean to suggest that the
ant itself is not you know dare I say a cool insect it’s also a little bit presumptuous on
my own behalf I like this well start here slowly inch your way over all of a sudden we
got what I would consider to be a good well yet again an old boy starting to move a
little faster starting to feel a little bit better and we’re almost on radio silence with 13
kilts you know oh that’s none of this was basically what I meant to do it all play fast you
know it’s a real bummer don’t leave me dude no I’m gonna pay for that mistake for the
rest of my frickin life maybe not maybe I’ll pay for it for like two seconds so much better
very good you know he got me I can’t complain about that we had to wait a second and
a third we definitely could have done better on that run but it is what it is dude I got a
lot of chaos feeling pretty solid about the way that this video went down one way or the
other we beat the other Ryan which is always my primary goal hey thanks for watching
oh you guys have enjoyed the episode we’ll be back warmed up and ready to go now
thanks for all the support on Tetris has been an unbelievable success and a blast to play
I’ll keep playing it you keep watching it for now thanks for watching thanks for your
subscriptions likes comments etc etc and I’ll see you next time see ya

hey everybody welcome back it’s me I’m northernlion I’m playing a Tetris 99
second and a third in the last episode I got to tell you the second-place finish in the last
episode was maybe my favorite game of Tetris I’ve recorded there’s been a couple of
really fun ones like the one where I was at the top and somehow won despite I mean
truly being in just an awful awful perspective multiple times that was I don’t know four
or five episodes ago that was great but that battle anytime you got an extended battle
between two people for the for the final one you know you’ve earned it if you want and
we did that’s life dude you know they say about life it goes on and all that alright so
there’s your there’s your early t-spin candidate slash guarantee and then you know the
deal dude now it becomes like hey idiot why are you building your tower so badly and
I go I don’t know how to play and then people go how why don’t you learn how to play
and I go why don’t you learn to be nice and then it’s just the whole thing dude anyway
so right off the bat sweep probably should have gone to attackers real quick will we get
chaos look I was gonna say no turns out I’m a fool doesn’t know the power the t-spin
yields or wheels either word I guess would work in this situation you always want to
swap out the same piece whenever given the opportunity because one of them has been
in your back pocket for too long you know is your burning a hole back there all right
well this is attackers and then you send them I I don’t love that placement up there either
send Lord all right I didn’t expect neither of them to be lines I did assume one of them
wouldn’t be you got to love it when you start to see this level of garbage getting thrown
around you know you’re in good hands right is such a terrible way to start followed
by a pretty strong finish we still get a lot of attackers but I’m content right now with
the knowledge that they’re back there even the fumes of my earlier situation presented
to them I hope only he didn’t say fumes what long piece do it or it is a square piece
oh that’s an issue um yo yo this is not fair dude something-something there’s nothing
I could do and all that all that hold on brother it’s gonna be a bumpy ride [Music] oh
my god the chaos I swear to you I’m not trying to co-op that like pretend your bad
strategy sometimes I’m just bad how it’s okay don’t build I like garbage all I don’t like
to shout okay but that was a situation where I mean even now I would say it was just
called for I just love hoo-hoo that’s gonna be a problem I love I love the heat I guess
not the heat of Tetris that’s slowly killing me from the inside out what I loved is the
film the heat Melissa McCarthy Sandra Bullock star-making turn for both Hollywood’s
leading ladies what are you talking about I’m trying to live okay and it’s working it’s
it’s working oh no it stopped working you know why it stopped cuz now it’s worked
get maybe a little greenie but you get the general gist of it it was a it was a moment that
we’ve been waiting for for years we got back down to the bottom 13:9 kos radio silence

that came out of frickin nowhere dude yep right on top of the garbage hole that’s that’s
where that belongs what put me on randoms get me out that’s a I mean what there was
a terrible play there don’t get me wrong simultaneously what on earth we got hit with
some dude have been prepping a probably a non topple Tetris as my guest a couple of
t-spin triples thrown in for good measure that’s okay after all the terrible plays we made
over the course of that video to come away with that one with the an okay finish feels
alright stretch it out don’t let one bad Tetris performance get you down anytime you can
land in the top 10 of a video game top 10% and be mad about it as a probably call that a
sign that things are moving in the right direction so we had a couple of different things
going on here it’s not my intention to go for pool Metta no offense Daniel however we
got a piece bin opportunity yep we’re gonna squander we’ll get another one if we can
find a place to put this and then find it okay oh geez is it getting hot in here is it just
okay send them I never had a choice okay some people the piece is not high enough
oh my god you didn’t say hahaha you know what until further notice you know is it
first is the second video I should say in a long recording session laugh it off for one
try to force the tea spin into the middle and then not doing it when you get a chance
and it’s so whole it’s a bad idea we’re gonna play fast if the tea spins come good if
they don’t come you can’t force them if you love something let it go we’re gonna let the
tea spins go temporarily if they come back it’s mine Jablonski games 2019 that’s right
I’ve become a thirty year old who watches YouTube videos but only when they’re good
okay again brain got greedy brain said hey dude you got a c-span opportunity there you
know what my body said uh-uh my body said Vale dude and I’m super glad my body
won otherwise we would be in can I save that words on this channel you’d be a neck
right now and I don’t want to be in heck for a number of reasons one being like this is
actually an awesome start now if I could play a little bit fast get the brain overclocked
would be in a much better spot but this is a beautiful setup so far so far what do I mean
by that ridiculous statement was very simple even a child could understand it all I mean
by it is the start that we have is beautiful sorry I know I haven’t said anything of worth
for quite some time we’re gonna get to that long piece we’re gonna send a Tetris down
we’re gonna send another Tetris down I know that one’s not really a Tetris but you know
I won’t tell if you want daddy why does the bald man suck it Tetris now cuz he’s dumb
sweetheart he’s a big dummy he learns things and then unlearn them at an alarming
pace but he’s trying baby he’s trying and he serves as a shining example if this man
with all the factors working against him can come away with a victory in Tetris 99 then
what’s your Excuse sweetheart pick up the controller show me what you got look at that
we’re back definitely any time you spin that more than once you’re just playing with it
okay you know I’d rather just get this done now put me back okay we got 1k oh that’s
nothing to get cocky about it’s embarrassing 1k oh they say I don’t think so now we’re
cooking okay took me a bit to get my groove back took Stella two hours should see now
on coming still acceptable just waiting on a long piece we gotta send it as bad as that
one was I mean there’s teachable moments there’d be less bad play faster is a big one
how about I got screwed by the twenty one shuffle MIT students came to casinos stole
all the long pieces you know the movie with Jim Sturgess who else’s in twenty one think
Kevin Spacey whose name shall not be uttered twenty one movie is it Jim Sturgess see
the lead actor in that movie yes Jim Sturgess toldja Kate Bosworth Laurence Fishburne
I always forget when Laurence Fishburne Newsies he’s a bit player in so many movies

anyway where we going here slow down and by slow down I mean the exact opposite
they immediately speed up you’re playing like a coward you can’t be a coward any
Tetris you can be a coward in pub G that’s your prerogative go back to Sam hock you
can be a coward in fortnight I don’t wanna land dusty guys is too dangerous go back to
anarchy acres in Tetris you live and die on your own merits I can wait for the long piece
I know we’re covering the garbage hole okay I know I did it again okay it’s sometimes
the old brain hole doesn’t do what I tell it to do like that case for example that was
not what I was interested in putting out there and then peace didn’t belong there right
there but look at that sometimes I do things I think are bad and then mere seconds later
they’re revealed as actual literal in the flesh genius you know what I could really do
with is ceasing the terrible habit of doing that but also trying to build flat you don’t
want to build flat Tetris is a rocky game if you can’t handle it go back to wherever I’ve
been telling people to go back to so far I’ve forgotten the name of these locations also I
have the itch iasts nose in human history it’s the cat purred I know that sounds like a
like a coy Lincoln and nods sort of thing I promise you it is not we had our cats shaved
recently they’re still shedding like crazy yo you gotta send it sometimes you don’t want
to send it too bad okay I’m gonna play fast and I also might hit you with a little radio
silence because I’m embarrassed with my recent performance and I’m embarrassed of
that one too and we’re getting we’re getting sent to a large degree so one time I don’t
have Kleenex in my room here’s what you do you go you do a little not picking of the
nose but just kind of hitting it with your fingers you know like giving it a little drum
get the cat fur out now plug your ears got the camper out of my brain all right here’s
what we do 3 2 1 we’re overclocked northernlion is no longer here who’s here it’s Ned el
bloque Ned el bloque has been playing Tetris since 1986 used to go to the local pizzeria
because they had the tetris cabinets he didn’t have to learn how to t spin you know
why he didn’t have to learn how to teach because he invented it wouldn’t expect you
to understand such complex character building moments that’s alright there’s gonna be
plenty of time for us to get there okay ned’s oh no that sucks too I was so close to having
such a terrible line that would have been funny though Ned says it’s time for you to be
deleted yo dudes can’t help but notice Tetris has become a slightly more inhospitable
environment what happened well I screwed up a t-spin sure that’s true is that that that’s
all the impetus I need to be heated seems a little much you know this is one situation
I think we’re unfortunately playing a little bit more slowly could pay dividends and
immediately that logic has been revealed as as just truly horrific get out are we I mean
don’t get cocky kid oh my god okay see nobody gets the profit off my mistakes 15 times
a game 10 sure 15 never gonna happen they don’t have any more gas I promise you they
are out of fuel what does this mean never mind they’re still sending a little bit of heat
live thank you [Music] let me live let me live then give me along or we’re super done
dude an attempt was made dude this is a terrible video what’s happening and yet I’m
kind of losing my mind cuz I don’t think I’ve ever been sent such a concentrated dose of
garbage in a single you know hit previously they hit you with a little garbage hey yeah
now come the age you with the soda can a little bit of balled up egg mcmuffin wrapper
Starbucks cup this time they’re literally pulling the garbage truck up to my house and
then going don’t lose confidence okay for one thing should point out you’d like to myself
that been doing a pretty god-awful job of dropping pieces I know that sounds ridiculous
like it sounds like what do you mean how can you be bad at doing the one thing you

can do in Tetris no comment or rather nothing to offer in my own defense there we go
get yourself out of a jam so don’t get like I guess all I’m saying to myself here is like
don’t get too perturbed about your overall tetris performance this doesn’t mean you’ve
gotten worse at tetris or the community’s gotten so much better than you in such a short
time span what this means is like you know you’ve been playing like garbage but you
can always work yourself out of it I mean this is another pretty awful start as long as
you’re making lines quickly I mean we’ve had some bad performances that have ended
up being wins and the recurring element there is make lines as long as you’re making
lines you got a chance to get yourself a dad and anything that the world throws now I
like this I like this shouldn’t have done that not seeing the board too well right now get
the garbage hold clear you know is far from a total disaster every time I say it I’m like
immediately met with no actually is a total disaster it’s remarkable the consistency with
which it occurs okay is so much better now for one ko up to chaos up and that ko was on
a badge leader I know it’s pieces there dude thank you it’ll work it’ll work finally we’ve
cleared the line under it we’ve cleared the line over it that was such a terrible move
honestly put it rape there as a bold decision but we’re in the business of bold decisions
right now raid on top of the garbage hole I laugh but inside I cry and then I send that’s
the cycle laugh cry send okay I do like games where I get so distracted by my own
ineptitude that I actually just don’t even realize that the games you know getting pretty
close to being over still like it a lot of game left to play from the perspective of like you
know winning for sure but we’re on the way out from the perspective of I mean a raw
numbers perspective and you can run the numbers for yourself you don’t need me to
tell you the odds I’m sure okay going to randoms I’m gonna build on top of the garbage
hole you don’t mind and then I’ll probably just go ahead and do that again we’re very
slightly free what are you doing well now the cream you’re in a rough spot in Tetris
what are you doing very quickly becomes what have you done just a big ol piece right
on top of the garbage hole no I thought I thought I had more time we were so close to
our freedom I think we’re free no we’re free okay I can’t believe we’re not in the top
ten yet this has been merciful long piece on piece I’m gonna find a smooth phone thank
you radio silence please God spare me from this terrible performance that it’s stopped
spinning stay cool boys were in this remember doesn’t matter how things went for the
first half of this run or that terrible piece you just placed right there so much as sending
them that’s a big part of it uh that’s the piece placement game has been just horrendous
for me lately for me Tetris ninety nine you’re fine if you’re watching this video don’t
tweak the algorithms you got it in a sweet spot it’s your boys bad I’ve just like to say a
quick thank you to every daddy in existence for having not been sent on this run if we
had been targeted essentially at all we would be destroyed we’re still looking bad and
I’ll tell you why seems pessimistic but I’m looking at the badge Lord over here a little
and his attention has been divided one of those badge Lords will win their petty fight
their squabble good one really probably probably the strongest move I could imagine in
that situation yeah and then it’s just all right if you just want to send me to the Shadow
Realm right now that would be here’s the thing what do you do in dude yes and me
I don’t want to be ended make no mistake there’s a difference I deserve to be ended
okay this is our game but one of the best players at the top of the board in the league
right now don’t send me ascending by the way has never been more deserved that was
a win that was a win in the bag and it got thrown the fact that we came in second in

that game is comical but I didn’t think about it until we got there we could have won we
definitely could have won but look Duffy it all it all went right I was just a terrible game
and a terrible game puts you in second you got to say thank you I’m gonna take a I’m
gonna talk to my sports psychologist figure out what’s going in the on the old noggin is
a little screwed up apparently gonna do some wrist stretches I’ll be back for now thanks
for your support as we enter the day new manav are successful arc but then hopefully
a rocky force or the moment will come at the end for now thanks for watching hope
you enjoy any particular like but I was Radio course describe your husband the beaver
Daly’s right I’ll see you next time sue you

everybody welcome back the northern lion please tetris 99 lots of seconds no wings
for a couple of like a few videos now but you know it’s like cairo sedro brother I got
the Mad Catz controller because quite honestly I’ve become more dangerous without it
than with it I’ve talked to the sports psychologist dr. football PhD MSBs SC etc etc PhD
JD LFO lmao anyway he talking about I got I got my head screwed on straight for this
one now that does not guarantee a victory no nothing is guaranteed in tech didn’t yet
Tetris yeah I’m not even see nothing’s guaranteed I mean I can’t even guarantee you to
be honest I’m gonna say the name right might just keep you guessing might call it tech
trous just for fun not because I can’t speak who suggested that nobody hopefully for
their sake um it’s not super great right now thanks for asking I’ve thrown my whole
world into a tizzy are we ready I think it’s not about being ready at this point I think it’s
about the necessity of starting to rebuild and if you get some chaos good but if there’s
one thing I’ve been extremely guilty of in these recent episodes it’s is being way too
greedy the greed is just off the charts embarrassing levels desperate levels of greed you
don’t have to swing for the fences on every single play you know you could just uh
sometimes it’s okay to not build a quintuple Tetris before you start to tear the whole
thing down again sometimes is okay you know if you can only get a you know one
Tetris less than a Tetris it’s a delicate ballet this game a little bit surviving a little bit
taking down your enemies it’s so unique dance not not like a spider dance you know
that’s megalovania I know it’s Megillah ah dr. Freud you said it couldn’t happen again
no I mean so deserved it’s a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll you know
when it’s not a long way to the top is when you’re playing Tetris 99 seems like you
know 20 blocks could take you the whole game they even scratch the ceiling sometimes
it only takes 15 seconds and you go from then Dan an ant to we will most important
thing confidence Stuart Smalley because I’m good enough I’m smart enough and gosh
darn it people like me that little burst of confidence they’re everything the body needs
I don’t know if I’d recommend this start I know I wouldn’t recommend this start so
here’s we’re gonna do it you don’t like the start you bail no no no like that like that okay
all of a sudden we got a well well well that’s the first stage of any good 10-point plan
for building a good Tetris 99 structure you need a well well well it’s a good suit any
time you got to think about it is my new strategy if you got to think about it it’s time to
send it if you have the descend the bull materials which we just did get right there you
don’t ascend double materials will and why are you asking you know obviously you
got away okay we’re free that was like 50% by design 50% accidental decency favorite
Jamiroquai’s song no no no you do it like this we got to start working that into the

rotation no no no no no hate that today no no no no no hate that today do nineties
music I’m telling you get ready it’s coming back this is your night dancing free until
the morning I shouldn’t even sing it you ever know what’s gonna be Content ID match
these Wild West days are YouTube okay we’re having fun with it again that’s a big
part of it too you know anytime you hear you know you know I’m about to tell you
something real frickin stupid there we go freed ourselves and temporarily I didn’t like it
what do you do when you don’t like it you take yourself back down to brass tacks that’s
a super waste but what do we care you know we’re still hanging tough stayin hungry
here oh no we got a couple of lines of garbage thrown at us let me just go cry in a corner
okay somebody’s decided they want to die today tried to warn you not a good idea not
speaking of bad ice yes Oh still alive somehow alrighty partner keep on rolling buddy
you know what time it is they have never in the history of Tetris had opportunists like
that the only goodness I can say about that first other some bad plays in there obviously
but you know you got opportunists on your tail when you get a KO on them after you’re
dead that’s some dude who’s like I gotta get the KO oh no I accidentally picked up a
nuclear fuel rod while it was in the middle of melting down I’m not concerned those
were warm-up games cuz we do you stretch you do the little arm circles you go a 3 2
& 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 you envision yourself playing Tetris at 99 miles an hour craft you’re
not playing Tetris right if you can still see the outline of the up arrow on your Nintendo
switch joy Kahn’s if you’re still using the pro controllers just why do you wanna lose
so I wouldn’t recommend it that’s all I’m saying ok it’s at the end of the day I can’t tell
you how to live your life put me on kos this side I think maybe I’ve been getting a little
bit too advanced is definitely the wrong word let’s just say a little bit too precious with
my my approach to the game as I always find my best Tetris and I think that’s maybe
the psychology behind why I seem to play better when I’m in a desperate situation I
would love to say that it’s because I you know I got a never-say-die attitude but I think
a very reasonable explanation for it is when I’m at the top of the board I’m just playing
Tetris when I’m at the bottom of the board it’s oh and then maybe we shouldn’t set up
for the t-spin here in the blah blahs in the blob and it’s it’s all a snake-oil dude well it’s
not all snake-oil obviously like a lot of it is a very relevant bit of strategy to really wish
I had employed before things started to explode so dessert what’s what’s happening dr.
football I lost a league ma he’s losing his edge dude it’s okay this is P practice - it’s not
even qualifying yet you know what the thing in a formula one I’ve recently become an
expert I watched a Netflix series it’s called sandbagging and that’s when you know you
go out you don’t want house racing to know how fast your car is so you go you don’t
give it all she’s got and then house racing goes I don’t have to worry about these guys
and then on qualifying day you come out in your ear and then all of a sudden they go
I’ve been bested by the best that’s what we’re doing right here that’s right I’m here to
tell you the whole game up to this point maybe your whole life up to this point has
been a sandbag for a situation that is now coming to its resolution I’ve never done this
before your safety is not guaranteed this is a 100% unequivocal guarantee that’s right
that we will win this game of tetris 99 no doubt in my mind not a shadow of doubt in
my mind and this is why to Kaos right off the bed to keep it sweating it honestly all right
and then the heat comes Oh No a couple lines of garbage the slightest bit of adversity
you know what you say to that you say Tetris and then the game says K Oh what did
I tell you you say Tetris the game says K oh it’s the circle of friggin light but look at

that it’s a level of Tetris tech that has not been seen for a long time a lot of innovative
lines being made lines people have never even deign to imagine before now appear
before you maybe we’ll go on randoms temporarily that’s just common sense as long
as we get to this long piece we’re fine perhaps even better than fine that’s not a carrot
a carrot therefore once it’s actually like a pretty good spot for us never mind genius
genius you know thank you the haunted can the haunted controller save me and then it
took it away I had ill-gotten gains you’re not supposed to benefit from your controller
being haunted you’re supposed to feel incentivized to get it replaced so you either you
know you can stop blaming it for your problems but there was nothing I could do dude
not today at least not yet who knows what happens in the future but for now I refuse
send it go haunt it controller it’s it’s really rearing its ugly head right now they’ll do
anything to keep me off the podium good send good send and we’re back doing what
we love thank you thank you well deserved who said that wrong correct Oh baby once
the badge Lord start to fall it’s the best time of them all you know I actually kind of
like this where were you at 20 to 5 kos plenty of opportunity for oblivion or beauty we
got a badge Lord on us but I’m still gonna switch back to chaos should have done it
earlier apologize I was a little distracted saving the world my bad sixteen we honestly
started to do some sins you know not as young as I used to be I don’t have the the same
wherewithal for getting mixed up in the shenanigans it’s hard for me to build these
quintupled Tetris Tuesday after day it really starts to take it out of here just kidding I
love it give me your badges give me the badges thank you thank you for holding onto
my badges for me sorry little little dangerous much less versatile piece gets sent first
this bed long piece is too far away yep that’s better that’s where we’re fighting for our
lives they’re a little bit too greedy at the end oh my god that dude is level 80 something
who gets a Nintendo switching names at USA that’s hilarious okay I feeling better that
was a you know if I grated my performance I probably give myself a seven and a half
on that one we didn’t give up when the chips were down and we came back had a
chance to the finale for sure had more badges than I expected Kos don’t matter so much
it’s the badges sometimes I get it twisted much like the pieces nobody to blame but
myself but you know if there’s nobody to blame but yourself there’s nobody to thank
by yourself - I’m in the business of distributing thank-yous and I oftentimes thank other
people hey thank you for not targeting me hey thank you for blah blah rarely do I get
the credit I obviously deserve for addition those thank yous out to other people people
always say NL there’s nobody to blame for that one but yourself I know brother don’t
get me wrong yo attackers be gone [Music] I’m gonna go fast here Mountain controller
almost cost me again I this is the the story arc that boggles my mind that the haunted
controller is actually a licensed Nintendo product you can’t script that level of drama
the Mad Catz was Nintendo all along are you kidding me man I don’t buy it I don’t
want to buy it I’m gonna have to buy something though you know what something like
this something like this you know it was the wrong move that was the wrong move my
friend and yet here you are not being punished and instead they’re I even suggest being
rewarded and now we all got a chance to think about our actions we’re gonna go back
to attackers real quick feel good doing so oh I don’t know about that one yet see this
is probably the situation you don’t want to find yourself in we were just stacking up a
bunch of needless trash over and over you know you’re not gonna see that play many
places a lot of people they don’t respect you enough to give you a play like that they

say oh that’s bad oh that’s not a that’s not in the playbook of optimum tetris plays and
you know what I’m not concerned about it I’ll give you the secrets the stuff we pros talk
about when we think nobody else is listening I can deal with an orange here oh I really
thought that was gonna complete that because most of the time it would still the only
time you should feel the burn there we go is when you start playing slow the mistakes
you make right now are not the mistakes that are gonna cost you unless you get targeted
and you know if you get targeted you screwed up at the wrong time to have a sauce
all the time you just gotta own it yeah sure ain’t we’re in perfect send opportunity but
perfect I mean slightly suboptimal send opportunity but nothing worth getting into too
much of a tizzy about you know he’s bad any time you hear me sigh that’s the sigh of
finally realizing that despite weeks of bravado still got a little tetris IQ to learn or a lot
perhaps or all of it maybe no no no I this is all a big waste of a long piece but this is
not really a waste of it you see in the game it’s got to be sent did maybe it didn’t have
to be sent I’m actually still relatively okay with the way I played there to be honest I’m
looking at the board I’m seeing a lot of distribution of badge Lord’s not not letting to
get me down no complaints required just hanging out just just to do playing Tetris it’s
no longer all the 30 oh boomers the center to this final form it’s not like that anymore
you know what it’s like now 30 year old boomers having fun playing his favorite video
game of all time and he’s hoping he’s hoping for the victory but he’s not searching for
the victory what he’s searching for is the opposite of the methodology that prompted
the start of the series he’s searching for it enlightenment and a strong series of tetris
performances good games and fun times yo this is one of those situations accidentally
built a two tile wide well doesn’t happen to us all that often more often than I’d like
though certainly oh that’s fine that’s actually it’s better than fine it’s good that was not
good should try like a full game radio silence or something like that I don’t know it’d be
nice to have like a reset like I could just bail myself out with a series I mean I guess this
isn’t you know like a work of fiction you know what I mean we what we need I think
is like the same way a pilot has like a checklist and you’re like I don’t need a checklist
I know to turn the engines on I’ve been doing this job for 70 years but then sometimes
they forget to turn the engines on and you’re like thank God the checklist is here I need
that I need an easy to hit reset button but when think screws Tetris bane Tetris brain
return to me deep breaths was the temp 25 is too cold it’s too cold open the door give it
a little give it a little you know back and forth get the get the air coming into the room
we got stale air how are you supposed to win a game of Tetris 99 when you got stale air
you got to get the oxygen mask on and maybe stop talking so much about nonsense to
start focusing just a little bit more on the old tetris playing you know what I mean like
this is what I want what’s happening with the targeting dude what I want you fools is
to be Wyatt it or Rorschach this should say sorry I forgot my own parlance and then
return hit them with the garbage they thought they were hitting me with it’s not gonna
be like that today they sent me a single line that’s what’s known as a desperation line
in the business means one of them is close to death what did I tell you you can tell it’s
a desperation line because if it were not a desperation line it wouldn’t be a line they
would send you way more as soon as they start sending you a line you know you got
him in a good spot see this is like a direct targeting [Music] somebody’s decided they
they want to take a shot can’t blame them got to focus a little bit through that but here
we are yeah send them one of these you got an old case set up to start building on top

I hear you know what no you don’t you got to start rebuilding how many attackers we
got one attacker he’s got one badge put me on Kos then I’m not I don’t play this game
for ego sort of I have like no desire to get into a one-on-one battle with somebody for
anything other than function I’m not interested in getting involved in your politics the
only reason I will fight it sound like an anime character now the only reason I’ll fight
is if you make me don’t start something won’t be nothing will smith from my favorite
anime men in black won the Galaxy defenders arc oh that wasn’t even me the brain is
taken over sometimes you know the more you focus the less yet you’re actually doing
this time I’m in I see the matrix you see the matrix you send the matrix I’m being sincere
with you now I know it sounds absurd my brain doesn’t know what it’s doing it’s just
following the pieces as they go down I’m not thinking about it at all maybe that’s your
problem good one I had time to comment on your joke cuz I’ve presently hit a Zen state
of performance in my favorite video game of all time Tetris 99 once we get that next
long piece all we got issues in a good way good issues like in an esteemed newspaper
not bad issues like in a like in a newspaper that’s bad next long piece please Oh beauty
boys give me your badges I saw him he wanted to give me his badges Who am I to not
grant that man’s wish give me you don’t have any badges I’m sorry to have killed you
if you live you have my enduring respect he died but I didn’t get the KO shouldn’t even
be focusing on that stuff honestly no this will work ok I’m starting to think again that’s
a big issue stop it we had 23 for Kos every available potential outcome here no we’re
using in my opinion to go for attackers yet I always leave myself like screwed on the on
the long piece or on the square piece so I’m gonna throw it down there I’m gonna do
my best to bail out this is the bail positive bail for sure nothing wrong with that bail no
that was very important okay we’re almost top ten don’t get too attached yet looking for
a blue piece no longer searching for blue pieces radio silence not like it’s much different
from what I was saying before make the garbage hole in the right spot didn’t the nerve
of some random number generators dude finally it took me so long to get to this point
this is a huge problem let me place it let me play said I didn’t have a chance in that one
uh it that’s slightly different from there’s nothing I could do CH Sora just had me dead
to rights look at his board he’s at the bottom he’s got badges fair enough that’s gonna
do it for this one where’s slight recovery at least but for now definitely in a little bit of
uh in a little bit of a slump that’s alright we’re gonna take a step back we’re gonna say
thanks for watching hope you’ve enjoyed if you think like a like but I’m just a radial
queer subscribe you gone somewhere the future finales watching I’ll see you next time
see ya

everybody there is no break from where we’re at right now we’re the only way
to get through a slump take it from somebody who’s been in a slump and slayed his
fire for a month someone who’s slumped in Isak mood slumps Minecraft’s I mean those
are the only games I’ve ever even had an attempt to be possibly skilled at the only
way through or the only way out is through if you wanna well I mean you could also
take like a day off and then maybe you’ll just return to be in a better state tomorrow I
don’t know there’s it’s complicated you know there’s a lot of playing Tetris it’s kind of a
multi-faceted experience sometimes you just wake up and you’re you’re not as good at
Tetris some day - as you were on day one you wish you had a better explanation for it
but maybe you know Lee’s seeing the board kind of badly today but it isn’t all bad like
when we came out of the slump of the last episode and we managed to get a I mean a
lot of really solid games from a kill standpoint now the game is not about kills though
sometimes I wish that it worked it’s a game about stacking lines and winning we’ve
been bereft of that for quite some time you know I didn’t want to do it this isn’t even
like I’m not even happy with the frequency of lines that were sent in here but what’s
done is done okay it’ll it’ll work and I think we’re just send this you know keep in mind
it’d be nice to have a dedicated place to kind of dump that garbage in the future when
you get a chance I am stunned at our ability to get a KO out of that garbage situation
situation I created all by my lonesome to be fair but simultaneously it’s good and we’re
back here in that in a situation we can all hang our hat on sure why not what does it
mean and nobody knows gets the people going that’s the important part I don’t even
know what that quote is from I just hear it all the time this is a dedicated sent yeah
okay one of my attackers is almost dead so I mean enjoy that there’s nothing I could do
dude he’s still alive you know that song you know from Scrubs I’m no Superman screw
that dude that guy he’s freaking Superman wouldn’t it have been sick if at the end of
scrubs 400-year run let’s go kale is I’m wasting my efforts here they revealed that John
Dorian was in fact Superman that would be like one of the all-time greatest TV reveals
now it would also be a really really weird thing to do after twelve seasons of you know
slice-of-life Hospital drama so I get it you know maybe you’re a coward and you don’t
want to implement them my idea really really bizarre mood there yeah it’s hard when
you don’t want to build on top of the garbage hole like why do it though just do this I
know this seems extremely bad I know this is extremely bad or is it no it was but I think
we’ve somehow managed to pull out of it despite the fact that if you’re watching this
and you see your name get Kayode by what we just did right there I apologize that’s a
design flaw that should never happen if anything you know I’ll send you a thank-you

note and a condolences letter cuz that’s not the way it was meant to go down no no I
don’t want to live my life in a Tetris world where bad things happen to good people
like that some really really bad moves here okay we’re going attackers I’ll limit it I can’t
believe we got out of that so easily we I guess we did have a pretty decent supply of
badges but like I expected like I mean I was working for it but I really expected it to
be harder not to throw shade or whatever the kids are saying these days but more so
like it just didn’t seem likely we were gonna get off so easily I got to hit you with radio
silence right now the reason got a lot of heated us trying to stop us from getting into
the top ten seven badges or there’s a chance [Music] this is about the time I would like
you to stop sending me such a plethora of garbage please it’s not just my favorite Harry
Potter film Harry Potter and the plethora of garbage it’s also a prerogative that I you
know I personally feel quite strongly about right now okay radio silence and I’m in a
weird spot no longer in a weird spot this is a scent I got a peek oh I got him just send
them to attend of something thank you oh I panting I looked at him and I was like oh
no mommy [Laughter] I’m so sorry it’s like I ruined mom’s chance at a victory on a
Friday night here I I don’t feel good about that one dude well kind of that’s a good that
me is a decent win we didn’t play perfectly but it feels good to get the monkey off our
back for sure 13 kills pretty solid pretty solid performance let’s go for another one now
only it was easy and again any time I say is easy it’s not to take anything away from the
people I played against take it away from myself a lot of my losses were harder than that
sometimes you just happen to get the perfect storm at Tetris 99 success we had some
really good garbage hole alignments and again you know I got to give myself a little bit
of credit of course for staying in there feels good I knew if we played the decently we’d
have you know I have every game now every game I got a ticket to the lottery it’s just
a matter of whether we can you know finesse our numbers into coming up getting 13
Kos didn’t hurt less chaos we lose for sure I mean not just like in the obvious way like
by definition but like I think if if mommy had more badges we were going home in a
body bag instead a little bit of tactical radio silence at exactly the right moment can treat
your right now kinda screwed this one up but I don’t mind this pattern actually you
use it all the time when I accidentally set up really really badly so when I said all the
time I meant all the time yeah it’ll be better I’m feeling good I mean anytime you get a
dub or anytime I get it done you know some people are probably a little bit more they
expect it any time I get a dub in Tetris 99 I’m happy for like the rest of the day sincerely
as sad as that sounds no attackers I think it just sent it to a random bomb or dude on
that bomber I mean we got ourselves out of what looked bad but you gotta remember
like our standards are relatively high not because we just won but because we built the
garbage tower they were trying to bury us under radio silence urgently this is a real
issue dude yep fair enough we make compromises at the top we probably shouldn’t
have maybe we should have just played faster so after our wins on stream we’ve got
one situation we won two in a row and then following that I don’t know a bunch of
situations where we immediately lost but you know what I’m not feeling it’s not shaky
you know it’s not like the adrenaline I got from previous Tetris 99 wins I’m acting like
I’ve been there before and we’re just trying to crank up that sample size the playing off
games we’re gonna get enough wins we’re gonna get wins I should say we’re also gonna
come 70th now an end if I can get more top tens than complete disasters that’s a huge
win in my book now I don’t know if we’re at that ratio yet but yeah okay is great so oh

ok many attackers honestly can you blame them when you look at this situation I’ve put
myself in here this isn’t really like a pretend to be bad this is like a be bad accidentally
only one attacker okay so somebody else is taking the bait for me I really appreciate that
whoever you are you’re a saint’s don’t forget it okay we’re just gonna build hopefully
some quick lines get ourselves out of this relative mess okay I actually think that that’s
a pretty good time to be attacked if there’s ever a good time to be attacked which is a
stupid statement of course there’s in this game anyway I’m just gonna play fast sorry
can’t talk for a sec daddy’s busy ending greens I mean getting his dream ended like I
said if I could have mud tapped ends and complete disasters I’d consider the success
so this victory has to be considered a failure - the wind cough-cough - the win cough
cough I think I hit like a Zen state over a couple of these videos particularly some of
the runs early in this one where I wasn’t even thinking about where to put the pieces
the brain it just recognized that the patterns and put them where they needed to go
lowering the I’m not placing pieces in the wrong position by accident I guess I’m places
them placing them in the wrong position on purpose which doesn’t mean is the right
thing to do just means it’s less of madcatz and more a mad brain sees I should have
thought about it for two seconds got myself a little stuck let’s try an experiment then
I’m probably wouldn’t put it there unfortunately there you go not mad okay where are
we gonna build the well right there I know it might seem like well meta has coincided
with us being relatively worse at Tetris 99 I can’t disagree with your assessment of the
results but I have to say that I feel like it’s kind of throwing the baby out with the
bathwater yeah haven’t had the best performance today even with the win long pieces
too far away you got to start sending it’s like a Star Trek moment so I could have gone
faster those get you neck okay plus I wanted to give them a chance to get out of this
squandered uh blue piece coming up all right what was I saying a second ago I forget
oh I think I still placing the well I mean this is apparently you its Tetris common sense
but I didn’t necessarily go through the normal Tetris development cycle that apparently
everybody else in the Internet did so forgive me but I used to not pay attention to where
I was placing my well the well would just end up where it ended up and then I would
go well I don’t like that I really wish the well through no fault of my own hadn’t ended
up in that position now I realized it was just a little bit of elbow grease you can really
finesse the well to be wherever you’d like it to be not dangerous yet don’t freak out still
not dangerous I know is starting to look a little hot really I should be thankful these
give me a bunch of garbage to ferry and then a planeswalker sorry wizards I didn’t
mean to encroach on your territory please it’s not the family it’s ten sorry okay that’s
screwed add up something fierce we will die we will die and deserved deserve even
with our win can I just say it really seems to me like the tetris 99 community has been
more bloodthirsty lately I really feel like the last like 11 videos lop the previous three off
like the most recent three in those eight videos we were in a golden age for being able
to make mistakes and recover relatively easily in this one I feel like once we eat once we
get some heat on us things are tougher but it might just be me playing worse and then
other people you know the the general level of skill in tetris 99 rising whether by players
getting better or you know worse players opting to play the division - or or who knows
not necessarily men is a knock on the division - just for the record I mean I get how you
would see it that way considering the Leela’s phrase than all that Lee hmm so far I can
dig it this is I’m starting to learn by the way which is always a scary thing I’ve started

to learn the way that they calculate what piece is coming next in Tetris 99 I forget that
somebody they linked me to a description of it but it’s like you get every piece twice
every 14 pieces something like that which I bring up sorry only as a piece of the interest
shall we say because I’m starting to get and I recognize I haven’t finished my point that’s
because I’ve been trying to build quintuple Tetris is and send them look it up sweetheart
I’m starting to get a feel for when we get our second line piece you know you think to
yourself in your head you know did we get a line piece recently if so have we gotten to
lion pieces recently if so don’t Bank on one showing up in the future well soon in the
future playing a little too slow honestly running into a lot of trouble you got a switch
I haven’t been playing with my aggro enough probably cuz I got in trouble for when I
was a kid wasn’t really a way to bail on my aggro considering I put it on attackers but
sometimes a little happy accident never hurt anybody need the long piece unfortunately
you need it you need it if you didn’t need it it’d be a different story but you needed it I
got to get off this guy like it he’s a nightmare put me on randoms and oh my god we’re
free so that sucked extremely so so we’re on randoms just until we can you know get
our sea legs back that guy was he was coming in hot we’re lucky to be alive honestly
all right now put me back on Kos now that we’re safe that guy somebody’s got to stop
him and I don’t think there’s somebody it’s gonna be me so well I would not necessarily
get your hopes up about our odds on this one but you never ever know dude we got a
bailout of this extremely quickly though like please thank you two long pieces in close
succession I knew they were common just wish they hadn’t necessarily taken so long to
get here okay this is a it’s a gap ridden environment it’ll work it won’t work no okay we
got buried lots of problems with that one lots of problems babe you know you got to be
careful what you say when your eyes performance athlete if you say we played pretty
well didn’t finish wherever you wanted people go doesn’t have the competitive spirit if
you go oh we got school the conditions weren’t right in the tetris game today people go
all these big babies a sore loser you know mistakes were made we’re lucky enough to
be in a profession where all we have to do is hit the a button and we can erase it always
want to get better always want to play better always want to have fireworks that’s not
in question what is in question is my raw skill level I do not like it I don’t like it we
have a blue we have a blue okay so now I like it I like it a lot yeah they decent well for
ourselves I mean obviously that’s no good but can we can we do it like this whip no so
we’re just gonna have to live with the fact that word dumb and bad it’s all right alone
with that fact for a long time too long pieces quick succession let’s rebuild you know we
got to get these gaps out of our system you know it’s just that easy I even sent him two
randoms not because I he thought I forgot who I was targeting wrong again I just didn’t
think that we deserve to not be targeting randoms ants the ticket you know I actually
much prefer this okay we got danger fire on the engine bay hi my god oh it happened
so fast dude you know what it is and I’ve finally figured it out the reason why when
you get buried early it seems bad oh thank you for the subscription is because there’s
probably like 50 other people targeting Kos so you get up to the top and you’re like
okay here’s our time and then all of a sudden you know it all comes crashing down
on you so let’s endeavor to not be as bad this time does that sound it sounds good to
me let me I don’t care how it sounds to you so much because it sounds fantastic to me
dude line piece I love you so good at fill in the gaps I’ve accidentally created in my
own lines I’m willing unfortunately to bite the bullet on this one yeah so I like I said

we’re gonna be less bad this time part of being less bad in this situation is recognizing
accidentally the badness is within you and just recover I’m even bringing up the that
was not a Mad Catz you just watched input he’s finding my line it’s like it’s just a case
of the old bad brain doc nothing more complicated than that Oh or is it it I mean yes it
still definitely was a case of the bad brain yo did your boy accidentally set up a tea spin
that he’s then gonna ruin still Thank You brain the accidental tea spoon and then like
20 accidental teaspoons that I’m gonna do nothing with is that it t spin triple no I saw
I saw that there is a new t spin triple tutorial this is still a little bit intimidating for me
right now you know I’m just kind of focusing for now my eSports related efforts are on
you know getting back down to brass tacks yo this is a terrible decision on my part you
know playing well instead of playing badly find that when I play badly I have a lower
chance to win although it still does happen from time to time for reasons unbeknownst
so if I can get back to sure if I can get back to a reasonable level of performance like
this is the dream scenario give me that second we’re pleased thank you so this is hot
let’s go on attackers don’t do that do this much better now you still literally did that a
second after but you know we can work on that in post can always edit that out let’s
get off the tackers quickly go back to random so I’m scared for my life No those were
necessary compromises in my view it was like did I miss out on a sale on square pieces
okay yes store send it never ends dude it never ends and the only one to blame is me
oh I wish I hadn’t looked you’ve done it you’ve done it yourself now bail out this is my
shouldn’t have built on top of the garbage hole very dumb all but it gets dumber dude
just wait there’s more just when I thought I was out they pull me back in Richard Nixon
sent of a woman look it up there you go a brief reprieve another one oh my god words
very close to the top 10 this is like we super super a is not a multiple-choice question
all of these are simultaneously true are lucky to be alive B need to get our s together as
quickly as possible apologies for the language C it doesn’t matter why it’s on route well
it does matter that’s where you’re wrong okay sometimes you just got to bail wrong
move radio silence dude badges gimme [Music] thank you that’s a lot oh no oh we were
they we were there dude we were there that was a good game after all of that that was
a good game I can be I can be pleased with that being the last episode we recorded that
today whoo tight one I mean look at this badge Lord he came first it wasn’t even close I
guess he’s the only one left thanks for watching hope you guys have enjoyed it we put
another win on the field I’m probably gonna record one more I thought that was gonna
be the last one but let’s do it I’m feeling warmed up for now thanks to watch over you
enjoy if you did click the like button was the radial course described beyond c1 future
finales watching I’ll see you next time see you

everybody welcome back throne lamp please on sitter’s 99 we got a win in the
last episode it’s always a good day anytime you can put a W up on the board you got a
smile luckily those days are coming faster and faster as time goes on apparently now we
haven’t played superbly but we’ve been we’ve been fighting at least a couple times per
video for a real a real chance at greatness and originally I wasn’t gonna record another
tetris video I was told that well I was telling myself really you don’t need to record
anymore today tomorrow is your day off you already put in an honest day’s effort then
I got that dub and everything changed now I got the hunger it’s a common problem
so once you win it can’t stop thinking about getting another one and another one and
another one following that perhaps even one more I don’t know okay all I’m saying is
I don’t know where is going so you know at this point the methodology what are we
waiting for next line peace equals I’m so sorry for this but it had to be done oh my god
we got three in super quick succession I find it hard to believe that that won’t result in
somebody’s death we got sense a little bit hard to tell if that’s a desperation line anyway
we got the garbage hole open we probably ya think you send them I thought about not
sending them but we got some pieces that you know they wouldn’t be considered yay
why would you just slow drag that down that’s comical dude Wow we got some pieces
lodged in our brain is what I was gonna say we got so we got some bad brain pieces
happening right now so it’s up to us to stop them and I as afraid now you know I think
we’re gonna we haven’t really been targeted which is probably gonna save our lives
here wear it not for that could be underwater at this point oh dude I can feel the speed
coming back it’s been a while since I’d well it’s been a while since I consistently felt fast
in a Tetris 99 video it’s happened a couple of times recently but oh geez Louise dude
maybe I shouldn’t be talking about my speed of play it’s this weird juxtaposition where
I’m like complaining about how badly it’s going for me simultaneously I racked up to
chaos but you know on top of that I’m aware of the fact that chaos you know sometimes
it’s it’s more just circumstance than anything else it doesn’t really mean that you know
you’re doing a fantastic job necessarily it’s a who knows man it’s a wild world like Katt
Williams said no Cat Stevens oh it’s rare I catch myself with an accidental joke Thank
You brain I really appreciate that one Katt Williams and Cat Stevens two very very
different but equally talented professionals two long pieces so give me a store this is a
very risky proposition but the old store incent I got to be honest whoever’s getting these
they’re not gonna be too happy about it we should have done this a little differently
but I think it’d still be pretty pleased with this okay so give me the give me the right
side well yo how’s it going I have one new wind winless day you got two would do

that’s amazing you know it’s not it’s not like that though you know word is you and me
against the world cake you know I wish you asad differently by can’t blame you it’s the
fighting spirit that’s what that’s what keeps you invested is it Dan jeez links Tower oh it
makes perfect sense a ghoul Dan tower Kade in the wind that I got the final name that
I knocked out second place mommy no moms and dads I think I agree then calm is the
owner of switch and then mommy this is like oh you know maybe I will play something
I’m with you a thousand percent it’s gonna let you know I am gonna stop talking so
they do not I need complete silence in an environment of the utmost important starting
now hey sometimes Kate will tell you this too sometimes my brain do not work [Music]
she’s right I could not have done it I mean did you see the complete disaster mr. Scooby
you see I don’t know you you know that Japanese do you know the any of the names
get you is there big big chunga’s in Japanese I mean that was a I don’t get me wrong
I feel good thank you for for giving me the confidence to by telling me I had the win
once we were down there no not at all I feel like I didn’t play very well and I didn’t
deserve to win but I’ve gone back on back-to-back teaspoons how’d you set that up you
get a PhD taking night classes yeah let’s see brain baby I can barely I set up one tea
spin and then after I landed I have to Gould and Towers on the side of the street and
someone just erases me from existence take that it’s true I told them you weren’t even
here I told them everything I know about Tetris I learned from my wife what am i doing
same with just about everything honestly I thought I knew life earlier I did every day I
learned something new I implement it into my wheelhouse I become a stronger version
of myself thanks to you you know what send them a little bit of a weak sense you know
what after this game I can check I think I think I have 15 wins I think that’s correct and
Chad I know you’re like he doesn’t team you don’t know okay not every win is when
you’re privy to it I play this in my free time as mentioned myriad times in the past
okay oh this is a send and a half why’d you do it dude you ever get that like somebody
sends you some lines and then you just eliminate them it just makes you sad yeah you
didn’t have to be like this you didn’t have to get eliminated yet you couldn’t you could
have lived along exactly rolling in the teens all [Music] right so now here’s the meta
you wait for we got two long pieces very sorry nobody can stand up to that as a ko at
least it’s just science even a child could understand it then when you they start to dump
on you you got to go to randoms because things are getting hot Plus literally just used
just don’t dawdle no 80th place all right that’s just I I wanted to lose so I could show
you isn’t that what I clicked 15 dude how did we win that one I mean not the one that
we just obviously lost how do we win the that first one that was like a disaster yuna’s
dad sweating right now sitting at home hands shaking I bought this for my freakin kids
and now I can’t can’t go to sleep until I get a win in Tetris 99 some esports player dude
are the pieces seated I know it’s like a ridiculous question I just noticed I looked at the
boards and I was like everybody’s got a yellow piece what a world finally learn the
pieces are seated now nothing can stop me dude yo also like I’m so bad what have I
done put me on Kaos I deserve to die if you’re gonna take me out take me out shoot
coward you’re only gonna kill a man so not worth it but you know what we’re finally
getting ourselves out and by finally I mean I guess in the end that was only like two or
three seconds of what felt like disaster one attacker and our attacker is almost dead okay
well he really got the better of us by dying to us it’s a novel strategy nah nah nah don’t
be a fool that was you you saw the depths of human greed just there it’s not a gas leak

by the way it’s just the shower don’t freak out showers running in the background my
wall is adjacent to the bathroom that’s all that is you don’t have to don’t even sweat it I
know you’re like all a gas leak that explains this play nope sadly nope oh geez Louise
dude place it momentarily I have to admit I was shocked we’re dead and so deserves
lady than me just let me stop you right there let me stop you right there let me teach
you a common expression s happens okay that was s happened it’s that’s not the reason
for it’s not you know I got icicles coming up my fingertips because they overheat from
the sheer rapid fire twitch a p.m. required starcraft desk many people have called it
including doctors historians Guinness World Record administrators and quality control
fact checkers some of the fastest hands in history do not fear the so called gas leak
because it’s not a gas leak nor is it a gas leak either the Pokemon or the f1 driver you
can choose for yourself it’s a polymorphic bit we run advanced comedy levels today
any time you don’t get a joke and you think it’s bad just remember it’s not the joke is
bad it’s just extremely advanced definitely have not whipped a number of them today
you appear to have me confused with somebody else okay you know originally I was
gonna set the stage say that we had kind of a difficult situation but you know what
maybe I’ll just shut my mouth I will say that you know all these videos here like the
last few would they were recorded in the same recording session as bizarre as it sounds
this represents progress previously we mad catz we lose today we mad catz we have a
chance of winning so if that’s not sure if that’s not an improvement I don’t know what
is so I just want to clean out the garbage hole okay I’ll go on attackers you brought this
on yourself if you don’t like the firestorm about to befall you don’t come crying to me
okay always remember I wanted to live my life peacefully like Jonathan wink that’s the
bit I say his name wrong if you’re waiting for the real joke you just missed it how are
they handling under the you know the stress here seems like they’re doing okay that
means we could switch to attackers but I don’t know they came to me my house after I’d
retired forget some of the finer points I know there was a little bit of murder involved in
the film case you’ve forgotten a plot of John wick are we really doing this I guess we’re
really doing it seems ill-advised to me Oh what do I know dude now tell you I see that
we got a couple of badge Lords in the mix here I would love nothing more than to ruin
their afternoons getting a pretty sizable damage multiplier birds well force multiplier
just due to the amount of unjust targeting’s we’re having to endure it’s a hard life and
when it’s a hard life sometimes there’s nothing you can do but send it this badge Lord
scares the crap outta me badge Lord I think still exists don’t get too cocky you knock
somebody out it doesn’t mean it’s these somebody okay my brain made that decision
for me I deserve to be sent though there’s some very bad miss plays in there that’s
frustrating we had we had every chance to be in there we were playing fast does before
you get it to his dad’s not Daniel I Dan is not da n you know he never does anything
that by the book in fact 23 minutes ago Daniel tweets getting closer to number one fifth
place [Laughter] now there’s anything wrong with again I support my good friend Dan
Gees link and our healthy rivalry and Tetris on e9 really the rivalry as with Kate but
it’s saying it come on you’re gonna you’re gonna take a screenshot of a fifth place finish
dude I’m not saying you can only take a screenshot if you if you win 16 games escape
key it’s a cardinal sin one of the cardinal sins of the internet age what are the others
I don’t know I was thinking about doing a whole bid on it maybe one day okay store
this is fine we’re not rich on attackers we have one attacker who’s being kind of a jerk

I’m not gonna spend my whole life crying about it there are no need for tears when
instead of tears you could send it okay he failed he was scared that’s actually a good
move I never thought about that like a little you know yeah hidden run situation like
the Simpsons video game of the same name another one then he’s back you know what
wise plays is not him this is somebody else but wise plays nonetheless did I say wise
what I meant was why a desk temporarily we got a bailout of our what is normally our
Zen period not none yo dude acceptable acceptable then get the heck out of town then
go back this isn’t how I gold but is it how it goes I don’t know I don’t know now that
time I’ve learned you have to build on the garbage holes sometimes like literally you
can choose between either building on the garbage hole or dying easy choice for me
okay we got the well in the right position go back to chaos it’s unacceptable we don’t
want to be oh you know let’s just do that don’t I don’t want to waste my time become
another casualty of society okay now that we’ve gotten that out of the way I don’t want
to live a careless existence you know in in this game it’s not for me some other people
they like to fly under the radar in Tetris 99 it might even be a good strategy but it’s not
the strategy that’s that’s worked for me when strategies have worked for me which has
been you know on occasion that’s very good stuff okay I can live with the combo and
you know what immediately I love this we got our well set up on the other side stunned
at the lack of Kos but so what probably would have handled that a little differently
given another opportunity you know what send it I don’t like the like the lines we got
our wells set up yet again good see I was a dude much smarter move opossum one of
these give him one of those it’s not like you need the well you don’t expect to need the
long piece immediately at least hoon I guess you know you never know what’s coming
your way we’re gonna be top ten no chaos and that’s a recipe for failure for where
we’re on Kos I’m not sure at this point if there’s much we can do to start bailing out
it’s not bad you know at least we’re alive but you know to live for now only to die later
how much of a life is that well I don’t know maybe Yoona’s dad is in the game again
then you never know we got a chance sorry Yoona’s dad you know what it’s like it’s a
cutthroat business much like office supplies am i right dude real lucky pretty much got
a perfect garbage well yuna’s dad did not take kindly to the comments I made about his
presupposed industry and you know what I should apologize it’s not very nice of me
to assume you work in the office supply business without any proof [Music] even if you
do I mean there’s more right with it than wrong with it I’m sure as a deliberate place
that’s the only thing I feel they need to clarify dude a house is still a K olace game well
careful what you wish for brother please I absolutely just bag you yep you got a bail
you got it okay fair enough hey Luca you saw dude I was trying things just they went
wrong units dad gets his revenge I know Viroqua my son chosen tetra no MOCAD we
got long piece that we got el piece bless me o one face rub ok bless me bless me I’ve been
blessed ok with my left and right hand blessed by the twin gods of Tetris how could
I lose Thank You Ruka Thank You Tomo say it thank you Roca thank you Tom thank
you that’s so hard this guy ok I can see your comments oh I’ve never been better mostly
because of it rigorous sending about to occur something like this along these lines and
you know that’s maybe it doesn’t strike you as the strongest move in Tetris history and
it would be hard for me to rebuke that but here we are back at the bottom at the very
least look if you want to make lines there you go brains working again if you want to
make lines you got to send them or if you want to send lines you got to make and that’s

what I mean to say taking my words out of context earlier okay put me on chaos this is
a is a pretty horrible start this is very unconcerned to me I’m actually I’m gonna wait it
out a second my hope was to get a little bit more attention on me before I committed to
sending them and I didn’t even look at attackers which you know there’s your problem
but anyway you still got a lot of attackers I don’t know we got one not a big oh you
know what we’re gonna have more so just stay frosty on attackers for now people are
gonna start to hit you when they hit you you hit back all this has the potential to be
extremely good but many of my opportunist friends switched off of me maybe without
even having any input themselves that’s probably the worst move I’ve ever seen you
know I didn’t know it was possible to feel so bad about a game where you got 50%
damage up but we pretty much just played a terrible performance I can’t believe we got
Luka well the heck was that blessing dude you screaming this is one of the worst single
blunders I’ve ever made no I’ve ever seen there’s an embarrassment an abyss Marchman
of my character and progress moving forward in tetris 19 I I’m ashamed but you know
what we got one more one more always means one more good one right Roca you know
the deal he knows the deal I know I’ve gone back on my renewed efforts to learn the
the t-spin all I can really say about that is we’ve had roughly the same level of success
without it for now now I know because I made this exact argument that’s not really a
good way to look at it if we keep doing the t-spin eventually it’ll be like a second skin
to us at E skin if you will that will enable us to reach our true potential in tetris 99 just
to be honest I hated what we were building here so I’m pretty stoked that it’s is gonna
get porn down here that’s just between you and me okay don’t share that information
we’re also like I don’t know put me on attackers cuz I got a duty I don’t know if he’s
sending out desperations or what but he’s making some enemies I would certainly feel
a lot more inclined that you know be friends with him if he would just do the honorable
thing and let me get the kill on him apparently he doesn’t have any respect for honor
though look at how many badges he has dude he’s doing the strat okay well when
he’s doing this strat what are you gonna do you have to kill him and take his badges
if you don’t kill him he’s just going to win so he either wins now where he wins later
but I see you I see you doing the strat and I say I envy you I do I wish I mean I’m
contributing to the lighting of this situation right now we got a bail I can’t handle the
heat I’ll pay Wyatt Wyatt Hebei no I look at this guy he’s got a hundred badges just
from playing the pretend I’m garbage strat resin I call resin I’m bored ninety one mind
you a lot of jealousy I wishing I mean if I had just that blip-blip if you started hitting
them faster I don’t know I don’t know what you do in a situation you could you’re
gonna let him get a 100 percent damage multiplier and then play him in a you know
a disadvantage to Ed’s agree but if you just keep fighting them you play into his hand
at least if he has the confidence to you know get there plus I placed a bunch of pieces
you know like in the wrong spot so I mean I don’t really have a leg to stand on over
the course of the argument here but you get the idea not an argument it’s a discussion
two very different things okay I didn’t want to do that and that’s a situation where I
think they did the right thing you know they got me out it’s very much looking forward
building a large tower perhaps of the Gould and variety no comment one way or the
other that’s one dude it’s one of those situations where you just got to say you know I
like I feel bad this is a dude who invested his life savings into sending us garbage and
we cast it aside we got more coming in my baby oh you thought how it’s gonna kill me

really well you gotta start somewhere but you gotta wake up but they but the early in
the morning to get that one by me mmm you know what you know when I said you
know what might surprise you that disaster was not what I had in mind that was not
my my clever retort get off of attackers what a waste all right unpunished just got a
laugh sixty-five 1ko a lot of work to go on those stats those are rookie numbers we got
a double that’s right number 130 with two chaos that’s the ticket yeah more like that
please I’ll feel the speed coming back slowly not ready to send please don’t regret that
okay perfect send they will not dead end denne denne denne denne denne denne denne
Adam dead em dead Adam what are you talking about wait we mean we’re watching
the same show here what do you think Avenue I saw a dynamite single Tetris the best
performance you can achieve in Tetris 99 you’re over here talking and smack saying you
saw you saw me miss drop a piece you know who you’re talking to you think I screwed
it up me we’re talking about yeah things doesn’t sound likely to me you know I agree
to disagree clearly you’re mistaken of course but defend to the death your right to be
wrong what a KO to Kalos now all right do you insist we’re so close to being free after
all that false bravado oh not as free as I thought free is that ever been life comes at you
fast in this game after unnecessarily putting ourselves in oblivion we ride again fair oh
no you weren’t supposed to let me get back down to the bottom oh please this garbage
hole has got to go that is not the ideal way to do it but no one can deny it’s done that’s
BS I just heard somebody else’s tea spins people out of your telling me don’t we you
can only hear your own tea spins FYI regurgitating recycled information from sources
they did not check but assumed valid get out of here well someone in chants said it I
don’t always it wasn’t I was just saying somebody a chant brought it up earlier I thought
maybe I hadn’t seen it it’s all right it’s a terrible place for that garbage hole never mind
it’s a mildly incendiary situation here I’m gonna stop talking maybe forever I haven’t
decided yet what okay that was I saw that one coming let’s be honest No [Music] safe
for the moment oh this is gonna hurt if I can get it off it’s gonna hurt even more if I can’t
I heard it Wow that was game did I die yes that I have a good time absolutely whoo well
he’ll excuse me I’m gonna go enjoy the rest of my night that was a fun one though hope
you have enjoyed the tetris 99 videos from this session as much as I have you did click
the like button outside great the old course subscribe you wanna see more in the future
for now thanks for watching thanks for all the support and I’ll see you next time see ya

hey everybody welcome Aaron land please Tetris 99 I gotta say it’s it’s a Sunday
more hours have been put into the game without a doubt and more wins as well learning
a lot about mine I’ve got the tetris algorithm for me and I’m not saying it’s the best tetris
99 algorithm that’s ever been put to tape obviously if you can execute consecutive TT
spins and increment them or implement them into combos that’s gonna be better for you
but I’ve got a pattern that works for me it’s called the tetris 99 engine I’ll be releasing
the complimentary ebook and my leisure for now sign up for the mailing list I’ll send
you six tips a week that you can’t miss if you want to get tetras 99 victories it’s I mean
it’s the simplest thing in the world right all you do is you pick a side for your well and
everybody’s yelling at you over and all the Latisse pins that learn how to do the T spins
the T spins are helpful don’t get me wrong they were they were part of my evolution
without a doubt but think of the importance of the the Teddy spin has honestly been a
little bit overrated if I may say so myself one second two attackers one of the attackers
has garbage you’re gonna get garbage and then you’re gonna send that garbage to me
more power to you honestly I mean again in Tetris you gotta it’s like life you know if
you want to succeed you’re gonna have to send garbage sometimes I know that it seems
like what do you mean that’s like life oh you haven’t made garbage in your life I don’t
even mean like you know fanfiction I mean specifically like trash I’d be surprised on
it I mean to be pretty amazing it’s kind of like what one of the core tenets of being a
human being is that as some level we produce waste and that waste needs to be dealt
with that was you know you should really be given a TED talk what are you doing
watching this episode a little haunted controller uh what are you doing watching this
episode right here you we could be using your skills and your newfound knowledge to
make the world a better place anyway this is essentially you got it right here we should
go on kos though it’s any time I go on attackers there’s like you know I know there was
a time where it seemed like the right idea and I do think there are times when it’s the
right idea but I think that sometimes it’s just an ego play it’s like how dare you send
me garbage in return I’m gonna squander my whole game to make sure that you’re not
rewarded for sending me that garbage so the games going okay I wouldn’t necessarily
I mean this is my first game of the day so the first thing I’m gonna say is ooh three
attackers is probably the right time is sin I don’t think that’s an ego play excuse me
drop please thank you um games going okay you know one ko not really where I want
to be once we get a little bit further in but though I’ve screwed that one up something
appears for like you know closing in on the halfway point a you know it’s okay anyway
my Tetris 99 obsession bizarrely enough it just continues to evolve a couple of days ago

I thought I was maybe done with Tetris 99 for a bit I was like I’m having fun with it
but competitions getting a little bit too hotter all of a sudden you know I have one good
day and just when I thought I would I don’t know why it’s Richard Nixon every time
just when I thought I was out they chuckling two attackers one of which has badges
and a garbage hole that’s just asking to be filled please do not add me do you haven’t
watched Daniels Tetris 99 series you might not have learned as of the present moment
there’s quite a lot of double entendres that can be present in tetris 99 xxx with 5 chaos is
definitely a little bit more on the level for me personally it’s where it I mean I want it to
be clear in case it’s not all the braggadocio sness is false modesty let’s the opposite false
in modesty sounds like a jeopardy category you know I go into these tetris 99 videos
with a surprisingly humble attitude and I know you’re likely and of course I bet but
really it’s the it’s the honest to goodness truth you know I think I have a pretty realistic
expectations you know I expect to have a chance to win I don’t expect to win I expect to
have a chance to win in any given episode what are we on a 1 attacker who’s just kind of
being a jerk you know what you owe many attackers which means I’ve probably become
the lord of the badges so enjoy this looked a little bit more impressive than it actually
was but with a 50% damage bonus doesn’t have to be that much more impressive to get
the job done so next long piece is gonna be worth a ton for us dude like at this point
I’m the opposite of mad oh by the way radio-silent is that happened so fast so close free
me no I screwed myself multiple times there for sure covered up the garbage hole when
I didn’t have to still a pretty good warm-up game on us where we at 12 K Oh warm up
no big deal and when the garbage got sent it got st. in a big way but yeah you know it’s
uh basically it’s less I look at it less like one anime obsessed teenager planning when
he walks into a room a five-point plan for how to deal with them and anybody else
that might choose to get involved much more like I don’t know like a racecar driver or
something this you know here’s the way that we play the game you know maybe getting
bumped and jumped at some points on the track might adjust the strategy somewhat
but we’re gonna play our game and if we play our game and got a pretty good chance
to be in the mix we probably could have won that one all we needed to do is free up the
garbage hole but it happens you know is that just cuz I have a pattern I want to approach
here it doesn’t mean what am i doing it doesn’t mean there’s not room to improve and
isn’t that the spirit of life if not also Tetris maybe maybe not it’s a terrible design so far so
what we’re gonna do is destroy this side jeez Louise man we’re gonna take it back down
to zero cuz I’m embarrassing myself here and then you gotta choose your well there on
the left side we got a good well-well-well opportunity I love it honestly if anything thank
you for giving me the ability to build some lines a little bit faster we have two attackers
I’m not too worried about that I think we got it we’ll try our luck with Kaos instead see
this is like the number one thing I for sure have to work on is once we’d like a garbage
hole I think it doesn’t have to be cleared right away but we do have to prioritize it in
the future we have to be aware of the fact that that garbage hole exists and we got to
do something about it in the before it becomes a problem we’re lucky here that we you
know I mean it’s not really luck we had the long piece stored to be able to deal with
this not like this okay for real I’m feeling a little faster than usual this is what we’re
gonna go to attackers really quick just to try to fight them off here but um he’ll a little
bit faster than usual for the first game of the day first video of the day oh you got real
problems now dude might seem like I got real problems well yeah but not necessarily

exclusively in the Tetris Department so what else is new yeah in a hindsight would not
have recommended that move and yet I did it and here we are it’s like don’t boo boo
boo the good boots hold there we go in my heart of hearts I was like maybe the best
move is to build on top of the garbage hole you don’t understand that like when I don’t
build on top of the garbage hole I’m fighting decades of bad tetris habits every single
time the defaults for me is to build on top of the garbage hole now I’m just gonna do
that and I know that that built on top of the garbage hole now you wouldn’t understand
that’s an advanced level technique okay we had to do that in my opinion to get a little
bit of space early and yeah you know why am i explaining myself to the likes of you
you know my Tetris MMR is crossed mm I’m ready I also do see the dude who was
attacking us has become a little bit of a badge Lord in and of himself which is I mean
just terrible news really you got a place and you gotta go we’re all fighting ourselves as
a little haunted controller situation we’re all fighting ourselves like dummies meanwhile
this guy’s over here getting fed from our greed from our and that’s what it is from our
greed okay we got a real mess on to controller I don’t you know what’s weird I don’t get
haunted controller when the controllers are attached I originally thought it was a dust
issue it might still be I don’t know be honest my knowledge of the engineering and the
components involved in engineering is essentially less than zero I probably have like uh
how can knowledge be less than zero well it’s very simple I think I have more combined
ignorant than combined knowledge it takes a big man to admit it yo we’re so far away
from having a useful piece here so I compromised and I compromised yet again and we
should be dead we still should die what do you what do you think is gonna happen
there that was a bad 16th place I mean we made some moves we shouldn’t have made
there I didn’t I don’t like to hit you with the 16th place radio silence it’s embarrassing
but you know when you’re driving and you’re tetris engine at 300 kilometers or an
hour around Laguna Seca sometimes you can’t stop and me like hey what do you feel
about sandwiches do you feel like pizza’s an open-faced faced sandwich do you feel
like there’s something wrong with the culture of today’s youth yourself included on the
internet when they they’ll spend four or five hours a week discussing what is and what
is in a sandwich but when you ask them what they feel about the social issues they’re
like I don’t really want to get into it I don’t know dude there’s a lot of things on my
mind bless you all right put me on kos here and I think we’ll set up our well like such
you know you might know you’re looking at the other boards okay it’s a wandering
eye in Tetris I think is a very normal natural thing and you’re going everybody else is
placing blocks faster than UNL wrong some people are some people aren’t you know
everybody’s got their own journey up to the tippy top of the Tetris Mountain we got
three attackers honestly thank you it used to be like you know three attackers really
boy they really got to work on the aggro algorithm in this game jeez Louise now it’s
like three attackers really you would you would try to create a situation like that early
where you’re likely to be destroyed don’t let me stop you okay sober eyes the garbage
hole doesn’t matter too much to me early in my opinion but once we got it clear we
might as well send it okay so just don’t get this is where sometimes I would previously
get locked in and be like ah you know what let’s just continuously send like single lines
that’s wrong I mean it’s not wrong it’s a suboptimal approach to take at the present
moment and now I’m like Kay put me on attackers stay steady here is not that bad
you’re gonna send them then you’re ready for another send and that’s acceptable as

long as you can break this now if you have to do it like that you gotta do it like that
okay now we got some real problems I can hit you with the radio silence yo that was
rough dude I don’t know we we maybe took on a little bit too much aggression there
early sorry is a Sunday morning we beat pogchamp at least maybe a little bit i don’t
know a little slow little passive it’s okay I mean whole level with you say it’s not really
day for me normally you might hear a little bit more restraint in the voice it’s not that
I’m trying I’m trying to give you a different type of episode you know on every album
you buy the album for uh you know larger than life by the Backstreet Boys but then
track six six hits and it’s like let me show you the shape of my heart and you’re like this
is what I purchased the album for I purchased this for the the rapscallion dirtbag pop
punk stylings of some forty one as a kid was this kid no one was by name and then I
get like a song about you know what it means to be daddy’s eighth favorite kid on track
11 I’m not here for that well you know what sometimes those songs end up being your
favorite tracks on the album rarely you know I mean if they were better most of the time
they would probably be the single it’s just the way that ANR the business works but
let’s not get too despondent over it too early here it see it’s like that’s the piece where
I just look at it and I go I don’t know where you belong I I could send you but I’m
not sending a single Tetris at this point in my life is just like it’s a slap in the face now
instead of sending a single Tetris I just did nothing which is probably worse and I think
as a result we’re actually definitely going to lose yeah that we I mean we came 91st
there 92nd maybe actually yeah all I can remain this [Music] shouldn’t have insulted
deryck whibley and the pop punk stylings of Thornhill Ontario some 41 some 41 is like
the mellitus not the diabetes who’s the who’s the Greek or Roman god of music Meletis
me goes something like that and you know they they have blessed multiple YouTube
gamers over the course of their careers I was listening to my favorite song into deep sum
41 live at Tsar’s fest cut a shiny Ponyta you know the video and yet I had the audacity
to insult some 41 or at least to make a joke at their expense that’s what I get it’s what
I get dude all right so you just let the you know the the peace algorithm handle itself
if you gotta send it you can send it but I’d really rather not send it early on here we
get so much more advantage out of a weighted send like really okay I was trying to
court a few more attackers that’s gotta be a KO though like that might be one of those
Kos that actually it takes like a minute or two to actually register thank you that’s that’s
faster than I expect to believe it or not I mean a triple Tetris it’s just it’s hard to compete
with that’s not even like a well if I got that I would do blah blah blah and I would be
dead I would definitely be killed for sure a triple Tetris is uh I don’t want to call it bad
luck cuz you know it was really good luck for me personally but depending on your
perspective you might feel differently in the moment for certain okay so we’re free and
sure I like to swap the piece now the other one it’d been hanging there for a minute still
they have one attacker one attacker equals like don’t even wake me up for one attacker
if I’m sitting in my four-post bed and I hear a knock on the door and it’s Jeeves Jeeves
says sorry to wake you sir but there’s a one attacker at the door Jeeves he’s gonna be
looking for a new job you know he’s it’s very nice of him I guess you know to try to get
out in front of what could be a catastrophe but simultaneously is just it’s unnecessary
you know a single attacker it doesn’t worry me to the degree that it used to what are
you doing here what are you doing here sometimes you got to ask yourself what you’re
doing here sometimes you got to send a line and a line and then maybe even one more

like we we have a suboptimal tower we still have a very very suboptimal tower yo put
me on attackers we got two bad boys that are looking to be punished wait no no no no
yes so yeah okay that’s I mean very poor moves being made here please grant me an
orange piece thank you how we add here I don’t see any any Pink’s or Purple’s on the
gentleman I was trying to handle but you know there’s an ebb and a flow to Tetris you
get sent if you are able to respond to the sending then you get the floor you get the the
conch shell you know you ever read William Golding’s Lord of the Flies it’s a little bit
like that you know they got the talk they said garbage garbage garbage and now I’m
coming in and I’m going better points and they’re going to take the conch shell can’t be
done conch shell belongs to me now that was a very much the wrong things okay we’re
we add on attackers still got 336 people left three attackers you know it’s these just the
audacity of some people I’m not gonna say it’s you know unfair because if it’s unfair for
anybody it’s unfair for the viewer it’s say I’m not gonna sit here and say I always a good
thing for me and it you know helps make my situation easier because of the whole you
know the Wyatt economy and the whatnots and the it’s more it’s unfair for the viewer
because they don’t get the commentary for the viewer is not as good when I can’t get
a good conversational flow going just due to the fact that every two seconds I’ve got to
send another Nadi Boyd was demise in Tetris specifically I would love to be hidden you
with bread based anecdotes and what’s the difference between a flatbread or not tortilla
just can’t be done right now well I’m also in the midst of but really I’m not much of a
garbage collector I’m more of a recycler right now yeah recycler a jokes excuse me you
come into my show and you say things like that and you expect me not to laugh not
gonna happen there we go okay we’re approaching radio silence maybe we’re in radio
silence I can tell the brains still it’s kind of warming up here I’m telling we’re about
to get a huge ko boost right now so close the dang old crippled Tetris main I tell you
no ko is there like I said we’re about to get nokeos maybe you misheard me earlier I
can’t be held responsible for that somebody’s feeling the heat and to be honest I want
his badges definitely do not waste the long piece keep sanding him dude there we go
we got his badges it’s radio silence in a big way [Music] hmm coughing doesn’t count
as violating radio silence read the Geneva Conventions sometimes okay sometimes you
got to live with it let me go let me go I always do this wrong rotation fourth-place feel
the burn hurts it hurts we had a chance there all the brains getting over Clark though
I could feel the clock cycles start to speed up the calcium carbonates starting to come
out wait let’s rust ferric rust chemical formula I is it iron oxide rust is onion oxide OKC
has but do I hold a four-year degree in biology from a Canadian university that was
previously in the running for top 10 but a series of town gown relations snafus and
budget crises maybe have dropped into 1/8 here in 7s tier University yes do I remember
much from my chemistry knowledge specifically required to gain that degree no you
know you got me are you happy it’ll happen to you too you’ll go to school for science
get your undergrad and then end up working in a job in an unrelated field and then
one day you’ll understand someone will hit you with a question hey our dear uncle
it’s and you’ll be like oh my oh no that’s it and then people will be like don’t have a
degree in biology and you’ll say you know this is I have repped what I’ve sowed I’ve
wrapped what I’ve sowed yo okay this is the dream it’s also a little bit of a personal
nightmare but we had a staggering amount of attackers there now we don’t but I think
we’re gonna get a KO honestly I would openness somebody got a KO but it was not us

you like it’s a while until yeah we get a piece that would have fit better there but maybe
it was worth the wait there we go finally I know you’re hitting me with this this shade
of crimson like there’s an inherent danger what’s happening right now and I can’t help
but feel that you’re just being dramatic put me on attackers and then you drop a long
piece and then you these are garbage you just drop them wherever and then you hit
them with a lot of love a long long long long piece and then maybe one of those and I
mean there’s like an upper limit this is bad yeah let’s just make the same mistake we’ve
made every time recently but I was gonna say is there’s an upper limit to the amount of
garbage somebody can send you in Tetris and that’s it right there that said that putting
us at 54th place that said okay it always you know when you’re driving your car in the
wintertime you gotta grease up the engine a little bit I’ve been spoiled by living on the
west coast we go you know to go to our car we press a button it turns on when I got my
driver’s license I you know I’ve got a winter birthday lived in a part of Canada where
regularly minus 20 degrees Celsius somedays substantially worse so is it they live in a
zero where I live on Jupiter okay congratulations I mean probably not because Jupiter’s
a gas giant don’t you have a green by the green biology anyway you gotta let the engine
warm up you’re not gonna drive to school at minus 10 you know why you’re not gonna
drive to school at minus 10 your hands don’t work well minus 10 maybe but minus 30
your hands don’t work you’re gonna get in an accident cuz your muscles need to be
able to actually move the controls required for the steering wheel that’s a that exactly
the situation we’ve got going on here and anybody that thinks otherwise is incorrect
this is a lot of attackers we have not had a situation like this and owned in quite some
time personally I’m stoked you know I will say considering that you know our early
wins though you know the first wins we ever got in this series we’re essentially the
result of getting playing decently sure but mostly like a big part of it was being lucky
as well and being targeted by by multiple people early on which really put me in a
position it’s like so close to accidentally doing a tea spin and I’m like well we can’t have
that and we’ve been able to succeed without having those parameters for a little while
now and it feels nice you know to not necessarily have to rely on getting yourself in a
Rorschach situation to be able to succeed that was not the case when we first started
playing so why would you build a big like a vacation home on top of the garbage hole
it’s a great question have you ever considered that maybe everything you know about
Tetris is wrong and my newfound unique strategy is the only way to achieve victory
in a modern constantly changing hostile Tetris environment no all right that’s that’s
good that means you passed a critical thinking test you’ve called me out for a mistake
and then with my defense you have continued to call me out reflects positively on your
critical thinking abilities and intelligence thirty-eighth with 1ko even 38 with kukais oh
it’s not a great spot for us I don’t like a well on the side but I’m gonna kind of double
down on it temporarily just for what I hope is a decent opportunity for us to where
you gonna drop dead yeah we’re you’re gonna drop that okay just for an opportunity
for us to not fall too far behind here and then we get our well on that side and all of a
sudden we’re kind of back in business yeah okay see that was a good opportunity for a
drop but you can only store one piece at a time yeah screwed it that’s okay because we
actually got super lucky got the doubled piece right when we needed it 26th place we
have to I mean we shouldn’t have probably started to continue to build here which is the
sentence that is very complicated started to continue to build you know with 23rd place

here we should be looking at taking this tower back to square one in my opinion and
what do you do on square one well you you really but what I want to avoid happening
is what’s happened to us a couple of times here and you know we’ve lost for a variety
of different and equally valid reasons but we we just don’t want hold on things are
getting a little hot we don’t want to be in a situation where we hit the top ten and right
off the bat we get a big old garbage pile drop on us I don’t know I shouldn’t know
well I guess maybe I’m fine switching off Keo is there who cares yeah this will be fine
I’m actually gonna drop a long piece here just temporarily with 13 left thank you I I
definitely do not want to find us in a situation where we’re built too high you just sent
me a single line that’s a situation where you got to know your attacker somebody sends
you a single line at this point of the game that is being disrespectful it’s up to you to
teach him some manners that was not where that piece was meant to go radio silence
by the way [Music] single line I laugh for now things can change quick late extremely
haunted controller don’t do it thank you ah we deserve to lose there are a few bad plays
and a couple haunted controllers but yeah I mean it’s a few top-10 finishes in a single
video I can’t really complain and again we defeated Eggman the lion man white lion
trying to see if the Ryan specifically and then in every game you know we beat six or
seven of ourselves as long as we can be the top doppelganger I’m a happy man hey for
now thanks for watching her because I’m enjoy the episode if you like but I’m sorry
the course describe you awesome one feature nice watch I’ll see you next time and I’m
warmed up I’m warmed up and ready to go see you then

everybody is me welcome Ecch I’m playing Tetris 99 last episode dude I don’t
know what do you want me to say yeah we’re not at that point where you know I need
to recalibrate okay in every game of Tetris 99 there’s 98 other people why it’s sally’s
opportunists Johnathan’s who’s Jonathan he’s just an everyday normal dude like the rest
of us trying to get his first or second Tetris 99 wink to have a video in which we play six
games and don’t get a win that’s not a catastrophe okay catastrophe is a television show
currently airing don’t even talk to me about what’s happening here currently airing on
Amazon Prime two very very different things that being said it’s not to say there weren’t
mistakes on the last episode that I would you know given the choice prefer to rectify
and I know you’re from the start of this episode you might be looking and going an
out it doesn’t seem like you’re likely to rectify it well Cade and I were talking about it
yesterday and I’m we were of the same opinion more or less honest what you do in my
personal opinion with the first I don’t know 50 positions in a Tetris 99 match I really feel
is almost inconsequential now there’s a difference it doesn’t mean you’re never gonna
lose in the top 50 sometimes you’re just gonna be attacked and you know life’s gonna
be hard but for the most part if you’re not you know targeted by a staggering amount
of aggression you’re probably gonna be a okay to still have a chance to win once you
get outside of the top 50 I think we’re just gonna have to start sending here we’re a
victim of circumstance two long pieces in a row and see I did something that I’m trying
to work on not doing as much in the future I set up a situation where in order to fill a
gap we need to use a long piece and you know you always want to have one gap where
you need to use a long piece and that’s where I feel like people have been very derelict
in their explanation I see them talking to other people about Tetris because they were
talking to me about Tetris and they were going see the number one problem is you’re
you’re making gaps where you need a long piece to fill it and then you go okay excuse
me sir you throw the baby out with the bathwater it’s actually awesome to have a gap
this sucks dude we’re dead so like I said oh no no just place one piece let me out no
we did um and I know this is a bad time to give advice you know we’re arguing from a
position of weakness but we did get you know maybe triple Tetris there it happens um
let me caffeinate what I was gonna say is you know many people they’ve said it to me
and I said it today and your biggest problem is you making gaps they need a long piece
to fill you gotta be more specific with your instructions if you want to be the Morpheus
to our Neos okay you’ll wanna have a gap well unless you’re T spinning like crazy but
that’s kind of like you know you’re talking about how to fly an sr-71 Blackbird instead
of a Cessna if you wanna do well and play fast and send a lot of garbage get Kalos

and have a chance to win you want to leave exactly one exactly one gap where you
need a long piece to handle it and we see that’s a mistake right there obviously but well
you don’t want to do is leave to gaps to gaps bad one gap actually not just good ideal
because you want you need a gap to be able to send your your Tetris to you know what
I mean and again we’ve done it again I could be and this is a we actually created two
there I could be a lot better and we’ve created another one about noticing in the moment
when it’s starting to go wrong this isn’t even a particularly impressive build that one is
you know what I’m actually gonna start to work the tower down a little bit just cuz I
am I don’t like it and if you don’t like if you’re not feeling comfortable with it you’re
gonna slow down your own level of play you slow down your own level of play and all
of it oh yeah then things like that start to happen and you know it’s not all over at that
point I me is still the early game again in spite of what happened in the last episode I
firmly believe you can make some real oopsies in the early game still come out smelling
like a rose and then we’ve had some truly zelich dude I’m on randoms to talk about an
oopsie we’ve had some truly staggering like awful performances that have then become
wins just by virtue of like being alive so I could capitalize on other people’s mistakes
it’s really just you know say it’s not really the luck of the draw don’t want to say tetris
is the luck of the draw cuz you know there’s people in tetris they have a 99 percent win
rate in Tetris 99 specifically I should say at any time you know you’re talking about a
99 percent win rate I mean if you’re the person who gets that win on them you got to
assume like hey a right place right time right or I don’t know maybe you’re like it turns
out I’m the best player in the world I don’t know I would like to think that I would be
like you know what any given Sunday just worked out in my favor it’s got to be a lot of
pressure and I’m saying this honestly not not as a caricature it has to be a lot of pressure
to have a win rate that high in a game like this cuz like I my perspective already is like
I’m not very good at Tetris I’m starting to get to a level of increased competency for
sure I mean we started the series hoping to get a single win and now we’re going into
every single episode truly in my heart of hearts believing there’s a chance of victory
and even then there’s a little pressure like whenever you make a mistake at Mach 500
somebody comes out of the woodwork and goes you know why did you drop the piece
in the wrong spot in your like moment cuz it was going fast and they go well if you
want to win you shouldn’t do that in your own no kidding who would have thought I
never never dawned on me - the dominant strategy for a game like this could be hey
don’t make mistakes turns out that it applies anyway it’s not bitterness it’s just that
comes with the territory and that’s from the perspective of somebody who is not even
really operating at a high level of Tetris acumen two attackers one attacker that’s what
I thought and we’ve done it again but it’s okay I think we’re gonna start sending it’s
also pretty ugly over there but you know imagine being and I’m not you know they
don’t need sympathy they’re the best players in the world but imagine being one of
the best tetris 99 players in the world and you’ll lose two games in a row on stream all
of a sudden people are like I ain’t never seen this before you start III understand that
the nature of the backseat you start to feel the doubt creep in people watching or all of
a sudden like should I be giving Wayne Gretzky tips on how to play hockey and the
more you the more you play the more the answer to that question starts to become yes
for some people go so extreme capitulation that’s me we we’ve been insanely lucky the
fact that that resulted in a kill I always just have to apologize you know to whoever got

killed there that’s just like it didn’t have to be like that wasn’t my intention to wipe you
out gotta send them oh sorry I’m just a getting distracted as we get close to radio silence
here just cuz I mean by nature of the game itself things start to become a little hotter you
know and we’re kind of expecting that right now by the way don’t do it don’t do it that
was what I was fighting for my life there but just some terrible placements on route on
route to success full send there’s the new law used to be why it’s law you know the the
law that the skill required to do to get a win in Tetris 99 doubles every two weeks now
we got Ryan’s law Ryan’s law is very simple in every game of Tetris 99 there’s gonna be
a Ryan there’s corollaries in every three games of Tetris 99 there’s gonna be a number
one aunt mom grandpa grandma etc etc you can you can fill in the rest of the Magna
Carta for yourself all I’m saying is it’s and it’s weird you know cuz i watch sports and
you know when i watch hockey it’s not like I’m a better hockey player than Nicolai gold
Alban but I’ve seen better hockey players than Nicolai gold oven I guess so my brain
goes a nickel I what are you doing haven’t you seen any clips of Wayne Gretzky you
can’t be doing that here letting them take the puck off of here you gotta take the puck off
of him and there you know it is so easy meanwhile he’s like you know hitting the gym
6 hours a day I don’t know who’s it whoever was attacking me there he got the heck out
of the way real quick once it started to hit the fan not gonna save you not gonna save
you he just never is there’s a feeling out period are we dealing with a Wyatt right now
are we dealing with the a Joseph or is this a number one grandpa situation I don’t know
dude I kind of fear the number one grandpa’s the elderly have a toughness thing I mean
you and I can only sniff at I’m not even joking I mean I’m being a little facetious but
there’s there’s no judge where’s the joke you know do you think I will give you a joke
without a punchline yeah yeah but you think I would give you like several jokes yeah
okay but do you think that I would have the disrespect for you and your time to just
spin this bit out for no reason to be a length that’s way longer than it has any right to be
and ask you a series of rhetorical questions that I was very confident you would give me
the opposite answer that it seemed like I was looking for you really think that would be
the case Oh what is it how do i what how do I respond that’s right thirtieth dimensional
chess sorry whoa did I just blow your mind it’s not where yes typically would want
to stick a long piece and pun absolutely intended that was a actually a tactical garbage
hole covering I wouldn’t expect you to understand yet but soon there you go I don’t
know I don’t know about this one I know about this one and like you were free dude
after being free why handle it like that like you were you were set you know what I can
only say thank you I say thank you to my own brain there because I think what you just
witnessed was a situation where my brain knew what was best for me that was not the
piece I thought it was gonna be my brain said hey you’ve been a little accidental you’re
making mistakes that are on becoming of a tetris professional even if that’s not where
you want to be wouldn’t you like to play at that level I suppose fair enough so put me
in one of those situations where I was like I was under the gun being under the gun
has historically been is like a force multiplier for my own ability to play embarrassingly
enough I’m unafraid no longer unafraid actually pretty spooked honestly almost bum
my way out of a chance of redemption there Gide it hurts the most when it’s so deserved
I dropped like ten visas in terrible positions like most of them were by accident I don’t
know whether that makes it better or worse you know I think when you place a piece
badly deliberately at least you’re you’re committing to a strategy you’re going hey this

might not work but if I you know put this down and then at that time you know rapid
fire hit the turbo button on the fast drop I might be able to spin my way out of oblivion
when you just make a mistake like you you DoubleTap the up key or something like
that oh that’s it hurts and we haven’t even really been close in this episode so far that’s
okay it’s a great thing and I’m just gonna let that one go and it’s gone the great thing
about Tetris about tetris 99 specifically is that you know you’re only at any given point
like a minute away from being in another game it’s not like if you make a mistake you’re
you’re sunk for an hour you know it’s the great thing about the short queue time little
a little scary but that’s okay okay we absolutely have to send reasonably good build
though if there’s a better place that oh there was a much better place to put that piece
what I was gonna say is I want to know where it is and then a minute later I was like
okay thank you now I’ve learned something and I appreciate it so this is the world’s
most like unrewarded and simultaneously important t-spin right there t-spin to close a
gap and all of a sudden operating out of a much stronger position than we’re used to
or then we used to be in I should say go ahead that’s what I’m looking for sometimes
you think I gotta stop the garbage you don’t realize that when you stop the garbage
you’re also oh that’s attackers for sure you know the garbage itself is not your enemy
necessarily the enemy is getting to the top garbage can be a useful tool on the way to
the top and remember as a cook that said it’s a long way to the top if you want to rock
and roll why not have some help on route yeah to Kos and no fear love it love it we
do have a long piece coming up yeah we definitely could have handled this a little bit
better from the perspective of making sure our garbage hole was clear a sentence that
will never stop being funny to me and there we go I had a feeling we were looking at
some goodness there you know like a single blue piece I know you’re like why are you
building in the same spot over and over as I’m waiting on a single blue piece to start to
give the tower to work a little bit better finally we get it you know if only there were 20 or
30 signs that our tower construction was not going well we could have prevented this as
much as it may seem and it should that I’m making some highly suboptimal moves here
sometimes you got to look two moves ahead and have I been doing that great question
instead what I’m gonna do is very quickly plug the garbage hole possibly put us in
a situation where for the next you know 10 or 15 seconds were extremely concerned
about our own chance for survival then you go on attackers and you send do you send
it back and then you if possible just continue to send it back now really being concerned
too much for your own ability to pull out a disaster here there you go definitely not
safe yet this is kind of my like dream scenario now though - there’s so many badges
he’s dead that sucks though because somebody killed him and as somebody was not
mean okay this could be the decision that ends our run he’s being a little I don’t even
want to say I think it’s unfair to say too reckless by the way I had a double peace drop
there it was such a Mad Catz I didn’t even notice the double drop that’s a new one for
me and it again corresponding sorry I got a thing for a second pour responded with a
situation in which I got a bunch of stuff dropped on me which is just this it’s not to say
like gurus the worst possible timing it’s just like I think that’s the trigger for whatever
kind of disaster is happening there is a lot of controller rumbling radio silence by the
way a deservedly but a lot of heat on us at the end to very some really really bad plays
their dank stuff that’s uh yeah man feeling mom-mom yo amazing um there’s some
really bad plays at the end there I feel like I’ve been getting a pretty good ko algorithm

going in the early game when we get to the late game I mean if I could diagnose my
own problem and I’m sure the Chad has their own opinions I’m hoping that they line
up on this one in the late game I take offense to it being called panic I’m gonna call
it compromise cuz it’s not like I’m going oh god what do I do but the garbage gets
delivered so much faster once it’s primed that I think I may be a little bit too willing
to say you know what let’s sub-optimally you know like we’ll give ourselves three line
clears now even though it’ll screw us a little bit you know in a minute and I definitely
you know I think sometimes that’s the right decision and part of the interesting part
of Tetris is just figuring out you know when it’s okay to do that and when it’s not so
I’m not trying to create a situation here where I’m sending individual lines what I’m
doing is trying to and I guess we’re gonna have to bail out of that temporarily but I’m
trying to create a situation which I have a well where I can send down you know a
prodigious Tetris and and maybe ruin somebody’s life radio silence by the way ever
mind um that’s fair I played too slow and I keep creating these little crags I created like
a little Adirondack Mountains formation it’s no good you get a long piece and you go
where do I put this and then you don’t want to compromise because you just talked
about the compromise meta and all of a sudden it says a freaking disaster dude here’s
the thing you gotta overclock the brain with the oh how do you overclock the brain
world capitals it’s a capital of Armenia Yerevan what’s the capital of Azerbaijan Baku
was the capital of Romania Bucharest what’s the capital of Kazakhstan Astana what’s
the capital of Uzbekistan Tashkent was the capital of Belize Sucre and La Paz what’s
the capital of Bolivia see that’s yeah Velma pond okay so I think I’m ready and I may
have mispronounced those please just take solace in the fact if I mispronounced your
country’s capital the average Canadian wouldn’t even be able to tell you what continent
it’s in that’s not an insult to my country men’s intelligence it’s a brag about my own
trivial knowledge and in the end of the days essentially if not literally meaningless you
know I deserve to be on randoms there I deserve to not have a chance of chaos as a
result of a a poor performance a lays that’s some not the best decision-making I’ve ever
made in my life there and you know that’s a I lesser individual without the ability to
take responsibility for their own actions would probably say that’s a Mad Catz situation
not this time that’s a situation where I hit the button incorrectly not getting demoralized
just taking a sober stock of our own situation right here we did pick up a KO any time
you pick up a KO in a situation where you shouldn’t you should probably look around
the map a little bit and figure out who you need to thank inevitably someone did us a
service there we basically stole their ko accidentally our attackers in a rough spot but
you know I’m feeling in a generous mood he might have been the person responsible
for us getting an undeserved KO right okay well that’s actually fine and don’t do that
sometimes you can actually get away with that but we don’t have the right you know
piece layout for that to be a functional and well-thought-out approach we need that long
piece immediately thank you thank you just play it cool there’s that what can you do
you know you can switch the Kos sorry you can switch to attackers I mean there’s a
chance that that could help you out but it’s not gonna keep you alive in the moment so
I we have not weathered the storm I was just gonna say if we will do the storm almost
screwed that one up okay we’re free next long piece do it it’s alright our attacker is also
in a dangerous situation that’s like a sober moment of realization for me and I that was
a tactical garbage hole plug will you do something like that and then some like that

and then something like that um but what I was gonna say there is the person who was
giving us the the most amount of trouble was also in trouble themselves and you know
I was that one was haunted for real isn’t that often times the situation in real life as well
won’t somebody think of the bullies okay where am I going it’s a bad time to bring up
an issue is potentially controversial as that blue piece not here you go and there you go I
wouldn’t really prefer to have not had to do it to him this one you take the garbage and
I hate to do it but it was the right decision and now hello badge Lord it’s got to be done
for us to live it has to be done this one maybe didn’t have to be done but I was nervous
this could be huge if it hasn’t been huge yet just for the record you’re like oh he’s right
it was huge not it hasn’t happened yet the hugeness is still waiting to be seen because
the bad Lord yet lives in the top 10 the mighty tap 10 the badge Lord lives tonight oh
he’s dead now stop the anecdote you did the anecdote at the worst time again and then
you someone’s gotta go [Music] so don’t get cocky and above all else don’t get mad get
glad we’re very lucky to be able to stay on kos this long that’s like I know we could have
done something a little different radio silence but here we are what happened just just
the staggering series of wrong place pieces that hurts dude look at this guy he’s got like
a 15 spot garbage hole well I mean this is a pretty disappointing couple episodes I’m
gonna go splash some water on my face get the episode back shark tank or get to get my
mojo flowing is what I mean to say for now thanks for watching and you know we go
through we got to say some cool stuff over the course of this video and if that’s not the
point than what is for now thanks for watching um you guys have enjoyed everything
click the like but I’m segredo course subscribe if you want to see more in the future for
now that’s watching and I will see you next time through

well I thought I should record something different but it’s hard to leave tetris 99
I mean it’s not a negative note it’s just a muted note you know we’ve made it a top
ten like I don’t maybe eight times in in two videos here and I don’t think we’ve had a
game where we put up a serious fight and that’s an embarrassment to me you know the
pieces are falling too fast for my brain to handle right now and it’s an embarrassment
because of the fact that we’ve been able to handle the pieces falling at that speed in the
past so maybe you know that when the when the chips are fallen at a reasonable pace
I got very little to worry about when they’re falling too fast just play faster low it’s just
that easy I think a big part of it is coming into the episode with a little bit of confidence
as well and you might be surprised you might be surprised but I am coming into the
episode with a little bit of confidence not confidence that we’re going to win necessarily
but the confidence that I know things go right we could win the numbers a Mason at
some point they speak for themselves we have wins many I mean I would learn more
than I instructed I’ll ever have [Music] all you got to do I mean it’s not all we got to
do but one of the only things you got to play your own game once you get your own
game being played then play it again and again and again and again and again and
again like this is the perfect execution of my algorithm right here for my personal tastes
like we did some great work there now we have compromised a little bit here so what
we’re gonna do you don’t like the construction of the tower that’s fine the walls came
down all the way to heck you guys know this song never saw when the standard never
saw when to Phil I never know what songs are a part of my wheelhouse just due to the
fact that they’re Canadian and thus words played on Canadian radio and which ones
were actually popular across the entire world or across the you know least Canada in
the United States oh he surprises me you know cuz I when I was growing up I was like
you know it’s a big Canadian song life is a highway by Tom conquering you bring it
up now and even realized that’s it that’s almost popular again maybe not everywhere
but allotted in North America at least you know want to make sure I don’t sing it too
well otherwise no Content ID matches and all that I had to be honest if that’s the dude
most likely to be Kayode games in a weird spot okay we got good tower construction
again oh I’m feeling it dude no you should do it like this cuz then you got that open
for you and it’s always a little dangerous once you start to get a little closer to the tippy
top of the iceberg here and then you send them and you send them we’re gonna have to
do it another sending just cuz I’m a little nervous about the way that things look here
we had a lot of attackers and and we’re gonna compromise in a big way here and I’m
gonna hope that it’s the right play but yeah it’s hard to know you know it says you’re

not just playing Tetris and I think that’s the really sneakily great thing about Tetris 99
you’re playing Tetris with the with a piece I really could use a please and then now
I can use an orange piece even better that twist is what makes it you know dynamic
at least for people who are at their present skill level incapable of winning absolutely
every single game they play of this game which definitely describes me yo what’s up
with the heat dudes can’t help but notice every time I send out a line I’m getting the
Walt Disney style fireworks show you know if you had a problem with me on a personal
level if anything I just bring it up dude you just say what you mean mean what you say
instead you’re gonna conspire with a thousand nations of the Persian army to descend
upon me then we’ll fight in the shade etc say we’ve all seen the movie hate to do it but
kind of screwed up my own tower there and I’ve done it once solved do it again gosh
darn it acceptable okay we got a faster basically we got to play faster I didn’t finish
my sentence cuz you know you’re smart people you know what I was gonna say it’s
always said you guys ever have that like in your math classes growing up the teacher
would be like John has six watermelons he gives four watermelons to Derek how many
watermelons does he have and then you’d be like two and then your teacher will go to
what giraffes no two watermelons are you what’s wrong with you you’re the one who
brought it up in the first place that was I mean I got distracted by the bit mary has 15
cows she gives four to Jennifer how many does she have now what did she give four
cows or four watermelons I don’t know you’ve got to use your own units as well okay
oh I can feel it the testosterone starting to pump here cacoon cacoon cacoon I mean
it’s simply a it’s important to know your units you should write your units down I
mean there’s a I don’t know if it was the Challenger but there was a space disaster that
happened because this might be an urban legend now that I think about it but what
I had heard is there was a space disaster that happened because you know one of the
space agencies was using Imperial and the other Space Agency was using metric when I
put it in that way it sounds implausible but I can only relay the information as it entered
my own brain you know No yeah I mean I don’t really know what I was saying either
all I’m saying it’s important to be specific of course but simultaneously like a you know
what’s the third grade cut me some slack lady can’t help but feel that you know it’s
math class not 4h there we go I was waiting for the punchline my brain was like I got
one I got one and then it finally spit it out now this this game is neither bad nor good
so far it’s too early not enough has happened for it to be classified as either right now
um all I’m gonna do though is just I’m gonna start to throw some heat at the attacker
cuz the attacker he’s doing some really rude stuff is he in a whyatt oh he’s Wyatt Amiga
tout of here Wyatt I’ve fallen victim to the to the trap of the the sirens song of the easy
ko he’s doing he’s doing the topo strats you see what you did topo you’re unleashed
this strategy on the world a world that I mean it’s not that the strategy is not okay the
strategy is great just those you know not everybody is the same the quorum that you
do you know some people they use your strategy for ill instead of for good I don’t
know person for all I know that that could be used so I don’t know if this game is any
matchmaking I went from like wanting to beg the tetris corporation for matchmaking
like MMR to now being like if you ever add MMR to this game on this top planet I
exclusively want to be able to dunk on people who are not as good as I am at Tetris
please it’s the only thing I’ve ever asked for focus I’m finally semi-competent at one
battle royale don’t take this away from me I think semi-competent is a fair assessment

there we go finally close the gap is it’s just an awful place for that well to be do I really
want to build low or do I want to like I’m again this is what I was saying earlier like
you know when you build your well in a bad location you start to slow way down
because you’re like do I really want to compromise this is the Greek and I think here
the answer is no like look at this garbage tower so what we’re gonna do is it took a
took a set if you know what I mean to do what I did right there oh and then it did it
took a completely different set missing a few pieces to do what I did right there so you
know heard about is fair play or something all right one long piece actually saves us
gets us back to a reasonably functional situation and again who doesn’t like to play fast
you know get out of here I told you many times sir straw man your opinions are not
welcomed here even though you do seem to bizarrely represent the argument I wish to
mislabel the strange coincidence [Music] easy Hulk and we have a more functional well
well well it’s also at the risk of sounding like a human infant and can handle losing but
we’re gonna we’re gonna okay that’s fine um we are playing this on a weekend where
I really feel like all the super-powered tetris 99 players you know NASA gave them the
week off so they’re like or the weekend off which is nice of them you know due to labor
laws and all that just a little teaspoon set up see most people did they don’t possess the
knowledge to understand what I was going for there but I know you guys be different
you intelligent controller lost sync temporarily okay this is a cursed run which means
it’s a guaranteed win okay that orange piece is very strong finally I just I think the tetris
community does get a little bit just a teensy-weensy bit stronger on the weekends give
me the give me the community when the kids are you know homesick I minimus bacon
no you don’t t-spin only I am supposed to be the one not allowed necessarily it’s not
really what I mean but the one who’s supposed to be able to possess the knowledge to
t-spin in my games all right I got to give you a little bit of early radio silence I think
this game is subtle I think it’s like a little just the people that are alive seem I’m willing
to compromise but only just they seem a little better and I think I’ve screwed it so I’m
gonna hit you with a radio silence yeah I haven’t earned it on a stage when I earn the
radio silence you’ll be the first afraid you to know what what am i doing though it’s the
moment of truth dude it will not go for all of my attempts and now I mean that game
was just watched so many different ways I told you it’s Ryan’s law I don’t know what to
tell you haven’t had fantastic performances so far KDR is getting out of control I had to
go to discord real quick my good friend Daniel geez Ling sent me a picture apparently
there is a basketball team with the unity on their shirts and he said good luck in the
tournament boys and units the end of the anecdote I wish there was something more
exciting to say but you might be saying to yourself I don’t know maybe you’re not maybe
you’re like these videos rules you might be saying that any if you are thank you I love
recording them Tetris is my go-to right now whenever I haven’t whenever I have a gap
what’s the all for bad targeting whenever I have a gap in the Tetris videos that I can fill
phrasing I’m like do that sick you know what that means I got a I get the record like
six or seven Tetris episodes say what a dream come true you might be saying I don’t
know I know maybe it’s time to put the series out to pasture that day will come but it’s
not today first off I’m not ending the series on a negative note like this I would never
okay this is I mean I’m not wired you’re hitting me with opportunists I think any time
you find yourself in a situation where yeah a really strong play there anytime you find
yourself in a situation where things aren’t going your way the first step and this is this

is just a nightmare first step is radio silence as you try to get yourself out of a jam the
great thing about a Tetris ninety-nine Jam is that if you get out all you do free this up
and all of a sudden you’re not in your hugely in like look at that that was the first I’ll
call it the best play we’ve had over the course of these videos you know the ones that
I’ve recorded today this Ackerson session beauty okay we do need this still make a line
there I got a little ahead of myself I’m not gonna belabor the point but suffice to say
I was looking to garbage holes ahead strong strong plate strong clay strong clay okay
here we are I can’t believe we only got one ko out of that Hey worry about your well by
the way to Kos okay so we do have a badge Lord I’m unconcerned I don’t say that every
time I do say it alive I’ll work on it okay you have my word for now that we’ve been
blessed to be beset on all sides by why its righteous and unholy okay this is where we
have to end the greed and we go like this that’s a KO situation now okay we managed
to fill the gap that’s that’s what the air going quickly through the teeth was meant to
signify is that had put ourselves very much in harm’s way most important piece by far
long piece second most important piece blue piece looks like garbage still works okay
and now we’ve got the ability to set ourselves up for ye olde double Tetris again oh
I watched it happen two people were competing for the kill and unfortunately I drew
short straw single line of garbage in in a perfect location you know I just didn’t I if I had
kept the place for that that would be a different story but that’s where that one belongs
right now and I maintain there is no better feeling you know I think I’m gonna drop
him just to be safe we’re 13th oh my god there’s no better feeling maybe in any video
game then in Tetris 99 when you start to play fast [Music] forget what bono said earlier
it’s the sweetest thing radio silence they’re like oh my god is he spin is not like that
boys has to be done please please my dude it’s it’s actually my left controller is sinking
I don’t know at this time not saying it cost me a win I’m looking at the other boards it
definitely cost me a chance at third what do you what can you say what your controller
keeps coming unsynched you slot it back in there I don’t know I took a screenshot I
thought that was the recent controller button anybody in you know it still could be a
dust related issue for sure here’s the flow chart okay you get sent a decent chunk of
garbage your controller goes bring it vibrates and then it just loses control for a bit now
we again in the interest of fairness we probably still would have lost but we had a good
spot for the blue piece to maybe keep ourselves alive that it’s a painful situation still
positive performance ish you know we were starting to get ourselves out of there feeling
better and loop loving Tetris just the same certainly I’m not like me and this game is
BS I’m more like man I like it if anything because it puts an asterisk on our career you
know they’re like hey where do you think Sidney Crosby would sit all-time if he played
in an era where people were actually able to score goals you know goalies didn’t have
pads that were the size of a frickin city block that’s what we got going on right here a
wonder how many wins NL would have in tech is 99 we’ve been able to use a controller
that worked functionally yeah where if you’d go to Best Buy and just pick up another
one yeah you know I hate you because you’re right you’re just right in this situation I
should have it’s an issue I should have handled a long time ago and yet here I am doing
everything I can holding on to what I have pretending I’m a Superman I’m trying to
keep my ground on the feet even though it seems the world is falling down around me
I don’t remember the rest of the words is it the nicer so long singing this song trying
to find the answers so um they’re more than maybe that’s right I quit Tony Hawk’s Pro

Skater it’s sin double um not only did a head you’re not gonna believe this not only did
I play Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater I was pretty dang good I got the whole methodology
especially we get Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater for they add in the the the manual and the
revert it’s over whoops ok we this is a tackers situation and you got to start sending the
the formula is so simple even a child to do it and I know that because I did it when I
was a child you hit it with the go to the halfpipe that’s got to be some chaos right you
go to the halfpipe you place a piece in the wrong spot and then you bail yourself out yet
again eventually orange piece coming up yes thank God what was I talking about Tony
Hawk’s Pro Skater here’s what you do you hit them with a 900 on the halfpipe it’s write
down circle easiest trick in the book following that you do a revert 903 vert 900 reverts
manual 900 goons are starting to slow down revert manual 900 all of a sudden you’re
900 combo starting to is dwindling you know you’re getting the low force multiplier as
a result of the fact you’ve gone back to the well one too many times on the 900 go that’s
a bit of a bummer radio silence yeah I got a hit you with one more do these have not
been good episodes or not good performances but good Abbas’s then all of a sudden
kick flips and you know Indy grabs mute verts etc etc then you got to gather a little bit
of speed you’re gonna come off you know at this point you should have a few million
points stored up you do a revert manual kick flip manual pop shuvit manual he’ll flip
manual rinse and repeat then you start going in load if you can get to a grind a rail you
jump on that you press triangle 50/50 grind jump kick flip 50/50 grind jump kick flip
sick nasty grind I don’t remember the names all the grinds backside grind then when
you lose all your speed you go to the flatland tricks you start doing the Rodney mullets
you start you know holding the board and kicking your feet up in the air anyway you
probably stopped listening many seconds ago I’m just telling you I lived the life okay the
life of a skater no the life of a tony hawk’s pro skateboarder player I didn’t really I mean
I did like everybody else of my era I dabbled in skateboarding because the game made
it look so easy and I mean I did it for a while but then I broke my I broke my skateboard
because I bought it at Canadian Tire for like twenty dollars it was not a high quality
board it wasn’t I was doing high-quality tricks either I mean it was like I wasn’t a good
skateboarder is what I’m trying to get a tag a little offended that you’ve made me say
it but it is true I can’t deny that okay how that cancels a councils a combos what I was
gonna say they’re more long pieces faster please still counts as a combo we’re slowly
everywhere trading yeah we were trading our future for our present there I mean we
got a real gap that needs to be filled all of a sudden we can start to rebuild there it’s
pretty good though you know we get three Kos out of that haunted controller yet again
it has recovered thankfully but please my controller is very sick okay just remember you
asked for the sending I love a good combo who doesn’t love a good combo in Tetris 99
I don’t love it I know okay I’m gonna stop I’m gonna stop I can’t keep giving this guy
that the time of day comes into my videos he argues the opposite every single time what
do you think about that one seemed okay I mean the people that sent me so many lines
so rudely sent me those lines on top of that they’re not really a badge rich populace
right now wrong that’s the wrongly um sorry a little gap in the line never hurt anybody
unless it ends up leading to our demise specifically in which case I mean obviously then
I mean it’s responsible for our death um I don’t know it’s all it’s a surprising game uh
compromises you know you go for the send early or do you try to you know create a
little bit of a ah a situation where uh you stay greedy knowing there’s a little bit of risk

associated but also feeling you know confident enough in yourself that was super not
the right move and then we compounded that mistake okay it’s a good time to maybe
get on random is real quick having made a major mistake [Music] I see the lines like
that well I stopped seeing the lines at the wrong time apparently don’t stop thinking
about tomorrow we’re free temporarily temporarily free dude it’s all I could ever ask
for and you know what you just made my list of things to do today badge Lord there’s
not that well there it was gonna say there’s nothing sweeter but I recently had covered
the position that there was something sweeter right is sweeter when you play fast for
the first time in Tetris this is also sweet though is when you’re able to respond to a
damage call that they didn’t expect you to be able to respond to and all of a sudden we
got a game again and we’re back down to the bottom 16th place making the top 10 has
not been a problem for us today you know not a hundred percent efficiency but thanks
for your DoubleTap um definitely like roughly on the level that I would expect this is
where things have become a problem for us and it appears they may continue to be a
problem for us radio silence literally like I’m not mad but just a single piece that could
actually fit in like a spot into that hole would have been nice is it you know did I not do
it to myself no of course I did it to myself and that’s what really hurts but also pretty
pretty pretty bad piece luck temporarily there clears we’re gonna do it’s probably gonna
be the last run we’re gonna take a deep breath and we’re gonna say you know three
videos without a win is a very very it’s um it’s a poor performance but you gotta that
the sweet isn’t as sweet without the sour Jason Lee from the 2001 film Vanilla Sky not a
great movie baby’s first introduction to even mildly philosophical themes which is why
I liked it so much when I was in eighth grade but let’s look at a soft spot for that movie
you know the thing you see things that are formative point in your life they’re gonna
mean more to you this is just what it would have I done you know you got to leave
yourself some space here but not like this better but don’t forget ever we still have that
terrible gap we got to do something with what the heck and now why are you playing
so fat how are you playing so fast oh this congratulations you made me use 10% of my
power what is it they say nany so nany and all that anyway um no I was just I was in
the zone temporarily it happens if I could stay in the zone permanently it wouldn’t be
called the zone anymore it would just be called the way definitely need to find a place
you know let’s do it temporarily we’ll engage in a little bit of fixing there we go hey oh
sorry I didn’t bring it up earlier I just didn’t expect it no no no like this then like that
acceptable oh we got a well is it a well well well well it’s not not a well well well but it’s
got some room to grill for sure before I would really start to you know think of it in that
fashion I think we gotta send them it’s really the new gamble and I know your leg is not
working out well it isn’t it isn’t hasn’t worked out on camera off cameras been pretty
sweet but the new meta is basically just gambling on when you’re gonna get texty and
when you’re gonna get your long pieces you know if you’re confident enough that a a
long piece is gonna show up within the next I don’t know five pieces you just go for it if
you’re not you definitely do not go for it I’m crestfallen hi crestfallen I’m dead no it’s not
the time father spin it over spinner eyes dude I’m embarrassed we got to do one more
after that I mean that we just dumped a long piece of you know one one thousandth of
a second too early and through the story of these last three runs is that we shouldn’t
be playing tetris ninety nine in the morning we should be playing tetris ninety nine at
night I hate to say it not at night in the afternoon I need to be mentally primed and

ready for things to really give it their all and I if I could come up with a theme for these
episodes here for me it really feels like I’ve I’ve played well when I don’t need to and
when I need to all of that skill just flies out the friggin window that’s the that’s the spirit
of these episodes so far is throwing at exactly the wrong time if we could just reverse
course there we would probably have you know a couple of wins on camera today life
goes on I mean it’s Tetris you know it’s not life and death situation but it is you know
modestly disappointing and that’s okay I can deal with disappointment I was around
for the release of Devil May Cry to a witness the the rise and fall of M night Shyamalan
disappointments nothing new do it do it come on give me I want you to hear me long
piece please just this not as fast as possible necessarily but faster than this ended with
a long piece all we got some problems for them now if you can get another long piece
perhaps send them again don’t let up dude cuz you got another long piece and you’re
gonna drop one of these okay now you got to start to think about how we’re gonna
actually construct this son of a gun we need two long pieces to fix it and it still counts as
a combo knit dad ouch next a far what about done well we actually don’t need to and
that’s where I was wrong earlier we don’t need two long pieces to fix the tower we need
two long pieces to send a line we could be okay with the tower without sending lines
it’s just a matter of guard tolerance for risk you know let’s that’s a um it looks like a
misplaced block is actually just a plan for the future okay well you know sometimes it’s
not your day first now thanks for a watch and hope you’ve enjoyed the episodes today
I’ll be back a little bit more practice and maybe in a better just mental state of acuity
for nothing so I hope you’ve enjoy any particular the light but I’m security of course
together you’ll assume I visualize watch I’ll see you next time see you

Part IV

3 0 Y E A R O L D L E G E N D G R A C E F U L LY E N D S H I S C A R E E R

ey everybody welcome back to neuron the land place tetris 99 i’ve
been a couple of days without tetris 99 videos i’m just gonna hit you
with the honest-to-goodness truth this will be the end of the tetris 99
series not this episode but this recording session truth be told with
Babas you secure oh you know i mean there’s only two things but you
know team unity tuesday isaac slay the spire thursday recordings with
dan amantha’s etc etc combined with the fact that it’s kind of run its course it’s time to
send it off but i’m not letting it go just by itself you know good boy sorry guy granola
throat mmm we should it’s been a very fun and a very fulfilling series it deserves a
proper send-off so we’re gonna give it a few episodes you know two three four I have
no idea I’m so out of practice you know the other thing is dude I’m I love Tetris 99 I am
I I could play it forever i I have to stop myself if that makes sense so I hope if you’ve
joined me for Tetris and there are many of you who have you’ll stick around and watch
me play something else
the other thing I want to bring up is I will return to Tetris 99 look to the coming
oh oh my god I’m so out of practice of the seventh star and you will see me I don’t
know what that means it just sounded cool you never know with imagery like that
though sometimes you think it sounds cool and then you’re like actually it’s associated
with things that are deeply uncool and you’re like okay fair enough that’s my mistake
alright so again out of practice to an extreme degree I’ve been playing other things in my
downtime it’s not really and all good things must come to an end sort of situation here
we go Oh target’s acquired it’s more just like I wanted some variety variety you know
how they say it it’s the spice of life brother I’m inclined to agree but I’ll never forget the
experiences I’ve had in Tetris for the first time in my entire life despite being aware of
Tetris forever I think I could in good conscience call myself a decent Tetris player I had
never hit those highs before send them okay there you go I’m hoping it doesn’t take
much for me to get back into the swing of things here thank God that didn’t screw me
too badly and you get to send this and not being too picky at the present moment oh
my god oh it feels so good I don’t know maybe we’ll keep the series going forever I
shouldn’t say that cuz there’s that I’m not gonna all good things must come to an end
even isaac one day maybe probably feels good to be back though let me tell you that
much oh and to get the garbage multiplier this early I’m also excited you know I’ll hit
you with the stats this has been like arguably the most successful series I’ve ever done
from a gameplay standpoint it’s remarkable to me I went into the series expecting you
know it would be a miracle well not a miracle that’s a little insulting I went in thinking

if I could just get one win I’ll be happy where did we finish a little bit more than one
wind kind of hate this but I’m willing to let it go for now you know it’s building and
rebuilding let’s go kos now it appears we’ve been left alone by the opportunists all
remaining opportunists are deceased happy to hear it and we’re uh me not no promises
in the first video here but got a pretty good foundation like this is a real problem for
whoever’s getting mad I was looking over and I’m like we might not get the kill but that
dude is dead now is that what I wanted no not I mean sort of in the sense that you know
you we need to kill to have a chance to win but like I don’t mean any ill-will for that
gentleman specifically there just leave yourself a spot for this to go and just remember
you know just cuz you don’t necessarily have the dream scenario right off the bat that’s
not really that big of a deal we’ll go on attackers briefly cuz we got a lot of heat on us
and I’m happy to see it there is also twitch prime just announced and it was big news
you get a free year and I’m not pimping this for my own sake I’m using it as a bit segue I
know you’re like yeah sure but it’s the honest to goodness truth I don’t know about this
one brother [Music] hold on a second then I’ll get back to pimping it’s got it when it’s
got to be done it’s got to be done go on randoms it’s your only chance dude yeah that’s
fair I got a little too greedy there but I’m hoping that maybe there’s some fresh blood in
the Merc how dare you I’m hoping there’s some fresh blood in the ecosystem now a lot
more people and maybe not a lot more but you know a few hundred or a few thousand
people out there playing Tetris 99 for the first time as a result of the fact that they using
their twitch Prime subscriptions are able to get tetris 99 as online functionality for free
so I’m hoping I’m not hey the thing is the community has gotten really good and in
every game it’s like the first 50 is usually not much you know you’re not taking too
much heat right but by the time you get to the top 25 I would hazard a guess that just
about everybody in the top 25 most of the time has multiple wins to their name what
am i doing that’s a great question news is not a good start and now even that was a
specifically very very dumb move so as the good news is you can get yourself out of it
I know the obvious question is gonna be what about Daniel well you know that’s why I
said in my estimation because I’m not saying this to be rude to Dan but sure you know
some games you’re gonna be aiming with really good players and sometimes you’re
gonna be in with people who are aspirational see that’s a nice way to describe it dan is
an aspiring Tetris God and he’s making progress he doesn’t need me crapping on him
just cuz he hasn’t gotten the Doug yet you know every winner started as a loser just
remember that you know there’s always gonna be people who have never won they’re
called beginners now have we done a good job here no this in fact we’ve done a terrible
stuff just an absolutely garbage that even that was pretty bad too just an absolutely
garbage job of building ourselves up in a way that is appropriate here I’m hoping we
might be able to cheat the system just okay with no attackers all right fine we’ll send
chaos then I didn’t really want to I wanted to be known that that was performed under
duress he’s not my intention but we’ll send that next Tetris and hopefully be able to get
one more Tetris built up here perhaps not like oh it still counts as a Tetris okay maybe
that should be our newfound goal you know just well we’re struggling to get ourselves
back into the swing of things you know what just dump one of these counts don’t send it
yet don’t send it yet okay send it so you got a pivot fast it’s a you know they say footballs
a game by inches well let me introduce you to another game perhaps you’ve heard of
its called Tetris it’s not a game a inches it’s a game of blocks I don’t know okay you’re

a genius I have to toot my own horn on that one I didn’t see that but thankfully my
brain apparently saw it and and when you know what this is how you want to handle
that with nokeos so far I’m like devastated with our performance someone out there is
being a real jerk they got it in for us it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay now you send them but
you only send them a little but that’s okay because sometimes a little is worth a lot it
obviously we got to get the heck out of Dodge as quickly as possible here I think we can
afford to do this temporarily I would have preferred not to but you don’t always have
a whole lot of options in a situation like this so we’ll dump and chase and something
like that maybe and then like this okay and then like this and then we are gonna build
on top of the garbage hole which is that’s a no-no might as well dude just get yourself
out of it and then build on top of the garbage hole immediately this is a very common
me situation is to be like you know if we could get off of the frigging garbage hole we
would have a chance instead what I’ve done is created a situation where you know the
only way out is to fight and then you kill the badge lords and after you kill the badge
Lords you get a little bit of breathing room and you send them again and then you
send them again and then you send them again I see it that’s what I saw okay you do
build a little bit on top of the garbage hole there but now you freed it why never mind
oh no you know what things are getting a little rough but like MC Ren said if it ain’t
rough it ain’t me dude I was just hoping we get a single line out of that and I think that
might be the actual kiss of death or is it the kiss of redemption so one thing thank you
one thing I don’t want to think about is where would we be if we had invested in Kos
instead of merely attackers I’m choosing to push that nonsense out of my purview now
yes you’re free that didn’t seem like my own t-spin I know we’ve been over this you
know what don’t do it there’s there’s your play and there’s your play and there’s your
flight how give you that long piece dude we’re okay believe it or not we’re no longer
okay but I gotta be honest dude considering the circumstances we found ourselves in for
that whole run we’ve fought to only come in sixth up now one is it hurts don’t get me
wrong but I’m also like dude for a second game after I’ve not played this for like a week
that was a pretty okay performance was it mistake-free absolutely not but you know
early again you know I said I didn’t want to belabor the point but for me personally
you know I would very much like to not think about what would have happened if
maybe we just accepted our garbage and sent it on to chaos instead of focusing on a
few attackers it’s a situation you know to Porsche Carrera is collided at full speed the
race see you know it’s a Daniel Ricciardo max Verstappen situation you know two of
the tempers were flaring and we probably ended up destroying each other I mean I
destroyed them but they destroyed me later like figuratively speaking you know what I
mean the point is that I won even though we lost we beat the people trying to beat us
which is if that’s not a true victory I don’t know what is now this is going okay I just
want to there we go is it it’s greed is greeting Carnot and that’s why it feels so dang
good come on come on I’m not putting this piece down yet send me some garbage more
of you more of you here we go all right the heat is on send them more they desire more
garbage they’re hungry for garbage the only cure more garbage okay well we got to do
that on the board show I’m willing to send them just temporarily it’s not the happiest
end of my life but we still have a functional tower going on here could be a little bit
faster or a lot bit faster yeah okay we got attackers again it’s a perfect opportunity why
did I wait a second I thought by waiting a second we might take on more attackers it’s

as simple as that dude okay I’m looking at I’m liking I’m seeing a lot of garbage being
sent here by yours truly and I’m a big fan now we don’t it’s a tough call you know do
you send this right away I’m gonna do it but I’m not necessarily pleased to do so if that
makes any sense at all and it should we should have committed more to building the
tower in my opinion I think you know towers in this game sometimes they get a dang
old bad rap dude everything good and pure in Tetris that I’ve ever accomplished have
been a part of IO to the tower it’s not me dude it’s the tower as much as I would like
to take responsibility I am just doing what the tower tells me that’s not what I meant to
do their power gave me some dang old terrible instructions there yeah you know that’s
a situation where you could probably afford to do this one we’re gonna catch some heat
pretty soon yo what okay but look at that wouldn’t say thrilled with it but at least we
sort of recovered sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures you gotta do
something like this just created a little bit of a disaster but look at that we’re free again
that’s why you know I got no respect for the oops I placed one wrong piece better just
die committee you know those people are out there I’ve seen them play Tetris 99 they
place one wrong piece they throw their hands up in the air and they go there’s nothing
I could do dude there’s not always something you could do dude like all level with you
on that sometimes you’re just done but sometimes there’s something you could do dude
assassin sometimes you gotta accept you know greed is gonna it’s gonna cost you in a
big way long pieces a long way away so we’re gonna I hate it but it’s gonna give us the
space to do something and we are gonna build on top of the garbage hole you know
why rules are like actually legitimately literally made to be broken can’t tell me nothing
you send this you’re back down at the bottom you’re in the 12th place we got three
attackers despite being very close to the final ten what does that mean to me we’ve got
four attackers despite being in the final pen that means other people would probably
look at that and say what the Frick I’m not one of those guys first off I don’t like to
use language like that like pretty family-friendly audience what I say when a situation
like that happens is thank you thank you you’ve given me way more opportunity to
reflect damage than I previously would have thought likely to happen at this stage in
the game and I could not ask for more obviously there was some extreme dumbness
in there not yet not ready you he’s good that’s what bothers me what bothers me is
his goodness he made a great play there he sent me a lethal amount of garbage that’s
wonderful I’m excited for him I’m not being facetious in the least that person sent me
just enough garbage to kill me if they had sent me one less line they were getting a ton
reflected back at them I think I’m actually gonna call it here I know it’s a little bit on the
short side but the Adrenaline’s pumping thanks for watching I’ll see you next time he’s
gonna be more Tetris

hey everybody apologies for the abrupt end in the last episode yeah I mean it’s
nothing serious I got a phone call that I had to take it’s just that you know you splice it
together you get one way you know I make the minimum thirty three point five minute
long Tetris episode today how do you feel about that come on so we got into some
heated battles in our last Tetris episode we only fit in three games but none of those
games were stinkers the worst one was like we came 24th then we had like a sixth in the
third or something like that and I really think the sixth and the third we had chances
to win what are you doing so we’re gonna do a little mini tea spin here and I I hate
it cuz people always go like oh my god he did a t spin he’s so good when the irony
of that specific situation yeah this will work is that the only reason I didn t spin there
is because I’m so bad oh well life goes on yeah we’ve constructed an acceptable tower
here I’m not in love with the way it’s looking just trying to make sure I don’t totally
screw us okay that’s enough attackers that it got a little out of hand a little too fast you
know what we can afford to do like a little set like that just to give us a scene to work
on now we only have one attacker so we can go back to Kos temporarily it’s not really
my intention if possible to actually make lines yet but obviously we got attackers just
one he’s not making any lines give it a second let’s give it one sec just give it a sec just
go kick Kos probably shouldn’t even be waiting around that long but we did alright
what’s done is done I’m hoping that’s enough to sink a KO or two but you know a
single or a couple of tetris does not a win make you know we got a lot of you gotta
send a little bit more before we can start to be indignant okay I’m being targeted so
I’m actually gonna compromise just ever so slightly and send them we send them that’s
just as an awkward piece honestly wouldn’t necessarily say I’m surprised to see a kill
there but but you couldn’t have done it a few seconds earlier so we should probably
honestly just bail right there yeah and I think if you just do this you’re gonna be happy
with the results we get another ko we did get another ko there much to my surprise
but definitely not chagrin okay we got real issues can live with it very quickly gonna
be unable to live with it never mind we’re safe little heroin mates hackers we have one
attacker no no no they see this is I got a little bit of a bride problem sometimes for no
reason I’m out there throwing myself at attackers when really I should just accept you
know you’re gonna have to throw some you got to sling some garbage just to live in this
game you know what I mean so why besmirched those that are just trying to live it’s not
for me to be the judge or the judy or the executioner I think we got to start to these aren’t
compromised sendings by the way they’re just sending that look awkward there’s a little
bit of a difference philosophically now we actually have an opportunity and I’m happy

to say it’s like second nature at this point we got the well-constructed where we would
like it to be we got enough hole you screwed it up we got enough attackers though that
we might be able to bail ourselves out it’s gonna be work though there’s no doubt about
that yeah okay well one thing is for certain two things for sure we gotta be able to send
them if you ever stop sending then you are truly lost as long as you’re sending you got a
chance as soon as you stop sending it’s over and I hope that’s a lesson they’ll take with
them to the friggin grave it’s gonna say we got to have another long piece coming that’s
like we went through a long dirt with no long pieces okay just just the 1k oh thanks but
still no harm no foul brother okay send them one of those got a blue boy coming up
right there give them a quick send it’s a perfect opportunity first but we just did right
there and now all of a sudden go six Kos in this position is workable I actually think
we do this just to get ourselves out of a little spot of trouble hopefully that’ll be enough
keep them off our tail for a bit some real yet simple moments there you know definitely
wouldn’t say I’m happy with it but it is what it is might I point out by the way hold
on before I point this out by the way Andy said an opportunity to not be killed ideally
what I was going to point out is what I assume at this point is kind of like the obvious
how are so many people still alive this did not used to be the situation used to be you
know when you get to the top 20 people start I don’t want to say falling like flies but
they don’t last this long but you know what I welcome it can’t handle the heat get out
of the frigging kitchen lots of heat by the way I’m starting to think this might be a good
opportunity for me to get out of the kitchen you know what that’s perfect that’s not
perfect just sentim people got a little too greedy there that was just a bad placement life
goes on that was a really bad placement and I’m guilty of one of the sins that I consider
unforgivable right now the sin is so simple everybody’s fallen victim victim to it it’s just
spinning for no reason by the way radio silence what am i doing not today [Music] yep
very desert let me just say Goodwin you know uh-oh how’s that for a comeback I was
gonna say it’s nice the series is kind of starting to wind down in the same way it ended
up starting just wanted one wind to send it out but this is not the final video I was a
good game eleven wins and and a testament to what I try to accomplish in this game
and my newfound relatively intermediate skill level that was a great game I loved it
the last two people got killed simultaneously because it didn’t give me a chance to let
panic take over I was like just focus on killing one and then you take down the other
one divide and conquer and then all of a sudden both dead lucky me it’s like we threw
a frag grenade pardon me that was a good one I think we handled that one pretty well
too hey what more can you ask for I was worried admittedly worried is maybe a strong
word but I was concerned perhaps that maybe just maybe I’d already seen my last win
in Tetris ninety nine now I’m hoping that’s not the case here either I’m hoping I still
haven’t seen my last land Tetris 99 but if I have I have I think I can go out with a song in
my heart knowing I did good work don’t do that that’s very dumb I mean that pardon
me I was also very dumb but it wasn’t as dumb now oh that’s a good stuff we don’t have
enough attackers give me give me a kill steal on that all baby give me a kid now let’s go
we put in none of the work if I were them I would be upset but you know what I’m not
them and that’s why I have the KO and they don’t so we got our combo going we got a
little bit of work to do to make the well where we want it to be gotta clear this line now
we got space okay now we can start to build by the way what would I describe to this
day as my quantum leap you know what well first off I might lose in just a moment here

so let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves but my quantum leap I think was realizing
hey sometimes it’s okay / desirable to use oh let’s go to use a long piece for something
that seems minor I think specifically like using it to help us construct our Tower quickly
has been an enormous help like dude can I just say that that section right there that
was a lot of fun now I know we’re building on top of the garbage hole I’m not hey I
wouldn’t say is good what I would say is I know I don’t think I’m making a mistake
I think I’m making a bet and pretty soon I’m gonna have to lie in it you know what
I mean making a bet then I gotta lie in it you get it I’m making a bed that I won’t be
killed before I can clear this freaking tower and thanks I hate it that was not supposed
to go there brother that was not where that peaceful long I’ve been waiting for that one
which makes it all the more frustrating that was also not really where that one belongs
but you’re you’re getting a little lucky you’re kind of starting to free yourself from this
prison here what have you just did this and then you did this see that’s so much better
than what you were gonna do which was something dumb instead you did something
smart and all of a sudden you’re looking at five Kos and a 50% damage bonus as a
result of taking more than a half second to think about your actions okay so that not not
a very advisable decision on my part here’s what we’re gonna do we got to clear this set
up no doubt about it I’m actually still okay for the time being is dump it and then run
this is our chance we gotta go quickly but we can get this down here at the expense of
our attackers ideally mm okay many many attackers yet again but dude we got our well
set up accidentally it’s good stuff actually like good stuff okay you’re making a bold
assertion that you’re gonna be able to do what you think you’re gonna be able to do
they’re almost the most greed you’ve ever seen where’s my next long piece oh it’s not
coming dude we got to make our own long piece I still send it it’s a sin double so we
really slowed down in general but particularly on the Kos it is what it is big garbage hole
built wouldn’t wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy then I did it again it’s okay it’s
not over I mean it hasn’t even started to potentially be over what’d I tell you we’re back
we got multiplications of garbage that’s the dream where’s my long piece it’s coming
it’s coming you’re gonna regret it what did I tell you Oh baby sometimes you gotta you
gotta pay the piper or something what am I talking about I don’t know we’re not even
in radio silence yet come on work with me whoops go for it need a long except it No
the double tap [Music] I’m gonna win Wow okay there’s two in a row made so many
mistakes in the final part there but through uh through good targeting there’s two in a
row or shall I say lucky targeting or maybe I don’t know taking a taking a week off from
playing Tetris allowed my brain to finally rest the Tetra no mo matching parts and all of
a sudden we’re back baby we’re back dude there is no greater feeling for me personally
in video games than being final - using your peripheral vision and then being like there
at the top there in the red it’s over I don’t know if we deserve that we did play some
pretty we played some fast lines towards the end we made some mistakes we could
have said lines faster but it ended up not mattering thankfully for now you know I was
feeling a little bit like maybe I don’t want to say that I lost my touch on the last episode
but I was like I’m not feeling like as good as I’ve felt previously in Tetris maybe and I’m
starting to lose my edge and you know I apologize by the way I’m just like endlessly
burping into the mic I just ate and also had a carbonated beverage not that it’s any of
your business yo did you see that all the multiplier I love it I know you bailed us out
with a garbage hold don’t even sweat it brother I’m building on top of the garbage hole

so I can do something like this what we need here is is oh so simple we need our first
cent I finally the strategies come true we’ve got so many attackers many of them will
not change they’ll just be like this is where I live now so what do you do first ko is in
but we need our first big sin I know you’re like didn’t you have a big cent oh absolutely
not no haven’t even gotten friggin started yet what about this one well you know you
can make an argument there was a sandable opportunity there come on we got that 25%
multiplier what did I really just say it like multiplier anyway we got that 70% multiplier
some of the people who previously were like ah dude I’m still cool I can hang with you
what do you got there zero percent multiplier brother don’t even sweat it some of those
people now are like oh crap is what I was gonna say people keep mine they’re like oh
crap what is happening haha I don’t know what’s going on anymore I got to admit you
know I think we’re better off being on Kaos temporarily now I hope it’s not for long just
cuz seems like most of our attackers are like okay I’ve made a mistake that’s fair how
many times have I done that so many okay let’s get our well going you know where it
belongs where the Eagles fly on the mountain high who’s saying that Kenny Rogers and
it’s not the only pardon I always get it confused Dolly Parton’s islands in the stream that
is what we are coming from a far reaching for the stars run away with me to another
place we can rely on each other from one corner to another yes it’s a Weird Al Yankovic
version no I will never apologize or log off what am i doing just alternating again and
again the pieces that are supposed to uncover the garbage hole another blue piece not
coming so that’s fine we’ll use this and then you know what give me to it give me three
of those that’s where you got to bail this is real bad yeah fair enough okay I got way
too greedy way way way way way too greedy but no harm no foul do two wins in a
row still haven’t gotten that three but I mean it’s kind of it it was really a deflating way
for that video to end right it was just kind of like everything was going eh okay and
then womp or did oh well you know what it gives me a chance to do is go islands in
the stream who sings it Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers you fool [Music] trick they you
know on Jeopardy I would have been like Karen Carpenter and they would have been
like a wrong and then Ken Jennings would have been like Dolly Parton and I would
have been like you idiot and then they would have been like that’s exactly correct and
I would have called myself an idiot at that moment it’s a whole thing anyway you’re
doing great sweetie keep it up such as I mean the most successful Tetris 99 video since
the first win we got enough we had one attacker and then he bailed on us coward if
you dare send lines and following those lines you besmirched combat you get what’s
coming to your brother I’m you know happy as a clam to just be attacking Kos in fact
if I could play this game and never have to switch off of Kos I’d be even happier than
clam but sometimes people step to you all I ask is that after they commence the stepping
they don’t run away because it makes my job harder and selfishly I would like them to
just feed me Kos ideally or defeat me that also happens this is where you go attackers
this man you made a good decision okay they have returned to face me time will tell
now did we have to go through the whole rigmarole of the the song and the dance and
the so on and the so forth you know what I mean isn’t this just more fun okay it is
ceased being fun it is now very serious business don’t worry I see the long boy there
you go if you can deflect garbage and simultaneously get your own tetris is canceled
Christmas because every day is a holiday for you now look at that oh it’s so beautiful
like obviously I’m playing it up a little bit but it does feel nice oh and look at this we

still got attackers slowly but surely they’re just being killed by I don’t know the garbage
they send me and I had the audacity to reflect back to them oops yeah that’ll work just
waiting to see if there was an orange and there was and all it feels good dude I mean
that wasn’t a bad send honestly they whoops we’re it not for the ideal circumstances
I found myself in there temporarily that send could have been pretty deleterious and
even still honestly we got pretty lucky to find ourselves getting out of it even to this
degree oh you’re dumb though that’s me I’m the dumb one you’re fine okay we actually
had some I don’t want to say mistake-free but we had some surprising accurate Tetris
play with very few mistakes relative to what is the norm for me so to just I’m not saying
we’re throwing it away but to then double down on a dereliction it hurts I mean it’s just
I guess we can set up our combo like that but which is not so bad [Music] lets us keep
our well going even one of those they were 22 left I actually didn’t think I had three kills
I thought I was lower than that we have to be very cautious with the way we approach
this next little bit because it essentially dictates the remainder of the run I think that
the setup we just did there is a good compromise it was multi-step no doubt about that
but in spite of that and I we’ve had to do some funky stuff just to stay afloat here but
in spite of it it’s going dude I never thought I’d ask for just yes thank you first Square
boy second Square boy soon to follow send them give them one of these one of these
hate to do it one of those though wrong place wrong time wrong everything I’m I’m
mad I’m getting chaos check yourself lest you find yourself wrecked Oh almost screwed
that one up something fierce not scared not yet anyway things can change the drop of
a hat that one hurts cuz I was like literally I had it but it’s okay no you cowards great
Rondo honestly you sent me a lot of garbage and I got way too attached to being like I’m
gonna spin the piece so you got to fight your own instincts from time to time and I I did
not fight my own instincts there deserved a deserving loss though it pains me a great
deal you stretch it out you say you know what Tetris Tetris is like hidden you know it’s
rolling the dice again sure maybe our last roll we got a you know natural snake eyes
this time you never know dude could get natural 20s you try at first you don’t succeed
pick yourself up and dragon dust yourself off and try again try again so what are we
gonna do well you know right well it’s been treating us ok but if push comes to shove
and you’re gonna force my hand I gotta admit I’m a left well sort of fella ok so that’s
what we’re gonna do here didn’t really answer your question to answer your question
we’re going to establish a left well and this you scare me zero this is zero percent on the
Skara meter now you scare me quite a lot so we’re gonna start this end and this is where
you find out what the enemies are made of we compromised a little bit too much in my
opinion could have gone a little harder put me back on Kos immediately after going
to chaos I can’t help but notice we’ve been targeted again okay is there a new strategy
going around that I’m not privy to it’s called the hit and run and then oh god I’m gonna
die go back strat I gotta say so far it doesn’t seem like it’s been too effective attackers
neutralized like me I keep swapping with this guy okay hold on you know that’s not
really where I wanted that piece to go although it may come as a surprise I wanted to
place that piece in a good position instead of a bad position but I didn’t . so at this
point is kind of up to me to break the chain and I think we’ve done a surprisingly apt
job of it thank God because it was you know just about that time things started to get
a little funky nah nah nah I don’t think you understand this isn’t how this one’s gonna
go is gonna go a little bit more like this okay here’s the thing you’re very good okay I’m

very impressed with your performance just give him one more also we play some stuff
really badly that was I’ve had stronger moments go into the vet today and there’s a new
lease on life he’s healthy but just being at a place that was not home made him realize
how lucky he is to be at home so he’s just luxuriating and you know how cats is and
all that all right like I said I promised you a good one and here we are having a good
one [Music] two attackers don’t don’t make me laugh but it’s a good one that could
be better spend the black dude it okay let’s not but it is like I’ve brought this up when
Kate and I watch dance episodes have brought this up to her and she I think agrees by
the way my good friend Daniel no disrespect man okay no ill-will or anything along
those lines his number one word in a terrible place dude his number one problem in
Tetris 99 Bar None my dude spins every single block ten times more than he should and
don’t get me wrong dan has more problems than just that in Tetris and I understand
the irony of me saying this well this is happening this is pretending to be bad but also
method acting see that you just took way too long and then you forced yourself into a
compromise but I’m glad you at least did something I’m actually like I I’m scared of
how much better Dan might be if he just disabled the spin button I mean obviously
you still need to spin that’s kind of a ridiculous sentence but I’m kind of in a ridiculous
position right now case you haven’t noticed give me a slightly long piece okay we’re not
gonna get a slightly long piece so we gotta take some time yeah we deserve you back
let’s give you another one that was incredibly bad and by the way the obvious counter
retort he wants six likes in the YouTube comments I’m lecturing Dan about being bad
well being bad himself yeah well I got two wins in a row in this video and then is zero
wins at a lifetime so you know only a Sith deals in absolutes yeah yeah you’re lucky so
and so if he just stopped he’ll get the piece and I’m again I got my own bad habits in
the game for sure do you see what I built there but his bad habit is is he spins he gets
the piece lined up where he wants he could just slam the UP button and send it down
to oblivion instead he goes yeah okay he spins it like six times and then sometimes he
over spins and he has to recorrect like where he’d placed it in the first place and it’s a I
feel for but simultaneously I am also every single time I’m like oh no baby what is you
doing he’s so close to being at a winnable level I think if he got a little lucky he could
win a game or more hey you know depending on how many plays at his current skill
level but I think he’s actually closing in on you know winning maybe once every 100
games like maybe maybe hidden that average level they’d be smart here and if you think
that’s mean I have to tell you it’s just downright complimentary okay good you got two
pence we don’t up that space we got to fill the gap we created on the one side that’s all
we could ever ask for now just don’t screw it up do something like this and then you
send them again but we probably could have gone ko is there sounds good to me quote
unquote what does that even mean you got me on that one well real sorry sometimes
things aren’t going your way and sometimes you just completely luck into getting to
long pieces in close succession next long pieces are next okay sorry I can’t always put
everything into internal monologue at this point sometimes what I’m doing it hinges to
some extent on speed and as a result as much as I would love to hit you with you know
this is what I’m thinking at all hours of the day it just said it’s impractical it just cannot
be done I don’t see a long piece so what we just did is a little dangerous and we could
feel the heat you know what we got a sense we got one attacker let’s go tails I mean we
still have garbage that’s been at the bottom for like a long time might be wise although

it’s it’s literally like two one-piece rows but somebody’s being a real jerk about this I
was just we were having what I would have considered a nice conversation and then
you came in here all selfish like man gonna drop my garbage on it okay well power to
you dude I didn’t see a piece I liked coming up so I decided to hit you with one of these
and you know what I’m a big enough man to admit I almost regretted it oops I did it
again baby Austin Powers look it up sweetheart don’t build on top of that gum babe no
please don’t build on top of it gone bitch oh don’t go on top of a gun vision good stuff
Oh baby we’re back how will you know we got to go back to Kos bums me out but you
know me and mr. Jones here where we’re fighting each other for no discernible reason
you know save something for the top ten brother you and I we got some unfinished
business but you know you ever hear about building a moment we’re just gonna be
very sensible fellows right here that’s all we’re gonna do we’re gonna give you a little
opportunity I know we’re building on top of it load the garbage here but that’s okay for
the time being at least this okay hello my son my son is in here he’s having a he’s having
a wonderful time okay you know why I got two big threes in a row again I thought that
the spirit of Tetris had left me I was so wrong ah you know no husband on earth will
be caught saying it absolutely not my wife taught me everything I know about the sport
of kings that’s Tetris and I would be loath to say that I’m better than her how can the
son be better than the moon they’re both inextricable parts of the ecosystem thank you
I really appreciate all right also we’re probably dead don’t send me dude we really we
need a long piece and we’re not gonna get one so you got it yeah okay fair enough well
it was a fun run ha Lance I hope you enjoyed it if you didn’t click the like button that’s
two more wins they might be the last two we’ll ever see but I have another video or to
a Tetris left in me I’ll let you know when it’s a finale for now thanks for watching hope
you enjoyed it and I’ll see you next time sooo yeah

everybody successful start to a Tetris episode unsuccessful ending but dude now
is there anything better than a Tetris episode with some wins you just for the rest of the
day I feel a buoyancy what’s the word Ana boolean s– it blue aliens let’s say here the
pronunciation here the quality of being cheerful and full of energy boolean a boolean a
you know it’s one of those words that you read now and then but you don’t really say
all that often cuz when you say it people go oh I get it you went to college you make
them follow me and you go no sir you’re so large I would not dare be caught making
fun of you and they go what do you mean and you go your physical size is imposing as
a result I would not dare to make fun of you in any way shape or form heavens no okay
what am I doing here like in many different ways what am i doing here as you can see
I’m dumb and I’m accidentally constructing my own demise it’s nice at least that I get
to be the architect of my own disaster okay you know what you do once you realize you
started doing something terrible bail brother get out of there wife’s too short to screw
it up like this all right now I’m not gonna say we truly got ourselves out a disaster
necessarily but you know we got a terrible well but we do have a well I think I could
feel comfortable yeah you know throwing a couple more Tetris is down there before we
get too upset about the way of the world and all that something like this seems ok and
then you could always tell you know what toss them one of these then you got space
for that and then you go yeah you go yeah and all of a sudden we’re back down where
we want to be now please don’t take my laksa days ago tone as being tired of Tetris
it’s not the case eh it’s been a long day B this is not a multiple-choice question by the
way it’s just the way she goes I’m feeling at ease and it’s a nice feeling I’m just hoping
you know it’s again you should send them it’s a nice feel I feel comfortable in my Tetris
experience right now I’m okay with this probably start sending them now and we got to
reconstruct our well but that’s fine yeah because we just did it yeah it’s not as nothing
more than being at ease in the Tetris economy to be honest you know a is very rare don’t
even talk to me about that placement I don’t know what happened either it’s very rare
in any video game Isaac is maybe the rare exception for me to feel at ease you know
most of the time I’m if it’s a multiplayer game I am 100% fighting for my life at all times
so to just be able to sit back and be like I’m having fun which is not uncommon but
then like on top of that this time I’m not even afraid that’s a new one what are we doing
you know why do we have to like I just want to get myself we don’t need to do you
know the greatest Wells that mankind has ever seen but you know do we have to do this
whole song and dance of you almost kill me I come back you go how did he do that he
must be cheating I go I’m not cheating I’m just better than you and then you know all

of a sudden I get the wind and you say I got an uncle that works at the tetris company
and he’s gonna ban you and I go no you don’t that’s ridiculous and you know it’s just
it’s I’ve heard this song before is all I’m trying to say it doesn’t have to be like this I’m
playing a kid there right now I’ll admit as a character is a little smarming smarm is oh
is one of the cardinal sins of the internet you can have skill but you’re not supposed to
know that you have skill otherwise you get the smarm tag and I don’t want the smarm
tag cuz I’m not good enough to back it up if I were I would embrace it with bells on
only three Kos but here’s why I’m not mad about it moments ago we had zero so as far
as I’m concerned it’s a pretty market improvement okay we got we got it well yeah we
can get away with this for a minute probably starts end and it’s just at this point you
never know and I’ve made this mistake a lot even in recent not even recent videos like
at least once per video recently just sometimes we’re lucky enough to get bailed out you
don’t want to go to hot what am i doing dude long piece it’s too far away yep I was
one uh you know his Ruka what do you do about one leg dag you know you just I got
too wrapped up in my own talking it happens you know what is the Tom Waits quote
I always say what is it before I say goes I know what bye-bye Hardison well as long as
I can be with me we’d get along so well I can’t even believe it it’s called Nighthawks at
the diner look it up sweetheart hello Ruka you care to meow to prove to the audience
that you are not merely an apparition of my own creation but instead are a corporeal
feline creature in my office no okay that’s fine that’s fine you know you can lead a cat
to Tetris but you can’t make it meow dang easily he never said that don’t take credit for
my joke I also you know Tetris isn’t I mean it is going somewhere what I mean when
I say the expression Tetris isn’t going anywhere is the game of Tetris itself will still be
around and I can still play it and again if they don’t know if I mention it if they ever add
me like squad mode to the game I know it’s ridiculous but hear me out here the fact
that tetris 99 exists in the first place is ridiculous but yeah if they ever add like squads to
this game I might never play anything else would you pay for the squad mode does Ken
Jennings answer trivia questions correctly 85% of the time the answer is yes I would
return to squad mode absolutely it would be my frigging pleasure hello it’s homo si
Tomo meowed ruko why can’t you be more like your brother I just don’t know why you
know at this stage of the game you would think that you could kill me like it’s not that
I’m uncool Abul that’s a little untrue the reality of the situation know is I’m unlikely to
be killed because everybody at this stage of the game is unlikely to be killed you know
it’s just is hard to kill somebody when you don’t have the ye olde damage multiplier and
I think that guys well he actually does have a damage multiplier all right well what’s
your Excuse buddy so I went back to Kos just because again you know you could you
can spend your whole life worrying about you know the whims of the people that are
trying to cut you down here instead choose to focus on the sincere positives you know
knocking people out of the game when they don’t want to be nuts I guess that’s what
I consider the positive but hey it’s a living hit that point in the day when it comes to
recording where I don’t know what I’m talking about anymore just say in words as they
pop into the old dome piece playing a little Tetris Tomo those are important documents
you’re sitting on so I urge you please continue something like that then that then this
then attackers and then goodnight nurse it’s okay I know you’re like why would you
squander that piece you know what it’s a great question why would I Swan do that
piece dude okay here’s what you do it wasn’t a squandering it was the great saving for

later ring no long pieces coming anytime soon you got to do something brother that’s
something that’s that’s something that’ll do that’s got to be a KO at this stage in the
game a rebuked attack equals a kill a bunch of the time at least I can’t believe you’re
worried that it’s the freaking 40th position it’s not worth it dude and by it’s not worth
it I mean please stop I think I’m gonna maybe gonna die but like why why hit me with
this degree ahed right off the bed we need a lot of long pieces to solve this problem for
now we gotta settle for Blues should have scored that I think but we actually got pretty
good value out of it nonetheless that’s I’m telling you dude that’s gotta be chaos by the
way the reason earlier I said like you know at this stage in the game if you rebuke an
attack you’re gonna get kills because I actually thought that we were at like the top 10
because of the degree of heat that that I’ve been experiencing I’m not talking about a
relatively palatable film with Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock [Music] it’s a good
ko situation null is a good attackers situation my mistake [Music] not even seeing the
pieces anymore dude by the way if you responded to that with it shows congratulations
you burned me I hate it not what I wanted but what I deserve okay caged animal mode
[Music] you don’t get to do it forever why not spend the whole game in caged animal
mode well aren’t you a genius why don’t you just make the whole plane out of the black
box while you’re at it we’re gonna get the badge bored long piece always coming dude
this is a we’ve been having some long games today I think the games are just maybe
getting longer good time to get out while the getting’s good stay cool strike a balance
what’s the balance between being dumb and being smart apparently no more burns the
time for burns is over you got my respect temporarily no longer wrong I was panic
thank you for not attacking me sometimes you just gotta say to the gods of Tetris thank
you for not attacking me you’ve allowed me to live for this I will be forever grateful no
it’s got to go like this still block your own garbage hole it’s okay this is a tricky one hard
for me to see my own way out of the muck on this one but maybe it’s not as impressive
as I would have liked [Music] radio silence by hilly Oh Lord add some heat this might
do it - Lord succumb so the the I’m stunned I’ve stunned myself with my greatness and
I think I might have screwed myself with my greatness as well give me the long piece
wrong spin over the top you son of a gun if it won’t go we lose fair okay the never
before if I deserved the win one that I lost like that Aruba I beat the other Ryan that’s
the most important thing but I literally I got so attached to the fact that I threw it all
clear in the final four or three that I was like I I temporarily scrambled my own brain
that was a great run we did we didn’t I don’t want to say we deserve the win because
that sounds entitled we definitely could have won there but instead didn’t as a result of
my own idiocy but I only turned myself into an idiot by being so smart in the first place
you ever think about that okay anyway we’re back there was some good stuff going on
there how are we doing this I haven’t even dropped a piece yet cuz I was just I was
watching to see you know the you want me on attackers I’m just a vessel okay I don’t
choose anything in this godforsaken game everything happens to me in this game is its
chosen for me by the way I’m I’m just I’m making some terrible mistakes so get yourself
out of a jam dude what I you know it’s it’s a curses start that I I old to myself [Music]
but the only way out is through dude more I want more attackers nope okay well here’s
the thing probably should not have taken and I know that looks bad but I still I stand by
it unfortunately probably shouldn’t have taken a few seconds in the heat of battle to go
with more targets but have you ever considered live a little you coward that’s all I have

to say live a little don’t be don’t be a coward don’t be a coward dude - go ahead use your
long piece to accomplish essentially nothing fight back make them bleep oh and then
make them bleed I know I know I know you know what can I say in my own defense do
I think I deserve to be alive on this run no be preaching to the converted brother I got
nothing for you you will find no solace here I don’t understand it either and yet here
I am not sure about this one though okay so let’s stop throwing because it would be
funny and instead do the funniest thing of all which is winning a run every time a run
is won I go haha hey that’s uh that’s a new way of covering the garbage hole I never seen
that one before there is never before been a more deserving loss than this which is why
I must perish I was gonna say must win okay yeah there was no nothing good happen
in that run ever there was no fighting back from oblivion notwithstanding that was bad
might have except that I’ve reached my tetris peak just kidding the time has come for
a glorious come from in front victory nobody ever calls it that it’s always all they came
from behind now I don’t play like that you’re gonna see me coming you’re gonna hear
and the garbage meters gonna fill up you’re gonna be juggling one ball two balls 3 balls
four balls three bowling balls six machetes now they’re on fire what are you gonna do
parish thanks for the bonus good stuff okay I mean it’s not that good but feels good for
this start you know what I mean it’s just nice to get a good start sometimes the other
part of my you know the puzzle that I’ve been solving for myself is you always like
to figure out where the next long piece is going you also never like to attack randoms
it’s like an unforgivable mistake at this point at least in the way I play I know maybe
somebody out there is an incredible strategy that relies on getting randoms all I’m gonna
say is I ain’t ever heard of it I’m also not afraid of no sleep and if anybody asks you
can tell them I ain’t afraid of no bed either so we’re just taking it real slow now we’re
going real fast [Music] we got to the level we wanted to be at am i doing the the nasty
strat of pretending you’re bad and then reflecting a bunch of lines back at them yeah
look don’t hate the player hate the game words to live by sometimes well if the player
is cheating then maybe hate the player or if the player is saying obnoxious things like
don’t hate the player hate the game you have my permission to hate the player but if the
player is just doing good strategies that you don’t know how to counter in that situation
you don’t know you don’t have my permission no longer do you have my permission
to hate the player that’s I hate the game situation that’s just it sucks if you’re on the
other side of that I mean I’m there all the time you know I had nobody understands the
sukkah to do that more than me this so it’ll work fine but we got a sound you know
you make a compelling argument here for not doing what I’ve been doing a little bit
of elbow grease all of a sudden we’re back somebody’s been taking our chaos by the
way they think I haven’t noticed and you know a lot of players probably don’t and I
gotta say that that’s a little bit sad that you would just take advantage of it of a novice
Tetris 99 player that’s working on getting his first kills ever and you would say oh those
belong to me now it’s just because you can that’s that’s I hate the player situation and
if you can’t handle that then get out of the kitchen I’m full of idiots brothers I’m also
full of saying brother ironically and then now it’s no longer ironic but I don’t know how
to stop anymore brothers so you know you’re just gonna have to learn to live with it
that’s I hate the game situation not I hate the player situation two very distinct entities
we have one attacker but I got to be honest these are real son of a gun as a result have
decided our gays shall turn to him temporarily sorry you know the deal you wait for

your next long piece what do you do with a long piece you fill a gap there’s only two
things you do three things you do with long pieces you save it for later like that song by
the English beat you know from the Dumb and Dumber soundtrack save it for later as
Judi doo doo doo doo doo doo you know if you don’t know it you’re about a dude the
time is right he bailed on us as soon as he saw the heat coming a real Robert De Niro
Al Pacino fan you save it for later that’s a very important part of the conundrum no
doubt about it or you fill a gap or you send some lines I guess there’s a third thing or a
fourth thing you can build a tower probably shouldn’t have deviated from the attacking
setup that I had there but I was annoyed in my own defense I just want a good place to
put this piece that’ll work okay so I’m waiting and dissipating something like this really
really bad timing there temporarily we got attackers at the same time that I was on Kos
if I’d known that we were about to get attackers and you could make an educated guess
for sure I would have been more than happy to send them some juicy lines and that
would have been substantially more conducive to my overall goals as opposed to what
I actually did but it is what it is and we are where we are and they are who we thought
they were not quite the send of the century I was looking for but I’m just gonna say I
was watching I saw him oh and now we we got attention I don’t know why we got a lot
of attention please Lord I desire the long peace you can take that one in that context that
one’s on the friggin house dude I saw the line it opened up my board I saw the line I’ll
take it go ahead I was hoping it would make the garbage hole in the perfect spot yo hey
brain bad bad idea and this is get off of it not yet I screwed this one up royally it was
just a terrible drop anyway dude I’ll be back with one more the next episode will be the
last episode of Tetris on a map but for now thanks for watching hope you’ve enjoyed it
click the like button I got beaten know I beat Tomo I’m sorry my friend for now thanks
for watching I’ll see you next time see ya

everybody welcoming welcome back neuron Lyon plays Tetris 99 this will be the
final episode it’s been an incredible run Tetris 99 is you know gold silver or bronze on
my game of the year list no joke it’s it’s an enduring legacy cuz more than just opening
me up to Tetris 99 is over me up to all the other Tetris properties Tetris effect Puyo Puyo
tetris battle Tetris classic NES style Tetris and also you know we witnessed this growth
together I went from a Tetris nobody to being a little bit better than a Tetris nobody
maybe even dare I say I don’t know should I say it above average could we say they
were you know it doesn’t seem right to say it right now given the monstrosity that we’re
constructing right here but ah what the heck I’m gonna I’m gonna call it a better-than-
average Tetris player let’s do this now of course what would I love to do love to send
you off with a show cuz I’m not just sending you off I’m sending myself off as well so
if I could leave this with a win doesn’t have to be a win in our final game just a win in
general it’s enough I don’t ask for much I guess considering there’s a hundred people
in the game it’s kind of asking for much but you know it’s not all that is getting for the
best performance I’ve ever had or anything like I’m just saying I mean that would be
cool if you’re offering but like I love this this is just a nice comfortable start to a run right
now nobody’s attacking us which again you always got to say thank you for a situation
like that nobody’s attacking us so what’s happening just living in love and brother look
at this is that Matthew McConaughey where you come from anyway basically we’re
just building the tower taking it down to brass tacks you know send him one of those
one of those you just don’t want to kill yourself on this run if possible definitely be a
little bit better for me did something like this and now we got a well where we want
it anyway okay I shouldn’t have done that but actually doesn’t matter all that much
we can do something like this instead pop that there and good okay we have we have
a functional tower again made a few too many compromises on the way up but Ron
Kayo’s everything’s going to hunky-dory you know everything was going a hunky-dory
and then you pop in here and you say hunky-dory huh well what if I give you a few
attacks you know what I appreciate it it keeps you fresh keeps me fresh I should say
cuz it looks like you’re having a little bit of trouble over there and you’re dead okay
put me back on Kos - real quick back-to-back tetra TSA’s I noticed that I’m attacking a
badge Lord he’s in trouble give me the ko give me that ko I earned that Kate somebody
stole my kou I mean I’ve done it to other people before I’m just saying like it sucks but
that’s the game to only be in to chaos after a pretty calm game so far not necessarily
your ideal circumstance but yeah go for it you got another Tetris coming right after that
anyway it’s just so frustrating and you can tell them I’m just so frustrated by the fact

that I oh okay keep sending these fools and then these fools how dare they try to reply
with a sending of their own just the nerve of some people why can’t you just do what
I want you to do which is not put up to much of a fight and then die and give me all
the badges you’ve earned so far apparently for some people that’s too much to ask for
we got to get into a whole thing about it this is where I take your badges your badges
belong to me and you know what in hindsight I appreciate having to fight for them I
do in spite of what I said earlier I’ll just remind you pretty much everything I say is
just random neurons firing at this point it’s a long day recording been talking for quite
some time would never suggest that you know anything that I say here be taken too
seriously at this point unless otherwise denoted know like snood almost got into some
trouble and in contrast to the very cool board game this course I don’t think it’s fun
getting into trouble I think it’s stressful where are we going here what are we doing
there we go we got something at least we need another long piece we didn’t need that
long piece until just then no send them radio silence bad acceptable one-word answers
[Music] I’ll take it no they wouldn’t let me rotate anymore which is totally fair when
you think about the laws of physics to which we’re all beholding but simultaneously
please radio silence but for real this time that long piece dude [Music] it’s a bad one if
the garbage had come in two waves and I’m being sincere I think if the garbage came
in two waves we could have gotten out of it because it came in one wave things got
a little tough there that’s not my ideal performance sorry I got a just an unbelievable
amount of cat hair on my nose there’s no way we lost and then making an excuse I’m
just yeah it’s an excuse for being stuffed up and going like over and over right now that
one’s frustrating cuz you know you on paper you should be happy about a fifth place
but I’m not I’m I’m not unhappy you know I’m still in an ebullient mood thank you for
asking but we could have had it more we could have made them fight more to knock
us out I’ll never ever say like that was the win then we blew it cuz I think that that you
know it ignores the fact that there’s other people in the game that are also trying to beat
you and they got their own story you know but we could have made them work harder
for you no doubt about that alright so it’s really you know it’s up to that guy you sent
us a bunch of garbage and I I don’t begrudge him having sent us the garbage will he
send us more it’s not it’s not my it’s not my choice I’m just gonna keep my own nose
clean here and if you want to step to this I’ll have you know I’m trained in over zero
forms of martial arts that’s a lie now that I think about it I’m trained in exactly zero
forms of martial arts one attacker today’s your lucky day dude totally fine again dude
it’s uh it’s a quantum leap in your Tetris skills when you stop being beholden to the
long piece now the xxx reality of any situation is that you’re always beholding to the
long piece as in you better behold and if you know what I mean but you don’t have to
not every long piece is created equal you know a long piece when you don’t have any
long pieces that’s a good one no doubt about it mmm just thank you sometimes though
you can sort of get away with it you know you can be like I see another long piece on
the horizon so I don’t I don’t need this one immediately same with the Goldie’s like I
think I’m doing a much better job or a much better job than em than I used to at least
of getting these gold pieces out putting them somewhere where they belong sometimes
you just got to accept there’s not gonna be a good spot for them so you’re going to very
very temporarily put yourself at a disadvantage to hopefully pull out of it you know as
soon as possible afterwards I think it’s a sense then you just do this you send it more

or is that it if you’re sent in one line dude I mean I’ll send them back especially cuz
you know whoever sent that appear to be some sort of badge lord but they’re dead now
so who’s the loser now mama there you go the dirty secret of who’s the loser now and
anybody my age or around my age is gonna know this already it’s an Adam Sandler
reference it is and I’m just here to let you know I was never really a big Adam Sandler
fan but I did own two of his albums because of the age in which I grew up so I’m
very familiar they’re all gonna laugh at you who’s the loser now maybe it’s not a net
no it’s an Adam Sandler reference in time you will know what it means to suffer the
feels so desperately that you’re riding to fail all the same Adam Sandler from the movie
William Madison 1993 one in 1993’s most chilling portrayals a villainy on screen you
know what where we have 37 to Kos 37 to Kaos how does one continue great question
staying alive seems like a the title of a Bee Gees documentary coming out next year but
also the first step of any plan related to our own success give me the badges yep go for
it but also give me the badges the badges give them to me I’m the only person who can
be trusted but the Badgers don’t give him the badges he’s the demon lord in disguise
I don’t know I’m writing dragon slayers doppelganger to form Alan I’m not actually
but like that’s their joke okay that’s a lot of heat it’s a little heat now that I think about
it okay that’s now we’re getting into the it’s a lotta heat category Oh brain you done
done me a disservice on that one [Music] not panic just a a row of pieces I wish I didn’t
have to see it’ll work it’ll work no oh if you drop the piece in the rights I was already
you know what happened and I had it on randoms to escape the targeting and I I took
a split second a single clock cycle of the human cerebrum to change from randoms to
attackers to quintuple the amount of garbage being sent and give me the inside track
to the victory that’s all it took for Alexei Tetris to say that’s where you want that one
huh should have just put it in the spot changed and then hit the UP button but you
know what the hindsight is 20/20 you know this said the only ever read Kierkegaard
søren kierkegaard Dutch philosopher Danish maybe sorry I don’t know Swedish I’m
sorry okay look if Canada had noteworthy philosophers besides Marshall McLuhan I
would probably be upset if you got them if you said they were from the United States
okay so like I understand why you why you would maybe be upset about it so like
could you just cool it for a second I’m trying to make a point I’m trying to make a
point it’s a nuanced point about the role media in the modern world and you’re up here
screwing it up for me because you want to be an opportunist okay I’m trying to elevate
the medium which is the message by the way I know if you did the required readings
I can’t see oh here we go like for real here oh my lord dude so I wanted to be clear I
love this like this is the best we finally on the final episode of Dragon Ball Z we got the
plan we’ve been trying to execute for a long time anyway what did søren kierkegaard
say life can only be understood in a heinz in in Reverse you know in hindsight but it
can only be lived moving forwards that’s what we’re doing we’re moving forwards it’s
a great quote turns out that I think that guy was relatively smart KK L so we still got
some issues just in case you don’t have great vision like I still like I just don’t know how
I’m supposed to come and it’s rare to put me in these shoes at this point but like I don’t
know how to construct lines right now I don’t I don’t know did my brain break or is this
a novel Tetris structure I’ve never seen before it couldn’t tell you the answer I’m sure
someone could and would be happy to all I know read 7 Kos you know who’s after us
another badge Lord I think at this point why wouldn’t we you know let’s do it we’ve

all got advantage we’ve all got advantages and disadvantages right my disadvantage is
obvious I’m dumb and I placed my pieces badly his disadvantage is that he probably
doesn’t have the same kind of garbage multiplier that I have [Music] I think this man is
screwing with me I think he’s building a large Tower the likes of which I’ve never seen
before he’s gonna bring it down on me like the hammer of God you might say NL God
doesn’t wield hammers and I’d say you know what maybe yours doesn’t he sounds like
a punk I like just let me go though we should have done that in the opposite order but
life goes on oh my god oh my god you’re waited too long I’ve seen the light I’ve seen
the light fellow badge Lord and I won’t go back I won’t go back not without a fight
anyway I know like if I could you know you think I want to build on top of the garbage
hole I know it looks like I want to build on top of the garbage hole cuz I keep building
on top of the garbage hole I assure you I’m just as upset about it as you are if not more
he I fit it right on top that’s not good even as I was doing it I went mmm not sure about
that one coach so this has been a bad episode in in many respects this has not been
good performance I’m gonna call it this is the final tab Tris ninety nine right unless we
lose in the top fifty in which case no obviously not I wanna before we start I want to
say thank you it’s been a wonderful time I’m happy with the series I think it’s been you
know it’s been a highlight of my year so far to play Tetris ninety nine for so many of you
thanks for the comments the story arc that we built together you Hayden the why it’s
becoming the why it’s inventing the Rorschach Theodore spins and so on and so forth
let’s do this one last time vindicated okay we’re not gonna ruin the moment by ruining
the moment we’re gonna ruin the moment by building the worst power that the world
has ever seen and then the game is gonna recognize this is like a victory lap a reunion
tour or a farewell to where I should say so what did the game do to make it easier on
me nothing yet you know we gotta send them hate to send them that early but it’s a sin
to be sent sometimes you got to bail you know okay well it’s very flattering somebody
doesn’t want me to go all right we’re gonna do one more I came in 96 we the only part
97th actually the only person we beat was Prague Lord and after this we’ll take a look
at our overall stats as well you know me at my hands my neck my back etcetera etcetera
ain’t what they used to be brother you got to get out of this Tetris game it can take
everything from you it can also give you everything but you got to get out while the
getting is good I don’t want to be you know Michael Jordan playing on the Washington
Wizards we got a an obligation to enjoy retirement here okay you can tell getting a little
sloppy but you know what the enduring legacy of northern lion plays Tetris 99 is this
do not go in there when my man aka me is cornered he’s a caged animal he’s a beast
you don’t want any part of it we got a set I was waiting to see if anybody wanted to be
sent all I ask on this last run this can be please for old times sake just have one more
caged animal moment is this it he’s a beast at the top of the board nobody wants to step
stool nobody even saw the move that he’s doing right there and yet here he is coming
back for more building on top of the garbage hole you know why he likes building on
top of the garbage hole she likes building on top of the garbage hole because it keeps
him motivated sometimes when life’s too easy you get soft you get doughy you say oh
I can’t do that that’s on a Saturday Saturday is my day off and all of a sudden before
you know it people are coming up behind you they’re trying to drop garbage on you
let’s do it I just trying to finesse some targets what do you do when they drop garbage
on you you send them garbage in return one good garb deserves another oh it just feels

smooth right now like Rob Thomas’s best song [Music] what’s funny is I hate that song
but I agree with myself there okay now that’s a sander we got a KO thank you thank
you it’s nice and all won’t be a final game bereft of kills yikes um well I can’t leave you
on that one I [Laughter] hate the long peace shuffle man you’re good just so you get the
long peace you want to put it you know like a lamb and the coconut they go together
and then you send them both down sometimes the long piece it doesn’t want to high
jump over that I mean I get it it’s like three tetra Nomos I or four tetra no Moses I’ll
probably not four you’d have to be a base level with respect to the other long yeah the
point is it should recognize where I want it to go and put it there so I’m actually gonna
change posture I’ve been leaning back wearing silk slippers going downstairs instead
we got to walk on glass so here’s what you do Oh already feels right that’s the good
stuff you give them one of these one of these now you got your well and now your
well is compromised but that’s okay because we’re not gonna let it stay compromised
for very long okay we should do something a lesser player ie my old self absolutely
would have bailed out of this situation what’s the bailout of it is slash could be the final
game who are we trying to impress by bailing out ain’t that sort of situation I can’t
believe we got a KO sorry I was actually momentarily sort of shocked by the fact that
a we’re alive and B there was a KO available to be gotten that early alright know that
nobody’s gonna be impressed with the performance so far despite of the KO we haven’t
really accomplished anything of worth that really hasn’t changed it honestly but it’s a
freaking start dude so I had to look just for a moment and then I completely squandered
what I was looking for me you got to do something dude I I can’t go gentle into that
good night but I mean as you can see the brain is fried so here’s what we do take a
second deep breath one counting up to six you’re like a dream come true to just want
to be with you three long block it’s plain to see that you’re the only tetra no mo for me
and for repeat steps one through three five get a Teddy spin for me if ever I believe my
work is done and I started back at one it’s beautiful improv baby oh sorry I was just
waiting til we had a the most glorious power ever constructed let’s just ignore the fact
that it’s a little bit screwed up already you can just tell this is the run now ha ha save
that thank you you know that’s your game plan here and then it goes it goes it goes
and so on and so forth okay well if you take two of those and call me in the morning
you know that’s my hypothesis on that particular subject right there was an impressive
scent by my own nebulous and ever-changing standards at least we just want to make
sure we got a construction we can be pleased with and we’re doing great so far try not
to screw it up by doing dumb things here’s a general rule of thumb you can use if you
are going to do something dumb do something smart instead it’s way better and if you
can follow that simple rule rolls-royce rolls-royce this should not go here because then
that has to go there and it’s it’s a whole thing at this point I’m definitely should not have
done that but like now you can do this at least and you know maybe uh-huh probably
shouldn’t have done that either but having done that you can do this at least and I said
that before I noticed we didn’t really have any good stuff coming down the pipe for us
but that’s okay cuz now that we’ve done that we could do that at least gonna need to
speed up the frequency with which we’re receiving long pieces thank you that’ll work
too that’ll work too all of a sudden back down to the bottom I can’t believe first off put
me on Kos from a couple of reasons one of which a little embarrassed that we are doing
good stuff turns out we’re garbage zero Kos what’s up with that oh there we go you

know he lost ourselves a little bit on this one at the end of the day if you’re not being
attacked the game of Tetris 99 is a simple algorithmic construction you want to build
a tower and you want to send at least 210 traces preferably like as many as possible
obviously and you you know there’s a some other things worth considering like purges
it that’s that’s something you should consider like hey consider not doing that or what
I did to follow it up haha hold on I got it you’ve always got it clear for a second okay
you wouldn’t understand it’s very complicated song of fire and ice is that copy written
because it’s a very nice phrase okay we’re back as base level you’re just filling lines
now you got to worry you know sometimes you know you would wish that you could
fill some more lines but you can’t you know you got to worry about you know are
you able to survive you’re not able to survive you change your game plan slightly you
got to worry about targeting it turns out there’s a lot of things to worry about it’s not
nearly as simple as I originally let on but you know in principle when you don’t think
about it too hard it’s not a complicated game it only gets complicated once you make
it complicated sometimes making it complicated is very positive thing you’re gonna be
better off as a result of your complications avril lavigne doesn’t know you you know she
doesn’t get to say that complicated is always bad you know most people don’t know
this but actually the song is one of the great baits in musical history and I do keep track
of those everyone thinks the song why you got to make everything so complicated is
about like a relationship but it’s not even though she says it is it’s called a metaphor
you know like all good Canadian artists she’s got a strong literary foundation hold on
we got to leave a well and we want the well to be in a position that’s not dumb right
now we’re leaving a lot of dumb positions okay that’ll work even though very shortly
we’re not gonna want to well anymore anyway it’s actually about quantum physics class
but she never took but heard from her friends was very difficult so you know she hit
her friends with a very I would say even in today’s workaday world a pretty trenchant
observation which is why you gotta make everything so complicated but at the end of
the day it’s because she has a fundamental misunderstanding you know she didn’t it’s
not that quantum physics was made complicated it just is complicated like many of the
things in life most worth doing radio silence you know fair enough you gotta as an old
dog you gotta accept it that’s gonna do it for the northernlion please petrol 99 series for
now for now who knows what might happen in the future we played 65 hours of this
accursed game we’ve won 25 games 30 year old boomer just wants to win one game a
Tetris 99 for now thanks for watching hope you guys have enjoyed the episode if you
did click the like button how’s that a great deal I’ll see you with whatever we’re doing
next see ya


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