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New Matina Elementary School

Lesson Plan in English 6

Jennifer M. Sereño

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Identify subordinating conjunctions from coordinating conjunctions and use it
appropriately in a sentence.
b. Compose sentences using subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
c. Sustain interest in doing the task assigned.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Coordinating Conjunctions and Subordinating Conjunctions
b. Materials: visual aids, task cards and activity sheets

III. Procedure/ Learning Activities

a. Opening Activity
Let the students sing the ‘Subordinating Song’ with the tune of ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider’

b. Review of the past lesson

Ask: What do you mean by coordinating conjunction? Subordinating conjunction?
c. Motivation
The teacher will give a task card to each group. Each group will be give 3

Group 1: Describe the picture below using Group 2: Describe the picture below using
coordinating conjunctions. Write your answer subordinating conjunctions. Write your answer
in the manila paper. in the manila paper.
Group 3: Describe the picture below using Group 4: Describe the picture below using
coordinating conjunctions. Write your answer subordinating conjunctions. Write your answer
in the manila paper. in the manila paper.

d. Presentation of the Lesson

Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinate conjunctions join a subordinate clause to a main clause. You can write
most sentences with a subordinating conjunction in one of two different ways.

To remember some of the subordinating conjunctions think of the acronym

AAAWWUUBBIIS. They are also called the comma users.

After…, Until…, If…,

Although…, Unless…, Since…,
As…, Because…,
When/whenever…, Before…,
While…, In case…,

Example: When my friends arrived, I was still doing my homework.

I was still doing my homework when my friends arrived.

If a sentence begins with a subordinating conjunction, use a comma to separate the

two clauses.

Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions – join elements of a sentence that are similar. They join
words, phrases and sentences.
It is easier to remember the coordinating conjunctions if you think of the word

Coordinating Conjunctions Function

For Presents a reason
And Present non-contrasting ideas
Nor Present non-contrasting negative ideas
But Presents contrast or exceptions
Or Presents an alternative item or idea
Yet Presents a contrast or exception
So Presents a consequence

Example: You can eat your cake with a spoon or fork.

My sister loves eating cake but she hates getting fat.
Anna neither refuses to eat the cake nor wants to taste the ice cream.
I hate to waste food, for it is costly these days.
e. Activity/ Board work
Identify and underline the conjunctions below. Write on the line SC for subordinating
conjunctions and CC for coordinating conjunctions.

_____1. James picked the dinner, and Nadine picked the dessert.
_____2. Malia laughed when the puppy chased its tail.
_____3. The lion limped as it crept through the jungle.
_____4. Because it began to rain, the game was called off.
_____5. I called Alyana, but she didn’t answer.
_____6. If the door is open, you should close it.
_____7. It was a good movie, yet no one saw it.
_____8. Whenever Anne is ready, we all leave.
_____9. The class picnic will be at the beach, or it will be at the zoo.
_____10. The campers stopped to rest although they were in a hurry.

IV. Generalization

What are the two types of conjunctions?

What is coordinating conjunctions? Subordinating conjunctions?

V. Evaluation
A. Underline the appropriate subordinating or coordinating conjunctions to complete
the following sentences.

1. I want to go see a movie, (but, and) my sister has my car.

2. Ayrton loves cats, (yet, nor) she does not want one living in his house.
3. She likes apples (or, and) bananas.
4. My brother is young (but, or) smart.
5. She is cooking chicken, potatoes, corn, (and, or) carrot.
6. Sarah begins to sneeze (whenever, when) she opens the window.
7. I don’t want to go to the movies (because, if) I hate the smell of popcorn.
8. (As soon as, Before) the alarm goes off, I hit the snooze button.
9. Liza came tumbling (before, after) Michael had fallen.
10. (Since, For) you’re going out, I’m staying in.

B. Use the following conjunctions in a sentence.

11. but = ____________________________________________________________________

12. because = _______________________________________________________________
13. and = ___________________________________________________________________
14. or = _____________________________________________________________________
15. after = ___________________________________________________________________

VI. Assignment

Cut out five pictures from magazines or newspapers then paste them on a one short bond
paper. Use subordinating and coordinating conjunctions to form sentences that describe the

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