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Endometritis in Mares
Inflammation of the inner uterus lining (endometrium) can cause subfertility or infertility
Overview variety of inflammatory cells with fibrosis
Endometritis is failure of the uterus (scarring) around the endometrial glands
to clear foreign contaminants (i.e., bac- are commonly observed.1
teria, spermatozoa) resulting in inflam- Transrectal palpation and ultrasound
mation of the inner lining of the uterus examinations that identify free fluid in the
(endometrium).1,2 This is an important uterus prior to breeding suggest a mare
cause of reduced fertility and infertil- is susceptible to endometritis. Mares
ity in mares and a major contributor to with free fluid in the lumen of the uterus
economic loss in the i­ndustry. more than 24 hours post-breeding are
Most cases of endometritis are the considered positive for mating-induced
result of bacterial infections from Strep- ­endometritis.
tococcus zooepidemicus, Escherichia Hysteroscopy (directly examining the

arnd bronkhorst
coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella uterus using an endoscope) provides im-
pneumoniae, and less commonly Taylo- portant information regarding the sever-
rella equigenitalis (which causes conta- ity of the inflammation and the presence
gious equine metritis or CEM). Yeast of foreign bodies, adhesions, masses, and
If an ultrasound prior to breeding identifies free fluid in
and fungi (e.g., Candida spp. and Asper- cysts. Each of these abnormalities can
the uterus, the mare is likely susceptible to endometritis.
gillus spp.) can also infect the uterus.1 adversely affect fertility.
The normal mare uterus is protected ­produce a visible vaginal discharge. In
from external contamination by the vulva, general, the hallmark of endometritis is re- Treatment
vestibule, vagina, and cervix, which func- duced fertility. For example, affected mares The treatment goal is to remove the incit-
tion as physical barriers that block the show early return to estrus (heat) after ing cause and decrease uterine inflamma-
passage of foreign material(s). Injury, ana- breeding to a fertile stallion or a shortened tion. Endometritis associated with nonspe-
tomic abnormalities, or loss of structural interestrous interval. That is, they come in- cific infections necessitates repairing any
function (e.g., post-foaling) can permit the to heat more frequently than anticipated.1 anatomic defects in the mare’s reproduc-
introduction of microorganisms into the tive tract structure (e.g., Caslik’s surgery to
uterus, resulting in endometritis. In severe Diagnosis augment closure of the vulva).
or persistent cases, a chronic endometritis Key tools in diagnosing endometritis in- Once the underlying physical concerns
can develop accompanied by degenerative clude microscopic analysis (cytology) of an have been addressed, the endometrial in-
changes of the endometrium, including fi- endometrial swab or endometrial biopsy. flammation often resolves without further
brosis (scarring). This condition is usually Culturing samples obtained from the uter- treatment. In persistent cases, systemic or
noted in older, multiparus mares (those us during estrus also is useful to identify local antimicrobial drug therapy via intra-
that have foaled more than twice).1 the particular species of bacteria or other uterine infusion can be implemented.1
Semen also incites an inflammatory reac- microorganism colonizing the uterus and CEM is more challenging, requiring local
tion in the uterus post-breeding.2 Almost all the sensitivity of these organisms to anti- treatment with a cleansing solution (e.g.,
mares develop a transient, post-­breeding en- microbial drugs. 4% chlorhexidine) and application of an
dometritis regardless of breeding technique The identification of one or more bac- antibiotic ointment such as nitrofurazone
(natural or artificial insemination). Persis- terial species after culturing endome- along with uterine lavage. Best results are
tent mating-induced endometritis (PMIE) trial samples, however, is not sufficient to achieved when this process is performed
develops in some mares, presumably due to diagnose endometritis. A positive endo- during estrus.4
impaired uterine clearance mechanisms.2,3 metritis diagnosis also requires micro- In mares with a post-breeding endo-
Approximately 15% of Thoroughbred scopic evidence of an influx of inflamma- metritis, uterine lavage with saline (with
broodmares develop PMIE.1, 2 tory cells (i.e., neutrophils are seen in the or without drugs such as oxytocin or pros-
acute stage). Another technique for evalu- taglandin F) is recommended to clear the
Clinical Signs ating the uterus is examining endometrial uterus of inflammatory products and fluid.
Except for mares with CEM, most hors- biopsies. These lavages are safely performed between
es with an inflamed endometrium do not In mares with chronic endometritis a six and 24 hours post-breeding.1

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Fact Sheet

Immunostimulants are also being used Prognosis

as a treatment for endometritis.5 Veteri- Endometrial biopsies allow veterinar- References
1. Drost, M.; Thomas, P.G.A.; Seguin, B.; Troedsson, M.H.T.
narians urge use of these in conjunction ians to microscopically determine the de- Diseases of the reproductive system. Smith, B.P., ed. In:
with good mare management. gree of inflammation, fibrosis (scarring) Large Animal Internal Medicine. Mosby, 2002. 1304-
The only immunostimulant approved by around glands, and other abnormal altera- 1306.
2. Squires, E.L. Endometritis in the mare. www.TheHorse.
the USDA specifically for the treatment of tions that might affect endometrial func-
uterine infections is SETTLE (which con- tion and future foaling rates. The biopsies 3. Rojer, H.; Aurich, C. Treatment of persistent mating-induced
tains mycobacterium cell wall fraction im- are assigned a grade ranging from Grade endometritis in mares with the non-steroidal anti-inflam-
munostimulant). Results of one research 1 (normal, no significant abnormalities) matory drug Vedaprofen. Reprod Domest Anim. 2010 Jan
study showed mares treated with myco- to Grade 3 (significant loss of endome- 4. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health
bacterial cell wall formulation (MCW) trial glands such that the mare is unlikely Inspection Service. Contagious Equine Metritis Fact
were cured of endometritis in 55% of the to be able to support a pregnancy to full- sheet.
cases after 24 hours and in 75% of cases term). Predicted foaling rates are 80-90% 5. Church, S.L. Immunostimulant Helps Mares with Endo-
after seven days.6,7,8 in mares with Grade 1 biopsies, 50-80% metritis Maintain Pregnancy.
Results from another study in which re- with Grade 2A, 10-50% with Grade 2B, 6. S ellnow, L. Immunotherapy for broodmares. www.
searchers administered MCW (SETTLE) and less than 10% in mares with Grade 3 7. Fumuso, E. et al. (2002). Use of immunomodulation
the day after foaling promoted a signifi- biopsies.1 Horses with nonspecific infec- in persistent post-breeding endometritis. Effect on pro-
cantly higher pregnancy rate, a dramatic tions and sexually transmitted diseases inflammatory cytokines IL-1beta, IL-6 and TNF-alpha,
mRNA transcription studied by Real Time PCR. Proc. The
pathogen-dependent decrease in bacterial typically have a good prognosis if treated Society for Theriogenology, Aug 7-11:41.
contamination in the endometrium, and a aggressively. 8. Fumuso, E. et al. (2003). Non-specific immunomodu-
significant decrease in the number of en- lation at post-partum improves uterine condition and
fertility in mares. Proc. 8th World Equine Veterinary Asso-
dometrial inflammatory cells presented at Prevention ciation, Oct. 15-17:80.
foal heat.6 While endometritis unrelated to sexu-
Other therapies being examined, but ally transmitted diseases cannot necessarily Further reading and free horse health e-
that are not yet routinely used, include sys- be prevented, appropriate diagnostic tests newsletters:
temic administration of dexamethasone and medical management of mares with Authored by Stacey Oke, DVM, MSc;
and oral cyclogenoxygenase-2 (COX-2) in- ­endometritis are likely to improve subse- reviewed by Fairfield T. Bain, DVM, Dipl.
hibitors post-mating.3,5 quent conception and foaling rates. h ­ACVIM, ACVP, ACVECC




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