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Laboratory Experiment

Cite This: J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Exploring the Phases of Carbon Dioxide and the Greenhouse Effect

in an Introductory Chemistry Laboratory
Jessica C. D’eon,* Jennifer A. Faust,† C. Scott Browning, and Kristine B. Quinlan
Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, 80 St George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H6, Canada
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: A safe and inexpensive laboratory for a first-year general

chemistry course has been developed which allows students to explore
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important properties of carbon dioxide, particularly its behavior as a greenhouse

gas. Students witness and measure air displacement to compare calculated gas
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densities and pressures inside a CO2-filled balloon with those of the surrounding
air; because the balloon is permeable to CO2, students can determine the
average rate of CO2 loss from the balloon. A loosely sealed centrifuge tube
containing dry ice allows students to briefly observe liquid CO2 and to map that
experience onto the phase diagram of CO2 discussed in lecture. Students
simulate the ability of CO2 to act as a greenhouse gas by measuring differences
in heat retention in the presence and absence of a CO2-enriched atmosphere
within an open beaker containing gravel that serves as a model Earth system.
Student reflections indicate substantial gains in a more scientifically rigorous
understanding of the role of greenhouse gases in the heating of the atmosphere.
KEYWORDS: First-Year Undergraduate/General, Environmental Chemistry, Laboratory Instruction,
Hands-On Learning/Manipulatives, Misconceptions/Discrepant Events, Atmospheric Chemistry, Gases, Kinetic-Molecular Theory,
Phases/Phase Transitions/Diagrams, Public Understanding/Outreach

The chemistry laboratory is considered a fundamental aspect
This simple low-cost laboratory is an easy way to introduce
this content into an often crowded first-year curriculum.
Having students measure an increase in temperature with an
of chemistry education.1−3 Laboratory curriculum is set by
increase in greenhouse gas concentration has a tangible “wow
instructors to provide students with practical scientific factor” that clearly communicates the importance of green-
experience that will build the students’ knowledge base and house gases on the climate system. In the first part of the
hone their hands-on skills.4,5 However, despite these best laboratory, students explore important qualitative and
intentions, learning in the chemistry laboratory, particularly in quantitative aspects of gas behavior and phase changes using
an introductory general chemistry course, can be hindered by dry ice as a convenient gas source. These topics fit well with
anxiety related to time constraints and grades.6−9 In an attempt the early part of the general chemistry curriculum, and the use
to alleviate some of these anxieties, a concerted effort has been of dry ice excites and engages students.

made to design laboratories at the beginning of the curriculum
that are fun and topical, with an emphasis on exploring the EXPERIMENTAL OVERVIEW AND PEDAGOGICAL
phenomenon in question with less pressure to make accurate GOALS
measurements and calculate graded quantities. This 3 h, cost-effective experiment,17 using typical laboratory
Climate change is a key environmental issue facing the world glassware, a retort stand, and a thermometer together with a
today. The next generation of decision-makers and innovators 100 W incandescent light bulb, has been running successfully
can be enabled to combat climate change by providing them in the one-semester general chemistry course entitled
with a scientifically accurate understanding of the climate “Chemistry: Physical Principles” at the University of Toronto
system. It is well-established that students enter university with since the Fall of 2016, with over 3500 students moving through
a fragmented understanding of climate science.10,11 As a result, the first-year curriculum in this time. High school chemistry is
students often create mental models surrounding the climate the only expected preparation for students entering this class.
system that bring several pieces of evidence together but, as a Results described here were collected from the Winter 2018
whole, are not scientifically sound.12−16 Embedding climate iteration of the class, with an initial course enrollment of
science into a first-year chemistry curriculum is an effective
way to engage a large number of students and battle these Received: May 18, 2018
misconceptions at the beginning of the students’ university Revised: November 9, 2018
science career.
© XXXX American Chemical Society and
Division of Chemical Education, Inc. A DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00373
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

approximately 820 students. Students perform the experiment 1. Students should be able to describe the principle of
in pairs with one teaching assistant overseeing a group of 24 blackbody radiation and contrast the electromagnetic
students or less. This experiment is the second of five radiation emitted by the Sun versus that emitted by the
experiments in the laboratory curriculum and is separated into Earth in terms of their relevance for the greenhouse
two parts. effect.
In Part A, simple manipulations and exercises involving dry 2. Students should be able to describe the relationship
ice are introduced to achieve the following learning goals with between photon energy (or frequency) and the
both qualitative and quantitative objectives: excitation energy (or frequency) of the molecule.
1. Students should recognize phase changes, including the 3. Students should be able to explain that collisional
effect of both temperature and pressure on phase state, relaxation of vibrating greenhouse gas molecules results
and interpret phase diagrams. in an increase in the kinetic energy of the surrounding
2. Students should be able to use experimental mass gas molecules, resulting in a warmer atmosphere.
measurements together with the ideal gas law to Students explore the greenhouse effect by measuring
calculate gas pressure and density, and they should be temperature changes of a “beaker Earth” with and without
able to evaluate their calculations with respect to their additional carbon dioxide added by dry ice sublimation (see
physical significance and laboratory observations. experimental setup shown in Figure 1 and full procedure in
3. Students should develop their sense of scale by Supporting Information). Students perform four trials
describing changes in mass in terms of numbers of measuring the temperature change over 10 min as follows:
molecules. 1. Heating from room temperature, lamp on, air-only
The full, detailed procedure is available in the Supporting 2. Heating from room temperature, lamp on, CO2-enriched
Information. Briefly, students first place small pieces of dry ice 3. Cooling from elevated temperature, lamp off, air-only
in warm water to observe its sublimation at ambient pressure 4. Cooling from same elevated temperature as air-only,
and then place dry ice pieces in a sealed centrifuge tube to lamp off, CO2-enriched
observe melting at elevated pressure (Part A learning objective Our experimental setup differs in some keys ways from
1). Previously reported experiments have used CO2 to explore previous demonstrations22−25 in order to address the stated
phase diagrams18,19 and used liquid CO2 for extractions,20,21 objectives. Keeping the beaker open to the air reinforces that
and their procedures were modified for use in this experiment. changes in greenhouse gas concentrations (carbon dioxide)
Mass measurements of the centrifuge tube alone and after all alone are responsible for observed differences in temperature
CO2 was transformed into gas allowed students to use the ideal (Part B learning objectives 2 and 3), as opposed to the
gas law to calculate an approximate pressure inside the tube trapping of convectively heated air as is the case in a physical
and see for themselves whether it was consistent with the greenhouse, a common misconception.12−16 Exploring temper-
minimum pressure required to achieve the liquid state ature changes with (trials 1 and 2) and without (trials 3 and 4)
according to the phase diagram of CO2 (Part A learning the lamp on allows us to extend our discussion beyond the
objectives 1 and 2). These practices also effectively prepare vibration of greenhouse gases to include different sources of
students for working with dry ice to deliver CO2 gas by photons in the system (Part B learning objective 1). This focus
sublimation when exploring the greenhouse gas effect in Part on photon source is a novel approach to guide students toward
B. a thorough and chemically accurate understanding of the
Next, students add small pieces of dry ice to an empty greenhouse effect. The use of dry ice as a source of carbon
balloon and take a mass measurement as soon as the balloon is dioxide is fun, easy, and safe compared to gas cylinders, and it
tied. As the balloon inflates from the sublimation of CO2, air is is more reliable than reactions of carbonate salts in aqueous
displaced from the balance pan, and to the surprise of some solution, where the phase changes of water complicate
students, the mass reported by the balance decreases! The temperature measurements. Finally, the use of plastic beakers
students take a second mass measurement of the balloon once to simulate the Earth and its atmosphere, as opposed to
all of the CO2 has sublimed. These measurements establish the aquaria, makes implementation feasible in a large under-
mass of displaced air, and together with the circumference of graduate laboratory or as an outreach activity. The greenhouse
the (assumedly spherical) balloon, the density of air can be gas activity has been successfully used to teach a class of grade
calculated. Students also calculate the density of gas-phase CO2 six students about climate science.
using the initial mass of dry ice added and the volume of the
balloon (Part A learning objectives 1 and 2). Students measure
the change in mass approximately 10 min after complete
inflation of the balloon to quantitatively investigate an event
that every student has experienced outside of the lab (the
escape of gas from an inflated balloon) explicitly expressed
here in units of molecules per second (Part A learning
objective 3).
Part B of the experiment was designed to help students
develop a chemically accurate understanding of how green-
house gases warm the Earth. To this end, we developed three Figure 1. Apparatus to study the greenhouse effect demonstrating
learning objectives for this part of the laboratory and associated how CO2 is added to the “beaker Earth” using dry ice in an
activities, including use of online simulations, that we believe Erlenmeyer flask immersed in a beaker of warm water. The beaker is
facilitate the development of a clear mental model of the filled with carbon dioxide gas in approximately 30 s, and students
greenhouse effect: confirm the presence of CO2 by extinguishing a lit barbeque lighter.

B DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00373
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education

Laboratory Experiment

HAZARDS Table 2. Calculated Air and CO2 Densities with

All parts of the experiment must be carried out wearing safety Corresponding Student Response
goggles. Dry ice is extremely cold and, if inappropriately Calculated Sample Written Student Response to the Question: Does
handled, can cause cold burns or frostbite. Insulated gloves or Density, g/L the Calculated Difference in the Density of Air and
tongs should be used to handle the dry ice. The centrifuge CO2(g) Agree with Your Observations When Dry Ice Was
CO2(g) Air Placed in Water?
tubes are not airtight,26 so as the dry ice sublimes and pressure
in the tube builds, CO2 is slowly leaking out of the tube. 2.26 1.23 “The calculated density of CO2 is greater than that of air
which makes sense because the CO2(g) spilled out of the
Nevertheless, the sealed centrifuge tubes filled with dry ice beaker and fell onto the counter, sinking below the less
remain a potential explosion hazard, and therefore, a plastic dense air.”
container for the warm water bath is recommended. No such 2.25 1.39 “Yes, as when the dry ice sublimed and the gas left the
beaker of water, it flowed over the lab bench rather than
explosions have occurred over the 1500 tubes used by students rising, since it is much denser than air as shown in the
since the experiment has been running. Students are also experimental calculations.”
explicitly directed to ensure that the tube is never pointed
toward themselves or other students. The heated water bath
should be handled with insulated gloves. connect their in-lab measurements and gas law calculations to


The laboratory preparation, in-lab experiment, and report
the qualitative phase change behavior observed in the lab (Part
A learning objectives 1 and 2).
The rubber from which the balloon is made is not
writing work synergistically to guide students toward meeting impervious to the loss of CO2. By recording the mass of the
the learning outcomes. In Part A of the experiment, students balloon 10 min after inflation is complete, the mass of CO2 lost
use dry ice to explore phase changes and the ideal gas law. In to leakage can be used to determine the rate of CO2 loss in
the Winter of 2018, 63% of students reported successfully molecules per second. Values in Winter 2018 ranged from 3 ×
observing liquid CO2 in their sealed centrifuge tubes. As 1016 to 2 × 1020 molecules per second. The idea that small
previously reported,20,21 the centrifuge tubes leak at higher changes in mass are a result of a large number of CO2
pressures, and thus, some tubes do not achieve pressures molecules escaping the balloon is still not intuitive for many
necessary for liquid CO2; such troubleshooting issues are of these introductory chemistry students (Part A learning
addressed in the Supporting Information. Nevertheless, with objective 3).
students working four pairs to a bench, all students had the Part A of the experiment illustrates some important aspects
opportunity to observe this phase change during the course of of gas behavior (pressure, displacement, effusion) and further
the experiment, if not in their own setup then in a neighbor’s. serves our objective of creating a fun and relevant learning
Students were asked to correlate the observed formation of experience for students. The students enjoy working with the
liquid CO2 at elevated pressure and constant temperature of dry ice and the measurements are robust. The calculations are
the water bath to the liquid region of the phase diagram of appropriately rigorous, and the results are meaningful.
CO2. Students used mass measurements of the centrifuge tubes In Part B of the experiment, students graph heating and
to calculate the pressure inside and were asked the following cooling curves for both air-only and CO2-enriched trials, an
question: “Is the pressure inside the pressurized Falcon tube example of which is shown in Figure 2. Because the output of
enough to allow liquid CO2 to exist?” Sample student the different 100 W incandescent lightbulbs is not identical and
responses provided in Table 1 demonstrate that students are the concentration of carbon dioxide in the CO2 trials is not
able to explain their experimental observations in light of the fixed, we do not expect students to measure the same
phase diagram (Part A learning objectives 1 and 2). temperature differences; rather, we are looking for students to
be convinced that carbon dioxide significantly increases the
Table 1. Calculated Pressure in Falcon Tube with heating and reduces the cooling of the system, and for them to
Corresponding Student Response be able to explain the mechanism responsible for these
differences. In the heating curves, 98% of the Winter 2018
Calculated Sample Written Student Response to the Question: Is the students saw more heating in the CO2-enriched trial than in
Pressure, Pressure inside the Pressurized Falcon Tube Enough To Allow the air-only trial, with 94% of students measuring a difference
Atm Liquid CO2 To Exist?
of 2 °C or greater and 89% a difference of 3 °C or greater.
4.50 “No, CO2 cannot exist as a liquid below 5.1 atm (triple point
P).” When observing this temperature difference, students often
7.28 “Yes, this pressure inside the Falcon tube is enough to allow express their surprise and new appreciation for the effect of
liquid CO2 because the triple point is 5.1 atm according to the greenhouse gases on climate. Temperature differences in the
phase diagram of CO2 in the lab manual. 7.28 atm > 5.1 atm cooling trials were, as expected, smaller, but still convincing.
so there’s enough pressure and since the tubes is in hot water
bath, the temperature paired with the pressure allow liquid 85% of students saw greater cooling in the air-only trials with
CO2 to exist which is exactly what we observed.” 67% of students measuring a difference of 0.5 °C or greater
(see Figures S1 and S2 in the Supporting Information).
Students were able to accurately measure and calculate that Students are challenged to think about sources of photons in
air is less dense (mean Winter 2018: 1.31 ± 0.49 g/L; cf. 1.23 the system and the effect of temperature on photon flux
g/L at 15 °C27) than CO2(g) (mean Winter 2018: 2.30 ± 0.65 through a comparison of the heating and cooling curves. When
g/L; cf. 1.86 g/L at 15 °C28), using mass and volume the light bulb is on, it is responsible for the majority of the
measurements of a CO 2-filled balloon. Students were photons present in the experimental system. This increase in
challenged to place the calculated density values in context infrared photons is reflected by the larger temperature
with their observations of the fog that results from the addition difference between air-only and CO2-enriched trials in the
of dry ice to a beaker of warm water. Sample responses are heating curves as compared to the cooling curves (Figure 2).
provided in Table 2 and demonstrate the students’ ability to Students are asked to explain this difference in their reports.
C DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00373
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

Two responses from the Winter 2018 semester are shown

“The ΔT value of the heating curve is greater than the ΔT
of the cooling curve. This is because the lamp emits more
infrared photons than the gravel does. Also, during heating,
photons are being absorbed by the greenhouse gases (CO2)
as well as the gravel. While, during the cooling, fewer
photons are emitted and any photons not absorbed escape
the system resulting in low temperatures in both trials.”
“When heating, there are two sources of photons and
therefore heat energy. The lamp and the rocks are both
active but when the cooling trial runs, only the rocks can
emit radiation. Since there are more sources of photons in
the heating system, the temperature difference is greater.”
These student responses demonstrate a clear understanding of
photon sources and fluxes within the experimental setup.
Students are then asked to build upon this understanding to
the actual Earth−Sun system by commenting on the relevance
of incoming photons from the Sun versus outgoing photons
from the Earth to the greenhouse effect. Two responses from
the Winter 2018 semester are provided below:
“It depends more on absorption of outgoing photons because
it is these that, when trapped, lead to the greenhouse effect
or, if not absorbed, lead to cooling through their release. The
in-coming photons from the Sun that aren’t absorbed in the
atmosphere can be absorbed by the Earth, warming it in this
way separate from the greenhouse effect.”
“Greenhouse gases which are able to absorb outgoing
radiation from the Earth have a greater effect on climate.
This is because only a small fraction of the in-coming solar
radiation are at the IR wavelengths, but almost all the
energy the Earth radiates out is in the IR region. This
radiation when absorbed by the greenhouse gases, traps the Figure 2. Representative (a) heating and (b) cooling data from a pair
heat in the atmosphere and prevents it from being lost to of Winter 2018 students.
space. As a result, the Earth keeps receiving energy from the
Sun, but cannot lose it, leading to a temp increase.” Further analysis of these responses showed that, before the
The extensive prelab preparation, which includes exploration experiment, 21% of students conflate ozone depletion with the
of an online blackbody spectrum simulator29 (details in greenhouse effect and that 15% of students demonstrate a
Supporting Information), the design of the experiment itself, mental model that involves greenhouse gases causing solar
and the follow-up report questions leave students with a clear radiation to be reflected back into space or reflected back
and scientifically accurate mental model of relevant photon toward Earth. These particular misconceptions have been
fluxes within the Earth system (Part B learning objective 1). identified previously12−16 and could stem from a lack of
To further assess student learning gains and to provide understanding that photons are emitted from sources other
students with the opportunity to reflect on their learning, than the Sun. If the Sun is the only source of radiation, then
students were asked “How does the greenhouse effect warm increases in temperature could be explained by increased solar
the Earth?” before and after completing the experiment. The radiation entering the Earth system (ozone depletion) or a
responses were open-ended and not for credit. 581 students decrease in the ability of solar radiation to leave (“radiation
completed both the before and after reflections in Winter bouncing”). Our experiment specifically addresses this knowl-
2018. Representative student responses are given in Table 3. edge gap, which we identify in Part B learning objective 1, and
Prior to the experiment, many students respond to this its success in doing so is reflected in the postexperiment
question with relatively simple explanations that greenhouse responses where discussion of ozone and “radiation bouncing”
almost completely disappear.

gases trap heat without any detail of how this occurs. After
completion of the experiment, 87% of students had refined CONCLUSIONS
their answer to give a more chemically accurate, often
This laboratory provides students with the opportunity to
particulate-level, mechanism of the greenhouse effect. 78% of explore the greenhouse effect and phases of carbon dioxide in a
the postexperiment responses stated that greenhouse gases series of fun and engaging exercises using dry ice. It was
absorb photons, and that this is the mechanism for warming of developed for a one-semester general chemistry course with
the Earth. Almost half of the postexperiment responses high enrollment and few lab periods and could easily be
mentioned vibration of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse modified to serve other formats, such as a discovery-based
gases. These responses are strong evidence that this laboratory laboratory environment or as an outreach activity. Mass
experience largely accomplishes Part B learning objectives 2 measurements made before and after the sublimation of CO2
and 3. inside a balloon allow students to witness air displacement and
D DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00373
J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

to reflect upon their calculated values of relevant gas properties

photons and make them vibrate so creating kinetic energy. For this reason greenhouse gases warm the earth or don’t allow to cool properly.”
“The ozone layer, O3, is gradually thinning out. This layer serves as a protective “Greenhouse gas molecules increase Earth’s temperature because they vibrate at the same frequency as some of the infrared photons emitted by

frequency of the photon matches that of the greenhouse gas. When absorbed, the photon will cause the greenhouse gas molecule to vibrate,
“Radiation coming from the sun is reflected off the Earth’s surface. A percentage “Radiation from sun is absorbed by earth’s surface. Earth’s surface emits IR EMR [electromagnetic radiation] and this is absorbed by CO2

“The photons coming from the Earth’s surface can either escape into space or be absorbed by the green house gas, only if the vibrational
“When photons leave the earth and get lost so cool the earth, however when greenhouse gases are in the atmosphere, they capture these
such as pressure, density, and the rate of loss from the balloon

the Earth’s surface. Not all of Earth’s infrared photons are expelled to space since the CO2 molecules absorb them. Thus, the Earth’s
due to its permeability. Students safely observe the liquid state

increasing the average kinetic energy of the molecules in the atmosphere, thus increasing the temperature and warming the Earth.”
of CO2 in a pressurized centrifuge tube and relate its (fleeting)
existence to their calculated value of the pressure inside the
tube. In studying its greenhouse effect, a simple, yet realistic,
experimental setup (Figure 1) provides students with reliable
and reproducible results to examine the impact of increased
CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. The prelab prepara-
tion, the designed exercises with “beaker Earth”, and the
associated report questions collectively guide students to
consider the relative importance of the two major infrared
Corresponding Response after Completion of the Experiment

sources that contribute to the warming of the atmosphere.

Comparison of pre- and postlab reflections show that 87% of
students obtain a more refined, chemically relevant under-
standing of the phenomenon upon completion of the

Sample Student Responses to the Question: How Does the Greenhouse Effect Warm the Earth?

S Supporting Information

The Supporting Information is available on the ACS

Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00373.
Additional details related to data collection and analysis,
laboratory instructions to students and teaching
Table 3. Comparison of Sample Paired-Student Responses before and after Completing the Experiment

assistants, student report sheet, and student self-

reflection exercise (PDF, DOCX)
molecules which vibrate and gain energy.”

Excel spreadsheet to simplify teaching assistant grading


Corresponding Author
temperature increases.”

Jessica C. D’eon: 0000-0001-7448-8828
Jennifer A. Faust: 0000-0002-2574-7579
Present Address

Department of Chemistry, College of Wooster, 943 College
field against the sun’s rays and as this layer is thinning out, more of the sun’s

Mall, Wooster, Ohio 44691, USA.

of the reflected radiation is bounced back to Earth and another is lost. The

“Gases are trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere, warming up the Earth. These

heat and radiation reaches the earth’s surface and warms up the earth.”

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

“Gases keep the light from the sun inside the ozone layer.”

The authors thank undergraduate students Bessie Xue, Labib

Response before the Experiment

Chowdry, and Bianca Bird who helped optimize the

experimental procedure through the Research Opportunities
Program at the University of Toronto. They also thank
bounced back radiation warms the Earth.”

laboratory technician Rudolf Furrer and laboratory coordinator

Dr. Marvin Morales for help with laboratory implementation
and useful discussions. J.A.F. acknowledges the Chemistry
gases often arise from pollution.”

Teaching Fellows Program in the Department of Chemistry at

the University of Toronto for funding.

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J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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