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forbidden to come to see wa and to play with me. that has apoill many pleasant howa fox
me, too. it waa nice When we used to dress up in my father theatrical fineey and cloaks. and
shen you made ua dolla oud of day.. ot when ve performed the olympian games. i sas
always the teacher when we played at school with our fillle brothers and sister. araince
gave you moat trouble. ch and what fun when se wert fishing and when we brought home
the fishes and mother gave ua meal and raiaina to cook them. do you semembex the featival
of adonia, and how i stopped the wnaway howe of that numidian officer the howe had
knocked over assinoe, and when we gol home mother gave you an almond cake. and yous
ungrateful sioter bil a qreal piece oul of it and left me only a tiny morel. ia arinoe aa prolly
ao ahe promiaed to become it is tio yeara since i fast sar her; af our place ve never have
time to feare work itl it ia dack. fox eight months i had to work for the maater at plolemais,
and often aa the ofd fotka but once in the month. we qo oul vou littl, too, and we aw not
allowed to qo into your parenta
house. my aioler ia ohe prelly yeo, i think ohe is. whenever ohe can get hold of a piece of
ribbon she plaila ut in her haiz, and the men in the atreel twin round to Look at hex, ahe ia
oisteen now. aiateen what, (lle arinoe why, how fong then ia it aince your mother died four
years and eight months. you vemember the dale vey exaclly; auch a mother ia not earily
forgotten, indeed. she wax a good woman and a kinder i neder mel. i know, too, that ohe
tried to mollify your father feeling, but ohe could nol succeed, and then ohe need must die
yea, aaid selene gloomily. how could the gods decwe it they are offen more ciel than the
hazdeat heated man. your poor Utle biothew and aistew the gid bowed her himaelf aa
atartled for the moment, and looked back to ace from whence if had come. at that moment
charles angell dashed foward in a frantic manner. he had flung hie qua from him; hia
eychalls rece fixed and otaring; thee waa foam upon hia fips; his hair sao oleaming in the
mind. he bore an aapect
so ahiange and fearful thot We french ublored yells of lerror, and fled eller okeller from the
onslaught but if any had had eyea to nole it, there was one frenchman whose face became
ashy white ao he mol the rolling gage of thore terrible, bloodshat eyes he too flung antay
hia gun, and werd a frantic yell of lerwor, plunging headlong into the wood without a
thought aave flight. it io he it ia he it ia he thia waa the shout which ang fiom the ipa of
charlea as he dashed after the celrcating figuee. all saa confusion nord amid french and
rangers alike; thal awful yell, and something in the appeaance of charles, had startled friend
and foe alike. thew mew several of the finch soldier Loft dead in the stood, and one as
capluced and made prisoner; but the wot had fled Uke men demented, and the cangera
could nol come up sith them. aa for chases and hie quay, they had disappeared, and ik nao
Long before any trace could be found of them. stack and fritz, however, would nol give up
the search, and al faat they came upon the prostrate forum of charlea, he fay face downiacd
on the frozen ground, which waa deeply stained vith blood. hia waiot saa fearfully qashed
by oome Anife; yet in hia finger he held still a piece of cloth from the coat of the french
fugitive. it had been literally tom out of hia grasp before the man could get free, and he had
nearly hacked off the Loft hand of the hapless charles. yel thither where we have been, and
you ahall know the wherefore. in, auch aol made they anwe to the fotk. these tao knighla
died in thio holy life, nov were none other tidings never brought thence by them. they of
that fand called them aainla. xaviiher endeth the story of the moot holy graal. jorephus, by
whom il ia placed on wcord, giveth the benioon of our ford to all that hear and honow i. the
Latin from whence thia hiator aa dean info romance aa taken in the iale of avalon, in a holy
howe of weligion thal otandeth at the head of the moor adventurous, there where king
arthur and queen queniedne Tie, according to the witness of the good men religious that
axe therein, that have the whole hislowy thereof, tewe from the beginning even to the end.
after thio same histow beyinnelh the olor how briant of the iales wnounced king adhe on
account of Lancelot whom he Loved aot, and how he asoured king claudaa that eft king Gan
of benoic of hia Land. thia olor telloth how he conquered him and by what meano, and how
galobrus of the wd launde came to hing athuea court to help fancelol, fox that he aa of hia
lineage. thia story ia dight long and right adventurous and neighty, but the

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