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Semester 2 Test

Question Paper

Geography Paper 1 1 hour 45 minutes

Grade 10
Student answers on the Answer Paper.
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Write your Name on all the work you hand in.

Write in dark blue or black pen.
Do not use correction fluid.

Answer three questions, one from each section.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
The total number of marks for this paper is 75

This document consists of 4 printed pages

Section 1

Coastal environments

[A level sp 2018 sp 3 no 4]
If answering this option, answer Question 4 and either Question 5 or Question 6.
4 Fig. 1 shows a stretch of coastline before and after disturbance of a sediment cell.
Fig. 1A shows an undisturbed sediment cell and Fig. 1B shows the sediment cell after disturbance.
(a) Describe the changes shown in Fig. 1B. [4]
(b) Explain how the changes you have identified in (a) have affected the operation of the sediment
cell shown in Fig. 1A. [6]

[A level sp 2018 sp 3 no 5]

5 Assess the relative importance of marine erosion and sub-aerial processes in shaping the
landforms of rocky coastlines. [20]

Atmosphere and weather

[A level sp 2018 sp 1 no 2]
2 Fig. 1 shows the temperature at midnight across an urban area.
(a) Using Fig. 1, identify:
(i) the location of the maximum temperature; [1]
(ii) the value of the minimum temperature. [1]
(b) With reference to evidence from Fig. 1, describe the relationship between land-use and
temperature shown. [3]
(c) Explain why night time temperatures vary across an urban area such as the one shown in
Fig. 1. [5]

© Harapan Bangsa Integrated Christian School 2

Semester 1 Geography 10.1
[A level sp 2018 sp 1 no 5]
(a) (i) Briefly describe how some incoming solar radiation is prevented from reaching the
earth’s surface. [3]
(ii) Briefly explain why some surfaces absorb more solar energy than others. [4]
(b) Describe and explain how temperatures are influenced by distance from the sea. [8]

Section 2
Atmosphere and weather
[A level may june 2017 qp 11 no 2]
2 Fig. 2 shows the relationship between air temperature and relative humidity.
(a) (i) Describe the relationship shown in Fig. 2. [3]
(ii) State the temperature when condensation would occur. [1]
(b) Describe the atmospheric conditions that can lead to condensation occurring near the ground.

© Harapan Bangsa Integrated Christian School 3

Semester 1 Geography 10.1
[A level may june 2017 qp 11 no 8]
8 (a) (i) Define the terms evaporation and incoming solar radiation. [4]
(ii) Draw a labelled diagram to show what is meant by atmospheric stability. [3]

(c) To what extent is precipitation influenced by the landscape of both rural areas and urban
areas? [10]

Tropical environments
[A level may june 2017 qp 22 no 1]

1 (a) For a savanna ecosystem, describe the structure of vegetation and explain how the nutrients
are cycled. [10]
(b) Fig. 1 shows the atmospheric circulation pattern over the Amazon rainforest, South America.
Assess the role of air masses and the ITCZ in the formation of a humid tropical climate, such
as that of the Amazon rainforest, as shown in Fig. 1. [15]

Section 3

© Harapan Bangsa Integrated Christian School 4

Semester 1 Geography 10.1

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