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Trading Barefoot - Herron, Ryan

If you do not already feel like a success in some way, you will never achieve the
level of success that you want. Be thankful for what you already have and more
success will follow.

Once you reach the level of success that you deem as being awesome in your own
life, start giving to those less fortunate than you. By giving to someone else, you
are telling yourself that you already have more than you need. This changes your
brain and changes everything.

Opportunity is everywhere.

Don't wait for opportunity to come to you. Don't sit around dreaming. The act of
taking action, even if it seemed far fetched at the time. Opportunity is always
there awaiting for someone to grab it. It doesn't care who grabs it and is always
available around every corner. Our job, as humans, is to look for it and make it
happen. Even when there is no opportunity, we can often force an opportunity by
just taking a step in the right direction. Make a phone call. Send an email.
Implement that trading strategy and test it. There are numerous and unlimited
opportunities if we start thinking a bit differently about life.

I used to believe it when they said there were no opportunities. It was not until I
started to think differently, that opportunity started to pop up every flipping
place I focused my attention.

****WARNING**** Never EVER Martingale!!!! You WILL lose it all one day if you
employ this concept. Martingale doubles down on every loser. This is a concept that
works most of the time but the times it does not work will kill your account. Every
trading disaster out there was made due to the martingale concept.

I don't know diddly squat about the markets and neither do you! No one does. No one
can tell us where price is going tomorrow or even in the next hour. We all think we
can but we are wrong. If people knew where the markets were going, they would own
the Earth in a few weeks. Every trading strategy uses past data to try to determine
what the probabilities of an outcome will be.

I often find myself thinking that I have a feeling or I think the market will do
something. In most circumstances I am dead wrong. In the circumstances that I am
actually right, its just luck but that luck feeds my brain false information that
leads me to believe I know what I am doing. This is bad. It's very bad for traders
to try to predict market direction. We can't do it. We never have been able to do
it and we never will be able to do it. None of us know what the sparkle farkle is
going on!

The thing that separates profitable traders from unprofitable traders is the
ability to stick to a proven strategy like clockwork.

***WARNING!*** Once you pull the trigger on a trade, ALWAYS stick to what you said
you were going to do before placing the trade. Once we are 'in' a trade, all
intellect goes out the window and we are just mental patients in a psych ward until
the trade is over. During a trade, we lose all sense of anything resembling
rational thinking.

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