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Linguistics 12: University Writing for Multilingual Students

Spring 2019

Instructor: Briana Westmacott E-mail:

Office: South Hall 3508 Office Hours: T 1-3 and by apt.
Mailbox: South Hall 3421

Course Description:
Linguistics 12 introduces you to the kinds of writing, reading, and
critical thinking skills required in university level coursework. In this
class you practice writing for various purposes. You will summarize,
analyze and synthesize information from a variety of sources and
develop your own response to what you read. In addition to
developing writing skills, you will practice integrating information from
what you’ve read into your own writing by paraphrasing and quoting
supportive evidence. Linguistics 12 will provide you with the skills
needed to draft, revise and edit your own writing and produce a
published essay that is university level.

University writing is closely linked with reading. Each essay that you
write for this class will be a written response to assigned readings.
Prior to writing the essay, you will complete a variety of pre-writing
tasks to develop competence and confidence with writing longer

Upon the successful completion of Linguistics 12 with a grade of C or

better, you are eligible to enroll in Writing 2. You must pass with a
grade of C (73-76%) or higher to move on.

Course Overview:
• Readings for analysis and discussion
• Journal/Response logs aligned to readings
• Vocabulary study
• Two out-of-class writing assignments based on readings
• Peer editing experience (in class)
• Instructor feedback on essays
• Grammar exercises
• Conferencing with a CLAS tutor
• Instructor conferences
• Presentations-group and individual
• Quizzes

Required Materials:

• Grammer for Writing 3 by Joyce S. Cain

• A three-ring binder for handouts, assignments, drafts, and other
course materials
• Access to GauchoSpace, email and weekly access to a printer

Course Requirements:

Assigned Readings
We will be reading and discussing a variety of articles assigned from
your required text. All assigned readings need to be completed by
their due dates.

You will write two out-of-class papers for this course. These papers
will be based on assigned readings and discussions. You will receive
a detailed handout for each paper regarding its content, format and
length. You will take each paper through the entire writing process
and produce at least three drafts of each paper. The papers will be
used during in-class peer review sessions and you will take each
paper to a CLAS tutor for revisions.

At the end of the quarter, you will turn in a portfolio containing all the
work that you have completed, including all drafts of your papers,
your journals, all homework assignments, and vocabulary work. Be
sure to save all of your materials throughout the quarter in your
Throughout the quarter, you will write 1 to 2 page journals on specific
topics that are related to our readings. The journals will be a part of
your final grade and will be submitted with your portfolio at the end of
the quarter.

Attendance/Participation Policy
Absences, arriving late, and non-participation in class activities will
affect your final grade. I expect students to attend every class
meeting, to arrive on time, and to come prepared to participate fully in
class activities. Absences are excused for illness that can be
documented and for unavoidable emergencies. If you have more than
two unexcused absences, your final grade will be affected. Arriving
late to class will count as a partial absence. Students who habitually
arrive late will be asked to drop the course.

Electronic Devices
Please put away all electronic devices when you arrive in class.

Paper Format
Type all assigned papers, double spaced, on 8 ½ x 11-inch white
paper. Put your name, Ling. 12 and the date in the upper right corner,
and center the title of the assignment below. Staple your papers
together before class.

Editing and Revising Papers

Your classmates and I will make suggestions for you to consider
when rewriting/revising your papers. If possible, please make the
appropriate changes and indicate your changes in some way (e.g.,
highlighting) so that the changes are obvious.

Academic Integrity: Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a very serious matter and is treated harshly in
academia. Plagiarism may consist of copying entire texts or a
sentence or two from someone else’s writing. It also involves treating
someone else’s ideas as your own. In addition, a student plagiarizes
when she/he turns in a paper that has already been submitted and
graded for another class—even if that same student wrote it. Of
course, having someone else write or severely edit your paper is also
plagiarism. Plagiarism can result in the following: a reduced course
grade, being dropped from the course, and disciplinary action by the
• You must review and abide by the college guidelines on
Academic Integrity:
• You will receive a zero for cheating and/or any plagiarized
assignment. Moreover, there are additional consequences for
cheating and/or plagiarism, such as a report filed with the department
and the university. You are required to read these consequences at:
• There are no excuses for cheating and/or plagiarizing on exams
or assignments. If you have any questions please ask your instructor.
For more information on tools to prevent plagiarism, visit:

Your final grade will be determined as follows:
• Essays (including all drafts and revisions) 60%
• Journals and reading response logs, 10%
participation (including CLAS attendance,
group assignments, and in-class work)
• Quizzes and presentations 15%
• Portfolio and in-class final paper 15%

• 100-94%=A; 93-90%=A-; 89-87%=B+; 86-84%=B; 83-80%=B-;

79-77%=C+; 76-73%=C; 72-70%=C-; 69-67%=D+; 66-64%=D
63-60%=D-; 59-0=F

I am truly looking forward to spending this quarter helping you

develop as a writer. I hope that the reading and writing activities we’ll
be doing will increase your proficiency, confidence, and appreciation
of the reading/writing process.
Note: The Linguistics Departments and EMS Program are willing to
accommodate, upon request, the special needs of those with disabilities. If you
require this material in another format or need special accommodations due to
your disability, please notify the instructor.

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