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Tatiana Cruz

Mrs. Carroll

Mr. Kelly

Ms. Wilczynski

American Literature

7 April 2019


Personal ethics are someone's own moral principles that help them define their behavior of

knowing what is right and wrong, good and evil, justice and crime. Justice is the quality of

achieving something that you did to impact others, it can involve laws or moral rightness. Ethics

and Justice are related because your actions will influence on others and shape the type of person

you are. Ethical frameworks that guide these 10 rules to live by are natural and consequentialist.

One way of being a good person is by following specific rules that fall under the frameworks

of being natural and consequentialist. For instance, one of the rules is to be positive and

respectful towards others. Furthermore, this rule is about setting a positive mindset towards

others in order to show your full respect for them. For example, in the text ​ Dilemmas of Loyalty:

Solidarity and Belonging ​it states, “Because she raised me and cared for me, I have an

obligation to repay the benefit. By accepting the benefits she conferred on me, I implicitly

consented to pay her back when she was in need.” (Michael J. Sandel 3) This proves that this

rule is the same way as the text because this rule shouldn’t be a duty but always a natural priority
since you’re helping someone other than yourself which is your mother. Also, this is related to a

independent cause because by doing this you are showing your full respect and positivity

towards her which makes a good person by always doing this and for the majority of others.

Another way of being a good person under the frameworks of natural and consequentialist is

with the second rule of telling the truth and to not lie, and be supportive by giving advice and life

lessons. The first rule consists of being honest with others in order to not keep secrets to yourself

and the other must involve being helpful to others.For example In the the text ​What’s the right

​ tates, “Natural duties are universal..They include the duty to treat persons with
thing to do? S

respect, to avoid cruelty, and so on.” (Michael J. Sandel) This demonstrates that this rule follows

the natural and consequentialist duties because you should show your respect and honesty with

others all the time no matter the situation. This justifies an independent clause because this is

helping others than just yourself with any problems or situations that they’re going through with

the support of you to encourage them to do better.

Lastly, more rules that fall under the frameworks of being natural and a consequentialist would

be to have trust, pushing others to succeed and to not give up, and to just be yourself. To have

trust is to have someone else faith. Pushing others to succeed and not give up is to always be

successful together. Lastly, being yourself is the best way to demonstrate your true self. These

share the same traits in the text of ​The runaway Trolley ​it says, “There is a worker on that track,

too, but only one. You realize that you can turn the trolley car onto the side track killing the one

worker, but sparing the five.” (Michael J. Sandal) This relates back to the frameworks because

this should be the main priority of the conductor to always be himself in order to protect his
passengers especially if he chooses to kill that one person since he is doing to save the five

people in order to do it for the good for the majority of others.

I developed my list by personal experiences of how I am as a good person because at times

when I think i am doing the right thing I am only doing it for myself rather than think about

others. By these life lessons I tried to accomplish rules to help out others rather than be selfish.

Revisions that I had to make was that some rules consisted of being selfish such as set a positive

mindset so I wanted to change it to help others which was be positive towards other. Many other

rules had repetition in them. My rules were made to think about others because in order to be a

good person you have to care about how others feel and not just how you feel all the time.

My life would be great because many people would see me as a nice caring person that I am

since my actions are showing my true self. This will help bring good vibes into my own life and

encouragement to continue to be great for myself and for others. The world would be in peace

because their wouldn’t be harm to those affected by these rules since they all have positivity in

them such as having trust, being supportive, pushing others to succeed and not give up, etc.

These rules will help many have motivation to do great for each other rather than have so much

hate filled in them and to actually have a world live in harmony and peace.

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