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Unul din multele exemple de opresiune rasialâ consta in judecarea si condamnarea la moarte a
unui adolescent de culoare pentru o crima pe care el nu a comis-o

« George Junius Stinney, Jr. (n. 21 octombrie 1929,[1] Carolina de Sud, SUA – d. 16
iunie 1944,[1] Columbia, Carolina de Sud, SUA) a fost un american de culoare, cunoscut pentru
faptul că a fost cel mai tânăr condamnat la moarte și executat de către justiția americană în
secolul al XX-lea. – WIKIPEDIA «

« A fost acuzat de uciderea a două fetițe, una de 8 ani, iar cealaltă de 11 ani. Modul cum a
decurs procesul ridică și astăzi semne de întrebare, existând opinii că Stinney a fost victima unei
erori judiciare. Astfel, judecata a durat numai câteva ore și nu au existat probe reale, totul
bazându-se pe existența inculpatului în acea zonă și pe mărturia unor polițiști. »

Procesul in sine reprezinta doar o parte din abuzul rasial, condamnarea la moarte prin
electrosocuri fiind in sine dovada unui tratament brutal, barbar, inuman, bazat pe criterii pur
discriminatorii, rasiste care nu trebuiau sub nicio forma sa stea drept motive de acuzare,

« Acuzatul a fost executat cu scaunul electric la închisoarea din Columbia. »

Desi « La 70 de ani de la execuție, George Stinney a fost achitat postum, susținându-se că nu au

existat dovezi clare și că nu a beneficiat de o apărare echitabilă. », greseala nu mai poate fi
reperata iar cazul juridic ramane reprezentativ pentru subiectul Suprematia alba

« Police arrested 14-year-old George Stinney, a local African-American, as

a suspect. They said that he confessed to the crime to them.[2][3] There was
no written record of his confession apart from notes provided by an
investigating deputy.[4]
No transcript was recorded of the brief trial. Stinney was convicted of first-
degree murder of the two girls in less than 10 minutes by an all-white jury,
during a one-day trial.[5] The court refused to hear his appeal. He was
executed that year, still age 14, by electric chair.
In the decades since Stinney's conviction and execution, the question of
his guilt, the validity of his reported confession, and the judicial process
leading to his execution have been extensively criticized.[6]
A group of lawyers and activists investigated the Stinney case on behalf of
his family. In 2013 the family petitioned for a new trial. On December 17,
2014, his conviction was posthumously vacated 70 years after his
execution, because the circuit court judge ruled that he had not been given
a fair trial; he had no effective defense representation and his Sixth
Amendment rights had been violated.[7][8] The judgment noted that while
Stinney may have committed the crime, the prosecution and trial were
fundamentally flawed.[4] Judge Mullen ruled that his confession was likely
coerced and thus inadmissible. She also found that the execution of a 14-
year-old constituted "cruel and unusual punishment."[9] »

Observam, deci ca a avut loc o investigatie precara,lacunara, bazata pe prejudecati rasiale,

dovezi prefacute si minciuni, toate acestea urmate de un proces abuziv, prestabilit.
« Following George's arrest, his father was fired from his job at the local
sawmill, and the Stinney family had to immediately vacate their company
housing. The family feared for their safety. His parents did not see George
again before the trial. He had no support during his 81-day confinement
and trial; he was detained at a jail in Columbia 50 miles from Alcolu, due to
the risk of lynching.[6] Stinney was questioned alone, without his parents or
an attorney…….Between the time of Stinney's arrest and his execution,
Stinney's parents were allowed to see him once, after the trial when he
was held in the Columbia penitentiary.[4]»
Adolescentul de doar 14 ani a fost investigat zile si luni la rand singur, fara a putea fi vizitat de
parinti, fara sprijin moral sau emotional, fiind supus presiunii, investigatorii atacandu-l psihologic
si manipulandu-l pentru a-l putea declara vinovat in urma unui proces care a durat o singura zi si
la care au participat exclusiv persoane albe.
« Stinney's trial had an all-white jury, as was typical of the time. As most black people were
still disenfranchised and prohibited from voting, they could not be selected as jurors. More than
1,000 whites crowded the courtroom, but no black people were allowed.[6] ,»
Pe langa toate acestea, “The jury took ten minutes to deliberate, after which they returned with a
guilty verdict. Judge Philip H. Stoll sentenced Stinney to death by the electric chair. There is no
transcript of the trial. No appeal was filed.[6] »
Acesta este cazul unui tanar care a trebuit sa suporte consecintele unor frustrari injuste
acumulate de societatea americana la acea vreme, un tanar care a fost obligat sa preia si sa
plateasca cu propria viata pentru ideologia si credinta albilor. Acest fenomen al Suprematiei albe
ajunsese deja la acest punct un fenomen ireversibil cu efecte colosale care ar incalca astazi toate
actele legislative mentionate mai sus.
autoritățile au dorit pur și simplu un țap ispășitor
pentru crimă.

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