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By :
Name : Ainani Priza Minhalina
Student ID : B1B016015
Entourage : VI
Group :1
Assistant : Fajar Nur Sulistyahadi




A. Background

Morphometrics come from two Greek words ie morph meaning shape and metron
which means measurement. This method is generally used for shape measurement and
most cases are applied in biological topics widely. Morphometrics is defined as a
quantitative measurement and analysis for morphology or form. The use of
morphometrics has been widely accepted in contemporary biology. It is therefore
increasingly used as a complementary, necessary for molecular studies due to low and
acceptable budget needs to overcome the power of discrimination (Pathak et al., 2013).
Morphometric studies are one part of bioecological studies that are used to study
the distribution of the size of an organism in the habitat. In addition, morphometric studies
may be used to predict the potential of these organisms in relation to their exploitation or
utilization, including regeneration and reproduction capabilities that logically play a
significant role in the survival of organisms in their habitats (Tampa et al., 2014).
Morphological characters (morphometrics and meristics) have long been used in fisheries
biology to measure distance and kinship relationships in categorizing variations in
taxonomy. It also helps a lot in providing information for estimating fish stocks (Akbar,
Morphometric measurement is a better technique for distinguishing body shape in
the population. Measuring genetic diversity based on phenotypic characters with
morphometric methods is easier to perform at much cheaper cost than the measurements
based on the genotype character. Morphometrics can be performed with the aim of,
among other things, to distinguish strains/species /populations from determining their
genetic distance and looking for morphological indicators for selection purposes (Kusrini
et al., 2008)
Morphometric also can be broadly defined as a body of techniques for describing
body form, a somewhat more narrowly defined usage is currently popular. It has been
considered as the empirical fusion of geometry and biology. Further, morphometrics has
been defined as the statistical analysis of biological homology treated as geometrical
deformation. The fundamental goal of morphometric is the description of form. The new
morphometrics offer no universal protocol for selecting variables to be studied, except
that they be numerous and sample the entire form. Morphometric data typically fall into
four categories and often in some combination such as distances, angles, co-ordinates,
and radial functions of boundary outlines. Traditional data sets from bilaterally symmetric
organism (Kapoor & Khanna, 2004).
The benefits of morphometry are easier in determining an animal based on its
special features. In addition, it can also be known the range of age and sex of animals that
have been done morfometri him. Sufficient morphometric data is attempted by selecting
the specimens that are considered to have established morphological characters. The data
can also be used to explain the presence or absence of variation and differentiation
between populations. Each character is observed as a result of the interaction of genes
whose expression is influenced by the environment (Haryono, 2001).

B. Objectives

1. To recognized invertebrate and vertebrate morphological character as the basic for

2. To do meristic and morphometric morphological character analysis of invertebrate
and vertebrate.
3. To perform basic morphometric and truss morphometric method of invertebrate and

Morphometrics are characteristics that relate to body size or body parts of animals
such as total length, raw length, length of cagak, etc., while meristics are characteristics
associated with the number of certain parts of the fish body such as the number of scales
on the ribs, the number of fingers hard and weak fingers on the dorsal fin and so on.
Morphometrics is a measure in units of length or the ratio of the size of the outer body
parts of an organism, while meristics are properties that indicate the number of external
body parts such as the number of radius fins used for classification. Size in morphometrics
is the distance between one body part to another, such as the distance between the head
end to the folding of the tail rod (standard length). This measure is called the absolute
size that is usually expressed in units of millimeters or centimeters (Dwisang, 2008).
Morphometry and meristics are used to distinguish several species of fish despite the
emergence of molecular biochemical genetics (Chakleder et al., 2015).
Meristic is a feature related to the number of animal body parts. Meristic trait is a
feature in taxonomy that can be trusted because it is very easy to use. However, in the use
of this method is often the body parts of the organism to be observed is not complete so
it is difficult to do the calculation of the number of body parts. These meristic features
include countable parts such as the number of radii, the number of antennas and the
number of antennas which are the characteristics that can be a sign of the species. The
measures used in identification are all measures that are measurements taken from one
point to another without going through the body curvature (Stearns, 1989).
Simple morphometry is a comparison of univariate characters of meristics and
morphometrics such as body length, body width, and body height that are able to identify
differences between species. The lack of a simple morphometric system often represents
only a few things that do not represent the overall shape of the measured organism in
terms of standard morphometric characters and impressed the results can and often fail to
identify differences between the population strains. The advantages of using this simple
morphometry is easy to use because it is only based on the body shape of a simple
organism such as total body length, carapace length, standard length, shrimp weight,
height, body width, head length (thorax), length of rostrum , tail length and tail width
(from uropoda) so easily done by anyone (Kisworo, 2014).
Truss morphometrics is a method of comparing the body size of an important part
of a fish with a standard size. The head length and standard length are two variables that
are often used to determine fish species. For example, the comparison between standard
length and height will determine the body shape of the fish. There is some evidence of
morphological differences between different geographic populations. Conventional
methods and truss morphometrics are commonly used to describe morphological
variations among different populations of a species. Truss morphometrics technique is
one effort to describe the shape of the fish by measuring the parts of his body on the basis
of the points of reference. The usefulness of truss morphometrics is to determine the
species strains and determine the animals that have no sexual dimorphism (Demardjati &
Wardhana, 1990)
The advantages of truss morphometrics are to provide a more comprehensive
picture and generate more geometric characterization of the fish's body shape and show
enhanced ability to identify body shape differences. Measurements in this way are more
consistent, providing detailed information by describing the shape of the fish and
minimizing measurement errors. The weakness of this method is quite complicated
because it takes more accuracy, in addition to the use of time is also quite old. The
fundamental difference between morphometric and meristic traits is that the meristic traits
are more stable in number during the growth period after a steady body size is reached,
whereas the morphometric characters change continuously in size and age (Messieh,
Every sample of fish is determined by 13 points which used as standard points in
Truss Morphometrics. The standard points are base of the mandibule, base of
the bottom snout, base of the upper snout, boundary between head with the tip
of the dorsal head, beginning of abdominal fin, beginning of dorsal fin I, ends of
the rear dorsal fin I, beginning of the anal fin, the front end of the dorsal fin II,
hind tip of anal fin, hind tip of dorsal fin II, base of the lower part of the tail joints, the
base of the upper part of the tail joint (Imron et al., 2000). Body parts of fish that are
measured by meristic characteristics are hard fingers, weak fingers, fin formulation,
number of scales, number of predortal scales, number of cheek scales, number of body
circumference scales, number of tail scales, number of gill filters and number of finlet
(Ariyanto, 2003). Meanwhile, the meristic measurement point on the snake includes the
total length, standard length, head length, head width, eye diameter, body diameter and
eye distance to the base of the head (Brraich & Akhter, 2015). The point of meristic
characters of snakes , the amount of ventral scale and anterior dorsal scales. Meristic point
of fish referred to structures corresponding with body segments such as number of fin
rays or vertebrae. Applied to any countable structure such as number of scales, gill rakers,
branchiostegal rays, or cephalic pores (Cadrin et al., 2014). Number of scales around
midbody, POI-number of postocular scales in the first row posterior to eye, number of
postocular scales in the second row posterior to eye, number of supralabial scales anterior
to subocular. For analysis of the scaleation, the samples included male, female, and
immature individuals, because neither sex nor maturity affected the number of scales in
an individual or sample (Ljubisavljevic et al., 2002).
Marine shrimp are grouped in the subphylum Crustacea, class Malacostraca,
Decapoda Order, consisting of family Palaemonidae, shrimp morphological
characteristics have bilaterally symmetrical body comprising a number of segments
wrapped as a chitin exoskeleton, body ratio is 1:2 between their head and their caudal, for
the organ reproduction shrimp freshwater name is telicum for female organ reproduction
and petasma for male reproduction, and for their segment arrangement in freshwater like
snake scale or overlapping. While in sea shrimp or salt water shrimp body ratio is 1:1
between their head and their caudal, for the organ reproduction shrimp freshwater name
is appendix felima for female organ reproduction and appendix muscula for male
reproduction, and for their segment arrangement in saltwater is a line with segment to on
top segment 1 and segment 3 (Noventi, 2001)

A. Material

The instruments used in this laboratory activity are specimen tray, forceps,
calipers, styreofoam, milimeter block, pins, and camera.
The materials used in this laboratory activity are some invertebrate specimen
(shrimp) and vertebrate specimen.

B. Methods

The methods used in this laboratory activity are :

1. The meristic and morphometrics characters of invertebrate (shrimp) and vertebrate
(fish and snake) are measured by basic morphometric method and truss
morphometric method.
2. Animal specimen are placed on styreofoam with milimeter block, then every points
are marked with pins
3. The distance between points are measured with calipers (or thread)
4. The interim report are completed

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