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Philippines need the saving not a law that will only help the country.

This is my point of view in terms of

implementation of the rice tarrification law. This law states that the goverment will lift the restrictions on
the importation of rice for the reason that it will make the food staple more affordable for the Filipinos.
The reason behind its implemetation is acceptable but the consequences will eventually make everybody
suffer. I am not in favor when it comes to rice tarrification law simply because it is not the right thing to
do especially on our country's current situation.

We can never neglect the fact that we once sufferred because of the shortage of rice production in our
country and I am very certain that it is the reason why the government want us to import the product.
They might say that this is the only way to solve the problem without even considering that this action
will actually kill the production of rice by our fellow Filipinos. How ironic it is that a country rich in
products such as rice will encounter problems like this. Some people in power or in position rather keeps
on throwing the faults on something or somebody when in fact, the government itself are the one to
blame. There's this build build build project by the administration that seems to give more jobs to people
which means it will probably decrease the unemployment rate of the country. It is indeed a very big
progress but the problem is, people only look on what will it give but never on what we will lost. Since
the said project is on industrialization, the country needs to sacrifice its land for building infrastructures
to the point that the property for agriculture will be use. Instead of making a move to extend the lands
for agricultural activities, the government are doing the contrary. Another thing is that, the support for
the farmers are not enough, be it the property or the benefits. I just can't comprehend why did the
government gives minimal budget to agriculture sector. We are facing a phenomenon but we keep on
addressing another problem. The efforts are not enough and will never be enough if they are focusing
only on how to make this country modernized. There are many ways to help the farmers, for instance, a
farm to market road project so that the transportation of goods will be easier, an additional budget to
buy machines that will help a faster production and fertilizers to be given for a good crop. Importation is
one of choices but it is not the best thing to do. We will only create another problem if we do so. Just
think of it, Do you think the farmers will have the motivation to work harder and be productive if the
government will allow the importation of rice? Do you think it will solve the problem in terms of inflation
on the said goods? Thw logic is so simple yet the government are making it more complicated. The
bigger picture here is not giving the priviledge to other foreign producers but making the Filipino farmers
feel the priviledge of supplying the needs of their fellow countrymen.

The problem on shortage of rice driven the implementation of rice tarrification law. Though the
predicted result will help us, we are not fully assured to benefit from this law. I disagree not because I do
not want to seek help but because I still believe that there are many ways to build our falling economy.
We can do other alternatives to solve this issue but if ever, just if ever it will not be effective, we can
always consider this tarrification law. Sometimes, we don't really need a long term solution, what we
need is an immediate solution to prevent a bigger problem. Philippines is a very rich country in terms of
goods and labor, the only hindrance to progress is that we are keep on insisting a formula that does not
suit on a certain problem. To be able to address such problems, we need to follow a systematic
procedure, a step by step procedure perhaps. Remember, we can never accept change if we can never
change ourselves first. The same saying works on this rice tarrification law, we can never accept a law if
we can never change the way we treat our citizens. It is adequate to question a certain thing that
contradicts our opinions and principle, going with the flpw and agreeing to everything that the
government dictates does not make you a good citizen at all. I am entitled of my opinions and a human
as a part of society but never been a puppet who follows and being tricked.

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