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Genetic Crosses – Practice Problems

Integrated Science 3 Name: Per:

Monohybrid Crosses - Complete punnett squares to answer the questions below.
Directions: For each problem, complete the appropriate punnett square and record probabilities for
genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring as ratios.

1. For peas, round seed shape (R) is dominant to wrinkled seed shape (r). A homozygous dominant plant
is crossed with a heterozygous plant. What are the expected ratios for genotype and phenotype of the
Genotypic Ratios Phenotypic Ratios

To complete #2, use the seed shape information from #1.

2. Two heterozygous plants are crossed. What are the expected ratios for genotype and phenotype of the
Genotypic Ratios Phenotypic Ratios

3. For drosophila, a fruit fly, long wings (L) are dominant over vestigial wings (l). In a cross between a
heterozygous long-winged male and a vestigial-winged female, what are the expected ratios for
genotype and phenotype of the offspring?
Genotypic Ratios Phenotypic Ratios

To complete 4 & 5, use the wing shape information from #3.

4. A heterozygous long-winged fly female is mated with a homozygous long-winged male. What are the
expected ratios for genotype and phenotype of the offspring?

Genotypic Ratios Phenotypic Ratios
5. A long-winged fly mated with a vestigial-winged fly to produce 35 long-winged and 33 vestigial
winged offspring. What were the genotypes of the parents? What were the genotypes of the long-
winged offspring? What were the genotypes of the vestigial-winged offspring?

Dihybrid Crosses - Complete punnett squares to answer the questions below.

1. In garden peas, tallness (T) is dominant to shortness (t) and axillary flowers (A) are dominant to
terminal flowers (a). What are the expected ratios for the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring if a
heterozygous tall, heterozygous axillary plant is crossed with a heterozygous tall, terminal plant?

Genotypic Ratios Phenotypic Ratios

2. In horses, the coat color black is dominant (B) over chestnut (b). The trotting gait is dominant (T) over
the pacing gait (t). If a homozygous black pacer is mated to a homozygous chestnut, heterozygous
trotter, what will be the ratios for genotype and phenotype of the F1 generation?

Genotypic Ratios Phenotypic Ratios

3. In rabbits, the coat color black dominant (B) over brown (b). Short hair is dominant (S) over long (s). In
a cross between a homozygous black short-haired male and a brown homozygous long-haired female,
what would be the ratios for genotype and phenotype of the F1 generation? Of the F2?
Genotypic Ratios Phenotypic Ratios

Sex-linked Crosses - Complete punnett squares to

answer the question below.

1. Red-green colorblindness is a recessive allele carried on the X chromosome. A colorblind male mates
with a non-colorblind heterozygous female. What are the expected ratios for genotype and phenotype
of the offspring?
Genotypic Ratios Phenotypic Ratios

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